The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...

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The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...

The Hippodrome:
Restoring a London landmark
Community Assets — Theatres at Risk 2012
A sustainable future for Hoxton Hall
Showcase: KX Platform Theatre, London

Protecting theatres for everyone
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...

          The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark 2–5                                   Front cover photo:
                                                                                            The dramatic head figure which forms the
          Community Assets – Theatres at Risk 2012 6–9                                      centrepiece of the cartouche topping the
          A sustainable future for Hoxton Hall 10–11                                        proscenium arch at the London Hippodrome
                                                                                            © Locker & Riley
          Showcase: KX Platform Theatre 13–16
                                                                                            Theatres Magazine is edited by Paul Connolly.
          Ecovenue 18–21                                                                    © 2012 The Theatres Trust Charitable Fund.

          &                                                                                 All unsigned or otherwise uncredited articles
                                                                                            are the work of the Editor. The views expressed
                                                                                            editorially or by correspondents in this magazine
                                                                                            are not necessarily those of the Trust. Notes,
          Theatres Round-up 22–23                                                           queries and letters are always welcome.
          Current Casework 24–25                                                            ISSN: 1759-7668
          Reading Matter 26–27
                                                                                            Designed by
          Photo diary 28                                                                    Printed by Wyndeham Gait Limited
          Dates for your diary 28                                                           Advertising sales: Nicola Rowland

                                                                                                                          # !  

Photo: David Jensen
                                                               HIPPODROME, LONDON                              NATIONAL SKILLS ACADEMY, THURROCK
                                                               NEW VENUE                                       BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE
                                                               The 200-seat Matcham Room is an intimate        A new state-of-the-art training facility for
                                                               new performance space which has been            the entertainment industry, this building
                                                               inserted into the stagehouse of this Grade      will deliver industry-endorsed training for
                                                               II listed theatre and hosts ‘Live at the        young people & professionals from the world
                                                               Hippodrome’. Charcoalblue led the designs       of theatre and live music. Charcoalblue
                                                               for the flexible seating and stage areas and    provided strategic input into the masterplan,
                                                               designed the technical systems throughout       and detailed planning and technical design
                                                               the venue.                                      services to the project.

                                                               BRISTOL OLD VIC                                 CHARCOALBLUE
                                                               Charcoalblue has collaborated with Andrzej      Charcoalblue remains the brightest and
                                                               Blonski Architects to refurbish this historic   most innovative theatre and acoustic
                                                               1780’s Georgian theatre. The scope of the       consultancy in the UK. We are inspired by
                                                               project has included increasing comfort         a passion for all types of performance, and
                                                               and improving sightlines for audience, new      we bring a unique blend of collaboration and
                                                               technical systems throughout the building       commitment to all our projects. We enjoy
                                                               and new rehearsal and ancillary spaces.         what we do - and people seem to enjoy
                                                                                                               working with us too!

                      ‘A HEARTBREAKER...’
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
Mhora Samuel

It’s been quite a summer (Olympics                One of the theatres on the 2012 TBAR is          Our conference broadened out the discussion
and Paralympics not withstanding)                 the Cochrane Theatre. It is due to be            on sustainability to include economic, social
and we have another full issue of TM              demolished for a hotel development at a          and environmental issues associated with
for you to digest. For us it started with         future date. Whilst we are concerned over        the triple bottom line. We’ll also be publishing
our conference at Stratford Circus in             the loss of the Cochrane given its central       the Conference Report written by Jo Caird
June, followed not long afterwards by             Holborn location on the fringe of Theatreland,   in September. Hayley White, Group Director
the announcement of our 2012 Theatre              we are pleased that a replacement theatre        at Hoxton Hall, one of the participants in
Buildings at Risk register in July. In the        was provided by Central Saint Martin’s, the      the Ecovenue project picks up on their triple
same month the London Hippodrome                  Cochrane’s former owner, on its new campus       bottom line approach in her introduction to
opened to the public as the Hippodrome            at Kings Cross. Theatre Consultant, Andrew       their three phase redevelopment programme,
Casino. Reopening this landmark building          Stone of Drama by Design describes the work      which includes environmental improvements,
in the heart of Leicester Square was a            his company undertook to deliver the new         new and improved educational facilities,
major exercise as it involved significant         KX Platform Theatre, which opened in             historic restoration and plans for a new capital
restoration and reinstatement of the              November 2011.                                   development to drive increased earned income
original Matcham interior. Plasterwork                                                             and support their long term viability.
specialist, Locker & Riley, was engaged           At our annual conference, ‘Delivering
to restore the plasterwork of the London          Sustainable Theatres’ on the 12 June at          Each year we take a stand at the PLASA
Hippodrome and in our lead article its            Stratford Circus, Tim Atkinson, the Trust’s      Show at Earls Court to increase awareness
director Jon Riley describes how they             Theatre Building Services Adviser gave a         of the Trust’s work and at this year’s show
approached the work.                              special presentation on the Ecovenue project.    we’ll be publishing the ‘Delivering Sustainable
                                                  The project will end on the 30 September         Theatres’ Conference Report together
Our 2012 Theatre Buildings at Risk register       and we’ll be publishing an evaluation report     with ‘Evaluating Ecovenue’, a report which
was published on the 5 July. Once again this      in September. Here Tim gives us a flavour        summarises the work we’ve be engaged
received much publicity, particularly given the   of his conference presentation and the           with over the last three years. Our opening
Government’s new emphasis on promoting            Display Energy Certificate findings arising      to a busy autumn ahead.
assets of community value in the Localism         from the project.
Act 2011. The Trust’s Planning & Heritage
Adviser, Mark Price reports on this year’s list
and some of the opportunities for theatres
to be reopened once again.


The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
All photos © Locker & Riley
(except where noted)

         a London

                                  The Hippodrome Casino opened in July 2012.       featuring performing animals including horses,
Jon Riley of plasterwork          Back in the summer of 2010 Locker & Riley        snakes, polar bears and elephants. It was
specialists Locker & Riley        was approached by the new owners of the          subsequently converted for use as a variety
                                  London Hippodrome to reinstate the theatre’s     theatre in 1909, when the proscenium arch
describes the company’s           extensive plasterwork as part of the ambitious   was moved forward and the stage enlarged.
work on the reinstatement         restoration of this Grade II listed London            Sadly, during the late 1950s, when
                                  landmark. Although the building was being        the theatre was converted once again most
of the decorative features        brought back to life as a casino rather than     of the original decorative plasterwork was
of the London Hippodrome.         as a theatre, it was nevertheless encouraging    destroyed. Such was the extent of internal
                                  to hear that the whole volume of the             structural alterations when the Hippodrome
                                  auditorium was to be reopened and                became the Talk of the Town, a cabaret
                                  that the owners were keen to exploit             restaurant, that the project was christened
                                  the building’s theatrical history.               ‘Operation Pickaxe’. The auditorium was
                                       As many Theatres Magazine readers will      ravaged and the majority of the original
                                  be aware, the London Hippodrome opened in        plasterwork destroyed.
                                  1900 as a hippodrome, or circus, for Edward           With little remaining evidence of existing
                                  Moss. Designed by Frank Matcham, the venue       plasterwork and only a handful of historic
                                  included vast water tanks and played host        photographs, researching the architect Frank
                                  to a number of Victorian water spectacles,       Matcham’s original designs proved to be

2 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
a huge challenge. Historical evidence was        digital artwork with plaster enrichments          Area 3	Beam casings to the auditorium
pulled from every available source to provide    should funds permit. The final approach                    ceiling
the basis of the reinstatement scheme.           was classified into four categories.              Area 4 Minstrels’ gallery ceiling
     We were invited to attend meetings          These being:                                      Area 5 Function deck (gallery) ceiling
with Cadmium Designs (the lead architect)        Type A                                            Area 6 Friezes and existing decorative
to establish the best method of conservation     Existing fibrous plasterwork elements                      features to the upper balcony
and repair. Given the dilapidation and           remaining on site to be cleaned, patch            Area 7	Diminished coves creating arches
destruction of the original interior, it was     repaired as necessary and decorated                        to the monogram cartouches found
clear that a significant amount of the           Type B                                                     to the upper balcony level
decorative plasterwork would have to             New fibrous plasterwork elements to be            Area 8 Mouldings and clasp details to
be entirely recreated. To this end, after        developed from squeeze impressions taken                   the monogram arches
extensive consultation with The Theatres         from existing adjacent plaster details (Type A)   Area 9 Columns to the proscenium arch
Trust, Westminster City Council and              reproduced to match in seamlessly                 Area 10 Scroll to the upper balcony
English Heritage, together with Alan             Type C                                            Area 11 Upper and lower balcony fronts
Baxter & Associates (the client’s historic       New fibrous plaster elements as inspired                   incorporating cartouches, architraves
restoration consultant), an approach             by existing features or historic photographs.              and rinceau mouldings
and plan were formulated.                        Sympathetic recreations of elements visible       Area 12	Column and headers forming the
     The overriding approach was to              from photographic evidence were hand                       arches to the balcony fronts
sympathetically restore and recreate the         sculpted by Locker & Riley’s artisans. These      Area 13	Main proscenium arch incorporating
decorative plasterwork in keeping with           were initially drawn by Locker & Riley and                 columns, brackets (two vast sizes),
Frank Matcham’s original intent. Given           offered for approval by the historical design              pediments (left & right handed),
the enormity of the project, and mindful         team and agreed as part of the planning                    pendants and the enormous
of the commercial budget, an incremental         discharge process. Moulds and casts were                   central cartouche
design was carefully drawn up resulting in       then created for the final fibrous plaster        Area 14	Last remaining damaged panel
a tiered delivery approach. The focus would      elements for site installation                             found in the entrance hall
be primarily on key features such as the         Type D
proscenium arch, minstrels’ gallery and the      New decorative printed digital wallpaper                In preparation, Locker & Riley’s artisans
balcony fronts.                                  elements as inspired by historical                took record templates, carefully removing
     Costs were mitigated in other areas         photographs. The artwork was developed            sections where loose. Wherever possible,
by simplifying designs and by the inclusion      by Cadmium Design based on photographic           impressions of existing plasterwork were taken
of sensitive digital artwork in lieu of actual   evidence and digitally printed onto durable       for reproduction and these then were overlaid
decorative plaster ornamentation in areas        wallpaper which was applied to the fixed          onto AutoCAD drawings to ensure correct
such as the main auditorium beam casings         elements on site                                  proportions. In relation to the size and scale of
and between the enormous brackets at the                                                           many of the items destroyed during the Talk
minstrels’ gallery soffit.                       The extensive scope of work included:             of the Town conversion the team traced the
     At all times this simplification was        Area 1 Brackets to the minstrels’ gallery         outlines of missing elements still visible in the
carefully considered and planned in the hope     Area 2 Digital wallpaper between the             wall plastering. The original timber supports,
that future generations could replace the                 brackets to the minstrel’s gallery       that provided the framework for many of the

                                                                                                                 Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 3
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
Piece by piece the missing components
                                                                                                     were carved, with cartouches applied with
                                                                                                     the “H” monogram and vast brackets being
                                                                                                     sculpted to the Minstrel’s Gallery and either
                                                                                                     side of the stage.
                                                                                                           Being a commercial venture, time played
                                                                                                     a significant part. We had to be focused
                                                                                                     on high quality whilst ensuring programme
                                                                                                     demands were also met. Careful planning was
                                                                                                     essential to the project’s success and to ensure
                                                                                                     the Casino was ready for the big opening night.
                                                                                                           The highly complex and detailed moulds
                                                                                                     were formed in the latest silicon rubber, which
                                                                                                     is so accurate that even a fingerprint can be
                                                                                                     picked up. Carefully cast in Locker & Riley’s
                                                                                                     workshops in Essex, the finished components
                                                                                                     were delivered in dedicated vehicles and
                                                                                                     carefully distributed to the project.
                                                                                                           In the theatre we were working at over
                                                                                                     20 metres above the floor and a maze of
                                                                                                     scaffolding was necessary to ensure safe
                                                                                                     working conditions and the close up access
                                                                                                     needed to undertake the works.
                                                                                                           Our specialist craftsmen and women
main auditorium beams, offered further clues.           Measuring some 13.5 metres high
                                                                                                     undertook the on-site installation. This
All this was combined with historic photographs    by nearly 16 metres wide, the scale was
                                                                                                     included in-situ hand carved repairs, taking the
and enabled Locker & Riley’s design team to        enormous. The first component that was
                                                                                                     templates and squeeze impressions, and final
produce a set of finished workshop drawings.       carved was the head feature found in the
                                                                                                     installation of the newly carved components.
      After the general AutoCAD “setting           centre of the main cartouche. The scale was
                                                                                                     Working closely at all times with Beck Interiors,
out” drawings had been established, our            more than twice life size and the detailing,
                                                                                                     who co-ordinated the fit out, the seamless
sculpture team was able to produce both            despite being located over 21 metres above
                                                                                                     interface between all trades proved to
beautifully scaled and full-sized sketches of      the stage, was carved as if it would be
                                                                                                     be a huge success.
each of the missing components for approval        inspected close up and to the high quality
                                                                                                           Locker & Riley is honoured to have been
and discharge of the listed building consent       deserved by the Hippodrome. The carved
                                                                                                     the plaster restoration specialist employed to
conditions. Each of these drawings were            detailing was such that the full size central
                                                                                                     undertake this ambitious visionary scheme.
works of art in their own right and necessary      cartouche was used as the main exhibition
                                                                                                     The work has recreated the architectural
to create the proportion and form for each         piece at the London Decorex Exhibition to
                                                                                                     landmark that is the London Hippodrome
sculpt to be produced.                             showcase the craft of Locker & Riley’s artisans
                                                                                                     back to Frank Matcham’s brief.
      A team of nine full-time sculptors’ headed   to designers. Visitors had an opportunity to
by Robin Lawrence set about carving the            observe the close attention to detail that had
missing elements. The most challenging of          been applied before the piece was installed
these by far was the proscenium arch               high up above the stage.

4 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
The Hippodrome c. 1908
                           © RCHME

Upper section of balcony
face cartouche
                                                    “It was only when the unhappy state of the
                                                      Hippodrome which faced the contractors
                                                      after the nightclub era ended was shown in
                                                      a series of slides that our members could
                                                      see just what a mammoth task had been
                                                      undertaken with such stunning results.
                                                      How could such wonderful results be
                                                      achieved when there had been so little
                                                      to work on, they rightly asked! Members
                                                      had visited the London Palladium in the
                                                      previous year and recorded their further
                                                      congratulations to the Locker & Riley
                                                      team responsible for plaster work there.
                                                      Keep up the good work please!”
                                                    	Rupert Rhymes OBE,
                                                      Chairman Frank Matcham Society

                                                                                             Circle pillar and supports

                                                                                   Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 5
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
Community Assets
Theatres at Risk 2012

                                               Theatres at Risk is one of the Trust’s core service
                                               areas and our Theatre Buildings at Risk register
                                               provides a means of highlighting theatres in danger
                                               of being lost across the UK. Mark Price reports
                                               on the 2012 list.

                                               On 5 July we published the Trust’s                    potential for community based organisations
                                               annual Theatre Buildings at Risk (TBAR)               to secure the ownership of theatres for the
                                               register. Now in its seventh year, this is            benefit of their community. For the first time in
                                               an important event which generates a                  legislation the Act defined a community asset,
                                               great deal of publicity for many theatres             and provided clarity that these included land
                                               across the UK and highlights the potential            and buildings of cultural interest. It placed an
                                               for bringing former theatre buildings                 emphasis on securing assets that could further
                                               back into use.                                        social wellbeing and set out the legislation for
                                                    The 2012 TBAR register identifies 49             local authorities to prepare lists of assets of
                                               theatre buildings in England, Scotland and            community value. Once an asset is placed on
                                               Wales. Uniquely, the Trust’s register doesn’t just    the list the owner of the property has to inform
                                               focus on a building’s architectural or historic       the council if they decide to sell. Community
                                                                                                     groups then have six weeks to express an
                      Swansea Palace Theatre                                                         interest in buying it and up to six months to
                      © Mark Price
                                                                                                     put together an offer. The Trust’s hope is that
                                                                                                     this will encourage more theatre owners to
                                                                                                     recognise that their theatres are assets –
                                                                                                     for the community and the nation and work
                                                                                                     with trusts and local communities to secure
                                                                                                     their future.
                                                                                                           The changes in the 2012 TBAR register
                                                                                                     from last year highlight how a lack of care
                                                                                                     and investment by owners leaves theatres
                                                                                                     particularly vulnerable to neglect, whilst
                                                                                                     opportunities to harness the social and
                                                                                                     cultural value of theatres are being lost.
                                                                                                     It also shows how local champions, with
                                                                                                     the support of councils, grant making trusts
                                                                                                     and Lottery distributors can provide a new
                                                                                                     lease of life for theatres at risk.
                                                                                                           The good news in 2012 is that overall the
                                                                                                     number of buildings on the register has fallen
                                                                                                     from 56 last year. And we’re pleased some
                                                                                                     theatres have found the funds and support
                                                                                                     they needed, such as Wilton’s Music Hall in
                                                                                                     London’s East End, the Gaiety Theatre in Ayr,
                                               value, it also looks at the quality of the building   and the State in Grays. Wilton’s has received
                                               as a theatre and its place in the provision of        funds from SITA Trust and the Heritage Lottery
                                               theatres in the UK. The new Localism Act,             Fund which mean the capital works needed to
                                               passed in November 2011 represented a real            secure the building’s future can now proceed.
                                               milestone in asserting both the values we             The Ayr Gaiety has secured vital funding from
                                               apply to theatres in the TBAR register and the        the Scottish Government and South Ayrshire

6 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
Hulme Hippodrome
                                 © Mark Price

                                 Council to enable it to appoint a development          (Grade II) Brighton Astoria in September 2011;
                                 officer, undertake an initial programme of             and the Grade II listed Council owned Bedford
                                 capital works, and reopen later this year; and         Civic theatre was lost due to a change of use.
                                 the State, Grays received planning permission               The Trust is also very concerned about
                                 for a mixed use leisure and retail development         the future of the 17 theatres added to the
                                 in January this year. In all, a total of 24 theatres   register this year. Amongst those, Darlington
                                 have been removed from the 2011 register.              Borough Council closed the Darlington Arts

“The new Localism Act,
  passed in November 2011
  represented a real milestone
  in asserting both the values
  we apply to theatres in
  the TBAR register and the
  potential for community
  based organisations to
  secure the ownership of
  theatres for the benefit
  of their community.”

                                                                                        Centre earlier this year but plans to develop
                                                                                        a new arts centre are yet to be finalised; the
                                                                                        Precinct Theatre in Islington is yet to find a
                                                                                        new home as a result of the redevelopment of
                                                                                        the Packington Estate; and it is unclear what
                                                                                        impact the loss of the Croydon Warehouse,
                                                                                        which went into receivership earlier this
                                                                                        year, will have for its planned replacement. A
                                                                                        new theatre was secured by a Section 106
                                                                                        Agreement as part of the Ruskin Square
                                                                                        development site, next to East Croydon Station,
                                                                                        but a viable Business Plan is required. Without
                                                                                        it the £3 million identified in the Section 106
                                                                                        could be given instead to Croydon Council
                                                                                        without any guarantee that it would be used
                                                                                        for a replacement theatre. The Theatre Royal in
                                                                                        Margate also faces an uncertain future, though
                                                                                        Thanet District Council and Kent County
                                                                                        Council are committed to finding a solution to
                                                                                        keeping the theatre open. Thanet Council took
                                                                                        back the lease of Margate Theatre Royal in
Theatre Royal, Hyde                                                                     April 2012 and contracted Thanet Leisureforce
© Mark Price
                                       But there is also bad news too - we’ve           to operate the theatre for 12 months.
                                 lost some important local venues. The                        As well as highlighting theatres at risk
                                 Waltham Forest Theatre in Lloyd Park was               through publishing the annual TBAR register,
                                 demolished August 2011, despite a vigorous             the Trust works hard throughout the year
                                 local campaign to save it; Brighton & Hove             championing those theatres most at risk and
                                 City Council granted Listed Building Consent           working with local groups and councils to
                                 for the demolition of the statutory designated         secure a future for the buildings. In preparing

                                                                                                     Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 7
The Hippodrome: Restoring a London landmark - Protecting theatres for everyone Community Assets - Theatres at Risk 2012 A sustainable future for ...
our next three year plan we reviewed our          There are 38 theatres on the 2012 register in
                                  work with theatres on the risk register and       England. Those with the highest risk ratings
                                  established that we wanted to become more         include:
                                  proactively engaged with the TBAR group
                                  of theatres. Going forward, in our three year     Theatre Royal Hyde is currently closed. It
                                  plan 2012-15, ‘Theatres at Risk’ becomes one      was purchased by an investment company,
                                                                                    but is in need of extensive repair and
                                                                                    restoration. Works to eradicate the dry rot have
                                                                                    included removing the cinema inserted into the
                                                                                    stage and levelling the auditorium floor. Hyde
                                                                                    Theatre Royal Onward is campaigning to save
                                                                                    the theatre. The longer term aim is to restore,
                                                                                    reopen and establish a viable commercial or
                                                                                    community use for Hyde Theatre Royal that
                                                                                    respects its listed status.

                                                                                    Alexandra Palace Theatre in north London
                                                                                    currently remains closed and unusable.
                                                                                    However, the Alexandra Park and Palace
                                                                                    Charitable Trust is developing a business plan
                                                                                    specifically for the theatre in the context of the
                                                                                    wider offer at Alexandra Palace, which would
                                                                                    make the case for capital investment.

                                                                                    At Hulme Hippodrome, Tony Wright,
                                                                                    community worker and Operations Manager
                                                                                    for social enterprise Youth Village has
                                                                                    embarked on a campaign to reopen the full
                                                                                    building. Manchester Metropolitan University
                                                                                    is very keen to support the project in the
Alexandra Palace Theatre                                                            context of their involvement with Hulme and
© Mark Price
                                  of four service areas. Our long term aim is to    Moss Side (Student residential housing and
                                  establish specific projects and programmes        community outreach).
                                  of work at the Trust to specifically secure the
                                  protection of these theatres.                     Hulme Playhouse was leased to Fountain
                                       At our 2012 conference, ‘Delivering          Gate Chapel for 50 years in July 2012.
                                  Sustainable Theatres’ at Stratford Circus in      It is in the process of fixing the roof, drying
                                  June we profiled the work of Tony Wright, who     out the building and repairing broken windows.
                                  has been championing the Hulme Hippodrome,        The Playhouse benefited from being in a
                                  a theatre which has been on the TBAR register     reasonable condition as a result of the capital
                                  since its start in 2007. We visited Manchester    works when it was the Nia Centre. The
                                  to meet Tony and members and officers of          auditorium and the former stage area/foyer
                                  Manchester City Council and also met with         are now usable, but some attention is still
                                  Charles Nketia of Fountain Gate Chapel,           needed to the plasterwork on the proscenium
                                  which has recently taken a 50 year lease          and areas where the Playhouse adjoins the
                                  of the adjacent Hulme Playhouse.                  Hippodrome.
                                       In London, we have been assisting
                                  the Alexandra Park and Palace Charitable          Morecambe Winter Gardens is owned
                                  Trust, supporting the development of a            by a Preservation Trust which continues
                                  feasibility study to look at options for viable   to fundraise and do piecemeal work.
                                  use of the Alexandra Palace Theatre. And in       Sadly, lead flashings were stolen from
                                  Morecambe, we helped to raise the profile         the roof in 2011 and the damage is
                                  of the Winter Gardens by introducing BBC          estimated to cost up to £10,000 to repair.
                                  Reporter, Ian Youngs, to the theatre. He
                                  subsequently produced a short photo montage       Plymouth Palace remains closed and in
                                  with Preservation Trust chair, Evelyn Archer,     poor repair since its owner was sentenced for
                                  showing him around the building.                  allowing his nightclub which operated in the
                                                                                    theatre to be used to sell illegal drugs.

8 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
He was recently released on bail and wants to
                                                                                         The Theatres Trust’s TBAR register
                                  bring the building back to life but has not yet
                                                                                         works alongside other at risk registers
                                  elaborated on his plans for the Palace, saying
                                                                                         of English Heritage, Historic Scotland,
                                  much would depend on the outcome of his
                                                                                         Cadw, national amenity societies and
                                  appeal hearing. Stonehouse Action, a local
                                                                                         local authorities. However the TBAR
                                  volunteer group is considering setting up a
                                                                                         register differs from these risk registers
                                  Building Preservation Trust.
                                                                                         in that it includes all theatre buildings,
                                                                                         old and new, statutory designated, in
                                  Brighton Hippodrome is owned by Live
“The good news in 2012 is        Nation. The company has confirmed that it is
                                                                                         a conservation area, or not listed. This
                                                                                         means that the Trust is able to monitor
  that overall the number of      progressing plans with Brighton & Hove City
                                                                                         theatres which are under threat whether
                                  Council over the reopening of the Hippodrome
  buildings on the register has   but the licensing of the venue remains an
                                                                                         they are afforded statutory protection
                                                                                         or not. The risk criteria that we apply are:
  fallen from 56 last year. And   issue and the theatre remains empty.
                                                                                         — Threat through sale or ownership;
  we’re pleased some theatres     Burnley Empire remains closed and in a poor            — Difficulties in obtaining capital or
  have found the funds and        condition, and the owner is not contactable.                revenue funding;
                                                                                          — The poor quality of operation
  support they needed.”           Derby Hippodrome remains partially                          threatening continuing or future
                                  demolished. Latham Architects have undertaken               theatre use of the building;
                                  an Options Appraisal for the use of the theatre          — High cost of maintenance /
                                  for the Derby Hippodrome Restoration Trust.                 refurbishment works;
                                  Restoring the Hippodrome to full working order           — Local development adversely affecting
                                  as a 1,000-seat theatre would cost around                   access to the theatre or restricting
                                  £15.4 million, and a further £3 million would               future expansion/improvements;
                                  be required to give the venue the technical              — A clear threat of demolition;
                                  specifications of a West End-style theatre.              — Alteration to a non-beneficial use;
                                                                                           — Decay of a building not in use or
                                  Doncaster Grand remains in a poor state of                  removal of significant features; and
                                  repair and in private ownership. The Friends             — Irreversible works which may prevent
                                  of Doncaster Grand Theatre as well as the                   a return to theatre use in the future.
                                  Mayor, Peter Davies, have written to the
                                                                                         The Trust applies a ‘star rating’ which
                                  theatre’s owners, in effort to establish access
                                                                                         also enables it to apply a qualitative
                                  and use of the theatre.
                                                                                         judgement on the importance of the
                                                                                         theatre as:
                                  In Scotland, the five theatres at risk include
                                  the Tivoli in Aberdeen. Purchased in 2009 by           — A theatre (for example, excellent
                                  businessman, Mr Brian Hendry, his intention is            sightlines, acoustics, warmth, facilities);
                                  to operate the Category A listed theatre on a          — Its architectural quality;
                                  profit-making basis as a mid-scale venue with          — Its historical significance; and
                                  ancillary facilities, through the Tivoli Theatre       — Its uniqueness (in relation to the
                                  Company Ltd. The exterior of the building has             provision of working theatres within
                                  been restored with a Townscape Heritage                   the locality and catchment and its
                                  Initiative grant and a listed building application        value to the community).
                                  has been made to improve access and install
                                  temporary exhibition boards.

                                  And of the six theatres on the 2012 register              The Theatre Buildings at Risk 2012
                                  in Wales, the Swansea Palace is of great             Register can be searched online. More
                                  concern. Last in use as a nightclub, it closed in    information on each theatre is provided
                                  2006 and is now a dangerous state of repair          through a link to the Trust’s online Theatres
                                  both internally and externally. The Swansea          Database, which includes around 2,000
                                  Civic Society has begun to prepare a list            existing theatre buildings. Each of the top
                                  of buildings at risk within the City to target       entries has a downloadable information sheet.
                                  for action. The Trust met with officers from
                                  Swansea Council in April 2012 and they
                                  indicated that they were trying to work with
                                  the owner to identify a potential community
                                  use for the building.

                                                                                                     Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 9
                                                                                   phases, each designed to meet three
                                                                                   distinct requirements:
                                                                                   1. Education and Access
                                                                                   2. Heritage and Music Hall Theatre

                                                                                   3. Sustainability

                                                                                   Each phase has been planned so that the
                                                                                   building can remain in use by the community

                                                                                   whilst building work is undertaken.

                                                                                   Phase One: Education and Access
                                                                                   The aim of this phase was to provide creative
                                                                                   industry-focused youth facilities, access and
                                                                                   major infrastructure improvements to position
                                                                                   Hoxton Hall as part of the Young Hackney
                                                                                   Centres scheme, providing a new youth
                                   Hoxton Hall is a beautiful and atmospheric      service neighbourhood venue for Shoreditch
Hayley White, Group                Grade II* listed early Music Hall situated      and the wider Borough of Hackney.
Director at Hoxton Hall            in Shoreditch, East London. Designed by            Completed in June 2012 with a remarkably
                                   James Mortimer, the hall, which houses          small 1% time and money overrun, phase one
describes the juggling act         adjoining spaces including music rooms          has been a landmark in the building’s history,
of heritage, modernisation,        with recording space, rehearsal rooms,          with an upgrade to critical services, which
                                   dance studio, art studio, design suite,         were at imminent risk of failure, many of
environmental sustainability       meeting rooms and café (added as part           which were untouched since its last
and government funding in          of a Bertie Crewe scheme in 1910), is a         refurbishment in 1970s. Phase one works
                                   purpose-built Music Hall which unusually        included a new lift, extensive new toilets
their project to restore this      did not have its origins in a pre-existing      and plumbing, a new heating and ventilation
important Music Hall               public house.                                   system, fire alarm and revamped facilities
                                      For 149 years Hoxton Hall has been           such as our music, art and dance studios,
                                   the creative hub of its community providing     to help achieve an overall building wide
                                   ‘education and entertainment for the humbler    increase in capacity from 120 to 450.
                                   classes’ since Mortimer’s opening night on         Phase one has provided over 900 local
                                   the 7 November 1863, to our present vision,     young people with a place to not only enjoy
                                   ‘Nurturing Talent and Creativity of Young       the arts but most importantly with space to
                                   Londoners’. Through its varied history and      actively participate, taking inspiration from the
                                   many stories, Hoxton Hall demonstrates          historic Music Hall. Through this work Hoxton
                                   the rich fabric of society, combining social    Hall continues to inspire, support and change
                                   change, education and culture, all of which     the lives of young people, in partnership
                                   are embodied in the physical space, as a        with London Borough of Hackney and the
                                   pioneering arts, theatre and performance        government’s Myplace programme (the main
                                   hub in East London. As well as facilitating     funders of the work).
                                   youth arts, fostering community partnerships
                                   and playing a key role in the regeneration of   Phase Two: Heritage and Music Hall Theatre
                                   Hoxton, the building also provides a stunning   This phase addresses heritage preservation
                                   venue for performances, weddings, shows,        and restoration alongside the challenges
                                   gigs and events.                                of repair and modernisation of the unique
                                      Hoxton Hall is one of only four remaining    Victorian Music Hall and related facilities.
                                   early music halls in the UK, each of which      Works include improvements to the fabric of
                                   is unique in style and history. Hoxton Hall     the listed building, building services, technical
                                   is the only building which has been in          facilities, seating, means of escape and
                                   constant use, never having closed its doors     backstage facilities. It will also improve the
                                   in 149 years.                                   capacity (from 120 to 250 in Music Hall)
                                                                                   ensuring ongoing use and fitness-for-
Refurbished Music Room
© Amy Scaife                       Restoration and Refurbishment:                  purpose for at least another 150 years.
                                   the £5 million Master Plan                         Phase two looks to put Hoxton Hall on
                                   A significant capital works project began in    the map as a heritage resource looking at
                                   March 2010, with Foster Wilson Architects       how a theatre space has been at the centre
                                   producing a Master Plan consisting of three     of a wealth of exciting East End stories

10 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
“Hoxton Hall is a theatrical survival of extreme
  rarity in national terms. Its outstanding importance
  was recognised in 1969 by its inclusion in the statutory                                             Environmental Strategy
                                                                                                       Our services consultant and architect have
  list of buildings of special architectural or historic                                               also developed an environmental strategy to
  interest and its upgrading in 1981 to Grade II*,                                                     address factors in design and construction
                                                                                                       plans and The Theatres Trust’s Ecovenue
  putting it in the top six or seven percent of all listed                                             project has been a great source of advice
  buildings.” John Earl, May 2010                                                                      and support and provided useful
                                                                                                       measurement tools.
                                                                                                          In the context of a project that is largely
from Shakespeare’s Rose Theatre and early           Monitoring and reducing energy
                                                                                                       concerned with the restoration of a Grade II*
Victorian Music Hall, early feminist stories        — Installing sub meters on each circuit board
                                                                                                       listed building it was decided that BREEAM
from the ‘Girls Guild of Good Life’, the               to regularly measure any electricity spikes
                                                                                                       accreditation was not appropriate. We chose
poor and the city, to the built architecture           or unusual usage to a much more defined
                                                                                                       instead to focus on producing an energy
of the Music Hall, the Quaker temperance               location to target and reduce electricity;
                                                                                                       efficient design within the constraints of a
movement’s ‘antidote to the gin palace’ and         — Turning lights off when not required,
                                                                                                       historic building and a limited budget following
the current day working theatre.                       introducing PIR operated lighting where
                                                                                                       BREEAM principals where appropriate and
   All themes contribute to the over arching           appropriate and replacing bulbs with
                                                                                                       where they could be shown to add benefit.
concept of the heritage at Hoxton Hall, ‘Lives’        energy efficient alternatives;
of the people, ‘Leisure’ of the time (culture and   — Turning down the thermostat by one
                                                                                                       The key aspects of the environmental
theatre) and ‘Locality’ – the geographical and         degree centigrade (cutting heating bills
                                                                                                       strategy in summary are:
culturally diverse areas of Hoxton, Hackney            c.8%), installing TVRs and regulating
                                                                                                       —E  fficient mechanical and natural
and East London. The sum of £247,400 has               and managing heating times;
                                                                                                          ventilation – the Music Hall is to be provided
been secured witha much larger £2 million           — Installing 2 new modern condensing
                                                                                                          with heat recovery ventilation via two air
Heritage Lottery Fund application currently            boilers, expected to reduce heating bills
                                                                                                          handler units located on the roof. These
pending. Further funding is required and we            by over 30%;
                                                                                                          units have been selected to comply with
welcome donations and support to help us            — Adding new insulation pipe work to
                                                                                                          stringent eurovent criteria, requiring efficient
achieve our aspirations for this phase.                reduce heating costs.
                                                                                                          motors, controls and air filtration with low
                                                                                                          pressure drops;
Phase Three: Sustainability                         Recycling and reducing waste and
                                                                                                       —E  fficient lighting and lighting control
This future phase will include a new build          separate collections
                                                                                                          including the reintroduction of daylight
development on a strip of adjoining land to         — Providing appropriate bins to encourage
                                                                                                          to the Music Hall;
create additional facilities for Hoxton Hall           staff and visitors alike to recycle more with
                                                                                                       —M  inimise water usage with appropriate
including a café/bar, purpose built music              an expected saving of £450 per year;
                                                                                                          selection of sanitary ware;
studios and offices, combined with residential      — Introducing a 80% paperless office -
                                                                                                       —S  ustainable Materials – the use of
accommodation to contribute to financial               following phase one Hoxton Hall we
                                                                                                          considered materials from sustainable
sustainability. Land acquisition negotiations are      also introduced hot desking, invested in
ongoing and we are working on securing the             increased server storage, the use of laptops
finance for the cost of this phase, estimated          in meetings and encourage staff not to print;
                                                                                                       Funding Juggle
at £2.5 million.                                    — Introducing dual flush toilets which are
                                                                                                       One of the main aims of the Master Plan was
                                                       expected to reduce average flush from
                                                                                                       to set out the strategic phasing to secure
The Ecovenue challenge                                 9 litres to 4.5 litres, saving £240 per year.
                                                                                                       funding and ensure we could meet funders’
Hoxton Hall has remained relatively untouched          The taps were also replaced with push tap
                                                                                                       requirements. Hoxton Hall’s turnover (£1
since its expansion in 1910, and large scale           heads saving further water.
                                                                                                       million), limited resources and the change
repair work undertaken in the 1970s means
                                                                                                       of government in 2010 created additional
the building consumes very little energy            Green Travel Plans
                                                                                                       obstacles, with funds from the Myplace
as it has limited electrical or mechanical          — Providing bicycle parking for staff, with
                                                                                                       scheme temporarily frozen and an increase in
infrastructure. Throughout the restoration             99% of staff travelling into work on public
                                                                                                       VAT. As a result phase one took over three
work Hoxton Hall and Foster Wilson Architects          transport, walking or riding a bicycle,
                                                                                                       years from inception until the final go ahead,
have balanced a fine line between achieving            reducing our carbon footprint. Hoxton Hall
                                                                                                       including the receipt of funds. However,
the Hoxton Hall business plan, conservation            has no car parking and is located in zone 1.
                                                                                                       phase one has been very successful and has
and modern legislation and sustainability
                                                                                                       left us with a great sense of pride. Fingers
measures – any upgrade to the electricity           Greener Materials
                                                                                                       are crossed for the £2 million from Heritage
supply would require a new substation costing       — Purchasing materials/timber from
                                                                                                       Lottery Fund and the go ahead in November
£80,000!                                               sustainable sources;
                                                                                                       2012 to save, preserve, modernise and
   Key management recommendations from              — Purchasing locally manufactured products /
                                                                                                       sustain one of the oldest most intimate and
the Environmental Audit and Ecovenue advice            materials and services – reducing distance
                                                                                                       enchanting theatres and music halls for the
we implemented in phase one and to date                travelled and further cutting our carbon
                                                                                                       young people and community of Hoxton
have included:                                         footprint.
                                                                                                       and beyond.

                                                                                                                    Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 11
Hall Stage are delighted to have been chosen to supply the New Platform Theatre with our
Brickhouse System, double purchase counterweight sets, loading galleries, Skydeck front of
     house catwalks, along with associated steelwork, pulleys and fixed access ladders.
As purveyors of Theatrical Engineering products since 1898, we can offer one of the longest
          histories, widest ranges and largest knowledge bases of any supplier.
         For all your stage and theatre engineering services, please contact us on
                                   UK:- 0845 345 4255
                          International:- +44 (0) 1582 439 440

                                           It’s all in the name
                                           From design and build services for Garsington Opera Pavilion to
                                           stage engineering, including orchestra pit lift systems, orchestra
                                           pit rails and lighting rails, for Newcastle Theatre Royal, our name
                                           says it all.

                                           Find out more about these and other projects at

                                           Distributor for
                                           Liftket :: Prolyte :: Doughty :: Kinesys

                                           +44 (0)1604 830083
KX Platform      Designed to replace the Cochrane Theatre, the KX
                 Platform Theatre forms an integral part of the new
Theatre,         King’s Cross campus for the University of the
                 Arts’ Central Saint Martin’s College of Art and Design.
Central          Theatre Consultant Andrew Stone of Drama by Design

Saint Martin’s   discusses his involvement in the project.

College,         The new King’s Cross campus for the
                 University of the Arts’ Central Saint Martin’s
                                                                  by the fit-out contractor Overbury plc to
                                                                  design and project manage all aspects of

                 College of Art and Design opened at the end      the performance spaces, which incorporate
                 of 2011 and has become home to 5,000 staff       a number of custom designed and built
                 and students previously located in a number      elements as well ‘firsts’ for the UK market.
                 of disparate buildings on six separate sites        This was a very unusual project for us
                 across London. The College forms the centre      as, although some input was received from
                 of a new cultural quarter in London, part of     theatre consultants during the early design
                 the regeneration of King’s Cross Central, a      process of the project, no detailed design was
                 67 acre development that is the largest in       ever completed prior to construction. At the
                 London for 150 years.                            stage we became involved with the project
                    The new building consists of a four-          the building shell was already complete with
                 storey 200 metre long new build section          the main theatre space consisting of a huge
                 (incorporating the theatre), which links to      concrete box rising up through five floors
                 a refurbishment of the Grade II listed, six-     of the building. Our role was to design and
                 storey Granary Building (once part of a goods    construct a complete professional theatre
                 interchange at the height of the Victorian       within this space to meet the exacting
                 industrial boom) and a Grade II listed transit   requirements of the client.
                 shed. An internal street draws daylight in          The main theatre space, the KX Platform
                 and acts as a central circulation spine with     Theatre, was designed to replace the College’s
                 suspended walkways, cafes, film, graphic         existing Cochrane Theatre in central London
                 and light projections. It contains a 300 seat    which was utilised as a professional theatre
                 adaptable professional theatre space spread      space as well as for College productions. The
                 over four floors with foyer, backstage areas,    main client requirement was that the space
                 offices and workshop, a flexible double          had to be extremely flexible to support the
                 height studio theatre space, two multipurpose    College as a major force in one of the world’s
                 performance workshop spaces, two lecture         cultural capitals, a resource to offer unlimited
                 theatres and numerous rehearsal spaces.          opportunities for collaboration not only for
                    The building was developed by Argent          students and staff but also with the wider arts
                 plc and constructed by BAM Construction          and design community.
                 essentially as a concrete shell. Theatre            Although essentially an end-on performance
                 Consultancy Drama by Design was employed         space, the auditorium had to be designed

                                                                              Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 13
© John Sturrock

to cater for any eventuality. This meant that      performances when the rest of the University        set of handrails to go across the front to stop
performances might take place anywhere in          was closed.                                         people falling off the front edge. The orchestra
the space, not just on the main stage area; they      The main seating block consists of three         pit area can also be lowered into the floor to
could be performing in the orchestra pit, on the   separate electrically operated retractable          provide three further rows of raked seating
main seating area or on the balcony. Seating       seating units housing fully upholstered theatre     which gives the effect of a 750mm high raised
was a major issue in this respect as the client    style seats raked quite steeply to ensure good      stage area.
requirements were for this to be extremely         sight lines throughout. The two outside blocks         A new balcony area, sound/lighting control
flexible, comfortable and intimate and to          are set at an angle to ‘embrace’ the stage and      rooms and equipment rack room were
accommodate an audience of around 300. In          bring the audience as close as possible to          constructed around the main seating area at
order to achieve this all of the seating in the    the performance area. All three seating units       first floor level. One of the main requirements
space is removable, with all the balcony seats     can be retracted individually providing further     for the balcony was that the area could not
being specifically designed for the project by     flexibility both for performances and for when      only be used for seating for performances
UK seating company Hussey Seatway.                 the space is used as a teaching space. To           anywhere in the lower space, but also as a
                                                                                                       performance area with the audience sitting
                                                                                                       on the stage or as a band space – essentially
                                                                                                       every area of the space can either be used as
                                                                                                       a performance area or audience area.
                                                                                                          Not only did all the seats need to be
                                                                                                       removable, but to facilitate performances
                                                                                                       taking place in the area immediately below
                                                                                                       the balcony, the side balcony seats needed to
                                                                                                       either face the stage or face straight forward.
                                                                                                       We worked with Hussey Seatway to develop a
                                                                                                       custom version of their fully upholstered Gallery
                                                                                                       chair to meet these exacting requirements.
                                                                                                       This consisted of mounting plates recessed
                                                                                                       into the floor of the balcony with chairs that
                                                                                                       bolted on to these, but with the ability to rotate
                                                                                                       the chairs through 45 degrees. As the balcony
                                                                                                       needed to be used as a performance area it
                                                                                                       wasn’t possible to construct permanent tiering
                                                                                                       to keep the floor as flat as possible, so two
                                                                                                       height versions of the chairs were designed to
                                                                                                       provide the required seating rake, the higher
                                                                                                       version having a foot rest to aid access on to
                                                                                                       the seat base and to ensure the seats were
   A new corridor was designed either side         facilitate this two sets of drop-in handrails are
                                                                                                          It wasn’t only the seating that needed to
and to the rear of the main seating area to        provided, a smaller set of simple hooped rails
                                                                                                       be specially designed to provide the flexible
bring the audience through from the foyer          for when all three seating units are out and
                                                                                                       balcony area as regulation handrail heights
area to the front of the seating area. This        then a set of full hand rails for when just the
                                                                                                       vary for seated and unseated areas. The
means of access ensured that the theatre           centre section is out. Additionally, as the front
                                                                                                       regulation handrail height for seating areas is
could be used as a self-contained unit for         row of seats can be removed, there is a further

14 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
left. As with the stage lift, the stage right stair   prevent sound reflecting around within the
“Designed by Stanton                              case incorporates a trap door over the top of         pit area itself.
  Williams Architects, the                         it to close it off when not in use. However, just        The flooring throughout the stage and
                                                   in case anyone gets trapped down there, an            auditorium needed to be suitable for dance
  building in its entirety                         escape ladder is provided down stage right –          and drama productions as well as rock
  was named Winner of the                          another cost of flexibility!                          concerts, conferences and exhibitions. It
                                                       The front section of the under stage is a         needed to be both hard wearing and good
  Architects’ Journal AJ100                        large orchestra pit area for up to 30 musicians.      looking as well as being sprung. We worked
  Building of the Year 2012.”                      The client requirements were to have a flexible       with Harlequin flooring to come up with
                                                   arrangement to not only allow the pit size to         a custom version of their Activity sprung
900mm whereas for unseated areas it has to         be varied, but also allow the raked seating to        floor system. This would normally have an
be 1,100mm. Having a permanent 1,100mm             continue down into the pit to create a ‘virtual’      engineered board finish, but it wasn’t felt
high handrail would have obscured the view of raised stage area or for the pit area to be used           that this would be durable enough for large
the stage when the seats were in place so all      as an adaptable performance area. We worked           quantities of people to be walking across it
the balcony handrails were custom designed         with industry staging experts Steeldeck (which        in outdoor shoes or dancing on it during a
and built for the project to be dual height.       co-incidentally used to be based in the Kings         concert scenario. Harlequin therefore devised
This was achieved by making the permanent          Cross train sheds) and Harlequin Flooring to          a version of Activity with a 21mm Parquet Oak
handrails 900mm high and then providing            design a custom solution consisting of 21             board on the top to ensure greater durability.
some additional sections that quickly attach       custom designed and built Steeldeck modules              Above the stage and auditorium a series of
to the main handrail to increase the height to     with Harlequin Activity flooring set into trays       gantries and an auditorium bridge have been
1,100mm.                                           on the top. This allows each platform to be           installed to provide access to all the technical
   To maintain the flexibility of the space        set individually to any height or removed             areas and lighting positions. The height above
all the handrails are standard 50mm lighting       completely. The flooring on top of these              the auditorium is limited so we selected
bar size to enable technical equipment to          modules needed to be sprung to match the              Skydeck wire mesh walkways installed by Hall
be easily suspended from them and an               rest of the floor, but as each module is a            Stage for the bridge which runs across the
additional lighting bar is provided on all         comparatively small area this meant that the          auditorium and down either side to ensure that
the balcony fronts.                                floor on the edge of each module dipped               it wasn’t too over-bearing above the audience.
   The stage area was constructed from a           down much more than the rest of the floor             These incorporate lighting bars, socket outlet
steel frame with concrete top finished with        presenting a trip hazard. Harlequin came up           boxes and audio visual facility panels as well
a timber sprung floor. The rear part of the        with yet another custom solution of utilising         as all the containment systems for the cabling.
understage area incorporates a large store         different density foam around the perimeter of        Access to these walkways is provided via a
and the stage lighting dimmer room with a          each module to provide consistent springiness         ladder up from the balcony or a ladder down
hydraulic platform lift up to the stage left floor across all the modules. Custom removable              from the technical gallery above.
to aid access for heavier items. The lift has a    handrails matching the balcony handrails are             Technical gantries are provided around the
trap door over the top of it so when not in use provided across the front of the orchestra pit           stage both at fly floor level and at loading
it can’t be seen and the whole stage area can area for when the pit is in the lower state.               gallery level. At fly floor level the gantries go
be used for performances.                              Working with acoustic consultants AECOM,          down either side of the stage and across the
   As there is no backstage corridor at ground     we created a series of custom designed                back of stage and can be accessed from
floor level, a stage crossover was created in the acoustic panels for the front/back walls               either side via doors into the main building
under stage area which has a staircase down        and ceiling of the orchestra pit. These were          at 2nd floor level. These gantries incorporate
to it from the stage right side of the stage and designed to reflect the sound from the                  lighting bars in the handrail design with mains
a second staircase back up from it down stage orchestra pit back up to the stage and to                  socket outlet boxes and audio visual facility

                                                                                                                     Theatres Magazine AUTUMN 2012 15
panels along all three sides. Low level blue          There is a fully professional stage             is a new Danish system utilising a system of
LED lighting is provided on these gantries         management system enabling the students            interlocking plastic moulded nodes and rails
and around the stage and at loading gallery        to learn the complexities or running a             to produce almost limitless arrangements of
level. An access ladder is also provided from      professional performance. A portable stage         both shape and height for staging or seating.
the stage left corner up to the technical          management desk can be connected down              Unlike the normal systems with a steel frame,
gantry, but as this is 9m long it is fitted with   stage left, down stage right or in the control     as the tops rest on the plastic sides the
both an intermediate rest platform and a fall      room. This contains a programmable cue             system is quiet in use and most components
arrest system.                                     light system, clocks, timers, house light          can be stored in wall hung bags with the tops
   Above the stage Hall Stage installed            control panel, paging control panel and two        on wheeled dollies. The same loose seats as
a Brickhouse 40-line double purchase               video monitors, one of which is permanently        specified for the main theatre are provided
counterweight flying system ensuring the           connected to a low light camera mounted on         in the studio theatre enabling these to be
maximum available space on the stage so            the auditorium bridge providing a view of the      moved around as required between all the
that this can be used for seating as well          stage back to the stage manager. There is          performance spaces.
as a stage area. The Brickhouse system             a show relay and paging system covering all           There are two multipurpose workshop
from US Company Thern Stage Equipment              the backstage changing rooms, offices, green       spaces consisting of a black and a white box
is a front loading arbor design that allows        room and workshop as well as the front of          – as the names imply one is completely white
counterweights to be loaded at the most            house foyer, bar and toilet areas.                 and the other completely black, quite a weird
convenient location. Self-engaging spring             The infrastructure installation extends         experience walking from one to the other!
loaded gates fully enclose the arbor structure     into the foyer and bar areas as well as the        They are both equipped with an internally
to prevent the counterweights from falling out     understage and backstage areas enabling the        wired lighting grid, perimeter curtain tracks
of the cradles. The fly weights can be stored      performances to extend into these areas.           and high and low level audio visual facility
and loaded either on the high level loading           As well as the main performance space           panels which also link to the studio theatre
gallery or on the fly gallery.                     there is a studio theatre which is more of a       and main theatre space.
   The technical installation was carried          conventional black box studio space accessed          Designed by Stanton Williams Architects,
out by Stage Electrics and consists of a           from the main theatre foyer with Harlequin         the building in its entirety was named Winner
system of stage lighting socket outlet boxes       Activity sprung floor. To ensure maximum           of the Architects’ Journal AJ100 Building of
mounted on the gantries and around the             flexibility a Slingco Cablenet tension wire grid   the Year 2012 and described as “quite simply
stage incorporating a combination of switched      is installed over the whole area which can         the finest building completed by an AJ100
and dimmed outlets. Lighting positions are         either be accessed from the first floor or via a   practice in the past year”. We were pleased to
provided on the balcony, but as this needed        vertical ladder from the studio floor.             have been part of this exciting project.
to be used as a stage as well as for seating          A full internally wired stage lighting grid
custom floor boxes were designed to fit            with socket outlet boxes and facility panels
in-between the main structural steels and          is mounted above the tension wire grid
seating mounting plates and in the very            which can be used for suspending scenery
shallow depth. They consist of facility panels     and curtains as well as lighting and sound
mounted on their sides under the floor with        equipment.
a space in front with a lid over to allow the         As with the main theatre space the
connectors to remain in the boxes under the        requirement was for both staging and seating
floor with only the cables coming out through      to be completely flexible with a range of
exit slots in the lids.                            different formats and seating layouts. We
                                                   specified an Aalborg staging system which

16 AUTUMN 2012 Theatres Magazine
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