Page created by Harvey Reyes
2020-2021 ENTRY
Joint Educational Partnership between the University of Glasgow and
the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Muhammad Imran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dean, University of Glasgow, UESTC

              YOUR VERY HIGH
              ACHIEVEMENT SO                                                                                                                                                                                         Bing Zeng (曾兵)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Dean, Glasgow College, UESTC

              FAR AND ON YOUR                                                                                                                                                                                        and UESTC Programme Director

              INTO THE GLASGOW                                                                                                                                                                                       Joao Ponciano
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vice Dean, Glasgow College, UESTC

              COLLEGE UESTC,
              AN EDUCATIONAL                                                                                                                                                                                         Xingang Liu (刘欣刚)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vice Dean, Glasgow College, UESTC

              PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN                                                                                                                                                                                    UESTC EEE Programme Director

              THE UNIVERSITY OF
              GLASGOW AND THE                                                                                                                                                                                        Kelum Gamage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Co-Director for Quality Assurance and Enhancement
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Centre for Educational Development and Innovation

              UNIVERSITY OF
              ELECTRONIC SCIENCE                                                                                                                                                                                     Faisal Tariq

              AND TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                                         UofG EEE Communications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Programme Director

              OF CHINA.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Duncan Bremner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Co-Director for External Engagement and Impact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Centre for Educational Development and Innovation

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shizhong Xu (徐世中)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     UESTC EEE with Communications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Programme Director

                                                         WELCOME                                                                                                                                                     Ping Luo (罗萍)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     UESTC EEE with Microelectronics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Programme Director

    As a student attending the Glasgow College           UofG is delivered in ‘blocks’, with staff flying     with the quality standards of UofG and UESTC,       to come to Glasgow. During the summer              Sajjad Hussain
    UESTC, your responsibility is to seize every         to Chengdu every four weeks from Glasgow             with advice, support and mentoring provided         vacations, you will have a choice of summer        UofG EEE with Information Engineering
                                                                                                              by both universities. The English language is                                                          Programme Director
    opportunity for learning that you will find here     for one or two weeks in every four weeks.                                                                schools and opportunities to improve English
    – whether in lectures, tutorials, laboratories,      Support will also be available online between        used exclusively throughout all four years, and     at the UofG campus. In addition, you have the
    project work, industry visits, or in discussion      visits, supplemented by local assistants. It is      you should take every opportunity to practise       option to follow a 2+2 model, where you study
    with the staff – to strive for the highest           part of the Glasgow approach that a lecturer         your language skills and become fluent. At the      on the UESTC campus in years 1 and 2, and
    classification of degree commensurate with           is present during laboratory classes and you         end of your studies, you will have qualifications   on the University of Glasgow campus in years       Frederic Surre
    your talents, and to forge for yourself a            should use this time to ask them him/her             that are globally competitive recognised and        3 and 4. Entry into the 2+2 programmes             UofG EEE with Microelectronics
    distinguished engineering career.                    any questions that you may have about the            give you an outstanding international               requires you to demonstrate academic               Programme Director
                                                         course. This is your opportunity for one-to-one      perspective of engineering.                         performance in years 1 and 2 at a UofG GPA of
    The University of Electronic Science and             tuition from the Glasgow UofG Lecturers and                                                              15 (approximately equivalent to UESTC 75%)
    Technology of China (UESTC) and the                  Professors.                                          The formal processes of British and Chinese         and proficiency in English at only a slightly
    University of Glasgow (UofG), UK, established                                                             universities are different and you are exposed      higher level than that needed for the dual         Julien LeKernec
    the Glasgow College at UESTC in January              The joint programmes integrate rigorous              to both cultures in the Glasgow College,            degrees. You remain a student in the Glasgow       Senior Academic Advisor
    2013. Our joint degree programmes, delivered         foundations in mathematics and electronic            UESTC. For example, the two universities will       College UESTC and still graduate with dual
    entirely in English, build on the strengths of the   engineering with a stream of independent             mark your work in different ways: UofG uses a       degrees.
    Chinese and British education systems, and           project work that runs throughout all four           scale of 0–22 for your assessment scores
    prepare you for your career better than either       years, cultivating creative thinking skills and      while UESTC uses 0–100. However, the formal         We hope that you find your studies on the
    University can do alone.                             developing you into an exceptional engineer          processes and regulations governing                 Joint Programmes challenging, enjoyable            Imran Ansari
                                                         with a high sense of social responsibility. All of   academic aspects of the common courses              and fruitful. We really do expect you, as an       Final Year Projects Coordinator
    Taught equally by staff from both universities,      our programmes are approved by the Ministry          within the Joint Programmes follow the              engineering graduate from UESTC and the
    the majority of the courses in years 1 and 2         of Education of China, and are under the             University of Glasgow model.                        University of Glasgow with the illustrious
    are delivered by staff from UESTC, while the         quality control systems of higher education                                                              forebears of both universities, to go out and in
    majority of the courses in years 3 and 4 are         authorities in both the UK and China. You will       Although you can complete your entire degree        some way change the world!
    delivered by staff from UofG. Teaching led by        be taught and assessed strictly in accordance        in Chengdu, you will have several opportunities

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3
About This Handbook
    This handbook is intended to answer many of
    the day-to-day questions of students studying
    in the Glasgow College UESTC and to act as
    a pointer towards useful sources you should
    encounter any issues. In particular, this
    handbook explains the rules of UofG rules
    and the Joint Programmes, which follow              Welcome                                                        2
    British and Scottish traditions, while the UESTC    About This Handbook…                                            4
    handbook explains their rules.
                                                        Introduction                                                   6
    Further details regarding UofG regulations
    can be found in the University Calendar at          The Mission of the Glasgow College UESTC                        6
    glasgow.ac.uk/senateoffice/policies/calendar.       The University of Glasgow                                       6
    You should also read the UESTC Student              The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China    8
    Manual, where UESTC regulations are set out.        Useful Contact Details                                         10
    Please read both carefully because your
    assessment results must satisfy both sets of        The Glasgow College UESTC Programmes                           12
    rules to graduate from both universities with
                                                        UofG Terminology – Programmes, Courses and Credits             12
    double degrees. Nothing in this handbook
    overrides the official rules of the University of   Academic Session Dates                                         13
    Glasgow (UofG) or the University of Electronic      Enrolment                                                      13
    Science and Technology of China (UESTC).            Structure of the Glasgow College UESTC                         13
                                                        Guide to the Grading Schemes                                   14
                                                        Penalties for Late Submission of Coursework                    16
                                                        Quality Assurance and Accreditation                            17
                                                        Appeals Against Decisions of the Board of Examiners            17

                                                        Progression and Graduation                                     18
                                                        Progression in the Joint Programmes                            18
                                                        Progress Committees and Appeals                                19
                                                        Graduation and Degree Classification                           20
                                                        Matriculation                                                  21
                                                        Study Abroad                                                   21
                                                        Prizes and Scholarships                                        21

                                                        You Are Responsible for Your Success                           22
                                                        Computers                                                      22
                                                        Email                                                          22
                                                        MyCampus                                                       22
                                                        Moodle                                                         22
                                                        Feedback on Your Work                                          22
                                                        Study Skills                                                   23
                                                        Advice on Your Studies                                         24
                                                        Disability                                                     25
                                                        Equal Opportunities                                            25
                                                        Your Opinion Is Important: Student Feedback on Courses         25

                                                        Academic Conduct                                               26
                                                        Acknowledging the Work of Others                               26
                                                        Plagiarism                                                     26
                                                        Turnitin, Urkund and SafeAssign                                28
                                                        Conduct in Examinations                                        28

                                                        Health and Safety Policy                                       30
                                                        Safety Instructions                                            30
                                                        Smoking                                                        30
                                                        Emergency Contact Numbers                                      31

4                                                                                                                           5

                                                                                                                                         James Watt                                 Lord Kelvin

                   The Mission of the
                   Glasgow College
                   The mission of the Glasgow College UESTC
                   is to deliver undergraduate degree
                   programmes in China at a standard
                   commensurate with the highest quality

                   education available internationally, providing
                   students with the scholarship and skills that
                   will equip them for lifetime careers as leaders
                   in industry and academia.

                   The University
                                                                     The University of Glasgow is proud of its many   Chinese students have studied at the University     Travellers’ Choice Awards, and featured in
                   of Glasgow                                        distinguished figures who have taught, worked    of Glasgow since 1886. The University has           Lonely Planet’s top 10 world cities list,
                                                                     and studied at the University, including seven   81% of its academic staff contributing to           Glasgow offers a vibrant city life with a
                   The University of Glasgow is ranked 69th in       Nobel laureates. Famous names include:           subjects where the majority of research is          legendary live music scene, hosting countless
                   the world and was the first UK university to                                                       rated world-leading or internationally excellent.   international festivals, and providing the best
                   be rated as 5 Stars Plus overall*. It is one of   • Lord Kelvin, the scientist and engineer, as    This makes Glasgow an attractive choice for         shopping in the UK outside London.
                   the UK’s oldest institutions of learning,           famous for his inventions as for his           the best students from almost 130 different         Chinese culture is very influential in Glasgow,
                                                                       academic work, earning himself international   countries, with currently over 1,500 students       with a wealth of Chinese restaurants,
                   recognised internationally for its
                                                                       acclaim through his discoveries such as the    from China.                                         supermarkets and traditional Chinese
                   ground-breaking research. The University of         absolute scale of temperature and impact                                                           medicine stores in the city. Glasgow is also
                   Glasgow has a reputation for research that          on physics and engineering                     The University is structured into four Colleges,    one of the world’s leading destinations for
                   benefits industry, society and the                • James Watt, an outstanding engineer who        which comprise 20 Schools and 11 Research           sporting events; the city hosted football
                   environment. Founded in 1451, Glasgow is            was considered by Karl Marx to have            Institutes. The School of Engineering is the        matches as part of the London 2012 Olympic
                   the fourth-oldest university in the                 developed the power for the Industrial         largest member of the College of Science            Games and was delighted to have hosted the
                   English-speaking world and is a founding            Revolution through his significant             and Engineering, which also includes related        2014 Commonwealth Games. Glasgow
                   member of the prestigious Russell Group of          contributions to the steam engine              subjects such as Computing Science,                 celebrated the 200th year of Glasgow Botanic
                   leading UK research universities. Glasgow         • William Rankine, who made significant          Mathematics, and Physics. We collaborate on         Gardens in 2017. IEEE Sensors2017 was
                   scores consistently well in league tables and       contributions to many branches of              research and teaching with the other Colleges       held in Glasgow with several UofG School of
                                                                       engineering from thermodynamics to metal       as well: Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences,     Engineering staff and members of Glasgow
                   is a founder member of Universitas 21, an
                                                                       fatigue                                        Social Sciences, and Arts.                          College UESTC working to organise the
                   international grouping of universities            • Adam Smith, often called the ‘father of                                                            conference. After acquiring a 14-acre
                   dedicated to setting worldwide standards for        economics’                                     Being Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow is           site in 2015, the University of Glasgow’s
                   higher education.                                 • Joseph Lister, who developed his               truly cosmopolitan and is the third largest         world-changing redevelopment is underway
                                                                       revolutionary system of antiseptic surgery     city in the United Kingdom. Recently voted the      with a £1 billion investment to expand their
                   *QS World University Rankings                     • John Logie Baird, a pioneer of television      UK’s number one destination in TripAdvisor’s        world class campus and facilities.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7
The University of
    Electronic Science and
    Technology of China
                                                                                                                                                                             IN 1956,
    Renowned as the birthplace of China’s
    electronics industry, UESTC was founded in
    1956 as Chengdu Institute of Radio
    Engineering through the combination of the
    electronics and communications divisions of
                                                                                                                                                                             UESTC IS
    three well-established universities: Shanghai
    Jiao Tong University, Nanjing Institute of
    Technology (now Southeast University) and
    South China Institute of Technology (now
                                                                                                                                                                             AS THE
    South China University of Technology).
                                                                                                                                                                             OF CHINA’S

                                                                                                         UESTC’s Qingshuihe Campus is set in 540 acres of leafy, green space in Chengdu, Sichuan: “The Land of Abundance”.

                                                    UESTC was developed into one of China’s Key             by the Ministry of Education (MoE) of the                 (including 12 from Top Youth Talents Program),
                                                    Universities in 1960. In 1997 it was included           People’s Republic of China in 2017. The                   158 national specialists (including 87 from young
                                                    as one of the first universities in ‘Project 211’,      number of A+ disciplines has ranked the first             specialists), 37 Yangtze River Scholars, 36
                                                    a project aimed at the development of the               in West China. Engineering, material science,             from Outstanding Youth Program and 3 national
                                                    nation’s 100 first-class universities for the 21st      physics, computer science, chemistry,                     distinguished teachers and 18 highly cited
                                                    century with the intention of raising the               neuroscience and behavioural science,                     scientists in the world. 12 faculty members were
                                                    research standards and cultivating strategies           biology and biochemistry have entered the top             selected for the National Million Talents Project.
                                                    for socio-economic development. In 2001,                1% of ESI. Engineering has been in the top 1%
                                                    UESTC was admitted into ‘Project 985’, a                of ESI since July 2016, achieving the top 100             UESTC has high standing within the Chinese
                                                    national project aimed at the development of            in the world. As the premier electronic institute         education sector, providing programmes and
                                                    world-class research-orientated universities            for higher education, the University now is               carrying out research in the principal discipline
                                                    and the Chinese higher education system.                proud of a great number of scientific research            of Electronic Information Engineering. During the
                                                    In June 2017, UESTC was admitted into the               platforms, including 4 national key laboratories,         past five decades, UESTC has evolved from this
                                                    nation’s “Double First-class Initiative”, aiming        1 national engineering centre and 42 research             specialisation to a key multidisciplinary university
                                                    at developing world-class universities and              institutes and laboratories respectively                  with electronic science and technology as its
                                                    first-class disciplines.                                constructed by the MoE and Sichuan                        nucleus, engineering as its major field and an
                                                                                                            Government. There are more than 3800 faculty              integrated approach to science, engineering,
                                                    UESTC has two national key disciplines of first         members, including 600 professors. Up to                  management and liberal arts. Today, the
                                                    level, Electronic Science & Technology and              now, there are more than 300 outstanding                  University enjoys collaboration with more than
                                                    Information & Communications Engineering,               talents at the national level, including 4                200 organisations in 70 countries, including
                                                    which ranked A+ in the Discipline Quality               academicians of two academies, 20 IEEE                    over 50 joint laboratories with multi-national
                                                    Assessment of Higher Education conducted                Fellows, 21 from Ten Thousands Program                    companies.

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                            9
     UNIVERSITY                                  Final Year Projects Coordinator,
                                                 Adviser of Studies
                                                                                         Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
                                                                                         Dr Yao Sun
                                                                                                                                        UESTC                                    Student Affairs Centre              Student Affairs Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                 (International Cooperation)         (Academic)
     OF GLASGOW                                  Dr Imran Shafique Ansari                Room A1 30B
                                                                                                                                        Dean and UESTC Programme Director
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701                                                                          Ms Zhiyi Yu (余知倚)                   Ms Hong Ye (叶红)
     Administrative Manager                      Tel: 6183 1701                          Yao.Sun@glasgow.ac.uk                          Prof Bing Zeng (曾兵)
                                                                                                                                        Room: A1 311A                            Room: A1 311B                       Room: A1 302
     Ms Ruoli Zhong (钟若黎)                        Imran.Ansari@glasgow.ac.uk                                                                                                      Tel: 6183 1815                      Tel: 6183 1797
     Room: A1 309A                                                                       Lecturer, Adviser of Studies                   Tel: 61831719
                                                 Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Dr Abdullah Al-Khalidi                         eezeng@uestc.edu.cn                      zhiyiyu@uestc.edu.cn                yehong@uestc.edu.cn
     Tel: 6183 1501
     Ruoli.Zhong@glasgow.ac.uk                   Dr Wasim Ahmad                          Room A1 30B
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 4130 (UK)          Co-Chair, Academic Committee             Ms Yuan Tian (田苑)                   Ms Yulin Pan (潘玉玲)
     Administrative Assistant                    Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 7513 (UK)   Abdullah.Al-Khalidi@glasgow.ac.uk              Prof Shiwen Yang (杨仕文)                   Room: A1 311B                       Room: A1 302
     Ms Li Jing (敬丽)                             Wasim.Ahmad@glasgow.ac.uk                                                              swnyang@uestc.edu.cn                     Tel: 6183 1815                      Tel: 6183 1797
     Room: A1 309A                                                                       Lecturer, Adviser of Studiess                                                           ty@uestc.edu.cn                     panyuling101129@uestc.edu.cn
     Tel: 6183 1501                              Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Dr Anthony Centeno                             Head of Administration
     Li.Jing@glasgow.ac.uk                       Dr Shengrong Bu                         Room A1 30B                                    Mr Shiquan Gao (高世全)                     Ms Xuejing Zheng (郑雪静)              Ms Feng Mao (毛凤)
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701                                 Room: A1 310B                            Room: A1 311B                       Room: A1 302
     Dean, University of Glasgow UESTC;          Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 4799 (UK)   Anthony.Centeno@glasgow.ac.uk                  Tel: 61831757                            Tel: 6183 1815                      Tel: 6183 1762
     UofG Professor of Communications Systems,   Shengrong.Bu@glasgow.ac.uk                                                             quangs@uestc.edu.cn                      xuejingzheng@uestc.edu.cn           maofeng@uestc.edu.cn
     Adviser of Studies                                                                  Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
     Prof Muhammad Imran                         Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Dr Kaveh Delfanazari
                                                                                                                                        Vice Dean and Student Affairs Director   Ms Putri Santi ANWAR                Ms Hongxia Cheng (程红霞)
     Room: A1 3090B                              Dr Hadi Heidari                         Room A1 30B
                                                                                                                                        Programme Director                       Room: A1 311B                       Room: A1 302
     Tel: 61831709                               Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701
                                                                                                                                        Prof Xingang Liu (刘欣刚)                   Tel: 6183 1815                      Tel: 6183 1861
     Muhammad.Imran@glasgow.ac.uk                Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 6789 (UK)   Kaveh.Delfanazari@glasgow.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                        Room: A1 311A                            psanwar4@gmail.com                  chongx@uestc.edu.cn
     Vice Dean, University of Glasgow UESTC;                                             Lecturer                                       Tel: 61831727
                                                 Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Ms Susan Finlay; +44 141 330 1948 (UK)         hanksliu@uestc.edu.cn                                                        Ms Lixia Zhang (张丽霞)
                                                 Dr Petros Karadimas                     Room A1 30B                                                                             Student Affairs Centre              Room: A1 302
     Dr Joao Ponciano
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701                                 Deputy Head of Administration                                                Tel: 6183 1762
     Room: A1 3090B                                                                                                                                                              (International Support)             lxzhang@uestc.edu.cn
     Tel: 6183 1709                              Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 2590 (UK)   Susan.Finlay@glasgow.ac.uk                     Ms Qilei He (何琪蕾)
     Joao.Ponciano@glasgow.ac.uk                 Petros.Karadimas@glasgow.ac.uk                                                         Room: A1 310B                            2019 Cohort Ms Fei Qi (齐菲)
                                                                                         Lecturer                                                                                                                    Mr Hongxiang Chen (陈虹翔)
                                                                                                                                        Tel: 61831707                            Room: A1 302
     Professor of Electrical Engineering         Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Ms Jennifer MacDougall                                                                                                      Room: A1 302
                                                                                                                                        heqilei@uestc.edu.cn                     Tel: 6183 1742
     Prof A. L. Roy Vellaisamy                   Dr Qammer Abbasi                        Room: A1 308                                                                                                                Tel: 6183 1762
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701                                                                          784977647@qq.com
     Room: A1 309B                                                                                                                      Programme Director                                                           ShawnChen@uestc.edu.cn
     Tel: 6183 1709                              Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 5586 (UK)   Jennifer.MacDougall@glasgow.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                        Prof Shizhong Xu (徐世中)                   2019 Cohort Mr Hongwei Wang (王宏伟)
     Roy.Vellaisamy@glasgow.ac.uk                Qammer.Abbasi@glasgow.ac.uk
                                                                                         Co-Chair, Academic Committee, UofG             xsz@uestc.edu.cn                         Room: A1 302
     Co-Director for Quality Assurance           Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Prof Scott Roy                                                                          Tel: 6183 1742                      Student Affairs Centre
                                                 Dr Lei Zhang                            Room: A1 308                                   Programme Director                       1364432767@qq.com                   (Practical Teaching)
     and Enhancement
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 4930 (UK)          Prof Ping Luo (罗萍)
     Centre for Educational Development
                                                 Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 8616 (UK)   Scott.Roy@glasgow.ac.uk                        pingl@uestc.edu.cn                       2018 Cohort Ms Bingjie Xie (谢冰洁)    Dr Lili Ma (马丽丽)
     and Innovation, Adviser of Studies
     Dr Kelum Gamage                             Lei.Zhang@glasgow.ac.uk                                                                                                         Room: A1 302                        Room: A1 302
                                                                                         Head, Electronics and Electrical Engineering
     Room: A1 308                                                                                                                                                                Tel: 6183 1770                      Tel: 6183 1731
                                                 Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Dr Euan McGookin
     Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 6264 (UK)       Dr Guodong Zhao                         Room: A1 308
                                                                                                                                        General Office                           xiebingjie@uestc.edu.cn             lilima@uestc.edu.cn
     Kelum.Gamage@glasgow.ac.uk                  Room: A1 308                            Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 6023 (UK)
                                                                                                                                        Mr Yinghua Wang (王迎化)                    2018 Cohort Mr Jiacheng Wu (吴佳城)
     Co-Director for External Engagement         Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 4074 (UK)   Euan.McGookin@glasgow.ac.uk
                                                                                                                                        Room: A1 310B                            Room: A1 302                        Ms Liling Liu (刘丽玲)
     and Impact                                  Guodong.Zhao@glasgow.ac.uk
                                                                                         Head, Engineering Teaching Office              Tel: 6183 0101                           Tel: 6183 1742                      Room: A1 302
     Centre for Educational Development and      Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Ms Suzanne Robertson                           wangyinghua@uestc.edu.cn                 805263831@qq.com                    Tel: 6183 1781
     Innovation, Adviser of Studies              Dr Masood Ur Rehman                     Tel: +44 141 330 2867 (UK)                                                                                                  lilingliu@uestc.edu.cn
     Dr Duncan Bremner                           Room: A1 308                            Suzanne.Robertson@glasgow.ac.uk                Ms Jinghan Xu (徐静涵)                      2017 Cohort Mr Mingda Ma (马明达)
     Room: A1 308                                Tel: 6183 1701                                                                         Room: A1 311B                            Room: A1 302                        Mr Wei Fu (付唯)
     Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 2735 (UK)       Masood.UrRehman@glasgow.ac.uk           TNE Teaching and Operational Manager           Tel: 6183 1595                           Tel: 61831770                       Room: A1 302
     Duncan.Bremner@glasgow.ac.uk                                                        Ms. Chengyang Wang                             xujinghan@uestc.edu.cn                   mamingda@uestc.edu.cn               Tel: 6183 1781
                                                 Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Tel: +44 141 330 5674 (UK)                                                                                                  funtut@uestc.edu.cn
     UofG Programme Director, EEE with           Dr Ahmed Zoha                           Chengyang.Wang@glasgow.ac.uk                   Ms Yingchun Zhang (张莹春)                  2017 Cohort Ms Mengyu Zhang (张梦雨)
     Communications                              Room: A1 308
                                                                                         TNE Administrative Assistant                   Room: A1 311A                            Room: A1 302                        Ms Yuning Li (李宇宁)
     Dr Faisal Tariq                             Tel: 6183 1701
                                                                                         Tel: +44 141 330 5914 (UK)                     Tel: 6183 0978                           Tel: 6183 1770                      Room: A1 302
     Room: A1 308                                Ahmed.Zoha@glasgow.ac.uk
                                                                                         Eng.TeachingOffice@glasgow.ac.uk               zhangyingchun@uestc.edu.cn               mengyu@uestc.edu.cn                 Tel: 6183 1731
     Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 3694 (UK)
                                                 Lecturer, Adviser of Studies                                                                                                                                        ynli@uestc.edu.cn
                                                 Dr Hasan Abbas                          External Relations Manager                     Ms Yuchen Du (杜雨宸)                       2016 Cohort Ms Xiaoting Shi (史晓婷)
                                                 Room: A1 308                            Ms Laura Dickson                               Room: A1 311B                            Room: A1 302
     UofG EEE with Information Engineering
                                                 Tel: 6183 1701                          Tel: +44 141 330 4437 (UK)                     Tel: 6183 1595                           Tel: 6183 1770                      Office of
     Programme Director, Adviser of Studies
                                                                                         Laura.Dickson@glasgow.ac.uk                    duyuchen@uestc.edu.cn                    sxt@uestc.edu.cn
     Dr Sajjad Hussain                           Hasan.Abbas@glasgow.ac.uk                                                                                                                                           International Affairs
     Room: A1 308                                                                        TNE Administrator (Operational)
                                                 Lecturer, Adviser of Studies                                                           Mr Xin Xie (谢鑫)                          2016 Cohort Ms Tingting Yao (姚婷婷)
     Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 2439 (UK)                                               Ms. Aoife Madden                                                                                                            Prof Aiying (Julia) Di (邸爱英)
                                                 Dr Shufan Yang                                                                         Room: A1 311B                            Room: A1 302
     Lianping.Hou@glasgow.ac.uk                                                          Tel: +44 141 330 2895 (UK)                                                                                                  aiyingdi@uestc.edu.cn
                                                 Room: A1 308                                                                           Tel: 6183 1595                           Tel: 6183 1772
                                                 Tel: 6183 1701                          Aoife.Madden@glasgow.ac.uk                     xiexin@uestc.edu.cn                      chengduytt@uestc.edu.cn
     UofG EEE with Microelectronics                                                                                                                                                                                  Chengdu International Dialling Code
                                                 Shufan.Yang@glasgow.ac.uk               TNE Co-ordinator (Academic Collaborations)
     Programme Director, Adviser of Studies                                                                                                                                                                          +86-28
                                                                                         Mrs Katy McGinty                               Ms Anqi Zhuo (卓安琪)                       2016 Cohort Mr Liao Zhang (张辽)
     Dr Frederic Surre                           Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
                                                                                         Tel: +44 141 330 7124 (UK)                     Room: A1 311B                            Room: A1 302
     Room A1 30B                                 Dr Rami Ghannam
                                                                                         Katy.McGinty@glasgow.ac.uk                     Tel: 6183 1595                           Tel: 6183 1772
     Tel: 6183 1701                              Room: A1 308                                                                           zhuoanqi@uestc.edu.cn                    673862779@qq.com
     Frederic.Surre@glasgow.ac.uk                Tel: 6183 1701                          TNE Administrator (Teaching)
                                                 Rami.Ghannam@glasgow.ac.uk              Miss Jill Tait
     Senior Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
     Dr Lianping Hou                             Lecturer, Adviser of Studies            Tel: +44 141 330 5914 (UK)
     Room: A1 308                                Dr Vahid Nabaei                         Jill.Tait@glasgow.ac.uk
     Tel: 6183 1701; +44 141 330 6008 (UK)       Room A1 30B                             TNE Administrative Assistant
     Lianping.Hou@glasgow.ac.uk                  Tel: 6183 1701                          Ms Chloe Anderson
                                                 Vahid.Nabaei@glasgow.ac.uk              Tel: +44 141 330 0935 (UK)
     Senior Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
     Dr Bo Liu                                   Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
     Room A1 30B                                 Dr Oluwakayode Onireti
     Tel: 6183 1701                              Room A1 30B
     Bo.Liu@glasgow.ac.uk                        Tel: 6183 1701
     Senior Academic Advisor,
     Adviser of Studies                          Lecturer, Adviser of Studies
     Dr Julien Le Kernec                         Dr Yusuf Sambo                                                                                                                                                         For Emergency Contact Numbers
     Room: A1 308                                Room A1 30B                                                                                                                                                            please see back cover.
     Tel: 6183 1701                              Tel: 6183 1701
     Julien.LeKernec@glasgow.ac.uk               Yusuf.Sambo@glasgow.ac.uk

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         11
               COLLEGE UESTC IS
               HOME TO A JOINT
               PROGRAMME (JEP)
               AND A JOINT
               INSTITUTE (JEI)
               APPROVED BY
               THE MINISTRY OF
               EDUCATION (MOE)
               OF CHINA.

     Three pathways are offered by the Glasgow         UofG Terminology – Programmes,                        delivered at UESTC.                               reports and revising for the examination. This   Glasgow using the online student portal             website. An outline of course codes, credits
     College UESTC:                                    Courses and Credits                                 • The size of a course is measured in UofG          also means that, in order to get the best out    called ‘MyCampus’ at the beginning of their         and the courses that you will study in each
     Electronics and Electrical Engineering with       Common words such as a ‘course’ can be                credits; most taughtcourses carry around          of one contact hour at the lecture, you should   programme of study and to confirm their             year of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
     Information Engineering, Electronics and          used in different ways so here is a brief list of     10–20 UofG credits but projects may be            spend one hour reading the lecture notes prior   enrolment at the beginning of each subsequent       with Information Engineering, Electronics and
     Electrical Engineering with Communications,       usage at UofG. Some of these terms have               larger.                                           to attending the lecture and another hour on     academic year. You will receive an ‘Account         Electrical Engineering with Communications
     and Electronics and Electrical Engineering with   a different meaning for UESTC.                                                                          consolidation and revision afterwards.           Access Notification’ email from the University      and Electronic and Electrical Engineering with
     Microelectronics. These pathways comprise                                                             Formally 1 UofG credit = 10 learning hours,                                                          of Glasgow with instructions for logging into       Microelectronics are posted at
     courses approved by the University of             • A degree programme is the complete 		             the total time that a typical student is expected     This reflects a European attitude to           this portal and completing academic                 glasgow.ac.uk/undergraduate/degrees/
     Glasgow Senate for the UofG BEng (Honours)          curriculum that leads to a degree, such as        to spend on a course. Thus a 10-credit course         university education, where the emphasis       registration. UESTC enrolment procedures            electronicselectricaluestc, glasgow.ac.uk/
     degree in Electronics and Electrical                BEng in Electronics and Engineering with          demands 100 learning hours, including formal          is on learning rather than time spent in       require each student to reach a satisfactory        undergraduate/degrees/
     Engineering.                                        Information Engineering, BEng in Electronics      contact hours (such as timetabled classes)            the classroom being taught.                    settlement for his or her tuition with the school   electronicscommunicationsuestc and
                                                         and Engineering with Communication, or            and self-learning hours (such as homework                                                            before the deadline for tuition payment.            glasgow.ac.uk/undergraduate/degrees/
     All assessments and formal teaching in the          BEng in Electronics and Engineering with          and group studies). The British definition of                                                        Students who fail to make satisfactory              electronicselectricalmicrouestc,
     Glasgow College UESTC will be conducted             Microelectronics                                  credits is quite different from that used in        Academic Session Dates                           payments of tuition fees will not be allowed to     respectively.
     in English. To graduate with a UESTC degree,      • Each programme is divided into courses,           China, where 1 credit = 16 teaching hours.          The Glasgow College UESTC follows the same       access either university’s facilities (including
     students have to take additional courses            each of which is self-contained with its own      The Glasgow College UESTC uses the                  semesters as UESTC and the session dates of      computer networks and services such as              The UESTC programme includes further
     required by the MoE and UESTC.                      instruction (such as lectures, tutorials,         conversion: 1 UESTC credit = 4 UofG credits.        UESTC can be found on their Academic Affair      MyCampus that informs you of your                   courses, such as Morals and Ethics and
                                                         laboratories, guest lectures, seminars, and                                                           Office’s website. The School’s session dates     examination results). These students may be         Fundamentals of Law. More detailed
     This handbook concentrates on aspects of            company visits) and assessment (such as           In many cases the timetabled classes                for 2020-2021 with the UofG teaching weeks       required to withdraw from their programme of        information can be found in the University of
     the Glasgow College UESTC pathways that             class tests, lab reports, project reports, 		     (lectures, laboratories, tutorials) come to about   highlighted can be downloaded at                 study and will not be allowed to graduate.          Electronic Science and Technology of China
     concern the conferral of UofG degrees.              and the degree examination).                      30 hours so you are expected to spend more          glasgow.ac.uk/schools/engineering/                                                                   Undergraduate Education Plan (Ver. 2020)
     Students should also refer to the additional      • Each course has a level, which is roughly         than double that time working on the material       internationalpartnerships/uestc                  Structure of the Glasgow College                    (《电子科技大学本科培养方案 》2020 版).
     UESTC Student Manual that explains UESTC            the same as its year in the curriculum and        in your own time – reading lecture notes, going                                                      UESTC
     regulations concerning the conferral of UESTC       is shown by the course code. For example,         over difficult points with the aid of a textbook,   Enrolment                                        The formal document that defines the structure
     degrees.                                            both UESTC1002 and UESTC1007 are 		               working through tutorial sheets, discussions        In addition to enrolment at UESTC, students      of the programme is called the Programme
                                                         Level 1 courses in a UofG Programme 		            within your study group, writing laboratory         are required to enrol at the University of       Specification and is available on the UofG

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13
Table 1:
                                                                                                                                                               Verbal descriptors of grades and points from UofG
                                                                                                                                                               Code of Assessment and relation to UESTC points.
              2013                                                                                                                                               UESTC     UofG %   UofG      UofG       Gloss          Primary verbal descriptors for attainment
                                                                                                                                                                 Scores             Points    Grade                     of Intended Learning Outcomes

                                                                                                                                                                 97–100    84-100   22        A1 A       Excellent      Exemplary range and depth of attainment of intended learning
                                                                                                                                                                 94–96     80-83    21        A2                        outcomes, secured by discriminating command of a comprehensive
                                                                                                                                                                 91–93     77-79    20        A3                        range of relevant materials and analyses, and by deployment of con-
                                                                                                                                                                 88–90     74-76    19        A4                        sidered judgement relating to key issues, concepts and procedures
                                                                                                                                                                 85–87     70-73    18        A5

                                                                                                                                                                 81–84     67-69    17        B1 B       Very Good      Conclusive attainment of virtually all intended learning outcomes,
                                                                                                                                                                 78–80     64-66    16        B2                        clearly grounded on a close familiarity with a wide range of support-
                                                                                                                                                                 75–77     60-63    15        B3                        ing evidence, constructively utilised to reveal appreciable depth of

                                                                                                                                                                 71–74     57-59    14        C1 C       Good           Clear attainment of most of the intended learning outcomes, some
                                                                                                                                                                 68–70     54-56    13        C2                        more securely grasped than others, resting on a circumscribed
                                                                                                                                                                 65–67     50-53    12        C3                        range of evidence and displaying a variable depth of understanding

                                                                                                                                                                 63–64     47-49    11        D1 D       Satisfactory   Acceptable attainment of intended learning outcomes, displaying
                                                                                                                                                                 61–62     44-46    10        D2                        a qualified familiarity with a minimally sufficient range of relevant
                                                                                                                                                                 60        40-43    9         D3                        materials, and a grasp of the analytical issues and concepts which is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        generally reasonable, albeit insecure

                                                                                                                                                                 55–59     37-39    8         E1 E       Weak           Attainment deficient in respect of specific intended learning out-
                                                                                                                                                                 50–54     34-36    7         E2                        comes, with mixed evidence as to the depth of knowledge and weak
                                                                                                                                                                 45–49     30-33    6         E3                        deployment of arguments or deficient manipulations

                                                                                                                                                                 40–44     27-29    5         F1   F     Poor           Attainment of intended learning outcomes appreciably deficient in
                                                                                                                                                                 35–39     24-26    4         F2                        critical respects, lacking secure basis in relevant factual and analyti-
                                                                                                                                                                 30–34     20-23    3         F3                        cal dimensions

                                                                                                                                                                 22–29     15-19    2         G1 G       Very Poor      Attainment of intended learning outcomes markedly deficient in
                                                                                                                                                                 15–21     10-14    1         G2                        respect of nearly all intended learning outcomes, with irrelevant use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of materials and incomplete and flawed explanation

                                                                                                                                                                 0–14      0-9      0         H    H                    No convincing evidence of attainment of intended learning out-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        comes, such treatment of the subject as is in evidence being direc-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        tionless and fragmentary

                                                                                                                                                                 0                  0              CW                   Failure to complete a minimum of 75% of the assessed work in one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        or more components of a course (graded laboratory, tutorials, pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        jects, class exam, and/or final exam). Some work may be resat; lab-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        oratory and project work must be repeated during the next semester
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        that the course is offered.

     Guide to Grading Schemes                         sores, shown in Table 1. Some courses,            staff and the UofG points for courses taught
     You are awarded a UofG grade and a UESTC         notably projects, are assessed using these        by UofG staff to grades of A1-H using an
     score at the end of each course, following a     grades directly but most examinations in          appropriate mapping for each course, shown
     meeting of the Board of Examiners of the         Engineering are marked in percentages first.      in Table 1. For courses taught by UofG staff,
     Glasgow College UESTC to approve the             Beginning in Semester 1 of the 2017-2018          UofG points will be converted to UESTC
     assessment results. Note that coursework         academic year, the courses taught by UofG         scores using the mapping shown in Table                Table 2:
     grades are unratified until after the Board      staff began following the University of Glasgow   2 and these scores will be recorded on the             Mapping from UofG grades and points to UESTC scores
     meets and may be subject to change. These        Code of Assessment when calculating final         UESTC grade database.
     results are published only on MyCampus for       grades in these courses. As a result, the
     a UofG transcript. The results from each UofG    percentages in UofG-taught courses do not         The UofG points in the UofG- and UESTC-
     course are also available on the UESTC portal.   have the same meaning as the 0 -100 scale         taught courses that contribute to the BEng
     Please do not ask the offices, advisers of       used by UESTC staff for student performance       degree programmes are used to calculate your             Grade       A					           B			           C			          D			            E			           F			            G		         H       CW
     studies, lecturers or anybody else for           in courses. The calculation used to determine     average performance, which is needed to                              A1 A2 A3 A4 A5   B1 B2 B3       C1 C2 C3      D1 D2 D3        E1 E2 E3       F1 F2 F3        G1 G2       H
     confirmation of your results because they must   a student’s UofG points and final grades in       check your progress and for graduation with
     refer you to your official record on MyCampus.   a course taught by a UofG staff is described      a UofG degree. UofG’s grade point average
                                                      in Chapter 2.3 of the Guide to the Code of        (GPA) is calculated for each year of the                 UofG
                                                      Assessment glasgow.ac.uk/media/                   programme, weighted by the number of credits             Points      22 21 20 19 18   17 16 15       14 13 12      11 10 9         8   7   6      5   4   3       2   1       0       0
     UESTC award scores on a scale of 0 to 100
     points whereas the UofG uses a different,        Media_124282_smxx.pdf and Guide for               for each course.
     equivalent and compatible grading scheme         Students glasgow.ac.uk/media/                                                                              UESTC
     to UESTC’s as described in Tables 1 and 2        Media_106264_smxx.pdf.                            There is no official definition of ‘pass’ or ‘fail’,     Score       99 95 92 89 86   82 79 76       72 69 66      64 62 60        57 52 47       42 37 32        26 18       7       0
     on page 13. They use a set of grades from                                                          but you can consider grades A–D to be a
     H (lowest) to A1 (highest) with a description    The Glasgow College UESTC converts the            pass, grade E to be a marginal failure and
     of each grade and its equivalent to UESTC’s      UESTC scores for courses taught by UESTC          grades F–H to be failures.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15
Other results are used if you have not been          time. The reasons range from study abroad     Quality Assurance and                               programmes in the Glasgow College UESTC.          If you are considering an appeal against the
     You must complete a course        awarded the credits for a variety of reasons:        to plagiarism so please ask if this is        Accreditation                                       We are seeking professional accreditation         grade you have been awarded for an examined
     satisfactorily in order to be                                                          unexpected.                                   The Glasgow College UESTC uses a range of           for the programmes from the Institution of        course, you may wish to review your exam
                                       • MV means you had medical or personal 		          • ZZ means that you are a debtor (you owe       procedures to ensure that your programmes           Engineering and Technology (IET) and/or the       script. The viewing of scripts is a special
     awarded the credits and to gain
                                         circumstances which prevented you from             money to the Glasgow College UESTC).          meet the high academic standard expected.           Chinese Engineering Education Accreditation       provision for the Glasgow College UESTC only.
     one of the grades in Table 1.                                                          You cannot see your results until the debt                                                        Association (CEEAA) in accordance with the        Typically you will be allowed to read through
                                         completing the course and you can take a
     Typically this means that you       repeat assessment without penalty.                 has been cleared.                                                                                 Washington Accord. The Washington Accord          your script under supervision, which is to
                                                                                                                                          • Examination papers are moderated by a
     must attend laboratories and      • CW (Credit Withheld) means that you have                                                                                                             is an international agreement in which member     prevent the possibility of tampering with the
                                                                                                                                            second member of staff to ensure that they
     tutorials, submit assignments,      not yet fulfilled the minimum requirements       The formal rules for assessment are in the        are clearly written, free of mistakes and         countries acknowledge the validity of             script. If you wish to view your scripts, send an
     and attend examinations; the        for obtaining credit on the course. The          UofG Code of Assessment, which is part of         commensurate to the standard expected.            programme accreditations and the chartering       email from your official university account to
     details are given in the            precise details of what you need to do are       the UofG Calendar. A full explanation of the    • The papers are then sent to an External           or licensing of professional engineers by         the Student Affairs Centre (Academic), stating
     specification for each course       laid out in each course specification on the     UofG Code of Assessment is provided at            Examiner who confirms that they are of the        organisations in other members’ countries.        clearly which script(s) you wish to see. Do
     and will be explained by the        Senate website: glasgow.ac.uk/                   glasgow.ac.uk/senateoffice/policies/              expected standard.                                The BEng degree partially meets the               this as soon as possible after the results are
                                         coursecatalogue/browsebyschool.                  assessment/codeofassessment/guide.              • A Board of Examiners reviews the marks            educational requirement for a Chartered           published because:
     lecturer. You do not have to
                                         However, it normally means that you need                                                           from all courses in each semester to check        Engineer (CEng), which is the British
     ‘pass’ the course to be awarded                                                                                                                                                          qualification to show that you are a qualified,   • if you wish to appeal against the result, this
     the credits (but you do have to
                                         to attend the degree examinations and            Penalties for Late Submission                     whether the results for any courses differ
                                         submit work for each piece of continuous         of Coursework                                     significantly from the average and take any       professional engineer. You will need some           must be started within 10 working days of
     ‘pass’ the course to progress       assessment requested.                                                                                                                                further study (typically a Master’s degree) and     publication of the result
                                                                                          UofG has standard penalties for late              appropriate action.
     on the degree programme).         • CR (Credit Refused) means a failure to                                                           • Major project reports are independently 		        professional experience, which is assessed by     • the scripts are put into storage after a period
                                                                                          submission of coursework or parts of
     In other words, credits are a       comply, in the absence of good cause, with       coursework:                                       marked by two members of staff; a                 an interview, before you can apply for CEng,        of time, which will cause a delay in access.
     measure of quantity,                the published requirements of the course or                                                        moderator reviews the report as well if the       an internationally recognised qualification.
                                         programme; and/or a serious breach of 		         • 2 UofG points are deducted (e.g., an A4         two original marks are significantly different.                                                     A student who feels that he or she has
                                         regulations. In other words, you have not          would be reduced to a B1) for each day        • UofG reviews the complete programme,              Appeals Against Decisions of                      grounds for an appeal should first seek
                                         completed all compulsory elements of the           late, up to 5 working days (i.e., an A4 can     roughly every five years.                         the Board of Examiners                            advice. The Students’ Representative Council
                                         course (which include all ‘learning by             become an E1);                                                                                    You may appeal against a grade awarded            (SRC) Advice Centre of the UofG has written
                                         experience’ elements, such as laboratories,      • after 5 working days submissions receive      The External Examiner is an experienced,            in an examination, or the class of Honours        an excellent leaflet on Appeals, available on
                                         required tutorials, guest seminars, industry       an H grade.                                   senior member of staff from another university      awarded. In the event of an appeal, the UofG      the web at glasgowstudent.net/advice/
                                         visits, etc) and it is not possible to remedy                                                    who is familiar with the academic standard          Calendar states clearly that an appeal will not   academic/appeals.
                                         this in the current academic year. You cannot    In order to notify UofG of mitigating           that should be expected from an honours             be entertained against marks or decisions
                                         change CR by taking a resit exam; you 		         circumstances, students must submit a report    degree programme. This ensures that the             of examiners, or other matters of academic        The University of Glasgow also has a
                                         would need to repeat the course in another       of good cause, along with necessary             UofG award in the Glasgow College UESTC is          judgement, but only on the grounds of unfair      Complaints procedure; see the UofG Calendar
                                         year and the Progress Committee may not          documentation, within 5 working days of the     of the same standard as a comparable                procedure or medical evidence.                    and take advice as suggested for Appeals.
                                         permit this. Contact the office or lecturer if   assessment date (e.g. exam date,                university in Britain.
                                         you are in doubt as to why you were refused      coursework submission deadline). Students                                                           It takes a lot of work to assemble the evidence   Formal appeal regulations for UESTC can be
                                         credit for a course.                             must also contact the Glasgow College           UofG and UESTC are working together to              needed for a successful appeal it would be        found in the UESTC student manual.
                                       • 07 means a deferred result – we have not         UESTC Academic Affairs Office.                  obtain accreditation for all degree                 wise to discuss your position with somebody
                                         been able to give you a grade at the usual                                                                                                           before starting. The UofG Programme
                                                                                                                                                                                              Directors will be happy to help.
16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17
IN 2019,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       74% OF OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TO HIGHER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WITH TOP

                                     PROGRESSION AND
     Progression in the Glasgow                         If your results do not meet these requirements       should there be a difference between the           (coursework, quiz, class test, midterm, final    evidence of personal circumstances and                 you will be required to register for a different
     College UESTC Programme                            at the first attempt, you are automatically          summary above and the calendar.                    exam, etc.), the student can choose whether      decide on the future action.                           qualification or may be excluded from further
     To progress to the next year of your degree        allowed one reassessment in each component         • The UESTC Programme does not impose                to retake the whole course in order to resit                                                            study in the Glasgow College UESTC. In this
     programme, your results must satisfy the           of the course unless a resit on a particular         any further requirements on progress. 		           every assessment, or only the final exam.        • In special cases you may be permitted to             case you will be considered for one of the
     following rules. These rules apply to both the     component is forbidden in the course                 However, you must pass all courses in the          If the student chooses to resit only the final     progress normally to the next year of study.         early exit awards offered by UofG and also
     dual degree programmes at the Glasgow              specification. The results from any reassessment     UESTC curriculum before you can be                 exam, there is no charge against the student.    • If your results are far below the requirements       for an early exit award by UESTC. If the only
     College UESTC.                                     are ‘capped’ at D3, which means that any             awarded a degree by UESTC. All relevant                                                               you will be required to register for a different     requirement that you have not met is the
                                                        higher grade (such as A2) is treated as though       regulations can be found at the website of        Progress Committee and Appeals                      qualification or may be excluded from further        minimum score of 6.0 on each IELTS
     The minimum requirements to progress to the        it were a D3 in the calculation of the GPA. Note     Academic Affairs Division                         The progression process will run for                study in the Glasgow College UESTC. In this          subtest, you may be allowed to transfer to
     next year of study are:                            that you may progress to the next year with up       www.jwc.uestc.edu.cn/Index.action.                MyCampus at the end of August and those             case you will be considered for one of the           the single degree programme, which is
     (a) grade E3 or better in all courses;             to 24 UofG credits at E grade but must improve                                                         students who are qualified to progress will         early exit awards offered by UofG and also           administered by UESTC.
     (b) no more than 24 credits of courses below       your results to D3 or better before you can        Retake fee                                          then be allowed to register and enrol onto          for an early exit award by UESTC. If the only
     grade D3;                                          graduate. Please also note that                    • If a student fails a course in which any 		       classes in the new academic year. If you            requirement that you have not met is the           You can formally appeal to the College of
     (c) ) pass in all English-related courses in the   • The maximum period of study is normally            assessment is not permitted for resit             require re-assessment of a Spring Semester          attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 on            Science and Engineering in the University of
     curriculum for that year after one reassessment.      six academic years.                               (project, lab, presentation, etc.), the student   course, you will be given a temporary               each IELTS sub-tests or an approved                Glasgow against the decisions of the Joint
     Progression from year 2 to year 3 requires         • The formal, official rules are set out in the      will have to retake the whole course and the      enrolment instead, until you have satisfied         equivalent, you may be allowed to transfer to      Programmes Progress Committee but they will
     attainment of a minimum score of 6.0 in all           UofG calendar glasgow.ac.uk/                      cost will be RMB 125/UofG credit;                 progression requirements. The Glasgow               the single degree programme, which is 		           not accept any evidence that could reasonably
     IELTS sub-tests or an approved equivalent.            senateoffice/policies/calendar. The rules       • If a student fails a course in which all          College UESTC Progress Committee will meet          administered by UESTC.                             have been submitted to the School earlier..
                                                           in the calendar will take precedence, 		          assessments are permitted for resit               no later than in Week 3 to consider any           • If your results are far below the requirements

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
               60 YEARS
               OF GROWTH

                                                                                                                                                               Table 3:
                                                                                                                                                               Classification of honours degrees based on
                                                                                                                                                               weighted UofG GPA for honours courses.

                                                                                                                                                                   Honours GPA              Honours classification

                                                                                                                                                                   18.0–22.0                First Class
                                                                                                                                                                   17.1–17.9                either First Class or Upper Second Class (discretion)
                                                                                                                                                                   15.0–17.0                Upper Second Class
                                                                                                                                                                   14.1–14.9                either Upper Second Class or Lower Second Class (discretion)
     Graduation and Degree                                reassessment) of grade D3 or better in all        quite different from UESTC’s rules. However,           12.0–14.0                Lower Second Class                                                            Communications or Electronics & Electrical
     Classification                                       courses in all years of the curriculum; and       there is no limitation of reassessment for             11.1–11.9                either Lower Second or Third Class (discretion)                               Engineering with Microelectronics, after
     UofG has general requirements for graduation         (e) are enrolled in a dual degree programme.      requirement (d) other than the maximum                                                                                                                        studying Year 1 and 2 at the Glasgow College
                                                                                                                                                                   9.0–11.0                 Third Class
     and the BEng has extra rules that are similar to                                                       period of study of six years and the standard                                                                                                                 UESTC.
                                                        Rules (a) and (b) are set by the UK Engineering     provision for reassessments.                           8.1–8.9                  either Third Class or Fail (discretion)
     those for progression. These are very different
     from the UESTC rules. Scottish universities        Council for accredited degrees, such as the                                                                0.0–8.0                  Fail                                                                          The University of Glasgow offers a two-week
     have a tradition of treating years 3 and 4 as      BEng (Hons). You will be considered for the         British Honours degrees are classified into four                                                                                                              summer school programme, which students
     ‘honours years’ with strict conditions. In         degree of BSc (Honours) in Engineering,             classes:                                                                                                                                                      at any level in the Glasgow College UESTC
     particular, only your first-attempt result from    which is not accredited, if you meet                                                                   If your classification is a ‘Fail’, i.e., your results   Matriculation                                     may apply for a second summer school
     honours courses is used to calculate the           requirements (c) and (d) but not both (a) and       • First class                                      do not meet the requirements for an Honours              All Glasgow College UESTC students are            programme in which students participate in
     classification of your degree. Here is a           (b). Especially note that you require a             • Upper second class                               degree, you will be considered for one of the            required to complete at least four academic       research projects under the supervision of
     summary of the graduation rules for the Joint      minimum grade of D3 in your major individual        • Lower second class                               early exit awards listed under Progression.              years of study. The successful course of study    UofG staff is only available to students who are
     Programmes. In Year 4 (the final year), your       project for any UofG honours degree.                • Third class                                                                                               will progress from one academic year to the       completing Year 3. Other Study Abroad
     results must satisfy all the following                                                                                                                    As usual, the formal rules for graduation and            next (see the Progression Rules). Students will   opportunities may become available in future
     requirements in order to graduate with the         The calculation of the final classification is      The classification depends on your UofG GPA        classification are in the UofG Calendar.                 not normally be allowed to be                     years.
     degree of BEng (Hons) from UofG:                   based on your GPA from Year 3 and Year 4            according to Table 3. If your GPA lies in a                                                                 matriculate beyond the sixth consecutive
                                                        weighted 50 : 50 at the first attempt and is        ‘discretionary band’, the class depends on         N.B. You must pass all the courses in the                academic year of study.                           Prizes and Scholarships
       (a) grade E3 or better in all courses at the     explained below. You will not be awarded a          your distribution of grades. For example, if       UESTC curriculum to be awarded a degree by                                                                 The Glasgow College UESTC offers prizes to
                                                        degree if your final GPA is too low.                your GPA lies in the range 17.1–17.9, you will     UESTC. After successfully completing the joint
       first attempt;                                                                                                                                                                                                   Study Abroad                                      top-performing students. You are also eligible
       (b) no more than 20 UofG credits of courses                                                          get a First Class degree if 50% or more of your    programme and the UESTC programme with                                                                     for prizes awarded by the School of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Eligible students are able to complete Years 3
       below grade D3 at the first attempt;             It is essential to realise that rules (a)–(c) and   results are at A grade, weighted in the same       both universities’ requirements fulfilled, UofG                                                            Engineering in Glasgow. A number of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and 4 of their BEng
       (c) grade D3 or better in the major individual   your degree classification are based on your        way as the GPA, or an Upper Second Class           and UESTC will each award you a degree,                                                                    scholarships are awarded to students in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Hons) degree in Electronics & Electrical
       project at the first attempt;                    first attempt at the assessment for all honours     degree if you have fewer than 50% A grades.        independently on separate degree                                                                           Glasgow College UESTC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Engineering with Information Engineering,
       (d) achieved a result (including that of a       courses. This is the Scottish tradition and is                                                         parchments.                                              Electronics & Electrical Engineering with

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As a student in the Glasgow
               College UESTC, your
               responsibility is to seize every
               opportunity for learning that
               you will find here – whether in
               lectures, tutorials, laboratories,
               team or individual project
               work, industry visits, or in
               discussion with the teaching
               and technical staff, to strive
               for the highest classification
               of degree commensurate
               with your talents, and to forge
               for yourself a distinguished
               engineering career in the near

                  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR
                       YOUR SUCCESS
     Computers                                            respond to your emails in a timely manner.        Virtual Learning Environment                        • During projects, regular meetings with your      but it will become your responsibility to fill the   Projects take independence a step further.
     An important part of your development as an          Depending on the complexity of the response       Systems: Blackboard and Moodle                        supervisor provide a high level of immediate     gap between the general principles covered           The difference between a project and an
     engineer is to learn to use computers as an          - particularly when reviewing project and lab     Blackboard (http://portal.uestc.edu.cn/               feedback.                                        in the lectures and the specific examples. This      assignment is that
     integral part of your day to day activities.         report submissions, the response time could       login.portal) is the online virtual learning        • Feedback on presentations (poster or oral)       means that you must
     You will take laboratory classes to show you         be up to two weeks.                               environment (VLE) used in all UESTC-taught            can be obtained from the assessors but it is                                                          • in an assignment you are given some
     how to use various software packages that                                                              courses and some of the UofG-taught courses.          better to wait a day or two until you are 		     • review your notes from the lectures and seek         guidance on the method needed to
     are necessary to your degree programme.              MyCampus                                          Moodle (moodle2.gla.ac.uk) is the VLE used            feeling more relaxed.                              further guidance from textbooks or other             complete the task
     This will initially involve investing some time to   MyCampus is the University of Glasgow’s           at the University of Glasgow for taught courses.                                                         material to help you with topics that you find     • in a project you are given only the goal of
     get familiar with the packages, but the time in-     student information system that is used by        Your instructors will inform you which VLE will     Note that you may schedule an appointment            difficult                                            the work and must develop a strategy for
     vested will be valuable as you will quickly gain     students throughout the year. It will:            be used during the first lecture. You should be     with the course lecturer to discuss your           • attempt the example and tutorial questions           reaching the goal yourself.
     an advantage in being able to do better work         • show the courses that make up your              enrolled automatically in all courses that you      academic performance in the course and to            and (again) seek further guidance if you
     faster. Report writing using a computer is an          curriculum and permit you to select any 		      are taking each semester on Blackboard and          identify steps that you can follow to improve        cannot see how the question builds on the          You will start on simple projects during the first
     important part of an engineer’s activities and a       options                                         Moodle as long as you have completed the            your performance.                                    material in the lectures                           year and tackle more challenging projects in
     number of courses will ask you to practise this      • inform you of your examination results          enrolment process on MyCampus. Familiarise                                                             • seek assistance during the course lectures,        successive years, building up to the individual
     by submitting written work.                          • compare your results with the progress          yourself as soon as possible with the online        The Glasgow College UESTC aims to return             staff and graduate student office hours, or        project in the final year. Your project supervisor
                                                            regulations so that you can see whether you     VLE systems.                                        feedback on written assessments within               laboratory classes if you are unable to            will guide you gently and advise you on
     Email                                                  need to take resits                                                                                 three weeks. You will be notified if a delay is      solve the problems yourself.                       possible directions but it is your responsibility
                                                                                                                                                                expected.                                                                                               to develop a strategy for the project and work
     Information concerning, for example, urgent                                                            Feedback on Your Work
     changes to the timetable will be sent by email       Note that timetable information will not appear                                                                                                          You will find that the teaching staff are            out how to achieve the goals. You will not pass
                                                                                                            You will receive academic feedback on your
     to your University of Glasgow or UESTC email         within MyCampus and so you should refer to        work in several ways.                               Study Skills                                       delighted to assist students who have already        the project if you rely on the supervisor to tell
     address. You should therefore ensure that you        the timetable provided locally, produced by the                                                       You do not come to university simply to learn      made a serious attempt to solve a problem by         you what to do. In fact some of the best
     check both email accounts regularly.                 UESTC system. This will contain the room and                                                          the facts and skills of engineering. It is far     themselves, but less cooperative if you have         projects turn out quite differently from the original
                                                                                                            • Some courses have tutorials, where
                                                          scheduling information for the programme.                                                             more important that you learn to think and         not made the effort yourself first. Many             idea because the student has taken control
                                                                                                              feedback may be provided on your work.
     You must also ensure that all emails you send                                                                                                              behave like a professional engineer. We aim        concepts in engineering are difficult – they         and followed his or her own directions.
                                                                                                              You must attempt the questions before the
     to members of staff are from a university email      You should have received the information            tutorial, as advised in these guidelines, to      to develop these vital abilities as you progress   ‘make your brain hurt’. The teaching staff have
     account rather than private email accounts, as       required to log in to MyCampus by email and         get the full benefit of feedback in tutorials.    through the Glasgow College UESTC.                 all been through this themselves, and will
     such email may be automatically removed by           can find more information at                      • Feedback is provided by staff during                                                                 guide you as well as they can, but in the end
     a junk mail filter.                                  glasgow.ac.uk/students. Please keep your            laboratories in a similar way. Again, you can     In your previous studies you have been told        you have to form your own understanding of
                                                          contact details on MyCampus up to date and          get the full benefit only if you come prepared.   exactly what work to do for most of the time.      the key topics. All engineers must be able to
     When communicating with UofG staff, it is im-        check your email regularly. We assume that        • Some courses require you to submit                This will change. The lecturers will explain the   learn new concepts for themselves throughout
     portant what you identify yourself by including      you will read email sent to the address on          assignments either physically during class        foundations of each topic and will provide         their professional lives and must therefore
     your name and UESTC and UofG identification          MyCampus promptly.                                  or online, which will be marked and returned      example problems or tutorial sheets so that you    develop the skill to study independently.
     numbers in your email message. Staff will                                                                with comments as feedback.                        can test your knowledge and understanding,

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You can also read