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Tuesday, April 9, 2019   Your place, your paper

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2     RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                                                                                                             

YOUR LOCAL NEWS                                                                                          

Councillors oddly cool on e-ferries                                                                                                                            How to
                                                                                                                                                              contact us
                                                                                                                            Ferry operators can’t
                                                                                                                            buy new ferries without
                 The                                                                                                        new contracts.
                 Extra                                                                                                                                rodneytimes
                 Niall                                                                                                                                EDITORIAL INQUIRIES: Go to our
                                                                                                                                                      page on Neighbourly, sign in and
    Todd Niall                                                                                                                            use the drop down contact menu
                                                                                                                                                      to send us news tips, letters, what’s
                                                                                                                                                      on or ask a question.
OPINION: The possibility that a
world-renowned Auckland boat                                                                                                                          ADVERTISING INQUIRIES:
builder could become a global                                                                                                                         Stuart Palmer 027 642 7471,
pioneer in building high-speed,                                                                                                             
high-tech commuter ferries is a                                                                                                                       CLASSIFIEDS: 0800 835 323 or
compelling one.                                                                                                                             
   McMullen and Wing’s
pitching of the project to build                                                                                                                      FAMILY NOTICES:
electric ferries made it to                Firms like McMullen and              The council economic             fume-pumping ferries.                Call 0800 287 322 or email
Auckland Council last week, but        Wing were already doing it. It       development agency ATEED is          McMullen and Wing wasn’t   
the response of assembled              built the trio of revolutionary      tasked with lifting productivity,    necessarily looking for money
                                                                                                                                                      DELIVERY: 0800 339 000,
Auckland decision makers               fibre-glass boats for New            and while it can introduce           from the council, (though it
                                                                                                                                                      option 7;
should ring alarm bells.               Zealand’s first America’s Cup        McMullen and Wing to                 would no doubt help) and it is
   A few polite detail questions,      campaign in 1986, and Team New       government agencies with             making headway so far with           ADDRESS:
one of which wasn’t ‘‘How can          Zealand’s winning 1995               money, it has none itself to help    private backing.                     PO Box 300-413 Albany 0752
we help?’’, and chief executive        America’s Cup boat.                  with research and development.           Finding a way to put several
Mike Eaglen headed back to the             Today, and the Auckland              Some political championing       e-ferries onto the harbour by        AUDITED READERSHIP:
Mt Wellington boatyard.                council ‘‘family’’ holds many of     from Auckland might help             2021, you’d think would be a task    51,000 (Nielsen: Q4 2017-Q3 2018).
   On one level, helping to            the cards needed for the city to     unlock funding at the                the council could and would          Delivered each Tuesday and Thursday
                                                                                                                                                      from: The northern boundary at
realise projects like the e-ferry is   become the home of the world’s       Government’s Energy Efficiency       want to greatly assist.              Wellsford up to Mangawhai Heads, down
why the amalgamated Auckland           first fleet of carbon-fibre-hulled   and Conservation Authority. It           But instead of asking, ‘‘How     to the southern Albany Heights
Council was formed 10 years ago.       e-ferries.                           has money for just such projects     can we help?’’ councillors asked     boundary, including Hibiscus Coast,
   The amalgamation was about              Council agency Auckland          – unless they are boats or planes.   minor technical questions of         Warkworth, Snells Beach, Wellsford and
the council being more efficient,      Transport contracts out all but          A prime reason for Auckland      Eaglen.                              Matakana Coast.
fixing Auckland’s problems             two of the region’s ferry routes.    Council to invest $114 million in        Mayor Phil Goff asked how
better and faster, but also getting        The ferry fleet is ageing, and   facilities to help host sailing’s    far they could travel and how        MISSED DELIVERY?
the most out of its economic           AT spent two years in vain           America’s Cup in 2021 is the         long it took to re-charge a ferry.   Didn’t get a paper? Register at
potential.                             trying to launch a new era of        economic spin-off. Showcasing            Eaglen sees the market as one or see e-editions
   The multi-sector                    ferry transport – new ferries,       the city’s marine export industry    with few overseas competitors at     at
‘‘Competitive Auckland’’ group         new designs – before pulling the     is one of them.                      the moment – a chance for
in 2000 started the serious debate     plug because it would cost more          As a signatory to the global     Auckland and New Zealand             NZ MEDIA COUNCIL
on lifting Auckland’s economy          than it could afford.                C40 cities’ commitment to curb       firms to move quickly and get a      This paper adheres to the principles
and the marine industry was on             Ferry operators can’t buy        global warming, Auckland             jump globally.                       of the NZ Media Council. To find out
not only its hot-list, but every       new ferries without new              Council could do with an                 Councillors thanked him for      more or complain visit
one since.                             contracts.                           alternative to its fleet of diesel   his presentation.          

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 APRIL 9, 2019, RODNEY TIMES          3

Hurt by ‘body shaming’                                                                                                                                    One dead
                                                                                                                                                          in car and
DANIELLE CLENT                                                                                                                                            truck crash
A woman was left flabbergasted                                                                                                                            BRITTNEY DEGUARA
after she was told her bikini was
inappropriate to wear at a public                                                                                                                         A person has died after a car and
pool.                                                                                                                                                     a truck crashed north of
    Yvette Harvie-Salter, 26, was                                                                                                                         Auckland, taking the country’s
at Albany Stadium Pool, on                                                                                                                                road toll to 27 in just eight days.
Auckland’s North Shore, on                                                                                                                                    Police were alerted to the
Saturday with her partner to use                                                                                                                          incident on Sandspit Road,
the adults-only sauna and spa –                                                                                                                           Warkworth, at 7.20am on
something she has done three                                                                                                                              Saturday, a police spokesperson
times a week for the past two                                                                                                                             said.
years.                                                                                                                                                        Two ambulance appliances
    While in the spa, Harvie-                                                                                                                             and a support crew were sent to
Salter said a lifeguard – who was                                                                                                                         the scene from Warkworth. The
also the duty manager – tapped                                                                                                                            road was closed all morning,
her on the shoulder and asked                                                                                                                             with motorists asked to avoid the
her to jump out because she                                                                         Yvette Harvie-Salter said she was upset to be told    area, but reopened by the
needed to have a private conver-                                                                    her bikini was inappropriate and felt like she was    afternoon.
sation with her. She was told her                                                                   being body shamed. She was wearing a black                The Serious Crash Unit is
bikini from Glassons was not                                                                        version of this Glassons bikini. SUPPLIED, GLASSONS   investigating. Sandspit Rd is a
appropriate swimwear and some                                                                                                                             main route from Sandspit, on the
women had complained about           flabbergasted and disgusted by         it was 2019 and it was               customer. We are sorry she was           east coast, to Warkworth.
what she was wearing for the         what the manager had said to           disappointing staff had chosen to    made to feel uncomfortable, and              Last month, a crash on the
‘‘last little while’’.               her.                                   support those who had com-           the lifeguard who passed on the          road and a truck fire on nearby
    Harvie-Salter said she had           ‘‘It just feels like body          plained, rather than support her.    feedback from other pool users           State Highway 1 delayed
been wearing the same bikini for     shaming, really,’’ she said. ‘‘I am       When she asked for a refund       now realises this wasn’t the right       motorists in Warkworth during
the past few months but was told     really hurt by it.’’                   for her pool session, Harvie-        thing to do.’’                           peak-hour traffic.
she couldn’t wear it at the pool         Harvie-Salter said she saw         Salter said staff at the desk were       McGee said Harvie-Salter,                One person was left seriously
and was asked if she had any         men at the pool all the time wear-     giggling about the incident and      who rightly felt offended and            injured in January after a
other bikinis at home.               ing ‘‘tiny little Speedos’’ and they   took their time processing it.       upset, was given a refund and            campervan and car collided at
    ‘‘Her words were ‘it’s not a     had never been told to cover up.          The pool had lost a loyal cus-    left the pool.                           the intersection of Sandspit Rd
rule at Albany Stadium Pool but          She said she refused to cover      tomer, she said.                         ‘‘She was never asked to             and Sharp Rd. The crash
all these mums have com-             up her bikini and as a result, had        Rob McGee, head of active         leave. However, we understand            happened when the campervan
plained’,’’ she said. ‘‘She pretty   to leave. ‘‘They said I wasn’t able    recreation at Auckland Council,      her decision. We will be contac-         was forced to swerve after a car
much didn’t take a bar of it and     to be there in that bikini.’’          said he was disappointed a cus-      ting the customer directly to            crossed the centre line.
she said ‘well you’ve got to wrap        Harvie-Salter said she was         tomer was made to feel unwel-        apologise and ensure she knows               Saturday morning’s fatal
up. You’ve got to put a towel        aware there were rules about           come at the pool.                    she is welcome back anytime.’’           crash took the total number of
around you if you are wanting to     what couldn’t be worn at the              ‘‘On behalf of the lifeguard          McGee said there were no             deaths on New Zealand roads to
walk around wearing that             pool, such as denim shorts and         who spoke to the customer and        rules banning certain types of           111 since the start of the year.
bikini’.’’                           bras, but nothing said she             the team at Albany, I would like     swimwear at Auckland Council             The figure has now risen to 112,
    Harvie-Salter said she was       couldn’t wear a bikini. She said       to offer a sincere apology to the    pools.                                   with the 10-day road toll at 28.

4   RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                               

         Love the

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Conversations                                                                                                                       GET IN TOUCH ONLINE

We Say/You Say
Brings you quick reactions to issues
from Neighbourly commenters. We
Say summarises stories or
questions we have posted on
Neighbourly. You Say are
comments from Neighbourly
members. Join the discussion by
signing up to Neighbourly.

1. WE SAY:
Westfield Newmarket will be
the country’s largest mall and
may open in July. The
$790 million development will
have more than 220 stores.

I am looking forward to being
able to have a walk around it –
the food area sounds
particularly appealing. What
doesn’t sound particularly
appealing is the extra traffic it
is going to generate. Fingers          $1.6 million for an elephant            more than a week. Large cars or                           4. WE SAY:                           Coming soon: Westfield Newmarket.
crossed that a lot of shoppers         called Nandi to move to New             ‘‘Remuera tractors’’ are banned                           The Panmure town sign will
make use of the very good              Zealand. Two years later, she is        from its top-level car park but                           soon be removed as part of the
public transport links to              nowhere to be seen.                     Auckland Transport said drivers                           Auckland Manukau Eastern
Newmarket.                                                                     continued to break the rules.                             Transport Initiative (AMETI)
                                       YOU SAY:                                                                                          project.
AND YOU SAY:                           Elephants are pack animals              YOU SAY:
Don’t we have enough malls             and if we only have one                 While not helpful to the local                            YOU SAY:
already? Malls are the most            elephant then for its mental            businesses, the decision to close                         They should restore it and put        Neighbourly is a NZ-owned
horrid place to go shopping, I         and emotional health, we                the upper-level car park was the                          near the station. Ample green         social media site creating
won’t be going there ever.             should get another.                     right one. The risks posed by a                           space there. Should not go into       easy ways for neighbours
                                                                               possible collapse were too great to                       storage else will never see it        to talk and connect. Join
2. WE SAY:                             3. WE SAY:                              ignore. No-one would have wanted                          again and it’ll end up in a rust      us at or
In 2017, an Auckland Council           A Remuera car park on                   the upper level crashing down on                          pile or inorganic.                    download our new iPhone
committee put aside                    Clonbern Rd has been closed for         vehicles and people below.                                                                      and Android apps.

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6       RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                                                                   

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                                                                                                                                            APRIL 9, 2019, RODNEY TIMES                                                   7


Let’s be grown ups about guns
READER REPORT                                                                     People can be decent and      law until now. This argument
KATE MACNAMARA                                                                    reasonable and still hold     must be allowed a place in public
OPINION                                                                           the view that semi-           debate, even if the law, now
                                                                                  automatic weapons have a      embarked on its hasty passage
                                                                                  place in civilian hands,

          ew Zealand gun laws                                                                                   through Parliament, has already                VISIT NEIGHBOURLY.CO.NZ
                                                                                  writes Kate MacNamara.
          have been tightened                                                         CAMERON BURNELL/STUFF     turned against it. For one thing,              TO SHARE YOUR VIEW ON
          quickly in the wake of                                                                                alienating the owners of the very              THIS TOPIC.
          the Christchurch                                                                                      guns the Government now
tragedy. A first round of changes                                                   don’t make a                wishes to collect would
is expected to come into force this                                                 connection between          undermine the benefits. General                don’t register their guns, so a
week, banning many semi-                                                           themselves, their guns       compliance is vastly more                      registry creates both a false sense
automatic guns (as well as                                                        and last month’s              appealing than expensive law                   of gun control while it
accoutrements like large                                                         massacre. They do not see      enforcement and laws that are                  inconveniences only law-abiding
magazines).                                                                    themselves as latent             widely flouted don’t work.                     gun owners. Gun registries also
    All political parties have                                              murderers.                             But that’s not the only reason              have a very spotty record. Any
fallen in to support the new                                                 We must take a breath –            New Zealand is going to have to                success in Australia – and that
legislation, with the exception of                                       despite the difficulty of debate in    swallow the emotion of recent                  remains up for debate – must be
ACT. Leader David Seymour is          weapons. The law’s efficacy, or    the emotion that follows a mass        weeks and have a grown-up                      set against New Zealand’s own
critical of the speed with which      lack thereof, will in large        murder – and recognise that            debate about guns. The                         historical experience with a
the new law is being bustled          measure be decided by how          people are entitled to see things      government has promised ‘‘next                 largely inaccurate registry.
through Parliament, though he is      many gun owners participate.       differently.                           steps’’ in gun reform and, as in               Canada too abandoned a long-
powerless to slow it.                    Some are already handing in        In the main, these are hunters,     Australia following the mass                   gun registry in 2011. It had
    Public acceptance also            their weapons. Police say –        farmers, and those who are             shooting at Port Arthur in 1996,               turned into a billion dollar
appears to be broad. Even groups      despite a spate of disingenuous    simply marksmen and women,             that is likely to take the form of a           debacle that pitted urban voters
typically opposed to stricter gun     online submissions – thousands     often ex-military, who want to         gun registry. Prime Minister                   against rural and achieved only
laws have, for the most part, been    of weapons have either been        pursue their interests and             Jacinda Ardern has already said                limited participation from gun
agreeable or muted in their           handed over already or an effort   livelihoods without unnecessary        she favours one.                               owners.
dissent.                              has been made by owners to         intrusion. It is a position people        A registry would be welcomed                    So, deep breath, it is crucially
    This is the easy part.            begin the process. These people    must be allowed to argue without       by many Kiwis as a way of                      important that any new rules
    For one thing, these rule         say their convenience or           moral blackmail.                       protecting public safety,                      work for the widest possible
changes don’t affect the vast         enjoyment should not be weighed       That is to say, without being       especially that of the country’s               range of New Zealanders. That
majority of gun owners, who, if       equally against the lives taken    told that to hold this view is to      most vulnerable citizens,                      means we need to hear from
they own semi-automatic guns at       last month. Fair enough.           hold the view of the Christchurch      minority groups. But it would                  them. Even the ones with ideas
all, own shotguns or small-              But other points of view are    shooter, or of a white                 also affect all legal gun owners –             we don’t like.
calibre rifles, which are exempt      also emerging, on blogs and on     supremacist. People can be             not just the small fraction who                ■ Stuff Nation: To share your
from the changes with certain         social media, and spearheaded by   decent and reasonable and still        own the semi-automatics soon to                story go to
limits on magazine capacity.          gun shop owners like David         hold the view that semi-               be banned – and it would likely                ■ Kate MacNamara has been a
    But the changes are not yet a     Tipple, of Gun City in             automatic weapons have a place         encounter much stronger                        journalist for 20 years. She has
success. This will be judged more     Christchurch. These gun owners     in civilian hands.                     opposition.                                    worked for the Canadian
clearly after the September           are not volunteering to quickly       It is a position, after all, that      There is the obvious                        Broadcasting Corporation and
deadline for the buy back of these    hand over their arms, and they     has underpinned New Zealand            argument that most criminals                   contributed to the BBC.

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Family concert this Saturday
Looking for something to do this   Riverside Road in Orewa.             well as ‘The Violin Guy’ Nick
Saturday?                             Sit back and enjoy easy-          Jones, and The New Horizon
  How about some entertainment     listening music from well-known      Band.
that also helps support a          entertainers as well as local          Supporting troubled youth,
worthwhile cause.                  musicians and singers. A great       proceeds from the shows will go
  The New Horizon Show was so      family event – the show appeals to   to help fund the important work
popular in 2017 and 2018, that     all age groups with a touch of       carried out by the Windy Ridge
organisers are bringing you an     nostalgia right through to some      Rugged Learning Adventure Farm
even bigger and better show in     current tunes.                       and the Hibiscus Coast
2019.                                 This year’s show includes the     Community Youth Centre.
  It’s happening this Saturday –   talents of Gray Bartlett, Dennis       Tickets are only $25, book now
April 13 – at 2pm and 7pm at the   Marsh, Ronnie Antonio (remember      at Eventfinda –
Orewa Arts and Events Centre, 76   the ‘Singing Dairy Farmer’?) as

                                                                                                           The New Horizon 2019 Variety Show will feature Ronnie Antonio, Nick
                                                                                                           Jones, Gray Bartlett and Dennis Marsh.

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10     RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                                                                                                                              

                            1         2                        3         4                    5       6




                            10                                      11


                            13                                                14              15


                                      17                                                18            19

                            20                                                     21


                            23                                                                             1                                            2
                                                                    24                                                                                  CROSSWORD
                                                                                                           THE TOP 10                                   15. Plaudit, 16. Unable, 17. Exact, 19. Loyal, 21. Cult.
                                                                                                                                                        Stoke, 6. Potable, 7. Recital, 12. Gondola, 13. Fisheye,
Across                                                         Down                                         1. Who both directed and produced the       Down: 1. Samba, 2. Assault, 3. Duel, 4. Shiver, 5.
1. Careless, haphazard (8)                                     1. South American dance (5)                     7*& Citizen Kane?                        24. Teetotal.
7. Proportion (5)                                              2. Attack (7)                                2. In mythology, what was the name of the   Ending, 18. Fail, 20. Hex, 22. Labour Day, 23. Yucca,
8. Hypnotise (9)                                               3. (5$#.7,+" 3)2                                Jason’s ship?                            10. Ague, 11. Devise, 13. Fathom, 14. Magpie, 17.
9. NZ’s 2017 bird of the year (3)                              4. Tremble (6)                               3. What is particularly prominent in the    Across: 1. Slapdash, 7. Ratio, 8. Mesmerise, 9. Kea,
10. Fever (4)                                                  5. South Island town and beer (5)               proboscis monkey?
11. Invent (6)                                                 6. Fit to drink (7)                          4. Who is Sherlock Holmes’ housekeeper          TOP 10
13. Nautical measure of depth (6)                              7. Musical performance (7)                      and landlady?                                  Hawaii, 9 Joan of Arc, 10 Argentina.
14. Bird, subject of a Denis Glover poem                       12. Christchurch attraction which opened
                                                                                                                                                              5 My struggle, 6 Peanuts cartoons, 7 Barcelona, 8
                                                                                                            5. Hitler’s book Mein Kampf translates as         1 Orson Welles, 2 Argo, 3 Its nose, 4 Mrs Hudson,
(6)                                                            in 1992 (7)                                     what in English?
17. Conclusion (6)                                             13. Type of camera lens (7)                  6. '+-#- 5$!*. 4$! 7%. (6**41 0!/4 6%.
18. Be unsuccessful (4)                                        15. Accolade (7)                                                                                                   1                           2
20. Jinx (3)                                                   16. Incapable (6)                            7. In which Spanish city were the 1992
22. Holiday celebrated on the fourth                           17. Precise (5)                                 Olympic Games held?
Monday in October (6,3)                                        19. Dave Dobbyn single which reached         8. Keanu – made popular by Keanu
23. North American plant found in many                         No.19 in 1988 (5)                               Reeves - originates from where?
NZ gardens (5)                                                 21. Sect (4)                                 9. Which young woman was known as the
24. Abstaining from alcohol (8)                                                                                Maid of Orleans?
                                                                                                           10. The musical Evita was set in which
                                                                     Puzzles © The Puzzle Company              country?




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We’re looking for the nicest neighbours in town. Nominate someone in your ’hood –
and your special neighbour could feature in community newspapers around New
Zealand as an inspiration to us all. Plus, you’ll both receive a $25 Prezzy® card! A Nice
Neighbour is someone who has helped make a difference in your life – or the lives of
others. Let us know why your neighbour is so nice by sharing a few words at

Raewyn and Tony Davies are the best neighbours anyone could wish for. They are basically
the grandparents of everyone in the neighbourhood.
Raewyn often visits us to give us flowers, baking and vegetables from her garden. One day, on
my sister Rose’s birthday, my mum was making a cake and she wanted a few roses to
decorate the top of the cake. She was walking down to ask Raewyn for the roses when she
bumped into her carrying a bunch of roses to bring to our house! A coincidence, some would
say, but it’s almost like she can read minds! Everyone we meet who knows Raewyn (which is
quite a lot of people) thinks that they are her very special, particular friend.
She just seems to make everyone feel that way. I remember one particular time when I was
walking over to her house to give her a thank you card and she invited me in for a cup of tea!
We chatted for a long time about this and that. When we give her anything she always gives
something in return. It seems she cannot receive kindness without repaying it. She knows
everyone’s birthdays, when an older person moves into a home or dies, or what is going on at
the local school where she volunteers.
At Christmas she can have more than 20 visitors from all over the place - people who have no
one to be with on that special day. Anyway, it’s Christmas everyday at Raewyn and Tony’s
house. Raewyn knits and sews, she is great gardener, she makes crafts, she bakes better than
New Zealand’s hottest baker – there is probably nothing Raewyn can’t do. And best of all she
does it all for the benefit of others! Tony is equally kind but not as talkative – he prefers to
work hard in the background helping make all the magic happen! Every neighbourhood
needs a Raewyn and Tony dynamic duo!
Pictured: Jane Devine, Maria Devine and Raewyn Davies
– Nominated by Jane Devine, aged 11

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12   RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                                                                                                                   

What’s On                                                                                                What’s
                                                                                                         on near

CITYWIDE                                                                                              Focus on        Communicare Papatoetoe Friendship
APRIL 10:                                                                                             gardening:      Centre, Wesley Methodist Church      How to List
                                                                                                      Plenty of       Hall, 37 Kolmar Rd.
Wellsford Kindergartenturning                                                                                                                              Do you have a community event
                                                                                                      activity on     Pickeball for all - Henderson:
50: Join us to celebrate this                                                                         this front                                           you want to share in your local
amazing milestone. Share your                                                                                         CEasy, fub, $5 incl equipment,
                                                                                                      across the                                           newspaper? You can submit your
photos and memories of your time                                                                      city.           coaching, it’s the fastest growing
                                                                                                                                                           event by heading to
at Wellsford Kindergarten to                                                                                          sport in the world, Weds Te pai
                                                                                                                                                  – 4pm,                                                                                         Tennis club, 10am, Te Pai Tennis
                                                                                                                                                           choose the newspaper you require
Wellsford Kindergarten, Hazelmere                                                                                     Club, 17 Te Pai Pl.
                                                                                                                                                           and input your event details. You
St.                                                                                                                                                        will need to be a Neighbourly
Introduction to Crowd Funding:                                                                                        APRIL 11
                                                                                                                                                           member in order to list your event.
Developing a crowd funding                                                                                            Planting winter vegetables: Join
                                                                                                                                                           Please submit your listings two
campaign is straightforward but it                                                                                    Gardens manager Jack Hobbs to
                                                                                                                                                           weeks before your event. Listings
does require careful planning and      community garden with a focus on        Dr.                                    learn what vegetables you should
                                                                                                                                                           must be no more than 30 words
effort in securing support. $30 pp 2   teaching as well as planting and        Aglow West Auckland: Speaker           be planting at home now for a
                                                                                                                                                           maximum. Low cost/free
hour seminar. Register:                sharing the produce. Garden tours,      Denise Read, morning tea, ministry     great crop over winter. 11am,
                                                                                                                                                           community events only. Publishing ph. 486-4820.        and produce available to buy,           then prayer. 10am, Henderson           Auckland Botanic Gardens, 102 Hill
                                                                                                                                                           your event is at the editor’s
                                       plants, herbs and chutney etc.          Baptist church, Great North Rd.        Rd, Manurewa.
10am, 5 Rere Place, Parakai.                                                                                                                               discretion.
                                       10am, Triangle Park Teaching            Art Demonstration - Mt Eden:           Glendowie Social Badminton
Meditate in Takapuna:
                                       Garden, 385 Don Buck Rd.                Renowned artist Nemesh will            Club: 7.30pm, Glendowie Social
Introduction to Buddhism. Every
                                       ART - past, present and future:         demonstrate painting on canvas         Badminton Club, Glendowie            Centre, 83 Church St.
Wed $15                                Ana Howie, Art Historian and Kim        with gold and silver leaf. Members     College, Crossfields Rd.                                                                                                                                 Artist’s talk: Local artist Neil Miller
                                       Boyd, Director of Estuary Arts          $7, others $10. Morning tea            NZSO: Enigma: Acclaimed pianist      discusses the technical aspects of
7:30pm, Lake House Arts Centre, 37     Centre, talk about observation,         provided. 1 10am, NZ Fellowship of     Joyce Yang performs Brahms’
Fred Thomas Dr.                                                                                                                                            mixing water-paint, abstraction and
                                       tales of art, plus the aesthetic side   Artists, 27A Poronui St.               Piano Concerto No. 1 for NZSO        en plain air painting. RSVP 8170011.
Composting Course AUT City             of a Japanese historical and martial    Communicare Friendship                 Music Director Edo de Waart’s
Campus: Introduction to                                                                                                                                    11am, Titirangi Library, 500 South
                                       arts exhibition. 7pm,                   Centre Papatoetoe: Seniors meet        Enigma featuring Elgar’s Enigma      Titirangi Rd.
composting basics. Free. Book          Whangaparaoa Library, 9 Main            Wed, All welcome - $6 includes         Variations. 7:30pm, Auckland Town
online:                                                                                                                          Floral Art – Meadowlands: Tutor
                                       Street, Stanmore Bay.                   activities, refreshments - and         Hall, Queen St.
events/composting-course-aut-city-                                                                                                                         Gerri Bathurst modern & traditional
                                       U3A Epsom: Meeting at Deaf              friendship. More infor (09)            Attitude towards encountering
campus/. , 12pm, AUT City Campus,                                                                                                                          work. Beginners welcome.
                                       Society. Two interesting speakers       631-5968. 9:30am, Communicare          nature - Henderson: Opening
55 Wellesley St East.                                                                                                                                      Workshop 12 - 3pm. ph 021
                                       and social time. New members and        Papatoetoe Friendship Centre,          celebration. All welcome. provides
Floral Design Workshops:               visitors most welcome. 10am, Deaf       Wesley Methodist Church Hall, 37       insight into Sena Park’s time in     1649697 @ St Chads. 12pm, St
Tutorial time for everyone; novice     Society, Balmoral Rd.                   Kolmar Rd.                             Mongolia based artist residency in   Chads Community Church
to advanced designers. Day tuition     Inanga pou sculpture                    Communicare’s Papatoetoe               2018. 6pm, Corban Estate Arts        Community Centre, 38 St Johns Rd.
free! Evening session 6-8pm $5         installation launch: Artists from A     Friendship Centre: Seeking             Centre, 2 Mt Lebanon Ln.             Orewa Ladies Garden Club:
charge. To attend call John            Supported Life have been learning       volunteers to support local seniors.   Meditate in Onehunga:                Monthly meeting speaker,
0274-720700.10am, Dale Harvey’s        about the fragile plight of the         Help them with activities in the       Introduction to Buddhism - Karma.    competition and sales table,
Quarter Acre Paradise                  Inanga (whitebait) & have painted       centre, preparing refreshments, or     Every Thurs free                     afternoon tea ,visitors welcome
Conservatory, 23 Vine St.              eleven pou (totems). 10am, Coletta      providing transport. Contact           Contact Irene 02102939176. 12:30am,
Garden Open Day - free: A              Esplanade, opposite 27 Central Park     09-6315968 if you can help. 9:30am,    7:30pm, Onehunga Community           Catholic, 180 Centreway Rd.

                                                                                                                                                   PICK UP
                                                                                                                                                   A COPY

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14 RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                                                                                                                                                                        

Situations Vacant                                            Account Services                 Handyman Services                  Waterblasting                Grazing                           Public Notices
                                                                                          BIG or small jobs. We do it all
                                                             CHEAPEST Accounting, GST for a very reasonable price.
                                                             Income tax, PAYE, all small Call 021 026 24018.                                          GRAZING wanted for dairy
    Required for Domino’s                                    business accounts & returns.
                                                             Sai 021-2373833 09-3907936
                                                                                                                          HOUSE WASHING. Roofs, cows, any area, small or large
                                                                                                                          Drives, Gutter cleaning & blocks. Ph 021 374484.                                       KINGSWAY SCHOOL
 Must have business or management qualification.                                                HANDYMAN                  Commercial. Ph Jim 424-7600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BOARD OF TRUSTEES
 Clear driver’s licence, must have managerial                Appliance Services                  BUILDER                                                                                                             PARENT TRIENNIAL
 experience, can be reliable, honest and can take full                                              General house                                             Livestock                                                  ELECTION
 responsibility for the business. Excellent                                                      maintenance, deck and
 communication skills, able to manage business               UNITED APPLIANCES LTD.                    pergolas.                 BlueSapphireWeddings(65th)
 independently. Food industry experience essential.          For fridge/freezer, washing             30 years trade                                           CALF milk wanted. Penicillin,     Nominations are invited for the election of 5
                                                             machine, stove & dishwasher              experience.                                             colostrum etc. Cash on pick       parent representatives to the board of trustees.
 Must be prepare to work variable hours and be on call       repairs.    Warkworth    to           No jobs too small.                                         up. Ph Chris 0274 724 824.
 24/7. Ablility to build strong community relationships.                                                                                                                                        A nomination form and a notice calling for
                                                             Mangawhai. Ph 423 9060.                  Free quotes.                                                                              nominations has been posted to all eligible
                   Ph 021-0837-1520 or                                                               Call Carl                                                                                  voters.
         email                   Bricklayer                                                                                                                         You can nominate another person to stand as a
                                                                                                    021 667 110                                               WHITE faced, Angus and
                                                                                                                                    Mum and Dad               other weaner calves from
                                                                                                                                                              $450 each. Can deliver.
                                                                                                                                                                                                candidate, or you can nominate yourself. Both
                                                                                                                                                                                                parts of the form must be signed and returned
                                                             BRICKWORK,         Blockwork,
                                                             Nothing too small so give Rob    House Cleaning                                                  021 930 810/ 09 420 3469          to the school office in a sealed envelope.
                                                             a call. 027 481 3877                                                                                                               Additional nomination forms can be obtained
                                                                                              0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                                                                                              0508-00-66-88 Soft House                                                                          from the school office.
                                                             Builders                         Washing. Water Blaster. Gut-                                    For Sale                          Nominations close at noon on Friday, 24th May
                                                                                              ter Clean. Roof Treatment.                                                                        and may be accompanied by a signed
                                                             A LOCAL licenced builder for                                                                                                       candidate statement and photograph.
                                                                                                                                                              FIREWOOD /mulch/compost/
                                                             all your building needs. High Lawns                                                              sawdust from $60/m3 pick          The voting roll is open for inspection at the
                                                             quality workmanship and com-                                                                     up! Phone Cypress Sawmill         school and can be viewed during normal school
                                                             petitive rates. Refs avail. Call LAWNMOWING, catcher or                                          09-420-5485                       hours.
                                                             Brendan 021 1851537.             mulch, landscape gardening,
                                                                                              section clearing and tidy ups.                                                                    There will also be a list of candidates' names, as
                                                                                              Free quotes. Call Paul Grady              DENNIS                                                  they come to hand, for inspection at the school
                                                             Cleaning Services                now on 021 2042172.                    KENSINGTON
                                                                                                                                                              TOPSOIL - Good quality, dry       office.
                                                                                                                                     Rodney Arthur            screened. Free del over 10m       Voting closes at noon on Friday, 7th June.
                                                             LOCAL, hardworking “Good         Painting/Decorating                    Norma Elaine             most areas. Ph 021 852552.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Returning Officer
                                                             old   fashioned” cleaners.                                                                                                         René Ames
                                                             027 641 4064.              AFFORDABLE, Quality
                                                                                        workmanship. Excel local refs.                                                                          100 Jelas Road
                             Flatmates Wanted                                           Free Quotes. Ph 0225833469                                            Tuition                           P.O. Box 54
                                                             Computer Services                                                                                                                  Red Beach, 0945
                             HELENSVILLE, professional                                                                             10th April 1954 - 2019                                       Phone 09 427 0900
                                                                                              BABAN PAINTERS Member
 ALUMINIUM                   person, $260 p/w including
                             power and water. Call 027 COMPUTER & mobile phone
                                                                                              of the master painters interior      Palmerston North
                                                                                                                                                              GUITAR, Drums, Bass Guitar,
                                                                                                                                                              Piano,    Keyboard     tuition.
                                                                                              + exterior water blasting +         Presbyterian Church
   JOINER                    531 7321.                    lessons, repairs & social
                                                          media tutorials, especially for     plaster 0211552922.
                                                                                                                                                              R & B Music. 021-703-146
                                                                                                                                    With love from all
 FABRICATOR                                               senior citizens, & small busi                                               your family
                             Firewood                     nesses. In-house and one-to-
  A full time position is
  available immediately
                                                          one. Ph: IT Care 09 940 3734.
                                                                                              PAINTING & paper hanging.
                                                                                              Qualified tradesman. Phone             An Awesome
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Notice of intention
    For an aluminium         FIREWOOD. Hot Az Hell,
                                                                                              022 469 3727.
                                                                                                                                                                   TUTOR                           to control targeted
        fabricator.          gum, mac, old man pine, free                                                                                                     READING, Writing, Maths
                             kindling.021448666 /423 7343 Drainlaying
   Great company, nice
    environment and
                                                                                                                                                              Tutor, years 1-6 on
                                                                                                                                                              Hibiscus Coast: Hannah               weeds
      excellent pay.                                         ECHO DRAINAGE All drain-                                            Therapeutic Massage          021-049-2503 hshribman
                             SEASON dry hotmix firewood.     age undertaken & guarntd by                                                                              Weather permitting, spot spraying will be
 Call today to discuss       $100 p/cube. Free delivery      reg. drainlayer. Septic tanks,                                                                                                        carried out in the following local board
    (09) 425 7367            on orders of 2 cube or more     sewer & stormwater, unblocks
                             (Hibiscus Coast). Free deliv-                                          PAINTING                                                                                       areas during May 2019.
                             ery on orders of 3 cube
                                                             and problem solving. Call                                           DENI’S       Massage/Home-   Legal Services
                                                             Doug: 021-416-420                 PROFESSIONALS                     Based Studio in Orewa.
                             or more (Rodney). 09 420                                                                                                               Devonport-Takapuna
                             3385 / 027 227 1523 /                                                 Interior, Exterior,           Monday - Friday 10am to
                                                                                                                                 4pm. Contact 0204 023 0995                                        Hibiscus & Bays
                                                             Renovations & New
                                                             Electrical                                  builds                                                 A SPECIALIST                       Kaipātiki
                                                                                                  A team of qualified,                                        DRINK Drive /Traffic LAWYER.         Upper harbour
Part time Vacancies                                                                             friendly & experienced
                                                             01 GOOD Electrician, low                                                                             Ph Colin Mitchell                Herbicide application will be carried out
                                                             prices, senior discount. 444              painters.                 Cars Wanted
                                                             1588 or 021 02 73 63 23.                 Sam Jarmy                                                     09-489-6429                    in reserves, streetscapes, regional parks
                                                                                                  Ph: 021 0881 0780                                                                                and around facilities owned by Auckland
                                                             021972250 Mike Dunn Electri-                                   WE PAY top cash for cars. Ph                                           Council, excluding no-spray zones.
                                                             cal for all your electrical work. Plumbing                     0800 555 325                      Cars Wanted                          Auckland Council operates from the NZS
                                                             No job too small. 30 yrs exp.                                                                                                         8409:2004 Code of Practice that governs
                                                             A/hrs Ph 424 8972                 001 Plumber and Gasfitter.
           PAPER RUNNERS                                                                       Gas hotwater and hobs.                                                                              all agrichemical operations.
             REQUIRED                                                                          Plumbing maintenance. Certi-

       To deliver the Rodney Times for a run
                                                             ZERO Emission Electrician fying. Steve 021-797-912.
                                                             EV Power installs Power                                               GET HONEST                                                      The herbicide application will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                   undertaken by Ventia NZ Ltd.
 upcoming on one side Whangaparaoa Rd. from                  Safety UpGrades and repairs
  lights at Hibiscus Coast Highway to Matheson               Residential, Commercial and
                                                             Industrial. Phone Mark on
                                                                                               PUMP DOCTOR                         CASH OFFER                                                      Find out more: phone 09 301 0101
 Rd., including Matheson Rd., Chenery Rd., and               Mobile 021 966 455. Email WILL keep you pumping.                 SELL                                                                 or visit
                   Hadleigh Place.                         Phone 027 44 30654
                                                                                                                              TRUCK, VAN,
     Deliveries are on Tuesday and Thursday                  Eftpos and Visa accepted.                                        UTE, 4WD, CARS,
  afternoons. The papers are delivered to your                                                Retaining Walls
                                                                                                                                   Winz quotes available
 home on each delivery day. Applicants must be               Fencing and Decks
       at least 11 years old. No experience                                                   NORTHERN Retaining Ltd               DEAD / ALIVE • OPEN 7 DAYS
                                                                                              specialising in timber retaining
                     necessary.                                                               walls. 35 yrs exp. Ph Tony:          PHONE:
                                                             02102624018. Decks, fences, 021 798 515
 Please contact Christine on (09) 4318840                    retaining walls, digging, top
                                                             quality, good price, free quote.
                                                                                                                                   0800 110 414
 or 027 2794831 or email:                                                                                 

Stock Sales
                                                             A1 FENCING Services. For all
                                                             your fencing, retaining and
                                                                                              LOCAL Roofer for Leaks,
                                                                                              Repairs, Cleaning & Painting.
                                                             decking requirements, phone
                                                             Jason 022 4214263.
                                                                                              40 yrs Experience. Contact
                                                                                              Steve 0800-12-11-11                                                                                                no place
                                                             Floor Sanding
                                                                                              Tiling Services                                                                                                  like
                                                                                              021-352-444 Big or small jobs
                                                             TIMBER FLOORING                - to be done. Free quotes, good
                                                             Goodwood flooring, specialist price, ASAP. 20 years exp
                                                             in installing, sand & finishing.
                                                             Free quotes. Ph 09 6295549. Transport
                                                                                              DRIVING Miss Daisy. Total
                                                                                              Mobility Scheme & ACC
                                                             Garage Doors                     Provider, ph 021 035 0432;
                                                                                              09 428 4490, hibiscus@
                                                                                              Tree Services
                                                             GARAGE DOORS
                                                             NEW and repairs. All AUCKLAND Tree Masters. All
                                                             makes and models. Call aspects of trees - pruning &
                                                             0274 762 741           removal, branch chipping, 16
                                                                                    yrs exp. Ph Matt 021124 6478

                                                             Garden Maintenance           TREE HEDGES cut, pruning,
                                                                                          stumping no tip fee on chip-
                                                             0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ping. Pensioner discount. On
                                                             0508-00-66-88     Gardening, the coast since 1985. Ph
                                                             Landscaping, Tree, Hedge, Richard 021 02616240 or 09
                                                             Lawn, Rubbish, Clean-ups.    424-3464 HBC.                                                                                                                                     APRIL 9, 2019, RODNEY TIMES          15


A trusty cooking companion
RACHEL CLARE                                                               Romaine lettuce with green              If you suspect your fruit is
                                                                           leaves spotted with maroon           infected, freeze it or soak it in a
GIVE SILVERBEET THE                                                        freckles (in German its name         sealed bucket of water for
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IT                                                         means speckled like a trout’s        several weeks, then discard it.
DESERVES                                                                   back). They’re now ready for
If there’s one vege that is my                                             harvesting and I’ve been picking                                              GET GROWING
constant companion, it’s trusty                                            off leaves as needed.                COMFREY THREE WAYS                       This column is adapted from the
old silverbeet. Unfortunately                                                  Sown direct lettuces are ready   I was pleased to be given a
                                                                                                                                                         weekly e-zine, get growing, from
childhood memories of soggy                                                to be harvested as baby leaves       comfrey plant this week by
                                                                                                                                                         New Zealand Gardener magazine.
silverbeet have put many a                                                 from 30 days. Plant a row every      Johanna, one of the volunteer
                                                                                                                                                         For gardening advice delivered to
gardener off for life.                                                     few weeks.                           garden helpers at my school’s
                                                                                                                                                         your inbox every Friday, sign up for
    But there are loads of                                                     I guard mine from snails with    Garden to Table programme.
                                                                                                                                                         Get Growing at:
interesting ways to incorporate                                            Quash.                                   At Johanna’s retirement
(and disguise) this vitamin-rich                                               Pop in some spring-flowering     village they have a thick green
vege in your meals and you                                                 bulbs with your lettuces too. I      rug of comfrey under their fruit
should because it’s one of the                                             grew the creamy wee narcisuss        trees.                                   phalaenopsis the other day I was
best bang-for-your-buck veges                                              Thalia with mine last year.              Comfrey has deep roots that          inspired to give them another go.
you can grow – if it makes it                                                                                   soak up lots of nutrients and                My sister, who owns 40
seem more exotic, call it Swiss                                            IT’S RAINING FEIJOAS                 store them in the large hairy            orchids (I know!), many of which
chard like the Brits do.                                                   Since we have six mature feijoa      leaves. I’m going to grow mine           she’s brought back from a state
    One of my kids’ favourite                                              trees on our property, last year I   beneath my fruit trees and               of decline, says the key to orchid
meals is a silverbeet and cottage                                          made a concerted effort to get       eventually apply the chopped- up         health is to keep them out of
cheese canneloni.                                                          excited about feijoas. On this       leaves as a nutrient-rich mulch          direct sunlight (filtered light
    I’ve adapted a recipe from                                             journey, I discovered some           beneath tomatoes or I’ll add it to       through net curtains is ideal)
Alison and Simon Holst’s              spectrum of Rainbow Lights           fabulous recipes, including          the compost.                             and not to leave them sitting in
legendary 90’s cookbook Meals         which has gold, scarlet and          Nadia Lim’s divine feijoa and            You can also brew comfrey            water or move them around too
Without Meat and have replaced        orange stems.                        lime crepes with cinnamon            tea.                                     much.
spinach with silverbeet.                 Sown direct, most varieties       yoghurt and cream.                       Fill a bucket or drum with               She also recommends using a
    Cooked sliced silverbeet is       mature in 55 days or plant               I’m pretty certain that our      water and stuff in as many               good orchid food.
combined with cottage cheese,         punnets.                             feijoas have fallen victim to        comfrey leaves as you can fit.               Gro-Sure’s new houseplant
freshly grated nutmeg and salt                                             guava moth – the telltale            Cover it with a lid (it will stink).     range includes Pump’n Feed
and pepper and stuffed into           LETTUCES LOVE AUTUMN                 pinprick holes of the entry and      Leave for a couple of weeks, then        orchid food to promote longer
canneloni tubes., which are           Lettuces can dry out and become      exit points of the larvae is on      dilute it with water to the colour       flowering and glossy leaves and
topped with a rich tomato sauce,      bitter in summer. Being 95 per       some of them and I spotted a         of weak tea and apply it as a            Orchid Mist’n Feed to improve
cream cheese and cheese (I            cent water, they’re much better      larva inside one.                    foliar feed or to the roots of           humidity.
didn’t say the entire dish was        suited to cooler autumn                  Currently, there’s no solution   plants.                                      To encourage a phalaenopsis
healthy).                             conditions when soil retains         for guava moth other than                                                     to flower again after the flowers
    My kids happily wolf it down      moisture but it’s still warm         netting your trees if they’re        ORCHIDS DON’T HAVE TO BE                 drop off, cut off the flower spike
and ask for seconds and thirds.       enough that they’ll grow quickly.    small enough and practising          AWKWARD                                  just above two nodes from the
    Plant silverbeet in a warm            Three weeks ago I planted two    good orchard hygiene by              I’ve always considered orchids to        base (for other orchid types, cut
spot into well-drained soil. Go for   rows of Baby Gem and Freckles        removing rotten fruit from           be fussy plants, so I haven’t            the spike off at the base where it
the traditional green and white       lettuces. Freckles, an Austrian      beneath trees (larvae often          owned one for some time, but             turns brown).
varieties or grow a silverbeet        heirloom variety, is a loose-leaf    pupate in debris on the ground).     when I was sent a lovely                     Wish me luck!

Backyard banter                                                                                     IN ASSOCIATION WITH NEIGHBOURLY AND ITS PARTNERS

Help to feed Kiwi preschoolers
                                                                                                                                                                              For the past 13
KidsCan has a new programme to help                                                                                                                                           years KidsCan
vulnerable young children, says Julie Chapman,                                                                                                                                has helped to
                                                                                                                                                                              fill tummies so
KidsCan Founder and chief executive.                                                                                                                                          kids can learn.
I can vividly remember                                                                                                                                                        TRUST
watching a kid steal another
child’s lunch when I was at
primary school. At the time, I
was too little to understand. I        Neighbourly is a NZ-owned
thought they were being                social media site creating
naughty. Now, I can see that they      easy ways for neighbours
were just desperately hungry.          to talk and connect. Join
    Back then, New Zealand             us at or
hadn’t realised how many Kiwi          download our new iPhone
kids were living in poverty. Our       and Android apps.
screens were full of images of
starving kids in Africa, with a
plea for a dollar a day to help       now support 742 schools. But no-
nourish them.                         one has been helping our under-
    Now we know that poverty is       5s. At early childhood centres,
in our own backyard. It’s life for    teachers have been reaching into     and sturdy shoes. We want to         matters if children make it to an        full of potential, who just needs a
290,000 kids. Poverty doesn’t look    their own pockets to feed            expand it to many more centres.      early childhood centre. But this         hand up so they have the same
like a skeletal African child. It     children, or spending funding for        It’s made such a difference.     is where their education begins:         opportunities as everyone else.
looks like the child stealing         resources on food. That’s not OK.    Previously, if the food had run      learning to share, make friends,         Your $30 a month will mean they
someone else’s lunch. The child           So now, I’m proud to say we      out at home, parents didn’t send     solve problems, sit and listen.          are fed, warm, and happy – so
surviving on two-minute               have a new programme to help         kids with an empty lunchbox –        Teachers tell us it’s really clear if    they can focus on being a kid.
noodles. The child who doesn’t        vulnerable preschoolers – 950        the shame was too great. So they     kids have missed out – they’re on
tell anyone they haven’t eaten,       kids in 25 Early Childhood           kept them at home. Now, they         the back foot from the day they          KidsCan, Stuff and Neighbourly
because that ache of hunger is        Education (ECE) centres around       attend. They enjoy the same food     start primary school.                    have partnered to raise enough
just always there.                    New Zealand are receiving five       as their mates, and that gives          So I want to ask for your help.       money to feed and clothe 1000
    For the past 13 years at          fresh, healthy meals a week,         them a sense of belonging. There     Could you spare a dollar a day to        more children under the age of
KidsCan we have filled those          fruit and yoghurt for snacks,        is as much as they need.             help a Kiwi preschooler in need?         five. To support a child, sign up at
tummies so kids can learn. We         head lice treatment, a cosy jacket       You might not think it           A child in your own backyard,  
16   RODNEY TIMES, APRIL 9, 2019                                                                                                                                 

A good weekend to
celebrate success
                                     particular that certainly
                                     prevented the visitors from
                                     posting a try.
                                         There was a promising
                                     debut for Chanel Harris-Tavita
                                     too, in the halves, and he
                                     looked pretty good, kicking five
                                     goals and playing steadily
     The 19th Warrior                throughout.
                                         I would be most surprised if

              hat a fantastic        he were not named again this
              weekend of sport       week to face the South Sydney
              for the old Butcher.   Rabbitohs, but I will tell you
              Hardly                 this for nothing, he will find
surprisingly, it kicked off for      that a lot harder than this one,
me on Friday night at Mt Smart       because much as I am pleased
Stadium when my beloved              we won, the Titans are not
Vodafone Warriors faced the          about to set the world on fire
Gold Coast Titans.                   anytime soon.
    Now it is fair to say that           With some points in the bag
after their last two outings,        at last I actually turned my
absolute floggings at the hands      attention to rugby and was
of the Tigers and Manly, the         delighted to see the Crusaders
fans – and I include myself in       thrash the Brumbies 36-14.
this – were not best pleased and         They really are a side that
were not certain what to             just grinds out result after
expect.                              result and they set the standard   Former coach of the Warriors Daniel Anderson, the Mad Butcher (Sir Peter Leitch) and former Warrior Ali Lauitiiti in
    After 80 minutes of footy it     everyone else must struggle to     the Stacey Jones lounge on Saturday night
was a return to the winner’s         reach.
circle, having beaten the Titans         How they do it so              rugby – and vice versa – which          support in the rugby because             charity work down there, and
26-10.                               consistently beats me.             a bloke like me who loves a             I’m in Auckland nowadays, so             I’ll support any side Brodie
    In truth, it was not much of a       Being in such a good mood      special reckons is pretty good,         the Blues are my team, but I             Retallick plays for because he
match. There were a string of        after the Friday fixtures I was    hung on to win 32-29 over the           also have a soft spot for the            has always struck me as a
confusing penalties that meant       in an even better space when       Waratahs, and that is four wins         Hurricanes, being a Newtown              decent sort of a bloke – which
the game lacked a genuine flow,      my Mangere East Hawks              in row.                                 boy of old and because my good           makes me a Chiefs fan too, and
but on the other hand, the win       kicked off their season with a         I can’t even remember when          mates Beauden Barrett and                the same thing applies to Ben
improved our record to played        24-14 win over arch-rivals         that last happened it was so            Ngani Laumpae play there.                Smith and the Highlanders, so I
four, won two, lost two.             Otahuhu.                           long ago. Actually that is a fib,       They had a great win too,                suppose I can’t really lose.
    We did defend very well.             Then the Auckland Blues,       it was 2011, so a long time             beating the Highlanders 31-28.               So a very good weekend for
Our captain Roger Tuivasa            who had teamed up with my          ago.                                       But I love the Crusaders and          me, let’s hope I’m feeling this
Sheck pulled off some                Warriors so that a ticket to the       Truth be known I have a bit         got close to quite a few of the          happy after my Warriors face
magnificent tackles and one in       league also got you into the       of trouble deciding who to              players after doing some                 the Bunnies this weekend.

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