TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times

Page created by Marcus Butler
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
May 23, 2021
                         Wish you all a
                        peaceful Vesak!

                                                     page 4

                                                     page 5

                                                   pages 6 - 7
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Lanterns for Vesak      Pic. by Indika Handuwala         www.fundaytimes.lk
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
2                                                                                                                                   TIMES

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         for weekly competitions:                10 – 12 years
                June 9, 2021                     Vilara Wijenayake – Bulging Brains (Horrible Science) by Nick Arnold

      Telephone: 2479337/2479333                 13 – 15 years
    Email: fundaytimes1@gmail.com                Chamathka De Silva – To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

                                                 Age: 10 – 12 years
                super                                                                                       Age: 13 – 15 years

                books                           Word Count: 150 – 200
                                                                                                   Word Count: 200 – 250
                from                         Topic: Celebrating Vesak at home                      Topic: The significance of Vesak
                                             Win: The Find-Outers –                                     Stardust Stables – Free Spirit
     Age: 9 years and below                       Mystery of Tally-Ho Cottage                      Win: by Sable Hamilton
                                                  by Enid Blyton
     Word Count: 150                                                                                     Happy-go-lucky Kellie
                                                 Buster has sniffed out
                                              a mystery! The Lorenzos                               is thrilled when she and
  Topic: The Vesak Festival                   of Tally-Ho Cottage have                              her horse Dylan, are hired
                                              disappeared along with                                to work on a new movie.
      Big-Eyes the Enchanter                  a priceless painting, but                             She looks just like the
 Win: by Enid Blyton                                                                                lead actress Jemma Scott,
                                              they left behind their
                                              treasured poodle.                                     and loves perfecting new
       Big-Eyes is planning                      It’s up to the                                     tricks with Dylan.
    a wicked spell made of                    Find-Outers to discover what’s really                      But when Jemma falls
    moonshine, starlight,                     going on…                                             ill, the entire shoot is at risk unless
    the roots of mountains                                                                          Kellie can step into her shoes...
    and much more,
    but when he misses his                     Write at the top of your Essay
    chance and messes up                     nBook Competition            nEssay Topic
    the magic, he gets his                                                                                                         TIMES

    comeuppance for his evil plotting
       With extra tales from Jinky the
                                                                                Book Competition
    jumping frog, the naughty sailor         9 years and below                  10 – 12 years                  13 – 15 years
    doll and cheeky Trit-Trot the pony,      My favourite place in Sri Lanka    The second term at school      Your thoughts on Press Freedom
                                             Aaisha Ashroff                                                    Sachini Ayodhya
    there’s plenty of fun and frolic to be   Ilma Int. Girls’ School
                                                                                Hana Yusuf
                                                                                Ladies’ College, Colombo       Ashoka College, Horana
May 23, 2021
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
TIMES                                                                                                                      3
May 18
                                           News in Pictures
                                                                                                                 Washington, D.C.,
                                               Gaza City,                                                        USA
                                               Gaza Strip                                                        A robin eats a
                                               Palestinian                                                       newly-emerged
                                               children who                                                      brood X periodical
                                               fled their homes                                                  cicada. Trillions of
                                               due to Israeli air                                                brood X cicadas
                                               and artillery strikes                                             are emerging in
                                               take refuge at a                                                  the mid-Atlantic
                                               United Nations-run                                                region of the USA.

Fnideq, Morocco
Spanish security forces
launch tear-gas canisters
across a border fence as
Moroccan migrants rally
in the northern town of
Fnideq in an attempt to
cross into Spain’s North
African enclave of Ceuta.
At least 5,000 migrants
slipped into Ceuta on
May 17, a record for
a single day, Spanish
authorities said.                                                                 Paris, France
                                                                                  A make-up artist applies the finishing touches
                                                                                  to the wax statue of President Biden as it is
                                                                                  unveiled at the Musée Grévin.
                                                                       May 17

                                                                                                    Bangkok, Thailand
                                                                                                    People eat lunch seated
                                                                                                    individually in the food court
                                                                                                    at a city office building.
                                                                                                    Bangkok has eased COVID-19
                                                                                                    dining restrictions from
                                                                                                    take-aways only, to now
                                                                                                    allowing one patron per table
                                                                                                    of four, spaced according to
                                                                                                    social distancing guidelines.

Gaza Strip, Palestine
A streak of light appears as Israel’s Iron Dome
anti-missile system intercepts rockets launched from        Nanning, China
the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes bombarded Gaza            A beautiful rainbow
overnight, said witnesses in the Palestinian enclave,       over the ASEAN
from where armed groups have launched rockets into          business district
the Jewish state.                                           after heavy rain
                                                            in the city.

                                                                                           San Anselmo, California, USA
                                                                                           A honeybee pollinates a flower
                                                                                           on a lamb’s ear plant.
                                                                                           California’s governor, Gavin Newsom,
                                                                                           unveiled his ambitious budget proposal
                                                                                           that includes a record $11bn towards
                                                                                           environmental related causes including
                                                                                           funding to create a habitat for
Jiangsu Province, China                                                                    threatened bees that play a vital role
Aerial photo shows the China Sihong Hongze Lake                                            in pollinating the state’s crops.
International Dayuan Pond Fishing invitational
tournament in Suqian, Jiangsu Province.
                                                                                                                 Source : The Guardian

                                                                                                                        May 23, 2021
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
4                                                                                                                                  TIMES

                                       The Vesak Project
     By Manoshi de Silva                                                                                 "Let's stick to the basic

                                                                                                     ‘Atapattam’ shape," said Lasitha,
          inuth lived in an                                                                          remembering the simple lantern
          apartment. There were                                                                      which was easy to make.
          a total of 25 houses,                                                                          "Let's decide on a specific small
  including his, in this block of                                                                    size. That way it will be easier
  flats. All of these houses had                                                                     to make and won't cost much as
  kids of different ages. Although                                                                   well," said Dinuth.
  there were certain limitations                                                                         "But how can we tell everyone
  in living in a flat, school                                                                        about this? Remember, we can't
  holidays and national holidays                                                                     have any meetings," said Lasitha.
  were always fun. The kids got                                                                      "Let's call and tell two houses
  together and organized things                                                                      each and ask them to call another
  and celebrated together.                                                                           two houses. That way all the flats
      But the situation was very                                                                     will be covered in no time," said
  different now. There were strict                                                                   Dinuth and Lasitha agreed.
  healthcare guidelines imposed.                                                                         Since the kids in the flat
  Everyone had to wash their hands                                                           couldn't do any group activity for a very
                                                asked Lasitha walking away looking sad.
  at the entrance and wear facemasks.                                                        long time, they all loved this idea. As
                                                    Dinuth went home and looked at the
  The children were not allowed to play                                                      it was a simple and inexpensive thing,
                                                calendar. It was a week before Vesak.
  together or visit each other's houses.                                                     even the parents didn't have anything
                                                "What can we do without gathering
  People kept away from each other and                                                       against it. So during that week the word
                                                or working together?" he wondered.
  did things separately with their own                                                       was spread and the kids in the flats made
                                                Making a big lantern or Pandal was
  families.                                                                                  one small lantern each, according to the
                                                out of the question. Even organizing a
      The Vesak celebration was coming                                                       given size and colour.
                                                Dansala was not possible. Dinuth sat by
  soon. Dinuth remembered how the flat                                                           Each house in the flats looked
                                                the window and kept on thinking for a
  housing kids got together and made a                                                       identical from the outside. So when the
                                                very long time.
  huge lantern and even a small Pandal                                                       lanterns were hanged in the balconies
                                                    Finally Dinuth came up with an idea
  a few of times, on the small common                                                        of each house, it looked very neat and
                                                which he liked very much.
  front lawn. They even collected money                                                      organized. By evening, all the houses lit
                                                He gave a call to Lasitha immediately.
  and held a Dansala on one occasion.                                                        their lanterns. The rows representing
                                                "I know how all the kids in the flat can
      But now they were not allowed to                                                       the colours of the Buddhist flag
                                                get together and celebrate Vesak this
  gather and work closely like they did                                                      illuminated and lighted up all the flats.
                                                time!" he said in excitement.
  before. Last year also there were no                                                       And just as Dinuth predicted the building
                                                    Lasitha sighed, "Dinuth, we can't
  decorations or lanterns at all, except                                                     looked like a Buddhist flag when seen
                                                get together, you know that."
  for a few strands of coloured bulbs hung                                                   from the road outside.
                                                    "That's true," agreed Dinuth,
  by a few houses and a big Buddhist flag                                                        Everyone in the flats was happy,
                                                "but we don't have to get together
  at the entrance of the flats.                                                              especially the children. After having a
                                                and work closely to do this."
      Dinuth met his immediate neighbour                                                     quiet Vesak the previous year, the kids
                                                    "First you say we can celebrate
  Lasitha, as he was climbing down the                                                       didn't expect much this time as well.
                                                together. Then you say that we don't do
  stairs. They made sure to keep a proper                                                    But without breaking any rules or health
                                                it together!" Lasitha sounded confused.
  distance between them and that their                                                       guidelines, they had managed to work
                                                    Dinuth laughed and explained his
  facemasks were properly worn, before                                                       individually and bring about a beautiful
                                                idea. "You know that there are five
  stopping to talk with each other.                                                          result collectively.
                                                floors of housing in our flats. And each
  "I wish we could do something for                                                              Dinuth remembered the words said
                                                row has five houses. What if each house
  Vesak," said Dinuth. "Yes, it looks like                                                   by the Loku Hamuduruwo, when Dinuth
                                                puts a lantern according to the colours
  we won't be able to make our usual big                                                     had called to inform him about their
                                                of the Buddhist flat, in front of their
  lantern this year as well," sighed Lasitha.                                                Vesak project and seek his blessings.
                                                balconies? It would collectively look like
      "No! Let's do something for Vesak!"                                                    Loku Hamuduruwo praised the children
                                                a big Buddhist flag to the road!"
  insisted Dinuth.                                                                           and said that it was admirable how the
                                                    "That's brilliant!" said Lasitha in
      "But we are not allowed to gather                                                      children had worked individually and
                                                excitement. "The top floor should put a
  or work together," reminded Lasitha,                                                       contributed to this group project.
                                                row of blue lanterns, the next yellow
  "there are over 30 kids in our flat                                                        "It's just like this, when each person
                                                and so on!"
  and that's a lot!" Dinuth nodded in                                                        becomes a good citizen individually,
                                                    "Exactly!" said Dinuth. "But how can
  agreement. "But I am sure that we can                                                      it contributes to the whole society as a
                                                we make the lanterns without getting
  think of something to do," he said.                                                        whole, making it glow collectively as a
                                                together? Not everyone is equally
      "How can we do anything when we                                                        good community!"
  can't even get together to plan?"

mAY 23, 2021
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
TIMES                                                                                                                                      5

                                                              Located in Aurangabad, in the state of Maharashtra,
                                                              the Ajanta Caves are one of the oldest
                                                              UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India.
                                                              The carvings and paintings at Ajanta date back
                                                              to the beginning of the era of classical Indian art.
                                                              These caves are some of the most
                                                              mesmerizing ones in the country,
                                                              especially with paintings that take us
                                                              back in time all the way between the
                                                              2nd century BC and 6th century A.D.

                         The caves in Ajanta were discovered in 1819,
                      when Jon Smith, who belonged to the 28th Cavalry,
                      accidentally chanced upon the horse-shoe shaped
                      rock while hunting a tiger in and around the
                      Deccan Plateau region.

                      Interesting Facts
                     w It was soon found that there were approximately
                       30 caves in the cave complex out of which one part
    Jon Smith          of the complex was developed during the Satvahana
                       period and the other was done during the Vakataka
w The caves are numbered in order from east to west. The caves 9, 10, 19,
 26 and 29 were what are called “chaitya-grihas”, meaning prayer halls.
 They were built in the first phase in the Satvahana dynasty.                                                    w Through his life, Lord Buddha
 The rest of the caves were monasteries.                                                                         was against the idea of sculpting
w The second period of construction was carried out during the rule of                                          and painting images of him.
 Emperor Harishena of the Vakataka dynasty. Close to 20 cave temples                                           However, after Buddha’s death,
 were simultaneously built which resemble the modern day monasteries                                           his followers who wanted to worship
 with a sanctum in the rear end of the structure.                                                            him, decided to paint his images so
                                                                                                             that they had something to hold on to
                                                    w It is believed that several
                                                                                                              while spreading the faith and teach-
                                                      Buddhist monks spent a
                                                                                                              ings of the Buddha.
                                                      significant amount of time
                                                      at the Ajanta caves during                               w At the entrance of the first
                                                      the monsoons as they                                       of Ajanta caves, stands a tall
                                                      were forbidden from                                        image of the Buddha.
                                                      travelling during that                                      The doorway to the cave is
                                                      particular period of the                                     decorated with auspicious
                                                      year. This was the time                                       motifs.Though the caves are
                                                      when the monks put their                                       over 2,000 years old, the
                                                      creativity and time to use                                       Buddha statues had
                                                      and painted the walls of                                            been added close to
                                                      the caves.                                                           600 years later.
w These caves are full of beautiful art, in the form of sculptures and paintings.                                    Sources: Mocomi.com & India.com
 All the paintings depict the life and times of the great Gautama Buddha,
 the monk prince who undertook a journey to spread the wisdom of                    Famous Landmarks                   Famous Landmarks
 Buddhism in the world. They also speak of tales from the Jataka.
                                                                                        Quiz - 26                          Quiz - 25
w Apart from the stunning paintings and sculptures, there were also huge
 Buddhist mounds like stupas built, massive pillars, intricately detailed
                                                                                    Q: What do the paintings
                                                                                       in the Ajanta Caves depict?
 carvings on the ceilings and walls made big news, giving the Ajanta caves                                                 4Esther John,
 the status of a heritage site.

                                                                                                                                        May 23, 2021
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
6      Kids’ World                                                                                                           TIMES

                                                                                                            Birth of
                 My cat                        Please remember that articles,                     Prince Siddhartha Gauthama
                                               poems and paintings sent,
     My cat’s name                             will not be published unless they
                                               are certified as your own work by
  is Whiskers. She is                          a parent or teacher. Also please
  a playful cat. She is                        mention the topic, your full name, date of birth
  sometimes good but                           and address in your entry. Articles should not
  sometimes bad.                               exceed 200 words.
                                               Art should be on A4 size paper. Remember to
     Whiskers colours are black, yellow        write the date that you send your entries.
  and cream. I play with her a lot.
  She runs everywhere in the house.
  She goes to the street and comes
  back. She loves to eat cat food.
                                                           My principal
                                                                                                     Esandu Welagedara (8 years)
     I love my cat and she loves me too.        My school is Methodist College,                     Lyceum Int. School, Nugegoda

         Ranuja Horadagoda (Grade 3)         My school principal’s name is
       S. Thomas’ Preparatory School,        Ms. Hiranya Fernando. Her office is                           My favourite
                           Colombo 3         in the upper school. She is a past pupil of
                                             our school. Now she is the principal of our
                                                                                                       storybook character
                                                She is very beautiful and majestic.
                                             She has a beautiful smile and beautiful
           Mother Nature                     hair. She has a lot of work to do at school.
                                             She comes to our classes. She advises us to
    Everywhere I look, I see you             be proud Methodists.
    You follow me to the end of the world
    You are the most beautiful thing                    Senuri Gunawardana (Grade 2)
    I’ve ever seen                                       Methodist College, Colombo 3
    Your beauty can turn into great danger
    I am a creation of you
    I respect you the most                                        Myself
    You’re a person that everyone loves                                                               Kaysey Kolonne (11 years)
    No matter where I am,                          My name is Zaina Fazlim. I am                      Musaeus College, Colombo
    I know I am never alone                    seven years old. I live in Mount Lavinia.
                                               I go to Muslim Ladies’ College. I am in
    No matter how many people                  Grade Three.
    try to hurt you                                I have an elder sister and she is
                                                                                                         Lankan paradise
    You are stronger than anybody              nine years old. I love to draw and
    You can stand up against a whole army      colour. My favourite colour is pink.
    We all are creations of you                I love myself.
    You’re an amazing view                                    Zaina Fazlim (7 years)
    from a mountain top                            Muslim Ladies’ College, Colombo 4
    You’re a calm river flowing downhill
    You’re tall trees in the woods
    This is your beauty
                                                            My country
    The bloom of beautiful flowers                                                                  Sandul Kulasekera (14 years)
                                                   My country is Sri Lanka. It’s called               Royal College, Colombo
    in the season of spring
                                               the ‘Pearl of the Indian Ocean’. It is an
    The hot shiny sun, up in the sky
                                               island. It is a very beautiful country.
    for summer
                                               Many tourists come to Sri Lanka to visit                 A moonlit night
    The countryside ablaze with colour
                                               the beauty of Sri Lanka. My country is
    in autumn
                                               small but it is a popular country.
    Winter brings in Christmas hopes
                                                   There are many rivers, mountains,
    Mother Nature you are                      forests and waterfalls in my country.
    an astonishingly incredible gift…          Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Malays and
                                               Burghers live in my country. There are
           Risandi Rajapaksha (13 years)
                                               many ancient and historical places in
           Lyceum Int. School, Nugegoda
                                               Sri Lanka. I love my country.
                                                           Senuk Fernando (Grade 6)
                                                  D. S. Senanayake College, Colombo
                                                                                                      Eshalie Buvanija (6 years)
                                                                                                     Visakha Vidyalaya, Colombo

May 23, 2021
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
TIMES                                                                                                                     7
      Celebrating Vesak
                                           My name is Sathini Sahansa. I am
                                       eight years old. My school is Holy Family
                                       Convent. I live in Wennappuwa.
                                           My pet is a dog. My hobby is painting.
                                       I like to eat rice. I like to drink milk.
                                       One day I want to be a doctor.
                                                       Sathini Sahansa (Grade 3)
                                              Holy Family Convent, Wennappuwa
       Nithya Perera (14 years)
  Holy Family B. M. V., Wennappuwa                                            Vesak
                                           The biggest miracle in this world is     before dawn for the ceremonial and
             Forest                    the birth of Lord Buddha. I’m sure you       honourable hoisting of the Buddhist
                                      all know of the Vesak Full Moon Poya Day.     flag and the singing of hymns in praise
                                      On Vesak Poya, the moon is at its nicest.     of the holy Triple Gem : The Buddha, the
                                          So why do we celebrate Vesak? It is a     Dharma (his teachings) and the Sangha
                                      very special celebration of Buddhists.        (his disciples).
                                      In the East Asian tradition, a celebration        Devotees may bring simple offerings
                                      of Buddha’s birthday typically occurs         of flowers, candles and joss sticks to
                                      around the traditional timing of Vesak.       place at the feet of their teacher.
                                      The Buddha’s awakening and death are          These symbolic offerings are to remind
                                      celebrated as separate holidays that occur    followers that just as the beautiful
                                      at other times in the calendar as Bodhi Day   flowers would wither away after a short
   Senuji Sooriyakumar (Grade 5)      and Nirvana Day.                              while and the candles and joss-sticks
      Royal Int. School, Kandy            We celebrate the Birth of Prince          would soon burn out, so too is life subject
                                      Siddhartha, Prince Siddhartha becoming        to decay and destruction.
                                      Lord Buddha and attaining Nirvana.                Devotees are expected to listen to
           My house                   This Vesak Poya is on May 26 and 27.          talks given by monks. On this day, monks
                                      It is a very amazing celebration. We make     will recite verses uttered by the Buddha
                                      Vesak lanterns and decorate our houses        25 centuries ago, to invoke peace and
                                      with different lights so the Vesak night      happiness for the government and the
                                      becomes really beautiful. We also used to     people. Buddhists are reminded to live in
                                      light up some lamps during Vesak night        harmony with people of other faiths and
                                      too.                                          to respect the beliefs of other people as
                                          On Vesak Day, devout Buddhists and        the Buddha had taught.
                                      followers alike are expected and requested
                                                                                             Dehansa Kulathunga (11 years)
                                      to assemble in their various temples
                                                                                           St. Thomas’ Girls’ School, Matale
    Gawri Madhushika (6 years)
     Royal Int. School, Kegalle
                                                               A person I’d like to meet
                                          Say you told me I can meet whoever            Before I began reading that column,
Vesak Festival with COVID-19         I want, but only one individual. Who do        I didn’t care about the name. But once
                                     you think it would be? A celebrity?            you read those articles – if you can
                                     Well, no; I’d like to meet the Editor          understand the formal language, which
                                     of a certain newspaper, namely the             I at first found difficult – you begin
                                     Sunday Times.                                  understand that the writer is not just
                                         With newspapers, I have two habits:        anybody; it is somebody who has insight,
                                     read the week’s paper that same week,          experience and yet is an ordinary
                                     without delay; notice the byline (which        Sri Lankan!
                                     says who wrote the article) of the article         I want to meet this Editor to learn how
                                     I read.                                        he writes such lengthy articles with such
                                         In the Sunday Times the Editor usually     depth, to know how he manages to read
                                     writes only the Editorial and the Political    so many sources in one week, to know
                                     Commentary that divides the two middle         who he is! To me, it’s as big a mystery
                                     pages of the main section. It always comes     as a mystery could be!
                                     with the byline ‘By Our Political Editor’ –
                                                                                                      Ifadha Deen (15 years)
    Sandil Nethusha (8 years)        not a name, unlike the usual.
   Sussex College, Kuliyapitiya
                                                                                                     Leeds Int. School, Galle

                                                                                                                     may 23, 2021
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
8                                                                                                                                  TIMES

    Tomahawk                                  Q  uiz
      Questions for the Tomahawk Quiz No. 183
        are based on articles appearing in the
     Funday Times of April 4, 11, 18 and 25, 2021.
   All you have to do is to find the answers to the
   questions given. Write the answers neatly on a
postcard. Cut the strip ‘Tomahawk Quiz No. 183’ seen
at the top of this page and paste it on your postcard.
 Please get your entries certified as your own work
                by a teacher or parent.

              Two lucky winners
              will receive brand new
        Tomahawk Mountain Bikes
             with the compliments of
           Tomahawk Bicycle Mall                                            Questions n                           Quiz No. 183
    All Funday Times readers between 8 – 15 years                    1. Where is the Sistine Chapel located and what is it famous for?
               are eligible to participate.                          2. Name a popular game played during Easter.
        (Those who have already won a bicycle                        3. The 250th Birth Anniversary of Beethoven was commemorated
           are not eligible to participate.)                            with a sculpture exhibition. Where was this exhibition held?
                                                                     4. Who is Charlie Chaplin and what was he famous for?
          Closing Date: May 31, 2021
                                                                     5. What do triangle shaped traffic signs mean?
                     Or           fundaytimes1@gmail.com

                     Printed and published by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd. on May 23, 2021 at No. 8, Hunupitiya Cross Road, Colombo 2.
TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times TIMES story landmarks - Sunday Times
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