Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

Page created by Bernard Mcgee
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
In This Lesson:
Planetary Motion
 (Lesson 2 of 2)

                                      Today is Tuesday,
                                       April 30 , 2019

In your notebooks, draw a rough sketch of the Earth orbiting the Sun.
Importantly, you should show it from above (as though you’re above
the Sun looking down at the orbit path). Finally, indicate the Sun and
          where in your drawing the Earth’s orbit is fastest.

                                           Also, get your calculator.
                                                                          That’s Earth.      Saturn from the Cassini spacecraft
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Today’s Agenda
• Kepler’s Laws.
  – Look out! Physics!
• Newton’s Laws.
  – Look out! Physics again!
• The movements of the planets.
  – Look out! Mercury is in retrograde!
• Escape velocity.
  – Look out! Gravity!

• Where is this in my book?
  – Pages 51-52, 75-88.
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
By the end of this lesson…
• You should be able to calculate major features
  of a planet’s elliptical orbit using mathematics.
• You should be able to explain the apparent
  retrograde motion of a celestial body.
• You should be to able to determine the
  necessary escape velocity for a projectile
  leaving a massive object.
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Kepler’s Laws
                       General Information

• The planets orbit the Sun, yes, but they don’t orbit
  in a perfect circle with the Sun at the center.
  – It’s more of an ellipse, the eccentricity of which varies
    for each planet.
• Kepler’s Laws seek to explain these ellipses and
  some of the unifying themes for each.
  – I will give you the official law and a “plain English”
    translation for each.
  – Just like Newton’s Laws, the Laws of Thermodynamics,
    and Kardashians to keep up with, there are three of
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Kepler’s Laws
• When last we left our early astronomer
  friends, the general population of Earth was
  just getting over yet another ego-trip.
  – “What? I’m not the center of the solar system?”
• In the midst of what was a rather long-lasting
  little controversy, Johannes Kepler put forth
  what we now call Kepler’s Laws of Planetary
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Key Ellipse Vocabulary
• Eccentricity is the deviation of an ellipse from
  a perfect circle, equal to the distance between
  the foci divided by major axis.
                              High Eccentricity

• Major axis is the “long distance” from the
  ends of an ellipse.
• Semi-major axis is half the major axis.
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Ellipse Details
• The semi-major axis is the distance from the ellipse’s
  center to its farthest edge (given by “a”).
• The semi-minor axis (less important to astronomy) is
  the distance from the ellipse’s center to its closest edge
  (given by “b”).
• The foci are the two points around which the ellipse is
  generated (given by “f”).

                       f              f
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Kepler’s First Law
• The orbit of a planet is an
  ellipse with the Sun at one
  of the two foci (plural of
• Plain English: A planet’s
  orbit isn’t a perfect circle
  and the Sun is at one “end”
  of the oval or the other.
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Kepler’s Second Law
• A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out
  equal areas during equal time intervals.
• Plain English: Planets move at different speeds through
  their orbits, so they each cover equal “ground” in equal
  time frames within each of their orbits.
                                               Area 1
                     1                         Area 2

                    Going from P1 to P2    2
                   takes as much time as
                    going from P3 to P4.
Today is Tuesday, April 30th, 2019
Really Nerdy Science Joke
Kepler’s Second Law
• By the way, do you see aphelion and perihelion?
  – As a reminder, for Earth, aphelion (furthest from Sun) is
    in July and perihelion (closest to Sun) is in January.
  – Remember, Earth’s orbit does not explain the seasons.
Kepler’s Second Law
• Kepler’s Second Law Interactive
Kepler’s Third Law
                          AKA the Harmonic Law

• The square of the orbital
  period of a planet orbiting the
  Sun is proportional to the cube
  of the semi-major axis of its
• Plain English: The more
  eccentric (oval) a planet’s orbit,
  the longer it will take to
  complete a revolution around
  the focus/Sun.
   • P is the orbital period (year).
   • a is the semi-major axis (AU).
   • P2 = a3
Kepler’s Third Law Example
• Suppose Uranus has a semi-major axis of 19.18 AU.
• How long is Uranus’s orbital period? In other words,
  how many Earth-years does it take Uranus to make one
  orbit around the Sun?
  •   P2 = a 3
  •   P2 = 19.183 AU
  •   P2 = 7055.79 AU
  •   P = 7055.79 AU
  •   P = 83.998 years
       • (which is true – Uranus’s orbital period is 84 years, which means in
         combination with its axial tilt means each seasons is 20+ years long)
Kepler’s Third Law
• Kepler’s Third Law Interactive
• Kepler’s Laws Practice worksheet
Kepler Practice Quiz
• To see how you’re doing, we’re going to take a
  practice quiz on Kepler’s laws.
• Keep in mind you will be graded on accuracy.
  – Kepler Practice Quiz
Extensions of Kepler
• Kepler’s Laws allow us a couple other useful
  equations, still using P (orbital period) and a
  (semi-major axis).
  – We have to throw in one variable: e (eccentricity).
• The distance at aphelion; Q = a (1 + e)
• The distance at perihelion; q = a (1 – e)
  – You can remember which is which since aphelion
    will always work out to be longer than perihelion.
     • You can use AU or km for “a” here.
Aphelion/Perihelion Example
• Calculate the distance between Mercury and
  the Sun during Mercury’s closest pass to the
  Sun. Mercury’s semi-major axis is 0.387 AU
  and its orbit’s eccentricity is 0.2056.
• Distance at perihelion = a (1 – e)
• Distance at perihelion = 0.387 (1 – 0.2056)
• Distance at perihelion = 0.387 (0.7944)
• Distance at perihelion = 0.307 AU.
  – Sure enough, NASA lists Mercury’s perihelion
    distance as 4.6 x 107 km, or 0.3075 AU.
Unit 2 Quiz
• At this point we’ve covered everything we
  need for the Unit 2 Quiz.
Backward Planets
• So those are Kepler’s Laws. Pretty logical.
• However, early stargazers noticed that some
  of the planets appear to move backward (!) in
  the sky during certain times of the year.
  – Instead of going East to West (relative to Earth, or
    West to East relative to the celestial sphere), they
    reverse direction momentarily before continuing
    on their normal way.
• Uh…what?
  – Did you miss something, Kepler?
Backward Planets
• Let’s get a couple terms down:
  – Prograde motion is when an object
    moves in the same direction relative
    to another.
     • Like how the Sun rotates
       counterclockwise and Earth orbits
  – Retrograde motion is when an object
    moves in the opposite direction
    relative to another.
     • Venus has a retrograde rotation.
     • Some planets appear to have retrograde
Retrograde Motion
• To explain retrograde motion,
  in ~150 AD, Ptolemy
  (remember him?) put forth
  the idea of epicycles, which
  he said were smaller orbits
  within larger orbits called
• This was his way of explaining
  retrograde motion.
  – Recall that Earth is at the
    center of Ptolemy’s solar
  – This model, geocentric but
    complete with epicycles, is
    called the Ptolemaic model.
Retrograde Motion
• As wrong as Ptolemy
  was, his idea was
  accepted for 1300 years.
• Planets don’t do that
  epicycle thing, but then
  how do you explain
  movement as shown in
  multiple-exposure shots
  of, let’s say, Mars?
      – Fear not. Kepler nailed
        this one down too.
Retrograde Motion
• The answer lies in the “overtaking” of one planet by
  – It’s much like being in a faster car as you pass a slower
• Retrograde Motion Interactive
  – Even with this being a completely natural phenomenon,
    a lot of people cite “Mercury being in retrograde” as a
    reason for technology malfunctioning and warn against
    signing contracts and other commitments during those
    time periods.
Retrograde Motion
• Retrograde Motion Activity
Opposition and Conjunction
• Let’s go back in time…to when we defined the
  terms sidereal and synodic.
• Sidereal means relating to…?
  – Background stars.
• Synodic means relating to…?
  – Conjunctions between two celestial bodies.
• Wait…what?
Opposition and Conjunction
• Before we define that, another thing to
  consider is this example:
  – How far away is Mars?
• Answering that depends on whether Mars is
  on our side of the Sun or not…since it could be
  very far away.
• Enter the terms opposition and conjunction.
Opposition and Conjunction
• Opposition is when the
  lines of sight between two
  celestial bodies are
  completely opposite one
   – If Earth is between two
     celestial bodies, those
     bodies are at opposition as
     viewed from Earth.
• If another celestial object
  is along the same line of
  sight as another, that
  object is in conjunction
  with Earth. 
Opposition and Conjunction
• Conjunction goes further:
  – If the object in conjunction
    is between the Sun and
    Earth, it’s at inferior
       • It follows that only the
         inferior planets – Mercury
         and Venus – can reach
         inferior conjunction.
  – If the object in conjunction
    is on the other side of the
    Sun, it’s at superior
Newton’s Laws
• It turns out we also need to investigate
  Newton’s Laws of Motion, since combined
  with Kepler’s Laws we get a nice view of the
  solar system.
• Let’s take a look at Newton’s Laws, then a
  combination of Kepler and Newton to
  interpret the motion of the planets.
• To help us understand Newton, here’s your
  brief physics lesson/reminder.
Intro to Physics
• Mass is, technically, the resistance to acceleration an
  object has (its inertia).
   – You can think of it, for just our class, as “the amount of
     matter in an object.”
• Weight is the force on an object due to gravity.
   – Mass and weight are not the same: Your Weight on Other
• Gravity is the attractive force between physical
  bodies; gravity generally increases with increased
• Angular momentum is momentum caused by
  rotation/revolution around a massive object.
   – Rotational movement, in other words.
Newton’s First Law of Motion
• An object at rest will stay at rest until some force acts on it.
• An object in motion will stay in uniform motion until another
  force acts on it.
• In one word? Inertia.
• If the object’s velocity changes, it is a change in acceleration.
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
   • The relationship between an object’s mass
     (m), its acceleration (a), the force (F) applied
     to get that mass accelerating is F = ma.

In this case, the
force of the bat
  on the ball is
given by F = ma
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
• For every action, there is an equal and
  opposite reaction.
  – Like stepping off a skateboard:
     • You move forward.
     • The skateboard moves backward.
  – Like rockets:
                                Rocket is pushed this way

      Fuel is pushed this way
Newton + Kepler = Awesome
• Newton could explain                   Draw these 
  Kepler’s 2nd and 3rd laws
  using gravity:
   – Planets traveling in ellipses at
     constant speeds.
   – The more oval-shaped, the
     longer the orbit.
• Newton found that three
  possible orbits could come
  from Kepler’s 2nd/3rd laws:
   – Elliptical (bound)
   – Parabolic
   – Hyperbolic (straight line)
Explaining Planetary Motion
• Here on Earth, a ball
  thrown upward comes
  down in an arc due to
  the ever-present force of
  – The gravity force is
    shown as the downward
    black arrows in the
• Gravity is the force
  preventing the ball from
  continuing in a straight
Explaining Planetary Motion
• Were it not for the force of
  gravity acting on planets,
  they would continue in a
  straight line away from the
• The Sun’s gravity, however,
  is constantly pulling the
  planet inward, resulting in
  a circular-ish path.
Newton + Kepler = Awesome
• The complicated part is
  how to explain gravity
  acting over a long
  – For that, we need Newton’s
    Law of Gravitation.
     • Dude had a law for
Newton’s Law of Gravitation
• The gravitational force (Fg) on an object is proportional
  to the mass of the first object (M1) times the mass of
  the second object (M2) divided by the square of the
  distance between them (d), all multiplied by the
  gravitational constant (G).
   – So generally, the smaller the distance or greater the mass,
     the greater the force of gravity.
   – G is a constant, so in a way it has no direct effect on gravity
 6.67408 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

 …but we won’t do much
  with it in Astronomy.
As a result…
• Newton’s Law of Gravitation
  explains the whole “long-
  distance gravity” thing because
  the Sun is so much bigger than
  any of the planets.
• As a result, the center of mass
  between the two (Sun + a
  planet) is relatively close to the
   – In the same way, when you
     throw a ball, the center of mass
     is pretty much Earth, negating
     the distance.
Misconception Alert!
• A lot of people misinterpret Newton’s Law of
  Gravitation to suggest that the outer planets have
  less gravity than the inner planets.
  – That makes no sense.
     •   Neptune has a greater force of gravity than us.
     •   So does Jupiter.
     •   Pluto doesn’t.
     •   Uranus doesn’t.
• When we talk about distance between objects, we
  don’t mean between a planet and the Sun.
  – Distance refers to the space between the planet and
    an object on the planet.
For Fun, Perspective, and Practice
               And then perspective again.

• Family Guy – Gravity
• UniverseToday – Can You Escape the Force of
• Gravity Variations Interactive
• Gravity Exploration activity
• UniverseToday – How Do Gravitational
  Slingshots Work?
Escape Velocity
• All this gravity/planet stuff brings up a valid point:
     – How can we get a spacecraft off Earth and into orbit (or
• In short: we need to be mindful of what’s called
  escape velocity (or escape speed).
     – Escape velocity is the speed necessary to escape and
       become unbound by Earth’s gravity.
• When Ronald Reagan described “slipping the surly
  bonds of Earth” after the Challenger disaster, he
  was talking in part about escape velocity.
*Don’t kill me, physics people: Technically “speed” is the more accurate term here.
Launch Videos
• Challenger Disaster
• Ronald Reagan Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion
  Speech 1-28-1986
• Apollo 11 Launch
• What do you notice, in both launch videos, about the
  angle of the launch? Why launch like that?
  – The transition of the launch vehicle from “straight up” to
    “kinda sideways-ish” is known as a gravity turn.
  – It’s done to provide a more efficient launch either into orbit
    or out of Earth’s gravity entirely.
     • The turn is after getting through the thickest part of the atmosphere.
• But why does that work? Physics.
  – And that escape velocity thing.
Escape Velocity
• As we said, escape velocity is the launch speed
  necessary to get an object into space and free from
  the gravity of the underlying planet.
   – Tie-in: UniverseToday – Why Doesn’t the Sun Steal the
• There’s an equation to learn here, but rather than
  jump straight into the math, let’s just start with a
  conceptual interactive for you:
   – What Determines Escape Velocity?
   – Escape Velocity Interactive Activity
      • Don’t do questions 9 and 10 yet. For reals.
Escape Velocity
• Launch something
  slowly and it will
  simply come back
  to Earth.
• Launch it faster and
  it may go into orbit.
   – Like “falling around
     the planet.”
• Launch it fast
  enough and it will
  escape Earth’s
Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity Formula
• In order to do questions 9 and 10, we need to
  know how to mathematically determine the
  escape velocity from a celestial body.
• Here are the two formulas:
        m = GM                    Vescape =
G = Gravitational Constant    μ = Gravitational Parameter
         M = Mass                 R = Radius of planet
μ = Gravitational Parameter     Vescape = Escape Velocity

  How do we increase μ?       How do we increase Vescape?
Combined Escape Velocity Formula
                    Vescape   =

• Let’s imagine that:
  • G is 1 (just for simplicity)
  • M is 10
  • R is 5
• Vescape = 2
• How can we increase Vescape?
Escape Velocity Example Calculation
• The gravitational parameter of Jupiter is
  126,686,534 km3s-2. The escape velocity is
  59.5 km/sec. What is the diameter of Jupiter?
  – Okay, this one’s tough.
  – We need to get the diameter and that’s going to
    come from R.
  – Let’s fill in the equations…
Escape Velocity Example Calculation
Vescape =
                                R = 71, 569.26 km
            2(126, 686, 534)
59.5 =                          D = 2R
            253,373, 068        D = 143,138.52 km
59.5 =
                                 NASA lists Jupiter’s
3540.25 =                       diameter at 142,984
               R               km, so it’s pretty close
                                to our calculations.
Escape Velocity Practice
                                 Body     μ (km3s−2)
• Escape Velocity Interactive      Sun 132,712,440,018
  Activity                      Mercury     22,032
                                 Venus     324,859
  – #9-10.                        Earth  398,600.4418
  – Note: For #10, the Moon’s     Moon    4,902.8000
    radius is 1737.4 km.          Mars      42,828
                                  Ceres      63.1
                                 Jupiter 126,686,534
                                 Saturn   37,931,187
                                 Uranus   5,793,939
                                Neptune   6,836,529
                                  Pluto       871
                                   Eris      1108
• Smarter Every Day – How to Fly a Spaceship to
  a Space Station
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