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performing arts & Media studies
             at university of michigan press
University of Michigan Press is an award-winning publisher of books and an integral
part of Michigan Publishing—the hub of scholarly publishing at the University of
Michigan and part of its dynamic and innovative University Library. This catalog
showcases books published in our theater and performance, dance, music, and media
studies lists, and highlights the richness and diversity that they cover. Please send
manuscript proposals in theater, dance, and performance studies to LeAnn Fields
(, and manuscript proposals for music and media studies to
Sara Cohen (

          Our Commitment to Equity, Justice,
                   and Inclusion
University of Michigan Press seeks to increase the participation of Black, indigenous,
and people of color (BIPOC) in our publishing as authors, domain experts, and
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more accessible. We recognize that current systems exclude authors and readers from
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         At the University of Michigan Press, open access (OA) is one of many ways
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         audience. We work with every author to consider whether and how OA might
         raise a book’s profile, help it to reach the right audience, fulfill the author’s
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         Throughout this catalog you’ll see books designated with our open access
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         about our commitment to open access, visit

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MUSIC - 1                                    OPEN ACCESS - 26
DANCE - 7                                    SPECIAL COLLECTION: ASIAN
MEDIA STUDIES - 9                            PERFORMANCE & MEDIA STUDIES - 27
DIGITAL PUBLISHING - 25                      NOTABLE BACKLIST - 31
For the series abbreviations key, see back inside cover
For the Culture
Hip-Hop and the Fight for Social Justice
Lakeyta M. Bonnette-Bailey and Adolphus G. Belk, Jr.,

Drawing from diverse approaches and methods, the
contributors in this volume demonstrate that rap music can
positively influence political behavior and fight to change
social injustices. Exploring topics including education, the
Black Lives Matter movement, mass incarceration, electoral
politics, gender and sexuality, and the global struggle for
social justice, the book argues that hip hop is much more
than a musical genre or cultural form: hip hop is a resistance
Lakeyta M. Bonnette-Bailey is Associate Professor of African American
Studies at Georgia State University.
Adolphus G. Belk, Jr. is Professor of Political Science and African American
Studies at Winthrop University.

6 x 9. 344pp. 1 illustration, 5 charts, 3 tables.

Hardcover Feb 2022             Ebook Feb 2022
978-0-472-13286-7              978-0-472-12971-3
$80.00 U.S.                    Series: MSJ

Sonorous Worlds
Musical Enchantment in Venezuela
Yana Stainova

El Sistema is a nationwide, state-funded music education
program in Venezuela that encompasses 1,210 orchestras
for children and youth and has served as a model in more
than 35 countries around the world. Sonorous Worlds is
an ethnography of the young Venezuelan musicians who
participate in El Sistema, many of whom live in urban
barrios and face everyday gang violence, state repression,
social exclusion, and forced migration in response to
sociopolitical crisis. Stainova’s focus on artistic practice and
“enchantment” allows her to theorize the successes and
failures of political projects through the lens of the everyday
transformations in people’s lives.
Yana Stainova is Assistant Professor in the Department of Anthropology at
McMaster University.

6 x 9. 264pp.

Hardcover Oct 2021             Ebook Oct 2021
978-0-472-13273-7              978-0-472-12935-5
$75.00 U.S.                    Series: MSJ

                                   University of Michigan Press •   1
                       Announcing Musics in Motion
Musics in Motion is a book series on the cultural mobility of music that embraces all times
and places. People and musics have always been in motion: migration and diasporic
zones incite the performance of ethnicity, they are sites of contest and creolization, of
cultural memory, of rituals that sustain displaced populations, and in all of these, music
plays a prominent role in embodying community. The series welcomes projects that cross
geographical boundaries, historical eras and disciplines, and look with fresh eyes at how
human movement influenced the history of music in every era, and on every continent.
This series aims to address a wide array of topics, methodologies, and theoretical
approaches to music’s mobility, encouraging monographs produced by music scholars
and contributions about musical mobility from allied disciplines, particularly history,
linguistics, performance studies, and post-colonial studies.

Series Editors: Kay Kaufman Shelemay and Kate van Orden, Harvard University

                                            Echoes of the Great Catastrophe
                                            Re-Sounding Anatolian Greekness in Diaspora
                                            Panayotis League
                                            A multi-sited exploration of the musical legacy of
                                            the Anatolian Greek diaspora
                                            Recipient of the Society of American Music’s H. Earle
                                            Johnson Book Subvention

                                            “League’s polytemporal and multi-sited
                                            ethnography listens to musics within the
                                            Anatolian Greek diaspora, offering a far-reaching
                                            understanding of musical intercommunality.
                                            By centering relationship and personhood,
                                            League lets musicians Dean Lampros, Sophia
                                            Bilides, and members of the remarkable
                                            Kereakoglow and Kyriakoglu family become our
                                            teachers. This book is a timely meditation on the
                                            sounds, material traces, and insights that flow
                                            from a century of negotiation with a difficult
                                            and traumatic past, wherein future-looking
                                            nostalgias cultivate new modes of empathizing
                                            across difference.”
                                            —Denise Gill, Stanford University
                                            Panayotis F. League is Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicol-
                                            ogy and Director of the Center for Music of the Americas at
                                            Florida State University.
                                            6 x 9. 200pp. 12 illustrations, 3 tables.
                                            Hardcover Sept 2021           Ebook Sept 2021
                                            978-0-472-13268-3             978-0-472-12924-9
                                            $65.00 U.S.                   Series: MIM

2                        University of Michigan Press •
Listening to the Lomax Archive
The Sonic Rhetorics of African American Folksong in the 1930s
Jonathan W. Stone
Exploring the rhetoric and cultural significance of African American
folk music during the Great Depression
6 x 9. 240pp. 4 illustrations.
Paper Nov 2021                    Open Access Nov 2021
978-0-472-03855-8                978-0-472-90244-6
$24.95 U.S.

Sounding Together
Collaborative Perspectives on U.S. Music in the 21st Century
Charles Hiroshi Garrett and Carol J. Oja, Editors
How collaboration can address the challenges facing music
scholarship in the 21st Century
6 x 9. 384pp.16 illustrations, 4 tables.

Paper Aug 2021                    Open Access Aug 2021
978-0-472-05433-6                978-0-472-90130-2
$29.95 U.S.

“Destined to Fail”
Carl Seashore’s World of Eugenics, Psychology,
Education, and Music
Julia Eklund Koza
How eugenics became a keystone of modern educational policy
6 x 9. 812pp.

Hardcover Aug 2021               Ebook Aug 2021
978-0-472-13260-7                978-0-472-12911-9
$90.00 U.S.

Sounding Dissent
Rebel Songs, Resistance, and Irish Republicanism
Stephen R. Millar
Explores the intersections of cultural and physical forms of resistance,
analyzing Irish rebel songs as sonic weapon and social activity
6 x 9. 264pp. 13 illustrations.

Hardcover May 2020               Paper Apr 2022          Ebook May 2020
978-0-472-13194-5                978-0-472-03887-9       978-0-472-12673-6
$80.00 U.S.                      $34.95 U.S.             Series: MSJ

                                    University of Michigan Press •   3
    Critical Excess
    Watch the Throne and the New Gilded Age
    J. Griffith Rollefson
    Jay-Z and Kanye West’s death dance for capitalism
    6 x 9. 234pp. 8 illustrations.

    Hardcover June 2021              Paper June 2021     Ebook June 2021
    978-0-472-07487-7                978-0-472-05487-9   978-0-472-12889-1
    $75.00 U.S.                      $24.95 U.S.         Series: TP

    In Concert
    Performing Musical Persona
    Philip Auslander
    Examining how performers engage and delight their audience
    through persona, appearance, and spectacle
    6 x 9. 304pp. 20 photographs, 2 diagrams.

    Hardcover Jan 2021               Paper Jan 2021      Ebook Jan 2021
    978-0-472-07471-6                978-0-472-05471-8   978-0-472-12839-6
    $90.00 U.S.                      $39.95 U.S.

    Record Cultures
    The Transformation of the U.S. Recording Industry
    Kyle Barnett
    Tracing the cultural, technological, and economic shifts that shaped
    the transformation of the recording industry
    Finalist for the 2021 ARSC Award for Excellence in Best Historical Research on
    Record Labels or General Recording Topics
    6 x 9. 332pp. 4 illustrations.
    Hardcover Feb 2020               Paper July 2021     Ebook Feb 2020
    978-0-472-13103-7                978-0-472-03877-0   978-0-472-12431-2
    $80.00 U.S.                      $34.95 U.S.

    A Change is Gonna Come
    Music, Race & the Soul of America
    (Revised & Updated)
    Craig Werner
    The new edition of the groundbreaking chronicle of forty years of
    Black music in America
    6 x 9. 488pp.
    Paper 2006                       Ebook July 2021
    978-0-472-03147-4                978-0-472-12962-1
    $26.95 U.S.

4   University of Michigan Press •
Sound Changes
Improvisation and Transcultural Difference
Daniel Fischlin and Eric Porter, Editors
Extends the field of improvisation studies in a more global,
transcultural direction
6 x 9. 288pp. 24 illustrations.

Hardcover May 2021            Ebook May 2021
978-0-472-13242-3             978-0-472-12864-8
$75.00 U.S.

i used to love to dream
A.D. Carson
A mixtap/e/ssay that uses hip-hop creative and compositional
practices to interrogate the idea of home
Winner of the 2021 Prose Award in the Reference Works, Best eProduct category

 Open Access July 2020        Series: TP

Singing Out
GALA Choruses and Social Change
Heather MacLachlan
Examines whether LGBT choruses can change the hearts and minds of
their audiences
6 x 9. 264pp. 1 table.

Hardcover Dec 2020            Ebook Dec 2020           Series: MSJ
978-0-472-13218-8             978-0-472-12724-5

Performing Commemoration
Musical Reenactment and the Politics of Trauma
Annegret Fauser and Michael A. Figueroa, Editors
An edited collection about the role music plays in public
commemoration of traumatic events
6 x 9. 308pp. 26 illustrations, 3 tables.

Hardcover Oct 2020            Paper Oct 2020           Ebook Oct 2020
978-0-472-07466-2             978-0-472-05466-4        978-0-472-12721-4
$80.00                        $34.95                   Series: MSJ

                                   University of Michigan Press •   5
    Music on the Move                                        Rhymes in the Flow
    Danielle Fosler-Lussier                                  How Rappers Flip the Beat
    6 x 9. 322pp. 24 illustrations.                          Aurko Joshi and
    Hardcover June 2020 * 9780472074501                      Macklin Smith
    * $70.00                                                 6 x 9. 302pp. 20 illustrations.
    Paper June 2020 * 9780472054503 *
    $24.95                                                   Hardcover July 2020 * 9780472073894
      OA June 2020 * 9780472901289                           * $85.00
                                                             Paper July 2020 * 9780472053896 *
                                                             Ebook July 2020 * 9780472124046

    Charlie Parker                                           What Is Post-Punk?
    His Music and Life                                       Genre and Identity in Avant-
    (Revised Edition)                                        Garde Popular Music, 1977-82
    Carl Woideck                                             Mimi Haddon
    6 x 9. 308pp. 8 photographs, 99 figures.                 6 x 9. 240pp. 15 illustrations.

    Paper Aug 2020 * 9780472037896 *                         Hardcover Feb 2020 * 9780472131822
    $29.95                                                   * $70.00
    Ebook Aug 2020 * 9780472127221                           Ebook Feb 2020 * 9780472126552
    Series: MAMS

    Everybody In, Nobody Out                                 Jazz from Detroit
    Inspiring Community at                                   Mark Stryker
    Michigan’s University                                    Certificate of Merit recipient for the
    Musical Society                                          2020 ARSC Awards for Excellence, Best
                                                             Historical Research in Recorded Jazz
    Ken Fischer                                              category
    with Robin Lea Pyle                                      6 x 9. 358pp. 35 halftones.
    6 x 9. 216pp. 40 photographs.                            Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074266 * $39.95
    Hardcover Aug 2020 * 9780472132027                       Ebook 2019 * 9780472125913
    * $29.95
    Ebook Aug 2020 * 9780472127030

    In and Out of Phase                                      Sounds of the Underground
    An Episodic History of Art and                           A Cultural, Political and Aesthetic
    Music in the 1960s                                       Mapping of Underground and
    Michael Maizels                                          Fringe Music
    6 x 9. 172pp. 8 illustrations.                           Stephen Graham
    Hardcover June 2020 * 9780472131938                      6 x 9. 304pp. 7 halftones, 3 figures,
    * $70.00                                                 4 tables.
    Series: TP                                               Hardcover 2016 * 9780472119752 * $50.00
                                                               Open Access Mar 2020 *
                                                             Series: TP

6                 University of Michigan Press •
      Announcing Studies in Dance: Theories and Practices
The University of Michigan Press is the new publisher of the book series Studies in Dance:
Theories and Practices (formerly Studies in Dance History), established in 1988. The series
aims to further the goals of the Dance Studies Association by making widely available the
extraordinarily rich and diverse scholarship that takes dance as its subject. Ranging from
new methods of historical inquiry to multiple theoretical perspectives, volumes in the
series answer a growing demand for works that provide fresh analytical perspectives on
dancing, dancers, and dances in a global context. Each volume in the series is accessible to
specialist and layperson alike, providing a valuable resource for scholars and a pleasurable
education for the general reader.

Series Editorial Board: Clare Croft (Editor & chair), SanSan Kwan (Associate Editor),
Aimee Meredith Cox, Einav Katan-Schmid, Cristina Rosa, Eike Wittrock, Ojeya Cruz Banks,
Ruby MacDougall (Editorial Assistant)

The Body in Crisis
New Pathways and Short Circuits in Representation
Christine Greiner
Foreword by Cristina Fernandes Rosa
Translated by Christopher Larkosh and Grace Holleran

A major theoretical work by Brazilian dance scholar Christine
Greiner explores the political relevance of bodily arts in the
age of neoliberal globalization
6 x 9. 144pp.

Hardcover Sept 2021           Paper Sept 2021         Ebook Sept 2021
978-0-472-13245-4             978-0-472-03866-4       978-0-472-12870-9
$70.00 U.S.                   $29.95 U.S.             Series: SID

Corporeal Politics
Dancing East Asia
Katherine Mezur and Emily Wilcox, Editors

Investigates the development of dance as a complex cultural
practice and the role of dance as a medium of transcultural
interaction and communication across borders
6 x 9. 372pp. 32 illustrations.

Hardcover Sept 2020           Paper Sept 2020         Ebook Sept 2020
978-0-472-07455-6             978-0-472-05455-8       978-0-472-12694-1
$80.00 U.S.                   $39.95 U.S.             Series: SID

                                  University of Michigan Press •          7
    Democracy Moving
    Bill T. Jones, Contemporary American Performance,
    and the Racial Past
    Ariel Nereson
    Explores the potential of movement to create and revise historical
    narratives of race and nation
    6 x 9. 288pp. 23 illustrations.
    Hardcover Jan 2022            Paper Jan 2022             Ebook Jan 2022
    978-0-472-07512-6             978-0-472-05512-8          978-0-472-12964-5
    $85.00 U.S.                   $39.95 U.S.                Series: TTTP

    Marking Modern Movement
    Dance and Gender in the Visual Imagery of the Weimar Republic
    Susan Funkenstein
    The dynamics between gender and body in Weimar Germany
    explored through images and case studies
    6 x 9. 342pp. 49 B&W images, 28 color images, 1 table.

    Hardcover Sept 2020           Paper Sept 2020            Ebook Sept 2020
    978-0-472-07461-7             978-0-472-05461-9          978-0-472-12708-5
    $85.00 U.S.                   $39.95 U.S.                Series: SHPCPG

    The Bodies of Others
    Drag Dances and Their Afterlives
    Selby Wynn Schwartz
    The first book-length exploration of drag dance in the U.S.
    Winner of the 2020 ASTR Sally Banes Publication Prize
    Finalist for the 2019 TLA George Freedley Memorial Award

    6 x 9. 300pp. 22 photographs.
    Hardcover 2019                Paper 2019                 Ebook 2019
    978-0-472-07409-9             978-0-472-05409-1          978-0-472-12502-9
    $80.00 U.S.                   $34.95 U.S.                Series: TRI

    Latin Numbers
    Playing Latino in Twentieth-Century U.S. Popular Performance
    Brian Eugenio Herrera
    From the conga line to West Side Story to Ricky Martin, how popular
    performance prompted American audiences to view Latinos as a
    distinct (and distinctly non-white) ethnic group
    6 x 9. 288pp. 20 photographs.
    Hardcover 2015                Paper 2015                 Ebook 2015
    978-0-472-07264-4             978-0-472-05264-6          978-0-472-12106-9
    $85.00 U.S.                   $32.95 U.S.

8   University of Michigan Press •

    “As the first book dedicated ex-
    clusively to vids, Vidding makes a
    valuable contribution to scholarship
    on fandom, media, and audiences
    and an especially significant feminist
    intervention in scholarly definitions
    of and conversations about remix.”
    — Tisha Turk, Grinnell College

A History
Francesca Coppa

Vidding is a well-established remix practice where fans edit an existing film, music video,
TV show, or other performance and set it to music of their choosing. Vids emerged forty
years ago as a complicated technological feat involving capturing footage from TV with a
VCR and syncing with music—and their makers and consumers were almost exclusively
women, many of them queer women. The technological challenges of doing this kind of
work in the 1970s and 80s when vidding began gave rise to a rich culture of collective work,
as well as conventions of creators who gathered to share new work and new techniques.
While the rise of personal digital technology eventually democratized the tools vidders
use, the collective aspect of the culture grew even stronger with the advent of YouTube,
Vimeo, and other channels for sharing work.

Vidding: A History emphasizes vidding as a critical, feminist form of fan practice. Working
outward from interviews, VHS liner notes, convention programs, and mailing list archives,
Coppa offers a rich history of vidding communities as they evolved from the 1970s through
to the present. Built with the classroom in mind, the open-access electronic version of
this book includes over one-hundred vids and an appendix that includes additional close
readings of vids.
Francesca Coppa is Professor of English and Film Studies at Muhlenberg College. She is also a founding member of
the Organization for Transformative Works and an architect of the Archive of Our Own.

6 x 9. 272pp. 22 illustrations, 22 online-only illustrations, 135 videos.
Paper Feb 2022                 Open Access Feb 2022
978-0-472-03852-7             978-0-472-90259-0
$29.95 U.S.

                                  University of Michigan Press •                                   9
           Saving New Sounds
           Podcast Preservation and Historiography
           Jeremy Wade Morris and Eric Hoyt, Editors

           “Saving New Sounds presents a rich array of scholarly analyses
           and displays a welcome historical consciousness—both in
           acknowledging podcasting’s decades-old existence, and in
           foregrounding questions of whose sounds are saved to ensure
           that its past and present remain accessible and legible to future
           generations. Addressing issues of podcasting technology,
           industry, aesthetics, and preservation, its contributors offer
           valuable insights on this ubiquitous but understudied area of
           our contemporary audio culture.”
           —Shawn VanCour, UCLA
           Jeremy Wade Morris is Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at
           the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
           Eric Hoyt is the Kahl Family Professor of Media Production at the University
           of Wisconsin-Madison.

           6 x 9. 286pp.18 illustrations, 3 tables.
           Paper July 2021                Open Access July 2021
           978-0-472-05447-3             978-0-472-90124-1
           $29.95 U.S.

           Media Reform and the Climate Emergency
           Rethinking Communication in the Struggle for a
           Sustainable Future
           David J. Park

           Award-winning author David J. Park argues that the
           battle against global warming is also a fight for media
           reform. He critically examines how advertising, the
           digital infrastructure, and journalism advance the climate
           emergency and lays out a path of reform to help create a
           more sustainable world. Bound to foster conversations
           among scholars, activists, politicians, and those who work
           in the communication industries, this book rethinks mass
           communication and highlights how immediate reform is
           needed in the struggle for a sustainable planet.
           David J. Park is Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at
           Florida International University.

           6 x 9. 304pp. 1 chart.

           Hardcover Sept 2021           Ebook Sept 2021
           978-0-472-13271-3             978-0-472-12933-1
           $75.00 U.S.

10   University of Michigan Press •
Lightning Birds
An Aeroecology of the Airwaves
Jacob Smith
A podcast-style work of interdisciplinary scholarship at the cross-
roads of radio history, ornithology, sound studies, and ecocriticism
 Open Access Feb 2021

Televising Chineseness
Gender, Nation, and Subjectivity
Geng Song
Offers new understandings of gender construction and nation-build-
ing through the lens of recent Chinese television programs
6 x 9. 240pp. 24 illustrations.

Hardcover May 2022            Paper May 2022          Ebook May 2022
978-0-472-07529-4             978-0-472-05529-6       978-0-472-22004-5
$75.00 U.S.                   $29.95 U.S.             Series: CUT

A Braided Heart
Essays on Writing and Form
Brenda Miller
An accessible and personable guide to writing creative nonfiction
6 x 9. 148pp.

Hardcover July 2021           Paper July 2021         Ebook July 2021
978-0-472-07492-1             978-0-472-05492-3       978-0-472-12910-2
$49.95 U.S.                   $24.95 U.S.             Series: WOW

Mortal Kombat
Games of Death
David Church
An introduction to one of the world’s most iconic fighting games
6 x 9. 160pp. 19 illustrations.

Hardcover Feb 2022            Paper Feb 2022           Open Access Feb 2022
978-0-472-07522-5             978-0-472-05522-7       978-0-472-90262-0
$75.00 U.S.                   $29.95 U.S.             Series: LVG

                                  University of Michigan Press •   11
     Regimes of Desire
     Young Gay Men, Media, and Masculinity in Tokyo
     Thomas Baudinette
     Explores the limitations of sexual expression in Tokyo’s “safe” night-
     life district and in Japanese media
     6 x 9. 256pp. 8 illustrations, 9 tables.

     Hardcover Nov 2021             Paper Nov 2021      Ebook Nov 2021
     978-0-472-13264-5              978-0-472-03861-9   978-0-472-12918-8
     $75.00 U.S.                    $29.95 U.S.         Series: MMSJS

     Informing a Nation
     The Newspaper Presidency of Thomas Jefferson
     Mel Laracey
     How a dynamic, controversially elected president used the media to
     promote his image and policies
     6 x 9. 256pp.

     Hardcover Feb 2021             Ebook Feb 2021
     978-0-472-13234-8              978-0-472-12855-6
     $75.00 U.S.

     That Could Be Us
     News Media, Politics, and the Necessary Conditions for Disaster
     Risk Reduction
     Thomas Jamieson and Douglas A. Van Belle
     The media’s role in using disaster relief reduction for political gain
     6 x 9. 232pp. 11 illustrations, 16 tables.

     Hardcover Mar 2021             Ebook Mar 2021
     978-0-472-13299-7              978-0-472-12995-9
     $65.00 U.S.

     The Future of Digital Surveillance
     Why Digital Monitoring Will Never Lose Its Appeal in a World of
     Algorithm-Driven AI
     Yong Jin Park
     We are willing participants in our own surveillance
     6 x 9. 188pp. 13 tables, 21 figures.

     Hardcover May 2021             Paper May 2021      Ebook May 2021
     978-0-472-07484-6              978-0-472-05484-8   978-0-472-12882-2
     $65.00 U.S.                    $24.95 U.S.

12   University of Michigan Press •

Beyond the Makerspace                      100 Years of New Media                     Video Scholarship and
Making and Relational Rhetorics            Pedagogy                                   Screen Composing
Ann Shivers-McNair                         Jason Palmeri and                          Daniel Anderson
                                           Ben McCorkle
How the boundaries of making                                                          Recasts expectations for schol-
shape and are shaped by bodies,            For English teachers, new media            arship and explores emerging
technologies, traditions, materi-          isn’t all that new: how technol-           methods of composing in the
als, things, and spaces                    ogy has been integrated in the             media-rich, networked spaces of
6 x 9. 158pp. 8 illustrations.             classroom                                  digital screens
Paper June 2021 * 9780472054855 *          14 videos, 49 images, 40 gifs, 16          25 figures, 12 videos.
$19.95                                     interactive data visualizations, 2 audio    OA Apr 2021 * 9780472999026
  OA June 2021 * 9780472902415             files.                                     Series: SDRC
Series: SDRC                                OA May 2021 * 9780472999040
                                           Series: SDRC

Writing Workflows                          a tumblr book                              Sound Streams
Beyond Word Processing                     platform and cultures                      A Cultural History of Radio-
Tim Lockridge and                          Allison McCracken, Alexander               Internet Convergence
Derek Van Ittersum                         Cho, Louisa Stein, Indira Neill            Andrew J. Bottomley
                                           Hoch, Editors
A study of how writing tools and                                                      Traces the history of radio-inter-
the writing process shape                  Indispensable guide to the social          net convergence from 1993 to
each other                                 media platform that shaped a               the present
53 illustrations, 12 videos.               generation’s politics and culture          6 x 9. 338pp.

 OA Dec 2020 * 9780472127269               6 x 9. 404 pp. 96 halftones, 4 tables.     Hardcover June 2020 * 9780472074495
Series: SDRC                                                                          * $90.00
                                           Hardcover Nov 2020 * 9780472074563
                                                                                      Paper June 2020 * 9780472054497 *
                                           * $60.00
                                           Paper Nov 2020 * 9780472054565 *
                                                                                      Ebook June 2020 * 9780472126774
                                             OA Nov 2020 * 9780472901296

                                    University of Michigan Press •                                      13

Anti-Heimat Cinema                       Brushed in Light                          Indian Sound Cultures,
The Jewish Invention of the              Calligraphy in East Asian Cinema          Indian Sound Citizenship
German Landscape                         Abé Markus Nornes                         Laura Brueck, Jacob Smith,
Ofer Ashkenazi                                                                     and Neil Verma, Editors
                                         The brushed word in films and
Jewish filmmakers inspire New            film cultures of Korea, Japan,            Explores cultures of sound in
German Cinema within the dis-            Taiwan, Hong Kong, and PRC                India to demonstrate how sound
cursive landscape of the German          8.5 x 9. 174pp. 139 illustrations.        is tied to issues of citizenship,
“Heimat”                                 Hardcover Feb 2021 * 9780472132553        identity and belonging
                                         * $45.00
6 x 9. 314pp. 22 illustrations.                                                    6 x 9. 338pp. 5 illustrations, 4 musical
                                           OA Feb 2021 * 9780472902439
                                                                                   examples, 2 tables.
Hardcover Sept 2020 * 9780472132010
* $80.00                                                                           Hardcover Apr 2020 * 9780472074341
Ebook Sept 2020 * 9780472126910                                                    * $90.00
Series: SHPCPG                                                                     Paper Apr 2020 * 9780472054343 * $44.95
                                                                                   Ebook Apr 2020 * 9780472126231

Rediscovering Korean                     Transgenerational Media                   Imagining Politics
Cinema                                   Industries                                Interpretations in Political
Sangjoon Lee, Editor                     Adults, Children, and the                 Science and Political Television
                                         Reproduction of Culture                   Stephen Benedict Dyson
The first comprehensive volume
examining the state, stakes,             Derek Johnson                             Narratives on television reveal
and future direction of Korean           Media production and consump-             the secret underbelly of politics
cinema studies                           tion transform the boundar-               and political science
A 2020 CHOICE Outstanding Academic       ies between adulthood and                 6 x 9. 162pp. 1 table.
                                         childhood                                 Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074242 * $75.00
6 x 9. 612pp. 69 halftones.
                                         6 x 9. 260pp. 8 halftones.                Paper 2019 * 9780472054244 * $24.95
Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074297 *                                                   Ebook 2019 * 9780472125883
$90.00                                   Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074310 * $80.00
Paper 2019 * 9780472054299 * $44.95      Paper 2019 * 9780472054312 * $34.95
Ebook 2019 * 9780472126095               Ebook 2019 * 9780472126132
Series: PCK

14                                University of Michigan Press •
Sampling and Remixing Blackness in Hip-Hop
Theater and Performance
Nicole Hodges Persley
In a cultural moment where racial identity is performed
through Hip-Hop culture’s resistance to the status quo and
complicity in maintaining it, Hodges Persley asks us to
consider who has the right to claim Hip-Hop’s blackness
when blackness itself is a complicated mixtape that offers
both consent and resistance to transgressive and inspiring
acts of performance.
“Hodges Persley’s passion for Hip Hop as a cultural
aesthetic and methodology is second only to the fascinating
case studies she analyzes. Like no other scholar before her,
her multimodal engagement of Hip Hop pushes the field of
theater studies and race to new heights.”
­—E. Patrick Johnson, Northwestern University
Nicole Hodges Persley is Associate Professor of American Studies and Afri-
can & African American Studies at The University of Kansas.
6 x 9. 296pp. 16 illustrations.
Hardcover Oct 2021            Paper Oct 2021             Ebook Oct 2021
978-0-472-07511-9             978-0-472-05511-1          978-0-472-12961-4
$80.00 U.S.                   $34.95 U.S.

Working Backstage
A Cultural History and Ethnography of
=Technical Theater Labor
Christin Essin
Illuminating the history of this typically hidden workforce,
the book provides uncommon insights into the business of
Broadway and its backstage working relationships among
cast and crew members.
“Working Backstage is groundbreaking, fresh, and
incisive . . . the depth, breadth, and richness of the
ethnographic research underpinning the book’s arguments
is extraordinary. The author’s personal connection to the
profession, her self-awareness and introspection about
women’s and men’s technical work in theater add value and
richness to the text.”
—Timothy White, New Jersey City University
Christin Essin is Associate Professor of Theatre History at
Vanderbilt University.
6 x 9. 288pp. 13 illustrations, 1 table.
Hardcover Sept 2021           Paper Sept 2021            Ebook Sept 2021
978-0-472-07496-9             978-0-472-05496-1          978-0-472-12926-3
$80.00 U.S.                   $34.95 U.S.

                                   University of Michigan Press •   15
               The Lines Between the Lines
               How Stage Directions Affect Embodiment
               Bess Rowen

               This book focuses on how playwrights have written stage
               directions that engage readers, production team members,
               and scholars in a process of embodied creation in order to
               determine meaning. The tools provided in this book are
               as useful for the theater scholar as they are for the theater
               audience member, casting director, and actor.

               “Engages an incredibly rich and under-explored topic, and
               extends the existing literature on the subject in significant
               and meaningful ways. The book is chock full of really
               outstanding case studies and close readings... It will be a
               go-to text for writing about dramatic secondary text.”
               —Ryan Claycomb, Colorado State University
               Bess Rowen is Visiting Assistant Professor of Theatre at Villanova University.

               6 x 9. 272pp. 1 illustration.

               Hardcover Oct 2021              Paper Oct 2021           Ebook Oct 2021
               978-0-472-07436-5               978-0-472-05436-7        978-0-472-12633-0
               $80.00 U.S.                     $34.95 U.S.

               Moving Islands
               Contemporary Performance and the Global Pacific
               Diana Looser

               “A rare model of rigorous, original and highly accomplished
               scholarship. The book’s canvass is vast, in the number and
               variety of artistic works examined, in historical depth and,
               above all, in geographical reach. Looser has managed to
               extend our understanding of postcolonial and intercultural
               performance and at the same time shift current paradigms
               in how comparative, interdisciplinary analyses of embodied
               arts praxis might be executed across different scales.”
               —Helen Gilbert, Royal Holloway, University of London
               Diana Looser is Assistant Professor of Theater and Performance Studies
               at Stanford University. Her previous book, Remaking Pacific Pasts: History,
               Memory, and Identity in Contemporary Theater from Oceania, received the
               Rob Jordan Prize from the Australasian Association for Theatre, Drama, and
               Performance Studies.

               6 x 9. 368pp. 31 illustrations.

               Hardcover Sept 2021             Ebook Sept 2021
               978-0-472-13238-6               978-0-472-12860-0
               $80.00 U.S.                     Series: TTTP

16       University of Michigan Press •
African Performance Arts and Political Acts
Naomi André, Yolanda Covington-Ward, and
Jendele Hungbo, Editors

Explores how performance arts, whether staged or in daily
life, regularly interface with political action across the
African continent
“These essays are each one engaging and enlightening
about some aspect of the performing arts in Africa. The
volume covers a wide range of the arts from speaking to
opera with a focus on specific performances including
songs of protest, the dynamics of radio messages, solo
presentations on contemporary issues and more.”
—Beverly J. Stoeltje, Indiana University
Naomi André is Professor in the Department of Afroamerican and African
Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, and the Residential College at the
University of Michigan. Yolanda Covington-Ward is Associate Professor and
Department Chair in the Department of Africana Studies at the University of
Pittsburgh. Jendele Hungbo is Associate Professor and Head of the Depart-
ment of Mass Communication at Bowen University, Iwo, Nigeria.
6 x 9. 280pp. 4 illustrations, 13 tables.
Hardcover Oct 2021            Paper Oct 2021            Ebook Oct 2021
978-0-472-07482-2             978-0-472-05482-4         978-0-472-12875-4
$75.00 U.S.                   $27.95 U.S.               Series: AP

Being Human during COVID
Kristin Ann Hass, Editor

Being Human During COVID documents the first year of
the pandemic in real time, bringing together humanities
scholars from the University of Michigan to address what
it feels like to be human during the COVID-19 crisis. Over
the course of the pandemic, the questions that occupy the
humanities have become shared life-or-death questions
about how human societies work and how culture
determines our collective fate. The contributors in this
collection draw on scholarly expertise and lived experience
to try to make sense of the unfamiliar present in works that
range from traditional scholarly essays, to personal essays,
to visual art projects. The resulting book is shot-through
with fear and dread and frustration and prejudice, and, on a
few occasions, with a thrilling sense of hope.
Kristin Ann Hass is Associate Professor of American Culture at the University
of Michigan.
6 x 9. 408pp. 87 illustrations, 8 videos.
Paper Nov 2021                 Open Access Nov 2021
978-0-472-03878-7             978-0-472-90250-7
$29.95 U.S.

                                   University of Michigan Press •   17
         Selected Plays of Stan Lai
         Volume One: Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land and Other Plays
         Volume Two: The Village and Other Plays
         Volume Three: A Dream Like a Dream and Ago
         Stan Lai
         Edited by Lissa Tyler Renaud

         Stan Lai (Lai Shengchuan) is one of the most celebrated theatre prac-
         titioners working in the Chinese-speaking world. His work over three
         decades has pioneered the course of modern Chinese language theatre in
         Taiwan, China, and other Chinese-speaking regions. He has been declared
         “the preeminent Chinese playwright and stage director of this generation”
         (China Daily) and “the best Chinese language playwright and director in
         the world” (BBC). These volumes feature works from across Lai’s career,
         providing an exceptional selection of a diverse range of performances.
         Volume One contains:
         Secret Love in Peach Blossom Land
         Look Who’s Crosstalking Tonight
         The Island and the Other Shore
         I Me She Him
         Ménage à 13
         Volume Two contains:
         Millennium Teahouse
         Sand on a Distant Star
         Like Shadows
         The Village
         Writing in Water
         Volume Three contains:
         A Dream Like a Dream
         Lissa Tyler Renaud (M.A. Directing, Ph.D. Theatre History/Criticism, U.C. Berkeley,
         1987) is known internationally as a master teacher, actor-scholar, invited speaker,
         writer, critic, and 2nd generation editor.

         Volume One: 6 x 9. 488pp. 6 illustrations.
         Hardcover Nov 2021           Paper Nov 2021             Ebook Nov 2021
         978-0-472-07507-2            978-0-472-05507-4          978-0-472-12955-3
         $95.00 U.S.                  $49.95 U.S.

         Volume Two: 6 x 9. 488pp. 5 illustrations.
         Hardcover Nov 2021           Paper Nov 2021             Ebook Nov 2021
         978-0-472-07508-9            978-0-472-05508-1          978-0-472-12956-0
         $95.00 U.S.                  $49.95 U.S.

         Volume Three: 6 x 9. 416pp. 4 illustrations.
         Hardcover Nov 2021          Paper Nov 2021              Ebook Nov 2021
         978-0-472-07509-6           978-0-472-05509-8           978-0-472-12957-7
         $95.00 U.S.                 $49.95 U.S.

         3-Volume Set: 6 x 9.
         Hardcover Nov 2021             Paper Nov 2021
         978-0-472-17500-0              978-0-472-15500-2
         $250.00 U.S.                   $125.00 U.S.

18       University of Michigan Press •
The Global White Snake
Liang Luo
Tracing the history and adaptation of one of China’s
foundational texts
6 x 9. 402pp. 57 color illustrations.

Hardcover Aug 2021               Paper Aug 2021         Ebook Aug 2021
978-0-472-13261-4                978-0-472-03860-2      978-0-472-12915-7
$85.00 U.S.                      $39.95 U.S.            Series: CUT

Transforming Tradition
The Reform of Chinese Theater in the 1950s and Early 1960s
Siyuan Liu
Explores the history and lingering effects of governmental reform of
Chinese theater, post-1949
6 x 9. 472pp. 43 illustrations.

Hardcover July 2021              Ebook July 2021
978-0-472-13247-8                978-0-472-12872-3
$85.00 U.S.

Theater as Data
Computational Journeys into Theater Research
Miguel Escobar Varela
Demonstrates how quantitative digital tools for theater researchers
can provide fresh insights
6 x 9. 230pp. 21 illustrations, 7 tables.

Hardcover Aug 2021               Paper Aug 2021          Open Access Aug 2021
978-0-472-07479-2                978-0-472-05479-4      978-0-472-12863-1
$75.00 U.S.                      $29.95 U.S.

Feeling the Future at Christian End-Time Performances
Jill Stevenson
How Christian depictions of the End allow spectators to experience—
and feel—their place within the future history of humankind
6 x 9. 256pp. 7 illustrations.

Hardcover Feb 2022               Ebook Feb 2022
978-0-472-13285-0                978-0-472-12970-6
$75.00 U.S.

                                    University of Michigan Press •   19
         Open Wounds
         Holocaust Theater and the Legacy of George Tabori
         Edited by Martin Kagel and David Z. Saltz
         Explores the irreverent theater of George Tabori and its enduring
         legacy within Holocaust theater
         6 x 9. 224pp. 4 illustrations.

         Hardcover Feb 2022               Ebook Feb 2022
         978-0-472-13284-3                978-0-472-12966-9
         $85.00 U.S.

         Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Plays by Women
         The Early Twenty-First Century
         Penny Farfan and Lesley Ferris, Editors
         Explores how women playwrights illuminate the contemporary world
         and contribute to its reshaping
         6 x 9. 326pp.

         Hardcover July 2021              Paper July 2021         Ebook July 2021
         978-0-472-07435-8                978-0-472-05435-0       978-0-472-12632-3
         $90.00 U.S.                      $34.95 U.S.

         Diaphanous Bodies
         Ability, Disability, and Modernist Irish Literature
         Jeremy Colangelo
         Analyzing the invisible abled body through the work of Beckett,
         Joyce, Egerton, and Bowen
         6 x 9. 232pp. 1 illustration.

         Hardcover Nov 2021               Ebook Nov 2021
         978-0-472-13279-9                978-0-472-12951-5
         $70.00 U.S.

         Sex, Identity, Aesthetics
         The Work of Tobin Siebers and Disability Studies
         Jina B. Kim, Joshua Kupetz, Crystal Yin Lie, Cynthia Wu, Editors
         How Tobin Siebers’ foundational work in disability studies resonates
         in the field today
         6 x 9. 192pp.

         Paper Oct 2021                    Open Access Oct 2021
         978-0-472-03849-7                978-0-472-90247-7
         $19.95 U.S.

20       University of Michigan Press •
Prismatic Performances
Queer South Africa and the Fragmentation of the
Rainbow Nation
April Sizemore-Barber
Exploring the contradictions of post-Apartheid South Africa
through performance
6 x 9. 194pp. 12 illustrations.
Hardcover Sept 2020           Paper Oct 2021          Ebook Sept 2020
978-0-472-13205-8             978-0-472-03879-4       978-0-472-12698-9
$75.00 U.S.                   $34.95 U.S.             Series: TRI

Accenting Gay Indian Nightlife
Kareem Khubchandani
Gay nightlife as sociopolitical performance
Winner of the 2021 ATHE Outstanding Book Award

6 x 9. 286pp.

Hardcover July 2020           Paper July 2020         Ebook July 2020
978-0-472-07421-1             978-0-472-05421-3       978-0-472-12581-4
$80.00 U.S.                   $34.95 U.S.             Series: TRI

Queer Nightlife
Kemi Adeyemi, Kareem Khubchandani, and
Ramón Rivera-Servera, Editors
Evocative essays and interviews that celebrate the expressive
possibilities of a world after dark
6 x 9. 306pp. 21 illustrations.

Hardcover May 2021            Paper May 2021          Ebook May 2021
978-0-472-07478-5             978-0-472-05478-7       978-0-472-12858-7
$95.00 U.S.                   $39.95 U.S.             Series: TRI

The Politics of Puerto Rican Drag and Trans Performance
Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes
Argues for the political potential of drag and trans performance in
Puerto Rico and its diaspora
6 x 9. 350pp. 21 illustrations.

Hardcover Apr 2021            Paper Apr 2021          Ebook Apr 2021
978-0-472-07427-3             978-0-472-05427-5       978-0-472-12607-1
$75.00 U.S.                   $29.95 U.S.             Series: TRI

                                  University of Michigan Press •   21

Rethinking Chinese Socialist                       Beholding Disability in              Performance and the
Theaters of Reform                                 Renaissance England                  Afterlives of Injustice
Performance Practice and Debate                    Allison P. Hobgood                   Catherine M. Cole
in the Mao Era
                                                   How disability and ableism took      Dance and live art in
Xiaomei Chen, Tarryn Li-Min                        shape in Renaissance England,        contemporary South Africa
Chun, and Siyuan Liu, Editors                      including in Shakespeare’s work      and beyond
Diverse perspectives on the                        6 x 9. 282pp. 3 illustrations.       6 x 9. 304pp. 18 illustrations.
effort to reform modern Chinese                    Hardcover Mar 2021 * 9780472132362   Hardcover Sept 2020 * 9780472074587
theater according to socialist                     * $70.00                             * $85.00
                                                   Ebook Mar 2021 * 9780472128570       Paper Sept 2020 * 9780472054589 *
cultural policies
                                                   Series: CORP                         $39.95
6 x 9. 320pp. 15 illustrations, 4 tables.                                               Ebook Sept 2020 * 9780472127016
Hardcover Mar 2021 * 9780472074754                                                      Series: TTTP
* $80.00
Ebook Mar 2021 * 9780472128518

Performance in the Zócalo                          Nuyorican Feminist                   Ghostly Fragments
Constructing History, Race,                        Performance                          Essays on Shakespeare and
and Identity in Mexico’s Central                   From the Café to Hip Hop Theater     Performance
Square from the Colonial Era to                    Patricia Herrera                     Barbara C. Hodgdon
the Present                                        Recovers and celebrates the
                                                                                        Collects the keenly intelligent,
Ana Martínez                                       contributions of women artists
                                                   to the history of this iconic        witty essays of this revered
Whoever dominates the center,                      performance venue                    scholar of Shakespeare and
dominates the country                              2021 ATHE Outstanding Book Award
                                                                                        performance studies
                                                   Honorable Mention                    6 x 9. 332pp. 29 illustrations.
6 x 9. 232pp. 13 illustrations.
                                                   6 x 9. 246pp. 21 illustrations.      Hardcover Feb 2021 * 9780472132294 *
Hardcover Oct 2020 * 9780472132096                 Hardcover May 2020 * 9780472074488
* $75.00                                                                                $85.00
                                                   * $85.00
Ebook Oct 2020 * 9780472127061                                                          Ebook Feb 2021 * 9780472128365
                                                   Paper May 2020 * 9780472054480 *
                                                   Ebook May 2020 * 9780472126767

22                                          University of Michigan Press •
Performing Flight                                             Aristophanes’ Clouds
From the Barnstormers to                                      A Commentary
Space Tourism                                                 S. Douglas Olson
Scott Magelssen                                               6 x 9. 274pp.
6 x 9. 204pp. 12 illustrations.                               Hardcover Mar 2021 * 9780472074778
Hardcover July 2020 * 9780472074532                           $75.00
* $75.00                                                      Paper Mar 2021 * 9780472054770 * $29.95
Paper July 2020 * 9780472054534 *                             Series: MCC
Ebook July 2020 * 9780472126859

Scenes from Bourgeois Life                                    Shakespeare and the Legacy
Nicholas Ridout                                               of Loss
6 x 9. 224pp.                                                 Emily Hodgson Anderson
Hardcover June 2020 * 9780472132003                           6 x 9. 248pp. 26 illustrations.
* $70.00 U.S.                                                 Hardcover 2018 * 9780472130931 * $50.00
Ebook June 2020 * 9780472126880                                OA Mar 2020 * 9780472902361
Series: TTTP

Performance Constellations                                    Beyond Text
Networks of Protest and Activism                              Theater and Performance in Print
in Latin America                                              After 1900
Marcela A. Fuentes                                            Jennifer Buckley
A 2020 CHOICE Outstanding Academic                            7 x 10. 292pp. 34 illustrations.
Title                                                         Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074259 *
6 x 9. 178pp. 11 illustrations.                               $75.00
                                                              Ebook 2019 * 9780472125890
Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074228 *
Paper 2019 * 9780472054220 * $24.95
Ebook 2019 * 9780472125838
Series: TTTP

Acts of Poetry                                                Provocative Eloquence
American Poets’ Theater and the                               Theater, Violence, and
Politics of Performance                                       Antislavery Speech in the
Heidi R. Bean                                                 Antebellum United States
6 x 9. 270pp. 8 illustrations.                                Laura L. Mielke
Hardcover 2019* 9780472131419 * $75.00                        Finalist for the 2019 TLA George Freed-
Ebook 2019 * 9780472125326                                    ley Memorial Award

                                                              6 x 9. 296pp. 11 illustrations.

                                                              Hardcover 2019 * 9780472131051 * $75.00
                                                              Ebook 2019 * 9780472124374

                                      University of Michigan Press •                    23
      Resisting Spirits                                        Uncrossing the Borders
      Drama Reform and Cultural                                Performing Chinese in Gendered
      Transformation in the People’s                           (Trans)Nationalism
      Republic of China                                        Daphne P. Lei
      Maggie Greene                                            Finalist for the 2019 TLA George Freed-
      6 x 9. 260pp. 11 halftones, 3 tables.                    ley Memorial Award

      Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074303 * $70.00                  6 x 9. 350pp. 15 illustrations.
      Paper 2019 * 9780472054305 * $24.95
                                                               Hardcover 2019 * 9780472131372 * $85.00
      Ebook 2019 * 9780472126101
                                                               Ebook 2019 * 9780472125234
      Series: CUT

      Spectral Characters                                      Everyone’s Theater
      Genre and Materiality on the                             Literature and Daily Life in
      Modern Stage                                             England, 1860–1914
      Sarah Balkin                                             Michael Meeuwis
      6 x 9. 198pp. 5 illustrations.                           6 x 9. 226pp. 3 illustrations, 2 tables.

      Hardcover 2019 * 9780472131488 * $65.00                  Hardcover 2019 * 9780472131471 * $70.00
      Ebook 2019 * 9780472125821                               Ebook 2019 * 9780472125791

      Performing Unification                                   Interchangeable Parts
      History and Nation in German                             Acting, Industry, and Technology
      Theater after 1989                                       in US Theater
      Matt Cornish                                             Victor Holtcamp
      6 x 9. 264pp. 15 illustrations.                          Finalist for the 2019 TLA George Freed-
                                                               ley Memorial Award
      Hardcover 2017 * 9780472130450 * $75.00
      Paper 2019 * 9780472037568 * $29.95                      6 x 9. 360pp. 8 illustrations.
      Ebook 2019 * 9780472123070
                                                               Hardcover 2018 * 9780472131464 * $85.00
                                                               Ebook 2018 * 9780472125760
                                                               Series: TTTP

      Reactivations                                            Contemporary Mormon
      Essays on Performance and                                Pageantry
      Its Documentation                                        Seeking After the Dead
      Philip Auslander                                         Megan Sanborn Jones
      5.25 x 8. 148pp. 19 photographs.                         6 x 9. 336pp. 10 illustrations.

      Hardcover 2018 * 9780472073856 * $65.00                  Hardcover 2018 * 9780472130979 * $80.00
      Paper 2018 * 9780472053858 * $24.95                      Ebook 2018 * 9780472124237
      Ebook 2018 * 9780472123964

24                  University of Michigan Press •
                      Learn More About Our Fulcrum Platform
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next generation digital publishing platform, Fulcrum. In addition to hosting our ebook
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what a book is and expand published scholarship beyond the book medium. To learn
more about the features available and explore our titles that make use of this cutting-edge
technology, visit You can also
explore the digital works below by clicking on the DOI links or covers.

Listening to the Lomax                                          Being Human during COVID
Archive                                                         Kristin Ann Hass, Editor
The Sonic Rhetorics of African                                  6 x 9. 408pp. 87 illustrations, 8 videos.
American Folksong                                               Paper Nov 2021 * 9780472038787 *
in the 1930s                                                    $29.95
                                                                  Open Access Nov 2021
Jonathan W. Stone
                                                                * 9780472902507
6 x 9. 240pp. 4 illustrations.                        
Paper Nov 2021 * 9780472038558 *
  Open Access Nov 2021 *

Vidding                                                         i used to love to dream
A History                                                       A.D. Carson
Francesca Coppa                                                 Winner of the 2021 Prose Award in
6 x 9. 272pp. 22 illustrations, 22 online-                      the Reference Works, Best eProduct
only illustrations, 135 videos.                                 category

Paper Feb 2022 * 9780472038527 *                                  Open Access July 2020 *
$29.95                                                          9780472999033
                                                                Series: TP
  Open Access Aug 2021 *

Music on the Move                                               Lightning Birds
Danielle Fosler-Lussier                                         An Aeroecology of the Airwaves
6 x 9. 322pp. 24 illustrations.                                 Jacob Smith
Hardcover June 2020 * 9780472074501                               Open Access Feb 2021 *
* $70.00 U.S.                                                   9780472999057
Paper June 2020 * 9780472054503 *                     
$24.95 U.S.
  Open Access June 2020 *

                                        University of Michigan Press •                      25
                                    A Player and a Gentleman                                Gaming the Stage
                                    The Diary of Harry Watkins,                             Playable Media and the Rise of
                                    Nineteenth-Century U.S.                                 English Commercial Theater
                                    American Actor                                          Gina Bloom
                                    Amy E. Hughes and                                       6 x 9. 304pp. 25 color illustrations.
                                    Naomi J. Stubbs, Editors                                Hardcover 2018 * 9780472073818 * $55.00
                                    Recipient of the NEH Fellowships Open                   Paper 2018 * 9780472053810 * $29.95
                                    Book Program grant                                        OA 2018 * 9780472901081
                                                                                            Series: TTTP
                                    6 x 9. 352pp. 13 maps, 6 illustrations.

                                    Hardcover 2018 * 9780472130917 * $80.00
                                     OA May 2021 * 9780472902613

                                    Alienation Effects                                      Good Vibrations
                                    Performance and Self-                                   Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys
                                    Management in Yugoslavia,                               in Critical Perspective
                                    1945-91                                                 Philip Lambert, Editor
                                    Branislav Jakovljević                                   6 x 9. 302pp. 6 halftones, 15 tables,
                                                                                            4 examples, 44 figures.
                                    6 x 9. 382pp. 30 B&W illustrations.
                                                                                            Hardcover 2016 * 9780472119950 * $55.00
                                    Hardcover 2016 * 9780472073146 *
                                                                                             OA Mar 2020 * 9780472902385
                                                                                            Series: TP
                                    Paper 2016 * 9780472053148 * $34.95
                                      OA 2016 * 9780472900589

                                    Animal Acts                                             The Jazz Republic
                                    Performing Species Today                                Music, Race, and American
                                    Una Chaudhuri and Holly                                 Culture in Weimar Germany
                                    Hughes, Editors                                         Jonathan O. Wipplinger
                                    6 x 9. 254pp. 17 B&W illustrations.                     6 x 9. 324pp. 16 B&W Illustrations.

                                    Hardcover 2014 * 9780472071999 *                        Hardcover 2017 * 9780472073405 *
                                    $65.00                                                  $55.00
                                    Paper 2014 * 9780472051991 * $29.95                     Paper 2017 * 9780472053407 * $29.95
                                      OA 2018 * 9780472901104                                 OA 2017 * 9780472900817
                                    Series: CP                                              Series: SHPCPG

                                    Just Vibrations                                         ESC
     the PURPOSE of SOUNDING GOOD   The Purpose of Sounding Good                            Sonic Adventure in the
                                    William Cheng                                           Anthropocene
                                    Foreword by Susan McClary                               Jacob Smith
                                    6 x 9. 180pp. 17 Images.                                  OA 2019 * 9780472999019

                                    Hardcover 2016 * 9780472073252 *
            WILLIAM CHENG           $40.00
       FOREWORD by SUSAN MCCLARY    Paper 2016 * 9780472053254 * $24.95
                                      OA 2016 * 9780472900565

26                                               University of Michigan Press •
The Global White Snake                                          Corporeal Politics
Liang Luo                                                       Dancing East Asia
6 x 9. 402pp. 57 color illustrations.                           Katherine Mezur and
Hardcover Aug 2021 * 9780472132614                              Emily Wilcox, Editors
* $85.00                                                        6 x 9. 372pp. 32 illustrations.
Paper Aug 2021 * 9780472038602 *
                                                                Hardcover Sept 2020 * 9780472074556
                                                                * $80.00
Ebook Aug 2021 * 9780472129157
                                                                Paper Sept 2020 * 9780472054558 *
Series: CUT
                                                                Ebook Sept 2020 * 9780472126941

Ishtyle                                                         Rethinking Chinese Socialist
Accenting Gay Indian Nightlife                                  Theaters of Reform
Kareem Khubchandani                                             Performance Practice and
Winner of the 2021 ATHE Outstanding                             Debate in the Mao Era
Book Award                                                      Xiaomei Chen,
6 x 9. 286pp.                                                   Tarryn Li-Min Chun, and
Hardcover July 2020 * 9780472074211                             Siyuan Liu, Editors
* $80.00                                                        6 x 9. 320pp. 15 illustrations, 4 tables.
Paper July 2020 * 9780472054213 *
$34.95			                                                       Hardcover Mar 2021 * 9780472074754
Ebook July 2020 * 9780472125814                                 * $80.00
Series: TRI                                                     Ebook Mar 2021 * 9780472128518

Transforming Tradition                                          Textures of Mourning
The Reform of Chinese Theater in                                Calligraphy, Mortality, and
the 1950s and Early 1960s                                       The Tale of Genji Scrolls
Siyuan Liu                                                      Reginald Jackson
6 x 9. 472pp. 43 illustrations.                                 7 x 10. 368pp. 70 Illustrations.

Hardcover July 2021 * 9780472132478                             Hardcover 2018 * 9780472130962 *
* $85.00                                                        $85.00
Ebook July 2021 * 9780472128723                                 Series: MMSJS

Resisting Spirits                                               Uncrossing the Borders
Drama Reform and Cultural                                       Performing Chinese in Gendered
Transformation in the People’s                                  (Trans)Nationalism
Republic of China                                               Daphne P. Lei
Maggie Greene                                                   Finalist for the 2019 TLA George Freed-
6 x 9. 260pp. 11 halftones, 3 tables.                           ley Memorial Award

Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074303 *                                6 x 9. 350pp. 15 illustrations.
$70.00                                                          Hardcover 2019 * 9780472131372 * $85.00
Paper 2019 * 9780472054305 * $24.95                             Ebook 2019 * 9780472125234
Ebook 2019 * 9780472126101
Series: CUT

                                        University of Michigan Press •                      27
      Brushed in Light                                        Regimes of Desire
      Calligraphy in East Asian Cinema                        Young Gay Men, Media, and
      Abé Markus Nornes                                       Masculinity in Tokyo
      8.5 x 9. 240pp. 130 illustrations.                      Thomas Baudinette
      Hardcover Feb 2021 * 9780472132553                      6 x 9. 256pp. 8 illustrations, 9 tables.
      * $45.00
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        OA Feb 2021 * 9780472902439                           * $75.00
                                                              Paper Nov 2021 * 9780472038619 *
                                                              Ebook Nov 2021 * 9780472129188
                                                              Series: MMSJS

      Indian Sound Cultures,                                  Televising Chineseness
      Indian Sound Citizenship                                Gender, Nation, and Subjectivity
      Laura Brueck, Jacob Smith,                              Geng Song
      and Neil Verma, Editors                                 6 x 9. 240pp. 24 illustrations.
      6 x 9. 338pp. 5 illustrations, 4 musical                Hardcover May 2022 * 9780472075294
      examples, 2 tables.                                     * $75.00
      Hardcover Apr 2020 * 9780472074341                      Paper May 2022 * 9780472055296 *
      * $90.00                                                $29.95
      Paper Apr 2020 * 9780472054343 *                        Ebook May 2022 * 9780472220045
      $44.95                                                  Series: CUT
      Ebook Apr 2020 * 9780472126231

      Rediscovering Korean                                    Early Film Culture in
      Cinema                                                  Hong Kong, Taiwan, and
      Sangjoon Lee, Editor                                    Republican China
      A 2020 CHOICE Outstanding Academic                      Kaleidoscopic Histories
      Title                                                   Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh, Editor
      6 x 9. 612pp. 69 halftones.                             6 x 9. 364pp. 10 figures, 13 tables.
      Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074297 *                        Hardcover 2018 * 9780472073726 *
      $90.00                                                  $55.00
      Paper 2019 * 9780472054299 * $44.95                     Paper 2018 * 9780472053728 * $29.95
      Ebook 2019 * 9780472126095                                Open Access 2018 * 9780472901029
      Series: PCK

      Transgression in Korea                                  Global Digital Cultures
      Beyond Resistance and Control                           Perspectives from South Asia
      Juhn Y. Ahn, Editor                                     Aswin Punathambekar and
      6 x 9. 264pp. 13 B&W photographs, 1                     Sriram Mohan, Editors
      map.                                                    6 x 9. 326pp. 6 illustrations, 3 tables.
      Hardcover 2018 * 9780472073771 * $75.00                 Hardcover 2019 * 9780472131402 * $55.00
      Paper 2018 * 9780472053773 * $29.95                      Open Access 2019 * 9780472901272
      Ebook 2018 * 9780472123605
      Series: PCK

28                 University of Michigan Press •
Performing Glam Rock                                          No Safe Spaces
Gender and Theatricality in                                   Re-casting Race, Ethnicity, and
Popular Music                                                 Nationality in American Theater
Philip Auslander                                              Angela C. Pao
6 x 9. 272pp. 7 photos, 1 table.                              6 x 9. 316pp. 12 B&W photos.
Hardcover 2006 * 9780472098682 *                              Hardcover 2010 *9780472071210 * $85.00
$80.00                                                        Paper 2010 * 9780472051212 * $33.95
Paper 2006 * 9780472068685 * $29.95                           Ebook * 9780472027972

I Want to Be Ready                                            Microdramas
Improvised Dance as a Practice                                Crucibles for Theater and Time
of Freedom                                                    John H. Muse
Danielle Goldman                                              6 x 9. 246pp. 11 illustrations.
6 x 9. 186pp. 9 B&W photographs.                              Hardcover 2017 * 9780472073634 *
Hardcover 2010 * 9780472070848 *
                                                              Paper 2017 * 9780472053636 * $29.95
                                                              Ebook 2017 * 9780472123148
Paper 2010 * 9780472050840 * $27.95
                                                              Series: TTTP
Ebook 2010 * 9780472026616

Charles Ludlam Lives!                                         Uncle Tom’s Cabins
Charles Busch, Bradford Louryk,                               The Transnational History of
Taylor Mac, and the Queer Legacy of                           America’s Most Mutable Book
the Ridiculous Theatrical Company                             Tracy C. Davis and
Sean F. Edgecomb                                              Stefka Mihaylova, Editors
6 x 9. 246pp. 7 illustrations.                                6 x 9. 414pp. 25 illustrations, 2 tables.

Hardcover 2017 * 9780472073559 *                              Hardcover 2018 * 9780472037087 * $90.00
$70.00                                                        Paper February 2020 * 9780472037766
Paper 2017 * 9780472053551 * $24.95                           * $34.95
Ebook 2017 * 9780472122950                                    Ebook 2018 * 9780472123568
Series: TRI

Butch Queens Up In Pumps                                      Embodying Black Experience
Gender, Performance, and                                      Stillness, Critical Memory, and
Ballroom Culture in Detroit                                   the Black Body
Marlon M. Bailey                                              Harvey Young
6 x 9. 296pp. 21 B&W photographs.                             6 x 9. 272pp. 16 B&W photographs.
Hardcover 2013 * 9780472071968 *                              Paper 2010 * 9780472051113 * $33.95
$85.00                                                        Ebook 2010 * 9780472027095
Paper 2013 * 9780472051960 * $33.95
Ebook 2013 * 9780472029372
Series: TRI

                                      University of Michigan Press •                      29
     #identity                                               Coloring Whiteness
     Hashtagging Race, Gender,                               Acts of Critique in
     Sexuality, and Nation                                   Black Performance
     Abigail De Kosnik and                                   Faedra Chatard Carpenter
     Keith P. Feldman, Editors                               6 x 9. 312pp. 11 illustrations.
     6 x 9. 376pp. 20 figures, 3 tables.                     Hardcover 2014 * 9780472072361 *
     Hardcover 2019 * 9780472074150 * $55.00
                                                             Paper 2014 * 9780472052363 * $34.95
     Paper 2019 * 9780472054152 * $34.95
                                                             Ebook 2014 * 9780472120659
      OA 2019 * 9780472901098
                                                             Series: TTTP

     Digital Rhetoric                                        Captive Stage
     Theory, Method, Practice                                Performance and the
     Douglas Eyman                                           Proslavery Imagination of the
     6 x 9. 176pp. 2 Tables.                                 Antebellum North
     Hardcover 2015 *9780472072682 * $55.00                  Douglas A. Jones, Jr.
     Paper 2015 * 9780472052684 * $29.95                     6 x 9. 232pp. 10 illustrations.
      OA 2015 * 9780472900114
     Series: DH                                              Hardcover 2014 * 9780472072262 *
                                                             Paper 2014 * 9780472052264 * $32.95
                                                             Ebook * 9780472120437
                                                             Series: TTTP

     Spectacles of Reform                                    The Haunted Stage
     Theater and Activism in                                 The Theatre as Memory Machine
     Nineteenth-Century America                              Marvin Carlson
     Amy E. Hughes                                           6 x 9. 216pp.
     6 x 9. 264pp. 28 B&W illustrations.                     Paper 2003 * 9780472089376 * $27.95
                                                             Series: TTTP
     Hardcover 2012 * 9780472118625 * $80.00
     Paper 2014 * 9780472035977 * $29.95
     Ebook 2012 * 9780472028894

     Are We Not New Wave?                                    The Problem of the
     Modern Pop at the                                       Color[blind]
     Turn of the 1980s                                       Racial Transgression and the
     Theo Cateforis                                          Politics of Black Performance
     6 x 9. 304pp. 17 B&W photographs, 9                     Brandi Wilkins Catanese
     musical examples.                                       6 x 9. 244pp.
     Paper 2011 * 9780472034703 * $29.95
                                                             Hardcover 2011 *97804720712652 *
     Ebook 2011 * 9780472027590                              $75.00
     Series: TP                                              Paper 2011 * 9780472051267 * $29.95
                                                             Ebook 2011 * 9780472027927
                                                             Series: TTTP

30                University of Michigan Press •
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