Together We Reveal the Compassionate Face of God - Parishes Online

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Together We Reveal the Compassionate Face of God - Parishes Online
Together We Reveal the Compassionate Face of God.

                                Annual Hope Appeal
                                 In Pew Solicitation
                                      Is Today!
                                You are the Salt of the
                                 Lourdes $62,109.94
                                  Rosary $31,923.05
                                Combined $94,032.99
                                Please be as Generous
                                     as possible.
                                No gift is too small or
                                       too big.
Together We Reveal the Compassionate Face of God - Parishes Online
          Prayer Remembrances for the week of
           September 11th thru September 18th
We pray for all members of the parish living and deceased,
                       but especially

                                                                    We commend to God those who have
                                                                  recently passed on to their eternal reward.
Living:                        Requested by:                                   Mary Chmielewski
Rev. Lukasz Koslowski          OLOL & OLR                                        James A. Callies
                               Parishes                                      Sr. Mary Rose Noonan
Sr. Lois Mary Paciello         OLOL & OLR                                      Francis R. Giruzzi
                               Parishes                             Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Deceased:                      Requested by:                 Bible Study and Mary Star of Hope Programs are
Vinny Canistra                                               Resuming as follows:
& Nobles Family                Dr. Janice & Mr. Robert       Bible Study every Monday 1:00 –3:00 pm beginning
                               Bedell                        October 4th in the DePaul Room of the Seton Center
Jack McCarthy                  Geralynn Owens                Mary Star of Hope returns monthly on the first
Deceased Members UCA                                         Tuesday of the month beginning Tuesday, October 5th
Class of 1970                  Classmates                    from 1:00—3:00 pm in the DePaul Room of the Seton
Patricia Flihan                Carol & Fred Polito           Center. Face masks are required for both programs.
Frieda “Queenie” Jabour        Carol Trzepacz                If you plan on joining either or both groups, please call
Camille Caulkins               Gary, Jessica & Amanda        Sister Lois at 315-724-3155.
Sr. Mary Rose Noonan           OLOL Parish
Ronald Gladwin                 Murray Family
Wayne Smoulcey                 Thomas Smoulcey, Sr.
Matthew Smoulcey               Thomas Smoulcey, Sr.
Joseph H. Spine                Moylan Family
Pat Riley                      Carol Bell
Larry Chamberlain              Carol Bell
Louis & Tina DeSarro           Daughter, Patty DeSarro
John M. Ingro, Jr.             Mother, Patty DeSarro                                                 -    -
Dale T. Quigley ~B’day         Wife, Kathy & Family
Samuel P. & Marian                                                      The Sanctuary Lamp for the week of
Guadagnino                     Daughters, Jean Greene                            September 11th
                               & Diane Malini                                is in memory of Dolores Kiernan
Robert P. Malini, Sr.          Malini Family
                                                                                   by Family.
June Hayes Rieben              Marilyn, Daniel, Dina
                               & Cathy Miller
Arnold James DeFabio           Mary Jane Long                       Monthly Memorials for September
Sr. Mary Rose Noonan           Ron & Josette Fontaine          The gift of bread has been given in memory
Rev. Gaetano Baccaro           Barbara Moriarty
                                                               Louis & Ann Trzepacz by Carol & Family.
                                                              The gift of candles has been given in memory
                                                                       Mary Jo Hovey by Family.
                                                               The gift of wine has been given in memory of
                                                                       Guarnier & Scalise Families
                                                                            by Patty Guarnier.
Together We Reveal the Compassionate Face of God - Parishes Online
 page33                  CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY

Monday, September 13th           8:00 am
Edward Rogowski        (Bill & Jody Roberts)
Tuesday, September 14th

Tuesday, September 14th        7:00 pm
Novena to the Miraculous Medal

Wednesday, September 15th      8:00 am
Brthd. Judy Sullivan    (A Friend)
Edward & Mary Swiech    (Boswell Family)
Thursday, September 16th             8:00 am
Walter & Victoria Schiller           (Kay Krul)

Friday, September 17th              8:00 am
Gene Voce, Sr.                (Wife & Family)

Saturday, September 18th             4:00 pm
Mass at Lourdes

Sunday, September 19th        8:30 am & 10:30 am
Mass at Lourdes

                                                                              -   -
                 -   -
                                                                                  MANY, MANY,
                                                                                  THANKS to all the
          This week the Sanctuary Lamp is in                                      parishioners who have
          memory of                                                               contributed paper bags,
          Dolores Kiernan                                                         baggies and water
          requested by                                                            bottles to the lunch
          Family                                                                  program at HISTORIC
                                                   OLD ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. There are hundreds of
                                                   individuals and families served every month. We could
                                                   not accommodate them without your help.
page 4                                              HAPPENINGS
                WORD SEARCH PUZZLE Now that
                school is back in session, remember
                that Jesus knows that some of you en-
joy the routine and the demands of learning but some
of you wake up every day dreading it. However you
feel, you know for sure that it will bring its challenges.
As believers in Jesus, you have help. With that in
mind, try to memorize one or two bible verses that will
encourage and strengthen you. During good or not so
good times. May these Scriptures always lead you to
victory in Christ who loves you! No matter what the
circumstances are, the Savior is ready to help you!
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in tri-
umph in Christ, .” 2 Corinthians 2:14. “You shall love
the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your
soul, and with all your strength.”Deut 6:5. “Finally,
my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of
His might.” Ephesians 6:10.

                                                             Readings for Sunday September 12th
                                                                24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                    Isaiah 50:4c-9a, (131B)
                                                                 Psalm 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9
                                                                         James 2:14-18
                                                                         Mark 8:27-35

                                                             Readings for Sunday September 19th
                                                                25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                 Wisdom 2:12, 17-20 (134B)
                                                                     Psalm 54:3-4, 5, 6, 8
                                                                       James 3:16-4:3
                                                                        Mark 9:30-37
-   -



         Our Lady of Lourdes Raffle is on now!
               Grand Prize of $10,000.00
                 Second Prize $1,500.00
                  Third Prize $1,000.00
        Tickets $20.00 . You must be 21 to enter.
              You may purchase tickets at:
        Chanatrys * Boat’s Unlimited * Bossone’s
      North End Tap Room * McQuade & Bannigan
    Boneyard BBQ * Habanos Cigars & Lourdes Office.
Page 6

                   PARISH OFFICES                                                            PASTORAL STAFF
Our Lady of the Rosary                                             Pastor:                                   Rev. Joseph A. Salerno
1736 Burrstone Rd.                                                 Parish Minister:                          Dcn. John Kopec
New Hartford, NY 13413                                             Parish Minister:                          Sr. Lois Mary Paciello
Phone 315-724-0402
                                                                                              FAITH FORMATION
Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00am– 2:00pm                   Kathy Seiselmyer Our Lady of the Rosary Grades K-10
E-mail                                 Will & Kim Smith Grades 6-10
or                          or
Our Lady of Lourdes                                                                           MUSIC MINISTRY
                                                                   Diane Vicik Our Lady of the Rosary
2222 Genesee St.
                                                                   Chris Abdoo Our Lady of the Rosary
Utica, NY 13502                                                    Randy Davis Our Lady of Lourdes
Phone 315-724-3155                                                                             REGIONAL MASS
Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 9:00am– 3:00pm                   Irena Lingley Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday Evening Music
Friday 9:00 am-12:00 noon
Website:                                                        RCIA
E-mail                                     Check with Fr. Joe at Our Lady of Lourdes
                                                                                                      ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
                                                                                             Our Lady of the Rosary
BAPTISMS: We joyfully welcome all into our Church family           Parish Trustees                             Stanley Olkowski
through this sacrament. For couples expecting a child, we                                                      Daniel Swider
                                                                   Business Administrator                      Kathy Seiselmyer
encourage preparation to begin during pregnancy. Please            Secretary                                   Dana Solan
contact parish offices to make arrangements as soon as possi-                                Our Lady of Lourdes
ble.                                                               Parish Trustees                             Elizabeth Liz Kearns, CPA
MARRIAGES: Couples seeking to be joined in the Sacrament                                                       Karen Stanislaus, Esq.
                                                                   Business Administrator:                     Marie Morosco
of matrimony are asked to make arrangements with our Pastor
                                                                   Administrative Assistant:                    Jim Powers
at least six months in advance of the celebration.                 Summer Fun Program Director:                Janis Farley
R.C.I.A.: Our church welcomes new members through a pro-           Audio Visual Coordinator                    Irena Lingley
cess called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Chil-                   FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE STAFF
dren.                                                                                        Our Lady of the Rosary
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a             Maintenance:                                Rich Kaminski
                                                                   Housekeeper                                Joyce Jennings
Catholic or completing their entrance into our church through                                 Our Lady of Lourdes
Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the parish office.     Facilities Manager:                          Joe Poupart
NEW PARISHIONERS: A thousand welcomes!                             Maintenance Assistant:                      A. J. Bates
We are happy that you are joining our faith community!             Housekeeper:                                Laurie Pensero
Please enroll at parish office.
HOSPITAL VISITS: When entering a hospital or nursing
home, inform its staff that you are a parishioner of Our Lady
of Lourdes Church or Our Lady of the Rosary so that we may
be properly notified.
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