Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International

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Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Botanic Gardens Conservation International Education Review

                                                              Volume 11 • Number 1 • May 2014

Transforming audience
experience: botanic
gardens going digital

• ‘Hot-wiring’ the future of botanic gardens
• Is there a place for screens in a garden?
• A digital library for plant education
• Virtual field trips
• The use of on-line & blended learning for
  capacity building
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Communities in Nature:
Botanic gardens have always brought people closer to nature. As our world grows steadily
  more urbanised, they remain uniquely placed to support communities towards greater
            environmental awareness, sustainable living and social inclusion.

  BGCI's all new Communities in Nature portal allows you easy access to information
 and resources which will help your institution to re-examine its mission and roles within
                          a framework of social responsibility.

 Use our mapping applet to explore case studies that highlight the creative ways botanic
               gardens are growing their social role all over the world.

                      Supported by
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Volume 11 • Number 1
                                                                 02       First word: Going Digital
                                                                          Asimina Vergou,
                                                                Botanic Gardens Conservation International

Asimina Vergou Head of Education
Liliana Derewnicka Education Officer                                                                                     Virtual field trips: Bringing

                                                                The virtual garden: ‘Hot-wiring’
                                                                                                     06        botanic gardens to the classroom
                                                                                                               Cheri van Deraa, Chicago Botanic Garden,
Forthcoming Issue                                               the future of botanic gardens                  Chicago, U.S.A
Volume 11 Number 2: Art in the gardens
Abstract submission date: 15 July, 2014                         Marcus Ragus, Royal Tasmanian Botanical
Full article submission date: 5 September, 2014                 Gardens, Hobart, Tasmania
Cover Photo: Gardensculpture, art installation by Dieter and
Björn Roth, (1964) exhibited at Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin
(Øystein Nilsen)
Design: John Morgan,
BGCI would like to thank the co-editors for their work in
the production of Roots
For the French Section:
Thierry Helminger - Musée national d’histoire naturelle,
Loïc Ruellan – Conservatoire Botanique National de Brest,
Anne Lindsey - France                                                                                           23
Allison Marshall – France                                                                                                Is there a place for screens in
Réjane Brun – Bordeaux Botanic Garden, France
For the Spanish Section:
                                                                                                     09        a garden? Angela McFarlane, King’s
                                                                The engaging botanic garden:                   College London
Veronica Franco - Jardín Botánico Regional Xíitbal neek,
Mexico                                                          Technology making learning easier
Orlik Gómez García - Jardín Botánico Francisco Javier
Clavijero, Mexico
                                                                Zhe Zhang, Chenshan Botanical Garden,
Maricela Rodriguez - Jardín Botánico de la BUAP, Puebla,        Shanghai, China
Olive de la Puente Blanca - Real Jardín Botánico Juan
Carlos I Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
For the English Section:
Jan Chamier

Roots is published by Botanic Gardens Conservation
International (BGCI). It is published twice a year.
Membership is open to all interested individuals,
institutions and organisations that support the aims
of BGCI.
Further details available from:
                                                                                                                         The Power of Technology:
• Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Descanso                                                         The use of on-line & blended learning
  House, 199 Kew Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3BW
  UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 8332 5953, Fax: +44 (0)20 8332 5956                                                       for capacity building Leigh Morris,
• BGCI-Russia, c/o Main Botanical Gardens,                                                           12        Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
  Botanicheskaya st., 4, Moscow 127276, Russia.                 Apps in botanic gardens: Dos and
  Tel: +7 (095) 219 6160 / 5377, Fax: +7 (095) 218 0525,
  E-mail:,                              Don’ts Hanneke Jelles and Paul Keßler,
• BGCI-Netherlands, c/o Delft University of Technology          Hortus botanicus, Leiden, The Netherlands
  Julianalaan 67, NL-2628 BC Delft, Netherlands
  Tel: +31 15 278 4714 Fax: +31 15 278 2355
• BGCI-Canarias, c/o Jardín Botánico Canario Viera y Clavijo,
  Apartado de Correos 14, Tafira Alta 35017,
  Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain.
  Tel: +34 928 21 95 80/82/83, Fax: +34 928 21 95 81,
• BGCI-China, 723 Xingke Rd., Guangzhou 510650 China.
  Tel:(86)20-85231992. email:
• BGCI-Colombia, c/o Jardín Botánico de Bogotá,
  Jose Celestino Mutis, Av. No. 61-13 – A.A. 59887,
  Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia. Tel: +57 630 0949,
  Fax: +57 630 5075, E-mail:,
• BGCI(US) Inc, c/o Chicago Botanic Garden,                                                                                                        30
  1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, Illinois 60022, USA.
  E-mail:,                         16                                            Online learning at Longwood
                                                                          Floratheca: A digital library for    Gardens – ever growing Susan Caldwell,
BGCI is a worldwide membership organisation established in
1987. Its mission is to mobilise botanic gardens and engage     plant education Marcin Zych and                Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania, U.S.A
partners in securing plant diversity for the well-being of      Krystyna Jędrzejewska-Szmek, Botanic
people and the planet. BGCI is an independent organisation
registered in the United Kingdom as a charity (Charity Reg No
1098834) and a company limited by guarantee, No 4673175.
                                                                Garden Faculty of Biology, University of        33       Educational resources
                                                                Warsaw, Poland                                           for botanic gardens
BGCI is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation in the
USA and is a registered non-profit organisation in Russia.
Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the views of the Boards or staff of BGCI or of its
                                                                                                              BGCI • 2013 • Roots • Vol 10 (2)      01
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Premier mot : L’adoption du numérique
Primera palabra: rumbo a lo digital

First word
Going digital

ENGLISH                                          FRANÇAIS                                     ESPAÑOL

      hat is the common denominator                   uel est le dénominateur commun          ¿    uál es el denominador común entre
W     amongst a digital library of
botanical drawings in Poland, a
                                                 Q    entre une bibliothèque numérique
                                                 de dessins botaniques en Pologne, un
                                                                                              C    una biblioteca digital de dibujos
                                                                                              botánicos en Polonia, un microblog que
microblog supporting visitor’s artwork in        microblog qui soutient les travaux           apoya el trabajo artístico de los
a garden in China, a virtual field trip on       artistiques des visiteurs dans un jardin     visitantes de un jardín botánico en
invasive species in the US and an app            en Chine, une sortie pédagogique             China, un viaje de campo virtual de
developed for a garden through a                 virtuelle sur les espèces envahissantes      especies invasoras en los Estados
partnership with a 12-year old techno            aux États-Unis et une appli développée       Unidos y una aplicación desarrollada por
whizz? These are all examples of how             pour un jardin par le biais d’un             un jardín tras 12 años compartidos con
botanic gardens around the world use             partenariat avec un jeune prodige de la      un viejo fenómeno tecnológico? Estos
technology to engage with their                  technologie âgé de 12 ans ? Ces              son ejemplos de cómo los jardines
audiences in new ways.                           exemples sont tous représentatifs des        botánicos del mundo utilizan la
                                                 manières dont les jardins botaniques à       tecnología para atraer a sus audiencias
Digital technology is changing how we            travers le monde utilisent les               de una nueva manera.
live and communicate and is also                 technologies pour collaborer avec leurs
profoundly altering our brains, how we           publics de façons innovantes.                La tecnología digital está cambiando la
think and how we learn. Botanic gardens                                                       manera en la que vivimos y nos
are responding to this fast pace digital         La technologie numérique transforme nos      comunicamos, y también está cambiando
age by exploring the use of different            manières de vivre et de communiquer, et      profundamente nuestros cerebros, la
types of technology; on-line courses,            change aussi profondément notre              manera en la que pensamos y en la que
mobile apps, social media, websites and          intelligence, notre façon de penser et       aprendemos. Los jardines botánicos
specialized software for educational             d'apprendre. En réponse à cette ère          están respondiendo a este tránsito a la
projects help gardens to enhance visitor         numérique qui avance à vive allure, les      era digital explorando el uso de diferentes
experience on-site and allow them to             jardins botaniques explorent l’utilisation   tecnologías: cursos en línea, aplicaciones
connect with a wider community on-line.          de différents types de technologies.         para celulares o teléfonos móviles, redes
                                                 Cours en ligne, applis de téléphones         sociales, sitios web y desarrollo de
                                                 portables, médias sociaux, sites internet    software para proyectos educativos lo
                                                 et logiciels spécialisés pour les projets    que ha contribuido a mejorar la
                                                 pédagogiques aident les jardins à            experiencia in situ de los visitantes al
                                                 améliorer l’expérience des visiteurs sur     permitirles una conexión más amplia con
                                                 place et leur permettent d'être en lien      la comunidad en línea.
                                                 avec une plus vaste communauté en
                                                 ligne.                                       En este número de Roots celebramos
                                                                                              cómo los jardines botánicos del mundo
                                                 Dans ce numéro de Roots est saluée la        están acogiendo estas innovaciones
                                                 façon dont les jardins botaniques            tecnológicas. La recopilación de
                                                 adoptent les innovations technologiques      estudios de caso y artículos de opinión
                                                 à travers le monde. Le recueil des           en esta materia se documentan en el
                                                 études de cas et des articles d’opinions     informe Descodificación del aprendizaje:
                                                 sur ce sujet a été réalisé grâce au          la prueba, promesa y potencial de la
                                                 rapport Decoding Learning: the proof,        educación digital (Luckin et al., 2012).
                                                 promise and potential of digital             Dicho informe muestra cómo la
Connected Classrooms On air at Chicago Botanic   education (Luckin et al., 2012).             tecnología puede utilizarse como
Garden (CBG)                                     Le rapport présente comment la               herramienta educativa. Permite

 02      BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1) • 02-05
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
In this issue of Roots we celebrate how         technologie peut servir d’outil
botanic gardens worldwide embrace               pédagogique. Celle-ci peut structurer et
technological innovations. The                  présenter des informations sous un
compilation of case studies and opinion         format accessible et engageant. Elle
articles on this subject matter has been        peut encourager l’apprentissage social,
informed by the report Decoding                 par lequel les participants se soutiennent
Learning: the proof, promise and                mutuellement en vue de développer
potential of digital education (Luckin et       collectivement des connaissances. Elle
al., 2012). The report showcases how            peut proposer de nouvelles manières de
technology can be used as an                    partir à la recherche d’informations.
educational tool. It can structure and          Elle peut soutenir la démarche
present information in an accessible and        d’investigation dans l’apprentissage en
engaging format; it can encourage social        aidant à organiser les investigations et
learning, where people support each             changer la façon dont les apprenants
other to develop knowledge collectively;        abordent la résolution de problèmes.
it can offer new ways to explore                Elle peut permettre aux gens d’appliquer
information; it can support inquiry-based       et de transférer leurs apprentissages
learning by helping to organise inquiry         d’un contexte à un autre.
and change how learners look at
problem-solving; it can help people             Nous souhaitons également jeter un
apply and transfer their learning from          regard critique sur l’utilisation de la
one setting to another.                         technologie dans un objectif
                                                d’apprentissage et de participation du
We also wish to cast a critical eye over        public dans les jardins botaniques, en
the use of technology for learning and          général. Le fait de proposer des outils
for public engagement in botanic                technologiques dans les jardins                QR codes used to complement interpretation at
gardens, in general. Offering                   botaniques présuppose que le public a          RBG, Kew
technological tools in botanic gardens          accès à des appareils pour pouvoir les
presupposes that the public has access          utiliser, et que les appareils ont une         estructurar y presentar información en
to devices to be able to use them and           vitesse de connexion appropriée.               formatos accesibles y atractivos.
that the devices have an adequate               Les coûts liés au développement et à           Promueve el aprendizaje social, cuando
connection speed. The development and           l’installation, ainsi que ceux associés à la   las personas se apoyan unas a otras
installation costs, along with those            formation et à l'entretien, peuvent rendre     para desarrollar el conocimiento de
associated with training and                    onéreuse l'adoption de nouvelles               forma colectiva. Ofrece nuevas formas
maintenance can make adopting new               technologies dans les jardins. Toutefois,      de búsqueda de información. Puede
technologies in gardens expensive. But          ce ne sont pas uniquement les questions        apoyar el aprendizaje basado en la
it’s not just the practical issues related to   pratiques liées au développement et à          indagación ayudando a organizar el
developing and using technology that            l’utilisation de la technologie qui doivent    cuestionamiento y ayuda a cambiar
need to be considered. It is also about         être examinées. Il s’agit également            cómo los estudiantes miran la resolución
being aware that technology, due to its         d’avoir conscience que la technologie,         de problemas. Puede ayudar a las
limitations, may result in negative impact      en raison de ses limites, peut engendrer       personas a aplicar y transferir su
by disrupting the visitors’ experience.         des impacts négatifs en perturbant             aprendizaje de una situación a otra.
For example, visitors may get frustrated        l’expérience des visiteurs. Par exemple,
when they use a digital map with a GPS          les visiteurs pourraient être frustrés         También quisiéramos exponer una
that is not sensitive enough to provide         lorsqu’ils utilisent une carte numérique       mirada crítica sobre el uso de la
the spatial accuracy required for               avec un GPS trop peu sensible pour             tecnología para el aprendizaje y en
successful location of plants and               apporter l’exactitude spatiale nécessaire      general en el compromiso público hacia
attractions. The Roots articles in this         à la bonne localisation de plantes et          los jardines botánicos. La oferta de
issue aim to give a balanced perspective        d’attractions. Les articles de Roots, dans     herramientas tecnológicas en jardines
on how botanic gardens can use digital          ce numéro, tentent de porter un regard         botánicos presupone que el público
media but also what challenges they             équilibré sur les possibilités d’utilisation   tiene acceso a dispositivos y puede
may encounter along the way.                    du numérique par les jardins botaniques        utilizarlos si tienen una conexión
                                                et également sur les difficultés               adecuada y a una velocidad adecuada.
If and when botanic gardens decide to           auxquelles ils pourraient être confrontés      El desarrollo y costos de instalación
employ digital technology to                    dans leurs démarches.                          junto con aquellos asociados al
communicate and connect with their                                                             entrenamiento y mantenimiento pueden
visitors on-site or remotely, it is             Si toutefois, et lorsque, les jardins          encarecer la adopción de nuevas
important to clarify what they want to          botaniques décident d’avoir recours aux        tecnologías en los jardines botánicos.
use technology for and consider the             technologies numériques pour                   Pero no son sólo los aspectos prácticos
impact it will have on their visitors. Very     communiquer et être en lien avec leurs         relacionados con el desarrollo y uso de
few studies exist that provide evidence         visiteurs sur place ou à distance, il est      tecnologías los que deben ser
of the impact of the use of technologies        important de clarifier dans quel but ils       considerados. También se trata de estar

                                                                                               BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)                03
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
in gardens. Mann (2012) looked at the                      souhaitent utiliser les technologies et                conscientes de que la tecnología,
impact of an iPhone app on the visitor                     d’analyser l’impact qu’elles auront sur                debido a sus limitaciones, podría tener
experience at RBG Kew. The study                           leurs visiteurs. Très peu d’études                     un impacto negativo afectando la
found that the use of the app was mainly                   existent, démontrant l’impact de                       experiencia del visitante.
positive and was welcomed by the                           l’utilisation des technologies dans les
public as a positive addition to Kew.                      jardins. Mann (2012) s’est intéressé à                 Por ejemplo, los visitantes pueden
The app improved visitors’ experience                      l’impact d’une appli d’iPhone sur                      frustrarse cuando usan mapas digitales
by deepening and expanding their                           l’expérience des visiteurs aux RBG de                  con el GPS ya que no es
knowledge of the gardens. The study                        Kew. Les résultats de l’étude montrent                 suficientemente sensible para proveer la
also suggested that for digital mobile                     que l’utilisation de l’appli était                     precisión espacial requerida para
apps to become a successful part of the                    principalement positive et qu’elle était               localizar exitosamente las plantas o las
visitor experience they need to be                         accueillie par le public comme une                     diferentes atracciones del jardín. Los
designed and developed with visitor’s                      nouveauté positive pour Kew. L’appli a                 artículos de este número de Roots
expectation of and familiarity with                        amélioré l’expérience des visiteurs en                 pretenden dar una perspectiva
technology and their individual                            approfondissant et en étendant leurs                   balanceada sobre cómo los jardines
motivation for visiting in mind. Although                  connaissances des jardins. L’étude                     botánicos pueden hacer uso de los
technology can be a powerful                               suggère aussi que, pour que les applis                 medios digitales pero también sobre los
educational tool used for example for                      numériques de téléphones portables                     retos que pueden surgir a lo largo del
school visits, the general public’s                        soient une réussite dans l’expérience                  camino.
motivation for visiting a botanic garden                   des visiteurs, elles doivent être conçues
is often social, recreational or spiritual                 et développées en tenant compte des                    Siempre y cuando los jardines botánicos
rather than intellectual.                                  attentes et de la familiarité des visiteurs            decidan utilizar la tecnología digital para
                                                           quant aux technologies, ainsi que de leur              comunicar y conectarse con sus
Lastly, there is always the old debate:                    motivation à visiter. Bien que la                      visitantes, ya sea en el sitio o de manera
technology vs nature. In a world where                     technologie puisse être un outil                       remota, es muy importante tener claro
there is increased concern that young                      pédagogique puissant utilisé par                       para qué quieren utilizar la tecnología así
people are disconnected from nature                        exemple dans le cadre de visites                       como considerar el impacto que ésta
and spend too much of their time using                     scolaires, la motivation générale du                   tendrá en sus visitantes. Existen muy
technological media indoors, how is it                     public à visiter un jardin botanique est               pocos estudios que dan cuenta del
possible for botanic gardens to employ                     souvent d’ordre social, récréatif ou                   impacto del uso de las nuevas
technology and ensure that this schism                     spirituel plutôt qu’intellectuel.                      tecnologías en los jardines botánicos.
is not exacerbated? This issue is not                                                                             Mann (2012) observó el impacto de una
answered by focusing either on using                       Finalement, le vieux débat de la                       aplicación del iPhone en la experiencia
technology or connecting people with                       technologie par opposition à la nature                 de los visitantes en el Jardín Botánico de
nature, it is possible to reconcile these                  demeure toujours. Dans un monde où les                 Kew. Dicho estudio encontró que el uso
                                                                                                                  de la aplicación era básicamente
                                                                                                                  positiva y era bien recibida por el público
                                                                                                                  como una aditamento positivo en Kew.
                                                                                                                  La aplicación mejoró la experiencia de
                                                                                                                  los visitantes profundizando y
                                                                                                                  expandiendo su conocimiento sobre el
                                                                                                                  jardín botánico. El estudio también
                                                                                                                  sugirió que para que las aplicaciones
                                                                                                                  digitales para celulares o móviles fueran
                                                                                                                  exitosas en la experiencia del visitante,
                                                                                                                  necesitan diseñarse y desarrollarse con
                                                                                                                  base en las expectativas del visitante y
                                                                                                                  qué tan familiarizado esté con la
                                                                                                                  tecnología y su motivación individual
                                                                                                                  para la visita. Si bien la tecnología puede
                                                                                                                  ser una poderosa herramienta educativa
                                                                                                                  utilizada por ejemplo en las visitas
                                                                                                                  escolares, la motivación del público en
                                                                                                                  general que visita un jardín botánico es a
                                                                                                                  menudo social, recreativa o espiritual
                                                                                                                  más que intelectual.

                                                                                                                  Por último, siempre surge el viejo
                                                                                                                  debate: tecnología vs. naturaleza. En un
                                                                                                                  mundo en el cual hay una creciente
Would the use of technology enhance the visitor experience in a botanic garden? Read the articles in this issue   preocupación por la falta de conexión de
of Roots which stimulate debate on this matter                                                                    los jóvenes con la naturaleza y que

  04      BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
ideas. Botanic gardens need to consider      préoccupations s’intensifient concernant        pasan gran parte de su tiempo utilizando
carefully how they use technology-           le fait que les jeunes soient déconnectés       medios tecnológicos en lugares
which has the potential for creating         de la nature et passent trop de leur temps      cerrados, ¿cómo es posible que los
visitor-centred and interactive              à utiliser des supports technologiques à        jardines botánicos puedan utilizar esta
experiences and help the organization to     l‘intérieur, comment est-il possible pour       tecnología pero asegurándose de no
make the transition from old garden          les jardins botaniques d’avoir recours à la     exacerbar esta ruptura? Esta pregunta
visitor models of passive, didactic          technologie et de s’assurer que ce              no se responde centrándose ya sea en
learning, to the new garden visitor model    schisme ne soit pas exacerbé ? La               el uso de la tecnología o reconectando
of interactive, collaborative and dialogic   réponse à cette question ne consiste pas        a la gente con la naturaleza, es posible
learning. Within this framework botanic      à choisir entre l'utilisation de la             conciliar ambas ideas. Los jardines
gardens should aim to integrate              technologie ou la connexion des gens            botánicos necesitan considerar
technology into a visitor’s experience in    avec la nature ; il est possible de concilier   cuidadosamente cómo utilizar la
a ‘seamless’ way (see Weiser, 1991).         ces idées. Il est nécessaire que les jardins    tecnología con potencial para crear
Seamless in the sense that technology        botaniques prêtent une attention                experiencias interactivas centradas en el
becomes invisible and recedes into the       particulière à leur manière d'utiliser la       visitante ayudando a la institución para
background whilst through, firsthand         technologie, qui détient le potentiel de        transitar de un antiguo modelo de
experience, encourages and supports          créer des expériences interactives,             visitante pasivo, de aprendizaje
people’s exploration and wonder of           centrées sur les visiteurs et de permettre      didáctico, a un nuevo modelo de
plants.                                      à l’établissement de réaliser la transition     aprendizaje interactivo, colaborativo y
                                             entre les anciens modèles                       dialógico del visitante. En este contexto,
References                                   d’apprentissage didactique et passif pour       los jardines botánicos deberían integrar
                                             les visiteurs des jardins, et le nouveau        la tecnología en la experiencia del
, Luckin, R. Bligh, B. Manches, A.           modèle d’apprentissage interactif,              visitante de una manera “sin costuras”
  Ainsworth, S. Crook, C. & Noss, R.         collaboratif et dialogique pour les             (véase Weiser, 1991). Sin costuras en el
  (2012) Decoding Learning: The proof,       visiteurs des jardins. Dans ce cadre, les       sentido de que la tecnología se vuelve
  promise and potential of digital           jardins botaniques devraient chercher à         invisible y regresa al fondo mientras que,
  education. London: NESTA. Available        intégrer « en douceur » la technologie          las experiencias de primera mano
  at:         dans l’expérience des visiteurs (voir           alientan y respaldan que la gente explore
  phaseii/Weiser-Computer21stCentury-        Weiser, 1991). En douceur dans le sens          y se maraville con las plantas.
  SciAm.pdf [Accessed 10 February            où la technologie devient invisible et se
  2014]                                      retire en arrière-plan, et à la fois, dans      Bibliografía consultada
                                             l’expérience directe, elle encourage et
, Mann, C. (2012) A study of the iPhone      favorise l'investigation et l'émerveillement    , Luckin, R. Bligh, B. Manches, A.
  app at Kew Gardens: Improving the          des gens vis-à-vis des plantes.                   Ainsworth, S. Crook, C. & Noss, R.
  visitor experience. In Proceedings of                                                        (2012) Decoding Learning: The proof,
  the Electronic Visualisation and the       Références                                        promise and potential of digital
  Arts conference 10-12 July, 2012,                                                            education. London: NESTA. Disponible
  London, UK. Available at:                  , Luckin, R. Bligh, B. Manches, A.                en:        Ainsworth, S. Crook, C. & Noss, R.              phaseii/Weiser-Computer21stCentury-
  v12_s1paper2.pdf [Accessed 10                (2012) Decoding Learning: The proof,            SciAm.pdf [Consultado el 10 de
  February 2014]                               promise and potential of digital                febrero, 2014]
                                               education. London: NESTA. Disponible
, Weiser, M. (1991) The Computer for           sur :          , Mann, C. (2012) A study of the iPhone
  the 21st Century, Scientific American,       phaseii/Weiser-Computer21stCentury-             app at Kew Gardens: Improving the
  255 (3), pp. 6-75. Available at:             SciAm.pdf [Accès le 10 février 2014]            visitor experience. In Proceedings of                                                       the Electronic Visualisation and the
  Weiser-Computer21stCentury-                , Mann, C. (2012) A study of the iPhone           Arts conference 10-12 julio, 2012,
  SciAm.pdf [Accessed 10 February              app at Kew Gardens: Improving the               London, UK. Disponible en:
  2014]                                        visitor experience. In Proceedings of 
                                               the Electronic Visualisation and the            v12_s1paper2.pdf [Consultado 10 de
Dr Asimina Vergou                              Arts conference 10-12 July, 2012,               febrero, 2014]
                                               London, UK. Disponible sur :
                                              , Weiser, M. (1991) The Computer for
                                               v12_s1paper2.pdf [Accès le 10 février           the 21st Century, Scientific American,
                                               2014]                                           255 (3), pp. 6-75. Disponible en:
                                             , Weiser, M. (1991) The Computer for              Weiser-Computer21stCentury-
                                               the 21st Century, Scientific American,          SciAm.pdf [Consultado 10 de febrero,
                                               255 (3), pp. 6-75. Disponible sur :             2014]
                                               SciAm.pdf [Accès le 10 février 2014]

                                                                                             BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)     05
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Le jardin virtuel : Faire démarrer le futur des Jardins botaniques
El jardin virtual: ‘cableando’ el futuro de los jardines botánicos

The virtual garden:
‘hot wiring’ the future of botanic gardens

                                                                                                          In a world where communication
                                                                                                          technologies are becoming
                                                                                                          ubiquitous, it is more than just a
                                                                                                          nice idea to make use of them –
                                                                                                          it is imperative to integrate new
                                                                                                          technologies into our everyday
                                                                                                          work, public engagement
                                                                                                          and learning programmes.
                                                                                                          Marcus Ragus explains how
                                                                                                          an ambitious strategy at the
                                                                                                          Royal Tasmanian Botanical
                                                                                                          Gardens promises a future
                                                                                                          of digital learning and
                                                                                                          interpretation well beyond the
                                                                                                          physical environment.

                                                                                                             t is now commonly accepted that a

                                                                                                          I  modern botanic garden may provide a
                                                                                                             wide range of methods and platforms to
                                                                                                          enable our visitors to engage with the many
                                                                                                          wonderful opportunities that such gardens
                                                                                                          provide. Today, innovative communication
                                                                                                          technologies are becoming embedded in the
                                                                                                          day-to-day life of most individuals and there
                                                                                                          is a growing demand to develop
                                                                                                          opportunities for people to engage with the
                                                                                                          many aspects of a botanic garden through
Sebastian O’Halloran, a 12-year-old techno whizz who developed RTBG's first App in partnership with the   these devices. On the other hand, there is an
Gardens (RTBG)                                                                                            opposing argument that botanic gardens

 06      BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1) • 06-08
Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
should remain free of technology – for                         The ‘Mobile Learning’ project
some people, technological innovations in                      produced real, proof-of-concept
these environments can have negative                           examples that were practically
effects or, at the least, are an annoyance.                    demonstrated on site within the
Pragmatically, one can conclude that                           RTBG. It included a foreshore walk
careful management and sympathetic                             which provided real-time interpretive
integration of technologies in the setting                     resources, including historical
of a garden should be able to provide                          information and images of what the
significant opportunities for those who                        site looked like more than a century
wish to use them, while at the same time                       earlier. Of course, GPS technologies
not interfering with the experience of                         were not then readily part of the
those who don’t. An additional benefit is                      functionality of mobile devices such
the potential to reduce the need for, and                      as mobile phones or PDAs [3]. Therefore,
the size of, interpretive and directional                      to achieve the aim of a multi-location
signage infrastructure.                                        experience, users needed to manually
                                                               recall interpretive information on the
Early adopter                                                  device, in conjunction with numbered
                                                               metal markers embedded in pathways
The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens                          along the foreshore. Whenever the user
(RTBG) has a history of creative                               reached a marker they could click the
engagement with communication                                  associated link on the device to bring up
technologies going back more than a                            the appropriate resource.
decade. In 2004 the RTBG was a key
partner in a groundbreaking Australian                         Although the project spawned a range of
National Flexible Learning Framework [1]                       other location-based mobile technology                       An example of the interpretation provided by the
technology project known as ‘Mobile                            initiatives across Australia, and                            foreshore walk App (RTBG)
Learning: Handheld Innovations in                              internationally, it was not further
Flexible Learning’ [2]. The project’s main                     developed by the RTBG at the time,                           currently being reviewed with the
focus was to provide ‘just in time’                            primarily due to a lack of funding and                       intention of a new updated release later
learning and interpretation resources that                     access to specialist staff. Now a decade                     this year.
would be available through mobile                              later, thanks to the quality and visionary
technologies. Just a decade later that                         foresight of the early digital project, the                  The overall DG initiative also included
may seem an obvious move, but at the                           resources are still relevant and can be                      a much-needed redevelopment of the
time mobile learning was only just starting                    adapted for use with the new technology                      RTBG website, long delayed due to
to become of worldwide interest. In those                      developments currently underway at                           funding and logistical issues with staff
days mobile phones and portable                                RTBG in 2014.                                                time, as we chose to do this internally.
communications devices were still limited                                                                                   The new website will be launched in
in their functionality, and devices such as                    The 2014 initiative                                          mid-2014.
smart phones were some years away.
                                                               In mid-2013 the RTBG began the first                         The RTBG is noted as a leader in online
                                                               stages of a significant project known as                     delivery of horticulture learning
                                                               the ‘Digital Garden’ (DG) initiative funded                  programmes in Tasmania and the DG
                                                               by the state Skills Tasmania [4]. The                        initiative promises to enhance online
                                                               project strategy was to bring the Garden                     learning through the establishment of
                                                               into a new era of community interaction,                     high-speed wireless broadband
                                                               which complemented other community                           technologies throughout much of the 17-
                                                               engagement initiatives already underway                      hectare grounds. This will allow remote
                                                               on site. It followed on from smaller digital                 learners, in all parts of Tasmania and
                                                               projects including one which developed                       beyond, to access live ‘in the garden’
                                                               the RTBG’s first iPhone App in 2012. As                      horticulture programmes and activities
                                                               with the majority of our projects, the App                   delivered by experts in any area of the
                                                               development was undertaken as a                              Garden.
                                                               partnership, in this case a very special
                                                               one, with a 12-year-old techno whizz                         Live web-streaming cameras will also be
                                                               App developer, also an RTBG enthusiast,                      mounted in strategically chosen
                                                               called Sebastian O’Halloran [5].                             locations of the Garden, including at the
                                                                                                                            top of one of the tallest trees to offer one
                                                               Since that time the App has proved an                        of the best panoramic views in the area.
                                                               excellent tool for engaging visitors,                        Streams from the cameras will be
Minimizing the aesthetic impact of the various aerials         though it was only intended as a first-                      available online 24/7 and will have the
and transmitters on historical architecture can be a           stage base, to be followed later by a                        potential to be remotely controlled by
challenge (RTBG)                                               more comprehensive development. It is                        the visitors through the website.

[1] Later to become the National VET E-learning Strategy
[2] The contents of this project have now been archived, details are available by contacting
[3]                                                                         BGCI • Roots • Vol 11 (1)             07

Transforming audience experience: botanic gardens going digital - Botanic Gardens Conservation International
public, les avantages, les opportunités et
                                                                                                les problèmes en termes d'organisation ;
                                                                                                les impacts sur la communauté de
                                                                                                Tasmanie au sens large qui y sont
                                                                                                associés et les implications des
                                                                                                innovations au niveau national et
                                                                                                international. L'article détaille les
                                                                                                stratégies utilisées au début du
                                                                                                développement et au cours de
                                                                                                l'évolution de ces technologies
                                                                                                numériques, jusqu’à leur déploiement
                                                                                                actuel, ainsi que les soutiens financiers
                                                                                                dont elles ont bénéficié et les
                                                                                                partenariats de collaboration.

A young visitor using technology at RTBG (RTBG)
                                                                                                En un mundo donde las tecnologías de
Another camera will also be installed             potential conflict with the aesthetics of     comunicación se están convirtiendo en
above one of the garden beds of the new           buildings and natural features of the site.   omnipresentes, es algo más que una
Tasmanian Community Food Garden                   We still haven’t found all the answers to     buena idea usarlas. En la actualidad, es
which will enable a unique outreach               these issues, but we continue to look at      imperativa la integración de las nuevas
activity. School students in rural and            creative ways to reduce any impact on the     tecnologías en nuestro trabajo diario, en
remote locations will be able to sign up to       natural and built heritage of the RBTG        la participación pública y en el
a programme that enables them remotely            whilst making the most of the innovations.    aprendizaje. Una estrategia ambiciosa
to grow a productive food garden at the                                                         del Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
RTBG and to interact with horticultural           While the RTBG is well on its way             ( RTBG ) nos abre un futuro de
specialists while watching their garden           towards completing its vision of a Digital    aprendizaje digital e interpretación, más
grow online. The students will have the           Garden, we recognize that we must             allá del ámbito del jardín.
opportunity to suggest what they wish to          continue to remain open to the new
grow, the design and layout of the bed,           possibilities created by the rapid change     Desde el desarrollo de aplicaciones
and even recommend the end use of their           in communications technology and              móviles para habilidosos informáticos de
produce – for example choose to donate            community expectations.                       12 años, hasta jardines virtuales o
the produce back to the community to be                                                         entornos inalámbricos interactivos, los
distributed to those in need.                                                                   medios digitales vaticinan compromisos y
                                                  RÉSUMÉ                                        aprendizaje para las próximas décadas.
The integration of the high-speed
wireless networks will open enormous              Dans un monde où les technologies de          Este artículo se centra en lo que se ha
opportunities for on-site interpretation          la communication deviennent                   logrado mediante la tecnología para atraer
and learning, using mobile devices                omniprésentes, le fait de les utiliser ne     al público. En los beneficios,
through smart tag and virtual reality             se limite pas à être une bonne idée. Il est   oportunidades y aspectos de la
technologies. Additionally, a potential           à présent impératif d’intégrer les            organización. En los impactos asociados,
rise in the use of the garden facilities for      nouvelles technologies dans notre travail     de un modo amplio, sobre la sociedad de
commercial, business and private                  quotidien, la participation du public et      Tasmania y en las implicaciones
functions, that often require access to           l'apprentissage. Les Jardins botaniques       nacionales e internacionales de las
wireless communication technologies               royaux de Tasmanie (RTBG) développent         innovaciones. También se detalla el papel
(indoors and outdoors), will result in            une stratégie ambitieuse qui promet           de las estrategias utilizadas durante los
increased revenue for RTBG.                       bientôt un apprentissage et une               primeros momentos del desarrollo y su
                                                  interprétation numériques allant bien         evolución, hasta el conocimineto actual
A work in progress                                au-delà des portes du jardin.                 que se tiene de ellas, incluyendo su apoyo
                                                                                                financiero y los acuerdos de colaboración.
To date, there have been a number of              Des applis de téléphones portables
issues and constraints encountered with           collaborant avec de jeunes prodiges de        Marcus Ragus
this initiative. One of the trickiest has been    l'informatique âgés de 12 ans aux             Manager Learning and Community
the integration and installation of the           Jardins Virtuels, en passant par les          Engagement
technological hardware components. The            environnements interactifs sans fil, le       Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
wireless technology infrastructure required       numérique promet une participation et         Queens Domain, Hobart, Tasmania
small towers to be installed at various           un apprentissage interprétatifs pour les      Australia 7000
points across the Garden and in some              décennies à venir. Cet article est ciblé      Email:,
cases these towers, with their various            sur ce qui a été réalisé par le biais de la
aerials and transmitters, presented a             technologie pour faire participer le          Website:

 08      BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)
Le jardin botanique engageant : la technologie rend l'apprentissage plus facile
El jardín botánico atractivo: la tecnología facilita el aprendizaje

The engaging botanic garden:
Technology making learning easier

Stunning aerial view of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden (Chenshan Botanical Garden, 2011)

Chenshan Botanical Garden puts a great effort into being                                                        hen developing modern cities there

a modern garden for a modern city. Zhe Zhang explains                                               W           needs to be, not only, up to date
                                                                                                                facilities, but also significant
                                                                                                    consideration and appreciation paid to
how they are using a variety of new technologies to                                                 ecology and the environment therein.
                                                                                                    The sophistication of a city can be shown
engage the public, on-site and online, for a variety of                                             through its use and protection of ecological
                                                                                                    resources, as well as through its
reasons from communicating science to involving them                                                construction of ecological environments.
                                                                                                    It is for this reason that we built Chenshan
in art projects.                                                                                    Botanical Garden, Shanghai.

                                                                                               BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1) • 09-11      09
to information, including science            before its launch and people signed up
                                                communication. The 33rd Report on            through the microblog. A lucky few were
                                                Internet development in China,               invited to the garden to be part of the
                                                published by the China Internet Network      project. The participants attended a short
                                                Information Center, showed that as of        lecture and then created an artwork using
                                                January, 2014, the number of Internet        natural materials they had collected from
                                                users in China had reached 618 million       the garden, such as fallen leaves, petals
                                                meaning 45.8% of the population were         and fruits. Many of the creations
                                                connected to the internet.                   surpassed our expectations. Later on,
                                                                                             users of the microblog were asked to vote
                                                More and more people have access to          for their favorite artwork and the winner
                                                all kinds of scientific information,         was awarded a VIP card, which allowed
                                                anytime and anywhere. To remain              them access to Chenshan Botanical
                                                relevant in a changing world, Chinese        Garden for a whole year. Those who voted
                                                botanic gardens are making use of this       were also entered into a prize draw.
                                                trend to engage with the public, by using
                                                websites, Apps, WeChat – an instant          Projects of this kind facilitate interaction
                                                messaging service- and Microblogging.        with the online community and therefore
Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden App                                                       provide an opportunity for the garden to
homepage and introduction (Chenshan Botanical   Microblog as a method for                    communicate with and educate a wider
Garden, 2014)                                   public engagement                            audience.

Chenshan Botanical Garden, was                  Microblogging sites, like Tumblr and         Mobile Applications
opened on 23rd January, 2011 and                Twitter, allow users to share short bursts
covers an area of 207 hectares                  of information with the people in their      Apps have been used extensively for
(2,070,000 m2). The garden is a                 networks. They began appearing in            education and disseminating information
representation of a harmonious                  China in 2009 and had attracted an           as they provide a personalised service,
coexistence between humans and                  audience of 63 million by the end of the     are easy to use, intuitive and enable quick
nature.                                         next year, at which point many botanic       access to knowledge.
                                                gardens decided to get on board.
Boasting a collection of over 10,000                                                         Mobile devices have become very popular
species, the garden consists of 26              There are more than 200 botanic              and are increasingly common throughout
specialised gardens which serve a               gardens in China, and 20 of them have        all walks of life; this provides an
variety of functions; from providing fun        microblogs. As a new interactive             opportunity for enhancing the way botanic
and educational attractions to visitors,        platform, microblogs can be                  gardens communicate their knowledge to
to complimenting the physical                   personalised in form, include attractive     the public. Chenshan Botanical Garden is
characteristics of the land and providing       images and provide the opportunity for       one of the few gardens that have started
sites of ex situ conservation. These            snappy and immediate communication.          to provide services using mobile
include: a rose garden, maze garden,            In 2010, Chenshan Botanical Garden           technologies. The garden now has a fully
sensory garden for the visually impaired,       launched its own microblog. There we
an aquatic garden, medicinal plant              provide the public with updates and          A visitor creating a collage out of natural materials
garden and a showcased collection               news about many aspects of the garden        and fans voting on the microblog (Jie Gao, 2013)
of plants native to Eastern China.              for example, plants in bloom, upcoming
                                                events such as flower shows and
Our mission is to conserve plants native        concerts and also receive feedback
to Eastern China, discover sustainable          through an online questionnaire and poll.
ways of using them, and share our               By Feb, 2014, we had posted a total of
knowledge and enthusiasm with the               8020 comments, related to 35 different
public. In the digital age, consideration       topics and our fans had reached a total
needs to be paid to how to share this           of 34200. The most popular post was
knowledge effectively. New media                forwarded 525 times, which means
provide on-demand access to content             thousands of people will have read it.
anytime, anywhere, on any digital
device. They also enable interactive user       More than 50 interactive projects were
feedback, and creative participation.           supported by the microblog. One
Another aspect of the new media to be           successful project which was popular
considered is the real-time generation of       with the public was Autumn Collecting.
new and unregulated content (Schivinski         The project aimed to highlight, to urban
& Dabrowski, 2014). The development             dwellers, humans’ relationship with
of the internet, digital technologies and       nature as well as providing an
handheld devices has revolutionised all         opportunity for relaxation.
aspects of communication and access             The project was announced a fortnight

 10      BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)
functioning mobile App. On the App’s            artwork that has proven very successful.
homepage, visitors can find an                  Video resources can be streamed on a
introduction to the garden along with           variety of devices including the digital
other information about plant species,          screens in buildings, subways or buses
events, tours, etc. We have also produced       and could prove popular with the public.
QR codes for 580 species found in the
garden. Visitors can scan these to get          Students are another important audience
further information about the plants. This      to consider. Our garden has established
has successfully enhanced the garden’s          a good relationship with schools. We are
ability to educate its visitors about botany.   currently exploring the concept of Cloud
                                                Education. There are so many options
Other gardens across the globe have             when it comes to Cloud Apps for
used Apps in various forms to serve a           education. The Cloud can increase
variety of purposes; from games to those        collaboration between everyone in an
which disseminate digital resources,            educational setting. With the great
create online communities and provide           flexibility it offers, students have the
community services. Our next step is to         option to work on group projects from
pay more attention to the needs of our          any location and the garden educators
visitors when it comes to digital               can offer extra help remotely through the
resources, find new ways to engage the          Cloud.
public with the plant collections, seek
technical support from third parties, as        By being innovative we hope to offer an
well as strengthen our marketing and            immersive experience with lasting
Public Relations (PR).                          benefits to all of our visitors.

Other public engagement                         Reference
platforms                                                                                    Visitors scanning QR codes to join a project
                                                , Schivinski, B. & Dąbrowski, D. (2014)      (Zhe Zhang, 2014)
Besides our microblog and App, we also            The Effect of Social Media
have other public engagement platforms,           Communication on Consumer
such as our official website, online micro        Perceptions of Brands, Journal of          RESUMEN
magazine, LED screens and WeChat. In              Marketing Communications, pp.2-19
the future we plan to produce videos              Available online at:                       En la era digital las personas tenemos
about pruning techniques, cultivating          acceso a toda clase de conocimiento
flowers and using plant material in arts          0.1080/13527266.2013.871323                científico a través de nuevos medios.
and crafts. We have already produced a                                                       El boom tecnológico ha dado lugar a
video about using plant material to create                                                   nuevas oportunidades y retos para
                                                RÉSUMÉ                                       difundir ciencia. El jardín botánico
                                                                                             Chenshan, que es uno de los jardines
                                                Avec l'ère numérique, les gens ont accès     botánicos de mayor reputación de
                                                à toutes sortes de savoirs scientifiques     China, siemprese ha esforzado para
                                                via les nouveaux médias. Le boom             crear programas educativos innovadores
                                                technologique est accompagné de              y centrados en las necesidades del
                                                nouvelles opportunités et de nouveaux        público aunque en concordancia con los
                                                défis pour la diffusion de la science.       objetivos de la organización. Este
                                                Étant l'un des jardins botaniques les plus   artículo presenta y resume las ventajas
                                                respectés de Chine, le Jardin botanique      de las nuevas aplicaciones tecnológicas,
                                                de Chenshan a toujours fait de gros          como los Apps o los microblogs, que
                                                efforts pour créer des programmes            favorecen la enseñanza interactiva de las
                                                éducatifs innovants, et pour se              ciencias. También se analiza de qué
                                                concentrer sur les besoins des publics,      forma se pueden usar estos nuevos
                                                tout en se tenant à ses objectifs            medios para transmitir la ciencia a un
                                                organisationnels. Cet article présente et    público más amplio y mejorar la imagen
                                                résume les avantages des applications        que el público tiene del jardín.
                                                innovantes de la technologie, telles que
                                                les applis et le Microblog, qui améliorent   Zhe Zhang
                                                l’interactivité dans les sciences de         Environmental Educator
                                                l'éducation. Y figure également une          Chenshan Botanical Garden,
                                                discussion sur la manière d’utiliser ces     Shanghai, 201602
                                                nouveaux médias pour diffuser la science     China
                                                à un plus large public et améliorer          Email:
QR code on plant nameplate (Qiyi Shen, 2014)    l'image du jardin auprès des visiteurs.      Website:

                                                                                             BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)               11
Applis dans les jardins botaniques : choses à faire et à ne pas faire
Usar los App en los jardines botánicos: recomendaciones prácticas

Apps in botanic gardens:
Dos and Don’ts

Botanic gardens in the Netherlands are discovering how                                                                      he Apple App Store had only been

important a collaborative Approach is when it comes to                                                               T      available for three years when
                                                                                                                            Hortus botanicus became the first
                                                                                                                     museum in Leiden to launch its own App.
developing new technologies. From digital guides to                                                                  We envisioned that the App would fill a
                                                                                                                     gap in the services the garden offered to
talking trees and digital magnifying glasses Hanneke                                                                 the public. In the end, what was
                                                                                                                     developed was a very flexible digital
Jelles & Paul Kessler tell the story of Hortus botanicus’                                                            guide which would tell the visitor with
                                                                                                                     pictures, sound and more about their
adventure into the world of Apps.                                                                                    location, allowing them to be independent

The new prototype is easy to use by adults and children. Looking at markers through the ‘magnifying glass’ shows visitors more information (Hortus botanicus)

  12      BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1) • 12-15
Visitors to Hortus botanicus enjoying the plants in the sunshine (Hortus botanicus)

from a fixed tour. In order for this to work               be also noted that a garden is constantly    and participatory design so that the
it was important to update the App                         changing and therefore information           Applications are suited to the needs and
weekly with information about flowering                    about its plant displays is quickly          abilities of their users.
or fruiting of special plants.                             outdated.
                                                                                                        This project involves organizing three
The failure of this approach was only                      Pioneering                                   ‘experimental gardens’. An ‘experimental
fully understood after the Hortus App’s                                                                 garden’ is a format for bringing together
launch. In 2011, the App was                               Many changes have happened since the         staff from the botanic garden, designers
unfortunately only available for the                       launch of the first App in Hortus            and developers of technological
iPhone , a device which was not                            botanicus. Following the addition of a       Applications and members of the public
commonly used by our visitors. It could                    national flora and a bird guide to the       (garden’s current audiences and targeted
not be directly accessed through the                       contents of the iPods there has been         new audiences). The aim of these
App Store, but was only available                          an increase in the hiring of the devices.    ‘experimental gardens’ is to find new
through the ‘Hopper’- a platform which                     Moreover, in the last few years the costs    ways to connect the knowledge about
was not well known. Even the 22 iPods                      of producing an App have decreased,          plants and biodiversity to the needs of
which were available for hire from the                     and other alternatives like the              diverse audiences. Each ‘experimental
front desk were not used as frequently                     podcatcher have become available.            garden’ involves running six weekly
as we had anticipated. Most of our                         Many more people own smartphones             design sessions focused on different
elderly visitors were not used to this type                nowadays and in some areas of the            topics.
of device and had seemingly no interest                    garden Wi-Fi is available for free.
in being informed on how to use it. Also,                  However, we felt that the original App is    Participants of these sessions discuss
on busy days, with large queues of                         already outdated and an Android version      which stories from the botanic gardens
visitors, spending time explaining how to                  was never realised. This could have          are important and relevant to the public,
use the devices was not practical. The                     meant a sad end to our adventure into        identify who our current visitors are and
major problems, however, were the                          Apps. This outcome was overturned on         new target audiences, and decide which
absence of Wi-Fi in the garden and the                     13th February 2013 when the Postcode         stories or methods can be used to reach
cost of using internet on the mobile                       Lottery announced its generous funding       these new audiences. The outcome of
phones, which in 2011, was still quite                     of two million Euros, over four years, for   this process is the development of a new
high. Luckily, the visitors who actually                   the project ‘Plant (s) for the Future’.      ‘product’ - possibly an App or perhaps
used the App were satisfied with this                      The project aims to retrieve, manage and     another form of innovative technology.
new service, but their number was much                     organise information from the living         This product will provide information in
too low to justify the investment in                       collections of Dutch botanic gardens so      a form that meets the interests of the
developing this resource. Additionally,                    that this will be made accessible to the     visitor at the time and place they will
the garden’s iPpods were not easy to                       wider public. The project’s Partners are     choose to use it. In September 2013 the
synchronize with new information and                       the botanic gardens who are members          first ‘experimental garden’ took place.
due to staff’s other priorities it was not                 of the Dutch Botanical Gardens               In the beginning, we discussed what
possible to carry out the intended                         Association (NVBT) and the ‘Waag             stories could be told and which would
weekly updates on flowering and fruiting                   Society’, an organization that develops      be the best medium to use. At the same
or other events in the garden. It should                   technology through creative research         time we conducted a survey of all the

                                                                                                        BGCI • 2014 • Roots • Vol 11 (1)    13
You can also read