Page created by Gregory Stephens


Sign up for
                                                  our new digital
                                               bitesize courses at:

                                         They’re a great way to become

                                         familiar with the different roles
                                          and functions of Usdaw reps.
                                           You can read the three-part

                                                 Reps’ Handbook
                                                    online too.

New digital bitesize courses
Course 1: Getting Started: The Role of the Rep
Course 2: Organising and Recruitment Part 1
Course 3: Organising and Recruitment Part 2
Course 4: Representing Members Part 1
Course 5: Representing Members Part 2

Three-part Reps’ Handbook PDFs to read online or download

Reps’ Handbook: Getting started - The Role of the Rep
Reps’ Handbook: Organising and Recruitment
Reps’ Handbook: Representing Members

Welcome | NETWORK

                                                  MEMBER SAFETY
      Network is published bimonthly and
        distributed to Usdaw activists.
                                                  IS TOP PRIORITY
                                                      he new year started with
               PUBLISHED BY:                          a new national lockdown.
                                                      For many of our members
   188 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 6LJ
               t: 0161 224 2804
                                                  this was nothing new as they
          e:                 had been on the frontline of
               w:                    the pandemic since March last
                                                  year. Shopworkers, drivers,
    HEAD OF MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS                members in distribution,
                  Mike Glover                     manufacturing and in funeral
                    EDITOR                        services have continued to
               Saiqa Khushnood                    work tirelessly to ensure that
                                                  shelves remained stocked,
               Sarah Sherborne                    medicine was available,
                                                  deliveries were made and
            EDITORIAL ASSISTANT                   other essential tasks were
                  Paula Barke
                                                  carried out.
           OTHER CONTRIBUTORS                        Usdaw has been working
Jo Bird, Debra Blow, Tony Dale, Adam Kaczmarek,   hard to represent our
           Doug Russell, David Williams,          members' concerns to               Freedom From Fear petition
              PHOTOGRAPHERS                       Government and employers,          to protect Retail Workers from
        Lee Boswell, Pete Hill, Matt Link         and the general public through     abuse, threats and violence
               Via Getty Images:                  local and national media           has reached over 104,000
       Paul Bradbury, Wavebreakmedia,             outlets.                           signatures which means that
             undefined undefined,                    The new highly infectious       it will now be considered for a
              Kikovic, momcilog,
                                                  strain of Covid-19 is causing      debate in Parliament. We will
           andresr, BrianAJacksonw
                                                  immense anxiety and our            be doing everything we can
                                                  priority is the safety of our      to keep the pressure on the
                ADVERTISING                       members. We are working            Government to deliver the
            Century One Publishing                hard to ensure that employers      legislation our members need.
        Alban Row, 27-31 Verulam Road,            revert back to the stringent          I want to thank our reps
              St Albans, AL3 4DG
                                                  safety measures that were          for the amazing work they
                                                  applied during the first           continue to do during these
             ACCOUNT MANAGER                      lockdown last year.                unprecedented times.
                   Jack Green                        From our conversations with     Whether its representing
               t: 01727 739 196                   employers, we are aware that       members, negotiating safety
       e:            the retail sector is currently     measures or helping out in
                                                  suffering from incredibly high     their local communities, our
     ©Usdaw 2021 reproduction in whole
                                                  sickness absence rates as a        reps have shown that the most
     or part by any means without written
                                                  result of Covid-19 therefore we    difficult situations can bring
         permissions of the publishers
              is strictly forbidden.              are calling on the Government      out the very best in people.
                                                  to prioritise retail workers for
    This publisher accepts no responsibility      testing and vaccinations and
          for errors, omissions or the
                                                  for customers to adhere to
            consequences thereof.
                                                  guidelines including wearing              Usdaw General Secretary
                                                  masks and keeping a two-
                                                  metre distance.
                                                     Thanks to the fantastic
                                                  work of our reps, Usdaw’s

                                                                                            January/February 2021     3
 how much has been lost
 to pension scammers?
 The truth is no one really knows…but it could now be in the billions
 There are six common tactics used by the scammers – make sure you know them.

                          Contact out of the blue…                              False Authority…
                          Pension cold calling is banned                        Scammers often provide you with
                          in the UK. If you receive an                          communications displaying fake
                          unsolicited approach by phone,                        regulatory credentials.
                          email or on social media – reject
                          any offers you receive.

                          Time constraints…                                     Flattery…
                          Scammers will put you under                           Scammers can be over friendly and
                          pressure to sign up to a deal                         talk in your language but they have
                          straight away.                                        one message – they want your

                          Fake reviews…                       Remember not every adviser you speak to is out
                                                              to rip you off, but there is no shame in taking a few
                          Scammers post fake reviews to       minutes to check out who you are dealing with. If you
                          gain your trust.                    are an Usdaw member and in any doubt call us on
                                                              0161 224 2804 or email us at

                          Unrealistic returns…
                                                                                               Be Smart
                          Scammers consistently try                                             Be Sure
                          to convince you of high
                          guaranteed returns on your                                            Be Safe
                          investments if you transfer
                          your money.

                                                              Join Usdaw online at
                                                              You can also contact your
                                                              Usdaw rep or call our
                                                              Helpline 0800 030 80 30

 Stock photography. Posed by models.

Contents | NETWORK

                    COVID-19: UPDATE
                    10 | A n update from Usdaw's general secretary Paddy
                          Lillis on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

                    CONTRIBUTION RATE
                    12 | A
                          guide to Usdaw's proposed contribution rate

                    FREEDOM FROM FEAR
                    14 | A
                          n update on the campaign petition reaching
                         beyond its target of 100,000 signatures.
                    SAVE THE HIGH STREET
                    18 | U
                          sdaw's campaign calls for a retail recovery plan to
                         save the struggling high street.

                    CELEBRATING REPS
                    20 | Network shares the stories of two exceptional
                          activists who continue to support members.

                    UNIVERSAL CREDIT IN FOCUS
                    22 | A
                          handy guide to universal credit including how to
                         claim and other FAQs.
                    24 | A
                          guide for parents juggling work and looking after
                         children due to nationwide school closures.

                    LEARNING REP AWARD WINNER
                    36 | Network speaks to Unionlearn's Learning Rep of
                          the Year award winner Shirley Smith.

                    03 FOREWORD
                    06 NEWS

                    28 PREGNANCY RISK ASSESSMENT

                    32 RECRUITMENT & ORGANISING

                    38 HEALTH & SAFETY

                    42 MEMBER OFFERS

                    45 PUBLICATIONS UPDATE
              36    46 OVER TO YOU

                                                      January/February 2021   5

                                 IN THE NEWS
        Don’t forget to email the editor your view

       sdaw continues to
       call for key workers in
       essential retail to be
prioritised for vaccination
against Covid-19 after
the Government
indicated they are
looking at priority for
the second phase and
the Joint Committee
on Vaccination and
Immunisation ( JCVI)
accepted that occupation
is a factor. The union has
made similar calls on
the Scottish and Welsh
Governments, along with
the Northern Ireland
Executive.                       members in the funeral        ensuring that food            and pharmaceutical
   Health Secretary Matt         industry. There is an         remains on the shelves.       distribution to be on
Hancock told the House           urgent need to prioritise     From our conversations        the list of prioritisation.
of Commons: “We’ll be            other occupations at          with employers, we are        They cannot work from
looking very carefully at        greatest risk of infection    aware that the sector is      home and are at higher
those professions that           during the second phase       currently suffering from      risk of infection because
will need to be prioritised      of the rollout.               incredibly high sickness      of the essential work
in phase two of the                 “According to the          absence rates as a result     they do, which should be
prioritisation programme.        Government’s own              of Covid-19.                  acknowledged as part of
We’ll look at, of course,        research, retail is an           “So the second phase of    the rollout programme.
teachers and police and          occupation with an            the vaccine rollout must         “We welcome the early
others, but also we will         elevated Covid-19             reflect the risks linked      indications that high
look at shopworkers              related death rate. Close     to occupation. Given the      risk occupations may
and we will make those           proximity to the public as    risks involved in their       be prioritised and look
decisions based on the           well as the indoor working    public-facing roles, retail   forward to entering into
data”.                           environment are factors.      workers should be one         discussions with the
   Usdaw general                    “Retail workers,           of the groups prioritised,    Government on this issue
secretary Paddy Lillis said:     including grocery delivery    so they are able to           of great concern.”
“It is understandable to         drivers, have played a        continue to support their
prioritise those at highest      key role in ensuring the      communities throughout
risk of serious illness or       country is able to get        the rest of the pandemic.
death during the first           through the current crisis.      “We also want
phase of rollout, along          These critical workers        other key workers in
with frontline health            have played a vital role      essential industries like
workers including our            in our communities            food manufacturing

6 January/February 2021


Usdaw has made an urgent call on
supermarkets and food retailers to
immediately revert to the stringent
safety measures in stores that were
applied during the first lockdown.
The union has been inundated with
complaints from members deeply
concerned about their safety as
customers blatantly flout the rules.
   Usdaw general secretary Paddy
Lillis said: “Retail staff are working
with the public every day and not
only suffer increased abuse but
are deeply worried about catching
Covid-19. The strict safety measures
that we agreed with employers in
the first lockdown must now be
immediately reinstated in every           shops safer and limit the spread of         dealing with abusive customers
workplace to ensure that staff are        Covid-19.”                                  and those who refuse to follow
working in the safest conditions            Usdaw is calling for the following        social distancing measures.
possible. Where safety measures           safety measures to be implemented:        n Enhanced cleaning on the shop
are agreed, retailers need to make        n Customer numbers limited, with a          floor and in back areas.
sure that they are being followed           ‘one in one out’ policy and proper      n PPE, hand sanitiser and cleaning
consistently, in every store.               queuing systems.                          products available for all staff.
   “We are also very concerned by         n Clear signage telling customers to      n Doorstep-only delivery with
reports that too many customers             wear face coverings.                      procedures in place to protect
are not following necessary safety        n Strictly observed two-metre social        drivers.
measures like social distancing,            distancing, with markers and one-       n Staff who are sick or need to self-
wearing a face covering and only            way systems where possible.               isolate for Covid-related absence
shopping for essential items. Usdaw       n Incidents of violence and abuse           to receive full pay and not
is urging the shopping public to            must not be tolerated. Employers          subject to disciplinary absence
strictly follow the rules to help make      must back up their staff when             procedures.


LET’S GET EVERYONE TALKING                                                             Time to Talk Day 2021
                                                                                       Mental Health Awareness
                                                                                       ‘Bingo Card’
                                                                                        The last 12 months have been incredibly tough; the coronavirus pandemic continues to be a
                                                                                        mental as well as a physical health crisis.

Usdaw will again be marking national      after their mental health.
                                                                                        So this year, on Time to Talk Day, Usdaw wants to focus on supporting our members’ mental
                                                                                        health. Time to Talk Day this year is on Thursday, 4 February and the theme is the power of small
                                                                                        – even a small conversation about mental health has the power to make a big difference. We hope
                                                                                        that this bingo card will help you to think of small things you can do to look after your mental health.

Time to Talk Day which this year is          Time to Talk Day is a chance for all         1. Ask a colleague
                                                                                             how they are
                                                                                                                              2. Find out more
                                                                                                                                 about Usdaw’s
                                                                                                                                                                 3. Have a
                                                                                                                                                                    conversation with

being held on Thursday 4 February.        of us to talk about mental health, to              (when you‘ve got
                                                                                             time to listen to
                                                                                             the answer!)
                                                                                                                                 ‘It’s Good to Talk’
                                                                                                                                                                    a friend... even a
                                                                                                                                                                    small conversation
                                                                                                                                                                    has the power

   The union wants to focus on            listen, to change lives. Usdaw reps
                                                                                                                                                                    to make a big

supporting members’ mental                continue to do an amazing job at                4. Share the
                                                                                             Time to Change
                                                                                                                              5. Think of two
                                                                                                                                 people you can
                                                                                                                                                                 6. Do one thing today
                                                                                                                                                                    that helps you to

health and the theme is how even          helping members with mental health                 post on social
                                                                                                                                 talk to about how
                                                                                                                                 you’re feeling.
                                                                                                                                                                    unwind and relax.

a small conversation about mental         problems so they get the support                www.time-to-change.

health can make a big difference.         they need at work and beyond.                   7. Run the Usdaw                   8. Think of something                9. Try Usdaw’s
                                                                                             Mental Health                      that makes you                       bitesize mental

   This issue of Network includes a                        survey in your
                                                                                                                                laugh.                               health course
                                                                                                                                                                     ‘Mind your Head’.

‘bingo card’ which will help reps think   Mental-Health                         

of small things they can do to look

                                                                                                                               January/February 2021                                               7


Usdaw has negotiated a £10 per
hour basic rate for Morrisons
shopworkers in a ground-breaking
pay deal. The offer, which will go out
to ballot and is recommended by
Usdaw, is a major step forward for
the union’s New Deal for Workers
campaign that called for £10 and is
50p an hour above the voluntary
Living Wage Foundation rate.
   Usdaw national officer Joanne                       “The new consolidated hourly rate                      ballot.
McGuinness said: “For some time                     is now the leading rate of the major                         “It’s been a tough time for food
we have been talking to Morrisons                   supermarkets, which is paid every                         retail staff who have worked
about taking retail staff to £10 an                 hour and removes the uncertainty                          throughout the pandemic in difficult
hour, as we call for in our New Deal                of a bonus payment.                                       circumstances. They provide the
for Workers campaign. So I am                          “It is a big step forward and shows                    essential service of keeping the
delighted that we have agreed a rise                that the company are prepared to                          nation fed and deserve our support,
that achieves that goal and takes                   invest in the staff to help grow the                      respect and appreciation. Most of
staff well beyond the real living                   business and I hope that the deal is                      all they deserve decent pay and this
wage.                                               supported by our members in the                           offer is a welcome boost.”


Usdaw has welcomed B&M agreeing                     to have secured this bonus for                            colleagues and are always working
to pay an extra week’s wages in                     our members in B&M. They are                              to improve health and safety. Retail
recognition of the hard work of                     providing an essential service, that                      staff are dealing with the public
their staff through the exceptional                 we all rely on, and they deserve our                      every day and are not only suffering
challenges of the pandemic.                         support, respect and appreciation.                        increased abuse but are also deeply
   Usdaw national officer Dave                         “We continue to call on the                            worried about catching Covid-19.”
Gill said: “It’s been a tough time                  company to revisit the support                  
for retail staff, so we are pleased                 provided for extremely vulnerable                         News


   £100                                                          gift vouchers

          Sponsored by Lighthouse Financial Advice Closing date 1 March 2021. Terms apply.
               Due to the current situation with Covid 19, the voucher will be despatched as soon as possible after the draw has taken place.

8 January/February 2021

                                ANNUAL DELEGATE MEETING 2021
UK retail destinations
                               GO AHEAD FOR ONLINE ADM
witnessed a footfall decline
of 10.9 per cent in the        Usdaw’s executive council
week to 16 January.            has endorsed the general
                               secretary’s recommendation
RETAIL SALES                   to have the Annual Delegate
According to the British       Meeting in April this year and
Retail Consortium, retailers   for this to be an online event.
suffered their worst annual       The conference will be a
sales performance on           two-day event held on Sunday
record in 2020, driven by      25 and Monday 26 April 2021,
a slump in demand for          and will be video-streamed to
fashion and homeware           delegates with a secure online
products. Food sales           voting system, operated by
growth rose 5.4 per cent       an independent external
on 2019, non-food fell         organisation, running
about 5 per cent.              concurrently with conference
PRIMARK                           A circular containing the
Primark says it has no         full details of the conference
plans to sell its clothes      including revised programme               conference. Branches will then have
online despite warnings        of dates was sent to branches earlier     an opportunity to meet and discuss
that lockdown store            in the month.                             how they wish to cast their vote during
closures could cost it more       Outlined below are some of the         the virtual conference.
than £1bn in lost sales.       main points covered in the circular:
BONMARCHE                      Standing Orders                           Voting will be undertaken in blocks
Bonmarche has collapsed        A revised temporary code of Standing      at the end of each session, for
into administration for        Orders will be drafted. These will be     example after a morning session
the second time in a year,     used for this year only and are not a     Propositions 1-20 will be voted on
putting 1,500 jobs at risk.    permanent change to the Standing          and so on throughout the day until all
Retail tycoon Philip Day       Orders.                                   propositions have been voted on.
completed a takeover of
Bonmarche early this year      Delegate Attendance
after an administration        Delegate attendance will remain in line
process in October 2019        with normal practice as set out in Rule     UNION ELECTIONS
but he has failed to revive    8, Section 3(a).
the company’s fortunes.                                                    The elections for Usdaw’s
Bonmarche issued a series      Ordinary Propositions                       president and executive council
of profit warnings in 2018     Due to restrictions on time, branches       (the union’s ruling body) are now
and 2019 after being hit by    will not formally move their own            underway.
rising costs from business     propositions. Ordinary Propositions            Postal ballot papers and
rates as well as a shift to    will be formally moved and seconded         election addresses were sent
online shopping.               by the president. They will not be          to all members from 18 January
                               debated during the conference but           2021 to be returned by Friday 12
FRASER GROUP                   they will be voted on. Any branch           February 2021.
The group has unveiled         that strongly wishes to speak on their         These elections will be
plans to open a multi-         proposition will have the option to         conducted by the Independent
brand flagship store in        withdraw it and bring it back to ADM        Civica Election Services
Birmingham city centre.        in 2022.                                    (previously known as Electoral
                                  A Final Agenda will be distributed       Reform Services).
                               to delegates in advance of the

                                                                                        January/February 2021   9
NETWORK | Covid-19

 Usdaw calls for retail staff to be made a priority group for vaccination and Covid
 testing, while social distancing rules need to be reinforced to keep workers safe

       n 4 January 2021, the Prime       workers can be found at:                  and Covid testing. The letter also
       Minister announced a new search critical                called for social distancing rules in
       National Lockdown for             workers children coronavirus              shops to be reinforced to help keep
 England. Similar announcements                                                    supermarket workers and delivery
 have been made by the devolved          Clinically extremely vulnerable           drivers safe as the pandemic
 administrations for Scotland, Wales     If you are clinically extremely           escalates.
 and Northern Ireland.                   vulnerable you should not attend
   The new restrictions mean that        work, school, college or university,      A new deal for workers
 people should stay at home unless       and limit the time you spend outside      Usdaw has been making the case
 they have a reasonable excuse.          the home. You should only go out for      for the Government to act to ensure
   Schools in England, Scotland          medical appointments, exercise or if it   that the right financial support is in
 and Wales are closed with remote        is essential.                             place to support workers through
 learning until February half term.          If you have received a letter to      the crisis:
   The new restrictions also mean        say that you are clinically extremely
 that non-food retail will close.        vulnerable, you should advise your        Financial support to isolate
                                         manager and not attend work. If you       Test and Trace is a key part of the
 When you can leave home                 have any queries about this, speak        Government strategy to tackle
 You must not leave or be outside of     to your union rep or local official.      the spread of the virus but asking
 your home except where you have a                                                 people to self-isolate on statutory
 ‘reasonable excuse’.                    Workplaces that are closed                sick pay of £95.85 per week is unfair
    A reasonable excuse covers a         The Job Retention Scheme has been         and impractical. Usdaw is calling for
 range of essential activities such      extended to April 2021. This means        workers who are sick or need to self-
 as shopping, exercise and visiting      furlough pay will be available for        isolate for Covid-related absence to
 people in your support bubble.          those who need it, for instance for       receive full pay.
    It can also include going to work    those whose stores are closed or
 where it is not possible to work from   those who are shielding.                  Universal credit
 home.                                                                             At the start of the crisis the
                                         Breaches of the new national              Government gave universal credit
 Schools – children of critical/key      lockdown                                  claims a £20 per week uplift, until
 workers                                 The rules of the new national             March 2021. We need the uplift to
 Schools will continue to provide        lockdown have been enacted in law.        continue.
 places for children of key workers.     Breaches of the rules can result
   Colleges, primary (reception          in a Fixed Penalty Notice of £200         Job retention scheme pay cuts
 onwards) and secondary schools will     for the first offence, doubling for       In the second lockdown most
 remain open for vulnerable children     further offences up to a maximum          employers paid just 80 per cent of
 and the children of critical workers.   of £6,400.                                wages to furloughed workers.
 Wraparound care can also remain                                                   Usdaw believes that no worker
 open for these children. Early Years    Usdaw’s response                          should be receiving a reduction
 settings (eg nurseries) can remain      Ahead of the announcement Usdaw           in wages to below the National
 open.                                   wrote to the Government calling           Minimum Wage rate of £8.72
   The full list of sectors where        for frontline retail staff to be made     for the hours that they would
 workers are defined as critical         a priority group for vaccination          usually work.

10 January/February 2021
£10 per hour for all workers
The TUC estimates that 9.36 million
workers, one-third of the UK’s total
workforce, are paid less than £10 per
hour. The time has come for better pay
and a real living wage for all workers.

Crisis in the retail sector –
immediate rescue measures
This new lockdown and the closure of
non-essential retail shops will add to
the growing crisis on the retail high
street. Throughout the Covid crisis
Usdaw has been making the case
for a Retail Recovery Plan that would
address issues such as business rates
and the need for a level playing field
between ‘bricks and mortar’ and
online retail. The union is also lobbying
Government for immediate measures
to help rescue the sector such as a
business rates holiday and rent relief
for shops.

Further information
NETWORK | Contribution Rate

Network gives reps a guide to the single contribution
rate proposal that will be discussed at ADM in April

     he executive council is proposing    THE GROWTH OF SCALE C
     to the union’s Annual Delegate       MEMBERSHIP
     Meeting that the union moves         In 1999, just 34 per cent of Usdaw
to a single membership contribution       members were on the lower Scale
rate for new members from July            C rate. This has now increased to
2021.                                     53 per cent. Scale C members get
   The union is in a strong position      exactly the same service in terms of
but is facing some big challenges:        advice and representation as those
n In the turbulent last 12 months,        on Scale A, the only difference is in
   Usdaw’s total membership has           the level of cash benefits they can
   fallen by 8,000. This is not a one-    claim.
   off. In 2019, the total number
   of members fell by 20,000. The         WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
   union is recruiting lots of new        If this trend continues, the union
   members – 57,000 new members           could see reduced income and
   joined in the last year and 84,000     higher costs leading inevitably to
   new members joined in 2019 –           decisions that would impact on
   but total membership fell as we        the support provided for reps
   saw huge job losses across the         and members such as training,
   economy especially in the retail       conferences or important
   sector.                                campaigning work.
n Over recent years the union has
   seen a greater proportion of new       WHAT HAPPENS IF WE DO
   members joining on the lower           NOTHING?
   Scale C rate. In the longer term       Many unions who did not take
   this is a problem as the lower         prompt action have been forced
   Scale C contribution rate does         to merge and lose their identity in
   not cover the full cost of providing   order to survive. Others have faced
   a full union service to those          financial crisis and been forced to        Usdaw recognises that members
   members.                               take drastic cost-cutting measures.     are under financial pressure but
n The union is increasingly                  We need to act now, so that we       the Scale A rate of £2.48 a week
   organising workers who work less       can avoid crisis and cost cutting       offers good value for money.
   than traditional full-time hours.      tomorrow. If all new members joined     Going forward, the union will be
   Many workers are working hours         on Scale A, then the union finances     reviewing the current package of
   that change from week to week          can remain healthy.                     benefits to make it even better
   relying on additional hours to                                                 value for money. There are
   make ends meet. The part-time/         THE PROPOSAL                            proposals to increase significantly
   full-time membership subs split        The proposal is to move to a            some of the membership benefits
   no longer reflects the reality of      single contribution rate for new        and grants including increases
   today’s workforce. All Usdaw           members from July 2021. The single      to maternity/paternity/adoption
   members, whatever hours they           contribution rate would be Scale        benefits, sickness grants, dispute
   work, get the same first rate          A. Existing Scale C members would       benefits, funeral and industrial
   service from the union.                continue on Scale C.                    accident payments and permanent

12 January/February 2021
disablement grants.                       the union isn’t forced into making          The conference will be a two-
   A single contribution rate will help   decisions that will have a detrimental   day event held on Sunday 25 and
keep the union finances healthy in        impact for the future.                   Monday 26 April 2021, and will be
the long-term. Usdaw can continue                                                  video-streamed to delegates with
to build a stronger union and keep        WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?                       a secure online voting system,
improving the service offered to          The proposition for a single             operated by an independent
members and reps.                         contribution rate will be discussed at   external organisation, running
                                          this year’s ADM.                         concurrently with conference
FUTURE PROOFING OUR UNION                                                          proceedings.
Usdaw has a duty to its members,          ADM UPDATE                                  A circular containing the full
and the members of the future, to         Usdaw’s executive council has            details of the conference, including
build a stronger union and protect        endorsed the plan to have the            a revised programme of dates has
it for the long term. Acting now          Annual Delegate Meeting in April         been sent to branches earlier in the
means the union will be acting from       this year and for this to be an online   month.
a position of strength to ensure          event.                         

                                                                                               January/February 2021   13
NETWORK | Freedom From Fear

      Following the shocking rise of abuse during the coronavirus pandemic,
     Usdaw ramps up its campaign for better protection in law for shopworkers

       ver the past few years the         Petition for change                      General Secretary Paddy Lillis
       union has seen an alarming         In light of the continued increase       “We were delighted to secure
       increase in the levels of abuse    in violence and abuse towards            the necessary signatures on our
 and violence towards shopworkers.        shopworkers and the appalling            petition to trigger a parliamentary
 More recently, shocking results from     situation they’ve faced leading up       debate,” said Paddy. “This new select
 an Usdaw survey carried out at the       to and throughout the pandemic,          committee inquiry, which we called
 height of the coronavirus pandemic       Usdaw general secretary Paddy            for, is a very welcome opportunity to
 reveal just how bad the situation has    Lillis launched a House of Commons       evidence the need for a ‘protection
 become in the past six months.           petition to lobby the Government         of shopworkers’ law.
    Throughout the outbreak,              to protect retail staff. The union          “It has been a terrible year for our
 retail workers have been spat at,        is calling on the Government to          members, with incidents of abuse
 threatened with being infected with      create a specific offence of abusing,    doubling during the pandemic.
 coronavirus and physically assaulted     threatening or assaulting a retail       Retail workers, their friends, family
 by customers while they have been        worker with a penalty that acts          and loved ones, are saying loud and
 providing an essential service in very   as a deterrent and makes clear           clear that enough is enough, abuse
 difficult circumstances.                 that abuse of retail workers is          should never be just a part of the
    Since the start of the outbreak,      unacceptable.                            job.
 the average retail worker has been          The petition gained widespread           “We were deeply disappointed by
 assaulted, threatened or abused          media attention in national and          the Government’s initial response
 every 6.5 days, more than double         regional news outlets when it was        to the petition, offering little more
 the rate of incidents compared           launched in August 2020 with Usdaw       than sympathy. Unfortunately, they
 to 2019. The evidence is clear.          officials and reps making over 80        also objected to the Alex Norris’
 Shopworkers are vulnerable and the       appearances on TV and radio.             protection of shopworkers bill in
 current law doesn’t go far enough to        Thanks to the hard work of            the House of Commons. So we are
 offer them the protection they need.     Usdaw’s fantastic reps, activists and    now looking for MPs to get behind
    In 2003, Usdaw introduced its         members, the petition has already        retail staff, who are key workers
 Freedom From Fear campaign in            been signed by over 104,000 people       providing essential services, and
 response to members’ concerns            which will now trigger a debate in       help turn around the Government’s
 about violence and abuse in retail.      Parliament.                              opposition.
 Since then the union has worked             The petition is backed by 23 major       “Usdaw has responded to this ‘call
 with the public, employers, the          retailers and the industry’s leading     for evidence’ and encourage our
 police, politicians and with the         trade bodies, with research by the       members on the frontline of retail
 Government to achieve safety and         Co-op showing its aims have public       to participate in this year’s survey.
 security improvements in stores,         support as well.                         Shopworkers have a crucial role
 raise the issues of neighbourhood           Last October Usdaw, the British       in our communities and that role
 policing, retail crime and underage      Retail Consortium, the Association       must be valued and respected, they
 sales.                                   of Convenience Stores and the            deserve the protection of the law.”
    The union continues to lobby the      Federation of Independent Retailers
 Government to improve legislation        jointly wrote to the chair of the home   Freedom from Fear Survey
 to protect shopworkers and those         affairs select committee, Yvette         Complete this year’s survey and
 working in public-facing roles,          Cooper MP, to call for an inquiry into   encourage your colleagues to do the
 including stiffer penalties for those    the growing problem of violence and      same. The experiences and views of
 who assault workers. But the current     abuse against shopworkers.               retail workers show the extent of the
 situation shows that the need for the       This inquiry was announced in         problem and help the union make a
 union’s campaign is more pressing        December and was welcomed by             compelling case.
 than ever                                Usdaw.                         

14 January/February 2021
Union Learning Fund | NETWORK

As Network went to print Usdaw won protection for Scottish
shopworkers in a new ground-breaking law. Usdaw’s
Freedom From Fear campaign has been calling for this
change for many years.
   The union is delighted that the Scottish Parliament
unanimously voted to pass legislation – The Protection of
Workers (Retail and Age-restricted Goods and Services)
(Scotland) Bill – that would tackle growing violence, threats
and abuse against retail staff.
   Usdaw’s Scottish divisional officer Stewart Forrest said:
“We are grateful for the support of MSPs and congratulate
Daniel Johnson MSP on securing ground-breaking legislation
to protect shopworkers from violence, threats and abuse.
We hope the UK Government will now follow suit to protect
shopworkers in the rest of the UK.
   “Retail staff have been on the frontline throughout the
coronavirus crisis, helping to keep our communities fed,
despite the risks of contracting the virus. The final results of
our 2020 survey showed that nine in 10 shopworkers had
been abused last year. This new law firmly backs up Usdaw’s
clear message that abuse is not part of the job.
   “We are now looking to work with the Scottish
Government, police and retailers to promote the new
law. We want criminals to understand that assaulting and
abusing shopworkers is unacceptable and will land them
with a stiffer sentence. Our hope is that this new legislation
will result in retail staff getting the respect they deserve.”
   Usdaw general secretary Paddy Lillis said: “The Scottish
Parliament is leading the way on protection of shopworkers
by passing this Bill. It is a great result for our members in
Scotland, who will now have the protection of the law that
they deserve. We are grateful to Daniel Johnson for steering
this important legislation through the Parliament.
   “We have been deeply disappointed with the UK
Government’s response to our campaign, offering little
more than sympathy and their objecting to protection
of shopworkers legislation. So we are looking for MPs to
support key workers across the retail sector and help turn
around the UK Government’s opposition.”

                                                                               January/February 2021   15
       overnment plans to scrap          all sorts of job-relevant learning and       their new skills made them more
       funding for union learning        training, including basic literacy and       effective in their current job.
       at a time when jobs and           numeracy, ICT skills, apprenticeships        In addition, the money provided
 industries are under threat from the    and traineeships, vocational              by the Government to support
 coronavirus crisis and upskilling and   training, continuing professional         learners and projects through
 retraining is more crucial than ever.   development and many other                the ULF is more than matched
    Last year the Government             informal and formal courses.              by funding from other sources.
 announced that it will be                                                         In 2019/2020 £9.6 million was
 withdrawing all funding from the        The positive effects of the Union         generated by Usdaw, employers and
 Union Learning Fund (ULF) from          Learning Fund                             from partner providers/agencies.
 March 2021. This decision only          The Union Learning Fund delivers
 affects the ULF in England. In Wales,   an estimated net contribution to the      The ULF and Usdaw
 Scotland and Northern Ireland,          economy of more than £1.4 billion as      Government funding through
 where devolved governments have         a result of boosting jobs, wages and      the Union Learning Fund is vital
 responsibility for the ULF, funding     productivity.                             in supporting Usdaw’s Lifelong
 will continue.                             The benefits to individual learners,   Learning initiatives, such as
                                         many of whom may not have had             workplace learning centres,
 What is the Union Learning Fund?        the best experience of primary            mobile union learning reps and
 The Union Learning Fund (ULF) was       and secondary education, are              promotional activity such as Usdaw’s
 set up in 1998 to support workers       overwhelmingly positive and include:      ‘Checkout Learning’ campaign.
 in accessing learning and training in   n Over two-thirds (68 per cent)              In the last financial year, Usdaw
 workplaces.                                of learners with no previous           engaged over 17,500 members in
    The fund is worth £11 million per       qualifications got a qualification.    some form of learning.
 year and around 200,000 workers         n Four in five (80 per cent) said they       For many of Usdaw’s members,
 enter into learning or training with       had developed skills that they         this will have been their first
 union support through the ULF and          could transfer to a new job.           engagement with any form of
 the TUC. These learners undertake       n Two in three (62 per cent) said         learning since leaving school.

16 January/February 2021
           SIGNING THE TUC PETITION                                opportunities. Upskilling workers can be directly
           Sign the petition and ask everyone in your              linked to gains in productivity.
           workplace to sign it and share it on social media       Ask your employer to write to the secretary of state
           using the hashtag #SaveUnionLearning.                   for education Gavin Williamson or local MPs to talk
                          about the benefits.
                                                                   SPEAK TO YOUR AREA ORGANISER
           EMAILING YOUR MP                                        Contact your area organiser to see how you can
           Email your MP and encourage others to do the            help.
           same by using the template at the link below.
           Direct correspondence to MPs has proved to be           TELL US YOUR STORIES
           an incredibly effective tool on previous campaigns      Usdaw wants to know how trade union learning
           and we hope that as many members as possible            opportunities have benefited you.
           engage with the campaign.                               Email to tell your story.
           Learning-Fund/ULF-email-your-MP                         RAISE AWARENESS
                                                                   Talk to your colleagues, family and friends about
           GETTING SUPPORT FROM EMPLOYERS                          the Union Learning Fund. Talk about it on social
           Employers see significant benefits from their           media, write to your local newspaper or ring into a
           employees who are undertaking lifelong learning         local radio station.

Usdaw and Employers
Usdaw works collaboratively               MICHAEL DUFFY TALKS ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ULF
with over 20 major employers
to promote workplace learning             Michael Duffy, a senior rep at Sainsbury’s Haydock has been working
across retail, distribution and           tirelessly to save the Union Learning Fund. He has been encouraging
food manufacturing. Many of               members to sign the petition and has written to his MP Lisa Nandy.
those employers have been                    I am 51 years old now and I consider myself to be reasonably
long term supporters of the               intelligent, however I recognise that I wasted opportunities as a young
Union Learning Fund agenda                adult. I was raised in a family that expected us to find work after leaving
and have committed to learning            school, further education was seen as something only wealthy families
agreements with Usdaw including           did. Even now, it is sad to see young adults taking up positions at my
Tesco, Next, DHL, Müller                  place of work whose upbringing is very similar to mine. Some don’t
Wisemans, Argos/Sainbury’s,               understand their payslips and cannot calculate how much they have
McVities and CRL.                         earned or they miss opportunities because they cannot read the notice
                                          boards. Some older colleagues haven’t seen their wage slips in over a
RETRAINING IS VITAL                       year since the company payslips went digital.
The Union Learning Fund is                   The Government must realise that it isn’t just the individual who is
an extremely effective tool               going to miss out, it affects their families also. Education in English,
for reaching learners who are             maths and digital inclusion must be made a Government priority.
unable to access Government
                                             Sainsbury’s, with the support of the union learning fund, has been
supported training and learning
                                          brilliant in authorising paid release in work’s time to help colleagues
                                          take up learning opportunities.
   Considering the current
                                             I truly fear that cuts to the Union Learning Fund will
economic climate, retraining and
                                          disproportionately affect working class people like me.
reskilling projects supported by
the ULF will be even more critical                                                   Please support our campaign.
in the near future.

                                                                                                January/February 2021    17
NETWORK | Save the High Street

Usdaw is calling for a new deal for all workers based around a £10 minimum
wage, guaranteed hours, better sick pay, job security and a voice at work

    he end of the last year was a        As Arcadia went into                 help to the struggling industry.
    devastating month for the high    administration Usdaw called on the         Usdaw general secretary Paddy
    street as Debenhams went into     administrators to engage with the       Lillis said: “We welcome the support
liquidation and Arcadia went into     union to save jobs and to ensure        of Keir Starmer for our call for the
administration putting thousands      that staff were treated fairly.         Government to work with retail
more jobs at risk.                       Following the collapse of Arcadia,   employers and trade unions to
   During the summer when             which could potentially result in       develop a recovery plan for an
Debenhams went into                   25,000 job losses, leader of the        industry that was already struggling
administration the administrators     Labour Party Keir Starmer quizzed       before this appalling pandemic
refused to engage with Usdaw          the Prime Minister Boris Johnson        wreaked havoc on our high streets.
and redundancies were made by         on the desperate state of the retail       “Over 200,000 retail job losses
conference call, with no meaningful   industry.                               and 20,000 store closures in the last
consultation or proper notice            Unfortunately, the Prime Minister    year are absolutely devastating and
period, as required by law.           offered no roadmap or additional        lay bare the scale of the challenge
Save the High Street | NETWORK

that the industry faces.                  and city centres. The Government          landlords and tenants is required.
   “Each one of those job losses is a     must take this seriously; we need       n Reform of UK tax law to ensure
personal tragedy for the individual       a recovery plan to get the industry       that companies pay their fair
worker and store closures are             back on its feet.”                        share of tax through tackling tax
scarring our high streets and                                                       avoidance and the use of offshore
communities.                              RETAIL RECOVERY PLAN                      havens, with the aim of creating a
   “What retail needs is a joined-up      Usdaw calls for a recovery plan to        level playing field between online
strategy of unions, employers and         be developed with trade unions and        and high street retailers.
Government working together to            retail employers that includes:         n Funding for local authorities
develop a recovery plan.                  n Fundamental reform of business          so they can invest in their local
   “Usdaw has long called for an            rates. The Government committed         economy, transport networks and
industrial strategy for retail, as part     to a review of business rates           high streets. We cannot revive
of our ‘Save our Shops’ campaign,           earlier this year, but assurance        our high streets if core services
to help a sector that was already           is needed that this will not be         continue to be undermined.
struggling before the coronavirus           delayed further.                      n Investment in skills for retail
emergency.                                n An immediate and comprehensive          workers, including through
   “We desperately need issues              review of rental values and lease       union learning and high-quality
like rents, rates and taxation, to          arrangements. In the short term,        apprenticeships. This should
create a level playing field between        the moratorium on evictions for         include an in-depth assessment
high streets and online retail to be        shop rent arrears needs to be           of emerging trends and potential
addressed.                                  extended and retail businesses          skills shortages/gaps within the
   “With a further 6-week national          that are struggling should receive      sector.
lockdown starting in January, which         Government support to help            n A new deal for retail, distribution
includes the closure of non-food            with paying the rents which             and home delivery workers based
retail in all parts of England, the         will become liable when the             around a real living wage and
need for a retail recovery plan             moratorium comes to an end. In          guaranteed hours.
becomes even more urgent.                   the medium term, a rebalancing        For more information visit:
   “Retail is crucial to our town           of the relationship between 
NETWORK | Celebrating reps

 Celebrating the reps who continue to protect workers’
  rights and raise spirits in the midst of a pandemic

    ncredible activists across the        union so is more than happy for me
    country have spent the last           to get involved and recruit.
    12 months giving their all to             “I’m also health and safety rep but
 support their members, colleagues,       Sainsbury’s have been pretty good
 neighbours and those struggling          at making the store safe for staff and
 during the pandemic. In this issue       customers, so I’ve not really had to
 we celebrate two more of Usdaw’s         intervene. Occasionally the store
 amazing activists.                       can feel quite busy and if staff feel at
                                          risk we just step off the shop floor if
 TREVOR DOWNES                            we can.
 Active rep Trevor has continued to           “Unfortunately, I have noticed
 support and represent members            a rise in mental health problems
 over the past 12 months and              among staff during the pandemic.
 promote the union, despite               Staff are struggling, whether
 coronavirus. If a member needs           it’s because they can’t see their          Trevor Downes
 representing in his patch, Trevor will   families or they’re anxious about
 be there anytime night or day.           the situation. It’s very difficult.        stepped up to support management
     “I’ve always been passionate         Luckily management are very                throughout the pandemic to ensure
 about trade unions and protecting        understanding so I hope staff feel         staff and customers are safe.
 workers’ rights so when I was asked      like they have that support if they           Mark, who has only been a rep
 to become a rep in 2018, I jumped at     need it. Hopefully soon we’ll be           for a year, has proved instrumental,
 the chance,” said Trevor, 55, who has    able to get some campaigns off             continuing to represent members
 worked at Sainsbury’s in Godalming       the ground to raise awareness              and recruiting nearly 60 members in
 for the past four years. “I completed    around issues like mental health.          just one week during a recruitment
 Academy1 in 2019 and started             This would’ve been a good year for         campaign.
 Acadmey2 in 2020 but unfortunately       a Freedom From Fear campaign.                 “We have a really good working
 it was cancelled because of the          All we can do right now is keep            relationship with management
 pandemic. It was such a shame.           supporting members and hope the            which works well for all parties
 I met some great people and I            vaccine works out.                         involved,” said Mark, 46, who has
 was really excited to get stuck in.          “I did actually contract Covid-19      been a dotcom driver at Tesco
 Hopefully we can pick up where we        in late 2020. Me, my son and my            for seven years. “Even before
 left off at some point in the future.    daughter had it, so we had to isolate      Covid-19, we would meet weekly
     “I have managed to do some           with my wife, although she never           with management and they would
 stand-down between lockdowns.            had any symptoms. I felt rough for         tell us about changes in policy and
 I limited myself to four stores and      three or four days and suffered from       anything that we needed to know
 picked up all the new starters as        headaches, shivers and chest pains.        to better support the staff. They
 they came through, I even managed        It was very scary. Thankfully we all       have always been transparent
 to sign up a few new reps in stores      recovered and are all doing well.”         and worked with us for the
 that didn’t have them.                                                              wellbeing of the staff. It’s been the
     “Back in my own store I’ve           MARK PALMER                                same throughout the pandemic.
 attended all the inductions, socially    It’s been a busy time for Mark             Management are open and honest
 distanced of course. My manager          and the team at Tesco Ballymena            with us about any information and
 is very supportive and values the        in Northern Ireland who have               updates that are being fed down

20 January/February 2021
Celebrating reps| NETWORK

                                                                                HELPING YOU IN YOUR
                                                                                ROLE AS REP

                                                                                Where to find information

                                                                                Usdaw website and enews
                                                                                For everything you need including
                                                                                sections on legal advice, workers’
                                                                                rights, health and safety, news,
                                                                                training opportunities, upcoming
                                                                                events and campaigns. You can also
                                                                                download informative leaflets and
                                                                                posters for your noticeboard and sign
                                                                                up for email updates to hear the latest
                                                                                news from the union.

                                                                                Social media
                                                                                As an Usdaw rep we recommend that
                                                                                you follow UsdawUnion on Facebook,
                                                                                Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and Flickr.
                                                                                It’s a great way to keep up to date
                                                                                with news, campaigns, events, rights
                                                                                at work, competitions and offers
                                                                                exclusive to Usdaw members. You can
                                                                                also share pictures of your campaigns
            Mark Palmer                                                         and events with the union.

from head office so that we are        more aggressive towards retail           Local office
prepared and have the knowledge        workers who are just trying to           If you need support or guidance
to support members in the best         keep the country fed during the          in your role as rep, whether you’re
way we can. We work together.          pandemic. If staff feel threatened       not sure how to handle a problem,
   “At the start of the pandemic       they know to speak to the nearest        or you need advice on how to run
it was all hands on deck. As the       manager or Usdaw rep for support.        a campaign, then don’t hesitate to
demand for online deliveries              “As a team of reps we’re still very   contact your local Usdaw office where
increased so did our workforce. We     much involved in Covid-related           the union’s staff will be happy to help.
went from having 60 to 104 dotcom      business in store, particularly as
staff overnight because we were so     we’re now in another national            We want to hear from you
busy. The managers relied heavily      lockdown. It’s an ongoing challenge      Here at Network magazine we
on the reps to help them roll out      to respond to new Government             love hearing about what reps and
and regulate new health and safety     guidance and ensure we’re                members have been up to in and
procedures to ensure the staff         adhering to all the rules.               out of their workplaces. If you’ve got
were safe. For example, if the store      “I’ve been busy outside of work       pictures to share even better! We
got too busy we would report back      too. I’m on the board of governors       want to hear about campaigns and
and they would limit the number        at the local primary school so that      events, wins for your members, your
of customers. There was never any      takes up a lot of my time and I          top tips, reps and members who are
argument about it. We also made        also play a very active role in the      going the extra mile to support local
sure that staff were clear on new      community. As you can imagine            causes, anything that you think would
Government measures that were          that’s been non-stop too.                make a good story and that Usdaw
being implemented and how the             “It’s been a testing 12 months        members would like to read about. So
company were responding.               but I think staff, management            please get in touch.
   “We’ve also continued to take       and the reps have really worked
a zero-tolerance approach to           together and done a great job in         Email
violence and abuse in store.           making sure Tesco Ballymena is as
Customers have definitely become       safe as possible.”

                                                                                               January/February 2021   21
NETWORK | Universal credit

 Network guides reps through the basics of universal credit and outlines
 where they can signpost members who might be having money worries

      ast year when the pandemic          for living costs. It can be paid to      Can I get help with my mortgage?
      struck, millions of families        people in or out of work.                You cannot get any help with your
      were forced on to universal                                                  mortgage payments if you (or your
 credit.                                  You can claim if you are:                partner) have any earned income, no
   As the country endures a third         n Aged 18 or over (although there        matter how low your earnings are.
 national lockdown, reps may have           are exceptions for some 16 and
 members approaching them for               17-year-olds).                         How do I claim?
 advice and support. Network guides       n Under the qualifying age for           In most cases, claims for universal
 reps through what universal credit is      pension credit. If you are a couple    credit must be made online at
 and how to claim it.                       and only one of you is over  
   Please be aware that the rules           pension credit age, then you will      If you do not have access to the
 governing entitlement to benefits          have to claim universal credit.        internet you can claim via the
 including universal credit are           n In Great Britain.                      telephone service. The helpline
 complex and subject to frequent          n Not in education.                      number is 0800 328 5644.
 change.                                  n Accept a ‘claimant commitment’.
                                                                                   How will I be paid?
 What is universal credit?                What is a ‘claimant                      If you live in England and Wales
 Universal credit (UC) is a means-        commitment’?                             Your award is assessed over an
 tested benefit for people of working     This may include requirements            assessment period of one calendar
 age. It has replaced the following       about what you will do to look for       month beginning from the date of
 benefits:                                work or increase the number of           your claim. Universal credit should
 n Income Support.                        hours you work. If you are doing         normally be paid directly into your
 n Income-based Job Seeker’s              some work, you will normally be          account within seven days of the
    Allowance.                            expected to search for work for at       last day of the monthly assessment
 n Income-related Employment and          least 35 hours a week (less if you are   period.
    Support Allowance.                    a parent or carer).                      If you live in Scotland
 n Housing Benefit.                                                                You have the option of twice-
 n Child Tax Credit and Working Tax       How much will I get?                     monthly payments instead of once
    Credit.                               When calculating how much                a month. You can also ask for the
    These benefits have become            universal credit people will get         housing costs element to be paid
 known as ‘legacy benefits’. If you are   a basic rate called the ‘standard        directly to your landlord instead of
 currently receiving a legacy benefit     allowance’ is included and extra         you.
 you can continue to do so until you      amounts for people in different          If you live in Northern Ireland
 claim or are transferred to UC. You      circumstances are paid on top.           Things are slightly different in
 may be worse off on UC than on a                                                  Northern Ireland as, unlike the rest
 ‘legacy benefit’, particularly if you    Does it include housing costs?           of the UK, unless you ask to be
 are disabled or have a disabled          Universal credit can include a           paid your universal credit monthly,
 child because UC doesn’t include         housing costs element if you are         you will get two payments a month
 extra amounts specifically for           renting, are an owner occupier or        instead of one.
 disabled adults and the amount for       if you pay service charges. If you
 a disabled child is lower.               are a private tenant or you are in       Do I have to work a minimum
                                          the socially rented sector and your      number of hours?
 Who gets it?                             home has more bedrooms than              There are no minimum hours of
 Universal credit is a benefit for both   the rules allow, your rent is either     work to claim universal credit, (as
 single people and couples on a low       restricted or your housing costs         opposed to the tax credits system),
 income to provide financial support      reduced by a percentage.                 however you are expected to try to

22 January/February 2021
Universal credit | NETWORK

earn at least the equivalent of 35      for your payment, you can apply         Group, new rules came into effect
hours a week at the minimum wage        for a short-term advance, although      in November 2020 that enable
(unless you are the primary carer for   it will have to be paid back later      the DWP to reallocate a ‘double
a child aged under five, a disabled     through your UC payments.               payment’ of monthly earnings to
worker or a carer).                        See the following article from the   two different assessment periods
                                        Money Advice Service:                   however this won’t happen
My earnings vary each month,               automatically. You will need to let
what happens to my universal            uk/en/articles/universal-credit-        the DWP know, in advance if at all
credit payment?                         advance-payments-and-other-help         possible, of any four-weekly period
Employers report all earnings                                                   in which you are likely to receive two
directly to HMRC where your             I am paid four-weekly, will this        sets of earnings.
universal credit will be calculated,    affect my payment?                         Although the DWP has said they
based on your household’s wages         Universal credit is assessed on         will automatically reassess universal
in the previous month. If your          your income received during each        credit entitlement in the assessment
income varies each month, your          month. If you are paid four-weekly,     period after the one in which a
next universal credit payment will      you receive 13 pay packets in a year,   claimant loses all entitlement due
increase if your earnings drop or       and in one monthly assessment           to a double payment of earnings
reduce if your wages increase.          period, two of your pay packets         and will re-enroll claimants in this
                                        may be assessed, rather than            position, it is a good idea to inform
When will I get my first payment?       just one – meaning your universal       the UC office that you are re-claiming
When you start to claim universal       credit payment that month will be       UC from the following month if you
credit, there is at least a five-week   considerably reduced.                   are not able to raise the problem
waiting period when you will receive      Following a successful legal          with them in advance.
no support. If you are experiencing     challenge by the campaigning  
hardship because of having to wait      organisation, Child Poverty Action      Money-Benefits

n Citizens Advice Bureau:         n Money Advice Service: 0800 138 7777
n Gov UK - Information on government services,      
  including money, tax, benefits, disability, employment    n National Debtline: 0808 808 4000
  and carers. Visit:           
You can also read