Page created by Daniel Page
                                     MAGAZINE 2021

                                    HIGH POINTS
                                    KNOWLEDGE, ADVICE
                                    AND INSPIRATION ON
                                    SCAFFOLD PROJECTS


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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                        CONTENTS


          +44 (0)20 7490 5595
          Nicky Roger
          Tel: 07704 336835

          Art editor
          Heather Rugeley
          Advertising manager
          Howard Smith
          07775 670 117

          Credit control
          Eva Rugeley
          Managing director
          Stephen Quirke

          Published by Atom Media Partners,
          3 Waterhouse Square,
          138 Holborn, London EC1N 2SW

          Tel: +44 (0)20 7490 5595

          To contact the NASC

          Tel: 020 7822 7400

          Scaffolding is published by Atom Media Partners.
          The contents of this publication are copyright.
          Reproduction in part or in full is forbidden
          without permission of the editor. The opinions
          expressed by writers of signed articles (even
          with pseudonyms) in the magazine are those of
          their respective authors, and neither the NASC
                                                             33                             17                              34
          nor Atom Media Partners is responsible for these
          opinions or statements. Printed by Bishops
          Printers. All rights in the magazine, including    04 NASC news                   17 Meet some NASC members      30 TG20:21 Guidance
          copyright, content and design, are owned by
          the NASC and/or Atom Media Partners.
                                                             07 Why choose NASC             23 Safety record               33 Innovation drives performance
          ISSN 1360 3566                                     08 Showcasing great projects   26 Going above and beyond      34 A new sign to the NASC Charter

                                                                                                                        SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 3

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NEWS                                                                                                                                   NASC.ORG.UK

        Welcome to the third issue of
        Scaffolding, published on behalf of
        the National Access & Scaffolding
        Confederation (NASC) by
        Construction Manager.
           This title once again looks to provide
        those working in the construction
        industry with a closer look at the
        outputs and activities of the NASC
        and its members – with a particular
        emphasis on practical advice and
        useful information that’s relevant
        to you. This supplies an update
        on TG20:21, including the NASC’s
        eagerly-anticipated eGuide scaffolding
        compliance software update and
        expansion (page 33).
           TG20 provides you with the
        information you need to ensure a
        broad variety of scaffolding structures
        constructed on a project have been
        suitably planned and ‘designed’
        as required by the Work at Height
        Regulations 2005.
           We’ve also included an overview of
        the latest NASC guidance (opposite
                                                    NASC members                                                   will support the 56 NASC members
                                                                                                                   through the scheme, said: “I am
        page). Our guidance notes are accepted
        as the industry standard by HSE, Build      give young people a                                            absolutely delighted but not surprised
                                                                                                                   by the fantastic interest and take-up of

                                                    start in scaffolding
        UK, CITB and principal contractors alike.                                                                  the scheme by NASC members.
        The majority of the titles are free to
                                                                                                                      “These members are as committed
           On page 7 we look at the NASC’s          NASC Members to give 300+ young                                to training and recruitment as the
        stringent membership criteria and           people work placements                                         NASC is as the UK trade body for the
        annual audit requirements – one way                                                                        scaffolding industry and I’d like to
        we ensure our members attain and
                                                    NASC members will provide more             NASC Members        applaud each and every one of them
        maintain the high standards that                                                       have signed up to
        clients expect.                             than 300 young people across the                               for their effort and enthusiasm to date.
                                                                                               the government
           The NASC is the national trade           UK with scaffolding industry               Kickstart Scheme
                                                                                                                      “Through my conversations with
        body for access and scaffolding in          experience through the Government’s                            these members it’s become clear that
        the UK, established in 1945 with the        Kickstart Scheme.                                              they’re all intending to go well beyond
        aim of promoting high standards of
        safety within the industry. We enjoy
                                                      A total of 56 NASC members – both                            the parameters of the scheme and will
        working in collaboration with a wide        contractors and suppliers – have                               look to place all successful participants
        variety of partners and encourage any       signed up to the Kickstart Scheme                              on apprenticeships or full employment
        organisations in                            through the NASC, committing to                                once the six-month placement ends.
        the construction
                                                    provide six-month work placements to                              “There’s a long-term commitment
        industry to get in
        touch if they need                          out of work 18-24 year-olds.                                   being made and that’s because the
        any support or                                The vast majority of these members                           members aren’t just keen to provide
        advice on scaffolding                       will take on more than one candidate                           young people with short-term jobs,
        matters.                                    under the scheme, with a handful                               they want to give them a career.”
           For more
        information and to
                                                    providing 20+ positions, helping to push                          The Kickstart Scheme provides
        find a member in                            the combined total of vacancies to 310.                        funding to employers to create new
        your area, visit                              Henry Annafi, NASC training officer,                         job placements for young people on                                 who successfully co-ordinated the                              Universal Credit who are at risk of
                                                    NASC’s gateway organisation bid and                            long-term unemployment. ●

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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                                              NEWS

         NASC in figures

         76 Years 308                               15,317                   90%                     85%                        81                     119
         of operation           Members             Operatives               NASC members in         NASC members’              Guidance notes in      Members serving
                                                                             Top 10 Scaffolding      combined share of          NASC library           on the NASC’s
                                                                             Specialists Table       annual UK spend on                                eight standing
                                                                             2019 (by turnover)      scaffolding                                       committees

         New guide to appointing a
         scaffolding contractor
         NASC helps contractors
         comply with CDM

         Procuring, appointing and
         managing scaffolding contractors
                                                                                                                                  CISRS makes
         can be difficult at the best of times.                                                                                   leniency call
         That’s why the NASC has published
                                                                                                                                  The Construction Industry Scaffolders
         a new free guidance note aimed                                                                                           Record Scheme (CISRS) has called on
         at making these tasks as clear as                                                                                        those responsible for site access and
         possible.                                                                                                                card checking procedures to show
            This simple, go-to guide –                                                                                            leniency towards operatives holding
                                                                                                                                  CISRS cards which have recently
         SG39-21 Guidance on Appointing                                                                                           expired and allow them access to work.
         a Scaffolding Contractor – can                                                                                              The request has been made as
         be downloaded from the NASC                                                                                              a result of reduced availability in
         website. It is intended to be used in         Among their duties, they are                                               scaffolding training owing to the
                                                                                                                                  ongoing covid-19 pandemic.
         conjunction with the NASC’s Guide to       required to check that anyone they               “NASC guides
                                                                                                                                     David Mosley, CISRS managing
         Appointing a Scaffolding Contractor,       appoint has the skills, knowledge,               improve the                  director, said: “A number of scaffolding
         updated in December 2020.                  experience and, where relevant,                  quality of the               training providers have temporarily
            SG39 includes information on            the organisational capability to                 scaffolding                  suspended training and others are
         Safety Schemes in Procurement              carry out their work safely and                  structures                   offering a reduced service with strict
                                                                                                                                  Covid-19 precautions in place.
         (SSIP), monitoring of scaffolding          without risk to health.                          erected to                      “As a result, we’re calling on site
         operations, scaffold design,                  These NASC guides have been                   minimise                     managers to show leniency until wider
         inspections and handovers.                 prepared by the NASC to improve                  the risk of                  centre capacity is readily available."
                                                    the quality of the scaffolding                   accident”
         Why do you need these guides?              structures erected on construction
         Peace of mind is a good place to           sites and other works of engineering
         start. Under The Construction              maintenance in accordance with
         Design and Management Regulations          current legislation, guidance and
         (CDM), principal contractors and           protocol and to minimise the risk
         contractors have an important role         of accident or injury to operatives
         in managing health and safety risks        working on or near the scaffold and
         during the construction phase.             the general public. ●

         NASC updates guidance
         The NASC has expanded and updated       Guidance documents are reviewed at       commission scaffold designs by             planning, managing or undertaking
         its library of contractual, health   least every five years, bringing them up    summarising the responsibilities of        work in scaffolding related activities.
         and safety, technical and product    to date with legislation and the evolving   each party involved at each stage              There are now more than 80 NASC
         purchasing guidance as part of the   requirement of scaffolding contractors      of the process, and SG31:20, aimed         titles covering a broad range of topics
         ongoing process which ensures        and their clients as required.              at eliminating or reducing the risk        available via the online publications
         all reference materials remain          New guidance includes TG21:20 A          of injury from slips and trips by          page on the NASC website. Many
         comprehensive, up-to-date and        Guide to Commissioning Scaffolding          providing advice and guidance to           of these titles are also available for
         fit-for-purpose.                     Design, intended to aid those who           all persons involved in organising,        free download.

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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                   SAFETY

                                                                    Roy Rogers, QSHE & Energy               and communication are strong
                                                                  director, Enigma Industrial Services      values, and key to maintaining a safe
                                                                  Ltd, said: “Taking a proactive            working culture. Tight supervision
                                                                  approach to building a positive           is carried out not only by site
                                                                  safety culture has had a large            supervisors, but also by scaffold
                                                                  impact on the company, and taken          inspectors, contracts managers, and
                                                                  time to evolve. The aim of our safety     estimators, who regularly visit their
                                                                  culture is to lower staff turnover        ongoing projects.”
                                                                  and reduce absenteeism, decrease             A central requirement for NASC
                                                                  workplace accidents, and have a           members is the production and
                                                                  positive effect on our reputation. In     maintenance of training records,
                                                                  general, safe employees will be more      including a plan for training. Ninety
                                                                  productive, and will produce higher       per cent CISRS carded scaffolding
                                                                  quality work.”                            operatives are a minimum
                                                                    The NASC prides itself on being the     requirement, of which 50% need to be
                                                                  national representative trade body        fully qualified (Scaffolder/Advanced).
                                                                  for the UK access and scaffolding            Where system scaffold structures
                                                                  industry. Members are scaffolding         are used, endorsements are required
                                                                  operations of all types and sizes.        on CISRS cards.
                                                                  NASC membership is over 300                  The NASC places great
                                                                  and is comprised of four separate         importance on direct employment.

         SUPER VISION                                             categories, the largest of which is
                                                                    All NASC contracting members
                                                                                                            Management and supervision must
                                                                                                            be directly employed (PAYE), and
                                                                                                            a minimum requirement of yard
         ROBIN JAMES, NASC MANAGING DIRECTOR,                     are regularly audited to exacting         and site operatives need to be
         ON WHY YOU SHOULD USE NASC MEMBERS                       requirements. The criteria are            directly employed as a condition of
         FOR YOUR SCAFFOLDING REQUIREMENTS                        frequently reviewed, to ensure that       membership.
                                                                  the audit process properly reflects the      Wayne Connolly, managing director
                                                                  needs of the industry.                    of Connolly Scaffolding Ltd, and
         What comfort does using the                                                                        NASC Audit Committee chair, says:
         services of an NASC member             “Good             Supervising is key                        "All management and supervision
         company give to principal              supervisors do    An emerging theme is the importance       should be fully employed, to have
         contractors, local authorities, and    not tolerate      of supervision, and NASC members          ownership, and a management that
         clients, when choosing a scaffolding   unsafe            frequently cite the important role        will have a vested interest in the
         contractor? What are the key           behaviours.       played by their supervisors.              quality and running of the company.
         requirements they’re looking for       They create          Helen Gawor, strategy director         Morally speaking it’s the right thing
         when selecting a quality scaffolding   psychological     at GKR Scaffolding Ltd, said: “In my      for a company to do, to provide and
         contractor? Rigorous adherence to      safety to drive   opinion, good safe behaviours come        pay for pensions, employer national
         high health and safety standards?      improvement”      down to the level of high-quality         insurance, and taxation,” he says.
         Excellent quality of workmanship?      Helen Gawor       supervision. The top sites for safety        The NASC produces a wide range
         Reliable service with continuity of                      have better supervision. Good             of industry recognised health safety
         staff? Good quality equipment which                      supervisors do not tolerate unsafe        and technical guidance adopted by
         complies with UK standards?                              behaviours. They set the example,         scaffolding contractors throughout
            By choosing an NASC member you                        create psychological safety to drive      the UK and overseas. More than 100
         can be sure that they have already                       improvement.”                             member representatives sit on NASC
         demonstrated – through meeting the                          Rob Long, operations director          standing committees and working
         NASC’s stringent new membership                          at Tubes Scaffolding Ltd, adds:           groups, to develop this invaluable
         criteria and annual audit – they can                     “Working together, acting on client       guidance resource for the benefit of
         satisfy these requirements and more.                     and operative feedback, supervision       future generations of scaffolders. ●

                                                                                                               SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 7

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PROJECTS                                                                                                   NASC.ORG.UK

                                                                                         “Attridge fixed to the underside
                                                                                         of the structure with Hakispan
                                                                                         750 beams. It used a system
                                                                                         called the derrik which
                                                                                         cantilevers off the Hakispan
                                                                                         to erect scaffolding safely”

                                                                                         Hartford Bridge, Northwich
                                                                                         JFE Attridge Scaffolding
                                                                                         Services Co Ltd
                                                                                         Clients: Cadent Gas & Cheshire
                                                                                         West & Chester Council

                                                                                         JFE Attridge Scaffolding was tasked
                                                                                         with providing an access solution
                                                                                         for Cadent Gas and Cheshire West
                                                                                         & Chester Council. The gas main
                                                                                         needed to be inspected to check
                                                                                         for gas leaks then prepped and
                                                                                         painted to protect it from further
                                                                                         corrosion. The steels on the
                                                                                         cantilevered walkway also needed to
                                                                                         be inspected.
                                                                                            Spanning across the canal with
                                                                                         beams was not possible as the
                                                                                         canal was 30m wide. Also, there was
                                                                                         a weight restriction on the public
                                                                                         walkway above that cantilevers the
                                                                                         side of the bridge, so the scaffolding
     RISING TO THE CHALLENGE                                                             team could not fix to the underside of
                                                                                         the bridge on that section.
     NASC MEMBERS CONTINUED TO DELIVER SCAFFOLDING SOLUTIONS                                Attridge decided to go with fixing
     OF THE HIGHEST STANDARDS THROUGHOUT 2020, IN SPITE OF THE                           to the underside of the structure with
     MOST CHALLENGING OF CIRCUMSTANCES. ON THE FOLLOWING                                 Hakispan 750 beams. It used a system
     PAGES WE SHINE A SPOTLIGHT ON SOME OF THE MOST INTERESTING                          called the derrik, which cantilevers
     PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN DURING THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC.                                out 3m off the Hakispan 750 beams to
                                                                                         erect the scaffolding safely.
                                                                  Canal location
                                                                  presented                 A six-metre tail that was fixed to
                                                                  challenges for JFE     the steel girders enabled a three-
                                                                  Attridge Scaffolding   metre cantilever, which allowed the
                                                                                         works to proceed without the need
                                                                                         to fix to the cantilevered walkway.
                                                                                            Attridge’s access solution allowed
                                                                                         the canal to remain navigable and
                                                                                         also the dual carriageway above to
                                                                                         remain fully operational saving the
                                                                                         client additional costs.


08_14.NASCmag2021.projects.indd 8                                                                                          17/03/2021 16:27
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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                      PROJECTS

                                                                                               Temporary roof      Wolverhampton Combined Courts
                                                                                               being craned onto   Scaffold Erection Services Ltd
                                                                                               the chimney at
                                                                                                                   Main contractor: ISG
                                                                                               Battersea Power
                                                                                                                   In the second half of 2020, SES in
                                                                                                                   the Midlands completed a unique
                                                                                                                   and complex temporary roof
                                                                                                                   coverings project.
                                                                                                                      Working at Wolverhampton
                                                                                                                   Combined Courts, SES was contracted
                                                                                                                   by ISG to supply and build two types
                                                                                                                   of temporary roof coverings: a fixed
                                                                                                                   temporary roof over the glass atrium
                                                                                                                   and a mobile temporary roof that
                                                                                                                   could be moved over the courtroom’s
                                                                                                                   glazed roofs.
                                                                                                                      The fixed temporary roof enabled
                                                                                                                   the court to remain operational while
                                                                                                                   the permanent atrium glass roof was
                                                                                                                   removed and replaced. This involved
          Battersea Power Station                    chimney so works on the elevator                              a lot of evening and weekend work by
          Benchmark Scaffolding Ltd (BSL)            could commence in all weathers.           “Plans were         SES and tools had to be tethered to the
          Main contractor: Mace Ltd                     Major works were then required         put in place        operatives to prevent them dropping
                                                     in the main boiler house of the old       to install a        onto the roof, or courthouse users,
          In July 2018 Benchmark Scaffolding         station; the void above the central       glass elevator      underneath.
          Ltd (BSL) was contracted by Mace to        atrium needed a large birdcage            to travel to           An unusual aspect of the fixed
          provide scaffolding and access, for the    scaffold. BSL had created its own team    the top of one      and mobile temporary roof was the
          refurbishment of the old Battersea         for the project based on site including   of the iconic       installation of a remote-controlled
          Power Station into commercial, retail,     a project manager, a commercial           chimneys.           lifting beam that had to be attached
          and high-end residential property.         manager, a safety manager, assigned       The internal        to the underside of the roof structure
             The scope of the original contract      engineers and over 60 operatives.         scaffolding         and was designed to remove the glass
          was to provide access routes to and           The birdcage had to be erected         demanded            remotely. Its installation – which was
          from site, working platforms to            at night, to protect and allow other      many meetings       completed with a remote-controlled
          interior walls, then the more complex      trades working beneath them to            and months of       winch – was challenging because of
          works began. In 2019 plans were put in     continue their works, whilst another      design input”       the precision required in installing
          place to install a glass elevator which    BSL shift would work the days in                              such a difficult structure while
          will travel 109 metres to the top of one   other areas. The birdcage was erected                         suspending men and materials safely
          of the iconic chimneys. The internal       and dismantled within all timescales                          at height over a pitched glazed roof.
          chimney scaffolding demanded               and budgets.                                                  SES had the added complication of
          many meetings with all other trades           Other works on the project                                 noise restrictions while the courts
          involved, and many more months of          included internal hoist platforms, a                          were in session. However, SES is used
          design input.                              crash deck and complex independent                            to overcoming unusual challenges,
             BSL designed scaffolding that only      scaffolding on the south external wall.                       and careful design and planning
          had 200mm gap to play with, which          The scaffold was to install steels into                       ensured both the lifting beam and the
          was not easy when the old chimney          a very delicate wall that had to be                           glass roof were safely removed.
          was not straight. Once the internal        treated with special care, no wall ties                          Commenting on the success of
          scaffolding was erected, a temporary       or pressure could be applied to the                           the project, SES managing director,
          roof had to be erected at floor level      wall, not easy when the scaffolding is                        Tex Milner, said: “Although the
          and then craned onto the top of the        over 50m high and timescales short.                           temporary roof coverings project at

                                                                                                                     SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 11

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PROJECTS                                                                                                                       NASC.ORG.UK

                                                                   the National Lottery Heritage Fund       as this was, the design team worked
                                                                   and Historic Environment Scotland.       successfully with the client, ensuring
                                                                       Throughout the restoration           that full access was delivered, whilst
                                                                   project the K2 scaffolding system was    utilising all non-invasive methods of
                                                                   installed. It's an upgraded Kwikstage    scaffolding stabilisation.
                                                                   system designed specifically for
                                                                   heavy leg load environments. A           United Grand Lodge of England
                                                                   three-metre ledger length was            RPF Scaffolding Ltd
                                                                   installed, along with tube and           Client: United Grand Lodge of England
                                                                   fitting scaffolding to provide access
     Wolverhampton Combined Courts           Above:                to various features of the existing      RPF was commissioned by the United
     was complex, the team at SES is                               facade. The scaffolding had many tie     Grand Lodge of England to provide
     highly experienced in carrying out                            restrictions to elevations, along with   a safe and sealed working access
                                             Below: Dean Castle
     bespoke, multifaceted scopes of work.                         the requirement for debris netting to    scaffold to the largest European
                                             restoration project
     The skills and professional mindset                           be installed.                            Mosaic (outside of Rome) at its Iconic
     of our technical designers and                                    As is common in this environment,    Grand Temple in Covent Garden.
     operatives were key to accomplishing                          the challenge was to leave minimal          The remit was to provide a 26 x
     the temporary roof coverings safely                           trace of temporary access upon           24 metre, four elevation, two tiered
     and efficiently. Because we directly                          completion of the works. Challenging     working platform that would be
     employ our own operatives at SES,
     we invest in continual training and
     development of our people.”
        The Wolverhampton project
     started in July 2019 and was
     completed in September 2020.

     Dean Castle - Kilmarnock
     Enigma Industrial Services Ltd
     Main contractor: CBC Stone

     The £5m restoration project on the
     600-year-old historic Dean Castle
     located in Kilmarnock was conducted
     by primary contractor CBC Stone. The
     restoration work mainly incorporated
     the removal of cement pointing
     from the stone walls and replacing
     it with lime mortar. This will enable
     the building to breathe by letting
     moisture in and out of the walls.
        The previously applied cement
     caused moisture to become trapped
     within the walls leading to mould,
     whilst causing sections of mortar
     to flake off. Water ingress had also
     caused the building to close due to
     penetration reaching saturation
     levels putting the safety of visitors
     at risk. The project was supported by


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PROJECTS                                                                                                                       NASC.ORG.UK

                                                                                        Left: United Grand      Denholm Industrial Services
                                                                                        Lodge of England
                                                                                                             completed the scaffolding contract
                                                                                                             for a new Travelodge hotel in
                                                                                                             Portsmouth towards the end of 2019.
                                                                                                             The curved, 12-storey scaffolding
                                                                                                             enabled construction of the
                                                                                        Below: The           eye-catching 152-bedroom hotel.
                                                                                        curved shape of         Denholm Industrial Services
                                                                                        the Travelodge in    deployed the Plettac Metrix
                                                                                        Portsmouth posed
                                                                                                             scaffolding system, which
                                                                                        a challenge
                                                                                                             incorporates the latest in safety
     completely dust proof, aesthetically       recyclable plastic which would                               innovation. Using the Plettac Metrix
     pleasing and completely suspended          enable the client to project graphic                         system provided additional benefits,
     from the ceiling to enable meetings        images of the History of Freemasonry                         such as speed of erection, while its
     and concerts to be enjoyed obstacle        onto the structure.                                          inherent strength enabled Denholm
     free below the structure.                                                                               Industrial Services to construct
        Working around the clock over           Travelodge, Portsmouth                                       the 42 metre high scaffold without
     a four week period the RPF team            Denholm Industrial Services Ltd                              the need for double standards.
     managed to complete the scaffolding        Contractor: DNBA Integrated                                     The bull nose end of the hotel,
     within the tight time constraints.         Construction                                                 proved more challenging than a
        In amongst the mosaic tiles at roof                                                                  standard construction. However,
     level were ‘pockets’ spaced at every       Denholm Industrial Services                                  a comprehensive scaffolding
     2.1 metres that were often used for        demonstrated how a combination                               design by Denholm Industrial
     wire bonds to be suspended to support      of skilled technical design, diligent                        Group’s technical manager, Nick
     sound and lighting equipment. These        contract management and the latest                           Clark, with careful management by
     ‘pockets’ were just big enough for         in scaffolding system innovation                             the team at Denholm’s Winchester
     a 48mm scaffolding tube to pass            overcame access challenges of a                              branch, ensured the scaffolding met
     through. RPF initially installed a full    concept building for Travelodge.                             the specification of the client.
     independent access scaffold to all                                                                         Denholm Industrial Services
     elevations from the ground floor that                                                                   managing director, Steve Hill,
     enabled the team to raise the 5.10m                                                                     says investment in new systems
     suspended standards up through the                                                                      provided the solution. “Denholm
     pockets (it was not feasible to lower                                                                   Industrial Services has always been
     anything longer than two metres                                                                         a leader in providing alternative and
     coming down from the roof).                                                                             efficient means of access. Following
        Each standard was anchored                                                                           continued capital investment, we
     into the concrete roof structure                                                                        now offer our customers Plettac
     along with an inticate web of                                                                           Metrix, the UK’s most advanced
     bracing and counterbracing for                                                                          integrated access system. As well
     weight displacement to avoid point                                                                      as its unique safety features, its
     overload.                                                                                               inherent light weight and innovative
        At the base of the standards/                                                                        design makes it a highly efficient
     hangers a series of 450mm                                                                               scaffolding system. Combined with
     lightweight beams were installed                                                                        our robust technical design skills
     and linked together and spliced at the                                                                  and diligent contract management,
     splays to create a ‘spider’s web’ effect                                                                we were able to overcome the access
     of producing a uniformed load.                                                                          challenges of the curved feature
        The scaffolding was then                                                                             of this new concept building for
     ‘shrinkwrapped’ with a 100%                                                                             Travelodge.” ●


08_14.NASCmag2021.projects.indd 14                                                                                                             17/03/2021 16:28
 SO L U T IO N S .
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      Technical support
      HAKI technicians share their comprehensive knowledge
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      HAKI offers CISRS accredited and product-specific
      training courses to ensure the utmost standards in
      health and safety are met.

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                                     Setting the Standards

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Benchmark_NASCmagazine.2021.indd 1                                                               17/03/2021 12:47
NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                              MEMBERS IN FOCUS

                                                                                                        One of Apex
                                                                                                    Scaffolding Ltd's

                                                                                                                        to the non-members too. This way, you
                                                                                                                        know you are tendering competitively.
                                                                                                                           Membership also sets us in good
         MEET A CHOICE FEW OF NASC MEMBERS AND                                                                          stead with the companies who may
         HEAR HOW THEY BENEFIT FROM MEMBERSHIP                                                                          not be based in the south west, but
                                                                                                                        know that they can come to us, and get
                                                                                                                        the same level of service and safety
                                                                                                                        that they would from other member
                                                                                                                        companies in the rest of the country.
                                                                                                                           During lockdown, the information
                                                                                                  “There is no          coming from the NASC was second
                                                                                                  doubt the             to none, and this gave so much
                                                                                                  NASC is fully         comfort, that we were supported
                                                                                                  committed to          and appreciated for what we’re still
                                                                                                  improving the         trying to do.
                                                                                                  industry and
                                                                                                  this shows in         MG SCAFFOLDING (OXFORD) LTD
                                                                                                  our work”             How long have you been a member?
                                                                                                                        Since 2008

                                                                                                                        Do you have a specialism?
                                                                                                                        Based in Cheltenham, Birmingham
                                                                                                                        and Banbury, MG Scaffolding is a
                                                                                                                        well-established scaffold contractor
                                                                                                                        offering a professional, reliable
                                                                                                                        service supported by realistic
                                                                                                                        prices. We are CHAS Premium
                                                                                                                        Plus approved, Constructionline
                                                                                                                        members, and an SMAS worksafe
         APEX SCAFFOLDING (EXETER) LTD                  on the most high profile and                                    contractor. We specialise in complex
         How long have you been a NASC                  prestigious jobs in the region.                                 projects like The Queens Hotel,
         member?                                                                                                        Cheltenham and Legoland Windsor.
         A long time! But at least since                Why did you join the NASC?
         the early 1990s.                               Apex Scaffolding has always                                     Why did you join NASC?
                                                        recognised the importance of being        Above: Team spirit at
                                                                                                                        Membership is the highest accolade
         What are your company specialisms?             members of a trade association –          Apex Scaffolding      in the scaffolding industry, which
         Apex Scaffolding is a local family             especially one which has the history      Below: MG             is recognised by most reputable
         company with the mindset of a multi-           and drive of the NASC.                    Scaffolding project   construction companies.
         national. This has enabled us to remain
         true to our roots, while still being able      What do you gain from NASC
         to service the blue-chip contractors           membership?
         who often come into the region.                To be at the forefront of the industry,
            To us, it doesn’t matter if it is a house   by not only being members, but by
         front for gutters, or a multi-million          making sure that we play an active
         pound refurbishment, every job is              role in the committees. There is
         important and requires the same                no doubt that the NASC is fully
         standards, care and attention. We              committed to improving the industry,
         think that our operatives buy into this,       and this shows in our work, and it is
         and they are rewarded with working             great when you see it filtering down

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MEMBERS IN FOCUS                                                                                                                NASC.ORG.UK

                                                                                     Left: Enigma is a HAKI   access to industry events and
                                                                                     distribution partner;    conferences, that have provided
                                                                                     Below: Engima
                                                                                     operative on site
                                                                                                              invaluable insights and helped the
                                                                                                              organisation contribute to the latest
                                                                                                              innovations and new developments.
                                                                                                                Active membership enhances the
                                                                                                              organisations’ reputation and trust
                                                                                                              by reassuring customers that quality,
                                                                                                              safety, health and environmental best
                                                                                                              practice standards are maintained.
                                                                                                              With the CISRS training courses
                                                                                                              assisting employee professional
                                                                                                              development and maintaining high
                                                                                                              levels of competence throughout the

                                                                                                              What do you gain from NASC
                                                                                                              The NASC provides Enigma and the
     Health and safety is at the heart of     one of the UK’s largest scaffolding                             industry with a focused group of
     everything we do and this ensures that   asset bases with our own in-house                               industry leaders and government
     we are audited and our systems and       engineering design team.                                        department specialists, who
     procedures are all in place.               The organisation supports multiple                            can bring common issues to the
                                              market sectors and provides a full                              Government’s attention.
     What do you gain from NASC               range of cost-effective solutions                                  The ability to strategically work
     membership?                              that can be delivered individually                              with the government to create viable
     NASC membership gives kudos with         or seamlessly integrated as multi-                              and applicable solutions for issues
     the bigger construction companies        disciplined packages for new build,                             i.e. scaffold guidance notes will
     and many now insist on this as a         refurbishment, project, outage or                               help move the industry forward. In
     pre-requisite when going through         maintenance contracts.                                          essence, the NASC becomes a liaison
     the procurement process. It also           Enigma is the official UK                                     platform with the government, for
     ensures that we are doing everything     distribution partner for HAKI                                   the overall good of the industry.
     correctly through the rigorous           System Scaffolding and also provide    “Being a                    Being a member demonstrates
     audits, and having expert advice on      additional services including          member                   Enigma’s commitment to maintaining
     hand and up to date health & safety      insulation, protective coating and     demonstrates             the enhanced industry standards
     information.                             industrial cleaning with nationwide    Enigma's                 set by the NASC when compared
                                              coverage.                              commitment               to non-members. By ensuring the
     ENIGMA INDUSTRIAL                                                               to maintaining           latest legislative compliance and
     SERVICES LTD                             Why did you join NASC?                 the enhanced             scaffold product accreditation are
     How long have you been a member?         Being an NASC committee member         industry                 maintained.
     Incorporated in 1935, Enigma             provides Enigma with a platform to     standards set               The NASC Code of Practice audit
     Industrial Services Ltd was one of the   become an advocate for the wider       by the NASC”             validates Enigma’s stance on only
     founder members of the NASC since        scaffolding industry community                                  using BSI approved products or
     its inauguration in 1945.                and actively contribute to its                                  materials. Also, access to industry-
                                              development.                                                    wide safety statistics between
     Do you have a specialism?                  By sharing specialist knowledge                               members should ultimately make
     Enigma Industrial Services Ltd           and connecting with like-minded                                 the scaffolding industry a safer place
     provides an accredited safety-first      industry leaders across the UK                                  for all operators by helping to set
     professional service, operating          Enigma has benefited from privileged                            new standards. ●


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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                        SAFETY

                                                                                                                liaison with other bodies such as
                                                                                                                Build UK and the Health and Safety
                                                                                                                Executive; and review of NASC Safety
                                                                                            OF NASC             Report data to identify ways to
                                                                                                                further drive injury incidents down.
                                                                                            WENT THROUGH        Safer, more productive
                                                                                            2019 ACCIDENT       It’s clear that NASC members’
                                                                                            AND INJURY          outstanding safety statistics are no
                                                                                            FREE                accident. We asked NASC members to
                                                                                                                explain the various steps they take to
                                                                                                                keep compliance with safety guidance
                                                                                                                at the forefront of their operatives’
                                                                                                                minds while working at height.
                                                                                                                   Roy Rogers, QSHE & energy director
                                                                                                                at Enigma Industrial Services Ltd,
                                                                                                                says: “At Enigma we have developed
                                                                                                                and implement several proactive
                                                                                                                procedures to drive cultural
                                                                                                                change at all levels. These include
                                                                                                                monitoring behaviour and quarterly

         INCIDENT                                                                                               campaigns. The Enigma Positive
                                                                                                                Intervention programme reinforces

         REPORT                                                                                                 the company ‘Stop Work’ process,
                                                                                                                until suitable control measures
                                                                                                                have been implemented to permit
                                                                                                                the continuation of work safely. The
                                                                                                                Positive Intervention Programme
                                                                                                                provides positive rewards to change
                                                                                                                unsafe behaviours, reduce job-related
          NASC members work to the highest        99% of NASC member-employed                                   injuries, minimise lost production
          safety standards. This is evidenced     operatives went through 2019              “The Positive       hours, and improve workplace morale
          in the annual NASC Safety Report,       accident and injury free. There were      Intervention        – all essential ingredients for creating
          which charts the number and type        also no operative fatalities that year,   Programme           a strong safety culture.
          of injuries suffered by NASC full       for the seventh consecutive year.         provides               “Our quarterly campaigns are based
          contracting member operatives in           The Safety Report and its headline     positive            on key trends identified through audit,
          the previous calendar year.             figures receive a great deal of           rewards to          inspection, incidents and/or industry
             The latest Safety Report saw         attention but less focus is given to      change unsafe       trends. The first two campaigns ‘Get It
          injuries fall to a record low – with    how members ensure these numbers          behaviours,         Right the First Time’, ‘Stop the drop’
          just 74 incidents reported from         are so low. This includes the great       reduce injuries,    and Return to Work 2021 campaigns
          a combined workforce of 17,000          lengths members go to in order to         minimise lost       consisted of a video summarising the
          scaffolding operatives in 2019. Of      make sure their operatives fully buy      production          campaign and key messages, with
          these incidents, 13 were recorded as    into safe working practices each and      hours and           a series of posters designed to help
          major, requiring hospital treatment,    every time they step on site.             improve             further support toolbox talks.
          with the remaining 61 recorded as          It also relies on the NASC’s           workplace              “A video demonstrating the
          over seven days. These figures are      ongoing commitment to improving           morale.”            consequences of dropped objects was
          both the lowest on record.              safety standards; the creation and        Roy Rogers,         produced under controlled conditions
                                                                                            Enigma Industrial
             Looking at the total injury figure   dissemination of safety-related                               with an Enigma client. The next
                                                                                            Services Ltd
          another way, this meant that over       toolbox talks; site posters; regular                          campaign will cover Work at Height.”

                                                                                                                 SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 23 23                                                                                                                17/03/2021 16:56
SAFETY                                                                                                                            NASC.ORG.UK

        Helen Gawor, strategy director at                                                                      and safety manager. “Striving for
     GKR Scaffolding Ltd, says ensuring all                                                                    employee ‘buy in’ to cultural changes
     operatives are working as they should                                                                     is a key factor in driving standards
     could be a difficult challenge.                                                                           ever upwards and we strongly believe
        “There is no quick answer to this                                                                      that by actively engaging with our
     one. We have a health and safety                                                                          workforce they understand our
     league that means that all sites are                                                                      commitment to them.
     rigorously audited on compliance                                                                             “MR also employs the services of
     through to behaviour. They get quite                                                                      Simian Risk Management to provide
     competitive. We have things like                                                                          additional compliance monitoring
     the virtual reality training but in my                                                                    and training of operatives where
     opinion, good safe behaviours come                                                                        a needs analysis identifies any
     down to the level of high-quality                                                                         requirements. The H&S team assisted
     supervision. The top sites for safety                                                                     by the operations management team
     have better supervision.                                                                                  also provide pro-active monitoring of
        “We use basic herd theory from                                                                         all our activities on site and mentor
     behavioural science: everyone follows                                                                     the workforce in best practice and
     the herd. No one wants to be the one                                                                      improvements, which are discussed
     doing things differently.”                                                                                on a regular basis.
                                                                                                                  “As part of our continual
     Digitalising safety                                                                                       improvement and development, the
     Rob Long, operations director at                                                                          identification of personal protective
     Tubes Scaffolding Ltd, says                                                                               equipment plays a significant part of
     maintaining high safety standards was                                                                     reducing risks to both the company
     a balancing act between supervision                                                                       and the individuals. By investing
     and trust. “There is a huge element                                                                       in high quality PPE rather than the
     of trust involved. We operate an                                                                          cheapest option, which is not always
     extensive training programme, with                                                                        the best or most comfortable to use,
     highly experienced, longstanding                                                                          the employees are more likely to
     employees with a great work ethic,                            a digital solution. By developing an app,   adopt these changes and see them as
     and don’t believe in micro managing to    “We're              electronic reports will help to monitor     a benefit to themselves and not just
     get the best out of our teams.            continuously        projects, advance communication,            another company directive.
        “Our site operatives complete          monitoring          automate notifications, provide                “We also see investing and
     ‘Point Of Work’ risk assessments on       technological       increased visibility of projects and        researching into new and existing
     every project which will highlight any    advances            ultimately enable tighter control.”         technologies as an overall benefit to
     residual risks and additional controls    on safety                                                       the company, such as the introduction
     required. These are in addition to the    measures. We        Dedicated teams                             of tablets with cloud-based systems
     Risk Assessment Method Statements         are currently       MR Scaffolding Ltd employs a full           for site-based operations, this again
     (RAMS) carried out and are an             converting          time health and safety team, headed         is seen by the employees as a good
     extensive measure taken to ensure a       our reporting       up by Matthew Trayfoot, H&S                 thing as is welcomed from all levels of
     safe working environment.                 process to a        director with two managers and two          employees.” ●
        “There is a fine line between          digital solution”   assistant managers.
     balancing trust and undermining           Rob Long, Tubes        “Between the team, they ensure that      Simon Robinson is the NASC
     skillsets. We’re using technology to      Scaffolding Ltd     all projects receive a proportionate        marketing manager.
     walk this line.                                               amount of direct monitoring, with
        “We’re continuously monitoring                             records of site visits recorded via         The NASC annual Safety Report
     technological advances on safety                              internal auditing processes from            is available for free download at
     measures. We are currently improving                          which we evaluate our performance,"
     our reporting process and converting to                       explains Dave Kearney, senior health        safety-reports/

     24 | SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 24                                                                                                                   17/03/2021 16:56 27   17/03/2021 12:01
ABOVE AND BEYOND                                                                                                     NASC.ORG.UK

                                                                                           phase of works, following review of ladder
                                                                                           applications and safer alternatives by NNB.
                                                                                           As part of this, they worked vigorously
                                                                                           alongside the client and tier 1 contractors to
                                                                                           identify the redundant MK1 HAKI Stairs and
                                                                                           copy systems across the Hinkley.
                                                                                              Simultaneously, Barry and Lester worked
                                                                                           closely with the HAKI design team and
                                                                                           BYLOR to conceptualise a challenging
                                                                                           temporary roof solution to cover vital
                                                                                           project equipment in the HPC West Pool

     VALUE ADDED                                                                           Bunker. Their professional knowledge
                                                                                           and experience meant final designs of the
                                                                                           roof fulfilled complicated demands. They
     FOR ITS 2020 AWARDS NASC CREATED A NEW CATEGORY                                       then proceeded to provide expert onsite
     TO RECOGNISE EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUALS – THOSE WHO                                      supervision to BYLOR during the erection
     GO ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY                                                  of the complex solution, with their diligence
                                                                                           meaning “no stone was left unturned”.

                                            Barry Taylor, Lester Brown
                                            Onsite Technicians, HAKI
                                            Barry Taylor and Lester Brown were
                                            integral to HAKI’s successful involvement
                                            in the high-profile nuclear build project,
                                            Hinkley Point C (HPC).
                                               Offering a vast number of years’
                                            experience in the energy, scaffolding, and
                                            temporary works industries, both Barry
                                            and Lester provided invaluable support to
                                            subcontractors, principal contractors, and
                                            end-client NNB. Working from the HPC site
                                            two to three days per week, away from          Robin Whatling, scaffold inspector
                                            their families, their commitment ensured       Apex Scaffolding Exeter Ltd,
                                            best practice and safe application of a        Since 2018, when he retired from
                                            variety of access solutions and temporary      the tools, Robin has diligently been
                                            roof systems.                                  inspecting all of Apex’s scaffolds.
                                               Barry and Lester supported the transition   He continued all the way through
                                            to HAKI Symmetrical Stair Towers across        lockdowns to regularly visit sites which
                                            the entire site during the excavation          were otherwise shutdown, so that all
                                                                                           the stakeholders could be safe in the
                                                                                           knowledge that even while not in use, the
                                            “Their professional knowledge and              scaffolds were still safe.
                                            experience meant final designs                    Rob also put himself forward to
                                            fulfilled complicated demands. They            undertake mental health first aid
                                            proceeded to provide expert onsite             training, and this has made him a
                                            supervision during the erection of the         valuable go between for the guys, when
                                            complex solution”                              they have felt like they couldn’t come into
                                                                                           the office, and speaking to Rob on site was
                                                                                           a less intimidating way of opening up.


26_27.NASCmag2021.aboveandbeyond.indd 26                                                                                             17/03/2021 17:06
NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                            ABOVE AND BEYOND

                                                           Priscila Escobar, design                           requirements. She oversees the entire
                                                           engineering manager                                design process with external consultants
                                                           HAKI                                               and the in-house design, technical and sales
                                                           Priscila Escobar joined HAKI as design             teams, to provide solutions to contractors
                                                           engineer in 2016, before being promoted to         and their clients. Her proficiency has also
                                                           design manager in January 2020.                    extended support to global projects in
                                                             Since joining HAKI Priscila has become           Scandinavian, Canada, and Australia.
                                                           critical to the success of projects, but              Tom Cook, area manager at HAKI, called
                                                           she has also gone above and beyond by              Priscila 'rigorous' in her pursuit of solu-
                                                           supporting other areas of the business             tions to complex problems in challenging
                                                           and the wider industry. This includes              environments.
                                                           presenting to college students to                     “Her dedication, sense of urgency, and
                                                           highlight career pathways and diversity in         willingness to support the sales function
                                                           construction and helping bring new design          and our customers helps to get the best
                                                           technologies, such as HAKI BIM, to market.         outcomes for all concerned," he says.
                                                             As design manager, Priscila liaises              "These qualities make her popular with our
                                                           directly with customers and visits sites           clients, who see the value she adds to help
                                                           to establish project challenges and                them achieve their objectives.”

         Stuart Didd, project manager                      Karl Purple, senior supervisor                     checking individuals were happy and felt
         Benchmark Scaffolding                             Narford Scaffolding                                safe; checking weekly on operatives; always
         Stuart first joined Benchmark Scaffolding         Karl Purple joined Narford 26 years ago as         putting operative safety first.
         Ltd (BSL) in 2010 as a basic scaffolder, rising   a labourer, and worked his way up to senior           "As sites reopened Karl produced an
         through the ranks to project manager. He          supervisor in 2013. Stepping from ‘one of          extensive back to work briefing, with the
         has successfully managed many prestigious         the lads’ to ‘management’ can be difficult,        first point always being ‘how have YOU
         projects for BSL including the Bracknell          but Karl already had the respect from his          found this shut down?’.
         Shopping Centre for Mace Limited, the             whole team. With his vast experience and              "It's Karl’s strong values and understanding
         White City Shopping Complex for Westfield.        knowledge of the scaffolder’s daily life, Karl’s   that put him levels above the rest.” ●
         and a major project at Battersea Power            team accepts his help and instructions and
         Station. He has overseen the construction         know what is expected from them. At the
         of many large scaffolds and was at the helm       same time Karl is approachable, and values
         of all the consultations and collaborations       their opinions and listens to concerns,
         with the principle contractor during the          reinforcing respect from both sides.
         planning stages. Stuart is an innovator and          Before the country hit panic in
         at these meetings, recommended safer              March 2020, the managers had started
         plans of approach which not only reduced          implementing new SSOW. While some have
         risk, but were economically sensible for          become consumed in what has been going
         those involved. In March 2020 Stuart              on around Karl stepped up. His presence,
         contracted covid-19 whilst working at             attitude, and delivery of new procedures
         Battersea, but refused to hand over the           was been second to none.
         helm, even during four days in hospital              Michelle Titmarsh, financial director, is
         and the subsequent quarantine period. He          full of praise for Karl. "The current situation
         kept in telephone contact with the project        has highlighted just how valuable Karl
         ensuring things were still being run right.       is. During the first lockdown, while still
         Stuart continually looks for innovative           supervising our active sites, Karl rose to the
         solutions both to meets the client’s brief,       challenges it presented and shone above
         and to improve the working environment            and beyond by developing new innovations
         of his team.                                      for our SSOW; producing details RAMs;

                                                                                                                       SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 27

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SAFETY                                                                                                                             NASC.ORG.UK

     OF INTELLIGENT                                                                                            “TG20:13 revolutionised the way
     BUILDING                                                                                                  scaffolding contractors produce
                                                                                                               compliant layouts. TG20:21 is
                                                                                                               another step forward”
     DERWENT LONDON’S                                                                                          Lynn Way, NASC President
     AN OFFICE FOR THE 21ST                                                                                       NASC President Lynn Way said:
     CENTURY. AS JAMES KENNY                                                                                   “TG20:13 was a huge step forward
     REPORTS, THE THREE-                                                                                       for the scaffolding industry,
     ELEMENT CURTAIN WALLING                                                                                   revolutionising the way scaffolding
     IS KEY TO DELIVERING THE                                                                                  contractors produce compliant layouts
     LATEST ENVIRONMENTAL                                                                                      for day-to-day scaffolding and ensure
     PRINCIPLES.                                                                                               their scaffolding projects are safe and
                                                                                                               conform to legal requirements. This
                                                                                                               tool has been widely adopted and
                                                                                                               appreciated by not only scaffolding
                                                                                                               contractors but also their clients, who
                                                                                                               have gained peace of mind that the
                                                                                                               scaffolding erected on their site is fully
                                                                                                               compliant and safe.
     VITAL READING                                                                                                “TG20:21 is another step forward.
                                                                                                               The scope of TG20 been expanded
     TG20:21, THE MUST-HAVE GUIDANCE FOR                                                                       and also further simplified – making
     SCAFFOLDING, IS NOW ON SALE                                                                               it easier than ever to use and covering
                                                                                                               a broader range of scaffolding.
     The NASC’s eagerly-anticipated            The eGuide allows users to produce     The eGuide is an            “On top of this, the TG20:21 suite
     eGuide scaffolding compliance          a ‘generally recognised standard          essential for adhering   will be accessible via a dedicated
                                                                                      to compliance
     software update and expansion –        configuration’ in the form of a TG20                               digital portal, again, making it much
     TG20:21 – will be launched in March.   compliance sheet, or alerts them to the                            more user friendly. I’d like to thank
       TG20 provides the definitive         requirement for a specific design to be                            all the NASC Committees that played
     guidance document for scaffolding      made by a competent scaffold designer.                             a part in working on TG20:21 as
     constructed with tube and fittings        Compliance sheets can be produced                               well as our long-standing software
     throughout the UK. It comprises four   to provide essential information for                               developers CADS for its effort in
     elements: the Operational Guide, the   the construction of every individual                               bringing it to life.
     Design Guide, the User Guide and the   scaffold and can be used as evidential                                “Of course, the work doesn’t
     NASC’s innovative, user-friendly and   documentation for inclusion within                                 stop here and we’ll continue to
     widely-adopted eGuide software.        the construction phase plan.                                       innovate and improve in any way we
       TG20:21 provides principal              The full suite of documents also                                can to make the scaffolding industry
     contractors and clients with           provide a vital reference for health                               safer for all.”
     essential information to monitor       and safety professionals, temporary
     that all scaffolding structures        works coordinators and construction                                What’s new?
     constructed on a project have been     managers who have responsibilities                                 The latest version includes a number
     suitably planned and ‘designed’        for planning, monitoring and                                       of revisions to make the process of
     as required by the Work at Height      documenting the work and the                                       producing compliant scaffolding
     Regulations 2005.                      competence of contractors.                                         – in accordance with the European


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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                  SAFETY

         standard BS EN 12811 – even simpler.                                                              creating a compliance sheet.
         It also includes a wider range of                                                                 l More comprehensive and easier to
         scaffolding types to make the                                                                     understand compliance sheets
         software even more useable.                                                                       l Access to updated Operational and
            TG20:21 expands on and adds to                                                                 Design guides via an online portal
         TG20:13. The updated version will                                                                 which includes a search function
         include exterior birdcages, tube and                                                              will enable users to find the content
         fitting mobile towers, loading bays                                                               they’re looking for more easily
         without beams and tied independent                                                                and also while on site (via a tablet
         scaffolds with three inside boards.                                                               or mobile rather than via ‘loaded’
         TG20 compliance sheets will now                                                                   computer software and ‘hard’ copy
         be double-sided with an illustration                                                              guidance documents).
         and principal compliance criteria                                                                 l Access from multiple machines
         on the front side and detailed                                                                    (one at a time) rather than use being
         compliance criteria listed on the                                                                 tied to one installation.
         reverse in landscape format.
            TG20:21 will build on the success                                                              Accessing TG20:21
         of TG20:13, which has made the                                                                    Users will be able to access the
         process of producing a range of                                                                   TG20:21 eGuide – and the associated
         compliant scaffolding designs simple    suitability for the project.       TG20 compliance        and updated Operational and Design
         for all scaffolding contractors. In       TG20:21 takes TG20:13 several    sheets will now        guides – via a link from the NASC
                                                                                    be double-sided
         a relatively short period of time,      steps further. There will be:                             website using a unique serial number
                                                                                    with illustration on
         TG20 has become recognised and          l A broader range of scaffolding   the front side and     and login credentials, rather than
         adopted by the scaffolding industry     types included                     details criteria on    via a file download or CD. Printed
         and the wider construction industry     l More design variables such       the reverse            copies of the three books will also be
         as a whole, helping to ensure that      as wider loading bays, extended                           available following the launch.
         scaffolding contractors and principal   inside boards and updated design                             The software (together with online
         contractors are clear on what           information                                               access to the Operational and Design
         scaffolding will be erected and its     l More user-friendly process of                           Guides) will be available on an annual
                                                                                                           subscription basis, costing NASC
                                                                                                           members £75 per eGuide per year
                                                                                    “TG20 has              and non-members £300 per year.
                                                                                    become                 Discounts will be available for longer
                                                                                    recognised and         subscription periods. To ensure the
                                                                                    adopted by             transition for existing users from
                                                                                    the scaffolding        TG20:13 to TG20:21 is as fair as
                                                                                    indusrty and           possible, there will be a short period
                                                                                    the wider              of free use of the new software. ●
                                                                                    industy as a

                                                                                                            SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 31

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NASC.ORG.UK                                                                                                                     INNOVATION

                                                                             In both respects, of course, the
                                                                          industry cannot stand still and
                                                                          there is a constant drive towards          “While it may be
                                                                          developing systems of scaffolding,         manufacturers who introduce
                                                                          access, weather protection and             new methods, it is so often
                                                                          technology that bring about                the contracting sector that
                                                                          improved performance.
                                                                                                                     provides the inspiration"
                                                                             At the heart of this scenario is
                                                                          innovation. Yet while it may be
                                                                          manufacturers who introduce                area of safety that, perhaps, the most
                                                                          new methods, it is so often the            important benefits can be seen.
                                                                          contracting sector that provides the          From optimised methods of
                                                                          inspiration. Equipment installers          construction, where safe erection
                                                                          are invariably best placed to identify     is built into product design, to help
                                                                          areas where specific challenges exist      to ensure site delivery and storage
                                                                          and, by then working closely with          procedures follow appropriate
                                                                          the manufacturing sector, solutions        guidelines – all are central to safe
                                                                          can often be created. There is no          operating procedures. So often they
                                                                          substitute for direct feedback from        have been brought about through
                                                                          those ‘in the field’.                      cooperation by all relevant parties.
                                                                             A range of examples can be noted           The development of lightweight
                                                                          where this principle has brought           components is clearly under the
                                                                          about clear-cut benefits. Not only         spotlight in this context. The
                                                                          is there a greater choice of specific      availability of high tensile steel has
                                                                          components available today to meet         enabled manufacturers to maintain
                                                                          a vast range of installation needs,        or even increase the strength of their
                                                                          but other key areas, such as project       products while, at the same time,
                                                                          design, also bring new opportunities.      reducing their weight. This has a
                                                                             Computer-aided systems – such           direct bearing on physical handling to
                                                                          as the Layher Scaffold Information         the extent that it can make a positive

         BENEFITS                                                         Modelling (SIM) software – is
                                                                          perhaps a prime example. With
                                                                                                                     contribution to reducing the risk of
                                                                                                                     musculoskeletal disorders.

         CHECK                                                            on-screen or virtual visualisation
                                                                          capability that not only helps
                                                                                                                        Moreover, lighter weight can often
                                                                                                                     mean less bulk with a beneficial
          INNOVATION UNDERPINS SAFETY, PERFORMANCE                        optimise installation efficiency by, for   impact on transport and storage.
          AND PRODUCTS IN THE SCAFFOLDING AND                             example, identifying potential clash          When the view is taken that
          ACCESS INDUSTRY. SEAN PIKE REPORTS                              areas, they also impact directly on        manufacturers and contractors are,
                                                                          the accurate identification of material    in effect, part of the same team then
                                                                          needs. This principle could also           the route for ever greater innovation
          All manufacturers of scaffolding       GKR used virtual         be utilised in training, specifically      is well founded.
          products strive towards the same       reality for its safety   training of scaffolders, safely, in the       As a consequence, the resulting
          goals. Maximising installation                                  virtual world – which some NASC/           steps towards better site efficiency
          safety, simplicity and efficiency                               CISRS members have already begun           and safety that can be readily
          – which have a direct bearing on                                to trial, demonstrating that again,        identified today, point towards even
          competitiveness and profitability                               collectively, the NASC leads the way.      greater benefits in the future. ●
          – and, of course, ensuring safety is                               Yet while close links between
          optimised, have always been key                                 contractor and manufacturer often          Sean Pike is chair of the NASC
          areas in which contractors have                                 create a path towards innovations          Hire, Sales and Manufacturing
          looked towards their suppliers.                                 that improve efficiency, it is in the      Committee.

                                                                                                                      SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE APRIL 2021 | 33

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