UNSWmagazine - UNSW Newsroom

Page created by Veronica Welch
UNSWmagazine - UNSW Newsroom
ISSUE 2 2018

                     Something special
                        is brewing
                                 Meet the UNSW students
                                 going into business with
                                    Ugandan farmers
                                      to change our
                                      coffee habits

     Voices of reason              Power to the people          Stopping the croaks
Kaldor Centre marks five years       Australia’s first winner   Using DNA to end the cane
  of influencing refugee law       of the Global Energy Prize       toad’s long march
UNSWmagazine - UNSW Newsroom
                                                                                                                                                  ISSUE 2 2018

From the Vice-Chancellor
Welcome to the
second edition
of UNSW Magazine
for 2018.

    ’ve reflected a lot this year on the                                                                                         Professor Martin Green,
    contribution education makes to reducing                                                                                     the Director of the
                                                                                                                                 Australian Centre for
    inequality. The economist Surjit Bhalla                                                                                      Advanced Photovoltaics,
calls education the ‘new wealth of nations’,                                                                                     was awarded the Global
arguing that the benefits education brings                                                                                       Energy Prize in Moscow
                                                                                                                                 – but it was not just his
by developing human capital, rather than                                                                                         award. He thanked the
financial capital, are key to achieving equity                                                                                   “thousands of solar
and prosperity in 21st century societies.                                                                                        researchers” who had
                                                                                                                                 worked at UNSW and
   At UNSW, nurturing those benefits so we                                                                                       elsewhere to make
can make a positive impact locally, nationally                                                                                   advances in photovoltaics
and globally is our most important role.                                                                                         available commercially to
                                                                                                                                 people around the globe.
In this issue of UNSW Magazine, you will
encounter stories of our people who are using
the opportunities UNSW has provided to           Inside
direct their creativity and intellect towards    04-07 / Upfront                                        18 / Building on co-operation
improving our world.                             University news, research and appointments             Supporting Pacific Islands on poverty reduction
   Our cover story is the inspiring tale of
                                                 08 / Sun shines on solar pioneer                       19 / Dining out on cannibals
Brody Smith and Darcy Small, who along with      Scientia Professor Martin Green is the first           New TV/web series has plenty of bite
fellow UNSW students are helping farmers         Australian winner of the Global Energy Prize
in Uganda bring their coffee to Australia.                                                              20 / Halting the toad’s long march
                                                 10 / Cover story: From the grounds up                  How unlocking the DNA of the cane toad will
The students say the financial security that
                                                 The student-led project bringing equity and            help stop the unloved species in its tracks
the business provides to the farmers makes       income to Ugandan farmers
this collaboration so meaningful, but I can                                                             21 / Fellowship a high note
confirm the coffee tastes pretty special too.    12 / Voices of reason on refugees                      Nicole Murphy, recipient of the Australia
                                                 Focusing on the facts about asylum seekers             Ensemble Emerging Composer Fellowship
   Another outstanding UNSW person
profiled in this edition is Scientia Professor   14 / Waste not, want not                               22 / Top-end fight on climate change
Martin Green, who has been a giant of solar      There are better environmental solutions               A plan to cool Darwin … and save lives
                                                 than burning waste
energy technology for more than three                                                                   23 / Breaking ground in Myanmar
decades. His reflections on becoming the         15 / A head start on trauma                            A football project is generating social change
first Australian to win the prestigious Global   Sculpture project improves understanding
                                                 of post-traumatic stress disorder                      24 / Framework for star wars
Energy Prize are well worth reading.
                                                                                                        Rules of engagement, beyond our planet
   Continuing the focus on global impact,        16 / Tries and tutes
this issue also celebrates five years of the     Wallabies star mixes student life with rugby           25 / Outback ideas for reliable energy
Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law,                                                            Solving the intermittent energy supply problem
                                                 17 / Scholarships a key to success
profiles waste warrior Scientia Professor        Resources supporting indigenous people                 26 / New reading
Veena Sahajwalla, and follows the work of        have especially helped one UNSW family                 Ten books on the issues that matter
UNSW’s Institute for Global Development in
tackling the UN’s Sustainable Development
                                                                  Cover image: Brody Smith and          Contributors: Louise Caldicott, Lucy Carroll,
Goals.                                                            Martin, a member of the Zukuka Bora   Natalie Choi, Selina Day, Isabelle Dubach, Cecilia Duong,
   There is a wealth of amazing talent at                         farmers’ collective in Uganda.        Lachlan Gilbert, Chrissie Hall, Meredith Hall, Kay Harrison,
UNSW and so much to be proud of at the end                        UNSW Magazine is published by the     Belinda Henwood, Penny Jones, Mikayla Keen,
of another year. I hope that you feel as much                     UNSW Media and Content team.          Ibrar Khan, Ben Knight, Len Leanfore, Lauren Martin,
                                                                  Email: media@unsw.edu.au              Neil Martin, Diane Nazaroff, Kate Newton, Julia Nichols,
pride in our community as I did when reading                      Issue 88 ISSN 2209-282X               Freya Norman, Rachel Packham, Dominique Pendleton,
this issue.                                                       Managing editor: Peter Harrison       Veena Sahajwalla, Rachel Seymour, Ivy Shih, Kate Stanton,
                          Professor Ian Jacobs                    Designer: Bill Farr/MediaXpress       Lori Youmshajekian

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                                                                                                                                                      UPFRONT / 03

                                                                                                                            DOUBLE AFR AWARD SUCCESS

                                                                                                                            • UNSW Sydney has taken home two awards
                                                                                                                            at the AFR Higher Education Awards, for
                                                                                                                            UNSW’s Hero Program and The Maker Games.
                                                                                                                            The awards identify leading programs in
                                                                                                                            areas of innovation, education, student
                                                                                                                            wellbeing and community engagement.
                                                                                                                            The UNSW Hero Program won in the Learning
                                                                                                                            Experience category for helping build the
                                                                                                                            graduate capabilities of students. The
                                                                                                                            Engineering faculty’s Maker Games took
                                                                                                                            out the Industry Engagement category for
Professor Rosalind Dixon: “Being a great academic is only   Professor Sally Dunwoodie accepts the Eureka Prize              pioneering a cross-disciplinary team-based
possible when you have great colleagues and students.”      for Scientific Research.                Photo: Eureka Prizes   prototyping competition.

Dixon named best legal                                      Biomedical discovery
academic in Australia                                       earns Eureka Prize

F                                                           U
      or the second year in a row, a UNSW                           NSW Professor Sally Dunwoodie, a
      Sydney law professor has won the prize                        world-leading biomedical researcher
      for best legal academic in Australia.                         at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research
   Professor Rosalind Dixon has been                        Institute, is the winner of the 2018 Eureka
named 2018 Academic of the Year at the                      Prize for Scientific Research.
18th Annual Lawyers Weekly Australian Law                     The Australian Museum Eureka Prizes                           PURSUING MIND-MACHINE LINK
Awards. It is a repeat for UNSW Law after                   recognise 10 finalists from UNSW and their
Associate Professor Michael Legg won the                    affiliated teams for excellence in science                      • UNSW Sydney researchers Dr Leonardo
                                                                                                                            Silvestri and Professors Francois Ladouceur
same prize in 2017.                                         innovation and research, leadership, science                    and Nigel Lovell from UNSW Engineering
   The awards recognise the year’s best work                engagement and school science.                                  (pictured) have been awarded a US Naval
                                                                                                                            Research grant to advance the development
across 30 categories including programs                       Dunwoodie and her multidisciplinary team
                                                                                                                            of chips to read neural activity from the
from in-house, corporate, business,                         have been recognised for their discovery of the                 brain. This could lead to the creation of
innovation and pro-bono areas. UNSW Law                     potential of vitamin B3 to treat a molecular                    a brain-machine interface to restore lost
is a partner for the Awards.                                deficiency causing miscarriages and complex                     functions in disabled people. The researchers
                                                                                                                            are pioneers in neural interfacing, inventing
   Dixon, who was recently elected as                       birth defects.
                                                                                                                            the first chip that uses fibre-optic technology
co-president of the International Society                     The finding could prevent developmental                       to measure signals from the brain and which
of Public Law, says the award reflects the                  defects through a common dietary                                could revolutionise the way millions of
outstanding people at UNSW.                                 supplement, which might transform the way                       people interact with technology.
   “I feel very honoured to receive the                     pregnant women are cared for around the
                                                                                                                            $8M BOOST FOR CHINA
award,” Dixon says. “Being a great academic                 world.
                                                                                                                            TECHNOLOGY PARTNERSHIP
is only possible when you have great                          In a separate category, filmmaker Adam
colleagues and students and I feel deeply                   Geiger has won the Department of Industry,                      • The development of the Torch Innovation
fortunate to have both.”                                    Innovation and Science Eureka Prize for                         Precinct at UNSW has taken another
                                                                                                                            significant step with the signing of an
   Dixon’s research and teaching focuses                    Science Journalism.                                             agreement between UNSW and Jiangsu
on comparative constitutional law and                         He won for the ABC film Can We Save                           Industrial Technology Research Institute.
constitutional design, constitutional                       the Reef, hosted by UNSW Dean of Science                        The UNSW-Jiangsu Industrial Technology
democracy, theories of constitutional                       Professor Emma Johnston.                                        Research Institute Collaboration Fund is an
                                                                                                                            $8 million investment that will support 10
dialogue and amendment, socio-economic                        The documentary explores the massive                          major projects in technological innovation
rights and constitutional law and gender.                   impact of coral bleaching on the Great                          undertaken by UNSW researchers and
Her current focus is on fragile democracies,                Barrier Reef.                                                   Chinese institutes. Professor Ian Jacobs,
or the threat posed by democratic                             Johnston, an award-winning marine                             President and Vice-Chancellor of UNSW
                                                                                                                            Sydney, says the investment will provide
backsliding, and what law and legal                         ecologist, examines the issues of when and                      a further boost to collaboration between
institutions may be able to do about it.                    how science should intervene to put hardy                       UNSW and China that will drive innovation
   Dixon, with UNSW Economics Professor                     new coral species on the Reef, and whether                      in the fields of advanced materials,
Richard Holden, is leading UNSW’s Grand                     the pitfalls of new genetics could do more                      biotechnology, energy, and environmental
Challenge on Inequality.                                    harm than good.

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                                                                                                              UNSW LEADS MAJOR PROJECT
                                                                                                              IN NEW AIRPORT PRECINCT
                                                                                                              • In an Australian first, the NUW Alliance
                                                                                                              (the University of Newcastle, UNSW Sydney
                                                                                                              and the University of Wollongong) and
                                                                                                              Western Sydney University will jointly
                                                                                                              deliver a world-class higher education and
                                                                                                              research presence in Western Sydney. The
                                                                                                              ‘Multiversity’ will be part of the Aerotropolis
                                                                                                              precinct at Badgerys Creek. The universities
                                                                                                              have signed a Statement of Intent with
                                                                                                              the NSW government to deliver the new
Dr Aliza Werner-Seidler, Dr Michelle Tye          Professor Jason Abbott and Health Minister Greg Hunt at     higher education institution, a campus that
and Dr Jelena Rnjak-Kovacina.                     the launch of the National Action Plan for Endometriosis.   will create strong links to local industry,
                                                                                                              tailored vocational education and training,

Researchers are                                   Abbott set to lead                                          and STEM-focused schooling. The Western
                                                                                                              Sydney Aerotropolis will be a thriving
Tall Poppy winners                                endometriosis trials                                        hub for education and leading industries
                                                                                                              including advanced manufacturing,

T                                                 U
                                                                                                              aerospace, defence and agribusiness.
       hree UNSW researchers have won                      NSW Sydney Professor of
       2018 NSW Young Tall Poppy Science                   Gynaecological Surgery Jason Abbott                REES APPOINTED TO
       Awards from the Australian Institute                is to chair Australia’s first National             THE SUPREME COURT
of Policy and Science (AIPS), recognising         Endometriosis Steering Group for the next                                            • UNSW Law
their commitment to the country's scientific      five years.                                                                           alumna and
research and communication.                          Australia’s first National Action Plan                                             Eleven Wentworth
                                                                                                                                        chambers member
  Dr Jelena Rnjak-Kovacina, a senior lecturer     for Endometriosis has been launched                                                   Kelly Rees has
from the School of Biomedical Engineering,        to improve the quality of life of patients                                            been sworn in to
has been recognised for research into effective   through better treatment and diagnosis,                                               the bench of the
treatments for damaged heart tissue caused        and to provide an outline for the path to                                             Supreme Court of
                                                                                                                                        NSW. Justice Rees
by heart attacks. Her research explores the       ultimately find a cure.                                     (pictured) is the 11th woman appointed
use of bioengineered tissues, such as cardiac        Of the $4.7 million in funding pledged by                to the Court, having been a commercial
patches, that can replace dead and damaged        the government, $2.5 million is dedicated                   barrister at the Bar for 20 years. She took
heart tissue.                                     to rolling out the National Endometriosis                   silk in 2012. “As a specialist in commercial
                                                                                                              disputes, property and insurance law,
  Dr Aliza Werner-Seidler and Dr Michelle         Clinical and Scientific Trials Network                      professional liability, and commissions of
Tye, both from UNSW Medicine and the              (NECST Network), allowing patients to                       inquiry, Ms Rees brings a wealth of legal
Black Dog Institute, have been recognised         take part in a coordinated national research                knowledge to the bench,” NSW Attorney
for their work in mental health, including        program to improve diagnosis and treatment                  General Mark Speakman said before the
                                                                                                              appointment was made.
depression and anxiety prevention programs        plans.
for young people.                                    Abbott will lead the national trials                     RETHINKING ORIGINS OF LIFE
  Werner-Seidler has developed a                  network, which will include an online                       EARNS FILM FESTIVAL AWARD
smartphone application called Sleep Ninja,        capability, matching biological samples                     • The UNSW TV documentary Life on Earth
a gamified app to prevent insomnia and            and databases to facilitate the roll out of                 – and Mars? was named Best Documentary
depression symptoms based on cognitive            large-scale clinical trials.                                at the inaugural Cano Mocs and Docs 2804
                                                                                                              Film Festival, an event for documentaries
behaviour therapy. The intervention is being         “Ten percent of women have
                                                                                                              and mockumentaries on STEM themes. The
taken to trial in 400 NSW schools.                endometriosis,” Abbott says. “It is a                       documentary explores how a discovery
  Tye has been recognised for her recent          substantial cause of morbidity and lost                     in the Pilbara region by a team from the
work on improving early detection and             productivity. It has a major impact on                      Australian Centre for Astrobiology at UNSW
                                                                                                              challenges the belief that life on Earth
prevention of suicide. She has been trialling     fertility and often occurs when women are
                                                                                                              originated in the oceans, and what that
innovative, evidence-based prevention             establishing careers, further education and                 means for the search for evidence of life on
programs such as the Good Behaviour Game          family. One of the most difficult things is it              Mars. The film festival was held at The Age
(GBG) in primary schools, which is based          can stop women reaching their full potential.               of Fishes Museum in Canowindra, in central
                                                                                                              western NSW, and supported by the Country
on behavioural and emotional regulation              “The spotlight on the disease makes it
                                                                                                              Education Foundation, which supports
through delayed, shared reward. She is also       easier for women to talk about it and helps                 young people to pursue post-high school
using suicide data to develop suicide risk        debunk the myth that endometriosis is just                  education and training. The documentary can
profiles for local regions.                       bad period pain.”                                           be seen at – https://youtube/UdMKO2l-DzA

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                                                                                                                     TRIO CHARGES INTO 40 UNDER 40
                                                                                                                     LIST OF SOLAR LEADERS
                                                                                                                     • Three rising stars from UNSW’s School
                                                                                                                     of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy
                                                                                                                     Engineering (SPREE) have made the
                                                                                                                     prestigious “40 Under 40” list for solar
                                                                                                                     professionals. The award recognises those
                                                                                                                     aged under 40 whose work is influencing
                                                                                                                     solar technology development at a global
                                                                                                                     level. Faculty of Engineering Dean Professor
Delegates from UNSW Sydney join the China Centre                                                                     Mark Hoffman says Associate Professor
team at the official opening, from left: Laurie Pearcey,                                                             Bram Hoex (39), Scientia Fellow Dr Brett
Fiona Docherty, An Daochang, Professor Ian Jacobs, Graeme   Associate Professor Lucy Marshall is looking to change
                                                                                                                     Hallam (32) and Post-Doctoral Fellow
Meehan, Xie Jiangang, Ding Huanhuan and Rachel Wei.         attitudes and correct misperceptions. 
                                                                                                                     Dr Alison Ciesla (32) thoroughly deserve
                                                                                                                     the recognition and prestige that comes
New China innovation centre                                 Engineering faculty takes                                with the award.

to become research hub                                      the lead on equality                                     SIMMONS ADMITTED TO
                                                                                                                     ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON

U                                                           A                                                                                  •
        NSW Sydney has opened a new                                 ssociate Professor Lucy Marshall has                                          UNSW Sydney
        interdisciplinary centre focused                            been appointed Associate Dean for                                           Scientia Professor
        on innovation in the heart of one of                        Equity and Diversity for the Faculty of                                     Michelle Simmons
                                                                                                                                                has joined nine
Shanghai’s major hubs for higher learning,                  Engineering at UNSW Sydney, the first such                                          other Australian
modern industry and technology.                             position created by any UNSW faculty.                                               scientists officially
   The UNSW China Centre in the Yangpu                         Marshall, until recently a Future Fellow                                         admitted this year
Changyang Innovation Valley was opened                      in the School of Civil and Environmental                                            to the world’s
                                                                                                                                                oldest independent
by UNSW President and Vice-Chancellor                       Engineering, will work with Professor                                               scientific academy,
Professor Ian Jacobs.                                       Eileen Baldry, who holds the corresponding                                          the Royal Society of
   The Centre will support the University’s                 role for UNSW. Together they will work                                              London. The Royal
mission by advancing research and                           on plans, practices and policies to provide              Society is a self-governing fellowship made
                                                                                                                     up of the most eminent scientists, engineers
education partnerships, recruiting                          an inclusive, equitable and respectable                  and technologists from the UK and the
international students and developing                       environment for all staff and students.                  Commonwealth.
opportunities for UNSW students in China.                      Marshall will also chair the faculty’s                   Simmons (pictured), the 2018 Australian
   The University’s China-based alumni                      equity, diversity and inclusion committee.               of the Year, is believed to be the first female
                                                                                                                     quantum physicist to join the academy in its
will also benefit from employment and                          “This role is really important for the                358-year history.
networking opportunities. The Centre will                   faculty – and it’s well aligned with the
work with leading companies to identify                     University’s 2025 strategy,” Marshall says.              DE SOMER APPOINTED
industry trends and prospects.                                 Gender equity is high on her agenda.                  MEDICINES CEO
   Jacobs said the new office solidified                    Reaching the target of women holding                                               •  UNSW Medicine
UNSW’s links to China and gave UNSW                         40 per cent of senior positions in the faculty                                      alumna Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                de Somer has
an edge in one of the world’s largest                       by 2025 will require changes in attitude.
                                                                                                                                                become the first
economies.                                                     “I think there’s a perception that the                                           woman to be
   “As a leader in international education and              number of women who come through                                                    appointed chief
in the China market, it is critical for UNSW                engineering ... is quite small and that this is                                     executive officer
                                                                                                                                                of Medicines
to have a permanent presence in China’s                     the reason why the proportion is small at
                                                                                                                                                Australia, the
largest city,” said Jacobs. “We believe in the              academic levels as well,” she says.                                                 country’s peak
potential of global partnerships to transform                  “But that’s not correct. If we have a look                                       body representing
society for the better.”                                    at our PhD students, we have 40 per cent                 the innovative medicine industry.
                                                                                                                        Ms de Somer (pictured) has worked
   The Centre is managed by UNSW                            women, for example, in my school.”
                                                                                                                     at the front lines of the medical field for
International China Country Director                           But gender equity won’t be her sole focus.            decades, as an intensive care nurse, clinical
Rachel Wei and puts UNSW closer to                          “Socioeconomic diversity is something that               trials coordinator and Clinical Research
its strategic partner Shanghai Jiao Tong                    I think is particularly important. We’ve                 Associate. After completing her Master of
                                                                                                                     Pharmaceutical Medicine, she moved away
University. It will also put UNSW in the                    also looked at cultural diversity and we
                                                                                                                     from clinical research into regulatory affairs
same business park as key Torch Innovation                  have some plans to make sure that our PhD                and manufacturing, before entering the
Project partner TusHoldings.                                population is representative.”                           world of medicines policy.

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                                                                                                               WONG APPOINTED TO
                                                                                                               MALAYSIA’S TOP COURT
                                                                                                               • An alumnus of UNSW Law is the first
                                                                                                               person in the school’s history to be
                                                                                                               appointed to the apex court of a nation.
                                                                                                               Justice David Wong, who graduated from
                                                                                                               UNSW with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1976
                                                                                                               and Bachelor of Laws in 1977, has been
                                                                                                               appointed to the Federal Court of Malaysia.
                                                                                                               Justice Wong, who has just ended five
                                                                                                               years of service on the Court of Appeal of
                                                                                                               Malaysia, says the Law Faculty has been
The Australian High Commissioner to India, Harinder Sidhu,   Timothy Walker, Christos Tsiolkas and             instrumental in his career.
speaks at the opening of the new India Centre.               Mary Zournazi at the NIDA workshop.
                                                                                                               KAYESS’ UNITED NATIONS
                                                                                                               DISABILITY POSITION
New India Centre supports                                    Tsiolkas and Zournazi dementia
landmark research partnerships                               play workshopped at NIDA                                                   • Rosemary
                                                                                                                                         Kayess, the

T                                                            A
                                                                                                                                         Interim-Director of
       he new UNSW India Centre in New Delhi                         simpatico moment over a casual                                      UNSW’s Disability
       is part of the University’s efforts to build                  meal sparked an artistic collaboration                              Innovation
                                                                                                                                         Institute, has been
       a strong presence in India and further                        between Christos Tsiolkas and
                                                                                                                                         elected to the UN
build Indian-Australian relations.                           Mary Zournazi that has spanned more                                         Committee on the
  Under the India 10 Year Growth                             than seven years.                                                           Rights of Persons
Strategy, UNSW has been making targeted                         The award-winning author and the UNSW                                    with Disabilities.
                                                                                                                                         An internationally
investments in developing transformative                     academic and filmmaker met at a Greek
                                                                                                                                         respected lawyer,
partnerships in India.                                       authors’ event 20 years ago. Tsiolkas – now                                 researcher and
  Led by distinguished Indian diplomat                       best known for his international success,                                   academic, Kayess
and former Consul-General to Sydney,                         The Slap – was discussing the work that                                     (pictured) is a
                                                                                                               Visiting Fellow at UNSW Law, and Senior
Ambassador Amit Dasgupta, the centre                         would become his novel Dead Europe.
                                                                                                               Research Fellow at UNSW’s Social Policy
will support the University’s efforts to                        Zournazi was struck by the power of his        Research Centre. Her research and advocacy
build research and education partnerships                    writing and they stayed in touch. Years later,    include access to justice, social inclusion,
in India and will be a hub to facilitate                     she discussed with Tsiolkas ideas for a play      housing and employment. Kayess says she
                                                                                                               is proud and humbled at her election and
the recruitment of high-quality students                     about family, dementia and the ethics of care.
                                                                                                               looks forward to the task ahead.
spanning undergraduate, postgraduate and                     In 2011, they began exploring characters and
higher degree research cohorts.                              situations.                                       LEADING THE CHARGE ON
  The centre will also support UNSW’s                           The work-in-progress script centres            DISRUPTIVE CHANGE
growing portfolio of in-country programs                     on Augie, a father with dementia, and his
                                                                                                                                        • UNSW Law has
such as the Global Business Practicum.                       relationship with his carer, as well as issues                               partnered with
  UNSW Pro Vice-Chancellor International                     of care, responsibility and inheritance.                                     KPMG and King &
                                                                                                                                          Wood Mallesons
Laurie Pearcey says the office solidifies                       In September this year, having written
                                                                                                                                          to establish the
UNSW’s links to India at an exciting time in                 three drafts, Zournazi and Tsiolkas presented                                Chair in Disruptive
the Australia-India relationship.                            their manuscript for a workshop.                                             Innovation and
  “In order to build our engagement with                        “We’ve been the actors, now we actually                                   Law. The five-
                                                                                                                                          year partnership
India in the long-term, it is essential that                 have to have other people embody the roles
                                                                                                                                          supports research
we become part of India’s rapidly evolving                   so we can start to see the characters, start to                              and education
academic and research ecosystem and an                       see the language, and what’s working and not                                 in the financial
active partner in building India’s intellectual              working,” Zournazi says.                                                     technology
                                                                                                               (fintech) and regulatory technology (regtech)
and social capital,” he says.                                   Actor Lex Marinos, a UNSW alumnus, read
                                                                                                               sectors. UNSW Scientia Professor Ross
  The opening came within a week of                          the role of Augie in the NIDA workshop, with      Buckley (pictured), a world-leading scholar
the release of Australia’s India Economic                    Camilla Ah Kin reading his carer, Yuli.           in international financial regulation, is the
Strategy to 2035, which is set to shape                         The workshop explored elements of the          inaugural chair. The establishment of the
                                                                                                               Chair places UNSW, and Australia, at the
Australia’s India policy. Education featured                 drafts under the dramaturgy of acclaimed
                                                                                                               forefront of disruption and technological
as the priority sector to drive ties between                 Australian playwright and screenwriter            change that is significant to legal, banking
the countries over the coming decades.                       Stephen Sewell (The Boys, Chopper).               and other sectors globally.

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                                                                                                             ENGINEERING HUB OPENS DOOR
                                                                                                             FOR WESTERN SYDNEY STUDENTS
                                                                                                             • UNSW Sydney is launching an Australian-
                                                                                                             first collaboration with Western Sydney
                                                                                                             University to develop a world-class
                                                                                                             Engineering Innovation Hub in Parramatta.
                                                                                                             The universities are developing a custom-
                                                                                                             designed, 15-storey Hub in the Parramatta
                                                                                                             CBD to house a joint undergraduate
                                                                                                             engineering program, and corporate offices,
                                                                                                             to be completed by 2021. Announcing the
                                                                                                             enterprise, the Premier, Gladys Berejiklian,
Professor Deborah Lupton will conduct research relating   Members of the UNSW Business School alumni panel   said it was a “visionary concept”. UNSW
to digital health and translational research.             Yanti Ropeyarn and Rebecca Harcourt.               President and Vice-Chancellor Professor Ian
                                                                                                             Jacobs noted the joint venture would create

Lupton to research how                                    Business plays big role in                         a new standard in engineering students. “We
                                                                                                             are proud to partner with Western Sydney
data helps track health                                   NAIDOC women’s conference                          University to deliver a state-of-the-art
                                                                                                             facility for teaching, research and industry

P                                                         U
                                                                                                             collaboration in the heart of Parramatta.”
       rofessor Deborah Lupton, UNSW’s                           NSW Business School played a vital
       newest hire under the Strategic Hires                     role in this year’s NAIDOC Aboriginal       HARCOURT AWARDED AC
       And Retention Pathways (SHARP)                            and Torres Strait Islander Women’s
                                                                                                                                       •   One of Australia’s
program, will explore how digital health                  Conference, which organisers say was the                                      most eminent
technologies, big data and self-tracking                  largest gathering of Indigenous women in                                      economists, UNSW
                                                                                                                                        Business School’s
apps are changing the way we manage                       more than 32 years.
                                                                                                                                        Professor Geoffrey
our health.                                                 The school was a major sponsor and                                          Harcourt, has
  Lupton was a third-year sociology                       students, staff and alumni were involved                                      been awarded the
undergraduate at ANU when she studied                     as ambassadors, speakers, panellists and                                      highest honour
                                                                                                                                        in the Queen’s
two subjects that would set the direction of              curators. More than 600 Aboriginal and
                                                                                                                                        Birthday 2018
her academic career.                                      Torres Strait Islander women attended the          Honours List. Harcourt (pictured) was made
  “One was Sociology of Health and the                    conference, which had the theme Because of         a Companion (AC) of the Order of Australia
other one was Sociology of Everyday Life,                 Her, We Can.                                       “for his eminent service to higher education
                                                                                                             as an academic economist and author,
and I just found them fascinating,” says the                UNSW Business hosted a panel of alumni
                                                                                                             particularly in the fields of Post-Keynesian
internationally renowned researcher, who                  that discussed how Aboriginal and Torres           economics, capital theory and economic
will start at UNSW next year.                             Strait Islander women are navigating               thought”. Harcourt has had a distinguished
  “They both raised really interesting                    change. It was chaired by Rebecca Harcourt,        academic career spanning almost 60 years,
                                                                                                             including several decades at Cambridge
questions about how people engage with                    UNSW Program Manager for Indigenous
their experiences with health and illness,                Business Education.
their practices of trying to protect their                  The panellists stressed that, despite a lot of   ALUMNA APPOINTED
health, or if they are sick, where they seek              work having taken place towards improving          MACQUARIE CEO
support and information.”                                 Indigenous representation in the workforce,                                  • In what’s
  Lupton will conduct research relating to                there was still some way to go.                                              been hailed as
digital health and translational research,                  Lucy Brereton, Indigenous Programs                                         one of the most
                                                                                                                                       significant female
heading up two programs: Critical Digital                 Coordinator at the Commonwealth Bank,                                        appointments of
Health Studies and Living Data.                           said people who are employed should aim for                                  the year, UNSW
  Lupton says Living Data will investigate                decision-making roles – and be supported to                                  Law and Business
the data generated by people using digital                make their way up.                                                           alumna Shemara
health technologies – and how people make                   “We need to work towards our own                 has been named CEO of Australia’s biggest
sense of it. In Critical Digital Health Studies,          businesses and build intergenerational             investment bank, Macquarie Group. The
she will build on her research in digital                 wealth,” Brereton said.                            56-year-old rises to the role, replacing the
health technologies.                                        Also on in NAIDOC Week was UNSW’s                retiring Nicholas Moore, from her position
                                                                                                             as Head of Macquarie Asset Management.
  “What I’m finding … is that even though                 Indigenous Winter School program, which            Wikramanayake, who graduated from
everyone Googles initially, they still value              provides Indigenous high school students           UNSW in 1985, was last year recognised for
medical expertise and want to place their                 with a week-long taste of university life,         her achievements and leadership with a
trust in what their doctor can tell them.”                aiming to foster lifelong learning.                prestigious UNSW Alumni Award.

                                                                                                                                           UNSW Magazine
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Martin Green’s groundbreaking
career has been recognised with
a new international honour.
By Louise Caldicott

       NSW Professor Martin Green
       has become the first Australian
       to receive the prestigious Global
Energy Prize. In a ceremony in Moscow,
he was recognised for his research,
development and educational activities
in the field of photovoltaics.
   The annual Global Energy Prize
was presented to Green by Russian
Minister of Energy Alexander Novak
in Moscow, Russia. The award
honours outstanding achievement
in research and technology and
is designed to address some of
the world’s most pressing energy
   Reflecting on his award, Green
thanked his wife, “my own renewable
resource”, for giving him the
freedom to pursue his passion.
He also paid tribute to the
“thousands of solar researchers

Director of the Australian
Centre for Advanced
Photovoltaics Martin Green
with his award in Moscow.

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who have worked in the field for many years,       largely through the work of his students in               “The time of solar has arrived and this is
including those at UNSW and elsewhere              establishing manufacturing centres in Asia.            good news for the world,” Green said in his
who have helped not just make PERC [solar            His record-breaking achievements stretch             acceptance speech.
cells] a reality, but also to bring it to market   across decades. In 1989, his team supplied                “The PERC cells pioneered by
and to have driven such scale”.                    the solar cells for the first photovoltaic             UNSW now reflect 50 per cent of world
  Green, who is Director of the Australian         system with an energy conversion efficiency            production. During that time, we’ve seen
Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics at UNSW,         of 20 per cent. And in 2014, he headed the             solar move from expensive energy to
was honoured for having “revolutionised the        development team that first demonstrated               inexpensive energy. Our work on PERC
efficiency and costs of solar photovoltaics,       the conversion of sunlight into electricity            has driven that.”
making this now the lowest cost option for         with an energy conversion efficiency of                   UNSW President and Vice-Chancellor
bulk electricity supply”.                          40 per cent.                                           Professor Ian Jacobs congratulated
  He shares the prize and RUB39 million                                                                   Professor Green on his achievement.
($820,000) prize money with Russian                   ‘We are proud of Martin’s                              “This award cements Martin’s position
scientist Sergey Alekseenko, an expert in                                                                 as the leading photovoltaics researcher
thermal power engineering.                          inspirational leadership and                          in the world. His work has delivered
  They were selected from 44 contenders                                                                   transformational outcomes in renewable
from 14 countries by a committee of                 pioneering research which is                          energy for more than three decades and will
leading scientists.                                helping address the challenge                          continue to produce major economic and
  The prize is rated as one of the world’s                                                                social benefits.
99 major science awards by IREG List of                  of climate change.’                                 “This honour is as exceptional as it is
International Academic Awards with a                                                                      fitting and we warmly congratulate him.”
                                                              PROFESSOR MARK HOFFMAN
reputation score of 0.48 (a Nobel Prize has                                                                  UNSW Dean of Engineering Professor
a score of 1.0). The 10 finalists this year                                                               Mark Hoffman said: “The global impact of
included businessman and engineer                    Among his many breakthroughs,                        the work of Martin and his research team
Elon Musk.                                         he invented the PERC solar cell, which                 has been profound. They have created
  Green is a world-leading specialist in           accounts for at least a quarter of the world           the highest efficiency solar cells using
both monocrystalline and polycrystalline           solar cell manufacturing capacity and has              techniques that have made them accessible
silicon solar cells, and the research group        a rapidly increasing market share due to               to the world through commercialisation.
he founded in UNSW Engineering is the              its greater efficiency over other types of             And all of this has been achieved in
largest and best-known university-based            cells. PERC solar cells are now becoming               Australia.
photovoltaic research group in the world.          a commercial standard throughout the                      “We are proud of Martin’s inspiration
  The enormous reductions in costs in              world, with sales exceeding US$10 billion              leadership and pioneering research which
photovoltaic solar systems in recent years         in 2017 and predicted to exceed                        is helping address the challenge of climate
directly related to his scientific efforts,        US$1 trillion by 2040.                                 change.”

                                                   Energy award is the latest in a long line
                                                   The use of Professor Martin Green’s PERC solar        he was awarded the Karl Boer Solar Energy Medal
                                                   cells (solar cells with passivated emitter and rear   of Merit for “significant pioneering contributions
                                                   surface) is predicted to save at least $750 million   to the promotion of solar energy as an alternative
                                                   in power-production costs in Australia alone over     source of energy”.
                                                   the next decade.                                          In 2004, he received the World Technology
                                                       Green is also co-inventor of the laser-doped,     Award in the field of energy, and in 2007 the
                                                   selective emitter solar cell, used in solar panels    SolarWorldEinstein Award for “outstanding work in
                                                   which were sold by the company Suntech between        the field of solar energy”. He is the holder of many
                                                   2009 and 2011.                                        patents and the author of eight books as well as
                                                       He is also a pioneer in the area of perovskite    more than 750 publications.
                                                   photocells, which he believes could be used               The Global Energy Prize was established
                                                   as a supplement to silicon solar panels, with a       in Russia in 2003 through the Global Energy
                                                   combination of the two materials potentially able     Association, with the support of Russian Energy
                                                   to further reduce the cost of electricity.            companies Gazprom, FGCUES and Surgutneftegas.
                                                       So it's no surprise that Green is the winner      The winners are chosen by a committee of 20
                                                   of many scientific and industry awards. In 2003,      leading scientists from 13 countries.

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From the
grounds up
Student-led coffee start-up
Bugisu Project is thinking
big, with gender equality, fair
distribution of profits and a
zero waste policy as defining
goals of the business, write
Kate Stanton and Penny Jones.
Driving development in Uganda: Bugisu Project’s
Darcy Small and Daniel Okinong.

       ome of the world’s best coffee grows            “Daniel blew us away, not only with his        funds into charities and NGOs in Uganda.
       along the fertile slopes and valleys of      knowledge of local agricultural practices but        In Australia, Bugisu Project will also be
       Mt Elgon, an extinct volcano in eastern      also world economies and business,” Smith         a zero-waste coffee supplier by packaging
Uganda, students Brody Smith and Darcy              says. “He told us about the experiences           coffee in reusable jars and composting
Small learned when they visited the country         of the coffee farmers and the multiple            coffee grounds they collect from the partner
last year.                                          challenges they face.                             businesses.
  Sydney’s coffee connoisseurs have since              “They’re creating this high-quality               Small says Bugisu Project has been a labour
confirmed it. “It just has a really nice, unique    product. But for a lot of geographical,           of love, but one they couldn’t have pursued
taste,” says Smith, a sixth-year Biomedical         historical and political reasons, they have not   without the help of their UNSW contacts.
and Mechatronics Engineering student.               been able to get their product out there.”           “We are by no means experts in ethical
  The pair travelled to Uganda to work                 Their conversations with Okinong were          procurement, or setting up an import/export
with local agriculture students as part of an       the catalyst for Bugisu Project, a student        business,” says Small. “But that’s been the
exchange between UNSW Engineering and               start-up that aims to supply ethically-           exciting thing. We’re talking to as many
Uganda’s Gulu University.                           sourced coffee from Ugandan farmers to            people as we can and learning as we go.
  They were particularly struck by the              Australian businesses.                               “It’s a complex space that even experts
disconnect between coffee-obsessed                     “Australia has an $8 billion coffee market     make errors in, so we want to do our research
Australians back home and the people                and people are becoming more ethically            properly.”
growing coffee beans in Uganda.                     aware and interested in transparency with            When Smith and Small returned to
   “It was just the absurdity of how little these   the supply chain,” Smith says.                    Australia, they consulted with the UNSW
farmers are paid for their produce and how             “With Daniel’s early help, we realised we      Engineering Student Opportunities team,
much we pay for a cup of coffee in Australia,”      could generate ongoing impact in Uganda           recruited a few more students and started
says Small, a fifth-year Photovoltaics and          through an ethical business that satisfies        firming up their business model.
Solar Energy Engineering student.                   Australia’s love of coffee.”                         They joined a UNSW pre-accelerator
  The two learned of the Bugisu coffee-                This month, Bugisu Project commenced           program and undertook a one-week coffee
growing region surrounding Mt Elgon                 their soft-launch with five Australian            trial with several Sydney workplaces, which
through their conversations with Daniel             workplaces on board. They’re planning for         were able to give their stamp of approval to
Okinong, a Gulu University student who              a large-scale launch in early 2019. As a not-     the Bugisu beans.
grew up nearby.                                     for-profit, the enterprise plans to channel          “That’s when we realised that, yes, it

UNSW Magazine
                                                   A taste for it: Bugisu project’s
                                                   Monica Wang, Brianna Kerr,
                                                   Brody Smith and Darcy Small
                                                   hope to have 15 companies
                                                   on board by January.

‘We’re giving people coffee that
  is more than just coffee …
    There are profits being
      generated for good.’
                BRIANNA KERR
                                                                                                                                           Photo: Chrissie Hall

really is high-quality stuff,” Small says.       make sure that what we are planning to do        companies to jump on board,” she says.
  In July, Smith and Small travelled back        is aligned with what the experts in Uganda         By January of 2019, Bugisu Project hopes
to Uganda to visit farmers, potential            think is important,” Small says.                 to have partnered with 15 companies, all
development partners and experts in the             Back at UNSW, students Brianna Kerr and       paying to provide Ugandan coffee to their
international coffee trade.                      Monica Wang joined the project as Director       employees.
  They spent the first week in Mbale, the        of Impact and Director of Finance. Kerr,           They are also working on a system that will
town beneath Mt Elgon, visiting farmers and      in her final year of Development Studies,        allow them to collect coffee grounds and use
researching how the coffee is produced – with    says the team signed their first official        them as ingredients in skin care products,
Okinong as their guide and cultural advisor.     funding partnership with the Love Mercy          which can then be delivered back to the
  “It was really cool to be running this         Foundation, a Uganda-focused organisation        businesses for their use.
trip ourselves, and Daniel was excellent at      run by UNSW alum Caitlin Barrett.                  “Our ongoing vision is to demonstrate
interacting with local people and helping us        Love Mercy runs Cents for Seeds, a            the idea of circularity – the way our coffee
learn as much as we could.”                      program that provides loans in the form of       grounds go back into useful products and our
  The team also met with Zukuka Bora, a          seeds for Ugandan women to plant crops.          finances go back into Uganda,” says Small.
farmers’ collective that educates farmers and       “When the boys went to Uganda, gender         “We want to use our business to demonstrate
makes sure they’re being fairly paid for their   equality was something they identified as an     that you can successfully run a not-for-profit,
produce.                                         issue, particularly in terms of unrewarded       pay your staff and generate amazing impact.”
  “We visited several of the large coffee        and informal labour,” says Kerr. “Women in
companies in the town, to cross-check            Uganda can use the seeds they receive from
what we’d learnt about Zukuka Bora and we        Love Mercy to grow enough produce to feed        If your workplace would like to generate
spent a few days on the mountain visiting        their families, repay their loan and use the     lasting impact by drinking specialty coffee
the farmers themselves to verify everything      excess to send their children to school or       with a smaller footprint, get in touch with
we’d heard first hand,” Small says.              invest in a small business.                      the team for a trial.
  They spent the second half of the trip in         “We’re giving people coffee that is more      Go to www.bugisuproject.co or email
the Ugandan capital, Kampala.                    than just coffee. When they drink Bugisu,        team@bugisuproject.co for more information.
  “We met as many different experts in the       they are doing more than waking themselves
development space, the cultural space and        up. There are profits that are being generated   Bugisu’s captivating Virtual Reality showcase of the
the environmental space as we could to           that are doing good. So it’s a no-brainer for    coffee’s origins is also available on request.

                                                                                                                                         UNSW Magazine

Voices of
reason on
Frustrated by the distortions,
two refugees funded a centre
focused on the facts about
people seeking asylum.

   t was October, 2013 just a month after
   Tony Abbott had won the federal election
   on the back of his ‘stop the boats’
campaign. Within days of coming into office,
the new government had created Operation
Sovereign Borders – a military-led, border
security operation – which was the first step
in a series of hard-line asylum policies.
  It was hard to believe that this was the
same Australia which, after the Second
World War, had taken in 170,000 refugees
from Europe, and which had welcomed
Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s.
  Over the course of the past two decades,
this wealthy, multicultural country
had drifted away from well-established
principles of protection for refugees, and
from the international leadership it had
shown in shaping and supporting the 1951
Refugee Convention. Now, Australia’s
backslide was accelerating at speed, driven
by the momentum of ugly politics. As sharply
as borders defined its territory, border policy
was dividing its community.
  Into this atmosphere UNSW Sydney
launched the Andrew & Renata Kaldor
Centre for International Refugee Law. It was
supported by two philanthropists who had           ‘One of the vital roles a centre
come to Australia as post-war refugees. “We       like ours can play is in keeping
didn’t hesitate,” says Andrew Kaldor AM.
“We had become increasingly frustrated by            governments to account.’
the misinformation, the lack of evidence in
                                                              JANE McADAM
the debate about asylum-seeker issues.”

UNSW Magazine

   The prevailing, proliferating politics          team of outstanding researchers, including       that can help to highlight good practice and
gave an immediate urgency to the Centre’s          Professor Guy S Goodwin-Gill from Oxford,        inform the general public.”
mission, which is to produce rigorous              recognised as a pre-eminent scholar on              The Centre’s research also feeds into
research on refugee law, and to bring the          international refugee law, and senior            strategic litigation – and it is in the process
results of that work to bear on public policy      research associates Madeline Gleeson,            of creating a new network of scholars who
and debate at the Australian, regional and         Dr Claire Higgins and Dr Sangeetha Pillai.       can support that more widely. Likewise, the
international levels.                                “The legal and policy landscape has shifted    Centre’s growing global Emerging Scholars
  “It was an enormous privilege to be              considerably in the past five years, and the     Network helps rising academic stars learn
charged with creating and leading the              Centre has been at the forefront of debates,     from one another, including through an Asia-
Centre,” says its director, Scientia Professor     reminding governments of the international       Pacific Research Group that is encouraging
Jane McAdam. “But I also felt the weight of        legal obligations they have voluntarily          further scholarship within the region. The
responsibility.”                                                                                    Centre also has formed partnerships with
  The Kaldor Centre quickly became a                                                                the Refugee Studies Centre at the University
global go-to source for insight and analysis,                                                       of Oxford, and the UN High Commissioner
noted for its in-depth academic research,                                                           for Refugees (UNHCR).
its accessible popular books, and its now-                                                             UNHCR’s Regional Representative,
essential weekly brief on refugee news from                                                         Thomas Albrecht, has called the Kaldor
around the world.                                                                                   Centre the best organisation of its kind he
   “In an increasingly polarised debate                                                             has seen around the world in the past 30
around forced migration, a voice of reason,                                                         years. “No other entity has achieved such a
based in evidence, in law, is an incredibly                                                         catalytic role,” he says.
valuable thing – and that’s what the Kaldor                                                            UNSW Dean of Law George Williams AO
Centre brings,” says Guardian journalist                                                            is immensely proud of the Kaldor Centre’s
Ben Doherty. “This is not just an issue                                                             accomplishments. “It has rapidly established
for Australia, this is not just an issue for                                                        itself as the leading research Centre of its
this region, or for rich countries or poor                                                          kind anywhere in the world. It is distinctive
countries, but this will be one of the great                                                        not only for the quality of its research, but
global challenges of the 21st century.”                                                             for the impact it is having on public debates
  The need for the Centre is arguably ever                                                          in Australia and around the world.”
greater: the number of people displaced            ‘Public and policy engagement                       This is particularly so when it comes to
worldwide has reached a new record high                                                             the links between climate change, disasters
                                                      is really part of our DNA
each year since the Centre was established.                                                         and displacement, an area where McAdam’s
  At the same time, some world leaders –                at the Kaldor Centre.’                      scholarship has been pioneering. “The Global
United States President Donald Trump,                                                               Compact on Migration contains important
                                                                   FRANCES VOON
Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán,                                                              language on protecting people moving the
and Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far-                                                          context of climate change and disasters.
right National Rally party – have stoked           accepted, and by which they remain bound,”       [That] would not have been possible without
fears about people seeking asylum. Other           says McAdam, lauding the team for not            the conceptual work done by the Kaldor
leaders, meanwhile, have shepherded                only continuing their longer-term research,      Centre,” says Walter Kälin, Envoy of the
and championed two new international               but also for the reports, policy briefs and      Platform on Disaster Displacement.
instruments designed to engender greater           parliamentary submissions produced in               “Everything we do at the Kaldor Centre is
international cooperation on people                response to current debates.                     ultimately about securing safe, durable and
movement: the Global Compact for                     “Public and policy engagement is really        humane outcomes for the world’s displaced
Refugees, and the Global Compact on Safe,          part of our DNA at the Kaldor Centre,” notes     people,” McAdam says.
Orderly and Regular Migration, which will          Executive Manager Frances Voon. “We exist           Andrew Kaldor agrees. “Renata and I
be adopted by the United Nations General           to generate research with impact – and that      are delighted by the Centre’s success. We
Assembly in December.                              means that we are constantly making sure         feel privileged to be involved with such a
  The Kaldor Centre deals directly with all        the findings of our research are shared with     brilliant team. But attitudes and policies
of these contemporary dilemmas.                    those who are able to influence policy …         toward refugees and displaced peoples are
  “One of the vital roles a centre like ours can   through media commentary, engaging with          hardening around the world,” Kaldor says.
play is in holding governments to account,”        policymakers through briefings and high-         “The work of the Centre is needed now, more
says McAdam, who has been joined by a              level round-tables and convening events          than ever before.”

                                                                                                                                    UNSW Magazine

       If waste is burned for
 energy, recyclable material
   is lost forever. There are
    better solutions, writes
           Veena Sahajwalla.

      he vast recycling problem           Microfactories with        A team of researchers at the Centre            This new recycling process has the
      facing communities around           a footprint of just      for Sustainable Materials, Research           potential to deliver economic and
                                          50 square metres
      Australia has been a ticking        could turn waste into
                                                                   and Technology (SMaRT), have                  environmental benefits wherever
time bomb.                                valuable resources,      developed a range of technologies to          waste glass is stockpiled, and is
  With China’s restriction of imports     says Professor           reform waste into valuable materials          modelled on our recently launched
                                          Veena Sahajwalla,
of foreign waste now responsible for      Director of the Centre
                                                                   to be used in existing and new                electronic waste microfactory.
increased stockpiling around the          for Sustainable          manufacturing processes.                      Microfactories can operate on a site
nation, prices for waste streams such     Materials, Research        In a paper published in the                 as small as 50 square metres and can
                                          and Technology.
as glass are at a low point. It is now                             international publication Journal of          be located wherever waste may be
cheaper to import than recycle glass.                              Cleaner Production, the team reveals          stockpiled.
  The realisation that something                                   our latest research about a cost-                We are now building the world’s
needs to be done about this growing                                effective new process for transforming        first microfactory that can effectively
waste problem has come slowly to                                   mixed waste glass into high-value             take recycled containers and
governments around Australia.                                      building panel products such as               materials put out in council bins and
  The call by former federal                                       engineered stone, without high-               convert them into reformed materials
Environment Minister Josh                                          temperature processing technology.            such as metals alloys, plastic filament,
Frydenberg for the incineration of                                                                               particle boards and glass panels for
waste to generate energy should                                     The people speak                             building products.
only be part of the solution.                                       The first of a series of surveys by             Our microfactories eliminate the
Similarly, while Senate committee                                   UNSW to assess community attitudes           need for costly machinery, save on
recommendations of a ban on single-                                 to recycling finds that 65% of people        the extraction of yet more natural
                                                                    still believe that recyclables they
use plastics by 2023 and a national                                                                              materials, and reduce the impact of
                                                                    put in council bins will end up in
deposit container scheme are                                        landfill. The survey highlights growing      burning and dumping waste.
commendable, a solution is available.                               disillusionment with recycling.                 A solution is at hand to treat the
  The process of burning waste to                                       Just under half of respondents           problem at the sites where the
                                                                    believe ecofriendly initiatives will have
create energy means that recyclable                                                                              stockpiles are growing, addressing
                                                                    no effect in their lifetime. Just over 70%
materials are lost forever as                                       say they will recycle more if material       the waste and recycling problem and
renewable resources. This isn’t the                                 is more reliably recycled. More than         create revenue.
ideal way to look at materials – metals                             90% say it is important for Australia to
                                                                    invest in microfactory technology to
can be repurposed, and many plastics                                                                             This article was originally published in the
                                                                    reform the most common waste.
can be reused a number of times.                                                                                 Australian edition of The Guardian.

UNSW Magazine

                                                                                                     A head
                                                                                                    start on
                                                                                                           UNSW’s participation in
                                                                                                         Sculpture by the Sea was
                                                                                                         a major step in improving
                                                                                                                 understanding of
                                                                                                            post-traumatic stress
                                                                                                      disorder, writes Lucy Carroll.

       culpture by the Sea, one of the world’s   sequence that depicted the lived experience      “PTSD is a major global challenge and
       biggest outdoor sculpture exhibitions,    of PTSD from the viewpoint of a returning      capturing an experience of PTSD through
       this year featured a work by a UNSW       soldier.”                                      video and the eyes of someone who has the
team exploring the complexity of mental            The video was based on research from         disorder is highly valuable in providing a
illness through video and sculpture.             UNSW Medicine’s School of Psychiatry,          window for others to better understand the
   It was only the second time a video           UNSW Psychology, and interviews with           debilitating nature of this condition that
installation was part of the exhibition,         male and female ex-service personnel who       often can go undiagnosed,” Steel said.
now in its 22nd year and visited by about        are UNSW Canberra alumni.                        “We are all familiar with the term PTSD.
half a million people annually. The work           One of the contributors whose                What we don’t often understand is how
was among 100 sculptures by artists from         experiences of living with PTSD informed       someone can shift from high functioning to
around the world on the two-kilometre            the video was Benjamin Farinazzo, a            sudden impairment. PTSD can dramatically
coastal walk from Bondi to Tamarama.             former Australian Army Officer and UNSW        change a life, disconnecting people from
   The interactive installation, Look Inside     graduate who was diagnosed with PTSD           family and friends. While it may resolve for
My Mind, was a collaborative work by             after his return from East Timor where he      some people who develop the condition, all
UNSW’s visual content manager Matthew            served as part of the INTERFET Forces.         too often it can become a chronic condition
Gill and his team, with UNSW Medicine,             Experiences of PTSD, such as                 and cause difficulties not only for those
UNSW Psychology and UNSW Canberra.               intrusive thoughts and flashbacks,             directly affected but those who support and
   Positioned at the steps on the edge of        heightened physiological reactions such        care for them,” he said.
Tamarama’s Marks Park, Look Inside My            as hyperventilation and anxiety, and             Professor Steel, a psychologist and the
Mind, was a 2.5 metre androgynous, ageless       dissociative symptoms such as derealisation,   inaugural St John of God Professorial
resin head that gave visitors an imagined        numbing and detachment, were represented       Chair for Trauma and Mental Health, a
glimpse into an experience of post-traumatic     through the video.                             partnership between Richmond Hospital,
stress disorder (PTSD) through a looping           Professor Zachary Steel, from UNSW           UNSW Medicine and the Black Dog
video seen through multiple viewing stations.    Medicine’s School of Psychiatry, emphasised    Institute, leads a joint research program in
   “On closer inspection the viewer realised     that raising public awareness of PTSD was      mental health, working closely with veterans
there were three viewing holes positioned        crucial in improving understanding about       and emergency service first responders
around the head,” said Gill. “Within the         the mental health disorder and removing        as well as refugees, asylum seekers and
sculpture is a three-minute audio and visual     stigma at a community level.                   populations affected by displacement.

                                                                                                                              UNSW Magazine
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