Trinity Trumpeter - Trinity Lutheran Church

Page created by Angela Guerrero
Trinity Trumpeter - Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Trumpeter
 Serving Christ Since 1901                                                                                           November 2023

FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK                          This month is the beginning of the festival       9:15 a.m. Bible Study about the work of
Dear Saints in our Lord Jesus Christ!           part of the church year in Advent. Rejoice        “The Voice of the Martyrs.”
                                                that you have a wonderful place to be
Our Stewardship Theme for 2024 is               divinely served by God in Word and                3. The Last Sunday in the Church Year,
“I Am with You Always.” The biblical            Sacrament as you receive His bountiful            also called “Christ the King Sunday”, is
inspiration for this theme comes from           gifts for your body and soul! Giving              Nov 26. The theme for the lessons is the
Matthew 28: 18-20.                              proportionately means that we give a set          “2nd Coming and Return of Christ”; this is
“And Jesus came and spoke to them,              percentage of our income for the Gospel           also called the “Parousia.” He is coming
saying, ‘All authority has been given           work of the Lord Jesus Christ in our local        again in glory to judge the living and the
to Me in heaven and on earth. Go                congregation and in the church-at-large in        dead. He comes to raise our bodies unto
therefore and make disciples of all the         the LCMS. God bless our receiving and             life everlasting. Come Lord Jesus!
nations, baptizing them in the name             our giving. We walk by faith and as
of the Father and of the Son and of             cheerful givers!                                  4. Thanksgiving Day Service
the Holy Spirit, teaching them to                                                                 Thursday, Nov. 23 10:00 a.m.
observe all things that I have                  The Lord bless our singing and rejoicing          Thanks for our church, home and country.
commanded you; and lo, I am with                and thanks giving this month!
you always, even to the end of the                                         In Christ Jesus,       5. The First Sunday in Advent is Dec. 3
age.’”                                                                     Pastor Nehrenz         Communion is at both services. As the
                                                                                                  new church year begins, we prepare for
THREE PLEDGE SUNDAYS:                           FESTIVALS AND SPECIAL                             Christmas with repentant hearts focusing
November 5, 12, 19                              SERVICES THIS MONTH:                              on the Old Testament promises of
You will receive pledge information                                                               Immanuel, God with us, born of the virgin
from the Board of Stewardship by                1. This month, we celebrate All Saints            Mary at Bethlehem. The Lutheran Hour
email, with a cover letter, the 2024            Day on Sunday Nov. 5. Communion is at             Ministries Advent devotional booklet will
church work program and an annual               both services. For all the Saints who have        be available that day; the theme is “What
pledge card. It is also included in this        died before us- we rejoice in their victory!      Child is This?”
newsletter. Each family is asked to             We will recall all those in our
complete the pledge card and bring it           congregation who have died this past year         6. The first Advent Vespers Service is
to church to be presented at the                and gone into heaven. We will toll the            Wednesday, Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. There
church altar. It will be kept in the            bell as each name is read out loud during         will be a soup and salad supper at 6:30
wooden pledge box on the altar all              the service.                                      p.m. The theme this year is “O Savior,
year.                                                                                             Rend the Heavens Wide” from LSB Hymn
                                                2. On Sunday Nov. 5, we will also focus           355.
May the Lord bless all of us as we              on “International Day of Prayer for the
cheerfully pledge our “Time, Talent             Persecuted Church as we pray on behalf
and Treasures” to invest our gifts of           of the many Christians around the world
grace in the Lord’s work in our                 who have put their lives at risk because of
congregation!                                   their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We
                                                will also have a presentation during the

          BOARDS AND COUNCIL                                  NORMAN CIRCUIT PASTORS MTG                       Trinity Lutheran Church
           We THANK YOU all for                                  Thursday, Nov. 16 in Sulphur                      603 Classen Blvd.
          serving in our congregation!                                 Vicar will attend.                      Norman, Oklahoma 73071
               Council meets on
         November 12th at 6:30 p.m.                         PASTOR NEHRENZ, as Oklahoma                                 Webpage:
Board Meetings:                                             District President, will attend the LCMS    
*Elders – Sun. Nov 12th .. ................. 1:30 p.m.      Council of Presidents meeting at Concordia            Article Submissions:
*Education – Wed. Nov 1st .............. 7:00 p.m.          University Irvine, California from Monday
*Evangelism – Wed. Nov 1st ………6:30 p.m.                     Nov. 13 to Saturday, Nov. 18. Vicar Bruss          (due by 18th of the month)
*School Board – Wed. Nov 1st ....... 2:00 p.m.              will handle the parish responsibilities during
*Stewardship – Tues. Nov 7th .......... 7:00 p.m.           those days.
*Trustees – Tues. Nov 7th ….… ....... 9:00 a.m.
Trinity Trumpeter                                                                                                                      2

 VOTERS MEETING                                                     CHOIR
 Sunday Nov. 19 at 1:00 p.m.                                        Rehearsals on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m.
 (after the LWML Thanksgiving                                       Choir Director Timothy Schmidt welcomes all
 dinner at 12:00 noon.)                                             teens, college students, and adults! We sing
   - 2024 Work Program presentation                                 praises to our Lord and Savior in joyful song! We
       and vote                                                     will need your voices and musical gifts in praise
   - Board reports                                                  to our King!
   - Discuss 2025 options for a future pastor after Pastor
       Nehrenz retires on December 31, 2025.                                                  SENIORS
 All communicant members over 18 years old plan to attend and
 become a voter!                                                    We have an exciting month ahead. Our 1st meeting will be
                                                                    Thursday, November 2nd at 11:15 a.m. A short devotional will
 THANKSGIVING TURKEY MEAL                                           be held followed by a brief business meeting followed by a
 Sunday, Nov. 19 at 12:00 Noon                                      potluck lunch. Our speaker this month will be a panel of 6
 Come enjoy food, fellowship and thanksgiving at this meal          veterans from the Norman VA.
 provided by the women of the LWML. Free-will donations are
 appreciated.                                                       Our trip will be on Friday the 17th. We will leave at 9:15 a.m.
                                                                    for the Women’s Aviation Museum located by the Will Rogers
                                                                    Airport. The place to eat will be discussed at the Nov meeting.
 Sunday, November 5                                                 Pray to see all you seniors this month.

 8:00 a.m.    Holy Communion - Divine Service                                 CONGREGATION FELLOWSHIP BBQ
 9:15 a.m.    Sunday School and Bible Class                                   AND BEDLAM O.U. /O.S.U TAILGATE
 10:30 a.m.   Holy Communion – Divine Service                                             Saturday, Nov. 4th
                                                                    The TLC Fellowship Committee is planning a tailgate party
 • Tolling of the bells for all of our church members and           before the BEDLAM GAME on Saturday, November 4th. The
   worldwide martyrs who died since last Nov. 1 and are now         festivities are from 1:30 p.m. and last until the start of the
   rejoicing with the saints and angels in heaven                   game at 2:30 p.m. We will meet in the church parking lot and
                                                                    watch the game on the TV in the Fellowship Hall. In the event
 • Consecrated pledges presented at BOTH services                   of rain, we will meet in the church. Meat will be furnished by
                                                                    the committee, and all you need to bring is a side dish and a
                                                                    lawn chair. Games will be provided for the children during the
 CHURCH OFFICES CLOSED for Thanksgiving                             game with adult supervision.
 November 22nd - 24th ELC will be closed November 20-24th.

                                                                              CHURCH DECORATING FOR ADVENT
 An Opportunity to be a Part of the ESL Ministry                    It’s beginning to look a lot like . . . Advent!
 The majority of our ESL students will be alone on
 Thanksgiving and over the Christmas break as OU is on              Well, not yet, but soon we will be thinking about Thanksgiving
 holiday breaks and they are very far from home and family. As      – if you aren’t already! And then it will be time to get out the
 we seek to build relationships with our ESL students, we would     Advent wreath and decorate the church! Come join us at 6:00
 like to offer the congregation members the opportunity to share    p.m. on December 1st to put up the church Christmas
 their home and holiday with one or two of them. If you might       decorations. We’ll do our traditional pot-luck soup, salad, and
 be willing to invite one of our 12 ESL students (possibly with     dessert meal together as well. Don’t miss this special
 their spouse) to your home for Thanksgiving, please email          opportunity for serving and fellowship! or OR
 talk to Susan Hartman or Vickie Loemker at church. We can
 also answer any questions you might have. (By the way most                        IT’S TIME TO “FALL BACK”
 of our students speak English pretty well, and communication       Daylight Saving Time ends on Saturday, November 4th. Be
 is not a major problem.)                                           sure to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday night.

 ESL Fact: The vast majority of international students say that
 the thing they most hope for while they are here, is to be                          WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY
 invited to visit an American home. 70% or less actually receive                    Tuesday – Nov. 28 at 10:00 a.m.
 an invitation to do so. This is a tremendous opportunity to meet               (not Nov. 21 during Thanksgiving week)
 our ESL students and to give them the opportunity to interact                     At church – in the Triangle Room
 with and build relationships with American families.                                      taught by Pastor
Trinity Trumpeter                                                                                                                   3

        TLC EARLY LEARNING                                 LWML NEWS
                                                                                                  SUNDAY MORNING
           CENTER NEWS                                                                             BIBLE CLASSES
                                                THANK YOU for your donations to
                                                Mary Abbott House in Norman.                          9:15 a.m.
            We have a very busy month
            planned for November. We            Donations included: 19 teddy bears,        Join us for a Sunday morning Bible
            will be collecting Samaritan’s      16 stuffed animals, 10 blankets, 13        study at 9:15 a.m. while your children
            Purse Operation Christmas           quilts, 30 washable fat marker sets,       and teens are in Sunday School. Come
 Child shoeboxes. Shoeboxes are available       18 Play-Doh sets. A Thrivent grant         and learn with us and grow in grace
 in the Narthex for any church members          was also used to purchase items.           and the knowledge of Jesus Christ
 who would like to participate. Please
 return your filled shoebox no later than       THANKGSGIVING DINNER: It’s                 WITH PASTOR:
 November 13th.                                 almost time for LWML at Trinity to            “The Book of James”
                                                host our annual Thanksgiving meal          WITH BOB LEE:
 Upcoming in November:                          on       Sunday        Nov.       19th        “Hosea, Joel & Amos”
 November 3rd – Parent Teacher                  following the10:30a.m. service. This       WITH VICAR:
 Conferences                                    dinner is a longstanding tradition at         “The Books of 1 Peter, 2nd Peter”
 November 6th - 10th – Book Fair                Trinity. Freewill    donations     are
 November 13th – Shoeboxes for Operation        welcome, and the donations are used
 Christmas Child due!                           to support Rev. Mahlburg and his                 CHRISTMAS PROGRAM
 November 16th – Thanksgiving Feast Day         family, serving in Sri-Lanka. To-                        PRACTICE
 November 20th – 24th Closed for                Go dinners are always available;            Trinity Lutheran Church is preparing
 Thanksgiving Break                             there will be a sign-up sheet for To-      for Christmas! Your child is invited to
                                                Go dinners in the narthex. No need to      join us as we prepare to tell the story of
 Help us get the news out about our             sign up if you are eating in the                        Christ’s Birth.
 program. Like and share our page on            Fellowship Hall.                                  Pre-K – 8th Grade Students
 Facebook at TLC Early Learning Center.                                                     Mark your calendar for the following
 Please keep our staff and children in your     Orphan Grain Train Servant                                  dates:
 prayers.                                       Center in Norfolk, Nebraska, is the               CHRISTMAS PROGRAM
                                                recipient of a $100,000 LWML                    Sunday, Dec. 10th at 7:00 p.m.
                                                mission grant. Orphan Grain Train is
                                                a Christian volunteer network that                 PROGRAM PRACTICES
          LUTHERAN YOUTH                        ships donated food, clothing, medical      Sunday, Nov. 12 at 6:00 p.m. (2nd grade
            FELLOWSHIP                          supplies, and other needed items to                        – 8th grade)
                                                the U.S. and 70 other countries. The       Sunday, Nov. 19 at 6:00 p.m. (2nd grade
           Jr. & Sr. High Youth                 Gospel is shared as gifts are                              – 8th grade)
            Weekly Bible Study                  distributed. The grant will help fund      Sunday, Nov. 26 at 6:00 p.m. (2nd grade
 Every 1st & 3rd Sunday evening from 5:30       the update and expansion of the                       – 8th grade) tenative
    – 6:30pm in the upper youth room            warehouse facility in Norfolk. To           Sunday, Dec. 3 at 6:00 p.m. (Pre-K –
                                                learn more, visit or ask                        8th grade)
                                                an LWML member.                            Final run-through during Sunday School
  Fall Force 2023 - Camp Lutherhoma
           November 17-19, 2023                                                                           on Dec. 10th
                                                Please bring your mites the
           Cost: $130 per camper                1st Sunday of the month, or any other
 This is a fun-filled weekend for ages 8-12     time that’s convenient for you. Place
   yrs. old. During the retreat, expect to      your mites in the large mite box on
   connect with friends and caring camp         the Welcome Center. Mites are how
 counselors, grow in your relationship with     mission grants are funded both
     Jesus, experience camp games and           in National    LWML,       and    the
 activities like rumble ball, archery, hikes,   Oklahoma District LWML.
           arts & crafts, and more!                                                           If you have any questions, please
                                                Want to learn more about LWML               contact Leah Haxton or Sarah Lemke
  If you are interested in sending your         check out the web site at                       405-623-2116 / 405-808-2764
  youth, contact Youth Director, Susan        -    or    go     to
     Hartman for a registration form.  and you will find links      DECEMBER TRUMPETER
   Registrations & fees due to Susan            to the national and district web sites.    DEADLINE is 1 week early because of
       Sunday, November 5, 2023
                                                                                           the holidays. Please send Bobby
 With 2 or more attendees, we will plan to
                                                                                           Thomale your article for the December
   travel as a group, leaving Friday &
                                                                                           Trumpeter by November 10th.
       returning Sunday afternoon.
Trinity Trumpeter                                                                                                                     4

                      FROM THE VICAR                                          Trinity Lutheran Church Stewardship
                                                                                         Theme for 2024
 From Vicar James Bruss No. 34                                                       “I Am with You Always”
                                                                           Pledge Sundays are November 5, 12, and 19.
 They now enjoy their Sabbath rest, The paschal banquet of the
 blest; The Lamb, their Lord, At festal board Himself is Host        The biblical inspiration for this theme comes from Matthew 28:
 and Guest. ~ TLH 656                                                18-20 (NKJV):

 All Saints’ Day is, of course, the reason we celebrate                       And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All
 Reformation Day when we do. Martin Luther affixed his 95                     authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.
 Theses to the doors of Castle Church (know officially as All                 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations,
 Saints’ Church) on October 31 because he knew the Wittenberg                 baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
 believers would pour through those same doors the very next                  and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all
 day—All Saints’ Day. These two feast days attend to the same                 things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with
 subject: the Church. Yet the contrast between them could not                 you always, even to the end of the age.”
 be starker. Reformation Day is about a fracturing historical
 change, the world’s order upturned. All Saint’s Day is about        This Great Commission passage reassures us regarding Christ’s
 how things never change in the Church. Against this ever-           constant presence in our lives and encourages us to be thankful to
 present reality of Christ’s Church, “the gates of Hades shall not   God and to respond with our gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
 prevail” (Mt 16:18).                                                This reassurance will be a guide as you prayerfully consider your
                                                                     pledge for Trinity’s 2024 Work Plan. As we complete these
 In the Church we are united with all saints from all time,          pledges, we are promising to assist in the work of our Lord and
 because its creation is from eternity: “He chose us in Him          Savior Jesus Christ in carrying out His Great Commission at
 before the foundation of the world” (Eph 1:4). All Saints’ Day      Trinity Lutheran Church.
 is a remembrance of saints departed—all the company of
 heaven—and an anticipation of the kingdom to come, where “a         The pledge cards will not be mailed out. Instead, you will find
 great multitude which no one could number, of all nations,          copies in the divine service bulletins on each Stewardship pledge
 tribes, peoples, and tongues, stand[] before the throne and         Sunday and on a table in the narthex.
 before the Lamb, clothed with white robes” (Rev 7:9).
                                                                     I pledge the use of my Time for:
 Therefore All Saints’ Day expresses the Church’s present            ___________________________________
 perfection, its completeness, in God’s grace. It lacks neither
 members nor sustenance in faith. It is a celebration of the         I pledge the use of my Talent for:
 kingdom of heaven that has already come, and is here now, in        ___________________________________
 the preaching of the Word and in the Sacraments God instituted
 for us. And this preaching of the Word and the waters of            I pledge the use of my Treasures:
 baptism that bring us into the Church, the communion of saints,     I (we) commit the first portion of my (our) income to the Lord
 nourish all Christians in repentance and forgiveness.               through my (our) church. With God’s help, I (we) will increase
                                                                     my (our) giving to ____ % of my (our) personal income.
 All Saints’ Day also honors the Church’s unity of witness.
 Luther sought to reform the human institutions of the Church.       My (our) offering will be $_____________
 But the communion of saints needs no reform. It is “one body”       / Weekly / Monthly / Annually
 and shares “one Lord, one faith, one baptism” (Eph 4:4). In the
 Church, all the saints confess that one truth from which all        Name(s) ________________________________________
 others flow—"Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2).
 The Church is presently complete, comprising all baptized           Please attend the Voters Meeting on Sunday November 19 at
 saints called, gathered, and enlightened by the Holy Spirit         1:00 p.m., immediately following the LWML Thanksgiving
 around the sacrificed body of Christ.                               Dinner at 12:00 noon. The 2024 Work Plan will be discussed and
                                                                     voted on.
 On All Saints’ Day, we celebrate a communion of comfort. We
 stand united with the saints in our midst and those who have        We ask that you pledge as the Holy Spirit leads you. As members
 gone before—memorable and unremembered alike—at the                 of Christ’s Body, the Holy Christian Church, we urge you to
 paschal banquet, to enjoy the Sabbath rest with our Lord. And       actively participate in the life of this congregation in the ways
 having been instructed by the doctrine of the blessed Apostles,     you see as most appropriate!
 there we confess the one true faith in the God who mercifully
 sacrificed His own so that we might be united in eternity with      Sincerely,
 Him and those other saints.                                         Trinity Lutheran Board of Stewardship
          Sun                           Mon                     Tue                  Wed                    Thu                   Fri                   Sat
                                                                              1                    2                     3                        4 9:30 am ESL
                                                                              2:00 pm School Brd. 11:15 am Seniors                               1:30 pm Bedlam
                                                                              6:30pm Confirmation Luncheon                    E.L.C. Closed      Tailgate at Trinity
                                                                              6:30 pm Evangelism                             Parent / Teachers Daylight Savings Ends-
                                                                                                   7:30 pm AIC                    Conf.        Set Clocks Back 1 hour
                                                                              7:00 pm Brd of Educ.
5    All Saints Day          6                          7                     8                    9                     10                    11
   Pledge Sunday 1                 Pastor’s / Vicar’s    9:00 am Trustees                                                 8:30 am Admin Mtg. 9:30 am ESL
8:00 am Communion                       Day Off                                                     7:00 pm Choir
9:15 am SS & BC                                                                                     7:30 pm AIC
10:30 am Communion                                      6:30 pm LCMSU         6:30pm Confirmation
5:30 pm LYF                                             7:00 pm Stewardship

12 Pledge Sunday 2           13                         14                    15                    16                    17                    18
8:00/10:30 Communion              Pastor’s / Vicar’s                                                 8:30 am Pastors Conf  9:15 am Seniors Trip      9:30 am ESL
9:15 am SS & BC                       Day Off           6:30 pm LCMSU       6:30pm Confirmation 7:00 pm Choir                                        Thanksgiving
1:30 pm Elders Meeting                                                                               7:30 pm AIC
6:00 SS Christmas Practice
6:30 pm Council Mtg                                               Council of Presidents Irvine California 11/13 – 11/18
19 Pledge Sunday 3           20                         21                    22                    23                   24                    25
8:00 /10:30 Communion             Pastor’s / Vicar’s                                                     10:00 am
9:15 am SS & BC                       Day Off                                                        THANKSGIVING
12:00 pm THANKSGIVING                                                                                 DAY SERVICE
5:30 pm LYF                                   ELC CLOSED 11/20 – 11/24                11/22 – 11/24 Church Offices Closed
26                           27                         28                29                   30
8:00am Communion                  Pastor’s /Vicar’s      10:00 am Women’s
9:15 am SS & BC                       Day Off                Bible Study
                                                                                               7:00 pm Choir
10:30am Communion                                                         6:30 pm Confirmation
6:00pm SS Christmas                                      6:30 pm LCMSU                         7:30 pm AIC
Program Practice

Dolores Schweiger
Jessie Douglas
David Mathison           11/2
Rose Niehues             11/2
Tanner Sendelbach        11/3                      Jerry & Charlene Jerman         11/4/1972        51
Stephany Kirk            11/4                      Brian & Penny Rytlewski         11/9/1991        32
Paige Trumbo             11/4                      Calvin & Rowan Ullman           11/16/2019        4
Jim Randol               11/5                      Matthew & Haley Brinkoetter     11/19/2022        1
Diann Fischer            11/6                      Darryl & Tammy Vogt             11/26/2004       19
Zoey Hartman             11/6                      Seth & Madisen Lemke            11/29/2014        9
Pastor David Keating     11/6                      Tyler & Maranda Wendte          11/30/2013       10
Alex Laffin              11/6
Kelly Peters             11/6
Steve Bute               11/8
Pastor David Carver      11/8
Karen Ladusau            11/8                        PLEASE MAKE THESE CHANGES / ADDITIONS /
Frank Richartz           11/8                         DELETIONS TO YOUR CHURCH DIRECTORY
Susan Crane              11/13
Pastor Eric Rudsenske    11/14                                       NEW MEMBERS
Chris Ladusau            11/15                                John & Barbara Keiken (transfer)
Elijah Dicuss            11/16                                      2270 Jackson Lane
Tammy Lemke              11/16                                     Balnchard, OK 73010
Pastor Jordan Peiser     11/16
Anne Schuster            11/16
Johna Jupe               11/18                                        405-597-2212
Jonathan Anderson        11/19                          
Pastor Timothy Gerdes    11/19
Pastor Keith Kettner     11/19
Sue Ebey                 11/20                                      Katie Straughn (AIC)
Nathan Hasbrook          11/20                                      3924 Durango Circle
Scott Hasbrook           11/20                                       Norman, OK 73072
Veronica Richartz        11/20                       
Wayne Stehr              11/23                                         405-201-7474
Vicki Maurer             11/24
Pansy Brown              11/27
Annette Geisler          11/28
Brian Rytlewski          11/29                                              DEATH
Cindi Schemm             11/30                               Pray for the family of Kay Brueckner
Fern Stine               11/30                                     who died on October 3rd.

Can’t make it to Church? Listen to the Lutheran
Hour! The Lutheran Hour broadcasts in the
Oklahoma City area Sunday mornings at 8:00 am on
BOTT radio station KQCV (800 AM).
The Trinity Trumpeter

       God’s Servants                                Trinity Staff
ELDER OF THE DAY                                       TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH
                           TLC EARLY
8:00 a.m.              LEARNING CENTER                       OFFICE 405-321-3443
Nils Gransberg            405-329-1503
                                             PASTOR David Nehrenz
10:30 a.m.                                   405-321-3443 or home 405-360-9396
Brian Lundmark     Director:
                   Carol Wendte
ACOLYTE                                      VICAR James Bruss
                   Early Learning Center     405-429-9327
8:00 a.m.                          
NA                 Web:

10:30 a.m.                                   SECRETARY Jackie Mullen                405-321-3443
Channing Gobble                    

                                             Superintendents Stephanie Burge & Hadley Jerman
8:00 a.m.                                    Youth Director Susan Hartman
Cindy Schemm
                                             ESL Dir. Emily Schuster 405-227-7874
10:30 a.m.                         
Beth Brown
                                             Choir Director & Organist          Timothy Schmidt

                                             Trumpeter Editor                      Bobby Thomale

                                             Trinity Church / Web Page              Bobby Thomale
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