Under C ver
 NCOA: Protecting those who protect the public   Issue 14 / Spring 2021

Preparing for
a brighter
path ahead?

Can we start to look forward?
Under Cover Magazine
Editor – Simon Bashford

Published by:                        Dare we start to believe?                             outdated and ineffective
NCOA                                 Is it possible that the worst                         model that compensates
1 Dundonald Avenue                   of COVID could be behind                              officers around London.
Stockton Heath                       us, and the vaccine roll-                             Many thanks to National
Warrington, WA4 6JT                  out could soon see us all                             Officer Steve Bond for his
Tel: 01925 214360                    reintroducing ourselves to                            drive and vision to resolve
E: membership@ncoa.org.uk            our favourite summertime                              the existing inequality.
www.ncoa.org.uk                      haunts home and abroad?                                 COVID restrictions
                                     I eagerly await a letter                              meant there was no
Produced by:                         dropping through my                                   NCOA Annual Delegates
Chestnut Media                       letterbox with a vaccine
25 Castle Street                                                                           Conference in 2020. We
                                     appointment date.                                     know how important it
Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1DR
                                       COVID has had a marked effect on          is for members to have a formal
Tel: 07903 304319
                                     many NCOA members, underlining              route to bring issues to the National
E: richard@chestnutmedia.co.uk
                                     the importance of access to                 Executive Committee, and planning
                                     independent mental health and               work has now begun for an event in
                                     wellbeing support. The new Health           2021. More information will be sent
Under Cover is the official          Assured NCOA member service is a            to your reps soon.
magazine of the National Crime       triumph, setting us apart from other          I always take time to thank hard-
Officers Association (NCOA), a       civil service unions in providing this      working NCOA reps who put
trade union formed to focus on       extensive wellbeing provision.
                                                                                 their own time and effort into the
the needs of members of the            With attention focused on the             issues that affect you, so I want to
National Crime Agency (NCA).         pandemic, other issues could fade           personally salute recent retirees Dee
Views expressed in this magazine     into the background. The McCloud            Taylor and Steve Howells for their
are those of officers, committee     judgment focusing on discrimination         service (see News in Brief).
members or representatives           – crucial for many in the NCA – is
                                                                                   Remember, if you would like
unless otherwise stated.             updated in News in Brief. The NCOA
                                                                                 anything published or highlighted
                                     General Secretary sits alongside our
                                                                                 in this magazine, please email the
Contributions may be sent in         sister trade unions, to ensure that
                                                                                 Editor at membership@ncoa.org.uk
confidence to the Editor at          member issues raised with us are
Under Cover Magazine,                ‘kept alive’ within the consultations.        Now where did I leave the suntan
1 Dundonald Avenue,                                                              lotion…
                                       The NCOA’s ambitious approach
Stockton Heath,                      to Regional Allowance payments
Warrington, WA4 6JT                  has seen our pay team provide the
                                     NCA with a real alternative to the          Simon Bashford
The Editor reserves the right
to amend or edit all material as
necessary, and where possible,
with the consent of the
contributer. Under Cover             g   News in Brief                                                       4
Magazine would like to thank
everyone involved in producing       g   Platinum Jubilee medals                                             9
this magazine, especially            g   What is a no-fault divorce?                                        11
advertisers and those kind
enough to make a contribution.       g   Mental health and wellbeing support                                12
                                     g   Five steps to healthier home working                               14
© The National Crime Officers
Association, 2021; reproduction
                                     g   So who are the NEDs?                                               18
strictly forbidden unless by prior   g   Minimum Staffing Levels                                            21
arrangement with the publishers                                                                             22
                                     g   Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club
                                     g   Geographical allowances                                            24
Cover image ©
Lightspring / Shutterstock.com                                                UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 03

Union learning is important for workers and employers
York Central MP Rachael Maskell
has spoken out against government
plans to scrap the Union Learning
Fund (ULF) in what appears to be a
politically motivated attack on trade
unions’ ability to up-skill employees,
provide opportunities for trade union
                                         Picture © Robert Kneschke / Shutterstock

members to learn, and create new
opportunities across a wide range of
employment sectors.
 Established in 1998, the ULF
has supported unions in over
700 workplaces to engage with
employers through Workplace
Learning Centres and the signing

of learning agreements, supporting
around 200,000 workers every year to
access learning.
                                                                                     Unions invest in learning because they unlock
Funding to cease
  The current government has                                                         the potential of others, give them life chances
pledged to scrap the ULF from                                                        that they have never had, help them discover
March 2021, stating in October
2020 that: “The commitment to the                                                    their skills and talents, and open up to them a
Union Learning Fund has never been
open-ended and the current funding
                                                                                     new world of possibilities.”
is due to cease at the end of March                                                  York Central MP Rachael Maskell
2021. We have always been clear any
future funding would depend on the                                           they know that better workplaces        them a new world of possibilities.”
Government’s Spending Review.”                                               are more productive workplaces and       In recent years the ULF has enabled
  Speaking in Parliament in                                                  provide more secure labour.             68% of learners with no previous
November, Ms Maskell stated:                                                  “Unions invest in learning because     qualifications to get a qualification;
“Unions invest in health and safety                                          they unlock the potential of others,    53% of employers saw an increase in
reps because they want working                                               give them life chances that they have   employees gaining a qualification,
people to be safer at work. They                                             never had, help them discover their     while 77% said union learning had a
invest in workplace reps because                                             skills and talents, and open up to      positive effect on the workplace.

NCOA bids farewell to loyal servants Dee and Steve
It is with a sense of sadness that the NCOA waves                                                has long promised herself. Dee is also embarking on a
goodbye to two of its loyal servants, as Dee Taylor                                              genealogy exploration of her ancestral lines.
(Belfast) and Steve Howells (Bristol) have retired from                                            For Steve, he is moving back to his roots in south-west
the Agency and thus their NCOA duties.                                                           Wales where he intends to indulge himself in walking
  Both hard working reps have dedicated a great                                                  and his favourite pastime of photography (so damning
deal of their personal time and energy into advising                                             to many a convicted criminal over the years). He also
and representing their workplace colleagues in                                                   intends to reignite his love for exotic travel when
matters of grievance, discipline, misconduct, and                                                restrictions are lifted and, closer to home, Steve has
panel hearings.                                                                                  always loved his allotment, and the growing of an array
  For Dee, it promises to be ‘late rising’ on day one                                            of chilli plants from all over the world.
of freedom, followed by longer term projects of the                                                Thanks for all your efforts, and hope to see you both
garden (her shed in particular) and the cruise that she                                          again soon!

04 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                                                                WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK
Picture © Altin Osmanaj / Shutterstock

                                         Unlawful Discrimination – the
                                         McCloud judgment update
                                         In the Autumn edition of Under               choice either to receive legacy          judgment now delivers a fair and
                                         Cover we reported on options being           position scheme benefits for             non-discriminatory choice, at a
                                         considered by the Government to              contributing service between             point when you have all the relevant
                                         deliver a response to the McCloud            2015 and 2022 benefits, or you           information to compare side by side.
                                         judgment, including removing any             can take the benefits under the          That information will be shared with
                                         discrimination attached to public            new scheme. While this may               you in due course by your pension
                                         sector pensions.                             seem a no-brainer for some of            provider – not the NCA.
                                           At the outset, the Cabinet                 you, we know that the higher
                                         Office was very clear that no-one            accrual rates attached to the            Retrospective choice
                                         should suffer any detriment – that           reformed schemes will deliver              For those of you retiring in the
                                         includes you!                                a more attractive outcome for            next couple of years, the pension
                                                                                      others (dependant on age and             providers will eventually contact you
                                         Appropriate resolution                       retirement date).                        at which point you will be given the
                                           To make sure it had all the              • From April 2022 everyone who             opportunity to re-visit your ‘pre-
                                         information at its disposal, it agreed       has not yet been able to retire          implementation period’ decision. If
                                         to open its trade union consultation         will continue the remainder of           beneficial, you can adopt to move
                                         to include a separate ‘public’               their service as members of the          to the more advantageous benefits,
                                         consultation, to hear the views of           new ‘reformed’ schemes.                  with back payments as appropriate.
                                         those personally affected and what         What is clear is that the choice will        Given the fact that these decisions
                                         the most appropriate resolution          now allow you to decide on what to           will be totally personal and vary
                                         might be.                                do at the point of retirement, when          from member to member, we
                                           That consultation concluded on         you can compare the actual benefits          regret we are unable to provide
                                         11 October 2020, and the two key         personal to your circumstances.              you with individual financial advice.
                                         decisions reached and now agreed           Putting aside the arguments                But we would encourage you to
                                         by the Government are as follows:        around the necessity to change               look at www.gov.uk/government/
                                           • Moving forward, at the point         the schemes in the first place               publications/public-service-pension-
                                             benefits are paid (eg at             (they pre-date the NCOA), we                 schemes-consultation-response-
                                             retirement) you will be given the    think the outcome of the McCloud             guidance for more information.

                                         WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                    UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 05

Employment law: what are the changes post-Brexit?
The UK remained bound by                                                             extended to other appellate
European law until the end of the                                                    courts, including the Court of
transition period provided for in the                                                Appeal.
Withdrawal Agreement between the                                                 • CJEU decisions post-dating the
EU (31 December 2020).                                                               end of the transition period are
  EU legislation which applied                                                       not binding on UK courts, but
directly or indirectly to the UK before                                              the courts may have regard to
11pm on 31 December 2020 has                                                         them so far as relevant.
been retained in UK law as a form                                                The Trade and Cooperation
of domestic legislation known as                                               Agreement finalised between
‘retained EU legislation’. The EU Exit                                         the EU and the UK just prior to
Web Archive is the comprehensive                                               the end of the transition period
and official UK reference point for                                            includes reciprocal commitments
EU law, as it stood at that date.                                              not to reduce the level of protection
  Directly applicable EU legislation                                           for workers or to fail to enforce
consists of Regulations and                                                    employment rights in a manner that
Decisions directly applied as law                                              has an effect on trade, but makes
in an EU Member State. Indirectly                                              clear that both parties have the
applicable EU legislation requires                                             freedom and ability to make their
a Member State to make domestic                                                own decisions on regulating labour
implementing legislation. For                                                  and social standards going forward.
example, the UK Working Time                 given power to depart from        So the future shape of employment

                                                                                                                        Picture © Sergey Tarasov / Shutterstock
Regulations implemented the EU               those decisions. The European     law will depend on the complexion
Working Time Directive.                      Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018,      of future governments and the cases
  In interpreting this retained EU law:      as originally enacted, provided   that come before the courts.
  • UK courts will apply decisions           that the Supreme Court (as well     There have been some immediate
       of the Court of Justice of            as the ultimate court of appeal   changes to employment law content
       the European Union (CJEU)             on Scottish criminal law) would   (for example the card on Jurisdiction
       that pre-date the end of the          have such power. Following        and Territorial Limitation) and others
       transition period, except to          a consultation by the Ministry    will be updated as case law and
       the extent that courts are            of Justice, such power was        statute law develop.

We all deserve a few perks in life...
Many members have already signed up to the
NCOA all new (and free!) discounting platform, to
access thousands of discounts on big name brands
and local businesses.
  The platform, powered by Perkjam, provides
promotional access to a host of entertainment,
technology, travel and sportswear products for all
serving NCOA members, including family and friends.
  Once members have logged on and registered
with very limited personal data, they are free to start
shopping and saving money. Each registered member
can select their own preferences to receive personalised
updates, so that they never miss out on any offer.
  Perkjam is a popular discounting platform within the
law enforcement community and is a secure way of
saving on top brands.
  To view all perks and start saving, head for www.ncoa.

06 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                          WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

GDPR considerations for online meetings
During the COVID-19 lockdown,
many of us took to online
meetings and training for member
engagement. This practice has
proved to be successful, if not a little
frustrating if internet speed is not
up to it, and it is likely that this may
continue for years to come.
  The NCOA is no exception and
does itself use MS Teams, as it
provides at least some security
compared with other popular
  Within the wider civil service
there has been a danger that in
some online discussions or courses,
participants have shared sensitive
personal data about other members
of their workplace, for example
when referring to situations that
have happened in the office.

Kept securely
                                           Picture © fizkes / Shutterstock

  It is important that we take steps
to ensure that this does not happen
and that data from which individual
members might be identified is not
shared, or if shared, is kept securely.
It is particularly important where any
online event is being recorded and
kept for future use.
                                                                                 data; if the event is being              others who were not the original
  While few meetings are routinely
                                                                                 recorded, this is particularly           participants of the training event/
recorded, even non-recorded events
                                                                                 important                                meeting. The normal data protection
should carry with them a warning.
                                                                               • listen out for participants sharing      rights for a member/non-member
The NCOA carries out training
                                                                                 sensitive personal data about            will still apply, personal data will
sessions online, some of which are
                                                                                 themselves or others and remind          consist of visual and audio data and
not routinely recorded; but as such,
registrations or return e-mails to                                               them not to do that                      the content may include confidential
participants to online events include                                          • review the course before                 information participants may share
a privacy statement as standard, so                                              publishing as part of any other          about themselves or others.
that participants are both assured                                               online learning programme                  The NCOA has a dedicated DPO
and clear about how their data will                                            • seek Data Protection Officer             to deal with questions raised about
be captured and used with a clear                                                (DPO) help if you believe                recording and retention of data;
purpose.                                                                         personal data may have slipped           however, if you are an attendee
  To be clear, during an online event                                            in, and make efforts to edit and         at a meeting online, you should
the course organiser/trainer should:                                             extract it.                              be mindful of your own personal
  • remind participants at the start                                           Recording an online event                  responsibilities to ensure you do not
      of the event that there should                                         increases the risk of personal and           share information about others, and
      be no inappropriate discussion                                         confidential data being revealed.            similarly feel free to ask for details
      of material which could identify                                       A recording may be kept for                  of what measures are in place to
      another’s sensitive personal                                           some time and might be seen by               protect your privacy.

WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                                                        UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 07

NCA – delivering a platinum service
Under Cover explains why our hardworking members all deserve a medal

          1977                            2002                            2012                            2022?

I’m sure we can all agree that 2020       but officers serving in its pre-cursor      crossed that our members within the
wasn’t quite the year we hoped for.       organisation, the Serious Organised         NCA will be formally recognised and
  Fortunately, with the rapid vaccine     Crime Agency, were sadly excluded           share in Her Majesty’s celebrations
roll-out there is some light at the end   from receiving this award.                  next year, which will enable officers
of the COVID tunnel as we move              Since its formation in 2013, the          to proudly reflect on the value the
deeper into 2021; 2022 may even           NCA has been at the pinnacle of UK          UK places on your important law
see us return to what we wistfully        law enforcement, targeting serious          enforcement roles.”
remember as ‘normal life’.                organised crimes which have the
  Hopefully it will be a year where       greatest impact on communities.             Pulling together
we can freely enjoy celebrations, the     Although staffed by civil servants,          We asked NCA Director General
most significant event being led by       the Agency operates without parallel        Dame Lynne Owens for her thoughts
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.           within the Civil Service world.             on the matter. She responded: “This
  2022 marks the 70th anniversary of      Recognising its unique function and         question was raised by officers at the
Her Majesty’s reign, to be celebrated     role, the NCA Long Service and              recent Proud to Protect events too,
across a four-day June Bank Holiday       Good Conduct (LSGC) Medal was               and we are keen that our officers
to mark what will be the Platinum         instituted in March 2017.                   have access to all, and as many,
Jubilee – the first British monarch to      It would be fantastic to see NCA          recognition routes as are available to
reach this historic milestone.            officers included within the ‘public        them. We have not yet been formally
                                          service’ group eligible for the             consulted on the medal award
Public service                            Platinum Jubilee Medal. The selfless        and I suspect that is because our
  When Queen Victoria reached her         actions and service delivered by            colleagues in the Home Office have
50th year on the throne, she issued a     the NCA officers (and others in             been hard at it on both COVID-19
Golden Jubilee Medal, last year the       the public sector such as the NHS)          and the EU exit.
Queen approved plans to issue her         during the pandemic may signal an            “It is my position that all of our
own Platinum Jubilee Medal, to be         extension to the traditional medal          officers should receive the Queen’s
given to those who work in ‘public        recipient list, which of course we          Platinum Jubilee Medal in the same
service’ including the armed forces,      would support.                              way we successfully negotiated
emergency services and prison               Back in January, NCOA General             for all to get the Long Service and
services.                                 Secretary Simon Boon wrote to               Good Conduct Medal (after the
  Nine years ago a Diamond Jubilee        the Home Secretary to raise the             appropriate service length and
Medal was commissioned and                profile of all NCA officers and             with minor caveats.) We do sterling
awarded to eligible staff within the      ask that proper consideration be            work to protect the public, pulling
armed forces, HM Prison Service,          given to including them within any          together as one team, and it is on
emergency services, and police            developing ‘eligibility’ group to           that basis we shall make our case. Of
community support officers. At the        receive the Platinum Jubilee Medal.         course, as soon as we know more,
time the NCA hadn’t been formed,            Simon said: “We have our fingers          we will communicate it.”

WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                    UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 09

                                         What is a no-fault divorce?
                                         Heather Lucy, solicitor with McAlister Family Law, explains the
                                         2021 changes to divorce law – the first real changes in 50 years.
                                         A marriage coming to an end is not always full of                Critics have worried that this new option will
Picture © VGstockstudio / Shutterstock

                                         hostility and tension. Couples can grow apart or make           undermine the sanctity of marriage by making it easy to
                                         the difficult decision that the relationship is not serving     get a ‘quickie divorce’. However, the Act introduces a
                                         either of them. A divorce formalises matters and allows         minimum period of 26 weeks from petition to final order.
                                         both partners to move forward with their lives with             This may seem like a long time when you are looking to
                                         certainty, including working out what should happen             move forward with a new life, but it provides time for
                                         with the family finances.                                       reflection and consideration of your financial matters
                                                                                                         and plans for your children going forward.
                                         The blame game
                                           For a long time, couples have been faced with a               Does this impact finances?
                                         dilemma when it comes to divorce. The only ground                 Unlikely. A common misconception is that the ‘fact’
                                         for divorce in England and Wales is that the marriage           evidencing the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage
                                         has broken down irretrievably. The parties need to              will impact a financial settlement. It has no bearing
                                         demonstrate this to the court using one of five ‘facts’.        whether the petition is based on adultery, unreasonable
                                         Under Section 1 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973,             behaviour, separation or, now, agreement, except for
                                         they can either wait two years (where both parties              in exceptional circumstances. This means there is no
                                         agree), five years (without the need for consent), or           financial incentive for either party to push for a fault-
                                         use one of the ‘blame’-attributing factors which are            based petition.
                                         desertion, adultery, or unreasonable behaviour.                   It will also potentially save legal fees as there will be
                                           This means that couples have either been stuck in             no need to correspond over the contents of a behaviour
                                         limbo for years as their financial situation gets more          petition or seek an admission of adultery.
                                         and more confused, or have had to assign the fault
                                                       for the relationship breakdown to one of          Should I wait for the new rules?
                                                         party. Even if they are aware that this is       This is a deeply personal matter that can only be
                                                         a necessary evil, digging through the           decided upon by you. It is worth bearing in mind that we
                                                         relationship to find reasons for the split      do not yet have a definite date for the new system
                                                        to satisfy the court can bring up painful        coming into place. The length of marriage is
                                                      feelings and resentment.                           also a factor that the courts take into account
                                                                                                         when considering a financial settlement. A
                                                       Times are changing                                matter of months is not likely to be crucial,
                                                         The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation         but it may in certain circumstances.
                                                      Bill received Royal Assent in June last year,       If you are considering waiting, it would
                                                    and the new Act is expected to come into             be sensible to take some legal advice as to
                                                  force in the autumn. Under the Act, the current        the implications this may have on your case.
                                                 options to prove irretrievable breakdown of the         Lawyers have been championing
                                               marriage will still be available. Crucially however,      no-fault divorce
                                                spouses have the option to present a petition            for years so they
                                                 to the court simply saying their marriage has           should be well aware
                                                   irretrievably broken down.                            of your reasons for
                                                      This prevents the need to place blame on           considering waiting.
                                                              one of the spouses. It also reduces         If you are affected by
                                                                       the possibility of an expensive   any of the issues outlined
                                                                         and drawn-out contested         here, please get in touch
                                                                         divorce, as a petition from     today. We are here to help.
                                                                        one spouse saying the            www.mcalisterfamilylaw.co.uk
                                                                      marriage has irretrievably
                                                                    broken down will be seen as
                                                               sufficient proof.

                                         WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                  UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / MARCH 2021 / 11

Member mental health
– You have asked, the
The NCOA has always prioritised          Awarded best workplace and                  including stress and anxiety
members mental health and               wellbeing provider for three              • Support for Home Life –
wellbeing; however, 2020 saw an         consecutive years (2017-2019),               domestic relationships, domestic
unprecedented number of requests        Health Assured (through our                  abuse and bereavement.
for wellbeing services – exacerbated    partners at Endsleigh Insurance)          On your behalf the NCOA has
in part by COVID-19 and lockdown,       already provide support to many          negotiated a unique member service
but also demonstrating a member-        police officers through the Police       that delivers:
driven need for independent             Federation and are key to the             • unlimited, 24/7 access to BACP-
confidential support.                   support of MOD officers. They                accredited mental health and
  The NCOA is therefore rightly         have excellent security measures in          counselling
excited to announce our new             place which will allow our members        • 24/7 critical and traumatic
partnership with Health Assured who     to focus on what their needs are,            incident telephone support

will be providing unique, member-       whether that be issues at home or         • a translation service in over 200
only, mental health and wellbeing       within the workplace.                        languages
support to NCOA members.
                                                The NCOA is thrilled about this new member
                                                service, and we hope you will make use of this
                                                vital investment that we are able to provide to
                                                you all, following a difficult year.
                                         While our members must not                • up to six sessions of structured
                                        reveal sensitive information                  telephone/video counselling,
                                        regarding operations, they can feel           including telephone CBT
                                        comfortable in talking about the              counselling (per member, per
                                        type of work they are involved in,            issue, per year)
                                        such as CSAE work or operational           • online counselling including CBT
                                        deployments, and the impact that              and trauma courses
                                        this work has on them and those            • coverage for spouse/partner and
                                        close to them.                                dependants
                                         1,600 psychologists and                   • a family advice line on topics
                                        counsellors will be at the disposal of        such as childcare and eldercare.
                                        NCOA members to provide support            Providing online CBT and trauma
                                        on a range of matters including:         courses is especially important
                                         • Support for Health – such as          for our members working with
                                            mental and physical health,          traumatic material. Enabling them
                                            addiction and critical incident      to find ways to manage the impact
                                            trauma                               of this work is vital to maintaining
                                         • Support for Legal – such              good mental health.
                                            as consumer issues, debt               We wanted to find the right
                                            and financial concerns, and          organisation to support all our
                                            separation and divorce               members and we recognise the
                                         • Support for Work Life –               diversity that our membership holds.

12 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                           WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

and wellbeing support
NCOA has delivered

 Health Assured are a committed      of working with BAME communities.          bereavement, finances or previous
 member of the Race at Work            While it’s vitally important that        traumatic experiences.
 Charter with their own colleague-   NCOA members feel supported                  The NCOA is rightly thrilled about
 run BAME network, and employ        with work-related stress, we know          this new member service, and we
 a diverse workforce with broad      there are many factors outside the         hope that you will make use of this
 experience. They employ affiliate   workplace that can have a significant      vital investment that we are able
 counsellors who are from BAME       impact. Therefore, the NCOA built          to provide to you all, following a
 backgrounds and have experience     in cover for relationship issues,          difficult year.

 WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                             UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 13

  The five-step plan to hea
  As lockdown 3.0 is lifted, many of us will continue to work from home for a
  long time to come. Dr Warwick of Quest Psychology Services gives you a
  five-step lunch plan for healthy home working.
  If you’re one of the many NCA               longer hours at home than in the           as well as physical and mental
  employees who haven’t travelled to          office and over a third struggled to       wellbeing, as expert and psycho
  the office much since March 2020, the       separate work and home-life. Another       Dr Gregory Warwick of Quest
  novelty of working from home has            poll revealed that 80% of those who        Psychology Services explained.
  probably faded. Unstructured days,          had lunch ate it while they worked,         “People often believe that if th
  overtime and limited real-life contact      and two thirds skipped it altogether!      press on, they’ll get more done,
  with colleagues have cancelled                These figures highlight how easy it is   Dr Warwick, “yet taking a break
  out some of those benefits. As for          to stay at your ‘chosen desk’ all day;
  proper lunch breaks, you’ve probably        but taking a break and reclaiming
  forgotten what they are!                    your lunch hour benefits productivity
    A recent survey found that during
  lockdown, most employees worked

                                                                                            Make a plan
                                                 Swap your                                  for time out
                                                 location to eat
                                                                                         Do something in your lunch hou
     a routine                                                                           find fulfilling, says Dr Warwick.
                                                                                           “There’s no right or wrong act
                                              Moving away from your work area            Whether its reading, meditating
                                              for lunch isn’t just about a change of     exercising, TV or taking a nap…
                                              scene, it has dietary benefits too         what’s right for you personally.
  Remember work-life balance? It                 Eating lunch at your desk means
  used to mean leaving the office                                                        something that makes you happ
                                              you don’t focus on what you’re
  and switching off but now it’s                                                         prevent sugar cravings too.”
                                              eating and likely to consume
  harder to separate professional             more calories. Eating something
  and personal life. You need to give         wholesome rather than sugary
  yourself a structure.                       snacks for energy boost is equally
   Make lists of things you need to           important, as quick fixes affect
  accomplish and scheduling in a lunch        blood sugar levels and can cause
  hour is a vital part of this process        ‘afternoon slumps’.
  because at home, we don’t have                “Aim to take your lunch at the same
  the same visual clues – colleagues          time each day to make the process
  grabbing coats and heading out              easier,”says Dr Warwick. “If you
  telling us its time to take a break.        have the luxury of multiple rooms,
                                              designate one as your break room.”

  14 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                     WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

althy home working
                 only helps regulate your stress levels      Under Cover has joined Dr                    Dr Gregory Warwick
                 but also recharges you so that you         Warwick in putting together a five-        DCounsPsych, CPsych,
                 can fully attack the next project.         step plan to make 2021 the year             AFBPsS is a Chartered
                  “It’s tempting to prove your              we can all work and relax flexibly                    Psychologist.
                 dedication by working longer hours         and enjoy an altogether healthier,           Under Cover thanks
                 but this can have the opposite effect.     happier working day.                      him for his contribution.
                 Employers can begin to expect 110%,

                                                                                                                                  Pictures © Kuliperko/Panitanphoto/PH888/file404/Chetty Thomas/mimagephotography/Shutterstock.com
ologist          which in turn compounds your stress
                 as demands increase.”
,” said

                                                               Ditch the guilt
                                                            Remember, your lunch break is
                                                            yours to do with as you wish so
                                                            there is no reason to feel guilty
                 Research shows that moving your            about reclaiming it.
                 body during lunch break, can help           In fact, stepping away from your
                 reduce stress, maintain good mental        desk is likely to help you be better at
ur you           health and make it easier to sleep.        your job which benefits your mind,
                  To keep motivated, doing the              body and soul in the process.
tivity.          activity before eating your lunch will
g,               enhance your incentive to get going
… do             as soon as lunch break starts.
 py can
                 “Overall, lockdown has been incredibly tough on us all. Personally, I believe lockdown 3.0 has
                 been the most difficult – unlike the first lockdown where we had the sunshine to enjoy, and unlike
                 lockdown 2 when we had Christmas to look forward to. Instead, lockdown 3.0 has provided us with
                 dark cold mornings and nights with a lot of uncertainty as to when this would end.
                  “However, these five steps can help you continue to look after your wellbeing whether your area is
                 still under strict restrictions or not. These are often the simplest things that we already know to do,
                 but putting them into practice and getting them into our routine, can take time and effort. However, in
                 the long run it’ll make home working more effective and better for your mental health. Start small and
                 get one step firmly in place before starting the next if you are finding it difficult.”
                                                                           Dr Gregory Warwick, Quest Psychology Services

          WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                          UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 15

Police Insure drive forward NCOA cover
Police Insure specialise in highly      of NCOA members to access the          Office to attend NCA sites and
competitive discounted rates for        products and services which Police     provide an ‘in person’ information
car, motorcycle, home and travel –      Insure offer nationwide.               point for NCOA members, when
for all members of the NCOA and                                                COVID arrived… hopefully this
their partners, especially at this      Increased awareness                    approach can be revisited once
particularly challenging time.            Martin told Under Cover: “As we      circumstances permit during 2021.
 The company currently works            all continue to adapt to the COVID       Martin added: “It’s encouraging
with over 40 law enforcement and        related challenges, where the          that there are now over 220 policies
representative associations across      safety of ourselves and our loved      held by NCOA members and their
England, Wales and Scotland             ones is of paramount importance,       partners, all enjoying the personal
and, to develop and sustain those       this increased awareness within        service, product confidence and
relationships, have a network of        the NCOA and its membership            considerable savings that Police
experienced regional Business           has generated a considerable           Insure provides.”
Development Managers.                   increase in the number of members        Additional information on Police
 Martin Barber, a retired Inspector     taking advantage of the benefits       Insure products can be found via
with Cheshire Police, is the Business   and savings Police Insure offer –      the NCOA website www.ncoa.org.
Development Manager who works           especially in terms of protecting      uk/proud-to-be-associated-with/,
with NCOA Head Office in Stockton       their valuable homes and vehicles.”    by visiting www.policeinsure.co.uk
Heath. This close collaboration helps     Martin was finalising arrangements   or by contacting Martin directly on
to raise awareness of the eligibility   with NCOA colleagues at Head           martin@policeinsure.co.uk.

16 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                         WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

Keep in touch to keep in touch...
GDPR is an intrinsic part of our daily      Earlier in the year we sent out a            It’s also important that if you
lives, but for any organisation trying    new wallet-sized plastic membership          are substantively promoted from
to maintain effective communications      card to every member, containing             a Grade 6 role or move from a
there are many challenges which may       contact numbers and information              part-time to full-time role, NCOA
not have been at the forefront of the     relevant to your NCOA membership.            membership are updated as soon as
legislator’s minds.                       So it was quite surprising to note that      possible so that your subscriptions
  One of these issues relates to direct   some members had either removed              can be adjusted in line with terms
and unambiguous consent to receive        themselves from any kind of contact          and conditions of membership.
communications, whether via email,        with the NCOA, or failed to say how          Of course, if you move onto an
SMS or telephone calls.                   they wanted to engage with their             Alternative Working Arrangement
  Clearly the NCOA is not an              trade union.                                 and are working reduced hours,
organisation that relies on irritating      Worryingly, ahead of the postal            you are entitled to pay the reduced
‘cold calling’ to sign up new             distribution of these cards we were          membership rate.
members, or a contact strategy            contacted by well over 100 members             So the communication preferences
which promotes ‘up-selling’ or            who wanted to update their details           set with the NCOA have not led

promotional activities not specifically   following a change of address – in           to anyone being plagued with
linked to NCOA membership and             some cases, several years previously.        irrelevant messages – but they
employment within the NCA.
  Our website (www.ncoa.org.uk) is               The communication preferences set with the
a great source of information; but
without some kind of flagging from
                                                 NCOA have not led to anyone being plagued with
membership, it’s not easy to keep                irrelevant messages – but they will ensure that
abreast of the activity undertaken
by your trade union, and – more
                                                 you understand your membership benefits and the
importantly – member services.                   employer engagement taking place on your behalf.
  Since last March the NCOA and
NCA have worked in an entirely              To provide context, in the last            will ensure that you understand
different way to ensure ‘business         year the NCOA sent out no more               your membership benefits and the
as usual’ during three lockdowns.         than three member updates per                employer engagement taking place
For many this has meant a working         month to those who had agreed to             on your behalf.
environment that has shifted from a       be contacted, on issues relating to            Having been contacted by several
daily presence in the workplace to a      COVID-19 operating procedures,               members asking ‘Why did you
semi-permanent working from home          positive cases at specific workplaces,       not tell me about this issue?’ or
arrangement (although we know             pension changes, pay, and our                even ‘Why have you not sent me a
many of you can’t work from home).        engagement on issues affecting you           membership card?’ we would like
  Given prolonged absences from           as NCA employees.                            to remind you that although we
NCA sites we have worked alongside          We have also announced the                 can contact you to ensure our data
the Agency to help deliver some           addition of two new member                   is up to date, it’s important that
important messages using our              services that provide you with a             you also contact us by emailing
own communications platform,              bespoke experience not seen at this          membership@ncoa.org.uk to
recognising that even the normally        level within the wider workforce. You        ensure the information and contact
effortless workplace internal             will see from the wellbeing article on       preferences we have are accurate.
communication tool – word of mouth        p12 that one of them is tailored to            You can of course change your
– has been severely choked by the         respond to the very personal impact          mind at any time, and we will honour
pandemic working arrangements.            of the COVID pandemic.                       your request, in line with GDPR.

WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                     UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 17

Often referred to, rarely seen
                            Reshard Auladin tells
                            Under Cover about the
                            pathway that led him to
                            become an NCA
                            Non-Executive Director.

Under Cover: Reshard, tell us              As a student, I was driving on

                                                                                  Picture © Deleplanque/Sven Hansche/Shutterstock.
about your first job?                    the A10 towards Cambridge in
Reshard: I left Mauritius in the 70s     an old car, when I experienced a
at the age of 18 to work in the NHS.     tyre puncture.
The hospitals were desperate for           As I was attempting to change the
staff and thousands of young people      tyre I noticed a police car parking
from all over the commonwealth           behind mine. My heart started to
saw this as an opportunity for travel,   race because I had come from a
study and work.                          country where, at that time, when a
  After five years in psychiatric        police officer approached, you start
nursing I left to go to university,      looking for your wallet!
and l qualified as a secondary             Police was a dirty word. In contrast
school science teacher. Alas             the officer who came to me was
teaching was not for me either           unbelievably helpful and kind. He
                                                                                                                                     Reshard Auladin’s journey to becoming a NED took him from
and after a while I left to go into      helped me to remove the tyre and
business. Over the years I set up        replace it with my spare only to find                                                       criminal justice and policing
various small businesses including       that this was flat too.                                                                     initiatives in the borough of Enfield,
one in the health care sector which        He then went to the trouble of                                                            North London. Youth justice, and
I still look after.                      inflating the tyre with a foot pump                                                         particularly restorative justice, was of
                                         before sending me on my way. I                                                              great interest to me.
Under Cover: No mention of law           know it is hard to believe, but that                                                          In 2000, the Metropolitan Police
Enforcement yet?                         experience had a such profound                                                              Authority (MPA) was created, and I
Reshard: My interest in law              impact on me that I was drawn to                                                            took the opportunity of becoming
enforcement started with a minor         justice and policing.                                                                       a magistrate member. I remained at
event left which left a lasting            I became a magistrate in my early                                                         the authority until its dissolution in

impression on me.                        30s and got involved in various                                                             2012 and became its vice-chair. I was
                                                                                                                                     lead member for a number of areas
                                                                                                                                     including CT and SOC. I am still
        During my time at the NCA, I have seen the                                                                                   involved (with the Met) as a member

        Agency transformed into a dynamic, confident
                                                                                                                                     of its audit panel.
                                                                                                                                       Having had dealings with two of the
        organisation with a clear purpose which is                                                                                   NCA precursor agencies – the Asset
                                                                                                                                     Recovery Agency & NCIS – through
        willing to take on serious and organised crime                                                                               my MPA association, I saw the Non-
        at every opportunity. It has become more mature                                                                              Executive Director (NED) role at the
                                                                                                                                     NCA as an opportunity to continue
        and its performance is improving all the time.                                                                               contributing to a field that I was

18 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                                                                                     WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

  – so who are the NEDs?

                                                 “       My heart started to race because I had come
                                                         from a country where, at that time, when a
                                                         police officer approached, you start looking for
                                                         your wallet! Police was a dirty word. In contrast
                                                         the officer who came to me was unbelievably
                                                         helpful and kind.

                                                   Our understanding of the Agency,          hard work the leadership, and
                                                 its people and workings comes               in particular the DG herself, have put
                                                 from talking to staff, visiting Agency      in to securing better pay and reward
                                                 locations, extensive briefings and          for the staff, although I appreciate
                                                 reading everything we possibly can.         we are not quite at where we want
                                                 The pandemic has obviously limited          to be. With the state of public
                                                 our ability to meet and visit, but we       finances, this will remain a challenge
                                                 continue our work from home.                for the Agency.
                                                   In addition, the NEDs have specific         There are other challenges too. For
                                                 interests in various aspects of the         example, technology and data are
                                                 agency such as finance, IT, staff and       areas where investment will need to
                                                 governance. I sit on the remuneration       continue, as will the efforts to secure
                                                 and talent management and senior            a sustainable funding allocation for
                                                 appointment committees.                     the Agency.
                                                                                               The pandemic is also throwing
Mauritius to the Met                             Under Cover: You have been                  its own challenges. While it has
                                                 here throughout Dame Lynne                  done remarkably well in difficult
        passionate about. I was very pleased     Owens’ ‘watch’. What changes                circumstances, the clogging up of
        to join the NCA in April 2017 and I      have you seen?                              courts, for example, could have a
        am really enjoying my time here.         Reshard: During my time at the              significant impact on the Agency.
                                                 NCA, I have seen the Agency
        Under Cover: What does a NED             transformed into a dynamic,                 Under Cover: What does the
        do?                                      confident organisation with a clear         future hold?
        Reshard: The NEDs’ role at the           purpose which is willing to take            Reshard: I always thought that I will
        NCA is to advise and to scrutinise       on serious and organised crime at           retire and put my feet up when I
        as independent members of the            every opportunity. It has become            get to 60 but I’m now well past that
        board. We contribute to the              more mature and its performance is          milestone and I enjoy being busy
        strategic direction of the               improving all the time. It is growing       and active. In my spare time I find
        organisation by offering constructive    and so is its reputation.                   being with my grandchildren to be
        challenge to the plans and the             I particularly like the fact that it      really stress releasing. I also cycle
        objectives set by the Director           is now more open and willing to             and do a bit of gardening.
        General and her executive team.          communicate its achievement to the
          Our scrutiny role entails monitoring   public and its partners. Its people                Under Cover wishes to thank
        and challenging performance and          are dedicated and passionate                       Reshard for taking the time to
        more importantly, as members of          about their work and I have been                   give members a better insight
        the audit and risk committee, satisfy    impressed at the expertise and                            to the work of the five
        ourselves that the Agency has robust     professionalism at the Agency.                     NCA Non-Executive Directors
        systems to manage risks and good           As a member of the remuneration
        financial controls.                      committee, I have witnessed the

        WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                   UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 19

Time for the Minimum Staffing
Levels issues to be resolved?
With NCOA membership remaining
consistently above 3,000 NCA staff,
the smooth running of the National
Crime Agency reaps the benefits
from being a highly unionised place
to work. More importantly, the NCA
reaps the benefits of the NCOA
providing that highly unionised
  Of course, there are Dispute
Resolution Procedures (DRPs) to
deal with occasions when the NCA
and its trade union are unable to
reach agreement. It is the ongoing
commitment of the NCOA to
problem-solve with the Agency

which means that even the most
contentious issues are generally
resolved with both sides recognising
the importance of compromise.
                                                The NCA has now agreed to work with the NCOA
Resolution procedures                           to deliver a workable solution to MSLs by July.
  It does though remain the case
that, if any issue between our two              Hopefully this will break the almost annual cycle
parties cannot be resolved using
the resolution procedures, NCOA
                                                of Christmas leave restrictions being a recurring
members retain the right to take                and contentious member issue.
industrial action, so long as it is
conducted within the rules laid out in   in July 2018 where it has remained                commitments, including
Part V of the Trade Union and Labour     outstanding since.                                demand for service over Bank
Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.        Reflecting on the joint working that            Holiday periods.
  Hopefully a long-standing              delivered a more nuanced Agency               • Clear processes by which
contentious issue for NCA officers –     response to the period of No Deal                 managers implement and
how Minimum Staffing Levels (MSLs)       EU Exit transitioning – which was                 review the staffing levels in
within the Agency are decided and        some way from the earlier arbitrary               accordance with localised
operated – will now be resolved,         imposition of leave caps – the NCA                responsibilities.
thanks to the perseverance of the        has now agreed to work with the               A defined period by which
NCOA.                                    NCOA to deliver a workable solution         leave requests are decided once
  The Joint Negotiation and              to MSLs by July this year. Hopefully        submitted; if leave is declined then
Consultative Committee (JNCC) is         this will break the almost annual           clear rationales must be given.
the structure which brings together      cycle of Christmas leave restrictions         Of course, the NCOA recognises
the executive leadership of the NCA      being a recurring and contentious           that there are times when the
with senior officials from the trade     member issue.                               NCA needs to provide a national
unions, to try to resolve matters          With all this in mind the NCOA            response to serious threats;
that haven’t reached agreement           is seeking transparent guidance             thankfully however, this is the
and been dealt with at the routine       whereby:                                    exception rather than the norm.
monthly engagement meetings. The           • Directorates determine                  The norm should soon be a clear
NCOA first raised MSLs at the JNCC             staffing levels to meet normal        and fair process… fingers crossed!

WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                                   UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 21

                                                     The Blue Knights Law
                                                     Enforcement Motorcycle Club
                                                     is an international club, with
                                                     branches – or chapters, as they
                                                     are referred to in the United
                                                     States – all over the world.
                                                       In 1974 a few police officers
                                                     in Bangor (USA) formed a local
                                                     police bike club. One of their
                                                     aims was to show that, unlike

                                                                                                 GET ON YOUR
                                                     the criminal motorcycle clubs
                                                     in the States which were giving

                                                     motorcyclists a bad name, 99%
                                                     of motorcyclists are actually law
                                                     abiding ‘good guys’. Little did
                                                     they know that 40 years later the
                                                     Blue Knights LE MC would have
                                                     nearly 18,000 members and
                                                     have chapters across the world.
                                                       The Club’s headquarters are
                                                     still in Bangor, Maine and the
                                                     American origins of the Club
                                                     continue to be borne out by the
                                                     blue waistcoat that members                 Enjoy motorcycling? Enjoy exploring new
                                                     can wear. The term ‘chapter’
                                                     is an American term referring               places? Enjoy socialising with like-minded
                                                     to a branch of any club, from               people? Enjoy raising money for worthy
                                                     swimming to chess; it is not
                                                     specific to bike clubs and
                                                                                                 causes? If so, Leonie Tromans thinks the Blue
                                                     was certainly not intended to               Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club
                                                     compete with other well-known               might be the club for you. It’s finally time to
                                                     international bike clubs.
                                                       In 1991 the first chapter                 start thinking about some freedom….
                                                     was established in the United
                                                     Kingdom and there are now                   other services personnel with       functions, rallies and events.
                                                     28 chapters across England,                 powers of arrest. So whether          Chapters are as active as
Picture copyright: Michael Kearcher / Shutterstock

                                                     Scotland, Ireland, Wales and                you’re retired or still serving,    their members wish them
                                                     the Channel Islands with                    you will always have a common       to be, organising all the
                                                     about 800 members at present.               bond with members and it’s a        usual bikers’ distractions –
                                                     There are also chapters in                  great way to stay in touch.         bike runs, BBQs, camping
                                                     most European countries.                      The Club prides itself on being   weekends and charity events –
                                                       Membership is made up                     a fraternal organisation that       with about £3million donated
                                                     from serving and retired                    promotes the feeling of family.     in the last ten years. In the
                                                     law enforcement personnel,                  Spouses, partners and their         UK one of our main charities
                                                     including police officers, prison           children often accompany our        is Care of Police Survivors
                                                     officers, customs officers and any          members on the various rides at     (COPS), and we support the

                                                     22 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                        WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

annual Survivors’ Weekend              will help to explain the kind           •   We aim to provide for
at the National Arboretum in           of feelings that flow when a                the mutual assistance,
Staffordshire in July.                 bunch of motorcycle riding                  enjoyment, entertainment,
  There is always a rally going        law enforcement personnel                   physical, mental and social
on somewhere, if you want to           get together:                               benefit of our members and
get involved or take advantage         • We all enjoy the company                  the general public.
of someone else’s organisation              of people who share                • We promote and advance
and local knowledge. Some                   not only the common                    the sport of motorcycling
members organise their annual               bond of a career in law                and the safety of
touring holidays to take in as              enforcement but also have              motorcycling.
many rallies as possible; South             a love of motorcycles and             We are truly a family club.
of France this week, the Black              motorcycling.                      Among Blue Knight members
Forest next week, and squeeze          • It’s wonderful to be able             there are no strangers, only
in Belgium on the way home.                 to visit countries that you        friends you have not met.
The rally weekends are great                have never been to and be             Being a Blue Knight is all
social events with partying and             treated like family by people      this and so much more. It would
                                            you have never met.                be great to be joined by new
ride outs led by local members,
                                       • Many retired Blue Knights             friends from within the NCA.
taking you to places the
                                            continue the hard work             Interested? Why not take a
guidebooks can’t reach.
                                            they started while serving;        better look or get in touch:
            It is difficult to state
                                            raising money for various          www.blueknightsukic.org, or
                 exactly what
                                            charities and taking part          www.blueknight.org
                  makes the Blue
                                            in Christmas toy runs and
                  Knights so
                                            activities especially close to
                  special, but
                                            our hearts, helping children
                 perhaps the
                                            and vulnerable people.
                                       • When travelling, local
                                            members can provide help,
                                             direction and sometimes
                                               even a place to stay; you
                                               are never far from a fellow

                                                                             UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 23

NCOA proposes new ‘bullseye zonal
model’ for Geographical Allowances
The NCOA has always been clear
that while the NCA has a footprint
throughout the UK, the basis of pay
for NCA officers should be Equal
Work = Equal Pay; this has been the
bedrock of all annual submissions
to the NCA Remuneration Review
Body (NCARRB) and our continuing
engagement with the Agency
on pay.
  There is, however, clear evidence
of higher living costs in some areas
of the UK which cause comparative
recruitment and retention
pressures at some sites. Rather
than addressing these pressures in
regional pay variations, which cause
internal competition, the NCOA
has been clear that an additional
allowance paid as a market
supplement addresses the issue.

Long out of date
  The current NCA process of            comparators. The NCOA bullseye           London will see NCA officers who
paying a single London Weighting        model also future proofs and adapts      work here receiving an allowance
Allowance (LWA) is long out of date.    to likely NCA estate changes as they     comparable to that paid to officers
Not only has the level of allowance     develop and mature.                      in the Metropolitan Police Service.
hardly increased since 2010, it has       Studies show that the single
been left to develop organically        biggest element to the heightened        Retention pressures
rather than strategically as the        cost of living for those in London         NCA officers in the middle and
National Crime Squad (from which        and the South East is housing.
                                                                                 outer zones would receive a
the allowance was taken) morphed        With the rental market intrinsically
                                                                                 geographical allowance comparable
into the Serious Organised Crime        linked to housing costs, the impact
                                                                                 to officers in police forces around
Agency and then into the National       is tracked with housing costs,
                                                                                 London and the South East.
Crime Agency.                           published quarterly by the Office of
  The NCOA has now challenged                                                      It’s clear to all that eight years after
                                        the National Statistics (ONS).
both the independent NCARRB               In February 2021 the ONS said that     it was formed, the NCA needs to
and the NCA to support the NCOA         although the average house price         do something different to address
with its new ‘bullseye zonal model’     in the UK is just over £269,000 the      recruitment and retention pressures
for the payment of Geographical         costs for those living in London and     in London and the South East.
Allowances.                             the South East are significantly more.     Only time will tell whether the
  The NCOA has produced an              These two areas top the scale at         NCA will be innovative enough
ambitious proposition which has         £496,000 and £341,000 respectively,      support this bold NCOA proposal
been presented to the NCA Board,        and the difference with other regions    or continue to tinker with their
which we believe addresses both         is significant.                          existing outdated and ineffective
the current imbalances internally         So, what will the NCOA proposal        model. The full NCOA proposals for
within the NCA, and when                mean? An inner zone which is an          Geographical Allowances can be
benchmarked against policing            area within 25 miles of Central          found at www.ncoa.org.uk.

24 / UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021                                                              WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK

                                                                                                                         Picture © Elizaveta Galitckaia / Shutterstock
Long COVID... the virus ‘like Russian
roulette’ for the young and healthy
Why the NCOA supports the principle of a government compensation

scheme and wage protection for key workers
As we wait to see how effective the Government plans
are to take all of us out of lockdown 3, with hopefully a
                                                                    By doing so, the UK would be
return to a more normal life, many experts consider that            following the example set by
we will be still dealing with the impact of long COVID
for many months and potentially years to come.                      countries including Spain, France,
 Thankfully, the health of the majority of NCOA                     Germany, Belgium and Denmark.
members has not been severely affected by COVID.
For most of our members who contracted the virus
                                                             thought to impact approximately 10% of those infected;
the impact was relatively short and mild. But just as
                                                             although, as many people during the first outbreak
NCOA members reflect the wider public, so there are a
                                                             were not tested and therefore did not have a confirmed
minority who have been left with persistent symptoms         diagnosis, the figure may be higher.
which range from annoying to debilitating.                    Recently, 65 MPs and peers signed a letter to the
                                                             Prime Minister, asking for long COVID to be recognised
205 different symptoms                                       as an occupational disease. If successful, key workers
  ‘Long COVID’ is the term loosely used to describe an       (which the NCOA says should include our members)
array of symptoms experienced by people after their          would be offered protection and potentially receive
initial coronavirus infection, and include breathlessness,   compensation if they contracted COVID while working.
fatigue, loss of taste or smell and – in the most severe     By doing so, the UK would be following the example set
cases – organ damage. To date, 205 different symptoms        by countries including Spain, France, Germany, Belgium
have been associated with long COVID.                        and Denmark.
  Leading immunologist at Imperial College London,            While the Government considers its position on
Prof Danny Altmann, recently described the risks and         whether it supports a comprehensive compensation
damaging effects of long COVID means that catching           scheme for those key workers developing long COVID,
the virus is like “playing Russian Roulette for the young    the NCOA has been clear with the Agency that it will
and healthy”.                                                not support any reduction in wages for those who
  The Government has already announced that it will          have been absent for a prolonged period as a result of
invest £1.85m into four studies looking at long COVID.       COVID-related illness.
The British Medical Journal reports that long COVID is

WWW.NCOA.ORG.UK                                                              UNDER COVER / ISSUE 14 / SPRING 2021 / 25
You can also read