Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018

Page created by Andrew Carpenter
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
Treasurer’s Workshop
     Spring 2018
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
  J. Merritt Francis          Tony Brown
Student Body Treasurer       GSA Treasurer
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
Background of:
               Student Activity Fees

                                Senate Finance
                  Student           Codes
                 Activity Fee         &
Activity Fee
                   (SAF)          University
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
Undergrad RSOs:
                                     Undergraduate      $185,367

                                                       GSA RSOs:
Campus Activity   Student Activity
    Fees               Fees
                                     School of Law     Law RSOs:

                                       School of
                                                     Pharmacy RSOs:

                                                       Sport Clubs:
                                      Sports Clubs
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
Steps to Qualify for Funding Consideration:
                                           STEP 1

 Student Organization must attend a Renewal Workshop at the beginning of each academic year.

                                           STEP 2
    Student Organization’s President OR Treasurer must attend a Treasurer’s Workshop each
                                       academic year.

                                           STEP 3
   Student Organization must submit a complete budget request in the Student Organization
 System (SOS) website. The request will then enter the review process for funding consideration.
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
What is considered for funding?
 University-wide Programs
   Must be free & open to the entire University
   Must benefit the University community
 Conference Travel
 Competition Travel
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
Student Organization System (S.O.S.)

*Use your Student Org username      *If you do not know the           *passwords
and password to enter the website   username/password – contact       change each
                                    the Leadership & Service Center   semester
Treasurer's Workshop Spring 2018
Before you submit a budget request…
                    Documentation of prices
                     – You must provide the Student Senate
Upload financial
                       Finance Committee with specific quotes,
  quotes and
                       estimates and pricing for each area of the
documentation          event:
                        • Location/Site fees
                        • Program Supplies
                        • Contractual Services
                        • Technology/Music/Microphones
                        • Refreshments (food/drink/utencils)
                        • Publicity/Assessment
                        • Travel
Non-Funded Items
   consumable                           Tips
items (Banners,                                      Academic         Private
  games, office
                     Clothing        exceeding
                                                      Journals        Lessons
    supplies,                           20%
giveaways, etc.)

   Food for          Any type of     Salaries for
   regularly        cash reward        Staff or                      Individual
                                                    to charitable
  scheduled        (including gift    Graduate                      memberships
   meetings            cards)         Assistants
Before you submit a budget request…
           On-Campus Reservations
            – Must use                     for:
Reserve        • Academic Spaces

 space         • Russell House
               • Greene Street or fields

            – Contact Colleen Kelly, Event Services
              Coordinator, for any questions.
               • (803) 777-8182
Before you submit a budget request…
            On-Campus Events in RHUU
             – If the total amount of food/drinks for an
               on-campus event costs $999 or under, the
Catering       student organization can utilize an
               approved, outside vendor:
                • Vendor must be approved by the Russell
                  House Event Services Office before the
                  event and the vendor must provide the
                  following information:
                    – Copy of Liability Insurance
                      ($1m/$2m per incident minimum)
                    – SCDHEC License
                    – Copy of business license with expiration date
Before you submit a budget request…
            On-Campus Events in RHUU
             – If the total amount of food/drinks for an
               on-campus event costs $1,000 or more, the
Catering       student organization must utilize
               Horseshoe Catering:

             Horseshoe Catering’s main contact for student
             organizations is:
                            Kristen Whittaker
                            (803) 777-7919
Before you submit a budget request…
            On-Campus Events In…
              Darla Moore School of Business
Catering     Capstone Conference Center
                 Capstone Campus Room
                 Bates West Social Room
                 Carolina Room
Before you submit a budget request…
Signed Copy
uploaded in
Important Tips!
• Prioritize the organization’s events/travel for 2017-2018.
   – Prioritize what events you want to submit for review by the finance

• Do not sign contracts in advance
   – First, wait to see if you are approved monies from your respective
     finance committee.
       • If you are approved monies, the university will sign the contract to keep
         liability off the student organization

• Only contact vendors for quotes and if they can send you the
  quote via email for you to use for documentation purposes.
Once you have everything in order…

    Upload                     information in
                Catering           S.O.S.!
  quotes and

 Reserve        Signed Copy
  space         uploaded in
Undergraduate Student Orgs:
                       Budget Dialogue Meetings


 Must meet with the Student Senate Finance Committee for:           All requests over $500
Budget Dialogues are every Friday from 2:30pm – 4:30pm              All travel requests
Location – Russell House 348                             Sign up in SOS for specific meeting time
Graduate Student Orgs:
                               Budget Dialogue Meetings


        Must meet with the Graduate Finance Committee for:                  All requests over $1,000
Bi-Weekly Dialogues (Mondays) 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.                         All travel requests
January 22, Feb. 5 and 19, Mar. 5 and 19, April 2, 16 and 30   Location: PHRC 519
                                                               Sign up in SOS for specific meeting time
      Treasurer’s Manual/Videos
      J. Merritt Francis
       Student Body Treasurer
      Tony Brown
       GSA Treasurer
      Megan Colascione
       Financial Advisor for
       Student Organizations
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