Our Vision Hillview Academy will strive to provide a community that nurtures academic achievement, social responsibility, healthy living, and ...

Page created by Clifford Bates
Our Vision Hillview Academy will strive to provide a community that nurtures academic achievement, social responsibility, healthy living, and ...
Our Vision
  Hillview Academy will strive to provide a community that
    nurtures academic achievement, social responsibility,
     healthy living, and life-long learning for its students,
                     teachers, and parents.

                                                                                           (Updated September 3, 2019)

P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com     1
Our Vision Hillview Academy will strive to provide a community that nurtures academic achievement, social responsibility, healthy living, and ...
This handbook has been developed to help students and parents/guardians understand some of the
expectations we have at Hillview Academy. All of the possible expected behaviours and actions are not listed
here. Some rules/expectations are deemed common knowledge for schools. For example, “No running in
corridors” and “No fighting” are generally accepted as reasonable school rules and, although they might not be
mentioned specifically, are still expected at Hillview Academy. It is the student’s responsibility to know, and
abide by, the Student Code of Conduct and expectations for their attendance at Hillview Academy.

                                  Student Code of Conduct

                I will not be involved in any actions which endanger the safety of
                others, or me. I will not intentionally hurt anyone with my words
                and actions.

                I will STAND UP for others who are being hurt.

                I BELONG at Hillview Academy, so I will take PRIDE in helping to
                care for the things that are given to me. I will treat the things given
                to me, other people’s things, and school property with care and

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   2
Our Vision Hillview Academy will strive to provide a community that nurtures academic achievement, social responsibility, healthy living, and ...
I will be ACCOUNTABLE for the things expected of me as a
           responsible student; I understand that “I” am the person
           responsible for “Me”. I will work to the best of my ability. I will
           complete assigned tasks. I will participate.

           I will take RESPONSIBILITY for my actions and not blame others.

           I know that the only way to work and live together is by showing
           RESPECT to one another.

           I will treat everyone with KINDNESS, even though they may not be
           kind to me.

           I understand that it does not matter what culture, religion, language,
           or sexual orientation a student or teacher has…everyone deserves
           to be treated with RESPECT and DIGNITY.

           I will RESPECT the property of the school and the property of

P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   3
Our Vision Hillview Academy will strive to provide a community that nurtures academic achievement, social responsibility, healthy living, and ...
  Please note that during the COVID-19 pandemic, some of the “normal”
  expectations in this handbook may have to be modified to accommodate the
  COVID-19 operational expectations of the Newfoundland and Labrador
  English School District.

  In particular, the school has expectations for Daily School Screening, mask
  wearing, cleanliness (hand sanitizing; cough/sneeze etiquette), physical
  distancing, limited school access, sickness while at school, etc.

  These operational policies, as well as other frequently asked questions, can
  be found at: https://www.nlesd.ca/families/schoolreopening.jsp.

  When changes are deemed necessary, our families will be informed through
  our social media network and other communication channels.

Rules and Guidelines
Rules and guidelines are needed in order to maintain a safe, orderly, and educational environment for all
children attending Hillview Academy. It is the responsibility of every student to play his/her part in maintaining
this safe and orderly environment. Students must respect the authority of the administration, teachers, and
other staff members. Students who violate school policy must accept the consequences for their actions.

Disciplinary action could include a verbal reprimand, loss of privileges, detentions, school suspensions, and/or
expulsion. Please note that if a child is suspended, he/she will also not be permitted to participate in upcoming
extra-curricular events. Even though parents/guardians may also impose disciplinary actions for a child’s
misbehaviour, this will not remove the school’s right to impose its own disciplinary action.

Bullying and other Aggressive Behaviour:
        Bullying will not be tolerated in any form. Physical, verbal, and emotional abuse of others will be dealt
        with promptly and seriously. Passive bullying (watching or allowing bullying to happen) will also be
        considered a form of bullying and will face disciplinary action.

        Fighting (verbal/physical aggression) is not considered a reasonable method of conflict resolution.
        Both parties will face consequences regardless of the issues involved. Typically, a school suspension
        will result from an involvement in a fight involving physical contact, however, extenuating
        circumstances may be considered. The duration of the suspension will be determined by other
        mitigating factors such as instigation, injury inflicted, and intent.

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   4
       Students are expected to attend school whenever school is in session. If a student cannot attend due
       to sickness or other reason, the parent/guardian should promptly call the school with an explanation
       for the absence.

       Students will NOT be permitted to enter the school for the morning session until 8:30am, or until the
       arrival of the first bus (whichever comes first).

Prepared for Class:
       Students are expected to be on time and prepared for all classes with appropriate tools, texts and

Missed Exams:
       If a student misses an exam without an acceptable reason, he/she will receive an “incomplete”, or
       “zero” grade on the test. Parents/Guardians should call promptly to explain a student’s absence
       during a test. In such a case, a re-testing session may be arranged at the teacher’s discretion. Students
       are required to write exams on the scheduled day; refusing to write the exam because a student feels
       he/she is “not ready” will not be considered a valid reason for re-testing.

Personal Hygiene:
       It is expected that students arrive at school with a reasonable level of personal cleanliness. While at
       school, students are expected to demonstrate accepted hygiene practices (i.e. clean body and clothes,
       proper use of bathrooms, eat only in designated areas, no spitting, etc…).

Appropriate Dress:
       It is expected that all students come to school dressed appropriately for a school setting. It is
       reasonable to expect that certain types of clothing are appropriate for schools, and some are not.
       Students should understand that clothing guidelines are not put in place to restrict personal choice,
       but to maintain an expected level of personal hygiene, modesty, safety, and comfort.

       1. Students should have a designated pair of school shoes/sneakers that are clean, do not mark the
          floors, and allow for ease and safety of movement. Soiled and/or wet footwear, heavy/winter
          outdoor clothing are to be removed and stored inside the student lockers or on hooks provided.
       2. Clothing should be clean and tidy.
       3. “Sleep-wear” (i.e. pajamas) is not considered appropriate day-wear for school.
       4. Clothing should adequately cover the body.
       5. Clothing which displays offensive language or graphics, beer/alcohol company logos, or other
          questionable material is not permitted to be worn.
       6. Hats are not permitted to be worn (there may be special exemptions allowed for hat wear).

       Students are provided with textbooks at the beginning of each year. With the exception of consumable
       workbooks, these books belong to the school and should be treated with care. This is important so
       that they will be in good condition to pass on to other students in following years. Students should not
       write or "doodle" in textbooks and make sure they are stored neatly in order to avoid damaging the
       book. Students who mistreat books or lose books will be responsible for the replacement cost.

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   5
Library Books:
       Each year we spend significant money to upgrade and improve the selection of books that students
       may borrow. It is very important that students take special care with our library books. Students will be
       responsible for the replacement cost of damaged or lost library books.

Bus Travel:
       Students are expected to travel safely on the bus. All behaviour must not interfere with the safe,
       normal operation of the bus (this expectation extends to bus stops as well). When dismissed from
       school, students are expected to walk directly to their respective buses.

       Busing is available for all ELIGIBLE students. The NLESD has defined the eligibility requirements for
       students. If you have questions regarding your child’s eligibility, please contact the school.

       Each eligible student is designated to get off the bus at ONE stop only. A student will not be permitted
       to travel on another bus, or get off at another bus stop unless this request has been approved through
       the Courtesy Seat Request process.

       A regular bus rider cannot walk home unless permission is granted by the school by way of a parent
       phone call or letter.

Gym Participation:
       Students are expected to have appropriate footwear and active-wear for physical activity. Sneakers
       must be clean, securely fastened, and non-marking. Clothing must be suitable for the physical activity
       presented and follow the guidelines for appropriate dress.

       Students are expected to participate. If, for medical or other reasons, a student cannot participate, a
       phone call or note from the parents must be sent before class time. If a student must be excused for
       longer than 3 classes, a medical note will be required.

Phone Usage:
       The school phone is accessible to students for urgent calls only. Phone calls used to arrange social
       events, or other personal reasons not pertaining to school, will not be permitted. The phone use will
       be at the discretion of the administration.

       Cell phones are not permitted to be used by students in school, unless specific permission has been
       given by the principal and/or teacher. Cell phones should be powered off and stored inside of book
       bags or lockers.

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   6
  1. Only a teacher can allow permission to use a cell phone inside of the
     classroom. The student MUST ASK for permission to use the phone
     inside the classroom.
  2. Phones are NOT TO BE USED outside of classroom space. Not in the
     hallways, washrooms, or lunchroom areas.
  3. Non-compliance will result in ONE warning and the student will be
     given a chance to comply.
  4. Phones are never to be used to record or transmit video, or photos.
     Phones cannot be used to access questionable/inappropriate content.
  5. Phones will be taken after repeated warnings. The student will be able
     to pick up their phone at the office at end of the school day; with
     repeated issues, a parent/guardian will be requested to pick up the
     phone at the school.

   P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   7
NOTE: The following recess and lunch-room guidelines have been modified to
 accommodate COVID-19 operational guidelines. If you have questions, please contact the
 school at 653 2529.

Recess Time:
      Recess time is a time for mixing with friends, eating a snack, and using the washroom. Students are
      permitted to be in designated areas with the following restrictions:
                   1. Junior High students are not permitted to enter the Elementary wing of the school or
                        to use the washrooms in this area.
                   2. No food/beverage is permitted in the LRC, Science Lab, or Computer Lab.
                   3. Students should not enter a classroom of another grade or hang out in the
                        washrooms. The common areas of the corridor can be used to meet with friends.
                   4. Students will return to class promptly after the signal to end the recess session.
      During the in-school lunch period, students will follow these guidelines:
                  1. Lunch will only be eaten in designated areas. Conduct will be polite and orderly.
                  2. Following an adequate time for eating, students will be supervised in a designated
                      area by the attending teacher.
                  3. During gym activity, no equipment is to be used without permission. Equipment is to
                      be used in appropriate ways. Gym space and equipment will be shared fairly. Students
                      will tidy the gym space after use.
                  4. During LRC activity, computer use will be restricted to the guidelines established by
                      the technology/computer teacher. No loud music, violent video games, or
                      inappropriate internet use will be permitted.
                  5. Permission to go outside MAY be granted under controlled circumstances. Students
                      will not be permitted to walk into the street or roam outside a designated area.

      Food can be eaten during the recess and lunch breaks in designated areas. Food and drink items are
      not to be consumed at any other time unless under exceptional circumstances (i.e. breakfast program,
      in-class events). Teacher permission must be granted during these exceptional instances. Water can be
      consumed in the classroom from re-closable containers only.

      Foods containing substances that may cause dangerous allergic reactions may not to be brought to the
      school. The list of known allergens may change from time to time; parents/students will be informed if
      any changes occur. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to inform the school if a child has a
      life-threatening allergy.

      Gum chewing is not permitted in the school.

      Hillview Academy recognizes the importance of good nutrition and its connection with student health
      and performance. The school has follows the nutritional guidelines adopted by the NLESD in the
      operation of its canteen. The school offers a breakfast and milk program. We encourage
      students/parents to provide more nutritional foods for recess and lunch.

    P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   8
Dangerous Items:
       Any items that are considered dangerous to the safety of students will not be permitted on school
       property. These items will be confiscated by the administration and will not be returned. These items
       are generally described as anything that can cut, burn, or inflict injury to person or property and
       include (but are not restricted to) knives, matches, cigarette lighters, medications, needles, and

Electronic Items:
       The use of electronic items, such as personal music devices, digital cameras, and portable game
       systems will be controlled inside the school. If the item interferes with normal student
       behaviour/expectations, the student will be instructed to turn the item off and place it in their locker.
       Repeated incidences will result in alternate discipline procedures.

Smoking/Vaping/Drug Use:
       The school operates under a complete ban of smoking (vaping), alcohol use, and other illegal drugs, on
       all school property (including the school parking lot). This policy extends to all students,
       parents/guardians, and visitors. It applies to all functions held on school property both during and after
       regular school hours.

       Non-compliance may result in school suspension, dismissal from school property, loss of use privileges,
       and/or legal action.

School Connects®, E-Mail, Text Messaging, Web Site, Facebook, and Twitter:
       Our school sends out regular communication through the various platforms listed above. Our
       automated phone system (School Connects®) is capable of sending voice messages, text messages, and
       emails. Our school website is also updated frequently with useful information; find us at
       www.hillviewacademy.com . We also make postings to Twitter @hillviewacademy.

       Recently, we have added a Facebook page. If you are a parent or student, you can subscribe by
       searching us at Hillview Academy School Community.

       We use the sites to post recent information regarding school closures and events. School memos,
       documents, and other web-links are also available on the web-site.

                        @hillviewacademy                                           hillviewacademy.com

                       Hillview Academy School Community

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   9
Fire Drill Evacuation Procedures
 When the Fire Alarm sounds, the supervising adult will promptly arrange an orderly exit
   from the classroom. The student closest to the door will hold it open for the rest of his /her
   classmates to exit.

 Students seated next to the windows should make sure that the windows are closed.

 When all students have exited the room the classroom door should be closed. Do not turn
   off lights.

 All students should proceed to the nearest safe exit of the building. If a student is in the
   washroom during a fire drill, he/she will exit at the closest designated fire exit.

 The main fire door/exit should be held open for all others to exit the building.

 The teacher will escort students outside to their designated meeting area. Students will
   form a line and a "roll call" will be done to ensure that all class members have exited the

 Students and teachers will remain outside until they are given permission to re-enter by
   the administration or fire marshall.

 It is very important that throughout all of the above procedures, students remain calm and
   orderly. There should be no running, pushing, shouting, etc., while the building is being

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   10
School Bus Safety
          At the Bus Stop

           1.        Try to arrive at the bus stop on time (10 minutes before pick-up). Dress
                     appropriately for the weather conditions.
           2.        Make sure you wait in turn in a safe place.
           3.        Treat other students with respect. There shouldn't be any pushing or
                     rough behaviour while waiting for the bus.
           4.        Always wait for the bus to make a complete stop before trying to enter
                     the bus. Never run toward the bus.

          On the Bus

           1.        Go to your seat in an orderly manner. Sit quietly in your seat and avoid
           2.        Stay in the seat to which you have been assigned.
           3.        Make sure that book bags and lunch boxes are not in the aisle.
           4.        Open windows only if you have the permission of the driver or the
                     teacher. Never stick your arm (or other body parts) out of the window.
           5.        Do not eat or drink on the bus.
           6.        Obey the bus driver's instructions.

          Getting Off the Bus

           1.        Exit the bus in an orderly manner. Don't push or shout.
           2.        Walk ahead of the bus before you decide to cross the street.
           3.        Look both ways before you cross.
           4.        Don’t run. Be careful not to slip especially in winter months.

P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   11
School Closure/ Delayed Opening – Weather Day
School closures, due to poor weather conditions, are a reasonable expectation during the winter
months. A lot of factors go into the decision to close school for all, or part, of a day. Present weather
conditions, projected weather conditions, and road conditions play a major role in the decision to close
or remain open. Decisions are always made in consultation with other personnel who provide
information and advice. Ultimately, it is the safety of our students that determines the final decision.

Usually, a decision to close school happens at two occasions: (1) before a school day begins, or (2)
after a school day has started. Each of these situations requires slightly different procedures.

Weather Day – Before a School Day Begins

Decisions can only be based on the information provided by weather forecasts, road reports, and
personal contacts. Sometimes this information may be slow in coming, or may be inaccurate. As soon
as a decision is made, the following steps will happen:

   1. A phone call will be sent home using the school’s automated calling system.
   2. Information will be posted online; you can check our web-site www.hillviewacademy.com, our
      Twitter feed @hillviewacademy, Facebook Hillview Academy School Community ,or school
      closure info at www.nlesd.ca
   3. Announcements are passed on to our local radio stations: CBC-Grand Falls-Windsor and
      VOCM-Grand Falls-Windsor.

Be aware that school may have a delayed opening, be closed for the morning, or be closed for the
entire day. Pay careful attention to the announcements for details.

We understand that it may be difficult for parents/guardians to make alternate arrangements for the
care of their child(ren). A decision to close school before the day begins will be made as quickly as

Be reminded that it is your right, as a parent/guardian, to keep your child home, if, in
your opinion, weather/road conditions will endanger the safety of your child.

Weather Day – After a School Day Begins

On occasion, worsening weather conditions will make it necessary to close school during the progress
of the day. If you are not regularly home during a school day, it is essential that you have alternate
arrangements made for the care of your child should school be closed early. Alternate
contacts and phone numbers need to be communicated to the school.

If the school needs to close during the school day, an announcement will be communicated via our
SchoolMessenger© phone system, to the local radio stations, and posted on-line. We will verify the
status of ALL students before sending them home.

It is essential that you “verify” the automated phone message when prompted to do so. This
allows us to ensure that someone will be home to receive your child.

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   12
For Parents
Education today is not an easy task – a tremendous amount of cooperation is required. It is essential that you
play a vital role in your child’s education – the greatest support that you can give your child is to become
positively involved in his/her schooling. You can show your support in a number of ways: 1. Be involved in and
encourage your child’s schoolwork, 2. read to your child, 3. attend/support functions, 4. volunteer at the
school, 5. get involved on school committees/fund raisers, etc…

Home/School Communication

At Hillview Academy, we will be continuing our Student Agenda/Planner program in grades 1-6. Proper use of
planners will help to:

        Increase student responsibility and organization for their assigned work.
        Improve the parent/guardian’s knowledge of daily assigned work at the school.
        Provides a communication link between the parent and the teacher.

You should check and initial the Student Agenda daily and make sure that your child brings it to school every

Over the past couple of years, we have been phasing out “paper” copies of school memos. For the most part,
school information will be sent home as email attachment or social media posting; please check frequently for

Hillview Academy uses an automated calling system (SchoolMessenger®) to notify you of any emergency
information (i.e. school closures), and other school events. School announcements will also be broadcasted on
the morning radio shows (CBC, VOCM).
The SchoolMessenger® system can also be used to deliver text messages straight to your mobile phone with
important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. You can subscribe to this service
by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our district’s short code number: 978338. You can also opt out of
these messages at any time by simply replying to one of our messages with “Stop”.
Our school web-site will also have recent announcements, school news, memos…check in often at
www.hillviewacademy.com. You can also tune into our news on Twitter.com; simply type @hillviewacademy
into the search bar to find us.
The Safe Arrival of your child to school is very important to us. If your child does not arrive at school for an
unknown reason, SchoolMessenger® will contact you by phone asking you to confirm why your child is absent.
To avoid unwanted phone-calls, please call the school before 9:00am to explain your child’s absence.


Our school district uses a student data base called PowerSchool. The system allows us to easily access and
store important information such as contact information, student grades, and attendance. PowerSchool allows
for parent access to student attendance and grades using a password protected account (grades 7-9 only).
Once set up, you will have access to important attendance and performance information for your child. The
school will send home information at a later time with instructions on accessing the system.

     P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   13
Lunch Time
Students stay at the school for lunch:
                 ➔ Lunch-time period is 40 minutes (11:55-12:35). Parents can pick up their children for lunch,
                   but please be aware of the short time.
                 ➔ There are no microwaves for warming lunches. Please pack a “non-warmup” lunch for your
                   child, or use a quality Thermos container for keeping lunches warm.
                 ➔ NOTE: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, lunches can no longer be dropped off at the school as
                   per past practice.
                 ➔ Please pack eating utensils for your child (if required). We cannot provide forks or spoons.
                 ➔ Student lunches/snacks must comply with allergy-alerts (when in effect).

We are aware that preparing healthy, enjoyable lunches for children can be very challenging. There is lots of
good information about how to pack healthy school lunches on the web. Check out this link:

General Information

Teaching and Support Staff

P. Wheeler…        Principal                                          J. LeGrow…         Grade 6-7; French
K. West…           Grade K-1                                          W. West…           Grade 8-9
G. Power...        Grade 2-3                                          C. MacKinnon…      Guidance
J. Peckford…       Grade 4                                            L. Cox…            Admin. Office Assistant
K. Preston…        Grade 5; IRT                                       T. Gillingham…     Custodian
K. Williams…       Reading Support; Music                             A. Manuel…         Bus Driver
                                                                      S. Blake…          Bus Driver

School Daily Schedule
8:40      Period 1                                                    12:35    Period 4
9:40      Period 2                                                    1:35     Period 5
10:44     Recess Break                                                2:30     Evening homeroom session
10:55     Period 3                                                    2:35     Student dismissal
11:55     Lunch Break

School Calendar
Please check our web-site at www.hillviewacademy.com for updated monthly and annual school calendar.

Our current enrolment for 2020-21 is 69 students.
        P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   14
Parent/Teacher Conferences

Student evaluation is an ongoing process based on a variety of techniques. Parental involvement and
communication with the school is an integral component of this process. It is important that parents be fully
informed and involved throughout the school year. Parent/Teacher Conferences can take many forms (i.e.
informal chats, phone calls, scheduled parent/teacher meetings).

Our school issues a formal student report card three times per year. Upon studying these reports, parents are
urged to sit down with their child and discuss his/her progress during the term. Parents are then invited to
make an appointment with the child's teachers) for a parent/teacher conference. These interviews are limited
to 10 minutes; if a longer session is necessary, other arrangements will be made.

Our reporting dates and scheduled parent/teacher conferences for the current year are as follows:

Curriculum Night                    Sep. 24                         Term Two Reports                     Mar. 19
Term One Reports                    Dec. 04                         Parent/Teacher Interviews            Mar. 25
Parent/Teacher Interviews           Dec. 10                         Final Report                         Jun. 24

Textbooks / School Supplies

Students in grades K-9 are provided with textbooks at the beginning of each year. With the exception of
consumable workbooks, these books belong to the school and should be treated with care. This is important so
that they will be in good condition to pass on to other students in following years. Students should not write or
"doodle" in textbooks and make sure they are stored neatly in their desks to avoid curling the pages. Students
who mistreat books or lose books will be responsible for the cost of replacement.

Please ensure that your child has adequate school supplies readily available at the school. Teachers may
periodically remind you with a memo that your child needs to replenish his/her supplies.

Contact Information and Medical Concerns

It is very important that the school has a set of contact numbers in case the school has an early closure; your
child becomes ill, or other urgent issue. It is important that the school have home and work numbers on file in
case of an emergency. A Student Demographic Form will be sent home. It is very important that you update
the form to reflect any changes. Please complete and the form as quickly as possible. Please inform those that
you name as a contact so he/she will be aware of what is happening if the school calls. Please avoid using
contacts from outside your home community if possible.

Each year, we have a number of students enrolled in our school who have special medical conditions that we
should be aware of. If your child has a condition such as diabetes, severe allergies, seizures, etc., it is important
that you make sure that the school is aware of this condition and is versed in its symptoms and emergency
treatment. If your child requires medication to be administered during the school day, please come to the
office and inform the staff of procedures and dosages as well as completing any necessary forms.

      P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   15
Clean – Cover - Contain

The school will be taking steps to educate our students on proper hygiene methods – Clean…your hands;
Cover…sneezes and coughs; Contain…your illness (stay at home). The school is also installed with hand
sanitizing stations. If you supply your child with their own hand sanitizing lotion, please make sure that it is
scent free.

In fairness to all, it is important that parents not send children to school if they show definite signs of ill health.
If flu-like symptoms appear during the day, a home contact will be made asking that the parent come and take
their child home.

Good health is important for effective learning and when sick children attend school they also jeopardize the
well-being of their classmates.

Allergy Alert

Some of our students have allergies and high sensitivity to various food ingredients and/or scented products;
some of these allergies can be life-threatening. In keeping with our Safe and Caring Schools Policy, we do our
best to keep our building allergy and scent free.

Presently, Hillview Academy has restrictions on all foods which contain, or may contain, PEANUTS. Students
are expected to refrain from bringing any food item that contains, or may contain, allergens to school. Parents
will be informed when an allergy-alert has been issued or changes.

Also, please do not allow your child to over-use scented body products (i.e. perfumes, hair product, body
spray, etc.). Aerosol and spray products are not permitted in the school.

Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Students will be involved in evacuation training throughout the year. They will be trained in the correct
procedures to follow in the event that the building will have to be exited quickly as a result of a fire or other
emergency situations. For the first couple of occasions these drills are done with the full knowledge of the
students. Once they become thoroughly familiar with the procedure, drills are completed at regular intervals
without any prior notice. Our emergency procedures include fire drills, secure-school/lock-down drills, and bus
evacuation drills.

Cell Phones and Other Portable Technology

In our rapidly changing technological world, we are always faced with issues surrounding the appropriate use
of technology inside our schools. At Hillview, we have embraced new technologies and incorporated them into
the learning experiences of our students. All of our classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboard
technology (i.e. Smart Board, Team Board). Our school computer network has wireless connectivity
throughout all of our building and we have a number of portable devices that are being used frequently for
various educational applications.

There is one technology however, that still causes problems inside our building…the use of student cell
phones. Even though today’s “Super” or “Smart” phones can be used for amazing things, often they become a
distraction for learning and a tool for mischief if their use is not controlled. Here are some of the issues that we
grapple with:
      P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   16
•   Phone use creates a divided attention between the teacher and the learner
                   (i.e. earbuds/music, incoming texts, etc.).
               •   Phones have been used to inappropriately record and post “personal and/or private”
                   information (i.e. social media posting, pictures/video).
               •   Phones have been used to access inappropriate material from the internet
               •   Phones have been used to text/call students and/or parents at inappropriate times during the
                   school day.
               •   Phones have been used to “cyber-bully” students.

We are open to using technologies in the classroom to enhance the learning experiences of our students, but
we need to do this with some caution and control. Please be mindful of the following policy and help to ensure
that your child is in compliance:

    •     Phones are to be turned OFF and stored inside of bookbag or locker.
    •     Only a teacher can allow permission to use a cell phone inside of the classroom. The
          student MUST ASK for permission to use the phone inside the classroom.
    •     Phones are NOT TO BE USED outside of classroom space. Not in the hallways,
          washrooms, or lunchroom areas.
    •     Phones are never to be used to record or transmit video, or photos. Phones cannot be
          used to access questionable/inappropriate content.
    •     Non-compliance will result in ONE warning and the student will be given a chance to
          comply. Phones will be taken after repeated warnings. The student will be able to pick up
          their phone at the office at end of the school day; with repeated issues, a
          parent/guardian will be requested to pick up the phone at the school.

You can help us educate our students on the appropriate use of cell phones by following these steps:
                   ➢ Periodically monitor your child’s cell phone activity and access to various sites. No, this
                       is not an intrusion of privacy…it is good parenting. “Spot checking” your child’s cell
                       phone use will help to keep them safe from Cyber-Bullies, “sexting”, phone “spam”,
                       and inappropriate content.
                   ➢ Don’t call/text your child during school hours. Our school phone system is ready and
                       able to handle your messaging needs. If there is an emergency issue where a cell
                       phone might be required, please make us aware so that we can make
                   ➢ Discuss the school’s cell phone policy with your child and teach your child about the
                       appropriate use of cell phones.
                   ➢ Access on-line help-sites to guide you through common questions and problems
                       regarding child cell-phone use. One such site is www.CommonSenseMedia.org and a
                       good article, A Parent’s Guide to Kids and Cell Phones, can be found at

        P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   17
Lost and Found Items

Regularly, we have quite a number of items that are brought to the main office. If a student has lost an item
he/she should come to the office to check to see if it is there. Quite often expensive clothing and other
personal items remain in the box for a long time and many of them go unclaimed. It is a good practice to
encourage students to label all of their personal effects. This makes it easy to return the item to its owner.

School Breakfast Program and Canteen Service

We are very fortunate to have a dedicated group of volunteers that help to run our school breakfast program.
We are also fortunate to have a number of individuals and community groups who regularly donate funds and
supplies to support our program – thank-you!

This year, due to COVID restrictions, we have made modifications to our breakfast preparation and
distribution. This year, a healthy breakfast snack will be made available every day of the week. Items will be
distributed to each child’s classroom during the first period of the day. This program is available to EVERY child;
everyone is welcome to grab a morning snack.

During these COVID times, we are not able to offer canteen services at the school. Please make sure that you
also pack a recess time snack for your child.

                                             Stay in Touch
                                Strong communication is important to us.

                 If you have questions or concerns, please contact the school.

                             Connect with us on Twitter! @hillviewacademy

                            Connect with us on Facebook!
                            Hillview Academy School Community

      P.O. Box 10, Norris Arm, NL A0G 3M0  Telephone: (709) 653 2529  Fax: (709) 653 2579  www.hillviewacademy.com   18
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