COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION

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COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
Volume XXXVIII No. 4 April 2020                                   Montreal, QC           

COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual
parliament' brings accountability
with a few technical headaches
Ryan Tumilty, April 29, 2020
National Post
          OTTAWA — Canada’s first
“virtual parliament” brought MPs
together Tuesday over Zoom with
technological challenges from muted
microphones, translation issues and
slow internet.
          Health Minister Patty Hajdu
was the first to speak but, like a tree
falling in the forest with no one
around, there was no initial sound.
The mute button had felled its first
          She was not the last to have a
mute button misfire with several MPs
from all parties making the same
mistake, including the prime minister.
          There were also issues with
simultaneous translation that lead to
several stoppages of the nearly two-
hour question and answer session.
But the session did allow MPs to
question government ministers on a
range of files, from personal protective
equipment orders, to help for
international students, to concerns
about meat processing plants shutting
          Without any heckling, the
Speaker also never had to stop the
proceedings to bring the Commons to
          Conservative leader Andrew
Scheer dialed into the conference from Canadian Members of Parliament, displayed on a computer monitor, attend the first virtual meeting
                                            of the special committee on the COVID-19 pandemic, as efforts continue to slow the spread of the
See Page 4         First Virtual Parliament coronavirus disease (COVID-19), on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada April 28, 2020. Blair
                                            Gable / Reuters

                                                                        Military deployed to care
                                                                        homes in Quebec to help
                                                                        curb spread of COVID-19
                                                                                  MONTREAL -- Members of the      we have to use a lot more care,” said
                                                                        Canadian Armed Forces are now             Corporal Mathieu Bergeron, a medical
                                                                        working in Quebec’s long-term care        technician in the Canadian Armed
                                                                        facilities where the COVID-19 infection   Forces.
                                                                        rate in homes is hovering around 75                Nurses and support staff have
                                                                        per cent.                                 been deployed along with the
                                                                                  Military personnel were in      technicians from Val Cartier, and
                                                                        Laval, Que Monday bringing medical        inside the facility, the only uniform
                                                                        supplies and much needed help at the      they’ll be wearing is scrubs.
                                                                        Villa Val des Arbres long-term care                The Armed Services staff will
Canadian Forces personnel arrive at the Villa Val des Arbes seniors     home.
residence, Monday April 20, 2020 in Laval, Que.THE CANADIAN                       “They’re much older, much       See Page 4     Military deployed
PRESS/Ryan Remiorz                                                      more fragile than younger people, so
COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
                                                                        The North American Filipino Star
                                                                                        might regret.                                this pandemic has led us to discover
                                                            From the                              4. Manage stress. Try to new ways of doing things, and have
                                             Executive Publisher’s Desk change situations causing you stress. led some people to innovate and to be
                                                                                        Learn relaxation methods to cope with creative in overcoming boredom and
                                                                                        stress. These could include deep isolation. It has also led to the
                                                                                        breathing, meditation, and exercise.         renaissance of home baking because
                                                                                                  5. Strive for balance. Find a people have more time in their hands.
                                              Coping with                               healthy balance between work and play Social media is more popular now than
                                                                                        and between activity and rest. Make ever as it is one of the ways to get in
                                            mental health                               time for things you enjoy. Focus on touch with others. The virtual world has
                                                                                        positive things in your life.                come alive. In fact we have just had
                                            issues amidst                                         6. Take care of your physical our first virtual parliament in history this
                                                                                        health. Your physical health can affect week notwithstanding the technical
                                                                                        your emotional health. Exercise problems which are part of anything
                                               the global                               regularly, eat healthy meals, and get new.
                                                                                        enough sleep. Don’t abuse drugs or                    Even If we have to fret and
                                               pandemic                                 alcohol.                                     sigh, we must be aware that facing the
                                                                                                  7. Connect with others. We are challenges of this pandemic helps us
                                                                                        social creatures. We need positive become better human beings. Let us
                                                                                        connections with other people. Make a try to take it in stride as we must
                                                   Zenaida Kharroubi                    lunch date, join a group, and say hi to maintain our mental health first before
                                                                                        strangers.                                   we can go forward. We must believe
         During normal times, it is         ever predicted. How do we find the                    8. Find purpose and meaning. that nothing is impossible and never
common knowledge that there are             balance between the two pressures of Figure out what is important to you in give up in fighting an invisible enemy.
some people who suffer from                 economic insecurities and emotional life, and focus on that. This could be With the immense scientific knowledge
depression. We are also aware of the        breakdowns?                                 your work, your family, volunteering, that has kept humanity alive on this
fact that there are many groups of                   There        are       numerous caregiving, or something else. Spend planet, there is no reason to think that
people who are in a very precarious         recommendations on achieving good your time doing what feels meaningful we cannot conquer this virus like others
situation which is aggravated by the        mental health. Learning how you react to you.                                            in the past.
global pandemic, namely, people who         to situations that you have no control                9. Stay positive. Focus on the
are supposed to have surgeries but are      over may give you a better chance of good things in your life. Forgive
postponed because priority is given to      surviving this global pandemic and yourself for making mistakes, and
                                                                                                                                     Allison Hanes: Quebec is
Covid 19 patients in intensive care.        managing the stress associated with forgive others. Spend time with healthy, now paying the price for
refugees in detention centers, prison       the fear and anxiety that are normal positive people.                                    undervaluing caregivers
inmates who are being infected in           responses to this crisis. Moreover                    According to this website,
close quarters, new immigrants,             even under normal conditons, no one there are other things to consider Allison Hanes • Montreal Gazette
temporary permit holders who are            can avoid stress and must learn how to regarding mental health. People who Publishing date:April 16, 2020
                                            take control of it in order to avoid have good emotional health can still                         Quebecers, including those in
losing their jobs as businesses are
closed.      Government        response     getting sick as stress is considered to have emotional problems or mental high office, have suddenly come to
programs simply do not cover the            be a precursor to more serious illness. Mental illness often has a realize the crucial importance of the
                                            diseases.                                                                                unheralded grunt work involved in
needs of everyone and somehow there                                                     physical cause. This could be a caring for frail seniors, a job usually
will be people who are going to fall into               Everyone in the healthcare chemical imbalance in the brain. Stress
the cracks as they will not get any help    field has been trained to react to stress and problems with family, work, or left to the lowliest and lowest-paid
they so badly need.                         in a calm way in order to do his or her school can trigger mental illness or caregivers in the health system.
                                            job well. Even though doctors and make it worse.                                                  Those who change adult
         The news about a New York
                                            nurses are known to succumb to the                                                       diapers,  wipe chins, give sponge baths
City emergency doctor who took her                                                                Counseling, support groups, to the bedridden and coax spoonfuls of
own life due to the work pressures she      pressure of dealing with so many sick and medicines can help people who
was suffering from is just an example       patients at the same time with limited have emotional problems or mental purée into reluctant mouths are in such
how much damage this pandemic has           resources.        they are also able to illness. If you have an ongoing short supply due to COVID-19 that
caused and revealed that the                bounce back because they know that emotional problem, talk to your family Quebec’s long-term care homes are in
healthcare system in general is not         they have chosen this profession to doctor. He or she can help you find the need of what Health Minister Danielle
                                            save people’s lives as their noble right type of treatment.                              McCann called “a humanitarian
prepared to deal with a global
                                            mission in life. In other words, having                                                  mission.”
pandemic of this magnitude. This also                                                             In addition to these guidelines,
                                            a goal or purpose in life, as well as a it is also a good idea to take a break or                 Some 2,000 staff from public
shows the great importance of finding
                                            dream can sustain a person’s hope to limit your exposure to bad news and                 and  private seniors’ residences across
ways to cope with the mental and
                                            and believe that this crisis will pass in try to switch to other news that can           the  province   are missing in action,
emotional issues facing everyone, and
                                            due time. An optimistic person can make you laugh or be entertained.                     either   because   they’ve contracted
to a greater degree, our front line
                                            look at it like a wheel of fortune - when                                                COVID-19,     are   in isolation after
workers who seem to bear the greatest                                                             In view of what has been exposure or are simply too frightened
burden because they have to take care       it is down, the only other way is for it to happening and what may happen in
                                            go up.                                                                                   to show up for work. The dire lack of
of the sick and worry about their own                                                   the future, we can say that there are personnel to carry out basic tasks and
families’ welfare. Compounding the                   In order to keep one’s always two sides to any story, to any
stress among healthcare workers is the      optimism, it is important to have event, and that if we are by nature maintain the dignity of patients has
fact that our healthcare system is far      emotional health during this stressful optimistic, we will focus on the positive forced the government to take
from perfect and that shortages of          period of our life. This helps us develop side rather than the negative. After all, desperate measures.
                                            the ability to deal with the physical                                                             Premier François Legault on
proper equipment to protect them have
become acute.         They have also,       dangers of the virus. There are many
ironically, become both heroes and          books written about the subject but we
victims of the crisis. We have known        have chosen to quote practical tips that
cases where healthcare workers are          are easy to follow and undersand from
praised but also shunned because            a website called family doctor. org:
people      are    afraid    of   being              1. Be aware of your emotions
contaiminated.                              and reactions. Notice what in your life        7159 ch. de la Cote des Neiges Tel.: 514-485-7861/ 514-506-8753
         It is often said that mental       makes you sad, frustrated, or angry.                                            E-Mail:
                                            Try to address or change those things.
                                                                                           Montreal, Quebec H3R 2M2
problems are harder to solve than any                                                         Published by: Filcan Publications, Inc..
physical ailment. For this reason,                   2. Express your feelings in
many studies have been done to find         appropriate ways. Let people close to                                       Zenaida F. Kharroubi
ways of helping people with any             you know when something is                       Fely Rosales Carino               Chief Editor             W.G. Quiambao

mental issue to learn how to seek help      bothering you. Keeping feelings of                   Society News          Publisher  - North .American    Tagalog  Columnist

and not feel stigmatized. However,          sadness or anger inside adds to stress.                                            Filipino Star

during this time, everyone is bound to      It can cause problems in your
                                                                                                                           April 1998-present
                                                                                                     Bert Abiera
                                            relationships and at work or school.
                                                                                                                                                      Sam Kevin
suffer from the effects of worrying                                                           Founder-Publisher, Filipino
                                                     3. Think before you act.
                                                                                                                                            Show Biz News & Layout Editor
about the future. What happens after
                                                                                                Star Nov. 1982- Nov. 97

this lockdown is anyone’s guess as          Emotions can be powerful. Give
there is no definite answer. We are all     yourself time to think, and be calm The opinions expressed by the writers and columnists do not necessarily reflect
                                                                                          that of the management of the North American Filipino Star nor its editors.
facing an uncertainty that no one has       before you say or do something you
COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
April 2020                                                           The North American Filipino Star                                                                              3
                                                                                                                                         wearing of masks. The reality is that
Masks are mandatory now to ride                                                                                                          most people likely do not want to share
                                                                                                                                         public transit vehicles with unmasked
                                                                                                                                         persons whom they may perceive as
public transit in most of the world’s                                                                                                    likely to spread the virus."
                                                                                                                                                   Accordingly, Rotrand is calling
largest cities. Why not in Canada?                                                                                                       for a national safety standard that could
                                                                                                                                         be proposed to the provinces and
Rotrand Questions Lack Of                                                                                                                transporters       to    bolster      public
Clear Direction On Wearing                                                                                                               confidence and rebuild ridership.
Face Masks                                                                                                                                         These       measures       should
         City Councillor Marvin Rotrand                                                                                                  include: an obligatory use of masks to
has undertaken a comparative study of                                                                                                    ride transit for the foreseeable future
major world transit systems, looking at                                                                                                  a federal fund to allow transporters to
elements such as ridership, funding and                                                                                                  distribute masks for free to riders and to
changes to policies in the wake of the                                                                                                   offer abundant hand sanitizer
Covid-19 pandemic.                                                                                                                       a uniform cleaning standard outlining
         Recent figures from across                                                                                                      how often and by what means transit
North America show a 50 to 90% drop in                                                                                                   vehicles are cleaned
transit ridership with accompanying                                                                                                                Rotrand notes that both
revenue losses for transporters. As the                                                                                                  Theresa Tam and Horacio Arruda
economy gradually reopens and in the                                                                                                     recommend that transit riders wear
eventual       return    to   normalcy,                                                                                                  masks.
transporters' biggest challenge will be to                                                                                                         However to date, despite
                                                                                                                                         growing world wide legislation obliging
                                             Italian authorities are making the use of face masks mandatory on
win back public confidence that transit
                                                                                                                                         mask use in transit, none of the
                                             public transport and in stores as they gradually loosen lockdown
is safe.
                                                                                                                                         provinces or major transporters in
                                             measures, starting next Monday. Here's where and when you have to put
         Rotrand anticipates changes to      on a mask. (Paywall Free)
work habits where, at least in the short                                                                                                 Canada have adopted a law or directive
term, more workers will accomplish at                  Masks are now compulsory in                Hundreds of smaller cities also        to make mask use mandatory.
least part of each week's work schedule      most cities that have large transporters    have adopted this strategy as key to                      In Montreal Mayor Valerie
at home and online. As well, the move        such as:                                    maintaining and rebuilding transit              Plante favours keeping mask use
to increased on-line shopping will           Mexico City,                                ridership.                                      voluntary. Rotrand says that sends a
depress transit ridership.                   Singapore,                                           "Cities from New York to Berlin        very mixed message that may well keep
         However,      the    Councillor     San Francisco,                              to Dubai have quickly moved to make             riders away.
believes that the key factor that            Shanghai,                                   mask wearing mandatory during the                         Rotrand - who last week asked
operators will have to address is fear.      Buenos Aires,                               COVID-19 crisis to protect public health        for urgent federal funding to stabilize
         Rotrand's study shows that          Taipei,                                     and to bolster public confidence about          transit - notes that as of April 20 Canada
most major public transporters world-        Tel Aviv,                                   continuing to use transit. That's not the       already obliges air travellers to wear
wide have by now made the wearing of         Honolulu,                                   case in Canada where many cities                masks.
masks in buses and trains mandatory.         Istanbul...                                 recommend but don't oblige the

                                             extra four-per-cent boost in salary for               It’s especially insulting for those   left seniors’ residences dangerously
                                             minimum-wage-earning préposés aux           nursing home employees who were                 unprepared as the pandemic swept the
                                             bénéficiaires and an eight-per-cent         thrust into what turned out to be the           province. And it is now belatedly
                                             premium for front-line nurses. But after    epicentre of the pandemic without               recognizing that the exhausting, back-
                                             underestimating the devastation COVID-      always having access to the personal            breaking labour of caregiving is the
                                             19 would unleash on long-term care          protective equipment, training and              crumbling foundation on which the
                                             homes, Quebec is sending in the most        safety gear deployed to hospitals.              entire eldercare system is built.
                                             highly paid professionals in the health     According to their union, two caregivers                 If the true measure of any
                                             system as reinforcement.                    from the Mauricie region are now                society is reflected in how it cares for its
                                                      There’s no doubt this is an all-   hospitalized in intensive care after            most vulnerable members, Quebec’s
                                             hands-on-deck moment and that               contracting COVID-19.                           missteps in protecting seniors from
                                             anyone and everyone with training is                  Sending in the cavalry is too         COVID-19 have been especially
                                             needed to respond to the pandemic —         little, too late. If only we’d invested         heartbreaking. But how we have treated
                                             particularly to look after seniors in       proactively      over      the    years    in   those who do the difficult work of caring
                                             residences who have been preyed upon        underfunded CHSLDs or in the nurses             for our sickest and weakest is just as
                                             by this brutal disease.                     and caregivers who provide this                 troubling.
                                                      We don’t have to look far to see   essential work, perhaps the pandemic’s
A worker pauses from wiping down

                                                                                         grim toll on the aged might have been
furniture at Résidence Herron in Dorval
on Wednesday. JOHN MAHONEY /                 what happens when there’s not enough
Montreal Gazette
                                             staff on hand. As the Montreal Gazette      lessened.
Wednesday appealed to doctors —              first revealed, public health authorities             As it stands, Quebec is
surgeons, specialists and general            who took over the privately run             belatedly coming to terms with the fact it
practitioners alike — to roll up their       Résidence Herron in Dorval found
sleeves and lend a hand in Quebec’s          patients unfed, dehydrated and stewing
beleaguered CHSLDs. He had already           in their own feces and urine. A doctor
issued a call to arms urging retired         who arrived on scene ended up calling
health        professionals,     nursing     her own husband and teenage children
professors, social workers and dentists      to come feed hungry seniors, La Presse
to join the fight.                           reported.
          He’s now asking physicians to               This may be an extreme case,
help bathe, clothe and feed the non-         but there are 41 seniors’ homes in
autonomous elderly, take temperatures,       Quebec where the situation has been
monitor blood pressure, dispense             deemed critical.
medications — perhaps even hold the                   There is something bitterly
hands of the dying or place final phone      ironic about drafting doctors — an
calls to family members to allow them to     expensive solution to a problem largely
say     goodbye      to   parents   and      born of underpaying, undervaluing and
grandparents who have been in                exploiting the unsung caregivers who
lockdown for a month.                        do arduous physical and emotional
          In other words, he wants them      labour most of us are unwilling to sign
to take on the humble work of                up for.
caregivers. For this “humanitarian                    It’s a slap in the face to those
mission,” Legault is ready to pay            who have suffered through long shifts,
specialists up to $211 an hour or a          mandatory overtime, understaffing,
maximum of $2,500 a day.                     overwork and abysmal morale toiling
          Yes, you heard that right.         away in Quebec’s CHSLDs for years on
Quebec could only come up with an            end.
COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
4                                                                    The North American Filipino Star                                                             April 2020
                                                      Industry Minister Navdeep                  Conservative        MP      Kyle    Commons Clerk, Charles Robert, said
From Page 1      First Virtual Parliament    Bains caught people’s attention with a     Seeback said on Twitter he couldn’t          he wasn’t sure all MPs would be able
his House of Commons office,                 striking painting of men in colourful      connect to the meeting because of his        to participate. He said at the time the
complete with a Canadian flag and the        turbans on his wall. He later explained    internet connection speed and                Zoom platform that the House was
Saskatchewan               Roughriders       on Twitter that it was the work of         Conservative MP Alain Rayes said he          using would likely not be able to
merchandise key to the decor of any          Benjamin Charles Ellis, an artist from     was unable to connect to the meeting         handle much more than 60 MPs.
MP from the province.                        Peterborough, Ont.                         for ten minutes because his internet                  But the House of Commons
         Scheer used his first question               Alberta Conservative MP           service failed, despite being in a           staff managed to overcome the
to focus on testing kits, with several       Shannon Stubbs was in her kitchen          government building in Ottawa.               technical problems, because 280 MPs
companies waiting for approval from          when she asked questions about help                 Liberal      Cabinet    Minister    were ultimately on the call Tuesday.
Health Canada, he asked why the              for the province’s oil industry — with a   Seamus O’Regan seemed to also be             There have been security and privacy
government wasn’t doing more.                fridge covered in family pictures at the   struggling with connection issues,           concerns with Zoom, but the House is
         “The latest information is that     edge of the shot.                          because his video was low quality and        using a commercial version of the
up to 50 companies are waiting for                    In a moment parents across        audio strained when he answered              platform and there were no incidents of
Health Canada approvals, so can the          the country will sympathize with, Green    questions.                                   people forcing their way into the
prime minister explain why Health            MP Jenica Atwin warned the                          The virtual sittings were           meeting.
Canada has, to this point, been unable       committee they might hear a crying         approved last week during a special                   At committee last week,
to implement a fast track process?”          child in the background as she asked       sitting of the House of Commons, as a        Speaker Anthony Rota said he would
         We did have a few glitches,         her questions.                             means to provide government                  impose the rules of decorum that
but nobody is perfect and we are                      The virtual parliament did        accountability to Parliament while           House of Commons has for the virtual
working on perfection                        leave some people on the sidelines         limiting how often parliamentarians          session and warned MPs to respect
         Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,      however.                                   would have to attend the House of            parliament’s dress code even if they
appearing apparently from his Rideau                  Saskatchewan MP Cathay            Commons in person.                           were in their living rooms. They all did.
Cottage office framed by a bookcase          Wagantall said despite the hard work                The meetings are technically a               During Tuesday’s meeting he
and a painting of the northern lights        of House of Commons staff she was          new committee, but unlike other              cautioned them not to take photos of
behind him, said Canada couldn’t             unable to connect to the meeting. She      parliamentary committees all members         their screens respecting the rules that
afford test kits that did not work           said everything worked on the trial run    of the House are members. Tuesday            prevent photos from being taken on
perfectly.                                   the House held on Monday, but              was the first virtual sitting, with an in    the House of Commons’ floor and in
         “We have seen around the            Tuesday she couldn’t connect and had       person       sitting    scheduled     for    committee rooms.
world problems with test kits that have      to watch the proceedings through the       Wednesday.                                            Rota ended the session by
been faulty or unreliable,” he said.         online webcast system.                              No legislation can pass during      thanking technical staff and saying he
“Health Canada is prioritizing and                    I am watching through ParlVu      the virtual sittings, but as set up they     hoped the system would only improve.
rapidly going through a process of           and not connected. It’s very               will give the same amount of time for                 “We did have a few glitches,
evaluating these tests, but we can’t         disappointing.”                            questioning ministers that MPs               but nobody is perfect and we are
compromise, not just the safety of                    She said the virtual parliament   normally get from Question Period            working on perfection.”
individual Canadians, but the safety of      worked OK, but there was still a lot       over a full week.                                     Starting next week, there will
our entire country.”                         missing and she believed in person                  The Conservatives opposed           be twice weekly virtual sessions, on
         Many MPs dialed in from their       sittings could have been possible.         the virtual sittings, pushing instead for    Tuesday and Thursdays, to go with the
homes where they, like most                           “There is nothing quite like      three in person sittings, but the other      in person sessions on Wednesdays.
Canadians, have been for weeks now           being in that room,” she said. “I think    opposition parties sided with the
while public health authorities work to      we have the capability to be there in      government.
control the pandemic.                        reasonable numbers.”                                Last week, the House of

From Page 1      Milittary deployed          Trudeau under pressure to do more to
help with everyday tasks such as
feeding, changing and moving
                                             protect seniors, long term care workers
                                             BY STAFF THE CANADIAN PRESS
          Lieutenant-Commander               Posted April 17, 2020 7:19 am
Heather Galbraith is a family physician      Updated April 17, 2020 7:20 am
and said working in seniors’ homes is                  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
generally fast-paced, but with COVID-        will be under pressure today to flesh
19, it’s a very different reality.           out his promise to do more to protect
          “You     add,     pardon    my     seniors in long-term care homes,
language, a pesky bug that we just are       which have been hardest hit by the
learning day-to-day more and more            deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
about, you’re in a different realm,” she               Trudeau promised earlier this
said.                                        week that the federal government
          Like many care homes in            would provide funding to top up the
Quebec, Villa Val des Arbres is              wages earned by essential workers in
struggling with staff shortages, and         nursing homes who earn less than
containing the virus. Fifty-nine per cent    $2,500 a month.
of the residents have tested positive.                 That promise was discussed
          Nathalie Veilleux can only visit   during a conference call among first
her father Guy through a window. He          ministers late Thursday.                   territories to allow them to top up          Commons should be required to work,
has dementia and his daughter                          No details of the call were      wages. She did not say how much              they should be issued with masks and
learned on Saturday that he tested           immediately forthcoming, other than a      money Ottawa is prepared to ante up.         gloves where necessary and hand
positive for COVID-19.                       brief summary of the discussion issued               Personal support workers in        sanitizing stations should be set up at
          “We heard that beds weren’t        by the Prime Minister’s Office which       nursing homes often work poorly paid         entrances and exits of the Commons
being changed,” she said. “We don’t          said first ministers “agreed on the        part-time jobs in multiple facilities,       and      other    strategic  locations
know what the real conditions are            urgent need to ensure long-term care       which has contributed to the spread of       throughout the parliamentary precinct.
inside.”                                     facilities have the resources they need    COVID-19.                                    Canadian cases
          Nearly 90 military personnel       to protect the health and well-being of              In a letter late Thursday to       CONFIRMED
have been deployed in the Montreal           their residents and workers.”              Commons Speaker Anthony Rota,                53,009
area, and more may be coming.                          Since the salaries paid to       Conservative whip Mark Strahl argued         (Today: +1,423)
          It is an unusual situation for     workers in long-term care homes fall       that regular sittings could be done          DEATHS
them, but they are up for the                under provincial jurisdiction, Trudeau     safely without putting at risk the health    3,180
challenge.                                   has been clear that whatever the           of MPs or Commons staff at a time            (Today: +184)
          “We’re mostly proud to be          federal government does must be in         when all Canadians are being advised         RECOVERED
here,” said Bergeron. “We’re going to        collaboration with the provinces.          to keep two-metres physical distance         21,211
be helping our own population in                       Seniors Minister Deb Schulte     from one another and stay home as
Quebec. We live here. They’re our            told CBC News late Thursday that the       much as possible.
people and we’re here to help.”              federal government will boost transfer               Strahl said only essential staff
                                             payments to the provinces and              necessary for the operation of the

COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
April 2020                                                           The North American Filipino Star                                                                     5

Meet the 101-year-old who was born on a ship during
the 1918 flu pandemic and just beat coronavirus
          Angelina Friedman survived                                                                                               the nursing home.
cancer,       miscarriages,      internal                                                                                                   "She's super active. You
bleeding, sepsis and now not one, but                                                                                              couldn't believe it for her age," Elba
two pandemics. More than 100 years                                                                                                 said. "Still doing her leisure activities
after living through the 1918 influenza                                                                                            probably that she's done forever."
pandemic, the 101-year-old woman                                                                                                   Like many other facilities, Elba said,
just beat coronavirus.                                                                                                             they have set up alternative means for
          An administrator at the                                                                                                  patients to remain in contact with their
Mohegan Lake, New York, nursing                                                                                                    families.
home where Friedman lives said                                                                                                              Due to a back injury, Merola
Friedman is back to her old self and                                                                                               hasn't been able to visit her mother
celebrating life as if nothing ever                                                                                                since February, but she doesn't live far
happened.                                                                                                                          from home. Because her mother is
"It also just goes to show how much                                                                                                nearly deaf, they can't speak on the
the world needs hope that you can                                                                                                  phone.
beat this at 101," Amy Elba told CNN.                                                                                                       As prom season approaches,
Friedman's daughter, Joanne Merola,                                                                                                Elba said that although the schools
told CNN affiliate WPIX that her mother     Angelina Friedman celebrates her birthday.                                             might not get a dance, Friedman is
is a survivor.                                       Her mother died giving birth,       and off for several weeks as she          certainly going to have hers -- and
          "She and my dad had cancer        and her two sisters helped her survive       battled the coronavirus until April 20,   hopes she will be named prom queen
at the same time. She survived. He          until they could reunite with their father   when she tested negative.                 for the second year in a row.
didn't," she said.                          in New York, where they lived in                     Nurses called Merola and said
          After beating coronavirus at      Brooklyn, Merola told WPIX.                  Friedman was doing great. She was
101 years old, Friedman started             One of 11 children, Friedman is the last     eating again and looking for yarn to
looking for some yarn so she could          surviving.                                   crochet with, they told her.                 Advertise
knit.                                                "She is not human," Merola          "She is a mover and a shaker," Elba
          After beating coronavirus at      said. "She has superhuman DNA."              said. "She's a big knitter and she         to prepare to
101 years old, Friedman started             Now a resident of the North                  makes all kinds of things and gives
looking for some yarn so she could          Westchester Restorative Therapy &            them away to visitors."                       re-open
knit.                                       Nursing Center, Friedman battled yet                 The staff threw a big birthday
          In 1918, Angelina Sciales (now    another pandemic.                            party for Friedman's 101st birthday,       your business
Friedman) was born on a ship that was       "She had gone out to the hospital for a      and last year she was crowned prom
transporting immigrants from Italy to       procedure and when she returned she          queen.
New York City. It was in the midst of the   had tested positive," Elba told CNN.                 Friedman was named Prom
1918 pandemic. It's not believed that       Merola told the affiliate her mother         Queen at the nursing home.
the baby contracted the disease.            isolated in her room and ran a fever on      Friedman was named Prom Queen at           514-485-7861

COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
Tagalog Seksyon
6                                                                    The North American Filipino Star                                                               April 2020
                                                                                         pakinggan kapag naisalin sa ibang            magsalita at magsulat ng English o
                                                                                         lengguahe. Ang halimbawa ay “lasing”.        Tagalog o kung saang pamantasan siya
                                                                                         Sa Bicol ay hindi magandang pakinggan        nagtapos.      Masusukat       natin  ang

                                                                                         ang salitang lasing kaya nagulat ang         katalinuhan ng isang tao kung may
                                                                                         nanay ko nang minsan ay magpunta sa          katuturan ang kaniyang mga sinasabi.

                 ni Willie Quiambao
                                                                                         aming bahay ang Bikolanong nanliligaw        May mga kilala ako na nagtapos sa mga
                                                                                         sa kapatid ko. Fiesta sa amin at umiinom     pribadong pamantasan na teribleng
                                                                                         ito ng beer kasama ang ibang bisita.         magsalita ng English. Isang Pilipino ang
                                                                                         Nagsalita ito ng Bikolano na ang ibig        tumanggap ng award at sa isang
                                                                                         sabihin ay nalasing yata siya. Ang isa       pagtitipon ay buong pagmamalaki niyang
                                                                                         pang salita ay ang itlog. Sa Tagalog ay      ibinalita sa mga panauhin na tumanggap
MAY NANGYARI RING MAGANDA SA                nakakuha ako ng paksang maisusulat
                                                                                         itlog    pa   lamang     ito    pero    sa   din siya ng notorious award, sa halip na
AKIN NOONG MANALANTA ANG                    nang mag-google ako at makita ko ang
                                                                                         Kapampangan, ebon na ito.                    meritorious award. Ito ang malapropism,
COVID - 19                                  Debate sa Pagdiriwang Ng Buwan ng
                                                                                         Mayaman ang kultura ng Pilipino. Marami      maling gamit ng salita sa isang salitang
         Hindi madali sa mga tao ang        Wika o Mga Wika sa Agosto. Nakapaskil
                                                                                         tayong wika, mga awit at sayaw na            nais niyang sabihin. Halos magkapareho
pinagdadaanan ngayong may pandemic          sa Philippine Embassy sa United
                                                                                         katutubo na wala ang ibang bansa. Ang        ng tunog ang notorious at meritorious.
sa buong mundo. Sa akin naman, may          Kingdom na ang mga sumusunod tulad
                                                                                         mga ito ang maipagmamalaki nating mga        Isa naman ang nagsabi na na-
maganda       at     hindi   magandang      ng Bikocano, Ilokano. Cebuano,
                                                                                         Pilipino.                                    dismembred siya sa isang asosasyon.
pangyayari na naranasan ako dahil sa        Kapampangan at Waray               ay mga
                                                                                         ANG MAPANGMATANG INGLESERO                   Ang ibig niyang sabihin ay stripped of
Covid -19. Wala akong mapuntahan            lengguahe (wika) at hindi mga dayalekto
                                                                                                   Napatawa na lamang ako sa          membership. Nakatatakot pakinggan ang
upang magpalipas ng oras. Sarado ang        (dialects). Matagal na itong nakapost
                                                                                         nabasa kong salaysay sa Manila Bulletin      dismembered, parang pinagputol putol
casino, mga restaurant at mga sine.         pero tiyak na kaunti lamang ang
                                                                                         ng isang nagngangalang James Soriano,        ang mga bahagi ng katawan ng isang tao
Iniiwasan ko ang mga lugar kung saan        nakaaalam sa impormasyong ito. Kahit
                                                                                         estudyante ng Ateneo University.             tulad ni Lucila Lalu, queen of chop chop
maraming tao. Sa kabila ng mga ito, may     ipinanganak at umaki ako sa Maynila ay
                                                                                         Nagkaroon ng malaking isyu sa Pilipinas      noong 1967.
nangyari ring maganda sa akin dahil sa      nagagalak ako dahil ang Kapampangan
                                                                                         nang isulat niya na ang English is for the             May naikuwentro sa akin na
COVID – 19, Unang una- ay nakaiwas ako      na naririnig kong ginagamit ng aking mga
                                                                                         learned and the Tagalog is for the people    isang ina sa Heritage Class ang nagsabi
sa mga gastusin. Hindi natuloy ang          magulang noong bata             pa ako ay
                                                                                         on the streets, katulong at tindera. Sobra   sa anak na huwag magsalita ng Tagalog
pagdiriwang sa aking kaarawan noong         lengguahe rin pala. Hindi ako
                                                                                         naman.          Lumaki      raw siya na      dahil Canadian na siya. “Bakit ipinasok
Marso 23 dahil natatakot ang aking mga      makapaniwala sa nabasa ko na ayon sa
                                                                                         napaliligiran ng mga taong nagsasalita       pa sa Heritage class ang anak?”tanong
kamag-anak na lumabas at kumain sa          Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF)na
                                                                                         ng Engish sa eskuela at sa bahay.            ko. Walang masama kung matutuhan ng
restaurant. Pangalawa, nagkaroon ako        may mga 150 na lengguahe tayo tulad ng
                                                                                         Nagsasalita lamang siya ng Tagalog           isang bata ang wikang ginagamit sa
ng pagkakataong makapag-email at            mga nabanggit ko sa itaas. Ang
                                                                                         kapag nasa kanilang lalawigan at kausap      bansang kaniyang pinagmulan. Ayon sa
makipagbalitaan kay Budz Sarmiento at       lengguaheng Pilipino o Tagalog ay
                                                                                         ang mga kamaga-anak. Sa halip na             pag-aaral, hindi makasasama sa isang
Felix Reyes na nakapagdadala sa akin        ginagamit kahit saang bansa tayo. Ang
                                                                                         mainis ay naawa na lamang ako sa             tao ang turuan ito ng iba pang wika
ng mga nakaaaliw na balita mula sa          dayalekto ay ginagamit sa isang pook o
                                                                                         kaniya. Hindi niya alam ang mga salitang     habang bata pa ito.
Pilipinas. Araw- araw ay tungkol sa         lugar, maliit o malaki,. Ito rin ang unang
                                                                                         paggalang na “ho” at “po” sa mga                       Sa iba’t ibang lugar sa mundo ay
corona virus ang nababasa ko sa diaryo      wika na kinagisnan natin sa ating tahanan
                                                                                         nakatatanda sa kaniya. May karapatan         maraming mahuhusay na doktor at nurse
at nakikita sa television. Pangatlo, nag-   na ginagamit ng ating mga magulang o
                                                                                         siyang magbigay ng opinyon subalit hindi     na Pilipino. Kung magkasakit si Soriano,
aalaaala rin pala sa akin ang mga           miyembro ng pamilya. Noong una ay
                                                                                         niya karapatang insultuhin ang wika ng       pipiliin niya ba ang mga mahuhusay na
pamangkin ko kahit madalas kaming           nagtatawa ako kung may nagtatanong sa
                                                                                         ibang tao. Maaaring ikatwiran niya ang       doktor at nurses na nagsasalita ng
magsigawan kapag nagpapaturo ako sa         akin na “Pilipino ho kayo?” Gusto ko
                                                                                         freedom of expression. Kung matalino         English na pam-palengke o dayuhang
kanila sa komputer. Ngayon ay lagi nila     siyang sabihan, “Kinausap mo ako ng
                                                                                         siya, alam niya na babatikusin siya ng       mahusay mag-English na kulang ng
akong pinaaalalahanan na huwag              Tagalog, itatanong mo pa kung Pilipino
                                                                                         makababasa sa kaniyang isinulat. Dapat       karanasan sa panggagamot? May
lumabas ng bahay kung hindi rin lamang      ako.” Bagamat natutuwa ako na
                                                                                         ay alam niya na ang bawat kalayaan ay        kaniya-kaniyang opinyon ang bawat tao
kailangan. Covid – 19 din ang naging        lengguahe rin pala ang Kapampangan
                                                                                         may limitasyon. Ang gulo siguro sa           at karapatan niya iyon. Ang hindi niya
dahilan upang magkasundo ang mga            tulad ng         Ilokano, Bikolano, at
                                                                                         mundo kung wala tayong batas na              karapatan ay mang-insulto ng ibang tao.
magkakamag-anak at magka-kaibigan na        Zambuenguenio, hindi ako sang-yon na
                                                                                         sinusunod. May kalayaan tayong bumoto        Nakalulungkot lamang isipin na kaya
may tampuhan. Walang pinipili ang           maging wikang pambansa ang isa man
                                                                                         pero alam nating hindi puedeng               mahina ang pag-unlad ng Pilipinas ay
corona virus – 19 - mayaman o mahirap.      sa mga ito. Kapag naging wikang
                                                                                         mandaya. May kalayaang magsalita at          minsan, ikinahihiya natin ang ating
At hindi naman masama ang mga               pambansa ang isa sa mga ito, higit
                                                                                         sumulat pero dapat ay alam nating mag-       magandang kaugalian at mayamang
namumuno sa ating pamahalaan. Hindi         tayong hindi magkakaunawaan. Kung
                                                                                         iingat tayo sa ating isusulat at sasabihin   kultura. Kapag nanood ka ng pelikulang
sila tumitigil sa paggawa ng paraan         minsan, kahit Tagalog na ang ating
                                                                                         dahil baka ma-idemanda tayo ng slander       Tagalog, sasabihin ay kabilang ka sa
upang masugpo ang pagkalat ng corona        ginagamit sa pagsasalita ay hindi pa tayo
                                                                                         o libel. Hindi natin basta maisusulat na     “bakya crowd”, mahirap at hindi mataas
virus. Tumutulong din naman sila sa mga     magkaintindihan, ano pa ang mangyayari
                                                                                         magnanakaw ang isang tao. Dapat ay           ang pinag-aralan tulad ng mga taong
taong naaapektuhan ng sakit at              kung iba’t iba pang lengguahe ang ating
                                                                                         alam ni Soriano na ang katalinuhan ng        nagsusuot ng bakya. .
nawawalan ng trabaho. Higit sa lahat,       gagamitin? May mga salita sa Tagalog na
                                                                                         tao ay hindi nasusukat sa kahusayang
                                            nag-iiba ang kahulugan at sumasamang

With angry words around the world, China uses
COVID-19 pandemic to take on superpower mantle
NATHAN VANDERKLIPPEASIA                                                                                                               under which Beijing asserts
CORRESPONDENT                                                                                                                         ownership over Taiwan – if it wanted
BEIJING                                                                                                                               the smooth procurement of masks
PUBLISHED APRIL 30, 2020                                                                                                              and other protective equipment from
U00:00                                                                                                                                China, according to a person with
                                                                                                                                      knowledge of the situation. The
Open this photo in gallery                                                                                                            country refused the Chinese demand.
A man walks near a Chinese national                                                                                                   The Globe and Mail granted the
flag, in Beijing, on April 29, 2020.                                                                                                  person anonymity because they are
                                                                                                                                      not authorized to speak publicly.
THOMAS PETER/REUTERS                                                                                                                            No longer is Beijing acting
                                                                                                                                      like an emergent nation. It is asserting
Weeks of battles between China and                                                                                                    itself as a rival superpower, and
western countries has brought                                                                                                         making demands befitting the role it
intemperate language, pointed                                                                                                         has assumed. “Any notion that China
metaphors, at least one quotation                                                                                                     was a rising power has been
from Mao Zedong – and a clearer                                                                                                       superseded by the fact that they have
glimpse into the ways Beijing is using                                                                                                risen,” said Jane Golley, director of
a worldwide pandemic to bolster its         A man walks near a Chinese national flag, in Beijing,                                     the Australian Centre on China in the
efforts to assert a new place of global     on April 29, 2020.THOMAS PETER/REUTERS                                                    World at the Australian National
importance.                                                                                                                           University.
                                            Netherlands and the United States, in        in the world. As one striking example,                 But     it’s  an    ascension
Chinese diplomats, senior Party             a sustained assault that has                 Chinese diplomats demanded that at
officials and state media have lashed       underscored an important change to           least one country publicly rededicate
                                                                                                                                      See opposite page         Angry words
out at Australia, France, the               how Chinese leadership sees its place        itself to the “one-China principle” –
COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
April 2020                                                           The North American Filipino Star                                                                        7

Trump says China ‘will do anything they can’ to see
    lose re-election race
     VE HOLLAND REUTERS    official, speaking on condition of Trump is leading a triage effort
PUBLISHED APRIL 29, 2020                                                                 anonymity, said on Wednesday that an         to try to keep the U.S. economy afloat
          President Donald Trump said                                                    informal “truce” in the war of words that    through      stimulus    payments      to
on Wednesday he believes China’s                                                         Trump and Xi essentially agreed to in a      individuals and companies while
handling of the coronavirus is proof                                                     phone call in late March now appeared        nudging state governors to carefully
that Beijing “will do anything they can”                                                 to be over.                                  reopen their states as new infections
to make him lose his re-election bid in                                                            The two leaders had promised       decline.
November.                                                                                that their governments would do                       He said he is happy with the
          In an interview with Reuters in                                                everything possible to co-operate to         way many governors are operating
the Oval Office, Trump talked tough on                                                   contain the coronavirus. In recent days,     under the strain of the virus but said
China and said he was looking at                                                         Washington and Beijing have traded           some need to improve. He would not
different options in terms of                                                            increasingly bitter recriminations over      name names.
consequences for Beijing over the                                                        the origin of the virus and the response              Trump’s handling of the virus
                                             U.S. President Donald Trump
virus. “I can do a lot,” he said.                                                        to it.                                       has come under scrutiny. Forty-three
                                             answers questions during the daily

          Trump has been heaping                                                                   However, Trump and his top         per cent of Americans approved of
                                             briefing of the coronavirus task

blame on China for a global pandemic                                                     aides, while stepping up their anti-         Trump’s handling of the coronavirus,
                                             force on April 27, 2020. Trump

that has killed at least 60,000 people in                                                China rhetoric, have stopped short of        according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll
                                             says China could have stopped the

the United States according to a                                                         directly criticizing Xi, who the U.S.        from April 27-28.
                                             coronavirus before it became a
                                             global pandemic.
Reuters tally, and thrown the U.S.           WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES                    president has repeatedly called his                   But the president got some
economy into a deep recession,               can to have me lose this race,” said        “friend.”                                    good news when Gilead Sciences Inc
putting in jeopardy his hopes for            Trump. He said he believes Beijing                    Trump also said South Korea        said it’s experimental antiviral drug
another four-year term.                      wants his Democratic opponent, Joe          has agreed to pay the United States          remdesivir was showing progress in
          The Republican president,          Biden, to win the race to ease the          more money for a defence co-                 treating virus victims.
often accused of not acting early            pressure Trump has placed on China          operation agreement but would not be                  Trump has also seeking an
enough to prepare the United States          over trade and other issues.                drawn out on how much.                       accelerated timetable on development
for the spread of the virus, said he                   “They’re constantly using                   “We can make a deal. They          of a vaccine.
believed China should have been more         public relations to try to make it like     want to make a deal,” Trump said.                     “I think things are moving
active in letting the world know about       they’re innocent parties,” he said of       “They’ve agreed to pay a lot of money.       along very nicely,” he said.
the coronavirus much sooner.                 Chinese officials.                          They’re paying a lot more money than                  At the end of the half-hour
          Asked whether he was                         He said the trade deal that he    they did when I got here” in January         interview, Trump offered lighthearted
considering the use of tariffs or even       concluded with Chinese President Xi         2017.                                        remarks about a newly released Navy
debt writeoffs for China, Trump would        Jinping aimed at reducing chronic U.S.                The United States stations         video     purportedly     showing     an
not offer specifics. “There are many         trade deficits with China had been          roughly 28,500 troops in South Korea,        unidentified flying object.       “I just
things I can do,” he said. “We’re            “upset very badly” by the economic          a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War           wonder if it’s real,” he said. “That’s a
looking for what happened.”                  fallout from the virus.                     that ended in an armistice, rather than      hell of a video.”
          “China will do anything they                 A senior Trump administration     a peace treaty.

undergirded by anger at perceived            attacks on the “malevolence” of the         see the country as the victim of a broad     look from a developing country’s
historical humiliations against China        French media, calling them lapdogs of       Western attempt, led by Washington,          perspective, who has done a better
over the past century. “They firmly          the U.S. He suggested Le Figaro was         to pin blame on Beijing for the              job? The United States or China?” she
believe the time is right for China to       trafficking in “lies” and accused           pandemic as a way to distract from           asked. The official numbers show a far
take revenge, and America and the            western politicians more generally of       their own missteps.                          smaller death toll in China than the
West is in decline,” said Feng Chongyi,      agitating “the populist, racist and anti-             “Calling for an investigation is   U.S. ”And that raises the possibility, I
a scholar at Australia’s University of       Chinese strands of their countries          just buck-passing behaviour,” said           think, that authoritarianism wins favour
Technology Sydney who studies                against China.”                             Ruan Zongze, vice-president of the           in other parts of the world,” she said.
contemporary Chinese history. And so,        “Some Westerners are starting to have       China Institute of International Studies.             China stands to be the first
“whoever offends China will be               no confidence in liberal democracy,”                  xIt is for that reason unfair to   major economy to return to growth,
punished.”                                   Mr. Lu wrote, sneering at critics he        criticize     China      for   aggressive    raising the country’s importance for
         The spread of the COVID-19          deemed “psychologically fragile.”           diplomacy, he said. Chinese officials        other countries seeking to buttress
pandemic from China to the rest of the                 In the Netherlands, the           are engaged in “self-defence against         their own economic performance.
world – and the ensuing recriminations       Chinese embassy called De Volkskrant        irresponsible accusations made by                     At the same time, some of the
– have intensified that conflict. So, too,   newspaper        “full   of   prejudice,    western political figures. China isn’t       most successful strategies to counter
has Beijing’s confidence that it has         discrimination and malice,” while           provoking anything.” In fact, he said,       the virus have taken place in
more capably handled the outbreak            China’s Communist Party-backed              “China should choose to be tough on          democratic states, including Taiwan,
than western democracies, despite            Global Times reported comments from         people who just try to throw mud at our      South Korea, Australia and New
accusations of an initial cover-up. It’s a   Beijing that “China may consider            country, because they never hesitate         Zealand.
confidence that has turned strident in       suspending medical supplies to the          to demonize and degrade China. How                    In    China,      “the    same
recent weeks.                                Netherlands” after a change to the          can you be polite to impolite people?”       authoritarian system that checked the
         Cheng       Jingye,      China’s    name of the country’s mission in                      Beijing, too, has good reason      spread of the virus was also
ambassador to Australia, questioned          Taiwan was viewed as not honouring          to threaten economic consequences,           responsible for covering it for months
whether a country that is so “hostile” is    the     one-China      principle.   (The    said Su Hao, a professor in the School       and allowing it to disperse from Wuhan
“the best place to send” Chinese             newspaper’s editor, Hu Xijin, also          of Diplomacy at China Foreign Affairs        to the world,” said Mr. Fullilove.
students for education, or whether           called Australia “chewing gum stuck         University. He accused the Donald                     “Once, the world saw China as
Chinese consumers would want to buy          on the sole of China’s shoes.               Trump administration of manipulating         a source of capital, labour and
Australian wine and beef, after Prime        Sometimes you have to find a stone to       the emotions of other countries to join      innovation. … When this is finally over,
Minister Scott Morrison called for an        rub it off.”)                               the U.S. in strategically constraining       with armies of dead and a battered
independent review of the spread of                    China’s outspoken officials       China. Remain silent, and others will        global economy, does anyone think
the virus. Vice foreign minister Le          “are seeking to prevent any censure of      follow, he said. “China must use such        that China will remain blameless?”
Yucheng accused the U.S. of “political       China and impress headquarters in           language, so to ensure a threat of a
manipulation to a level beyond               Beijing. Some of the behaviour is quite     boycott is actually understandable.          With reporting from Alexandra Li
anyone’s imagination” in response to         outrageous,” said Michael Fullilove,        They must realize that their attempt to
White House pressure over the virus          executive director of the Lowy Institute,   contain China is wrong.”                     Australia's calls for an independent
and, in an interview with NBC News,          Australia’s leading foreign policy think              Besides, he said, “China and       inquiry into the origins of COVID-19 is
quoted Chairman Mao Zedong: “a first-        tank.                                       the World Health Organization should         'reasonable' and not targeted at any
order question in revolution is to                     “Beijing is anxious because       not and do not want to be scapegoats”        specific country, Prime Minister Scott
discern the true enemies and true            the stakes are so high. If Beijing gets     for public health failures in other          Morrison said on Wednesday.
friends.”                                    pinned with responsibility for the          countries.                                   REUTERS
         In France, Lu Shaye, who            pandemic, that will be a huge drain on                The pandemic has allowed
previously served as ambassador to           its soft power,” he said.                   China to make a much larger
Canada, has released a series of                       Many in China, meanwhile,         argument, said Prof. Golley. “If you
COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
8                                                                 The North American Filipino Star                                                              April 2020

                                            Compiled data from
                                            educational research by
                                            Zenaida F. Kharroubi

Ontario unveils details of learn-at-
home program, students out of
school until at least May 4                                                          Schools were initially set to reopen on April 6, but are set to remain
eachers will issue final grades and         program to keep students learning
                                                                                     closed until at least May as the number of COVID-19 cases in Ontario

report cards, work done at home will        while at home. Lecce also said
                                                                                     continues to increase. Danforth Collegiate and Technical Institute,

be graded: education minister               teachers will be issuing final grades
                                                                                     pictured here, is among them. (Alan Habbick/CBC)
                                                                                     training educators to better enable           them. (Alan Habbick/CBC)
CBC News · Posted: Mar 31, 2020             and report cards, meaning work           them to teach online, and could see           The director of education at the
11:19 AM ET | Last Updated: March           completed at home will be graded.        schools distribute laptops or other           province's largest school board told
31                                          Whether or not the school year will      devices to students who need them,            parents Monday night they are
Ontario students won't be back in the       extend into the summer has yet to be     Lecce said.                                   developing a plan to connect
classroom until at least May 4 as the       determined, he said.                                "By providing clarity for          teachers to students and "restore
province continues to battle the                     Lecce said the plans will       parents, enhancing support for                teacher-led learning to the greatest
spread of COVID-19, the government          incorporate online learning, but where   students and enabling the teacher-            extent possible as of April 6."
announced Tuesday.                          that is not possible, telephone calls    student relationship, we are ensuring                  TDSB's John Malloy says
          Effective immediately,            and mail-out packages will be used.      our children continue to safely learn         staff have been trying to determine
publicly-funded schools will remain                  For now, students will          — providing some sense of stability           more information about the devices
closed until May 1 for teachers and         continue to complete credits, and that   and hope for them amid this                   and internet access families have in
May 4 for students, Premier Doug            "no student will have their graduation   difficulty," Lecce said.                      the meantime.
Ford confirmed at a news conference,        compromised by COVID-19," the                       Students throughout Ontario                 He asked for patience as
adding he is prepared to extend the         government said in a news release.       have been out of class since March            educators connect with thousands of
closures even further if the province's              As part of what Lecce called    14, after Lecce issued a ministerial          students to make plans for remote
chief medical officer of health advises     the "second phase of Learn at Home,"     order to keep publicly-funded schools         learning.
him to.                                     students will reconnect with their       closed for two additional weeks after                  "As you can appreciate, this
          Private schools, licensed child   teachers and school staff, including     March Break as concerns mounted               is no small task, however we have
care centres and EarlyON programs           mental health workers.                   about the threat of COVID-19. Private         been working around the clock to
will also remain closed for at least                 Here's what the program will    schools were also closed a few days           ensure that as many students as
another two weeks, according to the         look like:                               later.                                        possible have the opportunity to
province's emergency declaration,                    Kindergarten to Grade 3                    Some licensed child-care           resume learning remotely next week,"
which only allows closures to be            students will complete five hours of     centres won't survive COVID-19                Malloy said in a statement.
extended for 14 days at a time.             work each week, focusing on literacy     closures, industry warns                      Union stresses need for 'inclusive
          "We know from the medical         and math.                                           Schools were initially set to      opportunities'
experts that the next two weeks will be              Grades 4 to 6: Five hours of    reopen on April 6, but both Ford and                   The government has formed
critical in the fight against COVID-19      work each week, focusing on literacy,    Lecce have conceded that the                  a working group with the province's
and that's why we're taking further         math, science and social studies.        closures would need to be prolonged           education sector unions to look at
action to keep our kids safe and                     Grades 7-8: 10 hours of work    as the number of COVID-19 cases in            options for continued learning until
healthy by having them stay home,"          each week, focusing on math, literacy,   Ontario continues to increase.                the pandemic abates.
said Ford.                                  math, science and social studies.                   'No small task' to make                     The Elementary Teachers'
          Ontario COVID-19 cases near                Grades 9-12: Three hours of     remote learning possible                      Federation of Ontario, which
2,000 as schools set to stay closed         work per course each week for            The president of the Ontario Public           represents 83,000 public school
until at least May                          semestered students, 1.5 hours per       School Boards' Association, which             teachers, said in a statement that it
Speaking to reporters, Ontario              course each week for non-semestered      represents trustees, said school              supports the temporary moves made
Education Minister Stephen Lecce            students.                                boards have been hearing from                 to address the situation.
announced a new "teacher-led"                        The program will also involve   parents in recent weeks that they                      But the union's president
                                                                                     need help teaching their children at          stressed that learning is best done
                                                                                     home.                                         "face-to-face in a classroom setting."
                                                                                                Cathy Abraham said every           Ontario teachers hosting virtual
                                                                                     board in the province has been                lessons as COVID-19 keeps students
                                                                                     crafting a local plan to address the          out of class
                                                                                     needs of students who may not have                     "We have reminded the
                                                                                     access to the internet, computers or          Ministry that many students have
                                                                                     tablets, or whose parents may not             unique and specialized needs and
                                                                                     have time to oversee their schooling.         that some have challenging
                                                                                                "This is uncharted territory for   circumstances affecting their ability to
                                                                                     everyone," she said. "We're just              engage in learning outside the
                                                                                     asking parents to have a little bit of        classroom," Sam Hammond said in a
                                                                                     patience with their                           statement.
                                                                                     school boards while they try to figure                 "It is extremely important that
                                                                                     it out. It's not going to be the same         during this temporary situation, we
                                                                                     for everybody."                               strive to provide equitable and
                                                                                                Schools were initially set to      inclusive opportunities for students to
                                                                                     reopen on April 6, but are set to             advance their learning."
                                                                                     remain closed until at least May as
                                                                                     the number of COVID-19 cases in               With files from The Canadian Press
                                                                                     Ontario continues to increase.
                                                                                     Danforth Collegiate and Technical             CBC's Journalistic Standards and
                                                                                     Institute, pictured here, is among            Practices|About CBC NewsBy Joyce
COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION COVID-19 Canada: First 'virtual parliament' brings accountability with a few technical headaches - APRIL 2020 EDITION
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