To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association

Page created by Darrell Craig
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association

                                                      THE MOCA

                                              NEWSLETTER CONTENTS:
                                              President Report                  2

                                              MOCA Info                         2

                                              SECCRC                            4

                                              Arena                             5

                                              Community Centre                  5

                                              Ogden 50+                         6

                                              City of Calgary                   7

                                              Community Directory               8

                                              Business Section                  9

To sign up as a volunteer for the Community
Cleanup: Interim- email:
                                               NOTE: some information in this newsletter may
                                                  not be up to date with the ever changing
                                               pandemic restrictions. Follow MOCA Website for
                                                            any new restrictions
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
THE MOCA MOTION                                                                                                         PAGE 02

                                                     President Report
6901 20A Street SE Calgary                                                  Written by Rick Smith
T: 403-279-3973 E:            Hello Folks
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 1-4pm          Wow!!        Here we are in March. I like March – more daylight time, and the real cold

                                              temperatures are past us. We can still get a bunch of snow in March, but it will not

BOARD OF DIRECTORS                            last. Spring is in sight !!

President             Rick Smith
1st Vice President    John McDonald
                                              However, we are still dealing with the COVID thing. As I write this during the
2nd Vice President    Lorraine Robinson
                                              middle of February, we have now opened the arena for minor hockey and figure
Treasurer             Pieter van Lindenberg
                                              skating for training programs based on the provincial restrictions, and that is good.
Secretary             Sarah Atkinson
Human Resources       Lorraine Robinson       The Community Hall is under stage 2 which is a March 1 opening subject to the

                      John McDonald           hospitalization numbers, but because of the uncertainty, we have decided that we are
SEC CRC Liaison       Lorraine Robinson       just   not    prepared   to   hold   an   in-person   MOCA   General   meeting   at   this   time.
                      Angela Cruickshank
                                              Hopefully we will do that on April 6. I know, the last MOCA General meeting we
Civic Affairs         Barry Bickford
                                              had was in November and this is highly unusual for such a gap, but this entire period
                      John McDonald
                      Rick Smith              has been highly unusual. For now, please put April 6 in your calendar and plan to

Facilities            Mat Strangemann         attend.

                      Pieter van Lindenberg
Director              Jim Logan
                                              The past few months have been incredibly productive for MOCA. We were able to

                                              finalize two lease agreements with the City for the City owned property where the

FACILITIES                                    community hall, arena and football club are located. These negotiations took quite a

MOCA Main office:                             bit of time and effort but I am grateful that it is behind us now.

       Rentals, Memberships, Volunteering
       6901 20A Street SE
                                              It is interesting to point out that crime in the area has stayed somewhat constant for
                                              the first part of the year. I have been provided with the crime stats for the Month of
Jack Setter Arena
      2086 69 Avenue SE                       January which as I recall was fairly mild weather for a January. Unfortunately

      403-236-3727                            assault [ non-domestic] has increased somewhat, but everything else has either
SE Calgary Community Resource Centre
                                              shown a reduction or stayed the same. I have no idea if this is related to the milder
      2734 76 Avenue SE
                                              temperatures but that works for me. February has been pretty cold so we will see
                                              what the stats show when they are available.

                                                                                                                 Continue on next page...
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
THE MOCA MOTION                                                                                                                      PAGE 03


At the Southeast Calgary Community Resource Centre, they have now                         Spring ahead and make sure your Smoke and
reopened the clothing room to the public but with a limit of three                        Carbon Monoxide Alarms are working!
customers at a time. They have supplied emergency food or gift cards,

diapers, and formula to 318 clients and they have supported 72 clients                    When the time changes to daylight savings this spring, in
with   filling   out    applications    over   the   telephone.   They   continue   to    addition to moving your clocks ahead, make sure your
provide refurbished computers and laptops to families as needed, and                      home’s smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms are in
they have assisted 12 clients with the preparation of resumes and job
                                                                                          good working condition by pressing the test button.
applications. The important thing to remember though is that for anyone
                                                                                          Working, and properly placed, smoke and CO alarms
who needs any form of help, the staff are available and can be reached
                                                                                          save lives. Have working smoke alarms on every level of
initially be telephone [403-720-3322]. At that point a decision can be                    your home, both inside and outside every sleeping area
made as to what level of service is required.                                             and have working CO alarms on every level of your
                                                                                          home, close to sleeping areas. These are two of the
Again,    we     will   continue   to   keep   residents   informed      through   this   easiest things you can do to keep your family safe.
newsletter which is now only available by e-mail or online, or on the
                                                                                          CO is called the invisible killer because you cannot see or
website or social media. But if anyone has any questions about specific
                                                                                          smell it. This poisonous gas can come from many
community issues, or if you would like to receive this newsletter by e-
                                                                                          sources, including cars, malfunctioning fuel-burning
mail, we invite you to contact our MOCA administration office by e-
                                                                                          appliances like furnaces, ranges, water heaters and room
mail, or, contact myself at the e-mail address shown below.
                                                                                          heaters; as well as engine-powered equipment like
                                                                                          portable generators. Burning charcoal in fireplaces or in
And of course, if you are planning a social event, i.e., for your family,
                                                                                          barbeque grills inside a home, or in semi-enclosed areas
or business, or organization, please give some thought to renting the                     can also result in lethal carbon monoxide levels.
MOCA Hall. Hopefully, we will be open again for rentals soon but
                                                                                          At low levels, CO poisoning symptoms include dizziness,
please don’t be afraid to inquire as we could at least offer a tentative
                                                                                          headache or flu-like symptoms. At high levels, they can
booking date depending on the rules and restrictions that could be in
                                                                                          cause mental confusion, vomiting, and even death. At
place at the time. We would appreciate your business.
                                                                                          extremely high levels, it is possible to lose consciousness
                                                                                          suddenly without experiencing any other symptoms.
As always, if you have questions or concerns that you would like to
                                                                                          Sustained exposure can quickly incapacitate and kill you.
direct to me, please either call into the MOCA office, or send me an e-

mail at                                             Smoke alarms alert you to any smoke in your home.
                                                                                          Replace the batteries in your alarms according to the
Best wishes. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Follow the COVID rules as best
                                                                                          manufacturer’s recommendations and test alarms once a
you can
                                                                                          month to make sure they are working.
Rick Smith , MOCA President                                                               For more information, and other fire safety tips, visit
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
The MOCA Motion   PAGE 04
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
The MOCA Motion                                                                                          PAGE 05

Jack Setters Arena                                          Millican Ogden Community
2086 69th Avenue SE                                         6901 20A Street SE
P: 403.279.3973                                             P: 403.279.3973
E:                       E:

 OPEN WITH RESTRICTIONS                                        PENDING REOPENING DATE
Available Ice                                               Available Rentals
  Select ice rentals available for private bookings only,
                                                            Select venue rentals available (see schedule below) for
  which include: one-on-one training, youth fitness (10
                                                            private events, home schooling (gym), fitness classes, art
  incl. coaches), same household
                                                            sessions, etc. You name it , we will try to accommodate
  No drop in at this time
                                                            *pending any governing restrictions
  **based on availability
  contact for
  more information

                                                                  To stay up to date on the ever changing
                                                                       restrictions on COVID-19 visit:


To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
THE MOCA MOTION                                                                                           PAGE 06

                                           THE CENTER IS CLOSED FOR THE PUBLIC, ONLY STAFF
Ogden House 50+
                                                  ALLOWED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
Activity Centre
                                           We have only a snow removal and housekeeping program running.
Everyone is Welcome!
                                           Online: Chair YOGA, Ladies and Men’s Coffee, and Fit2Age through
Retired or not, there is a program or
                                           ZOOM. Spanish lessons also online to those interested.
activity for your life and schedule.
Call or Drop by!                           We will have a TGIF dinner for $15.00 on March 26th and a free
                                           lunch on March 10th.
Our Center is fully renovated, we invite
you to come and visit us and check the                         Thanks for your understanding.
activities that we have.

                                            IN RESPONSE TO THE NEW PROVINCIAL REQUIREMENTS ALL
For Further Information:
                                              OTHER PROGRAMS ARE CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.
2102 69th Avenue SE Calgary
P: 403.279.2003
E:, or
                                           The Housekeeping Program continues working and helping seniors. This is a                     convenient service to help low-income seniors to keep their home clean and
Visit our website:                         safe. Services can be provided even if you do not qualify for the Government                        Program. If you do not qualify, you get the services for a setup rate.
                                           To apply or for more info please contact Erika Rodriguez, Supervisor. (587) 885
                                           1070 press # 1.

                                           We would like to announce that our membership is on sale. Those who were
                                           members in 2020 will receive the membership for 2021 for free. We still ask
                                           you to fill out the RENEWAL MEMBERS FORM, because based on how many
                                           members we have, we will receive the funds from FCSS City of Calgary. The
                                           forms can be emailed to , mailed, dropped at the
                                           Center or mailbox.

                                           For new members, however, it is $ 25.00 from October 1st, 2020 to December
                                           31st, 2021. Please complete the NEW MEMBER FORM, and return to
                                           renata@ogden50plus.or , drop off to the Center or drop off in our mailbox
                                           located by the front door on your right side. You can pay the fee online, cash
                                           or cheque.
                                           If someone would like to give a donation from $ 20.00 or more, we will issue a
                                           tax deduction receipt.
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
THE MOCA MOTION                                                                                        PAGE 07

Little Libraries
A message from the Federation of Calgary Communities


       A Little Library is small and free and whatever shape you’d like it to be. The

       idea is that the Little Library sits on your lawn or in a public space where

       neighbours can take a book or leave a book.


       Neighbours get to know one another by gathering around the library

       Encourages reading for adults and kids

       Help     build   momentum       for   your     community     association’s   programs     and


       Engages the community by offering participation in little libraries

       Encourage positive use of the community and its assets

       Proactive community-based crime prevention



□       Find a home for your community’s Little Library. This can be on your

property or in a public place like a park or community association. If you choose a

public place, ensure to get permission from the landowner or the City.

□      Choose a steward to take care of the Little Library. This can be one person or

a couple people who will be in charge of making sure the Little Library is cleaned,

stocked and inviting for the public.

□      Build the Little Library or purchase one from . Get

creative! Little Libraries can look like telephone booths, bird houses, mailboxes,


□      Call Alberta One Call or go to their website to have

someone ensure that the area for your Little Library is safe to dig.

□      Collect books from family, friends, or neighbours.

□      Assign the role of advertising to 1-2 individual(s). Consider newsletter

articles, bulletin boards or the community association website.


□      Stewards will be in charge of cleaning and stocking the Little Library. This

will be their ongoing responsibility after the Little Library is installed. Be sure the

stewards have a stock pile of books for restocking.

Key Consideration:

       Little Libraries can be registered internationally at

       for the cost of $34.95. To have your Little Library placed on a Calgary map

       for free, email

       Consider       planning   a   block    party    for   an   inaugural   celebration   of   your

       community’s Little Library. Check out Love Where You Live: Host a Block

       Party!    in   the   Building   Safe    Communities’         Virtual   Resource   Centre    at

       For more information on Little Libraries check out the Federation of Calgary

       Communities’ resource Little Libraries.
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
THE MOCA MOTION                                                                                                              PAGE 08

PROGRAMS                                          PLACES OF WORSHIP                                COMMUNITY RESOURCES
Blackfoot Hockey                  403-640-9113    St. Bernadette Church             403-236-2979   Calgary Police Services         403-428-6600

Dance Fit Fun Calgary             587-229-0121    The Neighborhood Church           403-264-0598   Calgary Public Library          403-260-2600

Girl Guides                       403-283-8348    Avenue Church                     403-279-3663   Calgary Airport Authority       403-735-1408

77th East Glenmore Scouts         403-279-3960    Ogden United Church               403-279-4824   Ward 9- Councillor Carra        403-268-5330

Panther's Tae Kwan Do             403-606-2231    Riverview Christian Church        403-279-6334   MLA- Tanya Fir                  587-392-8850

Wildrose Figure Skating Club      403-828-4777    St. Augustine's Anglican Church   403-279-3105   MP- Tom Kmiec                   587-741-7022

WRC Soccer                        403-271-8044                                                     SE Calgary Community Resource   403-720-3322

SCHOOLS                                           MEDICAL
                                                                                                   Ogden 50+ Activity Club         403-279-2003

Banting & Best Elementary (K-3)    403-777-8650   Ogden Medical Clinic              403-879-9345   Silvera for Seniors             403-276-5541

St. Bernadette (K-6)               403-500-2020   Lynnwood Medical Clinic           403-279-3311

Sherwood (4-9)                     403-777-7590   Momentum Health                   403-236-0106

Alamdina Charter School            403-543-5070   Lynnwood Physio                   403-454-1331

Happy Days Preschool               403-236-1268

                            BUSINESS SECTION
               CLASSIFIED SECTION                                                                  ADVERTISE IN THE
                                                                                                      MOCA MOTION
BUSINESS INFO                                            CONTACT
                                                         INFO                                                Classifieds ad: $25/issue
                                                                                                             Quarter page: $40/ issue
YOUR AD COULD BE HERE!                                   Phone/email                                           Half page: $55/ issue
$25 per issue                                                                                                  Full page: $75/ issue

      MOCA Memberships
           Member perks at participating partners
           voting rights at the AGM
           Receive the MOCA Motion newsletter monthly
           Supporting your community
       Available for individuals, couples and families. * Seniors are free.
       For more information or to get your own:
To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association

To sign up as a volunteer for the Community Cleanup: Interimemail: Millican Ogden Community Association
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