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CONTENTS • Your Council 3 COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 • Our Shire at a glance 4 • Message from THE MAYOR 5 • Council Plan Objectives 6 • Strategies & Indicators 7-10 2
YOUR COUNCIL COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 KARA KARA WARD Cr Tony Driscoll Cr Merrilee Reid SOUTH WEST WARD CENTRAL WARD Cr Jason Hosemans Cr Kevin Erwin STAWELL WARD 3 Cr Murray Emerson Cr Karen Hyslop Cr Rob Haswell
OUR SHIRE AT A GLANCE COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 Possessing some of the world’s most spec- of the St Arnaud Range State Forest. tacular natural scenery and a rich golden Industry: The shire’s economy is based on heritage, the Northern Grampians Shire manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and has established an exceptional reputation as wine production. The two main centres of an ideal place to live, work, invest and visit. Stawell and St Arnaud supply and service Location: Located in the picturesque agricultural machinery and are home to Grampians region of Victoria, the shire industries including brick, steel fabrication covers almost 6,000 square kilometres and and meat production. services the major towns and villages of Stawell, St Arnaud, Great Western, Halls QUICK STATS Area - Approximately 5,918 square kilo- Gap, Navarre, Glenorchy, Marnoo and metres Stuart Mill. Population -11,471 (Estimated Resident National Parks: The Grampians National Population June 2016) Park is one of Victoria’s most iconic holi- Road Length - 3,408km of local roads day destinations, attracting more than 1.5 Rateable Properties - 9,273 million visitors each year. Renowned for its Rates and Charges Revenue- $16.8 million breathtaking views and unspoilt nature, the Total Revenue (inc flood restoration area is a noted rock climbing destination, grants) - $40.7 million popular among campers and bushwalkers. Industry - There are more than 700 busi- Declared in 1884, the 168,000 hectare park nesses operating in the shire, with major is rich in Aboriginal culture, European her- activity based in the thriving tourism, man- itage and stunning wildflower displays. It ufacturing and agricultural industries. is also home to almost a third of the state’s Major Attractions - Stawell Easter Gift Fes- plant species and an abundance of wildlife. tival, Grampians Grape Escape, Festival of The Kara Kara National Park spans 13,900 St Arnaud, St Arnaud Country Music Fes- hectares of predominantly steep terrain tival, Great Western Rodeo, Stawell Gold and allows visitors to experience what the Cup, St Arnaud Cup, Great Western Cup, forests were like before the gold rushes. The Halls Gap Cup, Run the Gap, St Arnaud park has one of the largest intact areas of Rodeo, Grampians Music Festival, Stawell Box-Ironbark vegetation and encompasses Gift Hall of Fame the former Kara Kara State Park and much 4
MESSAGE FROM COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 THE MAYor Northern Grampians Shire Coun- With increased investment in cil is pleased to present the 2017- our region comes new jobs, new 2021 Council Plan to its residents and an increased rate communities. This plan is a road- base, which will alleviate the map for the future direction of our financial pressure placed upon us Council, and will be used to lay all by the introduction of the State the foundations for what Council Government’s rate capping mea- hopes is a sustainable and pros- sures and the freezing of Federal perous future for our region. Government funding. This will be achieved by the implementation of Councillors have identified and our carefully structured economic analysed four key factors which development plan, the success of they believe are integral to the which is already apparent in the ongoing progression of the Shire, establishment of projects such along with accompanying as the Nectar Farms Hydroponic indicators which will assist in project and the Stawell Under- determining that future. ground Physics Laboratory. However, Council acknowledges that it must make some crucial Most importantly, however, decisions within this timeframe Council wants to hear from you, in order to address issues which the people who live in our shire, confront many small rural shires and who form the community around the state. which Council represents. During the next few years, Council is In 2015/16, Northern Grampians committed to engaging with the Shire Council was one of 19 small local community in order to help shires identified as being unsus- shape the future of this region, via tainable in the Victorian Auditor increased opportunities for the General’s Office audit of Local public to assist in and determine Government. This is a significant the manner in which we progress. issue for our Shire, and one which We are a unified, resilient com- Council is committed to munity, and I have no doubt that confronting head-on. Already, with your input, the path we are plans are in place to advocate on will lead to a brighter, more for increased funding from both sustainable future for the North- State and Federal Government, to ern Grampians Shire. continue playing a crucial role in boosting local productivity and to present a compelling case for the establishment of new businesses and the relocation of existing eco- Cr Tony Driscoll nomic prospects. Mayor, 2016/17 5
BY 2021, COUNCIL AIMS TO... COUNCIL PLAN OBJECTIVES COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 Enhance Lifestyles and Boost Economic Growth Community Provide Sustainable Improve Organisational Infrastructure Effectiveness 6
ENHANCE LIFESTYLE COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 AND COMMUNITY STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING • Building community pride by en- gaging residents in our towns to participate in events and activ- ities which will build a sense of pride. • Creating happy, healthy, vibrant and safe communities by provid- ing opportunities and encour- aging participation in healthy activities. • Advocacy for increased educa- tion and training opportunities. INDICATORS • Work with agencies to promote • Implementation of community plans. the benefits and value of recre- • Endorsement and Implementation of ational water. the Municipal Public Health & Wellbe- ing Plan. • Increased education and training opportunities. • Positive promotion of the value of recreational water for our community • developing and implementing key ac- tions in line with the Communities of Respect and Equality Plan 2016-2020. 7
BOOST ECONOMIC COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 GROWTH STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING • Increase new investment into the shire. • Provide support to existing businesses to ensure long term sustainability. • Workforce and investment attraction. • Advocacy for regional develop- ment. INDICATORS • Implementation of sector plans and other supporting strategies. • Provide workshops and other tools to support existing businesses. • Create a workforce attraction and retention plan to support new invest- ment. • Additional services and funding pro- vided for our community. 8
PROVIDE SUSTAINABLE COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 INFRASTRUCTURE STrATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING • Enhance the natural and built environment to improve life- styles and visitation. • Advocating for better telecom- munication for the region. • Advocate for better transport links for the region. • Advocacy for new and existing infrastructure. INDICATORS • More than 90% of budgeted capital works delivered. • Better telecommunication for the region. • Better transport links for the region. • Additional grant funding received. 9
IMPROVE ORGANISATIONAL COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 EFFECTIVENESS STrATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING • Streamline processes by reviewing internal pro- cesses to reduce red tape and increase efficiency • Public information and transparency by devel- oping a plan for improved community engagement. • Be more customer-focused by developing a plan to improve community inter- actions with council. • Organisation viability by reviewing all services INDICATORS over three years. • Implement the community experience improvement plan • Service reviewed as per the schedule • Implement the community experience improvement plan • Service reviewed as per the schedule 10
STRATEGIC RESOURCE 2017-2021 STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN COUNCIL PLAN PLAN 2017-2021 The Strategic Resource Plan (SRP) out- • is linked to the Council Plan lines the resources, both financial and non • is committed to achieving an annual financial, required to enable the Council surplus to contribute to capital projects. Plan. The purpose of the SRP is to maintain • Council’s financial viability over the medi- Cash Management Principle um and long term by: Council will manage cash to ensure suf- • establishing and reviewing a long term ficient levels to meet its requirements and financial plan, will: • providing key strategic directions to in- • aim to maintain a minimum cash bal- form Council’s financial decisions, and ance of 20% above the sum of current • establishing sound financial management deposits and current interest bearing principles liabilities, plus the amount of reserve funds as determined appropriate General Financial Principles • maintain sufficient cash to avoid over- Sustainable Budgeting Principle draft interest. Council will implement a sustainable finan- cial strategy that: • caters for short and long term • factors in community expectations 2 12
Revenue Principles Costs will include: 2017-2021 STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN COUNCIL Rates and Charges Revenue Principle • overheads Council will: • identification of service subsidy. • review rates annually following the an- nouncement of the rate cap set by the Council will: Minister • increase fees based on cost increases • consider making an application for a • consider pricing to encourage be- higher cap should there not be sufficient haviour changes income to fund the: • advocate for statutory fees not gov- • Council Plan erned by Council to be increased PLAN • Long Term Financial Plan appropriately. • to meet current expenditure commit- ments. Grant Revenue Principle • Council supports funding from oth- Differential rating should be applied as equi- er levels of government and will seek tably as is practical and will comply with the to maximise all appropriate external 2017-2021 Ministerial Guidelines for Differential Rating. funding opportunities. Where it is possible to identify the direct ben- • Council opposes cost shifting, and efit of a service, charges should reflect the cost where cost shifting occurs Council will of the service to help reduce rates subsidies. communicate to its community the impact of these cost impositions. Council will consider pricing and contracts to deliver waste services that: • Council will only accept external fund- • reduce waste to landfill ing if consistent with the Council Plan. • increase reuse of resources through recy- cling and avoidance initiatives • Council will avoid distortion of prior- • encourage community understanding of ities due to the availability of external waste management funding. • are in line with legislative requirements and best practices • Funds received from other levels of • are cost neutral through appropriate fees government would be expected to meet and charges and rating strategies. full direct and indirect costs. User Fees Principle • Where Council chooses to subsidise a Council will set fees and charges having re- funded service the contribution should gard for: not outweigh the community benefit. • pricing principles (profit, break even, subsidy) • marketplace competition • users capacity to pay • equity between services • community service benefit • benchmarking of similar services. 3 13
Borrowing Principle basing maintenance and renewal on 2017-2021 STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN COUNCIL • Borrowing will not be used to fund ongo- condition rating and interventions set by ing operations. asset management strategies • anticipating and managing risks of asset • Where possible debt will be increased failure only to the extent that: the costs savings committing to increasing expenditure on are realised from investment in capital renewal to sustainably manage assets debt servicing costs are funded from fu- ensuring appropriate expenditure is pro- ture revenue streams. vided for compliance and safety regula- tions. PLAN • Borrowings are appropriate for funding large capital works where the benefits are New Asset Principle provided to future generations. Council will ensure that community has access to infrastructure that meets its • Council will maintain its debt at levels needs with regards to current and future which are sustainable, with: indebtedness needs. 2017-2021
2017-2021 STRATEGIC RESOURCE PLAN Service Delivery Principles Council’s capacity to provide the service COUNCIL PLAN 2017-2021 availability of Victorian or Australian Expenditure Review Principle Government funding Council will review levels of expenditure. other budget priorities. Ongoing service reviews will assess service in accordance with: • a demonstrated community need • stakeholder views • access, equity of need and benefit to the community • community expectation of service level and quality • legislative imperatives • identification of alternative providers, both public and private 515
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