3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News

Page created by Jennifer Chang
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
3 – 5 June, 2020
Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
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3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Welcome to TXF Global 2020
   Providing industry knowledge before you can smell it, TXF Global 2020: Export, Agency & Project Finance is
 heading to Madrid. Sustainability, trade wars, sanctions, blended finance, regulation, high-growth regions, SMEs,
future industry funding and the OECD consensus are just a few of the topics dominating this year’s agenda. Quite
                                simply, this is the event you cannot afford to miss.
   Packing the mightiest of punches, TXF Global will again combine keynote addresses from CEOs and state
   ministers outlining the future of industry, sustainability and digitisation, as well as infrastructure and project
 roadmaps. Mixed with detailed technical workshops, lively debate forums and regional roundtables TXF Global
                            allows for an intimate networking environment like no other.
 This unrivalled industry gathering for the export, agency and project finance world gathers 1,000 practitioners
                       from across the world. We look forward to seeing you all in Madrid...

                     1000                  150                      350                     80
                      Guests              speakers              Companies               Countries

                                             What to expect

          Sustainability javelin             Compete on the world stage             Agency CEO triathlon
         The track and field event will           Gain in-depth regional            CEOs of ECAs and DFIs pass
         take center stage, as expert         analysis including innovations       the baton on blended finance,
          sustainability forerunners           and project pipelines at our          collaboration, competition,
          go head to head with ECA             dedicated regional stadiums            sustainability criteria and
               industry leaders                 for Africa, Asia, Americas,                     more
                                                     Europe & MENA

                The hurdles                          The shotput                     The Olympic village
         The latest regulatory outlook         Top athletes of the industry          Take advantage of deal-
          including Basel IV, OECD,            discuss how export, agency            making and networking
           MIFD, IFRS and industry            and project finance needs to             opportunities in our
                   lobbying                   adapt to the rapidly changing             detailed technical
                                               world to finance e-mobility,          workshops, lively debate
                                               energy storage, connected
                                                                                      forums and ideas labs
                                                     cities and more

                       “Not only was the quality of the debates and participation good/
                      current/topical but you guys also managed to assemble the who’s
                      who of the world of Project & Export Finance. Well done indeed!”
                                            Rajit Nanda, ACWA Power

“Excellent event, the best networking for                                        “Once again TXF rocked it!”
        financing deals! Perfect!”                                             Katerina Trimpsa, National Grid
          Shuki Raz, LR Group
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Top speakers of 2020
                Here are a few of the top athletes running for victory at the 2020 event

                                                    Xiana Méndez
                                              Secretary of State for Trade

     Hiroshi Matano               Kirstine Damkjaer               Kimberly Reed                Gabriel Cumenge
 Executive Vice President                CEO                  President and Chairman     Deputy Assistant Secretary
    MIGA - Multilateral         EKF - Denmark’s Export        US EXIM BANK - Export-     Ministry of Finance of France
  Investment Guarantee              Credit Agency            Import Bank of the United            - DG Trésor
         Agency                                                       States

    Anna-Karin Jatko               Catrin Fransson                 Pauli Heikkilä              Wenche Nistad
     Director General                    CEO                            CEO                         CEO
 EKN - The Swedish Export        Swedish Export Credit              Finnvera plc            GIEK - The Norwegian
      Credit Agency               Corporation (SEK)                                        Export Credit Guarantee
                                                                                               Agency (GIEK)

    Kutoane Kutoane             Fernando Salazer Palma             Peter Gisler                  Pedro Novo
  Chief Executive Officer          Chairman & CEO                      CEO               Executive Director in charge
 Export Credit Insurance                CESCE                SERV - Swiss Export Risk             of Export
Corporation of South Africa                                         Insurance                     Bpifrance

   Teguh Widhi Harsono             Katerina Tsirimpa            Shewangizaw Kifle              Kazunori Ogawa
Vice President of Funding     Head of Corporate Finance         Director of Business      Resident Executive Officer,
 Perusahaan Listrik Negara           National Grid                 Development              Regional Head, EMEA
      (PLN) (Persero)                                           Ethiopian Railways       Japan Bank for International
                                                                Corporation (ERC)            Cooperation (JBIC)
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Agenda at a glance

                           Monday 1 June
                           8:00-17:30: ECA Finance Training
                           Our tried and tested programme is champion!
                                                                                     Discounts available for main event-goers.

                          Tuesday 2 June
                          8:00-17:30: ECA Finance Training conti
                         15:00-18:00: Pre-registration at the Novo
                                                                        tel Madrid Center
                         17:00-19:00: Walking Tour
                         Take in the sights of Madrid with your fellow
                                                                       guests. This complimentary activity is the
                         to enjoy a summer night, the tour draws to                                               perfect way
                                                                      close conveniently where the Ice-breaker drinks
                         19:00: Ice Breaker Drinks
                         Open to all guests, the pre-conference drinks
                                                                         gives the ideal opportunity to get networking
                         and ease yourself into the main event                                                         early

                         Day 1: Wednesday 3 June
                         8:00: Registration at the Novotel Madr
                                                                id Center
                         8:50-18:00: The main event day 1
                        On your marks, get set, go! Three days,
                                                                three streams, 150 speakers, 1000 atten
                        networking app, complimentary concierge                                          dees,
                                                                    service, 1-to-1 meeting zone. We’ve said
                        18:15-18:45: Awards Ceremony, Novotel
                                                                 Madrid Center
                        Find out who’s top of the medal table at
                                                                 the Deal of the year awards 2019 cerem
                        19:00: Cocktail Reception, the Royal Tapes
                                                                    try Factory Sponsored by
                        Soak up all the great content from the open
                                                                    ing day and take your network to the next
                                Buses leave from the Novotel Madrid Cente
                                                                              r from 19:00-19:30
                                (10 mins drive to the venue)

                        Day 2: Thursday 4 June
                       7:00-8:00: Morning run
                       Rise and shine! Athletes assemble for the
                                                                 Parque de El Retiro morning run
                       9:00-18:00: The main event day 2
                       Another day of inspiring content and plent
                                                                  y of networking

                       Day 3: Friday 5 June
                      9:00-15:30: The main event day 3
                      No tears please, all good things must come
                                                                    to an end. Full presentation slides plus Audie
                      Response Survey results will be emailed                                                       nce
                                                                to you. And don’t forget to fill in an evalu
                                                                                                            ation form
                      14:00: ECA networking lunch
                      We’ve left the best until last with our ECA
                                                                  hosted lunch tables, don’t miss out on tapas
                      networking and product updates.                                                            ,

                                                               Agenda Navigating key
                                                Use this key to quickly find the subject most important to you:

Sustainability   Future of export     OECD          Role of   Role of ECAs,    Geopolitical risk,   Regulation   Digitisation   CPRI market   Project finance      Financing
                     finance        Consensus       Bankers    DFIs & MFIs    economic outlook,                                                                 traditional ECA
                                                                               trade & Covid 19                                                                    industries
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Agenda: Madrid 2020
                                                               Plenary Track, Field & Road Events

Olympic opening ceremony:                                    The Hurdles: The OECD                                  The 100m Relay: Banking lead-
Keynote ministerial address                                  Consensus revisited                                    er’s session
Olympians of the export & agency finance world               We gather leaders from the OECD, Berne Union, and      We ask heads of units that include export, project
assemble to gain the strategic outlook from the Spanish      IWG to give the latest update on the modernisation     and trade finance their view on the future of
ministry of economic affairs. As a major exporting nation,   of the OECD consensus and the IWG guidelines.          export finance as an asset class within the wider
which geographies top the new Spanish administrations        How has each organisation progressed and where         group strategy. In today’s landscape of price
national interest? What will the government do to aid                                                               compression and rolling regulation how is ECA
                                                             does the situation stand today? Will the OECD
export, trade and international development? How do                                                                 finance perceived? What does this mean for the
                                                             consensus survive? Where will recent efforts from
export, agency and project finance asset classes fit into                                                           future of large ECA finance teams? The role that
                                                             the IWG, EBF and national federations leave us
the bigger economic picture? What are the pros and                                                                  banks will play in structuring ECA transactions
                                                             in the near future? Will the IWG rules be legally
cons of linking trade with aid? How can the international                                                           given liquidity from institutional investors and
community work with the Spanish government to ensure         binding, or just a set of guidelines?                  ECA direct lending? The effect of digitisation and
trade and collaboration in an era where fragmentation        Michal Ron, Secretary General, International           innovation within trade and export finance and the
and protectionism are increasing?                            Working Group                                          types of transactions banks favour? Will we see a
Xiana Méndez, Secretary of State for Trade, Spain            Beatriz Reguero Narado, COO, State Account             shift away from financing long tenor illiquid assets
                                                             Business, CESCE                                        in favour of new fast-moving industries?

The Javelin: Sustainability                                  The Steeplechase: The Role of                          The Decathlon: The global
leaders’ panel                                               ECAs in 2030                                           heads debate
With 10 years until the UN General Assembly                                                                         Two teams comprised global heads of export
                                                             Following the update on the OECD Consensus we
2030 agenda for sustainable development we                                                                          finance go head to head to outline their vision on
                                                             invite our ECA CEO contestants to outline their
analyse the past 5 years to see how successful                                                                      how our industry will evolve over the next 10 years:
                                                             vision for the role of ECAs in 2030: how do they
agency-backed finance has been at implementing
                                                             intend to shape their organisations to deal with the     Financing the UN 2030 agenda, SDGs and Paris
the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
                                                             most pertinent challenges of today? How are they       Agreement, including sustainable supply chains, green
and Environmental Social Governance (ESGs)
                                                             addressing the UNs SDGs and ESGs? Given the drive      bonds, regulatory and lending incentives for green
and how-to roadmap and successfully implement
                                                             toward sustainability what does this mean for fossil
these. What can lenders, industry and regulators                                                                    manufactures, the implications of stranded assets
                                                             fuels and legacy projects? Will we see stranded
do to incentivise sustainable projects? Will we have                                                                  Export credit in the age of rapid geopolitical
                                                             assets? International investment in clean fuel
measures such as reductions in ECA premiums for
                                                             technologies? What does this mean for international    change, trade wars, balkanisation and sanctions
green project borrowers? Exclusions from ESIA
                                                             competition and using cleaner technology to outbid       Digitisation, increased transparency, new
evaluations? Are ESG-tied tied debt and
                                                             more environmentally destructive alternatives? What
sustainability linked loans a tangible reality for                                                                  platforms and financing SMEs
                                                             projects will be backed and what won’t be backed?
export finance as increasingly seen in commodity                                                                      Financing future industries, connected cities,
                                                             What will the landscape look like post proposed
finance? On a macro level how can we help finance
                                                             regulations and the changing roles of banks and        e-mobility and transport, energy storage
the Paris Agreement and how do we ensure all
                                                             ECAs? Any comments to the OECD debate?                   The future of banking in today’s compressed
signatories adhere to the principles? What can be
done to accelerate the decarbonisation of industry           Pauli Heikkila, CEO, Finnvera                          profit environment
in developed, emerging and developing markets?               Kimberly Reed, President & Chairman, US EXIM Bank      Andre Gazal, Global Head of Export Finance, Credit
What can we learn from business leaders and                                                                         Agricole CIB
                                                             Wenche Nistad, CEO, GIEK
institutions pushing the forefront in sustainability?
                                                             Anna-Karin Jatko, CEO, EKN                             Yasser Henda, Global Head of Export Finance, BNP
Kristine Damkjaer, CEO, EKF - Denmark’s Export                                                                      Paribas
Credit Agency                                                Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO, Credendo
                                                                                                                    Paul Richards, Head of Structured Export Finance, ANZ
Gabriel Cummange, Deputy Secretary,                          Peter Gisler, CEO, SERV
                                                                                                                    Co-moderator: Katy Rose, COO, TXF
French Ministry of Finance (DG Trésor)                       Moderator: Max Thompson, Editor, TXF                   Co-moderator: Dominik Kloiber, Co-founder, TXF
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Goalball: TXF trends, data and                           The Marathon: The new paradigm                             The olive wreath CEO panel: Leader-
survey                                                   of blended finance and DFI ECA                             ship in 2030
Following our podcast series, we take our highly         multi-sourcing                                             Introduced by Hercules, the olive wreath was the
tuned athletes out of the studio to face the factual     Heads of DFIs, MFIs, ECAs and investors gather to          prize for the overall winner at the ancient Olympic
might of TXF data and the findings of the export         strategise mobilising private and public funds to          Games. 2800 years later our modern heroes
finance survey. What does our industry look like         allow sustainable infrastructure projects to flourish      address the future of leadership and how to gear
today? Are the economic woes of the outside              in developing countries. Key questions include:            large organisations to tackle today’s most
world set to soar ECA finance to lofty heights?          How do we navigate the differing mandates of               pertinent issues including sustainability, climate
Will we see an increase in borrowers moving away         ECAs and development agencies to allow for all             change, trade wars and the role of data and
from riskier asset classes? What do the product          parties to play a part in critical projects? Will DFI’s/   technology in transforming industry to help
users want from their lenders and ECAs? What is          MFI’s be willing to drop their ‘preferred credit           people and business prosper in an increasingly
the MLT outlook? Which industries and regions are        status’ and be on an equal footing with the ECAs?          challenging marketplace. How do we prepare
growing, maturing, in decline and where should           How can agencies complement each other rather              industry and business to survive economic
you focus your efforts? How has our industry been        than compete? What does this mean for pricing              downturns and global Outbreaks? How will this
affected by the Global Covid 19 outbreak?                and documentation? What specific examples and              impact their existing businesses, product lines and
                                                         case studies can we learn from? What role can              ability to take on projects?
                                                         government play in determining national interest           Fernando Salazer Palma, Chairman & CEO, CESCE
                                                         and green development polices for ECAs and                 Pedro Novo, Executive Director in Charge of
                                                         bilateral development agencies? What is the role           Export, BPifrance
                                                         of asset managers, alternative liquidity and credit
                                                         insurance in mobilising additional resources? How
                                                         are philanthropists and impact investors, looking
                                                         achieve their ESG goals, adding to the pool of
                                                         below-market capital? What can we expect
                                                         from the US International Development Finance
                                                         Corporation and continued activities of the NDB
                                                         and AIIB?
                                                         Sabrina Borlini, Director Syndicated Loans &
                                                         Mobilisation, IFC

Olympic Medal Ceremony: TXF Perfect 10 Awards
Each year the market submits their favourite deals from each region to Tagmydeals, with the 10 winners and their deal teams announced at the awards ceremony. Hold on
to your seats this will inspire you!!
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
The Hammer Throw: ECA, agency                          The Shotput: Regulation uncovered                            The Discus: Financing future ECA
and private market underwriter                         Our panel or industry experts and regulatory                 industries
soapbox                                                figures debate the key regulatory issues of today:           The future is connected, clean and fast moving.
Back by popular demand, this session allows ECAs,      1. The status of the EU CRR regulation (Leverage             The financial tools and institutions best placed to
                                                       Ratio exemptions)                                            finance this growth are yet be determined. Here
agencies and private market underwriters from
across the world to update exporters, lenders and      2. ECB Guidance on NPLs                                      we gather leading industry lights and forward-
borrowers on their latest products and innovations.    3. Basel IV and impact on balance sheets                     thinking manufacturers and contractors to assess
We invite the panel to cross examine each other        4. Sustainable finance regulation and its impact on          what these industries will look like and how we
and the audience to ask probing questions              the export finance market                                    can harness the ECA product to finance these?
on coverage, direct lending, national interest,        5. Increased demand on risk management for                   How will e-mobility, energy storage and connected
                                                       funding through net stable funding ratio NSFR                cities change the face of our business? What can
pricing, ECA reinsurance, local content, the
                                                       2021 and effect on competition                               we learn from the renewables sector? With over
OECD consensus, shopping lines, untied finance
                                                       6. Implications of the OECD CIRR for the market as a whole   a 1bn people not connected to grid electricity,
and sustainability, private market tranches and
                                                       7. IBORs and export finance                                  are we as an industry doing enough? How can we
competition between guarantors
                                                       8. Effect on European banks of increased                     adapt as an industry to move with the times?
Kazunori Ogawa, Resident Executive Officer,
                                                       competition on dollar-based transactions, deposits           Hacina Py, Global Head of Export Finance and of
Regional Head for EMEA, JBIC                           and the regulatory perspective                               Impact Finance Solutions, Société Générale
Hiroshi Matano, Executive Vice President, MIGA –       9. Secure Overnight Funding Rate (SOFR) versus               Catrin Fransson, CEO, Swedish Export Credit
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency               LIBOR – what are implications for the market?                Corporation (SEK)
Maelia Dufour, Director International Relations,       Vinco David, Secretary General, Berne Union                  Stefan Crets, Executive Director, CSR Europe
Bpifrance                                              Francesca Beomonte, Global Head of Structured
                                                       Trade & Export Finance, UniCredit

The Pole Vault: Institutional investors                The High Jump: Untied Lending                                Around the world in a hop, skip and a
& secondary markets distribution                       We examine the outlook for this increasingly                 jump: Underwriters views on global
The countercyclical ECA market does well in a          popular product; allowing for nationally strategic           and local risks
downturn due to its inherently safe and structured     projects to be unlocked in a more flexible
                                                       environment than the traditional ECA structure               Gain the inside view from leading underwriters
nature. With fears of recession looming, many                                                                       and brokers on how they perceive the market,
                                                       under the confines of the OECD consensus.
factors point to a demand for increased ECA            Which European ECAs will introduce these in                  region by region, risk by risk: What is the
financing and liquidity. Banking regulation on long    the near future, and what can we learn from the              general market appetite and performance across
dated, liquid loans and has severe implications on     first agencies to market? With the increased                 established private and public obligor risk? How
available bank liquidity and the cost of funding,      demand for strategic metals in battery storage               is this broken down by sector and by geography?
paving the way for institutional investors, asset      and e-mobility how will untied finance play a role
                                                                                                                    What are the latest pricing considerations? Where
managers and secondary market distributors.            in the development of nations vying to be at the
                                                       forefront these industries? With the ability to offer        are they seeing growth? What new products are
While better placed to pick up the slack, what are                                                                  being developed in new markets? Where will we
                                                       more favourable borrower pricing, will European
these investors thinking in the current environment,   ECAs have to the ability compete with their Asian            see increased coverage? How has the global
and what is their appetite for ECA backed debt?        counterparts? How do the products and terms                  outbreak of Covid 19 and economic downturn
                                                       differ between the OECD and non-OECD ECAs?                   affected appetite for risk?
                                                       Moderator: Dr. Sebastian Hofert von Weiss, Head              Andrew Underwood, Head of PRCB, UK & Ireland,
                                                       of Project Finance, EY/AHB                                   Global Political Risk, Credit & Bond, AXA XL
                                                       Moderator: Hans-Peter Busson, Global ECA
                                                                                                                    Lillian Labbat, Global Head Credit & Political Risk,
                                                       Coordination Leader, EY/AHB
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Regional Stadiums
    Using data powered by Tagmydeals we introduce the inaugural TXF Regional Olympics. Here we gather the major SOEs, borrowers, exporters,
developers, ECA, DFIs and financial institutions that worked on some of the most iconic regional projects, pushed the boundaries of innovation and are
                                              busy road mapping the future of industry in their geographies.

                                                   TXF data for volume and number of deals by region in 2019:

                   Region                                           Volume in $.         No of deals                 %

                   1. Asia Pacific                                     16,303.18                37                 17.5%

                   2. Russia CIS                                       15,806.70                32                 17.0%

                   3. Europe                                           12,890.16                52                 13.8%

                   4. Middle East                                      12,166.97                14                 13.1%

                   5. Latin America                                     9,177.38                32                 9.9%

                   6. North America                                     7,916.74                14                 8.5%

                   7. Africa                                            7,133.66               44                   7.7%

                   8. Australasia                                       7,082.35                4                   7.6%

                   9. Asia                                             4,243.25                 17                 4.6%

                   10. Undisclosed Region                                441.39                 1                  0.5%

                   Grand Total                                        93,161.78               247                100.0%
3 5 June, 2020 Novotel Madrid Center, Madrid - TXF News
Africa stadium
The African Games: Econ-                50K Race: Responsibly                       Weightlifting: Mozam-                      Athletics: Home grown
omist overview                          funding Africa’s infra-                     bique LNG Case Study                       ECAs & agencies uncov-
Great excitement exists over            structure demand                            Mozambique is one African nation           ered
Africa’s emerging opportunities         The demand for energy and                   punching well above its weight by          Africa has a rich tapestry of ECAs
for investment and increased            infrastructure across Africa continues      hosting two of the largest energy-         and agencies, here we invite the
trade. However, there also remains      to be huge, how we finance these            related project financings the continent   continents foremost agencies
significant barriers to entry and       projects and the technologies we            has ever seen: the Total (previously       to meet with the international
political risks facing many investors   adopt are crucial for the future            Andarko Petroleum) led $20 billion         community, discuss their project
including slowing economic growth,      of the continent and our global             Area 1 Mozambique LNG project and          pipelines, funding requirements,
rising debt, and fierce competition     climate. This session pits together         the ExxonMobil-led Area 4 Romuva           guarantees, product updates,
among investors seeking to              developers, agencies, borrowers,            LNG Scheme requiring $15billion of         development goals and area
benefit from privatisations and         SOEs, banks and investors to draw           debt. With both deals expected to          coverages.
infrastructure deals. While public      example from individual projects,           close in 2020, the scene is set for key
                                                                                                                               Invite list: Afreximbank, ATI, AFD,
debt as a percentage of GDP             as well as projects in the pipeline,        actors to share the latest and greatest
                                                                                                                               AfDB, BECI, DBSA ECIC, ECGC Z,
has stabilised in some African          and to address how we fund Africa’s         at the TXF Olympics. What has
                                                                                                                               ECGE, ECIC SA, GEXIM, NAIFE,
markets, slower growth and falling      insatiable demand for infrastructure        progressed on the two projects? What
government revenues are the new         through socially responsible finance.       innovations can we learn from? Does
challenges facing many African          How do we increase the use of PPP           this set a new precedent for African
governments. Small diversified          structures to tackle growing sovereign      project financing?
markets like Rwanda and Benin are       indebtedness, and where are such
performing well, but many large         structures most applicable? Local
resource-dependent countries are        currency financing: where and how
struggling in the current economic      best is it used? How can digitisation
climate. As a result, the IMF warns     help empower people through MSME
that some sovereigns will struggle to   growth? How do we incentivise
service their debts.                    green energy? How do we increase
Dr Robert Besseling, Executive          the sustainability of supply chains in
Director, EXX Africa                    existing carbon negative industries?
                                        According to a recent report by TXF
                                        Data, 14.1% of all sustainable deals were
                                        done in 2019 were closed in Africa -
                                        the path is gradually being paved and
                                        slow and steady wins the 50k race!
                                        Shewangizaw Kifle, Director of
                                        Business Development, Ethiopian
                                        Railways Corporation (ERC)
                                        Kutoane Kutoane, CEO, ECIC
MENA stadium
The Fencing: Tensions in MENA’s                                The Vault: Banking more mega bor-                         Equestrian Dressage: Emerging
land of project opportunity                                    rowers and projects                                       ECAs & agencies spotlight
While 2019 saw MENA drop down in regional                      With deal volumes in 2019 down we invite local            The Middle East is fast growing its own network
deal charts, the region continues to offer a                   borrowers, SOEs and DMOs to take to the stage and         ECAs and agencies, here we invite the regions
wealth of ECA savvy borrowers and a rich project               discuss why they work with ECAs, when they look           foremost agencies to meet with the international
pipeline, one that carries huge promise in the                 for other alternatives and how ECAs can improve           community, discuss their project pipelines, funding
face of enhanced geopolitical risk: The latest                 their offerings to borrowers? What are the main           requirements, guarantees, product updates,
on US and regional tensions with Iran? Who will                challenges to using ECA products in the GCC? Are          development goals and area coverages.
rebuild Iraq? Saudi Aramco’s IPO and scope for                 there size thresholds to ECA financing? What will be
further international investment in infrastructure             the effect of Duqm Refineries rejection of ECAs due       Invite list: Bahrain Development Bank, Credit
modernisation projects?                                        to upfront premiums on multisource financings? Can        Oman, Dhaman, ECGE, ECI, ICIEC, ISDB, JLGC,
                                                               ECAs be more flexible to compete with the speedy          LCI, QDB, SEP, Saudi EXIM Bank, new precedent
                                                               due diligence, long tenors and big-ticket coverage of     for African project financing?
                                                               Chinese ECAs? Will the $1.9 billion Assuit Oil refinery
                                                               expansion in Egypt, the integrated $10 billion
                                                               petrochemical plant at the Duqm refinery in Oman,
                                                               and the $1billion Salalah Methanol ammonia plant
                                                               expansion bring a return to former ECA borrowing
                                                               glory in 2020 and beyond?

                                                                  Europe Stadium
Cross Country Mountain Biking: Economic outlook for                                           Quadruple Sculls Rowing: Export credit for European
the Eurozone                                                                                  borrowers
Twelve years after the global economic crisis, the European economy faces major               With fears of recession and rumours of another crisis emerging in the darker
challenges; with monetary policy remaining ultra-loose, fiscal space limited, long            corners of the TXF Olympic Village, we examine the market for ECA borrowing
term interest rates low, asset price valuations high, and corporate investment                in category zero countries. How are banks familiarising key borrowers with
relatively tepid. Uncertainty to the outlook is elevated, arising from trade, Brexit          the ECA product? Will ECA be the tool of choice preparing to should there
and geopolitical tension. Despite strengthened regulation, some segments of                   be another crisis? What factors have to be at play for the ECA product to be
the financial sector continue to signal risks to financial stability. On the structural       favourable to bind markets, balance sheet borrowing and corporate lending?
front, a bolder consensus needs to be reached and substantial changes need to
be implemented. The euro is lagging behind major competitors in its capacity to
innovate, partly owing to an ill-suited financial sector and lack of equity. While the
challenges of digitisation and innovation will be here for years to come. Half a year
after a new commission and a new ECB president, which strategies and avenues
will be employed? How can we ensure the greening of the European economy
becomes an opportunity for Europe´s development?
Laurent Marin, Senior Economist, Economics Department, European Investment
Bank (EIB) projects?
Asian Stadium
Badminton: Key trends and market                       Going for Gold: Asian borrowers’                      Windsurfing: Formosa 2 offshore
opportunities                                          panel                                                 wind case study
The Asia-Pacific shuttlecock soared over the           TXF Data showed Asia-Pacific as the top ECA           We gather the principal actors to share the story
net in 2019 ahead of its regional competitors,         borrowing region for 2019, accounting for 17.5%       on the 376MW Formosa 2 offshore wind scheme
comfortably topping the charts when it comes to        of overall export finance volumes. Our gold           in Taiwan signed in October 2019. Sponsored by
overall borrowing volumes. This, combined with         medallist borrowers shed light on the projects        Macquarie Capital (75%) and Swancor Renewable
Japan and China’s dominance of the international       that contributed to these volumes and the             Energy (25%), the TWD60 billion ($1.91 billion)
lending countries, shows that the region is            developments that led to successful financial         debt package has ECA support from Credendo,
even more active than ever before. What is the         close. We ask what are their project pipelines        EKF, K-Sure and UKEF. BNP Paribas, Credit
economic forecast for the next 5 years? Which          and refinancing needs to 2025? How can banks,         Agricole, Societe Generale (financial adviser),
parts of the region will see the most growth, and      exporters and ECAs improve their products to          Natixis, ING Bank, DBS, OCBC, MUFG, SMBC, ANZ
in which sectors can we see the most projects?         streamline processes? What is the role of various     and HSBC. The domestic lenders are CTBC, E.Sun,
Will RMB internationalisation begin to displace        debt instruments in meeting their investment          Fubon Bank, KGI Bank and Taiwan Life Insurance.
dollar dominance in the region and what is the         objectives, while maintaining balance sheet health?   EKF and UKEF will cover 100% of part of the
outlook for local currency markets? What have we       What considerations are taken when opting for         local debt, Credendo will provide a guarantee of
learned from the China-led BRI initiative so far?      ECA-supported debt, capital markets, bonds, bank      95%, while the remaining ECAs will provide 100%
How are the geopolitics of power shifting with the     loans and other products?                             cover. This intricate 18 year-facility, composed
US, Australia and Japanese Trilateral Infrastructure   Teguh Widhi Harsono, Vice President of Funding,       of 6 tranches split 50/50 between covered and
Partnership allegiances in the face Chinese policy     Perusahaan Listrik Negara PLN                         uncovered portions, is no small feat, what can we
bank dominance? How will the market adapt and                                                                learn from the successful close? Why is this Asian
respond to Covid 19?                                                                                         case so different from offshore projects elsewhere
                                                                                                             in the world? How will ECA finance continue to
                                                                                                             blow wind into the sales of the Asian and global
                                                                                                             offshore wind market in years to come?
                                                                                                             Nabil Jijakli, Deputy CEO, Credendo
Russia & CIS Olympic Stadium
The Wrestling: Financing                                   Parallel Bars: Ukraine-Russia                          Gymnastic Rings: Case study –
Russia’s huge borrowing                                    relations and sanctions                                Amur Gas Processing Plant
demand                                                     We shine the spotlight on Russia Ukraine relations     We shine the spotlight on the Gazprom Pererabotka
                                                           post the promotion of Dmitry Kozak by Vladimir         Blagoveshchensk €11.4 billion ECA-backed debt
With 32 deals in 2019 and the second largest regional
                                                           Putin this January. After six years of conflict will   package to finance the Amur gas processing plant
share in terms of volume, Russia CIS continues to
                                                           we see peace? How will this change the trade           (GPP) in Russia on 5 December, a huge part of the
remain a heavyweight borrowing region, despite
                                                           landscape? What does this mean for projects in         process chain of natural gas supplies to China via
the sanctions imposed by the US. Given the project
                                                           Ukraine?                                               the Power of Siberia gas pipeline. What can be
pipeline, we assess how to harness the ECA product
                                                                                                                  learnt from the international collaboration in the
to make the most of this huge opportunity and foster
                                                                                                                  structuring of the €11.4 billion debt package with
growth. How can compliance issues be mitigated to
                                                                                                                  direct and indirect DFI and ECA support from Euler
make the ECA product more attractive? What are the
                                                                                                                  Hermes, SACE, Exiar and China Development Bank?
alternatives used by the Russian market? Eurobonds
                                                                                                                  We analyse the three major debt packages to fund
by Russian issuers? Why do PXF structures remain
                                                                                                                  EPC contracts: the €4 billion facility to fund Maire
attractive for raw material producers? What is the role
                                                                                                                  Tecnimont’s joint venture with China’s Sinopec to
of Russian banks? Is dollarisation an inevitable pattern
                                                                                                                  supply equipment, with SACE backing around €1
for Russia? Are government policies/ bank internal
                                                                                                                  billion. The €3 billion partially Hermes-covered facility
policies impacting the volume of dollar denominated
                                                                                                                  to back a contract with Linde for the procurement of
deals? Which hard currency offers the most potential?
                                                                                                                  the gas cracker. And the €3.4 billion 15-year facility
What is the impact of financial payment systems such
                                                                                                                  provided by Bank of China, China Construction Bank
as CHIPS/SWIFT on this? Given the excess liquidity
                                                                                                                  Corporation, and China Development Bank to fund
among Russian banks, how much room is there for
                                                                                                                  the purchase of equipment from China National
international lenders? How successful are SDG Linked
                                                                                                                  Petroleum Corporation (CNPC).
loans currently in place and what is preventing further
interest? Where is the future pipeline for ECA-backed                                                             Heiko Lentge, Global Head Export Credit Agency
                                                                                                                  Advisory Practice, PwC
deals and projects within Russia?
                                                                                                                  Ulrich Schulte Lünzum, Head of Department,
Maxim Subbotin, Head of Strategic Projects, PJSC
                                                                                                                  Project Finance and Untied Loans, Euler Hermes
                                                                                                                  Albrecht von Blumencron, Director, Energy Project
Ilya Krasnov, Head of Corporate Finance and                                                                       Advisory, ING
Financial Risk Management, Metalloinvest
Anton Efremov, Chief Financial Institutions Officer,
Inter Rao
Mikhail Sychev, Head of Debt Finance Department,
Gazprom Neft
Americas Stadium
The Football: Economist overview                                                        Penalty shoot-out: Local currency financing
With Latin America and North America hosting 46 deals, contributing to a                The devaluation of certain Latin American currencies has resulted in a greater
combined 18% of deal volumes in 2019, the Americas represents the largest               demand to complete deals in local currencies to reduce foreign exchange exposure,
region in terms of deal volumes. Here our chief pundit assesses the strengths           particularly in countries such as Brazil and Colombia. It takes two to tango; how can
and weaknesses of this footballing dream team: How are the new administrations          agencies providing guarantees and lenders cooperate to the streamline the process?
in Mexico and Brazil are progressing? Are the project pipelines as promising as         Are local investors familiar enough with the infrastructure asset class to deploy
expected and where can we see a stream of viable projects?? Following Alberto           money on a longer-term basis? What lessons can we take away by comparing
Fernandez’s election what investment opportunities exist in Argentina? With             dollarised and non-dollarised markets? Will the yield curve in the region help
looming worries of a recession along with the on-going US-China trade war, how is       mobilise local investors? What innovative strategies and solutions are being used
cross-border trade, particularly in the Americas being affected? What side of the       and with which currencies? How can it be addressed institutionally? What can we
political spectrum will LatAm fall under following the set of elections in 2019?        learn from the examples set by airlines and local currency borrowers?

                                                                    FEX ZONE
                                                    brought to you by

                                      At both TXF and ANZ, we’re keen to nurture those rising stars of the export finance
                                         world and that’s why we’re giving away a limited number final day tickets to the
                                      bright young things of the export finance world. Anyone who is under 30 and is part
                                      of a FEX chapter across the UK, Germany, Singapore, Hong Kong or the Netherlands
                                                can apply for tickets, please contact: dkloiber@tagmydeals.com
CPRI Olympics
Sport climbing: Product                   Archery: CPRI trends un-                  Beach Volleyball: Insuring                    Basketball: CPRI product
users’ belay                              covered                                   infrastructure investors in                   workshop
Our panel of distribution and             Underwriters and brokers gather to        emerging markets                              In this open-door workshop, we
syndication bankers, deal originators,    shine a light on key market trends. How   For investors, lenders and developers         bring together brokers, underwriters
corporates and ECAs go head to            is product development evolving and       investing in infrastructure in foreign        and sophisticated buyers to uncover
head to share how they utilise the        what is the insurer/reinsurer appetite    nations, political risks include project      market myths, explain the intricacies
private market. How to get the most       for ‘non-standard credit’ solutions       cancellation due to regime change,            of the CPRI market to existing product
from the product across capital relief,   including derivatives exposures,          currency inconvertibility or transfer         users and those new to the market.
risk mitigation and capacity? Impact      portfolio underwriting, regulatory        restrictions; asset confiscation,
of Basel III & IV regulations and how     capital trades, alternative insured       expropriation or nationalisation,
these will threaten capital relief? If    counterparties? Latest loss trendings?    sanctions and payment defaults. Here
banks have to allocate more assets to     Appetite for ECA reinsurance? Is          we look at political risk insurance for
asset-based finance, what will the role   the ECA seen as a competitor in the       investors in projects in both public
of insurance be? Is this an opportunity   primary market or as a client in itself   and private, where equity and debt
to insure more, or a challenge to the     for ECA reinsurance? The growth of        providers can cover against loss when
market as regulation won’t allow it? Is   long tenor infrastructure loans? Does     financing developers in overseas
the market keeping up with demand in      the market view the rise of alternative   projects. The investment criteria of
terms of capacity and appetite? What      finance as an opportunity? How            public insurers and the high costs
are corporate users buying for, where     quickly will we see the standardisation   of private insurance can be a barrier
do they see opportunities? How does       of CPRI documentation?                    to investors and lenders. How can
this compare to banks? How do they                                                  infrastructure investors adopt de-
see insurance internally? How does this                                             risking strategies in politically sensitive
compare to the ECA market? How are                                                  geographies and markets? How can
ECAs using reinsurance strategically?                                               private market products can layer
Matthew Beckett, Director, Insurance                                                with public insurance products to
Placement, SMBC                                                                     make emerging market investments
Tim Gaul, Global Export & Agency                                                    possible?
Finance Director, Caterpillar
Gary Lowe, Managing Director,
Head, Global Credit Insurance Group,
Capital Structuring and Distribution
Group, Standard Chartered Bank
Proximo powered project finance stadium
The Skateboarding, an Olympic first:
Financing the boom of European offshore wind
With the cost of offshore wind farms ever decreasing while efficiency increases in tune to the drive for clean energy from European governments, we examine key
projects and players in this exciting sector. Given the cheap debt of just over 100bp for the ($2.46 billion) 588MW Beatrice offshore wind farm in Scotland is there more
liquidity than available projects? What can be learnt from the financing of the EDF Renewables ($2.4 billion) 450MW Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm in Ireland? Will
the 480MW Saint Nazaire offshore wind project financing, a first for France, provide a bankable template for future wind farms in France and other nations looking to join
the party?

                                                             Olympic Aquatics
200m Butterfly: Cruise Shipping                                                          Freestyle Relay: Oil & Gas continues to float to
As previous prospects of ship production for the oil and gas sector run dry,             the top
manufacturers are increasingly re-evaluating their product and diversifying into         In terms of volume the Oil & Gas sector dominated the ECA charts in 2019, with
cruise shipping, joining those who’ve been enjoying this buoyant market for              power coming second, the same story as 2018. We examine the demands of this
the last ten years. We gather industry leaders to debate hot topics including            sector and project pipeline across key regions in the medium to long term. How
sustainable financing and whether SDG linked loans can be encouraged in an               will West Africa and Mozambique develop? The MENA region? What measurers
industry which is labelled as highly damaging to the world’s oceans? What impact         can be employed to ensure the supply chain is as sustainable as possible? What
will the Poseidon Principles have on ship financing and decarbonisation of the           role will hydrogen play in gas to power and grid infrastructure? How profitable is
shipping industry? In an industry where liquidity is in abundance, why is growth         the industry really? What is the oil price outlook and how will this impact future
in the last year only expected at 1.7%? How can the factors impacting borrowers’         project development? Will the strive toward sustainability see stranded assets?
interests be mitigated?                                                                  Will clean fuel technology be stand the test of time?
Gilles Pinot de Villechenon, Global Head of Financing & Treasury, Chantiers de           Neeraj Agrawal, Group Chief Financial Officer, Crescent Petroleum

                                       Paris 2024: TXF Initiatives uncovered
Surfing: FEX model UN 2030                                                               Modern Pentathlon: Stages for Change
We gather the cream of the crop from The Future of Export Finance (FEX)                  The TXF Stages for Change initiative: a platform that celebrates diversity in our
network to give their vision of how our industry will develop to 2030. How do            industry by foregrounding expert women and minority speakers; here one year on
they see the UN 2030 agenda playing out? What will the geopolitical landscape            from the initiative’s inception we catch up with the leading voices from the various
look like? The role of banks and ECAs? What industries and technologies will we          gatherings to share our findings with the wider export and agency finance world.
finance?                                                                                 What are the findings from TXF research? From TXF Global 2020?
Corporate Olympics
Mixed Doubles Tennis: Borrowers & exporters                                           Olympic Torch: SME, supplier credits &
roundtable                                                                            digitisation dragons’ den
Here the most active global borrowers and exporters debate the key themes of          Our sporting dragons assemble to hear the latest and greatest products
today in this open forum double session: How will the market for SDG loans play       to allow new athletes to compete on the global stage: SMEs are the key to
out? Is the prospect of further compliance procedures unattractive for borrowers,     growth in manufacturing nations, emerging markets and developing nations
given the level of paperwork already associated with ECA products? Does a lack        globally. Historically the costs associated with structuring buyer credits for SME
of standardisation across banks prevent this from becoming standard? Are the          transactions have been prohibitive to lenders, and the complexities similarly
increased costs associated to new sustainable technologies, attractive to exporters   prohibitive to product users. All this is changing through digitisation strategies.
and banks, off putting to borrowers? What new products are ECAs offering and          How are click and cover product being developed? What do new support portals
what innovations have come to the fore? Effects of US-China Trade war: Despite        and IT systems look like? How disruptive might the new digitised world be for
volatile markets, general consensus is that trade opportunities remain high and       people working in export finance? How can technology enable new distribution
borrowers remain keen to expand business growth. Does this increased risk make        networks in Africa for banks? Local currency financing? With ECAs publicly stating
the ECA product more attractive than ever? Is it more difficult to secure liquidity   they will to reach out to people who haven’t been serviced yet, what has been
from banks if you are looking to borrow from within a certain region? How can         done, and who is leading the way? How are exporters responding to these tools,
this be mitigated? What do the results from the TXF survey of borrowers and           and importantly what do importers who ultimately drive business think?
exporters views on ECAs tell us?
Laure Duvernay, Head of Project Finance, Alcatel Submarine Networks
Carlos Alfonso Ferrer, Head of Corporate Development and Concessions, FCC
Shewangizaw Kifle, Director of Business Development, Ethiopian railways
Caspar Van Houten, Structured Finance Officer, Van Oord
Ingrid Furukvist, Senior Financial Advisor, Ericsson
Marcus Dolman, Vice President, Customer Finance, Rolls Royce
Luca Boetti, Advisor for Structured Finance & Special Situations, Steelinvest
Cristina Bergomi, Senior, Vice President, GE
Gilles Pinot de Villechenon, Global Head of Finance & Treasury, Chantiers de
Tom Parkman, Head of Research Projects, TXF
Dug Out
                                Individual closed door, pitch side dug outs will be made available for you to have your say
                                                   in this confidential, Chatham House compliant, arena:

Water Polo: Sustainability workshop briefing

Sprint Hurdles
Navigating disruption to trade: Trade wars, sanctions, Covid 19 and epidemics

400m Hurdles: OECD Consensus Debate
As the big debate continues to unravel, we review the latest on the modernisation of the OECD Consensus from the perspectives of key stakeholders and
advocates. How can we level the playing field for OECD and non-OECD countries? How can ECAs who don’t offer the OECD CIRR be competitive? How are OECD
institutions drawing up their own interpretations and guidelines to compete with their non-OECD counterparts as seen through the growth in untied lending?
What are the implications of efforts from the IWG, EBF and national federations? How can we speed up the decision-making process? What’s the latest regulatory
outlook across key considerations including credit points and premium arrangements?

                                                       TXF Olympic Village:
The lounge:
New this year we introduce the TXF Lounge, equipped with rolling data presentations, an innovation hub for new products and technologies to be presented,
sponsored product pitches, and a speaker’s corner where you can meet the speakers after they have finished their sessions.

ECA networking and product update roundtables:
Top ECAs are invited to host concurrent roundtables where bankers, exporter and borrowers can join to hear the latest innovations, coverage updates and have the
chance to network with fellow product users.

Networking zone:
Book one to one meetings with your peers, make new connections and close deals.
Who could you meet?
                        Top corporate companies that joined in 2019 included:

              Aarsleff                      Dredging International                           Outotec
                ABB                  Duqm Refinery and Petrochemical                       Paul Wurth
                                             Industries Company
            ABO Wind                                                                       Pertamina
                                           Egyptian Propylene and
           Acrow Bridge                   Polypropylene Company                Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)
           ACWA Power                                Eiffage                        Petersen Matex Trading
            Againity AB                             Elecnor                                PetroPerú
               Airbus                           Emirates Post                          Plasser & Theurer
 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld                  ENEL Group                             PowerChina Intl
   Alcatel Submarine Networks                     ENERCON                                    Powertis
         Alexander Dennis                     Enter Engineering                        ProjectGlobe AB
               Alstom                               Erdemir                                  Proman
         AME International                          Ericsson                                   QGMI
             Amur GPP                              Eurofinsa                            R1 International
      Andrae Project Finance                      EUROPIPE                        Reliance Industries Limited
           Andritz Hydro               Ferrostaal Equipment Solutions                     Rheinmetall
           ArcelorMittal              Fincantieri Cantieri Navali Italiani                Rolls Royce
           ArianeGroup                             FLSmidth                                 Royal IHC
           BAE Systems                                Fluor                                  Saipem
   Bahrain Petroleum Company          GAUFF GmbH & Co. Engineering                            Scania
             (BAPCO)                                                                        SENVION
Baker Hughes GE Company (BHGE)                                                      Shanghai Electric Group
          Ballast Nedam                                                                 Sharjah Airport
                                                  GEA Group
        BAM International                                                    Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK)
                                               General Electric
            BAM Nuttall                                                                      Siemens
                                             Genting Hong Kong
              Bechtel                                                        Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
                                                Getinge Group
          Big Dutchman                                                                       SIMEST
                                                Haldor Topsoe
        Boegelsack Energy                                                                    SK E&C
                                                HOMT España
    Bombardier Transportation                                                           SKODA PRAHA
             Germany                         Hospinorm Projects
                                                       IBM                                 SMS Group
                                                 Imagro Spa                     Societe d’Electricite du Senegal
             Bouygues                                                                       (Senelec)
              Braskem                               INTECO
                                                                                         Sogea Satom
             Brueckner                            Jan De Nul
                                                                                    STRABAG International
 Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian                    JV Driver
                                                                                           Sutor Bank
            Contractor               Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd.
       Business Connection                       Konecranes
Canadian Commercial Corporation                    Linde AG
               (CCC)                                                                          Tenova
     Cassa Depositi e Prestiti                                                                Thales
                                                   LR Group
             Caterpillar                                                                 ThyssenKrupp
     Chantiers De L’Atlantique                                                   Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)
 China National Aero-Technology                                                            Tui Cruises
                                              Mabey Bridge Ltd
     Engineering Corporation                                                                  Valmet
            CMI Group                                                                        VAMED
                                         MAN Energy Solutions SE
        CNHI International                                                                  Van Oord
              Cofides                                                               Vanderlande Industries
                Colas                                                                         Vestas
       Contracta Engenharia                                                        Vietnam Electricity (EVN)
                                                 Meyer Werft
       Coriolis Technologies                                                 VINCI Energies International And Systems
                                            Mitsubishi Corporation
          Crescent Group                                                                       Voith
                                              Mota-Engil Group
     Damen Shipyards Group                                                      Volvo Construction Equipment
                                                 MV Werften
 Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche                                                            Wärtsilä
                                                National Grid
Deutsche Rohstoffagentur (DERA)
                                              Notus energy Plan
Get your ticket for 2020!

   Early Bird
                                     Full Price
(expires 3/4/20)

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         Ask our dream team
Tom Pycraft
For speaking opportunities and
corporate passes:

                                Natasha Warne
       For media and association partnerships:

Dominik Kloiber
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      For group bookings and delegate passes:

Grace Jackson
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                 Call us on
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