SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 - REGULAR MEETING - #42 VOLUME 23 - Ross County Commissioner
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SEPTEMBER 28, 2020 – REGULAR MEETING - #42 VOLUME 23 MEETING The Ross County Board of Commissioners met on this day, September 28, 2020 in regular session. Mr. Corcoran opened the meeting by leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Mr. R. Douglas Corcoran, President, called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m., with Vice President Stephen Neal and Dwight A. Garrett in attendance. MINUTES APPROVED Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, that the minutes of the Ross County Board of Commissioners, of September 14 and 21, 2020, be approved as submitted. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. BILLS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, that the following bills of the county be approved for payment:
On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. $457,776.81 THEN & NOW CERTIFICATES APPROVED Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve " Then & Now" Certificates, dated September 21, 2020 through September 25, 2020 in the amount of $20,400.22 prepared by the Office of the Ross County Auditor and certified by the auditor as to the appropriation of funds for the purpose of encumbering the sum of the contract( s) or order( s) outlined therein, or the imminent collection of funds for credit to the appropriated fund(s) of the county, and as to the availability of funds for transfer within the appropriate department( s). On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried.
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS – VARIOUS Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, $340.95 be appropriated from unappropriated funds, to account code 100-01-07-7301, Apiary Inspections, according to a request of September 28, 2020, from the Commissioners. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, $ 1,023. 34 be appropriated from Cares Act funds, to account code 240- 00- 00- 7150 Supplies, according to a request of September 28, 2020, from the Auditor. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. TRANSER OF FUNDS – VARIOUS Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, $40,000.00 be transferred from account code 212-29-01-7156 Gasoline to account code 212-29- 56- 7353 Medical Expenses, according to a request of September 28, 2020, from the Ross County Sheriff. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, $3,628.00 be transferred from account code 100-26-00-7102 Contract Repairs to account code 100- 26- 00- 7200 Equipment, according to a request of September 28, 2020, from the Board of Elections. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, $10,000.00 be transferred from account code 100-08-00-7103 Contract Services to account code 100- 08- 00- 7214 Equipment, according to a request of September 28, 2020, from the Auditor. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. ASSET DISPOSAL – ROSS COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve an asset disposal submitted by the Ross County Title Department, for disposal of the following surplus property of the county as indicated: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TAG/SERIAL # METHOD OF DISPOSAL 1 Swingline Electric Stapler 17168 Disposal 1 Fan 15294 Surplus Property 1 HP Shop Vacuum 7535 Disposal On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve an asset disposal submitted by the Magistrate, for disposal of the following surplus property of the county as indicated: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TAG/ SERIAL # METHOD OF DISPOSAL 1 File Cabinet N/A Disposal On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve an asset disposal submitted by the Ross County Prosecutor, for disposal of the following surplus property of the county as indicated: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TAG/SERIAL # METHOD OF DISPOSAL 1 IPhone 16898/ c6kvvbwsjc6c Disposal On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve an asset disposal submitted by the Ross County EMA, for disposal of the following surplus property of the county as indicated: QUANTITY DESCRIPTION TAG/ SERIAL # METHOD OF DISPOSAL 1 HP Computer 15503/2ua3460vqt Surplus Property 1 20 Inch TV 09928 Surplus Property 1 Office Chair 12080 Surplus Property On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. TIME SHEET APPROVED - COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners approve the submitted time sheet of Bradford M. Cosenza, County Administrator for the pay period ending September 26, 2020. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. SEALS BIDS OPENED – WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FUND The commissioners opened sealed bids as advertised, at 11:30 a.m., for the repair or replacement of three ( 3) existing home sewage disposal systems. One bid was submitted by the following vendor: Duncan and Daniels Enterprises LLC. Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, that the Ross County Board of Commissioners accept the bid from Duncan and Daniels Enterprises LLC in the amount of $23,648. 06. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FUND Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, to accept the recommendation of the Ross County Health District, to accept the quotation from Duncan and Daniels Enterprises, LLC, for the repair or replacement of one existing home sewage disposal system for the amount of 26,959. 00. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. REQUEST FOR A HEARING – DIVISION OF LIQUOR CONTROL Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, the Ross County Board of Commissioners, will not request a hearing on the transfer of liquor license from R & V LLC, DBA Wagnors Roadhouse to Wag Daddy Inc, DBA Wagners Roadhouse.
On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. COUNTY AUDITOR AUTHORIZED TO DESIGNATE AGENTS & SECURE BONDING FOR SAME - SALE OF 2021 DOG KENNEL REGISTRATIONS The following resolution was passed at the regular meeting of the Ross County Board of Commissioners, on September 28, 2020, with Commissioners R. Douglas Corcoran, Stephen A. Neal and Dwight A. Garrett in attendance. Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, that the Ross County Auditor be authorized to contract with various agents in the county for the sale of 2021 Dog & Kennel registrations, with the agents and sales locations to be determined by the auditor, and; further, that the county hereby agrees to self- insure bonding for the agents for the reasons that the risk is considered minimal, at the county’ s expense, as deems necessary. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran; yes. Motion carried. CONTRACT AGREEMENT – RETROREFLECTIVE PAVEMENT MARKING Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, to enter into a contract agreement with The Aero- Mark Company LLC, in the amount of 85,500.53 for furnishing and installation of retroreflective pavement markings (striping) on various county and township roads in Ross County, Ohio. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried CONTRACT – OHIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, to enter into a contact with the Ohio Department of Transportation for upgrading and replacing guardrail along various county routes, lying within Ross County. The Commissi oners agree to pay to the State its share of the total estimated cost expense for the project in the amount of $22,300.00. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. FINAL RESOLUTION – UPGRADING AND REPLACING GUARDRAIL ALONG VARIOUS COUNTY ROUTES WITHIN ROSS COUNTY FINAL RESOLUTION 17-136 The following Final Resolution enacted by the Board of County Commissioners, County of Ross, Ohio, hereinafter referred to as the Legislative Authority/Local Public Agency or " LPA", in the matter of the stated described project. WHEREAS, on 2nd day of October, 2017, the LPA enacted legislation proposing cooperation with the Director of Transportation for the described project: The project consists of upgrading and replacing guardrail along various county routes, lying within Ross County. WHEREAS, the LPA shall cooperate with the Director of Transportation in the above described project as follows: The County agrees to assume andbear onehundred percent (100%) of the entire cost of the improvement, less the amount of Federal-Aid funds set aside by the Director of Transportation for the financing of this improvement from funds allocated by the Federal Highway Administrati on, U.S. Department of Transportation. The share of the cost of the LPA is now estimated in the amount of Twenty -Two Thousand Three Hundred and - - - - 00/100 Dollars, ($22,300.00), but said estimated amount is to be adjusted in order that the LPA' s ultimate share of said improvement shall correspond with said percentages of actual costs when said actual costs are determined; and WHEREAS, The Director of Transportation has approved said legislation proposing cooperation and has caused to be made plans and specifications and an estimate of cost and expense for improving the above described highway and has transmitted copies of the same to this legislative authori ty; and WHEREAS, The LPA desires the Director of Transportation to proceed with the aforesaid highway improvement. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved: I. That the estimated sum, of Twenty-Two Thousand Three Hundred and - - - - 00/ 100 Dollars, ($ 22,300.00) is hereby appropriated for the improvement described above and the fiscal officer is hereby authorized and directed to issue an order on the treasurer for said sum upon the requisition of the Director of Transportation to pay the cost and ex pense of said improvement. We hereby agree to assume in the first instance, the share of the cost and expense over and above the amount to be paid from Federal funds. II. That the LPA hereby requests the Director of Transportation to proceed with the aforesaid highway improvement. Ill. That the LPA enter into a contract with the State, and that the County Engineer be, and is hereby authorized to execute said contract, providing for the payment of the LPA the sum of money set forth herein above for improving the described project. IV That the LPA transmit to the Director of Transportation a fully executed copy of this Resolution. This is to certify that we have compared the foregoing copy of Resolution with the original record thereof, found in the record of t_ he proceedings of the LPA, and which Resolution was duly passed by the LPA on the 2nd day of October ,2017_ , and that the same is a true and correct copy of the record of said resolution and the action of said LPA thereon. We further certify that said Resolution and the action of said LPA thereon is recorded in the journal of said LPA in Volume 20 , Meeting #40, and under date of October 2, 2017. Legislative A uthority of the Board of County Commissioners County of Ross, Ohio Cathy J. Primer Notary Public, State of Ohio MyCommissionExpres6/25/23
AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE – CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS LEC Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, Mr. Corcoran be authorized to sign, on the Commissioners behalf, Phase 4 Construction Alterations in regards to the infirmary, revised extent of steel plate over existing CMU wall, dimension revisions over bunk spaces, revision of cells, addition of furniture in cells and skylights in Men and Women’ s recuperation spaces. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE – ROWETON TRUST Mr. Neal moved, Mr. Garrett seconded, Mr. Corcoran be authorized to sign, on the Commissioners behalf, a yield update for the Price Loss Coverage Program, regarding the John W. Roweton Trust Farmland. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried. AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE – KOFILE – CARES ACT FUNDING Mr. Garrett moved, Mr. Neal seconded, Mr. Corcoran be authorized to sign, on the Commissioners behalf a contract for the County Recorder, with Kofile for digitization of real property records, using CARES Act Funding. An opinion provided by Prosecutor Jeff Marks stated a “$ 15,000. 00 appropriation has been made for back scanning such as is being contemplated by the agreement with Kofile. Because of this Ms. Dunn must spend that amount on the agreement before additional CARES Act Funding can be used to pay for the balance of the agreement cost.” The agreement cost is $411,512.47, the appropriation is $15,000.00, leaving the total to be paid by CARES Act Funding at $ 396, 512. 47. On call of the roll, the vote was: Mr. Neal, yes; Mr. Garrett, yes; Mr. Corcoran, yes. Motion carried SUBJECTS BROUGHT BEFORE THE BOARD Mr. Cosenza, County Administrator; brought in a cost estimate for waterways that need addressed near the Roweton Farmland off of Cattail Road. There was no dec ision to move ahead with the work, until the new tenant has time to assess the situation. The estimated cost for erosion control on the three waterways is $8,271. 02. He also spoke with Tara Uhrig Director of the BOE regarding replacement of a ballot box in front of the Service Center, with a more secure box. Due to the location, it may cause a traffic flow problem. The Commissioners agreed to allow the positioning of the box for the up- coming election, but a different location will need to be found afterward. Due to the construction at the LEC, the water in the facility will be shut off Monday night, October 5, 7:00 pm til sometime the following morning. This is so valves can be installed to allow water to be shut off to individual cells and locations, instead of the entire building. The Sheriff’ s Department will be providing 4 Port a Johns and 3 hand wash stations during the shut off, at a cost of $700. 00. Construction of the LEC project has been delayed until sometime around Thanksgiving. The reasoning for this is shipment of materials are being delayed due to COVID19 shutdowns and reduction of work force. Mr. Cosenza will contact Bricker and Eckler to schedule a meeting to update the Commissioners on the progress of the lawsuit. The Dog Warden provided Mr. Cosenza with an estimate to repair the transmission in their 2015 pickup. The estimate from Southerlands was $4,277.00. Mr. Cosenza with contact Mr. Wellinghoff to discuss getting additional estimates. Job and Family Services would like to install a bike rack for the patrons who ride bicycles to the Service Center. A location will be determined and they will be given the go- ahead to make the purchase. OTHER BUSINESS The Commissioners had a virtual meeting with Ms. Jessica Matheny, Director of Urgent Care Services and Mr. Devon Zakrzewski, VP of Payor Integration and Contracting Strategy at Adena Health Systems to discuss working together to provide COVID19 testing for county schools and other citizens that may not qualify under the Ohio Department of Health regulations for testing. Qualifications for testing would be, symptomatic without underlying conditions or casual exposure to someone known to have COVID19. Ms. Matheny will provide flyers showing where the testing sights are located and have the phone number ( 542SAFE) to call to schedule the test. The fee to the County for the testing will be $60 per test. If a patient is symptomatic, medical personnel must “ lay eyes on them”, so as not to be negligent, and this will add an additional $ 40 to the fee. The billing cycle will be every two weeks, with a cutoff date of December 11, 2020. Mr. Zakrzewski will coordinate the program and present the information at next Mondays meeting (Oct. 5). ADJOURNMENT Mr. R. Douglas Corcoran, President, adjourned the regular meeting of, September 28, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. Board of Commissioners of Ross County, Ohio R. Douglas Corcoran, President Stephen A. Neal, Vice President Dwight A. Garrett Clerk, Cathy Primer
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