Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki

Page created by Billy Carter
Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Ngā mihi
    Nau mai, haere mai ki Te Kura
    Matatini o Taranaki, welcome
    to the Western Institute of
    Technology at Taranaki (WITT).
    Congratulations for choosing to study at our
    wonderful institute.
    This handbook gives you a brief insight into
    what helps make us unique. We hope you have
    a great time here.
    Tumu Whakarae,
    Chief Executive John Snook

    Staff Welcome
    We are excited to welcome
    you into our whānau and look
    forward to supporting you during
    your studies.
    There are a range of staff and other services
    at WITT that are focused on creating an
    environment in which every student is valued
    and teaching and learning is designed for you
    to thrive and fulfill your potential. We hope you
    take advantage of these services and enjoy your
    time with us.
    Kia whai oranga ai ngā iwi o Taranaki, waiho i te
    toipoto kaua i te toiroa
    Let us keep close together, not far apart

2 | 2021 Student Handbook
Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki

WITT is the largest educational                      4      Local Iwi
provider in Taranaki, with highly                    5      Career and employment
                                                     6      Kopa Manaaki (Māori and
qualified staff providing quality                           Pasifika Centre
tertiary education outcomes which                    7      Puna Manaaki (Wellbeing Hub)
are recognized regionally and                        9      Te Whare Mātauranga
nationally. Studying with us is a                           (Learning Resource Centre)
great way to meet new people,                        10     International student services
                                                     11     Student facilities
gain new skills, and experience
                                                     12     Get involved
success.                                             13     Have your say
Our educational purpose is to:                       14     You need to know
• Ensure excellent tertiary                          16     Assistance with academic matters
  education outcomes                                 17     Financial information
                                                            - Domestic student withdrawals
• Valued outcomes for students,                             - International student withdrawals
  employers and Taranaki                             21     Your rights and obligations
                                                     25     Complaints policy and procedure
                                                     26     Emergency procedures
                                                     28     IT guide

How does this handbook work?
This handbook gives both the onsite and
offsite students the important information you     WITT offers support services to both onsite
need as a student at the Western Institute of      and offsite students. Contact us using the
Technology at Taranaki (WITT). Please take         phone extension or email addresses provided
some time to read it. Throughout the handbook      in this handbook and set up a face to face,
you will notice references to various Academic     Zoom or Skype chat.
and Health & Safety policies and procedures.
You can view these via the Intranet on any
computer on campus: http://iwitt. If you are
ever unsure of any issues relating to you
personally or to your studies, please contact
your tutor, faculty administrator or any Student
Success Team staff member.

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Local iwi
    Taranaki waka and surrounding land
    The eight iwi of Taranaki relate to three major voyaging waka,
    the Tokomaru, Kurahaupo and Aotea. The descendants
    of both waves of settlers now form the present iwi of
                                                                              Ngāti Tama
    the Taranaki region. Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Mūtunga,
    Ngāti Maru, Te Ātiawa, Taranaki, Ngāruahine,
    Ngāti Ruanui, Ngā Rauru.
    E ngā iwi o te rohe nei

                                        Te Atiawa

                                                                     Ngāti Maru



                                                                                       Ngā Rauru

    The original ancestor of the
    surrounding area is Tūparikino
    Parihamore is situated at the end of Bell Street
    behind the polytechnic. The Parihamore pā
    was once famous for its abundant tītoki tree
    renowed for its crop of berries from which sweet
    scented oil was made for the famed beauty
    Urukinaki, daughter of Chief Kahu-Taiaroa.
    Chief Pōtaka of Puketapu hapū had heard of
    Urukinaki’s beauty and although advanced in            at Parihamore to run out and the people to
    years, became desirous of the famed beauty.            surrender. Urukinaki became the ‘price of
    Pōtaka raised a tauā of his own people and             peace’. She was anointed with the tītoki oil
    marched on Parihamore pā where a siege                 and sent to the enemy’s camp where Pōtaka
    was made on the pā. They set up camp at                claimed her as his wife and gave orders to
    Puketarata nearby and waited for the stores            return home with her as his bride.

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Career & employment
Helping students plan the next step

Career Planning and                                 Student Job Search
Employment Support                                  WITT is proudly an Associate Member of
You can work with the careers and employment        Student Job Search (SJS). For students of WITT,
staff to plan your study, your career and support   SJS is a free service aimed at assisting students
providing employment. We can assist you with:       in their search for employment. From one-off
                                                    jobs around the home through to full-time
• Choosing the right course for you
                                                    graduate positions, SJS is a student’s
• Sorting out a career pathway                      one-stop-shop for earning as you learn and
• Assisting you, after course completion,           gaining valuable on-the-job experience.
   with the next step into employment or            Ready to start the search? Simply visit
   further study                           and register as a student of
• Where to search for jobs                          WITT. From there you can apply for advertised
• Using the Student Job Search website              positions before giving SJS a call on 0800
• Helping you with CV writing and preparing         757 562 to discuss the position further or
   for job interviews                               visit the Careers Advisor. Look out for the
                                                    job postings on iWITT.
Main reception
06 757 3100 ext 8857
Jo Syme
06 757 3100 ext 8983

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Kopa Manaaki
    Māori and Pasifika Centre

    The Māori and Pasifika Centre provides a range    Assessment in Te Reo Māori
    of support services to students under a tikanga
                                                      The Assessment in Te Reo Māori Policy ensures
    Māori philosophy.
                                                      that those who wish to be assessed in Te Reo
                                                      Māori are given the opportunity to do so. If
    Māori and Pasifika Support                        you would like to complete your assessment
    The Māori and Pasifika Kaitakawaenga provide      in Te Reo Māori or want more information on
    targeted supports to Māori and Pasifika           this option, contact the Māori and Pasifika
    students including:                               Kaitakawaenga or your school administrator.
    • A culturally safe study space with a
       networked computer suite                       Scholarships
    • Financial advice/support                        A range of scholarships and grants are available
    • Cultural support                                to students. To find out more check out the
    • Pastoral support from an holistic approach      scholarships page on our website. For those
                                                      needing assistance with scholarship applications,
    • Kitchen facilities for use of students
                                                      advice or support contact the scholarships
                                                      Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8978, 8765, 8783

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Puna Manaaki
Wellbeing Hub

Counselling                                        Chaplaincy
A free and confidential counselling service is     An ecumenical (all faiths) chaplain is available
available to students. It aims to help you deal    on campus to provide a confidential, non-
with personal or study issues in a friendly,       judgmental listening ear; support in times of
non-judgmental, professional and confidential      illness, confusion or loss; and a point of contact if
manner. The counselling service can help you       you want to explore issues of faith or spirituality.
to explore options for making changes in           You do not have to be a Christian to seek the
your life, or changing the way you think about     support of the chaplain.
events – past and present. You may like to seek    Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8882
counselling for any number of issues, including:   Email:
• Finding a balance between study and
    home life                                      Disability Support
• Meeting the demands of academic study            A broad range of support services are available
• Work overload leading to stress or anxiety       if you are experiencing temporary or permanent
• Adjusting to study with a depressive illness     impairment or live with the effects of long term
• Adapting to loss                                 illness or injury. Support services include:
• Finding new directions                           • Support staff e.g. note takers
• Financial stress                                 • Exam support e.g. readers/writers
Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8766                        • Equipment and furniture
Email:                      • Campus accessibility and individual
                                                       evacuation plans
                                                   • Information and advocacy
                                                   • Enrolment assistance and orientation
                                                   • Alternative format material
                                                   We encourage students to make contact with
                                                   the disability service before you start or early in
                                                   your course.
                                                   Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8786

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Health Clinic                                     Medical Services
    The Health Clinic provides a wide range of free   A Medical Clinic is run at the Health Clinic on the
    health services to students. The clinic is open   Bell Street campus weekly. Consultations are free
    Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:00pm. The       for students. Appointments necessary, contact
    services offered include:                         the Health Clinic.
    • Treatment for accidents or illness              Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8775
    • Rehabilitation from accidents or injury         Email:
    • Advice and treatment on sexual health
       and contraception (including emergency         Youth Guarantee
       contraception)                                 WITT has dedicated staff to support students in
    • Pregnancy testing                               the Youth Guarantee Scheme. Youth Guarantee
    • Hearing and vision screening                    support workers work with students, tutors and
                                                      families to ensure academic success.
    • Nutrition and weight management
                                                      Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8987 & 8770
    • General health assessments
    • Stop smoking advice and treatment
    • Smear tests
    Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8775

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Te Whare Mātauranga
Learning Resource Centre

Learning Support                                     Library
The learning support staff teach a wide range of     WITT library has all the resources to support
study skills on an individual, small group and in-   your learning. You can find books and journals
class basis. Their aim is to increase your chance    that are relevant to your course as well as online
of success in your chosen course of study.           e-articles and e-books. The library also provides
Learning support staff can assist you with getting   access to computers, group study spaces,
organised to study, note taking, assignment          photocopiers and printers, quiet study spaces
writing, exam preparation, referencing,              and space to relax.
formatting documents, oral presentations, maths      We know that finding the right information
and course-related literacy and numeracy and so      for your assignment can be challenging, the
much more.                                           library staff can assist you in developing your
Students who are studying off campus can             information management and research skills.
receive learning support via Zoom or Skype calls.    Get started by heading to the library website
Contact a learning skills tutor to set this up or You can use this website
book an appointment online at        to book an appointment with the team from
or through the library webpage.                      anywhere, anytime or call into the library and
Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8838, 8652 & 3241             talk to a librarian.
Email:               Library hours during term time:
                                                     Mon - Thurs                   8:00am - 5:30pm
                                                     Friday                        8am - 4pm
                                                     Saturday                      9:30am - 12:30pm
                                                     Sunday                        Closed
                                                     Public Holidays               Closed

                                                     Library hours during term break
                                                     Mon - Fri                     8am - 4pm

                                                     Phone:      06 757 3100 ext 8825
                                                     DDI:        06 757 3261

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Student Handbook 2021 - Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
International student services
    Dedicated services for our international students

    International Student Office                           International Student Support
    The International Student Office processes             Dedicated international support staff provide
    international student applications, liaising with      a range of additional support services for
    agents and prospective students providing the          international students, including:
    necessary information for students to apply            • Accommodation support
    for courses at WITT. The International Student         • Pastoral support
    Office staff can also assist in the following areas:
                                                           • Cultural support
    • Help with course information and
                                                           • Community and campus inductions
        applications to study at WITT
                                                           • Advocacy and information
    • Visa renewals and requirements
                                                           WITT observes and is bound by the Education
    • Medical insurance
                                                           (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code
    • Information relating to English                      of Practice 2016.
        language exams
                                                           Further information on this is available on
    • Enrolments for all international students            our website.
        in all programmes/courses
                                                           In case of an emergency, please contact our
    • Advice on transferring to other                      24/7 number on 027 466 0412.
        programmes/courses within WITT
                                                           Robyn Harvey
    • Withdrawal and refunds                               06 757 3100 ext 8849
    Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8889                  
    DDI:        06 757 3260                                Michelle Von Pein
                                                           06 757 3100 ext 8883

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Student facilities
Places and services to help you succeed

Buses                                             Fitness Factory (On-Site Gym)
Our Tertiary Bus Service allows WITT students     WITT has its very own gym for students
to travel for FREE on all New Plymouth urban      and staff. Membership is free for students.
bus services provided by Tranzit Coach Lines,     Application forms can be obtained from the
including travel from Waitara and Oakura, from    Main Reception.
Monday to Friday.                                 Phone: 06 757 3100
Students can also travel for free to and from
South Taranaki on the Connector bus service       Impressions Restaurant
- bookings essential on some daily runs. Bus
                                                  WITT has its own award winning training
timetables are available in the WITT cafeteria
                                                  restaurant offering high quality food and
or online
                                                  drinks to students and the public at great
You must have a Bee Card to travel on buses
                                                  prices. Open various dates throughout the
and you must have completed a Bee Card
                                                  year for lunch and dinner. Current students
concession application form to travel for free.
                                                  also get a 25% discount. Keep an eye out on
Refer to the TRC website.
                                                  the Impressions Restaurant Facebook page.
Website:         Bookings essential.
Cafeteria (Te Kāuta)                              Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8940

A large, modern and popular cafeteria with        Industrie
indoor and outdoor eating areas is located
at the Bell Street campus on the ground           Industrie is WITT’s student-run Hair and Beauty
floor of B Block. A selection of hot and cold     salon, offering Beauty Therapy, Hairdressing
food is available throughout the day at           and Makeup Artistry treatments at a reduced
reasonable prices.                                rate. The salon is open during term time and is
                                                  available to students and the public. Treatment
Monday to Thursday - 8:00am - 3:30pm
                                                  list is available at the salon or on our website.
Friday - 8:00am - 3:00pm                          Bookings are required.
                                                  Phone: 06 757 3282
Computing Classes
FREE introductory to intermediate computing       IT Service Desk
classes are offered in conjunction with WITT
at the Taranaki Computer Access Centre Trust.     The IT service desk is your first point of contact
Learn word processing, spreadsheets, publisher,   for any network account issues. Questions
powerpoint, internet and email.                   regarding applications used in class should be
                                                  directed to your tutor in the first instance. The
44 Liardet Street New Plymouth 4310
                                                  IT service desk is open from 8am to 4:30pm,
Phone:     06 759 2149                            Monday to Friday during term time. See the
Website:     back of this handbook for further references.
                                                  B Block, first floor (room 113)
Garage Café                                       Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8400 option 2
WITT has its own student run training café        Email:
offering food and drinks at great prices. Come
and enjoy a yummy coffee or meal from the
future's best baristas and chefs. Opening times
vary. See notice boards around campus, look on
iWITT or check your WITT email for updates.
Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8940

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Get involved
    Make the most of being a student at WITT

    Student Leaders                                   Clubs and Leisure Facilities
    Want to represent the student body? Become a      WITT is linked to several clubs in New
    student leader and ensure the student voice is    Plymouth, which gives you access to sports
    heard. Student leaders act as a liaison between   such as rugby, softball, touch, squash and
    the institute and the student body. Elections     badminton, as well as cultural clubs and clubs
    take place at the start of the academic year.     for thrill seekers. WITT is also linked to the
    Leadership training is provided.                  YMCA which offers a vast range of quality
    Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8768                       activity options that are included in the
    Email:                    YMCA WITT Fit package.
                                                      83 Liardet Street, New Plymouth
    Student Ambassadors                               Phone: 06 758 3666
    Student Ambassadors are WITT student
    workers who are employed by the Marketing
    Department and called upon to assist with
    events, expos, campus tours and general help.
    If you are interested in earning a little extra
    money while studying, apply to become a
    student ambassador!
    Phone: 06 757 3100 ext 8808

12 | 2021 Student Handbook
Have your say
Student feedback is an important part of the quality assurance,
self-assessment and continuous improvement process at WITT.

The main purpose of obtaining student               Where can I find out more about the CSSF?
feedback is to use the student voice to bring       Information is available on the WITT website,
about improvement and enhance the overall           on the Tertiary Education Commission
student experience and outcomes.                    website or alternately you can contact the
                                                    Student Leaders Coach
Student Surveys
The institute runs two formal surveys each year     Course and Tutor Evaluations
– the First Impressions survey run 4 weeks into     Course and tutor evaluations are undertaken
each Semester and the Student Satisfaction          annually. Evaluations are completed in class and
Survey run at mid-year. Surveys are sent to         feedback is confidential. Evaluation summaries
students' home email addresses and we               go to the Faculty Leader who works with the
encourage you to take the opportunity to have       teaching team to bring about improvements.
your say. Visit iWITT for past survey feedback
and the institute’s response.                       Concerns and Suggestions Box
Complusory Student Services                         Have a suggestion for improvement? Put a note
                                                    in the “Concerns & Suggestions Box”,
Fee (CSSF)                                          located in the cafeteria alongside the
The Student Services levy or CSSF is a              microwaves. The box is cleared regularly and
compulsory non-tuition fee that is charged to       suggestions and actions taken are reported
students as a condition of enrolment. Students      to management. You have the option to be
and institutes are required to work together        contacted about what has happened with your
to set the fee, following guidelines set by the     suggestion or remain anonymous.
Minister of Education (Tertiary). The Ministerial   If you are off-site, send your feedback or
Direction sets out three key actions, related       suggestions to
to decision-making, accounting for the fee,
and reporting on its use. It also specifies
what categories of student services the fee
can support.
How are students consulted about the CSSF?
WITT is committed to ensuring students and/or
their representatives are consulted as regards
the levy amount and the support services it
is spent on. WITT works closely with Student
Leaders in this process. Student Leaders
are charged with consulting with the wider
student body. They do this either through
their own class/school networks and/or via a
student survey.

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You need to know
    Handy tips to help your study journey

    Contact Phone Numbers and                              Intellectual Property
    Office Hours                                           Any work you create within the terms of your
    Office hours for schools based at Bell Street are      learning contract is presumed to belong to
    from 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.                         WITT unless otherwise stated in writing. This
                                                           does not include work you have created in
    Phone: 06 757 3100 or 0800 948 896.
                                                           your own time, outside the terms of your
                                                           learning contract. For more information,
    Course Timetables
                                                           please see Policy and Procedure Intellectual
    These are available on the WITT Intranet               Property Guidelines for Ownership which is
    http://iwitt and our website           available on iWITT.

    Inclusive Campus                                       iWITT
    WITT is committed to providing an inclusive            iWITT is our student intranet (internal website
    environment for students. Our aim is to ensure         where you will find current information on
    that all students have the same opportunities          upcoming events, annoucements, news stories,
    to access, participate and succeed in education        student policies and procedures, programme
    programmes regardless of gender, race,                 regulations and useful links. You can access
    disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation,   iWITT on any WITT computer: http://iwitt.
    religious or ethical beliefs, in line with the
    Human Rights Act 1993.                                 Lockers
    If you feel your rights are not being respected,       A number of lockers are made available for
    take action. Refer to our Addressing Bullying,         students. They are not specially allocated and
    Harassment and Discrimination Policy, available        you can claim one simply by locking with a
    on iWITT or from any Te Puna Manaaki staff             padlock. Lockers can be found in most blocks
    member. For the names of contact people                around the campus.
    who will assist you if required, see the Te Puna
    Manaaki staff, ground floor B Block.                   Lost Property
    Health and Safety                                      Lost property can be handed in or reported to
                                                           Te Puna Manaaki staff members - B Block
    As a student you are expected to take all              (ground floor)
    reasonable steps to ensure you are not harmed
    while on campus and that you do not harm               Parking
    anyone else either by your actions or by your
    failure to take action, as set out in Policy and       Accessible Parking
    Procedure Student Code of Conduct. Staff               A number of accessible carparks are available
    will advise you of all hazards within your area        on campus. Holders of Operation Mobility
    of work and the controls – including rules and         cards can use the parks. Please display your
    regulations - which you must follow, as well as        Mobility Card on the dashboard of your car
    the use of protective equipment and clothing           whenever in the park. Temporary issuing
    that will promote your safety.                         of a disabled car park can be arranged. A
    Health monitoring may be required in some              doctor’s certificate is required. Please see the
    areas. Staff will advise you of the emergency          Disability Coordinator.
    and evacuation procedures that relate to the
    hazards in the area.

14 | 2021 Student Handbook
Printers, Copying and                             Bee Card
Scanning Services                                 All WITT students are eligble to travel for free
You can print, copy and scan at one of the many   on local bus services including Citylink and
copy machines located on campus. Colour           Connector. To travel on the buses for free
copiers are located at Te Whare Mātauranga        you will need a Bee Card loaded with a WITT
- the Learning Resource Centre and computer       student concession. Cards are available to
labs, B Block, first floor.                       order online at or you can
                                                  pick one up at a number of locations across
Showers                                           Taranaki – check the full list at
There are showers located in various buildings    Study-at-WITT/Getting-around/.
on campus available for students to use. The      If you have your student ID card, take this
showers are located in: D Block, F Block, K       along and they will activate your free travel
Block, N Block and T Block.                       immediately. If you order a card online it may
                                                  take up to four days for your concession to
Student ID Cards                                  be loaded for free travel. Any questions or
Your student ID card will be issued in class      concerns contact
groups at the start of semester. See your
tutor for class booking times or call into        Security
the Learning Resource Centre - Te Whare           There is an emergency phone outside the
Mātauranga, L Block.                              lower entrance to the Registry block, 20 Bell
Your student ID card gives you access to          Street. The phone is for emergencies only and
library resources, photocopying and printing      connects directly to the WITT maintenance
credits and student discounts downtown.           services. 111 calls can also be made from this
Note: replacement cards cost $10.00               phone. Keep personal possessions with you
                                                  at all times or store in lockers available on
                                                  campus. Do not prop open smoke doors or
                                                  exterior doors to buildings.

                                                                              2021 Student Handbook | 15
Assistance with
    academic matters
    Assessment                                           • Credit Transfer (CT) – transfers credit from a
                                                           qualification gained under another provider,
    Assistance in Assessments - If you have a
                                                           to a WITT programme.
    disability or some other recognised condition
    that requires assistance during exams and            • Cross Credit (CC) – gives you credit from
    tests, please contact the disability service. They     another qualification gained at WITT.
    will handle your application for assistance and      RPL Applications
    make the necessary arrangements for you.
                                                         You should lodge your application for RPL with
    Reconsideration of Result - If you would             the Faculty concerned before your programme
    like to query an assessment result, contact          starts. Please note that you will be required to
    your tutor in the first instance. If unresolved,     pay a fee at Main Reception, Bell Street Campus
    you can request a reconsideration of result,         when you apply for RPL, except for cross credits.
    by completing a Reconsideration of Result            Further information is available in Policy and
    form forwarding it to the Faculty Leader. If         Procedure Recognition of Prior Learning, which
    the initial assessment result is upheld, you         is available from the School or on iWITT - iWITT
    may wish to make a further appeal against            can be accessed from any computer at WITT.
    that decision. Please take note of the
    timeframes for appealing against academic            Academic Appeals
    results. Please refer to Policy and Procedure
                                                         WITT has a policy and procedure that enables
    Academic Appeals.
                                                         you to appeal against any decision that relates
    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)                  to your study, if you have legitimate grounds
                                                         for questioning that decision. You may lodge
    RPL recognises that you may have learned from        an appeal by completing the Academic Appeal
    previous experiences such as:                        form which is available on the WITT Intranet,
    • Formal courses and qualifications                  Main Reception or your faculty. Please refer to
    • On-the-job training                                Policy and Procedure Academic Appeals
    • Work experience
    • Life experience/learning
                                                         Programme Regulations
    • Self-instruction/informal                          Programme regulations and course descriptors,
                                                         are available on iWITT.
    RPL means that you can apply to have this
    learning recognised and credited towards
                                                         Awards and Graduation
    qualifications offered by WITT. If RPL
    assessors believe that your previous learning        Towards the end of your programme of
    matches the learning outcomes in all or part         study you will be asked to apply to graduate.
    of a particular programme of study, you              Graduation is typically offered in February for
    are probably eligible for RPL. Therefore,            programmes completed the previous year. You
    we encourage you to apply for RPL to gain            will receive a text or email explaining how to
    credits towards your programme of study.             apply. Please ensure you keep your contact
                                                         details up-to-date so you receive the required
    RPL may take the following forms:                    information. Special certificates may also be
    • Assessment of Prior Learning (APL) – formally      awarded to you in certain circumstances. WITT’s
      acknowledges the value of your previous            Academic Board must approve all results
      learning, whether formal or informal, by           before you will be allowed to graduate. Any
      assessing that learning for the purpose            outstanding debt e.g. programme fees, library
      of granting credit towards a course or             fines, parking etc. must be paid in full before
      programme in which you wish to enrol.              your certificate/award is issued.

16 | 2021 Student Handbook
Financial information

Miscellaneous Fees                              Domestic Student Withdrawals
This table contains some of the miscellaneous   If at any time you wish to withdraw from a
academic fees that may apply to you.            course or programme, you must lodge a
Additional administrative fees may be charged   completed Change of Enrolment, Withdrawal
for other services. Please refer to Table A.    and Refund form at the Main Reception. Verbal
                                                withdrawals are not accepted. Withdrawing
Academic Record       $15.00 (additional        from a course or programme does not stop you
                      copies requested at the   from re-enrolling at a future time.
                      same time$5.00 each)      If you withdraw from a course or programme,
Aegrotat              No Fee                    you may apply for a refund of fees under
                                                the Policy and Procedure 'Domestic and
Applications/                                   International Student Withdrawal, Transfers
Reconsiderations                                and Refund' .
Appeal against        $50.00 (refundable if     If you do not officially withdraw from a course
decisions made        appeal is successful)     or programme, an “Incomplete” result will
under academic                                  be reported on your academic transcript.
regulations                                     Refer to Policy and Procedure 'Reporting and
                                                Certification'. If you are receiving a student
Assessment of         $10.00 per credit (to a
                                                loan or student allowance, you must advise
Prior Learning or     maximum of $450.00
                                                Studylink of your withdrawal from the course
Credit Transer        unless otherwise
                                                or programme, and complete all required
                      approved by Faculty
                                                administrative processes.
                                                Students who fail to engage or progress
Cross Credit          No Fee                    in their studies can be withdrawn by WITT.
Copy of Final         $20.00                    Refer to Policy and Procedure 'Domestic and
Exam Script                                     International Student Withdrawal, Transfers and
Replacement of        $65.00 (Domestic)
WITT Certificate,     $100.00 (International)   Domestic Student Transfers
Diploma or Degree
                                                If you are an enrolled student and would like
Reassessment          $25.00                    to change your course or programme, you will
Charges                                         need to complete a Change of Enrolment,
                                                Withdrawal and Refund form and pay any
Exam Re-sit           $80.00
                                                specified fees. If you wish to change your
Student ID Card       $10.00                    course or programme you will need to discuss
Replacement                                     this with the Programme Manager to obtain
                                                their approval. If your transfer is agreed to,
                                                the Programme Manager will countersign the
                                                transfer form. If changing programmes between
                                                departments both Programme Managers will
                                                need to be consulted.

                                                                          2021 Student Handbook | 17
Refunds                                           International Student Withdrawals
    Refer to the Policy and Procedure 'Domestic       Refund Policy
    and International Student Withdrawal, Transfers
    and Refund' available on iWITT.                   Refunds of tuition fees will be made in
                                                      accordance with the Policy and Procedure
    Refunds Will Have the Following Deducted          International Student Withdrawals, Transfers
    from Them:                                        and Refunds:
    • Any specified charges for course costs and/     1.1   By accepting a place in a programme at
        or consumables                                      WITT, an international student enters a
    • Any other fees owing to WITT                          contract with WITT for the period of the
    In exceptional circumstances, students can              one academic year (or for the length of
    apply in writing to the Chief Financial Officer         the programme if less than one year).
    who may authorise a variation of provisions       1.2   There is no automatic right to a refund
    for refunds.                                            of fees if a student changes his/her mind
    Stand-alone Courses, Short Courses and                  about studying at WITT.
    Programmes Commencing Outside Main                1.3   1.3 Supporting information must be
    Intake Periods                                          submitted in writing to the International
    For programmes that commence outside of the             Office, with any refund application.
    main intake periods, stand-alone courses (from    1.4   If Immigration New Zealand (INZ) refuse
    a programme), and short courses - the last              to grant an initial student visa for study in
    date for domestic students to withdraw with a           New Zealand the student is entitled to a
    refund is up until 10% from the commencement            100% refund of the tuition fee, less a $500
    of the programme, stand-alone course or                 administration.
    short course.

18 | 2021 Student Handbook
1.5   No refunds to international students         1.10 Exceptions may be made in exceptional
      will be given after the programme                 circumstances for compassionate reasons.
      has commenced.                                    Compassionate grounds are considered
1.6   Full Refunds may be given if:                     to be events outside the individual’s
                                                        control that could not have been
      • WITT is unable to proceed with the              predicted and that have had a significant
        programme or course offered                     impact on the person’s ability to continue
      • WITT ceases to be a Code signatory              studying in the current academic year or
      • WITT ceases to be a provider                    the foreseeable future.
1.7   Other refunds may be given if:                    This could for example include such
                                                        things as significant accidents or personal
      • An international student’s visa renewal
                                                        injury to self or a close family member
        is beyond the expiration date and
                                                        that would affect the student’s ability
        the student cannot obtain an Interim
                                                        to continue studying. Compassionate
        Visa, the student will not be able to
                                                        grounds will not be considered sufficient
        attend classes, and is not entitled to a
                                                        for a refund of fees where the student
        refund of fees.
                                                        could have continued in the programme
      • A student in a semester-based                   with support or where the student has
        programme who gain permanent                    chosen to withdraw for other reasons.
        residency will not receive a refund or
                                                   1.11 • Consideration may be given to a refund
        fees for the semester in which residency
                                                            upon receipt of written evidence which
        is granted. However, they will be
                                                            must be submitted by the student,
        treated as a New Zealand Permanent
                                                            or the school on the student’s behalf,
        Resident for the following semester and
                                                            to Registry at the same time as the
        refunded any international fees paid
                                                            completed Change of Enrolment,
        beyond the semester in which residency
                                                            Withdrawal and Refund Form.
        was granted.
                                                        • Exceptions may also be considered on
      • International students in programmes
                                                            the grounds of medical, supported in
        designed with full-year non-
                                                            writing by a health professional.
        semester based courses must pay
        the international fees for the full             • The application should be made prior
        year, regardless of the date on which               to withdrawal, or where circumstances
        permanent residence has been                        prevent prior application at the earliest
        granted during that year.                           possible time.
      • If a student wishes to withdraw or              All withdrawals for compassionate
        transfer to another institution, his/           consideration must be forwarded by the
        her application and notice is received          Information and Enrolments Administrators
        by the International Students’ Offices          to the Director – Corporate Services.
        prior to programme commencement,                The decision to refund fees on
        a refund of 70% of tuition fees                 compassionate grounds will take into
        paid will be given (30% is retained             consideration the length of time in a
        for administration purposes). The               programme/courses. The Director –
        registration and homestay placement             Corporate Services has authority to decide
        (if applicable) are not refundable.             the refund on compassionate or other
1.8   Refunds will be paid in New                       grounds for any individual case.
      Zealand dollars:                             1.12 Variations to Policy
      • To another institution                          Under exceptional circumstances, the
                                                        Chief Financial Officer may authorise a
      • Into a nominated bank account
                                                        variation to rules set out within this policy.
1.9   WITT will not be liable for any exchange          Requests for any variation in policy must
      rate loss or bank fees charged upon               be submitted in writing.
      repayment of a refund.

                                                                                2021 Student Handbook | 19
Termination of Tuition                               Insurance
    2.1   WITT reserves the right to terminate           4.1 Travel and Medical Insurance is
          a student’s tuition in the following                 compulsory for international students for
          circumstances:                                       the period of their visa. A provision for the
                                                               insurance premium is included within your
          • Continued and unexplained                          Offer of a Place. If you wish to provide
            absenteeism                                        your own insurance, you must provide a
          • Provision of false or misleading                   copy of the insurance policy, translated
            information by the student on                      into English, to WITT for verification of
            enrolment                                          acceptable cover. The premium will be
          • Insufficient academic progress                     refunded on arrival at WITT on submission
          • Failure to pay fees                                of appropriate evidence.
          • Where WITT is unable to guarantee            General
            accommodation for an international           5.1 You must attend classes at all times, as
            student due to the student’s behaviour           required, unless you have a genuine
          • In the event of criminal behaviour               reason for your absence. Immigration
            (including such behaviour outside                New Zealand require us to report non-
            WITT premises)                                   attendance.
          • An inability to attend due to reasons        5.2 Immigration New Zealand may request
            such as illness or family obligations,           information about your academic records,
            where the student cannot make up the             results or progress. You agree to the
            missed course time and will need to              International Office at WITT releasing this
            re-enrol to complete the course                  information.
          • Any breach of disciplinary regulations       5.3 If you have been issued with a Student
                                                             Visa and withdraw from your programme
          • Being unable to comply with The Code             of study, WITT will report to Immigration
            regulations to ensure duty of care.              New Zealand.
    2.2   Please note that students have the             5.4 While enrolled, you must abide by
          opportunity to respond to any allegations          the Rules and Regulations as outlined
          of prejudicial information before a                by WITT.
          termination is made, and all students
          have the right to appeal any decision in
          accordance with Academic Appeals policy
          and procedure.
    2.3   All terminations of tuition will be reported
          to Immigration New Zealand.
    For more information on termination of tuition,
    on the appeal process and on your rights as
    a student and WITT’s obligations, see the
    Student Code of Conduct Policy or contact
    Fee Protection Policy
    3.1   In the event that WITT chooses not to
          offer a programme, enrolled students
          will have their funds returned in full. In
          the event of an insurable disaster, e.g.
          fire, flood, WITT is insured by a Business
          Interruption Policy. This policy provides
          for the running of our programme at an
          alternative site, or meeting contractual
          obligations to refund students where
          WITT is unable to deliver as a result of
          the insurable event.

20 | 2021 Student Handbook
Your rights and obligations
The following is an excerpt from Policy and Procedure Student Code
of Conduct. The full policy and procedure is available on iWITT.

WITT students have the right to                            4.19 All personal information will be kept confidential
                                                                by WITT, and only released with the consent
expect that:                                                    of the student, or when the Institute is legally
4.1    Their learning needs will be of primary                  required to do so (in accordance with the
       importance to WITT.                                      provisions of the Privacy Act 1993 and the Official
4.2    Their cultural needs will be treated with respect        Information Act 1982).
       and sensitivity.
                                                           WITT expects students to:
4.3    They receive high quality learning and flexible
       and innovative delivery that respects diversity     General
       and promotes lifelong learning and excellence.      4.20 Access to appropriate classroom space,
4.4    They have reasonable on-campus access to                 technology and equipment will be provided from
       members of staff outside normal class time.              programme commencement.
4.5    They have adequate access to information and        4.21 Comply with WITT regulations, including the
       resources that relate to learning.                       standards and provisions that apply to their
4.6    They have access to their own academic records.          programme of study.
4.7    They receive accurate information before            4.22 Accept responsibility for their own learning by
       enrolment about all key aspects of a course or           meeting deadlines and participating in class and
       programme including details of all costs and an          individual study.
       itemisation of fees to be charged.                  4.23 Respect the environment and resources of WITT.
4.8    They receive full programme details including       4.24 Show respect and consideration for other
       curriculum and assessment details and details            students and staff.
       of the programme structure at the start of
       a programme.                                        4.25 Pay all fees due for the programme.
4.9    All forms of student assessment are fair, valid     Safety
       reliable and consistently applied.                  4.26 Adhere to all Health and Safety rules including
4.10   Student work be assessed and returned within a           evacuation and emergency procedures.
       reasonable period.                                  4.27 Ensure that no action or lack of action on their
4.11   The workload associated with any course or               part results in harm to themselves or others.
       programme is reasonable and achievable.             4.28 Ensure that no action or lack of action results
4.12   They have adequate time to prepare for end-              in harm or damage to WITT’s plant, property
       ofcourse examinations after the completion of            or equipment.
       prescribed course work.                             4.29 Refrain from dangerous, reckless or in-considerate
4.13   They have representation on appropriate bodies           driving in or about WITT campuses.
       within WITT which make decisions that directly      4.30 Adhere to WITT policy and procedure ‘Breaches
       affect them.                                             of Parking Regulations’.
4.14   They will have a safe learning environ-ment         4.31 Not be in possession or, under the influence
       supported by appropriate control mechanisms.             of, or consume non-prescribed drugs and/
4.15   They will have access to an official complaints          or alcohol, or any other substance which may
       procedure that is widely advertised and available        affect their performance on WITT property
       for all students to use.                                 or work placement. (NB The Chief Executive
4.16   They will have access to on-campus support               may authorise the consumption of alcohol at
       services that complement guidance offered                specified WITT functions).
       by tutors e.g. learning assistance, counselling,    4.32 Comply with WITT’s Smoke Controlled
       finances, library, health, exam assistance.              Environment policy and procedure which
4.17   If they have a disability, reasonable assistance         states that the WITT campus and vehicles are
       will be provided by WITT to enable them to               smoke free.
       participate fully in the learning environment.      4.33 Promptly report to the Registry or Health Clinic
4.18   Full details of all WITT policies and                    any incident or potential incident on campus
       procedures and associated regulations will be            involving injury to themselves, fellow students
       readily available.                                       or others.

                                                                                          2021 Student Handbook | 21
Property and Security                                         4.50 Not copy or paraphrase another person’s work,
    4.34 Show reasonable care of property belonging to                 whether published or unpublished without clearly
         WITT or any individual staff member or student.               acknowledging it (plagiarism). Paraphrasing
                                                                       without appropriate acknowledgement will be
    4.35 Take responsibility for their personal property               deemed to be plagiarism.
         within a campus. WITT will not be responsible
         for any loss or damage to student property               4.51 Comply with all rules, stated in the course
         on campus.                                                    information, concerning the conduct of tests,
                                                                       examinations and course work. Any student
    4.36 Not bring firearms or weapons on campus, or                   who is found guilty of any dishonest practice
         assemble ammunition or offensive equipment                    will be liable to the penalties stated under 4E
         on campus.                                                    of this policy.
    4.37 Not engage in dishonest practices.                       4.52 Not take into an examination room, or use,
    4.38 Not falsify or attempt to falsify any official and/ or        any material or item not permitted under the
         personal record relating to their attendance and/             instructions for that examination, whether or not
         or performance at WITT or the qualifications/                 with the intention of using this material to obtain
         results issued to them by WITT.                               an advantage.
    4.39 Not falsely represent the records of WITT.               4.53 Not obtain information during an examination that
                                                                       relates to that examination, or any other form of
    4.40 Not act in a way that constitutes illegal conduct
                                                                       assessment, without the approval of the supervisor
    Discrimination                                                     of that examination or other assessment.
    4.41 Respect the cultural background of others, and           4.54 Not give information during an examination that
         not to discriminate against or harass others                  relates to that examination, or any other form of
         because of gender, ethnicity, special needs, age,             assessment, without the approval of the supervisor
         marital status, sexual orientation, religious or              of that examination or other assessment.
         ethical beliefs, colour, national origins, disability,
         political opinion, employment status and family          Computer Regulations
         status, in accordance with the provisions of             The following is an excerpt from Policy Computer
         the Harassment Prevention Policy and current             regulations. A full policy is available on the intranet.
         Human Rights legislation.                                Right to Access and Monitor Usage
    Confidentiality and IT Systems                                4.1   WITT reserves the right to monitor or access
    4.42 Comply with the provisions of the following                    the use of its computing facilities or electronic
         Quality Management System Policies and                         media – including voice and email messages – at
         Procedures:                                                    any time, and no user has any right to privacy in
         • Confidentiality/Privacy of Information                       respect of the use of or access to any facilities or
                                                                        media provided by WITT.
         • Protected Disclosures Act 2000
         • Computer Regulations                                   Records Management Obligations

    4.43 Not seek or be in possession of information              4.2   WITT is a public body bound by the application
         gained by unauthorised entry to WITT’s                         of the Public Records Act 2005. Consequently, all
         information system                                             documents in electronic format or otherwise, are
                                                                        business records and must be managed by WITT
    Academic Freedom                                                    as such. These documents include all internal
    4.44 Exercise academic freedom in accordance                        and external emails.
         Section 161 of The Education Act 1989.                   4.3   No record is permitted to be deleted except
    4.45 Be free to pursue research under the supervision               in accordance with general disposal authorities
         of a WITT staff member, in accordance with                     granted to WITT by the Chief Archivist.
         current WITT policy and procedure research.              Personal use of Email
    4.46 Be free to disseminate research results through          4.4   Personal usage of email is permissible, subject
         publication, for review, critique, acceptance,                 to the user using his or her best efforts to ensure
         replication or synthesis by peers in their                     that such use is:
         academic and professional disciplines.                         • Kept to a minimum;
    4.47 Not engage in academic activities or behaviour                 • Not unauthorised on any of the grounds set
         that discredits the name and/or integrity of WITT.                 out in this policy and procedure;
    Academic Conduct                                                    • In accordance with the provisions of Clauses
    4.48 Not impersonate any other person, nor allow                        4.1 and 4.2.
         impersonation by any other person, for the               Computer Facilities
         purpose of any examination, essay, assignment,           4.5   The IT Manager in consultation with
         course requirement or any other work relevant to               management and teaching staff has the right
         student assessment.                                            to proscribe – or limit access to – any internet
    4.49 Not claim the work of another person as their                  resource that is not part of or linked to, genuine
         own work.                                                      academic or training aligned activity.

22 | 2021 Student Handbook
4.6   All users of computing facilities must act           •   Use a system to order goods or services without
      responsibly and in a manner consistent with              authority to do so
      normal ethical obligations.                          •   Use a system for anything other than the
4.7   Users must not attempt to interfere with the             business of WITT
      normal operation of computing facilities.            4.10 No user may use, or attempt to use, any system
4.8   Users must abide by the provisions of the                 outside their delegated authority(s).
      Privacy Act 1993 (and Amendments) and                4.11 No user may use, or attempt to use, any
      Protected Disclosures Act 2000.                           system for illegal, improper or inappropriate
Users are not permitted to:                                     purpose including – but not limited to –
• Use computing facilities in a way that violates               computer hacking.
   any applicable laws, contractual agreements, or         4.12 Users must respect the rights of other users
   licences, including - but not limited to - the Films,        to security of files, confidentiality of data and
   Videos and Publications Classification Act 1993 and          the ownership of their own work. Users are not
   the Copyright Act 1994 (and their Amendments);               permitted to:
• Use computing facilities in a way that may mis-
                                                                •   Use or seek to use the computer access
   represent WITT, or violate any other WITT policy;
                                                                    privileg-es of others, or intentionally to seek
• Use computing facilities in a manner considered                   information on, obtain copies of, or modify
   harmful, libellous, slanderous or harassing to an-               files, storage me-dia or passwords belonging
   other person, or which interferes with other users’              to other users; and/or
   legitimate use of these facilities;
                                                                •   Divulge personal data to which they have
• Transmit sensitive information about any                          access concerning staff or students without
   identifiable individual; where such transmission                 explicit authorisation to do so; and/or
   would breach – or would be likely to place WITT in
                                                                •   Copy software or data illegally; and/or
   breach of – any provisions of the Privacy Act 1993
   (and Amendments)                                             •   Engage in any activities that involve the
                                                                    wilful wasting of computing and networking
• Access, copy, store or transmit inappropriate or
                                                                    facilities resources.
   objectionable material as defined by the Films,
   Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993        Proprietary Software
   (and Amendment), including, but not limited to:         4.13 Users must not, without proper authority:
   – Pornography
                                                                •   Use or hold copies of proprietary software
   – Articles that promote crime or violence, or incite             licensed to WITT.
   or instruct in matters of crime or violence
                                                                •   Make proprietary software licensed to WITT
   – Articles that describe or depict material in a                 available for use on any other individual’s or
   manner, or of a nature, that is likely to cause                  organisation’s computer(s).
   offence to a reasonable adult.
                                                                •   Copy or reproduce documentation or other
   – Use WITT’s computing facilities to access and                  supporting literature without having due
   participate in “chat” sessions or for playing                    cognisance of the laws pertaining to copyright
   games, except where such activity is a legitimate                or agreements made with licensors or
   component of a programme.                                        their agents.
Users of WITT computing facilities must not, with-out           •   Identify proprietary software in any
proper authority:                                                   publication without including full and accurate
• Attempt to gain access beyond their allocated                     identification of the licensor and the software.
   security authorisation, or compromise security on            •   Use any system or proprietary software on
   other systems                                                    WITT computing facilities that is not licensed
• Gain access or attempt to gain access to                          by WITT.
   WITT systems                                                 •   Use any non-standard hardware on WITT
• Obtain, or attempt to obtain, any data and or                     systems without the approval of the IT
   software on WITT systems                                         Manager. Only software authorised by the
                                                                    IT Manager may be run on WITT systems.
• Modify or attempt to modify data and/or software
                                                                    All users are expected to abide fully by the
   on WITT systems
                                                                    conditions specified in the relevant licence.
• Delete or attempt to delete any data and/or
   software on WITT systems                                Hardware
• Modify or attempt to modify, the hardware                4.14 The unauthorised installation, removal or
   configuration of any WITT system                             modification of computer equipment is
• Violate or attempt to violate the security of any             strictly prohibited.
   WITT system                                             Interpretation
• Take into a computer room, or consume in a               4.15 The following are examples of unacceptable
   computer room, food or drink                                 usage which have been provided as a guide to
• Move any piece of equipment from its                          interpreting the requirements of Clauses 4.1 –
   registered locale                                            4.9 above:

                                                                                          2021 Student Handbook | 23
•   Copying of licensed or copyrighted software      4.4   The WITT Health Clinic will hold a health
              not permitted by law or by contract                    promotion week on the effects of Drugs and
          •   Purposely accessing and/or transferring                Alcohol twice a year.
              inappropriate, offensive or objectionable        4.5   Any student experiencing issues relating to the
              material from the Internet; e.g. content of a          use of drugs or alcohol should be encouraged
              racist or sexually explicit nature                     to seek assistance from the WITT Health Clinic,
          •   Sending harassing, libellous, abusive or               Employee Assistance Programme, their own
              defamatory electronic mail                             General Practitioner, or other drug and alcohol
          •   Sending electronic mail fraudulently, for              dependency centres.
              example, by misrepresenting the identity of      4.6   Any student who suspects a staff member,
              the sender                                             student, subcontractor or visitor is in possession
          •   Utilising a loophole in a computer’s operating         of, is using, or is under the influence of
              system or knowledge of a privileged                    drugs or alcohol or both while on the WITT
              password, to damage computing facilities or            campus, is required to report this to the Chief
              to gain access to co puting facilities which a         Executive. When there is just cause and/
              user is not authorised to use                          or sufficient evidence the Chief Executive or
          •   Using WITT computing facilities for com-               delegated authority:
              mercial purposes without prior arrangement             •   will contact the Police who will conduct a
          •   Knowingly allowing another person to access                formal drug or alcohol search on any staff
              a user’s log-in ID and password to that user’s             member, student, subcontractor or visitor
              computer or account                                        on campus in the presence of a member of
          •   Reading another user’s electronic mail                     the Leadership team and where requested a
              without their permission, except as provided               support person for the person being searched.
              for under Clause 4.1                                   •   may require the staff member, student,
          •   Using WITT computing facilities to gain                    subcontractor or visitor to attend the clinic
              unauthorised access to computer facilities                 of a registered health professional or ESR
              off-campus                                                 authorised tester who will conduct a non
          •   Using an unacceptably large proportion                     intrusive (urine) test and an alcohol test in
              of resources, such as processing time, disk                accordance with ESR guidelines. 4.7 Without
              space or bandwidth without prior permission.               limiting WITT’s rights under clause 4.8, if a staff
                                                                         member has been removed from Campus or
    Breaches of Regulations - Students                                   identified with a drug and/or alcohol illness
    4.16 Any breach of these regulations by a WITT                       they will be required to attend the Employee
         student may lead to disciplinary action being                   Assistance Programme and a DAPAANZ
         taken under Policy and Procedure Student                        accredited counsellor for support. If they have
         Code of Conduct.                                                been absent from work for more than three
    Management of Alcohol and Drugs on Campus                            days, they will be required to complete a
                                                                         Return to Work Plan in consultation with the
    The following is an excerpt from Policy: Management
                                                                         Occupational Health Nurse on their return
    of Alcohol and Drugs on Campus. The full policy is
                                                                         to work in accordance with the Employee
    available on the intranet.
                                                                         Returning to Work Policy and Procedure.
    4.1   WITT is committed to maintaining a drug free
          campus. The manufacture, use, consumption, or        4.8   Any staff member or student who is found to
          possession of any prohibited narcotic, drug or             be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or
          substance by any person on Campus for which                any other substance which may affect their
          the person does not have a legal prescription              performance at WITT, on WITT property or work
          or licence, is strictly forbidden. This is also in         placement, are taken to be in breach of the Staff
          accordance with New Zealand law.                           or Student Code of Conduct and action may be
                                                                     taken under the Management of Performance
    4.2   The consumption of alcohol on Campus is                    and Conduct Policy and Procedure or Student
          forbidden unless authorised in writing by the              Disciplinary process, whichever is relevant.
          Chief Executive.
                                                               4.9   Any subcontractor or visitor under the influence
    4.3   Clause 4.2 does not apply to patrons of                    of drugs, alcohol or any other substance which
          Impressions Restaurant which will maintain an              may affect their performance at WITT, on
          onsite Licence under the Sale of Liquor Act 1989           Campus or work placement, may be permanently
          and operate under that licence ensuring that:              removed from Campus.
          • servers of alcohol do not allow any person to
                                                               4.10 4.10 WITT has a zero tolerance to possession,
             become intoxicated
                                                                    consumption or being under the influence of
          • no intoxicated person is served alcohol                 drugs and alcohol on Campus and any breach
          • no intoxicated person is allowed to enter or            will be taken to be a serious breach of the Staff
             remain in the restaurant                               or Student Code of Conduct, whichever is
          • no person under the age of 18 is                        relevant. This could lead to withdrawal from a
             served alcohol.                                        course or programme.

24 | 2021 Student Handbook
Complaints policy
and procedure
How do I voice a concern?                         What happens to my formal
In the first instance you are encouraged to       complaint now that I have raised it?
raise your concern directly with the relevant     All formal complaints are forwarded to our
staff member or Director of School and seek       Executive Director. You will receive a letter or
resolution. It is often helpful to discuss your   email of acknowledgement and your complaint
concern with someone else who can provide         will be reported to the School Director or
initial advice, such as the Student Counsellor.   Manager responsible for your area of concern,
If your concern is of a more general nature       for investigation.
you might like to raise it via the “Concerns &    Your School Director or Manager will investigate
Suggestions Box”, located in the cafeteria, or    the complaint through discussions with you and
if off-site, email The box   other parties involved (if applicable), or through
and email are checked regularly, and concerns     mediation if this is required. If your complaint is
raised, suggestions made and actions taken        satisfactorily resolved, it will be closed and all
are reported to the WITT Executive Team. You      parties will be notified in writing.
have the option to be contacted about what
has happened with your concern/suggestion or      What if I am not satisifed with the
remain anonymous.
                                                  outcome of the investigation?
What if my concern is not resolved or             Unresolved complaints may be appealed
                                                  against in writing to the Chief Executive. There
I wish to make a formal complaint?
                                                  is also a process by which students may forward
If you do not reach a satisfactory resolution,    complaints to NZQA.
you may lodge a formal complaint.
                                                  However, complaints cannot be passed directly
Formal complaints should include the
                                                  to NZQA without first being processed through
complainant’s name UNLESS there are special
                                                  WITT’s internal complaint handling procedure.
circumstances for which confidentiality must
                                                  You can also make a formal complaint to the
be maintained. WITT is committed to ensuring
                                                  Tertiary Education Commission by phoning
that all complaints are resolved quickly
                                                  0800 601 302 or email
and satisfactorily.
Complaints will be managed in a manner that       How can I be sure my complaint will
protects the rights of both students and staff.
The complaints process aims to achieve a
                                                  not affect my marks?
positive outcome for all parties concerned.       WITT is committed to ensuring that any person
                                                  raising a concern or complaint is
The formal complaints policy and procedure
                                                  protected against harassment, retaliation
can be obtained from iWITT, your school
                                                  or victimisation. If at any time you feel you
administrator or a Student Success
                                                  are being treated unfairly since making your
staff member.
                                                  complaint, you can bring this to the attention of
Please note that this policy does not cover       the Faculty Leader or Manager.
complaints about harassment which are
covered by Policy Addressing Bullying,            What happens with all the
Harassment and Discrimination.
                                                  information about complaints?
If you want someone to talk to regarding your
complain or the process, contact a member of      The Complaints Officer keeps a copy of
the Student Success team.                         documents relating to each complaint on file.
                                                  This is a confidential file.

                                                                              2021 Student Handbook | 25
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