UVSELF 2020 - 2021 COHORT - Utah Valley Senior Executive Leadership Forum 2021 ...

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UVSELF 2020 - 2021 COHORT - Utah Valley Senior Executive Leadership Forum 2021 ...
Utah Valley Senior Executive Leadership Forum

            2020 - 2021 COHORT
UVSELF 2020 - 2021 COHORT - Utah Valley Senior Executive Leadership Forum 2021 ...
UVSELF                                                             2020-2021 COHORT

At Utah Valley University, we recognize that developing leadership skills is a complex path. Leaders may come into
their roles at different career stages. Whether chosen for field-specific skills, growth potential, or demonstrated
performance, taking on a leadership role can challenge even the seasoned professional. With this in mind, the Utah
Valley Senior Executive Leadership Forum was developed to give forum participants, or fellows, the opportunity
to participate in and learn about senior leadership in a university setting. The forum provides an intellectually
stimulating leadership exploration and discovery experience for faculty and staff who have demonstrated exceptional
promise in contributing to excellence at Utah Valley University. Forum fellows engage in thought-provoking,
stimulating discussions and learning activities related to critical issues and opportunities that arise in leading and
managing in higher education.

FORUM LEADERSHIP                                                   FORUM SEMINARS
The president of UVU serves as the forum director. The             Identified and developed during the retreat by fellows and forum
Executive Committee is comprised of a representative from          leadership, UVSELF seminars focus on a detailed review and
the Office of the President, Human Resources, Academic             discussion of various university and leadership topics. Fellows
Affairs, and Student Life. The president and other members         explore seminar topics through such activities as literature
of the cabinet participate in forum activities as often as their   review, guest presentations, and think-tank theory discussions
schedules permit.
                                                                   of application, practice, and implication for current university
UVSELF runs for approximately 11 months and includes               Sample topics explored by previous UVSELF cohorts include:
a two-day retreat, six full-day seminars, as well as other
engaging and enriching experiences to complement the                  •   Organizational leadership
forum experience. Fellows must attend the retreat and at              •   Personal leadership
least five seminars.                                                  •   Legislative issues in higher education
                                                                      •   Planning for and implementing change
THE RETREAT                                                           •   Budgeting and finance in higher education
The forum is a two-day (afternoon/evening, morning/afternoon)         •   Careers in higher education
event on June 18 & 19, held at Daniels Summit Lodge (16               •   Global implications for higher education
miles south of Heber, Utah, on Highway 40). The purposes of           •   Demographic changes and their impact on higher
the retreat are to:                                                          education
   • Get acquainted with the background and aspirations
        of all members of the cohort.                              ENRICHMENT EXPERIENCES
   • Receive a comprehensive orientation of anticipated            In addition to routinely scheduled forum experiences,
        forum activities.                                          fellows will receive a mentor from among UVU’s executive
   • Develop the schedule of events and topics for
        consideration during the upcoming year, focusing           leadership, and occasionally be invited, either individually
        on specific issues and questions to be explored.           or collectively, by members of the cabinet to participate in
   • Identify and outline supporting reading and study             ongoing intellectual, academic, and social activities, either
        materials.                                                 on- or off-campus, that relate to UVU. Special discussion
   • Participate in some relaxing and recreational                 sessions before or after such activities, relevant online
        activities together.
                                                                   chats, or other forms of professional engagement may be
The retreat provides the foundation on which the diverse           scheduled throughout the year.
and rich UVSELF experiences build.

       Applications Due                                        For more information and to access and
       5 p.m.                                                  complete an application, please visit the
       Tuesday, April 7, 2020                                  president’s website at
       In the Office of the President (BA 218)
                                                               www.uvu.edu/president/uvself.html or
       The Retreat                                             contact Christine Peterson, administrative
       June 18-19                                              assistant for the AVP of Human
       Daniels Summit Lodge                                    Resources, at (801) 863-6797.

THE SCHEDULE                                                       Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee
For the 2020-2021 forum, the retreat begins late morning           comprised of the members of the president’s cabinet. The
of June 18 and runs through the afternoon of June 19.              selection committee will screen applications against, but not
Accommodations and meals are included as part of the               limited to, the following characteristics:
forum retreat.
                                                                      •   Demonstrated leadership potential
Seminars will be held in September, October, November,                •   Integrity
January, February, and March and are typically a full day (9          •   Dedication and commitment to UVU
a.m. to 4 p.m.)                                                       •   Sense of intellectual engagement
The forum concludes in May with an evaluation of the year’s           •   Career aspirations
activities and a brief graduation ceremony.                           •   Availability to participate
                                                                      •   Expression of interest and perceived chemistry
THE APPLICATION PROCESS                                                       with the selected cohort
A cohort of 2020-2021 UVSELF fellows will be selected
through an application process from a pool of applicants           Employment supervisors must be willing to endorse and
across campus.                                                     support the applicant’s participation.
Employees interested in participating in UVSELF should             Because of the limited number of seats available in the
submit an application, current resume or vita, and a one-page      cohort, applicants not selected are encouraged to reapply
statement of intent. Applications must be received by 5 p.m.,      in succeeding years.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020, in the Office of the President (BA 218).
Executive Committee

    Marilyn Meyer, Associate Vice President of Human Resources/CHRO
       Kat Brown, Associate Vice President of Academic Administration
 Alexis Palmer, Associate Vice President of Student Life/Dean of Students
              Justin Jones, Senior Director of Donor Relations
Christine Peterson, Administrative Assistant for the AVP of Human Resources

                            UVU Office of the President
                                (801) 863-3000
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