Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens

Page created by Jack Rivera
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens
Spring &

Bloom with
Brookside Gardens!
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens
The Shops
Brookside Gardens
1800 Glenallan Avenue
Wheaton, Maryland 20902

                                                    at Brookside Gardens
Phased Re-opening dependent on state
and local Covid-19 guidelines.
Gardens: Sunrise–Sunset
Conservatories: Check website
Visitor Center: Check website

Master Gardeners —
Plant Clinics at Brookside Gardens
For answers to your gardening questions, visit

The Shops at Brookside Gardens
Visitor Center and Conservatory
Phased Re-opening dependent on state
and local Covid-19 guidelines.
Check website

McCrillis Gardens                                Botanical and nature-inspired gifts                           Check website for hours
6910 Greentree Road, Bethesda, MD 20817          301-962-1448

Friends of Brookside Gardens

                                                 (Small) Events
1800 Glenallan Avenue
Wheaton, Maryland 20902

                                                   at Brookside Gardens
                                                   Forget-me-not Package
                                                   30-minute ceremony
                                                   1 ½ hour reception

Editor: Ellen Bennett       301-962-1402
General Information         301-962-1400
Adult Education             301-962-1470
Children’s Education        301-962-1408
School of Botanical Art     301-962-1470
  & Illustration
Volunteer Office            301-962-1429
Gift Shop                   301-962-1448
                            or 1479
Facility Rental             301-962-1404
McCrillis Gardens           301-962-1455           Contact us to discuss current capacities and information about other special rates/
Media Relations             301-650-2866           packages for small groups: 301-962-1404 |
Sponsorships/donations      301-962-1402
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens
Letter from the Director:                                                                   INSIDE

                                                                                            GARDEN NEWS
                      J    ust two years ago, Brookside Gardens celebrated its 50th
                           anniversary with the theme of community connections,
                       celebrating the years of growing relationships based on a common     Volunteer Update.................................... 4
                       love for plants and gardens. What we’ve learned in the past nine     Gardens & Mental Health.......................5
                       months is that Brookside Gardens also holds an important place
                       in the community as a social connector: facilitating a sense of      Bouncing Back........................................ 6
                       belonging just by being able to see and interact with neighbors on
                                                                                            Thank you, Donors!................................ 8
                       a regular and on-going basis. As a response to COVID-19 and the
closure of our traditional indoor gathering spaces, many county residents turned toward     Special Exhibition................................... 9
the outdoors as a respite from stress and uncertainty. Beautiful landscapes with trees
and grass, walking paths and ponds, flowers and butterflies, provide mental, physical
and emotional relief. The need to seek out green spaces and the need to feel a sense        PROGRAM GUIDE
of belonging in our community come together in places like Brookside Gardens. How
many of the staff do you know by name? Or who know your name? The last time you                  Events
visited, how many people smiled and nodded as they passed (well they did, you just
couldn’t see their smile behind the mask!). How many of you meet at the Gardens with
                                                                                            Montgomery County GreenFest,
a family member, a friend, your play group, a church group or walking buddies? Even         DC Environmental Film Fest, Art
though we need to continue to observe social distancing, getting together at Brookside      Exhibits, Plant Shows, Conservatory
Gardens benefits us all.                                                                    Displays........................................................... 10

Happy Gardening!
                                                                                                 Adult Programs
—Stephanie Oberle, Director
                                                                                            Horticulture Classes...................................11
                                                                                            Garden Tours, Hands-on Workshops,
                                                                                            Speaker Series...............................................13
                                                                                            Health and Wellness...................................14
                                                                                            School of Botanical Art &

                                                                                                 Children & Families
                                                                                            Children’s Programs...................................16

                                                                                            Programs by Date....................................... 18
                                                                                            Registration................................................... 19
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens

              Volunteer Update

              These pasts couple of months have not
              been easy for anyone. We have all learned
              to readjust our daily routines, to be socially
              distant from one another, and to be aware of
              each other’s health. It hasn’t been easy, but one
              thing has remained a constant: the gardens
              continue to provide solace to everyone who
              visits them.

              The atmosphere we have cultivated is largely
              attributed to our dedicated volunteers who
              have invested thousands of hours over the
              last fifty years, but because of the pandemic,      Though we can connect with some of
              that too has been paused. While our signature       our active volunteers in person, we have
              volunteer programs have been postponed,             developed a new volunteer newsletter to
              some of our opportunities for our existing          share garden updates and provide unique
              volunteers have restarted. A new playbook           ethnobotanical stories of some recognizable
              of regulations had to be developed which            plants! While there is no substitute for
              factored in health department guidelines,           connecting with each of you in person, we
              personal protective equipment, social               hope that these communications offer our
              distancing, and thorough cleaning of work           volunteers with a safe alternative to visiting the
              sites. These guidelines helped us vet our           gardens and engaging virtually with staff.
              opportunities to determine to which volunteer
              jobs we could safely have our active volunteers     The people who volunteer here are what make
              return. While these guidelines are strenuous,       the Gardens a special place. We miss you, and
              we appreciate your patience as we work              we are looking forward to seeing you all in the
              through this together.                              Gardens soon!

              Some examples of volunteer opportunities that       Lastly, we continue to appreciate the
              have integrated the new guidelines are:             overwhelming amount of interest from
              n Friends of Brookside Gardens, whose annual       individuals who wish to volunteer with
                 plant sale went completely virtual and           us at the Gardens. Unfortunately, we are
                 offered contactless pickup for orders.           not accepting new volunteers during the
              n Gardener Assistants maintain social distance     pandemic; however, once everything is safe
                 while working outdoors.                          again, we will welcome you to apply to our
              n Cleanup Volunteers utilize tools to pick up      opportunities. Until then, please keep a
                 litter around the gardens.                       look out for updates on our website and
              n Information Desk Volunteers work behind          Facebook group!
                 plexiglass shields while interacting with
                 visitors.                                                           —Albert Arevalo
                                                                                       Volunteer & Community
                                                                                       Engagement Coordinator

4                                                                               Register at
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens
Gardens and Mental Health in a Pandemic

As the COVID crisis drags on, people of all ages are experiencing              surroundings (like the texture of a tree’s bark or the sound of the wind
increased anxiety, depression and other mental health symptoms –               rustling dried leaves) and in our own minds and bodies (like a harmful
and many of them are finding relief in time spent outdoors. Brookside          thought pattern we may need to interrogate or a shoulder ache that tells
Gardens’ visitor count has increased 56 percent, which suggests for our        us we’ve been tensing our muscles). The simple process of becoming
community what research has shown time and again: that exposure to             aware can inspire joy at the beauty of the world around us, even in
the natural world provides enormous psychological benefits. Medical            times of suffering, and offer us new self-perspective in terms of the
institutions, academic scholars, and scientists have all found that time       way we think and engage with that world. In a season when many of us
spent in nature improves mental well-being by elevating mood and               are experiencing pain and struggling to cope, its value is incalculable.
decreasing feelings of anxiety, fear, and sadness. It is no coincidence that   Knowing this, Brookside Gardens continues to welcome you this
mindfulness, which we practice naturally when we spend time enjoying           winter, inviting you to care for your mental health by finding presence,
the outdoors, is linked with the same outcomes. Mindfulness essentially        attunement, joy, and perspective in the natural world as we take on this
means tuning into the present moment. Because we experience nature             pandemic one day at a time.
with each of our senses, we are uniquely focused on the here-and-
now in its presence. In this state we become aware of and are able to                                               —Jessica Laigle
appreciate and examine what we might not otherwise notice, both in our                                                Advancement Programs Assistant                                                                                                                                      5
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens

              Bouncing back, then Springing Forward

              To say 2020 was a challenge is an                 broadened our understanding of the potential
              understatement. But the hallmark of a resilient   for reaching a larger audience through online
              organization is not just being able to bounce     learning. For those staying safely at home, we
              back, but spring forward with renewed             increased our presence on Facebook, filming
              energy and expanded knowledge of future           virtual tours of the gardens with staff to give
              possibilities.                                    visitors at home a glimpse of the gardens and
                                                                publishing a ‘plant of the week’ with in-depth
              The outdoor Gardens have been open                information and great images.
              continuously to the public since March 16,
              when Montgomery Parks closed public               We also ventured into online plant sales and
              facilities and offices as a result of the Covid   gift shop sales. With GreenFest cancelled in
              crisis. Approximately 40 percent of our staff     April, greenhouse growers and gift shops staff
              were able to telework, but the horticulture       were left with a big crop of beautiful plants,
              staff continued to report to work on a daily      ready to go to new homes. Using the current
              basis, using flex and staggered schedules to      point-of-sale system, gift shop manager
              maintain physical distance. County residents      Kathy Caisse organized two online sales with
              were searching for someplace to go, and they      contactless, curbside pick-up. The Friends of
              found what they were looking for at Brookside     Brookside Gardens also adopted that method
              Gardens. In fact, so many visitors came to        for their annual fall plant sale in September. It’s
              Brookside Gardens, that compared to the same      a lot of work to organize behind the scenes,
              time last year, overall visitation increased by   but for our customers it was a safe and quick
              56 percent. And, they wanted to socialize!        way to shop. In November, our gift shop
              Horticulture staff reported that the amount of    also participated in Strathmore Hall’s annual
              time spent interacting with visitors soared, as   museum holiday sale, which was online. The
              they answered questions about the gardens,        sale went great, but we learned that packing
              plants in bloom, and more.                        and shipping merchandise is time-consuming
                                                                and costly!
              Closure of the Visitor Center and Conservatory
              meant cancelling or postponing many               When the state’s stay-at-home order was
              scheduled programs. After getting in touch        enacted in the spring, many of our wedding
              with numerous registrants and processing          rental clients found themselves in the heart-
              hundreds of refunds, staff turned to adapting     breaking position of having to cancel or
              programs to online formats. Working with the      postpone their plans. Some chose to downsize
              Parks’ IT division, adult education program       their events, others chose to postpone them to
              manager Jason Gedeik learned to use               the fall. In response to the regulations limiting
              Microsoft Teams for both synchronous and          the size of indoor and outdoor gatherings,
              asynchronous online programs, some with           rental program manager Jennifer Bland
              chats, some recorded for future viewing.          developed new wedding packages, with
              When summer camps closed, children’s              smaller capacity and proportionately reduced
              education program manager Lynn Richard            fees. To date, 51 couples have gotten married
              repackaged curriculum content and supplies        at Brookside Gardens in 2020. It’s an honor to
              to offer families summer camp kits to use         be a part of so many happy memories in this
              at home. And we worked with Montgomery            unusual year.
              County Public Schools to offer a week-long
              summer enrichment science program for             The continued closure of the Conservatory
              elementary school students. The abrupt need       meant the plants for the annual
              to use technology has enriched our skills and     Chrysanthemum exhibit were repurposed as an

6                                                                             Register at
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens
outdoor display on the Overlook by the Visitor                           I like the fact that           before the pandemic, and it turned out to be a
Center. Conservatory manager Kathy Stevens,                              that the supervisors           moving example of the ability of horticulture
with staff Cheryl Beagle and Lisa Sutherby,                              and other coworkers            to surprise and uplift our spirits.
massed colorful chrysanthemums, salvias,                                 communicate to us                      —Kathy Stevens, Conservatory Manager
marigolds and ornamental grasses into a                                  about the different
stunning display, complete with selfie-stations                          changes during this                                    Events are always
that became quite the popular destination with                           time. Being able to                                    ever changing. To
our visitors.                                       telework and work from home also helps.                                     make events more
                                                            —Tate Green, Park Maintenance Leader                                COVID friendly we
As we move forward, we will continue to adapt                                                                                   have enhanced
our practices to new technologies and be                                    Like many other                                     cleaning measures
open to new ideas. What we learned in 2020 is                               public institutions,                                of all equipment and
that people are hungry for more: more plants,                               the pandemic has            buildings and have limited capacity sizes. We
more flowers, more opportunities for learning,                              greatly altered the         also came up with unique ways to “set the
more experiences based in the Garden. Isn’t                                 way we work in the          scene,” as in finding new layouts for tables and
that an exciting position to be in? Our job is to                           gardens. Temporarily        chairs to make sure physical distancing is met.
make it happen.                                                             closing garden spaces,      Wedding couples are also getting creative-
                   —Stephanie Oberle, Director      staggering staff hours, improving signage, and      using boxed meals instead of buffets to cut
                                                    cancelling large group projects has helped          down on possible exposure and limit people
                                                    increase both staff and guest safety. It’s          on site who don’t have to be there. They are
How have Brookside Gardens staff                    been particularly important to balance new          also giving cute favors, such as personalized
members adjusted to the Covid crisis?               methods for social distancing while still being     masks and mini hand sanitizers. People are still
                                                    approachable to our guests, especially with the     wanting to start their Happy Ever After, and we
                       During the COVID crisis      peaked interest in home gardening.                  at Brookside are honored to help them achieve
                       I have adapted my work                         —Kelley Heim, Horticulturist 1    that dream — even if it is a little different than
                       routine by wearing a                                                             what they originally envisioned.
                       mask all the time and                                  The conservatory                         —Jennifer Bland, Rentals Manager
                       keeping a safe distance                                unit did a great deal
                       from my co-workers.                                    of creative problem                               The Volunteer Office
                       I also make sure that                                  solving and branching                             has adjusted to the
I am sanitizing anything that I have used and                                 out beyond the walls                              climate by connecting
washing my hands for safety.                                                  of the greenhouses this                           with all of our
              —Servando Lopez, Lead Custodian                                 year. With hope for the                           volunteers on a more
                                                    future that all gardeners have, the production                              regular basis. We have
                        This summer the gift        growers started and cared for the autumn                                    piloted a new newsletter
                        shop at Brookside           chrysanthemum display crops all spring and          that provides garden updates and ethnobotany
                        Gardens received a          summer long. When it became evident that the        stories about plants in the Gardens.
                        facelift. Our layout was    conservatories would not re-open to visitors, I             —Albert Arevalo, Volunteer &
                        redesigned to have a        scouted the gardens for alternate sites for the               Community Engagement Coordinator
                        single direction traffic    display. The Aquatic Overlook at the Visitor
                        flow while promoting        Center turned out to be the best possible
social distancing. At the register we only          location, as it is big enough to hold all the
accept credit cards and installed plexiglass        plants grown for both conservatories and it is a
conversation screens in order to limit              sunny, flat, highly visible location. The display
contact. In-store shopping is limited to two        drew visitors to it as the bees and pollinators
visitor groups at a time. This provides a more      were drawn to the many marigold, salvia and
individual shopping experience.                     chrysanthemum flowers. It was a change made
             —Kathy Caisse, Gift Shops Manager      necessary to salvage the plans made long                                                                                                                                    7
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens

Thank You Donors!
The Montgomery Parks Foundation and the Friends of Brookside Gardens would like to thank        TRIBUTE GIFTS                   Elizabeth Dize
all the generous donors to Brookside Gardens from June 1, 2020 to December 15, 2020. Your                                       Eileen Doran-Smith
gifts have been invaluable in providing resources, programming and additional support to the    In Memory of Tricia Crilley     Elaine Dorsey
Gardens. To learn more about making a donation to support Brookside Gardens, please visit           Wigmore                     Michael Dorsey or                      Canyon Kids                     Debbie Dosh
                                                                                                Standard Graphics               Therese Draddy
                                                                                                Susan & Bruce Abbott            Paul Eaton
GENERAL DONATIONS                 Roger & Ruth Lammert-             C. Simon & D. Wolters       Julia Aikman Cifuentes          Anne Collins Findley
American Public Gardens               Reeves                        Marcia Sloger               Kelsey Anderson                 Hayden Fulmer
    Association                   Robert & Frances Lawrence         Kathleen Smith              Tim Atkinson                    Kathy Fulmer
Ray & Jill Roark Angelo               Foundation                    Joe Ann Stenstrom           Mary Bailey                     Nanci Funfgeld
Pauline Apling                    Kai Lei                           Charles & Judith Sturtz     Joanne Baker                    Megan Gaiser
Alexander Atzert                  Ethel Levine                      Steven Tretter              Brian Baker                     John Gallagher
Brenda Baker                      Mary Levy                         Anne Turkos                 Liz Baldini                     Maureen Gannon
Josephine Bennett                 Bette Lewis                       Neil Urwitz                 Bridget Bauman                  Ted Geier
Karen Berry                       Wayne Little                      Barbara Waite-Jaques        Ellen Benzine                   Francesca Gerrard
Robert Bertera                    Kira K. Lueders                   Mary Jane Weber             Sarah Bernier                   Brendan Gilday
Bethesda Community                Sherry Marshall                   Robert Weinstock            Margaret Bilodeau               Elizabeth Gilmore
    Garden Club                   Stefanie Mathew                   Annelie Wilde & K.S.        Nancy Borger                    Patrick Gittings
Heather Bierer                    Sharon McCombe                        Narayanan               Anne Boyden                     Regina Gratton
Mark Bortz                        Susan McDermott                   Bertram C. Willis           Catherine Browning              Rosaleen Gray
Miriam Cameron                    Irene McDonald                    John Withers                Chantal Buchanan                Michael Greaney
Suzanne Carbone                   Alison Mchugh                     Julie Wright                Chrissy Burke                   Eileen Griffiths
Carol Chaney                      Flynn McLean                      Ellen Young                 John Byer                       Tommy & Roseanna Haley
Gerald Cichy                      Daniel McNamara                   Rose Mary Zagami            Holley & Ted Calvo              Mary Hartley
Donald J. & Anita P. Cowan        Timothy McNellis                  Michele Zemsky              Kevin Carey                     JoAnne Haskett
Patricia Crane                    Philip Melzer                                                 Thomas D. Casey                 Colleen Hatcher
Jacqui Crocetta                   Douglass R. Miller                HARRY T. DEWEY              Andy & Sue Cassidy              Jim Heneghan
Danelia O. Dashiell               Lea Ann Moricle                     MEMORIAL GARDEN           Mara Cassidy                    Christopher Higgins
Phoebe deReynier                  Cynthia Mumford                   Tom Comstock                Piya Chandramani                Cyndi Hoppler
Janice Derr                       Natalie Murray                                                Brendan Collins                 Eileen Ugast Hudson
Cynthia Donaldson                 Bob and Sally Newcomb             IN-KIND GIFTS               Carin Collins                   Connor Hughes
Louise Dumars                     Phil Normandy                     American Camellia Society   Susan & J.J. Coneys             Ursula Iannone
Elaine Dynes                      Elizabeth Nuss                                                Kevin & Sheila Conley           Nathan Incognito
Lawrence Eldridge                 Joseph OConnell                   PROGRAM SUPPORT             Dennis Conley                   Ann & Andy Irwin
Carol Farrar                      James Osteen                                                  Clare Conley                    Jeffrey Jobe
Lila Fendrick Landscape           Louis Paley                       Children’s Day              Anne & Tim Connolly             Amanda Johnson
    Architecture                  Terry Panarese                    Friends of Brookside        Bruce Cotting                   Karen Kallmyer
Martha G. Franklin                Steven Parker                        Gardens                  Jeanne Cowhey                   Alexandra Kane
Charles Goldman                   Thelma Pearson                                                Margaret Crilley                Thomas Kane
Aileen Goldman                    Helen & Robert Pechacek           Lecture Series              Michael Crilley                 Kevin W Keating
Sandra Graham                     Rita Posner                       Friends of Brookside        Patrick Crilley                 Mary Sheila Keegan
Marea Grant                       Martin Postman                       Gardens                  Jim Crilley                     John Kehoe
Sandra Greer                      Nithya Raghavan & Peter                                       Mary Crilley                    The Kelley-Portillo/Howard
Marsha Guenzler-Stevens               Fitzgerald                    Garden of Lights            Ed Crilley                          Family
Roma Gumbs                        Katherine Reichelt                Silver Spring Garden Club   Mary Ellen Crilley              Joli & Paul Kemp
John Gunn                         Jeffrey Reiter                                                Ellen Crilley                   Carey Kilcoyne-Keany
Nancy Hall                        Lisa Richter                      GreenScapes Symposium       Kathleen Crilley                Zach Klein
Richard & Freddi                  Richard Robbins                   Friends of Brookside        Anne Cristaldi                  Sheila Kling
    Hammerschlag                  Carol Romanowski                      Gardens                 Chris Cullen                    Jim Koczela
Donald Hill                       Margaret Ross                     Silver Spring Garden Club   Patty Daniels                   Arthur Lafionatis
Guy House                         Arthur Roth                       Takoma Horticultural Club   Varsha Datta                    Anthony Launi
Michael & Jennifer Janezic        Jan Rothman                       David and Lynn Vismara      Ann Davis                       Eileen Leboff
Una Jarboi                        Susan Schappert                                               Craley Davis                    Katie Lewis
Naayanan Kesh                     Tanya Schmieler                   Seasonal Garden Staff       Timothy Dec                     Joseph Lively
George Kroner                     Roger & Barbara Schwarz           Friends of Brookside        Peter Del Bianco                Mimi López
Mary Lalley                       Tania Scinto                         Gardens                  Kathryn DeLoose                 Michael Lozupone
Eileen Lamb                       Lenore Shapiro                                                Dennis Dempsey                  Paige Maberry
                                  Gloria Sherman                                                Gil DiGioia                     Ana Matan
                                                                                                                                     continued on page 9

8                                                                                                                        Register at
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens
Special Exhibition:
Middle Eastern American Artists in the Garden and Beyond
March 29 – April 25
Brookside Gardens is pleased to partner with the Middle Eastern American (MEA) Advisory Group
of the Office of Community Partnerships to co-sponsor the exhibition Middle Eastern American
Artists in the Garden and Beyond. Bridging MEA and other ethnic cultures in Montgomery County,
the exhibit will feature natural scenes, earthen colors, commemorate Earth Day and other related
themes. A virtual preview of the Exhibit Gallery will be available beginning Monday, March 1.
Viewers will meet six local artists and hear the stories behind the works they have chosen to exhibit.
A reception is planned for Sunday, April 11 to celebrate Earth Day and the unifying themes of art
and the natural environment, with opportunities to meet the artists and view their work in person.
Visit for more information. See page 10 for listing under
Art Exhibits.

                                                                                                            Sughra Hussainy

Thank You Donors!, continued from page 8
Maria Matan                     Tyler Phelps                    Timmy & Ashley Veith              Corporation                  In Memory of Robert L.
Michael Mateljan                Susan Phillips Fitzpatrick      Patrick Waring                  Joyce S. Fischer                  Ingram
Stephanie May                   Theresa Potts                   Sarah White                     Royce Sherlock                 Lynda Eckard
Paul Mayhew                     Kathy Preston                   Katherine Wiggins
Colleen McCreanor               Theresa Quine                   Gerald Wigmore                  In Memory of Jerry Seigel      In Memory of Can
Tom McGloon                     Will Railey                     Kenny Wigmore                   Susan Canada                      Kerametli
Pat McGloon                     Sarah Rasmussen                 Sarah Wigmore                                                  Bikem Ozturk
Beth & Bill McGloon             Michael Reap                    Robert Wigmore                  COMMEMORATIVE BRICKS
Benjamin McGrath                Mary Lynn Reed                  Robert Wilker                                                  In Memory of Poppy Dylan
Debbie McKinney                 Sam & Eamonn Reilly             Jill Wilker                     In Honor of Mary and              Nakka
Zoe McLean                      Sara Reilly                     Ellen Witts                        Robert Aceituno             Samantha Samuel-Nakka
Allen Meringolo                 Erin Reilly                     Helen & Gary Wolfe              Anonymous
Joseph Meringolo                Thomas Roginski                 Eileen Zimmerman                                               In Memory of Jeanne E.
Susan Mikschl                   Nancy Ryan O’Connor             Mouzetta Zumwalt                In Memory of Patricia S.          Reilly
Carlos Molina                   Charlotte Savarino                                                 Allen                       Andrea Reilly
Jane Moloney                    Dennis Scarff                   In Memory of Gretchen           Myra Devese
Christy Mooney                  Caroline Shook                     Hays                         Angela Martin                  In Memory of Daniel
Lynn Muldoon                    Chuck & Sue Simpson             Nicholas Hays                                                     Schneider
Delaney Muldoon                 Theresa Spencer                                                 In Honor of Nick Clements      Veronica Ramaty
Michael Murphy                  Jan Stewart                     In Memory of Barbara Marx       Megan DiNicola
John Murray                     Dennis Sullivan                 Michael Marx                                                   In Memory of Charlotte
Peggy & Roberto Nash Iraola     Kathleen Sullivan                                               In Memory of Lucille K.           Luisa Webb
Lucy Neher                      Tao Tao                         In Memory of Edith &               Foster                      Charwyn & Ileana Webb
Patrick O’Connor                Juliana Taymans                    Samuel Meyers                Lynne, Jill, & Lauren Foster   Prospanica DC
Patrick O’Boyle                 Corrie, Raymond & Alice         Howard & Pamela Gorin
Maureen O’Boyle                     Thompson                                                    In Memory of Dana Renée        TRIBUTE BENCHES
John OConnor                    Robin & Steve Toomey            In Memory of Aaslaug               Goodin
Margaret Odonnell               Aimee Trott                        “Aleen” Phillips             Mary Goodin                    In Memory of Margie Bovier
Mary Oleary                     Ellen & David Ulf               Katherine Rompf                                                Anonymous
Billy OReilly                   Dana Vagnoni                                                    In Memory of Marilyn Ruth
Patricia Oreilly                BJ Valencia                     In Memory/Honor of Julia           Hinman
Katharine Page                  Barbara Vance                      Schecker                     Kathleen Hinman
Melissa Pflieger                Tim & Teresa Veith              Federal Deposit Insurance                                                                                                                                    9
Bloom with Brookside Gardens! - Spring & Summer 2021 - Friends of Brookside Gardens

In accordance with safety protocols,               Art Exhibits                                  Plant Society Shows & Sales
registration limits are in place for on-site
                                                   Students of Glenallan Elementary School       Washington Gardener Magazine
classes for safe physical distancing. CDC
                                                   Maryland Ecosystems                           Seed Exchange
approved face coverings will be required for
                                                   Virtual Exhibit:                              Saturday | April 3 | 12:30 – 4:00 pm
all indoor and outdoor program participants.
Many classes are available online, as noted
                                                   January 15 – March 1                          Silver Spring Garden Club
in the listing. After registering, a link will
                                                                                                 Garden Mart
be emailed to you 24 hours prior to the
                                                   Howard Clark | Photography                    Saturday | May 8 | 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
live webinar. Please ensure your Active
                                                   Fischer, Greigg & Shand | Watercolors
Montgomery account is updated with your
                                                   Rebecca Jackson | Oils                        National Capital Daylily Society
correct email address.
                                                   March 1 – March 28                            Exhibit and Sale
All events are subject to change due to
                                                                                                 Sunday | June 27
external factors.
                                                   Middle Eastern American Artists in the        Show: 1:30 – 5:00 pm
                                                   Garden and Beyond                             Sale: 11:00 am – until supplies run out
Celebrate Earth Day with Montgomery                Presented by The Middle Eastern American
County GreenFest                                   Advisory Group of the Office of Community     National Cactus & Succulent Society
Sponsored by Friends of Brookside Gardens          Partnerships and Brookside Gardens            Show and Sale
Saturday | April 24 | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm           March 29 – April 25                           Saturday | August 7 | 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Brookside Gardens is proud to combine
its annual Earth Day with GreenFest: one
                                                   Artists of the Atellier | Oil Paintings       Spring & Summer
                                                   April 26 – May 23
of the premiere environmental festivals                                                          Conservatory Displays
in Montgomery County, Maryland. Join               Nina Muys | Monoprint, Collagraphs, Pastels
                                                                                                 Spring & Summer Conservatory Displays
Brookside Gardens to celebrate our planet                                                        Conservatory opening will follow Montgomery
                                                   The Pate’ Painters, Too | Mixed Media,
and learn ways to keep it healthy. This year,                                                    County and State Covid guidelines. We look
                                                   Watercolor, Acrylic
GreenFest will be held as a series of free                                                       forward to welcoming visitors back to the
                                                   May 24 – June 27
online events and is a chance for residents,                                                     Conservatory when it is safe to do so.
businesses, nonprofits and neighbors, to                                                         Please visit for updates
                                                   Botanica 2021: The Art & Science of
come together, share ideas and get involved.                                                     on opening.
                                                   Plants | Botanical Drawings & Paintings
GreenFest will showcase a series of free           Presented by Brookside Gardens’ School
lectures by industry experts, an online non-       of Botanical Art and Illustration and the
profit resource exchange and initiatives to        Botanical Art Society of the National
reduce your carbon footprint. We’ll also           Capital Region
feature children’s garden exploration activities   June 28 – July 25
and games that can be safely enjoyed at home.
                                                   Glenn Kessler | Oils
DC Environmental Film Festival                     Lesley Riley | Monoprints
Brookside Gardens and the Montgomery               Lou Ann Collins| Oil On Canvas
County GreenFest partners are proud to             July 26 – August 22
join the DC Environmental Film Festival
to present a series of free documentary
screenings in April. These environmentally
themed films are offered as part of Earth
Day educational activities and lead up to
GreenFest, which is Montgomery County’s
largest environmental festival. Film selections
will be announced by March, and registrants
                                                                                                                                                 GLORIA TSENG FISCHER

will receive links to the films. Virtual panel
discussions will follow each film. For
more information about the documentary
screenings and GreenFest, please visit https://

10                                                                                                            Register at

                                                                                                      surrounding them. RainScape projects can
Look for special FOBG program pricing on many adult classes for members of                            include rain gardens, conservation landscapes,
the Friends of Brookside Gardens, a nonprofit organization established to support the                 green roofs, and permeable pavements.
mission of the Gardens. For information about joining the Friends of Brookside Gardens, visit or call 301-962-1400 to request a brochure.                         The Montgomery County Department of
                                                                                                      Environmental Protection offers a rebate
                                                                                                      program for approved RainScape projects for
Look for the following symbols highlighting specific tracks designed to offer more in-depth
                                                                                                      homeowners. This series will teach you how
educational opportunities:
                                                                                                      to make your yard more sustainable so that
                                                                                                      you can help improve the water quality of the
n Sustainable Horticulture – a focus on making our homes and gardens “greener.”
                                                                                                      County waterways. To be eligible for rebate,
n Gardener’s Focus – for experienced gardeners who want to increase their knowledge through
                                                                                                      participants must apply and be approved for
   advanced cultivation and management techniques.
                                                                                                      installation based on a submitted plan before
n Landscape Design – for those wishing to develop skills to compose beautiful and functional
                                                                                                      projects are installed. These three sessions will
   garden spaces through the artful juxtaposition of plants and hardscape elements.
                                                                                                      lead you through the site assessment process,
                                                                                                      selection of appropriate projects for your
                                                                                                      property, and the physical and planting designs
Horticulture Classes                               and cohesiveness, in addition to formal
                                                                                                      needed for planted projects. You will learn
                                                   and informal landscapes. The class will use
Registration required                                                                                 about the region’s native plants and how they
                                                   Brookside Gardens as a living field lab and
Note: All horticulture classes will be                                                                can be used in designs to help slow the flow of
                                                   review sustainable gardening practices with an
held online. After registering, a link will                                                           stormwater and improve your environment at
                                                   eye towards native plants.
be emailed to you 24 hours prior to the                                                               home.
                                                   Saturday | March 27 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
live webinar. Please ensure your Active
                                                   $12 | FOBG $10 | #107030
Montgomery account is updated with your                                                               n Session I: Rethinking your Yard:
correct email address.                                                                                   What type of RainScape makes sense
                                                   n How to Get Your Orchid to Rebloom
                                                   Saturday | April 3 | 10:00 – 11:30 am                 for you?
n Landscape Design I & II                                                                            Saturday | March 6 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
                                                   $12 | FOBG $10 | #107031
Whether you’re looking to upgrade your                                                                $12 | FOBG $10 | # 107033
                                                   Jason Gedeik, Brookside Gardens Staff
existing garden or develop an entirely                                                                Montgomery County Department of
                                                   Have you been given an orchid and don’t know
new area, you’ll learn the fundamentals                                                               Environmental Protection
                                                   what to do with it? Proud that you haven’t
of landscape design to create functional,                                                             The first step to planning a RainScape project
                                                   killed it yet, but it hasn’t rebloomed in years?
enjoyable, and beautiful outdoor spaces.                                                              is to evaluate your site and determine what
                                                   This interactive workshop covers the specific
Jason Gedeik & Kelley Heim, Brookside                                                                 project(s) are both possible and desirable. Do
                                                   “tricks” of getting your orchid to rebloom,
Gardens Staff                                                                                         you want to plant a new landscape, replace
                                                   including the proper light, water, temperature,
                                                   fertilizer, and potting media. Basics of pests &   your driveway or harvest water? You’ll learn
Session I: This class will focus on practical                                                         all about the different types of RainScape
                                                   diseases will also be covered.
steps to approach the design process,                                                                 projects and the benefits they can provide
including site analysis, creating a concept                                                           for your home and the environment. This
design, and determining the functional goals                                                          session will also outline the type of incentives
for your space. Learn the importance of                                                               Montgomery County offers for RainScapes
designing with the right plant for the right                                                          projects. This class is a recommended
place while leveraging layering, texture, and                                                         prerequisite to Sessions II and III.
color as important design tools.
Saturday | March 13 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm                                                             n Session II: Planning the Parameters of
$12 | FOBG $10 | #107029                                                                                 Your RainScapes Project
                                                                                                      Saturday | April 17 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Session II: Learn how to put theory from the       n RainScape Your Yard: Sessions I, II, III        $12 | FOBG $10 | # 107034
first session into practical application with      A RainScape is a landscape or design technique     Recommended prerequisite: Session I
plant combinations and lists that address          that helps reduce stormwater runoff from           Montgomery County Department of
site-specific challenges like sun vs. shade and    individual properties. These watershed-friendly    Environmental Protection
dry vs. wet conditions. We’ll review planting      sites help reduce rainfall runoff and pollutants   This session will focus on the steps needed
designs that exemplify balance, repetition,        from entering our streams and the habitats         to develop and submit a plan for your project                                                                                                                                  11

to the RainScapes Rewards rebate program,              n Designing with Native Plants                   mowing, fertilizing, weeding, watering, re-
starting with siting and sizing your planted           Saturday | May 8 | 10:00 – 11:30 am               seeding, edging, and aerating not only eat
project. Learn how to look for places to soak          $12 | FOBG $10 | #107038                          up your resources but can be harsh on the
up water on your site, what projects fit where,        James Dillon, horticulturalist and owner of       environment. Lawns do not absorb water
and how big they need to be to manage the              Native Havens                                     run-off as well as planting beds, and many
water volume affecting your yard. Common               Interested in learning how to incorporate         chemicals used for lawn maintenance are toxic
challenges experienced with RainScape                  native plants into your garden designs? Curious   to the nearby streambeds and the Chesapeake
projects will be outlined, including existing          about the range of benefits your garden can       Bay. Find out more about beautiful, hard-
trees, property boundaries and foundation              provide to pollinators and wildlife? Join James   working ground covers and the best kinds to
issues.                                                as he offers practical strategies to create       use for the mid-Atlantic region.
                                                       functioning ecosystems in your backyard by
n Session III: Plants & Landscape Design              distilling the wisdom of industry leaders like    n Testing the Limits: Adventures in
     for RainScape Gardens                             Doug Tallamy and Piet Oudulf. Learn how              Zone-Pushing
Saturday | May 22 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm                to create a resilient garden with a layered       Saturday | June 5 | 10:00 – 11:30 am
$12 | FOBG $10 | #107036                               approach using plants selected for practical      $12 | FOBG $10 | #107032
Recommended prerequisites: Session I & II              and aesthetic traits. James will organize         John Boggan, Smithsonian Botanist and author
Montgomery County Department of                        nearly 100 plants into functional categories      of the DC Tropics blog
Environmental Protection                               helping you understand how to most                You don’t have to live in the tropics to garden
This session is for participants who have              effectively use native plants in your garden.     with bold, exotic, and unusual plants. Many of
decided the type of planted RainScape project          Comprehensive plant lists provided.               the garden plants you might expect to see in
they want to install and are seeking help with                                                           southern zones love our long, hot, and humid
plant selection and design. You’ll learn the           n Growing & Designing with Tropical             mid-Atlantic summers, and some of them are
fundamentals of landscape design with native              Plants to Energize Your Garden                 hardier than you think! This workshop will help
plants to create beautiful and effective outdoor       Saturday | May 15 | 10:00 – 11:30 am              you liven up your garden by incorporating new
spaces that support the environment while              $12 | FOBG $10 | #107039                          and rare plants in addition to staples like palms,
addressing stormwater runoff.                          Marianne Wilburn, garden columnist and            bananas and elephant ears that are reliably
                                                       author of Tropical Plants and How to Love         hardy for our region.
Small Trees (and Large Shrubs) for Urban               Them
and Small Gardens                                      If you’re searching for plants that will add      n Common Garden Pests & Diseases
Saturday | April 10 | 10:00 – 11:30 am                 exciting accents to a hot and tired summer        Saturday | June 19 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
$12 | FOBG $10 | #107037                               garden, last right up through the first hard      $12 | FOBG $10 | #107041
Kathy Jentz, Editor, Washington Gardener               freeze, and make you look like a horticultural    Carol Allen, Faculty Member, Plant Sciences
Magazine                                               rock star, look no further than tropicals.        Department, University of Maryland
Join Kathy as she explores the diverse range of        Using five memorable categories and a host        Pests and diseases can be a significant concern
small trees and large shrubs that perform well         of landscape design tips, Marianne will focus     for the home gardener who has worked hard
and look great in small urban and suburban             on some spectacular examples that are easy        at creating a beautiful landscape. Join Carol
lots. Tailored to the D.C. region and what             to grow and much easier than you think to         Allen as she examines common garden pest,
grows best here, the choices will cover natives,       overwinter.                                       disease and environmental issues. Learn
edibles, and ornamentals — from full sun to                                                              how to recognize the symptoms of plant
full shade conditions. These small trees and           n Ground Covers: Great Alternatives to          disease, the conditions that cause it, and when
large shrubs were chosen for their beauty,                Turf Grass                                     and how to apply remediation measures,
hardiness in the mid-Atlantic region, and              Saturday | May 29 | 10:00 – 11:30 am              including proper gardening practices, resistant
eventual size. This class will provide you with        $12 | FOBG $10 | #107040                          cultivars in addition to chemical and organic
a great selection of plants that can be used           Kathy Jentz, Editor, Washington Gardener          methods. Understand how to distinguish
as interesting focal points in your garden.            Magazine                                          between harmful and beneficial insects while
Whether you have a postage-stamp sized                 Ground covers are low-growing plants              exploring pest life cycles, plus applications of
rowhouse lot or a yard with a bit of room for          that serve many different purposes in the         natural, biological and chemical controls as
new plants, these specimens will make a great          landscape, from limiting weed growth to           elements of an integrated pest management
addition to your garden. For every situation,          stabilizing slopes to adding texture to your      program.
there is a tree or shrub that is a perfect fit. Even   garden. Maintaining a lawn of turf grass
if you only have a few pots to plant in, a tree or     is one of the most expensive and time-
shrub can add value to your garden.                    consuming uses for your land. Constant

12                                                                                                                     Register at
Garden Tours                                        100 different types of roses with our resident    Speaker Series
                                                    rosarian, Roger Haynes, as he leads this
Registration required for all tours. Participants                                                     Sponsored by Friends of Brookside Gardens
                                                    popular tour. Thinking about adding roses to
are required to wear CDC approved face                                                                Programs free, but registration required
                                                    your own garden? Roger will offer advice on
coverings during all workshops.                                                                       Each year Brookside Gardens welcomes
                                                    the best types that grow well in a variety of
                                                                                                      nationally and internationally known
                                                    garden settings including proper planting
Behind-the-Scenes Greenhouse Tour                                                                     horticulturists, designers, botanists, and
                                                    and care.
Wednesday | April 28 | 10:00 – 11:15 am                                                               authors to explore a wide range of topics. Note
$10 | FOBG $8 | #107025                                                                               that all lectures will be offered as live online
or                                                  Hands-on Workshops                                webinars with audience Q&A throughout the
Saturday | May 1 | 2:00 – 3:15 pm                   Registration required. Participants are           presentations.
$10 | FOBG $8 | #107026                             required to wear CDC approved face
Address and parking logistics will be sent          coverings during all workshops.                   America’s Diverse Garden Climates…
after registration.                                                                                   from Seattle to St. Augustine and Mt.
Nate Roehrich, Greenhouse Manager                   Introduction to Plant Propagation:                Desert Island to the Mojave Desert
This offering provides the public with a            Houseplants & Summer Annuals                      Saturday | March 20 | 10:00 – 11:30 am
behind-the-scenes tour of Brookside Gardens’        Saturday | May 1 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm            FREE | #107022
greenhouse facility. Opened in 2018, the            $35 | FOBG $31 | #107042                          Karl Gercens, Conservatory Manager,
greenhouse consists of four growing areas           Brookside Gardens Production Greenhouse           Longwood Gardens
totaling 10,000 square feet under glass. Learn      Greenhouse address will be emailed 24             Crisscrossing our continent like the
about the state-of-the-art technology and           hours prior to the workshop.                      multicolored fabric of the population that we
how it enables the greenhouse staff to grow a       Nate Roehrich, Greenhouse Manager                 are, Karl Gercens has explored the gardens of
variety of beautiful plants year-round. Explore     Learn the various forms of plant propagation      familiar eastern climes all the way to the dry
the thousands of plants being grown for the         in our new state-of-the-art greenhouse            landscapes of the far-West with a little bit of
garden displays including the summer annuals.       facilities. You’ll discover how to produce your   everything in between! We won’t be able to
                                                    own plants inexpensively and easily from          touch on all 50 States as Karl has, but an eye-
Azalea & Rhododendron Tour                          start to finish with this hands-on workshop.      popping sampling of the extremes will help
Tuesday | May 4 | 10:00 – 11:30 am                  We’ll review the best techniques and plants to    us understand what challenges our neighbors
$10 | FOBG $8 | #107027                             propagate from cuttings to get a head start on    overcome as well as give us inspiration for
Or                                                  your summer gardening. The class will focus       our local landscapes. Color, texture, contrast
Tuesday | May 4 | 1:00 – 2:30 pm                    on propagating a variety of houseplants and       and whimsy are design elements that connect
$10 | FOBG $8 | #107028                             summer annuals. Participants will take a few      us together like the gardening passion we all
Meet outside the Visitor Center Entrance            potted cuttings from the greenhouse to grow       share. You’ll see plants with purpose, design
Brookside Gardens Staff                             at home.                                          that deals with challenges and art that amazes
Join us for a walking tour of Brookside                                                               in this visual feast of a presentation.
Gardens’ late spring blooming shrubs and
deciduous plants. Explore our colorful
collection of azaleas and rhododendrons while
learning how to incorporate them into your
own home garden.

Rose Garden Tour
Thursday | June 3 | 10:00 – 11:00 am
$10 | FOBG $8 |#107800
Thursday | June 3 | 1:30 – 2:30pm
$10 | FOBG $8 |#107801
Meet by the fountain in the Rose Garden
Roger Haynes, Brookside Gardens Staff
Brookside Gardens is known for its summer
rose garden that provides a radiant profusion
of color and fragrance. Explore more than                                                                                                                                13

                 How Climate Change is Affecting Our                our society when we advocate for the equality
                 Temperate Eastern Forests                          and freedom of a silent majority? Through
                 Saturday | June 12 | 10:00 – 11:30 am              ecology, psychology, landscape design,
                 FREE | #107023                                     horticulture, philosophy, social science, and
                 Angelica Patterson, Master Science Educator,       more than 100 inspiring images, we’ll explore
                 Black Rock Forest                                  the rich complexity of rethinking pretty and
                 As we face global historical declines in           what a garden means in the Anthropocene.
                 large-scale agriculture, timber harvesting
                 and wildfires, the northeastern US forests         About Benjamin Vogt
                 are becoming one of the fastest growing            Benjamin Vogt owns Monarch Gardens, a
                 sources for removing carbon dioxide from our       prairie-inspired design firm, and is the author
                 atmosphere. However, increasing temperatures       of A New Garden Ethic: Cultivating Defiant
                 are leading to tree migration and altering         Compassion for an Uncertain Future. His
                 the makeup of our forests. In this lecture,        writing and photography have appeared in
                 you’ll learn how global warming is creating        such publications as The American Gardener,
                 a disadvantage for our native trees and            Garden Design, and Orion. Over the course
                 negatively affecting the ability of northeastern   of five years he wrote an award-winning
                 forests to store carbon and ultimately protect     column on the website Houzz with more than
                 us from climate change.                            3 million readers. Benjamin has a PhD from the
                                                                    University of Nebraska and lives in Lincoln with
                 About Angelica Patterson                           his wife and son.
                 Angelica Patterson is the Master Science
                 Educator at Black Rock Forest. She received        Health and Wellness
                 her B.S. degree in Natural Resources from
                                                                    Registration required. Participants are
                 Cornell University and her M.A. and M.Phil.
                                                                    required to wear CDC approved face
                 degrees from Columbia University, where she
                                                                    coverings during all programs.
                 is currently completing her doctoral degree
                 in plant ecophysiology. Patterson is a strong
                                                                    There is something infinitely healing in the
                 advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion
                                                                    repeated refrains of nature—the assurance
                 in the environmental sciences and has served
                                                                    that dawn comes after night, and spring after
                 on various committees and working groups.
                                                                    winter. —Rachel Carson
                 She has served as a speaker at several US
                 universities, environmental organizations,
                                                                    Shinrin-yoku: The Art of Forest Bathing
                 and K-12 institutions, and has recently been
                                                                    Wednesday | April 21 | 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
                 profiled in The Guardian, The Forestry Source,
                                                                    $30 | FOBG $27 | #107043
                 and by the National Environmental Education
                                                                    Saturday | April 24 | 9:30 – 11:30 am
                                                                    $30 | FOBG $27 | #107044
                 A New Garden Ethic                                 OR
                 Saturday | July 10 | 10:00 – 11:30 am
                                                                    Saturday | June 12 | 9:30 – 11:30 am
                 FREE | #107024
                                                                    $30 | FOBG $27 | #107045
                 Benjamin Vogt, Author & Owner,
                 Monarch Gardens
                                                                    Saturday | June 19 | 9:30 – 11:30 am
                 In a time of mass extinction and climate
                                                                    $30 | FOBG $27 | #107046
                 change, how and for whom we garden
                                                                    Meet at the Visitor Center Entrance
                 matters more than ever. Our built landscapes
                                                                    Ana Ka’ahanui, certified Forest Therapy Guide
                 reflect social ethics and values that guide our
                                                                    During the April sessions you’ll be led on a
                 response to reviving wildness in and outside
                                                                    forest bathing walk through the springtime
                 the urban environment. How can we recognize
                                                                    blossoms and leafing trees at Brookside
                 and develop compassion for other species?
                                                                    Gardens. Experience the incomparable beauty
                 What role do native plants play in opening us
                                                                    of the springtime ephemerals as you stroll the
                 to the perspective of others? What happens to

14                                                                               Register at
grounds at a slow pace, stopping to smell the      Saturday | July 31 | #107076                      Spring Ephemerals with
flowers, hear the birds, and ponder the many       Saturday | August 7 | #107077                     Colored Pencil & Watercolor
small miracles of spring unfolding. Participants   Saturday | August 14 | #107078                    Saturdays | March 20, 27 & April 3
in the June sessions will be stimulated by the                                                       10:00 am – 1:00 pm
vivid colors and rich fragrances of summer         Tai Chi at Brookside Gardens                      $195| FOBG $176 | #107020
annuals and perennials including lush blooms       $12 | FOBG $10 | 9:00 – 10:15 am                  Prerequisite: Intermediate courses in
in the Rose Garden.                                Japanese Tea House                                botanical art & illustration
                                                   Charles Votaw                                     Level: Intermediate to advanced
Full Moon Walk                                     Note: No walk-ins accepted. Class size limited    Wendy Hollender
Monday | April 26 | 8:00 – 9:30 pm                 to 12 people.                                     The dramatic interplay of light and dark
$22 | FOBG $20 | #107047                           Tai Chi is an ancient, Chinese form of exercise   on spring ephemerals is quite enchanting
OR                                                 perfect for adults seeking stress reduction       yet can often be challenging to draw. Join
Wednesday | May 26 | 8:30 – 10:00 pm               while strengthening muscles, improving            Wendy to learn the techniques outlined in
$22 | FOBG $20 | #107048                           balance, and increasing flexibility. The          her new book The Joy of Botanical Drawing,
Meet at Visitor Center entrance                    repetitive patterns (Forms) emphasize slow,       including how to use a grisaille method
Brookside Gardens Staff                            flowing motions and controlled movements.         for creating undertones in a neutral color
Explore Brookside Gardens in a whole new           This series of introductory classes will help     allowing for three-dimensional accurate
way - by moon light! We’ll walk as a group         beginners learn the Forms while allowing          drawing and clear structure of plants. Students
along moonlit gardens, streams, and woods          regular practitioners to practice them under      will explore layering techniques that utilize
discovering seasonal garden highlights and         the cover of Brookside Gardens’ pondside          watercolor pencil washes in combination
friendly nighttime wildlife. Please wear sturdy    Japanese Tea House.                               with dry colored pencils creating a painting
shoes and comfortable clothes, as we will          Wednesday | May 5 | #107079                       that has realistic vibrant color and rich depth.
cover some hilly and uneven terrain – not your     Wednesday | May 12 | #107080                      Colored pencils allow for more control in
typical garden tour!                               Wednesday | May 19 | #107081                      adding details. Embossing tools will be used
                                                   Wednesday | May 26 | #107082                      to add fine lines, pattern details and subtle
Yoga at Brookside Gardens                          Wednesday | June 2 | #107083                      veining. This method delivers quicker results
$12 | FOBG $10 | 9:30 – 10:30am                    Wednesday | June 9 | #107084                      than traditional watercolor or color pencil
Brookside Gardens Visitor Center Lawn              Wednesday | June 16 | #107085                     techniques, and since the materials used are
Tanory Ateek                                       Wednesday | June 23 | #107086                     quite portable, it allows the artist to work in the
Note: No walk-ins will be accepted. Class size     Wednesday | June 30 | #107087                     field or in a variety of settings.
limited to 25 people.                              Wednesday | July 7 | #107088
In-person yoga at Brookside Gardens is back!       Wednesday | July 14 | #107089                     Advanced Techniques with
Come enjoy one or all 16 sessions of yoga          Wednesday | July 21 | #107090                     New Graphite Media
held in a peaceful setting in an open field at     Wednesday | July 28 | #107091                     Saturdays | June 5, 12, 19| 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
the edge of a forest behind the Visitor Center.                                                      $210| FOBG $189 | #107021
Designed to increase flexibility and physical      School of Botanical Art &                         Prerequisite: Intermediate courses in
strength and to cultivate mental focus, these                                                        botanical art & illustration
classes are a beautiful and relaxing way to
                                                   Illustration                                      Level: Intermediate to advanced
                                                   Note: All botanical art courses will be taught
begin your weekend. Mats are not included.                                                           Deborah Shaw
                                                   online using Zoom, a free online application.
Saturday | May 1 | #107063                                                                           Note: Fee includes specialized art supplies
                                                   Students will need access to a computer that
Saturday | May 8 | #107064                                                                           that will be mailed to you prior to class.
                                                   has a built-in camera or a smart phone.
Saturday | May 15 | #107065
Saturday | May 22 | #107066                                                                          Delight in the fruits, leaves and flowers of
                                                   The instructors will use a combination of live
Saturday | May 29 | #107067                                                                          summer while expanding your repertoire
                                                   demonstrations and short pre-recorded videos
Saturday | June 5 | #107068                                                                          of graphite techniques! This workshop will
                                                   during the online workshops to demonstrate
Saturday | June 12 | #107069                                                                         explore application with traditional pencils,
                                                   techniques and review concepts. Students will
Saturday | June 19 | #107070                                                                         as well as new graphite media, including
                                                   be able to work on their assignment during
Saturday | June 26 | #107071                                                                         water-soluble graphite, graphite dust, and
                                                   the week between each session. During each
Saturday | July 3 | #107072                                                                          more. Create deep ranges of tonal values;
                                                   three-hour session students will have the
Saturday | July 10 | #107073                                                                         white or light veins and details on dark petals
                                                   opportunity to ask questions and submit their
Saturday | July 17 | #107074                                                                         and leaves; large, smooth, even tones; and
                                                   artwork via email or share it live during the
Saturday | July 24 | #107075                                                                         detailed textures.
                                                   class for review by the instructor.                                                                                                                                   15

                      Children & Families                                St. Patrick’s Day…WEEK! Green and
                      In accordance with safety protocols,               Growing Scavenger Hunt
                      registration limits are in place for on-site       Monday – Friday | March 15 – 19 | 10:00 am
                      classes and walk-ins will not be accepted in       – 2:00 pm
                      order to maintain safe physical distancing.        $10 | Ages 2-6 | #105348
                      CDC approved face coverings will be                You don’t have to be Irish to like the color
                      required for all indoor and outdoor program        green! Celebrate this week with a self-guided
                      participants. All events are subject to change     scavenger hunt looking for shamrocks and
                      due to external factors.                           clues that the Leprechaun has left for you!
                                                                         Registrants pick up a map at the Visitor Center
                      Children’s Garden                                  Monday- Friday, March 15 – 19, any time
                      Explore Maryland!                                  between 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Follow the
                      Experience a unique mini-Maryland in our           suggested walking trail, discovering shamrock
                      children’s garden, Explore Maryland! From the      signs and clues along the way. Clues will lead
                      mountains to the ocean, Explore Maryland!          you on a nice walk, prompting kids to use their
                      is an opportunity for children to explore a        senses and eyes to find something special in
                      beautiful garden, pretend among mountain           the garden. Complete the tasks and trail map,
                      boulders, play in an old farm house, cook          finishing near the Visitor Center to find a pot of
                      in a play kitchen, boat in the sea, and gain       Gold and a treasure!
                      knowledge about Maryland’s natural history,
                      flora and fauna. Search for and learn about the
                      state’s iconic symbols and what they stand for!

                      Flower Buds Preschool Classes
                      $7 per child (adult free) | Ages 3 – 5
                      All classes held from 10:30 – 11:30 am
                      Meet at the Outdoor Classroom (in the                       Outdoor Learning
                      Children’s Garden area)                                      Opportunities
                      Flower Buds is returning to the gardens after
                      being virtual last season! Meeting the second
                      Monday of every month, this series will feature       While visiting take advantage of these
                      gardening activities, stories, crafts and garden      learning opportunities throughout
                      walks. We will meet in the Outdoor Classroom,         the seasons. Download an Outdoor
                      weather permitting. Maintaining safe social           Learning Opportunity garden guide from
                      distance, enjoy an interactive story time   
                      followed by a craft and garden exploration.
                                                                            March & April — Spring Flowers,
                      Adults must accompany children. Cancelled in
                                                                            Modified Stems and other Plant
                      the event of inclement weather.
                                                                            Adaptations —
                      Spring is in The Air
                                                                            Can you find them in the Gardens?
                      Monday | March 8 | #105220
                                                                            May & June — Flowers & Pollinator
                      Earth Day is Everyday
                                                                            Plant Friends — Share with your friends
                      Monday | April 12 | #105221
                                                                            the importance of pollinators — see how
                      Seeds and Flowers                                     many you can find in the Gardens.
                      Monday | May 10 | #105222
                                                                            July & August — Fruits, Vegetables,
                      Beautiful Butterflies                                 Herbs and Spices — Is a green bean
                      Monday | June 14 | #105231                            a fruit or vegetable? Come see the
                                                                            differences between these plant
                      Where’s the Beach
                                                                            categories and discover some unusual
                      Monday | July 12 | #105236
                                                                            plants and fun facts!
                      Summer Sunflowers
                      Monday | August 9 | #105237

16                                                                                     Register at
It’s National Pollinator Week! June 21- 25 | 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
                                                    This will be the fourteenth consecutive year of bringing awareness to the critically important
Spring Yoga Sprouts!                                issue of pollinator conservation since the federal Pollinator Partnership (P2) was founded
$7 per person | Ages 3 and up                       in 2007. Stop by our Plant Exploration Station to learn more about pollinators and their
All classes held from 10:30 – 11:10 am              importance. You can vote for your favorite pollinator, plant a seed, and enrich your garden visit
Meet in South Terrace                               with a fun pollinator scavenger hunt. Look for the Plant Exploration Station behind the Visitor
William Drew                                        Center. Cancelled in the event of inclement weather.
Embrace the beautiful setting of Brookside
Gardens with your young toddler, child and        Extended Care                                        Farms, Food, Fun and Sun
family members. This series of fun, garden-       June 21 – 25 | 3:30 – 5:30 pm                        July 19 – 23| 9:00 am – 3:30 pm
related yoga movements, physical exercises        $80 | #105340                                        $315 | Ages 6-11 | #105345
and mindfulness will awaken your senses,                                                               Give your child a taste of the simpler,
boost your energy, and fill you with good         Garden Architects and Inventors                      more natural (and delicious) time with this
garden vibes to start your day! Classes are       June 28 – July 2 | 9:00 am - 3:30 pm                 camp. We’ll visit working farms, a farmer’s
planned to be held outdoors and socially          $300| Ages 6-11 | #105341                            market, take a cooking class, and plant our
distanced. Cancelled in the event of inclement    Plan, build and invent structures or homes           own container herb garden to take home.
weather. Bring your own mat or borrow one of      for garden wildlife and critters. Use natural        Bonus: We’ll tour the Herr’s snack factory in
ours! Register all participants.                  materials, garden items, and wood kits to            Nottingham, Pennsylvania to see how potatoes
Saturday | April 10 | #105246                     create fun and imaginative habitat homes,            become chips!
Saturday | April 17 | #105251                     including a toad abode, wildlife hotel,              Extended Care
Saturday | April 24 | #105287                     birdhouse or fairy house that you can take           July 19 – 23| 3:30 – 5:30 pm
Saturday | May 1 | #105288                        home! Every day we will explore Brookside            $80 | #105346
Saturday | May 8 | #105289                        Gardens’ many beautiful habitats, discover
Saturday | May 15 | #105290                       plants and animals, plus play fun games. Bring       Botanical Art Camp
Saturday | May 22 | #105291                       your excitement and enthusiasm!                      July 26 – 30| 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
                                                  Extended Care                                        $185 | Ages 6-11 | #105347
Summer Camps                                      June 28 – July 2 | 3:30 – 5:30 pm                    Join artist Rita Pazelli for this week of super
Magical Plants and Mythical Creatures             $80 | #105342                                        fun young artist creativity. Experience nature
June 21 – 25 | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm                                                                       and the Gardens in your own creative way.
$300 | Ages 6-11 | #105339                        Garden Eco Explorers Camp                            Campers will learn different techniques of
Be amazed and mesmerized! Use your                July 12 – 16 | 9:00 am – 3:30 pm                     observation and fieldwork. Collect and make
imagination and creativity designing a garden     $315 | Ages 6-11 | #105343                           pressed plant specimens, then sketch, draw
for your favorite mythical creature – possibly    Join ecologist Stacy Small-Lorenz in a fun-          and paint what you’ve found. Sketchbook,
a gnome, fairy, unicorn, dragon or troll! Learn   filled camp exploring ecology throughout the         media choices, and matting for one piece
about fascinating bug-eating plants and take      Gardens. Through stories, songs, walks, and          of artwork included.
home your own carnivorous plant terrarium.        nature discovery, learn about garden science,        Extended Care
We will also visit the United States Botanic      ecology, plants and critters! Explore different      July 26 – 30 | 12:30 – 3:30 pm
Garden to explore interesting plant habitats.     habitats, conduct science experiments, and           $115 | #108548
Meet new friends and play fun garden games!       gain an appreciation for Citizen Science.            This extra long care will include lots of fun
                                                  Extended Care                                        activities, including games, free time, garden
                                                  July 12 – 16 | 3:30 – 5:30 pm                        crafts and garden exploration.
                                                  $80 | #105344
      Youth Groups and Families
      Spring Seasonal Story Walk
             March 26 – June 1
 Spring fever is here! While you are enjoying
 the beauty of the new season, check out our
 story book walk! The ½ mile, self-guided
 walk will lead you around the Gude Garden.
 At each stop find a story book page and
 a prompt to find a seasonal item. Along
 the way see how literature can boost your
 outdoor experience. An adult must walk
 with each child and assist in the activities.                                                                                                                                     17
You can also read