University of Notre Dame Bioengineering Ph.D. Program Graduate Studies Handbook 2020 - 2021 Academic Year

Page created by Ron Perez
University of Notre Dame
Bioengineering Ph.D. Program

Graduate Studies Handbook

2020 – 2021 Academic Year
Table of Contents
I.         INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................3
II.     BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS ....................................................................................................4
      A.  REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
      B.  ENROLLMENT ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
      C.  SATISFACTORY DEGREE PROGRESS ................................................................................................................................................ 4
        Grades......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
        Milestones ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
      D. TEACHING AND RESEARCH RESPONSIBILITIES............................................................................................................................. 4
      E. BREAKS AND HOLIDAYS..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
      F. OFFICE AND LABORATORY FACILITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 5
      G. SAFETY ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
      H. LEAVES OR STUDY AT OTHER SITES............................................................................................................................................... 6
III. PROGRAM STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................................7
   A. ADMINISTRATION................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
   B. HOME DEPARTMENT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
   C. FINANCIAL SUPPORT .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
IV. ADVISING .............................................................................................................................................................7
  A. EXAMINATION COMMITTEE.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
  B. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CAREER PLANNING ........................................................................................................ 8
V.      DEGREE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................9
      A. COURSE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
        Degree Program .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
        First year courses .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
        General Course Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................. 10
      B. THE QUALIFYING EXAMINATION.................................................................................................................................................. 10
        Coursework ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
        Written component ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
        Oral Component.................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
        Admission to the Doctoral Program ......................................................................................................................................... 11
      C. CANDIDACY EXAMINATION............................................................................................................................................................ 11
        Written Candidacy Examination ................................................................................................................................................ 11
        Oral Candidacy Examination ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
        Advancement to Candidacy........................................................................................................................................................... 12
        Master’s Degree Option ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
        Students entering with an M.S. Degree.................................................................................................................................... 12
      D. THE DISSERTATION AND DEFENSE ............................................................................................................................................. 12
        Written dissertation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
        Defense of Dissertation.................................................................................................................................................................... 13
        Publication of the Dissertation .................................................................................................................................................... 13
VI. MASTER’S DEGREE IN BIOENGINEERING ................................................................................................. 14
VII.            FACILITIES AND SERVICES ...................................................................................................................... 15
A.      LIBRARY .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
   B.      COMPUTING FACILITIES.................................................................................................................................................................. 15
   C.      LABORATORY FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
   D.      OFFICE FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
   E.      COPYING FACILITIES........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
   F.      STUDENT GOVERNMENT SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................... 15
   G.      HEALTH AND COUNSELING ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
   H.      CAREER AND PLACEMENT.............................................................................................................................................................. 16
   I.      INTERNATIONAL, AND RELIGIOUS SERVICES ............................................................................................................................ 16
   J.      GRADUATE STUDENT LIFE............................................................................................................................................................. 16
APPENDIX A: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY ................................................................................................................. 17
APPENDIX B: FACULTY........................................................................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX C: MEDICAL SEPARATION FROM ACADEMIC DUTIES................................................................ 19
APPENDIX D: DEGREE PROGRAM FORM ........................................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX E: CANDIDACY EXAMINATION REPORT ........................................................................................ 21
    Scoring Criteria for the written candidacy examination: ............................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX F: IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE 2020-2021 ACADEMIC YEAR .............................................. 23

handbooks or on-line is to be interpreted as
                                                            contrary to the regulations of the Graduate School.
    This handbook describes the policies and                     Topics covered in this handbook include the
procedures for the Bioengineering Ph.D. program             basic responsibilities of graduate students,
at the University of Notre Dame. Its focus is on            requirements for the Ph.D. program, and items
the unique degree requirements of this                      related to selected facilities and services available.
interdisciplinary program. In addition to the               A number of other important documents and
requirements in this handbook, students should be           directives are listed in the Table of Contents in the
familiar with graduate school policies regarding            form of URL’s and each student is encouraged to
their degree progress, and requirements to                  review these documents. Often answers to
maintain eligibility for financial support and health       questions regarding the graduate program can be
care subsidies. Additional sources of student               found by contacting Ms. Gail Small. Her office is
guideline and policies are Du Lac, the University's         Rm. 365 Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering and her e-
student policy and procedure manual, and the                mail address is You may also
Graduate and Professional Student Handbook. All             contact the program director, Professor Glen
students were provided a copy of this Handbook              Niebur, 147 Multidisciplinary Engineering
upon admission.                                             Research,
    These policies apply to all students enrolled                This handbook provides the official policies of
during the 2020-2021 academic year. They are                the degree program. If under any circumstances a
subject to change and may be different from                 student wishes to deviate from these policies, they
policies published in previous years. More general          should secure prior written approval from the
information on the program can also be found at             program director and make sure that this approval Nothing herein, in previous              is recorded in their permanent file. Do not assume
                                                            that approval will be granted for any deviations
                                                            from the policies based on previous precedents.

II.      BASIC RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS                 grade of B- is considered the lowest acceptable
                                                            grade in any graduate course. A student whose
A.       Registration                                       cumulative GPA is below 3.0 or whose GPA in any
     A full-time graduate student is required to take       given semester is below 2.5 may be subject to loss
nine credit hours during the fall and spring                of financial support and/or dismissal.
semesters during each semester in residence. These
credits will be a mix of course work and research           Milestones
credits. The Graduate School allows a maximum of               You must meet certain milestones in order to
nine hours of course work per semester for                  remain in good standing with the program and the
students who are receiving stipend support. During          Graduate School. You must:
the summer session, all students are required to
enroll and register for zero credit hours of the            1. Complete your qualifying examination before
course numbered 67890 in their home department.                starting your third semester.
If they intend to graduate during the summer, they          2. Pass your candidacy examination before
should also register for zero credits of research              beginning your ninth semester
under their advisor. If they wish to take a course          3. Complete your dissertation defense within
for credit offered during the summer session, they             seven years
will need to apply for a tuition scholarship before
the first day of classes.                                       Failure to achieve these milestones will result
                                                            in your ineligibility for further financial aid,
B.      Enrollment                                          including tuition and fees.
    All graduate students must both register and
enroll before each spring and fall semester and the         D.      Teaching and research responsibilities
summer session to maintain student status.                      Most graduate students are supported by
Enrollment is different from registration, and you          research grants and contracts. You are responsible
must do both. If you fail to enroll during the              for meeting the requirements of your research
semester, you may have to apply for re-admission.           position, which should be considered a full-time
The only exception is for officially approved leaves        position. Students should be on campus and meet
of absence.                                                 with their research supervisor regularly.
                                                                Most departments in the College of
C.      Satisfactory Degree Progress                        Engineering require affiliated graduate students to
     Each year your degree progress will be                 assist with teaching. The director of graduate
reviewed by your advisor, the Program Committee,            studies in your home department may assign you
and the Graduate School. Each of these levels may           teaching assistant duties according to the policies
have differing standards and criteria for evaluation.       of the department.
Continued financial support, both stipend and
tuition, are dependent upon successful                      E.       Breaks and Holidays
performance in research, course work, assistance in             It is expected that full-time students receiving
teaching as well as the availability of funds.              financial support from the University devote their
                                                            entire professional efforts to research, teaching,
Grades                                                      and course work within the University. Students
    The most readily used means for assessment of           may not engage in outside employment of any kind
the student's academic progress is through grades           without permission of the program director.
assigned in course work. The Graduate School                    Students receiving stipends should note that
grading system is on a four-point basis. Grades             normal academic breaks do not apply to graduate
recorded for graduate courses are: A (4.0), A-              students. In particular, you are expected to be
(3.667), B+ (3.333), B (3.0), B- (2.667), C+ (2.333)        present during spring and fall break, and in the
and C (2.0). In the bioengineering program, the             interterm periods following finals.
Graduate students on stipend should observe            3. Unauthorized users are not allowed into a
the following holidays: Thanksgiving and the                  laboratory.
following Friday, Christmas Eve through New                4. Guests may be invited into a laboratory, but
Year's Day, Good Friday and Easter Monday,                    may not be left unsupervised. The host is
Memorial Day, and Independence Day.                           responsible for the guests' safety.
    Vacation time during periods that you are              G.        Safety
receiving financial support must be approved by                 Your office facilities and laboratory spaces
your advisor. There is no official University policy       have an integrated safety plan. You should be
on vacation time for graduate students, and the            familiar with it, and your advisor or their designee
amount of time you receive is solely at the                should instruct you in laboratory safety. You
discretion of your advisor. Note that spring break         should bring to the attention of your laboratory
and fall break are not vacation periods for graduate       supervisor or advisor any unsafe laboratory
students.                                                  situations they encounter. If you do not feel that
    Students who are paid as Teaching Assistants           your concern has been adequately addressed, you
(TA) must be available throughout the semester,            should contact the program director. The
through the end of final exams, to support the             following general rules apply to all laboratories:
courses for which they have responsibility. This              1. Students must complete assigned training
includes fall and spring breaks, when you may need                through ComplyND before working in
to assist with grading or course preparation. Any                 laboratory facilities.
absence from campus by a TA during the semester               2. Each student using a laboratory must be
must be approved in writing by the student’s                      acquainted with all the particular safety
research advisor, the instructor in the course for                procedures and safety equipment in the
which the student is serving as a TA and the                      laboratory. These include the locations of
program director.                                                 emergency controls and the locations and use
F.      Office and Laboratory Facilities                          of all safety equipment and first aid supplies.
    Your home department supports office space                3. Students should contact their advisor or
and individual research laboratories. Students are                other laboratory management if they see an
responsible for acquainting themselves with and                   unsafe situation, or feel the need for
following the proper safety procedures for the                    additional or different personal protective
laboratories they use. Because the offices and                    equipment.
laboratories are diverse in their purposes,                   4. Graduate         students    who      supervise
procedures, and equipment, specific safety                        undergraduate laboratories assume primary
procedures are not listed here. However, all users                responsibility for safety procedures. If
of these offices and laboratories are to observe the              additional safety supplies (such as hard hats
following general safety and security procedures:                 or safety glasses) are required, the course
                                                                  instructor should be notified.
1. You may be issued keys or electronic access to             5. Any graduate student developing a new
   university building. Keys may not be traded                    experiment or acquiring new equipment will
   among, loaned to, or passed on to other                        also be responsible for developing and
   students and must be returned as soon as the                   recording the proper safety procedures
   need for regular access has passed.                            associated with the new equipment.
2. Laboratory users share in maintaining its                  6. Observed inadequacy of laboratory safety
   security and cleanliness. Laboratory doors are                 procedures or equipment must be reported
   not to be propped open or left unlocked when                   immediately to a faculty member so that the
   the laboratory is unattended, and must be                      situation may be corrected.
   locked at the end of the working day.                      7. Violations of safety procedures or the
                                                                  creation of unsafe or unhealthy conditions
must be reported to the responsible faculty.         student should carefully discuss all aspects of such
     Failure to work safely or to maintain orderly,       an arrangement with their research advisor prior to
     professional working environments will               departure. Students who leave prior to completing
     result in the forfeiture of all office or            their degree program and graduating must realize
     laboratory privileges.                               that in order to eventually receive their degree they
                                                          must be registered as a student in the semester
H.     Leaves or Study at Other Sites                     prior to the graduation. If they are in a non-resident
    On occasion students spend part of their              status and wish to complete their program and
graduate program in a non-resident status. A              graduate, they will be responsible for the tuition
                                                          costs associated with that registration.

III.    PROGRAM STRUCTURE                                    allocated at the discretion of the program
                                                             committee. Students should communicate with
    The Bioengineering program is administered               their advisors to determine their status for ongoing
by the college of engineering and is housed across           financial support.
the various departments. The program is strictly a
                                                             IV.     ADVISING
Ph.D program, and the Graduate School does not
grant an M.S. degree in Bioengineering.                          One of the most important matters for
A.       Administration                                      graduate students is the choice of a faculty advisor.
     All policy-making and administrative authority          This choice can have a great effect on your time in
in the Bioengineering degree program resides with            graduate school and long-term career path. Upon
the Faculty program committee and the program                entry, you will be temporarily advised by a faculty
director. Any policy question or administrative              member assigned by your home department. Your
matter should be referred in writing to the program          permanent research advisor will be a faculty
committee via Ms. Gail Small, 365 Fitzpatrick Hall           member in your home department.
of Engineering. Matters that cannot be resolved                  Your advisor will be assigned to you based on
satisfactorily can be appealed to the Graduate               your input, the current faculty needs, and available
School, via the Dean of the Graduate School. The             resources. In most cases individual students and
program director is Professor Glen L. Niebur, 147            faculty members make this arrangement without
Multidisciplinary Engineering (              external intervention.
B.       Home Department                                         You should immediately begin speaking with
    Each student in the program is assigned to a             faculty members in your area of interest upon
home department. The home department is the                  arrival at Notre Dame. After your first semester
department where the student’s faculty advisor has           you, will be asked to submit a ranked list of
their primary appointment. The home department               preferences for potential advisors to the program
in conjunction with the advisor will provide office          director. Some home departments may ask that
and laboratory facilities for the student. The               you make this declaration earlier in your program.
student is required to fulfill any teaching assistant,           If you do not have a research advisor by the
service,     and     professional        development         end of the second semester in the program, you
requirements as other Ph.D. students in the home             may be subject to dismissal from the program. If a
department.                                                  student is dismissed by an advisor at any time
    While the home department administrative                 during their studies and cannot secure the support
personnel may provide certain support for students,          of a new advisor within 6 weeks, they may be
such as ordering supplies or arranging office space,         dismissed from the program at the end of the
all academic records are maintained in the                   current semester.
Bioengineering       Program          office     (153        A.      Examination Committee
Multidisciplinary Engineering), and the student                  Within your first year of residence, you will
should ensure that all examination records and               establish your Examination Committee. This
scheduling are reported to the program rather than           committee should be chosen carefully in
your home department.                                        consultation with your advisor, as they will also be
C.      Financial Support                                    involved in specifying the required coursework for
    Most full-time students receive a stipend.               your degree program. The committee must consist
Funds for these stipends typically come from the             of:
externally funded grants and contracts of the
student's advisor. The bioengineering program has            1. Your research advisor
minimal resources to provide stipend or benefit              2. A faculty member of your home department
support to students. Such resources will be
3. A faculty member from outside your home                judge the suitability of your coursework and
   department                                             research for your degree.
                                                          B.       Professional Development and Career
    All students must have an advisor from their          Planning
home department who is an active member of the                The Graduate Career Center resources are
Bioengineering program. Any faculty member in             focused on graduate student success —helping you
the College of Engineering or the College of              to be the best prepared in order to obtain strong
Science may be part of your examination                   career outcomes after your time at Notre Dame.
committee.                                                All first-year Bioengineering PhD students are
    You may have one member who is not on the             required to schedule a one-on-one sit down session
Notre Dame faculty. In general, individuals from          with a Graduate Career counselor during their first
outside the University should be tenured faculty at       year of study, preferably in the spring semester, and
another university, or otherwise have a record of         again sometime within their third year of the
scholarly activity. An outside member must be             program. The purpose of the requirement is to
formally requested to and approved by the                 assist you in understanding and navigating your
Program Committee.                                        career options while taking the steps necessary to
    Note that all three members of the committee          achieve your goals. The Center is located in the
are voting members on your examination and                Graduate School, 110 Bond Hall, and online at
dissertation, and should be able to understand and

V.     DEGREE REQUIREMENTS                                    courses at the level of 5XXXX and above.
                                                              These courses must incorporate significant
A.       Course Requirements                                  applications of engineering mathematics, and
    The Ph.D. degree requires a minimum of 27                 should generally be from the student’s home
credits (usually nine courses) of coursework credit.          department. The final determination of
Your advisor or your examination committee(s)                 whether a course is appropriate to fulfill the
may specifically require you to take additional               engineering science requirement will be made
courses based on their judgment of your                       by the Faculty Program Committee.
preparation for research and scholarship. You may          2. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE: Nine credits
take courses beyond the minimum, with the                     (three courses) of biosciences courses such as
approval of your research advisor, and to the                 biology, physiology, anatomy, or biochemistry.
extent that they do not interfere with your teaching          Courses at the 3XXXX-level may be taken as
and research responsibilities.                                remedial courses, but cannot be used to fulfill
    It is the policy of the University that students          the bioscience requirements. The biosciences
receiving stipends take no more than three courses            coursework is intended to provide the student
per semester, so as not to interfere with your                with depth of knowledge in the biological
research and teaching responsibilities associated             sciences, and should include at least one course
with the stipend.                                             at the graduate (6XXXX or greater) level.
                                                           3. BIOENGINEERING: A minimum of nine
Degree Program                                                credits (normally three courses) of engineering,
    At the end of the first year, you should                  bioengineering, and biology electives at the
complete the degree plan form (Appendix D) to                 graduate level (6XXXX and above). These
indicate the courses you have taken and plan to               courses are intended to develop the student’s
take to meet the degree requirements.                         ability to synthesize knowledge in engineering
    Your signed degree program will be sent to the            and biology, and to develop the necessary
Graduate School, and represents the expected                  background to complete their dissertation
course sequence that you will complete for your               research.
degree. Changes to your degree plan may be
necessary due to changes in course availability or              The courses that fit in each category is not
your research program. Changes to your degree              fixed. The final determination of the
program will normally be approved by your                  appropriateness of any course to fulfill the
committee and the program director at the time of          requirements is determined by your advisor and
your qualifying examination. You should discuss            examination committee, and approved by the
potential changes with your advisor and your               Program Committee.
committee to ensure that they are acceptable. If any            A minimum of 72 semester credit hours
courses listed on your signed degree program form          (including both course credits and research credits)
are not completed, your degree will not be awarded.        are required for the Ph.D. degree based on the
                                                           requirements to register for nine credit hours
    You must complete at least nine courses for the        each semester, you should complete this within
degree. Graduate school regulations require that at        six semesters.
least seven of the nine courses are at a level of
6XXXX and above. The following course                      First year courses
distribution requirements must be satisfied by your            Eighteen credit hours of course work (6
degree program:                                            courses), excluding research credits, are typically
                                                           taken in the first year. A minimum of four courses
1. ENGINEERING SCIENCE: Nine credits                       must be taken to prepare for the qualifying
   (three courses) of traditional engineering              examination.
Students should meet with their admission                   higher in their first year. Any courses in which the
advisor at the beginning of their first semester to             student earned a grade of B- or lower cannot be
prepare an individual course of study for the first             counted towards satisfying degree requirements,
semester. A permanent research advisor is                       regardless of overall GPA.
normally assigned during the first semester. The                    If deficiencies should appear in the course
research advisor will then work with the student to             work evaluation while the other evaluation
plan the reminder of their program.                             components appear satisfactory, specific remedies
                                                                may be identified on an individual basis at the
General Course Guidelines                                       discretion of the faculty.
     Only courses offered by departments in the
Colleges of Engineering or Science can be applied               Written component
to degree requirements. Introductory graduate-                      By the end of the summer session following
level courses are numbered 6XXXX, special                       your first year in residence, you must complete a
graduate courses are numbered 7XXXX, and                        research paper (5-7 pages) describing and analyzing
advanced graduate courses are 9XXXX.                            a problem that includes both engineering and
     Credit can be received for up to six credits of            biological components. It should formulate a
undergraduate courses offered in the Colleges of                unique problem, explain the motivation for the
Engineering and Science. Credit will not be given               problem, review the relevant literature, and provide
for work that is considered remedial.                           a description of the topic based on principles of
     If you completed your undergraduate degrees                engineering analysis. Ordinarily these papers will
at Notre Dame, and took graduate level (60000                   be based on your research, so that a description of
level or higher) courses that were not used to                  the relevant experimental, theoretical, and
satisfy undergraduate degree requirements, you can              computational techniques should be included
request to use up to 6 credit hours of qualified                along with preliminary results and a description of
courses to satisfy graduate degree requirements.                the next steps in the work. It is not a research
B.       The Qualifying Examination                             proposal.
    Passing the qualifying examination is your                      Your examination committee, approved by the
official acceptance into the Ph.D. program, and                 Program Director, will evaluate the written
advances you to the level of doctoral student.                  component and hold an oral examination session
    The purpose of the Comprehensive Evaluation                 to further evaluate your ability to continue for a
is to determine whether a student is prepared to                PhD. You must distribute copies of your paper to
perform research at a level consistent with his or              the examination committee at least one week (5
her degree objective. The evaluation is normally                business days) prior to to the date of your oral
after the first academic year, typically at the start of        examination.
the third semester in residence. The evaluation                 Oral Component
includes a review, based on the student's course                    You are responsible for scheduling the oral
work, of his or her knowledge of bioengineering                 component of the examination. Gail Small in 365
fundamentals, results of the written and oral                   Fitzpatrick Hall of Engineering or your home
components of a research examination and an                     department administrative assistant can help you to
evaluation by the research advisor of the student's             locate and schedule an appropriate room.
performance in research.                                            You will make an oral presentation, no more
                                                                than 20 minutes in length, describing the key
    To pass the coursework portion of the exam,                 content of your written examination. Of particular
students must have completed at least three                     interest are a description of the research problem
engineering courses and at least four courses total             formulated in your document, a review of current
while maintaining a grade point average of 3.3 or               research in the field, preliminary results from your
                                                                own work, and a discussion of important research
directions. This is followed by a period of                 Written Candidacy Examination
questions from the faculty, which will focus on                  The written candidacy examination is a
your ability to interpret and explain the presented         research proposal. The formatting should follow
research. Questioning is not confined to topics             guidelines for an NSF research proposal (see
within the scope of the research, but this should be including page limitations. You
the majority of interrogation as the coursework             should not include personnel, facilities, and budget
component is intended to address fundamentals.              justification sections. Your proposal should
The oral examination is typically 45 minutes in             include a CV that includes your relevant
length.                                                     publications and presentations. Your CV need not
    The oral qualifying examination is not public.          follow NSF guidelines. It should include all
However, you are encouraged to present the                  publications, including conference presentations,
examination material in alternate public settings           and any other relevant research accomplishments
such as a laboratory or group seminar.                      or awards. Your advisor can provide you with
                                                            examples of typical research proposals and CVs,
Admission to the Doctoral Program                           which may vary slightly between subdisciplines.
    The Program Committee will make the                          The proposal should introduce the theme of
decision to accept the student into the doctoral            your research project and develop two to four
program after reviewing the student's academic              specific aims within the first one to two pages of
record and the Qualifying examination results.              the proposal. Following the aims, the background
Admission to the degree program does not                    and significance, including relevant literature and
constitute admission to degree candidacy, for               any preliminary results should be presented. Your
which additional requirements are described below.          specific research plan to address the aims, objective
C.       Candidacy Examination                              or hypotheses of your work should be presented.
    All Ph.D. students at Notre Dame must take              Specific methods should be provided as necessary
and pass a candidacy examination. Passing the               to demonstrate your knowledge of how the
candidacy examination will advance you to the               research can be carried out.
level of Ph.D. candidate.                                        You must distribute the written component of
    You should plan to take and pass your                   your examination to the committee at least 10
candidacy examination by the end of your third              business days prior to officially scheduling the
year in the program. You must pass your candidacy           examination with the bioengineering graduate
examination before you start your ninth semester.           program (15 business days prior to your proposed
The examination consists of both written and oral           examination date). Each committee member must
components, and will be administered by the                 sign the examination report (Appendix E) and
appointed Examination Committee. The written                return it to Gail Small in 365 Fitzpatrick Hall or
and oral parts are considered separately and you            Professor Glen Niebur in 147 Multidisciplinary
must pass both.                                             Engineering Research at least five business days
    It is normally expected that you will have              prior to your proposed examination date to
submitted at least one paper to an appropriate              allow your oral examination to be officially
peer-reviewed journal in your field prior to your           scheduled. Your oral examination cannot be
oral candidacy examination. Your committee may              officially scheduled through the graduate school
accept a conference paper, or a paper that is nearly        until the signed report is completed.
ready for submission.                                            The written component of the examination
    You must have completed at least six courses            requires unanimous committee approval.
or 18 course credits before completing your
candidacy. At least 15 credits must be in                   Oral Candidacy Examination
engineering courses.                                            The oral candidacy examination will conform
                                                            to Graduate School guidelines.
The examination will include a presentation of           program committee for transfer of up to nine
completed research, and proposed research to                  credits from a master's degree obtained within the
complete your dissertation. It should specifically            previous five years may be made. To receive credit
address how your research applies to the field of             for a graduate course taken elsewhere, the course
bioengineering, how it integrates knowledge of                will need to be a graded, graduate-level, academic
both biology and engineering, and how it will                 course, of the type that would normally be
advance the state of knowledge in the field. The              considered as part of our graduate academic course
initial presentation is open to the public. You must          requirements and the student achieved a grade of a
accept and answer questions from the public                   B+ or better. You cannot transfer pass/fail courses,
audience at the completion of the presentation.               research credits, thesis credits or other non-
     Following the public presentation, the                   classroom credits. Your examination committee,
examination committee will question you in depth              advisor, and the program committee will assess
on your completed research and you research plans.            whether these courses fulfill the category
The committee may also ask fundamental                        requirements of your degree plan. In any case, you
questions about your field(s) of research and study.          will still need to complete at least 72 total credits,
You may wish to confer with your examination                  including research credits, at Notre Dame.
committee members prior to the examination to                 D.      The Dissertation and Defense
determine the expected scope of their questions.                  After the completion of research and all course
     Following questioning, your Examination                  work, you will prepare and defend a written
Committee will deliberate in private.                         dissertation. The dissertation is the traditional form
     Passing the oral candidacy examination                   of documenting your ability to perform, write, and
requires a majority vote of the committee.                    present scholarly research. The contents of the
Advancement to Candidacy                                      dissertation should be deemed suitable for
    Upon passing both the written and oral                    publication in the peer-reviewed literature.
candidacy examinations, you will be advanced to               Written dissertation
candidacy, which signifies your ability and                        This is a thorough compendium of your
responsibility to conduct independent research.               research and scholarship at Notre Dame. The
Master’s Degree Option                                        contents of the dissertation vary between subfields,
    A student who has successfully completed all              and you should consult with your advisor regarding
parts of the doctoral Candidacy Examination, and              the overall format and style. In addition, the
has completed at least 15 credits in engineering              graduate school has specific formatting and style
courses, 18 total course credits, and 24 total credits        requirements that you must meet.
(research and coursework), may receive a Master's                  When your dissertation advisor(s) is/are
degree in Bioengineering on the recommendation                satisfied that the dissertation is in suitable form,
of the candidacy committee, and approval by the               and has the appropriate content, they will sign a
program director. Note that it is the policy of the           distribution form, releasing it for distribution to
University to not award duplicate degrees. A                  the examination committee. You must deliver the
student who has a Master’s degree in                          signed form to the programs’ graduate
bioengineering or biomedical engineering will not             administrative assistant, who will then issue the
be awarded a Master’s degree on completion of the             Ph.D. reader’s card. It is your responsibility to
Candidacy examination.                                        deliver the required copies of the dissertation along
                                                              with the appropriate reader’s card to their readers,
Students entering with an M.S. Degree                         and to collect and return the signed readers cards
    There are some modifications to the program               to the administrative assistant.
if you had an M.S. degree upon entering the                        The dissertation defense may not be scheduled
Bioengineering Ph.D. program. A request to the                sooner than four weeks from the date the graduate
studies administrative assistant receives the               the examination. The individual votes will be
dissertation distribution form. It is expected that         recorded on the examination report form. You
during this time each reader will carefully read the        must return the voting form to the graduate school.
dissertation and meet with the candidate to discuss              Failure of the defense does not necessarily
suggested or necessary changes to be made before            require rewriting the dissertation. In the case of a
the oral defense. The oral examination will not be          failure, the student may be allowed a second
scheduled until all the Ph.D. reader's cards have           opportunity to present a defense of their work
been signed and returned to the graduate studies            based upon the recommendation of a majority of
administrative assistant. Only a dissertation               the candidacy examination committee members,
unanimously and unconditionally approved by the             the department chair and the approval of the
readers may be defended.                                    Graduate School. Failure in the second defense
                                                            terminates the candidate's eligibility for a doctorate
Defense of Dissertation                                     at the University.
     The purpose of the Ph.D. Dissertation
Defense is to explore the originality and                   Publication of the Dissertation
significance of the candidate's dissertation. It is             The dissertation serves as the scholarly record
your responsibility to determine a mutually                 of the student’s doctoral research, and should be
agreeable time for the defense. The scheduled date          published and disseminated. In addition to
and time, accompanied with the readers' cards, are          publications in the peer-reviewed literature, the
returned to the Graduate School at least 10                 graduate school publishes your dissertation in its
business days, excluding holidays, prior to the             entirety. The final version of the dissertation must
defense of the dissertation.                                conform to the requirements as outlined
     You are responsible for reserving a room for           on      the      Graduate       School's     webpage:
the defense and ensuring that the necessary audio-
visual equipment is available. Assistance in                current-students/dt/
scheduling and locating equipment can be obtained               Your dissertation must be checked for format
from administrative staff.                                  conformity by the Graduate School before its final
     The final dissertation defense is public. The          submission.
candidate should post the time and place one week               After the oral defense and approval by the
in advance of the defense. Your research advisor            Graduate School, you must upload a clear, print-
will act as the chair and moderator.                        quality PDF version of the complete dissertation
     The examination begins with a summary                  to the Library’s electronic submission website at
presentation of thirty to forty minutes. You will be Note that the PDF upload
expected to present your research and place it in           requires the advisor-signed title page. The Library
the context of the existing literature in the field,        system allows students to have control over the
including the relevance of the work to a specific           electronic release of their dissertation so as to
problem in bioengineering. After the presentation,          protect their intellectual property where
the public audience may ask questions.                      appropriate.
     The presentation is followed by the closed oral            It is the responsibility of the individual advisors
examination. The committee members will                     and graduate students to support the cost, produce,
question you in private, for a period of up to 120          and distribute any bound copies of the student’s
minutes. If questioning exceeds 90 minutes, you             dissertation. Any questions regarding Graduate
should be offered, or may request a short break.            School dissertation rules should be submitted the
     Following questioning, you will be excused,            Graduate School.
and your committee members will deliberate and
case official votes. The majority of members of the
committee must vote pass in order or you to pass
VI.  MASTER’S DEGREE IN                                         You must complete a project report on the
BIOENGINEERING                                              research you completed during your tenure at
                                                            Notre Dame. This written report should be
    The program does not normally admit students            assessed by a committee of three faculty members.
to pursue Master’s degrees. However, your plans to          The written report should be distributed to the
pursue a Ph.D. may be affected by changes in                faculty committee at least 10 business days prior to
career plans, life circumstances, or other events.          the oral examination.
You may, with the approval of your advisor and                  The oral examination is the final
the program director, obtain a terminal Master’s            comprehensive examination for the Master’s
degree in Bioengineering. The requirements for the          degree. A majority vote of the committee is
Master’s degree are: at least 15 credits in                 required to pass the oral comprehensive
engineering courses, 18 total course credits, and 24        examination.
total credits (research and coursework).

VII.    FACILITIES AND SERVICES                                F.       Student Government Service
                                                                   Graduate students are responsible for the
A.      Library                                                activities of the Graduate Student Union (GSU).
    The University Library system consists of a                Through a council of elected officers, appointed
number of libraries. Circulation policies and                  officers, and representatives from the departments
operating hours are available at each of the libraries.        of its constituent colleges, the GSU provides a
Students should make themselves aware of the                   variety of services and represents its membership
resources the libraries provide and become more                on various University councils and committees. It
familiar with them by visiting the University library          publishes the bimonthly GSU newsletter, conducts
web site,                              a graduate orientation program, and sponsors
B.        Computing Facilities                                 workshops, travel grants, and various social and
     The Office of Information Technologies                    cultural activities. The GSU is the graduate
(OIT) oversees an extensive variety of computers,              students' official liaison with University
workstation clusters, and personal computer                    administration, the Office of Student Activities,
facilities throughout campus. Many are open year-              and the Library Administration. The GSU finances
round, twenty-four hours a day. The University has             operations through a yearly fee assessed on all
a wide range of software and printing services                 graduate students. The GSU maintains offices in
available for the use of all students. For a complete          219 LaFortune Student Center, 631-6963; their
current listing of University facilities, which change         website URL is:
often, students should visit                G.      Health and Counseling
C.      Laboratory Facilities                                      There are many additional services available to
    You may work in a wide variety of laboratories             graduate students. Most are described in detail in
across the University campus. These may be                     the Bulletin of Information or on the web at:
specific laboratories to your research group, or     
shared facilities that are supported by user fees.             current-students/.

D.      Office Facilities                                          University Health Services, located in the
    All full-time graduate students have access to             University Health Center, 631-7497, provides
personal office space. Offices are typically shared            immediate, follow-up, and ongoing health care.
with other students. Each student will also have a             The services provided include outpatient clinics,
mailbox located in or near the main administrative             dispensing medication, administering allergy
office in the building to which you have been                  injections, laboratory and x-ray facilities, and a
assigned. Students are expected to maintain                    twenty-five-bed inpatient unit. Health insurance is
professional office environments, to maintain a                required of all international and full-time students.
neat office, and to be respectful and courteous to             The University offers a plan for all students. The
their officemates and others in their office                   student's spouse and children have the option of
environment.                                                   purchasing health insurance through this plan.
E.      Copying Facilities                                     More information can be obtained by calling 631-
    There are a number of copying facilities on                6114. The University Counseling Center, located in
campus, with services available at a charge. Many              the University Health Center, 631-7336, offers
small machines are located in Hesburgh Library                 professional services to all graduate students and
and each branch library. Your home department or               their families.
your research group may maintain a copier for                      The University has several excellent athletic
student use. Check with the administrative staff or            and exercise facilities, most of which are available
your advisor to determine if you are allowed to use            free of charge.
these resources.
H.     Career and Placement                                 students' spiritual needs across a full range of faith
The University’s Graduate Career Services                   traditions.
provides assistance with post-graduate placement            J.      Graduate Student Life
and professional development. (See Section IV.                  A unit within the Division of Student Affairs
Advising, page 8, for additional information.)              and in cooperation with the Graduate School,
                                                            Graduate Student life ( is
I.      International, and Religious Services               committed to enhancing the educational
    The University supports an International                experience and quality of life for Notre Dame
Student Affairs Office, 205 LaFortune, 631-5243,            students pursuing advanced degrees. The Graduate
which aids in immigration matters, serves as liaison        Student Life website contains reference links for
with sponsoring agencies and governments, and               special events and programs, family resources and
promotes interaction within the University. The             information regarding campus life in general. A
International Student Organization (ISO), 204               helpful Q&A weblog to answer your questions is
LaFortune, is a club for interested students.               also featured.
    Campus Ministry, 103 Hesburgh Library, 631-
7800, offers programs and organizations to serve


    In questions involving academic integrity the         such research, may result in suspension or
student is referred to the general policy found in        dismissal.
the Graduate School Bulletin of Information.                  Within the department, primary authority for
        The department expects all students to            judgment and decision on matters of academic
maintain and promote the highest standards of             integrity lies with the course instructor for issues,
personal honesty and professional integrity. These        which arise in the classroom, or the faculty research
standards apply to examinations, assigned papers,         advisor for issues that arise in research. Unsettled
projects and preparation of the thesis or                 disputes should be referred first to the director of
dissertation. Violation of these standards, which         graduate studies and next to the department chair
includes, but is not limited to cheating in               each of whom can serve as arbiters at the
examinations, plagiarism and fraudulent practices         department level. Any further appeal should be
in conducting research or reporting the results of        directed to the Graduate School.


 Faculty Name               Department                                             Office Location
 Basar Bilgicer             Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering            205C McCourtney Hall
 Paul Bohn                  Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering              320 Stinson-Remick
 Hsueh-Chia Chang           Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering                118B Cushing Hall
 Danny Chen                 Computer Science and Engineering                     326E Cushing Hall
 David Go                   Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering             140G McCourtney Hall
 Donny Hanjaya-Putra        Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          141 MRB
 Maria Holland              Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          142 MRB
 Scott Howard               Electrical Engineering                              262 Fitzpatrick Hall
 Tijana Milenkovic          Computer Science and Engineering                    381 Fitzpatrick Hall
 Robert Nerenberg           Civil & Environmental Engr & Earth Sciences         163 Fitzpatrick Hall
 Glen Niebur                Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          147 MRB
 Thomas O’Sullivan          Electrical Engineering                               227B Cushing Hall
 Tim Ovaert                 Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          146 MRB
 Matt Ravosa                Anthropology; Aerospace and Mechanical Engr.         221 Galvin Life Sc.
 Ryan Roeder                Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          148 MRB
 Steve Schmid               Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          150 MRB
 James Schmiedeler          Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                373 Fitzpatrick Hall
 Joshua Shrout              Civil Engineering and Biological Sciences           156 Fitzpatrick Hall
 Bradley Smith              Chemistry and Biochemistry                       340J McCourtney Hall
 Sharon Stack               Harper Cancer Research Institute                    A200D Harper Hall
 Gregory Timp               Electrical Engineering and Biological Sciences     326 Stinson-Remick
 Matthew Webber             Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering             205 McCourtney Hall
 Sangpil Yoon               Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          151 MRB
 Jeremiah Zartman           Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering            205D McCourtney Hall
 Pinar Zorlutuna            Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering                          143 MRB

MRB = Multidisciplinary Research Building


   Students enrolled in the Notre Dame Graduate     Academic    Code   of    the  Graduate    School:
School who wish to temporarily interrupt their
programs for medical reasons must apply to the      current-students/
Graduate School. Information can be found in the
Forms, Policies, and Handbooks section in the


Proposed Program of Study for: _______________________________________

Admission (Semester/Year): ___________ QE ____________ CE____________

Engineering Science
 Course Number                         Title                          Semester/Year   Grade

Biological Sciences
 Course Number                         Title                          Semester/Year   Grade

 Course Number                         Title                          Semester/Year   Grade

Additional Coursework
 Course Number                        Title                       Semester/Year       Grade

Committee Members:

Name                     Signature                             Date

Name                     Signature                             Date

Name                     Signature                             Date

Name                     Signature                             Date

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