VILLA REBER MacKAY 10 - Spider Man Crawlspace

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VILLA REBER MacKAY 10 - Spider Man Crawlspace
M ac KAY

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VILLA REBER MacKAY 10 - Spider Man Crawlspace
M A R V E L C O M I C S P R O U D LY P R E S E N T S . . .

      Felicia Hardy, A.K.A. the Black Cat, A.K.A. the world’s greatest thief, has her eyes on
      a prize of cosmic proportions. The ultra-powerful Infinity Stones have been embedded
      inside super-powered individuals, like the reality-warping super villain, Ripley Ryan, A.K.A.
      Star; the time-stopping felon, Hector Bautista, A.K.A. Overtime; and the teleporting
      child-snatcher, Quantum. They’re all bad news, but Felicia needs them to achieve her goal.

      She already has Star and Overtime in the bag. She told them she needed their help
      kidnapping an A.I.M. scientist for a client (who may or may not be Doctor Doom)
      and in exchange promised them protection from super-spy Nick Fury. Now Felicia
      just needs to sway Quantum before she can carry out the next phase of her plan. But
      she’ll have to act fast, because Fury is hot on her trail—and he’s not the only one…

                                 INFINITY SCORE part 3
                                                                             writer                                     JED MacKAY
                                                                               artist                                   C.F. VILLA
                                                                       color artist                                     BRIAN REBER
                                                                          l e t t e re r                                FERRAN DELGADO
                                                                         cover artists                                  PEPE LARRAZ &
                                                                                                                        ALEJANDRO SÁNCHEZ

                                                 variant cover artists                                                  PERE PÉREZ & FRANK D’ARMATA;
                                                                                                                        DIKE RUAN & DAVE McCAIG;
                                                                                                                        EMA LUPACCHINO & BRIAN REBER

                                                          p ro d u c t i o n d e s i g n e rs                           ANTHONY GAMBINO WITH ADAM DEL RE
                                                                  assistant editor                                      LINDSEY COHICK
                                                                                   editor                               NICK LOWE
                                                                    editor in chief                                     C.B. CEBULSKI

BLACK CAT No. 10, November 2021. Published Monthly by MARVEL WORLDWIDE, INC., a subsidiary of MARVEL ENTERTAINMENT, LLC. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION: 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10104. BULK MAIL
POSTAGE PAID AT NEW YORK, NY AND AT ADDITIONAL MAILING OFFICES. © 2021 MARVEL No similarity between any of the names, characters, persons, and/or institutions in this magazine with those of any living or dead person
or institution is intended, and any such similarity which may exist is purely coincidental. $3.99 per copy in the U.S. (GST #R127032852) in the direct market; Canadian Agreement #40668537. Printed in the USA. Subscription rate
(U.S. dollars) for 12 issues: U.S. $26.99; Canada $42.99; Foreign $42.99. POSTMASTER: SEND ALL ADDRESS CHANGES TO BLACK CAT, C/O MARVEL SUBSCRIPTIONS P.O. BOX 727 NEW HYDE PARK, NY 11040. TELEPHONE
# (888) 511-5480. FAX # (347) 537-2649. KEVIN FEIGE, Chief Creative Officer; DAN BUCKLEY, President, Marvel Entertainment; JOE QUESADA, EVP & Creative Director; DAVID BOGART, Associate
Publisher & SVP of Talent Affairs; TOM BREVOORT, VP, Executive Editor; NICK LOWE, Executive Editor, VP of Content, Digital Publishing; DAVID GABRIEL, VP of Print & Digital Publishing; JEFF YOUNGQUIST, VP of Production &
Special Projects; ALEX MORALES, Director of Publishing Operations; DAN EDINGTON, Managing Editor; RICKEY PURDIN, Director of Talent Relations; JENNIFER GRÜNWALD, Senior Editor, Special Projects; SUSAN CRESPI,
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at For Marvel subscription inquiries, please call 888-511-5480. Manufactured between 09/03/2021 and 09/13/2021 by FRY COMMUNICATIONS, MECHANICSBURG, PA, USA.
VILLA REBER MacKAY 10 - Spider Man Crawlspace VILLA REBER MacKAY 10 - Spider Man Crawlspace VILLA REBER MacKAY 10 - Spider Man Crawlspace
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