TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...

Page created by Terry Bush
TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
                                       Issue 4

Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends

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TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
National                                     Regional Co-Ordinators
            Committee                    Whangarei / Twin Coasts               Manawatu
    President                            Terry Conaghan                        To be advised.
    Allan Boot, 027 260 0667             Phone: 09 437 0898           Mobile: 027 237 0084                  Kapiti Coast / Wellington
                                         Email:        Sharon and Keith Ewing
                                                                               Phone: 06 379 7709
    Gary Major, 027 242 6783
                                         Northern / Auckland                   Mobile: 027 274 4443
                                         Allan Boot                            Email:
    Secretary                            Mobile: 027 260 0667
    Marilyn Harp, 021 617 729            Email:      Nelson / Tasman                                                 To be advised.
    Treasurer                            Waikato / Hamilton
    Sandra Jones, 027 428 4606           Gary and Maureen Major                Marlborough           Phone: 027 242 6783                   To be advised
    Membership                           Email:
    Ron & Shona Bol, 021 068 7951                                              Canterbury          Bay of Plenty / Tauranga              To be advised
                                         Karen Struiksma
                                         Mobile: 027 342 7189                  Dunedin / Otago
    Ron & Shona Bol, 021 068 7951         Email:     Clint Trewin
                                                                               Phone: 03 455 3246 (Work)
    Committee Members
                                         Hawkes Bay / Napier/                  Mobile: 027 435 8510 (A/hours)
                                         Hastings                              Email:
    Barry Potenger                Mike & Rosemary Hurley
                                         Phone: 06 878 9265                    Southland / Invercargill
    Graeme Banks                         Mobile: 021 152 6573                  Peter Glover                   Email:                                Phone: 03 217 7187
    Jock Sutherland, 027 768 2007          Mobile: 027 634 3900                                                           Email:
    Leon Barton                          Taranaki                  Nora Hunn
                                         Phone: 06 761 8864
    Naz Sharma, 027 550 3533
                                         Mobile: 027 2160 608

      Mazda MX5 Club of New Zealand Inc            Membership subscriptions – $70.00 per car, per year for full
      PO Box 15551, New Lynn, Auckland             membership, including TopDown magazine. For membership
      Email:                  application forms, visit our website or email the Membership                         Co-ordinators – Murray & Donna Lee on

                A warm welcome to our newest members
     Northern / Auckland                 New members should
     Naz Shama                           start receiving emails from
     Rick McKinley & Liz Adams           their regional co-ordinator
     Matthew Lemmon & Kate Grevel        regarding details of
     Waikato / Hamilton                  upcoming trips.
     Deanne Roycroft & Garry Hall
     Barry Simon & Shanika Mornea        If you are new to the club
                                         and coming along for the
     Bay of Plenty / Tauranga            first time, please make
     Trevor Boone & Sonia Norman         yourself known to the
     Manawatu                            event organiser.
     Mike & Colleen Pettersen

     Kapiti Coast / Wellington
     Warwick & Lynley Tiller

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TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
 w w                                 CONTENTS                                    JULY–AUGUST 2021
                                            4                                    16
                                                The MX-5 Files 2021 –                 Ross Brothers Museum–
                                                National                              Bay of Plenty / Tauranga
Contributing Guidelines
Feel free to submit articles via email.     5   From the President
                                                – National

Articles should be no longer than 900
words.                                          Matarangi Weekend Run –
Include your name (and the article              Auckland / Waikato
author’s name if different), contact
details and use full names in text.
If you submit an article, you agree to
have it edited as the Editor sees fit.
The NZ MX-5 Club does not pay for

                                                                                      Morrinsville Cow Art–
If the article has been published before                                              Bay of Plenty / Tauranga

in any form, please indicate.
                                                Matarangi Weekend Run –
TopDown is read by all ages, so take                                                  The Final Touch –
this into account when considering              Auckland / Waikato
                                                                                      Northern / Auckland

subject material and language.
                                                Maps and Road Closures –
No article which the Editor or the
NZ MX-5 Club deems to encourage
                                                Bay of Plenty / Tauranga

breaking the law, either directly or by
inference, will be printed.
                                                   Mulled Wine and Lunch –
                                                   Kapiti Coast / Wellington
Picture Guidelines
High resolution JPEGs are preferred.
(300 dpi). The preferred method for
                                            12     Crafty Art Run –
submission of images is by email. No
single image should exceed 8 MB.
All photographs must be submitted with
the permission of the photographer.

Vehicle registration numbers will be                                                  And An MX-5 EV to
shown unless removal is requested.                                                    Follow – National
Please Note: The Editor cannot
guarantee a date for publication. The
above are guidelines only, and may be                                            24   Club Merchandise
                                                                                      – National
varied in exceptional circumstances.
                                            12     Round the Mountain –

THE EDITOR’S DECISION IS FINAL.                    Taranaki                                 Club Sponsors
                                                                                            and “Trade Off”
Deadline for Next Issue:
September 30th 2021
                                            15     If Pixar Designed MX-5s –

Contents copyright © 2021
Design and Edit: Brian Thurogood
                                            MX-5 Club of NZ Life Members
Printer: Brebner Print, Hamilton.           Name                        Region                     Awarded Life
Front cover: Member’s photos
                                            Bob McCaulay (deceased)     Northern
Disclaimer: This magazine does not
                                            Howard Fox                  Northern
necessarily reflect the opinion of the
Editor or the Committee of the MX-5         Larry Young                 Northern
Club of New Zealand. It is intended         Lawrie Copp                 Kapiti Coast
to provide general articles and
information only. While every care has      Gary Wood & Alison Harold   Waikato                    2001
been taken to ensure the accuracy of        Willie & Anne Williamson    Northern                   2007
the information it contains, neither the
Editor, Committee or the authors can        Kevin & Glenys Everitt      Hawkes Bay                 2010
be held liable for inaccuracies, errors     Nigel Every                 Waikato                    2009
or omissions. Copyright is reserved
throughout. No part of this magazine        Bronwyn Upfold              Central Plateau/Manawatu   2010
can be reproduced or reprinted              Peter Glover                Southland                  2019
without the express permission of the
Editor. All information is current at the   Sharon Ewing                Kapiti Coast               2019
time of printing and the Editor takes no    Morrin Leyton               Northern                   2019
responsibility for any factors that may
                                            Brenda & Martin White       Northern                   2019           3
change thereafter.

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TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
    Abridged Version of the                                                           saw the light in 2005 with
    Epic 16 Episode Netflix                                                           the purchase of a silver
    Biographic Mini-series                                                            NA MX-5. This has been
    Mr. Jock; A Life Too                                                              followed by 2 NBs and 2
    Ordinary                                                                          years ago our current ND.
        (Ghost written by an                                                          All have borne the plate
    unknown author who                                                                OAKSMA. The meaning of
    wants nothing to do with                                                          personalized plates should
    it!)                                                                              challenge fellow travellers.
        I admit to being                                                                 We joined the club in
    Taranaki born and bred,                                                           2006, just as Taranaki was
    have lived here for all                                                           going into a year or so
    but 14 years spent in                                                             hibernation period.
    Wellington at university                                                             After joining Kapiti on
    and then working in export                                                        an overnighter, we had our
    sales/marketing roles.                                                            enthusiasm stimulated and
        Met Lesley there, while                                                       picked up the Taranaki
    she was in the middle of a                                                        Coordinator role which
    two year working holiday                                                          we carried through until
    from England. After the                                                           the conclusion of the
    arrival of our eldest son,                                                        National Event here in
    we came to Taranaki,                                                              2015. It has been great
    swapping suit and tie for                                                         that our successors
    gumboots and overalls                                                             here have continued
    and a 21-year dairy                                                               to grow our region’s
    farming career.                                                                   numbers, participation and
        We moved to New                                                               enthusiasm.
    Plymouth 14 years ago                                                                We have tried to elbow
    once our second son                                                               in on neighbouring region
    left home to ultimately join his brother back in        runs when we can, and really enjoy the contacts
    Wellington. Worked for the local district council for   made, roads taken and places visited when away
    10 years as part of the team managing events at         from our own backyard.
    Yarrow Stadium, before retiring 3 years ago, the day       I agreed to be nominated for the national
    before it was closed due to earthquake risk (not my     committee because I know that the club and its
    fault).                                                 activities need people prepared to contribute to
        First car was a 1966 Morris Mini and after a        be successful. So, if we want to enjoy our club, be
    variety of makes and models in the following years,     prepared to help.
    Gary and Maureen Major                                  up at runs with the third helmed by a daughter.
       Ages: Maureen old; Gary older.                         Over the years we progressively sold all 3 and in
       Day jobs: Both retired Gary almost 9 years and       2013 bought a 2000 Ford Mustang convertible, also
    Maureen 5 years.                                        coloured red with only 20363 kms on the clock ...
       Jobs were: Gary police officer; Maureen debt         and right from the get go Maureen hated it..
    collector.                                                Joined the Waikato Mustang Owners Club but
       Current MX5: 2009 NZ new NC 3.5 hard top             found the vibe of this club had us missing the MX-5
    convertible. Red of course.                             Club.
       Every day cars: Gary Toyota Rav 4; Maureen             For a while we still owned the VR Ltd but
    Suzuki Swift Sport.                                     eventually sold that as we realised it was silly
       Improvement to the MX5: just cosmetic – came         owning two convertibles.
    with all the bells and whistles.                          Went on lots of MX-5 club runs in the Mustang
       Why an MX5: Started way back in 2004 with a          with a bit of difficulty keeping up on the bendy bits
    birthday present to Maureen of a 1990 silver NA.        but once we hit the straights there was no problem.
       Was quickly followed by a 1996 NA VR LTD             2018 saw us buy our present MX-5 and here we
    Combination A and a 1996 NZ new Limited                 are.
    Edition, one of only 25 produced (the Certificate of      Gary’s dream car: Kea Stinger.
    Authenticity was still with the car plus the colour       Maureen’s dream car: Suzuki Swift Sports,
4   advert and original handbook.) All three would turn     which she drives now.
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TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
already a great club.
          From the President                                 With it looking like a higher number of members
                                                         renewed their membership than is the norm, we are
Winter has made its presence felt yet the hardy          off to a solid start. Our aims are to provide you with
souls of the club have still been out and about          lots of choice to interact with other members and,
all over the country despite the cold and often          most importantly, use your MX-5 in a fun way.
torrential rain.                                             In my chats with members and getting away
   Thankyou for supporting these events. Roll on         from car topics I am continually impressed what
the good weather because looking at the different        a diverse bunch we are. We do in fact have
Regional Coordinators’ calendars there are a lot of      everything from rocket scientists to ... well anything.
great ideas to choose from.                                  So many have such excellent positive outlooks on
   Winter’s often the time to do those little            life and I think our fun cars contribute to that.
modifications or those needed maintenance                    Taking the time to ask about other peoples’
tasks and I know that many of us have taken that         passions in life or the things they have done on their
opportunity. Now to see if they have worked?             unique journeys when the opportunity arises is in
Perhaps we will find out at the Annual driver training   my opinion never time wasted.
day!                                                         Meantime back to polishing the MX-5 to within an
   Your new executive team have started the              inch of its life – despite the forecast for rain over the
journey on making things “better than before” and        next few days.
there are a number of workstreams underway. Over             Booty- zoom zoom
time we hope you notice a difference to what is          Below: Allan Boot and Mazda NZ MD David Hodge

And here we are again with                                                  from around the country, with
a Lockdown Digital Update,               From the Editor                    ever-increasing enjoyment in
except it’s now the entire                                                  reporting the wonderful road-
magazine as the likely date          bubble runs around the country         holding of the MX-5 on our many
of our printers being able to        to get the breeze through our hair     ‘long and winding roads’ around
return to work is very much          will return, is also unknown.          the country.
unknown.                                But don’t let those matters            Stay safe and be kind is the
  As to when our large fun runs      concern you now. Here’s our            message from the PM. Mine too.
can return, or even our mini-        latest collection of escapades            – Brian Thurogood, Editor             5
TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
Matarangi Weekend Run
    17 July 2021
    Four MX-5s headed north to Thames on
    the Saturday in miserable, wet and windy
                                                                    Northern / Waikato
    conditions. As I was running early, I stopped
    at Turua for a cup of coffee at a typical             Report by Graeme Denton, Photos by
    ‘Bakehouse’ with heaps of food and obviously
    hoping for a busy day.
                                                            Graeme Denton & Gavin Cochius
       Not far from Turua it was over the Kopu Bridge     went home, while others stayed at Whitianga or
    and on to SH25 and Thames. Several cars soon          Whangamata. The lights were on at Whites (see
    met up outside the Public Toilets which, as well as   you another time) but we needed to check a
    the obvious, provided some shelter for a brief chat   property at Kuaotunu and move on to Whangamata
    to folk from Hamilton, Bay of Plenty, and Thames.     for the night. A coffee stop was made at Manaia in
    By 10:30 a group of MX-5s had arrived from            Tairua. They would have been pleased to see us!
    Auckland and pulled into the Goldfields Carpark.         At the Denton residence in Whangamata Denis,
    However it was not pleasant to hang around and        Ken and I decided that fish and chips was much
    it was soon obvious that we had better join in the    more sensible than cooking on a BBQ in the rain.
    convoy to Matarangi.                                  After a few cans of medicine and watching the All
       The tide was in and the wind in the Firth of       Blacks it was decided that an early night was a
    Thames was blowing up a real storm surge. The         good idea !
    road followed the coast up to Wilson Bay, having         Next morning, after a good fry-up, it was off to
    passed through coastal settlements such as            the beach and a coffee while watching the Surf
    Thornton Bay, Tapu, and Waikawau.                     Club training.
       At several places the sea was crashing against        Before leaving Whangamata, we met up with
    the seawall and sending spray way higher than         Barry and Shanika who are potential members
    our cars. A lone Surfcaster was sighted and one       and whose car had only done 2000km. Milan and
    boatfisher had gone out from Waikawau.                Gordona also met us there. We were heading for
       Just prior to Coromandel town we turned right      Waihi Beach to meet the Waikato MX-5 group for
    to travel a windy climb over the ranges and on to     lunch.
    Matarangi. The lunch venue at the Matarangi Golf         Just south of Whiritoa we turned left on to Golden
    Club was great, as was the meal provided. Thanks      Valley Road which is a great drive. On the right
    to Morrin for organising the venue and providing      hand side of this road is a view of the big hill made
    directions to get there. Raffles were run during      from the tailings from the Waihi Gold Mine. This is
    lunch where many friendships were renewed and         still being built up.
    new ones made .                                          At Waihi Beach there was a great display of
       Several people stayed in Matarangi, some           MX‑5s in the carpark of the RSA and some good

TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
photos were taken. The RSA is a magnificent           Waihi Beach trip. Most returned home after lunch
venue, being on top of a hill, and having views out   but I did a small tour around the beach village
over the coast. Their buffet lunch at $16 was very    before returning to Whangamata for another night.
good value. Good to see some BOP people join us .       A great weekend with about 500km driving and
  Thanks to Gary and Maureen for organising the       being with nice people.

TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
Matarangi Weekend Run
    17 July 2021
    Why is it that so often the heavens open and                       Northern / Waikato
    a weather bomb arrives when we have a club
    run organised in winter? At least we weren’t                  Report & Photos by Allan Boot
    as drenched as those poor souls on the West
    Coast!                                                   – yep a touch of panic ensued.
      Despite that, we managed a very commendable               Needn’t have worried because the hardy souls
    37 cars for a winter run on a Saturday for a change,     started arriving at long last and we were able to get
    heading to Matarangi on the Eastern side of the          away pretty close to schedule.
    Coromandel Peninsular. That number was down                 Rain made for a very brief briefing and we
    a bit on the 47 cars that had registered and as the      headed off to the route that Life Member Morrin had
    weather deteriorated, the cancellations started          organised. A nice drive south once we were off the
    coming in (not all for weather events).                  motorway in atrocious weather conditions. No one
      In reality, we were full to the brim at The Dunes      had a top down at all!
    café at Matarangi Golf club where they put on a             Arriving in Thames to regroup there were around
    great feed in warm and dry surroundings and it           5 cars from the Waikato already waiting. NDs are
    worked out just fine.                                    very popular – one 30th anniversary, two 10th
      Arriving at the start just over an hour before         anniversary and others – and a couple more from
    departure time – takes us an hour to get there –         the BOP.
    was a fairly lonely existence. Half an hour later only      Kay and I and Alan and Yve took the opportunity
    1 other car had arrived (travelling from even further    to drop into a fabulous little café called Melbourne
    than us) and my phone was getting regular pings of       on the main street which has a bespoke gin
    cancellations. Given a large booking for the caterer     distillery in the back. We got sidetracked and

TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
Maps, Road Closures
heading back to the meeting point after a few
purchases we found that everyone had gone
   So off we headed up the winding roads of the
west side of the peninsular. I’ve travelled this road
many many times but have never had sea waves
                                                          & Double-backs
breaking on the rocks and actually going over the
car before, or seen it as rough. No boat trailers in         Bay of Plenty / Tauranga
the carparks anywhere. Checked the Coastguard
app which showed winds of 68 knots coming down                Report by Karen Struiksman
the Firth of Thames.
   It still is a great drive, especially the last bit
                                                        June 13 2021
across from Coromandel to Matarangi and
feedback was that despite the weather everyone          Sunday began with heavy overcast skies but
apart from those that get car sick really enjoyed the   initially not raining. We met up at Palmer’s
drive.                                                  Garden Centre and slowly the cars began to
   Nice to see a couple of first-time run attendees     accumulate for the run to Waikite Valley.
including a brand new member (welcome Harley)              After a coffee and some nibbles for those that
and everyone making them feel very welcome.             needed something after coming from outside
   Having the run on a Saturday opened up some          Rotorua, we set off just as the rain began to close
different options.                                      in. It was tops up for the start.
   Some chose to go back the way they came,                Would you credit it, I had my phone all set up
others to head down through Whitianga, Tairua           with google maps and the course plotted out and
and back across the Kopu Hikuai hill, whilst others     on getting into my car and putting it into the holder,
had planned to stay in their holiday homes, air bnb     lost all my data. Paper Maps didn’t do that!
or motels spread across the peninsular and come            So not having a passenger to navigate, I asked
back when ready. That was our choice. The BOP           Ross from Whakatane if he could lead us out,
club had a lunch at Waihi planned for Sunday so         which he obligingly did. I was the last to leave, so
those members that joined us could head back and        remained at the rear as “Tail-end Charlie”.
do that as well.                                           All went well until we got to the end of Twist Rd,
   Thank you for braving it in such atrocious           I had instructed to turn right instead of left into
weather and a big thank you to Morrin for               Whirinaki Valley Rd. Ross followed my instructions
organising the venue and route.                         and we came back onto SH30. After realizing the
   See you next time – wet or shine.
                                     •                  error, we continued west and then took the left
                                                        turn into Nicholson Rd and looped back to rejoin
                                                        Whirinaki Valley Rd.
                                                           By this time the rain had cleared so it was tops
                                                        down for the remainder of the trip to finish at the
                                                        Waiotapu Tavern for lunch.
                                                           Everything turned out well and after a nice
                                                        lunch for a good price and a chat, most set off for
                                                        Rotorua on SH5. Ross and one other decided to
                                                        visit the Waikite Valley Hot Pools before returning
                                                        to Whakatane.
                                                           No sooner had we driven out of the Tavern, that
                                                        we were sent on a diversion – I think it was due
                                                        to a cycling event as we did encounter quite a
                                                        few cyclists – and following the signs to Rotorua
                                                        we eventually came out onto SH5 where again
                                                        we found the road closed. So backtracking until I
                                                        reached Corbett Rd, turn right into Corbett Rd then
                                                        right into Rehi Rd. Right into Twist Rd and right
                                                        into Bryce Rd to return to SH30. Then right onto
                                                        SH5 leading to Rotorua.
                                                           It was a bit of a maze getting out onto SH30
                                                        again. I lost everyone else so hopefully they were
                                                        able to sort themselves out and return home
                                                        safely. As far as I am aware I don’t think there are
                                                        any MX‑5’s still trying to find their way home !
                                                           Overall so far the feedback has been positive
                                                        and I think everyone enjoyed the ride.
                                                                                                •                9
TOPDOWN - Car Museums, Crafty Arts & Matarangi Weekends - THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF - Mazda ...
Mulled Wine and Lunch
     18 July 2021
     The weather on the weekend of 17/18 July was               Kapiti Coast / Wellington
     terrible with the Wellington region on the edge
     of the weather bomb that caused the severe
     flooding in Marlborough.
                                                                   Report by Peter Collier
        On Saturday some of us MX-5ers attended                  Photos by Pauline Stenhouse
     a memorial service for long time member Tony
     Fullerton-Smith. A pleasant time reminiscing and      electing to stay home.
     the talk touched on seeing each other for the            The rest of us set out on the intended run
     following day’s Mulled wine run. Sharon and Keith     over Moonshine Hill Road to Papakowhai, our
     bidded us farewell early on to be sure of getting     destination for lunch. We were assured that the
     back to Masterton before the roads closed with the    very-narrow-in-places hilly road was open and not
     continuing rain.                                      affected by slips. Some of us started off with hoods
        Sunday dawned to better conditions so the run      down! That did not last the whole drive, slower
     was on. Turned out Keith and Sharon had taken         driving and heavy rain not a good combination.
     about four hours to get home having been turned          After a somewhat conservative drive, taking due
     around by a slip on the Remutakas and having to       care in the conditions, we arrived at Ceinwen and
     detour over the Pahiatua track.                       Godrey’s for a mulled wine and ham sandwich
        Not surprisingly they sent in an apology, not      lunch – and a good old chat stretching into the
     wanting to risk Saturday’s experience again, wisely   afternoon.

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                Canvas MX5 hood with HEATED GLASS REAR window $                       1600         *
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                  Vinyl MX5 hood with HEATED GLASS REAR window $                      1400* plus GST                       Email:
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With over 30 years experience, we do all makes and models of cars, vans, trucks, boats and caravans. We do everything, from repairing ripped seats, dropped
roof or door linings, carpet replacement, squabs to complete car re-trims. For more information, contact Colin Trotter. *Pricing subject to change depending on NZ dollar.   11
Taranaki                             Scooping around
            Crafty Art Run                                   the Mountain
              Report by Nora Hunn
                                                            ... or A Man and a Shed
            Photos from club members                           Report by Carol Vince
     27 June 2021                                           Photos by Lesley Sutherland
     It’s rain, rain and a bit more rain. But that didn’t
     stop our Crafty Art Run. With an amazing turn-
     out of 19 cars and just two cars pulling out.
        We met in Stratford at Sgt Peppers for coffee and
     chat. We then had look through the Percy Thomson
     gallery next door, where a Matariki display took
     centre stage celebrating the Maori New Year.
         Heart in mouth, as it is my first time at being
     lead driver as Gary wasn’t with me to drive, we set
     off wipers going, water splashing, as we head for
     Opunake. Not quite so much rain there, until we got
     out of the cars and down she came again as we
     went to explore two very different galleries.
        Karen’s On the Coast art gallery, with amazing
     water paintings of birds, sea and landscape, and
     next door Viv’s Out of the Blue gallery, with some
     exciting weaving, felting, clothing, scarves, book
     covers to name a few.
        Here we were able to go upstairs to see the
     two big weaving looms set up with what she was
     working on. Both looms made up from kitsets. One
     Swedish and dating back the 70’s and the other a
     more recent NZ type.
        With more rain we left Opunake and headed
     around the coast road to Butler’s Reef Hotel in
     Oakura for a very nice lunch.
        Thanks Nora for a very interesting run, and for
     turning on the weather.


     w w
25 July 2021                                             so on we, came to Westham Farm on the Opunake
After a week of rain, the sun came out for us on
                                                           The leading car, driven by Ray, overshot the
our run.
                                                         gateway causing a moment of embarrassment, but
   Fifteen cars and 27 people met at Casa Pequena
                                                         a pile-up of following cars was avoided.
Cafe in Stratford for coffee and a chat before
                                                           The Cox Family have a private museum of
heading towards Ngaere. We turned onto Finnerty
                                                         assorted collections. An eclectic range, from Ford
Road where we continued along the country roads.
                                                         cars, Coke products, MM’s collection, novelty
   This side of the mountain is known for its long
                                                         teapots, a collection of teaspoons, farm tools
straight roads – and not many gear changes for
                                                         and chainsaws. There is also a room devoted to
those with manual cars.
   After turning left then right, then left again, and                        CONTINUED OVER PAGE ...

ornamental pigs! And that isn’t all.                 lefts and rights mixed up and this was her moment
       This we were informed, was the result of over 40   of embarrassment. However we still managed to
     years of collecting.                                 finish our run on time, in Manaia where we had a
       We left Westham Farm and continued up              very nice lunch at the Waimate Hotel.
     and down more country roads heading towards             Thanks Ray and Carol for really enjoyable day
     Normanby. By this time, navigator Carol had her      out.

If Pixar Designed MX-5s
Just think what the results might be if the                  Curated by Gary Major
creative teams at Pixar Studios got their hands
on the production plans for concept MX-5s!        fabricators, artists and enthusiasts for these
  Thanks to the designers, panelbeaters,          renditions.

Ross Brothers Museum, Cambridge
     11 July 2021
     A trip over the Kaimais to the Ross Brothers                Bay of Plenty / Tauranga
     Museum enticed 13 MX-5s to gather at the
     Kaimai Cafe for morning tea before setting            Report & Photos by Karen Struiksman
     out on the drive. One more MX-5 met us at the
     museum so 14 cars in total.                           vehicles including classic muscle cars, most of
        A pleasant day made for nice travelling with       which are still in use. It is a great setting with the
     jackets on and the tops down. Once over the           walls covered in memorabilia and an American
     Kaimais we turned off the main road to drive a few    style 50s diner.
     MX-5 friendly roads passing Hobbiton and along a          The second part is accessed by walking through
     few less travelled country roads before arriving at   an excavator bucket to reveal more cars, trucks and
     the destination for our museum visit.                 earthmoving equipment. If anyone is in the area
        The Ross Brothers Museum is an excellent           it is well worth a visit. Admission is $5 – it is open
     private collection of classic muscle cars, vintage    weekdays, and by appointment for groups in the
     trucks and earthmoving equipment belonging to         weekends.
     four Ross Brothers. The majority of the people who        The day we visited a chap called Nelson who
     visited had not been there before and everyone        looks after the museum gave us a very informative
     agreed it was well worth a look.                      talk of the history of the museum and some of the
        It is on the same site, near Cambridge, as C       vehicles.
     & R Developments, which undertake large civil             Following the museum visit, it was a short drive
     earthworks and earthmoving contracts including the    in to Cambridge for lunch and a chat at the Coffee
     Huntly Expressway.                                    Club before everyone headed off home after
        The museum is in two parts. The first displays     another successful MX-5 day out.

Morrinsville Cow Art
     8 August 2021
     Twelve cars and 21 people gathered at Kaimai             Bay of Plenty / Tauranga
     Cafe for coffee, catchup and briefing ready for a
     10am departure.                                       Report & Photos by Dorothy Locke
       We set off in not-so-sure weather with some
     hoods down and a few up.                            the group returned to Tauranga with thanks to our
       Heading over the Kaimais towards Matamata we      new member, Dennis Crossman, leading us back
     had two more cars waiting at the bottom of the      through Te Aroha and down Old Te Aroha Road and
     Kaimais to join us.                                 back into Tauranga.
       We regrouped near the Shell in Matamata and
     set off to doing country roads to end up in
                                                            Thankfully the weather was kind to us.

       The main navigator took a
     wrong turn – her eyesight not so
     good on the small print – so we
     saw some countryside twice, but
     great roads for Mazda driving.
       On arrival at Morrinsville it was
     down to Big Cow 43 for a group
     photo shot and more socializing.
       Then we moved our cars up into
     town closer to the lunch spot.
       We went wandering around the
     township to view the appropriately
     theme dressed cows, 51 in total.
       Lunch at The Redoubt Eatery
     beckoned us at 12.30 so we
     headed inside into the warm and a
     great lunch was had by all.
       After lunch some headed off to
     do their own thing and the rest of

getting The final touch treatment
     A huge thanks to Ron and Shona from the
     MX-5 Club – Northern Region who organised                          Northern / Auckland
     an awesome event with Gordon and the very
     talented team at Final Touch in Albany.
        Neville Lambert & Kevin Scrimgeour were the             Report & Photos by Neville Lambert
     lucky ones which were selected to have the touch
                                                               the area. This process was fascinating and slightly
     up work demonstrated on their cars. Neville’s 2005
                                                               disconcerting to watch as it looked like snail trails
     NC in Galaxy Grey and Kevin’s 2010 NC in Stormy
                                                               of wet paint all over our cars. Then once the paint
     Blue both had a face lift!
                                                               had partially dried, they removed the excess with
        Final Touch specialise in repairing scratches and
                                                               a secret solvent and hand polished it back to
     stone chips in your car’s paint work. They don’t just
                                                               perfection. Deeper scratches and chips may require
     rely on the factory colour codes – their technicians
                                                               multiple layers of paint to repair them.
     use their experience to colour match with a trained
                                                                  Rob from Protect – Auto Paint Protection also
     eye. This enables them to allow for any fading or
                                                               talked about their paint protection service. They
     mis-matched paint from previous repairs.
                                                               apply a plastic protective film – like a second skin to
        Gordon did mention that colour matching most
                                                               protect your car’s paint. They also offer wrapping,
     cars paint is easy for them, apart from the ones with
                                                               so you can change the look of your car too.
     sparkles/glitter finish. He made special mention that
                                                                  The team put on drinks and a good feed from
     Mazda’s Soul Red was the hardest colour to match
                                                               the BBQ to keep out bellies full, while watching the
     as it has so many layers of colours to make it up.
                                                               experts work their magic on our cars.
        They have been in business since 1993 and
                                                                  We were so impressed with their workmanship;
     also offer a multiple range of services, such
                                                               Karan took her daily driver – a Mazda Axela (in the
     as exterior, marine, RV & campervan detailing,
                                                               dreaded Soul Red) in to see the team the very next
     headlight resurfacing, interior paint, leather & fabric
                                                               day. They did a fantastic job on that car too.
                                                                  So, if your car needs a bit of make-up, or a full-on
        Gordon’s team started to work on the cars while
                                                               face lift, we highly recommend you check out these
     Gordon talked us through the process. First, they
     cleaned the area’s to be touched up, then with their
     trained eyes they identified all the areas for repair.     Gordon at Final Touch, 7 D Saturn Place, Rosedale,
     They even picking up lots of areas that we had not          
     spotted ourselves.                                               0800 346 258
        They hand mix the paint and test on the car to          Rob at Protect – Auto Paint Protection, 19 Gundry
     get a perfect match. Once they have a match, it’s           Street, Newton.
     applied with an air brush, deliberately over spraying        0800 800 847


     w w
Another side of Keith!

And AN MX-5 EV to Follow?
     Mazda’s first ever Electric Vehicle, the MX-30 is      in urban areas looking for a vehicle that suits their
     generating strong interest among New Zealand           lifestyle and core values, are key reasons for the
     motorists.                                             strong interest,” he said.
        Mazda New Zealand Managing Director, David              The MX-30 has been designed by Mazda not just
     Hodge said pre-launch enquires and registrations       for the environment, but for the driver too. At Mazda
     of interest from people wanting to book a test drive   “weight is viewed as the enemy of performance”.
     or further information was significantly higher than   So Mazda’s EV has a lightweight 35.5 kWh battery
     expected.                                              to provide better handling performance and less
        “The recent Government announcement                 impact on the environment over the life of the
     regarding subsidies for electric vehicle buyers,       vehicle.
     which the MX-30 qualifies for, along with people           Paired with the new electric drive technology
                                                                                    – e-Skyactiv – it has a
                                                                                    maximum system power
                                                                                    of 107kW and a maximum
                                                                                    torque output of 271 Nm.
                                                                                       The MX-30 Takami EV
                                                                                    is available from selected
                                                                                    Mazda dealerships
                                                                                    nationwide. With a RRP of
                                                                                    $74,990 it qualifies for the full
                                                                                    $8,625 clean car rebate.
                                                                                       And for a limited time
                                                                                    includes a fast charge AC
                                                                                    Wallbox Pulsar Plus charger
                                                                                    (valued at $2,000) for early

                        CITY GARAGE
                         Full mechanical & auto electrical repairs;
             I           WOF’s, tunes, lubes, brakes, clutches
             T           Carried out by expert Mazda trained technicians
             E                        Supporting the MX5 Club with a 5% rebate
                                                 16 Waverley St, Auckland
22                                    Phone 09 379 5649 Email:
Sponsor                   Product/Service                              Benefits to Club Members
All Care                  Specialist roof, interior, zip and plastic   Discounts to Club Members.
18 Arklow Lane            window repair and replacements.
Whangaparaoa              The best for MX-5 cloth and leather
                                                                       Event Prizes.
Ph (09) 4241711           repairs
Mobile: (027) 283 7533
Autoway Services Ltd      For all your Mechanical work, Tune-          5% discount on Parts and Labour to
123 Columbo St            ups, Lubes, WOFs, Alignments and             members.
Frankton, Hamilton        more!
                                                                       Spotted Campaign Major Sponsor,
Ph (07) 847 5484                                                       Membership Card Sponsor 2001/2,
                                                                       Magazine Advertiser, Prizes.
BROOMFISH AUTOMOTIVE      Mazda MX-5 parts.                            10% discount for Club Members.
Internet sales only:      Ships nationwide.                            When ordering, use coupon code “MX-                                                    5CLUB” to get the discount.
PH: 027 7337410
City Garage              Full mechanical and auto electrical           10% discount to Club members.
16 Waverley St,          repairs; WOFs, tunes, lubes, brakes,
                                                                       Magazine Advertiser
Auckland                 clutches. Carried out by expert Mazda
                         trained technicians                           5% rebate to MX-5 Club
Ph (09) 379 5649
CLASSIC COVER INSURANCE   Motor vehicle insurance                      10% on premiums.                                                 Must give Club membership number when
0800 456 254                                                           obtaining quotation.
COOK STRAIT CROSSINGS     Cook Strait ferry booking agent              Lower crossing rates.
021 726 711             15% to 40% discount depending on time of
Dent Magician             Dents removed with no painting.              $140 per panel retail.
NZ Wide                   It’s fixed or it’s free! Mobile service,
                          approx 30 minutes per dent                   10% discount for Club Members.
Ph 0800 No Dents
Ph 0800 66 33 68
Mazda Dealers                                                          10% discount for club members on
Nationwide NZ                                                          parts
Wanganui Motors           The Mazda Dealer to see in Wanganui          10% discount on parts.
82 Ridgeway Street
Ph (06) 349 0930

BAY OF PLENTY                         Got too many MX-5s for your              For computers etc, Online Power
2 bedroom Bach, backing onto          current garage? Need a bigger            Solutions. Supplier of APC by
Ohiwa Harbour.                        home to store car parts? Call me         Schneider Electric, Socomec and (search:      if you are thinking of selling in the    Eaton UPSs (Uninterruptible Power
ohiwa hideaway)                       Wellington Region. Professional          Supplies), single and three phase,
15% Discount to club members.         advice, excellent service and            and Power Filters. Contact Willie
Email:              free market appraisals available         Williamson on 021 WILLIE (021 945
Phone: 027 501 8748                   for Wellington Western, Eastern,         543)
                                      Southern and Northern areas.
                                      Call Katie Underwood on                  Do you have a trade, job or skill
                                      (027) 248 2061, (04) 894 3717 or         that you think others may want to
                                      email on                                 use? Trade Off is exclusively for
                                         Club members, and it’s free to list!
                                      Licensed Salesperson under the           Simply email your BRIEF ad (up to
                                      Real Estate Agents Act 2008.             50 words)to topdown@MX-5club.
                                                                      and put Trade Off in the
                                                                               subject line.                          23

                                                                                       w w
                                      The Club is pleased
                                      to announce we have
                                      a new range of 30th
                                      anniversary clothing
                                         The first item is the
                                      Short Sleeve Polo In Black
                                      Or Navy Blue.
                                         The shirts are made of
                                      a premium antibacterial
                                      BIZ COOL fabric, 100%
                                      breathable, with moisture
                                      wicking properties.
                                         The Polo features the
                                      30th Anniversary logo
                                      especially developed for
                                      this occasion.

                                         All details of sizes for
                                      men and women, and
                                      prices, are on the updated
                                      Merchandise page on the
                                         The second item is a
                                      matching Club cap with the
                                      same logo as the shirts.
                                         All other current Club
                                      merchandise is listed on
                                      the website, with detailed
                                      instructions of how to order
                                      and pay.
                                         Once ordered you will
                                      receive both an online and
                                      an email notification.
                                         You’ll also notice a
                                      Shopping Basket icon on
                                      the header of all website
                                      pages, which enables you
                                      to check status at any time.
                                         Happy motoring, and
                                      happy purchasing.

                                      Webpage link:


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