Delivery Plan 2019/2020 Strategic Priorities - Rochford ...

Page created by Jamie Stevens
Delivery Plan 2019/2020 Strategic Priorities - Rochford ...
2019/2020 Strategic Priorities
                                                       & Delivery Plan

The Strategic Priorities have been identified from the 2019/20 Strategic Assessment, the aim and purpose of which is to document is to assist
the Partnership in understanding the patterns and trends relating to crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and community safety issues

This has informed and identified the key priorities for the Castle Point and Rochford Community Safety Partnership which are:

   •   Protecting Vulnerable People
   •   Anti-social Behaviour
   •   Dwelling Burglary
   •   Violence Against the Person

In addition CSPs have a statutory responsibility to have regard to reducing reoffending. The partnership will support the PFCC Reducing
Reoffending Strategy (Link required)
Delivery Plan 2019/2020 Strategic Priorities - Rochford ...
Protecting Vulnerable People

Intervention                     Actions:                           Outcomes /Measurement :
What do we want to               How are we going to                How will we know we have
achieve?                         achieve this?                      been successful?
To protect victims of Domestic   The provision of a Sanctuary       All referrals from Police CPTA
Abuse                            Scheme for high risk victims       processed.
                                 (Safe Partnership and Housing      High risk victims property are
                                 Providers)                         less vulnerable and secured

                                 To extend the availability of J9   More locations with trained
                                 information through a variety of   ambassadors within the
                                 venues across the area.            Borough/District

                                 To promote awareness and           Greater public awareness of
                                 reporting of support through DA    where support is available.
                                 Awareness week, Schools
                                 programmes and events.

To protect victims of Hate       To Support the County Hate
Crime                            Crime Strategy

                                 Support the roll out of Hate
                                 Crime Reporting Centres
                                 (HIRCS) and Hate Crime
                                 Ambassadors. Maintain the
                                 number of Hate Crime

                                 Deliver at least one Hate Crime    Public awareness raised through
                                 Awareness Campaign                 social media and targeted
To reduce the number of          Production regarding
young People who are victims     Gangs/CSE to secondary
of crime                         schools- commissioned by EYS
                                 & the Youth Strategy Group -

To raise awareness of risks      Activities to increase resilience in
posed by Gangs / CSE             young people & adults with
                                 mental health issues at risk of
To raise awareness of risks      gang / CSE involvement / victims
associated with the Internet.    of crime

                                 Information on hidden harms            All licence holders have
To identify and direct           provided to all new licenced           improved awareness
vulnerable YP to support         premises and taxi drivers
                                 Deliver a Crucial Crew
                                 programme for Year 6 to
                                 highlight risks as they move on
                                 to Secondary School, including
                                 grooming awareness, Internet
                                 Safety, Healthy Relationships,
                                 Road Safety.

                                 Deliver Walk on Line Roadshows
                                 across in conjunction with
                                 Primary and Secondary Schools
                                 to raise awareness
To protect the most vulnerable   Senior safety roadshows- hold          Appropriate crime prevention
and elderly residents from       event in Rochford District             messages delivered at event to
becoming victims of crime                                               targeted audience
                                 Electric Blanket and personal
                                 safety event in Castle Point
Continue to promote Keep Safe         Additional venues & ,members
                                     Scheme & increase number of           signed up
                                     venues and members

Raising Awareness of Human           Proactive partnership activities to   Partners, businesses and
Trafficking and Modern Day           raise profile of Modern Day           communities more aware of
Slavery                              Slavery and Human Trafficking         these issues

Anti-social Behaviour
Identifying and support repeat and vulnerable victims. Identify hotspot locations and / or spikes in crime trends. Improve
perceptions and facilitate local problem solving to address issues.

Intervention                         Actions:                              Outcomes /Measurement
What do we want to                   How are we going to                   How will we know we have
achieve?                             achieve this?                         been successful?
Work Jointly to proactively tackle
ASB in the Borough                   Regular partnership proactive         Targeted activities to educate
                                     activities and “days of action”       enforce and reassure

To engage with our partners and
communities to identify specific     Support diversionary activities for
hotspots for anti social behaviour   hotspot times / dates / groups
and take remedial action.

Reduce and prevent ASB using         Promotion and appropriate use         Powers used effectively to
the Victim, Offender, Location       of ASB legislation – Community        reduce high level ASB
Problem Profile to identify repeat   Protection Warnings, Criminal
victims and offenders.               Behaviour Orders, Injunctions
                                     and Closure Orders
Increase awareness of the link       Alcohol awareness training for      Staff feel more confident
between Alcohol misuse and           frontline community safety          identifying alcohol misuse issues
ASB / victims of crime               professionals                       and appropriate signposting

Violence Against the Person

Identifying hotspot locations, and / or increases in crime trends. Work with partner agencies to raise awareness of violent crime arising from
Domestic Abuse, gang violence, Night Time Economy (NTE) and Mental health difficulties across the district. The fear of crime, whether real or
perceived, can also have a very serious impact upon people and communities. Violence with Injury and Violence without injury were the top two
crime types that scored the highest in terms of risk for the District.

Intervention                         Inputs/Funding                      Outcomes /Measurement
What do we want to                   How are we going to                 How will we know we have
achieve?                             achieve this?                       been successful?
To promote a safe and vibrant        Partnership days of action and      Issues at licenced premises are
Night Time Economy (NTE) for         input for identified issues and     identified and receive
residents and visitors to the area   problem premises                    appropriate enforcement
                                     Increased joint working between
                                     LA & Essex Police

Reduce incidents of Knife Crime      Joint partnership days of action    Residents increased awareness
                                     and activities around knife crime   of knife crime
                                     & violent crime
Burglary / Acquisitive Crime
Identifying and support repeat and vulnerable victims. Identify hotspot locations and / or spikes in crime trends. Improve perceptions and facilitate
local problem solving to address issues.

Intervention                         Inputs/Funding                        Outcomes /Measurement
What do we want to                   How are we going to                   How will we know we have
achieve?                             achieve this?                         been successful?
Deliver crime prevention             Continue to promote and support       NHW members receive targeted
messages through voluntary           Neighbourhood Watch (NHW)             and appropriate crime
groups participation                 Distribute regular crime statistics   preventions messages
                                     & messages via the NHW

                                     Deliver burglary and other            Number of LCMs / Coffee with
                                     prevention messages at local          Cops as per Essex Police
                                     community meetings, beat              recommendations
                                     surgery type events and targeted
                                     group activities

                                     Partnership activities around
                                     vehicle nuisance campaigns

                                     Support for Active Citizens -
                                     Promotional materials to support
                                     crime reduction awareness and
                                     community engagement events

                                     Support for Crimestoppers
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