Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol

Page created by Stephen Gibson
Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Professional Development
              Datblygiad Proffesiynol

Cardiff University
Continuing Professional Development
Short Courses: Spring-Summer 2020
Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Why choose Cardiff University for your                                                                                                                                                                     We have extensive
Continuing Professional Development?                                                                                                  SMALL class                                                           experience with
                                                                                                                                         sizes in a                                                        local, national
                                                                                                                                    city centre                                                            and international
                                                                                                                                          location                                                         businesses

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           If you have any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           questions, call or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           email our friendly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           team and we’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           be happy to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           you find the right
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           option for you or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           your business.
Our expertise                              The open programme, designed for          the process, facilitating the translation
                                           individuals and businesses, covers        of research and knowledge into
We are a world-leading                     subjects such as marketing, online        practical, impactful training activities.
Russell Group University,
known for excellent teaching,
                                           communications, project management
                                           and managing people. There are also       At the CPD Unit, we are very
                                                                                                                                                                             At least
                                                                                                                                   We are a
outstanding research and links             a number of medical short courses,        proud to hold the Customer Service
                                                                                                                                                                             90% of CPD
with business and industry.
                                           run by the School of Medicine, offering
                                           vital professional development
                                                                                     Excellence standard®.
                                                                                     We are committed to                           customer                                  customers
                                           training at cost-effective prices.        providing a service
Whether you are a business looking
to develop your staff, an individual
                                                                                     which is welcoming,
                                                                                                                                                                             rate us as
seeking career development via
                                           Towards the back of this brochure,
                                           you will find details of postgraduate
                                                                                     reliable and exceeds
                                                                                     customer expectations.
                                                                                                                                   team within                               good or
a short course, or a professional
organisation exploring development
                                           standalone taught modules, which                                                        a prestigious                             excellent for
                                           have been designed specifically for
opportunities, we have something to
offer you.
                                           professionals to use as CPD. Detailed
                                           information is on our website.
                                                                                     Special offers                                Russell                                   level of care
                                                                                                                                                                             and accuracy
With expertise encompassing                We can also offer our open courses
                                                                                     We run a number of special offers,
                                                                                     including 10% off selected CPD                Group                                     of information
many sectors and disciplines,
Cardiff University offers extensive
                                           on a bespoke basis to meet your
                                                                                     short courses when you book
                                                                                     two or more courses/places at
                                           business/organisation’s specific
professional development                                                             the same time. Look out for this
                                           requirements. (See page 4 for details.)
opportunities designed to raise                                                      symbol for eligible courses.
skill levels and equip participants        Our team of experts at the Continuing                                                 Customer Service Excellence
with cutting-edge knowledge                Professional Development (CPD) Unit
and techniques.                                                                                                                  We are committed to providing a service which is welcoming, reliable and exceeds our
                                           has extensive experience working with
                                                                                                                                 customers’ expectations.
                                           organisations both in the UK
Our CPD training opportunities             and internationally.                                                                  You can be confident that your experience of working with the CPD Unit at Cardiff University will be positive
This brochure provides details of                                                    NEW FOR 2020!                               and friendly. We are very proud to hold the Customer Service Excellence® standard. In November 2019 we
the wide range of short Continuing         A dedicated CPD Unit
                                                                                                                                 were awarded thirteen Compliance Plus awards for our continued world class customer care.
Professional Development (CPD)             We are here to provide you with a         We are delighted to be able to offer
courses available at Cardiff University,   gateway to access the huge range          Cardiff University Alumni 10% off
including our open programme of                                                                                                  Backed by the Cabinet Office, the Customer Service Excellence® standard recognises organisations that truly
                                           of expertise available within Cardiff     selected courses. Please contact us         put their customers at the core of what they do.
professional development options.          University. We will guide you through     for details at

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Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Bespoke and tailored training
We can create training activities that are specifically designed                                                                                                                                       Contents
for your organisation. Talk to us about how we can create a
customised or in-house programme for you.

                                                                                                                              Communication                        Managing Successful Programmes      Postgraduate
                                                                                                                                                                   (MSP®) blended learning course
                                                                                                                              Confident Communication
                                                                                                                                                                   AgilePM® Foundation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       standalone taught
                                                                                                                              Presentation Skills                  Practitioner                        modules
                                                                                                                              Business Writing Skills              Project Management
                                                                                                                                                                   Leading People Through Change
                                                                                                                              Marketing and                                                            Available from the following
                                                                                                                                                                                                       academic Schools:
                                                                                                                              online communication                 Executive Education
                                                                                                                              Google Analytics                     Bespoke Programmes
                                                                                                                              Google Ads                                                               College of Arts, Humanities
                                                                                                                              Search Engine Optimisation           Medicine                            and Social Sciences
                                                                                                                              Introduction to Digital Marketing                                        School of Geography and Planning
                                                                                                                                                                   Essential Updates in Therapeutics
                                                                                                                              Advanced Digital Marketing                                               School of English, Communication
                                                                                                                                                                   Introduction to Dermoscopy
                                                                                                                              Introduction to Copywriting                                              and Philosophy
                                                                                                                                                                   Community Oncology
                                                                                                                              Advanced Copywriting                                                     School of Modern
                                           Courses are underpinned by world-
                                                                                                                                                                   Problem Solving in Paediatric       Foreign Languages
What we can offer your business                                                     A dedicated CPD Unit                      Media Relations                      Palliative Care
                                           class research and teaching expertise,
                                                                                                                              Developing a                                                             Cardiff Business School
                                           and informed by our close links with
We have extensive experience                                                        The CPD Unit will act as your gateway,    Communication Strategy
                                           industry, professional bodies and the    supporting you and your business to                                            DECIPHer (Development               School of Law and Politics
in working with businesses and             public sector.                                                                     Writing for the Web                  and Evaluation of Complex
                                                                                    access Cardiff University’s world-class
organisations to develop and                                                                                                                                       Interventions for Public Health
deliver high quality, relevant,            Depending on objectives and subjects,
                                                                                    expertise and research across a range
                                                                                                                                                                   Improvement)                        College of Biomedical and
                                           bespoke CPD activities are available
                                                                                    of disciplines.                           Leadership and Lean                                                      Life Sciences
cost effective and bespoke                                                                                                                                         Process Evaluation of
                                           in a range of formats - offering                                                   Leadership in Business
learning solutions.                                                                 We will work collaboratively with you,
                                                                                                                              Administration (LBA) Programme       Complex Interventions               School of Healthcare Sciences
                                           adaptability and catering for your       from identification of your business
                                           individual business requirements.                                                  LEAN Six Sigma Yellow Belt           Developing and Evaluating           School of Medicine
At Cardiff University we can:                                                       issue through to course design and                                             Complex Public Health
                                                                                    evaluation of the training.               LEAN SIx Sigma Yellow and            Interventions                       School of Pharmacy and
• Deliver courses from our existing                                                                                                                                                                    Pharmaceutical Sciences
                                           The CPD Unit works with academics                                                  Green Belt
programme specifically for
                                           and industry experts across all 24       This ensures that we thoroughly
your organisation
                                           Schools within the three Colleges at     understand your business and deliver                                           Healthcare                          College of Physical Sciences
• Tailor content from our courses to
                                           Cardiff University.                      training specifically tailored to your
                                                                                                                              Management and
suit your business
                                                                                                                              Organisational Skills                                                    and Engineering
• Design a completely bespoke                                                       organisation’s requirements. Working                                           WIMAT (Welsh Institute for
training programme or activity to meet                                              in this way allows us to approach your    Train the Trainer                    Minimal Access Therapy)             School of Engineering
                                           Expertise across three Colleges
your organisation’s objectives.                                                     training in a practical way, producing
                                                                                                                              Effective Self-Organisation                                              School of Physics and Astronomy
                                           We have three Business Development
                                                                                    tangible outcomes, which can have an
                                                                                                                              Managing Performance for Results
                                                                                                                                                                   Pharmacy and                        School of Chemistry
                                                                                    immediate impact on your business.
Learning is practical, with a particular
                                           Managers, each of whom works                                                       Leading a Bilingual Organisation
                                                                                                                                                                   Pharmaceutical                      Welsh School of Architecture
emphasis on discussion and
interaction, and how new skills and
                                           closely with one of the Colleges:        If you would like to discuss how                                               Sciences
knowledge can be applied in the                                                     working with Cardiff University can                                            Pharmacist Independent
workplace. We aim to ensure that
                                           College of Arts, Humanities and          benefit your business, please call        Project Management                   Prescribing
                                           Social Sciences - Phil Swan              or email the CPD Unit for an initial      MSP® Foundation and Practitioner
employees continue to develop their                                                                                                                                Clinical Pharmacy (MSc)
skills to the fullest which will help                                               informal chat.                            PRINCE2® Foundation
                                           College of Biomedical and Life                                                                                          Clinical Research (MSc)
organisations to remain innovative,
                                           Sciences - Charlotte Stephenson
                                                                                                                              and Practitioner
competitive and up-to-date.                                                         Please also visit our website to find
                                                                                                                              PRINCE2® blended learning
Our training provision is constantly                                                out more and take a look at our recent    course
                                           College of Physical Sciences and         bespoke provision case studies.
updated to reflect business objectives
                                           Engineering - Kate Sunderland
and the latest industry developments.

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Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Communication                                                                                                                              Marketing and online communication
A series of 1-day CPD courses to help you improve your engagement, whether you’re presenting to a group                                    Develop practical skills in digital and online marketing. These courses are designed to complement each other
or one-on-one. Learn to convey messages clearly, efficiently and professionally, whether verbally or in writing.                           to enhance your understanding of marketing in the digital age.

Confident Communication                       Presentation Skills                              Business Writing Skills                     Google Analytics                                Google Ads                                     Search Engine Optimisation
24 June 2020                                  9 July 2020                                      23 September 2020                           15 July 2020                                    18 November 2020                               21 May 2020
£198                                          £198                                             £198                                        £198                                            £198                                           £198

People with excellent communication           Giving an engaging performance can               This 1-day course will help participants    By the end of this 1-day course, you will       Formerly known as Google AdWords,              This course covers the basics of SEO
skills are more likely to be successful in    really boost customer experience, sales,         communicate more clearly and confidently    be able to open up a new Google Analytics       Google Ads is probably the world’s             and touches on more advanced topics
their work. How well you communicate          internal/external communication and              in all business-related writing they        profile and start getting actionable insights   most popular online advertising                as well. It will help you improve both the
determines how you and your ideas             company profile. This 1-day course will          produce, from simple emails to fullscale    you can use to make your site and your          platform. Like any paid marketing              breadth and the quality of your rankings
come across and whether or not you            teach performance techniques that                reports. By getting it right first time     business work better. You will be able          activity, it should be carefully set up.       with Google and the other major search
achieve your objectives. This 1-day           will ensure you can both impress and             and avoiding time-consuming re-             to answer questions about your website                                                         engines, and make sure you get the most
course will explore tactics and methods       successfully convey information to               writes, participants will become more       traffic and how different parts of the site     Making use of the right features,              from every hour invested in SEO tasks.
to improve your ability to communicate        an audience.                                     efficient and more productive. And by       are working, and generate interactive,          keywords, advertisements and
with confidence.                                                                               writing in plain English, businesses and    powerful dashboards that make monthly           landing points will lead to a far              Who is it for?
                                              Who is it for?                                   organisations can ensure their written      reporting easier and faster.                    better return on any investment.               Those who manage or create content for
Who is it for?                                People who need to develop their                 communications are more transparent                                                                                                        their website and want to learn how to get
Those who need to increase their              presentation skills and boost their              and inclusive and read by more people.      Who is it for?                                  Who is it for?                                 more high quality organic search traffic.
confidence in a variety of work situations,   confidence in their ability to speak publicly.                                               Website administrators and managers,            This course is intended for those setting
including during networking events,                                                            Who is it for?                              bloggers, e-commerce retailers of all sizes,    up a Google Ads account from scratch,          No prior SEO knowledge is required.
meetings and interviews.                      What will I learn?                               Anyone who uses the written word in their   digital advertising, SEO and social media       or dramatically expanding upon one that
                                              • How to effectively plan, structure             work and wants to improve the quality,      managers, web developers and designers.         already exists. This course is also suitable   What will I learn?
What will I learn?                            and develop an engaging presentation,            impact and efficiency of their writing.     You don’t need to be familiar with Google       if you wish to gain valuable expertise in      • How to assess your current standing
• How to build rapport and                    including:                                                                                   Analytics. If you have a Google Analytics       the digital marketing sector.                  within the search market
improve relationships                         • How to target your presentation to suit        What will I learn?                          account already that’s an advantage but                                                        • How to improve your search
• What nerves are, why they are there and     the needs of your audience                       • How to write in plain English             those who don’t can use a fully featured        What will I learn?                             engine rankings
controlling them                              • The impact of your voice and awareness         • How to avoid the common mistakes in       demonstration account.                          • Which campaign types are                     • Common SEO mistakes to avoid
• How body language can help or hinder        of body language                                 punctuation and grammar                                                                     right for your organisation                    • How to measure ROI on your efforts.
• Presence and the power of being             • The importance of energy, enthusiasm           • How to write for people of different      What will I learn?                              • How to select keywords and audiences
in the moment                                 and choosing positive words                      reading abilities                           • What the key Google Analytics variables       • How to create text and image ads
• The power of listening and getting your     • Tactics for distilling complicated             • To influence readers with persuasive      and metrics mean (e.g. Bounce Rate,             • How to set up standard search, simple
message across                                and technical information into clear             writing techniques                          Source and Medium) and which are                remarketing, and display campaigns
• Personal branding                           communication – e.g. by using visual aids        • The power that great presentation can     most important to your own site                 • How to link Google Ads and
• Maintaining a positive state.               • How to create a connection with your           bring to your work.                         • How to identify bottlenecks and               web analytics information
                                              audience and keep them engaged                                                               design problems, and see what’s                 • Adjusting bids by device,                                         MORE COURSES
                                              • How to manage nerves.                                                                      working well and what’s not                     time and location.                                                  OVER THE PAGE
                                                                                                                                           • How to monitor and investigate
                                                                                                                                           performance by page or by visitor source
                                                                                                                                           • How to build and share custom
                                                                                                                                           dashboards using Google Data Studio
                                                                                                                                           • How to set up custom segments and
                                                                                                                                           what kind of questions they can answer
                                                                                                                                           • How to properly track
                                                                                                                                           campaigns and measure ROI
                                                                                                                                           • How to set up goals and events.

 New for 2020!
 Continue your learning - take a look at page 23 for new Postgraduate level taught modules from the School of
 English, Communication and Philosophy.                                                                                                                                                    Find full details on our website:

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Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Marketing and online communication
Book two courses (see selected categories) at the same time and save 10%.
Look out for the 10% off stamp for courses included in this offer.

                                       WHY NOT BOOK                                                                                                                                   NEW FOR 2020!
                                        TOGETHER?                                             A HANDY GUIDE TO CHOOSING
                                                                                                  THE RIGHT COURSE..
Introduction to Digital Marketing               Advanced Digital Marketing                                                            Introduction to Copywriting                    Advanced Copywriting                        Media Relations
8 April 2020                                    17 June 2020                                                                          30 March 2020                                  21 July 2020                                6 October 2020
£198                                            £198                                          DIGITAL MARKETING                       £198                                           £198                                        £198

                                                                                              • Are you working without a detailed
                                                                                              digital marketing plan?
                                                                                              • Do you need help understanding
Learn how to use the main digital               Learn the latest digital marketing            who your target audiences are?          Gain confidence in writing for different       In this 1-day course you’ll hone your       This practical, hands-on 1-day course will
marketing techniques and develop a              techniques and develop advanced               • Do you want to know which digital     platforms and learn how to pinpoint the        conceptual copywriting skills and learn     focus on how to engage with the media,
cost-effective digital marketing plan in this   strategies for marketing both B2B and         platforms are best for reaching your    right tone of voice and style in this 1-day    new techniques to increase creativity,      whether print, broadcast, online or social,
hands-on, 1-day course.                         B2C businesses and brands.                    target audiences?                       course taught by an industry professional.     structure your copy and banish writer’s     in an effective and creative way. You will
                                                                                              • Would you like to learn how to                                                       block.                                      gain an understanding of how the media
We will take you beyond Google,                 Get smart with SEO, make online               generate engaging content ideas?        This introductory course is ideal for those                                                works, how to pitch and evaluate a story
introducing you to free tools for competitor    copywriting engaging and create powerful      • Do you just need a confidence boost   who want to improve their copywriting          This is our more advanced copywriting       and how to implement an effective
analysis, then showing you how to develop       search ads. Learn about remarketing,          to get digital marketing started?       skills and feel more confident in areas        course, and goes into depth about           media campaign.
PPC ads, social media strategies, effective     the key aspects of video, the special                                                 such as tone of voice, writing for different   structuring your copy, meeting a brief,
email and content marketing. We’ll also         applications of social media and the power    If you answered yes to any of these     platforms (eg web, press releases and          strengthening headlines, and techniques     Who is it for?
help you get to grips with essential SEO        and pitfalls of email marketing. Then         questions, choose Introduction to       social media), and how to edit and             to eliminate writer’s block.                Whether you are completely new to
and web analytics.                              choose the techniques that work best for      Digital Marketing.                      proofread.                                                                                 media relations, have some experience,
                                                you and bring them all together in a well-                                                                                           Who is it for?                              or have no formal training, this course
Who is it for?                                  orchestrated, multi-channelled                • Would you like to make your digital   Who is it for?                                 Anyone with significant marketing and       has something to offer everyone who has
• Businesses and organisations wanting          marketing plan.                               marketing plan more efficient?          Anyone who regularly writes copy               comms experience who wants to continue      responsibility of engaging with the media
to develop a cost-effective digital                                                           • Would you like to learn advanced      to promote, inform or sell in their            learning and improving.                     for your organisation.
marketing plan                                  Who is it for?                                digital marketing techniques, such as   organisation or may do so in the future.
• Traditional marketing personnel seeking       • Businesses and organisations wanting        re-targeting?                                                                          What will I learn?                          No prior knowledge is required.
to learn or refresh their digital skills        to upskill their marketing teams              • Do you want to learn how to           What will I learn?                             • The ‘7-stage’ technique for
• Managers and administrators wishing           • Marketing personnel seeking to broaden      produce the best ads for specific       • How to choose the right tone                 writing copy to engage the reader           What will I learn?
to improve their skill-set with these much      and strengthen their digital skills           digital platforms?                      of voice for your audience(s)                  from beginning to end                       • How to develop an approach that is
sought-after techniques.                        • People from other roles but with            • Could understanding social media      • Writing different materials including web    • World-famous creativity                   strategic and an essential part of your
                                                experience of using digital                   sentiment and keeping abreast of        copy, press releases and social media          exercises to elevate your copy              marketing mix
What will I learn?                              marketing techniques.                         Google algorithms help you?             • How to write benefit-led copy                • Simple techniques for generating          • Knowledge and methods to plan an
• The pros and cons of                                                                        • Would you like to know how to find    • How to edit and proofread.                   effective headlines                         effective and successful media
different techniques, including                 What will I learn?                            and recruit influencers and micro-                                                     • Techniques streamline                     relations campaign
their cost-effectiveness                        • Advanced techniques and the latest          influencers?                                                                           your writing process.                       • How to gain positive coverage for stories
• How to find out about other companies’        ideas for using different digital platforms                                                                                                                                      • How to engage journalists using
digital marketing strategies                    • Which strategies work best for different    If you answered yes to any of these                                                                                                innovative tactics.
• How to produce an efficient and               goals and different target audiences          questions, choose Advanced
effective digital marketing plan.               • How to produce an efficient and             Digital Marketing.
                                                                                                                                                 A HANDY GUIDE TO                     COPYWRITING
                                                effective multi-channelled digital                                                                                                                                               • Do you have significant marketing and
                                                marketing plan.
                                                                                                                                                   CHOOSING THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 communications experience but need to
                                                                                                                                                   RIGHT COURSE..                     • Do you need help writing in a clear,     increase your flair and versatility?
                                                                                                                                                                                      concise and compelling way?                • Do you want to think and write in a more
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Do you want to know how to effectively   conceptual way?
                                                                                                                                                                                      use tone of voice?                         • Do you want to learn how to write – and
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Do you need support to clearly define    respond to – a killer brief?
                                                                                                                                                                                      your target audience for each piece of     • Could you benefit from learning
                                                                                                                                                                                      writing?                                   approaches to brainstorming and
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Would you like to learn how to write     developing concepts?
                                                                                                                                                                                      effortlessly for different platforms and   • Are you keen to understand more how
                                                                                                                                                                                      purposes?                                  words and images can work together?
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Do you want to become confident
                                                                                                                                                                                      in using tried and tested copywriting      If you answer yes to any of these
                                                                                                                                                                                      techniques?                                questions, the Advanced Copywriting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Skills course can help you.
                                                                                                                                                                                      If you answer yes to any of these
                                                                                                                                                                                      questions, the Introduction to                                           MORE COURSES
                                                                                                                                                                                      Copywriting course can help you.                                         OVER THE PAGE
 You can find out more and book online - or call our friendly team on (029) 2087 5274

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Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Marketing and online communication                                                                                                    Leadership and Lean: Executive Education
Book two courses (see selected categories) at the same time and save 10%.                                                             Cardiff Business School’s Executive Education department offers a number of exciting programmes which will
Look out for the 10% off stamp for courses included in this offer.                                                                    enable you to gain new perspectives on a variety of business and management issues.

                                                                                                                                      ALL SESSIONS ALSO                              Accredited courses
                                                                                                                                      AVAILABLE TO STUDY                                                          2-DAY YELLOW                                    EXTEND YOUR COURSE
                                                                                                                                          INDIVIDUALY                                                             BELT COURSE -                                   TO GREEN BELT LEVEL
Developing a                                  Writing for the Web                                                                     Leadership in Business                         Lean Six Sigma:             IDEAL FOR TEAM    Lean Six Sigma:
Communication Strategy                        14 October 2020                                                                         Administration (LBA) Programme                 Yellow Belt                    MEMBERS        Yellow and Green Belt
25 September 2020                             £198                                                                                    March - November 2020                          14-15 May 2020                                14-15 May and 8-10 July 2020
£198                                                                                                                                  £2,000                                         £1,000                                        £2,500 (includes Yellow Belt)

Developing a strategy for both internal       If your website is going to be effective,                                               Our Leadership & Business Administration       ‘Six Sigma’ is a well-established approach    ‘Six Sigma’ is a well-established approach
and external communications is vital in       you need to write copy that both search                                                 (LBA) programme is designed to be a mini,      that seeks to identify and eliminate          that seeks to identify and eliminate
ensuring your key messages are reaching       engines and people love. This 1-day                                                     work-based taster of our Executive MBA         defects, mistakes or failures in business     defects, mistakes or failures in business
your stakeholders and your customers.         course shows you how to produce copy                                                    programme. It will help you gain essential     processes or systems. It achieves this by     processes or systems.
This 1-day course covers the complete         that really works for your needs online.                                                business knowledge and will enhance your       focusing on those process performance
process of building a comprehensive                                                                                                   professional performance to enable you         characteristics that are of critical          The 5-day Lean Six Sigma Green Belt
communication strategy, from core             Who is it for?                                                                          to realise your career potential and take a    importance to customers.                      training is a very practical programme that
concepts to development methodologies.        • Content developers                                                                    leading role within your organisation.                                                       enables attendees to start applying tools
                                              • Anyone writing or editing copy for                    ANY QUESTIONS?                                                                 ‘Lean’ offers a set of proven concepts,       and techniques for improving the efficiency
Who is it for?                                websites and social media site                                                          The LBA Programme is designed to fit           tools and techniques which reduce lead        and effectiveness of business processes,
This course is for those with some            • SEO specialists wanting to develop                                                    around your work and home commitments          times, set up times, equipment downtime,      irrespective of type or size
responsibility for either internal and/or     writing skills.                                                                         as teaching is delivered in 1-day sessions     rework and other wastes, and increases        of industry.
external communications.                                                                                                              across 12 months. You can choose to            the quality of a product or service.
                                              What will I learn?                                                                      participate in all sessions or can just pick                                                 Attending the first two days of the
No prior knowledge is required.
                                              • The principles and techniques specific to                                             those of most interest to you.                 The integration of these two improvement      programme will enable participants to
                                              successful online writing                                                                                                              methodologies can achieve fantastic           achieve a yellow belt accreditation, whilst
 What will I learn?
                                              • How to produce web content that is                                                    All sessions will provide multiple             results, far greater than the deployment of   completing the 5-day programme allows
• What is communication, how do
                                              appealing, effective, easy to use, and                                                  opportunities for participants to              one methodology alone.                        progression to green belt.
we communicate and its role within a
                                              appropriate for your target audience                                                    appreciate how the discussed concept
management structure
                                              • How to optimise copy for search engines                                               relates to and/or affects their work.          Who is it for?                                Who is it for?
• How to maximise benefit from all
                                              • Understand the differences between                                                                                                   Yellow Belts are people at the grass root     A Green Belt (GB) is an individual who
areas of communication within your
                                              online and offline copy.                                                                After each session you will be                 level in the organisation (ie shop-floor      works on improvement projects part-
organisation, ensuring that they are
                                                                                                                                      able to practically apply your                 employees or supervisory teams).              time (20%), either as a team member for
directed at the right markets and
                                                                                                                                      learning straight away.                                                                      complex projects (supporting Black Belt)
stakeholders via a range of media
                                                                                                                                                                                     The Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt course is      or as a project leader for simpler projects.
• A step-by-step process to planning a
                                                                                            If you have any questions about the       Who is it for?                                 for people who are going to be involved in
strategy, defining goals and objectives,
                                                                                            CPD short courses available through       The programme has been designed to             a Six Sigma project as a team member,         What will I learn?
and presenting your strategy in a clear and
                                                                                            Cardiff University, or if you’d like to   meet the needs of experienced middle           assisting Black Belts and Green Belts         • Understand the key metrics
practical framework
                                                                                            explore creating a similar course for     managers looking for ways to develop their     executing sponsored projects. The Yellow      of Lean & Six Sigma
• Organisational communications strategy,
                                                                                            your organisation, please get in touch    understanding and knowledge of business        Belt collects data, participates in problem   • Develop skills to use Minitab
internal and external communications
                                                                                            and we’ll be happy to talk to you about   to further their career.                       solving exercises and adds their personal     software for Lean Six Sigma projects
strategy and campaign strategy.
                                                                                            all the options.                                                                         experiences in resolving the complex          • Apply Lean Six Sigma DMAIC
                                                                                                                                      What will I learn?                             problems in organisations.                    methodology in problem solving scenarios
                                                                                                                                      The programme is completely flexible;                                                        • Apply basic and advanced statistical
                                                                                                                                      however, the topics below have been            No prior knowledge of Lean Six Sigma is       concepts (such as regression analysis,
                                                                                                                                      selected to give you the broad spectrum of     required for attending this course.           hypothesis testing, design of experiments,
                                                                                                                                      expertise needed to influence and effect                                                     • Statistical Process Control charts)
                                                                                                                                      real change.                                   What will I learn?                            for process improvement
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Understand the basic principles of          • Understand the roles and
                                                                                                                                      • Leadership and                               Lean and Six Sigma and its key metrics        responsibilities of Green Belts
                                                                                                                                      professional development                       • Understand the Six Sigma DMAIC              and learn how to execute projects
                                                                                                                                      • Operations management                        improvement methodology                       and write up the report.
                                                                                                                                      • High performing teams                        • Understand the Lean Six Sigma
                                                                                                                                      • Digital leadership                           organisational infrastructure and
                                                                                                                                      • HR and performance management                its roles and responsibilities                ACCREDITED COURSES
                                                                                                                                      • Finance for non-financial managers           • Appreciate the roles of Lean / Six Sigma    Find more information and full details
                                                                                                                                      • Strategic management.                        tools and techniques for problem solving      of how you’ll achieve accreditation:
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Understand the project selection
                                                                                                                                                                                     methodology used within Lean
 You can find out more and book online - or call our friendly team on (029) 2087 5274                                                                                                / Six Sigma programme.                        (search for Lean Six Sigma)

10              CPD Unit |                                                                            (029) 2087 5274                     CardiffUniCPD            Company/CardiffUniCPD                11
Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Management and organisational skills
We’ll help you excel as a manager and teach you to develop and nurture your team. Courses include the
popular Train The Trainer course and more challenging areas of management such as performance appraisal.

                                                                               NEW FOR                                                                   NEW FOR
 2-DAY                                                                       2020: 2-DAY                                                                  2020!
COURSE                                                                         COURSE
Train the Trainer                              Effective Self-Organisation                          Managing Performance for Results              Leading a Bilingual Organisation
10-11 June 2020                                9-10 September 2020                                  22 October 2020                               Contact us for dates
£398                                           £398                                                 £198                                          £398

Immerse yourself in two days of learning       Often, we find ourselves dealing with a              Effective performance management              Cardiff Business School and the School
to embed the foundations of planning,          huge number of information, fragmenting              helps foster motivation, staff retention,     of Welsh have co-developed and will co-
preparing, developing and delivering           our attention and causing us to neglect              productivity and good working                 deliver a 2-day workshop to introduce key
effective work-based training. With            what truly matters. We need efficient                relationships.                                themes and concepts related to leading a
budgets being squeezed, organisations          and effective techniques to help keep                                                              bilingual organisation.
are increasingly recognising the               the problem under control and this 2-day             The course will offer practical techniques
opportunity for both capitalising on           course produces you with practical tools             to help participants take a dual-pronged      Your trainers will be Dr Sarah Hurlow
their internal talent and offering job         that can be used immediately.                        approach: developing your employees           (Leadership Behaviours), Richard
enrichment to their top performers.                                                                 via robust observation and incisive           Strudwick (Communication), and Dr Dylan
                                               Day 1                                                feedback – which then means your efforts      Foster Evans.
You may not have considered training           • An introduction to tools and techniques -          to communicate and coach continuous
others as a core part of your job              including Getting Things Done (GTD*)                 improvement delivers desired outcomes.        Who it’s for
description but it’s a highly marketable       • Use of RACI Matrix                                                                               Any leaders or managers within public,
and relevant skill and hugely rewarding.       • How to schedule your work in progress              This approach is flexible enough for all      private, or third sector organisations. Also,
A win-win developmental opportunity for        • The Kanban system                                  performance management and appraisal          those responsible for championing the
both you and your employer.                    • How to prioritise your work                        processes as the focus is on developing       Welsh language, or ensuring compliance
                                               • Understanding how to use delegation to             your skills and approach to measuring         with the Welsh Language Standards at
Who is it for?                                 help reduce stress                                   and monitoring staff – regardless of          organisational or departmental level.
Any employee at any level (existing            • Making the most of your Prime Time                 personality or generation.
or potential team leader, supervisor,          • Doing ‘one thing at a time’ and other                                                            What you’ll learn
manager) who can add value to                  useful tips and action plans.                        Who is it for?                                • The importance of the Welsh-language
the organisation through imparting                                                                  Managers and team leaders, whether they       context for all organisations in Wales
their skills, knowledge and                    Day 2                                                are new to a line management position, or     • How communication works and
expertise to their colleagues.                 • Agile management - including skills,               are experienced and would like to refresh     will explore the personal qualities
                                               tools and techniques required to run your            and improve their skills.                     for communicating effectively across
What will I learn?                             organisation in an agile manner                                                                    language groups
• How to identify learning needs (vs           • Leadership skills necessary to run an              What will I learn?                            • Best practices and practical strategies
wants) to design, develop and deliver          agile business.                                      • Skills and techniques to help maximise      for communicating in English-Welsh teams
effective learning interventions                                                                    staff’s performance                           • An introduction to sociolinguistics,
• Putting into practice a bite-size piece of   Who is it for?                                       • The role of performance management          professional communication, critical
training, having developed it from the start   • People of all levels of seniority and              within staff development                      language awareness, and the role
– right through to delivery                    experience, irrespective of job role                 • How to develop staff, set clear, focussed   culture and cultural identities may play in
• Giving and receiving constructive            • Those who want ‘non-gimmicky’                      performance plans                             communicating in a professional context
feedback to enhance individual and group       practical tools and techniques to improve            • Having constructive conversations to        • How leaders can increase their self-
learning – participants get the opportunity    their productivity, effectiveness and job            deal effectively with under-performers        awareness and understand how their
to have a ‘dry run’ with their own specific    satisfaction                                         • Understand how to identify, set and         leadership behaviour impacts on others
training material.                             • Everyone who feels that their daily                agree standards and goals with your staff     • The leadership behaviours which are
                                               challenge resembles an up-hill climb.                • Develop your questioning and active         required to positively impact bilingualism
                                                                                                    listening skills to identify core issues      in the workplace.
                                               What will I learn?                                   • Know how to give and receive effective
                                               • New practical tools and techniques for             and constructive feedback
                                               personal, management and team use                    • Recognise how to tailor interventions to
                                               • How to select those most appropriate               meet individual needs                                     GAIN CUTTING-EDGE
                                               and apply them at work or at home                    • Practice effective performance                          INSIGHTS FROM ONE
                                               • How to manage stress and map team                  improvement strategies.                                    OF THE LEADING UK
                                               responsibilities                                                                                               BUSINESS SCHOOLS
                                               • What agile management can bring to                                                                          (RANKED 6TH OF 101)
                                               the organisation.
                                               * David Allen, Getting Things Done: How to achieve
                                               stress-free productivity (Piatkus, 2002).

12              CPD Unit |                                                                                         (029) 2087 5274   CardiffUniCPD   Company/CardiffUniCPD   13
Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Project Management
Our suite of project management courses caters for those who are looking to develop their practical project                                         All courses include free membership of Cardiff University’s Project Management Alumni Network, established
management skills as well as for more experienced practitioners seeking a formal qualification.                                                     to help those working in the field to network, share best practice and keep up-to-date.

Accredited courses

                            VERY POPULAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                  USEFUL INFO
MSP® Foundation                             PRINCE2® Foundation                          PRINCE2® blended learning                 STUDY AT HOME,   MSP® blended learning                        AgilePM® Foundation                           Entry requirements
and Practitioner                            and Practitioner                             Contact us for dates                       THEN ATTEND     Contact us for dates                         and Practitioner                              (all accredited courses)
30 March - 3 April 2020                     11-15 May 2020                                                                           OUR EXAM                                                    Contact us for dates                          • Minimum of 6 months’ project
£1,495                                      £1,450                                                                                   WORKSHOP                         STUDY AT HOME,                                                           management experience (for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5-DAY         PRINCE2® and AgilePM®) or
                                                                                                                                                                     THEN ATTEND OUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ACCREDITED COURSE   programme/change management
                                                                                                                                                                     EXAM WORKSHOP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               experience (for MSP®)
Managing Successful Programmes              PRINCE2® (PRojects IN Controlled             This blended learning course offers                        This blended learning course offers a        Delivering projects using an Agile approach   • All pre-course work and eLearning
(MSP®) offers a structured approach         Environments) is the international           a comprehensive and practical                              complete and practical understanding         requires different ways of thinking and       study must be completed prior
to programme management that will           standard method for project management       understanding of the PRINCE2®                              of the MSP® framework and prepares           different ways of working for the Project     to the course start date.
help organisations successfully deliver     and provides a framework to cover a          method and prepares delegates                              delegates for the Foundation and             Manager and all those involved.
transformational change.                    wide variety of disciplines and activities   for the Foundation and Practitioner                        Practitioner examinations, which are taken
                                            required within a project. The method        examinations, which are taken as part                      as part of the course.See details in gold    This 5-day course offers a complete and       Teaching (5-day courses)
This 5-day course offers a complete and     embodies many years of best practice         of the course. See details in gold box.                    box.                                         practical understanding of the AgilePM®       • Teaching hours are
practical understanding of the MSP®         and provides a flexible and adaptable                                                                                                                approach and prepares delegates for the       normally 09:00 - 17:00
framework and prepares delegates for the    approach to suit all projects.               PRINCE2® (PRojects IN Controlled                           Managing Successful Programmes               Foundation and Practitioner examinations,     • These courses comprise four days
Foundation and Practitioner examinations,                                                Environments) is the international                         (MSP®) offers a structured approach          which are taken as part of the course.        of teaching, with an examination on
which are taken as part of the course.      This 5-day course offers a comprehensive     standard method for project management                     to programme management that will                                                          the final day
                                            and practical understanding of the           and provides a framework to cover a                        help organisations successfully deliver      Who is it for?                                • These are intense courses involving
Who is it for?                              PRINCE2® method and prepares                 wide variety of disciplines and activities                 transformational change.                     This course is ideal for any staff            a recommended 10 hours of pre-
• Programme and Project Directors           delegates for the Foundation and             required within a project. The method                                                                   managing or involved in the delivery of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               course work as well as evening study
• Change Managers                           Practitioner examinations, which are         embodies many years of best practice                       Who is it for?                               a project that is to be delivered using
• Business Strategists                      taken as part of the course.                 and provides a flexible and adaptable                      Ideal for professionals who wish to study    an Agile approach, for example:               during the week of the course.
• Consultants                                                                            approach to suit all projects.                             flexibly. This course is ideal for staff
• People who manage a number of             Who is it for?                                                                                          involved in Programme Management roles       • Project or Business Sponsors                Blended learning courses
related projects                            • Project managers who wish to develop       Who is it for?                                             who wish to gain a qualification,            • Project Managers and their teams            • These courses are a blend of private
• Programme leaders and office staff        their skills and learn about managing        • Professionals who wish to study flexibly                 for example:                                 • Business Change Managers                    eLearning study and face to face
• Operations staff involved in change       projects using the PRINCE2® method           • Project managers who wish to develop                                                                  • Technical team members involved in          teaching days
programmes                                  • Professionals who wish to learn about      their skills and learn about managing                      • Programme leader                           solution design, development and testing      • The eLearning element requires
• All participants should have some         project management and the PRINCE2®          projects using the PRINCE2® method                         • Programme office staff                     • Programme and Project office staff          around 18-24 hours of private study
experience of managing or leading change.   method in particular                         • Professionals who wish to learn about                    • Business Change Managers                   • Business Analysts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               • Delegates must complete the full
                                            • Anybody who needs to know how to run       project management and the PRINCE2®                        • Business consultants
What will I learn?                          projects more effectively.                   method in particular                                       • Operations staff involved                  What will I learn?                            eLearning course before the face to
• Understanding of the MSP®                                                              • Anybody who needs to know how to run                     in change programmes.                        • Understanding of the roles involved in      face workshop days.
framework, based around 3 core              What will I learn?                           projects more effectively.                                                                              successfully delivering an Agile project
concepts – Principles, Governance and       • Introduction to the PRINCE2® method,                                                                  What will I learn?                           • Understanding the sequencing                Teaching (Blended courses)
Transformational Flow                       including its Principles, Themes             What will I learn?                                         • Understanding of the MSP®                  of activities in an Agile project             • Teaching hours are
• Use the key concepts of MSP® on any       • and Processes                              • Introduction to the PRINCE2®                             framework, based around 3 core               • Understanding and practiced                 normally 09:00 - 17:00
programme                                   • How to apply the PRINCE2® method to        method, including its Principles,                          concepts – Principles, Governance and        use of appropriate tools and                  • Face to face teaching comprises two
• Identify the vision for a programme       real-life work scenarios                     Themes and Processes                                       Transformational Flow                        techniques for Agile projects                 days of exam preparation workshops,
• How to design, plan and control           • How to tailor each element of the          • How to apply the PRINCE2®                                • Identify the vision for a programme        • Understanding of effective control
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               with examinations on both days (Day
programmes using the appropriate            PRINCE2® method to suit the needs of         method to real-life work scenarios                         • How to design, plan and control            measures in Agile projects.
elements of MSP®.                           the project and the organisation.            • How to tailor each element of the                        programmes using the appropriate                                                           1: Foundation; Day 2: Practitioner)
                                                                                         PRINCE2® method to suit the needs                          elements of MSP®.                            Why choose this course?                       • These are intensive courses
Why choose this course?                     Why choose this course?                      of the project and the organisation.                                                                    Choose this intensive project                 involving evening work on Day 1
Gain a thorough understanding of this       PRINCE2® is the most popular project                                                                    Why choose this course?                      management if you work in a project-          • For full details, visit our website.
framework for delivering best practice.     management methodology in the UK.            Why choose this course?                                    Choose this course if you would prefer       focused environment and wish to gain
The MSP® framework provides a guiding       This in-depth, intensive course provides     Choose this course if you would prefer                     to study flexibly, and attend an exam        a thorough understanding of the roles                  All accredited training courses
set of principles and processes to be       you with the tools you need to tailor the    to study flexibly, and attend an exam                      workshop to consolidate your learning        and sequencing of activities involved in               are provided by our partners
used when managing a programme.             PRINCE2® process to any project              workshop to consolidate your learning                      and prepare for the Foundation and           successfully delivering an Agile project.              Aspire Europe, who are
                                            or organisation.                             and prepare for the Foundation and                         Practitioner exams.                                                                                 Course Conductor Accredited
                                                                                         Practitioner exams.                                                                                                                                            Market Leaders for Project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and Programme Management.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  MORE COURSES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OVER THE PAGE

14             CPD Unit |                                                                                          (029) 2087 5274                    CardiffUniCPD           Company/CardiffUniCPD              15
Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Project Management                                                                                                                                 Executive Education
Our suite of project management courses caters for those who are looking to develop their practical project                                        Our Executive Education provision translates world-leading academic research into relevant, operational and
management skills as well as for more experienced practitioners seeking a formal qualification.                                                    impactful business practice for individuals and organisations.

Non-accredited courses

                                                                                                                                                   ABOUT EXECUTIVE EDUCATION

Project Management                                        Leading People Through Change                                                            Our programmes are focused
                                                                                                                                                   on implementation - turning the
19-20 May 2020                                            23-24 July 2020
                                                                                                                                                   concepts and ideas into specific
£398                                                      £398                                                                                     actions that improve individual and
                                     2-DAY                                     PREVIOUSLY KNOWN
                                                                                                                                                   organisational performance.
                                    COURSE                                      AS ‘IMPLEMENTING
                                                                             ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE’                                                Studying with us will give you access to
                                                                                                                                                   researchers working at the frontiers of
As project management becomes more                        This workshop will help you to develop                                                   knowledge in their disciplines.
widespread in all aspects of life, this                   skills in four key areas required to
course makes this all-important discipline                effectively implement change in an
                                                                                                        \                                          As a research-led institution, you
broadly accessible to delegates who                       organisation - Programme management,              PROJECT MANAGEMENT                     can be assured that our teaching is
need to understand and have practical                     Change management, Benefits                       ALUMNI NETWORK                         derived from the very latest thinking.
experience of project management without                  management and People management.                                                        Learning is delivered through a variety
requiring professional accreditation.
                                                                                                            This is free and exclusive to
                                                                                                                                                   of different methods, case studies,                                                                 GO TO PAGE 11 FOR
                                                          Day 1                                                                                    simulations and practical applications,
Through a very practical workshop,                        • The essentials of business change               anyone who has attended our            to ensure effective knowledge transfer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        DETAILS OF OUR
delegates will leave feeling confident in                 management and how it is linked with              Project Management courses.                                                                                                                 SHORT COURSES
their ability to manage projects as well as               programme management, as the delivery
appreciating some of the broader change                   vehicle for organisational change
management and stakeholder                                • Benefits management. This session               Our network offers delegates who
engagement issues.                                        is based on best management practice              take part in Cardiff University’s      Executive Education bespoke                   Customisable programmes for
                                                          methods.                                          Project Management courses             programmes                                    delivery ‘in-house’
The workshop focuses on the need for a                                                                      a unique opportunity to share
business case and well-structured plans                   Day 2
                                                                                                            experience and ideas with others       We have a great deal of experience,           The Cardiff Innovation Project
but also recognises that things don’t                     • All about people. Includes the skills,                                                 and a long track record of                    Professor Robert Morgan, Sir Julian Hodge
always go according to those plans.                       tools and techniques required to embed            working in the field of project and                                                  Professor in Strategy and Innovation will
                                                                                                                                                   excellence, in designing and
                                                          the changes delivered by the programme            programme management.                  delivering bespoke education                  work with organisations to assess their
Who is it for?                                            within the ‘business as usual’ area of the                                                                                             current innovative capability and develop
                                                                                                                                                   and training programmes for
This is primarily designed as an                          organisation. Several change models are           BENEFITS INCLUDE:                                                                    the innovation capability of participants
                                                                                                                                                   organisations.                                                                            BREAKFAST BRIEFING SERIES
introductory course for anyone needing                    considered as well as the soft skills and                                                                                              so as to effectively harness and increase
to understand and have a practical                        communication issues.                                                                                                                  their innovation potential.                 The Executive Education Breakfast
experience of project management.
                                                                                                            • Priority access to FREE              We take the time to understand your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Briefing series is just one way in
                                                          Who is it for?                                    project management                     learning requirements and to get to know      Lean Six Sigma                              which we are engaging with our
What will I learn?                                        • Business Change Managers                        events and workshops                   your organisation and its culture, in order   This five-day Lean Six Sigma Yellow
                                                                                                                                                   to create tailor-made courses that meet                                                   local business community.
• How to establish projects, develop                      • Senior decision-makers who are                                                                                                       and Green Belt training is a practical
                                                                                                            • EXCLUSIVE promotions                 your needs.
business cases and how to get started in a                responsible for formulating and                                                                                                        programme that enables you to start
controlled way                                            deploying strategy but who do not require         and discounts                                                                        applying the tools and techniques to        This series offers business
• What is involved in controlling execution               professional accreditation.                       • Invitations to Cardiff               If you would like to discuss                  improve efficiency and effectiveness of     practitioners, policy makers,
- planning, change control, risk & issue                                                                                                           possible opportunities then please            business processes, irrespective of the     media and other stakeholders
                                                                                                            University events.                     contact Sarah Lethbridge:
management and working with teams                         What will I learn?                                                                                                                     size or type of industry.                   the opportunity to hear the latest
• Why stakeholder analysis and                            • How to establish projects, develop                                                                                                                                               School research and work with
engagement is important as well as the                    business cases and how to get started in a                                                         Service Improvement Innovations
                                                                                                                WANT TO KNOW MORE?                                                                                                           our partners.
principles of successful change.                          controlled way                                                                                                                         We offer organisations and individuals
                                                          • What is involved in controlling execution                                                                                            a unique perspective on service
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Recent topics have included
Why choose this course?                                   - planning, change control, risk & issue                                                                                               improvement thanks to the School’s
                                                                                                             For more information about the                                                                                                  gender pay disparity, building
This course is ideal if you wish to gain an               management and working with teams                                                                                                      prestigious improvement heritage.
                                                                                                             Alumni network contact Kate           Bespoke short courses                                                                     innovation into organisations,
understanding of project management,                      • Why stakeholder analysis and                                                                                                         This course discusses different
but do not require accreditation.                         engagement is important as well as the             Sunderland, Business Development                                                    types of service innovation and             tempting talent in to business and
                                                                                                                                                   Cardiff Business School is a very large                                                   information management and
                                                          principles of successful change.                   Manager, by phone or email (below).                                                 improvement methodologies.
                                                                                                                                                   School with academic experts in most                                                      organisational liability.
                                                                                                                                                   business disciplines.
                                                          Why choose this course?                                                                                                                It assists you to understand and practice
Accredited MSP® training is provided by our partners      This non-accredited course covers some                                                                                                 a range of techniques, whilst considering
Aspire Europe, accredited by PeopleCert. MSP® is a                                                                                                 So get in touch with any short course                                                     For information about upcoming
registered trademark of AXELOS Limited. Accredited        of the same broad topics as the MSP®                                                                                                   the practicalities of how to deploy these   Breakfast Briefings, please email
                                                                                                                                                   requirements that you might have and
PRINCE2® 6th edition training is provided by our          course, but focusses on how to run a                                                                                                   tactics within your organisation, winning
                                                                                                                                                   we’ll do our best to assist.                                                              our team at:
partners Aspire Europe, accredited by PeopleCert.         programme, rather than understanding                                                                                                   hearts and minds.
PRINCE2® 6th edition is a registered trademark of                                                                                                                                                                                  
AXELOS Limited. AgilePM® is a registered trademark of
                                                          the framework and methodology.
Agile Business Consortium Limited. All rights reserved.

16                 CPD Unit |                                                                                        (029) 2087 5274                 CardiffUniCPD          Company/CardiffUniCPD             17
Cardiff University Continuing Professional Development - Professional Development Datblygiad Proffesiynol
Medicine                                                                                                                                                                                                                            DECIPHer
The School of Medicine pursues the highest standards of research, education and training. We offer a range
                                                                                                                                                                                       The Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions for
of short CPD courses and standalone credit-bearing modules which can be flexible and cost-effective for the
                                                                                                                                                                                       Public Health Improvement
busy practicing clinician.

                                                                      12-WEEK                                                                                                                                                                                     5-DAY
                   RESIDENTIAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   COURSE
                 OPTION AVAILABLE                                  ONLINE COURSE

Essential Updates in Therapeutics             Introduction to Dermoscopy                   Community Oncology                          Problem Solving in Paediatric                   Process Evaluation of                        Developing and Evaluating
Study Day                                     March 2020                                   Spring 2020                                 Palliative Care                                 Complex Interventions                        Complex Public Health
Spring 2020                                   £1,195                                       Kindly funded by MacMillan                  March-June 2020                                 September 2020                               Interventions
£125                                                                                       Cancer Support                              £550                                            £225                                         June 2020

The Essential Updates in Therapeutics         Dermoscopy is a non-invasive, widely used    Cancer treatments are at their most         A Masters level short course in                 The aim of this 1-day course is to provide   The aim of this 5-day course is to provide
study day is brought to you by the            diagnostic tool that aids the diagnosis      effective and patients have the             paediatric palliative care. Organised           participants with a working knowledge        you with an introduction to the socio-
team behind the MSc/PgDip/PgCert              of skin lesions and is proven to increase    most options, the earlier a diagnosis       by Cardiff University in collaboration          of the theory and practice of process        ecological model of health and how it can
in Therapeutics.                              the accuracy of melanoma diagnosis.          is made. The complications of               with Ty Hafan Children’s Hospice                evaluation of complex interventions.         be used as a framework for designing
                                                                                           cancer and its treatment need early         and the All Wales Managed Clinical              The teaching team includes authors of        public health improvement interventions.
This annual event is consistently             Who is it for?                               recognition and management to               Network for Children’s Palliative Care.         numerous empirical and methodological        You will also learn about different
very highly evaluated and aims to             This course is designed specifically         improve safety and outcomes.                                                                works related to process evaluation.         research methods used for developing
provide practitioners with a forum to         for doctors who are involved in the                                                      Who is it for?                                                                               new interventions, how to develop an
update their knowledge on key topics          care of dermatology patients with skin       This course is a response to the need for   The course is open to physicians,               Who is it for?                               intervention ‘logic model’, and how
in primary care. This is achieved             lesions, and who are interested in the       increasing the awareness of community       nurses, psychologists, therapists               Researchers, PhD students,                   DECIPHer works with policy-makers, health
through a series of short, informative,       management of benign and malignant           health care practitioners about cancer      and other professionals working with            practitioners and policy makers              professionals and the public to co-produce
interactive lectures incorporating            skin lesions, or who wish to learn           - recognition, diagnosis and referral.      children. Those interested in end-of-           interested in the development and            interventions.
case studies and the opportunity for          about dermoscopy to improve their                                                        life/palliative care and those with a           evaluation of complex interventions,
discussion with colleagues and peers.         skill in the diagnosis of melanoma.          Who is it for?                              commitment to implementation and                specifically in public health.               It will also provide you with a working
                                              The course is also for specialist nurses     Suitable for all community                  dissemination of paediatric end-of-                                                          knowledge of the key frameworks and
Your learning will be supported by copies     actively working in skin cancer clinics,     healthcare practitioners.                   life/palliative care education within           What will I learn?                           methodologies currently used to evaluate
of all of the programme materials to          subject to appropriate qualification.                                                    your institution or organisation.               • The role of process evaluation in          complex interventions. Teaching will be
take away, as well as ample opportunity                                                    What will I learn?                                                                          understanding complex interventions          delivered by experts in the field of public
for networking and                            What will I learn?                           During the face to face day delegates       What will I learn?                              • The importance of intervention             health intervention from DECIPHer and our
interprofessional discussion.                 This programme aims to develop               will gain the knowledge and skills          The vision of the course is to improve          theory and logic models                      collaborating institutions.
                                              competency in using a dermatoscope to:       to positively impact patient care –         patient care by delivering accessible           • Fidelity and implementation
Who is it for?                                                                             diagnosis, communication, community         education through which we aim to               of complex interventions                     Who is it for?
Any healthcare professional (eg               • Differentiate melanocytic from             management and timely referral              support health-care professionals to            • Relationships and resource issues          Researchers, PhD students, practitioners
doctor, nurse, pharmacist, paramedic)         non-melanocytic skin lesions                 to appropriate patient pathway.             problem solve in paediatric palliative care,    • Identifying questions and                  and policy makers.
with an interest in the evidence-             • Differentiate malignant from                                                           whatever their setting or area of interest.     combining methods
based management of commonly                  non-malignant skin lesions                                                               • Early days: principals and philosophy of      • Analysis and dissemination                 What will I learn?
encountered conditions.                       • Assist in the early diagnosis                                                          paediatric palliative care, identification of   of process data.                             • The theory and rationale underpinning
                                              of melanoma                                               WANT TO                        need, referral to services, assessment                                                       the socio-ecological model
The focus of the day is on                    • Assist in management decisions                        KNOW MORE?                       • Period of stability/need for parallel                                                      • Complex systems perspectives
providing practical continuing                relating to pigmented skin lesions                                                       planning. Includes symptom control                                                           • Typologies and examples of
professional development to                   • Assist in the diagnosis of some                                                        • End-of-life phase including Paediatric                                                     complex interventions
benefit practice and patients.                non-melanocytic skin lesions.                                                            Advance Care plan (PAC-Plan)                                                                 • Research methods and tools
                                                                                                                                       • Bereavement and staff support.                                                             for intervention development
What will I learn?                            Eligibility criteria                              To discuss possible bespoke                                                                                                         • Logic model development to
Topics will be confirmed nearer the time so   Applicants must fulfil all of the             CPD opportunities in medicine, please                                                                                                   inform the design and future
that delegates receive the most up-to-date    following criteria to be considered              contact Charlotte Stephenson,                                                                                                        evaluation of new interventions
information available. Previous subject       eligible for this course:                       Business Development Manager                                                                                                          • Methods for involving policy makers,
areas have included:                                                                             by phone or email (below).                                                                                                         practitioners and the public
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease       • Hold a medical degree                                                                                                                                                               • The MRC framework for evaluating
– an ever-changing landscape                  • See patients with skin lesions regularly                                                                                                                                            complex interventions
                                                                                                                                                  ABOUT DECIPHer
• Advancing inhaler technique – making        • Have an excellent command of English                                                                                                                                                • The RE-AIM framework for
inhaled drugs count                           • Own or have access to a computer                                                                                                                                                    public health intervention
• Difficult cases in hypertension – what      with high speed internet                                                                                                                                                              • MRC process evaluation guidance
do I do next?                                 • You do not need to have completed                                                        The Development and Evaluation of              and alcohol, tobacco and drugs, with        • Pilot trials and feasibility studies
• Polypharmacy in older people – cases        a previous dermatology or dermoscopy                                                       Complex Interventions for Public Health        a particular focus on developing and        • Randomised controlled trials
from the front line                           course but some knowledge of                                                               Improvement (DECIPHer) brings together         evaluating multi-level interventions that   (RCTs), including pragmatic,
• Healthcare is team care – building          dermatology is required in order                                                           experts from a range of disciplines to         will have an impact on the health and       “realist” and policy trials
resilience into the healthcare model.         to participate effectively.                                                                tackle public health issues, such as           wellbeing of children and young people.     • Natural experiments and data linkage
                                                                                                                                         diet and nutrition, physical activity,                                                     • Economic evaluation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    complex interventions.

18              CPD Unit |                                                                              (029) 2087 5274                    CardiffUniCPD            Company/CardiffUniCPD              19
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