Page created by Nathaniel Coleman

Amended and Restated, May 1, 2022


a.     Conduct Expectation. Tuckahoe Little League (TLL) expects all participants
(players, managers, coaches, spectators and all volunteers associated with Little
League) to exhibit acceptable behavior on and off the field and comply with the
Tuckahoe Little League Code of Sportsmanship.

Aggressive behavior and other inappropriate actions while engaged in Tuckahoe Little
League activities is prohibited. Such prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to
the following

   ●   fighting,
   ●   hitting,
   ●   kicking,
   ●   threats of violence, or other acts of aggression,
   ●   bullying,
   ●   foul language,
   ●   tobacco use,
   ●   alcohol use,
   ●   intoxication

b. Disciplinary Policy Infractions.

   1. Reporting. If an infraction of the TLL Disciplinary Policy occurs, the complaint
      shall be submitted in writing to the League Commissioner, League Player Agent,
      or President.

   2. Executive Committee Investigation. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the
      League President, Vice President, or League Commissioner will bring the
      infraction to the Executive Committee to conduct an impartial investigation. The
      Executive Board shall convene to discuss any reported league infractions, the
      severity of those infractions, and any proposed disciplinary action. Discussion of
      a particular infraction will take place as soon after the occurrence as possible,
      typically within the week of receipt of the complaint. However, the severity of
      some complaints may require more immediate action. Upon completing the
      investigation, the Executive Committee will present those findings to the TLL
      Board of Directors (the BOD). The Executive Committee’s investigation shall
      include a meeting with those involved with the alleged infraction. Each party
      shall be afforded the opportunity to speak at the Executive Committee meeting.

3. Board of Directors Decision. The BOD will determine whether disciplinary
      action is warranted, and if so, what disciplinary action shall be taken. The
      Executive Committee, however, shall have authority to take interim disciplinary
      action (including suspension from TLL activities) prior to a meeting of the full
      Board of Directors if the Executive Committee determines that immediate action
      is necessary in the interest of safety and the integrity of the league.

   4. Notification of Decision. The offending party/parties involved will be notified of
      the decision of the BOD verbally and/or in writing. Neither the BOD nor the
      Executive Committee are under any obligation to disclose the decision and/or
      punishment to the complaining party/parties.

   5. Appeal. If an appeal is requested by the offending party/parties, it must be
      stated in writing to the BOD within 48 hours of receipt of the BOD decision. The
      BOD will then meet to consider the request. The requesting party/parties will be
      notified of the meeting and allotted time to speak. The meeting will be closed and
      the BOD will discuss the appeal and render a FINAL decision. The offending
      party/parties involved will be notified of the decision of the BOD in writing
      regarding this final decision. The decision of the Board of Directors is FINAL.

c. Ejection Procedures. In accordance with Little League rules, any player, coach, or
manager who is ejected from a game shall be suspended from participation in the next

   1. Umpire Report. When an ejection occurs, the ejecting umpire shall complete an
      ejection report to be turned in to the Executive Committee.

   2. Players Age 13 or Older and Adults. If the ejected individual is a player who is
      league age 13 or older or is an adult, the Executive Committee shall meet with
      the individual. If the individual is a minor, at least one parent or guardian must be
      in attendance at the meeting. The individual shall be given an opportunity to
      provide his or her perspective on the events resulting in the ejection. The
      Executive Committee shall have authority to increase the individual’s suspension
      from the automatic one game to up to three games. Any suspension greater
      than three games shall require a vote of the majority of the BOD.

   3. Players Age 12 or Younger. If the ejected individual is league age 12 or
      younger, two of the following league officers shall meet with the child: player
      agent, division commissioner, league vice president, and/or league president. If
      such officers believe disciplinary action in addition to the automatic one game
      suspension is warranted, the child and parents shall be invited to meet with the
      Executive Committee and the procedure described in the preceding paragraph
      shall apply.

4. Ejection in Last Game of the Season. If an ejection occurs as of the last game
      of a regular season (including any playoff game), the ejected individual shall be
      suspended from the first regular season game of the next following season.
      Whether additional sanctions (such as suspension from a District 5 or invitational
      tournament game) are imposed shall be determined by the Executive Committee
      in its discretion.

                             II.   BACKGROUND CHECKS

All Tuckahoe Little League volunteers are required to complete a background check in
accordance with the procedure provided by the league. Any manager, coach,
scorekeeper, team parent, or other volunteer may be suspended and/or removed from
his or her position with a team due to the failure to submit a background check by the
deadline announced by the league or negative background check results.


a.    Drafted Divisions. A draft of eligible players occurs at the following divisions
each season:
         ● A (age 8) Baseball
         ● AA (age 9) Baseball
         ● Minors Softball
         ● AAA Baseball
         ● Majors Softball
         ● Majors Baseball (players in the Majors Division will remain on the same
             Majors team to which they were drafted for the entirety of their Majors
             Division career)
         ● 50/70 Baseball
         ● Seniors Softball
         ● Seniors Baseball

b. Selected Divisions. Teams are formed by the League Commissioner in the
following divisions each season:
           ● Bubba Ball
           ● T-Ball
           ● Rookie (6/7 Year Old Coach Pitch) Baseball
           ● 7/8 Year Old Coach Pitch Softball

c. Draft Order (non-Majors). For A (age 8), AA (age 9), AAA, 50/70 and Senior
Baseball, the draft selection order is determined by a random number draw from a hat.
The draft then proceeds in a “snake” format.

d. Draft Order for Majors. For Majors Baseball, the draft order is determined by the
prior season’s final regular season standings. The team that finished last in the
standings the prior season will have the first pick of the draft the following season. The
draft then proceeds in a traditional draft format.

e. First Pick. The American League will have the first pick in even-numbered years
and National League will have the first pick in odd-numbered years. Teams then select
players alternately between the divisions.

g. Parent Requests. Parents can request a specific manager or to be put on a team
with a friend in the Bubba Ball, T-Ball and Coach Pitch Divisions. TLL cannot guarantee
that all requests will be granted in these divisions.

h. Skills Evaluations. There will be pre-draft player skills evaluations in the following

   ●   A (age 8) baseball,
   ●   AA (age 9) baseball
   ●   Minors softball; and
   ●   Majors baseball and softball.

i. 8 and 9 Baseball and Minors Softball Placement Process. After the evaluations
for the 8 and 9 year old baseball division and minors softball division, the managers will
draft all of the players. Those players who do not attend a skills evaluation will be
randomly assigned to a team.

j.. Majors/Minors Placement Process
           ● There will be at least two player skills evaluation opportunities
           ● All non-returning Major division league age 10, 11 and 12 year olds must
             attend at least one player evaluation
           ● Players that do not attend an evaluation will automatically be placed
             in the Minors Division (except league age 12 year olds)
           ● An individual make-up skills evaluation may be arranged by the President,
             Vice President, Player Agent and/or Commissioner
           ● Major Division Managers will draft their teams following the player
           ● All 12 year olds will automatically be drafted to a Majors team

● Any player not drafted to a Majors team will be put in the Minors player
            pool to be drafted by the Minors Managers which is usually held a one-two
            weeks after the Majors draft.
          ● No more than two league age 10 year old players may be drafted onto any
            Majors baseball team.

k. Baseball Play-Up Opportunity for Age 7 and Age 8 Year Old Players.. A player
who is league age 7 may be drafted to an A (age 8) baseball division team and a player
who is league age 8 may be drafted to a AA (age 9) baseball division team if he or she
attends at least one skills evaluation for the applicable division and the Vice
President, Baseball determines that there is roster space for such player in the
applicable division.

l. Tee Ball Playing Up. A baseball player who is league age 5 and has played at least
one spring season of tee ball may play in the coach pitch division. A softball player who
is league age 6 and has played at least one season of tee ball may play in the coach
pitch division. Except as otherwise provided in these procedures, a player may not play
up a division.

m. Playing Down. A player may play down an age division only if the Player Agent
determines, in his or her sole discretion, that doing so is necessary for the player’s

                               IV.    INJURED PLAYERS

An injured player may not participate until a doctor’s note permitting the player to return
to all baseball/softball activities is received and approved by the league vice president
or president. An injured player may be in the dugout during a game and may wear a
jersey. The injured player may not wear baseball/softball pants. The injured player may
not coach a base.


Games canceled due to insufficient number of players are forfeited or made-up
depending on a vote of the Board of Directors.


From the Little League Operating Manual: “Volunteers in the local Little League program
DO NOT HAVE TENURE, regardless of the years of service. In order to serve, a
manager, coach or umpire must be appointed by the league president and approved by

the local league board of directors annually. Prior service does NOT guarantee re-

Each season, the league president shall nominate managers for approval by the BOD.
The Executive Committee shall assist the league president with creating the slate of

If the BOD rejects an individual on the nomination slate, the league president, in
consultation with the Executive Committee shall provide a replacement nominee to the


a.    Players’ Intent to Participate
      i. The league will provide an all-star registration online portal to the league. The
          portal shall include information about TLL’s all-star commitment policy and
          shall serve as the “Commitment Form.”
      ii. Player Agents will review registered players to ensure eligibility for post-
          season play.

b.    All Star Fees:
      i. District 5 Tournament Teams – $110 (12 year olds), $100 all other D-5 teams
      ii. Invitational Tournament Teams – $85
      iii. Fees may be adjusted by the Board of Directors from year to year.

c.    Player Selection Process for District 5 Tournament Teams:
      i. Baseball 11/12 D5 Team / Softball 11/12 D5 Team -- Player Selection by vote:
            • Eligibility:
               - Baseball. All 12-yr olds from Majors, whose parents have signed a
                   Commitment Form, are placed on the All-Star ballot. Each Major
                   manager may nominate a 10 or 11 year old from his/her team to be
                   on the ballot, provided that the 10 or 11-year old’s parents have
                   signed a Commitment Form indicating willingness to play on the 11-
                   12-yr old all-star team if selected.
               - Softball. All Majors softball players league ages 10, 11 or 12,
                   whose parents have signed a Commitment Form, are placed on the
                   All-Star ballot for the “Majors” or 10/11/12 team.
            • Voting:
               - All Majors players and Major managers vote for up to 10 players.
               - Each player vote counts as one vote and each manager vote
                   counts as five votes.
               - The voting process will be administered and overseen by VP
                   Baseball or Softball, Player Agent and Majors Director. If any of

those has a son/daughter on the ballot, that person may not be
                    involved in overseeing the voting process.
            •   The top 10 in total votes automatically make the team.
                    -    If there is a tie at the 10th spot between 2 or 3 players, then
                       those players automatically make the team.
                    -    If there is a tie at the 10th spot between 4 or more players,
                       then the top 9 players automatically make the team. Manager
                       then selects at least 3 more players from those that were tied for
                       10th in vote total.
            •   All Star Team Manager can select additional players to complete
                the team’s roster.
            •   Vote will take place at such time as announced by the Player Agent.

     ii. Other District 5 Teams -- Player Selection by Manager:
            • All other D5 All Star teams are selected by a tryout.
            • Failure to attend tryout could disqualify player from being selected for
            • Each team will conduct at least one tryout weather permitting

      iii. Final rosters will be posted at the concession stand by the Player Agent.

d.   Manager Selection Process for District 5 All-Stars:
     i Interested individuals must submit their names to League Commissioner.
     ii. League Commissioner presents names to managers in the division, at a
          meeting of managers from the division. Each candidate will be allowed 2
          minutes to speak. After all candidates speak, the managers will vote by
          show of hands for each candidate. If a manager is unable to attend, a
          proxy vote will be allowed. Proxy vote will be read to all by the League
          Commissioner. No one will be allowed to abstain from voting, and a manager
          must vote for himself/herself if on the ballot.
     iii. The candidate with the most votes will be named manager.
     iv. If there are more than 2 candidates and there is a tie for the most votes, the
          ones not tied are eliminated. A re-vote will take place for only those that are
     v. If there are only 2 candidates and the vote ends in a tie, then the League
          Commissioner, VP baseball (if baseball) or VP softball (if softball), and
          President will each cast a ballot on paper. Those ballots will be read out loud
          to all present without divulging who voted for whom. If any of those 3 are
          managers in that league, then Player Agent will vote, then VP-admin if
     vi. All D5 selected managers must have TLL board approval.

e.   Coach(es) Selection Process D5:
     i. Any manager or rostered coach from each league as of May 1st is eligible to
        be coach of a D-5 All-Star team for their respective age league level.

ii. Coach selection may not occur before the team roster is selected.
        iii. Manager submits name to applicable team Commissioner to submit to
             Executive Board for approval then to TLL board for approval.

     f. State Tournament Travel Expenses. TLL will fund hotel rooms for the team
     manager, roster coaches, and team players when the state tournament is located
     over 60 miles from Tuckahoe Park based on the number of players on the roster as
     of the night of the tournament’s report date through the night before the
     tournament’s final game or the night of the day the team is eliminated from the
     tournament, whichever first occurs as follows:

           ● 12 Players: seven rooms per day
           ● 13+ Players: eight rooms per day

     Additionally, TLL will provide a daily incidental fund for the team manager, roster
     coaches, and team players when the state tournament is located over 60 miles from
     Tuckahoe Park of $25 per manager/roster coach and $20 per player. Travel days
     will be paid at ½ of the daily rate.

     This travel reimbursement policy only applies to state tournaments that are part of
     the Little League International tournament.

                                Invitational Tournaments

TLL will attempt to field as many invitational teams as possible as determined by the
TLL Board. TLL D-5 All Star players may only be utilized to complete minimum roster
requirements. Each team will have a minimum of 12 players.

g.      Player Selection Process for Invitationals:
        i. Player Selection by Manager: All Invitational All Star teams are selected by
           a tryout or draft. Each team must have a minimum of 12 players on team.
           Failure to attend tryout could disqualify player from being selected for team.
           Each team will conduct at least one tryout weather permitting.

        ii. To be eligible for an invitational all-star team, a player must be the applicable
            league age, unless an insufficient number of league age players try out for the

           ● only league age 8 players are eligible for the age 8 invitational team,
           ● only league age 9 players are eligible for the age 9 invitational team,
           ● only league age 10 players are eligible for the age 10 invitational team,
           ● only league age 11 or 12 players are eligible for the 11/12 invitational

Subject to invitational tournament rules, other players may be named to an
         invitational team if enough players to field a team do not try out for the team
         (e.g. a league age 7 year old player could be named to the age 8 invitational
         team if an insufficient number of league age 8 players try out for the team).

      ii. Player Agent will contact D-5 All Star Managers to determine players
          interested in playing on the invitational team. Up to five D-5 players may be
          placed on an invitational roster at the manager’s discretion. Additional D-5
          players will be allowed on a Invitational team if there are no other interested
          non D-5 players, to the extent allowed by invitational tournament rules.

h.   Manager and Coaches Selection Process For Invitationals:
     i. A (age 8) and AA (age 9) Baseball. Any manager or roster coach from each
          league (American and National) as of May 1st is eligible to be manager of the
          A and AA Invitational Teams for their respective league.
     ii. Interested individuals submit their names to League Commissioner.
     iii. League Commissioner presents names to managers from the division at a
          meeting before player tryouts where all managers are present. Each
          candidate will be allowed to speak to managers. After each candidate speaks,
          the managers will vote by show of hands for each candidate. No one will be
          allowed to abstain from voting. If a manager is unable to attend, a proxy vote
          will be allowed. Proxy votes will be read to all by the League Commissioner.
          If there are only 2 candidates and the vote ends in a tie, then the League
          Commissioner, VP baseball (if baseball) or VP softball (if softball), and
          President will each cast a ballot on paper. Those ballots will be read out loud
          to all present without divulging who voted for whom. If any of those 3 are
          managers in that league, then the player agent will vote in his or her place .
          If the player agent is not available, the VP-admin will vote in his or her place.
          The selected manager is subject to TLL board approval.

      iv. Manager’s selects 2 coaches. Coaches must be a manager or roster coach
          during season.
      v. Other Age Groups. League Directors will recruit managers and coaches and
          recommend to TLL Board. All managers and coaches must have TLL Board
          approval. All managers and coaches must have a completed volunteer
          application on file.

i.   All-Star Committee
      An All-Star Committee shall be appointed by the President. The All-
      Star Committee”s duties include the following:
          ● reviewing current All Star policies and procedures in Nov/Dec of each
             year for the upcoming season to determine if any changes should be
             recommended to the Board of Directors;
          ● Determining whether absences from tournament games and practices are
             excused and/or consequences for absences; and
          ● Coordinating volunteers for the District 5 and Invitational tournaments.

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