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                        I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 1
I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21

                           IN THIS ISSUE

                           Product News .......................... 4

                           Technology and Art .................. 9

                           From the Field ....................... 10

                           Tracbel Professionalize ............. 14

                           865 Roadside in NZ ............... 16

                           Rebuilding Notre-Dame .......... 20

                           570 in Tasmania .................... 26

                           Support News........................ 31

                           Tigercat Life .......................... 32

                           Dealer News ......................... 34

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                           logos are registered trademarks of Tigercat International Inc.
FROM THE                                                Editor
    ry as we might, it feels like we will       Proactively, by rethinking and rebuilding
    never be able to stop talking about         the supply chain. But these processes
    COVID. Tigercat is now very well            take time, and every manufacturer is
adapted to the pandemic from a day to           competing for finite resources.
day operational standpoint. Protocols are
in place, vaccination rates encouraging,        There are no easy answers. Just know
and the workplace feels more normal.            that the production and customer service
Current and future challenges are now           teams are working hard to ensure that our
related to the indirect effects of the          dealers and end users can continue to run
pandemic. It’s a perfect storm of supply        their businesses successfully. For those
chain chaos dominating the business             who are waiting on machines or parts, we
environment on a truly global scale.            appreciate your patience, understand your
                                                frustration, and we are working hard to
Many companies are heavily reliant              alleviate the pain points.
on imported component parts and
over the years have tweaked inventory           All that said, Tigercat has still been able
management systems to optimal                   to produce machines, build and test
efficiency. These companies are now             prototypes, and keep the new product
backpedalling hard – vetting alternate          development pipeline flowing. This
suppliers and stockpiling inventory.            issue covers new products like the 865
                                                logger, and more established products
Securing accepted purchase orders from          successfully operating in new places, like
vendors for critical components is only         the 570 harvesting head in Tasmanian
half the battle. Labour shortages and           Eucalyptus operations.
interruptions are not just in factories but
also at the ports, customs offices, and on      The issue is also about building. In
the container ships. This causes friction and   Brazil, it’s building young people up to
added cost at every point in the process.       be the best that they can be. In France,
                                                the reconstruction of Notre-Dame
Severely reduced port capacity in North         demonstrates how big things can be
America is causing delays up to six weeks       accomplished when there is a will to work       Do you have
to unload a container. Slower customs
clearance adds yet more time. Road
                                                together. And one man who is part of that
                                                giant effort counts among our extended
                                                                                                something to
transportation costs have increased and         customer family. By the time this magazine
there is a shortage of truck drivers in         reaches you we will be approaching the          Write us or email us:
many countries. In Canada, rail transport       end of a very challenging year. Through it
has been negatively affected by labour          all, I like to think that we have all built a   LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
disputes, summer wildfires in many parts        little more character and resilience. 
of the country, and a shortage of rail cars.                                          
Tigercat’s procurement teams have
                                                – Paul Iarocci                                  P.O. Box 637, Brantford, ON
been working tirelessly since the early
                                                COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER AND                      Canada, N3T 5P9
days of COVID to mitigate the damage.           DEALER DEVELOPMENT
Reactively, with non-stop expediting,
advance ordering and stockpiling.

  Tigercat releases 822E series feller bunchers and harvesters with latest
  features and upgrades.

       he 822E is the most compact         The 822E series carriers can be             The updated E-series cab includes
       track feller buncher and            equipped with the Tigercat FPT N67          a new parallel action air ride seat
       harvester platform in the           Non-certified, Tier 4f or Stage V           with integrated heating and cooling.
  Tigercat track carrier line-up. The      engine, producing 210 kW                    The reclining seat is fully adjustable
  powerful machine is versatile for        (282 hp). A redesigned engine               with seat angle and seat extension
  challenging thinning and final felling   enclosure provides improved roof            adjustment. The wider seat cushion
  applications. Strong lift capacity,      access for clearing debris. A boom          and lumbar support provide operator
  tight-tuck ER® boom geometry,            slider also reduces debris build-up in      comfort all day long.
  and compact tail-swing make the          hard-to-reach areas. The clamshell
  822E the perfect choice for selective    style enclosure and drop-down side          The full-length front window and
  felling where minimal site impact is     platform allow easy access to all sides     narrow side posts give the operator
  important.                               of the engine, valves and daily service     an excellent view of the tracks and
                                           points. A hot shut down feature has         surrounding area. The HVAC controls
  The harvester configuration is           been added. This allows the turbo to        feature a new infinitely variable fan
  available with a fixed or leveling       sufficiently cool before stopping the       speed control, which can be adjusted
  undercarriage. High horsepower and       engine for improved turbo life.             on the control panel, or by the
  harvester head optimized hydraulics                                                  machine control system touchscreen.
  provide responsive control, quick        A larger, spring assisted pump cover        Additional features include an
  feed speed and powerful delimbing        increases service access to the hydraulic   emergency stop button and multiple
  capability for high performance and      pump area. Hydraulic improvements           storage locations with nets to keep
  productivity.                            include quicker anti-stall response,        objects in place.
                                           consistent anti-cavitation flow and
                                           improved heat rejection.


Tigercat continues to innovate in the area of steep slope extraction with the
introduction of the LSX870D shovel logger.

      ased on the LX870D series        quicker, more responsive tracking      the hill when leveling to the side
      track carrier platform, the      performance. The Tigercat FPT C87      which further improves machine
      machine is designed for          engine supplies 245 kW (330 hp),       stability and operator comfort.
extreme duty steep slope logging.      which combined with the dedicated
With a choice of attachments           attachment pump, provides plenty       SC08 shovel clam grapple
including the new Tigercat BG13        of multifunctioning power.             The new SC08 Tigercat shovel clam
grapple with a live heel boom or                                              grapple is a 0,7 m² (8 ft²) sized
SC08 shovel clam grapple, as well      Tigercat’s leveling track machines
                                       use innovative technologies and        grapple designed for use on the
as the field proven 5195 directional                                          LS855E and LSX870D shovel loggers.
felling saw, the LSX870D is suited     systems optimized for a range of
to felling, pre-bunching and shovel    steep slope applications including     The shovel clam grapple features
logging in challenging terrain.        shovel logging, felling and            durable boxed style jaws that are
                                       harvesting. Tigercat’s super-duty      fabricated from high strength steel,
The addition of the LSX870D to         leveling undercarriage is longer       using fatigue resistant welded
the Tigercat line-up provides a        and wider, providing exceptional       construction. All tine tips are made
higher power machine with a            stability on steep slopes. The         from abrasion resistant steel and can
closed loop track drive system as an   patented leveling design uses two      be replaced. Boom hose protection
alternative to the LS855E. Where       massive hydraulic cylinders and        is maximized by routing the hoses
the LS855E provides higher swing       heavy steel sections for a solution    on top of the boom and under the
speed and lower ground pressure,       that is simple, robust and reliable.   connecting pin. Jaw cylinder hoses
the LSX870D allows for improved        Unlike competing systems, the          are well guarded but easily serviced
multifunctioning ability and           Tigercat leveling system leans into    with no external hydraulic tubing.

                                                                                    I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 5
   880E LOGGER
    The 880 series logger
    is a multi-purpose
    forestry carrier that
    can be configured
    for loading, shovel
    logging, or processing
    applications. The 880E
    introduces several new
    features including an
    updated operator’s
    station and various
    grapple configurations
    to tailor the machine to
    your specific needs.                                    The new 880E logger equipped with the BT08 butt-n-top grapple.

        he 880E is powered by the          remotely when entering the cab in       Tigercat BT08 butt-n-top
        Tigercat FPT N67 engine,           the dark.                               grapple
        producing 230 kW (308 hp).
                                           The 880E can be configured as a         The new Tigercat BT08 butt-n-top
    The F7-163 undercarriage is
                                           loader equipped with various power      grapple provides a tree length
    designed and built to withstand
                                           clam, butt-n-top and log grapple        loading solution for Tigercat 875
    rigorous, full-time forest duty with
                                           options. Equipped with a live heel      and 880 series loggers. It features
    exceptional stability for heavy
                                           boom system, the 880E is a highly       a 0,7 m² (8 ft²) capacity and an
    timber applications.
                                           capable shovel logger with excellent    optimized jaw profile to roll the logs
    The spacious cabin has a new           stability, tractive effort and swing    into the grapple to quickly achieve a
    heated operator’s seat. Controls       torque. The carrier can also be         full load.
    are integrated into both sides of      configured as a high-capacity
                                                                                   The BT08 shares design
    the joystick pods, eliminating         processor capable of running large
                                                                                   characteristics and hydraulic
    the need for any bolt-on control       harvesting heads in demanding
                                                                                   components with the field-proven
    pods. The optimally positioned         duty cycles.
                                                                                   Tigercat power clam grapple series.
    controls and large machine control
                                           Some of the many advantages             To promote extended grapple life,
    system touchscreen interface
                                           of the 880E over excavator              soft start and stop ramping relief
    improve ergonomics and machine
                                           conversions include better service      valves take the shock loads out of
    monitoring. The quiet interior helps
                                           access, greater cooling capacity, an    the structure. The slew drive uses
    the operator enjoy the auxiliary
                                           exceptional operating environment       a fixed displacement piston motor
    audio input port, Bluetooth® audio
                                           with superior sightlines, more          coupled with a two-stage planetary
    and hands-free calling. Additional
                                           robust undercarriage components         gearbox, providing ample speed and
    new features include a standard
                                           and extremely efficient hydraulic       torque. A multi-section control valve
    equipped rearVIEW camera system,
                                           circuits. The result is higher          with easy spool access provides
    emergency stop button, and a
                                           production, uptime and fuel             improved flow and enhanced jaw
    key fob to turn on exterior lights
                                           efficiency.                             timing.


                         T E L E M A T I C S
A round up of the most recent new features for RemoteLog and LogOn.

Text messaging                        LogOn reports                          activity, along with some additional
                                                                             productivity metrics such as stem
Tigercat has introduced a new text    You can easily view production
                                                                             count, stem volume, and machine
messaging feature on its powerful     metrics, activity timelines, and
RemoteLog telematics system.          fuel consumption on your mobile
Using the same satellite connection   device using LogOn at the worksite.    Tigercat D5 Prio PC and
as RemoteLog, machine operators       Download reports in PDF or CSV         Optimization systems can be
or technicians may now send           formats and save to your mobile        configured to allow StanForD
and receive simple text messages      device. View the reports anytime, or   Classic production reports to be
when no cellular mobile network       share them through email.              downloaded from the harvesting
is available. There is no need                                               head computer using LogOn. This
for another messaging service –       Tigercat D5 Prio, Prio PC, and
                                                                             provides easy onsite access to
RemoteLog does it all.                Optimization systems will
                                                                             reports from a smartphone via
                                      automatically send summarized
                                                                             WiFi. The reports can then be sent
Worksite supervisors can send         production data to RemoteLog. This
                                                                             to the office via email.
messages to machine operators         information, viewed in RemoteLog,
quickly and easily. Get direct        provides a quick overview of daily
support at the jobsite from your
Tigercat dealer when your phone
is out of coverage range. Optimize
your forestry operations through
                                                               Text messages can be sent quickly and easily using
better communication. Purchase a                               LogOn and RemoteLog.
Pay-As-You-Go text messaging data
plan from your local dealer to get

RemoteLog web service

You can now access the ‘Data that
Matters’ from RemoteLog directly
through a new web service using
your IT servers. Now it is possible
to share geographic position and
production data for your machines
with landowners and forestry
operations companies. RemoteLog
utilizes the well documented ISO
15143-3 (AEMP 2.0) Web API that
is widely used in mobile machinery
applications. Contact RemoteLog
Support to get started.

                                                                                    I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 7
          s the Tigercat cut-to-length division continues to   Tigercat VP, cut-to-length systems, Jon Cooper
          introduce new products and innovations, the need     explains, “The introduction of the Tigercat simulator
          for more advanced training solutions has grown.      provides dealers with a valuable training tool that can
    In March 2021, Tigercat partnered with CM Labs             save machine owners significant start-up costs. Using
    Simulations to develop a series of simulators that will    the simulator to teach operational skills in realistic
    replicate the functionality and behaviour of Tigercat      environments allows the new operator to enter into a
    log forwarders and wheel harvesters.                       real machine with much higher productivity levels from
                                                               the start. This can produce extra production income
    Why a simulator?                                           and avoid expensive machine damage.”
    There are many benefits in using a simulator, not only
    for training, but also for employers to screen potential
    employees. Companies are able to gauge how an
    operator will perform and use that information when
    assigning tasks.

    Operators can be trained on a simulator without
    the fear of damaging equipment, so experimenting
    with different techniques or trying new methods
    can be done safely and risk free. Also, by training
    on a simulator, other equipment is not being tied
    up and slowing production. When operators have
    hands-on training using the simulator, it allows them
    to transition to actual machines at higher initial
    productivity levels, thereby lowering start-up costs.

    How it works

    Tigercat simulators have three screens, a motions
    platform, as well as all the associated Tigercat machine
    control software and hardware. The simulator’s
    software communicates directly with the Tigercat
    machine control software so the controls are identical
    to the actual machine. Any adjustments that can
    be made on the machine, can also be made on the
    simulator which helps teach operators not only motor
    skills, but the effects of the many machine adjustments
    available to operators.

    Tigercat simulators are equipped with an actual
    operator’s seat, including all control pods, the
    machine’s computer control system, as well as the
    harvesting head control system on the harvester
                                                               The Tigercat simulator is equipped with an actual operator’s
    simulator. The transition for new operators from virtual   seat, all control pods and the machine’s computer control
    to actual is almost seamless.                              system for advanced operator training.


         e found this drawing by Sapta Mardena on          media, as well as the inspirational effect of technology
         Instagram. Born and raised in Surabaya,           in connecting people from vastly different parts
         Indonesia, Sapta is a 21-year-old student         of the world. Sapta tells us that his other hobby is
of architecture. He draws various kinds of heavy           photography, and that he enjoys photographing heavy
equipment and was impressed by Tigercat machines,          equipment just as much as drawing it. Sapta is open to
telling us that this feller buncher is one of his          commissions and can be reached through his Instagram
favourites. This particular drawing was inspired by a      account @7mardena.
photo he saw by @pineridgechippers on Instagram.

Interestingly, @pineridgechippers is located in Alberta,
Canada. It demonstrates the power of art and social

                                                                                    I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 9
     – Glen Marley, Tigercat district manager, Australia and New Zealand

     Since the year 2000, retail sales in my territory have steadily increased,
     taking a foothold and dominating flat terrain Eucalyptus in Australia and
     steep terrain harvesting applications in New Zealand. In July of this year,
     we retailed our 1000th machine. Australia has sold 535 units since 2000,
     with New Zealand catching up quickly, having delivered 465 units since
     2002. A magnificent milestone for all involved.

     New Zealand                                rates, log exports for the 2020/2021   Tigercat and AB Equipment’s
                                                fiscal year are up 21% to over 36      on-the-ground relationships have
     New Zealand continues to be a vital
                                                million cubic metres. The outlook      proven successful at transitioning
     link in the softwood log supply
                                                for forestry exports to Asia looks     contractors toward mechanical
     chain to China, currently having
                                                very good, both short-term and         harvesting systems over manual
     over 40% market share. With
                                                long-term.                             extraction. Tigercat leveling track
     favourable log prices and exchange
                                                                                       machines, roadside processors, and
                                                                                       six-wheel skidders lead the way
                                                                                       across New Zealand’s challenging
                                                                                       plantation regions. In turn, this
                                                                                       is having a very positive effect on
                                                                                       operator health and safety, and
                                                                                       vastly improving the efficiency of
                                                                                       overall forestry operations.

                                                                                       Our customer and dealer
                                                                                       involvement in the recently released
                                                                                       865 logger is another clear example
                                                                                       of Kiwi ingenuity and the ability to
                                                                                       recognize challenges, initiate ideas,
                                                                                       and follow through on concepts to
                                                                                       ‘make it happen.’ To date, the roll-
                                                                                       out of the 865 logger has proven to
                                                                                       be widely successful.


                                                                                       Current trade tensions between
                                                                                       Australia and China for forestry
                                                                                       product exports remain a challenge.
                                                                                       Conversely, Australia’s recent
 The 1000th machine-an 865 logger sold to Mold Logging LTD based in the Northland
 region of New Zealand.


North East Wood’s LH822D track harvester equipped with a 575 harvesting head working the slopes in Australia.

domestic building boom has the            The 2020 bushfire salvage                  and Tigercat, contractors will
softwood pine industry at full            operations in NSW have concluded           survive and ultimately thrive
capacity.                                 as log recovery is no longer viable.       throughout these challenging times.
                                          The frontline contractors in that
The hardwood industry has                 region have almost exclusively used        With our 1000th unit in the region,
recovered from a recent downturn          Tigercat machines to extract just          there’s a cause for celebration and a
in exports. The Tasmanian forestry        over 2,7 million tonnes of Radiata         very optimistic outlook for this part
sector primarily leads this. Our          Pine from the 52 000 hectares              of the world.
loyal Tigercat customer base in           (130,000 acres) of burnt plantations
that region has contributed to the                                                   Glen is based in Gundagai, NSW,
                                          in that state alone. I am proud to         Australia and has worked for
increased output of Eucalyptus            say these machines have excelled
wood chip, pulp logs, and peeler                                                     Tigercat since 2004.
                                          and endured the task exceptionally
logs. The combination of the              well.
very popular H845E harvester
fitted with the 570 harvesting            The Australian logging industry
head in debarking and processing          has constantly proven its resilience,
operations continues to be                and there is no doubt that with
remarkably successful in Tasmania.        continued support from Onetrak

                                                                                          I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 11
    – Yannick Lapointe, Tigercat district manager, Quebec

        he first 1165 wheel harvester
        in Canada was sold to ELIOR
        and is operating in the
    Lanaudière region of Quebec.
    The machine is working on a very
    unusual thinning application in
    big hardwood and hilly terrain.
    The customer is using 100% of
    the machine’s capacity and is very

    The Quebec and Ontario markets
    remain strong. Our contractors
    are not able to keep up with the
    demand of the mills. The 570
    harvesting head is gaining ground
    and steadily building an excellent
    reputation in the area. We still
    have a very diversified market with         The 1165 wheel harvester thinning in Quebec.
    tree length operations, thinning
                                                Yannick is based in Shipshaw,             Ontario. Yannick has been with
    applications, as well as processing
                                                Quebec. His area of responsibility        Tigercat since 2012.
    behind a buncher using a processor
                                                includes Quebec and northern
    and a forwarder.

    – Artem Shilov, Tigercat product support, Russia

                                                                                                   ith rising lumber prices
                                                                                                   worldwide, we are seeing a
                                                                                                   steady demand for Tigercat
                                                                                          equipment in Russia. Relatively new
                                                                                          Tigercat dealer, Ambitech, has been
                                                                                          retailing machines from their stock
                                                                                          inventory, and has a good number of
                                                                                          machines on order to fill customer
                                                                                          needs for the next harvest season.
                                                                                          The first Tigercat 1165 wheeled
                                                                                          harvester on Russian soil launched
                                                                                          this spring and is successfully
                                                                                          working in Siberia with two more
                                                                                          machines on the way.
    The 480B mulcher working on a 700 km highway project from Moscow to Kazan.


This past summer, Ambitech                  Recently, Ambitech sold its first           and has ordered a second 480B
opened new branches in Tomsk and            480B mulcher to a customer in the           mulcher. A third is in the plans for
Perm. Next will be in Kirov and             Kazan region. I took this picture           2022.
Novokuznetsk. A well-developed              while onsite for the 125-hour service
dealership with considerable parts          check. The machine is involved in           Artem is based in Perm and supports
stock is vital to the customer base.        building a 700 km (430 mi) high-            all the forestry regions in Russia. He
These new service centres will              speed highway from Moscow to                has been with Tigercat since 2014.
strengthen Tigercat’s presence in           Kazan. The customer, Dorozhnyi
the European and western Siberian           Master Ltd., is very satisfied with the
regions of Russia.                          machine’s power and performance

– Jochen Reiter, Tigercat product support, British Columbia

        y daughter Aimee
        graduated from high school
        this year. It was our first
experience with a North American
graduation. In Europe it’s not a big
hype like it is here. COVID made
things a little different as well.
Volunteers organized a drive-by
for the parents and graduates, and
the diploma ceremony was viewed
online. Although some parents
were frustrated, overall, everyone
made the best of it.

Aimee agreed to get a photo taken
in front of my old skidder. I bought
the skidder used in 2010 for my
logging business. I keep it for
logging my woodlot. We have a
picture when Aimee was 4 years old
in front of another skidder I ran in
Germany. So, we thought it would
be nice to get one now, all grown
up. The skidder will hopefully help
pay for some of her post-secondary
education. She is looking into
becoming a psychiatrist.
                                            High school graduate, Aimee Reiter, in front of her dad’s old skidder.
Jochen is based in Quesnel, British
Columbia. He has been with Tigercat
since 2019.

                                                                                              I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 13

         Founded by Mrs. Mara Rocha, late wife of Tracbel Group president
    Mr. Luiz Gonzaga, the Professionalize Project started in 1995 at the company’s
    headquarters in Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Professionalize Project
    prepares young students, seventeen to nineteen years of age, for insertion in
       the workplace through a one-year professional development program.

    A class in progress.

         ome of the social objectives of   through a theoretical and practical     Professionalize Project was an
         the program include promoting     methodology. Technical analysis,        entrance into Tracbel for me,” says
         the education of youth from       community classes, disease and          Eduardo. “My family has always
    low-income families, contributing      drug prevention, Portuguese             encouraged education. After I
    to their financial independence, and   language, ethics, and supervised        completed my studies, I saw this as
    encouraging their involvement in       internships are also part of the        a great opportunity.”
    community development.                 integrated educational program.
                                                                                   During the program Eduardo
    The program consists of a one-         Eduardo Avancini joined the             developed skills related to the
    year Mechanics Learning course         Professionalize Project in 2014 after   maintenance of heavy equipment.
    which aims to teach students           graduating at SENAI, the National       “I learned about the assembly of
    the basics of machine mechanics        Service of Industrial Training. “The    essential mechanical components

including engines, axles, and hydraulic
transmissions. I also learned how to conduct
a pre-delivery inspection and deliver a
machine to the customer. This project was
life-changing for me. It gave me complete
confidence in my entry into the workforce.”
After completing the program, Eduardo was
hired as a mechanical assistant for Tracbel.

Tracbel’s mission goes far beyond providing
high quality heavy equipment and service
support. Through projects like these, Tracbel
invests in community engagement and
contributes to the growth and development of
young people. So far, the program has helped
over 630 students in the past 26 years. Sadly,
founder Mara Rocha passed away in 2014.
However, her meaningful legacy lives on.

Professionalize Project founder, Mara Rocha.     Tracbel mechanic, Eduardo Avancini.

                                                                                   I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 15
      in NZ

                                 “AND THE Y DO LIKE THE
                                 HIGH CABS. THE BEAUT Y
                                 OF THE BIG, HIGH CAB IS
                                BEING ABLE TO LOOK DOWN
                                AT THE TRUCKS WHEN YOU
                                  ARE LOADING THEM.”

BTB catches up with Ron Thomassen, owner of Thomassen
               Logging to talk about the new 865 logger.

     homassen Logging is based            directional felling saw or the 5185    processing heads. The fourth
     in Taupo, close to the centre        fixed felling saw. The full-length     machine on the crew is a loader
     of New Zealand’s north               trees are skidded to roadside. Due     used for sorting and organizing at
island. Nine logging crews work a         to terrain conditions and tree size,   the deck area, and loading trucks.
triangular area roughly bound by          75% of Ron’s skidder fleet consists    Ron’s operations can have as many
Tokoroa in the north, Rotorua to the      of six-wheel machines. Ron has         as ten sorts. “When the wood comes
northeast and Turangi to the south        several 625 and 635 series six-        out of the processor, it is sorted but
of Taupo. The crews are similarly         wheel skidders, as well as a new       the ends are not flush. The loader
configured and the Tigercat brand         632H four-wheel drive model.           operator re-fleets in an area where
features prominently in the mix;                                                 the trucks can move the logs out,”
company owner Ron Thomassen               Processing is performed at             he explains.
has over twenty Tigercat machines.        roadside with the equipment
                                          choice dependent on piece size         Traditionally in New Zealand,
Each crew has a track-based felling       and products that the crews are        the loading function has fallen to
machine. In most cases, it is a           producing. Ron has several Tigercat    25 or 30 tonne class excavators
Tigercat 855 series leveling carrier      loggers including 875, 880 and         converted for forestry use with
equipped with either the 5195             890 models matched with large          guarding and other modifications.

Ron Thomassen in front of the new 865 logger.

                                                                                      I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 17
Weighing in at around 32 tonne,          point, all the while competing           The operators like the long reach.
     Tigercat’s new 865 logger aims to        against high volume excavators.          The reach is important to put the
     fulfill the requirements for this                                                 stack over that little bit further,”
     important function, offering a           Ron explains that he has placed the      Ron explains. “And they do like the
     premium build forestry machine           865 in a road lining crew. “They go      high cabs. The beauty of the big,
     that many New Zealand contractors        ahead of the main logging crews          high cab is being able to look down
     have long envisioned. “We’ve been        and they open the roads up and           at the trucks when you are loading
     talking to Tigercat about it for         make them wider. Sometimes they          them.”
     a long time,” says Ron. As such,         will form the basis of a new logging
     he was excited to try one out,           road. The 865 is doing all the           Care was taken in the design
     purchasing the second 865 to enter       fleeting and stacking of the logs and    process to ensure clear operator
     the country. (Whisker Harvesting,        the loading of the trucks,” says Ron.    sightlines in all directions,
     also based on the north island,          “So once the logs are processed, the     especially beneficial for site safety
     took the first machine. Owners,          865 will fleet them and load them.”      when workers are on the ground
     Colin Wroe and Nick Whisker                                                       manually hooking up the trailers.
                                              In terms of reach, lift and stability    The cab height, window size and
     are extremely impressed by its           Ron says that as a log loader and
     performance.)                                                                     placement, and the hooked profile
                                              fleeting machine, the 865 is sized       of the main boom all contribute,
     On Tigercat’s side, it was a             to handle all types of logs and          allowing the operator to see
     challenging project to get the right     products that the company normally       everything that is happening in the
     features and build quality while         encounters. “It is lifting the big six   decking and loading area.
     staying within an acceptable price       tonne trailers off easily enough.

 Ron purchased the second 865 logger in New Zealand.

Ron states that the 865 is easily lifting the six tonne trailers.

    Safety and operator ergonomics                   because the boys are out servicing
    are important factors for Ron. “The              daily and staying on top of
    rear entry for the cab is another                problems. They have found the 865
    good feature that the operators like.            to be easy to work on and very user
    Climbing up the side of a loader in              friendly. And the operator is like a
    dark and slippery conditions is not              dog with two tails. He absolutely
    ideal, so we are going away from                 loves it. There has only been the
    that type of machine. The rear                   one person on the machine for the
    entry cab is a lot safer. And for us, it         750 hours. It is his home. And it
    is just a lot easier to have a finished          looks like the day we got it.”
    product from the factory. The
    compliance has been ticked off. The              With so many Tigercat machines
    cabs are safe.”                                  in his stable, Ron has a clear
                                                     perspective and a good basis for
    Thomassen Logging has over                       comparison. “I go back and look
    55 employees and is quite self-                  at my first 875 and it works hard
    sufficient. “We do a lot of our                  in big trees. Structurally nothing
    own maintenance. We have good                    went wrong with it. You would like
    mechanics and some of our boys                   to think as a log loader, the 865
    have had some AB training. We                    should be really good.”
    don’t have too many problems

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    It is not often that one can draw a clear line from the forest to the
    construction site. When it happens, it demonstrates the importance
    of trees and the timber industry, not just from an economic or
    engineering perspective but also from the lens of culture.
    – Paul Iarocci

I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 21
       n April 2019 the famous Paris              Although the walls are mainly           are expected to run into hundreds
       cathedral, Notre-Dame, suffered            constructed with stone, the roof        of millions and perhaps billions
       a fire that severely damaged               structure and spire are made            of dollars. Even with computer-
    the spire and roof of the building.           from wood. Over the centuries,          generated 3D modelling and the use
    The architectural marvel was first            the roof timbers had become dry         of modern building materials, the
    constructed in the twelfth century            with age. The fire that began in        reconstruction effort could stretch
    on the site of an ancient Roman               the attic tore through the upper        into decades.
    temple. More or less completed                structure, requiring the herculean
    by the mid-thirteenth century,                efforts of 400 firefighters battling    The original beams that supported
    the cathedral was the subject of              flames, smoke and the boiling lead      the roof were milled from massive
    additions and embellishments for              that had formed the sheathing.          individual oak trees. Decision
    one hundred more years thereafter.            Firefighting crews had to be wary       makers expressed early on that
    It survived the French Revolution             of applying water to the exterior for   portions of the restoration would
    and underwent a major restoration             fear of cracking the stonework, so      be completed using traditional
    in the nineteenth century in the              incredibly, much of the firefighting    materials. So while titanium
    decades after the publication of the          effort took place inside the            may replace lead, the French
    Hunchback of Notre-Dame in 1831.              structure.                              government committed to sourcing
    It even survived the aerial bombing                                                   timber from the same forests
    campaigns of WWII relatively                  Notre-Dame is a building with           throughout France where the
    unscathed.                                    an annual maintenance budget            original 1,300 trees were hewed
                                                  in the millions. Rebuilding costs       nearly a millennium ago.

Christophe (left) and Denis standing in front of the 602 skidder.
A typical hardwood forest that SAS BERCE FOREST operates in.

    SAS BERCE FOREST is a small              prized for its high quality oaks that    “I was involved in the tree
    family company owned by Denis            are used to make barrels for the        harvesting project for the
    Legeay. He works alongside his           wine industry. Ironically, Denis has    construction of Notre-Dame, with
    son Florent and one employee,            faced some business challenges          long-standing relations with the
    Christophe Moreau performing             also related to fire. Over the past     French National Forestry Office
    mechanized felling of softwoods          two years, the massive California       and also the proximity of the
    and motor-manual harvesting              wildfires have polluted many            mountain range that makes up the
    of high-quality hardwoods. SAS           Napa and Sonoma vineyards with          Bercé National Forest,” says Denis.
    BERCE FOREST operates one                smoke, damaged vines, or destroyed      “We participated in the harvesting
    Tigercat-made TCI* 602 grapple           infrastructure entirely. In addition,   of the first eight trees as well as
    skidder, a second skidder, a             COVID lockdowns negatively              loading the logs onto the trucks in
    harvester head equipped excavator,       affected wine production and sales.     a special convoy. Other oaks were
    and a twelve-tonne forwarder.                                                    harvested from other areas, with
                                             The French National Forestry Office,    local loggers.”
    The company, based in Pruillé            which owns the Bercé Forest, is
    l’Éguillé, near Le Mans, was             responsible for tree harvesting in      The 300-year-old trees were, on
    commissioned to harvest eight oak        France. The office collaborated with    average, 20 m (65 ft) in height,
    trees from the Bercé Forest. This        carpenters to select the specific       with an average volume of 15 cubic
    5 400 ha (13,300 acres) tract has        trees to be harvested based on          metres (approximately 15 tons).
    been a working forest for many           length and shape.                       The harvesting process followed
    centuries and is internationally                                                 French custom. First, an arbourist

                                                                                          I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 23
climbed the tree and manually               each tree was carefully selected            specially adapted to the long
   removed all of the branches. Denis          for its particular shape. The timber        lengths and delivered to a specialty
   then used both of his skidders in           was skidded to strategic points             sawmill that could accommodate
   tandem to lift each tree entirely off       in the Bercé Forest to facilitate           the long lengths.
   of the ground when transporting             the loading, accomplished with
                                                                                           *Registered mark is owned by Tigercat
   it to the loading area to prevent           two lifting cranes. The trees were          Industries Inc., used under licence.
   damage. This is very important as           loaded onto transport trucks

   Kid glove treatment. The logs were loaded with two cranes onto specially configured trailers.

France’s beautiful hardwood forests contain     to remove the branches.” This prevents the
many different oak species. White oak with      wood fibre from bursting and thus damaging
its fine grain and aromatic properties is       the trunk when the tree is felled. “This is not
considered to be one of the best species for    so rare in France, especially in this area where
the production of wine barrels. Oak barrels     you find really precious wood,” says Florent.
are just porous enough to allow for some
                                                “Standing oaks can be sold for more than
evaporation and oxygenation, but not so
                                                1,000 euros per cubic metre. This is really
much as to spoil the wine as it ages.
                                                expensive.” The logs are then sawn into
Florent Salladin is an equipment salesperson    strips or staves, using a special technique to
for Clohse Group, the Belgium-based TCI         maintain air permeability. After many months
dealer for France. He explains the typical      of air drying, the staves are heated, bent and
process for harvesting oak trees for the wine   assembled into barrels.
barrel industry. “Someone climbs the trees

                                                                      I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 25
Fielding Logging has owned twelve Tigercat machines and six harvesting heads since they bought the first one in 2000.

     In Tasmania, Fielding Logging is a well-known name in the logging
     business, having been active in the forestry industry for over 30 years. It is a
     family business operated by Laurence, Glenys, and sons Adam and Jeffrey.
     – Kim Hansen, Onetrak

          ielding Logging was among the         bush it once during this time. We           “Initially, we trialled the Tigercat
          first contractors in Australia        have put some big wood through              570 processor in its development
          to buy Tigercat products when         it over the years. It’s been a great        stage, working closely with
     they arrived. The company was              head, and it certainly influenced           Tigercat. It quickly became
     also one of the first owners of the        us to look hard at the Tigercat             apparent to us that the new 570 was
     original 575 series harvesting head        processors for our new contract,”           fast and super reliable. That first
     when it was released in Australia.         says Laurence.                              head has close to 6,000 operating
     “Our first 575 has over 20,000                                                         hours now, and its performance,
     hours on it. We only had to pin and                                                    combined with our experience with

Fielding LOGGING
                             TA S M A N I A

the original 575 processor, made it   heads from the start. In contrast,   comfortable with another brand.
an easy decision to purchase more     Adam says he was unsure about the    “It’s hard to step away from what
Tigercat 570 processors.” Today,                                           you know and make big changes
Fielding Logging has five Tigercat          “I STAND FIRM                  – which is what we had to do
570 processors working between                                             when we switched from another
two Eucalyptus plantation contracts       WHEN I SAY THE                   brand to Tigercat heads,” Adam
in Tasmania.                               570 IS THE BEST                 explains. “One of the big changes
                                                                           is that the Tigercat heads use the
We caught up with Laurence, Adam,       HARVESTING HEAD                    debarking knives to hold the wood
Jeffrey and one of the operators,                                          in conjunction with drive wheels. It
Cody, on the jobsite in northwest         I’ VE OPER ATED.”                took a couple of weeks to get used
Tasmania.                                       – Jeffrey Fielding         to, but I’ve turned 100% from being
Jeffrey says he has been a big                                             a sceptic to a true supporter – I’ll
promoter of the Tigercat harvesting   Tigercat processor for the smaller   never change back from Tigercat to
                                      plantation wood, having become       another harvester head brand.”

                                                                               I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 27
Adam Fielding. “I’ve turned 100% from being a sceptic to a true supporter – I’ll never change back from
 Tigercat to another harvester head brand.”

     “My Tigercat H845C base has                 previous head with the same hours.          bush style. It just makes it so much
     done 10,000 hours, and we have              And I had 75% fewer hoses and               easier. One thing that stands out for
     recently fitted a Tigercat 570 to it        maintenance on the Tigercat head            me is how much better laid out the
     for this contract – it’s done around        compared to the competitor.”                Tigercat 570 is compared to other
     500 hours. The harvesting head                                                          harvesting heads – the way the
     handles the logs well – there are           Jeffrey continues, “Like with               hydraulic hoses are out of the way
     no problems. When Tigercat builds           the Tigercat machines, every                of the wheels on the sides. You just
     something, they build it strong.                                                        avoid any potential damage while
     Their products are not the cheapest                                                     working.”
                                                     “ WHEN TIGERCAT
     option, but downtime is the real
     cost when you’re harvesting,                                                            Jeffrey explains that the new
                                                  BUILDS SOMETHING,
     and you don’t have that with the                                                        contract with Forico asked for
     Tigercat harvesting heads. That is                 THE Y BUILD IT                       full optimization and StanForD
     why we only run Tigercat heads                                                          compliant data transfer, including
                                                            STRONG.”                         geo mapping. “This is super simple
                                                             – Adam Fielding                 with the Tigercat 570 processor.
     “I stand firm when I say the 570                                                        A couple of clicks at the end of
     is the best harvesting head I’ve                                                        the day, and I’ve got it all on my
     operated,” states Jeffrey. “I guess         component on the harvester head is          phone. I transfer the StanForD
     everyone knows I’m an advocate for          big and solid. They’re just extremely       compliant file to Forico daily. From
     Tigercat. To put it in perspective, I       reliable and efficient. They are            a management perspective, we
     ran some numbers on my current              super low maintenance with large            have detailed cut information for
     570 harvesting head with 6,000              diameter taper lock bearings,               each harvester with full visibility,
     hours on it compared to the                 where others use a smaller pin and          which creates a fun but competitive

Jeffrey Fielding operating the H845E harvester     Jeffrey and Laurence Fielding. Fielding Logging became one of the first
equipped with the 570 harvesting head.             customers in Australia to buy Tigercat products.

    Fielding Logging has five Tigercat 570 harvesting heads.

                                                                                                I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 29
atmosphere among the boys to              Laurence has owned twelve Tigercat
    produce more than the rest.”              machines and six processing heads
                                              since he bought the first one in
    “Once you get used to the Tigercat        2000. “The Tigercat team have           Visit Tigercat TV to watch Fielding
    570, it outperforms all competitors’      always offered the best support         Logging’s H845E harvester equipped
    heads. The 570 is classed as a            for their customers,” he says. “The     with the Tigercat 570 harvesting head
    20 inch harvesting head. It’s fast        dealer here, Onetrak, support us
                                                                                      working in Australia:
    but has the torque and capability of      very well and have plenty of good
    a much bigger head, in my opinion,”
    says Jeffrey. “When we were
    upgrading to the new Tigercat 570              “ONCE YOU GET
    processors, they recommended the
    360-degree rotation. I was unsure                USED TO THE
    at first because other 360-degree
                                                  TIGERCAT 570, IT
    rotators on competitor’s heads have
    leaked. Now I’m so glad I’ve got it             OUTPERFORMS
    because it’s working great, and I
    don’t have any leaks.”                       ALL COMPETITORS'

    Jeffrey is now operating the new
    Tigercat H845E harvester. “The                       – Jeffrey Fielding
    E-series has better visibility on
    all sides of the machine, and the
    hydraulic pumps are more responsive.      factory-trained mechanics should
    I also like the longer, heavier track     we need assistance. They take
    frame. The reach is great and the         accountability for what they do – if
    toolboxes have been improved with         there’s something that needs fixing,
    better storage,” he adds.                 they’ll fix it.”

                            EXTENDED COVERAGE
                                            Increase your drivetrain component coverage to
                                                3-year/6,000 hours, with no deductible.



                                      Tigercat is pleased to announce the appointment of Nicholas
                                      Edwards to the Tigercat product support team.

                                      Based in Kinder, Louisiana, Nicholas will provide after-sales
                                      technical support for the southern United States, including
                                      Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

                                      Nicholas has a strong technical background with over nine years
                                      of experience working on many heavy equipment brands as a
                                      technician and operations manager. In his new product field
                                      support role, Nicholas will be working closely with product support
                                      representative John Withrow and Tigercat district managers Heinz
                                      Pfeifer and Johnny Boyd.

                                      “I’m pleased to welcome Nick to the Tigercat team,” says Heinz. “He
New product support representative,   will be a great asset to the service side through his experience with
Nicholas Edwards.                     heavy equipment, electronics and hydraulics. Glad to have him in
                                      the family.”

                                      Nicholas’ appointment demonstrates Tigercat’s continued efforts to
                                      provide the best after-sale support in the industry, matching field
                                      population increases with expanded field team resources.

                                      “I am excited to work for a leading manufacturer,” says Nick. “I look
                                      forward to supporting our customers as Tigercat continues to push
                                      forward in engineering and building the best equipment in the

                                                                          I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 31
#T I G E R C AT life

                   The prototype 180 yarder left the factory this summer,
                   bound for the Pacific northwest for extensive field testing.
                   We snapped this photo of the team members that
                   contributed to the build of the machine before it left the
                   swing machine assembly facility in Paris, Ontario.

(L-R): Adam Kolb, product designer and Bruce Vaile, senior product
designer, stand in front of the newly developed shovel clam grapple. The
shovel clam grapple was one of Bruce’s final projects before retiring this
past summer. Bruce joined the Tigercat team very early in the company’s
history and played a key role in the development of the track machine
product line.

                                                              I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 33
    Russian Tigercat dealer, Ambitech LLC, opens new branch locations in
    Perm and Tomsk.

    Perm                                                           Tomsk

    With significant and growing potential in the region,          Ambitech has also opened a new division in Tomsk.
    Ambitech LLC has decided to open a new branch in               The Tomsk region is one of the central forest regions of
    Perm. Ambitech has been successful selling the 480B            Siberia. Local logging companies in this area operate
    mulcher in this region and nearby territories.                 in harsh conditions and it is crucial for Ambitech to be
                                                                   close by to support these customers.
    “Detailed research was conducted to determine the
    best location of the new division. It will be convenient       “We continue to actively develop our dealer network.
    for customers to visit our office, and we can easily           Ambitech LLC has signed a lease agreement for
    replenish the spare parts warehouse and ship the               premises in Tomsk. Our goal is to be as close to the
    necessary parts to our customers,” says Konstantin             loggers as possible – the new office in Tomsk fully
    Shilov, head of the Perm division.                             meets this task. At the moment, work is underway to
                                                                   create and fill a spare parts warehouse. The workshop
    The new office in Perm is ready to provide high-quality        is being equipped as we speak,” says Andrey Solovev,
    service to current and potential Tigercat customers            general director of Ambitech LLC.
    in Perm, Sverdlovsk, and other nearby regions. The
    new facility has a stocked parts warehouse, a service          Branch location: Russia, 634024, Tomsk,
    car equipped with specialized tools, along with newly          Prichalnaya Street 22
    recruited qualified engineers and sales specialists.
                                                                   Contact: +8 800 500 88 58
    Branch location: Russia, 614025, Perm,
    Brodovsky tract 5B                                             To learn more about Ambitech visit,
    Contact: +7 915 200 2152

    Tigercat 620E skidder during a demo in Tomsk region, Russia.


Tigercat forestry equipment dealer, AfrEquip, invests in new head office
and service facility in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.

Managing director, John du Toit, standing in the large, spacious workshop of AfrEquip’s new head office facility.

    ohn du Toit, AfrEquip’s                 is just another tool for us to offer         outperforms all other equipment.
    managing director, says the             world-class support to our Tigercat          The company’s mission is to be the
    idea of owning their own                customer base,” says John.                   leading supplier of equipment, parts
building has been a priority for                                                         and quality service in the Southern
some time. “Over the past few               The new workshop can fit                     African forestry and biofuel market.
years, AfrEquip has continued to            four machines, two more than                 AfrEquip’s services include sales,
invest heavily in parts, and our            the previous facility. John                  maintenance, product support and
old premises were bursting at the           Barbour is the company’s highly              all the relevant training courses
seams. We searched for the right            knowledgeable and experienced                designed and proven to enhance
spot to house our main support              technical manager and says the               operator productivity.
location and found a property               workshop is ideal for their needs.
virtually around the corner in the          Craig van Dijk, AfrEquip’s financial         AfrEquip has five branches in
same suburb,” John explains.                director adds, “It is a place we are         South Africa’s forestry hotspots.
                                            proud of and we are delighted to             Mbombela (Nelspruit) and
“The facility required significant          share it with our customers.”                Mkhondo (Piet Retief) in
alterations to meet our                                                                  Mpumalanga, Ugie in Eastern
requirements. We built a new                AfrEquip (Pty) Ltd                           Cape, and Richards Bay and the
workshop to house equipment for             AfrEquip is a forward-thinking               new Pietermaritzburg facility in
delivery inspections, and we added          company that aims to provide the             KwaZulu-Natal.
a new floor to the parts facility           South African forestry industry
to safely house our significant                                                          To learn more about AfrEquip visit,
                                            with modern mobile equipment that  
parts holding. This new facility

                                                                                              I S S U E 5 5 O C TO B ER 2 0 21 | 35
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