Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Page created by David Ortega
                                 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

                                 Stephen V. Faraone1,2, Philip Asherson3, Tobias Banaschewski4, Joseph Biederman5,
                                 Jan K. Buitelaar6, Josep Antoni Ramos-Quiroga7–9, Luis Augusto Rohde10,11,
                                 Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke12,13, Rosemary Tannock14,15 and Barbara Franke16
                                 Abstract | Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a persistent neurodevelopmental disorder
                                 that affects 5% of children and adolescents and 2.5% of adults worldwide. Throughout an individual’s
                                 lifetime, ADHD can increase the risk of other psychiatric disorders, educational and occupational failure,
                                 accidents, criminality, social disability and addictions. No single risk factor is necessary or sufficient to cause
                                 ADHD. In most cases ADHD arises from several genetic and environmental risk factors that each have a
                                 small individual effect and act together to increase susceptibility. The multifactorial causation of ADHD is
                                 consistent with the heterogeneity of the disorder, which is shown by its extensive psychiatric co-morbidity,
                                 its multiple domains of neurocognitive impairment and the wide range of structural and functional brain
                                 anomalies associated with it. The diagnosis of ADHD is reliable and valid when evaluated with standard
                                 criteria for psychiatric disorders. Rating scales and clinical interviews facilitate diagnosis and aid screening.
                                 The expression of symptoms varies as a function of patient developmental stage and social and academic
                                 contexts. Although there are no curative treatments for ADHD, evidenced-based treatments can markedly
                                 reduce its symptoms and associated impairments. For example, medications are efficacious and normally
                                 well tolerated, and various non-pharmacological approaches are also valuable. Ongoing clinical and
                                 neurobiological research holds the promise of advancing diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to ADHD.
                                 For an illustrated summary of this Primer, visit:

                                Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD; also                associated with ADHD. These studies have created relia-
                                known as hyperkinetic disorder) is a common dis-                    ble and valid measurement tools for screening, diagnosis
                                order characterized by inattention or hyperactivity–­               and monitoring of treatment. Likewise, rigorous clinical
                                impulsivity, or both. The evidence base for the diagnosis           trials have documented the safety and efficacy of ADHD
                                and treatment of ADHD has been growing exponentially                treatment, and it is now clear which ADHD treatments
                                since the syndrome was first described by a German                  work, which do not and which require further study. In
                                physician in 1775 (REF. 1) (FIG. 1). In 1937, the efficacy          this Primer, we discuss the evidence base that has created
                                of amphetamine use to reduce symptom severity was                   a firm foundation for future work to further clarify the
                                serendipitously discovered. In the 1940s, the brain was             aetiology and pathophysiology of ADHD and to advance
                                implicated as the source of ADHD-like symptoms, which               diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to this disorder.
                                were described as minimal brain damage in the wake of
Correspondence to S.V.F.
e-mail: sfaraone@
                                an encephalitis epidemic. In 1980, the third edition of             Epidemiology          the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders           Age-dependent prevalence of ADHD
Departments of Psychiatry       (DSM) created the first reliable operational diagnostic             ADHD is a common disorder among young people
and of Neuroscience and         criteria for the disorder. These criteria initiated many            worldwide. In 2007, a meta-analysis of more than 100
Physiology, State University
                                programmes of research that ultimately led the scien-               studies estimated the worldwide prevalence of ADHD in
of New York (SUNY) Upstate
Medical University, Syracuse,
                                tific community to view ADHD as a seriously impair-                 children and adolescents to be 5.3% (95% CI: 5.01–5.56)2.
New York 13210, USA;            ing, often persistent neurobiological disorder of high              Three methodological factors explained this variabil-
K.G. Jebsen Centre for          prevalence that is caused by a complex interplay between            ity among studies: the choice of diagnostic criteria, the
Neuropsychiatric Disorders,     genetic and environmental risk factors. These risk fac-             source of information used and the inclusion of a require-
Department of Biomedicine,
University of Bergen,
                                tors affect the structural and functional capacity of brain         ment for functional impairment as well as symptoms for
5020 Bergen, Norway.            networks and lead to ADHD symptoms, neurocognitive                  diagnosis. After adjusting for these factors, a subsequent
                                deficits and a wide range of functional impairments.                meta-analysis concluded that the prevalence of ADHD
Article number: 15020
                                    We now have many large and well-designed epi­                   does not significantly differ between countries in Europe,
Published online                demiological, clinical and longitudinal studies that have           Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well as in Australia3.
6 August 2015                   clarified the features, co-morbidities and impairments              Although other meta-analyses have found either lower or

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 Author addresses
                                                                                                  symptoms; and third, enabling ADHD to be diagnosed
                                                                                                  in the presence of an autism spectrum disorder. The
  Departments of Psychiatry and of Neuroscience and Physiology, State University                  third change is consistent with the reconceptualization
 of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York 13210, USA.                    of ADHD in DSM‑5 as a neurodevelopmental disorder
  K.G. Jebsen Centre for Psychiatric Disorders, Department of Biomedicine,                        rather than a disruptive behavioural disorder. Overall,
 University of Bergen, 5020 Bergen, Norway.
                                                                                                  these new criteria have yielded an increase in ADHD
  Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry Psychology
 and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK.
                                                                                                  prevalence, which is insubstantial for children but is likely
  Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of           to have had a more considerable effect on diagnosis rates
 Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.               in adults13,14.
  Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital,
 Pediatric Psychopharmacology Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston,                       Sociodemographic factors
 Massachusetts, USA.                                                                              Alongside age, other factors such as sex, ethnicity and
  Radboud University Medical Center, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and                   socioeconomic status are also important when consider­
 Behaviour, Department of Cognitive Neuroscience and Karakter Child and Adolescent                ing the prevalence of ADHD. In children and adolescents,
 Psychiatry University Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.                                         ADHD predominantly affects males and exhibits a male-
  ADHD Program, Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d’Hebron,
                                                                                                  to-female sex ratio of 4:1 in clinical studies and 2.4:1 in
 Barcelona, Spain.
  Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Barcelona, Spain.
                                                                                                  population studies2. In adulthood, this sex discrepancy
  Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,                 almost disappears14, possibly owing to referral biases
 Barcelona, Spain.                                                                                among treatment-seeking patients or to sex‑specifi­c
   ADHD Outpatient Program, Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, Department of                   effects of ADHD over the course of the disorder.
 Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil.                           Larsson and colleagues 15 found that low family
   National Institute of Developmental Psychiatry for Children and Adolescents,                   income predicted an increased likelihood of ADHD in
 Sao Paulo, Brazil.                                                                               a Swedish population-based cohort study of 811,803
   Department of Psychology, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.                          indivi­duals. However, this finding does not necessar-
   Department of Experimental Clinical and Health Psychology, Ghent University, Ghent,            ily support the conclusion that socioeconomic s­tatus
                                                                                                  increases the risk of ADHD because the disorder
   Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Program, Research Institute of The Hospital
 for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada.
                                                                                                  runs in families and leads to educational and occupa-
   Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development, Ontario Institute for                  tional underattainment. Underemployment could in
 Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.                           turn lead to the over-representation of socioeconomic
   Radboud University Medical Center, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and                  d­isadvantage among families affected by ADHD16.
 Behaviour, Departments of Human Genetics and Psychiatry, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.                  Finally, although the true prevalence of ADHD does
                                                                                                  not vary with ethnicity, some studies have inconsistently
                                                                                                  associated ethnicity with ADHD owing to referral pat-
                             higher prevalence rates, these presented important limita-           terns and barriers to care that disproportionately affect
                             tions, such as the exclusive use of DSM criteria to diagnose         particular ethnic groups17–19.
                             ADHD and the use of simulated prevalence rates4,5. In
                             addition, there is no evidence, worldwide, of an increase            Mechanisms/pathophysiology
                             in the real prevalence of ADHD over the past three                   Genes and environment
                             decades3. Despite the fact that both overdiagnosis and               Genetic epidemiology. ADHD runs in families, with
                             underdiagnosis are common concerns in medicine, the                  parents and siblings of patients with ADHD show-
                             common public perception that ADHD is o­verdiagnosed                 ing between a fivefold and tenfold increased risk of
                             in the United States might not be warranted6.                        develop­ing the disorder compared with the general
                                 ADHD also affects adults. Although the majority                  population20,21. Twin studies show that ADHD has a
                             of children with ADHD will not continue to meet the                  heritability of 70–80% in both children and adults22–25,
                             full set of criteria for ADHD as adults, the persistence of          with little or no evidence that the effects of environ­
                             either functional impairment 7 or subthreshold (three or             mental risk factors shared by siblings substantially influ-
                             fewer) impairing symptoms into adulthood is high8. For               ence aetiology 26. Environmental risk factors play their
                             instance, on the basis of a meta-analysis of six studies,            greatest part in the non-shared familial environment
                             Simon and colleagues9 found the pooled prevalence of                 and/or act through interactions with genes and DNA
                             ADHD to be 2.5% (95% CI: 2.1–3.1) in adults. In addi-                variants that regulate gene expression — such as those
                             tion, studies in older adults have found prevalence rates            in promoters, u­ntranslated regions of genes or loci that
                             in the same range10,11, and prospective longitudinal stud-           encode microRNAs.
                             ies support the notion that approximately two-thirds of                  Although ADHD is a categorical diagnosis, results
                             youths with ADHD retain impairing symptoms of the                    from twin studies suggest that it is the extreme and
                             disorder in adulthood7 (FIG. 2).                                     impairing tail of one or more heritable quantitative traits27.
                                 Recent alterations to diagnostic criteria have had an            The disorder is influenced by both stable genetic factors
                             impact on ADHD prevalence measures in both young                     and those that emerge at different developmental stages
                             and adult populations. In 2013, DSM‑5 (REF. 12) included             from childhood through to adulthood28. Thus, genes con-
                             three important changes: first, increasing the age of onset          tribute to the onset, persistence and remission of ADHD,
                             from 7 years to 12 years; second, decreasing the symptom             presumably through stable neurobiological deficits as
                             threshold for patients ≥17 years of age from six to five             well as maturational or compensatory processes that

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Weikard describes ADHD syndrome in a German textbook             DSM-II describes hyperkinetic reaction                         Omega-3 is a weak but effective
                                                                 Douglas’ neurocognitive model of ADHD
         Hoffman cartoons of             Still describes                                                                         DSM-5 extends age of onset
         ‘Fidgeting Philip’ and         ‘defect of moral                                                                        to 12 years and adjusts criteria
                                        control’ in              ADHD-like symptoms                        Twin studies         for adults
         ‘Johnny Head-in-the-Air’
                                        The Lancet               described as ‘minimal                     document high
                                                                 brain damage’                             heritability         CBT for adult ADHD
              Bourneville, Boulanger, Paul-Boncour                    US FDA approves                DSM-III                    Rare genomic insertions and
              and Philippe describe ADHD symptoms                     methylphenidate                operationalizes            deletions discovered
              as ‘mental instability’ in French medical               for depression                 diagnostic
              and educational literature                              and narcolepsy                 criteria                   Molecular polygenic
                                                                                                                                background confirmed

  1775    1798    1845     1887     1901    1910     1930s    1940s     1950s      1960s     1970s     1980s    1985    1990s     1995     2000s     2010s

                                                                                      Sagvolden describes an ADHD rat model
                         Bradley shows that benzedrine
                         reduces hyperactivity                                        Similar correlates of ADHD found in boys and girls           CDC describes
 Crichton describes                                                                                                                                ADHD as a
 ADHD syndrome in        Kramer–Pollnow syndrome                                      Neuroimaging documents structural and                        serious public
 a Scottish textbook     discovered                            Parent training        functional brain anomalies                                   health problem
                                                                                      DSM-IV refines criteria                                       Long-acting
                                                               Methylphenidate                                                                     stimulants
   Prediagnostic era                                                                  ADHD in adults recognized as a valid disorder                developed
                                                               indicated for
   Minimal brain dysfunction era                               behavioural
   Attention-deficit disorder era                               disorders              Co-morbidity with anxiety, mood or autism spectrum           Non-stimulants
   ADHD era                                                    in children            disorders and executive dysfunction confirmed                 approved

                                                                                                                      Nature Reviews | Disease Primers
                             Figure 1 | The history of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity   disorder (ADHD)
                             ‘syndromes’ have been described in the medical literature since the eighteenth century, but the growth of systematic
                             research required the development of operational diagnostic criteria in the late twentieth century. This schematic
                             outlines selected important developments in the history of ADHD research. CBT, cognitive–behavioural therapy;
                             CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

                             influence development. The inattention and hyperactiv-                 and twin studies that found significant co‑aggregation
                             ity or impulsivity that characterize ADHD are separate                 of ADHD with depression37, conduct problems39 and
                             domains of psychopathology, with a genetic corre­lation                schizophrenia40. Furthermore, combined GWAS of
                             of around 0.6, reflecting substantial genetic overlap but              ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, depression, bipolar
                             also genetic influences that are domain specific29. Shared             disorder and schizophrenia identified four genome-wide
                             genetic factors also account for the co‑occurrence of                  significant loci shared by these disorders37.
                             ADHD with emotional d­ysregulation — an independ-                          In addition to the common-variant studies, rare
                             ent source of impairment in ADHD30,31. Family and twin                 (prevalence of 500,000 base pairs
                             disorders, including conduct disorder and problems32,                  in length compared with 7.5% of individuals without
                             cognitive performance33, autism s­pectrum disorders34                  the disorder. The rate of large CNV carriage was even
                             and mood disorders35,36.                                               higher (42.4%) in those with both ADHD and an IQ
                                                                                                    below 70 ± 5 (which, along with poor adaptive function-
                             Molecular genetics. On the basis of data from genome-                  ing, defines intellectual disability)42. These findings have
                             wide association studies (GWAS), approximately 40% of                  been replicated43, and together these studies implicate
                             the heritability of ADHD can be attributed to numer-                   genes at 16p13.11 along with the 15q11–15q13 region in
                             ous common genetic variants37. In polygenic risk score                 ADHD. The 15q11–15q13 region contains the gene that
                             analy­sis, the genetic signals attributed to common vari-              encodes the nicotinic α7 acetylcholine receptor subunit,
                             ants derived from a discovery sample are used to predict               which participates in neuronal and nicotinic signalling
                             phenotypic effects in a second sample. The polygenic risk              pathways. Finally, ADHD-associated CNVs also span
                             for clinically diagnosed ADHD predicts ADHD symp-                      several glutamate receptor genes, which are essential
                             toms in the population more broadly 38, confirming the                 for neuronal glutamatergic transmission44, and the gene
                             conclusion from twin studies that the genes determining                encoding neuropeptide Y, which is involved in signal-
                             the diagnosis of ADHD also regulate the expression of                  ling in the brain and autonomic nervous system45. CNVs
                             subclinical levels of ADHD symptoms. In addition, these                associated with ADHD also occur in s­chizophrenia
                             analyses have confirmed earlier evidence from family                   and autism42.

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             100                                                                                                  evoke ‘hostile’ styles of parenting, and genes linked to
                                                                                                                  ADHD might explain the association of parental vari-
                                                                                                                  ables, such as maternal smoking during pregnancy,
                  75                                                                                              with offspring who have ADHD51,52. One notable study
                                                                         71%                                      investigated maternal hostility while controlling for
Persistence (%)

                                                                                                       65%        genetic effects by studying children adopted at birth
                  50                                                                                              and children conceived through in vitro fertiliza-
                                                                                                                  tion and their genetically unrelated rearing m­others53.
                                                                                                                  The study found a role for genetically influenced early
                  25       Functional impairment                                                                  child behaviour on the hostility of biologically unrelated
                           Impairing symptoms                                             15%                     mothers, which in turn was a predictor of subsequent
                           Full diagnostic criteria                                                               ADHD symptoms developed by the children. Another
                   0                                                                                              study followed Romanian adoptees who had experi-
                       0          5             10           15             20             25              30     enced severe early maternal deprivation in orphanages
                                                Mean age at follow-up (years)                                     before adoption. It showed a dose-­dependent relation-
   Figure 2 | The age-dependent decline and persistence of attention-deficit/                                     ship between length of deprivation and risk of develop-
                                                           Nature Reviews | Disease Primers
   hyperactivity disorder throughout the lifetime. Follow‑up studies have assessed                                ing ADHD-like symptoms54. Other environmental risk
   children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at multiple time points                          factors that have been associated with ADHD include
   after their initial diagnosis. Although they document an age-dependent decline in ADHD                         prenatal and perinatal factors, such as maternal smok-
   symptoms, ADHD is also a highly persistent disorder when defined by the persistence of                         ing and alcohol use, low birth weight, premature birth
   functional impairment7 or the persistence of subthreshold (three or fewer) impairing
                                                                                                                  and exposure to environmental toxins, such as organo-
   symptoms8. By contrast, many patients remit full diagnostic criteria7.
                                                                                                                  phosphate pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, zinc
                                                                                                                  and lead55,56. Animal models have also contributed
                                                Although GWAS that investigated common genetic                    much to the study of environmental risk factors57–59.
                                            variants (FIG. 3) have not identified specific ADHD genes             Similar to genetic risk factors, the effects of any one
                                            at genome-wide levels of significance46, intriguing results           environ­mental risk factor are small and could reflect
                                            have emerged from meta-analyses of studies of candi-                  either small effects in many cases or larger effects in a
                                            date genes involved in the monoamine neurotransmit-                   few cases. Furthermore, rather than being specific to
                                            ter systems47. These systems had been implicated in the               ADHD, these environmental risk factors are associated
                                            pathophysiology of ADHD by the mechanisms of action                   with several psychiatric disorders29.
                                            of drugs used in clinical management. Methylphenidate                     In addition to the main effects of the environment,
                                            and amphetamine target the sodium-dependent dopa-                     the high heritability of ADHD suggests that gene–­
                                            mine transporter (encoded by SLC6A3), atomoxetine                     environment (G × E) interactions might be the main
                                            targets the sodium-dependent noradrenaline trans-                     mechanism by which environmental risk factors increase
                                            porter, and both extended-release guanfacine and                      the risk of ADHD. For example, a variant of 5‑HTTLPR —
                                            extended-release clonidine target the α2A-adrenergic                  a polymorphic region located in the promoter of SLC6A4
                                            receptor. Within the monoamine systems, the strongest                 — is involved in the hyperactivity and impulsivity dimen-
                                            evidence of ADHD association is for variants in the genes             sions of ADHD in interaction with stress60. Although
                                            encoding the D4 and D1B dopamine receptors47. The                     some early studies identified other G × E effects, none
                                            association of the SLC6A3 gene variant is equivocal47,                has been reliably reproduced. Future success in this area
                                            possibly owing to age-related effects48. Other genes that             requires the use of large data sets, such as those emerg-
                                            show possible associations with ADHD include SLC6A4                   ing from the use of national databases in Denmark and
                                            (which encodes the sodium-dependent serotonin trans-                  Sweden, which can combine large-scale genetic studies
                                            porter), HTR1B (which encodes 5‑hydroxytryptamine                     with recorded data on exposure to environmental risks.
                                            receptor 1B (also known as serotonin receptor 1B)) and                    Another approach to identify environmental risk fac-
                                            SNAP25 (which encodes synaptosomal-associated pro-                    tors in ADHD is to focus on the detection of epigenetic
                                            tein 25)47. Owing to methodological issues, a cautious                changes, such as DNA methylation, which are revers-
                                            approach must be taken to the interpretation of candi­                ible changes in genomic function that are independent
                                            date gene studies. Nevertheless, the role of the dopa-                of DNA sequence. Epigenetics provides a mechanism
                                            mine, noradrenaline, serotonin and neurite outgrowth                  by which environmental risk factors alter gene func-
                                            systems is supported by genome-wide association study-                tion. However, as epigenetic changes are highly tissue
                                            based gene-set analyses reporting that, as a group, genes             specific, they are difficult to study in ADHD because of
                                            regulating these systems were associated with ADHD                    limited access to brain tissue. Studies must, therefore,
                                            and hyperactivity or impulsivity 46,49,50.                            rely on peripheral tissues such as blood, the epigenetic
                                                                                                                  profile of which partly overlaps with that of brain tis-
                                            Environmental risk factors. Identifying e­nvironmental                sue. Environmental toxins and stress can all induce epi­
                                            causes of ADHD is difficult because environmen-                       genetic changes, thus the identification of genes that
                                            tal associations might arise from other sources, such                 show epigenetic changes linked to ADHD, or in response
                                            as from child or parental behaviours that shape the                   to environmental risk factors, might in the future pro-
                                            environ­ment, or they might reflect unmeasured third                  vide new insights into the mechanisms involved in the
                                            variables. For example, children with ADHD might                      pathogenesis of ADHD61.

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                                            Brain mechanisms                                                      anticipation of reward than in controls75. ADHD is also
                                            Cognition. ADHD is characterized by deficits in multi-                 associated with hyperactivation in somatomotor and vis-
                                            ple, relatively independent, cognitive domains. Executive             ual systems74, which possibly compensates for impaired
                                            functioning deficits are seen in visuospatial and verbal              functioning of the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cor-
                                            working memory, inhibitory control, vigilance and                     tices76. A single dose of methylphenidate (a stimulant)
                                            planning 62,63. Studies of reward dysregulation show that             markedly enhances activation in the inferior frontal cor-
                                            patients with ADHD make suboptimal decisions64, pre-                  tex and insula bilaterally — which are key areas of cogni-
                                            fer immediate rather than delayed rewards65 and over-                 tive control — during inhibition and time discrimination
                                            estimate the magnitude of proximal relative to distal                 but does not affect working memory networks77. By con-
                                            rewards66. Other domains impaired in ADHD include                     trast, long-term treatment with stimulants is associated
                                            temporal information processing and timing 67; speech                 with normal activation in the right caudate nucleus dur-
                                            and language68; memory span, processing speed and                     ing the performance of attention tasks78. Resting-state
                                            response time variability 69; arousal and activation70;               MRI studies have shown that ADHD is associated with
                                            and motor control71. Although most patients with                      less-pronounced or absent anti-correlations between the
                                            ADHD show deficits in one or two cognitive domains,                   default-mode network (DMN) and the cognitive control
                                            some have no deficits and very few show deficits in all                network, lower connectivity within the DMN itself and
                                            domains72. In addition, across the lifespan of patients               lower connectivity within the cognitive and m­otivational
                                            with ADHD, deficits in cognitive control, reward sensi­               loops of the frontostriatal circuits79.
                                            tivity and timing have been shown to be independent                       Along with functional changes, a range of struc-
                                            of one another 73, and it is currently unclear whether                tural brain alterations are also associated with ADHD.
                                            cognitive deficits cause ADHD symptoms and drive the                  For example, ADHD is associated with a 3–5% smaller
                                            development of the clinical phenotype 72 or reflect                   total brain size than unaffected controls80,81 that can be
                                            the pleiotropic o­utcomes of risk factors.                            attributed to a reduction of grey matter 82. Consistent
                                                                                                                  with genetic data that support a model of ADHD as the
                                            Structural and functional brain imaging. Several brain                extreme of a population trait, total brain volume cor-
                                            regions and neural pathways have been implicated                      relates negatively with ADHD symptoms in the general
                                            in ADHD (FIG. 4). Functional MRI studies in patients with             population83. In patients with ADHD, meta-analyses
                                            ADHD that used inhibitory control, working memory                     have documented smaller volumes across several brain
                                            and attentional tasks have shown underactivation of fron-             regions, most consistently in the right globus pallidus,
                                            tostriatal, frontoparietal and ventral attention networks74.          right putamen, caudate nucleus and cerebellum84,85.
                                            The frontoparietal network mediates goal-directed                     In addition, a meta-analysis of diffusion tensor imaging
                                            executive processes, whereas the ventral attention net-               studies showed widespread alterations in white matter
                                            work facilitates reorientation of attention towards salient           integrity, especially in the right anterior corona radiata,
                                            and behaviourally relevant external stimuli. In reward-               right forceps minor, bilateral internal capsule and left
                                            processing paradigms, most studies report lower activa-               cerebellum86. Both structural and functional imaging
                                            tion of the ventral striatum of patients with ADHD in                 findings are very variable across studies, suggesting that
                                                                                                                  the neural underpinnings of ADHD are heterogeneous,
                                                                                                                  which is consistent with studies of cognition.
                      22q11.2 deletion syndrome        16p13.11                                Monoamine              Just as the prevalence of ADHD is associated with
                                                       15q11–15q11 13 region containing        systems
                      Jacobsen syndrome                                                        genes              age (FIG. 2), so too are many changes in the brains of
                      (deletions of the end of 11q)    nicotinic α7 acetylcholine
                                                       receptor subunit gene                   Neurite            patients with ADHD7. Some brain volumetric alterations
                      Turner syndrome (X0)                                                     outgrowth
                      Klinefelter syndrome (XXY)       Rare point mutations expected
                                                                                               genes              observed in childhood normalize with age82,85, whereas
                                                       from sequencing studies
                                                                                                                  other m­easures remain fixed. For example, a longitudi-
                                                                                                                  nal MRI study found lower basal ganglion volumes and

                            Rare                                                                                  reduced dorsal surface area in adolescents with ADHD
                        chromosomal                                                                               compared with controls, and this difference did not
                                                                                                                  change as patients aged87. Furthermore, for ventral striatal
                                                                                                                  surfaces, control individuals showed surface area expan-
                                                        Rare and low
Effect size

                                                                                                                  sion with age, whereas patients with ADHD experienced
                                                      frequency copy
                                                      number variants                                             a progressive contraction of the surface area. The as-yet-
                                                                                                                  unknown process underlying this contraction might
                                                                                                                  explain abnormal processing of reward in ADHD87.
                                                                                    Common variants
                                                                                     explain ~40%                 ADHD is also associated with delayed maturation of the
                                                                                     of heritability              cerebral cortex. In one study, the age of attaining peak
                                                                                                                  cortical thickness was 10.5 years for patients with ADHD

                    Very rare                  Rare                      Low                     Common
                                                                                                                  and 7.5 years for unaffected individuals; this delay was
                                                      Allele frequency                                            most prominent in the prefrontal regions that are impor-
 Figure 3 | Genetics of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Common variants                                 tant for executive functioning, attention and motor plan-
                                                         Nature Reviews | Diseasedisorder
 explain approximately 40% of the heritability of attention-deficit/hyperactivity  Primers                        ning 88. The development of cortical surface area was
 but, compared with rarer causes, individual common variants have much smaller effects                            also shown to be delayed in patients with ADHD, but
 on the expression of the disorder.                                                                               ADHD was not associated with altered developmental

 NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS                                                                                                                        VOLUME 1 | 2015 | 5

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a   Dorsolateral        Parietal      b Ventral anterior Dorsal anterior   c                                      d
    prefrontal cortex   cortex          cingulate cortex cingulate cortex    Mesocortical               Locus                      Cortex Thalamus
                                                                   Caudate                              coeruleus

                                                                            Mesolimbic                                  anterior
Ventromedial                         accumbens                              Substantia nigra                            cingulate Basal
prefrontal                                                                      tegmentum                               cortex ganglia
cortex                                                                           Noradrenergic                              Executive control      Pons
                                                  Amygdala        Cerebellum     Dopaminergic                               Corticocerebellar
e                                      f                                        g
Orbitofrontal                          Frontal                                                  Medial view                         Lateral view    Lateral
cortex                                 cortex                                                                                                       parietal

                                                                                Medial                                   Medial
Ventromedial                                                                    prefrontal                               prefrontal
prefrontal Ventral                                                              cortex Posterior                         cortex
cortex     striatum                                                                      cingulate                              Medial
                                                                                         cortex                                 temporal lobe

                             Figure 4 | Brain mechanisms in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. a | The cortical     regions
                                                                                                                        Nature      (lateral
                                                                                                                                Reviews      view) ofPrimers
                                                                                                                                          | Disease  the
                             brain have a role in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is linked to working
                             memory, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex to complex decision making and strategic planning, and the parietal cortex
                             to orientation of attention. b | ADHD involves the subcortical structures (medial view) of the brain. The ventral anterior
                             cingulate cortex and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex subserve affective and cognitive components of executive
                             control. Together with the basal ganglia (comprising the nucleus accumbens, caudate nucleus and putamen), they form
                             the frontostriatal circuit. Neuroimaging studies show structural and functional abnormalities in all of these structures in
                             patients with ADHD, extending into the amygdala and cerebellum. c | Neurotransmitter circuits in the brain are involved in
                             ADHD. The dopamine system plays an important part in planning and initiation of motor responses, activation, switching,
                             reaction to novelty and processing of reward. The noradrenergic system influences arousal modulation, signal-to-noise
                             ratios in cortical areas, state-dependent cognitive processes and cognitive preparation of urgent stimuli. d | Executive
                             control networks are affected in patients with ADHD. The executive control and corticocerebellar networks coordinate
                             executive functioning, that is, planning, goal-directed behaviour, inhibition, working memory and the flexible adaptation
                             to context. These networks are underactivated and have lower internal functional connectivity in individuals with ADHD
                             compared with individuals without the disorder. e | ADHD involves the reward network. The ventromedial prefrontal
                             cortex, orbitofrontal cortex and ventral striatum are at the centre of the brain network that responds to anticipation and
                             receipt of reward. Other structures involved are the thalamus, the amygdala and the cell bodies of dopaminergic neurons
                             in the substantia nigra, which, as indicated by the arrows, interact in a complex manner. Behavioural and neural responses
                             to reward are abnormal in ADHD. f | The alerting network is impaired in ADHD. The frontal and parietal cortical areas and
                             the thalamus intensively interact in the alerting network (indicated by the arrows), which supports attentional functioning
                             and is weaker in individuals with ADHD than in controls. g | ADHD involves the default-mode network (DMN). The DMN
                             consists of the medial prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex (medial view) as well as the lateral parietal
                             cortex and the medial temporal lobe (lateral view). DMN fluctuations are 180 degrees out of phase with fluctuations in
                             networks that become activated during externally oriented tasks, presumably reflecting competition between opposing
                             processes for processing resources. Negative correlations between the DMN and the frontoparietal control network are
                             weaker in patients with ADHD than in people who do not have the disorder.

                             trajectories of cortical gyrification89. Remission of ADHD           widespread deviations in cortical thickness persist in
                             has been associated with normalization of abnormalities              many adults with ADHD. Findings include both cortical
                             as measured by activation during functional imaging                  thinning (in the superior frontal cortex, pre­central cor-
                             tasks90, cortical thinning 91 and structural and functional          tex, inferior and superior parietal cortex, temporal pole
                             brain connectivity 92–95.                                            and medial temporal cortex)89,96 and cortical thickening
                                 Although these data could be taken to suggest that the           (in the pre-supplementary motor area, somatosensory
                             age-dependent decline in the prevalence of ADHD might                cortex and occipital cortex)97. More work is needed to
                             be due to the late development of ADHD-associated brain              determine how develop­mental changes in patterns of
                             structures and functions, most patients with ADHD do                 corti­cal thickness predict d­evelopmental changes in
                             not show complete developmental ‘catch up’. Indeed,                  ADHD symptom expression.

6 | 2015 | VOLUME 1                                                                                                        

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                        Summary                                                             Children and adolescents
                        Neurocognitive, neuroimaging and genetic theories                   The diagnosis of ADHD relies on clinical symptoms
                        of ADHD have shifted from single-cause or single-                   reported by patients or informants (including rela-
                        pathway models to models that delineate causes that                 tives and teachers), which is standard for all psychiatric
                        lead to ADHD through several molecular, neural and                  disorders12. National clinical guidelines and practice
                        neurocognitive pathways33,98–102. These approaches have             parameters for ADHD, developed over the past dec-
                        received clear support from aetiological studies indi-              ade, show good consensus and the potential to enhance
                        cating that most cases of ADHD arise from a ‘pool’ of               evidence-based clinical practice105. Diagnosis is based
                        genetic and environmental risk factors. Most of these               on information from a detailed clinical interview, which
                        risk factors have only a small effect on causal pathways.           remains the ‘gold standard’. Diagnosticians ask about
                        Cumulative vulnerability increases ADHD trait scores,               each ADHD symptom, the age of onset and resultant
                        and our current model suggests that ADHD emerges                    functional impairments. A clinical interview aims to
                        when these exceed a certain threshold. In most cases, no            establish whether symptoms are more extreme, persis-
                        single factor is necessary or sufficient to cause ADHD.             tent and impairing than expected for the developmen-
                        However, in some patients, rare genetic variants41,42 or            tal level of the patient. Validated rating scales (TABLE 1)
                        environmental risk factors — for example, psychosocial              help with such decisions, as they enable informants to
                        d­eprivation54 — might have a major influence.                      quanti­tatively rate the behaviour of the patient at home,
                            The multifactorial causation of ADHD leads to a                 at school and in the community.
                        hetero­geneous profile of psychopathology, neuro­                       Several factors present challenges to clinicians aiming
                        cognitive deficits and abnormalities in the struc-                  to determine whether a diagnosis of ADHD is appro-
                        ture and function of the brain. Many cases probably                 priate. For instance, cultural and ethnic differences can
                        involve dysregulation of the structure and function                 hinder diagnosis owing to variability in attitudes towards
                        of the frontal–­s ubcortical–­c erebellar pathways                  ADHD, willingness to report symptoms or the accept-
                        that control attention, response to reward, salience                ance of the diagnosis. For example, a literature review
                        thresholds, inhibitory control and motor behaviour.                 suggested that African-American youths had more
                        A meta-­a nalysis of peripheral biomarkers in the                   ADHD symptoms than Caucasian youths but were
                        blood and urine of drug-naive or drug-free patients                 diagnosed with ADHD only two-thirds as often, possi-
                        with ADHD and unaffected individuals found several                  bly owing to parent beliefs about ADHD and the lack of
                        measures — specifically, noradrenaline, 3‑methoxy‑4‑­               treatment access and use106. In addition, patient age can
                        hydroxyphenylethylene glycol (MHPG), monoamine                      be an issue. Developmental changes can internalize or
                        oxidase (MAO) and cortisol — to be significantly                    modify some symptoms. For example, the hyper­activity
                        associ­ated with ADHD56. Several of these metabolites               of childhood might be experienced as inner restless-
                        were also related to response to ADHD medication                    ness in adolescence, and distractibility could manifest
                        and symptom severity of ADHD. These results sup-                    as distracting thoughts. Accordingly, self-reports from
                        port the idea that catecho­laminergic neurotransmitter              adolescents are useful, but patients can sometimes
                        systems (discussed in further detail in the following               lack insight into their own difficulties. Furthermore,
                        section) and the hypothalamic–­pituitary–adrenal                    although younger children can provide useful informa-
                        axis are dysregulated in ADHD. Finally, genetic and                 tion, especial­ly about internalizing symptoms107, parents
                        clinical studies also implicate other systems, including            remain the main source of information for this group of
                        the serotonergic, nicotinic, g­lutamatergic and neurite             patients. Parents can report on symptoms during school
                        outgrowth systems.                                                  recesses and vacations when teacher reports are not
                                                                                            available. Although parent reports show good concur-
                        Diagnosis, screening and prevention                                 rent and predictive validity 108,109, information from other
                        The diagnostic process for ADHD assesses the inatten­               informants such as teachers, when available, is valuable
                        tive and hyperactive–impulsive symptom criteria for                 for documenting ADHD in other settings, for predicting
                        ADHD, evidence that symptoms cause functional                       prognosis and for increasing the confidence of diagno-
                        impairments and age of onset before 12 years. Although              ses110–112. Finally, diagnosticians can also inquire about
                        ADHD is associated with other features such as execu-               other medical conditions associated with symptoms
                        tive dysfunction62 and emotional dysregulation31,103,               of ADHD, such as seizure disorders, sleep disorders,
                        these are commonly observed in other disorders and                  hyperthyroidism, physical or sexual abuse and sensory
                        are not core diagnostic criteria for ADHD12. To assist              i­mpairments113, as these can confound diagnosis.
                        diagnosis, several open access assessment tools have                    Although screening for ADHD is theoretically feasi­
                        been created for use in both children (TABLE 1) and adults          ble given the availability of parent and self-reported
                        (TABLE 2), and excellent, well-normed (standardized)                scales (TABLE 1), the few studies that have investigated the
                        commercial scales are available104. Importantly, patient            use of early screening for ADHD have yielded inconsist-
                        age is relevant when assessing standard diagnostic cri-             ent findings. For example, a 6-year longitudinal study
                        teria, such as those of the DSM or the International                suggested that a parent-rated questionnaire might help
                        Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health           with early detection, prediction and treatment plan-
                        Problems (ICD), owing to changes in the expression                  ning 114. However, owing to a lack of accurate predic-
                        of ADHD symptoms and impairments throughout an                      tors of onset, attempts at early prevention of ADHD
                        individual’s lifetime (FIGS 2,5).                                   currently rely on population-level efforts to mitigate

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS                                                                                                   VOLUME 1 | 2015 | 7

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                               the effects of environmental risk factors for the dis­                 screening programmes in primary care, parent training
                               order. Primary prevention strategies optimize maternal                 programmes, and speci­fic games and play-based pro-
                               health during pregnancy by reducing extreme stress and                 grammes to enhance self‑regulation when symptoms
                               psycho­social adversity, eliminating smoking, alcohol                  are identified115,116.
                               and drug use and reducing risk factors for preterm birth
                               and low birth weight. Secondary prevention approaches                  Adults
                               that detect symptoms of ADHD at an early stage —                       Over the past 40 years, clinical, family, treatment,
                               for example at infancy or preschool age — include                      longi­tudinal and population studies have generated

 Table 1 | A selection of open access resources for assessing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in childhood
 Approach                    Comments                                                                             Websites
 Schedule for Affective      • A semi-structured diagnostic interview                                   
 Disorders and               • Evaluates past and current psychopathology in children and
 Schizophrenia in              adolescents, according to DSM‑IV and DSM-III criteria
 School Age Children         • Translations in many languages
 (K‑SADS)                    • A DSM‑5 version is imminent
 Diagnostic Interview        • A structured diagnostic that uses DSM‑IV to assess psychopathology       
 Schedule for Children         in children and adolescents                                                        limited_access/interviewer_manual.pdf
 (DISC)                      • Translations in many languages
 Child and Adolescent        • A semi-structured interview that evaluates current psychopathology       
 Psychiatric Assessment        in children and adolescents
 (CAPA)                      • Based on DSM‑IV criteria
                             • Versions for youths and preschool-aged children
                             • Spanish and Portuguese translations
 Development and             • For clinicians and trained non-clinicians                                
 Well-Being Assessment       • Uses a prespecified set of questions and probes for impairment
 (DAWBA)                     • Generally used together with the SDQ
                             • Translations in many languages
 Parent Interview for        • A semi-structured interview focused on diagnostic criteria for ADHD,     
 Child Symptoms (PICS)         ODD and CD in children and adolescents                                             Psychiatry/17145-Administration_Guidelines_
                             • Addresses symptoms of other psychiatric disorders                                  PICS6.pdf
                             • Has been updated for DSM‑5 criteria
                             • Includes the TTI, which assesses symptoms of ADHD, ODD and CD in
                               school, with screening questions for other psychopathology
                             • Dutch translation
 Child ADHD                  • A structured telephone interview for teachers                                      Available from the authors254
 TTI (CHATTI)                • Focuses on DSM‑IV criteria for ADHD in school
                             • Only available in English
 Vanderbilt ADHD             • Versions for a parent or caregiver and teacher                           
 Diagnostic Rating           • Part of the American Academy of Pediatrics ADHD Toolkit                            resources/vanderbilt-assessment-scales
 Scales (VARS)               • Spanish translation
 Swanson, Nolan and          • A rating scale for symptoms of ADHD and ODD                                        Short scale (26‑item) available from: http://www.
 Pelham (SNAP)-IV            • Can be completed by a teacher, parent or caregiver                       
 Rating Scale                • Sensitive to changes related to treatment
                                                                                                                  Scoring guidelines available from: http://
                             • Portuguese, Spanish and French translations
                                                                                                                  Full scale (90‑item) available from:
                                                                                                                  Scoring guidelines available from:
 Strengths and               • Versions for a teacher, parent or caregiver                              
 Weaknesses of ADHD          • Based on DSM‑IV criteria
 Symptoms and Normal         • Unusual in that the items are positively worded and it covers both
 Behavior Scale (SWAN)         strengths as well as weaknesses in ADHD and ODD symptoms
                             • Spanish and French translations
 SDQ                         • Brief measure of emotional, ADHD, conduct and relationship problems      
                             • Versions for a parent, caregiver or teacher and a self-report
                             • Translations in many languages
 ADHD, attention-deficit/hypersensitivity disorder; CD, conduct disorder; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; ODD, oppositional defiant
 disorder; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; TTI, Teacher Telephone Interview.

8 | 2015 | VOLUME 1                                                                                                                 

                                                       © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

Table 2 | A selection of open access resources for assessing attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adulthood
Approach                                Comments                                                                           Websites
Diagnostic Interview for Adult          • A structured diagnostic interview for ADHD in adults according to      
ADHD, second edition (DIVA 2.0)           DSM‑IV                                                                           DIVA.aspx
                                        • A new version based on DSM‑5 criteria is in press
Adult (ACDS) v1.2                       • A semi-structured interview of current symptoms of ADHD in adults                Available from the author (Lenard
                                        • Provides age-specific prompts for rating both childhood and adulthood            Adler) at:
                                          symptoms                                                                         biosketch/adlerl01
Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale            • Developed by WHO to measure ADHD symptoms in individuals               
(ASRS)                                    >18 years of age                                                                 ncs/asrs.php
                                        • An 18‑item version covers all DSM‑IV symptoms of ADHD
                                        • A 6‑item version is a screening tool validated for adolescents and adults
                                        • The 6‑item version (ASRS-Telephone Interview Probes for Symptoms;
                                          ASRS-TIPS) uses semi-structured interview probes for examples of
                                          ADHD symptoms
                                        • Both versions have been translated into many languages
Adult ADHD Investigator                 • Incorporates suggested prompts for each ADHD item                                Available from Lenard Adler at:
Symptom Rating Scale (AISRS)            • Descriptors for each ADHD item are explicitly defined                  
                                        • Takes context into account                                                       biosketch/adlerl01
Wender Utah Rating Scale (WURS)         • Developed to retrospectively diagnose childhood ADHD in adults                   Available from the authors255
ADHD, attention-deficit/hypersensitivity disorder; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

                               very strong evidence that ADHD frequently persists                     satisfactory grades, a university student with ADHD
                               into adulthood, although its presentation changes with                 might need to work twice as hard as peers with the same
                               age23,117–119 (FIG. 5). Nevertheless, ADHD in adults is still          aptitude to focus attention or to organize school work.
                               undertreated120, leading to international efforts to edu-              If that restricts the student’s social life or causes other
                               cate clinicians (TABLE 3) and to drive changes to DSM.                 problems, it might be viewed as impairing. Nonetheless,
                               DSM‑5 provides guidance about the differential expres-                 ADHD can be reliably diagnosed in these patients124.
                               sion of ADHD symptoms throughout the patient’s                         Finally, in adults with ADHD, hyperactive–impulsive
                               lifetime. For instance, in contrast to young children,                 symptoms usually become internalized, such as feeling
                               adults with many impairing ADHD symptoms do not                        restless, and deficient emotional self-regulation125 and
                               typically climb on tables, have boundless energy or                    executive dysfunction126 become increasingly promi-
                               run around in a place where one should remain still.                   nent. Although deficient emotional regulation and
                               Hyperactivity in adulthood is often experienced as a                   executive dysfunction are not diagnostic for ADHD,
                               feeling of inner restlessness — an internal ‘motor’ that               they are highly characteristic of the disorder in adults
                               never stops — which makes it difficult for the indivi­                 and could indicate the need for specific treatments,
                               dual to relax 121. By adopting symptom descriptors of                  such as cognitive–­b ehavioural therapy, to improve
                               this sort, DSM‑5 is easier to apply to adults compared                 o­rganizational or emotional self-regulation skills.
                               with its predecessors.
                                   Despite these differences in symptom presentation,                 Heterogeneity of ADHD
                               the diagnostic process for adults parallels the process for            Patients with ADHD show marked variation in profiles
                               youths in regards to documenting symptoms, impair-                     of symptoms, impairments, complicating factors, neuro­
                               ment and onset of the disorder on the basis of a clinical              psychological weaknesses and underlying causes127.
                               interview with the patient and, when available, reports                Accordingly, effective partitioning of this hetero­geneity
                               from informants. This process is aided by the avail-                   to refine diagnostic approaches and to provide tailored
                               ability of structured diagnostic interviews, such as the               and targeted treatments remains an important research
                               Conners’ Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview 122, along                    goal. To address this aim, DSM‑5 recognizes three
                               with rating scales for patients and informants, including              presen­tations: predominantly inatten­tive, predomi-
                               the Adult Self-Report Scale (TABLE 2)123.                              nantly hyperactive–impulsive and combined. These
                                   In adulthood, additional domains of impairment                     presentations are no longer deemed ‘subtypes’, as in
                               emerge and can include difficulties related to occupa-                 prior versions, because they can change over time128.
                               tion, marriage and parenting. Patients with high intelli­              Moreover, even within presentations, patients greatly
                               gence also present with a unique set of challenges. In                 differ in symptom profiles. For instance, the predomi-
                               these individuals, impairment can be assessed relative                 nantly inattentive presentation applies to individuals
                               to their aptitude. Some of these patients go to great                  with a wide range of inattention and can include sub-
                               lengths to accommodate their symptoms, which itself                    threshold hyperactive–impulsive symptoms. Although
                               indicates impairment to the degree that it causes distress             common in population samples, inattentive ADHD
                               or displaces other activities. For example, to achieve                 is less common in the clinic, which suggests that

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 Behavioural disinhibition, emotional ability            Full expression of ADHD,                                Inattention persists and
 and emergence of diagnosis in preschool years           psychiatric co-morbidity,                               hyperactive–impulsive symptoms wane
                                                         school failure, peer
 Prodrome: hyperactivity; and speech, language           rejection and                       Smoking             Substance abuse, low self-esteem and
 and motor coordination problems                         neurocognitive dysfunction          initiation          social disability

   In utero                                      Childhood                                       Adolescence                                     Adulthood

 Genetic predisposition     Psychosocial influences, chaotic family environments, peer influences and mismatch with school and/or work environments

 Fetal exposures            Different genetic risk factors affect the course of ADHD at different stages of the lifespan
 and epigenetic
 changes                    Frontal–subcortical–cerebellar dysfunction via structural and functional brain abnormalities and downregulation of
                            catecholamine systems that regulate attention, reward, executive control and motor functions

    Clinical progression
    Aetiology                                                                                             Persistence of cortical thickness, default-mode
    Pathophysiology                                                                                       network and white matter tract abnormalities

                            Figure 5 | Developmental course of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in persistent       Reviews | Disease
                                                                                                                                 Although  noPrimers
                            sequence of events describes the pathway from in utero to adulthood, this figure describes key developmental events,
                            with boxes spanning their approximate onset along with hypotheses about the timing of the biological underpinnings
                            of aetiological events and pathophysiological expression. ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

                            population screening for marked inattention should be                       The heterogeneity of ADHD has implications for
                            considered, especially in female children and adults, in                both research and practice. In research, the diluting
                            which this pattern might be particularly impairing 129.                 effect of heterogeneity reduces effect sizes in ADHD
                            Persistent inattention — even at subthreshold levels — is               case–control comparisons and renders biomarkers
                            a key predictor of poor a­cademic outcomes130.                          that are identified on the assumption that ADHD is
                                Psychiatric co-morbidity is another clinically impor-               pathophysiologically homogeneous obsolete. Clinically,
                            tant dimension of ADHD heterogeneity. At one extreme,                   hetero­geneity means that tests — either neuropsycho­
                            a small proportion of clinic-referred individuals are free              logical or tests of other underlying processes — that
                            of co-morbidity; at the other end, some patients have a                 focus on only one domain will be of very limited diag-
                            complex pattern of multiple problems, including com-                    nostic value. However, such assessments could help to
                            munication disorders, intellectual disabilities131, sleep               identify specific targets for therapeutic and educational
                            disorders132, specific learning disabilities131, mood dis-              interventions that are aimed at remediating particular
                            orders131, disruptive behaviour 131, anxiety disorders131,              areas of impairment and weakness. For instance, indivi­
                            tic disorders131, autism spectrum disorders131,133 and sub-             duals with working memory deficits might respond
                            stance use disorders131,134,135. Consideration of a patient’s           f­avourably to working memory training 138.
                            co-morbidity profile is important, as it will influence
                            treatment planning.                                                     Management
                                Pathophysiological heterogeneity might be impor-                    By educating patients and families, clinicians can cre-
                            tant clinically — although new research is required to                  ate a framework that increases treatment adherence,
                            determine whether subtyping on the basis of genetic,                    proactively plans for continuity of treatment through-
                            environmental, neurobiological or neuropsycho-                          out the lifetime of the patient and effectively integrates
                            logical factors will improve diagnostic and treatment                   pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches.
                            approaches. In this regard, the largest body of evidence                Education includes information about the causes of
                            relates to cognition. Objective tests indicate that sev-                ADHD, its associated morbidity, the potential for a
                            eral distinct deficit profiles exist. For example, only a               compromised course, the rationale for treatments and
                            minority of patients show a deficit in executive func-                  plans for key life transitions139. This education sets
                            tion136, which was once thought to be the core deficit in               the stage for managing ADHD within a chronic care
                            ADHD. Other patients, who are clear of such deficits,                   paradigm that uses shared decision making to bol-
                            have problems in non-executive cognitive processes,                     ster treatment adherence and prepare patients for
                            which include those involved in basic memory and                        developmental challenges140.
                            temporal processing, motivational processing (delay                        There are geographic variations in the sequencing
                            tolerance or reinforcement processing) and cognitive                    of pharmacological and non-pharmacological treat-
                            energetic regulation72,73,137. Four cognitive ADHD sub-                 ments. For example, in the United States pharmaco­
                            types were revealed in a study based on a community                     logical treatment is typically the first approach,
                            of children with or without ADHD70; however, whether                    whereas in Europe medication is usually reserved for
                            these subtypes predict treatment response or course                     severe cases or for milder cases that do not respond to
                            remains unclear.                                                        non-pharmacological treatments141.

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