UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington

Page created by Erin Harmon
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
  united by a common
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
     aring each other’s
     by sh

I joined Redington a few months ago and,         Through embracing each other’s
even in that short time, it’s clear to me that   experiences, we’re able to make better
the people who work here do so because           decisions and learn from one another.
they want to be part of a business that          As these journeys show, there’s no one
has real purpose – over and above growth         type of person who can succeed here.
and profit. While our stories are unique,
                                                 We thrive on the differences that our
they all have a common thread weaved
                                                 people bring and seek to support everyone
through them; a collective desire to do the
                                                 to grow and achieve their career ambitions
right thing – to do our bit to create better
                                                 while they’re with us. We think this makes
outcomes for people and the planet.
                                                 Redington a special place to work and
That’s what makes Redington, Redington.
                                                 helps us to provide the best possible
We hope this collection of employee career       service to our clients too. I hope that by
journeys gives you some insight into our         reading these stories you’ll feel inspired
team and the people who make Redington           to create your own path and find your
what it is today. Inherent in our culture is     Redington way too.
a focus on creating a working environment
where everyone feels included, empowered         Katherine FitzGerald,
to speak up and share their opinions.            Head of People
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
   y career path
                                                                                                          Interview Process​
Team: Marketing
                                                                                                          In 2015, we had far fewer
Role: Senior Vice President                                                                               meeting rooms than we                     Induction Process
Joined: 2015                                                                                              do today, and they were
                                                                                                          always booked, so two of                  Once back I joined
Industry Experience: 10 years of experience                                                               my interviews found me                    every meeting
in the pensions & investments world!                                                                      in Pret with the whole of                 possible to get up
Prior to joining Redington in-house, I spent                                                              the marketing team and                    to speed with what
5 years working for a niche PR &                                                                          Wagamama’s with Mitesh.                   was going on in the
Communications agency.                                                                                                                              business and figure
                                                                                                                                                    out what I could get
                                                                                                                                                    my teeth into.
                                                                                                                I spent one month getting
                                                                                                                to know everyone before
                 Application route​                                                                             disappearing for 2 months.
                                                                                                                I had found a company that
                 Before heading to Australia                                                                    understood this was an
                 on a 2-month sabbatical an                                                                     important journey for me.
                 ex-colleague of mine said                               Final Stage interview
                 I should have a chat with                               Ultimately, I believe it came                                                               First six months
                 the Redington team as they                              down to cultural fit. Neither
                                                                         Redington nor I knew exactly                                                                Six months in, I knew
                 thought it’d be a good fit!
                                                                         what we wanted (it was a new                                                                this would be the place
                                                                         role). We were happy to find a                                                              for me to grow. It’s a
                                                                         way that worked for all of us                                                               firm willing to take on
                                                                         involved and benefited the                                                                  new ideas, challenge
                                                                         business in the long run.                                                                   the status quo and try
                                                                                                                                                                     something different and
                                                                                                                                                                     the Redington team
                                                                                                                                                                     around me didn’t seem
                                                                                                                                                                     too bad either!

Career Milestones
   Having decided after 3 months that Uni wasn’t     Pulling off the Redington re-brand and office         My progression at Redington from Analyst in
   for me and landing my first job in the City one   move in one big hit with an awesome team!             2015 to Senior Vice President in 2019.
   month later.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
LEE                                                                                                                                            Hired

    y career path
                                                                                                                                               Having always worked for big,
                                                                                                                                               established companies, I found
      m                                                                                                                                        Redington’s start-up culture a bit
                                                                                          Final Stage interview                                of a shock. However, I loved the
Team: Management                                                                          Redington and I both saw something                   people and the mission, so have
                                                                                          compelling in one another, but it took us            enjoyed being a part of the team
Role: COO                                                                                                                                      putting a bit of structure in place
                                                                                          a while to figure out what form a role would
Joined: 2017                                                                              take, so I did a number of odd jobs until            on which to build and grow.
Industry Experience: 20 years in and out of                                               we came to the COO role by mutual
the Financial Services Industry in roles spanning                                         agreement in 2018.
Sales Management in International Private Banking
at Citibank & JPMorgan (New York), consulting to
the sector as an Asia Pac Regional Director
(Hong Kong) and in M&A Project Management
at Credit Suisse here in the UK.
                                                                                                                                                                    Induction Process
                                                                                                                                                                    I spoke to as many people
                                                                                                                                                                    as possible across the
                                                                                                                                                                    firm and used this wealth
                                                                                                                                                                    of insight to form the
                                                                                                                                                                    basis of my approach and
                                                    Interview Process​                                                                                              recommendations.
                                                    I interviewed with Mitesh
                 Application route​                 and several other senior
                                                    execs prior to joining
                 I was drawn to Redington           Redington’s first Returnship
                 because of the People and          program, through which we
                 Culture and because I was          were looking to recruit more
                 interested in the institutional    senior women into the firm.
                 side of the FS industry.
                                                                                                                                              First six months
                                                                                                                                              I spent the first 3 months on the Returnship
                                                                                                                                              program and the following 3 working with the
                                                                                                                                              corporate functions teams to determine the
                                                                                                                                              appropriate structure needed to support the
                                                                                                                                              organization going forward before being asked
Career Milestones                                                                                                                             to take on the Angel Court office fit-out.

   Juggling work and family and navigating my            MBA from Columbia Business School; SEC                Returning after my 3-month mat leave after my
   return to work after the arrival of my 3 boys,        Series 7 & 63 (sadly now lapsed!). Joining            first son was born into a new job as divisional
   2 global relocations and 3 career breaks.             Redington’s Board of Directors in 2019                sales manager at JPMorgan.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
NIAMH                                                                                                                            Induction Process

    y career path
                                                                                                                                 My first few days were full of
                                                                                                                                 inductions from various parts of the
        m                                                                                                                        business. Although I joined at quite
                                                                                                                                 a busy time for the ALM team I
Team: ALM                                                                                                                        was able to get training from a few
                                                                                                                                 different team members on technical
Role: Analyst                                                                                                                    concepts and the systems/processes
                                                                         Final Stage interview
Joined: Jan 2020                                                         Technical interview with
Industry Experience: Prior to Redington                                  Alex (Co-Head of ALM) and an
I spent 18 months on a Graduate Scheme                                   ALM associate which was quite
at AIG Investments. As well as a couple of                               unlike any other interview.                                                               First six months
actuarial summer internships at Aviva and                                Couldn’t believe at my level                                                              Getting involved on a RfP in
Pacific Life Re.                                                         that I had an interview with                                                              my first few weeks was very
                                                                         the CEO and really enjoyed my                                                             helpful in getting familiar
                                                                         conversation with Mitesh.                                                                 with the ALM systems and
                                                                                                                                                                   processes. Grateful I was able
                                                                                                                                                                   to spend at least some time
                                                                                                                                                                   in the office before remote
                                                                                                                                                                   working began..
                                                                                                             Before I started I was lucky
                                                                                                             enough to join both the company
                                                                                                             and team Christmas parties. I was
                                                                                                             quite nervous to meet the team
  Application route​                                                                                         (and rest of company) all at once
                                                                                                             and so opted not to go down the
  A friend who had joined                                                                                    178m slide at The Orbit on top
                                        Interview Process​
  the ALM team a few months                                                                                  of that.
  prior recommended that                I met Mo (Co-Head of ALM)
  I apply.                              and Scott from the People
                                        team initially. After speaking
                                        with Mo I admittedly went
                                        from considering the move to
                                        Redington to being very keen!

Career Milestones
    AIG Global Real Estate team trip to Vienna, Bratislava and Prague meeting         Getting a peer recognition award in my first
    potential new joint venture partners and viewing proposed property                8 months with Redington.
    acquisitions that I’d spent a lot of time researching and evaluating.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
KEVSER                                                                                                  Final Stage interview

                                                                                                        I received a call the same day to come
                                                                                                        in the next day to meet with Mitesh
    y career path
       m                                                                                                (CEO) and Kav (previous Head of HR).
                                                                                                        Speaking with Mitesh and Kav I knew
                                                                Interview Process​                      Redington was the company which
Team: Finance                                                                                                                                           Induction Process
                                                                                                        would support me in my studies and
Role: Analyst                                                   I was called for an                     give me all the experience I can get.           Multiple meetings throughout
                                                                interview and to take                                                                   the day to meet other team
Joined: 2018
                                                                a test. That same day                                                                   members and getting to know
Industry Experience: Before joining Redington                   was my practical exam                                                                   how amazing Redington is.
had completed my A Levels and was studying                      for my driving licence,
AAT L2. Redington is my first job and role                      believe me my nerves
within the Financial Industry.                                  were all over the place
                                                                and didn’t know what
                                                                to focus on!!!

               Application route​
               Having completed my
               Level 2 AAT studies
               with LTSB, I had to find
               a company to support
               my studies and provide
               work experience.
               Redington joined one of
               LTSB’s speed interviews
               which is where I met             Hired
               Ross and Susan.
                                                Having zero experience
                                                in the working world I                                              First six months
                                                was super nervous and                                               I learnt how to juggle work
                                                lost on what do to.                                                 and study at the same time.
                                                Redington’s culture                                                 It was difficult but my team
                                                and amazing members                                                 helped me pull through and
                                                helped me fit right in.                                             before I knew it, I was holding
                                                                                                                    finance introductions for new
                                                                                                                    joiners and teaching consultants
                                                                                                                    how to use our revenue
                                                                                                                    tracking system.
Career Milestones
   Successfully completing my Level 3 AAT               Being offered a permanent role at Redington   Taking the next step in my studies and starting
   apprenticeship with Redington.                       where I still get to grow and learn.          my journey with ACCA.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
    y career path
Team: Investment Consulting
Role: Director                                                                                                                      Induction Process
Joined: 2014                                                                                                                        David Bennett gave me a
                                                                                                                                    thorough rundown of the
Industry Experience: Started on the                                                                                                 team, then it was sitting
Investment Consulting graduate programme                                                        Final Stage interview
                                                                                                                                    next to Alex Lindenberg
at Aon in 2010, working primarily in Investment                                                 In my final interview, I            and Mathias Rasmussen          First six months
Consulting but also spent a year in their                                                       managed to confuse myself           and bombarding them            A seriously steep
Fiduciary Management team.                                                                      on the difference between           with questions.                learning curve and
                                                                                                payer swaptions and receiver
                                                                                                                                                                   a mind-set shift from
                                                                                                swaptions but managed to
                                                                                                                                                                   “doing your job” to doing
                                                                                                rescue it and blame it on it
                                                                                                                                                                   what is needed to help
                                                                                                being my 6th interview in
                                                                                                                                                                   clients and the firm.
                                                                                                a row.

                                                                 Interview Process​
                                                                 I was sold on the vision
                                                                 of the firm. After a
                 Application route​                              further 10 short
                 I got a text from Rob                           interviews ​in the space
                 Gardner (co-founder of                          of 3 days(!) I was really                                        Hired
                 Redington) asking if he                         impressed by every                                               The culture difference from moving
                 could buy me a coffee.                          person I spoke to.                                               from a large firm to being employee
                 After a quick google,                                                                                            56 at Redington was stark. When
                 I quickly said yes I could!                                                                                      asked my opinion on whether a client
                                                                                                                                  should re-coupon their swap book
                                                                                                                                  I was a rabbit in the headlights.
                                                                                                                                  In 3.5 years this was the first time
                                                                                                                                  I’d been asked my opinion on
                                                                                                                                  something technical!

Career Milestones
    Winning my first pitch about 6 months in felt   Taking on line management of some really             Twice requested to change my working
    like a big step and was really exciting.        incredible colleagues who will probably be my        patterns materially. Both times I have been
                                                    manager in the future.                               told: “That’s really exciting and you can
                                                                                                         definitely do that”.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
    y career path
Team: Manager Research
Role: Vice President
                                                                                                                           I started in July 2019
Joined: 2019                                                                                                               after a was lucky enough
Industry Experience: 6 years industry                                                                                      to get away for a few
experience in asset management and                                                                                         weeks of holiday whilst on
investment consulting in both client facing                                                                                gardening leave.
and investment fund focused roles.                               Induction Process
                                                                 Lots of induction meetings with
                                                                 almost every team across the
                                                                 business which provided me with
                                                                 a great understanding of how
                                                                 Redington worked.

                Application route​
                Found the job on
                LinkedIn and reached
                                                                                                   Final Stage interview
                out to contacts I had
                at Redington to learn                                                              I talked Mitesh through my
                a bit more about the                                                               career/life outside of my CV,
                day to day.                                                                        including what motivated me,                      First six months
                                                                                                   key drivers and goals with                        It was an overwhelming six
                                                                                                   regard to joining Redington.                      months. I was thrown into lots
                                                  Interview Process​                                                                                 of research meetings with
                                                                                                                                                     investment managers, and
                                                  4 altogether. I met with 7                                                                         completed my first research
                                                  members of the manager                                                                             project, including presenting
                                                  research team and a final                                                                          to our Investment Strategy
                                                  interview with Mitesh (CEO).                                                                       Committee. Redington is filled
                                                                                                                                                     with amazingly smart people that
                                                                                                                                                     I tried and continue to learn as
Career Milestones                                                                                                                                    much as I could and can from!
    Self funded and completed my IMC.         Becoming a CFA Charterholder.                        Completed a research project on renewable
                                                                                                   infrastructure equity. Spent time understanding
                                                                                                   and developing views on the fund universe and
                                                                                                   selecting ‘preferred’ strategies.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
   y career path
Team: IC                                                                    Final Stage interview
                                                                                                                             Induction Process
Role: Associate                                                             I was petrified about my final
                                                                                                                             spent a month camping out
Joined: 2017                                                                stage interview. It was with
                                                                                                                             in one of the meeting rooms
                                                                            Mitesh (the CEO) and David
Industry Experience: Redington is my first                                                                                   receiving training from
                                                                            Bennett (who was Head of IC
‘adult job’ – I’ve been here ever since                                                                                      various people from across
                                                                            at the time)! They were both
                                                                                                                             the firm and using this
I graduated three years ago, although it                                    a lot less scary than I had
                                                                                                                             new-found knowledge
feels like so much longer!                                                  imagined.
                                                                                                                             to design an investment
                                                                                                                             strategy for a mock client.

                                                             Interview Process​                                      I vividly remember receiving
                                                             After the assessment                                    the call to say I had gotten the
                                                             centre (which was                                       job! I was queuing outside my
                                                             the most enjoyable I’d                                  International Studies lecture.
                                                             attended) I was invited
                                                             back for three more                                                                           First six months
                Application route​                           rounds of interviews                                                                          I was forever shifting
                                                             with various members                                                                          between feeling confident
                I stumbled across                            of the firm.                                                                                  and feeling like I had no
                Redington’s website when                                                                                                                   idea what I was doing. It’s
                looking for grad jobs in                                                                                                                   taken me a long time to
                wealth management.                                                                                                                         realise that you’re never
                                                                                                                                                           going to know everything
                                                                                                                                                           in this job – and that’s fine.

Career Milestones
   Winning the Women in Pensions Rising Star   I started writing a blog in 2019 and from this I        Delivering a talk about the future of pensions
   Award gave me the reassurance I needed.     discovered a real passion for writing. I now split      alongside our CEO, Mitesh, at a conference of
                                               my time between consulting and producing                around 2,000 people.
                                               content for our clients.
UNIQUE CAREER united by a common purpose - Redington
   y career path
                                                                                                                                  First six months
                                                                                                                                  Definitely in the deep end
        m                                                                                                                         from the start! Leading the
                                                                                                                                  finance outsourcing in the
Team: Finance                                                                                                                     first 6 weeks of starting –
                                                                  Final Stage interview
                                                                                                                                  understanding the business,
Role: Director, Finance                                           Think it was a combination                                      re-designing all processes
Joined: July 2017                                                 of my varied background, a                                      to plug into the outsourced
                                                                  growth mindset and being                                        model, and implementing a
Industry Experience: 17 years working in
                                                                  immediately available to get                                    new reporting framework for
various finance roles across corporate finance,                   started on the new finance                                      the high-growth plan.
audit, commercial finance and financial control,                  outsourcing project.
in various industries including investment
banking, professional services and now
pensions and technology.

                                                                                                 This was the role I really
                                                                                                 wanted. I had another
                            Application route​                                                   offer at the time, which
                                                                                                 I managed to hold off
                            Sent the job spec by                                                 while I waited to hear
                            a recruiter and after                                                from Redington. High
                            reading the website                                                  risk but worth it when I               Induction Process
                            and the CEO Mitesh’s                                                 got the call to say I was              There was an immense amount
                            blog, sounded like this                                              successful!                            of paperwork to complete –
                            was the ‘tribe’ I was
                                                                                                                                        glad that process is now more
                            looking for.
                                                                                                                                        streamlined! Everyone at the firm
                                                                                                                                        has been friendly and helpful
                                                                                                                                        from the start – from a warm
                                                                                                                                        welcome and introduction at the
                                                            Interview Process​                                                          kitchen to plenty of induction
                                                            It was 3 stages: The CFO, The                                               sessions with the various teams
                                                            Head of People, our current                                                 to get up to speed.
                                                            COO and CFO.

Career Milestones
    Qualified as a chartered accountant with PwC.     4 degrees covering information systems,               Managing the finance operations, building the
    which opened up amazing opportunities in          finance and accounting; 3 professional                5 year model, restructuring the share scheme
    countries like Switzerland and the UK.            qualifications with the SA Institute of               and going through the Phoenix transaction.
                                                      Chartered Accountants and the Chartered               And now on to building out the FP&A function!
                                                      Institute of Management Accountants.
   y career path
       m                                                                                                              Induction Process
Team: Investment Consulting and Technology                                                                            Seamless virtual
                                                                                                                      onboarding process,
Role: Director, Client Development                                                                                    and clear investment
Joined: Sept 2020                                                                                                     by the business in
Industry Experience: Background in                                                                                    employee experience.
institutional business development within
the investment consulting and funds
management industry.

                                                                    Interview Process​
                                                                    12+ conversations over
                                                                    a few months with all the                 Hired
                                                                    business leads.                           1st Sept 2020 after
                           Application route​                                                                                                                 First six months
                                                                                                              finally arriving in
                                                                                                              London 6 months                                 • Getting to know my colleagues.
                           Approached Redington
                                                                                                              behind schedule                                 • Learning about Redington.
                           through industry contacts
                                                                                                              due to the COVID                                • F eeding into year-end budgets
                           when I decided to relocate
                                                                                                              19 pandemic.                                       and revenue targets.
                           from Sydney, to London.
                                                                                                                                                              •D  eveloping growth strategy
                                                                                                                                                                 across industry segments.
                                                                                                                                                              •H  elping to close open

                                                                                 Final Stage interview
                                                                                 I believe I was ultimately
                                                                                 hired due to breadth of
                                                                                 experience, paired with
                                                                                 track record and
                                                                                 cultural fit.

Career Milestones
   Securing a very large, complex client win that       Promotion from Associate Director to Director,         Setting up a PR/Marketing function from
   took over 24 months of active lead time and          shortly after being moved from a contract to a         scratch in 6 months while waiting for VISA
   numerous internal stakeholders.                      permanent role.                                        offices to reopen after the first Australian
                                                                                                               COVID 19 lockdown.
REID:y career path
                                                                                          Final Stage interview
Team: Technology
                                                                                          Three more interviews with                 Induction Process
Role: Support Engineer Associate                                                          the People, IC and Admin                   Lots of team
Joined: 2017                                                                              teams. After meeting a few                 meetings and
                                                                                          members of each team and                   information shared.
Industry Experience: 5 years reception and
                                                                                          finding out what Redington
Admin experience. Redington is my first role                                              was all about I knew I wanted
in the Financial industry.                                                                to be part of the Redington
                                                                                          family on a long-term basis.

                Application route​
                I was put forward by
                a temping agency for
                                                Interview Process​                                                                                    First six months
                a 3-month contract at
                Redington.                      First interview was with                         Hired                                                The first 6 months was
                                                Lee from the US via                                                                                   me finding my feet as the
                                                skype. I ended up being                          I knew Redington was going
                                                                                                                                                      role was new. I had great
                                                sideways on the screen                           to be different. The Culture,
                                                                                                                                                      support from my teams.
                                                and I this was going                             passion and encouragement
                                                to be the end of my                              stood out for me. After temping
                                                Redington journey but it                         for 3 months as IC team assistant
                                                was just the beginning                           I believe I earnt my stripes
                                                of my video-calling one!                         and landed a perm position as
                                                                                                 an Analyst Team Assistant to
                                                                                                 Marketing and Tech Teams.

Career Milestones
   Promoted to Associate within 7 months.      Moving from the Admin team to the tech team           Becoming a Support Engineer after a year
   Managing a split role across admin and      in order to explore my career interests/options       or so on-the-job learning.
   tech for a few years.                       in tech.
    y career path
Team: Technology
Role: Head of Engineering                                                                                                        Hired
Joined: 2018                                                                                                                     Received a call from Adam the
                                                                Final Stage interview                                            next day. Definitely excited,
Industry Experience: 15 years of experience                                                                                      but equally nervous, I’d never
within Software Development, starting with                      Interview with Adam then
                                                                                                                                 run an office before, let alone
internal business applications and process                      Mitesh and Zoe in Bristol.
                                                                                                                                 built one from scratch.
automation, before moving towards highly-                       We sat in a local hotel bar
                                                                and chatted for a good hour.
configurable B2B systems. A brief dabble
with Crypto before landing on SaaS as the
real passion.

                                                                                                                                                           First six months
                                                                                                                                                           The first 3 months were great, a
                                                                                                                                                           balance of London, Bristol and
                                                                                                                                                           Family time. The next 3 was
                                                                                                                                                           where the challenges started –
                                                                Interview Process​                                                                         how to form / grow and integrate
                                                                                                      Induction Process                                    a new office – built some great
                                                                Mostly remote due to being
                                                                                                                                                           relationships across the business
                                                                the first hire into Bristol.          We crammed loads of inductions
                                                                                                                                                           to help establish Bristol as part
                                                                Several lead developers, as           into the first two weeks of
                                                                                                                                                           of Redington.
                       Application route​                       well as a few coffees with            October – prior to the birth of
                                                                Adam and Scott.                       my second child. Definitely an
                       A former colleague had joined                                                  exciting month!
                       Redington a few years prior. I’d seen
                       the opening of a Bristol office at the
                       same time as my ‘crypto’ career was
                       coming to a close

Career Milestones
   Running a development team, building                    Establishing and running first office at                 Promotion to Director, Head of Engineering
   a successful SaaS application during the                Redington in 2018/2019.                                  at Redington in 2020.
   placement and final years of university.
    y career path
Team: Manager Research
Role: Head of Manager Research
Joined: 2015
Industry Experience: 20 years in fund
management and investment consulting.                                                                                             Induction Process
Started at Schroders on the Asia and                                            Final Stage interview                             Lots of very helpful
Emerging Market equity teams, before taking                                                                                       introductory meetings
                                                                                Outlined a proposal on
that practitioner view to manager research                                                                                        with various parts of
                                                                                how Redington could
at Stamford Associates, then latterly                                           expand coverage into                              the business.
SEI Investments.                                                                equity strategies.

                                              Interview Process​

   Application route​                         Initial discussions with then                                                                               First six months
                                              Head of Manager Research,                                    Hired
   Approached by head-                                                                                                                                    Straight into advising existing
                                              then met rest of team and
   hunter whilst leading SEI’s                                                                             Started on 1st of                              clients on their equity
                                              other senior stakeholders
   London equity manager                                                                                   September 2015.                                holdings, and beginning
                                              such as CIO and Head of DB.
   research efforts.                                                                                                                                      research into Global Equity for
                                                                                                                                                          the first time. Early new client
                                                                                                                                                          wins were very helpful too!

Career Milestones
   Took over as Head of Manager Research            Promoted to Managing Director in 2019..              Established firm’s Responsible Investment
   in 2018 and joined the Investment                                                                     Committee and became chair in early 2020.
   Strategy Committee.
CAROLYN                                                                                                        Final Stage interview

         r path
                                                                                                               I met so many people on the final day that it’s

              my caree
                                                                                                               hard to say which was the last one! I think my
                                                                                                               skillset as primarily a client-facing consultant,
                                                                                                               with an passion for people development,
Team: Investment Consulting                                                                                    fitted what Redington were looking for at that
Role: Managing Director                                                                                        point in time.

Joined: April 2019
                                                                                                                                                                   Induction Process
Industry Experience: Joined Bacon & Woodrow
as a graduate in pensions team in 1998. Moved to                                                                                                                   Started as a lot of
investment consulting with Mercer in 2003. Career                                                                                                                  tender requests came
                                                                                                                                                                   in, which meant I was
break from 2010 – 2012 to look after young children.
                                                                                                                                                                   busy pretty much from
Joined LCP in 2012, became partner in 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                   the outset. It gave me
                                                                                                                                                                   an opportunity to meet
                                                                                                                                                                   the team whilst working

                                                                                              Before I’d even officially
                                                                                              started, I participated in
                                                                                              a presentation in the
                                                                                              kitchen on International
                                                                                              Women’s Day. It was fairly
                                                                                              daunting standing up in
                                                                                              front of colleagues I’d
                                                        Interview Process​                    never even met!

                                                        I met Mitesh as part of an
                  Application route​                    industry-wide diversity
                                                        programme and then met
                  I’d admired Redington as a            with what seemed like the
                  competitor – I was drawn to                                                                                      First six months
                                                        whole of the IC team, and
                  their reputation both as a            Rob & Dawid.                                                               I helped win 2 new clients for Redington in the first
                  thought leader in investment                                                                                     6 months, which meant that I had plenty to do. On
                  and the diversity of the team.                                                                                   the people side, I spent the time getting to know the
                                                                                                                                   team and found areas that I could help with.

Career Milestones
    I qualified as an actuary in 2001, and have since        I’m proud of being a “returner” to the industry          Joining Redington as an MD. As someone who
    taken exams in derivatives. Currently working            at a time when formal programmes didn’t exist.           has always suffered from imposter syndrome,
    towards the CFA Certificate in ESG investing.                                                                     finding somewhere that really believed in me
                                                                                                                      from the outset really set the tone.
   y career path
Team: Management
Role: CEO                                                                                                    Induction Process
Joined: 2013                                                                                                 No formal induction
Industry Experience: Got a summer internship                                                                 process, but I had decided
                                                                                                             to speak to all employees
at Aon, thanks to a charity youth volunteer. ​
                                                                                                             and all clients.
Was offered a grad role as an investment                  Interview Process​
analyst. I specialised in fixed income manager            Interviewed by the founders                                                     First six months
research. Was then hired by WTW to be a fixed             and the COO in early 2016.                                                      I blogged about this so you can
income researcher and consultant.                         Spoke to variety of senior                                                       get a detailed account.
                                                          leaders, as fact finding for the                                                • New management team.
                                                          final stage presentation.                                                       • New roadmap.
                                                                                                                                          • Upgraded pension benefits.
                     Application route​                                                                                                   • Re-design of performance
                     Approached by Rob,                                                                         Hired                     • Set goal of ‘100m people
                     I joined as a strategy                                                                                                  financially secure’.
                     consultant, in MRT                                                                         6th April 2016. Started
                                                                                                                in the role with a Town   • Sunday Times Best Companies,
                     (2013) and then                                                                                                         launched Redington.
                     Marketing working                                                                          Hall presentation to
                                                                                                                the whole firm            • Returnship and FFS.
                     part time, before
                     applying for CEO role.                                                                     (75 people then).

                                                          Final Stage interview
                                                          Present a 10-year
                                                          vision for Redington
                                                          to the founders. They
                                                          assessed me against
                                                          a whole series of
                                                          criteria (20+).

Career Milestones
   Led the fixed income team (60 people) at      Leaving the Head of Fixed Income role       Preparing for and completing the deal with
   Henderson in 2008, just before GFC hit,       (2012) to travel less and spend more time   PEP in 2019-20.
   navigating the team and clients through the   with my family.
   eye of the storm.
   y career path
        m                                                                                               Induction Process
                                                                                                        Introductory session
Team: People                                                                                            with HR and the various
                                                                                                        teams across the
Role: SVP People                                                                                        business to understand
Joined: October 2015                                                                                    who Redington is and
Industry Experience: Worked in HR/People                                                                what they do.                               First six months
in various industries including Utilities, IT                                                                                                       Delivering the various
Hardware, Software, Engineering and                                                                                                                 projects including
Financial Services.​                                                                                                                                a implementing a new HR
                                                                                                                                                    system, development an
                                                                                                                                                    effective graduate recruitment
                                                                                                                                                    process, and measuring
                                                                                                                                                    employment engagement.

                 Application route​
                 Approached by a former
                 colleague who needed
                 some support to work              Interview Process​
                 on a number of HR                 Interviewed with the
                 initiatives and projects.         COO and offered the                Final Stage interview
                                                   job the next afternoon.                                                                  19th October 2015.
                                                                                      There wasn’t one as it
                                                   It was a pretty quick              was an initial 8 month
                                                   turnaround!                        fixed term contract
                                                                                      which luckily become
                                                                                      permanent and the rest
                                                                                      is history.

Career Milestones
    Gained promotion from Senior HR Advisor to         Part time HR position with a pensions annuity          Had a go at self employment as an HR
    Head of HR, working with an amazing HR team.       firm, (having once been a Trustee of a Pension         Consultant but I soon realised I missed the
                                                       Scheme) following the starting of my family.           corporate world.
TAI: y career path
Team: Consulting (DC & DB)
Role: VP                                                                                                                          Induction Process
Joined: 1 Sep 2015                                                                                                                ‘Learning to swim
Industry Experience: 5 years.                                                                                                     from the deep end’
                                                                        Interview Process​                                        comes to mind. I was
                                                                                                                                  shown to my desk,
                                                                        Asked a friend for a                                      given a client list and
                                                                        crash course in DB                                        was told to be helpful!
                                                                        pensions to prep for
                Application route​                                      my interviews. Was a
                I stumbled upon one of Rob’s                            half day interview with
                blog posts and his passion was                          various people in the
                infectious. Studying chemistry,                         firm, then moved onto
                I knew nothing about pensions                           a final presentation.                                                               First six months
                but knew that I wanted to                                                                                 Hired                             Most of this was spent
                work for Redington.                                                                                       I was part of the first           learning through catch
                                                                                                                          significant graduate intake       ups with individuals and
                                                                                                                          in the consulting team,           helping to write client
                                                                                                                          joining in the same year          papers. Having Kenny
                                                                                                                          as 5-6 others.                    behind me and Phil to my
                                                                                                                                                            left also provided ample
                                                                                                                                                            learning opportunities.
                                                                                                                                                            Everyone was happy to
                                                                                                                                                            offer their time to teach
                                                                                                                                                            and help, regardless
                                                                                                                                                            of seniority. This was
                                                                         Final Stage interview                                                              when I really understood
                                                                         A presentation to 15 people                                                        Redington’s culture.
                                                                         across the firm scheduled
                                                                         to be the day after my final
                                                                         university exam!

Career Milestones
   The growth and development of the DC              Gaining, what used to be called CF30 was a         Taking on my first line management
   business is a great milestone for me given that   stamp of approval on the quality of my work        responsibility in 2020. I have always valued
   I was one of the team’s inaugural members!        and client delivery.                               the help I received at the firm and have been
                                                                                                        looking forward to doing the same for others.
JADE                                                                          Final Stage interview
                                                                                                                                                                    Induction Process
                                                                              Final interviews were
   y career path
                                                                                                                                                                    As expected, the team were
       m                                                                      conducted in London with
                                                                              the Product Lead and CEO.
                                                                                                                                                                    incredibly welcoming and
                                                                                                                                                                    there was so much support
                                                                              I believe I was selected                                                              from day one. Given the split
Team: Technology                                                              because of my domain-                                                                 locations, video calls quickly
Role: Product Owner                                                           specific knowledge, eagerness                                                         became the norm.
Joined: April 2019                                                            to develop a new skill-set
                                                                              and cultural fit.
Industry Experience: 4 years
working as an Investment Analyst
at St. James’s Place previously.

                                                   Interview Process​
                                                                                                                                                                First six months
                                                   I decided to apply for the role
                Application route​                 of Product Owner when it was                                                                                 With the team growing so
                                                   created after working on the                                                                                 quickly and so many new
                Impressions of Redington                                                                      Hired
                                                   product since its inception.                                                                                 roles being created there
                have always been incredibly                                                                   Moved to Bristol and
                                                   I was invited for an initial                                                                                 was not only a lot to learn
                positive when interacting with                                                                became the 7th person in
                                                   interview over a coffee in                                                                                   but a lot of opportunity to
                them as the client. I distinctly                                                              the team to join the new
                                                   Bath with the CTO and Lead                                                                                   create our own processes
                remember saying “I would love                                                                 office! Then we had to start
                                                   Developer at the time.                                                                                       which was challenging
                to work with them!”                                                                           looking for a bigger space.                       at times but ultimately
                                                                                                                                                                incredibly rewarding.

Career Milestones
   Creating a completely new team along with one       Becoming a CFA charterholder.                            Taking on a new client within 6 months
   other colleague and experiencing managing                                                                    of working at Redington and successfully
   people for the first time as a result.                                                                       delivering on the first phase of the project.
   y career path
                                                                                                                        Induction Process
        m                                                                                                               Undertook a whirlwind of
                                                                                                                        reading to get myself back
Team: Investment Consulting                                                                                             up to speed. For some
Role: Responsible Investment Lead                                                                                       reason, the more technical
                                                                                                                        nature of Liability-driven
Joined: 2018                                                                                                            investing had left my brain!
Industry Experience: Started as an Investment
Analyst at WTW, ,moved to PwC in 2015 to
join the Institutional Investment Consulting                                  Final Stage interview
practice. Worked with clients across Central
                                                                              I arrived in plenty of time for
Asia and the Middle East and continued to                                     the 08:30 final interview with
hone a keen interest in sustainable investment.                               Mitesh. There was no one
                                                                              on the front desk at Angel
                                                                              Court. I started to panic at
                                                                              08:35. Luckily all was well and
                                                                              we discussed at length the
                                                                              importance of a strong culture
                                                                              at financial services firms.                                             First six months
                                                                                                                                                       Given plenty of time to settle in.
                                                                                                                                                       Joined a small number of client teams
                                            Interview Process​                                                                                         where my experience could bring a
                                            Met with 6 members of                                                                                      new way of thinking. The rest of my
                                            the Investment Consulting                                                                                  time was spent exploring Redington’s
   Application route​                       team over three interviews.                                                                                approach to responsible investment.
                                            Seb grilled me on why my
   Asked by a recruiter
                                            dissertation was about                                              Hired
   whether I was interested in
                                            pensions – I guess I had
   applying to one of the most                                                                                  Hired and put straight on
                                            been a fan for a while.
   exciting consultancy firms                                                                                   gardening leave by PwC which
   in the UK. I was.                                                                                            meant I had an unexpected
                                                                                                                opportunity to travel. I visited my
                                                                                                                sister in Abu Dhabi and then flew
                                                                                                                on to Kerala.

Career Milestones
    Part of a small team to travel out to                     September 2019: As part of the pilot                Asked in May 2020 to lead the newly formed
    Kazakhstan to help the Sovereign                          programme, I became one of the first people to      Responsible Investment sub team, becoming
    Wealth develop their approach to                          pass the CFA UK Certificate in ESG Investing.       a member of the RI Committee in the process.
    sustainable investment.
For more info about careers
at Redington click here

                              Redington Ltd.
                              Floor 6 One Angel Court
                              London EC2R7HJ
                              +44 (0)20 7250 3331
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