What drives public support for policies to enhance electric vehicle adoption?

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What drives public support for policies to enhance electric vehicle adoption?
Environmental Research Letters


What drives public support for policies to enhance electric vehicle
To cite this article: Gracia Brückmann and Thomas Bernauer 2020 Environ. Res. Lett. 15 094002

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Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                         https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab90a5

                              Environmental Research Letters


                              What drives public support for policies to enhance electric vehicle
29 October 2019               Gracia Brückmann1,2 and Thomas Bernauer1,2
REVISED                       1
                                  Center for Comparative and International Studies (CIS), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
29 February 2020              2
                                  Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP), Swiss Mobility Lab, UNO, ETH Zurich, Universitätsstrasse 41, 8092, Zurich,
6 May 2020
                              E-mail: gracia.brueckmann@istp.ethz.ch
17 August 2020
                              Keywords: electric vehicles, transportation policy, pull and push policy measures, policy funding, public opinion, choice experiment
                              Supplementary material for this article is available online
Original content from
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Attribution 4.0 licence.      Abstract
Any further distribution      Decarbonizing the transportation sector is crucial to limiting global warming, but faces severe
of this work must
maintain attribution to       political feasibility challenges due to widespread opposition by those who incur the costs. With
the author(s) and the title
of the work, journal
                              respect to private motorized vehicles, which account for the largest share of emissions from
citation and DOI.             transportation, various studies show that pull measures, such as subsidies for electric vehicles
                              (EVs) and charging infrastructure, attract more public support than push measures, such as
                              carbon taxes or regulation to phase out fossil fuel cars. Based on a choice experiment with a large,
                              representative sample (N = 5325) of car holders in Switzerland, we reassess and add to these
                              findings. We empirically focus on Switzerland because its newly registered cars have the worst
                              emissions record in Europe. First, we reassess the presumably stronger support for pull measures
                              by studying whether such support is (negatively) affected by revealing the cost implications in
                              terms of means for funding these policy measures. Second, a unique feature of our study is that we
                              examine support for policies to promote EVs both amongst non-EV and EV holders. Our
                              hypothesis is that EV holders are likely to be more supportive of such policies, even when cost
                              implications become apparent. Our key finding is that support for pull measures, which is high
                              amongst non-EV holders, and even higher among technology adopters (EV holders), remains
                              stable even when policy funding is revealed. This suggests that more ambitious pull measures in
                              this area are politically feasible, even more so as the share of EV-adopters increases. Our research
                              also provides a methodological template for similar research in other countries.

                              1. Introduction                                                          (Ajanovic and Haas 2016). This is widely regarded as
                                                                                                       indispensable and technically feasible, but also very
                              The transportation sector is currently one of the                        difficult to achieve politically because conventional
                              largest contributors to global CO2 emissions (Abergel                    cars are widely considered convenient, fast, offer pri-
                              et al 2017) and accounts for around 14% of total                         vacy and luggage space, and are regarded as a status
                              anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (Intergov-                        symbol (Gärling and Schuitema 2007).
                              ernmental Panel on Climate Change 2014). Decar-                               Global comparisons of EV adoption rates show
                              bonizing transportation poses enormous challenges                        that such adoption, for the time being, hinges strongly
                              (Rogelj et al 2015, Schellnhuber et al 2016, Rock-                       on policy interventions (Green et al 2014, Curtin et al
                              ström et al 2017), such as replacing internal combus-                    2017, Hardman et al 2017, Lévay et al 2017, Hard-
                              tion engine vehicles with vehicles that do not rely                      man 2019). Current EVs adoption rates are gener-
                              on fossil fuel, such as battery electric vehicles1 (EVs)                 ally low in countries with no or weak policy interven-
                              in conjunction with energy from renewable sources                        tions in this area, and higher in countries with strong
                                                                                                       policies (Sierzchula et al 2014, Hardman 2019, Riet-
                              1For simplicity, we use only the term ‘electric vehicle (EV)’ for bat-   mann and Lieven 2019), which suggests that policy
                              tery electric vehicles (excluding (plug-in) hybrid vehicles and fuel     interventions can contribute to changing behaviour
                              cell cars).                                                              (Tummers 2019). Policy interventions include tax

                              © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                     G Brückmann and T Bernauer

rebates, purchase subsidies, parking space privileges,     costs that are borne by taxpayers, citizens, and voters
or exceptions from road or car ferry prices, but also      (Cherry et al 2012).
disincentives concerning the purchase of combustion             We examine whether support for pull measures
engine cars (feebates, bans).                              decreases when the policy funding is revealed. We
    Government intervention is usually justified for       focus on two types of seemingly popular but costly
the purpose of promoting technological innovation          pull measures for EVs: purchase subsidies and char-
aimed at reducing negative externalities (such as          ging infrastructure expansion. Subsidies as well as
emissions from conventional cars) (Sierzchula et al        charging infrastructure are regarded as key to enhan-
2014). The absence or weakness in many countries           cing EV uptake (Sierzchula et al 2014). Both policy
of policies to promote EV adoption also suggest that       measures are voluntary, in the sense that they are not
implementing such policies is far from easy. The main      directly disincentivizing the use of conventional cars.
obstacle, arguably, is opposition by those parts of        Another pull measure that we also study, information
society that are or would be incurring high costs, and     requirements on cars’ energy consumption, is a less
in particular owners of conventional vehicles. In view     costly pull measure.
of the fact that public support is quintessential to            In a stylized economic market model, (efficient)
the political feasibility of policy interventions (Page    forms and levels of policy interventions can be iden-
and Shapiro 1983, Wlezien 1995, Anderson et al 2017,       tified by researchers. In the real world, citizens and
Schuitema and Bergstad 2018), it is quite surprising       voters take different types of policy interventions (e.g.
that only few studies (Huber et al 2019, Wicki et al       amounts of subsidy) into consideration when form-
2019a, 2019b) have, thus far, examined public opin-        ing policy preferences and shaping policy-choices.
ion with respect to EV policies.                           These choices may, and often do, deviate from
    In general terms, the literature suggests differ-      the market-equilibrium internalizing the externality.
ent ways for reducing externalities (in our case air-      After all, in democracies voters have an indirect (via
pollution, noise, and CO2 emissions caused by fossil-      elections) or direct (via referenda) say when it comes
fuelled vehicles), notably (Pigouvian) taxes, subsidies,   to enacting and implementing particular policies.
and regulation. From a purely economic viewpoint,               Real-world policy interventions often come in the
the effectiveness and efficiency of different policy       form of sets of policy instruments, rather than a single
instruments may be similar, depending on their             policy instrument in isolation (Wicki et al 2019a).
design. But they are likely to vary in terms of their      Our study design mimics this by identifying prefer-
political feasibility, proxied by public opinion, which    ences with respect to policy proposals consisting of
is our primary focus here. Existing research shows         several policy instruments. Specifically, we rely on a
that policy interventions to disincentivise specific       conjoint experiment in which car holders (with and
behaviours are usually quite unpopular (e.g. Tobler        without EV) evaluate different policy options for pro-
et al 2012, Sørensen et al 2014, Stadelmann-Steffen        moting EVs.
and Dermont 2018). Those interventions are usu-                 Switzerland, in which we sampled the car holders
ally called push measures (e.g. fuel taxes, road pri-      for our experiment, is an interesting case for such a
cing). In contrast, policy interventions to incentivize    study for several reasons. A high share of the country’s
desired behaviour, often called pull measures, tend        electricity is already from renewables (mostly hydro-
to attract considerably more public support. Cherry        power) and the government is planning to replace all
et al (2012), e.g. find that public support for sub-       remaining non-renewable energy sources, including
sidies that correct for an externality is greater than     nuclear energy, with renewables by 2050 (Swiss Fed-
support for taxes (see also Leiserowitz et al 2011).       eral Office of Energy 2018). This would increase the
Rhodes et al (2017) show that pull measures, such          environmental benefits from EV use (Ajanovic and
as subsidies for purchasing low-carbon technologies,       Haas 2016). EV purchase decisions are endogenous to
receive more support than taxes to discourage the          our experiment and are influenced by many factors,
purchase of carbon-intensive technology. Steg et al        such as perceived performance, environmental atti-
(2006) also find that pull measures (e.g. subsidies)       tudes, views on technology, prestige, risk, socio-
enjoy more public support.                                 demographics, as well as cost-benefit-considerations
    Higher levels of public support for pull measures      (Higgins et al 2012, Smith et al 2017). Currently, EV
or incentive-based policies (e.g. subsidies) are usually   adoption rates in Switzerland are very small: only
explained in terms of their voluntariness, (low) per-      1.7% of new car registrations in 2018 (Swiss Fed-
ceived costs and (high) perceived benefits. Pull meas-     eral Office of Energy 2019) were (pure) EVs, des-
ures are voluntary in the sense that they make the         pite Switzerland’s high GDP/capita (IMF, Interna-
incentivized behaviour relatively cheaper (or other-       tional Monetary Fund 2018) and generally strong
wise more attractive) without limiting or eliminating      pro-environmental attitudes (Franzen and Vogl 2013)
the alternative choice of ‘undesired’ behaviours. Pull     and support for renewable energy (Plum et al 2019).
measures’ perceived costs also tend to be lower. Per-      This appears paradoxical because high income and
haps unsurprisingly, subsidies are preferred over taxes    environmental attitudes are usually regarded as being
and regulations, even though subsidies also incur          positively related to EV adoption (Sierzchula et al

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                               G Brückmann and T Bernauer

2014, Brückmann et al 2019). Moreover, EV adop-              a pre-defined condition implies eligibility. For
tion should also be facilitated by cost-parity between       example, everyone buying an EV could obtain a pur-
EVs and conventional cars, which can be reached after        chase subsidy. At the same time, it is uncertain ex ante
30 000-65 000 km of usage (Bloomberg 2019, Swiss             how the government will collect the funds for the
eMobility, 2019).                                            subsidy. One option here could be shifting the fin-
    The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-         ancial burden to future taxpayers. This (un)certainty
lows. First, we review the current literature and high-      contrasts in particular with Pigouvian taxes: paying
light theories that are central to our arguments and         them is deterministic, whereas if and how collected
hypotheses. Thereafter, we outline the study design,         taxes will be returned to voters is uncertain. Loss
present the results, and discuss their implications.         aversion (Tversky and Kahneman 1991) thus helps
                                                             explain support for subsidies (Heres et al 2017) when
2. Theory and empirical expectations                         evaluations are based on personal gains and losses
                                                             depending on a proposed policy.
In view of the important role public opinion plays in             Hence we argue that obtaining more information
shaping environmental policy choices (Anderson et al         on funding diminishes the fiscal illusion (and hence
2017, Bakaki et al 2019, Huber et al 2019, Marquart-         the uncertainty) concerning pull measures. Hypo-
Pyatt et al 2019), many studies have examined the            thesis 2 reflects these arguments.
determinants of public support for particular types of            H2: With information on how policy interventions
environmental policies. And some have done so with           would be funded, support for pull measures decreases
respect to policies for promoting electric vehicles.         and the difference between support levels for pull and
Several studies (e.g. Steg et al 2006, Bjerkan et al 2016,   push measures diminishes.
Rhodes et al 2017) show that pull measures enjoy                  We also expect some differences between the pref-
more public support than push measures (Drews and            erences of conventional car and EV holders regarding
van den Bergh 2016; see also De Groot and Schuitema          EV policies. Their tastes for policy are likely to differ
2012, Harrison 2010, Wicki et al 2019a, 2019b). The          for several reasons.
underlying theoretical logic is that pull measures are            First of all, these two populations differ from
less coercive and reduce the costs of the desired, envir-    another in several ways (Axsen et al 2016, Westin et al
onmentally friendly behaviour (Steg et al 2006). Our         2018, Brückmann et al 2019). EV holders are more
first hypothesis reflects this argument.                     familiar with the technology and its (societal) bene-
     H1: Pull measures enjoy more public support than        fits because of their own experience. Current users,
push measures.                                               already voluntarily, in the absence of strong polit-
     Existing evidence shows that car purchase sub-          ical interventions, decided to adopt it. Second, the
sidies for EVs, a prominent pull measure, are quite          costs of behavioural change in the direction of polit-
popular in Switzerland (EBP 2016), our country               ically incentivized behaviour are lower for EV users
of study. Yet, results of a laboratory study show            (Diekmann and Preisendörfer 2003, De Groot and
that receiving information about the cost implic-            Schuitema 2012). Finally, self-serving bias implies
ations of such subsidies might affect public sup-            that people tend to support policies appearing bene-
port (Heres et al 2017). This suggests that sup-             ficial for themselves (Caplan 2007). This is likely to be
port for pull measures may result from a lack                the case with policies to promote new charging infra-
of attention to societal costssocietal costs. Kall-          structure.
bekken and Aasen (2010), for instance, argue that                 Taken together, these arguments (familiarity,
citizens express rather strong support for govern-           lower behavioural costs, and self-serving bias) can be
ment subsidies because of a ‘fiscal illusion’ (for           summarized in Hypothesis 3:
more details on this, see SI 1 (available online at               H3: Technology adopters (EV holders) are more
stacks.iop.org/ERL/15/094002/mmedia)). Fiscal illu-          supportive of push and of pull measures than non-
sion means that people systematically underestim-            adopters (non-EV holders).
ate the costs of public services and that, therefore,
demanded public spending exceeds the willingness-            3. Study design
to-pay for it (Winter and Mouritzen 2001). Harrison
(2010) describes this issue in terms of the indirect and     3.1. Sampling and data collection
less visible nature of costs for consumers that will not     To test the above arguments, we rely on original sur-
provoke electoral opposition. Not only information           vey data. The survey was fielded to a random sample
about the amount of costs but also attention payed to        of car holders in the German-speaking Swiss Cantons
costs may explain the ‘fiscal illusion’ (Baekgaard et al     of Aargau, Schwyz, Zug, and Zurich. 2 5000 non-EV
2016). In our study, we focus on salience of the fund-       car holders were randomly selected in each canton
ing of costly pull measures.                                 (20 000 in total), plus all EV-holders in these cantons.
     Heres et al (2017) propose that subsidies receive
more support due to uncertainty about the budgetary
process. Receiving subsidies is deterministic, because       2This selection is justified in more detail in the SI 2.

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                       G Brückmann and T Bernauer

                                            Table 1. Conjoint attributes and attribute values.

Attribute                                                                 Attribute values (one of each is randomly assigned)

Charging infrastructure provision for electric vehicles                   • 100 out of 1000 parking spaces
at public parking spaces                                                  • 10 out of 1000 parking spaces
                                                                          • 1 out of 1000 parking spaces
                                                                          • No new additional charging infrastructure

Purchase subsidy for new electric vehicles                                • Subsidy of 5000 CHFa
                                                                          • Subsidy of 3000 CHF
                                                                          • Subsidy of 1000 CHF
                                                                          • No subsidy

Information requirements on fuel consumption, CO2                         • Stricter information requirements: energy labels
emissions, and energy efficiency of cars (e.g. energy                     must show additional fuel consumption data from real
labels, information in advertisements and sales bro-                      driving and visibility must be increased
chures)                                                                   • Abolish current information requirements on fuel
                                                                          consumption, CO2 emissions, and energy efficiency of
                                                                          • Maintain current information requirements: energy
                                                                          label attached to newly sold cars

Registration of highly fossil fuel consuming cars                         • Forbid registration from 2020 onward
(above 7 l of gasoline/diesel per 100 km)                                 • Allowed

Funding of these measures (only randomly displayed to                     • Price increase for motorway vignette from 40 to 100
half of the respondents)                                                  CHF
                                                                          • General federal budget with an increase in income
                                                                          • Fee (malus) of CHF 4000 when purchasing a car with
                                                                          gasoline/diesel engine
                                                                          • General federal budget without an increase in income
                                                                          taxes (savings in other areas of the budget)
                                                                          • No additional fundingb
 Note: 1 CHF (Swiss Franc) is approx. 1.03 US Dollar or 0.94 Euros (as of February 2020).
 Shown if and only if the policy proposal jointly included «No additional charging infrastructure» and «No subsidy». When these two
attribute values were displayed jointly, funding was always «No additional funding». This is the only restriction in this fully randomized
conjoint design, see SI 5. The information in this table footnote was not displayed to respondents.

The total was 22 627 survey invitees. The four can-                    regards to policy options consisting of specific sets of
tonal car registries randomly sampled and provided                     policy measures (attributes). The list of attributes is
the postal addresses.                                                  shown in table 1.
    5325 invitees completed the survey, which                              The conjoint experiment started with an over-
included a choice experiment (see below), yielding                     view of all attributes and all potential values (levels)
a (The American Association for Public Opinion                         of these attributes (table 1). The first four attrib-
Research 2016) response rate of 23.5 %. The survey                     utes shown in table 1 include three pull (charging
was fielded between May 22, 2018, and October 2,                       infrastructure, purchase subsidy, information/energy
2018. In the SI, we discuss to what extent our sample                  labelling requirements) and one push measure (phas-
represents the entire population of car holders (SI 3),                ing out cars with high fuel consumption via new
describe in detail the survey flow (SI 4), and show the                registration rules). Since our emphasis is on under-
survey instrument (SI 8). The study was approved by                    standing how cost information affects support for
ETH Zurich’s ethics committee (decision EK 2017-                       pull measures we decided to include more pull than
N-85).                                                                 push measures in the experiment while using a lim-
                                                                       ited number of attributes in order to minimize the
3.2. Choice experiment                                                 cognitive burden on participants, so as to obtain
For the experiment, we used a two-step design                          meaningful responses. The fifth attribute in table 1
(Sen 2017, Kirkland and Coppock 2018, Beiser -                         concerns funding. As noted above, study participants
McGrath and Bernauer 2019). We first randomly                          were randomly assigned to choice experiments that
assigned study participants to two groups: one                         always included or always omitted this attribute. The
received information in the choice experiment on                       choice of this method is justified in more detail in SI 6.
how pull measures will be funded, the other group                          Our experimental design randomly exposes
received no such funding information. In the conjoint                  study participants to sets of treatment conditions in
choice experiment (Hainmueller et al 2014) study                       terms of a combination of four (or five, including
participants then had to express their preferences with                funding information) variables whose values are
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                  G Brückmann and T Bernauer

   Figure 1. The upper panel (a) shows an example of a conjoint table with funding information, the lower panel (b) shows an
   exemplary conjoint table without funding information. These pictures exemplarily display how the survey experiment looked for

experimentally manipulated. These attribute val-                   provide further, more nuanced information (see also
ues were randomly allocated. For every policy meas-                Hainmueller et al 2015).
ure (attribute) the status quo is one possible attrib-                  In terms of sample size, this setup generates a
ute value, e.g. no new chargers. This allows parti-                maximum of N = 53 250 = 5325 respondents × 2
cipants to compare each proposed attribute value                   policy proposals × 5 choice tasks. The data is
to the status quo. Displaying random attribute val-                clustered on individuals, as each participant per-
ues allows us to estimate the causal impact of these               forms five choice tasks. Omissions due to item non-
treatment conditions on the outcome (dependent                     response occur. We use OLS3 to estimate the coef-
variable) of interest, i.e. policy preferences. The lat-           ficients of the average marginal component effects
ter are captured through a binary choice (whether                  (AMCEs) and marginal means (Leeper et al 2019).
policy option A or B is preferred) and a 7-point Likert            We report only marginal means as they display the
scale. Two side-by-side policy proposals each had to               rate at which the dependent variable (i.e. policy pro-
be rated in five choice tasks (leading to 10 policy                posals’ choice probabilities or ratings) changes with
proposals evaluated per participant). Figure 1 illus-              a change in the independent variable, holding the
trates one of these choice tasks with two exemplary                other predictor variables at a constant level. They dir-
policy proposals. The order of attributes was ran-                 ectly result from AMCEs. Support for policy pro-
domized per participant, and then held constant                    posals serves as the dependent variable and different
across the five choice tasks to limit the cognitive                experimentally manipulated policy attributes serve as
burden.                                                            the independent variables. We estimate the follow-
    The decision to use a stated-preference con-                   ing two equations, where variables are labelled and
joint experiment, with binary choice and rating, for               ordered according to the description in table 1 and
this research is motivated by two considerations.                  figure 1 above:
First, respondents face a trade-off, as the forced
choice between two alternative policies implicates                 3Hainmueller et al (2014) show that OLS is an appropriate estim-
‘costs of foregone alternatives’. Second, ratings of               ator for the AMCE and produces very similar estimates compared
each proposed policy, irrespectively if chosen or not,             to binary logit or probit.

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                  G Brückmann and T Bernauer

       At 100 of 1000

                         parking spaces
                           provision at
        At 10 of 1000

          At 1 of 1000

              No new

           CHF 5000
                             EV purchase

           CHF 3000

           CHF 1000


                             Car information


         Keep current

                          highly fossil fuel
                          consuming cars
                           Registration of


                                               0.2   0.3             0.4             0.5              0.6             0.7

   Figure 2. Marginal means for binary choice between policy proposals. Non-EV holders who did not receive any information on
   policy funding (subsample of n = 1897). The bars represent 95% confidence intervals. The dashed line marks a 50% policy choice

   Choice = β0 + β1 Chargers + β2 Subsidy                            we only look at respondents who did not receive any
               + β3 Information + β4 Registration + ε                information on policy funding and focus on conven-
                                                                     tional car (non-EV) holders (the results for EV hold-
                                                                     ers are discussed further below). Figure 2 displays
     Choice = β0 + β1 Chargers + β2 Subsidy                          policy support in terms of marginal means for dif-
                 + β3 Information + β4 Registration                  ferent levels of policy attributes for the binary choice
                 + β5 Funding + ε                                    between two alternatives. Marginal means describe
                                                                     the level of support for a specific attribute level, all else
4. Results                                                           equal. For the binary choice, this can be interpreted as
                                                                     the probability that a participant chooses a proposal
First, we look whether our data,4 when policy funding                given the respective policy attribute level is included
is omitted, supports the hypothesis that pull measures               (Leeper et al 2019).
receive more support than push measures. Therefore,                      As shown in figure 2, respondents clearly prefer
                                                                     more charging infrastructure (58% and 59% choice
                                                                     probability all else equal, for 10 and 100 chargers
4We used Stata (StataCorp 2017) for data-cleaning and R (R Core
                                                                     per 1000 parking spaces, respectively). This char-
Team 2018) for the analyses (Wickham 2017, Barari et al 2018, Gar-
buszus and Jeworutzki 2018, Leeper et al 2018, Walker 2018, Dowle
                                                                     ger density is very high and far more than currently
and Srinivasan 2019).                                                installed in Switzerland. Installing no or very few

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                   G Brückmann and T Bernauer

               At 100 of 1000

                                  parking spaces
                                    provision at
                At 10 of 1000

                  At 1 of 1000

                       No new

                    CHF 5000

                                     EV purchase
                    CHF 3000

                    CHF 1000


                                     Car information


                 Keep current
                                   highly fossil fuel
                                   consuming cars

                                    Registration of


   Increase car vignette pr ice

         Increase income tax

     Malus for inefficient cars


                No add. fund.

                                                        0.2       0.3          0.4          0.5             0.6             0.7

                                                                        Funding Visible     No       Yes

   Figure 3. Marginal means for binary choice between policy proposals (non- EV holders, subsample of n = 3768). Filled triangles
   indicate that funding was displayed, empty triangles indicate that funding was excluded. The bars represent 95% confidence
   intervals. The dashed line indicates a 50% choice probability.

new chargers results in support levels of less than                      requirements have a positive effect (55% choice prob-
0.5, indicating opposition. These results show that                      ability) on policy support. Completely abandoning
even non-EV holders, who currently do not benefit                        information requirements and energy labels induces
from charging infrastructure, strongly prefer more                       rather strong opposition (42% choice probability).
charging infrastructure and strongly oppose main-                        As to push measures, there is only a minor differ-
taining the status quo (no new chargers). Another                        ence between still allowing (51%) and banning (49%
pull measure, purchase subsidies, receives consider-                     choice probability) high consumption fossil fuel cars.
ably less support, which is rather surprising in view                    Given that banning new registrations for highly-
of previous research. Only small subsidies of CHF                        emitting cars is a rather strong push instrument, this
1000 are viewed positively (52% choice probability),                     level of support is surprising.
as they are preferred over the status quo (no sub-                           With respect to Hypothesis 1, our results thus
sidy). The third pull measure, information provi-                        show that pull measures are viewed positively, and
sion such as energy labels, is viewed positively in its                  more positively than push measures. The main caveat,
current form (status quo) and stricter information                       however, is that we included only one fairly radical

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                     G Brückmann and T Bernauer

   At 100 of 1000

                     parking spaces
                       provision at
    At 10 of 1000

     At 1 of 1000

          No new

       CHF 5000
                        EV purchase

       CHF 3000

       CHF 1000


                        Car information


     Keep current

                      highly fossil fuel
                      consuming cars
                       Registration of


                                           0.2      0.3                0.4                0.5               0.6                0.7

                                                                Car Type          No EV         EV

   Figure 4. Binary choice between policy proposals (all car holders with funding hidden, n = 2480) with different attribute levels.
   Green circles refer to EV holders (n = 583), while purple triangles refer to other car holders (n = 1897). The bars represent 95%
   confidence intervals. The dashed line is 50%.

push measure in the experiment because we are                             Starting with the first attribute category, rechar-
interested mainly in examining whether funding                        ging infrastructure, we observe that providing no
information affects support for pull measures. The                    or only very few new chargers becomes somewhat
next step in the analysis then is to examine whether                  more popular when funding is revealed but support
revealing costs and funding reduces support.                          for no or only few new chargers is still low (e.g.
    Figure 3 summarizes the results for conven-                       35% to 38% choice probability for no new char-
tional car holders, differentiated by treatment status                gers, confidence intervals do not overlap). For higher
(funding information hidden or revealed). Funding                     levels of new charging infrastructure provision, we
information is revealed when the triangle on the bars                 observe no significant difference when funding is
in the figure is filled, and hidden when the triangle                 revealed, and support levels remain very high (from
is outlined. Figure 3 again displays marginal means                   58% to 57% choice probabilities). This result is very
(interpreted as choice probabilities, all else constant)              surprising and indicates strong and robust support
for each policy attribute level.                                      for policies providing for a large-scale expansion

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                       G Brückmann and T Bernauer

               At 100 of 1000

                                  parking spaces
                                    provision at
                At 10 of 1000

                  At 1 of 1000

                       No new

                    CHF 5000

                                     EV purchase
                    CHF 3000

                    CHF 1000


                                     Car information


                 Keep current
                                   highly fossil fuel
                                   consuming cars

                                    Registration of


   Increase car vignette pr ice

         Increase income tax

     Malus for inefficient cars


                No add. fund.

                                                        0.2       0.3          0.4            0.5              0.6             0.7

                                                                        Car Type         No EV        EV

   Figure 5. Binary choice between policy proposals (all car holders with funding revealed, n = 2442) with different attribute. Green
   circles refer to EV holders (n = 571), while purple triangles refer to other car holders (n = 1871). The bars represent 95%
   confidence intervals. The dashed line is 50%.

of charging infrastructure irrespective of funding                      place in the neighbouring country Germany or
hidden or revealed.                                                     the neighbouring canton of Thurgau (2020)5 , for
     As to purchase subsidies, somewhat surprisingly                    instance.
we observe less support for the baseline of no sub-                         With regard to the third pull measure, vehicle
sidy when funding is omitted (50% choice probab-                        energy information requirements, we observe no sig-
ility) compared to when funding is revealed (52 %),                     nificant differences between the two funding inform-
though the difference is insignificant. New subsidies                   ation conditions. This result is less surprising than
are always slightly more supported when funding is                      the results for chargers and purchase subsidies,
revealed, but the differences are insignificant. These                  because the cost implications in terms of govern-
findings indicate that there is robust, but not very                    ment spending are probably much smaller and study
strong support (51% and 52% choice probability                          participants may have noted that. The same holds for
when financing is revealed) for purchase subsidies in
the order of CHF 1000 - an amount substantially
                                                                        5Thurgau (2020) provides CHF 3500 in 2020.
lower than governmental subsidies currently in

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                      G Brückmann and T Bernauer

the push measure, regulation of high consumption            5. Conclusion
fossil- fuelled cars. Overall, these findings provide no
support for Hypothesis 2, which holds that revealing        In this paper we examine public support for, and
information on funding reduces policy support. SI           thus the political feasibility of policy options for
7 provides additional results using the policy rating       promoting EV adoption, both in regard to market-
variables. As can be seen there, the results are very       based pull measures (purchase subsidies, new char-
similar to the results for the choice variables reported    ging infrastructure) and regulation (car-specific
above.                                                      energy information requirements, phasing out high
     We now take a brief look at the findings for           consumption fossil-fuelled cars). The emphasis
the funding attributes, though they do not directly         was on studying support for costly pull measures
speak to Hypotheses 2 but are interesting from a            when funding them (in different ways) is hidden or
policy perspective. The non-EV holders prefer fund-         revealed. Moreover, we examined differences between
ing via the general government budget (implying sav-        EV adopters and conventional car holders in this
ings in other policy areas) (55% choice probabil-           respect.
ity) or via increasing the price on the usage permit             Based on a survey embedded choice experiment
(‘vignette’) for Swiss highways (58% choice probabil-       with a random sample of more than 5000 car hold-
ity) rather than increasing income tax to fund pro-         ers, we find support for the argument that pull meas-
posed policy interventions. Respondents are ambi-           ures attract more public support than push meas-
valent about imposing a new lump-sum tax on the             ures. Interestingly, however, and in contrast to what
registration of fossil- fuelled cars for this purpose.      we expected, support levels do not decrease much
Note, that not providing any new funding cannot be          when funding options are revealed in the choice task.
interpreted directly as it is only displayed in the case    Finally, in line with our expectations, we find stronger
where no new chargers and no purchase subsidies are         support both for pull and push measures amongst EV
proposed.                                                   holders, relative to conventional car holders.
     We now move to the analysis of the subsample                The main policy implication of our findings is
of EV holders and compare the findings to those for         that there is considerable political room of man-
non-EV holders (Hypotheses 3). In contrast to the           euver for more ambitious pull measures in this area,
findings presented so far, the comparison presented         such as large-scale expansion of public charging infra-
here does not reflect causal effects because we did         structure, mandatory energy information, and to a
not experimentally manipulate car ownership; hence          more limited extent also EV purchase subsidies. This
there might be underlying variables that affect driv-       holds even when citizens/consumers are confronted
etrain choices as well as policy preferences. Figures       with the fact that such measures have important cost
4 and 5 shows that, overall, EV holders are more            implications and need to be funded. Moreover, the
supportive of pull measures, notably with respect           fact that support levels amongst EV holders are higher
to (higher) purchase subsidies and (more) char-             implicates that aggregate support levels amongst all
ging infrastructure. Similarly, they dislike no sub-        car holders are likely to increase with an increasing
sidy and no new chargers even more than non-EV              share of EV holders in the car holding population.
holders. Moreover, they are more supportive of the               Additional research could focus on several issues
push measure, banning fossil-fuel cars, relative to         in order to further probe into the political feasibility
non-EV holders (58% vs. 49% choice probability              of pull and push policies for promoting EV adoption.
for both funding treatment categories). From fig-           First, it would be worthwhile to reassess our main
ure 5, when funding is revealed, we also observe            findings in other countries with somewhat different
that they prefer the push measure (malus for inef-          EV policy settings, based on a similar study design.
ficient cars) much more than current fossil-fuelled         Examples include Australia (with virtually no policies
car holders. Currently, EV ownership in Switzer-            in place in this areas (Webb et al 2019)) and Germany
land is still very diverse, especially in view of differ-   (with moderately ambitious such policies already in
ent types of BEVs and regarding second car owner-           place (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
ship among EV owners. We implemented two addi-              Energy 2020)). Second, it would be useful to include a
tional sample stratifications to assess whether own-        more nuanced set of push measures alongside the pull
ing a non-BEV car in a BEV household or hav-                measures we emphasized. Examples include carbon
ing a long-range Tesla BEV (Hardman et al 2016,             taxes or road space and parking restrictions for con-
Webb et al 2019) changes policy preferences. In both        ventional car holders (Wolbertus et al 2018). Third,
cases, there were no statistically significant differ-      it would be interesting to obtain more information
ences for these subgroups (results available from the       on the assumptions car holders make with respect
authors on request). The above-mentioned findings           to paying at new charging infrastructure: whether
clearly support Hypothesis 3, which expects more            they would pay (the comparatively low) energy costs
support for pull and push measures amongst EV               for refuelling EVs or high costs (as with fossil-fuels),
holders.                                                    or whether charging an EV would even be free of

Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (2020) 094002                                                                     G Brückmann and T Bernauer

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