DSE Dialogue and training programmes in land use planning

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DSE Dialogue and training programmes in land use planning
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   Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung
   German Foundation for International Development

         DSE Dialogue and
         training programmes in land use planning

  Zentralstelle für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft                     ZEL
  Food and Agriculture Development Centre. Feldafing and Zschortau
DSE Dialogue and training programmes in land use planning
1. The mandate and role of the DSE
The German Foundation for International Development (DSE) is an institution which pro-
vides a forum for development policy dialogue and advanced training of specialists and
executive personnel from developing and transitional countries. International confer-
ences, study tours, seminars and training courses support human resources develop-
ment and institutional capacity building. Through its dialogue and training programmes
the DSE currently reaches more than 10,000 participants annually in Africa, Asia and
Latin America.
Founded in 1959 by the German Federal parliament and State governments, the DSE
contributes to German development co-operation on the basis of the German Federal
Government’s development policy. The institutional donor is the Federal Ministry for
Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ). In collaboration with national and inter-
national partner organisations at home and abroad, DSE has been conducting for over
30 years now programmes enabling more than 150 000 managerial personnel and spe-
cialists from over 150 countries of the Third World. The programmes are being con-
ducted in Germany as well as in countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The DSE has seven training centres in the Federal States which are specialised in rural
development and food security, social and economic development, vocational training,
public administration, public health, education and developing planning.
The Food and Agriculture Development Centre (ZEL) with its conference and training
centres at Feldafing (near Munich) and Zschortau (near Leipzig) is active in the fields of
rural development, agricultural production, natural resources and forestry. The branch at
Zschortau has conducted - since the year 1994 - programmes in the field of land use plan-
Applications for DSE programs: All programs are managed under the German scholar-
ship programme. DSE application forms for standard courses must be forwarded to the
DSE through the German Embassies in the respective country. For seminars and pro-
gramme package measures, applications are usually forwarded by the national partner
institutions and the German Embassies who will be informed by the DSE about the next pro-
Contact: DSE and ZEL in the Internet: http://www.dse.de
Specific information on courses in land use planning can be obtained from:
Dr. Thomas Petermann. LeipzigerStr. 15. D-04509 Zschortau/Gemany.
Tel. +49 (0)34 202 – 845 202, Fax. +49 (0)34 202 – 845 777
e-mail: th_petermann@zelzt.dse.de

2. Overview: DSE Dialogue and training programmes in land use planning
Broad issues of integrated natural resources planning are addressed in standard training
courses which cover topics of the whole planning process:
• Methods and procedures of land use planning for rural development. This annual 5-week course
  emphasises the national and provincial planning level. Aside from the training in technical
  tools, the participants elaborate proposals for institutional strengthening and collaboration and a
  set of framework conditions favourable for sustainable resources management. A variety of
  case studies from participants and a practical planning exercise focus on practical learning
  methods. The course is adapted to the needs of participants from anglophone Africa and Asia.
  Experience from German planning systems, e.g. land consolidation, supplement the case
  studies from Asia and Africa. For details, see the program flyer and diagram pages 3-4.
• Community and district land use planning. This 4-week course aims at participants from anglo-
  phone Africa to exercise participatory methods and procedures of natural resources planning

2                                                                               DSE Dialogue & Training
with special consideration of the integration of indigenous knowledge and sector specialists in-
  puts in the planning process. Practical learning is based on a modified procedure used in dis-
  trict land use planning in Zimbabwe, which is applied at two villages in the Masvingo Province.
  Experiences in community based natural resources management (Campfire-approach) sup-
  plement the planning exercise. For details, see the diagram pages 5 .
• Land use planning for protected areas and their surroundings. Courses were conducted from
  1994 to 1997 in Germany and Latin America and they focussed on zoning concepts for pro-
  tected areas, on conflict management and the integration of local people in sustainable re-
  sources management of protected areas. The previous training courses will be continued in a
  set of two programme packages for Africa and Latin America which include training and dia-
  logue measures.

Documentations of all training courses were prepared as internal working documents for
the participants and their institutions.
Dialogue programmes in the form of seminars supplement the standard training courses.
They are conducted at irregular intervals and on demand.
• Land tenure and policy issues in land use planning for specialists from Africa. DSE Documen-
  tation Dok 1860a. SE 721-300-98.
• Sustainable land use in rural development: tools for analysis and evaluation for specialists from
  Africa and Asia. DSE Documentation Dok 1827a. SE 721-303-96.

In Africa, special seminars in the field of protected areas planning were also conducted
in collaboration with GTZ-projects and their partner institutions:
Ø Land use planning for conflict management in protected areas and buffer zones. Venue:
  Krüger National Park/South Africa. November 1996, 2 weeks. 26 participants from South Af-
  rica. Partners: Department of Land Affairs; Rural Development Programme (GTZ), LISTRA
Ø Buffer zone management - involvement of local people in resources management. Venue:
  Buea, Cameroon. April 1997, 2 weeks. 38 participants from Africa. Partner: Mt Cameroon Project
Ø Land use planning for protected areas systems. Venue: Ganzekraal/Cape Province, South Af-
  rica. March 1998. 2 weeks. 26 participants from South Africa. Partners: Department of Land
  Affairs; Transform and Rural Development Programmes (both GTZ).
Ø Buffer zone management - participatory management for sustainable use and conservation of
    natural resources. Venue: Kurasini Training Centre, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. September
    1998, 2 weeks. 38 participants from Southern and Eastern Africa. Partners: National Land Use
    Commission; Selous Conservation Programme, LISTRA & ABS (GTZ Sector programmes).
The documentations of these seminars were prepared as internal working documents for
the participants and their institutions.

Programme packages aim to combine a set of dialogue and training measures and they
focus on a specific area. They are conducted in close co-operation with national part-
ners. At present, the DSE has three programme packages in the field of land use plan-
Ø Integrated land use and water resources planning in Vietnam and Laos. A sequence of semi-
  nars and training courses was initiated in 1995 and will continue until the year 2001 (1st
  phase). A list of programmes in the fields watershed management planning and land use plan-
  ning (other programmes cover the fields of irrigation management, forestry and eco-farming)
  follows on the next pages: Programme P 7-35-01.
Ø Land use planning: Management of protected areas systems towards integrating conservation
  and the sustainable use of natural resources. A sequence of programmes with an expert
  meeting, seminars, training courses, study tours and follow-up seminars is scheduled for the
  period 1999 to 2003 for institutions in Southern and Eastern Africa. More details follow on the
  next pages: Programme P 7-21-01.
Ø Instrumentos de planificación y conceptos metodológicos para la gestión sostenible de recur-
  sos forestales en América Latina. Métodos integrales de planificación para la conservación de
recursos forestales. A sequence of programmes with expert meetings, seminars, training
    courses, study tours and follow-up seminars is scheduled for the period 1999 to 2002 for insti-
    tutions in South and Central America. The programmes cover a wide range of activities in
    forest management and conservation and land use planning. One training course, scheduled
    for 1999 and 2001 will focus on Land use planning for protected areas systems, whereas
    seminars focus on Legal aspects and land tenure in protected areas planning (2000) and on
    environmental impact assessment for plans. Details follow on page 10: Programme 7-74-01.

4                                                                             DSE Dialogue & Training
DSE International Training Course (Catalogue programme):
Land Use Planing for Rural Development: Methods and Proce-
dures for National and Provincial Level

Reference             DSE-Training course TK 9.37/99 (DSE-ZEL catalogue)
Time                  April 8 to May 10, 1999
Venue                 DSE training centre Zschortau (near Leipzig)
Organisation          German Foundation for International Development (DSE),
                      Food and Agriculture Development Centre (ZEL),
Application           via the German Embassy in the respective country
Information           DSE-ZEL, D-04509 Zschortau/Germany, Leipziger Str.20
                      Dr Th. Petermann DSE-Zschortau, Fax -49-34202-845 777
                              E-mail th_petermann@zelzt.dse.de
Participants          26 sector specialists and planners from agriculture, forestry or rural
                      development governmental agencies, planners or programme offi-
                      cers of NGOs or development projects, or university lecturers
Area                  Participants from Africa and Asia

1.     Introduction                                                                       (1 day)

       1.1     Welcome, Introduction to the course, Participants introduction
       1.2     Recent Trends and Approaches in Land Use Planning (LUP)

2.     Experiences from participants                                                      (2 days)

3.     Defining objectives, goals and issues in LUP at different levels                    (1 day)

4.     Methods for Land Use Planning                                                      (6 days)

       4.1     Land Evaluation
       4.2     Agro-Ecological Zoning
       4.3     Socio-economic information for natural resource management (FSA)
       4.4     Participatory approaches in natural resources planning (PRA, IKS)

5.     Analysis of Framework Conditions for Land Use Planning                             (4 days)

       5.1     Institutional context of integrated planning
       5.2     Policy context: environmental, agricultural and land policy
       5.3     Land tenure

6.     Planning Exercise: Santa Cruz Regional Land Use Plan                               (6 days)

       6.1     Introduction to the planning area and planning objectives
       6.2     Data analysis, mapping techniques, remote sensing and GIS
       6.3     Planning for Integrated Rural Development
       6.4     Impact analysis: social, economic, environmental
       6.5     Implementation planning, project planning

7.     Synthesis, Closing Session                                               (1 day)
Diagram showing the structure of the training course

        Introduction to LUP
        Keynote: Recent trends & approaches

                                                      dialogue and exchange of concepts
                           Experiences from participants:
                           Case studies from Africa and Asia


                           Defining objectives, goals and issues of LUP at different levels

Technical Tour 1:
Mid-Elbe Biosphere                                         specialist inputs & participatory learning
                                                   Methods for LUP
                                                • Land evaluation methods
                                                • Agro-ecological zoning (AEZ)
                                                • Socio-economic information &
                                                  Farming systems analysis (FSA)
                                                • Participatory approaches in resources plan-
Technical Tour 2: Baden-Württ.
Land Consolidation &                                       specialist inputs & participatory learning
Land Development (4 d)                                     Analysis of framework conditions
                                                • Institutional context
                                                • Policy context
                                                • Land tenure issues in LUP

                                                                              6 days multidisciplinary group
                    Planning exercise: Santa Cruz Regional Land Use Plan
                    •  Introduction to the planning area (people, land, legal/institutional framework)
                    • Data analysis, mapping techniques, remote sensing, GIS
                    • Planning for Integrated Rural Development
                    • Impact Analysis: social, economic and environmental issues
                    • Implementation planning; project planning

Technical Tour 3 (ZALF)
Agricultural Policy,
Regional Models

                                                           group work (major learning; policy implications);
                                   Synthesis               and individual plans; course evaluation

6                                                                                        DSE Dialogue & Training
Standard training course on community based land use planning.
Diagram showing the training sequence

                                                                 Opening Session

                                                                 1. LUP approaches: State-of-the-Art
                                                                 • recent trends and development
                                                                 • defining scopes and issues in LUP
                                                                                         reflection & exchange of concepts

                                         putting concepts into action
2.. The Planning Area: Chipinda Ward
    Natural resources, socio-economic profiles,                                        Field trip 1: Area reconnaissance
    stakeholders, national and local framework                                                 (institutions, policies)

Specialists inputs, local knowledge & learning in the planning team

3. Surveys and Analysis
•   Needs analysis and development perspectives
                                                                                    Field trip 2: Needs assessment, FSA
• Natural resources inventory
                                                                                              Land resources inventories:
• Development constraints and opportunities                                         Field trip 3 PRA, e.g. transect walks
  legislation, policy, institutions, land tenure                                    Field trip 4 Experts reconnaissance

                Technical tour: Zimtrust Bulawayo                                              Poster sessions, Papers
5. Concepts for community involvement                                                         Application of LUP:
  Introduction to the CAMPFIRE approach                                                       Participants experience,
    for wildlife management in Zimbabwe                                                                 Case studies

multidisciplinary team work, specialists inputs, participatory learning

4. Planning for Development
• Identification & evaluation of development options                                          Consultation tour: gathering
                                                                                              information on alternative
                                                                                              land uses and practices
•   Outline of land use plan for rural development                                            Field trip 5: Assessing
•   Final land use plan                                                                               option with villagers
• Organisation and management for implementation
Institutional context of planning and implementation                                          Panel discussion with local
                                                                                              & provincial decision makers

                                                                                            verifying & amending concepts
                                Major learning; policy                       Synthesis
                                implications, action plans
                                                                          Closing Session
Programme P 7-35-01:
Management of land, water and forest resources in Vietnam and Lao PDR.
The land use planning section of the DSE is responsible for:
Integrated land use and water resources planning in Vietnam and Laos
Period: 1995 to 2000 (1st phase)
Key words: Watershed management plan; Land use plan; Integrated resources planning
Partners: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in Vietnam and the
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Lao PDR.
Participants: from partner institutions, other relevant sector agencies, universities
Programmes: Seminars, Planning workshop, Training courses, National courses

Previous programmes (1995-1998):
• Seminar Integrated land resources planning for tropical river systems, held in
  March 1995 in Vientiane, Lao P.D.R. (SE 311/95) for 33 specialists from Thailand,
  Lao PDR., Vietnam and Cambodia.
• Planning Workshop on Dialogue and training needs for integrated land use and
  water resources planning for tropical river systems, held in March 1995 in Khon
  Kaen, Thailand (EX 312/95) for 36 senior specialists from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambo-
  dia and Lao PDR.
• GTZ-DSE Regional Workshop on Watershed Management, held in February 1996 in
  Vientiane, Lao PDR. (EX 211/96) for 24 specialists from GTZ projects and interna-
  tional institutions in Asia. (Note: this workshop was not part of the programme pack-
• Seminar on Legal and institutional conditions for integrated land use and water-
  shed planning and irrigated agriculture development, held in March 1997 Hue,
  Vietnam (EX 211/97) for 27 senior governmental specialists from Vietnam, Lao PDR.
• Seminar on Methods and Instruments on Integrated Land Use Planing and Wa-
  tershed Management in Lao P.D.R. and Vietnam, held in February 1998 at Halong
  Bay Chay, Vietnam (SE 211/98) for 30 senior governmental specialists from Vietnam &
  Lao PDR.
• Training course on Methods and Instruments of Integrated Watershed Management
  Planning in Lao P.D.R. and Vietnam, held in November 1998 at Vientiane and Nam
  Ngum Campsite, Lao PDR. (TK 212/98) for 31 mid-level governmental specialists from
  Vietnam & Lao PDR.
Documentations of these courses and seminars were prepared as internal working
documents for the participants and their institutions.

Future programmes (period 1999-2001)
• Training course on: Methods and Instruments of Community base Land Use Plan-
  ning in Lao P.D.R. and Vietnam, scheduled for March 1999 at Bao Loc and Cat Tien
  National Park, Vietnam (TK 214/99) for 30 government mid-level specialists from Vietnam
  & Lao PDR.
• Development of training material for national training courses in the fields of (1.) Water-
  shed Management Planning and (2.) Land Use Planning
• Assistance in national training courses in the fields of (1.) Watershed Management Plan-
  ning and (2.) Land Use Planning in Lao PDR and in Vietnam

8                                                                         DSE Dialogue & Training
• For the 2nd phase (years 2002 to 2005), several seminars which address specific topics in
  natural resources planning and the continued support for national training courses are en-
DSE-ZEL Programme P 7-21-01. Section land use planning
Land Use Planning: Management of Protected Areas Systems towards the In-
tegration of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources

The Food and Agriculture Development Centre (ZEL) of the German Foundation for In-
ternational Development (DSE) is, in collaboration with international and national partner
institutions, implementing a dialogue and training programme in the region of Southern
and Eastern Africa during the period 1999 to 2003. The German Ministry for Economic
Co-operation and Development (BMZ) is financing this programme.
BACKGROUND. The concept of this programme is based on a series of DSE training
courses and seminars which were conducted from 1994 to 1998 with participants from
Africa. Here, several issues in linking conservation and sustainable development in pro-
tected areas and their surroundings were highlighted and the demand for a continued
dialogue and training was formulated by the professionals concerned.
GOAL. The goal of this programme is to support innovative concepts towards linking
biodiversity conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources in a regional con-
text while considering the legitimate interests of local people through the promoting of
participatory planning methods and collaborative management approaches.
PARTNER INSTITUTIONS. The institutions concerned are those who are involved in man-
aging protected areas and their surroundings: Ministries, agencies and non-
governmental organisations in the fields of natural resources and environment, national
parks, wildlife and tourism, and agriculture and forestry. Major partner institutions are
those in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. However, the programme in-
vites also other governmental or non-governmental institutions and projects in the region
of Southern and Eastern Africa to participate.
INSTRUMENTS. The programme consists of a sequence of dialogue and training meas-
ures. Dialogue aims to address senior staff and decision-makers to share their concepts
and experiences and to learn about new approaches from neighbouring countries and
also from the German or European situation. There are an expert meeting, study tours in
Germany and seminars in Africa scheduled. Training courses and seminars in Germany
and Africa will address mid-level staff, planners, practitioners and junior managers to en-
hance or amend their knowledge and to improve skills.
Land Use Planning: Management of protected areas systems towards
integrating conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural re-
sources. Overview


1994-1998              Training courses
                       Germany (3)
                       Zimbabwe (3)

                                                       South Africa (2)
                                                       Cameroon (1)
                                                       Tanzania (1)

1999 - 2003                                 EX

         TK 1                                                 SE 1
         LUP for PAS                                          Land tenure/ Legal

                                          SR                  SE 2
                                      Study tour              Collaborative Mgt .

                                                              SE 3
         TK 2                                                 Sustainable Tourism
         Comm. LUP

                                                              SE 4
                                RE                            Conflict management
                                                              SE 5
                                                              Particip. Forest Mgt.

                                   Follow-up seminar
                                                              Evaluation Mission

10                                                                  DSE Dialogue & Training
Land use planning: Management of protected areas systems towards inte-
grating conservation and sustainable utilisation of natural resources.
Programme Schedule

        1999                   2000                  2001                  2002                 2003
EX                      TK 1                  TK 1                  TK 1                 NK
Concepts to link        Land use planning     Land use planning Land use planning        Implementing con-
conservation and        for protected areas   for protected areas for protected areas    cepts for participa-
sustainable use of      systems               systems             systems                tory management
natural resources       DSE Germany           DSE Germany           DSE Germany          in PAS
South Africa.       6   3 weeks, 26 Part.     3 weeks, 26 Part.     3 weeks, 26 Part.    South Africa.
days, 30 Part.                                                                           11 days, 30 Part.
TK 1                    TK 2                  SE 2                  TK 2                 NK
Land use planning       Community based       Concepts for col-     Community based      Implementing con-
for protected areas     land use planning     laborative wildlife   land use planning    cepts for participa-
systems                 Zimbabwe              (natural resources)   Zimbabwe             tory management
DSE Germany                                   management                                 in PAS
                        3 weeks, 27 Part.                           3 weeks, 27 Part.
3 weeks, 26 Part.                             Tanzania.        12                        Tanzania.        11
                                              days, 30 Part.                             days, 30 Part.
SR                      SE 1                  SR                    SE 1                 RE
Legal aspects and       Land tenure. legal    Legal aspects and     Land tenure. legal   Assistance to na-
collaborative man-      and policy issues     collaborative man-    and policy issues    tional courses
agement in PAS:         in land use plan-     agement in PAS:       in land use plan-    - on demand -
German & Euro-          ning for PAS          German & Euro-        ning for PAS
pean experiences        Tanzania              pean experiences      South Africa
Germany                 12 days, 30 part.     Germany               12 days, 30 part.
12 days, 14 Part.                             12 days, 14 Part.

SE 2                    SE 3                  SE 3                  SE 4                 GA
Concepts for col-       Concepts for sus-     Concepts for sus-     Conflict manage-     Evaluation of the
laborative wildlife     tainable tourism      tainable tourism      ment in integrated   programme pack-
(natural resources)     development           development in        natural resources    age
management in           South Africa          PAS                   management           various countries
PAS                                           Botswana              Botswana, 12 days,
                        12 days, 30 Part.                                                10 days, 3 experts
Botswana                                      12 days, 30 Part.     30 Part.
12 days, 30 Part.
                        SE 4                  SE 4                  SE 5
                        Conflict manage-      Conflict manage-      Concepts for par-
                        ment in integrated    ment in integrated    ticipatory forest
                        natural resources     natural resources     management in
                        management            management            PAS
                        Botswana              South Africa          Tanzania
                        12 days, 30 Part.     12 days, 30 Part.     14 days, 30 Part.
                                              RE. 2 Missions
                                              Assistance to na-
                                              tional courses
1 EX, 1 SE, 1 TK        2 TK, 3 SE            1 TK, 3 SE, 1 SR      2 TK, 3 SE           2 NK, 2 RE, 1 GA
1 SR,                                         2 RE
DSE Program P 7-42-01
Instrumentos de planificación y conceptos metodológicos para la
gestión sostenible de recursos forestales en América Latina.

Métodos integrales de planificación para la conservación de
recursos forestales
1999    Seminario
        Planificación del uso de la tierra para sistemas de áreas protegidas
        Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 3 semanas en julio 99
2000    Seminario
        Politica, leyes y ordenamiento de la tierra dentro de la planificación del uso de la tierra en
        áreas protegidas y zonas de amortiguamiento
        Zschortau, Alemania. 2 semanas
2001    Curso de capacitación
        Planificación del uso de la tierra en áreas protegidas y zonas de amortiguamiento:
        conceptos de zonificación y de gestión participativa
        Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 4 semanas
2002    Seminario
        Metodología y procedimientos para la solución de conflitos sobre la utilización de los
        recursos naturales
        San José, Costa Rica. 2 semanas
2003    Curso de capacitación
        Planificación del uso de la tierra en áreas protegidas y zonas de amortiguamiento:
        conceptos de zonificación y de gestión participativa
        Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 4 semanas
        Planificación del uso de la tierra en áreas protegidas y zonas de amortiguamiento:
        conceptos y experiencias
        Ecuador, 2 semanas

Otros programas contienen las areas de manejo forestal siguientes:
Ø Programas nacionales de bosque: Implementación de los principios forestales,
  Agenda 21 y de los acuerdos del Panel intergubernamental de bosques
Ø Enfoques y métodos para la operacionalización de directrices de
Ø Enfoques de fomento para la gestión de bosques
Ø Métodos integrales de planificación para la gestión de recursos forestales
Ø Enfoques integrales de manejo y experiencias locales de gestión
Ø Comunicación, consultoría y monitoreo.
Dr. Erich Mies (forestal)
Dr. Thomas Petermann (planificación para la conservación de recursos forestales)
Leipziger Str.15
D-04509 Zschortau/Germany
Tel. +49 (0)34 202 – 845 400 Fax +49 (0) 3 202 – 845 777
e-mail: e_mies@zelzt.dse.de
e-mail: th_petermann@zelzt.dse.de

12                                                                               DSE Dialogue & Training
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