Page created by Glenn Buchanan

Name:                                  ID Number:

Year group:

Atawhai Leader:

Code:                                  Email:


Code:                                  Email:

Senior Leadership Team teacher:

Code:                                  Email:

School Information
School Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Student Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Student Contact Details. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

School Expectations
Rules & Conduct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Electronic Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Buses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Uniform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Assessments & Qualifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Homework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Learning & Exam Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Term Dates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2019 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
School Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

CONTACT DETAILS                                                         Physical Address                              Postal Address
Phone: 477 9009                                                         Ashley Ave                                     PO Box 89007
Email:                                             TorbayTorbay
Website:                                         Auckland 0630                                  Auckland 0742

                                                             LONG BAY COLLEGE

Mr CJ Healey     

Year 9:                    Mrs Sarah Bicknell                
Year 10:                   Mr James Heneghan                 
Year 11:                   Mr Mike Lewis                     
Year 12:                   Mrs Jacqueline Beasleigh          
Year 13 & International:   Mrs Jayne Jones                   

Year 9:                    Mrs Justine McIntosh and Mr Kevin Parslow
Year 10:                   Mrs Rebecca Pringle and Mr Paul O’Leary
Year 11:                   Mr Tim Spratt and Mrs Sharon O’Dowd
Year 12:                   Mrs Nicole Beeston and Ms Kelly Manning
Year 13:                   Mrs Steph Curtis and Mrs Lisa Lehan
Dean Of My Choice:         Ms Katherine Thomas               
International Student
Coordinator:               Mr Micky Smith                    

Business                   Mrs Denise Trent                  
English, EAP, Languages    Mrs Jennie Taylor                 
Learning Support           Mrs Glenda Keith                  
Maths                      Mr Mark Pinchen                   
PE & Health                Mrs Mo Gleeson                    
Performing Arts            Mr Brendan Perkins                
Science                    Mrs Sam Lewis                     
Social Sciences            Mr Dean Thompson                  
Technology                 Mr Steve Dymock                   
Visual Arts                Mrs Liese Strong                  

Email addresses for all staff members are available on the school website:


SCHOOL NEWS, INFORMATION                                               • Passwords.
AND EVENT DATES                                                        • Yearbooks.
                                                                       • Uniform – if you do not have the correct uniform,
Please check:
                                                                         go to the Student Centre before school to obtain
• The Kamar Portal                                                       a pass. Please show a note from a parent/
• The daily notices – students are emailed these                         caregiver explaining the reason and the date
• The Long Bay College Facebook page:                                    when you will be back in correct uniform.                                      • Lost/found/stolen property – report to the
• The school website:                                                    Student Centre at interval and lunchtime.                               • Damaged property – report to the Student Centre
• Student Centre notices                                                 at interval and lunchtime.

USE OF SCHOOL TELEPHONE                                                Attendance Officer:
If a student needs to make an urgent telephone call,                   Mrs Lynn Tanton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 878
please consult a Teacher, the Student Centre or                        Emall:
                                                                       Student Centre Manager:
                                                                       Mrs Maryann Denny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 896
Please contact our office administration team if you
change your physical address, email address or                         INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENT
phone number.
                                                                       The International Department assists international
Office Manager:                                                        students by providing pastoral support, admin, help
Mrs Margaret Cleland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Ext:800       with visa renewals and trips.
                                                                       International Student Coordinator:
                                                                       Mr Micky Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 842
Please visit the Student Centre for:
• Timetables.                                                          Homestay Coordinator:
• ID Cards.                                                            Ms Yuki Ru. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 831
• All notes including Medical Certificates.                  
• Late passes – if you are late to school, you will
                                                                       24hr Emergency Contact: . . . . . 027 473 2503
  need a pass. Visit the Student Centre with a
  signed note from a parent/caregiver.                                 LEARNING SUPPORT
• Signing in/out – if you need to leave school for an
                                                                       The Learning Support Faculty assists students and
  appointment during school hours, please go to
                                                                       parents with special learning needs.
  the Student Centre with a signed note from your
  parent/caregiver and to officially sign out.                         Mrs Glenda Keith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 865
• Attendance – if you are unable to come to                  
  school, please ask a parent/caregiver to phone
  the Student Centre by 9.30am on the day of your
  absence by calling 477 9009 extn 878.


GUIDANCE COUNSELLORS                                                          MEDICAL ROOM
The Guidance Counsellor is available to help students.                        For student’s medical needs, the medical room
All counselling aims at helping students resolve their                        offers:
own problems. Key tasks include helping students:                             • First aid treatment for illness, injury, anxiety or
• Where there are difficulties relating to other students                       ongoing needs
• With personal problems                                                      • Medication storage – Long Bay College does not
  Students can request appointments by email.                                   provide any medication. Please bring it in from
                                                                                home and it will be stored in the locked medical
Guidance Counsellors:                                                           cupboard under your name. If you take regular
Mrs Sue Forrest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 835             medication, please bring it in.
                                                                              Health advice
Mrs Natasha Ellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 840          • If you feel ill or are injured at school, we request                                                            that a phone call to parents/caregivers is made
Mrs Trish Mancer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 840              by the Medical Attendant, not by the student, to                                                           save any confusion.

CAREERS                                                                       Hours
                                                                              • The Medical Room is open 8.30am to 3.30pm.
The Careers Centre assists students and parents at
                                                                                If you require urgent assistance outside of these
all levels:
                                                                                hours, please see Mrs Forrest or Reception.
• Career information
• Finding work experience opportunities                                       Medical Attendant:
• Preparing for job interviews and CVs                                        Mrs Lynnette Martin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Ext 444
• Linking into short Polytech courses                               
• Advice on appropriate courses leading towards
     particular careers                                                       Medical Assistants:
• Gateway work placements                                                     Mrs Louise Hadfield
                                                                              Ms Zena Foyster
Careers Advisor:
Mrs Katherine Thomas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 839                PHYSIOTHERAPIST                                                         Our Physiotherapist has 28 years experience
Careers Assistant:                                                            in general Physiotherapy, Sports Therapy and
                                                                              Hand Therapy and holds a Masters degree in
Kelly Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 811       Physiotherapy.
                                                                              Our Long Bay College Physiotherapist can only see
Gateway:                                                                      students who have an ACC injury. This could be
Mrs Jane Coutts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 837           from an injury at home or at school.                                                         If the injury has occurred at school or at a school
                                                                              event, they need to visit the Medical Room first, as
                                                                              the injury needs to be recorded.

Director of Sport:
You must make an appointment to see the
                                                                 Mr Paul Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 876
Physiotherapist. You cannot just knock on the
door. You will receive a call-up slip to come to the
Physio room. If you prefer a morning tea or lunch                Sports Assistants:
appointment, please let the therapist know.                      Mrs Teresa Underwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 864
Mrs Chris Nevin . . . . . . . . . . .       Mr Niall Thompson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ext: 864
Please phone or text: 021 086 90745
                                                                 Mr Justin Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Ext 864
SPORTS, ARTS AND CLUBS                                 

Sport                                                            Arts and Clubs
The Sport Centre will assist students and parents at             Please visit the Long Bay College website for more
all levels with sporting information such as fixtures,           information and contacts about the co-curricular
uniform and equipment.                                           activities we offer:

Students are required to be at school and ready to start the day by 8.40am. Classes commence at 8.45am.
In 2019, Long Bay College operates on a six-day timetable.
Timetable Starts:
 Period      Start       Day 1            Day 2              Day 3              Day 4               Day 5               Day 6

    1       8.45

    2       9.50

                                                 Interval 10.30 am

    3       11.20

    4       12.25

                                                  Lunch 1.25 pm

    5       2.15

                                             School finishes 3.15pm
Period 3 on a Wednesday will be allocated to your Atawhai group.

Classroom Conduct                                           Our values are based on creating a culture of
All students and teachers have the right to work            care for our students and community. This allows
without distraction and they have a responsibility to       our students to achieve in all aspects of school
ensure an effective learning environment.                   life; Academia, the Arts, Community, Innovation,
                                                            Leadership and Sport. We support our students to
1. Teachers are responsible for the routines,
                                                            achieve their personal best and become positive and
    teaching and learning in their classrooms.
                                                            valued members of a global society. Our desire is
2. Students should follow instructions from                 that all students feel recognised and have a sense of
    teachers in a cooperative and respectful manner.        belonging at Long Bay College.
3. Each teacher or classroom may have different
                                                            To enable all our students to make solid progress
    routines (e.g., for entering the room, remaining
                                                            in the classroom, have rewarding experiences in
    seated or moving about). Students should learn
                                                            co-curricular activities and develop acceptable social
    and respect these.
                                                            skills, sound discipline must be maintained.
4. Students should show respect for the person
    speaking during the lesson, whether teacher,            In order to promote self respect, respect for property,
    visitor or other student.                               co-operation, courtesy and consideration, Long Bay
                                                            College has the following expectations:
5. Students should speak appropriately. This
    includes no swearing, verbal abuse or verbal            Uniform
                                                            Long Bay College is a school with high standards
6. Students should show courtesy by being                   and values. There is an expectation that all students
    punctual, apologising for lateness, having              will wear their uniform with pride. This means
    absence slips and not leaving without                   wearing the uniform correctly at all times and taking
    permission.                                             personal presentation seriously. The school requires
7. Students should behave appropriately – no use            that correct uniform is worn in the correct manner
    of electronic devices unless approved by the            when students are at school, travelling to and from
    teacher, eating, borrowing equipment or any             school and representing the school.
    behaviour that disrupts the learning of others.
                                                            Uniform Passes – as a general rule, no mufti items
8. Students should behave courteously to each               are permitted. Students may not wear mufti unless
    other – no physical abuse or harassment or              a school-wide mufti day is declared. In exceptional
    other similar behaviour.                                cases, each of which is treated on its merits,
9. Students should come to each class prepared              students may be given a uniform pass from the
    and ready to learn with the correct equipment.          Student Centre. A letter from home is required
10. Students should show respect for all school             explaining the situation with the incorrect uniform. On
    property and the property of other students.            their arrival at school the student is to request such
                                                            a pass from the Student Centre and must carry the
                                                            pass all day.
                                                            Please see page 11 for more information.

Attendance                                                   Students are discouraged from bringing valuable
Students must attend and be punctual to school and           items to school. They do so at their own risk and
all classes. Students must remain on the premises            must ensure their safekeeping at the Student Centre.
during the school day unless permission to leave is
granted and they have signed out with the Student
                                                             Alcohol, Tobacco (including Vaping /
Centre. After 4.00pm, students may remain at                 E-cigarettes) And Other Drugs
school only under supervision.                               Students may not be in possession of, using,
                                                             or dealing in the above items at school, on the
If a student is absent from school, please contact
                                                             way to and from school or during school activity.
the Student Centre by phone or email on the day
                                                             Infringements of this rule are regarded as a major
by 9:30 am. A phone call, written explanation or
                                                             breach of school rules and carry very serious
email of non-attendance is required from parents or
                                                             consequences. Medication prescribed for use during
caregivers. Phone: 09 477 9009 Ext 878 / Email:
                                                             the day must be left at the Medical Centre and If notification is not
                                                             collected as required.
received the absence will be treated as truancy.
                                                             Dangerous Items
Late pass
                                                             Dangerous items are not permitted at school or
Students who are late to school must obtain a pass
                                                             to be in the possession of any student. These
from the Student Centre in order to be admitted
                                                             items could include but are not limited to drugs,
to class. A lunchtime detention will be issued for
                                                             matches, cigarette lighters, aerosol cans, any
lateness for unjustified reasons.
                                                             potential weapon, and materials or implements
Prolonged absence                                            commonly associated with the use/misuse of illegal
                                                             or dangerous substances.
If a student will be undertaking a planned absence
from school for longer than three days, parents/             Damage / Graffiti
caregivers are asked to write a letter or email to the
                                                             Chewing gum is not permitted while at school.
Principal at least two weeks prior to the absence.
Email:                           Damage to school buildings or any other school
                                                             property must be reported promptly to the Property
Violence / Written and Verbal Abuse                          Manager, any Deputy Principal or Teacher.
Verbal abuse and physical violence are regarded as
very serious offences. Students are to act, speak or         Out-Of-Bounds Areas
write in a non-violent and non-threatening way. This         To help ensure the safety of students, specific areas
includes social media and digital communications.            of Long Bay College are out-of-bounds to students.
                                                             The Auditorium and Gymnasium are available for
Valuables                                                    student use only if a supervisor is present.
Items such as large sums of money or electronic              Students are not to walk through or interfere with
equipment are only allowed at school for school-             parked cars or bikes or use parking areas as access
related activities. Personal electronic equipment such       ways.
mobile devices and headphones should not be used             The staffroom is private to the staff.
during class time unless permission is granted by            No student may be on the roof of any school building
the teacher for the items to be used for educational         at any time.
purposes. These items are liable for confiscation if         Students are not allowed to leave the school
used inappropriately in class.                               grounds unless they have obtained an exit pass from
                                                             the Student Centre.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour                      Note:
Unacceptable behaviour may result in one or more of         1. All incidents of unacceptable behaviour are
the following:                                                   considered on their own merits.
• A verbal warning.                                         2. Other rules exist for aspects of school life;
• A lunchtime detention/an after school detention.               these are publicised in a variety of ways,
• Sent to Faculty Referral Room.                                 as appropriate. These include such things
• Parents contacted.                                             as the proper use of private student
• Withdrawal from class for a period of time.                    vehicles, the specific behaviours expected
                                                                 in laboratories and workshops, and the
• A conduct or attendance report may need to be
                                                                 behaviours expected on school field trips.
  carried by the student and signed by each class
  teacher and/or parents/caregivers to monitor
• Referral to a member of the College’s Senior
  Leadership Team or year level Dean.
• A stand-down of up to five days per term, or ten
  days per year.
• A suspension and referral to the Board of
  Trustees. A Board of Trustees Disciplinary Sub
  Committee interview, with parents/caregivers and
  students, is sometimes required for persistent or
  serious offenders.

After School Detention
These are held after school until 4.15pm. They take
precedence over any other activity: work, sports
practice or leisure/family activity. All students and
parents/caregivers are given letters advising of the
detention. If a student is unable to attend for good
reason they need to see the Dean in advance.
Any student who has done multiple after-school
detentions for the same offence, may be required to
attend an interview with the Dean accompanied by
their parents.

We expect all members of the Long Bay College                 What are Harmful Digital Communications?
community to use digital devices with respect.                Under the Act, harmful digital communications
Electronic Devices are permitted at school but                can be private messages or public content where
students are discouraged from bringing them                   someone uses the internet, email, apps, social
unless for educational purposes. Classroom use of             media or mobile phones to send or publish harmful
electronic devices, such as cellphones, laptops and           content.
tablets, as tools for learning is increasing. However,        For a communication to be considered harmful
use of these in the classroom is at the discretion of         under the Act, the content needs to:
the teacher and must be appropriate to purpose.
                                                              •    Affect an individual; and
The school will not be held responsible for any lost or
                                                              •    Cause (or is likely to cause) that individual
stolen devices.
                                                                   serious emotional distress; and
Cellphones: While cellphones are permitted at
                                                              •    Seriously breach one or more of the 10
school, use of them at school must be appropriate.
                                                                   communication principles outlined in the Act.
It is not acceptable or appropriate for students to
send/receive text messages or phone calls in class.           The 10 Communication Principles
If appropriate, permission may be given by teachers
                                                              The 10 principles say that a digital communication
for cellphones to be used as a tool for learning, eg
                                                              should not:
to take a photo, video record an experiment, or to
access information.                                           •   disclose sensitive personal facts about a person;
At all times, during class time, assemblies and               •   be threatening, intimidating, or menacing;
between classes, cellphones and headphones are                •   be grossly offensive;
to be switched off and in bags.                               •   be indecent or obscene;
The school upholds and expects students and                   •   be used to harass a person;
parents to uphold the principals of the Harmful               •   make a false allegation;
Digital Communications Act:                                   •   breach confidences;
                                                              •   incite or encourage anyone to send a deliberately
                                                                  harmful message;
                                                              • incite or encourage a person to commit suicide;
                                                              • denigrate a person’s colour, race, ethnic
                                                                  or national origins, religion, gender, sexual
                                                                  orientation or disability.
                                                              Please note that Netsafe can provide help and
                                                              advice about instances of online bullying, abuse and
                                                              harassment, for parents/caregivers and students.
                                                              The inappropriate use of any electronic device may
                                                              result in serious consequences.


WHERE TO CATCH BUSES                                        EXPECTATIONS
• All school buses arrive and leave from school in          • When crossing the road in front of the school,
  the bus stop area outside the school main gates.            students must use the pedestrian crossings.
• In the afternoon, school buses load on both sides         • In the morning upon arrival, students are
  of Ashley Avenue outside the school boundary in             expected to enter the school grounds straight
  the bus bays on both sides of the school gates.             away and must not linger in front of the school or
• Those catching public (not school) North Star               in surrounding streets.
  buses arrive and leave from the bus stop in               • In the afternoon, students waiting to board their
  Awaruku Rd or Cavelli Drive. Other suburban                 bus are to line up in a single line BEHIND THE
  buses may be caught on Ashley Avenue uphill                 CONES on the footpath.
  from the roundabout.                                      • While on their bus, students are expected to
                                                              behave in a way which does not cause offence
FREE BUSES                                                    to other passengers or to the bus driver. All
• Some students are entitled to free bus transport.           instructions of the bus driver are to be followed
  These students mostly live in Okura and north of            without question. Behaviour which does not
  Bawden Road. Contact the teacher in charge of               comply with normal school rules may result in the
  buses to check your eligibility.                            students concerned being denied access to the
                                                              bus service for a period of time.

                                                            COMPLAINTS AND QUERIES
                                                            • Complaints about bus services, or about the
                                                              behaviour of students on the buses, should be
                                                              addressed to
For further information, including details of school routes, timetables and costs, please go to
Alternatively, please refer to the websites below:
 BUS COMPANY           PHONE              Website                             General route area
 Bayes Coachlines      426 5504            Stillwater, Silverdale,
                                         (school bus services section)        Whangaparaoa and Orewa

 Ritchies              415 9138                   Okura – Dairy Flat and rural areas

Further information can be found on the school website:

Stockists for the Long Bay College uniform are:             JUNIOR UNIFORM
Janbells, Shop 7, 408 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay,             (YEARS 9 TO 11)
Ph 09 478 3450
and                                                         Girls
NZUniforms, 19F Orbit Drive, Albany (off Apollo             • Charcoal Long Bay College skirt (knee length) or
Drive), Ph 09 477 6300.                                       trousers.
                                                            • White Long Bay College blouse.
• Price lists are available through our website                  • Black woollen Long Bay College jersey with
  Click on ‘Enrolment’ then ‘Uniform’.                        horizontal stripe.
• Second hand uniforms – for purchase and                   • Lace up or slip on shoes must have a closed
  sale of second hand uniforms, search the local              heel. They are to be plain black, with an all
  Facebook community pages.                                   leather surface. No boots, sports shoes (or shoes
                                                              with logos) sneakers, canvas shoes or jandals.
• The school uniform must be clean, in good repair
  and worn correctly. It is recommended school              • Shoes are to be worn with black or flesh coloured
  clothing is clearly named. No garments other                stockings/tights, plain black ankle socks or black
  than approved items may be visible.                         knee length socks.
• A visible, long sleeved shirt under a blouse or           • Plain black sandals may be worn in summer with
  shirt is not a substitute for a Long Bay College            no socks.
  jersey, nor is it within our expectations.
• Non-regulation uniform or jewellery will be
  confiscated and returned on Friday’s, one week
  after confiscation.
• Students who arrive at school incorrectly dressed
  should have a note from their parent/caregiver
  explaining the reason and report immediately to
  the Student Centre.
• Students without an acceptable reason for being
  incorrectly dressed may be withdrawn from class
  to work on an individual programme for the day
  or asked to return home (parent notified) and may
  receive a lunchtime detention.
• When in a public place, students in Long Bay
  College uniform are representing the College and
  school rules apply.
• In all matters relating to uniform, the Deputy
  Principal will determine what is and what is not
  appropriate, taking into account students’ safety,
  community expectations and any other factors
  deemed relevant.

Boys                                                      • Tie, if worn, is to be knotted at the collar.
• Charcoal Long Bay College                               • Lace up or slip on shoes must have a closed
  shorts or trousers.                                       heel. They are to be plain black, with an all
• Grey Long Bay College shirt.                              leather surface. No boots, sports shoes (or shoes
• Black woollen Long Bay                                    with logos) sneakers, canvas shoes or jandals.
  College jersey with horizontal                          • Shoes are to be worn with black or flesh coloured
  stripe.                                                   stockings/tights, plain black ankle socks or black
• Long black Long Bay College                               knee length socks.
  socks.                                                  • Plain black sandals may be worn in summer with
• Lace up or slip on shoes                                  no socks.
  must have a closed heel.
  They are to be plain black,
                                                          • Charcoal Long Bay College shorts or trousers.
  with an all leather surface. No
  boots, sports shoes (or shoes                           • Long black Long Bay College socks.
  with logos) sneakers, canvas                            • Black and white pinstriped Long Bay College
  shoes or jandals.                                         shirt. May be worn un-tucked and buttoned from
• Plain black sandals may be worn in summer with            the second button from the top.
  no socks.                                               • Black woollen Long Bay College jersey with
                                                            vertical stripe.
SENIOR UNIFORM                                            • Tie, if worn, is to be knotted at the collar and
(YEARS 12 & 13)                                             worn only with long trousers and with shirt
                                                            tucked in.
Girls                                                     • Lace up or slip on shoes must have a closed
• Charcoal Long Bay College skirt (knee length) or          heel. They are to be plain black, with an all
  trousers.                                                 leather surface. No boots, sports shoes (or shoes
• Black & white pinstriped Long Bay College                 with logos) sneakers, canvas shoes or jandals.
  blouse.                                                 • Plain black sandals may be worn in summer with
• Black woollen Long Bay College jersey with                no socks.
  vertical stripe.

Optional Uniform Items                                      HAIR, JEWELLERY, TATTOOS AND
• Plain Black cap – absolutely no motifs.                   MAKEUP
• A plain white collarless short sleeve t-shirt             • Any request to wear non-regulation items must
  may be worn under the uniform shirt. It may be              be made, in writing, to the Year Level Deputy
  visible at the neck only.                                   Principal.
• School jacket.                                            • Only one small (no more than 3mm) plain stud or
• Plain black or white scarf.                                 small plain hoops (no more than 10mm) may be
• Blazer and Tie for senior students in Years 12              worn in each ear lobe.
  and 13.                                                   • No other jewellery is permitted (including face or
• School jerseys and coats should be used over                body piercing ornamentation).
  the top of shirts and blouses for extra warmth.           • Makeup, including nail polish, is not to be worn
• School hoodies are available as part of the               • Tattoos must be covered and not visible when
  College’s sporting uniform but are not to be worn           wearing school uniform.
  as part of the main school uniform.
SPORTS UNIFORM                                              • Moderate styles and ‘natural’ colours are
Students are encouraged to wear the sports uniform            expected (any exceptions are at the discretion of
at school sporting occasions. The sports uniform              the Year Level Deputy Principal).
items should not be worn at any time with the main          • Students must be clean shaven while attending
school uniform.                                               College.
                                                            • There are occasions when hair must be tied back
Appropriate Footwear                                          for safety reasons.
Shoes worn by students must be plain black, all
leather (no rubber toe sections), lace up or slip on        School Bags
shoes. No boots, sports shoes (or shoes with logos),        • No advertising other than the maker’s name.
sneakers, canvas                                            • No graffiti.
shoes or jandals.
                                                            In all matters relating to the uniform and student
                                                            presentation, the Deputy Principal will determine
                                                            what is and what is not appropriate, taking into
                                                            account students’ safety, community expectations
                                                            and any other factors deemed relevant.

The student NZQA Notebook can be accessed via Offica 365/LBC link.
Please refer to this notebook for helpful information about NCEA.

1.		   Log onto Office 365.
2.		   Go to the LBC Link page.
3.		   Select the Student NZQA Notebook.
4.		   Navigate through the sections to access the required information.

1.Go to the NZQA website at
2.Click on the “login” words at the top of the main page.
3.from the list of login types, select “Student & Learners” at the top of the page.
4.You will go to the Learners log in page.
5.You will need your National Student Number (this will be on your Student ID). When registering, you will need
     to enter a personal email address because this will be used as your main point of contact beyond your
     school years.

The NCEA and NZ scholarship examination period for 2019 starts on 7 November and ends on 3 December.
The examination timetable can be downloaded from:

Year 9: Exams are held Term 4.
Year 10: Exams are held Term 4.
Year 11, 12, 13: Two or three hour exams or workshops are held for most subjects in September.

TO FIND OUT ABOUT …                                                                           … CONTACT
 Course Outline – Subject Notebook                                                             Your Teacher
 Changing course/subject                                                                       Your Dean
 NZQA Entries (Always check this information on Student Portal or NZQA website)                Mrs Beasleigh
 Withdrawal from Achievement Standards or Unit Standards                                       Mrs Beasleigh
 Time Extensions for assessments (Find application form in NZQA notebook and submit            Mrs Beasleigh
 Appeal against assessments (Find application form in NZQA notebook within 7 days of           Mrs Beasleigh
 receiving result)
 NZQA fees queries                                                                             Mrs Beasleigh
 Derived Grade applications for missed external examinations                                   Mrs Beasleigh
 Special Assessment conditions (Reader/Writer assistance etc.)                                 Mrs Glenda Keith

All students are expected to complete homework                Homework can include completing unfinished tasks
regularly. It assists in developing the practice of           or looking ahead to prepare for upcoming topics.
individual work and creativity. If development through        Parents can assist by:
the school is to be maintained, regular revision of
                                                              • ensuring that conditions in the home allow for
work in all subjects should be part of each evening’s
                                                                concentration without distraction.
homework. Recommended homework times are:
                                                              • regularly checking that homework is being
Year 9            1 hour                                        completed.
Year 10           1 hour–1½ hours                             • maintaining a fixed daily slot for homework to
Year 11           1 hour–1½ hours                               develop good study habits.
Level 2           1½ hour–2 hours
Level 3           1½ hour–2 hours

WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO                                      EXAM STRATEGIES
LEARN?                                                       Have you planned your study schedule?
                                                             Have you read the course description and know
Write and rewrite information e.g.                           exactly what you are required to know?
•   Key ideas and questions
                                                             Have you written a brief list of the major topic areas
•   Mind maps                                                you need to cover for each subject?
•   Diagrams
•   Coloured pens                                            STUDY SCHEDULE
•   Revision cards                                           A well planned study schedule should be:
•   Summary cards
                                                             • Detailed – you should have a good idea of what
•   Definition cards                                           you are going to cover every time you sit down
•   Mnemonics                                                  to study.
•   Jingles                                                  • Realistic – don’t try to do too much (or too little!).
Go over your notes, the more times the                       • Plan for some time off to recharge your batteries.
better.                                                      • Flexible – be prepared to modify your schedule
                                                               once you get a better idea of how much you can
Mental imagery:
                                                               do each day and what works best for you.
This helps to visualise an image or picture connected        • Varied – plan on mixing your study up to make it
with the information you are trying to remember.               more interesting.
Think about a familiar walk with landmarks. Then
connect the information to be remembered with                SOME MORE HINTS
various points or things along the walkway. When
you need to remember the information, think about            • Use old exam papers to practise answering
the route and you should be able to remember the               questions.
connected bits of information.                               • Understand the words ‘discuss’, ‘compare’,
                                                               ‘illustrate’ and ‘explain’.
Diagrams, pictures and mindmaps:                             • Begin revision for exams early – do not leave it to
• By changing information into a different form, it            the last minute.
  helps you to organise your thoughts, visualise             • A very useful site when preparing for senior
  information and assists you to remember it.                  examinations:
• Mind-map – select a topic. Draw branches out               • The Careers Centre has a range of pamphlets,
  from the topic which represent main ideas. Use               publications and guides with more information
  only key words.                                              to help you plan for success in examinations.
• Add further branches to break the idea down into
  finer detail.
• Use as much colour and as many symbols or
  pictures as possible.
• Give yourself plenty of space, i.e. use a large
  piece of paper.
• Practice the mind-map several times.


TERM DATES FOR 2019                                         PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
Term 1 – Wednesday 30 January to Friday 12 April            Waitangi Day — Tuesday 6 February
(3.15pm).                                                   Good Friday — Friday 30 March
Term 2 – Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July (3.15pm)          Easter Monday — Monday 2 April
Term 3 – Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September              ANZAC Day — Wednesday 25 April
                                                            Queen’s Birthday — Monday 4 June
Term 4 – Monday 14 October to Monday 9
                                                            Labour Day — Monday 22 October
December (3.15pm)

TERM PLANNER                                                DAYLIGHT SAVINGS
                                                            Daylight Savings ends Sunday 7 April 2019, 3am
To help you plan your term, please visit our college
                                                            when clocks are turned backwards 1 hour.
website and download a planner:                Daylight Savings begins Sunday 29 September, 3am
                                                            when clocks are turned forward 1 hour.


January                               February                           March

 M       T   W    T    F    S    S    M     T    W   T    F    S    S    M      T   W   T    F    S    S
		 1         2    3    4    5    6    					1                   2    3    					1                   2    3
 7       8   9    10   11   12   13   4     5    6   7    8    9    10    4     5   6   7    8    9    10
14 15 16          17   18   19   20   11 12 13       14   15   16   17   11 12 13       14   15   16   17
21 22 23          24   25   26   27   18 19 20       21   22   23   24   18 19 20       21   22   23   24
28 29 30          31                  25 26 27       28                  25 26 27       28   29   30   31

 April                                May                                June

 M       T   W    T    F    S    S    M     T    W   T    F    S    S    M      T   W   T    F    S    S
 1       2   3    4    5    6    7    			 1          2    3    4    5    						1                       2
 8       9   10   11   12   13   14   6     7    8   9    10   11   12   3      4   5   6    7    8    9
15 16 17          18   19   20   21   13 14 15       16   17   18   19   10 11 12       13   14   15   16
22 23 24          25   26   27   28   20 21 22       23   24   25   26   17 18 19       20   21   22   23
29 30					                            27 28 29       30   31             24 25 26       27   28   29   30

July                                  August                             September

M        T   W    T    F    S    S    M     T    W   T    F    S    S    M      T   W   T    F    S    S
 1       2   3    4    5    6    7    				 1              2    3    4    30						1
 8       9   10   11   12   13   14   5     6    7   8    9    10   11   2      3   4   5    6    7    8
15 16 17          18   19   20   21   12 13 14       15   16   17   18   9      10 11   12   13   14   15
22 23 24          25   26   27   28   19 20 21       22   23   24   25   16 17 18       19   20   21   22
29 30 31				                          26 27 28       29   30   31        23 24 25       26   27   28   29

October                               November                           December

M        T   W    T    F    S    S    M     T    W   T    F    S    S    M      T   W   T    F    S    S
		 1         2    3    4    5    6    					1                   2    3    30 31					1
 7       8   9    10   11   12   13   4     5    6   7    8    9    10   2      3   4   5    6    7    8
14 15 16          17   18   19   20   11 12 13       14   15   16   17   9      10 11   12   13   14   15
21 22 23          24   25   26   27   18 19 20       21   22   23   24   16 17 18       19   20   21   22
28 29 30          31                  25 26 27       28   29   30        23 24 25       26   27   28   29

                                                                     Student Centre, Deans, Medical Room

                                           V1      V2    V3   V4
                                                VISUAL ARTS


                              P5   Green   P3
    LS1                            Room




                                                                                    A2   CENTRE


                                                                                                                        G5   G6

A         A D MI NI STRATI O N                                         B    INFORMATION COMMONS                   G   GYMNA SI UM / SPO RT

H         AUD I TO RI UM                                               L    ENGLI SH                              M   BUSI NESS

M         MATH EMATI CS / CO MPUTI NG                                  O    SO CI A L SCIENCE                     P   MUSIC / DRAMA

X         PRO PERTY SERV I CES                                         S    SCI ENCE                              T   TECH NO LO GY

                                                                       LS   LEA RNI NG SUPPO RT                   V   VISUAL ARTS

                                                                                                   LONG BAY COLLEGE
                                                                                   Success with confidence and creativity

Postal Address: PO Box 89007, Torbay, Auckland 0742, New Zealand
Physical Address: Ashley Avenue, Long Bay, Auckland 0630, New Zealand
Telephone: +64 9 477 9009
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