M A G A Z I N E   F O R   H Q   J F C   B R U N S S U M   -   A U G U S T   2 0 2 0



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M A G A Z I N E                                    F O R                H Q                 J F C              B R U N S S U M

CONTENTS                          AUGUST 2020
                                                                                                                   EDITORIAL STAFF
                                                                                                                   Col. Frank Warda (DEU Army)
3     COMMAND GROUP CORNER                                                                                         Editorial Director

                                                                                                                   Cpt Aouatef Zimrani (FRA Army)
4     COMMANDER JFCBS INTERVIEW                                                                                    Chief Editor

7     NATO’S STRATCOM IN AFGHANISTAN                                                                               Cpt Tobias Luckau (DEU Air Force)
                                                                                                                   Assistant Editor
                                                                                                                   Adj Leo Roos (NLD Army)
                                                                                                                   Assistant Editor
                                                                                                                   Veerle Dandoy (BEL Civ)
15    BALTOPS EXERCISE                                                                                             Assistant Editor

18    DYNAMIC MONGOOSE EXERCISE                                                                                    Sgt Maj Peter van Bastelaar (NLD Navy)
                                                                                                                   Assistant Editor
                                                                                                                   WO Marc Andre Gaudreault (CAN Army)
                                                                                                                   Assistant Editor
22    SECURITY FORCE ASSISTANCE SEMINAR                                                                            Colonel Knut Peters, JFCBS COMMS MPA
                                                                                                                   Lt Colonel Benjamin Sakrisson, JFCBS COMMS MPA
23    THE COMING OF AGE OF THE JLSG                                                                                Major Mark Peebles, eFP BG LATVIA
                                                                                                                   Commander Hanns-Christian Klasing,
24    BRITISH ARMED FORCES                                                                                         JFCBS COMMS MPA
                                                                                                                   MARCOM PAO
                                                                                                                   Petty Officer Jakob Østheim, Standing NATO maritime
26    VISITS AND ACTIVITIES                                                                                        Group One
                                                                                                                   Manfred Reudenbach, Allied Air Command Public Affairs
28    WE ARE JFCBS : JUSTYNA  FROM POLAND                                                                          Office
                                                                                                                   Cdr Michel Loic, JFCBS J7 DLL
                                                                                                                   Lt Colonel Alessandro CONCARI JFCBS J7 DLL
                                                                                                                   Lt Commander Dave Jones, JLSG Brunssum
                                                                                                                   Wing Commander Travis Tonkin, JFCBS COMMS IO

                                                                                                                   PHOTO CREDITS:
                                                                                                                   British Royal Navy : POA Carl Osmond; Dan Rosenbaum,
                                                                ABOUT THE COVER                                    HMS Kent
                                                                                                                   Standing Nato Maritime Group 1 : Petty Officer Jakob
                                                              BALTIC SEA (June 16, 2020) Sailors onboard           U.S. Marine Corps : Sgt. Pete Thibodeau
                                                            Estonian Navy ENS Wambola (433) with German            U.S. Navy : Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class
                                                            Navy FGS Werra (A-514) in the Baltic Sea during        Kyle Steckler
                                                             BALTOPS 2020. BALTOPS is the premier annual           UK Ministry of Defence's
                                                              maritime-focused exercise in the Baltic region,      Royal Air Force
                                                             enhancing flexibility and interoperability among      British Royal Navy
                                                                                                                   German Navy
                                                            allied and partner nations. (Photo courtesy of the     POA Carl Osmond
                                                                             Estonian Navy)                        ©BAE Systems
                                                                                                                   ©Crown Copyright 2014 / Photographer:
                                                                                                                   Andrew Linnett

                                                                                                                   Italian Air Force
                                                                                                                   Royal Danish Air Force
                                                                                                                   Finnish Air Force
                                                                                                                   Spanish Air Force
                                                                                                                   eFP BG Latvia


                                                                                                                           Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum
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                         DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF (PLANS)

I consider it is a great privilege to have the         specifically, in Europe is not guaranteed and
opportunity to share some background                   it does not come by itself. Accordingly, JFCBS
and my thoughts in this ‘Command Group                 has the responsibility to plan, execute and sup-
Corner’. I am Major General Kees Mat-                  port NATO’s three core tasks, collective defence,
thijssen and I started in this HQ in No-               crisis management and cooperative security, in
vember 2019 as the Deputy Chief of Staff               the Northern European theatre. This theatre is
Plans. I currently live in Koolwijk, a very            a dynamic environment and requires a resilient
small village in between Nijmegen and ‘s               Joint Headquarters that continually coordinates
Hertogenbosch in the province of Noord-                NATO’s efforts, provides plans and conducts
Brabant. I am married and we have a son,               joint operations across all domains.
a daughter, a one year old granddaugh-
ter, and, recently announced, a grandson               To obtain the best possible results from working
to be born in November. Throughout the                 in our wide network, a coherent Command and
working week, I stay in Landgraaf and I                Control (C2) construct is used with specific roles
am quite fortunate that I am able to enjoy             and responsibilities in our HQ. This C2 construct
the countryside in this region since cy-               provides the framework to work together in a
cling is one of my hobbies.                            constructive and collaborative way which then
                                                       allows us to be even better prepared to defend
Throughout my career, I have served mostly in          the Alliance and to deter possible aggressive ac-
combat units. That includes deployments too,           tors. Good planning is the key to success and lays
just like most of us. I have been privileged to have   the foundation for conducting and supporting
served as a commander at three different levels        the core tasks in the Northern European Thea-
in my deployments. I was a company command-            tre, C2 is a vital part of that planning. Neverthe-
er in 1995 in Srebrenica as part of the United         less within formal C2 constructs, it is always the
Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) mission            effort of us military men and women to make it
in Bosnia Herzegovina. I was commander of a            work in the best possible way.
Battlegroup in 2004 in Iraq in the Stabilisation
Force Iraq (SFIR) mission and I had the honour         To gain and maintain situational awareness and
of being commander of the brigade-sized Task           to have the best possible understanding of our        assigned forces. Training and exercises provide
Force Uruzgan in 2008-2009 in the ISAF mis-            mission and its actors, we actively synchronise       the opportunity to test and evaluate plans and
sion in Afghanistan. As a result of my operational     and coordinate the use of the Military Instru-        concepts. Furthermore exercises encourage pro-
experience, I always, in whatever job, focus on        ment of Power (MIoP). Our main purpose is to          fessional debate, they facilitate innovation and
‘the mission on the ground’, realising precondi-       further improve regional security and stability,      transformation, improve unit cohesion, enhance
tions for those actually ‘making things happen’,       contesting any destabilisation activities in Im-      unity of effort and unity of understanding. We
very conscious of the complexity of each and           plementation Area North.                              should also understand that exercises are part of
every mission. What I appreciate and encourage         As JFCBS, our primary tool is the MIoP however,       NATO’s deterrent ‘bigger picture’ and messaging
in daily work is cooperation. Working together in      we need to recognise that we will always operate      as part of that. Further alignment with Nations
an open and pleasant atmosphere is important.          in an environment with a wide variety of non-         and Partners is also achieved, especially when
It is never about the individual, in our military      military actors and that the MIoP is an instru-       those exercises bring us close(r) to any potential
profession it is always a team effort. Nobody is       ment to achieve and support political aims.           reality. Understanding the abovementioned val-
more important than the team. I prefer solution-       It is therefore vital to have a thorough under-       ues of training and exercises are crucial for our
oriented approaches and encourage initiative fol-      standing of that environment and the fact is that     mindset!
lowing the principles of Mission Command.              we must be able to connect, communicate and           To be ready for future challenges we need to an-
                                                       likely work with relevant military and non-mil-       ticipate developments. We should ask ourselves
As the Senior National Officer of the Kingdom          itary actors on various levels. In that perspective   constantly what the implications of recent and
of the Netherlands I hope you and your families        Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) is a tremen-       emerging developments and concepts mean to
feel welcome in our country and especially in this     dous force multiplier and the Civil-Military In-      us and how we can anticipate preserving security
region. If you have any questions please feel free     teraction mindset needs to be an essential part of    and stability. That is exactly what we strive for
to address them to your Dutch comrades in this         our thinking and planning.                            within the Plans Directorate!
HQ and on Prins Hendrik van Nassau Camp. The                                                                 Having contingency plans is important but we
Kingdom of The Netherlands has a lot to offer,         Cherishing and building our relations with Part-      will have to keep working together with other
but especially this region is excellent in that it     ners and Allies remains a cornerstone for collec-     entities and nations to ensure that our ‘family of
allows you to easily travel to Germany, Belgium,       tive success. Progress can only be made together      plans’ will become better integrated with other
France and Luxemburg. COVID-19 restrictions            because success requires team effort, trust, syn-     plans. It is also necessary to have sufficient flex-
have limited those opportunities but luckily they      chronisation, collaboration and coordination.         ibility for predicted contingencies and unpre-
are being relaxed. But, do pay attention still;        Engagement with military non-NATO partners            dicted incidents.
although the numbers of infected people in the         is why there is a Military Partnership Branch
Netherlands shows positive progress, the virus         within our J9 Division.                               Serving in NATO is more than just work. NATO
still is there. I ask you to please remain vigilant    Engaging with partners that have their specific       is a fascinating and dynamic organisation, con-
in order to protect everyone. Whilst staying vigi-     role for our common interests is vital for regional   sisting of 30 Nations. I always say, in whatever
lant, please enjoy our country, the Province of        and cooperative security.                             crisis or conflict you end up in, it is us military
Limburg and the wider region!                          The Gender Advisor within J9 has specific roles       that need to make it work in order to make a dif-
                                                       and responsibilities. All of us now are acutely       ference collectively for the sake of better secu-
                                                       aware of the hugely positive effect women cre-        rity and peace. That is what we do within NATO.
After being in this HQ for almost 9 months, I          ate and accordingly the Gender Advisor assists        We make it work, that is our added value! That
guess it is appropriate to mention that I have a       us to further develop our understanding of the        makes the difference and helps us to preserve
very good ‘first impression’. I would like to take     significant role women play in the modern world       peace and stability in Europe. But, let us not only
the opportunity to mention that I am extremely         and how plans and/or policies may dispropor-          do what is necessary, we should also enjoy work-
grateful to be able to closely work together with      tionally affect women. The gender perspective         ing together as one. Every day we can learn from
so many dedicated and professional Subject Mat-        reminds us that this security and stability cannot    one another and that is a real pleasure! Many
ter Experts from so many nations within the divi-      be maintained and strengthened without taking         nations, one team!
sions. Let me also use the opportunity to elabo-       50% of the world population into account. This
rate on the work within the Plans directorate.         includes the necessity to further build upon the      Major General Kees Matthijssen
                                                       already robust network. Only collaborative ef-
Within the Plans Directorate we have three Divi-       forts also in this domain will allow us to maintain   DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF (PLANS)
sions, J5 (Plans), J7 (Training & Exercises) and       and strengthen security and stability.
J9 (Civil-Military Cooperation, Military Partner-
ship and the Gender Advisor). Let me try to ar-        Being ready requires training, both individual
ticulate the contribution of the Plans Directorate.    and collective. Training and exercises are crucial
Security and stability in the world and, more          to maintain the readiness of our HQ and of our


                                          EFFICIENCY CREATES SECURITY
                                          QUESTIONS TO AND ANSWERS FROM COM JFCBS

                 General Vollmer, you have now                    jor challenges and I am confident that we       check which restrictions remain necessary
                 served for more than one hundred                 will prevail. Privately, my wife and I really   and which can be adjusted gradually. It is
                 days in charge as Commander JFC                  enjoy living in the Dutch province of Lim-      an ongoing dynamic process and I am con-
                 Brunssum. As this headquarters is                burg. So, this is truly a great place to be.    vinced that a normal life as we knew it from
                 no longer new to you, what are the                                                               before the lockdown will not come back any
                 most important experiences and per-              The pandemic has changed not only               time soon. We are still in a learning phase
                 sonal impressions you have gained                the whole of public life, but also that         which requires us to develop a new normal.
                 since April?                                     of soldiers and there is no end in              I think we are already on the right track
                                                                  sight. How do you deal with that?               here. Wherever possible under the current
                 I was received with a very warm welcome                                                          hygiene rules, we are now again at full man-
                 and I am grateful for that. Assuming com-        As soldiers, we are trained to remain calm,     ning.
                 mand under the conditions of the pandemic        cool, collected and above all focused on the
                 has been a unique experience as it had to be     mission when a situation gets tense. This       How efficient can NATO be under
                 conducted in a video transmitted ceremony        has paid off again in recent months. After      these conditions with regard to your
                 virtually for the first time in the history of   the outbreak of the pandemic, our head-         tasks in the Baltic Sea region?
                 NATO. It worked really well and I would          quarters quickly adapted to a shift system
                 like to commend everyone involved. From          allowing staff members to work from al-         NATO's efficiency can only be measured by
                 the very beginning I was impressed by the        ternate duty location. This offered the best    security. It is not only a question of main-
                 outstanding professionalism and dedica-          possible protection against further spread      taining military resources and the respec-
                 tion “Team Brunssum” provides. So, I am          of the virus and also ensured that we re-       tive infrastructure for deployment, but also
                 glad to say that I found excellent working       main operational.                               of demonstrating the corresponding politi-
                 conditions. This again proves why HQ JF-                                                         cal will. After all, NATO is a political alli-
                 CBS enjoys a high reputation in NATO. Sol-       Our internal measures at JFCBS at all times     ance founded to defend its member states.
                 diers and civilians from 26 NATO member          fully complied with the national regula-        We have been doing this for more than 70
                 states and four partner nations in Brun-         tions of our host nation, the Netherlands.      years and have more than enough reason to
                 ssum are well aware that we are facing ma-       It remains an enduring task to constantly       be proud of it.

In the Baltic Sea region, we are physically     In Afghanistan, a political agree-                Of course force protection always has to be
present and sending a strong signal to those    ment between the United States and                our first priority, in particular as the level of
who joined NATO since the end of the Cold       the Taliban on force reduction is in              violence in Afghanistan still remains unac-
War: We stand by you. We are ready to           place since February. Your head-                  ceptably high.
protect you. Any potential adversary has to     quarters is responsible for NATOs
acknowledge. He also needs to know that         RESOLUTE SUPPORT mission there.                   The Arctic also belongs to your area
we are able to quickly activate and show        What are the operational conse-                   of responsibility. The importance of
up with reinforcements. Therefore, even         quences of these developments?                    sea routes in this region is growing
in times of the pandemic, we proceed with                                                         due to climate change. How relevant
our exercises and underline our ability to                                                        is this for your work?
act. But don’t let me be misunderstood: We      Above all, we have to adapt to change.
have no intention to escalate. It's not about   This new agreement and the prospect for           That is of great importance for our work.
moving large armies. Visibility is way more     intra-Afghan negotiations remain the best         JFCBS’ area of responsibility covers a
important. Our mission is to ensure the         hope for peace that Afghanistan has had for       large part of the Arctic from Greenland via
protection of NATO members particularly         40 years. It is designed to agree on a per-       Iceland to Scandinavia. In this region, we
in times of crisis.                             manent ceasefire and a political roadmap.         are experiencing in a special way the con-
                                                NATO stands ready to help the Afghans             sequences of climate change as it affects
                                                pave their way towards a political settle-        security policy. It is not difficult to predict
During those challenging times of the pan-      ment of the conflict.                             that maritime trade routes in the near fu-
demic we continued our tasks. The eFP-                                                            ture will shift more and more to the north.
Battlegroups were always combat ready.                                                            A new competition is emerging there and
The necessary rotations were conducted          As the out-of-theater RSM headquarters,           this affects the security of all neighboring
as planned and without delay. Air Policing      it is our task to facilitate the conditions       countries. For these reasons, we are moni-
continued without any restrictions. BAL-        needed at the Hindukush to be successful          toring closely what is happening in the Arc-
TOPS could proceed as in the past 49 years.     in all military fields of operations, from per-   tic. In this context, I am grateful that here
To cut a long story short, I am proud of all    sonnel to logistics and medical care. JFC         in Brunssum we can also rely on the advice
our soldiers, airmen and sailors who ful-       Brunssum continues to support the Train           of experts from our non-NATO partner na-
filled their tasks as required.                 Advise and Assist activities for the ANDSF.       tions, Sweden and Finland.

How would you describe your per-                common security. Any decision making            deploy troops over large distances.
sonal leadership style?                         has to be based on sophisticated mission
                                                analysis. When preparing decisions in such      In addition, it is important to me to further
Mutual respect, sensitivity for other cul-      processes, every one of us must be able to      develop personal contacts. Success is based
tures and trust in the expertise of profes-     respond to the “why”.                           on trust and confidence. Therefore, it was
sionals are the three essential prerequisites                                                   very crucial for me to have personally met
for good leadership.                            What are your most important pro-               relevant political and military leaders in
We are only successful when we work as a        jects in the second half of 2020?               Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Nor-
team. Very often it is a team of teams. We                                                      way this summer.
always need to stay focused to get out of our   Since it is our job to provide security and
boxes and out of our comfort zones. We are      remain operational, some exercises are          JFC Brunssum serves as the face of NATO
responsible for the deterrence and defense      high on my priority list. So this year in au-   for the political and military leaders in our
of Northeastern Europe. The nations rely        tumn we will conduct an exercise to activate    area of responsibility. Therefore I would
on us. So, every day, we have to ask our-       NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task           like to meet our allies and partners person-
selves what we have done to improve our         Force (VJTF) in the Baltic Sea region and       ally, wherever possible.

                                    THREE WARS AT ONCE
          NATO’s Strategic Communications in Afghanistan


You’d better let Afghans talk to the            pictures, raised too many unrealistic expec-    tion day. Civilians queued in long lines de-
Afghans. I knew that because I had              tations and had no real chance to get fix our   spite heavy rain to cast their ballots, men
had the privilege to get to know them           messaging and our image.                        and women, young and elderly, some even
long before.                                                                                    eight months pregnant, some disabled.
                                                But Afghanistan teaches you a lesson every
 I had already spent more than one year of      day. “The media are right as long as they       The Taliban had desperately tried to cause
my life there when I came back to Kabul in      cannot be proven wrong”, one of our local       shock and despair among the Afghans but
September 2018. As a reserve officer and        Afghan cultural advisors told me one early      they failed. Instead, they adopted new tac-
former radio journalist, I had covered the      morning in a chat about the current media       tics and began to spread conspiracy theo-
war and the suffering of the Afghan people      update and he added another remarkable          ries on social media, on the internet and by
since 2002. I had trained local Afghan radio    point: “You have to view this mission from      rumors. The aim of their malign propagan-
journalists as a NATO civilian consultant. It   at least three different angles. Information    da was to make Afghans believe their Gov-
was clear that the Afghans were sick and        space, political space and security sector      ernment, NATO and Americans were sup-
tired of what we had been telling them over     are closely linked, interactive and interde-    porting ISIS-K terrorists in order to keep
and over again for all these years. So, my      pendent.” This guy was a man of true wis-       Taliban away from power and to maintain
role as NATOs military spokesperson and         dom. What he had just told me meant war         an occupation regime.
Director Strategic Communications at the        on three battlefields in parallel.
Headquarters of RESOLUTE SUPPORT re-                                                            Rumor, gossip, hearsay have a long history
quired a new approach. A new idea of how        The Taliban kept us under fire on all three     in Afghanistan as this has been a traditional
to operate in the Afghan information space      during the months of fall 2018. They com-       way to pass on information for centuries.
had to be developed.                            mitted horrible acts of violence day and        The Taliban took advantage of this. We had
                                                night, killing not only Afghan soldiers and     to acknowledge they were on the offensive
Being deployed to speak on behalf of a          police but also thousands of innocent civil-    in the information space in fall 2018.
NATO four-star-command in-theatre was           ians. Their aim was to disrupt the parlia-
by far the peak and greatest honor in my        mentary election scheduled for late October     In security space at the same time, they
military career. I didn’t fully understand      then. In the information space they openly      continued to launch numerous kinetic at-
that when I arrived. I had thought my task      threatened to kill everyone who would           tacks on Afghan army and police. Concur-
would be to gain more airtime on TV and         dare to approach a polling station. But         rently in political space, they met for their
radio as well as and more print headlines       the brave Afghans withstood. Trained, ad-       first talks with U.S. Special Representative
in Afghan and western media in order to         vised and assisted by NATO, Afghan forces       Khalilzad and exploited the news in an at-
better explain our mission and our achieve-     successfully provided security on that day.     tempt to delegitimize the Afghan govern-
ments.                                                                                          ment. Afghan communicators were strug-
I was wrong. I soon realized that NATO was      For the first time ever, they did it in their   gling to strike back effectively.
struggling with a reputation issue in Af-       own responsibility. No NATO troops were
ghanistan. We had painted too many rosy         out in the streets of Afghanistan that elec-
The situation required a new course of ac-       Having noticed and understood this impor-       To achieve a lasting peace, an intra-
tion. It required networking in Afghan-led       tance, Afghan political leaders, generals,      Afghan dialogue is required that involves
and Afghan-owned operations. Within few          governors, police commanders, religious         all relevant groups. More than ever, it takes
weeks, RESOLUTE SUPPORT StratCom                 dignitaries and highly recognized other         Afghans talking to Afghans to end all three
assets were regrouped and tasked to “TAA         opinion makers from civil society became        wars – at once, because the Afghan people
to the need”. So-called shuras (conferenc-       personally present on twitter. Their state-     demand peace.
es) were initiated for the purpose of train-     ments began to widely resonate in journal-
ing, advising and assisting (TAA) key com-       istic media as they matched with the desire     For us in Brunssum as the out-of-theatre
municators from all relevant institutions in     of Afghans for competent, capable and           operational headquarters tasked to enable
Kabul and on regional command level.             empathetic leaders. They even got uninten-      RSM, after now more than 18 years since
                                                 tionally commended by the Taliban. Dur-         NATO had stepped up in Afghanistan, it is
In a comprehensive approach including            ing spring 2019, the group for the first time   crucial to conduct a proper and sober mis-
InfoOps, PsyOps, Key Leader Engagement           openly complained about Afghan Govern-          sion analysis. There can be no doubt that
and Public Affairs, our Afghan partners          ment institutions “spreading confusing and      we have written history, including remark-
were introduced to the “Golden Hour” con-        discrediting messages to the people”. By        able successes as well as obvious failures.
cept. In short, it follows the rule that “no     doing so, they gave proof that Afghan army,
lie is too small to not be refuted”. Refuting    police and government communicators had          In my personal view, the achievements
faked news and rejecting false allegations       turned the tide and regained initiative in      outweigh by far the setbacks. Over a period
within 60 minutes after impact in the infor-     the information space.                          of almost two decades, a total of some 45
mation space is as crucial on this battlefield                                                   nations had deployed troops to engage in
as it is in every information environment all                                                    the fight for a better future in Afghanistan.
over the world.                                  Amidst all that, the kinetic battle kept on-    It is worth to recall how many non-NATO
                                                 going. Taliban as well as ISIS-K terrorists     partners were forming that global coalition,
Social media turned out to be the most ef-       and others continued to carry out horrible      with New Zealand, Australia, Singapore,
fective tool in StratCom’s armory. A single      attacks against Afghan forces and civilians.    Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia,
tweet may cost lives but another tweet also      Until today, this hasn’t stopped, despite the   United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Sweden,
can save lives. NATO’s train, advise and as-     political agreement they signed in Febru-       Finland, Ireland, South Korea, Bosnia &
sist efforts gained traction as the Afghans      ary 2020. Since then, OPERATION FREE-           Hercegovina and Switzerland alongside
began to strike back during the winter pe-       DOM’S SENTINEL (OFS) acting under a             with now 30 NATO members.
riod 2018/2019. Results soon became en-          national U.S. mandate and complimentary
couraging and it was mainly twitter to pro-      of NATO’s RESOLUTE SUPPORT MIS-                 It is also worth to remind ourselves of the
vide evidence.                                   SION (RSM) has begun to downsize.               fact that millions of refugees returned to
                                                                                                 Afghanistan since 2002, investing their few
With only some 150,000 accounts regis-                                                           savings in new businesses and founding
tered in Afghanistan, twitter reaches less       NATO’s StratCom task in this challenging        new families. A whole new generation has
than 0.5 percent of the country’s popula-        phase of RSM remains to support our Af-         grown up since 2002, giving great evidence
tion. But this comparatively small group         ghan partners on their way towards a po-        of the milestones we reached.
has gained a status that cannot be overes-       litical settlement of the conflict. By doing
timated: They are news generators whereas        so, we are protecting our homelands. Our         As a Berliner, I remember what the city of
traditional journalistic media, i.e. TV, radio   mission objective remains to not allow Af-      Kabul looked like then. It was almost ex-
and print, are more and more limited to a        ghanistan becoming a safe haven for terror-     actly like Berlin 1945. The Afghan capital
role as news distributor.                        ists again.                                     was lying in ruins with no water supply, no

power, no sanitation, no food, no health          it doesn’t depict the full truth. Afghanistan   fied. In particular, this applies to trained
care, no education and no security at all.        still is a war torn country with an unac-       StratCom personnel deployable on short
Not a single traffic light existed. Kabul was     ceptable amount of daily bloodshed. In my       notice. Burden sharing is the buzzword. I
like hell and impassible. The same applied        view, this marks one of NATO’s continu-         am convinced that NATO, comprising of
to almost all other major Afghan cities.          ing challenges in StratCom since 2002. It’s     now 28 European and two North American
                                                  about paying appropriate attention to the       nations, can do better in StratCom when it
Having been down to some 500,000 inhab-           other side of the coin and how this affects     gets to showing a more European face in
itants then, Kabul today is home to almost        our reputation.                                 theatre.
five million people. Wedding halls of shiny                                                       I am grateful for the privilege of having
glass and concrete are shaping the face of        But this must not mean to give it all up and    served in a mainly American team of out-
the capital. You won’t make a three miles         get back home. On the contrary, we have to      standing professionals, together with re-
distance in downtown Kabul by car in less         keep on addressing all relevant audiences       grettably few British, Polish, Italian, Roma-
than one hour on a normal working day be-         with messages reassuring the Afghans that       nian, Danish and Icelandic comrades who
cause you will get stuck in a series of traffic   we will not let them down, even beyond          were all equally dedicated to the mission.
jams.                                             military support.
                                                                                                  Having turned the tide in the Afghan infor-
You may ask now whether this is really            Though it is premature to draw final conclu-    mation space for the benefit of the Afghans
true. Isn’t that just another rosy picture?       sions, the improvement of NATO’s ability        since 2018 is an achievement our Alliance
The answer is yes. It is true, but only one       to quickly adapt to changes in the informa-     can be proud of. I am grateful for the honor
side of the coin. It is a rosy picture because    tion space is on my list of lessons identi-     of having been NATO’s spokesperson.


                                                         “US DEFENDER 20”


                 The US Army leaders revealed de-               Initial expectations were that the 20.000       After the last US tanks left Germany in
                 tails on 16 October 2019, regarding            deployed US soldiers would link up with         2013 as part of a drawdown, the US Army
                 a massive exercise named “Defen-               17.000 other US soldiers and NATO for-          began nine-month rotations of “brigade
                 der 20” where they would deploy                ces already located in Europe for a total of    combat teams” to bolster its presence
                 20.000 US soldiers to project US               37.000 participants. Likewise, to support       and practice rapidly deploying units to
                 military power in Europe the fol-              these forces, 20.000 pieces of equipment        Europe. The US military also built up
                 lowing spring in combination with              would be shipped from the US, and another       prepositioned equipment stocks in sup-
                 NATO allies and other US partners.             13.000 pieces would be drawn from preposi-      ply depots on the European continent
                                                                tioned stocks from supply depots in Europe.     to provide ready-equipment to inco-
                 The exercise which was officially designated                                                   ming units in the case of a contingency.
                 “Defender-Europe 20” was slated to be the      This year’s exercise was intended to kick off
                 largest deployment of US-based soldiers for    a new Defender series of exercises for US       Previously, in March, as a test case of this
                 an exercise in Europe in 25 years. The par-    forces, which will be conducted in the Pa-      concept, an emergency deployment rea-
                 ticipants were anticipated to conduct force    cific region on alternate years, to rehearse    diness exercise sent an armoured unit of
                 projection and readiness training across       large movements on opposite sides of the        over 1.500 soldiers from Fort Hood, Texas,
                 10 countries on the European continent         globe. From a US perspective, the exerci-       to Europe. In less than two days, the unit
                 through the entirety of the coming summer.     ses were intended to operationalize the US      was able to assemble on site, gather their
                                                                National Defence Strategy, which asserts        prepositioned stocks, and travel to Po-
                 The named-exercise, “Defender 20”, actu-       Russia and China as near-peer adversaries.      land for a live-fire exercise, Cavoli said.
                 ally served as an umbrella designator for
                 the linkage between several exercises in       "We are starting it with a bang," said Lt       “We've been practicing this strategy of
                 the region, such as “Allied Spirit”, “Swift    Gen Christopher Cavoli, commander of            power projection for about three to four
                 Response” and a “Joint Warfighting As-         US Army Europe, at the time, during a           years now into Europe,” he said, in Octo-
                 sessment”, and the deployment of for-          panel discussion at the Association of the      ber. “Now it's time to practice it at scale.”
                 ces to those separately named exercises.       US Army Annual Meeting and Exposition.          From the onset, Defender 20 was en-

visioned to consist of five phases with         rity with NATO personnel and opportuni-           As US troops began to arrive in Europe, they
several key objectives across Europe.           ties for public outreach events in Europe.        were expected to fan across the continent
                                                                                                  and participate in the following “Defender
The first phase included a Reception, Sta-      "Defender really helps us enhance rela-           20” linked exercises with Allies and Partners:
ging, Onward movement and Integra-              tionships," said Lt Gen J.T. Thomson,
tion, or RSOI, of a division-sized element      commander of Allied Land Command,                 “Allied Spirit XI”, which is a regularly oc-
while many other units, including a US          which oversees NATO land forces. More             curring 7th Army Training Command
National Guard brigade, will draw prepo-        than half of NATO's member states,                exercise. This year “Allied Spirit’’ was
sitioned stocks in Belgium and Germany.         he said, will play a role in the exercise.        expected to include a river crossing tied
                                                                                                  to the Command Post Exercise portion.
In the second phase, an immediate res-          "Cohesive multinational forces give us a
ponse force from the US Army’s 82nd Air-        competitive advantage, no doubt about it,"        ‘’Dynamic Front 20’’, another regu-
borne Division would conduct joint for-         Thomson said during the panel. "When you          larly occurring 7th Army Training Com-
cible entries into the country of Georgia.      look at our adversaries, they do not enjoy the    mand coordinated live fire exercise. This
                                                advantages we have and the power of syner-        year ‘’Dynamic Front’’ was expected to
The third phase would be composed of a          gy that comes from good, trusted friends."        include simulated live fire activities in-
division command post exercise that would                                                         tegrated into the Joint Warfighting As-
have units spread out across the continent.     While there are similarities to the “RE-          sessment Command Post Exercise.
It would also involve a Joint Warfighting As-   FORGER” exercise, or ‘Return of Forces to
sessment, a simulated command post com-         Germany’, which practiced deploying Army          ‘’Joint Warfighting Assessment 20’’ (JWA),
puter exercise, to test multi-domain ope-       units into Europe during the Cold War, lea-       which is a US Army Chief of Staff's capsto-
rations as well as other capabilities being     ders say that Defender will be more complex.      ne event that provides the Army a venue
pursued by the US Army Futures Command.                                                           to achieve training readiness, future force
                                                "We cannot fail prey to nostalgia of “RE-         development, and interoperability with
Soldiers would then conduct a river cros-       FORGER” and think Defender Europe is              multinational partners. JWA was anti-
sing in Poland in the fourth phase, as well     just a reincarnation," Thomson said. "Our         cipated to evaluate and assess 38 future
as forward passage of lines and a mari-         security environment has changed signi-           army concepts and capabilities set in a
time prepositioned force off-load mission.      ficantly in terms of geography and bor-           notional 2028 operational environment.
                                                ders [and] in terms of allies and partners."
Finally, the fifth phase would con-                                                               ‘‘Saber Strike 20’’ is a training event oc-
solidate US Army forces and rede-               Technology and doctrine, he noted, is also        curring every two years that prepares
ploy them back to the US mainland.              different, as well as threats in the region.      allies and partners to respond to re-
                                                                                                  gional crises and meet their own se-
In order to complete the mission, Defen-        On Wednesday, 22 January 2020, the                curity needs by improving the secu-
der 20 planned to involve deployed US           US Army announced that preparations               rity of borders and countering threats.
Soldiers from five divisions - 1st Cavalry,     for “Defender 20” would begin the next
82nd Airborne, 1st Armoured, 1st Infan-         day when participating units would load           ‘’Swift Response 20’’, a regularly oc-
try and 3rd Infantry - as well as 11 Natio-     vehicles, heavy equipment and mate-               curring exercise that demonstrates the
nal Guard and seven Army Reserve units.         riel for rail transport and onward ship-          strategic employment of the Global Res-
                                                ping. The equipment would originate               ponse Force and validates US Euro-
The exercise would have a huge geo-             from Fort Hood, Fort Bliss and Fort Ste-          pean Command's ability to send high
graphic span, covering 4.000 kilo-              wart with shipping through late February.         readiness forces into a designated area.
metres of convoy routes and corres-
pondingly would rely on 10 European             It was announced that “Defender 20” and           Finally, “Trojan Footprint”, an annual US
countries to host exercise activities.          its associated exercises would increase stra-     Special Operations Command Europe-led
                                                tegic readiness and interoperability by exer-     exercise that brings together US, allied
Allies and partners would also get incre-       cising the US military's ability to rapidly       and partnered special operations units.
ased opportunities to train alongside US        move a large, combat-credible force of sol-
soldiers, increasing interoperability within    diers and equipment from the United States        Although the majority of troops expected
the NATO alliance and likewise providing        to Europe and, alongside its allies and part-     to participate in the exercise were US for-
the US soldiers a chance to gain familia-       ners, to quickly respond to a potential crisis.   ces, “Defender Europe 20” also was ex-

pected to allow NATO Allies and Partner          of equipment, including tanks, other trac-       Then   plans   abruptly                chan-
nations, to train, build readiness and deter     ked vehicles and more than 1.200 wheeled         ged due to the COVID-19                virus.
potential threats throughout the continent.      vehicles and trailers and a team of soldiers
                                                 from the US Army’s 2nd Brigade Combat            On 16 March 2020, the US Army an-
“The planning in itself is deterrence becau-     Team, 3rd Infantry Division from Savan-          nounced that “Defender 20” would
se it teaches our [troops] what’s involved       nah, Georgia, to the port at Bremerhaven.        be modified in size and scope.
when you start to embrace an activity of
this magnitude and what you have to be           Likewise, on Friday, 21 February 2020,           In response to the current outbreak of the
prepared to do to successfully pull it off.      the first US Army soldiers from the 1st Ca-      COVID-19 virus and recent guidance by the
The overarching goal of the event is to de-      valry Division arrived in Nuremberg, Ger-        US Secretary of Defense, as of 13 March,
monstrate the ability of the US to lift and      many, on the way to Poland and the Baltic        all movement of personnel and equipment
shift a division-size force over long distan-    States. The US Army Europe Band and              from the United States to Europe ceased.
ces,” said Supreme Allied Commander Eu-          Chorus played a concert in Gdynia, Po-           The health, safety and readiness of mili-
rope, General Tod D. Wolters, in February.       land as part of the Defender 20 outreach         tary personnel, civilians, and family mem-
                                                 tour. The purpose of the outreach tours          bers were cited as the primary concern.
The arrival of British Forces and equip-         across Europe was to introduce the parti-
ment in Antwerp, Belgium, just one of            cipants of Defender 20, explain the exer-        In the aftermath, the goal was to balance
the dropping points in the build up to           cise to locals, and manage expectations          the need to preserve the readiness of US
the exercise, was planned to allow for           during different phases of the exercise.         and NATO forces while maximizing ef-
convoys to travel across the continent                                                            forts to advance alliances and partnerships.
to preposition equipment and other re-
                                                 Convoys continued to transport troops
sources. The convoys were slated to tra-                                                          While appropriate adjustments to “De-
                                                 and equipment across Europe; mainly car-
vel a total of approximately 4.000 kilo-                                                          fender 20” were being decided, it was an-
                                                 ried out at night on the motorways to mi-
metres to stage for the exercise proper.                                                          nounced that the linked exercises to “De-
                                                 tigate the impact on the local population.
                                                                                                  fender 20” – “Dynamic Front”, “Joint
The focus of the purely defensive exer-                                                           Warfighting Assessment”, “Saber Strike”
cise was to practice the rapid deployment        To prepare for the river crossing in Po-         and “Swift Response” – would not be
of large-scale forces across the Atlantic        land later during the exercise, staff officers   conducted. However, the armoured bri-
into Europe where they are then sup-             from NATO’s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps          gade combat team already deployed to
ported by participating Allied and Part-         (ARRC) visited British Royal Engineers in        Europe was anticipated to conduct gun-
ner nations. During the initial phases of        Minden, north-western Germany, to learn          nery and other combined training events
the exercise, nations were scheduled to          about amphibious engineering. The NATO           with Allies as part of a modified “Allied
stage equipment in 14 air and seaports           officers witnessed the troops from the Bri-      Spirit” exercise. Forces already deployed
across eight European countries in pre-          tish Army’s 23 Amphibious Engineer Squa-         to Europe for other linked exercises were
paration for the exercise proper to begin.       dron rehearse 'wide wet gap' crossing drills     directed to return to the United States.
                                                 on their M3 Amphibious Rigs at their Ger-
Initially, all went according to plan. On Fri-   man base on the River Weser. The Royal           Prior to the notification of exercise modifi-
day, 21 February 2020, the first armoured        Engineers were expected to play a key role       cation, “Defender 20” exercised the ability
vehicles, and soldiers from the US started       during the exercise in Poland in May when        to coordinate large scale movements with
to arrive in Bremerhaven, Germany. The US        they would come under the command of             Allies and partners. Till then, the US Army
ship “Endurance” carried over 2.400 pieces       the UK-based multinational NATO corps.           had already deployed approximately 6.000

Soldiers from the United States to Europe       environment,” said Brig Gen Brett Sylvia,        In addition to water crossing events, medi-
including a division headquarters and an        commander of 1st Cavalry Division. “We’ve        cal evacuation flight operations were per-
armoured brigade combat team. It had also       gone to great lengths to ensure the safety       formed by the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade,
moved approximately 9.000 vehicles and          of this training for our soldiers, and all the   which included hoist airlifts and litter carries
pieces of equipment from Army Prepositi-        people in the local area. As a result, 100% of   to and from a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter.
oned Stocks and approximately 3.000 pie-        the participating Soldiers and civilians were
ces of equipment via sea from the United        tested to ensure they were COVID free.”          US Army Europe is planning additional
States. Also, in coordination with Allies and                                                    exercises over the next few months. These
partners, movement of soldiers and equip-       The exercise, modified in response to CO-        exercises are slated to utilize many of the
ment from multiple ports to training areas      VID-19, operated in accordance with the          original “Defender 20” training objectives
in Germany and Poland were completed.           guidance directed by the Department of De-       to enhance readiness and interoperability
                                                fense and the government of Poland. All US       between US, Allied, and partner militaries.
As part of a modified “Defender 20              soldiers and civilians involved in the exer-
Plus”, linked exercise “Allied Spirit”          cise completed a 14-day quarantine and           “US-Defender-Europe 20” was designed
with about 6,000 US and Polish sol-             were tested for COVID-19 upon arrival with       as a deployment exercise to build strate-
diers at Drawsko Pomorskie Training             additional health screenings if necessary.       gic readiness in support of the US Nati-
Area, Poland, successfully concluded af-                                                         onal Defense Strategy and NATO deter-
ter 15 days of training on 19 June 2020.        The water crossing exercise consisted of         rence objectives for the Alliance’s eastern
                                                a bridge crossing constructed by Polish          flank. Exercises like “Defender 20” con-
The exercise, which commenced on 05             soldiers with the 12th Mechanized Bri-           tinue to demonstrate NATO Allies and
June 2020, consisted of the following key       gade. The crossing was utilized by the 2nd       partners stand stronger together, and the
objectives: conduct a deliberate river cros-    Armoured Combat Aviation Brigade, to             US commitment to NATO is iron clad.
sing with a division-sized element, de-         facilitate the movement of approxima-
monstrate US Army Europe's ability to           tely 100 US Bradley Infantry Fighting            “Like the rest of the world, COVID-19
integrate with joint, alliance and host na-     Vehicles and High Mobility Multipur-             has shaped everything we do here as US
tion capabilities, and to enable an effective   pose Wheeled Vehicles across the river.          Army Europe,” said Brig Gen Chris Nor-
common intelligence operational picture.                                                         rie, commander of 7th Army Training
                                                Throughout the training event, the NATO          Command. “But our Soldiers are great at
Approximately 6.000 US and Polish soldiers      Allies were able to combine capabilities         adapting to every obstacle placed before
participated in the exercise. Of those were     while fostering mutual respect for how           them, just like they did for the past 245
approximately 4.000 US soldiers from the        they tactically complemented each other.         years. No matter the challenges we face
1st Cavalry Division (Forward) and 3rd Infan-   “This is a great chance for Polish soldiers      as a nation, the US Army will always ans-
try Division, as well as approximately 2.000    to gain new experience and skills wor-           wer the call.” The US stand side-by-side
Polish soldiers from the 6th Polish Airborne    king alongside our US Allies,” said Brig         with her NATO Allies to ensure their in-
Brigade, 9th Polish Armoured Cavalry Bri-       Gen Slawomir Dudczack, General Com-              dependence, sovereignty, and security.
gade and 12th Polish Mechanized Brigade.        mander of the Polish 12th Mechanized
                                                Brigade. “Polish soldiers have been ser-
“This training is important for many rea-       ving with Allied troops for more than 20
sons. It allows us and our NATO allies          years. The Defender exercise provides a
to demonstrate to the world that we have        great opportunity for the interoperability
the capability to train safely in this COVID    and cooperation between our two forces.”

                                              IT’S A SMALL, COHESIVE WORLD
                                                   DEFENDING THE BALTICS
                                   ENHANCED FORWARD PRESENCE IN LATVIA AND ESTONIA

                                                                                                              pointed out the novelty of working with the
                                                                                                              Canadian LAV-6 Infantry Fighting Vehi-
                                                                                                              cle and the learning curve associated with
                                                                                                              employing it in the most effective way.

                                                                                                              For Captain Cyr, the transition to a dif-
                                                                                                              ferent platform was more dramatic.

                                                                                                              “Myself, personally, I've had a background
                                                                                                              in reconnaissance and cavalry as an ar-
                                                                                                              moured officer, and the Queen's Royal Hus-
                                                                                                              sars who I'm working with now are a heavy
                                                                                                              armour Challenger 2 squadron - that would
                                                                                                              be the biggest difference for me,” he said.

                                                                                                              The COVID-19 pandemic affected both
                                                                                                              eFP Battle Groups, along with many other
                                                                                                              NATO units this year, but both contin-
                                                                                                              ued training and maintained their readi-
                                                                                                              ness levels. Captain Dryburgh pointed
                                                                                                              out that even with the restrictions and
                                                                                                              changes to their training schedule, they
                                                                                                              were able to conduct valuable training.

                                                                                                              “The guys have managed to really enjoy
                                                                                                              what we've achieved since we've been here,
                                                                                                              and it's a memory that I am going to take
                 STORY BY MAJOR MARK PEEBLES, EFP BATTLEGROUP LATVIA                                          home,” he said. “Obviously, it being an op-
                                                                                                              erational deployment, there are some more
                 The multinational character of NA-                                                           restrictions on being here. I'm not able to
                 TO’s enhanced Forward Presence                The degrees of separation between these        go skiing every weekend. However, it's been
                 (eFP) in the Baltic region took an even       two exchange officers grew even smaller        a really enjoyable deployment compared
                 deeper meaning in June when two Al-           last June, when Captain Cyr and the Brit-      to my previous times away from home.”
                 lied exchange officers encountered            ish armoured squadron went to the Adazi
                 each other - in each other’s home na-         training area to conduct live-fire training    “Definitely being able to travel around be-
                 tion army – in Camp Adazi, Latvia.            13-21 June. While the Latvian eFP Battle       tween Estonia and around Latvia has been
                 This unusual instance exemplifies             Group did not participate in the live-fire     one of the highlights,” added Captain Cyr.
                 the multinational cohesion among              exercise run by their eFP Estonia brethren,    “As well, the opportunities to train as a
                 Allies defending the Baltic nations.          the two captains were surprised to learn of    battle group complete on both dry and live
                                                               each other’s existence as mirror-image de-     ranges have been excellent so far. The guys
                 Captain Matt Dryburgh had no idea he          ployments when they met in Camp Adazi.         I've deployed with have been fantastic to
                 would deploy to Latvia when he arrived                                                       work with so far, and we've had an excellent
                 as an exchange officer at the 2nd Battal-     “I was aware that there are other exchange     time training and getting to see the Baltics.”
                 ion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light       officers who have gone to other regiments
                 Infantry two years ago. The British infan-    in Canada, and I was super happy that he       As multinational as their deployments to
                 try officer from The Rifles worked with his   was able to make the exchange and to de-       Latvia and Estonia have been, both of-
                 Canadian unit during its high-readiness       ploy with the Fusiliers Battle Group to        ficers highlighted the cultural immer-
                 training last year, and only at the end       eFP Estonia,” said Captain Dryburgh.           sion they have experienced as exchange
                 were they informed that they would de-                                                       officers with each other’s armed forces.
                 ploy to Camp Adazi as part of the Canadi-     Both eFP Battle Groups have taken NATO
                 an-led NATO eFP Battle Group in Latvia.       interoperability to unparalleled levels –      “It's been a fantastic opportunity to come
                                                               down to the platoon level in some cases.       across to Canada for the past two years, and
                 “Going away and working internation-          The eFP Battle Group in Latvia incorpo-        Latvia for the last six months,” said Captain
                 ally with the Canadian Battle Group as        rates nine different allied nations: Canada,   Dryburgh. “I managed to learn a lot and real-
                 a British officer was going to be a re-       Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Czech       ly got to immerse myself in Canadian culture
                 ally cool experience and the opportunity      Republic, Albania, Spain and Montene-          and the Canadian Armed Forces as a whole.”
                 to work with all the other sending na-        gro. For its part, the eFP Battle Group in
                 tions that are forming the eFP,” he said.     Estonia comprises personnel from five          Captain Dryburgh’s tour in Latvia comes
                                                               NATO nations: The United Kingdom,              to an end in July, when the Battle Group
                 Likewise, Captain Andre Cyr did not know      Denmark, Belgium, France and Iceland.          leadership from Lord Strathcona’s Horse
                 he would be deploying anywhere when he        The additions of Captains Dryburgh and         (Royal Canadians) rotates back to Can-
                 joined The Queen’s Royal Hussars last year    Cyr technically bump those Battle Group        ada and is replaced by the 2nd Battal-
                 as an exchange officer from Canada’s Royal    totals to 10 and six nations respectively!     ion, The Royal Canadian Regiment. As
                 Canadian Dragoons. Yet he found himself                                                      for Captain Cyr, he will remain in Esto-
                 in Tapa, Estonia last November with the       Both officers note that working with units     nia with the Queen’s Royal Hussars un-
                 British-led NATO eFP Battle Group in Es-      from Commonwealth nations has made             til they re-deploy in mid-September.
                 tonia as part of its Challenger 2 squadron.   the transition from one army to another
                                                               smoother. That said, Captain Dryburgh
                   NATO MARITIME EXERCISE BALTOPS 2020
                                            IN TIMES OF CORONA


From 07 – 17 June 2020, NATO, to-                France; Germany; Greece; Italy; Latvia;          The first part of the exercise, the Combat En-
gether with partner nations, con-                Lithuania; The Netherlands; Norway; Po-          hancement Training and Force Integration
ducted the 49th Baltic Operations                land; Portugal; Spain; Turkey; the United        Training (CET/FIT) phase, lasted until 12
(BALTOPS) exercise in the Baltic Sea.            Kingdom; and the United States. The par-         June. During that time, participants worked
BALTOPS is a recurring annual na-                ticipating partner nations were Finland and      through the basics and aligned themselves
val exercise, held and sponsored by              Sweden. For the first time in the exercise se-   under the command and control network.
the Commander, United States Naval               ries’ history, BALTOPS was led from a land-      Then, the forces split up into a Blue Team
Forces Europe, since 1971, in the Bal-           based headquarters – Naval Striking and          and an Orange Team, who confronted each
tic Sea and the regions surrounding              Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO)               other in a free-play phase.
it. Its purpose is to train surface war-         Headquarters in Lisbon, Portugal – instead
fare, anti-submarine warfare, mari-              of from aboard a Command and Control             Last year’s iteration was heavily focused
time interdiction, radar tracking &              Ship like as in previous years.                  on amphibious warfare, with the exercise
interception, mine countermeasures,                                                               serving as a testbed for new sophisticated
amphibious operations, replenish-                This year, the exercise focused on naval         amphibious warfare tactics and a demon-
ment at sea, seamanship, search and              warfare at sea, partly by design and partly      stration of the newly formed, amphibious-
rescue, and scenarios dealing with               in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. So         focused UK-led Joint Expeditionary Force
potential real world crises and mari-            the amphibious warfare part, by nature in-       (Maritime). This year the idea was to focus
time security.                                   cluding land based operations, was not ex-       on naval warfare, and with the global pan-
                                                 ercised this time to prevent possible cross      demic adding another burden to that plan-
NATO maintains four permanent maritime           contamination of the troops involved.            ning, the participating countries agreed that
task groups, which are manned by the mem-                                                         no landing operations, no ashore pre-sail
ber states and, together with air and land       “It’s a little bit different this year because   conferences and no personnel transfers be-
forces and special units, form the NATO RE-      we are operating with distributed command        tween ships would take place.
SPONSE FORCE, which was established in           and control. So the forces are being com-
2002. Two of these four permanent NATO           manded from Lisbon, and it actually has a        “What we’ve been able to do is change the
maritime squadrons, Standing NATO Mari-          little bit more of a real-world operational      exercise such that we don’t have forces go-
time Group One (SNMG1), composed main-           feel because in the real world it’s usually      ing ashore – for example last year we had
ly of surface combat vessels, and Standing       something that happens quite quickly and         several Marines from different countries
NATO Mine Countermeasures Group One              not something that you can prepare for           storming beaches; we don’t have that this
(SNMCMG1), composed mainly of Mine               months,” as Captain Cassidy Norman, Com-         year. We also don’t have many forces trave-
Hunters, participated in this year’s exercise.   manding Officer of USS Mount Whitney,            ling to other countries. The staff that is
                                                 explained at the start of the exercise: “So      controlling this exercise is staying in their
BALTOPS 2020 included 17 NATO allies             right now we’re focusing on the distributed      headquarters in Lisbon,” Capt. Norman
and two partner countries, bringing togeth-      command and control to make sure that all        stated. “There’s a lot that we still can do,
er 28 ships and submarines, and 28 aircraft      of the ships at sea are integrated with par-     operating as a combined allied and partner
with, in total, approximately 3.000 person-      ticipating aircraft in order to maximize our     force on the sea – for example, we have sev-
nel. The following NATO nations partici-         ability to counter any regional instability      eral helicopters each on different ships, and
pated in 2020: Canada; Denmark; Estonia;         before it emerges.”                              those helicopters can still fly into different

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