TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

Page created by Ross Davidson
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
J U LY 2 0 1 9
                 In the Diocese of

                 						              FREE                  wagga.catholi

                                                     REFUGEE WEEK                            4

                                                     CARITAS                               13

                                                     IN OUR SCHOOLS                        20

                                                     MASS TIMES                            26

 All creatures
great and small                             Blessing of animals at St Joseph's Primary, Finley
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
2 F R O M T H E A P O S T O L I C A D M I N I S T R AT O R

Evangelise always - if
                                                                                                                                                                                       IN THE DIOCESE OF WAGGA WAGGA

                                                                                                                                                                                       is published monthly, eleven

necessary use words
                                                                                                                                                                                       times per year, and is available
                                                                                                                                                                                       free at parish churches, schools,
                                                                                                                                                                                       presbyteries and religious houses
                                                                                                                                                                                       throughout the Wagga Wagga

     Archbishop Christopher Prowse - Apostolic Administrator of the Wagga Wagga Diocese                                                                                                The Diocese of Wagga Wagga

                                                                                                                                                                                       McAlroy House
  By the time you read this message                            The only object still visible from these times                                                                          205 Tarcutta Street
the bishops of Australia would be soon                         till now is the giant Egyptian obelisk in the                           To evangelise by sharing                        Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
returning to Australia after our Ad                            centre of St Peter’s Square.                                         with everyone our saving                           Editor/Designer
Limina Apostolorum visit to Rome. I                              Like an “eye” silently observing thousands                                                                            Karene Eggleton
wrote to you about this in the last edition of                 of years of human activity (built around                             encounters with Jesus our
                                                                                                                                      Lord and Saviour is our

Together (June 2019).                                          2,500 BC), it is placed on a plinth upon                                                                                The Riverina Media Group
  No doubt one of the predominate                              which is written that Christ overcomes all                            greatest joy and duty.                            Peter Street Wagga Wagga 2650
encouragements we would have received                          and reigns forever! A Cross is placed on
is to evangelise the Good News of Jesus                        its top. What an everlasting message of                          timely advice on communal discernment
                                                                                                                                                                                       TOGETHER would not be
Christ and the Kingdom of God in Australia                     salvation! An obelisk that evangelises on                        (n.291-298). It is directed to young people            possible without the voluntary
no matter what challenging sociocultural                       such an historic site for Christians!                            considering their vocational calling.                  labour and cooperation of many
situation is presented to us all.                                Also, so many of the Churches of Rome                          However, the three kinds of sensitivities              contributors from within the
                                                                                                                                                                                       diocese and beyond. Submissions
  Especially since the Second Vatican                          are built upon marble taken from the ancient                     that the Jesuit Pope offers to individuals can
                                                                                                                                                                                       for publication are most welcome
Council (1962-1965), the Catholic Church                       ruins of the Roman Empire. These basilicas                       help us all discern God’s will in a communal           but not always guaranteed to be
has entered a golden age of teaching on                        too are often actually built upon the ruins of                   manner. It is based, states the Holy Father,           printed.
evangelisation. Incredibly, there are still                    temples to pagan gods. Often pagan temples                       on our ability to listen.
many, however, who are suspicious of even                      were not to be destroyed but converted to                          Pope Francis writes of the first sensitivity
                                                                                                                                directed to the individual. There must be a
                                                                                                                                                                                       TOGETHER acknowledges
this term. It seems to connote for them some                   Christian use (eg. The Pantheon over the                                                                                with gratitude the generous
form of imposing the Catholic Faith on                         Temple of all gods, and Santa Maria Sopra                        willingness to listen. This requires time and          support of advertisers. Please
others (proselytism).                                          Minerva over the Temple to the Egyptian                          giving “space” to whatever is shared. The              show your support to our
                                                               goddess, Isis).                                                  biblical example of Jesus with the disciples           advertisers where possible. Please
  In fact, Catholic evangelisation is the exact
                                                                                                                                                                                       note that products and/or services
opposite of this. It PROPOSES Jesus in                           These are wordless proclamations, not                          on the way to Emmaus comes to mind (Luke               advertised in this publication are
season and out of season to the world but                      that Christianity has imposed herself and                        24/13-35).                                             not necessarily endorsed by this
never IMPOSES.                                                 conquered, but that Jesus fulfils all that has                     The second sensitivity is marked by                  publication nor by the bishop of
                                                                                                                                                                                       this diocese.
  Recent Popes teach that evangelisation                       gone before Him. It is a timeless message                        discernment. “It tries to grasp where grace
proposes Christ “by attraction” more than                      of evangelisation that was consistently                          or temptation is present” (n.293). It tries            Copy deadline
words. In a sense, we “perfume” the world                      showcased in the first millennium of                             to discern what the Holy Spirit is saying              15th of the month prior to
with the fragrance of Jesus. As St Paul                        Christianity. With the Spanish colonial                          as distinct from “the traps laid by the evil           publication

proclaims, “To God we are the fragrance of                     evangelisations of the second millennium,                        spirit… it takes courage, warmth and tact.”            Contact Us
Christ” (2 Cor 2/15). To St Francis of Assisi                  this approach was, sadly, often eclipsed.                          The third sensitivity concerns “to perceive          All news stories, advertising
(1181-1226) is attributed the following                          The challenge for Christians always is                         what is driving” us (n.294). It is a matter of         enquiries, correspondence and
                                                               not to decide whether or not we ought to                         discerning ultimate intentions. It is deeper           subscriptions to:
helpful expression: “Preach Jesus and, if
necessary, use words”.                                         evangelise. To evangelise by sharing with                        than mere thoughts or feelings. It is the              PO Box 473
  In Rome itself you can observe this                          everyone our saving encounters with Jesus                        challenge to discern “what is most pleasing            Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
wordless evangelisation even by making                         our Lord and Saviour is our greatest joy and                     to the Lord”.
a pilgrimage to the major basilicas as the                     duty.                                                              All of this concerns accompanying each
Bishops of Australia have so recently done.                      The challenge is to find the most “fragrant”                   other on the journey of faith – the real
Here architecture evangelises our eternal                      method of evangelisation for our time                            meaning, surely, of what our Plenary                   Facebook
Christian mysteries.                                           and place in Australia during our Plenary                        Council is all about.                        
  For example, there is St Peter’s Basilica                    Council period and beyond.                                         The Bishops of Australia spent some
built on top of a cemetery on Vatican Hill                       Ultimately, it becomes a matter of                             generous days together in retreat considering          Phone 0437 738 726
housing the tomb of St Peter. It is also                       communal discernment for us all to consider                      what communal discernment is all about in
                                                               at this time.                                                    our Catholic/Christian context. Let us all             Member of the
built on the top of a major entertainment
                                                                                                                                                                                       Australasian Catholic Press Assoc.
arena of the Roman Empire (the Circus of                         In his recent Apostolic Exhortation                            consider this vital topic together as we
Nero) where brutal games were played and                       (March 2019) to young people, Christus                           discern “what is pleasing to the Lord” for             Annual Subscriptions
                                                               Vivit (Christ Lives), Pope Francis offers                        the future evangelisation of Australia.                $33 Australia $44 Overseas
Christians executed (including St Peter).

           Prayer Intention for July - Pray with Pope Francis                                                                                                                                 Prayer for the
                                                                                                                                                                                               election of a
              The Integrity of Justice                                                 Lord God, author of justice and
                                                                                     peace, give us your wisdom to know
                                                                                                                               this world. We beg you to help us use
                                                                                                                               this office in a way that is pleasing to                           Bishop
    That those who administer justice may                                            how to proceed in practical affairs!      you and respectful of all our sisters
                                                                                                                                                                                                  O God, eternal
   work with integrity, and that the injustice                                         Lord God of mercy and power, we         and brothers, born and yet unborn.
                                                                                                                                                                                             shepherd, who govern
   which prevails in the world may not have                                          recognize you as the source of all        Give us the wisdom daily to be just
                                                                                     authority on this earth, and we beg       in our own decisions and prudent in                          Your flock with unfailing
                 the last word.                                                                                                                                                                 care, grant in Your
                                                                                     that you give your grace to those         our own choices. Give us the heart
  Visit this link to hear the Pope deliver his monthly prayer:                       who hold public office. In a special      to be willing to do the spiritual works       boundless fatherly love a Bishop for
                             way, they need your wisdom to             of mercy, when convenient and                the Diocese of Wagga Wagga who will
                                                                                     decide aright in difficult matters, and   when inconvenient. Make us men
                      Pope’s Worldwide                                               to defend those who cannot speak          and women of integrity, and inspire
                                                                                                                                                                          please You by his holiness and to us show
                                                                                                                                                                            watchful care. Through our Lord Jesus
                          Prayer Network
                                                                                     for themselves – the unborn, the          those who have been entrusted with
                                                                                     immigrant, the senile, the despairing.    authority, al-ways to respect the          Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with
                 APOSVLESHIP OF PRAYER                                                 Lord, God of life and of love, you      natural moral law and to look for the       You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one
                                have chosen to make us stewards of        common good. Amen.                                God, for ever and ever. Amen.
 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
ACBC       3
                    Australian bishops meet Pope
                    Francis, pray at St Peter’s tomb
                                                                                               the various departments of the Holy              sealed it all. How right that the altar
 Pope Francis has given his apostolic blessing to                                              See with responsibilities for different          of Christ’s own sacrifice was built
 the Australian Catholic bishops and encouraged                                                aspects of Church life.                          over his tomb – in recognition that
                                                                                                     Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s                Peter’s sacrifice was the Lord’s own
 them to explore new ways of being missionary in                                                    homily for Mass at the tomb                 sacrifice, that he had, in Paul’s words,
 Australia at this time.                                                                                        of St Peter                     “reproduced the pattern of the Lord’s
                                                                                                 On Monday, June 24, the Australian             death” (Phil 3:10), had died the death
  Almost 40 Australian bishops                 Conference vice president Archbishop            Catholic Bishops Conference                      that gives birth to unimagined life.
today met with Pope Francis for              Anthony Fisher OP said the meeting                commenced its Ad Limina                            Here we recognize that we bishops
more than two hours as part of               with Pope Francis was “moving                     Apostolorum visit with Mass at the               are called to the same witness, the
their Ad Limina Apostolorum visit,           and deeply encouraging”. He said                  tomb of St Peter. This is Conference             same sacrifice. We are called, like
translated as “To the Threshold of           it showed the benefit of the Petrine              president Archbishop Mark                        Peter, to show forth the power of the
the Apostles”.                               ministry, “of being our solid ‘rock’ and          Coleridge’s homily:                              Lord’s death and resurrection. The
  It was a high point of a memorable         ‘confirming the brethren’”.                         In the years when I worked here, I             call has come to us in ways we didn’t
first day of the Ad Limina, which began        “The Holy Father clearly understood             would often walk through St Peter’s              expect; our response to it through the
with the bishops celebrating Mass at         our situation in Australia. It was a real         from Santa Marta where I lived to the            years has been a complex interweaving
the tomb of St Peter.                        moment of grace,” Archbishop Fisher               Palace yonder where I worked. Now                of love and betrayal; the love that
  “To celebrate the Eucharist at the         said.                                             and then I would think of St Peter, the          called us commissions us beyond
tomb of Peter and then to engage in            Bishop Charles Gauci, the most                  Galilean fisherman lying beneath this            betrayal and promises that when we
pastoral dialogue with his successor         recently ordained of the Australian               grand pile and wonder what he makes              grow old someone else will put a belt
was a unique and grace-filled way to         bishops, having become Bishop of                  of it. I would think of those haunting           around us and take us where we would
start our week in Rome,” Australian          Darwin last September, said he was                words at the end of John’s Gospel                rather not go, indicating with these
Catholic Bishops Conference president        “deeply impressed” by Pope Francis.               which Jesus speaks to Peter: “When               words the kind of death by which we
Archbishop Mark Coleridge said.                “I was impressed by his humanity, his           you grow old, someone else will put              will give glory to God. It’s the love
  The bishops raised with Pope Francis       compassion, his sense of collegiality,            a belt around you and take you where             that says, “Follow me” without quite
a number of topics that are of deep          his passion for working with all the              you would rather not go”.                        indicating where.
concern to the Catholic Church in            people of God in a synodal Church and               How true that was: Simon came a                  This is a time when our noses are
Australia.                                   his true commitment to the Gospel,”               long way from the shores of the lake             being rubbed in our failures and
  Among them were the Church’s work          Bishop Gauci said.                                on a journey he could never have                 frailties, a time of humiliation. But
to eliminate child sexual abuse and            “I felt a deep sense of connection              dreamt of in those early days. To                there is something of God in this – just
to accompany survivors of abuse, the         with the Holy Father as a fellow                  Rome, to crucifixion upside down not             as there was when Jesus asked Peter
bishops’ desire to support and minister      member of the College of Bishops, as              far from here, to a simple tomb over             three times, “Do you love me?” after
to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander     bishops in service of the People of God           which would rise the greatest church             Peter had three times denied him. The
peoples, the hopes for the Plenary           and in partnership with the People of             in Christendom once Hagia Sophia had             Lord’s questions were rubbing Peter’s
Council and the need to find new             God.”                                             been lost in Constantinople and new St           nose in his own failures and frailties –
ways of witnessing to Jesus Christ in          Melbourne Archbishop Peter A.                   Peter’s stood on the hill in old Rome.           but also in the commissioning beyond
Australian society in a time of change.      Comensoli posted on social media that               It would occur to me at times that             betrayal.
  “There was an ease and a fraternal         the meeting with the Holy Father was              all this is simply a monument to                   This hill was always a graveyard,
warmth in the way Pope Francis spoke         “an extraordinary conversation, brother           the grandeur of the witness of the               since it lay outside the city limits
and an attentiveness in his listening        to brothers”. He said it was “spiritually         fisherman who lies beneath it all in             within which no-one could be buried.
to the questions the bishops asked,”         intense, deeply honest, pastorally                the tomb around which we gather. The             In a sense, too, our lives are always a
Archbishop Coleridge said.                   astute, free and frank”.                          Basilica shows forth the glory of the            graveyard, a place where death is at
  “For a man of his years, the Holy            The Ad Limina visit continues until             grace that led Peter on a journey from           work. But in this Vatican graveyard
Father’s energy through a long and           Friday, June 28. The Australian bishops           the call by the lake through the drama           the great monument to Easter, this
complex conversation was amazing.”           will meet in the coming days with                 of love and betrayal to the death that                              continued on page 9...

                 Pope Francis poses for a photo with Australian bishops during their Ad Limina Apostolorum visit to the Vatican on June 24, 2019. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
                                                                                                                                                             J U LY 2 0 1 9 - T O G E T H E R
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

Refugee Week celebrations
 Refugee Week ran from 16th to the 24th June
 and was celebrated in Wagga Wagga with
 several important events.
 by Joan Saboisky

  Amnesty International posed the                      Saturday 22nd June Henschke Hall
question “What would you do for your                 and grounds came alive with colour and
new neighbour?” On Wednesday 19th                    happiness as families and individuals
June the Wagga City library was the                  from diverse backgrounds celebrated
venue for Amnesty, supported by the                  together. New and old arrivals,
City Council, to launch nationwide                   volunteers, local refugee support
conversations. These recorded                        services, police, fire brigade personnel
conversations feature a series of stories            all mingled and enjoyed a host of
of our new neighbours and locals who                 fun activities: barbeques, rides, baby
have stood up to welcome them.                       animals, a clown, music and drumming,
  The presenter for the evening was                  stalls with craft activities. Visitors from
Shankar Kasynathan, a former child                   Ghana, Bishop Alfred Agenta and Dr
refugee, who as a 3 year old was forced              Joseph Ayembilla (Human development
                                                                                                                           Mariam Rehman was the guest speaker.
to flee Sri Lanka with his Tamil family.             coordinator of the Bishop`s diocese)
Shankar now works for Amnesty and                    soaked up the festive atmosphere and
facilitated the inspiring conversation               met several local African families.
with Phong Tiwangee and Wagga`s                        MULTI FAITH PRAYER SERVICE FOR
Eliza Tout. Phong a former refugee                   PEACE
from Burma arrived in Wagga aged 12                    The refugee week`s events concluded
and met Eliza, a local young volunteer.              on Sunday 23rd June at the annual
The conversation revealed how this                   Multi faith Prayer service for Peace at
relationship was mutually enriching and              San Isidore and the welcoming of new
a wonderful ingredient for successful                arrivals who have come to our city in
settlement in a community.                           the past twelve months.

                                                                                                                                New arrivals being welcomed.

                                                                                                    The service was led by Fr Paddy            Council) and Jilan Khato (Yazidi
                                                                                                   Sykes (Our Lady of Fatima Parish).          Bilingual support worker, Red Cross)
                                                                                                    Peggy Adamson from the West                to remember all refugees and asylum
                                                                                                   Wagga San Isidore Refugee committee         seekers and to especially remember
                                                                                                   announced the UNHCR`s update                with gratitude those who have come
                                                                                                   on refugee statistics. She spoke of a       to Wagga Wagga, the region and made
                                                                                                   staggering 70.8 million people forcibly     Australia their home.
                                                                                                   displaced world wide, an historic            Representatives from faith groups
                                                                                                   and sobering high. Peggy invited            in Wagga Wagga participating in the
                                                                                                   Belinda Crain (Manager Multicultural                          continued on page 5...
                                    Yazidi girls musical reflection.

     ALAN HARRIS MCDONALD                                                                                                           76 Copland Street, Wagga Wagga
                                                                                                                                               6921 4913

      ALL YOUR FUNERAL NEEDS ARE NOW IN ONE LOCATION                                                                        

   Crematorium                                                         Chapel                                                  Refreshments Room

 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
REFUGEE WEEK                  5
 continued from page 4...                      MUSICAL REFLECTION
service were: Wasim Umar (Muslim               A group of brave young girls from
Association Riverina Wagga Australia),       Wagga Wagga`s Yazidi community
Amit Gupta (Indian Hindu community),         led by Maqboola and Elvein Ibraham
Colin Wiese (Baha`i), Khalaf Smoki           played violin, keyboard and sang. In
(Yazidi), Geraldine Gradon (Quaker),         newly acquired English the words “give
Fr Anto Francis (Syro-Malabar Indian         us a chance" drifted from their young
Community), Dr Geraldine Duncan              voices to our ears.
(Aboriginal Spirituality).                     WELCOME TO NEW ARRIVALS
  In a touching expression of solidarity       Dr Joe McGirr (local state MP for
for Peace each lit a candle and joined       Wagga Wagga) extended a welcome to
together in leading the gathering in a       our new arrivals. Each were presented
minute`s silence. The silent Prayerful       with handmade cards with thoughtful
remembrance for those who have died in       messages made by children from Sacred
the past twelve months brought to mind       Heart Kooringal, Henschke, and Holy
the victims of the New Zealand and Sri       Trinity primary schools and a candle
Lanka terror attacks, the twelve people      made at San Isidore, a symbol of hope
who have died in Australian off shore        and peace for new friends.
processing centres as well as our own          Special acknowledgements:
family and friends.                            The gathering was an ideal
  GUEST SPEAKER                              opportunity to congratulate Dr
                                                                                         Above: Eliza Tout ( Red Cross) and Peggy
  This year the guest speaker was            Geraldine Duncan on her reception of      Adamson (San isidore Refugee Committee) at
Mariam Rehman, a 20 year old local           the Order of Australia in the Queen`s                    afternoon tea.
Muslim business woman. Her poise,            Honour list. Geraldine is honoured for
                                                                                      Left: Gei Lin Hung (Chin Community Burma and
mature reflections and personal sharing      her services for rural medicine, her       OLOF Parish) reading prayer of Intercession.
impressed the congregation. Mariam           work for refugee health and medical
spoke of growing up in Wagga Wagga           education.                               Below: Warwick Grundy (Kooringal), Zia Haidari
                                                                                       (CSU student former Afghanistan refugee) Haji
and of our shared humanity no matter           Also remembered with affection                   Gundor (Yazidi community)
our background. She concluded her talk       and gratitude was Noreen Junck, a
with a heartfelt plea: “Remember the         founding and committed member of             Bottom Left: David Gilby, Khaleel (Yazidi
                                                                                         community), Joan Saboisky, Dr Geraldine
millions that have been displaced. Let`s     the West -Wagga – San Isidore Refugee      Duncan, Dr Joe McGirr and Dr Kerin Fielding
not be the ones to dull that spark of hope   Committee. Noreen was present at last
and help them live the peaceful way of       year`s service. She died in May 2019.     Bottom Right: Congregation at the service Our
                                                                                      Lady of the Blessed Eucharist Church San Isidore.
life that many of us were lucky enough
to be born in.”                                THE UNHCR ANNOUNCED ON
• Councillor Dallas Tout (Deputy Mayor
                                                       WORLD WIDE.
  Wagga Wagga City Council)
                                              41.3 MILLION ARE INTERNALLY
• Bill Anscombe (Anglican church)
• Gabrielle Robinson (Amnesty
                                                 DISPLACED IN THEIR OWN
  International),                                       COUNTRIES.
• Ali Reid (Board Multicultural Council)       25.9 MILLION ARE REFUGEES.
• Marie Louise (Bi lingual support                20.4 MILION UNDER THE
  worker Red Cross, Burundi)                  MANDATE OF THE UNHCR AND
• Gei Lin Hung (Chin Community               5.5 MILLION UNRWA`S MANDATE
  Burma),                                        3.5 MILLION ARE ASYLUM
• Dr Geraldine Duncan (Medical                           SEEKERS.
  Profession)                                    37,000 PEOPLE A DAY ARE
• John Moi (formerly South Sudan)                 FORCED TO FLEE HOMES
• Augusta Barley (formerly Sierra
                                                BECAUSE OF CONFLICT OR
• Patrica Storrier (Wagga TAFE)

                                                                                                    J U LY 2 0 1 9 - T O G E T H E R
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
6     NEWS

Women's Life Centre receives
much needed donations
 Peta Evans, the Director of the Women's Life
 Centre in Albury, has sent the following letter
 to those who supported the centre recently.
  Dear Supporters,                          a single mother. With our support she
  Thank you for your generous               welcomed a little baby boy in February
donations and prayerful support. Since      this year. We have helped this young
our appeal letter in April, we have         mother find stable accommodation,
received $22,000 in donations! This         medical, material and emotional
has certainly changed our situation for     support, help with child minding and
the financial year and we are no longer     assistance with home duties and mother
running at a loss. We will now be able      craft skills. We have also been assisting
to continue our life-giving work and        her to regain the opportunity to see and
also afford to pay rent for the two shop    bond with her first child who is in a
fronts.                                     foster care situation, in the hope that the
  This is such wonderful news for the       family may one day be reunited.               a mother. She since discovered she is         how valuable our life giving centre is.
Women's Life Centre, Esencia and the          Kelly, (not her real name) came             pregnant with twins! She is blossoming        I look forward to your ongoing support
community that we support and help in       to us when she discovered she was             with this new opportunity as a mother         and prayers.
Albury and surrounding areas.               pregnant, fearful of becoming a mother        and has such a caring nature that               Peta Evans
  Over the last few months we have          after experiencing a very difficult life      we believe will help her through the            Director - Women’s Life Centre
been helping a number of girls in           including; drug and alcohol abuse,            difficulties. She has received from us
differing situations, some of which I       sexual abuse, imprisonment and                ongoing counselling and emotional
would like to briefly share with you.       trauma from previous abortion and             support, grief and loss counselling as
  Shelly, (not her real name) was           miscarriage. Kelly was excited to find        well as referral for GP support. We will
considering abortion when she found         out she was pregnant but needed our           be providing material support of baby
out she was pregnant with her third         support to believe that she was worthy        items once the babies arrive!
child, struggling with homelessness as      to continue her pregnancy and become            I hope these stories help you to see

The beauty of womanhood                                                                   Evelyn Billings were two such scientists.     The original development of the method
 April 5 saw thirty-four Billings Ovulation Method®                                       People who have seen this film have           was done so rigorously that the 4 simple
 teachers and trainees from across the country                                            been amazed that Paul V1’s vision of the      rules that were developed in the late
                                                                                          future has come to fruition so accurately.    1950’s still apply today. Developments
 descend on the Mount Schoenstatt Spirituality                                            This is plain to see in society today.        in science since then have only helped to
 Centre in Mulgoa NSW for their bi-annual National                                          Most of the teachers stayed on after        validate the original findings of Dr John
 Teachers’ Weekend.                                                                       the weekend for a two-day advanced            Billings.
                                                                                          training course titled “The Common              To contact your local teacher or for
  This year the theme for the weekend       by couples wishing to regulate the size of    Sense Method.” This course focused            information on the Billings Method
was ‘The Beauty of Womanhood’.              their families while remailing faithful to    on the changing patterns of hormones          and becoming a teacher please call
Prof Isabell Naumann ISSM THD/              the Church’s magisterium. Drs John and        made visible through the woman’s chart.       us toll free on 1800 335 860.
STD opened the weekend with a
wonderful presentation.
  As well as inspiring teachers to return
to their work with renewed vigour,
the weekend is a time for focusing
on improving teaching skills and
understanding the scientific basis that
underpins the Method. Presentations
covered all uses of the Billings Method,
including post chemical contraceptives
and breastfeeding and postpartum
  On Sunday evening, teachers were
treated to a viewing of the film
“The Sexual Revolution – 50 Years
Since Humanae Vitae”. This recent
documentary chronicles the prophetic
nature of Pope Paul V1s encyclical and
his call to scientists. He implored men
and women of science to work to find an
answer in nature to the problems faced
                                                                                   Participants at the National Training Weekend Mulgoa 2019
 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
NEWS        7
                                                                                           Worshippers don hard
                                                                                           hats for first mass
                                                                                           since devastating fire
                                                                                             The Notre-Dame cathedral in                  the church were also invited.
                                                                                           Paris hosted its first mass on                   The date was chosen as it is the
                                                                                           Saturday exactly two months after a            anniversary of the consecration of the
                                                                                           devastating blaze that shocked the             cathedral's altar, which is celebrated every
                                                                                           world, with priests and worshippers            year on June 16.
                                                                                           wearing hard hats to protect                     The date is "highly significant,
                                                                                           themselves against possible falling            spiritually", cathedral rector Patrick
                                                                                           debris.                                        Chauvet told AFP, adding he was happy
       GOSPEL REFLECTIONS                                                                    The service was celebrated by Paris          to be able to show that "Notre-Dame is
                                                                                           Archbishop Michel Aupetit in a chapel          truly alive".
                                                                                           behind the choir, a place confirmed by           Other worshippers could watch the mass

Method and message                                                                         construction experts as safe.
                                                                                             For security reasons, only about 30
                                                                                           people – mainly priests, canons and
                                                                                                                                          live on a Catholic TV station. The video
                                                                                                                                          showed some burnt wood still in the
                                                                                                                                          church but a famous statue of the Virgin
  Luke is the only evangelist to               order to accept the message of salvation.   church employees – were admitted inside        and Child appeared intact behind wooden
highlight the call of the twelve               Perhaps we have underestimated or           the cathedral for the service, while Aupetit   construction planks.
in Luke 9 and then the call of the             even misunderstood this deep need           and others wore construction workers'            It is still unclear when the cathedral will
seventy-two in Luke 10.                        within body, soul and spirit? Every         helmets. Some of the workers rebuilding        reopen to the public.
  Pope Francis says we are called to be        page of the Gospel is replete with Jesus’
“missionary disciples.” But what is the        healing power and activity. He did refer
method? What is the message?                   to himself as the “divine physician,”
  Luke provides answers, right here in         did he not? (Luke 4:23). Healing is
the heart of his Gospel.                       almost a primordial act for Jesus.
          The message is peace                         The method is community
  The Old and New Testaments are                 As you know, “most of life depends
insistent on the matter. Isaiah 66:            on the company we keep.” Good
  Thus says the Lord: Now towards her          friends are indispensable. Psalm 1 says
I send flowing peace, like a river.            as much. And this holds true for Jesus’
  Luke 10 is just as potent:                   disciples.
  Whatever house you go into, let your           Jesus gathers the “twelve.” Symbolic
first words be, “Peace to this house.”         of Israel, no doubt, but also – I imagine
  Well, may we ask, “Why this                  – symbolic of those ordained. Priests
insistence on peace?”                          need good company.
  God, in his own, inner life, exists            Jesus gathers the “seventy-two.”
in a state of peace and rest. This was         Symbolic of the Gentile nations, no
brilliantly pointed out by Blessed John        doubt, but also – I imagine – symbolic
Henry Newman in a sermon entitled,             of the baptised. People need good
“Peace in Believing.”                          company.
  Newman argues that God offers us not           We are called to spread the Gospel
the gift of peace as such. Rather, God         with others in and through our
desires to share the peace of his inner        community life together.
life with us. He wants us to participate         It is striking – don’t you think – to
intimately in his life – the life of Father,   observe Jesus sending out the disciples
Son, and Holy Spirit. He does this in          “two-by-two.” They walk and talk
his creative activity and his redemptive       together; they “labour” and “proclaim”
activity.                                      together; they eat together; they rejoice
  Think, for instance, of the absolute         together; they grieve together; they rest
insistence of the Sabbath Rest. Yes,           together. There is strength in numbers.
we need rest, here and now, but it is            So, here we are in the 21st Century,
also a foretaste of the life to come. The      with God calling us and commissioning
Sabbath Rest is trying to prepare us for       us to go out “two-by-two.”
what our life with God will be like for          Because we are living, according to
all eternity.                                  Pope Francis, “not in an era of change,
  But then, the insistence on peace is         but in a change of era,” it is a very
important, no less, for the human heart.       exciting time.
It seems clear that no one can receive           Because we are doing this together, it
the Gospel if he or she is not in a state      is a very enjoyable time.
of peace.                                        Amen.
  The Gospel is trying to tell us
something here, and we best take note.
The first words to be proclaimed are
“peace to this house.” And then comes
  Cure those in the house who are sick,
and say, “The Kingdom of God is very
near to you” (Luke 10).
  The human heart needs healing in

                                                                                                                                                      J U LY 2 0 1 9 - T O G E T H E R
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
8     ACSJC

Genuine human encounter in our
digital world
 Social Justice Sunday this year falls on 29
 September. The Office for Social Justice and
 the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council
 are preparing for the launch in September of
 the Australia Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice
 Statement for 2019–2020.
 by John Ferguson Director Office for Social Justice, ACBC

 This year’s Statement is titled               considerations’. While many users do          We are called not only to love our            and trustworthiness, joy and hope.
Making it Real – Genuine human                 not realise it, the core business of social   neighbour, but to bring the love of            To Order
encounter in our digital world. It             media platforms is to sell advertising        God to the new global neighbourhood.           For your convenience, and to improve
affirms the positive possibilities for         and maximise profits. People’s personal       The Statement points out that we are          efficiency, we are now offering online
encounter and solidarity offered by            lives may be reduced to data that             called not just to be inhabitants of this     ordering. Visit the Office for Social
new digital media, while warning of            is traded for profit or power, and it         new digital world, but active citizens        Justice website (www.socialjustice.
those elements of our digital world            is used to target and influence us in         shaping it.                          or call (02) 8306 3499.
that may be harmful.                           ways previously unthinkable. Pushing            All of us – whether we are users,            Follow us on Facebook: @
 Some of the key challenges include            users to more extreme positions and           communities, industrial or political          socialjusticeACBC or Twitter: @
information overload; social isolation;        promoting fake news and conspiracy            leaders – have a role to play in rejecting    JusticeCatholic
the objectification and marginalisation        theories sells, but this is at odds with      hatred, divisions and falsehoods. We
of the vulnerable; consumerism and             human solidarity.                             have a duty to foster a neighbourhood
fake news.                                       The Statement amplifies Pope Francis’       that promotes those human attributes
 The Statement reminds us that the             call to us to ‘boldly become citizens of      and social values that lend themselves
new digital media cannot be seen as            the digital world’, with the image of         to genuine human encounter – love,
neutral or ‘unaffected by any moral            the Good Samaritan as our inspiration.        understanding, beauty, goodness, truth

Mater Dei College Open Girls AFL
team crowned state champions
 The inaugural Open Girls School of                      think they could handle it. We had some training
Excellence Cup was held in Canberra on                   sessions and they didn't give us any reason to
Tuesday 9th July. Due to the school holidays             believe they wouldn't."
many of the regular players were unavailable               And step up they did, as the team won the state
so the juniors stepped up. Coach, Nathan Irvine          title on Manuka Oval in Canberra. What an
said "We wouldn't have taken them if we didn't           amazing achievement!

                                                                                                                       Shop 10 Neslo Arcade, 117 Baylis Street Wagga Wagga Ph 6921 7813

 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
NEWS       9
 continued from page 3...                             embraced me. With its grandeur, St Peter’s
Basilica, rises – calling us to allow Easter          makes you feel small; yet in a strange way
to rise from the graveyard of our lives as we         you feel anything but insignificant. You feel
witness to him who is “the first-born from            both very small and very grand – like the
the dead” (Col 1:18). “Death is the mother            little child of whom Zechariah foretells a
                                                                                                                                                                           FOR WOMEN
of beauty; hence from her/Alone shall come            great future.
fulfilment to our dreams/And our desires”:              The building leaves you in awe, feeling
so says the poet Wallace Stevens.                     tiny – evoking as it does the majesty of
  This is certainly true of John the Baptist          God. But it also makes you feel very grand,
whose birth we remember today. Like Jesus,            makes your spirit expand – embodying also
like Peter and like us, John was born to die –        the divine condescension, the tenderness of                     SALLY NEAVES is the Eco-Education
                                                                                                                      Coordinator at Rahamim Ecology Centre,

but in order to give witness to the One who           God who, for all the divine majesty, stoops                     Bathurst NSW, an environmental education
                                                                                                                      spirituality and advocacy ministry of the

is life, he who is “the dawn from on high”,           down to embrace us and make us his own.
                                                                                                                      Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of Australia and
                                                                                                                      Papua New Guinea. Her work involves designing
                                                                                                                      Earth literacy programs and contemplative
giving “light to those in darkness and the            Peter and John must often have felt that                        practices for reconnection with Earth and
                                                                                                                      imaginative action for our times. Her
shadow of death” and who will “guide us               way: small but grand because swept up into                      background includes qualifications in ecological
                                                                                                                      theology, philosophy, spirituality and
into the way of peace”, the way of Easter.            the majesty of God-with-us, the triumph of                      permaculture.

John’s birth was a cause of great joy, born           Easter, the joy beyond the vast sorrow.                        MARGIE ABBOTT RSM is based in
as he was against all the odds. But his death,          In Australia this is a time surely when,                     Geelong. With experiences in education,
                                                                                                                     spirituality, theology, and counselling, as

like Peter’s, must have seemed deeply tragic          beyond all the sorrows, we as bishops have                     well as psychodrama, Margie values highly
                                                                                                                     inner independence and capacity

– no less so than the death of Jesus himself.         to discover anew how small we are and
                                                                                                                     development. She integrates action
                                                                                                                     methods, myth, creation centred spirituality
                                                                                                                     and ritual to enhance her work. Through her
Yet each of these deaths was a triumph,               yet how grand is the design into which we                      private practice, “Igniting Sparks” she works
                                                                                                                     extensively with school systems, leadership
and that’s what this triumphant building              have been drawn by the call of God and                         teams, retreats and eco spirituality.

proclaims – the second joy beyond the                 his commissioning beyond our betrayals.
tragic, the deep, quiet joy that is triumphant        It is a time for humiliation to give birth to
without ever daring to be triumphalist.               humility. May the Galilean fisherman, the
  For all the times I walked through St               unlikely Princeps apostolorum at whose
Peter’s on the way to work, I never grew              tomb we pray, be our companion and guide                                                             MORNING TEA & LUNCH PROVIDED
                                                                                                                                                           COST: DONATION
used to this great church with its many               on the journey which for him is now finished                                                         REGISTRATION: EVENTBRITE
                                                                                                                    SPONSORED BY
layers. Every time it had on me the same              but which for us continues still, as we                                                    
                                                                                                                                                           FURTHER DETAILS: ANNE BROWN
                                                                                                               THE DIOCESE OF WAGGA WAGGA
effect that Hagia Sophia had on me the                prepare the way of the Lord. Amen.                                                                   MOB: 0499425970

one time I entered it. It both awed me and                                                                     THE COUNCIL FOR AUSTRALIAN
                                                                                                                  CATHOLIC WOMEN

                                                                           Grandparents Doing
                                                                            It Tough - Barooga
                                                                                         A Monthly Support Group for Grandparents
                                                                                        Raising Grandchildren & Grandparents Seeking
                                                                                                   Access to Grandchildren

 A Monthly Support Group for Grandparents                                                Grandparents face many challenges                       • Grief and loss
                                                                                         when confronted with the                                • Holiday care activities / respite care
 Raising Grandchildren & Grandparents                                                    unexpected responsibility of caring                     • Accessing community resources,
 Seeking Access to Grandchildren as a result of:                                         for young children or teenagers,                          especially for young people with
                                                                                         including:                                                disabilities
  • Family Law Court Decisions                 • Illness / Disability                    • Loss of independence, and retirement                  The Grandparents Group offers you:
                                               • Death / Suicide                           plans                                                 • Understanding
  • Separation / Divorce
                                                                                         • Emotional and psychological issues                    • Friendship
  • Drug or Alcohol Addiction                  • Mental Health                           • Behavioral problems / lack of                         • Shared experiences and knowledge
                                                                                           behavioral strategies                                 • Social Activities
                                                                                         • Challenges with setting boundaries                    • Parenting Strategies
                                                                                           or establishing routines
                                                                                                                                                 • Support and advocacy
                                                                                         • Social isolation
                                                                                                                                                 • Education
                                                                                         • Dealing with courts and the legal
     Family Counselling Services                  Natural Fertility Awareness
                                                                                                                                                 • Guest Speakers
     School Wellbeing Program                     Settlement Grants Program                                                                       Meeting held 3rd Friday of each
                                                                                         • Increased stress & financial hardship
     Personal Helpers and Mentors                 Recovery Approaches to                                                                             month 10:00am -12:00pm
      Program                                       Dementia                             • Decreased energy                                                   Barooga Library,
     Employee Assistance Program                  Pre Marriage Education
     Family Education Services
                                                                                         • Child development issues                                   4 Golf Course Road, Barooga
                                                   Partners in Recovery
     Complex Case Services                        Clinical Clergy Assessments          • Dealing with schools and advocating                       For further information please
                               Centacare Office Locations:                                 for children                                            contact: Tammy on 0429 129 613
      ALBURY                FINLEY            GRIFFITH            WAGGA WAGGA
      440 Wilson Street     2 Corree Street   140 Yambil Street   201 Tarcutta Street                                                                 Centacare South West NSWCentacare
      02 6051 0222          02 6051 0222      02 6964 1447        02 6923 3888
                                                                                                                                                      Wagga Wagga | Albury | Griffith Wagga
                                                                                                                                                                                      | Finley
                                                                                                                                                      Phone 1300 619 379              Phone 1300 6

                                                                                                                                                                       J U LY 2 0 1 9 - T O G E T H E R
TOGETHER - All creatures great and small - inside - Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

Featured projects in July
 • Ongoing Formation session for Priests in the
   Diocese of Bouar
 • A new church for the Catholics of Camela
 • Help for the formation of 13 novices of the
   congregation of the Servants of the Lord and
   the Virgin of Matara
         Central African Republic              bookkeeping, general administration
 Thank you for supporting an ongoing           and record-keeping – all matters that are
formation session for priests in the           essential and obligatory in every parish
diocese of Bouar.                              and institution but for which many
 Thanks to the help of our benefactors,        priests are often inadequately prepared
we were able to contribute AUD $4,800          when required to take over a ministry
to enable 40 diocesan and religious            which demands such skills.
priests to attend an ongoing formation           The priests of the diocese all benefited
session in the diocese of Bouar. Given         greatly from these days of exchange and
that the country is suffering such             ongoing formation and wish to express
violence and extreme problems, it is           their gratitude to all our generous                        Ongoing formation for diocesan priests of the diocese of Bouar.
especially important to support and            benefactors who made this meeting                                     Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need.
strengthen the priests, since they are         possible.                                    assailants. He was a highly learned                               Brazil
often the only ones who can really help          Sadly, however, immediately after          priest who had studied in Rome and                    A new parish church for the
their people not to lose hope.                 these beautiful and encouraging days,        himself been involved in the work                         Catholics of Camela
 The formation programme included              there was a terrible and tragic incident.    of priestly formation. Friends and               The town of Camela has a population
such important pastoral issues as              47-year-old Capuchin Father Toussaint        colleagues described him as a fine and         of around 30,000 souls and lies in the
marriage preparation and how to deal           Zoumalde, who had so recently given a        multitalented individual with a profound       midst of the vast sugarcane plantations
with irregular marriage situations             talk on the priesthood and the vocation      soul and a great love of the Church            in the northeast of Brazil. The life of
and, more generally, the appropriate           of the priest, was murdered on his way       and the priesthood in particular. A            the people here is marked by great
formation for the Sacraments, adult            home from the meeting. This priest,          songwriter and poet, he had a wonderful        poverty and grave social problems, with
baptisms and the role of catechists in         who himself came originally from the         manner with young people, to whom              widespread violence and drug addiction
the small and remote rural villages.           diocese of Bouar, but was currently          he brought the Gospel message, and he          and an invasion by fundamentalist
At the same time the priests were              serving as Provincial Superior of his        had previously been responsible for the        sects. Today there are no fewer than 75
able to reflect on their own vocation          order in Chad, had been planning to          Catholic radio station in Bouar. In Chad,      different temples of these sects in the
and the importance of the priesthood,          spend the night in Ngaoundere, in            in addition to his many other activities,      town, while the Catholic Church has just
while additionally receiving training          Cameroon, on his way home, when              he was the head of a cultural museum           one, far too small parish church and a
in a range of practical matters, such as       he was stabbed to death by unknown           of the Mboum ethnic group. In their            chapel in the cemetery.
                                                                                            obituary for him the Capuchin Fathers            Moreover, the parish church is
                                                                                            wrote: „In killing him on the night of         sandwiched between a store and a
                                                                                            19 March, the cowardly hand of his             supermarket, and there is consequently
                                                                                            murderer knew nothing of the beauty            no possibility of extending or enlarging
                                                                                            and elegance of Brother Toussaint,             it. Sunday Mass is now celebrated on
                                                                                            this priest who was so rich in the fine        the local sports ground instead, since
                                                                                            qualities of the Gospel and the beauty of      there is not enough space inside the
                                                                                            the priestly order.“                           church for all the faithful.
                                                                                              So it was, that just a few days after          Father Laion Fernando Gonçalves
                                                                                            meeting with their fellow priests in           dos Santos Ferreira works very hard
                                                                                            Bouar, at which Father Toussaint had           among his people, together with three
                                                                                            given his confreres such inspiring and         lay missionaries, and is providing an
                                                                                            profound reflections on the priesthood,        excellent and fruitful pastoral ministry
                                                                                            his mortal remains were carried to their       among them.
                                                                                            burial by his brother priests, amid great        The parish has now been given a plot
                                                                                            mourning among all the people and              of land on which to build a new parish
                                                                                            the entire Church in the diocese. The          church. And they need our help… ACN
                                                                                            words he had spoken at this meeting of         is proposing to offer AUD $57,000 to
                   Group photo of the priests with Bishop Miroslaw Gucwa.                   the priests have thus become his lasting       support the project. Will you help us?
                           Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need.                            legacy.                                                         continued on page 11...

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 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
AID TO THE CHURCH IN NEED                                   11
 continued from page 10...

                                                                                                                                                 Study time for 13 novices of the "Zhuzhebnytsy Hospoda ta Divy Mariyi z Matara"
                                                                                                                                                                (servants of the Lord and the Virgin Mary of Matara)
                                                                                                                                                                       Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need.

                           Parish Imaculada Conceição e Santo Antônio:                              are proposing to do so again, with a                                                   specify your donation in such a way.
 The church of the recently founded parish was built as a chapel and is the only catholic church    contribution of AUD $12,500.                                                            However if you would like your
building in the small city, which has already 75 neopentecostal groups. Since Fr. Laion Fernando     Important note: ACN receives 5000                                                     donation directed to a specific project
  Gonçalves dos Santos Ferreira and 3 other members of the Community Obra de Maria have             project requests per year and we                                                       area or country, you can leave a
  overtaken the pastoral work in the parish, many evangelical members have returned to the
  Catholic Church and the pastoral life is increasing. As a result the chapel has become far too    cannot possibly share all the project                                                  comment in the online donation form.
small and there is no space for amplifying the church. For this reason, the construction of a new   stories and images with you.                                                            To avoid overfunding of individual
                                      parish church is urgent.                                       The projects below are just a small                                                   projects, if a project has been fully
                 Photographer: Ulrich Kny Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need
                                                                                                    sample of the project requests Aid                                                     funded your donation will be directed
                 Ukraine                          and faith in God. For these young sisters         to the Church in Need receives.                                                        towards a similar project in that region.
      Help for the formation of 13                it is also a good exercise in the work            Therefore when making a donation we                                                     If you have the means and would like
  novices of the congregation of the              of catechesis. Last year some of them             recommend you specify your gift to                                                     to "adopt a specific project" please call
 Servants of the Lord and the Virgin              travelled with a group of 50 or so young          "projects most in need" that way your                                                  1800 101 201 during business hours
                of Matara                         people to attend a youth meeting in               donation will be allocated to a project                                                (AEST) and we can match you with a
 The congregation of the Servants of the          Italy. Although the bus journey was long          that desperatley needs funding.                                                        project that you can fully or partially
Lord and the Virgin of Matara has been            and tiring, they were all enthusiastic             We greatly appreciate when you                                                        fund.
blessed with many vocations in Ukraine.           and inspired. Sister Maria Christiana,
Currently there are no fewer than 13              the novice mistress, recalls: "I have
young novices undergoing formation in             never seen young people so filled                                                                                                                 Thanks to God. Thanks to You.
the diocese of Ivano-Frankivsk, desiring
to consecrate their lives for ever to the
service of God and their fellow men.
                                                  with enthusiasm at the truth and the
                                                  experience of community.“ The sisters
                                                  also organise walking pilgrimages to
Most of them are young, being aged no             the shrine of Krylos, in Ukraine in
more than around 20.                              the diocese of Ivano-Frankivsk itself.
 The sisters of the congregation                  During the pilgrimage, a walk of around
accompany young people, organise                  25 km, they pray and sing, and the
                                                                                                     Photos © Piotr Wolski / ACN International

retreat days, provide catechetical                sisters are also available for personal
formation and care for orphans, the sick          counselling sessions, at which the young
and elderly, who often live in great need         people can unburden themselves freely                                                                                            1 My Offering:                          TW      $ Amount
in Ukraine.                                       and put all their many questions about                                                                                           Please accept my donation to support
 Among other things, the young novices            the Christian faith or their own personal                                                                                        religious sisters in need.
help in summer to organise holiday                problems. Last year some 400 young                                                                                               2 My Payment:
camps for children and young people,              people took part.                                                                                                               I enclose a cheque/money order payable to Aid to the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Church in Need OR debit my Visa / Mastercard.
giving them an opportunity to take a                ACN regularly supports the
break and enjoy themselves, but at the            congregation for the formation of
same time to deepen their understanding           these young sisters, and this year we
                                                                                                                                                                                  Expiry date: ___ /___ Signature: _____________________
                                                                                                                                            I don’t know if I would survive        3 My Details: (BLOCK LETTERS PLEASE)
                                                                                                                                        if the sisters were not here. They
                                                                                                                                        help me in everything: to find a          Title: _____ Name: ________________________________
                                                                                                                                        house, they brought me to the             Address: ________________________________________
                                                                                                                                        hospital, they take my children to
                                                                                                                                        school and make sure we have
                                                                                                                                        something to eat...Probably I             State: _________________ Postcode: ________________
                                                                                                                                        would die if the sisters weren’t
                                                                                                                                                                                  Phone: _________________________________________
                                                                                                                                        here.        Mkasumi Mariana
                                                                                                                                                                                  Email: __________________________________________
                                                                                                                  The Pallotine sisters in Rwanda                                 Date of birth: _____________________
                                                                                                                  were founded by Saint Vincent
                                                                                                                  Pallotti a very holy man, who helped                             4 I would like to receive a comfort cross
                                                                                                                  the simple and poor people, the                                    (offerings of $30+) If Yes, tick box
                                                                                                                  orphans and the sick.                                            5 Please return to: Aid      to the Church in Need
                                                                                                                  The sisters in Masaka work in
                                                                                                                                                                                  PO Box 335 Penrith NSW 2751 or call us on
                                                                                                                  the health-centre. Their biggest
                                                                                                                  challenge is tending to all the needs                           1800 101 201
                                                                                                                  of the local community.
                                                                                                                  Can you help the religious sisters
                                                                                                                  who give their lives in order to be                             Donate online:
                         Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara                                            Christ to others?                                     
                             Copyright: Aid to the Church in Need.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           J U LY 2 0 1 9 - T O G E T H E R
12         N E W S

Updates from Father Stephen
 On Sunday the 30th of June                all term after making their First
19 children from the parish                Reconciliation on the 4th of June.
of St Mary’s Finley made their             At the Mass Fr. Stephen urged
First Holy Communion. The                  parents and guardians to be true
parish administrator, Fr Stephen           to their role as the first teachers of
Onyekwere presided over the Mass           their children in the faith; leading by
and St Mary’s was filled with              example. After Mass the children,
the communicants, their families           their families and parishioners
and friends. The children have             enjoyed a delicious morning tea in
been working towards this goal             the St Joseph’s School library.

 St. Peter's parish Tocumwal,              blackout in the town, the Feastday
celebrated the feast of Saints             activities were moved to the
Peter and Paul, apostles on                afternoon of Sunday 30th. In a spirit
Saturday June 29th 2019.                   of love and unity, parishioners and
 It was the first formal celebration       friends came together in numbers to
of the patronal saint, in what the         mark the day and share an afternoon
parish administrator Fr. Stephen           of delicious lunch and warm picnic
Onyekwere and parishioners hope            sitting out in the soothing winter sun
would be an annual event.                  shine.
 The events leading up to the feast
day began on Thursday 27th June
with Mass of the saint for the parish
school children and their families.
The sumptuous morning tea that
followed was colored by lots of
entertainment from the school
children, including drama of the
apostles in the boat with Jesus,
singing reflecting St. Peter's ministry                                               Fr. Stephen, who used the occasion   and their support for the parish.
and recitation.                                                                      to remember his one year in the       Among the guests were Fr. Stephen's
 With the unprecedented storm that                                                   parish, thanked parishioners for      family from Wagga Wagga, Dr.
disrupted power and caused a total                                                   their love of God, their friendship   Livinus Emebiri and family.

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 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
C A R I TA S       13
Australian aid must put climate
change at the forefront of
 As the United Kingdom pursues a development
 policy which puts the climate emergency
 and environmental protection at the heart of
 overseas aid, Caritas Australia urges the Australian
 Government to also reflect the urgent threats as
 well as the regional opportunities for leadership,
 which climate change calls for in our own region.
  Caritas Australia is the Catholic          Last year, Caritas Australia once
Church’s aid and development               again joined with Caritas Aotearoa               Kuzviritiria community garden - Photo by Ivy Khoury and Caritas Australia
agency and part of one of the              New Zealand, Caritas Papua New          support of local eco-tourism has              program.”
largest humanitarian networks in           Guinea, Caritas Samoa and Caritas       revived communities with self-                  Caritas Australia is offering its own
the world.                                 Tonga to publish the annual Caritas     sustaining employment opportunities           vision of regional economic leadership,
  The Catholic bishops of Oceania          State of the Environment Report         and preserved local rainforests from          tackling the challenges of climate and
have joined a call by six presidents       for Oceania. Evidence continues to      being felled for wood. Coral eco-             environmental change in our region,
of continental bishops’ conferences        flow from communities that climate      tourism in the Pacific is also a thriving     through its Generation Earth campaign.
to take urgent action to tackle the        change is here and now in the Pacific   industry as are the communities               Find out more at
climate change crisis. Their voices        – endangering homes, cemeteries and     who benefit from solar power and
echo the insistent calls by Pope Francis   even hospitals.                         sustainable farming investment in              If you would like to donate
to overcome global warming, which            Caritas Australia’s Director of       Kenya and Zimbabwe,” Mr Nelson
                                                                                                                                     to Caritas Australia call
was highlighted at the recent Caritas      Advocacy, Nic Nelson, expressed         said.
Internationalis General Assembly in        his concern that the Australian          “Australia is looked upon as a leader         1800 024 413 or by visiting
Rome.                                      Government’s failure to apportion a     in its region so it’s time that we took   
  'Every day our people are suffering      more deliberate response to climate     the wider view in our relationships with
from the negative — indeed sometimes       change in its foreign aid budget, was   our regional neighbours, by offering
disastrous — effects of global             also an example of missed economic      a comprehensive aid policy that also
warming,' the Oceania bishops have         opportunity.                            puts climate change and environmental
said.                                        “In Indonesia for example, our        protection at the heart of our aid

                                                                                                   NAIDOC Day at
                                                                                                   Edel Quinn
                                                                                                    Edel Quinn in Wagga                   making this day happen.
                                                                                                   Wagga was so lucky to have              We are so lucky to have such
                                                                                                   the support of many local              wonderful support from the
                                                                                                   services, the local Police and         community as we acknowledge
                                                                                                   clients to its NAIDOC Day              the traditional owners of this
                                                                                                   lunch.                                 beautiful land.
                                                                                                    Special thanks to Aunty                If you want to find out
                                                                                                   Fay for giving the beautiful           more about how you can
                                                                                                   Welcome to Country, and to             donate to Edel Quinn, please
                                                                                                   some of the residents who              don’t hesitate to call the
                                                                                                   played the biggest part in             Service on (02) 5942 3555

                                                                                                                                              J U LY 2 0 1 9 - T O G E T H E R
14         NEWS

The Sacred Heart Parish
Festa Griffith
 Our Parish Priest, Father Grace along with his Parish
 Festa Team, would like to invite you and your family
 to come for a truly great day of faith and family fun.
 Be sure to lock in Sunday, 28 July on your calendar!
  We call our parish celebration,                      the calibre of guests of honour to date
commemorating the Feast of Sacred                      (Bishop Hanna, Bishop Columba,
Heart, our Parish Festa. It coincides                  Archbishop Carroll, Cardinal Mafi),
with the 3rd anniversary of the opening                we are putting pressure on ourselves to
of our Perpetual Adoration Chapel                      attain a VIP guest, par excellence, for
and the anniversary of our parish                      our 100th Anniversary. Recently, one               surprises”, he might consider taking up                       12:30 pm
establishment. We normally try to have                 of our parishioners, Bruno Guidolin,               our invitation. So, stay tuned and get            Festa Lunch at Father O’Dea Hall
our Parish Festa very close to the Feast               was granted a papal audience due to                ready to book tickets for our Festa in        The Parish Festa is our major
of Sacred Heart, in early July, but this               his passionate promotion of the Italian            2021!                                       fundraiser, together with our Fete in
year our honoured guest isn’t available                Saint Pius X, across Australia. On our               Sr Maybelle, M.A.C.E. Sister,             November. Major raffle prizes total
until late July.                                       behalf, he gave a letter of invitation to          approached me with the inspiration,         $3,750 at $2. Lunch: $30: Adults, $15:
  Since we are currently waiting for a                 Pope Francis, along with a picture of              given that Pope Francis is a champion       17 under, FREE: 5 under, $80: Family of
new bishop, this year we are delighted                 our Sacred Heart Church and Perpetual              for the marginalized, to invite 98 people   6 or more. 50 continuous raffles prizes.
to have Bishop Michael Kennedy,                        Adoration Chapel. Bruno had a                      who couldn’t otherwise attend. I thought    Entertainment by Italian and Children
Armidale Diocese. This will be a very                  delightful time talking with the Pope,             it was a marvellous idea, so we’ve asked    Choirs.
special day for us since Bishop Kennedy                especially inviting him to our Parish              the Legion of Mary and St Vincent             A note of gratitude to our 2019 parish
was Assistant Priest in our parish from                100th Anniversary in 2021.                         De Paul Conference to help invite our       sponsors, Tiziano & Joan Forlico and our
1999 - 2000. He is the second bishop to                 The Pope took great interest in their             special guests. We want them to feel part   major sponsor, Casella Family Brands,
come from our parish as Assistant Priest,              conversation and the special centenary             of our parish community. In total, we       whose support over the years, I would
the first one being Archbishop Francis                 invitation. Bruno was interviewed                  hope to have 350 guests.                    like to acknowledge with deep gratitude.
Carroll.                                               on the ABC and shared his story. We                  We will have a 9 day Novena of              If anyone can't make it to Griffith to
  Father O’Dea, an Irish Missionary                    are hoping and praying for a miracle!              Masses prior to our Festa day.              buy a ticket prior to the Festa, please
Priest, established our parish in 1921.                Given our migrant heritage of Griffith                  On the Festa day, Sunday 28 July:      contact Anna Rossetto, at our parish
It is our 98th anniversary this year. In               and the Pope’s migrant background                                   10:30am                    office, no later than Tuesday, 23 July
2021, it will be our centenary. With                   in Argentina; and being “a pope of                    Pontifical Mass with Bishop Kennedy      on 6962 1533, so you can reserve
                                                                                                                           11:30am                    your tickets. Hope to see you at the
                                                                                                                 Eucharistic Street Procession        Festa!

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 T O G E T H E R - J U LY 2 0 1 9
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