Vasectomy Training in Family Medicine Residency Programs: A National Survey of Residency Program Directors

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      Vasectomy Training in Family Medicine
      Residency Programs: A National Survey
      of Residency Program Directors
      Jasmine Patel, MD, MSc; Brian T. Nguyen, MD, MSc; Grace Shih, MD, MAS; Maya Or, MD;
      Diane M. Harper, MD, MPH

         BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Vasectomy is considered a permanent con-                   A US survey in 2002 reported that
         traceptive method with fewer associated harms than bilateral tubal ligation.       urologists perform the majority of
         However, the number of vasectomy-trained providers may not be meeting the          vasectomies (79%) followed by family
         demand for vasectomy in the United States. We describe the vasectomy train-        physicians (13%), and general sur-
         ing landscape in family medicine residencies and factors related to increased      geons (8%).4 Considering that fam-
         procedural training.                                                               ily physicians comprise the second
         METHODS: Program-specific data were collected from the Council of Academic         largest number of vasectomy-pro-
         Family Medicine Educational Research Alliance (CERA) national survey of family     viding surgeons and are positioned
         medicine program directors in 2019. Program characteristics, vasectomy train-      to discuss pregnancy planning and
         ing (eg, time spent, procedural numbers), as well as direct and specific faculty   prevention with patients and cou-
         support are described, with bivariate analyses for factors related to procedur-    ples, vasectomy procedural training
         al competency, defined as more than five vasectomy procedures per resident.        should be consistently included in
                                                                                            their residency training. However, a
         RESULTS: We received responses from 250 program directors (response                1989 survey of family medicine res-
         rate=39.8%), with representation across all US regions, and program types.         idency program directors on vasec-
         Nearly half (47.5%) offered less than 1 day of vasectomy didactics and/or pro-     tomy training found that only 44%
         cedural training; 38.9% of programs reported having a family medicine faculty
                                                                                            of programs had vasectomy train-
         champion for vasectomy. Only 16 programs (6.8%) reported that their average
                                                                                            ing, 54% of them with both lecture
         graduating residents performed more than five vasectomies. Programs with a
                                                                                            and surgery, and the remaining with
         faculty champion (OR 28.1, CI 3.6-216.4) or family medicine faculty as primary
         trainer (OR 17.6, CI 2.2-138.2) were more likely to graduate residents who had
                                                                                            solely surgical training.5 Additionally,
         performed more than five vasectomies.                                              of programs with training available,
                                                                                            only 22% of graduated residents re-
         CONCLUSIONS: Fewer than 10% of surveyed family medicine residency pro-             ported performing more than 10
         grams offer adequate vasectomy procedural training. Family medicine faculty        vasectomies during their residen-
         who serve as primary trainers and act as faculty champions can increase va-        cy.5 A 2003 national survey of fam-
         sectomy training opportunities for residents, and thereby increase the supply      ily medicine chief residents showed
         of vasectomy providers in the United States.                                       that vasectomy was one of the least
         (Fam Med. 2022;54(6):438-43.)
         doi: 10.22454/FamMed.2022.649054
                                                                                            From the Division of Family Planning,
                                                                                            Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,

            amily physicians, urologists,        for 22%.2 According to a survey of         University of California Irvine (Dr Patel);
                                                                                            Section of Family Planning, Department
            and obstetricians/gynecolo-          key US health care administrators          of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keck School
            gists agree that vasectomy is        and providers conducted in 2001 by         of Medicine of the University of Southern
      more effective, safer, and less cost-      the global women’s health nonprof-         California, Los Angeles, CA (Drs Patel and
                                                                                            Nguyen); Department of Family Medicine,
      ly than bilateral tubal ligation.1 De-     it organization, EngenderHealth,           University of Washington School of Medicine,
      spite these benefits, vasectomy is         one of the most frequent barriers          Seattle, WA (Dr Shih); Department of Obstetrics
      used by 7% of contraceptive users          to vasectomy services was a lack of        and Gynecology, George Washington University
                                                                                            Hospital, Washington, DC (Dr Or); and
      in the United States compared to fe-       trained providers.3                        Department of Family Medicine and Obstetrics
      male sterilization, which accounts                                                    & Gynecology, University of Michigan, Ann
                                                                                            Arbor, MI (Dr Harper).

438   JUNE 2022 • VOL. 54, NO. 6                                                                                  FAMILY MEDICINE

likely office procedures learned by      in September 2019. Six follow-up          analyses were conducted using Stata
residents, with only 17% reporting       emails were sent to encourage par-        Statistical Software, release 16 (Stat-
feeling somewhat competent at per-       ticipation. Data collection closed af-    Corp., College Station, TX).
forming vasectomies and 54% re-          ter November 2019.
porting never having performed a            The baseline CERA questionnaire        Results
vasectomy.6 In a 2011 national sur-      covered individual demographics (eg,      Of 628 surveyed residency program
vey of family medicine program di-       gender, ethnicity, amount of time         directors, we received 250 responses
rectors (n=220), 75.3% of program        spent as program director at current      (response rate=39.8%). Respondents
directors reported that their program    program) and program demograph-           represented programs across all re-
offered vasectomy didactic training      ics (eg, location, size of the program,   gions of the country, serving the full
and 72.1% provided hands-on proce-       approximate size of the communi-          range of community sizes, with the
dural training,7 though the training     ty served). Vasectomy items in the        majority serving populations of less
volume was not assessed.                 questionnaire included time spent         than 500,000 (71.9%). Almost half of
   The primary objective of this         by residents learning about vasec-        the programs had between 19-31 res-
study was to characterize the cur-       tomy, number of vasectomies per-          idents (47.8%) total (Table 1).
rent state of vasectomy procedural       formed during residency, program             Table 2 shows the amount of
training across family medicine res-     director views on vasectomy train-        time spent by residents on average
idency programs. As the establish-       ing, other specialties interest and/      over their entire residency learning
ment and maintenance of vasectomy        or involvement in training family         about vasectomy care, which may
training opportunities need to be pri-   medicine residents in vasectomies.        have included didactics on preop-
oritized, we surveyed family medi-       Time spent learning about vasecto-        erative counseling and evaluation,
cine program directors about the         my was approximated by summing            vasectomy procedure, postopera-
vasectomy training that their resi-      the number of hours spent in didac-       tive care, and complications. Nearly
dents receive. The minimum volume        tics and receiving clinical experi-       three-quarters (73.1%) of programs
of vasectomy experience for proce-       ence, such that a resident with two       offered vasectomy didactics and/or
dural competence was set at five pro-    1-hour didactic/simulation sessions       procedural training. Approximate-
cedures in the Council of Academic       plus one-half day in vasectomy clin-      ly half (47.5%) of programs had less
Family Medicine (CAFM) Consensus         ic would sum to 6 hours or

                                  Table 1: Family Medicine Program and Program Director Characteristics
                                                      Characteristics                                                            n (%)
                                                     University based                                                          42 (16.9)
                      Program Type                   Community based, university affiliated                                   155 (62.3)
                         N=249                       Community based, nonaffiliated                                            48 (19.3)
                                                     Military                                                                   4 (1.6)
                                                     Northeast                                                                 48 (19.2)
                    Program Location                 Midwest                                                                   74 (29.6)
                         N=250                       South                                                                     67 (26.8)
                                                     West                                                                      61 (24.4)
                                                     Town 5 Vasectomies***                                       No, ≤5                        221 (93.3)
                                   N=237                                                          Yes, >5                         16 (6.8)

      * “Does your department have one or more faculty champions (ie, someone who demonstrates commitment, advocacy, or advance skills in the area
      of vasectomy)?”
      ** “Time spent learning about vasectomy was approximated by summing the number of hours spent in didactics and clinic experience, such that
      a resident with two 1-hour didactic/simulation sessions plus one-half day in vasectomy clinic would sum to 6 hours or

                Table 3: Vasectomy Trainers by Physician Specialty                        champion committed to vasectomy
                     for Family Medicine Residency Programs                               provision and training. We found
        Physician Specialty                  Primary Trainer*                Secondary    champions across 38.9% of pro-
                                                 N=236                       Trainer**    grams, noting as well that programs
                                                                              N=235       containing champions were signifi-
 Family medicine                                 76 (32.2)                    33 (14.0)   cantly more likely to graduate res-
 Urology                                         85 (36.0)                    36 (15.3)
                                                                                          idents performing more than five
                                                                                          vasectomies per year. This finding
 Other physician (ie, general                     3 (1.3)                       8 (3.4)   is not particularly surprising, as a
 surgeon, OB/GYN)
                                                                                          2017 study evaluating an interven-
 None                                            72 (30.5)                   158 (67.2)   tion designed to increase residents’
                                                                                          experience in reproductive health
* Primary trainer is the person who does most of the resident training on vasectomy.
                                                                                          training through faculty advocates
** Secondary trainer is the person who provides supplemental vasectomy training.          led to an increase in residents’ ex-
                                                                                          perience in procedures such as IUD
three-quarters (75.6%) of program                Discussion                               insertion (from 85% to 99%) and con-
directors report difficulty providing            While the CAFM 2009 Consensus            traceptive implant insertion (60%
interested residents with enough                 Guidelines for procedural training       to 85%).13 Likewise, we found that
training opportunities. Nearly a                 expect all residents to be exposed to    when a program’s primary vasec-
quarter (22.8%) of program direc-                and have the opportunity to train for    tomy trainer was a family physi-
tors reported meeting resistance                 independent performance in vasecto-      cian, the program’s residents were
with other specialties when trying               my,10 vasectomy training opportuni-      more likely than those with vasec-
to form partnerships to expand va-               ties have continued to decline across    tomy trainers from other specialties
sectomy training for their residents.            family medicine residency programs       to graduate residents with more va-
   Table 4 examines factors asso-                since 2011. Our data show that only      sectomy procedural experience.
ciated with programs graduating                  6.8% of programs surveyed have res-         Furthermore, the lack of vasec-
residents with more than five vasec-             idents who, on average, graduates        tomy training in residency may re-
tomies performed on average. Fac-                having performed more than five          flect program directors’ belief that
tors significantly associated with               vasectomies during their residency,      residents are not interested in the
this outcome included (P1 week OR 194.2, CI 23.7-1,591.9)               less than 1 day on vasectomy train-      as a reason for their discomfort
were the variables that significant-             ing. Given family physicians serve       with vasectomy as an in-office pro-
ly increased the odds of graduating              as an access point for men to discuss    cedure.14 Given urologists also need
residents who performed more than                their reproductive goals and how to      to provide training opportunities for
five vasectomies on average. We were             achieve them,12 adequate training on     urology residents, it is not surprising
unable to perform adjusted multi-                vasectomy is integral to their facili-   that 22.8% of responding program
variate logistic regression due to the           tating comprehensive men’s health.       directors have met resistance from
small cell sample sizes.                            Programs with the highest suc-        other specialties when trying to form
                                                 cess in graduating residents with        partnerships to expand vasectomy
                                                 vasectomy experience had a faculty       training.

FAMILY MEDICINE                                                                                 VOL. 54, NO. 6 • JUNE 2022          441

                       Table 4: Association of Family Medicine Program Factors by Vasectomy Training Experience
                                                                                                    Residents Graduate
                                                                                                   With >5 Vasectomies?      P*
                                                                                                    No, ≤5       Yes, >5
                                                          University-based                         37 (16.7)      4 (25)
                                                          Community-based, university-affiliated   138 (62.4)     8 (50)
                        Program Type                      Community based, non-affiliated          45 (20.4)      1 (6.3)

              Table 5: Factors Linked to Family Medicine Residency                             References
               Training Programs Reporting Residents Who Perform                               1. Shih G, Turok DK, Parker WJ. Vasectomy: the
                    at Least Five Vasectomies Upon Graduating                                     other (better) form of sterilization. Contracep-
                                                                                                  tion. 2011;83(4):310-315. Accessed June 28,
                                                 Residents Graduate Having                        2019. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2010.08.019
                Factors                          Performed >5 Vasectomies                      2. Contraceptive Use in the United States. Gutt-
                                          Odds Ratio            95% CI             P              macher Institute.
             Program Type                                                                      3. Ross JA. Engender Health. Male sterilization.
 University based                          Reference                                              In: Contraceptive Sterilisation: Global Issues
                                                                                                  and Trends. New York: EngenderHealth; 2002.
 Community based, University                                                                      p. 24–32.
                                              0.5              0.2 – 1.9
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