Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions

Page created by Gary Hunter
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
2021 | Q4

Travel Recovery
Trend Report
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
     When we last left off in 2021, we were adjusting to impacts from the Delta variant of COVID-19
     but still seeing improvements, as highlighted in our Q3 2021 Travel Recovery Trend Report. Then in
     Q4 Omicron arrived. But throughout 2021 we saw promising trends across the industry, including
     consistent global search volumes in Q3 and Q4, and more international destinations appearing
     on regional top 10 destination lists. Plus, looking at 2021 as a whole, searches were up 70%
     compared to 2020.

     After nearly two years of the pandemic, consumers have learned how to travel under ever-
     changing circumstances, based on their comfort level and local government and health
     guidance. We anticipate that travelers will continue to adapt their travel behaviors and
     preferences as the landscape changes. Year-over-year progress is encouraging, and we remain
     confident in the power of travel and the resilience of both the industry and travelers.

     In this Q4 2021 report, we share a snapshot of the latest quarterly trends, gathered from more
     than 300 petabytes of exclusive Expedia Group first-party data and custom research. As we enter
     another year of the pandemic, we will continue to share data and insights on shifting traveler
     behaviors and attitudes around the world to help our partners, travel marketers, and the industry
     on the continued road to recovery. Connect with us for more specific data on your region and
     destination, and subscribe to our blog for more trends and regional insights.

     With that, let’s take a look at the leading trends from Q4 2021.

                                 Global Vice President
                                 Expedia Group Media Solutions

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Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Snapshot

     Appetite for Travel
     Continues to Grow
     Despite a bumpy quarter, there is still a

     tremendous appetite for travel compared

     to 2020. Global search volume in Q4 was

     flat quarter-over-quarter, but up over 70%

     year-over-year, indicating that travelers

     are still eager to get away. In APAC, search

     volumes were up nearly 35% over Q3, driven

     by additional vaccinated travel lanes and

     international border reopenings in several

     countries, including Australia.

                                       Search Windows Lengthen
                                       as Borders Reopen
                                       As more borders around the world reopened to

                                       international travelers in Q4, and travel shoppers

                                       booked ahead for the winter holiday season, global

                                       share of searches in the 31+ day search window

                                       grew 15% quarter-over-quarter, taking share

                                       primarily from the 0- to 21–day search window.

                                       Regionally, EMEA saw the greatest swing toward

                                       longer search windows, with the 31+ day search

                                       window increasing 30% over Q3.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                              3
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Snapshot

     Consistent Demand for
     Long-Haul Destinations
     Building on a trend that started emerging in

     Q2, demand was sustained for destinations

     beyond travelers’ home regions, and big

     cities continued to be an attractive choice

     for travelers around the world. The number

     one booked destination for each region was

     consistent with Q3 standings, but APAC had

     four new destinations enter the top 10 in Q4 –

     more than any other region.

                                               Vacation Rentals
                                               Maintain Popularity
                                               In Q4, global lodging bookings (including both

                                               hotels and vacation rentals) were up more than

                                               50% year-over-year. Looking at quarter-over-

                                               quarter demand globally, in Q4 there was a

                                               shift from hotels to vacation rentals, prompted in

                                               large part by the busy holiday travel season and

                                               vacation rentals’ continued popularity among

                                               friends and families traveling together.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                      4
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Deep Dive

     Appetite for Travel
     Continues to Grow
     Evidence continues to build that
     travel shoppers are ready to see
     the world again. Compared to Q3,
     overall global search volume in Q4
     remained relatively flat, but when
     compared to the same period in
     2020, global search volume was up
     70%. Our first-party data is further
     supported by recent insights from
     Expedia Group’s Traveler Value
     Index: 2022 Outlook, a global survey
     of 5,500 adults in eight countries: the
     U.S., Canada, Mexico, UK, France,
     Germany, Japan, and Australia.
     The survey found that 81% of
     travelers are planning to take a
     leisure trip in the next six months,
     with North American and European
     travelers showing the greatest
     propensity to travel for leisure during

       Q4 | 2021

     Destinations Super-Regions | WoW Search % Change





                       Feb-21                 Apr-21    Jun-21   Aug-21   Oct-21        Dec-21

     Source: Expedia Group data, Q1-Q4 2021

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                    5
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Deep Dive

     the same time (86%). Furthermore,
     1 in 5 plan on taking three or
     more leisure trips – a powerful
     opportunity for travel marketers
     to convert eager and enthusiastic

     In APAC, search volumes were
     up nearly 35% over Q3, driven by
     additional travel green lanes and
     international border reopenings
     in various countries, including
     Australia, Singapore, and Fiji.
                                         Campaign Spotlight

             week-over-week lift            Unsurprisingly, given the
             in APAC international          importance of tourism to its
             searches following             economy, the Fijian tourist
             Australia’s announcement       industry chose to accompany
             that it would reopen its       its border reopening with
             borders to international       marketing designed to entice
             travelers in November          still-cautious travelers. As such,
                                            Fiji Airways’ “Welcome to Our
                                            Home” advertising campaign
                                            highlighted the enhanced safety
                                            measures the airline has taken to
                                            reassure travelers, while display
                                            advertising campaigns on
                                            Expedia Group sites targeted fully
                                            vaccinated Australian travelers
                                            looking for a getaway.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                   6
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Deep Dive

     Global Search Demand Trends                  Insights from the Traveler Value
     As with prior quarters, week-over-week       Index: 2022 Outlook revealed
     global searches spiked around major          that more than 50% of cruise
     announcements and industry activity.         travelers said border openings and
                                                  government-led initiatives have a
     Australia’s Re-opening Gives Q4              strong impact on their likelihood to
     a Positive Start                             travel, illustrating just how influential
     Following Australia’s October 1              restrictions and changes are
     announcement that it would reopen            on traveler decision-making.
     its borders to international travelers in
     November, global searches increased 5%       This eagerness for travel is
     week-over-week. And during the week of       complemented by an apparent
     October 11, APAC international searches      resilience in the traveler mindset.
     saw a 25% lift week-over-week.               We saw this in cancelation rates
                                                  for lodging, which remained
     End to U.S. Border Restrictions Provides     flat throughout Q4 despite the
     a Global Boost                               continued and unpredictable
     On November 8, the U.S. reopened its         headwinds of the pandemic.
     borders to vaccinated travelers from
     33 countries, including most of the EU,
     UK, India, Canada, China, and Brazil,
     resulting in a week-over-week lift in
     searches globally, and a 10% lift in
     searches by LATAM shoppers.

     Searches Spike at the End
     of December
     Global week-over-week searches spiked
     during the week of December 27, possibly
     due to travelers reacting to thousands of
     delayed or canceled flights. However, this
     heightened interest has been sustained
     into the first weeks of 2022, with global,
     NORAM, and EMEA search volumes
     even higher during the first two weeks
     of January compared to the last week
     of December 2021.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                7
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Deep Dive

     NORAM Search Demand Trends

     Cyber Monday Travel Deals Spurred           experienced ups and downs
     Domestic Searches                           during the past two years, the
     During the week of November 29,             year-over-year comparison
     following the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday,    indicates just how far cruising has
     NORAM saw a 10% week-over-week              come compared to 2020. NORAM
     increase in domestic searches, likely       cruise searches in Q4 2021 were up
     spurred by travel deals promoted during     50% year-over-year, and bookings
     Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Travel      were up more than 500%.
     Tuesday shopping events.

     U.S. Border Reopening Piques Interest for
     German Travelers
     Search volume for trips from Germany
     to the U.S. jumped more than 300% from
     October to December 2021, moving from
     the 43rd position to 13th among searches
     for Q4.

     NORAM Cruise Searches Spiked with
     Industry Updates and Announcements
     During the week of November 22,
     when multiple cruise lines announced
     restart plans, NORAM cruise searches
     increased 55% week-over-week. We
     saw a subsequent 20% week-over-week
     lift during the week of December 13,
     possibly due to the christening of two
     new cruise ships (Carnival Radiance
     and Enchanted Princess) and the
     announcement of Norwegian Cruise
     Line’s seasonal homeporting in Panama
     City. Although the cruise industry has

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                           8
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Deep Dive

     Search Windows Lengthen
     with Border Reopenings
     As borders around the world
     continued reopening to
     international travelers in Q4,
     we saw lengthening global search
     windows. 40% of global searches
     fell within the 31+ day search
     window, a 15% increase over
     Q3, taking share primarily from
     the 0- to 21–day search window.
     Loosened international travel
     restrictions enabled travelers to
     start dreaming about or planning
     trips further out, following the
     trends we saw in Q2 2021.

     Regionally, EMEA saw the greatest                                the 31+ day search window, while LATAM
     swing toward longer search                                       was flat.
     windows in Q4, with the 31+ day
     search window increasing 30% over                                Domestic Search Window
     Q3. NORAM and APAC saw minor                                     In Q4, 60% of global domestic searches
     shifts in search window share for                                fell within the 0- to 21–day search


     Global Traveler Search Windows | Week over Week % Change

            0-21 Days

            22-30 Days

            31-60 Days

            61-90 Days

                             Q2 2020              Q3 2020   Q4 2020       Q1 2021    Q2 2021    Q3 2021    Q4 2021

    Source: Expedia Group data, Q2 2020-Q4 2021

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                                       9
Travel Recovery Trend Report - 2021 | Q4 - Expedia Media Solutions
Q4 Deep Dive

      Q4 | 2021

     Super Region Search Window Domestic vs. International

            0-21 Days

            22-30 Days

            31-60 Days

             61-90 Days

             91-180 Days

             180+ Days
                                          Domestic   International   Domestic    International   Domestic   International   Domestic   International

                                                      APAC                        EMEA                      LATAM                      NORAM

    Source: Expedia Group data, Q4 2021

     window, a slight decline quarter-                                          experienced large share swings across
     over-quarter, as travelers searched                                        most regions. When comparing the start
     for domestic trips further out.                                            of Q4 to the end of Q4, the share of
     NORAM, EMEA and APAC all                                                   international searches in the 0- to 60–
     saw a lift in the 31+ day domestic                                         day search window in APAC and LATAM
     search window, with all three                                              increased 20% and 10% respectively,
     regions up more than 10%                                                   while EMEA saw a 10% decline for
     quarter-over-quarter.                                                      the same period and search window.
                                                                                NORAM international searches for the
     International Search Window                                                same period were steady throughout
     More borders opened around                                                 the quarter.
     the world, resulting in changes
     to international search window
     share quarter-over-quarter and
     fluctuations throughout Q4. 40%
     of global international searches
     occurred in the 0- to 21–day                                                                40%
     search window, a 10% percent                                                                of global
     decline from Q3, while share for                                                            searches fell
     the 31- to 90–day search window                                                             within the 31+
     grew 20% quarter-over-quarter.                                                              day search
     Throughout Q4, the 0- to 60–day
     international search window

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                                                                         10
Q4 Deep Dive

     Consistent Demand for
     Long-haul Destinations
     (with More to Come)
     The trend that we first identified
     in Q2, of travelers looking and
     booking destinations further
     afield—outside of their region
     of the world—continued into Q4.
     LATAM led this trend, to the extent
     that five out of the top 10 most
     in-demand destinations for
     travelers living there were
     located in other parts of the world.
     Plus, non-APAC destinations—
     Dubai and Honolulu—made up
     two of the four new entrants to
     the APAC top 10, with Sydney and
     Singapore also joining that list.

     In contrast, North America–based
     travelers continued to book closer
     to home, with Cancun being the

       Top 10 Booked Destinations | Q4 2021

       *New Top 10 destination

               Seoul                          London               Mexico City                New York
               Tokyo                          Dubai                New York                   Las Vegas
               Seogwipo                       New York             Cancun                     Orlando
      APAC                           EMEA                  LATAM                      NORAM
               Sydney*                        Paris                Rio de Janeiro             Los Angeles
               New York                       Istanbul             Sao Paulo                  Cancun
               Singapore*                     Copenhagen           Paris                      Miami*
               Busan                          Stockholm            Orlando*                   Chicago
               Dubai*                         Amsterdam*           Playa del Carmen           Honolulu
               Honolulu*                      Berlin               Las Vegas                  Atlanta*
               London                         Barcelona            Madrid                     San Francisco*

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                                 11
Q4 Deep Dive

     only destination outside the
     region making the top 10 list for
     NORAM bookers. However, this
     tendency looks likely to change
     in 2022: Expedia’s 2022 Travel
     Trends Report found that 68% of
     Americans are planning to go big
     on their next trip, and many are
     eyeing intercontinental destinations
     like Rome, Bali, London, and
                                            Campaign Spotlight
     Paris in 2022.

     Another enduring trend is the
     renewed attraction of big cities.
     As previously, New York featured in    The destination marketing
     the top 10 list in terms of bookings   organization, VisitScotland,
     from all regions, while all of the     provides a good example of how
     new entrants to the chart for North    travel marketers have adapted
     American bookings were major           to the gradual re-opening of
     cities, namely Miami, Atlanta,         international travel. VisitScotland
     and San Francisco.                     was able to widen the targeting
                                            of its range of creative advertising
                                            campaigns—from a domestic
                                            focus to one including selected
                                            high-value international travelers
                                            (notably those from the U.S.,

               68%                          Canada, France, and Germany)—
                                            at the right time thanks to insights
               of Americans                 provided by Expedia Group
               are planning to              Media Solutions’ real-time search
               go big on their              and booking data. This well-
               next trip, and               timed change of targeting has
               many are eyeing              seen VisitScotland’s campaigns
               intercontinental             generate successful returns, such
               destinations                 as a Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)
                                            of 50 to 1 for U.S. travelers. For
                                            more information, check out
                                            this blog post.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                       12
Q4 Deep Dive

     Strong Room Night Demand Growth

     This quarter, among the top 25 global
     destinations, Paris, Dubai, Mexico City,
     Tokyo, and Madrid all saw double-digit
     growth in hotel bookings quarter-over-
     quarter, with Dubai moving from the 18th
     position in Q3 to the 6th position in Q4,
     driven by a 40% increase in room night
     bookings quarter-over-quarter. During
     the same period, Tokyo moved from 41st
     to 24th, Mexico City moved from 23rd to
     17th, and Paris moved from 12th to 5th.

     In APAC, and despite COVID starting
     to spread more widely in Australia than
     previously in the pandemic, Melbourne
     and Sydney moved up the rankings
     throughout Q4. Melbourne moved
     from 26th position to 7th, driven by
     a more than 100% increase in room
     night bookings between October and
     December, while Sydney saw double-
     digit increases in bookings during the
     same period, moving from 22nd to 8th.

     To find out more about these trends in
     more detail, follow the Expedia Group
     Media Solutions blog, where we’ll be
     posting analyses for specific regions
     and industries.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                  13
Q4 Deep Dive

     Vacation Rentals
     Maintain Popularity
     In Q4, global lodging bookings—
     for hotels and vacation rentals
     combined—were up more than
     50% year-over-year. Comparing
     bookings in Q3 and Q4, there
     was a shift in share from hotels
     to vacation rentals – no doubt
     prompted by the busy holiday
     travel season and continued
     popularity of vacation rentals
     among friends and family groups.
     LATAM had a particularly strong
     quarter for vacation rental
     bookings, which were up more
     than 100% quarter-over-quarter.
                                             survey fielded by Vrbo in the U.S. found
     The average length of stay for          that 60% of families said they plan to
     vacation rentals in Q4 increased        book future vacations earlier than they
     slightly to 5.4 days, up from the 5.2   did in pre-pandemic times.
     days seen throughout Q2 and Q3.
     In EMEA, the average vacation           Vacation Rental Destination Trends
     rental length of stay surpassed the     Domestic travel continues to dominate
     one-week mark, at 7.1 days.             the vacation rental space, with
                                             most top destinations reflecting the
     According to the 2022 Vrbo              respective regions. Destinations within
     Trend Report, booking activity          Australia, France, and Brazil largely
     on Vrbo in 2021 occurred on             made up the top 10 Vrbo booked
     average 2-3 months earlier than         destinations list in APAC, EMEA, and
     usual for several major travel          LATAM, respectively, with a few
     seasons, including summer and           international destinations making the
     the holidays, and this behavior is      list. Kissimmee, Florida, was at the top
     expected to continue this year. A       of the list for EMEA bookers.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                            14
Q4 Deep Dive

     As the season shifted from fall to
     winter in the northern hemisphere,
     American travelers sought warm                                        The average
     weather getaways and beachfront                                       length of stay for
     destinations in Florida, Hawaii, and                                  vacation rentals
     South Carolina—consistent with                                        in Q4 increased
     Q3—but destinations in Hawaii
                                                                           slightly to 5.4 days,
                                                                           up from the 5.2 days
     moved up the rankings in Q4
                                                                           seen throughout
     claiming the 3rd and 4th spots on                                     Q2 and Q3.
     the list. Only two new destinations
     appeared on the top 10 list in
     Q4. Breckenridge, a popular ski
     resort town in Colorado, took the
     8th position, followed by Naples,
     Florida, in 9th.

       Top 10 Vrbo Booked Destinations | Q4 2021

       *New Top 10 destination

               Cowes, Australia                            Paris, France
               Rye, Australia                              Kissimmee, Florida
               Surfers Paradise, Australia                 Bourg-Saint-Maurice, France
      APAC                                         EMEA
               Noosa Heads, Australia                      Playa Blanca, Spain
               Nelson Bay, Australia                       Gérardmer, France
               Dunsborough, Australia                      Morzine, France
               Port Macquarie, Australia                   London, UK
               Culburra Beach, Australia                   Davenport, Florida
               Byron Bay, Australia                        Les Belleville, France
               Sorrento, Australia                         Porto-Vecchio, France

              Ubatuba, Brazil                               Kissimmee, Florida
              Guarujá, Brazil                               Panama City Beach, Florida
              São Paulo, Brazil                             Lahaina, Hawaii
     LATAM                                         NORAM
              Praia Grande, Brazil                          Kihei, Hawaii
              Bertioga, Brazil                              Gulf Shores, Alabama
              Rio de Janeiro, Brazil                        Sevierville, Tennessee
              São Sebastião, Brazil                         Hilton Head Island, South
              Cabo Frio, Brazil                             Carolina
              Florianópolis, Brazil                         Breckenridge, Colorado*
              Caraguatatuba, Brazil                         Naples, Florida*
                                                            Destin, Florida

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                                    15
Looking Forward
     Sustainability Focus for Destinations
     and Lodging Providers
     We tracked travelers’ growing
     preference for sustainable travel
     throughout 2021, and awareness
     on this topic looks set to continue
     increasing in 2022. As we saw in the
     Traveler Value Index: 2022 Outlook,
     59% of shoppers remain willing to
     pay more for sustainable travel
     options, while half will take
     overtourism into account when
     selecting a vacation destination.

     But this trend is not specific
     to destination decisions. The
     sustainability credentials of lodging
     providers are also gaining attention
     from travelers. Data from post-stay
     reviews collected from Expedia
     Group brands shows terms related
     to sustainability and eco-friendliness
     being mentioned twice as often
     in January 2022 as they were in
     January 2021. According to this
     reviews-based data, the top five
     most prominent sustainability-related
     amenities are:

         1. Electric car charging stations
         2. Solar energy
         3. Recycling
         4. Elimination of single-use plastics
         5. Eco-friendly (LED) lighting

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                   16
Big Opportunities for Small(er)                    redemptions applied to more bookings
     Destinations                                       last year than in 2019.
     Data from the 2022 Vrbo Trend
     Report revealed that vacation                      Additionally, costs related to points
     rental demand in secondary                         redemption may be offset by greater
     cities in the U.S.—like Cincinnati,                booking values for accommodation
     Ohio, and Niagara Falls, New                       providers. Expedia’s loyalty program,
     York—doubled year-over-year,                       Expedia Rewards, consistently sees
     and 49% of respondents in the                      average booking values up to 13% higher
     Travel Value Index: 2022 Outlook                   from members compared to bookings
     survey said they would choose                      from non-members.
     a less crowded destination in an
     effort to adapt their travel plans                 Growth in loyalty program membership
     around the pandemic. Looking                       also points to a big year ahead. As an
     ahead to 2022, these trends may                    example, 140% more travelers joined
     trickle down to other regions                      Expedia Rewards in December 2021
     and traveler groups, creating                      versus December 2019.
     an opportunity for emerging
     destinations outside of major
     metro areas to target travelers
     looking for a mix of outdoor
     recreation and urban cityscapes.

     Important Year for Loyalty Programs
     Another notable finding in the
     Traveler Value Index: 2022 Outlook
     was that 40% of travelers intend to
     use loyalty points for trips this year. Rewards, the
     loyalty program, started seeing
     this trend emerge in 2021, with

         Ready              For more specifics on our traveler data and insights, and how we can
         to get             help with recovery, reach out to your Expedia Group Media Solutions
        started?            representative or Contact Us on our website.

Expedia Group™ Media Solutions                                                                     17
Expedia Group Media Solutions is a global travel advertising platform
that connects marketers with hundreds of millions of travelers across the
Expedia Group brands. With our exclusive access to 300 petabytes of
Expedia Group traveler search and booking data, we offer advertisers
actionable insights, sophisticated targeting, and full-funnel results reporting.
Our suite of solutions includes display, sponsored listings, audience
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than 20 years of travel and media experience to help our advertising
partners inspire, engage, and convert travelers for meaningful results.

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