WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group

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WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
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                Q u a r t e r ly   M a g a z i n e   o f   t h e   B W   G r o u p   MCI (P) 009/11/2014

                                                                             Building on
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
Publisher                 Haneya Basheer             For further information,
BW Group                  Hugo Haeselich             please contact:
                          Jitendra Sabharwal
Responsible Editor        Joshua                     BW Maritime Pte Ltd
Nick Fell                 Joyce Lim                  10 Pasir Panjang Road #18-01
                          Krystle Sun                Mapletree Business City
Managing Editor           Lars Pedersen              Singapore 117438
Lisa Lim                  Leif Einar Olsen           + 65 6337 2133
                          Leonard Harbottle
Editorial Team            Lim Wei Hong
Arathi Menon              Maja Kristensen            BW Gas AS
Kate Langstrom            Martin Ackermann           Professor Kohts vei 5, 1366 Lysaker
Roy Lee                   Michael Skyum              P.O. Box 443
                          Miriam V. Basco            1327 Lysaker, Norway
Contributions From        Mukesh Sharan              + 47 6721 1600
Andrew Hoare              Nalini Torres    
Anders Bohm               Ole Erik Bjorge
Ashok Krishnan            Petter Maelandsmo          BW Offshore Norway AS
Bill Hatch                Sverre Henry Johannessen   Drammensveien 149
Billy Chiu                Venu Viswanadha            P.O. Box 33 Skøyen
Biju Jayarajan            Veronica Lee               0212 Oslo, Norway
Brian Ang                 Vivian Yuan                + 47 2313 0000
Cathinka Fornebo Mellem   Zhihui Seah      
Christina Chu
Corinne Hobson            Design & Production        BW LPG Pte Ltd
Erle Kristen Wagle        Lancer Design Pte Ltd      10 Pasir Panjang Road #17-02
                                                     Mapletree Business City
                                                     Singapore 117438
                                                     + 65 6705 5588

                                                     Green Marine Capital
                                                     10 Pasir Panjang Road, #17-02
                                                     Singapore 117438
                                                     +65 6705 5588
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group

Contents                                                                                                                 03/2015

04 Chairman’s message                            15 Catching Up with BW Catcher
                                                    BW Catcher is on course for delivery in 2017

                                                 16 	Always Trying to Do Better
                                                     BW Aries aims for the stars in energy


                                                 20 Changing Directions
                                                    BW Offshore adopts a more strategic
                                                    approach to Supply Chain                       In the Spotlight
                                                                                                   18 Good to Great

                                                 22 Gearing up for the Next Phase                     BW LPG’s new chief executive Martin
                                                    With a huge milestone achieved, Peregrino         Ackermann talks about building on the
                                                    FPSO is getting ready for the next phase          success of the company and driving the
                                                                                                      business forward
Global BW
08	No ‘gas’ work when it comes to
   safety                                                                                          23 BW Group Fleet

09	Expanding Horizon
   BW LPG at the 28th annual World LPG Forum                                                       24 AROUND THE WORLD
   in Singapore

10 Signed, Sealed, Delivered
                                                                                                   29 BW cryptic crossword
   BW Pavilion LNG has acquired USD360 million
   in financing

12 Developing Our Talent                         Feature                                           30 Special Thanks To...
	Training future leaders through the             06 Built on Experience
   Management Associate programme                	Nearly two centuries of combined crew
                                                    experience onboard BW Singapore
14 To The Rescue
   Very Large Gas Carrier BW Carina rescues
   refugees in distress
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
4            World Horizon Issue 03/2015

WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                                                             5

   t has been a busy quarter since the        that can secure us against the storm           Some might argue that trust has its limits
   last World Horizon. We have secured        outside. Culture – “our way of doing things”   in an operational environment with risks
   business for our FSRU BW Singapore,        – determines whether an organisation           involved. Safety is clearly an area where
   which was prepared in record time and      makes good decisions, whether it is a          checks and redundancies are critical, and
is already on station in Egypt. We closed     pleasant company for other parties to deal     blind trust – not considering an individual’s
the financing for our BW Pavilion LNG joint   with, and whether it is an enjoyable place     experience with a task or the risks involved
venture with Pavilion Energy. BW LPG is       to work in.                                    in a particular situation – is not what we
providing the floating storage solution for                                                  are advocating. But again, openness and
the first seaborne LPG-to-power project in    One aspect that is worth reflecting on is      trust go hand in hand. Being open about
the Virgin Islands. And we continue to take   how a company responds to challenges.          the limits of one’s experience or capability
delivery of the large series of 22 product    In the wake of a corporate scandal in the      and speaking openly about what is at stake,
tankers from SPP, which are arriving to       car industry, which follows on the heels       should allow trust to be a guiding principle
healthy market conditions. Peregrino,         of two other major cover-ups in the same       without allowing it to become blind.
which BW Offshore is operating for Statoil,   industry, it is timely to remember that
has reached a milestone with 100 million      a philosophy of “no cheating, no cover-        BW is fortunate to be doing well in its core
barrels of oil production.                    ups” is vital to any company which values      businesses, and this success is founded
                                              its reputation. A phrase which I have          on a strong corporate culture. Whatever
In contrast, the global outlook has been      commonly heard in Scandinavia (which I         the numbers look like in the present, it is
shaky in recent months. The Chinese           believe originates in Italy) is to “put the    culture that will determine our success in
economy is slowing. Oil producing             fish on the table”. Or as the English saying   the future. Openness about problems, and
countries are building massive deficits.      goes: “don’t sweep it under the carpet”. If    the trust that results from that, are key
Emerging markets are facing a loss of         there is something difficult to be discussed   elements in how we will deliver on our
confidence and capital. Fighting continues    – a problem, a disagreement, however           value “acting for the future”.
in the Middle East, and Europe is inundated   awkward – it is better to deal with it
with refugees. Some major companies of        openly rather than allowing it to rot under
systemic size and importance are under        the table.
siege, albeit for different reasons.
                                              Without openness, there is no trust. And
Our own successes in this environment         without trust, the team ceases to function
are in large part thanks to BW teams          efficiently – everyone starts looking over     Sincerely,
working hard around the world. Beyond         their shoulder, small miscommunications        Andreas Sohmen-Pao
hard work, continued success will depend      lead to big misunderstandings, complexity      Chairman
on maintaining a healthy corporate culture    and bureaucracy increases.
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
6                        Feature                                                                               World Horizon Issue 03/2015

Built on
Nearly two centuries of
combined crew experience
onboard BW Singapore

        W Singapore is BW’s latest addition      Master Petter Maelandsmo, the Captain is       like rice and potatoes – we can be used
        to the company’s Liquefied Natural       surrounded by team members who have            in many dishes”. This “can-do” spirit and
        Gas (LNG) fleet. Built at Samsung        also seen many years with BW. Electrical       the willingness to go beyond the call of
        Heavy Industries, BW Singapore           Officer (EO) Sverre Henry Johannessen          duty are captured in one of BW’s four
has low environmental footprint, high fuel       recently celebrated 30 years with BW, Chief    company values, Creating Energy Through
efficiency, a storage capacity in excess of      Engineer Mokkelbost Steinar has been           Collaboration.
170,000 cbm, and a peak regasification           with BW for 24 years, and Chief Officer
capacity of 750 mmscfd. She will provide         Lie Mathias Edvin has served for 17 years.     BW also offers opportunities for career
LNG regasification services in the Port of       Although not sailing onboard, other long-      progression – something which Captain
Ain Sokhna, Egypt.                               serving colleagues also worked on getting      Maelandsmo exemplifies. He joined then-
                                                 BW Singapore ready for water, such as Site     Bergesen as a deck boy in 1982, rose
Providing stable, safe and efficient             Manager Jan Egil Torvik (38 years) and Chief   through the ranks over the years and was
regasification service                           Engineer Per Aslak Ringstad (42 years).        made Captain in 2001. During his time
Apart from fulfilling contractual obligations,                                                  with the company, he has sailed on crude
BW Singapore provide Egypt with a stable,        Like rice and potatoes                         oil tankers, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
safe and efficient regasification service.       Crew retention numbers at BW are higher        and LNG carriers, bulk carriers and OBO
She will be permanently moored alongside         than the industry average. When asked          (oil, bulk and ore) carriers.
a jetty in the Port of Ain Sokhna, and will      about the long years of service, the crew
regasify up to 600 mmscfd of gas per             which World Horizon spoke with said that       BW is a leading international gas shipping
day for five years. She will double Egypt’s      they appreciated the respect they received     company with more than 75 years of
capacity to import and regasify LNG. The         as professionals in their field. BW treats     maritime energy transportation history, 40
additional gas will be used mainly for           all employees fairly and the working           years of operational experience in LNG and
power generation, and also help satisfy          environment is pleasant. EO Johannessen        a current fleet of 21 LNG carriers including
the growing demand of directly connected         commented that it is the team                  newbuildings. While this is something to
residential and industrial consumers.            camaraderie, and that no two days are          be proud of, we are prouder still of our
                                                 the same, which keeps him going. Captain       crew, where onboard a single vessel, we
Two centuries of experience onboard              Maelandsmo agreed and commented that           have nearly two centuries of in-house
Just as impressive as the vessel is the          everyone pitches in regardless of rank         experience in managing one of the world’s
crew onboard. Helmed by long-serving             when help is needed, “onboard, we are          largest fleet of gas carriers.
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
World Horizon Issue 03/2015   Feature   7

Low environmental
footprint, high fuel

170,000 cbm
storage capacity

750 mmscfd
regasification capacity
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
8                 Global BW                                                                                      World Horizon Issue 03/2015

      BW and Pavilion Energy hosted a group of media professionals onboard LNG carrier BW Pavilion Vanda. This article appeared in a
    Singapore daily, The New Paper, on 21 September 2015. BW thanks Singapore Press Holdings for permission to reproduce the article.
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                         Global BW                         9

                                                      Horizons                             BW LPG at the 28th annual
                                                                                        World LPG Forum in Singapore

      he 28th annual World LPG Forum          and shipping hub in Asia, the importance     against the backdrop of various global
      was held in Singapore from 28           Singapore now places on the gas industry     developments such as energy price
      September to 2 October. The World       and the rising portion of economic           fluctuations, developments within the
      LPG forum is organised annually         growth that has been coming from Asia.       Chinese economy and geopolitical
by the World LPG Association (WLPGA),         BW LPG was one of the main sponsors          considerations. At a session titled,
the authoritative voice of the global LPG     for this forum which saw significant         “Deciphering the Upstream”,
industry. Established in 1987, WLPGA          attendance by participants across the        Mr Ackermann, together with a panel
aims to add value by driving demand for       entire LPG value chain. The forum provided   of industry practitioners, presented
LPG and helping both public and private       an excellent platform for developing         and discussed the impact of the recent
companies to partner with international       relationships within the industry and for    growth in LPG on shipping, trade routes,
organisations and implement LPG projects      updating knowledge on latest trends and      LPG exports and LPG prices for players
on a local and global scale.                  developments within the LPG industry.        upstream and in other parts of the
                                                                                           value chain.
This is the first time the World LPG Forum    The forum’s theme, “Expanding Horizons”
was held in Singapore, which is reflective    was especially relevant given emerging       The forum also featured insights from the
of Singapore’s important role as a business   opportunities within the LPG market          retail and petrochemical parts of the value
                                                                                           chain which were of significant interest
                                                                                           to many who attended. Mr Ackermann
                                                                                           spoke about the quality of the event,
Mr Ackermann together with a panel of industry                                             commenting, “Ultimately the World LPG
practitioners presented and discussed the impact                                           Forum provided an excellent platform for
                                                                                           robust discussions and delivered significant
of the recent growth in LPG on shipping, trade                                             insights on latest trends and changes in
routes, LPG exports and LPG prices for players                                             the global LPG supply chain, making it a
                                                                                           valuable event for participants across the
upstream and in other parts of the value chain.                                            entire value chain.”
WorldHorizon - Building on experience - BW Group
10            Global BW                         World Horizon Issue 03/2015

     Signed,   B
                                        W Pavilion LNG recently secured
                                        two financings worth USD360
                                        million in total. This deal is a highly
                                        competitive funding solution that
                               was attained at attractive pricing with
                               favourable terms and conditions. This

                               facility will be used to fund the purchase
                               of the newly-delivered BW Pavilion Leeara
                               and refinance the shareholders loan used
                               to purchase BW Pavilion Vanda.

                               A total of 22 banks were invited to submit
                               proposals for the initial phase and the
                               response was overwhelming. The total

BW Pavilion LNG has acquired
USD360 million in financing

                               Total of two financings
                               secured by BW Pavilion LNG
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                               Global BW                       11

commitments amounted to an over-             secured a strong funding platform from a            at the forefront of such initiatives; and
subscription of more than five times.        group of supportive banks. This deal also           with a 20-year charter in place to serve
Six banks were eventually selected for       demonstrated that such funding for LNG              the region’s LNG needs, the joint venture is
this deal, with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking      vessels is feasible in today’s relatively soft      poised to be involved for the long term.
Corporation (SMBC) acting as the facility    LNG market with the right structure and
agent. The other lenders include DBS Bank,   stakeholders involved in the project. It also       BW Pavilion LNG is a joint venture formed
Overseas-Chinese Banking Corporation         highlighted the trust shown by the banks            between BW and Pavilion in May 2015.
(OCBC), Clifford Capital, Societe Generale   towards both BW and Pavilion Energy and             The main business of this joint venture is
and Credit Industriel et Commercial.         the strength of both companies’ brands.             to invest in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
                                                                                                 vessels to meet the growing demand in
This was the second financing deal that      This deal helps to crystallise Singapore’s          LNG transportation in the region.
was closed since the formation of the        energy diversification strategy and the
partnership with Pavilion Energy. By         country’s push to become an LNG hub in
signing this deal, BW Pavilion LNG has       the region. It also places BW Pavilion LNG

Banks were invited to submit
                                             Financing deal that was closed since the
proposals for the initial phase              formation of the partnership with Pavilion Energy
12                     Global BW                                                                               World Horizon Issue 03/2015

Our Talent
Training future leaders through the
Management Associate programme

         aving a team of capable leaders      Norges Rederiforbundet (Norwegian                 and learn as a team. Brian Ang, a second-
         is necessary for the smooth          Shipowner’s Association) sees our                 year associate, notes how the importance
         running of a successful company.     participation in what is widely regarded          of working together within the department
         But not all leaders are born         as one of the best MA programmes in               and with others is essential to achieving
with the gift to lead; many are made          Norway. Under this programme, associates          objectives. Team work is a necessary
through experience and knowledge. But...      are employed by the company and given             component for any business, and a leader
however... having the opportunity to          exposure to the daily operations of the           that understands how to make people work
acquire such attributes is not always easy.   business. The programme also features an          together to accomplish a common goal is a
BW believes in training the next generation   academic component where associates               hallmark of success.
of talent and empowering them with            attend modules to build their knowledge
the skills and knowledge to lead. One of      of the shipping industry.                         Vivian Yuan, a first-year associate says,
BW’s core values is acting for the future                                                       “The most enriching aspect of the MA
and the company’s commitment to the           Making improvements                               programme so far has been the exposure
future can be seen through the company’s      The MA programme also provides                    to different departments and functional
Management Associate (MA) Programme.          opportunities for the associates to suggest       units within BW. I enjoy picking up new
                                              and implement improvements. Second-               skill sets with each rotation, as well as
The Management Associate programme            year MA Joshua Lin modified a Time Charter        meeting new colleagues who are very
In the Singapore office, BW runs an MA        Equivalent (TCE) calculator for benchmarking      friendly and approachable.”
programme that is designed to attract         the Chartering team’s performance. The TCE
fresh graduates who are interested in         calculator is often used as a tool to calculate   Speaking from experience
developing a career in the maritime           the average daily revenue performance of a        Senior Vice President for Quality, Audit
industry. Through a rigorous two-year         vessel. This modified TCE calculator proved       and Compliance Billy Chiu joined the
development period, these individuals are     immensely useful for the department               company, then known as World-Wide
equipped with the necessary skills and        with the customised values tailored to            Shipping, as a management trainee in
knowledge to succeed as a leader within       the department’s operational needs. This          1985. He was exposed to the deep end
the organisation. Each MA is also assigned    improvement was a collaborative effort            when he was posted to the Japan office
a mentor who acts as their programme          between his mentor and himself.                   after just two months in the company.
sponsor and supervisor.                                                                         Despite the steep learning curve, he had
                                              Creating energy through collaboration             a mentor who was patient and willing to
At BW’s Oslo office, a partnership with       BW provides a safe environment to grow            show him the ropes. The comparatively
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                        Global BW                        13

                                                                                      enough to
                                                                                      allow your
                                                                                      seniors to
                                                                                      teach you
                                                                                    and to learn
                                                                                from mistakes
                                                                                  is important.”
                                                                                                     – Billy Chiu

                                                                          smaller team in the Japan office afforded
                                                                          Billy the chance to be exposed to
                                                                          different aspects of the business. It also
                                                                          gave him the opportunity to take on
                                                                          projects and responsibilities that were
                                                                          normally beyond his scope, allowing him
                                                                          to gain a broader appreciation of the
                                                                          interconnectedness of each department.
                                                                          Looking back, he said, “there are two
                                                                          sides to the coin, I was given the chance
                                                                          to do things that were normally for
                                                                          more senior positions but at the same
                                                                          time, I had to do small tasks such as
                                                                          photocopying too. But overall, I learnt a
                                                                          lot from all these experiences.”

                                                                          As advice to the new management
                                                                          associates, he says that “being humble
                                                                          enough to allow your seniors to teach you
                                                                          and to learn from mistakes is important.
                                                                          Being able to commit time and effort to
                                                                          further your knowledge is necessary
  From L-R: Management Associates Joshua Lin, Brian Ang and Vivian Yuan
                                                                          as well.”
14                     Global BW                                                                            World Horizon Issue 03/2015

                To The Rescue
                        Very Large Gas Carrier BW Carina rescues refugees in distress

              ith a fleet of over 150 ships,   Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre and       Lars Pedersen, Managing Director of BW
              BW’s vessels cover a vast        proceeded to investigate further.             Fleet Management, thanked the crew for
              expanse of the world’s oceans,                                                 the professional and efficient handling
              delivering energy to wherever    A total of 14 people were spotted onboard     of the matter. He said, “It makes us all
it is needed. On this occasion, Very Large     the small raft and orders were immediately    very proud when we are able to make a
Gas Carrier (VLGC) BW Carina was to make       issued by Captain Jayarajan to bring them     difference.” Captain Jayarajan echoed that
a short voyage from Grand Cayman to            onboard BW Carina. Fortunately, none of the   sentiment, “I am glad that we could be of
Houston when she was called upon to            rescued required serious medical attention.   assistance to the refugees who were adrift
assist in a rescue.                            The crew later learn that the 14 people       at sea.”
                                               onboard the raft were Cuban refugees who
The Rescue                                     had been out at sea for the past 19 days.     Longstanding Tradition
During the journey from the Grand                                                            It is a longstanding maritime tradition
Cayman to Houston, the Officer on watch        Swift Response                                to render assistance to others in distress
spotted a small raft. White flags could be     The entire process lasted two hours,          at sea. This tradition has been codified
seen being waved in the distance by two        from the first sighting of the raft to the    into law through the Safety of Life at Sea
individuals. Captain Biju Jayarajan, Master    successful rescue of the 14 onboard. The      (SOLAS) Convention, under which the
onboard BW Carina, was immediately             swift and timely response of BW Carina        Master of a ship is legally obligated to
informed of the situation and the crew         ensured the safety of the refugees. The       respond to any distress situation regardless
was called into action.                        refugees were transported off BW Carina       of nationality, status or circumstance in the
                                               onto the United States Coast guard vessel     world. While BW Carina’s response to the
BW Carina made contact with BW Fleet           USCGC Kathleen Moore later that evening.      situation fulfilled her legal obligation, it
Management to keep the office appraised        The crew of BW Carina were presented          was borne out of BW’s belief in the sanctity
of the situation. Following international      with a badge of commendation for their        of life and commitment to ensure safety
protocol, BW Carina alerted the nearest        role in rescuing the refugees.                for everyone.
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                                 Global BW                     15

     Catching Up with
        BW Catcher                  BW Catcher is on course for delivery in 2017

       W Catcher Floating Production,           the delivery of the Middle Mega Block              Ensuring that key personnel were
       Storage and Offloading (FPSO) is         (MMB) which is expected in November.               properly informed and educated on the
       currently on track for its delivery      The MMB is being constructed in Korea              requirements of the project was necessary.
       in 2017. Set to be deployed in the       and will be shipped to Japan where it              Experienced individuals with extensive
Premier Oil operated catcher field of the       will be assembled by IHI Shipyard.                 knowledge on the UK continental shelf and
United Kingdom’s (UK) North Sea, the FPSO                                                          its regulatory requirements were deployed
vessel will be placed on a seven-year charter   New Challenges                                     to the shipyards to ensure the smooth
with a contract value of USD2.3 billion.        Working in the Catcher field presented             progress of the project at hand.
                                                new challenges to the project team with
“Two significant milestones have been           stringent regulatory requirements and unique       Going forward
achieved with the cutting of the first          geographical conditions necessitating a unique     Project Manager Venu thanked the
steel in the first quarter of 2015 and the      hull design for the FPSO. With harsh weather       team for their hard work, “All the team
Keel-Laying recently in August,” says           conditions and waves three to four metres          members have been putting in their best
Project Manager Venu Viswanadha. The            high, special consideration was given to           efforts to ensure the project remains
FPSO is half-way to completion and on           designing a hull that satisfied safety concerns.   on course for delivery despite all the
course for its 2017 delivery schedule.          Strong winds and currents are also present in      challenges.”
The next major milestone would be               the Catcher field that required attention.
16   Global BW                   World Horizon Issue 03/2015

                 Always Trying
                   to do Better
                         BW Aries aims for the stars
                           in energy management
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                            Global BW                          17

        W Aries, a recently delivered Very       operating on lower revolutions per          effort and everyone onboard was involved.
        Large Gas Carrier, is certainly living   minute (RPM). The compressor efficiency     Day to day operations required coordination,
        up to its name. Individuals with         was tested at different RPM levels and      and data had to be collected and analysed.
        this zodiac sign are often described     we found that at 525-550 RPM, the           A major challenge was to sustain the spirit
as “go-getters” and leaders, and with less       compressors were delivering better fuel     and motivation of the team throughout the
than a year on the water, crew onboard           efficiency. We validated our observations   initiative. Jitendra comments, “Throughout
are already hard at work trying to raise fuel    with further studies and analyses. With     the study, there were times when our tests
efficiency levels to reduce emissions to air     this finding, we have managed to reduce     failed or produced no results, but the team
and at the same time save cost.                  the fuel consumption of LPG compressors     did not give up. I try to keep the energy of the
                                                 by about 33%, which will help us save       teams on board high by being involved with
Leading such energy management                   quite a bit of cost”.                       them – I make sure we celebrate even small
initiatives onboard is Chief Engineer                                                        victories, and appreciate all effort put in”.
Jitendra Kumar Sabharwal. He says,               Says Erle Wagle, Environmental
“It is always exciting to deliver higher         Performance Manager, “BW Aries is a         Finding new challenges
efficiency and run the vessel in the most        new and efficient vessel, but onboard       Chief Engineer Jitendra is setting his sights
economical way. Every ship and voyage is         crew have done additional work              further with this success. His future energy
a new journey of findings and learnings.         in cooperation with Technical and           management projects will be related to
Most of the time, it is just minute key          Electrical Superintendents to reduce fuel   the performance of auxiliary boiler, and
observations, which if taken care of, can        consumption of generators which will give   cylinder oil optimisation. He reflects “There
lead to surprising results.”                     us an annual saving of over USD100,000      is always immense scope to explore. We
                                                 and reduce the emissions from the vessels   need to think and approach our daily
Elaborating on a particular initiative,          by about 1,500 tonnes of CO2.”              operations as if we are the owner, and
Jitendra adds, “As we had insufficient                                                       start taking initiatives from our end to
spare load to run only one generator             Working as a team                           improve current operations, and have an
efficiently, the LPG compressors were            Working to increase efficiency is a team    eye for detail and passion to do better”.
18                     In The Spotlight               World Horizon Issue 03/2015

Good to
BW LPG’s new chief
executive Martin Ackermann
talks about building on the
success of the company and
driving the business forward

With two decades of experience in the
commercial LPG business, Martin has led a
dynamic career in gas shipping. Up until this
summer, Martin was the CEO of Evergas for the
past seven years, where he led the rejuvenation
of the former Eitzen Gas with a one billion USD
investment programme, including pioneering
the ethane transportation market as well as
introducing dual fuel propulsion to the fleet. With
Martin having embarked on his new role at BW
LPG, World Horizon speaks to him to find out
what he has in store for BW LPG.
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                     In The Spotlight                     19

Arathi Menon [AM] for World Horizon            factor we have to embrace and we do           AM: “With your busy schedule, how do
AM: “Why did you join BW LPG?”                 this by having an agile business platform     you spend the little spare time that
                                               that is supported by efficient systems        you get?”
Martin Ackermann [MA]: “I have always          and lean processes.                           MA: “On the personal front, my two boys
admired BW Group for its ability to drive                                                    Emil, aged 11 and Niels, aged 9 are both
market leadership as well as being an          BW LPG has enjoyed extraordinary success      a great source of joy and they inspire me
industry role model. I was very inspired       over the past 18 months and has become        to be present in every moment of my life.
about this opportunity and being able to       an excellent industry platform. Our focus     Time is always a scarce resource, making it
work with the world leader within LPG          is long term and we will work to ensure       important and ultimately more rewarding
transportation. Having been here now           that the company remains well poised for      for all of us to be present in the moment,
for a short period of time I am delighted      capturing future growth opportunities and     be it at work with our colleagues or at
that we have such a strong team and this       remains competitive in scale and across       home with our families.”
gives me a lot of confidence for the future.   our business. Shipping markets are cyclical
                                               by nature, thus it is vital to ensure that
We all spend an enormous amount of our         our focus remains on being best in class
time in the workspace, thus what we do         by delivering competitive and sustainable
has to matter. The BW values resonate very     solutions to our clients.”
well with my own values and how I see
myself as a person. This combined with         AM: “What inspires you as a leader?”
the opportunity to work for BW LPG made        MA: “A good leader is someone who is in
the decision to join BW easy.”                 close contact with his or her team. Within
                                               this team everyone is working together,
AM: “What are some of your key ideas           aligned on goals, and growing together
for running a successful organisation?”        within their respective responsibilities
MA: “The three key pillars that define         to deliver results consistently. There is
success in an organisation are its people,     already a strong team behind BW LPG and
a customer centred mindset and efficient       I hope my direct, open and empowering
processes. People are the backbone of          leadership style will help to further
any organisation. In BW LPG, we have a         strengthen within the organisation.
pool of dedicated and talented individuals.
The company is already a very well-run         There are so many great leaders in this
                                                                                                       I hope my
company and I am looking forward to
working closely with our team, driving the
                                               world who are a source of inspiration.
                                               Mandela’s courage and perseverance to          direct, open and
business forward.                              fight for justice without ever losing hope
                                               and focus is inspiring. Another leadership

                                                                                               leadership style
The customer is still king. Understanding      principle that has stayed with me over
the long term needs and demands of our         the years is, “When you talk, you are only
customers will remain important for us to      repeating what you know. When you listen,
move onto the next level and drive BW
LPG’s business forward.
                                               you may learn something new.” Having
                                               a collaborative leadership style, asking
                                                                                              will help to propel
Operational efficiency is key to ensuring
                                               incisive questions, understanding socio-
                                               cultural contexts and motivations of people          the business
a high service level as well as cost           are all crucial for good leadership.”
efficient operations. Change is a constant
20   Global BW                                         World Horizon Issue 03/2015

                      BW Offshore adopts a more
                  strategic approach to Supply Chain
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                             Global BW                        21

                                               “First and foremost it is a question about
                                               communication and alignment. Many of our internal
                                               customers have never been aware of the value that a
                                               properly executed Supply Chain function can bring to
                                               the business. There is also a need to move towards a
                                               greater focus on value creation and not just cost.”
                                               – Michael Skyum

        rocurement is about spending           just a cost cutting exercise. Senior Vice       from all departments. Incorporating a
        money and creating value for           President Michael Skyum, Head of Supply         procurement phase into Fleet and Project
        the business that it supports.         Chain, says, “First and foremost it is          planning minimises last minute requests
        Knowing how to spend the money         a question about communication and              and allows the procurement team
optimally and create value in the process      alignment. Many of our internal customers       increased flexibility in negotiating with
is important. For this, you need a clearly     have never been aware of the value              suppliers. This can translate into better
defined strategy. At BW Offshore, the          that a properly executed Supply Chain           value and cost efficiency. A mindset shift
Supply Chain Department (SC) is going          function can bring to the business. There       with regards to procurement together with
through a transformation to improve its        is also a need to move towards a greater        effective communication company-wide
practices to achieve better cost savings,      focus on value creation and not just cost.      is necessary to ensure that everyone is on
efficiencies and generate more value for       Creating value means not always taking          the same page.
the company.                                   the cheapest option but ensuring that
                                               the choice is the best one that satisfies       For the procurement team, being
From reactive to proactive                     the requestor’s needs and requirements          equipped with the necessary sourcing
Supply Chain practices have historically       without being over-engineered.”                 skills and knowledge to utilise the various
been very reactive in nature with                                                              procurement systems is critical for a
individual orders placed when requests         For example, value can be achieved when         smooth transition. Proper training and
are made. The SC team is in the process        shortened lead time for deliveries are          courses are planned to ensure that all SC
of shifting towards a much more proactive      secured or even when accepting higher           personnel have the required knowledge to
approach in handling supply chain              costs to acquire more durable materials         do their part in this transition.
matters, where the company adopts a            that can offer better performance and
long term mindset when thinking about          thereby Life Cycle Cost. Providing an           The bigger picture
their procurement requirements. This           analogy, Michael says that, “Instead of         The successful transition towards a strategic
involves working much closer with internal     paying a dollar for a pen that lasts three      focus on procurement can have benefits
stakeholders and vendors to understand         months, we may pay three dollars for a          outside of BW Offshore. The initiatives and
life cycle cost and form long term relations   pen that last 10 years.”                        systems are being discussed Group-wide
that offers benefits for all parties.                                                          to look for synergies and achieve better
                                               A collective journey                            procurement efficiencies. BW is always trying
An eye on value                                To implement this proactive approach            to do better and this timely strategic review
This shift in strategy is much more than       successfully, a collective effort is required   readies our business for the years ahead.
22                    Global BW                                                                           World Horizon Issue 03/2015

Gearing up for
the Next Phase
With a huge milestone achieved, Peregrino FPSO is getting ready for the next phase

       he BW Offshore operated Peregrino     installation.” The success of project was    to proper work procedures. As the
       Floating Production Storage           a result of strong cooperation between       installation required hot work, strict control
       and Offloading (FPSO) vessel          Statoil and BW Offshore teams.               of the environment was also necessary
       has successfully completed the                                                     to avoid incidents. This was managed
installation of two new crude oil pumps.     This modification project was an important   through pressurised habitats to control
These new pumps will feature an              component for the preparation for            the atmosphere in the work area. Even
increased output of 60,000 barrels per day   Peregrino Phase II. This second phase will   under such controlled environments,
which caters for future increase in demand   expect to see an increase of approximately   proper safety procedures for equipment
from the Peregrino field. In addition, the   250 million barrels in the field. The pump   installation had to be observed.
new pumps are expected to have lower         installation was considered a production
gas emission into the atmosphere.            bottleneck and the successful installation   Passed the 100 million mark
                                             meant that the FPSO was on course for this   On 2 August, 2015 the Peregrino
This project was assigned to the Brazil      second phase.                                operations in the Campos Basin crossed
Modification Projects team by Statoil.                                                    the 100 million barrel mark. Brazilian
Benito Ciriza, Vice President for Brazil     Safety First                                 National Agency of Petroleum, Natural
Modification Projects said, “The entire      Installing the pump in a challenging         Gas and Biofuels reported earlier this year
project took about one year to complete,     environment meant that all involved had      that Peregrino is Brazil’s eighth largest
from designing the equipment specification   to have an even greater awareness of         field and has the second heaviest oil
to engineering, fabrication and              safe work practices and strict adherence     production rate.
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                     BW Group Fleet                          23

BW Group Fleet: 156 vessels
As of 24 July 2015

Very Large Gas Carriers                        Large Gas Carriers                           LNG Carriers

No. of vessels: 35                             No. of vessels: 5                            No. of vessels: 15
Year of construction: 1990-2015                Year of construction: 1991-2003              Year of construction: 1984-2015
Average age: 7.9                               Average age: 18.2                            Average age: 7.4
Cargo carrying capacity: 78,000-84,000 CBM     Cargo carrying capacity: 58,050 CBM          Cargo carrying capacity: 125,200-162,500 CBM
Areas of operation: Worldwide                  Areas of operation: Worldwide                Areas of operation: Worldwide

Very Large Crude Carriers                      Long Range 1 Product                         Medium Range Product
                                               Tankers (LR1)                                Tankers (MR)
No. of vessels: 10                             No. of vessels: 17                           No. of vessels: 13
Year of construction: 2000-2012                Year of construction: 2004-2010              Year of construction: 2013-2015
Average age: 10.4                              Average age: 7.8                             Average age: 0.7
Cargo carrying capacity: 298,600-320,000 DWT   Cargo carrying capacity: 72,800-76,600 DWT   Cargo carrying capacity: 49,999 DWT
Areas of operation: Worldwide                  Areas of operation: Worldwide                Areas of operation: Worldwide

Offshore Fleet                                 Chemical Tankers                             Newbuildings

No. of vessels: 17                             No. of vessels: 4                            Very Large Gas Carriers: 8
Year of construction: 2002-2012                Year of construction: 1997-2010              Floating Storage & Regasification Unit: 1
Areas of operation: North and South            Average age: 11.8                            Liquified Natural Gas Carriers: 5
America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa          Cargo carrying capacity: 19,400-22,000 CBM   MR Tankers: 9
                                               Areas of operation: Worldwide                Chemical Tankers: 11
                                                                                            LR1 Tankers: 6
                                                                                            Total: 40
24                       Around the World   World Horizon Issue 03/2015

the World
Meet the President
BW Group Chairman Andreas
Sohmen-Pao met Egyptian
President H.E. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi
at a Leaders Luncheon during
the President’s state visit to
Singapore in August.

World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                Around the World                         25

                              2.                                      4.
                              BW will be at Gastech 2015              Hollywood material
                              BW will be showcasing over              Captain Leif Einar Olsen and
                              80 years of maritime energy             Captain Petter Maelandsmo
                              transportation history and 40           were stars for a day when a
                              years of operational experience         video crew boarded BW Pavilion
                              in LNG at this year’s Gastech in        Vanda and BW Singapore to
                              Singapore. Find us at stand B110        film footage for a corporate LNG
                              at the Singapore Expo, from             video.
                              27-30 October.

                              Ahoy there little Captain!
                              Ole Theodore Teien, son of
                              Captain Jan Ivar Teien, was
                              onboard FSRU BW Singapore
                              when the vessel was at Keppel
                              Shipyard in Singapore. Striking a
                              fine figure in BW’s boiler suit, the
                              world is the little Captain’s oyster.

2                             4

                               Captain Leif Einar Olsen

                                                                          Captain Petter Maelandsmo
26                                                                                                    World Horizon Issue 03/2015

5.                              6.                                   7.
Godmothers to constellations    Fifty Wings for 50 years             A piece of cake
In a double shipnaming          BW Group in August donated a         BW Fleet Management
ceremony, President of BW       public sculpture commissioned        colleagues based in Singapore
Shipping Philippines Office     by American artist James Surls       celebrated the delivery of
Rosalinda Cruz and BW LPG       in honour of Singapore’s 50th        Product Tankers BW Kestrel and
HR Business Partner Sonia       anniversary. The three metre         BW Merlin in September with
Vaswani, as godmothers, named   high bronze and stainless steel      some cakes in the office.
Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC)   outdoor sculpture Fifty Wings
newbuilds Hull number 2723      draws its artistic inspiration
and 2724 BW Libra and BW        from the Dipterocarp seed.
Orion respectively at Hyundai   Dipterocarps are the tallest trees
Heavy Industries, Korea.        in the rainforest, and can be
                                found in the Singapore Botanic


6                                                                    7
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                                                              27

8.                                 9.                                  10.
Crossing the Ts and                Work hard, play hard                Safe recovery
dotting the Is                     The BW Shipping team in             On 25 September, condensate         is on the next phases to prepare
The Finance team in Singapore      Singapore organised a team          offloading from Cidade de São       the FPSO for disconnection,
organised a signing event for BW   building session in July, where     Mateus (CSM) to the shuttle         repair and return to operation.
Pacific USD676 million facility    colleagues tested each other’s IQ   tanker Sao Luiz was completed       The teams continue to maintain
and USD266 million facility in     with general knowledge quizzes      safely. The operation has been      the strong HSEQ focus. The
June which involved 12 banks.      and 3D puzzles.                     completed safely and in strict      management takes this
BW thanks our bank partners for                                        adherence to detailed procedures    opportunity to thank everyone
their confidence in the company.                                       required for such a challenging     for their professionalism,
                                                                       operation. This marks a major       commitment and hard work in
                                                                       milestone for the CSM Recovery      reaching this milestone.
                                                                       Project. Going forward, the focus

8                                                                      10

28                       Around the World                                    World Horizon Issue 03/2015

11.                                   13.
Big trophy, bigger smiles             25 years of commitment
Triumphant smiles from the            BW thanks Captain Charles Leite
winning team at a bowling             and Chief Engineer Tor Arne
competition held in conjunction       Helgesen for 25 good years
with an Officer conference held       with the company. Presenting
in Oslo from 23-25 September.         gold watches as a token of this
From left to right: Chief Engineers   significant milestone is Vice
Ole Raknes, Ragnar Ueland and         President and Head of Fleets
Thomas Pryde, and Captain             (Oslo) Olav Lyngstad.
Timothy Goldsmith (winner).

Meeting onshore
Marine personnel department
of BW Fleet Management held
another successful Officers                                             11
Conference in Oslo from 23-25


World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                     BW Cryptic Crossword                            29

BW Cryptic


Crossword #2                                                                                        3                 4

Welcome to the BW Cryptic
Crossword. This puzzle consists of                                                5

cryptic clues all having a maritime                                  6                                                            7

or BW-themed answer. (Some                                           8                                    9

lateral thinking is required.)

                                                                11                                              12

                                               13                    14


                   16               17                                            18




                                                                            Contest rules:

                                                                            • Please submit a scanned copy of your entry to lisa.lim@
                                                                     by 30 November 2015, 1800h SGT (Singapore
                                                                              Time) with your full name, department, email address and a
                                                                              contactable number on the top right hand corner of the page.
       23                                                                   •	Three complete and correct entries chosen from a hat will
                                                                              receive a limited edition BW Moleskine notebook.
                                                                            • Winners will be notified via email. Answers will be revealed in
                                                                              the next edition of World Horizon.

Across                                                                   Down
2. Altitude with the (L) moved forward                                   1. Shorts that you wear that make things disappear
5. The right of the vessel                                               2. A home that is not heavy
7. After removing the ER                                                 3. To transfer, also red wine of the Portuguese
8. The belt in the sky                                                   4. In school and status
10. Hot attire, white & orange                                           6. Our way of making energy
14. Support that is not turned on                                        9. A good day greeting or a lover
17. A timekeeper that is not sitting                                     11. Protection on the beach
19. Safety from bombs, also used to store explosive materials            12. To salvage, also to make safe
20. Line for safety and a caring man                                     13. Jelly that runners use, also a fossil
23. An electric flow, also a strong force that can carry you             15. The English version of GDF Suez
                                                                         16. Commissioned above a Captain
                                                                         18. The roof covering the hull, also a collection of cards
                                                                         20. The rim where robots and aliens fought
                                                                         21. A Japanese staff with the brightest star in this system
Created on Corssword Maker                         22. Making light of liquid
30   Special Thanks                                      World Horizon Issue 03/2015

Special               25
                              Billy Chiu, SVP, Quality, Audit And Compliance
                              Dela Cruz Diosdado D., Third Engineer
                              Rolf Harald Bjørnø, Chief Electrical Officer

                              Serra Felicisimo II Tejero, Second Enginner
                              Villacura Bonifacio Jr. Opingo, Second Enginner

                              Alonzo Aurelio Romion, Motorman
                              Laserna Dindo Alinsod, Motorman

                              Ole-Vidar Berglund, Electrical Officer

                              Bjørnar Jensen, Master
                              Surajit Chanda, Fleet Manager
                              Dela Rosa Domingo Regla, Second Officer
                              Diaz Neri Severino, Bosun
                              Emilio Dennis Pacantara, Motorman
                              Gregorio Luisito De Vera, Engine Fitter
                              Guatno Enrico Cruz, Motorman
                              Paler Jerry Barrete, Third Officer
                              Sambit Srimany, Master

                              Aranzanso Jessie Florentino, Master
                              Cada Rodel Sagunde, Motorman
                              Castillo Rodelio Lasam, Mechanical Technician
                              Delgado Marvin Cabahug, Able Seaman
                              Gula Macario Jr T., Bosun
                              Ole-Anders Johansen, Master
                              Virtudes Robin Cadelina, Able Seaman
                              Villamor Antonio Cubrita, Second Cook
                              Pedrosa Joel C., Able Seaman

                              Jupio Tommy O., Able Seaman
                              Mohseen Khanche, Marine Superintendent
World Horizon Issue 03/2015                                                                 Special Thanks                    31

15                                                                    10
             October                                                          October
             Almojuela Nestor O., Chief Cook                                  Baclayanto Jose Errol Curio, Reeferman
             Baluco Warlito R., Oiler                                         Bartolome Aaron Clemente, Able Seaman
 Years       Bangoy Lorenzo R., Oiler                                 Years   Caramay Ariel Banaga, Able Seaman
             Baticos Richard A., Fitter                                       D’cruz Charles, Mechanical Technician
             Briones Dennis T., Oiler                                         Enriquez Nicasio Hernandez, Chief Engineer
             Cabug-Os Michael, Able Seaman                                    Gestopa Enrico Jr. Seno, Able Seaman
             Canong Henry Ulaira, Chief Steward Cook                          Hernandez Julieto San Juan, Cargo Engineer
             Chiva Ronnie L., Fourth Engineer                                 Kouame Koffi Trinite, GP Marine
             Chon Hyon Chol, Master                                           Lim Eder Santos, Second Officer
             Devender Kaushal, Second Engineer                                Plaza Rhys Sy, Master
             Espana Joseph P., Able Seaman
             Fernandez Irineo P., Oiler                                       November
             Gabayno Ronilo G., Oiler                                         Balan Santhosh Kumar, Able Seaman
             Gurin Sergiy, Offshore Installation Manager                      Diplo Rose Georgina, Planner
             Kochukulam Appu Gireesan, Mechanical Technician                  Figueroa Mark Louise Lunasco, Ordinary Seaman
             Knut Georg Kvifte, Manager Information Technology                Medina Miguelito III Gabriel, Chief Engineer
             Lancy Prasad D’souza, Chief Engineer
             Lico Ernesto A., Able Seaman                                     December
             Lumandog Romeo Jr V., Fourth Engineer                            Baidaks Konstantins, Fitter
             Loable Cirilo Abiado, Electro Technician                         Dissamoussa Patrick, Process Operator
             Mag-Usara Bruce B., Pumpman                                      Rutagines Louie I., Messman
             Malik Purna Chandra, Motorman
             Melvin Cardozo, Chief Cook
             Naciongayo Fred T., Oiler
             Nastor Ronaldo S., Able Seaman
             Preciosa Jevey J., Oiler
             Pryde Thomas William, Chief Engineer
             San Martin Yorino S., Bosun
             Tarrant Philip, Master
             Tequil Nemesio B., Pumpman

             Abdul Rasheed, Cook
             Cabasa Ramon Benadera, Second Cook
             Chandrashekhar Menon, Master
             D’souza Urban Dominic, Sr. Maintenance Technician Deck
             Joseph Joshy, Engine Fitter
             Kurup Kesava Velayudha, Electrical Officer
             Lagura Arnie D., Bosun
             Malaluan Justino T., Pumpman
             Maruvan Krishnan, Electrician
             Naringahon Ruel Rada, Able Seaman
             Torre Wilfredo T., Third Engineer
             Yong Meng Heng, Procurement Controller

             Aguilar Rodrigo Q., Third Engineer
             Almirol Garry G., Third Engineer
             Banagan Ronaldo Pingol, Second Officer
             Chee Emmanuel Orate, Chief Engineer
             Dcouto Burk, Engine Fitter                                         Retired
             Johnson Michael, Production Superintendent
             Kalinin Viacheslav, OIM
                                                                                Dinesan Ashari Kandi, Able Seaman
             Nallasubbu Sekar, Third Engineer
                                                                                Tore Rødbøl, Master
             Rajiv Atrey, Master
H e r i t a g e
     This photo was taken at SingaPort ‘94. The exhibition and
conference gave an opportunity for shipping businesses to display
   new products and meet new clients from all over the world.
 Dr Helmut Sohmen gave the keynote speech on “Challenges and
         Prospects in International Shipping Beyond 1995”.

Fifth from Left, then Minister for communications and Minister for
        the Environment Mr Mah Bow Tan, with Dr Sohmen.

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