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Central Connecticut Grotto The Underground Movement Volume Volume17, 18,Number Number12 6 December 2017 June 2018
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 June 2018 The Central Connecticut Grotto (CCG) is a local chapter IN THIS ISSUE of the National Speleological Society (NSS) dedicated to Peabody on the Road - A Trip to Torys Cave…………...4 the exploration, scientific study, and conservation of NCC Thacher Park Work Day…………………………...7 caves and all aspects of the underground environment, as White-Nose Syndrome Confirmed in South Dakota…….8 well as promoting a spirit of camaraderie and fellowship Old Timers Reunion 2018……………………………...10 among cavers. Membership is open to anyone who shares New Regulations Likely to Impact Bats……………….12 these interests. Regular membership dues are $5.00 per In the News……………………………………………..13 year. Non-voting youth or full-time student membership From the Bookshelf…………………………………….23 dues are $2.00 per year. Institutional membership is free. The Creative Corner……………….…………………...25 Please visit for addi- Calendar of Events/Photograph of the Month………….27 tional membership information. Grotto meetings, consist- ing of a short business meeting followed by a caving presentation, are usually held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, starting at 7:00 p.m. However, the date, time, and location of meetings may vary, so please check the CCG website ( or contact grotto THE CENTRAL CONNECTICUT GROTTO chair Ashley Pospisil (860-869-0932) for any updates. NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY The Underground Movement is the official newsletter of ― Home of Connecticut Caving ― the CCG. Submissions can be contributed by grotto mem- bers as well as friends of the grotto. Opinions expressed in articles are not necessarily a reflection of the official position of the CCG and NSS or shared by the newsletter editor, CCG officers, or grotto members. Unless it has been independently copyrighted (as indicated by © or as “reproduced with permission”), material published in The Underground Movement may be reprinted in any NSS- affiliated publication—pending permission of the author/ photographer—provided appropriate credit is given and © either a hard copy or a digital file made available. CENTRAL CONNECTICUT GROTTO Submissions to The Underground Movement, including OFFICERS (2018) original or reprinted articles, photographs, and artwork are welcome. Images (jpegs) and word files (composed in Chair: Ashley Pospisil Microsoft Word, with minimal formatting) should be sent Vice Chair: Veronica Sassu to the editor at The Treasurer: Norm Berg CCG cannot publish copyrighted material without written Secretary: Alisa Werst permission of the copyright holder. Contributors are re- Webmaster: Ian Preston sponsible for determining whether material is copyright- Membership: Diane Lucas ed, as well as for securing appropriate permission. Safety: Doug Truitt Conservation: Amanda Cooper In conjunction with ongoing efforts to help diminish the Vertical: Felicia Millett spread of white-nose syndrome among hibernating cave Equipment: Steve Millett bats, the Central Connecticut Grotto encourages cavers to Member at Large: Blase Lasala adhere to all seasonal cave closures and to follow all rec- Newsletter Editor: Danny Brass ommended gear-cleaning & disinfection protocols. These can be found on the NSS White-Nose Syndrome Page Grotto officers can be reached through the CCG email ( Your continued cooperation and address ( The newsletter editor can be support are greatly appreciated. reached at 2
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 THE NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY June 2018 The National Speleological Society (NSS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the scientific study of caves and karst; protecting caves and their natural contents through conservation, ownership, stewardship, and public education; and promoting responsible cave exploration and fellowship among those interested in caves. Close to 200 regional member organizations (called grottos) make up the backbone of the NSS. Grottos are devoted to the training of both novice and advanced cavers, as well as to the continued development and refinement of equipment and tech- nique for safe underground exploration. Grottos conduct meetings, organize training programs, and sponsor caving trips on a regular basis. Interested beginners are welcome. Information on membership in the NSS and its various programs and ac- tivities can be found on the NSS website ( Although membership in the NSS is not a requirement for joining the CCG, all CCG members are strongly encouraged to join the NSS. In terms of educational opportunities available, acquisition of caving skills and experience, and the po- tential for networking with other cavers on a local, regional, or even global scale, the benefits to cavers of NSS member- ship are incalculable. I would like to express my thanks to those who contribut- ed material―either articles, photographs, trip reports, or CAVE SOFTLY announcements―to the last several issues of The Under- ground Movement as well as to everyone who contributed Take Nothing But Pictures to this month’s issue. It is only through continued submis- sions from the membership and friends of the grotto that a Leave Nothing But Footprints viable newsletter can be sustained. Kill Nothing But Time Special thanks to Merrill Ann Gonzales for generously allowing the Central Connecticut Grotto and The Underground Movement to use her beautiful illustrations for the cover and page headers and as the backdrop for the cover-illustration description. 3
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 PEABODY ON THE ROAD - A TRIP TO TORYS CAVE June 2018 PEABODY ON THE ROAD ― A TRIP TO TORYS CAVE ― Danny A. Brass On July 7, 2011, members of the Central Connecticut Grotto (Norm Berg and Danny Brass) accompanied scien- tists from the Division of Invertebrate Zoology, Yale Pea- body Museum of Natural History to Torys Cave in New Milford, CT. The purpose of the trip was an initial survey of the cave for invertebrate fauna. The presence of inver- tebrates in the cave has not previously been assessed. Lourdes Rojas, Richard Boardman, and Nicole Palffy- Muhoray collected samples from exposed ground surfac- es, from beneath small breakdown blocks, and from the Peabody Museum and Weantinoge Heritage Land Trust staff. shallow pool in the lower level of the cave. From left to right: Nicole Palffy-Muhoray, Catherine Rawson, Lourdes Rojas, Kate Losey, and Richard Boardman. Photo by Danny Brass Torys Cave is owned and managed by the Weantinoge Heritage Land Trust, the largest land trust in Connecticut. A variety of invertebrate specimens, including amphipods The cave was gated in 2017 to protect hibernating bats (Crustacea), springtails (Collembola), millipedes (Diplo- from human disturbance during winter months.1 Cave- poda), and a small soldier beetle (Cantharidae) were col- hibernating bats in the Northeast have been particularly lected. A more detailed report on the group’s findings will hard hit by white-nose syndrome, a debilitating disease be released once these specimens have been closely ex- caused by the cold-loving fungus, Pseudogymnoascus amined. destructans. The land trust was very gracious in allowing access to Torys Cave for research purposes. Two mem- 1 Additional information on human-visitation and bat-surveillance bers of the land trust staff, Catherine Rawson (Executive studies and the closure of Torys Cave can be found in the Director) and Kate Losey (Conservation Easement Man- March 2017 issue of The Underground Movement (see http:// ager), accompanied us on our visit to the cave. When traveling to caves, road signs like this always give one Catherine Rawson helps with the collection of specimens from pause. Photo by Danny Brass. Torys Cave. Photo by Norm Berg. 4
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 PEABODY ON THE ROAD - A TRIP TO TORYS CAVE June 2018 Lourdes Rojas, Nicole Palffy-Muhoray and Richard Boardman, from the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, searching for invertebrate specimens during a survey trip to Torys Cave. Top left: photo by Norm Berg; Bottom left: photo by Norm Berg; Top right: photo by Richard Boardman; Bottom right: photo by Danny Brass. 5
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 PEABODY ON THE ROAD - A TRIP TO TORYS CAVE June 2018 A microscopic view of some of the amphipiod material collected during the invertebrate survey of Torys Cave (New Milford, CT). Photo by Lourdes Rojas. Lourdes examining specimens from Torys Cave. Photos by Danny Brass. 6
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 NCC THACHER PARK WORK DAY June 2018 Committed to the conservation, study, management, and acquisition of caves and karst areas having significant geological, hydrological, biological, recreational, historical, or aesthetic features. NORTHEASTERN CAVE CONSERVANCY THACHER PARK WORK DAY JULY 14, 2018 This coming Saturday, the Northeastern Cave Conservancy will be holding its next work day in John Boyd Thacher Park. We will meet at Hop Field at 9:00 am. Thom Engel will be there until 10:00 am, before going off to do a chosen project. We have the following work to do: Continued mapping in Hailes Cave Mapping Uhll Be Cold Cave - wetsuits needed Continue the checking of targets from the LIDAR images of the park Surveying of miscellaneous smaller caves By condition of the research permit issued to the NCC for this work, this is open only to NCC members. If you plan to attend, please email Thom at Thanks. 7
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME CONFIRMED IN SOUTH DAKOTA June 2018 DEADLY WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME CONFIRMED IN SOUTH DAKOTA ― RESPONSIBLE BAT PROTECTION EFFORTS CONTINUE ― South Dakota, June 29, 2018 – Earlier this summer on a ed on a western small-footed bat (Myotis ciliolabrum) in calm evening under the towering Ponderosa pines of the South Dakota. Black Hills National Forest, researchers made an unfortu- nate observation - a bat with suspicious wing lesions. “All three of these bats are western species,” said Jeremy Laboratory testing in early June at the U.S. Geological Coleman, national white-nose syndrome coordinator for Survey National Wildlife Health Center confirmed the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “And now that we’re arrival of the deadly white-nose syndrome in South Dako- nearing the end of the 2018 winter surveillance season, ta for the first time and efforts are underway to verify My- we’re left with something of a cliff-hanger until next win- otis volans, or long-legged bat, as the newest North ter to see how these species will respond to the disease.” American bat documented with this devastating disease. During the previous week, the fungus causing the disease Not known to affect humans or other animals, white-nose was confirmed at Badlands National Park in South Dako- syndrome has killed millions of bats across North Ameri- ta and the Fort Laramie National Historic Site in eastern ca. Bats are important for healthy ecosystems and contrib- Wyoming. Interagency efforts are ongoing to limit further ute at least $3 billion annually to the U.S. agriculture spread of the fungus and deadly disease into other cave economy through pest control and pollination. areas in northern Colorado, Wyoming and South Dakota. “Now that white-nose syndrome is here in South Dakota, threatening bats, it is more important than ever for people “Conservation of bats requires all of us to think into the to avoid disturbing bats and to take precautions to prevent future, to think about what needs to be done today to en- further spread of the fungus,” said Silka Kempema biolo- sure bats are with us for decades to come,” said Richard gist with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. Truex, regional wildlife biologist with the USDA Forest Service. “We’re working closely with other agencies, State and federal wildlife and habitat managers are asking cave users, and local communities to responsibly protect for the public’s help in limiting WNS spread by adopting bats from unnecessary exposure to this killing fungus and the following precautions: to limit disturbance of bats to give them a fighting chance against the disease.” Stay out of caves, mines, and areas that are closed. Decontaminate your caving and hiking gear and boots. Do not This fall, regional and local partners will work to develop reuse gear that has been used in WNS-affected areas. Visit cohesive strategies to limit disease spread and disturbance for more information. of bats that roost in caves. Currently, 43 caves on national Contact your state wildlife agency or the U.S. Fish and Wild- forests in the Rocky Mountain Region have seasonal or life Service immediately if you suspect you have seen bats with WNS, or if you see bats flying outside during freezing year-long closures in place. Starting in the spring of 2019, temperatures. additional cave closures may be implemented for area Do not touch live or dead bats. national forests. Public education and decontamination measures for white-nose syndrome will continue at Jewel Proactive screening for the fungus and disease is an inter- Cave National Monument and Wind Cave National Park agency partnership lead by the National Park Service to protect bats and cave resources, while maintaining op- Northern Great Plains Network in conjunction with Uni- portunities for underground recreation, education and sci- versity of Wyoming- Wyoming Natural Diversity Data- entific discovery. base, U.S. Geological Survey National Wildlife Health Center, and numerous other state and federal agencies. The long-legged bat caught in Black Hills National For- est, just south of the boundary of Jewel Cave National 180524 BHNF Bat: Researchers confirmed WNS in long- Monument is the 11th species confirmed with white-nose legged bat captured on the Black Hills National Forest on syndrome. Last month, the disease was confirmed on a May 24, 2018. Credit: Leandra Boodoo, Wyoming Natu- cave bat (Myotis velifer) in Kansas and the fungus detect- ral Diversity Database 8
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME CONFIRMED IN SOUTH DAKOTA June 2018 Interagency News Release USFS USDA Forest Service: Holly Krake, 303-275-5346 National Park Service: Alex Picavet, 402-661-1840 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Catherine Hibbard, 413-253-8569 South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks: Emily Kiel, 605-773-3904 University of Wyoming: Ian Abernethy, 307-766-3035 A little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) from New York State displaying the characteris- tic appearance of an individual suffering from white-nose syndrome. The powdery- white fungal patches of Pseudogymnoas- cus destructans are readily visible on the bat’s face, wings, and ears. WNS has dec- imated bat populations across the North- east and continues to spread. Photo cour- tesy of Al Hicks, New York Department of Environmental Conservation. 9
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 OLD TIMERS REUNION 2018 June 2018 All of the OTR Caver Contests will have bigger prizes; and there’s a brand new overall Grotto Participation Prize ($250-bucks CASH―that’s a lot of beer!) that’s truly worth seeking, if not just for the bragging rights! That’s not to mention the Sunday night Awards Ceremony, where we honor selected OTR Caver Contestants and TRA folks (--we promise to keep it brief!). Bring a lawnchair, and stick around afterwards for the music of Buzzz City! The new Event Tent attraction was well received in 2017, and this year’s schedule already is filling-up with interest- ing presentations, discussions and activities about caves and caving-related topics. We’ve upgraded to provide a brand new tent with improved seating, lighting and a sound system, and it’s sure to please after a stroll down Vendor’s Row past all the cave and caver -related items available for your perusal, consideration, procurement and acquisition. Once again, located at the end of Vendor’s Row near the Event Tent will be a Cave/Activity Trip bulletin board for individuals and grottos to announce caving and other planned trips. Please consider announcing your trip at this site and invite fellow cavers to join you! Insurance does not allow OTR to have Event-sponsored trips, so I need your help in organizing and sharing cave trips. Go caving, take a stranger and make a new friend! The shower houses continue to see improvements in plumbing and traffic flow patterns. This year, you’ll see a 2018 OTR Summer E-Blast new covered area in between the shower houses where you can gather before or after you clean up, or where you Hey there, Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow Cavers ... also can simply meet a new friend and decide to shower I’m talkin’ especially to all you Caver Freaks! together (saving gallons of water!) It’s Summer 2018 and that means that The 69th Annual We had so many donations to our winter Coat Drive in Old Timers Reunion is just ar ound the comer ! I want 2017 that I’ve been asked to do it again this year. The you to know that your OTR Planning Krewe has been as Coat Drive is a great way to again show the local commu- busy as a steam-powered mechanical bat, since even be- nity that we cavers care about ‘this little spot in the hills’ fore last year’s OTR was finished, working hard to make year-round, not just over four days in the Fall when we’re 2018 even bigger and better! Every year since 1950, cav- here. For every new or gently used coat donated (child- ers have gathered in the hills of West Virginia to go cav- sized to adult), you’ll be entered into a drawing for a free ing, socialize, meet new friends and renew old acquaint- admission to the 2019 Old Timer s Reunion! ances. This year’s event promises to be no different! OTR is known as being the caver fest with the best (and New in 2018 is a streamlined online registration process most plentiful) live music―on three different stages. The that you can complete while you’re en-route to the site or entertainment at this year’s event will be fantastic, as usu- even while waiting in line for the event to begin! al. 10
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 OLD TIMERS REUNION 2018 June 2018 Our Friday night headliner is legendary blues band The technology and surprises behind every mask and ruffle! Nighthawks. On Satur day, we’r e thr owing a Masked Steampunk is all about cr eating r etr o-futuristic and Steampunk Ball, featur ing the ska gypsy punk music fantastical nostalgia. Water pistols made to look like vin- of Black Masala. You’r e invited to cr eate your best tage ray guns, Steam-powered animation, clocks and time Steampunk costume and join the festivities. In true machines. Steampunk fashion, I also have added a 6:30 pm perfor- mance by The Tinderbox Circus Sideshow, an entertain- To the many creative folks out there, I challenge you to ing troop of burlesques who include a real sword- create the most ‘Steam Punk’ beer tap handle you can put swallower and per for mer s with names like Darron together! It must be handmade (not purchased) and actu- von Awesome and Trashique d’Lamour. ally function to pour beer. Handles will be rotated be- tween Brew Crew and Cooters for display, merriment, Bring your lawnchairs (and non-glass containers) for bragging rights and mayhap a token of my esteem! Sunday’s River Party with The Johnny Staats Project, featuring one of the most amazing mandolin players in Our advice for getting your hands on official OTR Steam- the country! Among the OTR swag available for the oc- punk merch items is to or der in advance. T-shirts casion, we’re offering new silicone stemless wine glasses (cotton/poly as well as a ‘performance’ all-synthetic) and and stainless steel pint glasses with the OTR logo embroidered hats (both traditional and military style) are (quantities limited, so get yours online in advance as they available online only, and you must or der them by Au- may be sold out by the time of the event). gust 1! Everything else, like the silicone stemless wine glass, stainless steel pint glass, commemorative collector Following the Sunday evening Awards Ceremony, the pin, lanyard and bottle opener/key chain, will be available popular caver band Buzzz City will mount another while supplies last! group performance under the Pavilion to raise funds for OTR medical supplies and equipment. It’s the 8th Annu- If you’ve ever attended OTR, you know what’s in store, al ‘Band-Aid’. except even MORE and BETTER this year. If you’ve never been here and only heard about the event, I promise Rounding out the entertainment will be caver Grateful you’ll be so very glad if you make the decision to join us Gary playing solo acoustic Thur sday evening on the this year. Contests, prizes, live music, beer, caver ven- Pavilion stage, the crowd favorite all-caver Shanty Irish dors, food, parade, giant nightly bonfire, zip-lining, meet- band on Friday afternoon at Cooters, and other perfor- ing new caver friends from all over the country ... so mances by caver keyboardist/vocalist Maddie Brookover much fun that you may not be able to do everything in and Piano Ken. Plus, you just never know when some- one 4-day weekend. So don’t miss out―get your cos- one may sit down to play some music anywhere in camp tume ready for the Masked Steampunk Ball, don your (Gary usually plays late-night Grateful Dead music over goggles, top hats and corsets, and plan on joining us for at the Scum Ridge campfire). the largest, most historic and amenity-filled social gath- ering in Caverdom this Labor Day weekend - The 2018 If that’s not enough, don’t forget that OTR has the big- Old Timers Reunion! Keep checking, because gest and most-awesome adults-only hot tub and sauna pre-registration opens soon! area... giant 5-foot-deep hot tub, a ‘cold tub’, steam room, two saunas, giant campfire pit with sanitized bench seating, river access and even a (naked) volleyball area. Weather permitting, Movies will be shown at the Crawl- In Theatre, star ting at dusk. Str oll by and see what’s playing! Sarah Mosberg This year’s OTR theme: CaverFreak, CavePunk or just 2018 Old Timers Reunion, Chair Steampunk, promises to take us back (or forward?) to the Retro-Victorian age of corsets, top hats, steam-driven 11
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 NEW REGULATIONS IMPACT THREATENED & ENDANGERED BATS June 2018 NEW REGULATIONS LIKELY TO IMPACT THREATENED & ENDANGERED BATS All Protected Species Now Required to be Actively Looking for New Habitat in Order to Receive Federal Funding WASHINGTON—In an attempt to ensure that the Federal Benefit Program is not taken advantage of, a new regula- tion announced by the administration on Tuesday will require all organisms facing extinction to be actively searching for a new habitat in order to receive funding for their protection under the Endangered Species Act. “Effective imme- diately, America’s at-risk species must prove that they are making a satisfactory effort to find a different ecosystem to live in if they wish to obtain government assistance for their continued survival,” said the Secretary of the Interior, adding that endangered creatures should not be allowed to just sit back and live on public lands at taxpayer expense unless they agree to take steps to better their own situations. “An ‘endangered’ status isn’t a free pass, and it’s im- portant that we put forth policies to encourage a culture of personal responsibility among our nation’s plants and ani- mals. We’re not doing species, such as the gray bat, the Indiana bat, or the northern long-eared bat, any favors when we allow them to live on the government’s dime, which can create a disincentive for them to secure a place in another habitat and become self-sufficient.” At press time, the Department of the Interior announced further regulations cap- ping the amount of time a species can remain on the endangered list at six months. Consideration is also being given to legislation requiring all invasive species to leave the country by year’s end. 12
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 IN THE NEWS Thailand Cave Rescue Divers in Thailand Scour Cave for Missing Soccer Team and Coach emc=edit_th_180626&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=40712820626 Flooding Complicates Cave Search for Thai soccer team Twelve Boys and Coach Missing in Flooded Thailand Cave, Are Found Alive Thai Boys and their Football Coach Must Learn to Dive or ‘Could be Trapped Inside Cave for Four Months’ Medics, Supplies Reach Boys Soccer Team Trapped in Thailand Cave as Rescue Planning Intensifies Scale and Complexity of Efforts to Rescue the Thai Soccer Team Stuck in a Flooded Cave Thailand Cave Rescue: Doctor and Nurse Volunteer to Stay with Trapped Soccer Team Rescue of Soccer Players From Cave Finds Lost Art of International Teamwork debates/760975002/ Thai Rescuer Diver Dies as Rescue Teams Ponder How to Bring Out Trapped Boys idUKKBN1JW04M Elon Musk's Representatives are Talking with Thai Authorities to Help the Soccer Team that's Trapped in a Cave 1027345649 Thailand Cave Rescue: Elon Musk Proposes Strange Solution to Rescue Boys From Underground Thai Cave Rescue: Boys and Coach Not Yet Well Enough to Attempt Escape The Latest: Thai Schoolboys Not Ready for Underwater Escape A Look Inside the Rescue Effort to Save Soccer Team Trapped Inside Thailand Cave Buddhist Meditation May Calm Team Trapped in Thai Cave Israeli Technology Providing Vital Communications Link to Cave-Trapped Thai Boys In Thai Jungle Above Trapped Boys, Alternative Rescue Effort Ramps Up 13
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 A Rescue Diver Says the Easiest Way to Get the Thai Soccer Team Out of the Cave is to Drug Them 253Butm_medium=referral In Thai Jungle Above Trapped Boys, Alternative Rescue Effort Ramps Up TV News Flocks to Cover Thailand Cave Rescue Thai Rescuers Evacuate Cave Area, Rescue Bid for Trapped Boys Seen Imminent Thai Officials Aim to Rescue Kids From Cave Before Rain Hits Rains Hit Thai Cave Where Rescuers Face 'War With Water and Time' Rescuers Begin Process of Removing Boys From Cave in Thailand Thai Cave Rescue: ‘Perfect’ Conditions to Save Cave-Trapped Soccer Team story/4b02137fd2cc77f45259cd570d8a2cce Thailand Cave Rescue Begins: Operation to Bring Out First Group of Trapped Boys to Take About 11 Hours Four Boys Safely Pulled From Thailand Cave as Second Leg of Rescue Mission to Begin in 10 to 20 Hours How Divers Rescued the First Four Boys From the Cave in Thailand Arcata-based Wing Inflatables, Boring Company And Spacex Rescue Pods are in Thailand Rescue in Thailand: Remaining Boys, Coach to be Rescued in 10 to 20 Hours Cave Rescue Effort Underway in Thailand; May Take Days, Officials Say utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%253A+foxnews%252Fworld+(Internal+-+World+Latest+- +Text) Six Boys Have Exited Thai Cave – Senior Member of Rescue Team The Crisis of the 12 Thai Boys Trapped in a Cave, Explained Four Boys Rescued From Thai Cave but Rest Must Wait as Air Tanks are Replenished The Aussie Doctor Who Made the Call on Which Boys Could Leave Thai Cave First Ambulance Leaves Thai Cave on 2nd Day of Rescue Operation Fifth Boy Brought Out of Thai Cave on Second Day of Rescue, Official Says 14
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 Another Boy Freed From Thailand Cave As Rescue Mission Stretches Into 2nd Day Several Boys of Soccer Team Rescued From Flooded Thailand Cave, Local Official Says 'Good News' Expected in Thai Cave Rescue Mission Rescue Divers Have Gone Back into the Thai Caves to Rescue the 8 Boys Still Trapped Inside Giant Plastic Tube Device Being Tested at Site in Case Divers Fail in Effort to Rescue Trapped Boys Thailand Cave Rescue Operation Suspended as 4 More Boys Freed, Bringing Total to 8 Thailand Cave Rescue Efforts Pick up Pace as Flooding Eases Thai Soccer Team Might be Able to Walk Out of Caves Without Using Diving Gear, Official Says says.html How Perilous is the Thailand Cave Rescue? Rescue Operation to Free Boys Stuck in Thailand Cave 'Could Take Days' Eight Boys Rescued From cave in Thailand as Operation Resumes for 2nd Day Emily Mobley, Who Was Pulled From Cave in 1991, Monitoring Thailand Rescue Effort Eight Boys Rescued From Flooded Thai Caves, Now Up to 'Rain God' Thailand Cave Rescue Effort Put on Hold to Replenish Air Tank Supplies 9th Boy Rescued From Thailand Cave as Final Push Begins for Those Remaining Inside 6 Heartbreaking Details Revealed About The Thai Soccer Boys Who Are Being Rescued From A Flooded Cave Thai Cave Rescue: 3rd Mission Underway, Aims to Retrieve Last 4 Boys, Coach Thailand Plans Extra Security Measures at 'World Famous' Cave 'Nobody Thought We Could Do It' - Rescue of Thai Boys Accomplished This Diagram Shows Exactly How the Thai Soccer Team was Rescued From the Cave A Continued Exploration into Thailand Cave Rescue with North Central Florida Cave-Diving Experts 15
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 Artist Captures Wild Boars Soccer Team and Rescuers in Viral Cartoon Sudarshan Pattnaik Prays for Stranded Thai Team Through Sand Art Mission Over as Entire Soccer Team Brought Out of Flooded Cave, as it Happened Boys in Good Spirits After Daring Rescue From Flooded Tunnels, Authorities Say The Thai Government Responded to Elon Musk, and Said His Submarine Idea is 'Not Practical' for the Cave Rescue Elon Musk Hits Out at Mission Chief Who Turned Down Mini-Submarine Offer Boys Still Face Health Issues in the Wake of their Rescue A Look Back at Five Underground Rescues that Captivated the World Inside the Sacred Danger of Tham Luang The Mission to Retrieve Trapped Boys Captured in Pictures From the Scene Why Do We Care So Much About These Trapped Boys? What We Know About the Trip Out of the Cave Adelaide Cave-Diving Doctor Richard Harris Missed Holiday to Help Operation Hero Australian Doctor Emerges From Flooded Tunnels to Find Out Father Died What We Know About the Divers Leading the Operation The Odds Were Firmly Against this Incredible Mission Water Pumps Failed Just After Last Boy Escaped The Boys in the Thai Cave Were Given Anti-Anxiety Drugs During the Rescue to Help Get Them Out Thai Soccer Players, Coach in Isolation During Recovery Since Cave Retrieval First Pictures Emerge of Thai Teens Rescued From Flooded Cave What Could Happen to the 25-Year-Old Coach of the Thai Soccer Team Now that They've All Been Rescued 16
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 Our View: The Thai Rescue: A Lesson in the Art of Resilience 77a45ead93de.html Artists Around the World Are Creating Heartfelt Tributes to the Successful Thai Cave Rescue Video: Thai Boys Didn’t Swim Out of the Cave; They Were Rescued on Stretchers Thailand's Tham Luang cave to become museum to showcase boys' rescue Cavers, Caves, and Caving Caves are Cool, Exploration Beckons, But Remember, Safety First Calgary Cave Experts Among Multinational Team Testing NASA Technology on Mount St. Helens Colorado Caving Instructor Says Rewards of Exploration Worth the Risk Mexico's Sistema Huautla - One of the Deepest Caves in the World is Even Bigger Than We Thought The Deepest Hole Known to Man Goes So Far Down Nobody Even Knows What’s at The Bottom Texas Road Collapses to Reveal Cavern Nearly 200 Feet Long New Cave Spider Discovered White-Nose Syndrome and Bat Conservation Extreme Weather 'Potentially Catastrophic' for Bats The Mystery of the Fire in the Woods and the Bechstein's bats The Surprising Role Bats Play in Making Your Margarita White-Nose Syndrome Confirmed in Three Bats in Western Newfoundland 209524/ Area Bats Don’t Deserve to be a Target for Vandals First Case of Fatal Fungal Infection Affecting Bats in Manitoba, Canada, Detected d4b50d48908e Fungus that Causes White-Nose Syndrome in Bats Detected in Wyoming for the First Time 17
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 This Woman Has Saved Thousands of Baby Bats Fungus that Causes White-Nose Syndrome in Bats Detected in South Dakota for the First Time syndrome-in-bats-detected-in-south-dakota-for-the-first-time 9989-0248adf7e6ca.html Environmental Scientists Search South Pacific Islands for Five Rare Bat Species Bat-Killing Fungus Found in Washington Continues to Spread Minnesota Biologist Tracks Fungus Spreading Among Northern Long-Eared Bats Deadly Bat Syndrome Confirmed in Black Hills 1eab75badaa7.html Precautions Taken to Protect Central Oregon Bats Vermont's Little Brown Bats are Looking for Some Friends,541558 Bat Survey to be Conducted in Bushkill Twp., PA Bat-Killing Fungus Spreads to Two New Species and Two New States Do Bats Adapt to Gates at Abandoned Mines? These Portuguese Libraries Are Infested with Bats – and They Like It That Way The Bats Help Preserve Old Books but They Drive Librarians, Well, Batty Explorers for Bats - How Climbers, Canyoneers, and Hikers Can Help Bats Advice From a Bat Homeowners in the Virgin Islands Urged to Seek Help for Bat Removal; Protection of Mastiff Bats Is Imperative V.I. Bats Struggle for Comeback After Hurricanes struggle-for-comeback-after-hurricanes/ TVA Annual Bat Count Helps Raise Awareness About White-Nose Syndrome 18
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 On the Hunt for One of the UK's Rarest Bats Bats, Birds, Bears: The People Who Catch Wildlife Smugglers Fatal Disease Plaguing Bats in Tennessee, Putting Agriculture at Risk Biologists in Minnesota Track Disease-Threatened Northern Long-eared Bats Corps of Engineers Tracks Birds and Bats to Improve Habitats Along the Mississippi River A Race Against Time to Save Bats Living in the Walls of this North Texas City For the Love of Bats Enlighten Me: As Bats Prepare to Have their Pups, Where do They Go? Bat-Friendly Lights Show How to Make Cities Safe for Nature Bats - Natural History Secret Unlocked on How Bats Avoid Colliding in Total Darkness Bat Signals Oldest Ever Fossil of the Common Mouse-Eared Bat Discovered The Green-Feathered Terror That Slaughtered Bats in Spain Want to Learn More About Bats? So Do We! The Bats of Mecklenburg County How 'Tequila Bats' Find Their Pups 'Bat Man' Educates Farmers, Tequila Producers On The Environmental Effects Of Bats Bats Show Off Their Grooming Rituals in Queensland, Australia Were Giant Australian Animals Really Wiped Out by Humans 65,000 Years Ago? Female Lesser Short-Tailed Bats Judge a Male Singer by His Song 19
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 Expert Explores the Fascinating Lives of Bats Got Bats (Arizona)? Check Your Hummingbird Feeder Birds, Bats, and Wind Turbines Often Compete for Airspace airspace.html Bats, Flyers of the Night Eavesdropping Bats Make Frogs Pay A Price For Recycling Air When Calling A Biologist Just Found ‘Holy Grail’ of Bat Research in Desolate Nevada Valley Roosting Season: Do you Know your Bat Etiquette? A Rare Look at Mexico’s Carnivorous Bats Moths With Larger Hindwings and Longer Tails are Best at Deflecting Bats f72c977c4928.html Bats - Public Health High Temperatures Send Bats Swooping In Dozens of Bats Invade Apartment Building Bats Return to Merrimack Elementary School After $600K Guano Cleanup Biodiversity Keeps Rabid Vampire Bats Feeding on Their Natural Prey – Not on Us Rabies Exposure in Utah Deadly Virus Identified as a Potential Epidemic Kills Twelve in India – Nipah Virus 8t88BCV44SpiTTj0RSMFgO.html Ql9VFHknRdmy73g9QfLUhK.html What is the Connection Between Fruit Bats and Nipah Virus? 20
The Underground Movement Volume 18, Number 6 IN THE NEWS June 2018 Bats Not Ruled Out as Primary Source of Nipah Outbreak: Health Ministry Fruit Bats Identified as Source of Nipah Virus Outbreak in Kerala nxL2Nh0CEdqhcoBco6ARuJ.html Discovery of the First Reservoir of Nipah Virus in the Wild in India Study Finds Dhubri Bats Positive for Nipah Virus Lehigh Researchers Enlist Bats to Predict Ebola Outbreaks UW Student Being Treated for Rabies After Bat Bite at University of Washington Bats and Rabies Bats in the Home Rabid Bats Found in Washington State in May Highest in 20 Years Bats and Rabies Bat Found by Thurston County Preschool Kids Tests Positive for Rabies CDC Develops New Rabies Rapid Test with Far-Reaching Impact Bats and Rabies: What to do if You Have Physical Contact or Find them in Your Home 565564894 Phoenix Health Officials Alert Residents after Discovery of Rabid Bats What Makes Bats the Perfect Hosts For So Many Viruses? Rabies: Preventable and Rare, but Very Deadly animals/rabies-treatable-and-rare-but-very-deadly/758609824 A Bat May Have Potentially Exposed a Richland County Resident to Rabies Rabid Bats in Minnesota: What You Need To Know Michigan Health Department Reports Increase of Bats with Rabies 21
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