Page created by Tyrone Hansen
November 2021

                                                                   TIDEWATER PLANTATION COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION

                                 Community                         Association

President’s Message                                                everyone of the final design, and to answer all questions
                                                                   before you are asked to vote on the project.
Cathy Weis, BOD President
We have been lucky so far this year regarding escaping             Enjoy your fall and I hope to see you around the community!
a hurricane. However, we are not out of the woods yet.             Happy Thanksgiving!
The season officially ends on November 30, so don’t let
your guard down and remain vigilant. As a reminder,
our Emergency Plan can be found on our web site, www.               Board Notes
tidewaterplantation.org under “Latest News.” You can view           Jewel Mellas, Secretary
the plan without even signing in. Hopefully, we will remain
lucky this year.                                                    At the regular meeting of the TPCA Board of Directors
By now I am sure many of you know who our newly elected             held on Thursday, October 7, the following actions were
Directors are. Just in case you missed it, Brian Burton and         taken:
Lenny DiGregorio have been elected and will be serving
on your Board of Directors (BOD) for the next three years.          • New DRB Chairman - The Board approved the new DRB
We welcome Brian and Lenny and look forward to their                chairman John Kelly.
contributions. Once again, I would like to thank Roger
Quinn and Dave Chambers for their five and three years              • 2021-2022 Insurance Renewal - The Board approved the
(respectively) service on the Tidewater BOD. They were a            2021-2022 insurance renewal in the amount of $59,930.30.
pleasure to work with and both contributed greatly to keeping       • RFID order - The Board approved the purchase of 500
Tidewater a financially sound and well-run community.               count of RFIDs in the amount of $18,360.
In the first meeting of the BOD following our annual meeting,       • 2022 Budget - The Board approved the draft 2022 Budget.
the new Board elected its officers. They are: Cathy Weis,           A mailing of this draft will go out in the next few weeks.
President; Mary Jane Bilicki, Vice President; Jim Offutt,
Treasurer; Jewel Mellas, Secretary; Brian Burton and Lenny          • Revised DRB Standards - The Board approved the
DiGregorio are Members-at-large.                                    revised DRB standards. A copy of these standards will be
                                                                    published on the website.
Speaking of elections, there is another election in North
Myrtle Beach on Tuesday, November 2. The mayoral                    • Revised Government Committee Terms of Reference
position, as well as three council positions, are open and          The Board approved the revised government committee
there are a couple of candidates for all positions. For Mayor,      terms of reference.
Marilyn Hatley, our current mayor, is running against Wayne         • Items Approved Between Meetings – Ratified approval
Troutman. Councilman Trey Skidmore is running against               of increasing the RFID cost to homeowners from $33 to
William Davis. Terry White is resigning, so running for his         $36 as the third party contractor had an increased cost of
open seat in Ocean Drive are Norfleet Jones and Clarence            materials.
“Bubba” Collins. And finally, Jolene Puffer is running against
Councilwoman Nikki Fontana for the Windy Hill seat. We              • Ratified approval of the new access control system for
vote for ALL positions. Your vote is important as our turn-         the community - in the amount of $57,958 pending budget
out demonstrates to the city the importance of Tidewater.           and finance review.
Because of our usual, large Tidewater turnout, our city
council seems to listen to us. So, please familiarize yourself      These are actions taken; however, the full set of minutes is posted on our
with the candidates and get out and vote.                           website tidewaterplantation.org the following month once approved.
After many long hours and weeks of work by the Budget
and Finance committee, the 2022 budget is completed and
your Board has approved this draft to be sent to all owners.
Providing no further changes are made, this will become the          Regularly Scheduled Meetings
final 2022 budget. Look for it to arrive in your mail soon if it
hasn’t already.                                                      Board Workshop – Thursday, November 4 @ 9AM @ the
                                                                     Amenity Center
Your Design Review Board (DRB) has updated the design
standards and these were approved by the BOD at our                  Board Meetings – Thursday, November 4 @ 1PM @ the
meeting on Thursday, October 7. These revised standards can          Amenity Center
be found on our web site, www.tidewaterplantation.org. You           DRB Meetings – Monday, November 1 (open to owners
don’t even need to sign in; simply click on Design Standards         11:30-12, thereafter closed) and Monday, November 15
in the menu to the left on the home page to see the updated          (Closed meeting)
version. Changes made are in red.
We are still working on the final design and cost of the
Amenity Center project and are planning a community
meeting, or “town hall,” in the January timeframe to inform

1                         For an emergency call 911, not the Tidewater Gatehouse
Property Management Message                                               Condo Corner
Tori Perano, Senior Community Manager                                     Teal Lake Village
Cooler weather is upon us as we transition into fall! That                Denise Lane, Community Manager
means the holidays are also approaching! I would like to                  Teal Lake Village (TLV) had a great turnout for the Annual
remind everyone of the DRB standards regarding holiday                    Meeting. We would like to extend a warm welcome to Kevin
décor: “Seasonal and/or party decorations should be tasteful
and not excessive in nature. Seasonal decorations should not              Cummings as a new board member of Teal Lake Village.
be installed more than thirty (30) days prior to the holiday              The TLV Board of Directors are:
and must be removed from your property and house exterior
no later than ten (10) days following the holiday. Lights in                      President – Paul Sanders
an exterior tree or bush, perimeter lighting of the “front” of                    Vice President – Mike Gipson
a house or “front” of a garage (so as to create a light border
around the structure) fall within the normal guidelines for                       Secretary – Rick Munton
acceptable seasonal lighting and are approved. All exterior                       Treasurer – Ellie Gordon
lights should be non-blinking. Plastic and/or inflatable
ornamental/decoration for seasonal/holiday décor, such                            Member at Large – Kevin Cummings
as lawn figures or lawn scenes are not acceptable. Any                    Teal Lake Village pool will be closed for maintenance in the
decoration/ornamentation for seasonal/holiday décor,
such as lawn scenes are not acceptable. Any decoration/                   near future. We will inform you of the date when it becomes
ornamentation that includes “sounds” is not allowed.                      available. During this time, you will not be able to use any of
Balloons and/or party decorations are acceptable for the day              the pool area. We will get this reopened as soon as possible.
of the party as long as they are not excessive and are removed            In the coming month(s), we will begin to see a great deal of
prior to the next morning.”                                               work done in Teal Lake Village. Sealcoating of the parking
Also, I have received complaints from vacant lot owners that              lot as well as repairs to the walking path are scheduled.
yard debris is being placed on their lots. Please place your              Sealcoating will be our major project during this time. We will
yard debris on your own property for proper pick up, and also             be sending out notices of the schedule.
remind your landscaping contractors that all debris must be
removed from the property and not placed anywhere in the                  All homeowners need to start thinking now about parked
community.                                                                vehicles. If you do not live here full time but have a vehicle
                                                                          in the parking lot, make plans to have the vehicle moved
If you are not getting our email blasts and would like to                 during this time. Email me to let us know what plans you have
receive them, please email Karen.Harvey@fsresidential.com.                worked out for having your vehicle moved in your absence.
                     Why Do We Have Rules?                                Please remember to check your rules and regulations. This
                                                                          information should be passed on to all guests and visitors.
Every Association—including ours—has rules we all need                    Remember, that all requests for modifications must be
to know about: For instance, where can we park and where                  approved by the board and Design Review Board (DRB),
may our guests park? Are we allowed to park campers or                    including installation of storm doors.
trucks in our driveways? And what choices—color, styles,
landscaping—do we have regarding the décor of our homes’                  Heron Lake Villas
                                                                          Denise Lane, Community Manager
Our Association’s rules were formulated to preserve the
appearance of the community, protect the value of our                     Please make sure your guests and renters know that the
common property and our individual homes, and make                        trash rooms are only for bagged trash that will fit in the cans
our neighborhood more harmonious for all of us. So, it’s                  provided. If your items are not bagged or do not fit in the trash
important to know the rules and do our best to abide by                   cans, you will need to dispose of the items in the dumpster. If
them. To keep up-to-date on what the rules are and what                   it is a large item, you may need to take it to the Horry County
the consequences can be for not complying, look for a list                Recycling Center on Highway 90. The association does get
of Association rules on the community website at www.                     charged additional fees for disposal of large items as well
tidewaterplantation.org or contact our management office to               as non-bagged items that must be removed from the trash
be emailed a copy of them.
                                                                          Also, please be proactive with maintenance by checking your
 Reminder Our office staff is here to assist you. We can be reached at    unit for leaks as well as checking your HVAC system and water
 843-663-3500. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8AM until 5PM,     heater.
 excluding holidays.
                                                                          Sealcoating the parking lot is slated for the next month(s). We
                                                                          will be sending out notices of the schedule.
                                                                          All homeowners need to start thinking now about parked
                                                                          vehicles. If you do not live here full time but have a vehicle
                                                                          in the parking lot, make plans to have the vehicle moved
                                                                          during this time. Email me to let us know what plans you have
                                                                          worked out for having your vehicle moved in your absence.
                                                                          Please remember to check your rules and regulations. With
                                                                          the holidays quickly approaching, please be aware and
                                                                          read the rules for decorating the exterior of your unit. All
                                                                          Rules & Regulations should be passed on to all guests and

visitors. Remember that all requests for modifications must         Association Administrative Assistant: Sarah Shugars
be approved by the board and Design Review Board (DRB),             sshugars@atalayamanagement.com
including installation of storm doors.                              HOA Portal: login.atalayamanagement.com
Lighthouse Point Villas                                               2021 - 2022 Meeting Dates will commence at 9AM in the
Denise Lane, Community Manager                                                          Cassel’s Building
Please make sure your guests and renters know that the              The new meeting schedule will be emailed to all residents.
trash rooms are only for bagged trash that will fit in the cans     Smoke Detectors
provided. If your items are not bagged or do not fit in the trash
cans, you will need to dispose of the items in the dumpster. If     As a reminder, homeowners should check their in-unit smoke
it is a large item you may need to take it to the Horry County      detectors to ensure that they are functional on a monthly
Recycling Center on Highway 90. The association does get            basis. One faulty smoke detector could be the difference in
charged additional fees for disposal of large items as well as      saving lives.
non-bagged items that must be removed from the trash rooms.         Pet Leash Reminder
Also, please be proactive with maintenance by checking your         Owners should make sure that pets are always leashed while
unit for leaks as well as checking your HVAC system and water       on the condominium property. Pets may not free range
heater.                                                             regardless of training or age of the animal. If a dog or other
Please remember to check your rules and regulations. This           animal becomes obnoxious to other owners, the owner
information should be passed on to all guests and visitors.         must correct the problem or the owner, upon notice by the
Remember that all requests for modifications must be                Association, will be required to remove the animal from the
approved by the board and Design Review Board (DRB),                premises. In no event shall pets be chained or secured in
including installation of storm doors.                              any manner within a screened porch or on the exterior of
                                                                    the condominium property. Pet Owners are responsible for
The Clubhouse Villas                                                cleaning up after their pets in the common areas.
Jimmy Nevarez, CMCA, AMS, Association Manager                       Bicycle Racks
Managed by: Atalaya Property Management, Inc.                       The Board of Directors have completed installing two bicycle
             525 6th Avenue S                                       racks (one on each side of each building) under the stairs
                                                                    on the ground floor. As a reminder, please be courteous and
             N. Myrtle Beach, SC 29597                              respectful to other persons’ property when utilizing the bicycle
             Phone: 843.272.2695      Fax: 843.272.2564             racks. If you are planning to be away for an extended period
Association Manager: Jimmy Nevarez, CMCA, AMS                       of time, please do not leave your bicycle chained in the rack
jnevarez@atalayamanagement.com                                      taking up a spot. Do not store bicycles on the walkways

and ensure that bicycles are secure when not in use. The                 Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving!
Association is not responsible for damaged or stolen
property.                                                                Tidewater Ridge
                                                                         Katy Swimm. Manager-OMNI Management Services, Inc.
Harbor Loft
                                                                         All projects should be completed by now including: building
Melissa Bradley, Association Manager                                     power washing, repairs and painting as well as sidewalk
OMNI Management Services:              2411 N. Oak St., Suite 302-B      power washing, tree trimming/removals and new landscaping
                                       Myrtle Beach, SC 29579            around the community. Thank you for your patience while
                                                                         completing all the above and hope everyone is happy with
                                       Phone: 843-839-3131               the completion of all projects.
                                       Fax: 843-839-1881                 When selling your home, please be sure that the closing
Katy Swimm has passed the baton to me as the Harbor Loft                 attorney request a Certificate of Assessment from OMNI and
Community Association Manager. A huge thank you to Katy                  FirstService Residential.
for her hard work and extensive knowledge over these past                Owners, please instruct your renters/tenants to use the TW
years.                                                                   Ridge compactor. It is your responsibility to supply renters
Work continues on the bulkhead wall. We anticipate it taking             with a key to the compactor door for their use.
a few more months for completion. Look for email blasts                  If you are in need of anything or have any concerns, please
coming from your Board of Directors with updates.                        email kswimm@omni-property.com.
When selling your home, please be sure that the closing                  Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
attorney requests a Certificate of Assessment from OMNI
and also FirstService Residential.
Remember, all modifications must be approved by the
Board and the DRB. If you need a form, please contact
Over the next month, be on the lookout for correspondence
from OMNI regarding how to get registered to use the
Homeowner Portal. This portal will allow you to log in,
view and manage homeowner information, view account
information and see compliance violations and association
Please contact me with any needs or concerns at mbradley@

                                                                                                                         Please ask us about our many, very
                                                                                                                           satisfied Tidewater Customers!
           Come Home to Your Babb Custom Home!

                                                   OUR PASSION,
                                                 YOUR DREAM HOME.
                                                   Premier Custom Home Builder in
                                                  the Coastal Areas of SC and NC!

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                      119 Pinnacle Place, Suite C • Little River, SC 29566 • info@babbcustomhomes.com

Communications Committee
Carolann Engler, Chairperson

    Tidewater Website Login Instructions
    For Tidewater community information, visit www.
    tidewaterplantation.org. Log in with your ID and/or
    password. If you have forgotten your login info, contact
    the staff at FirstService Residential by phone, 843-
    663-3500. Tidewater activities, committee meetings,
    real estate information, CCR documents, rules and
    regulations, the CIS system, and much more are on
    the site. Use your same ID and password for CIS.
    For instructions to use CIS, email userupdate@
    tidewaterhoa.org. The current newsletter is on the
    website on or about the 25th of each month at the
    “Current Newsletter” link. Older newsletters also can
    be found at the “Newsletter” link.

Design Review Board
John Bilicki, Vice Chairman
Did You Know - Members of the Design Review Board (DRB)
understand that the design standards can sometimes be
involved and difficult to understand. Do you know why
they are so complex? The complexity arises from the desire
of the developer and community leaders to have very
diverse housing and a thriving natural environment. Our
Tidewater Community consists of 13 different and distinct
neighborhoods and six condominium complexes. Each have
their own unique features and standards. While that creates
complexity, it also provides a very attractive community.
Architectural criteria like roof pitches, siding, roofing
material, window mullions, width of eaves, window trims,
soffits and fascia boards may each differ by the neighborhood     Remember
within which the lot is located. Materials suitable for siding,
                                                                  1.To ensure timely review, project applications must be
trim and roofing also change with the neighborhood.
                                                                  received the Monday prior to the next scheduled DRB
Additionally, setbacks and drip-lines for placing a home on a
lot, for example, will vary by the neighborhood and may even
change with the location of the lot within the neighborhood.      2.Ask Before You Act! The DRB is always available to answer
                                                                  your questions. Contact us at drbmail@tidewaterhoa.org.
Your DRB is here to help each owner weigh through this
complexity. We ask that you submit your request for what          3.Project applications are available on the Tidewater
you wish to do based on your review of the standards. We          website and at the TPCA Management Office. Please submit
will look at it, check it against the standards and provide you   completed project applications to the FirstService office.
feedback as necessary. So, please help us help you! “Ask
before you act”!!!
Also, to further improve on our communication efforts,            Volunteer with IT Experience Needed
your DRB will be initiating an open forum opportunity for         Cathy Weis
homeowner input. Prior to the DRB meetings on Monday,
November 1 and Monday, December 6, the DRB members will           The Tidewater Plantation Community Association (TPCA)
be available from 11:30AM to 12PM to provide homeowners           is in need of someone with IT (Information Technology)
the opportunity to meet your DRB, ask questions and discuss       experience to volunteer their time to assist the TPCA with
pertinent issues. Hope to see you there!                          technology decisions.
Your DRB                                                          The IT committee is responsible for selecting appropriate
                                                                  hardware and software products for the HOA, integrating
                                                                  those products with the needs of the HOA and its existing
                                                                  infrastructure and recommending the selection of, and
                                                                  insuring the correct implementation of, those applications.
                                                                  The current HOA infrastructure consists of six interconnected

 sites via commercial internet. Each of these have internet        your questions and concerns, and we want to hear from you
 gateways with security, access control equipment, video           directly. Please email the BOD to this special address at
 cameras and recorders, and local area wi-fi networks,             amenitycenter@tidewaterhoa.org. We very much look forward
 therefore a knowledge of TCP/IP networking would be               to hearing from you.
 desirable. In addition the IT committee supports the
 maintenance and update of the Tidewater Web Site using a          COVID-19 TASKFORCE
 Content Management System.
                                                                   Jim Hulen, Government Liaison
 If you have IT experience and would be interested in helping,
 please contact Tori Perano, our Community Manager at              We are so fortunate to have residents who are recognized
 843-663-3500 to set up an interview with her and members          as community leaders and drawn upon to provide input to
 of the Tidewater Board of Directors. The time commitment          the local governmental processes. During the critical period
 varies from no hours in a week or month, to several hours in      when the entire world was striving to find ways to recover
 a week if we are installing a new system or if there is a need    from the aftermath of the COVID-19 emergency, the city of
 to trouble-shoot a problem.                                       North Myrtle Beach put together an Economic Recovery Task
                                                                   Force and our very own Cathy Weis was chosen to represent
 For a full description, refer to the Terms of Reference           residents throughout the city. Cheryl Kilda, North Myrtle
 for the IT Committee located on our website, www.                 Beach Chamber of Commerce was elected Chairman and
 tidewaterplantation.org under the menu item “Committees”          Cathy as Vice-Chairman.
 and “Information Technology.” You will need to sign in with
 your ID and password to view this. If you do not have your ID
 and password, contact our staff at our Management office for
 assistance at 843-663-3500.

 Amenity Center - What Are Your
 Mary Jane Bilicki, BOD Vice President
 As you know, several committees along with the Board of
 Directors (BOD) have been involved for almost 2 years in
 a project to redesign the Amenity Center with the purpose
 of revitalizing our aging building and bringing us forward
 into the future for our growing community. We are now
                                                                   Their efforts were recognized on Monday, October 4 at the
 thoughtfully and thoroughly gathering all the important
                                                                   North Myrtle Beach City Council Meeting.
 information and will soon be scheduling a “town hall”
 meeting. At this meeting, we will be presenting this look
 into the future and discussing the many facets of this major
 project. The discussion will include:
 • The new multi-functional design plan
 • The enhancements that will accommodate our growing
 • The multiple Tidewater social groups and committees that
 could simultaneously enjoy this new space
 • The costs and how we will pay for this

 WE NEED YOUR HELP!! In order to address all the                   John Mouco, Tournament Chairperson
 questions, we want to know what you are thinking, what are        The 2021 Tidewater Virtual Charity Golf Tournament was a
                                                                   success thanks to the 15 Tidewater residents who played, the
                                                                   Calabash VFW and American Legion, those who were unable
Cherry Grove Automotive                                            to play but still contributed and those who participated in
“Your trusted neighborhood service center.”                        our silent auction.
                                                                   Of course, none of this would have been possible without
1012 Sea Mountain Hwy.                                             our loyal sponsors. We would like to take this moment to
North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582                                       Thank All Our Sponsors!
                                                                   Major sponsors this year were: TPCA, Babb Custom Homes,
                                                                   A&L Painting LLC, Elliott Realty and Beach Rentals,
843-249-6563                                                       Peoples First Insurance, Linta Roofing & Construction,
843-294-HELP (4357)                                                Eagle Nest Golf Course, Honeycutt Group CPA, Four
                                                                   Star Plumbing & AC, Leif Tree Service & Tri County
                                                                   Mechanical. We ask you to consider using any of the above
                                                                   sponsors for your future needs.

     To advertise in this newsletter, contact Tim Weis at 843-427-7300 or timweis28@gmail.com                                  6
The Tidewater Charity Tournament Committee (TCTC) raises                                  Upcoming Events:
funds for charities that serve our area throughout the year.        Friday, November 5, 5-7PM - Happy Hour Trivia - Rick
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic upsurge, we             Good will be here to lead the knowledgeable, and not so
had to cancel our popular Wheel Night at Joey’s Clubhouse           knowledgeable in a fun-filled evening of questions and
Grille, Grand Strand Bowling for Veterans, Jukebox Bingo and        answers. Ten tables of ten players can be accommodated in
the Ball Drop orchestrated by the North Myrtle Beach Fire           the Amenity Center. Registration is required. Each team of 10
Dept. and more. Hopefully, we can resume these activities           must be registered in one registration, submitted by the team
in 2022. The committee will be meeting to determine the             leader. All 10 individual names should be on the envelope
allocation of tournament proceeds to the following charities:       (maximum of 10 players per table, NO EXCEPTIONS). Include
The North Strand Helping Hand (food & basic needs), Little          the team leader’s name, phone, and email on the envelope.
River Medical Center’s “Miles for Smiles” (dental care),            Submit your registration in the gold box in the Cassell’s
North Strand Housing Shelter, and the Folds of Honor                Building. You will not get a call confirming your registration;
(scholarships).                                                     you will get a call only when full capacity is reached. Please
Eagle Nest Golf Club continued to help us this past                 bring an appetizer or dessert to share with your own table
December, January and February with the TCTC Special                (there will not be a buffet table). As usual, bring your own
by donating 1/2 of their entry fee from the Tidewater               beverage.
residents to TCTC. They are going to offer us the same              Sunday, November 7, 2:30-5 PM - Veterans’ Day Ceremony
special again this coming December, January, and                    and Concert- Join your neighbors for a tribute to our veterans
February. Eagle Nest is one of our sponsors who make our            outside the Amenity Center. There will be a ceremony to
tournament a big success.                                           celebrate all US military veterans, followed by entertainment
Volunteers are most welcome!! Just let us know at johnmcss@         with local singers Deb Browning and Jolly Mon. Bring your
earthlink.net or 843-249-2018. We look forward to hearing           chairs beverages and snacks. This ceremony will move inside
from you.                                                           the Amenity Center, if needed.
Wishing everyone a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving!                    Friday, December 3, 6PM - Christmas Party - After the
TCTC Trustees                                                       lighting of the Bluffs Christmas Tree, everyone is invited to the
                                                                    Amenity Center to kick off the holiday season with neighbors
                                                                    and friends. There will be Christmas music, and cookies and
                                                                    coffee will be available. Feel free to bring an appetizer and
Recreation Committee                                                beverage of your choice.
Susan Vanchina, Secretary                                           A long-time Tidewater tradition is picking up where we left off
Beautiful fall weather, smaller crowds and less traffic are just    before COVID: all new residents of Tidewater who have not
some of the features of this time of year in our area. Try to get   done so previously, are invited to bring an ornament for the
out and enjoy!                                                      Amenity Center tree personalized with their name and year of
                                                                    arrival. You will have the opportunity to add your ornament to
                                                                    the tree during the celebration.          ...Continued on page 9


...Continued from page 7
Friday, December 31, New Year’s Eve Party - Ring in the                    Welcome Tidewater Neighbors
New Year at a fabulous Tidewater event in the Amenity
Center. Enjoy a sumptuous meal, catered by Philomena’s,                                     Carolann Engler
and dance the evening away to the music of the Tonez. The               Please join us in welcoming all our new neighbors to the
menu consists of appetizer cranberry brie bites and caprese                                    community!
skewers, your choice of Beef Tenderloin or Chicken Francése,
salad, two sides and assorted desserts. At midnight,
champagne will be provided. The cost is $50 per person. Part                                 Mark Smith
of the dinner cost is subsidized by the Recreation Committee.                            1817 Spinnaker Drive
To register, follow the registration instructions below. On the
registration envelope, include your choice of entrée, along                               From: Roanoke, VA
with your phone number and email. For parties who wish to
be seated together, please send in your registrations in one
envelope. You will not receive a call if you are registered, only                    Joy Buchanan & James Pire
if your envelope is received after we reach capacity. Cocktail                             923 Morrall Drive
attire is requested.                                                                       From: Blaine, WA

Do you have an idea for an activity the Recreation Committee
could implement? Let us know by email to recreation@
tidewaterhoa.org . We’d love to hear from you!

    Email blasts from Recreation Committee –
    Email blasts from Recreation Committee – Recreation
    Committee events are listed in the monthly newsletters.
    In addition, the Recreation Committee emails all
    Tidewater residents about upcoming events. If you have
    never received one of these emails, please contact Janice
    Smiley at Janice.smiley@fsresidential.com, or by phone
    at 843-663-3500 to make sure she has your correct email

Reservation Procedure:
Please read below to sign up for an event where payment is

    for an event, place your check made out to ROTSC in an
    envelope. On the outside of the envelope, include the
    following: names of all people attending, your phone
    number and email address. Place the envelope in the gold
    mailbox in the Cassels Building, inside near the Library
    by the advertised cutoff date. There will be a notice on the
    box if the event is full and a waiting list will be established
    if necessary. (Please note that this location is now permanent.)
    For events where reserved tables are available, payments
    for a full table of 10 must be included in one envelope. If
    you are not part of a reserved table, you will be assigned
    to a table with others. If you are out of town, you may mail
    your check and information to the Tidewater Recreation
    Committee, 2000 Spinnaker Drive, North Myrtle Beach, SC
    PLEASE NOTE: Checks will not be cashed until
    the week of the event. Please contact recreation@
    tidewaterhoa.org if you have any questions or concerns.

Tidewater Newsletter November 2021.pdf              1   10/12/2021   9:59:49 AM
                                                                                       TIDEWATER PLANTATION COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION
                                                                                              Artisans of Tidewater
                                  AVAILABLE                                                   Marilyn Drange
                                   & READY
                                                                                              Holiday Wreath - Brighten up your holiday decorations with
                                                                                              a deco mesh wreath.
                                   TO SERVE*
                                                                                              Join Kate Saccal and create a wreath using mesh, ribbons,
                                                                                              and a variety of holiday decorations. The workshop is
                                                                                              Monday, November 29 at the Amenity Center at 10AM.
                                                                                              The class fee is $20 and limited to 12 people. Please RSVP/
                                                                                              ASAP to Kate for a supply list by Monday, November 15 at
                                                                                              jjsaccal@yahoo.com and to reserve your spot. Have fun and
                                                                                              get into the holiday spirit.

             Freshly Prepared

 M       DINNERS
                     FROM OUR KITCHEN TO YOURS


                                                                                              The Artisan’s Showcase is located in Joeys’s Clubhouse
      This holiday season, relax and enjoy the                                                Grille. Kate Saccal’s art work is being exhibited and offered
CY    festivities with your family and guests and
                                                                                              for sale.
      leave the cooking to us...you just Heat & Serve.
      We offer a variety of turkey dinners, a
      rotisserie chicken dinner and a ham dinner                                              Tastebuds
      plus a selection of delicious sides and desserts.                                       Marty Turnauer
      Ordering is easy, just fill out an in-store order                                       Tastebuds is organizing for Winter, 2022.
      form at Boulineau’s Deli or call 843-663-6926 to                                        Tastebuds is an informal way to meet in small groups of 6-9
      order by phone!                                                                         for brunch/dinner and a great way to meet your neighbors,
                                                                                              share food, information and form new friendships and
         Holiday                                              Turkey

                                                                                              have an enjoyable time while dining on delicious menus.
         Dinners                                             Dinners                          Tastebuds meets 3 times - fall, winter and spring and you
                                                                                              may participate however your schedule allows.
        Starting At                                         Starting At

            3299                                                3999
                                                                                              The winter dinner sign-up deadline is Monday, December
        $                                                   $                                 20.
                                                                                              As with all Tidewater activities, singles as well as couples
                                                                                              are welcome.
       *$10 additional charge                                                                 I hope you will join us. For any new community members,
          if picked up hot                                                                    call or email me with your questions/concerns about

      212 Sea Mountain Hwy. In The Cherry Grove Section
                   Of North Myrtle Beach
                 www.boulineaus.com • 843-249-3556

                                                                   about the assassin’s fates. The book is James’s fictional
                                                                   exploration of that dangerous and unstable time in Jamaica’s

                                                                   Body and Brain Yoga Tai Chi
                                                                   Carol Thomas
                                                                   Body and Brain Yoga Tai Chi is a holistic approach to
                                                                   providing your body and brain with strength, flexibility
                                                                   and balance. Join Carol Thomas, a Tidewater resident, for
                                                                   body and brain yoga tai chi Mondays and Wednesdays at
                                                                   8:30AM on the dining deck at the Community Pool, weather
                                                                   permitting. Bring a yoga mat and towel. A nominal $5 fee
                                                                   will be charged. Carol is a trained instructor with Body and
                                                                   Brain Yoga Tai Chi. Learn more at www.bodynbrain.com/
                                                                   raleigh or call Carol at 828-545-8106 with questions.

                                                                   Beautiful Setting
                                                                   Jules Jaget

What We Are Reading
Ridge Crouch
I never did get Shakespeare. Oh, he pioneered all the themes
we still use today: murder, betrayal, lust, and treacherous
deeds, but why not just say it instead of disguising the plot
and dialogue in mysterious inferences. We all had English
teachers who saw things that made us scratch our heads and
say, “The witches were what??” Nothing so abstract for our
Book Clubs, but they do offer some good choices this month.

It’s All About the Book - “The Water is Wide” by Pat Conroy.
A 1972 memoir based on the Author’s work as a teacher on           Sunrise at 6AM, Cherry Grove Pier. Sometimes this is the
Daufuskie Island, SC. The book details Conroy’s efforts to         reason I get up at o’ dark thirty. Fishermen will understand
communicate with the Islanders who are directly descended
from slaves and have had little contact with the outside world.
He battles the district administration who have long neglected
the students and other problems at the school.                     Tidewater Wildlife
The Not So Serious Bookies - “The Book of Lost Friends”            Claudia Beaty
by Lisa Wingate. An historical novel of three young women
searching for family amid the destruction of the post-Civil War
South, and of a modern-day teacher who learns of their story
and its vital connection to her students’ lives.
The Book Club Beauties - “Eternal” by Elsa Scottoline.
Elisabetta, Marco and Sandro grow up as best friends in
Fascist Italy prior to WWII. Their friendship blossoms into love
at a time when Mussolini aligns with Hitler and everything
they hold dear is tested in ways they could never imagine.
The Studs - “Daughter of a Daughter of a Queen” by Sarah
Bird. Born into bondage on a tobacco farm in MO, Miss Cathy
Williams was never allowed to consider herself a slave. At
war’s end, having tasted freedom, Cathy refuses to return to
servitude and decides to disguise herself as a man and join the
Army’s legendary Buffalo Soldiers.
Personal Recommendation - “A Brief History of Seven
Killings” by Marlon James. A winner of the Man Booker Prize,
tells the story of seven unnamed gunmen who stormed the
home of singer Bob Marley, machine guns blazing. Little was        Love the Wildlife in Tidewater!
officially released about the gunmen, but rumors abounded


                             Meet Bubba Collins
                                 Trusted Businessman and Conservative Leader
                                    Founded Bubba Collins Insurance in North Myrtle Beach in 1983.
                                 Former Chairman NMB Chamber; served on the NMB Planning & Zoning
                                      Commission and the NMB Parks & Recreation Commission
                             Youth Coach 35 years; McLeod Seacoast Fellow; Former Pres. NMB Primary PTO
                                NMB resident since 1980; Married 40 years to wife Darlene; raised 4 sons,
                                              1 grandson and 1 granddaughter on the way.

 As our new Councilman Bubba Collins will...
  Protect our quality of life and work to give our first responders the
      resources they need to keep our homes and families safe.
  Work to control future growth and make sure our infrastructure
                           is keeping up.

  Preserve our most important resource...our beach so residents and
       visitors can continue to enjoy it for generations to come.
 Listen to the concerns of ALL our residents. and work to make sure
  North Myrtle Beach remains a great place to live, work and retire.

Trusted Businessman and Conservative Leader

    For our Future                                          "North Myrtle Beach is a
                                                             great place to live. I am

Bubba Collins
                                                             running for City Council
                                                             to work to preserve our
                                                           quality of life for the future."
Conservative for Council                                                  - Bubba Collins
      Paid for by Bubba Collins for NMB City Council, PO Box 3796, North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

Vereen Gardens                                                          the Intracoastal Waterway with views of passing vessels
                                                                        and Little River to the south. There are swings and picnic
Jewel Mellas      		                                                    tables scattered along the trails that make for a relaxing
                                                                        day in the park.
               My Personal Experience at the Park
                                                                        In addition to the abundance of wildlife and plants found
After living in Tidewater for 5 years and hearing about Vereen
                                                                        in the maritime forests and marshlands of the park, Vereen
Gardens from so many people, I finally went there for a picnic
                                                                        Garden is a top spot for history buffs. Just inside the front
with my Red Hot Red Hats group. What a beautiful and
                                                                        gate visitors can see part of the original Kings Highway,
well-kept secret. Three miles of nature trails and boardwalks
                                                                        the road that stretched the length of the colonies. In 1777,
meander through botanical gardens and along the intracoastal
                                                                        the Marquis de Lafayette traveled the highway. The newly
waterway in Little River on more than 115 acres of forest and
                                                                        elected President George Washington also traveled the
marshland. It is a great place for a picnic, or to walk your dog,
                                                                        Kings Highway on his famous southern tour. In his trip
or to just sit and read a book on one of the many swings. So,
                                                                        diary, the President noted that he had spent the night with
whether you’re a frequent visitor to Vereen Gardens or you’ve
                                                                        Mr. Vereen, whom he called a nice gentleman.
never been, take advantage of this hidden gem just a few miles
away from Tidewater and enjoy the beauty of this wonderful              Also in the park is the Vereen family cemetery that has
place where we live!                                                    Revolutionary and Civil War area graves.
                                                                        Located at the entrance to the park is the C. B. Berry
                                                                        Community Center which has additional information about
                                                                        the history of the park and nearby communities. The park
                                                                        is open during the day and admission is free. For more
                                                                        information, call 843-249-4157.

                                                                        A Poem of Kennedy
                                                                        Printed with permission from Ronnie Nichols
                                                                        His motorcade in Dallas was slowly moving along,
                                                                        The streets that he had walked were quiet and still,
                                                                        when a death shot rang out with that death dealing song.
                                                                        oh how could this have been our God’s will.
                                                                        The pace quickly hastened in mind his life to save,
                                                                        Great men of all nations came to view him there,
                                                                        but death was the price that the bullet gave.
                                                                        Jackie came with her children fair.
                                                                        His limp body had slumped to Jackie his wife,
                                                                        The drums did roll, the bugle did cry,
                                                                        with wishful tears she prayed for his life.
                                                                        and little John saluted his dad good-bye.
                                                                        But no tears or prayers could anyone give,
                                                                        The people looked on and wept with concern,
                                                                        to grant John F. the right to live.
 Left to Right: Gail Hamilton, Candy Kearney, Louise Beck, Peg Pape,    and paid tribute to the torch that forever will burn.
  Marty Fields, Maryann Groeninger, Becky Offutt, Denise Oliphant,      The nation he loved bowed and cried,
                           and Jewel Mellas.                            Airports and bridges will carry his name,
                                                                        no one could believe this great man had died.
                    Vereen Gardens History                              but no one can equal John F. Kennedy’s fame.
   (Information Courtesy of the Vereen Gardens Visitor Center)          The stations and papers all spread the sad news,
                                                                        The story has ended but won’t fade from mind,
The tract was once part of The Big Landing, a 400 acre
plantation that dates back to Revolutionary War days. It was            and Jackie still wore her blood spattered shoes.
owned by Jeremiah Vereen. Originally of French Huguenot                 His name in greatness to history resigned.
descent and a family name of Varin (French spelling), the               The trip to Washington was the saddest of all,
Vereens moved from Charleston to the Georgetown area                    His greatness and courage have proven to men,
before migrating northward to what is now Horry County.
                                                                        still no one believed the great man could fall.
The land encompassing Vereen Gardens was donated to
                                                                        That our nation’s greatness will never end.
the Horry County Historical Commission by Jack Vereen in
1972. The park is located on SC Route 179 across from the               The mourners came from miles around,
South Carolina Welcome Center. The dog friendly park has                Have faith in God, and to our nation be true,
hiking trails that wind through the forests and over a series           our Nation’s Capitol was a sorrowful town.
of boardwalks that cross the marshlands. The trails end at              and respect these three colors the red, white and blue.


                                    Joey’s Clubhouse Grille News
                                        Reservation Phone Number 843-913-2412

                                    Book your spot now for THANKSGIVING!!

 Come check out our SUNDAY BRUNCH menu from 11AM to 4PM and have a BOTTOMLESS MIMOSA for $10.00 and
                             check out the newest additions to the Brunch menu

                                                 DAILY SPECIALS:

WEDNESDAY NIGHT** 4PM til close - Cheeseburger and Fries $7

THURSDAY NIGHT** 4PM til close - Pork Chop Special - Country fried, grilled or blackened pork chop served with
fresh cut fries and sliced vine ripe tomatoes $6.99

FRIDAY NIGHT** 4PM til close - Calabash Shrimp Special - Lightly fried, grilled or blackened Calabash shrimp served
with fresh cut fries and coleslaw $8.99

SATURDAY NIGHT** 4PM til close - Ribeye Steak Special - 8 ounce Ribeye Steak, grilled to your liking and served with
fresh cut fries, Texas toast and garden salad $12.99

SUNDAY 11AM - Close** - Half Rack Baby Back Ribs - Slow Roasted and served with fresh cut fries and creamy
coleslaw $10


Finish with one of our Delightful Desserts:
  Carrot Cake
  Key Lime Pie
  New York Style Cheesecake
  Madagascar Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
  Chocolate Butter Cake served warm with Madagascar Vanilla Bean ice cream
  Mountain Apple Cobbler served warm with Madagascar Vanilla Bean ice cream and
    whipped cream
  Pearl Sugar Belgian waffle topped with Madagascar Vanilla Bean ice cream, chocolate and
    caramel sauce and whipped cream
  Grilled Pound Cake - Buttered and grilled and topped with Madagascar Vanilla Bean ice
    cream, chocolate & caramel sauce and whipped cream
  Fried Oreos - topped with Madagascar Vanilla Bean ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped
  Fried Whoopie Pies - topped with Madagascar Vanilla Bean ice cream, chocolate and
    caramel sauce and whipped cream

                           ORDER ON-LINE FOR TAKE-OUT @ joeysclubhousegrille.com
                                        ORDER FOR DELIVERY @ Door Dash


            Tidewater November 2021 Tide Chart
                                High                   Low                        Newsletter Submissions
                         AM             PM      AM            PM         We want to hear from you! We encourage Tidewater
      1       Mon        4:51           5:03   11:04         11:32       homeowners to submit articles and photos for
      2       Tue        5:41           5:54   11:57                     our newsletter relating to or of special interest to
                                                                         our community. For example, Tidewater clubs and
      3       Wed        6:30           6:43   12:16         12:48
                                                                         groups, individual achievements, wildlife, etc. are
      4       Thu        7:18           7:32    1:02          1:39       welcome. The newsletter team secures approval
      5       Fri        8:06           8:21    1:49          2:31       of all articles and pictures from the Board of
      6       Sat        8:56           9:12    2:37          3:23       Directors prior to printing. Articles and pictures are
      7       Sun        8:49           9:07    2:28          3:17       included as space permits. Send submissions to
      8       Mon        9:47          10:08    3:21          4:12       newsarticles@tidewaterhoa.org.
      9       Tue       10:50          11:15    4:17          5:10
     10       Wed       11:56                   5:18          6:14
     11       Thu       12:24          12:59    6:27          7:21     Tidewater Committees -
     12       Fri        1:29           1:59    7:43          8:26
     13       Sat        2:30           2:56    8:54          9:22
                                                                       Chairpersons/BOD Liaisons
     14       Sun       3:28            3:48    9:54         10:09     Budget and Finance – John Mouco/Jim Offutt
     15       Mon        4:20           4:37   10:46         10:50     Communications – Carolann Engler/Cathy Weis
     16       Tue       5:06            5:22   11:31         11:28     Design Review Board – John Kelly/Cathy Weis
     17       Wed        5:47           6:04                 12:12
     18       Thu        6:24           6:43   12:04         12:50
                                                                       Government Liaison – Jim Hulen/Mary Jane Bilicki
     19       Fri        6:59           7:20   12:40          1:28     Information and Technology - Greg Solowey/Brian Burton
     20       Sat        7:33           7:57    1:17          2:05     Insurance – Joel Hansen/Brian Burton
     21       Sun       8:07            8:34    1:55          2:43     Promotions - Bill Pearson/Chris Cooper
     22       Mon        8:44           9:14    2:33          3:21
     23       Tue       9:24            9:57    3:13          4:00
                                                                       Property - Al Stahl/Jim Offutt
     24       Wed       10:10          10:47    3:54          4:42     Recreation – Colleen Mann/Jewel Mellas
     25       Thu       11:00          11:42    4:39          5:27     Rules and Regulations - Marty Turnauer/Jewel Mellas
     26       Fri       11:53                   5:28          6:17
                                                                       Security - Frank Williams/Mary Jane Bilicki
     27       Sat       12:37          12:46    6:25          7:12
     28       Sun       1:31            1:40    7:29          8:09     Joint HOA – Rick Munton/Lenny DiGregorio
     29       Mon        2:24           2:34    8:35          9:03     Multi Path - Lenny DiGregorio (Chair & Liaison)
     30       Tue       3:18            3:29    9:36          9:54

           TPCA CONTACT INFORMATION                                  In the case of an after hours or weekend EMERGENCY
                                                                                    Please Call (843)249-0909
                FirstService Residential Property
                      Management Services                                         CONDO ASSOCIATIONS
                          (843) 663-3500
                                                                                 CONTACT INFORMATION
           Contact: Community Manager - Tori Perano
                  tori.perano@fsresidential.com                                         Harbor Loft
                          (843) 663-3500                                           Contact: Melissa Bradley
          Assistant Community Manager - Karen Harvey                             bradley@omni-property.com
                 karen.harvey@fsresidential.com                                       Tidewater Ridge
                          (843) 663-3500                                            Contact: Katy Swimm
                                                                           kswimm@omni-property.com, (843)839-3131
              Heron Lake Villas, Teal Lake Village
              and Lighthouse Point Villas Contact:                                      Clubhouse Villas
                Denise Lane, Community Manager                                 Jimmy Nevarez, Association Manager
          denise.lane@fsresidential.com , (843) 663-3500                        jnevarez@atalayamanagement.com
            Board Contact: TWBOD@tidewaterhoa.org                           Sarah Shugars, Administrative Assistant
                                                                        sshugars@atalayamangement.com, (843)272-2695

                                                                                                                               PRSRT STD

                Community Association
                                                                                                                            US POSTAGE PAID
                                                                                                                           N MYRTLE BEACH SC
                                                                                                                                Permit #32
                  2000 Spinnaker Drive                                                                                       Address Service Requested
              North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

                 Happy Thanksgiving!

                                                               November 2021
     Sunday                   Monday                 Tuesday             Wednesday            Thursday                   Friday                  Saturday
                         1                      2                    3                  4                         5                         6
                                                                                          Board Workshop 9AM
                                                                                            @ Amenity Center      Happy Hour Trivia 5-7PM
                                                                                           Board Meeting 1PM         @ Amenity Center
                                                                                            @ Amenity Center

7                        8                      9                    10                 11                        12                        13

Veterans Day Ceremony
 & Concert 2:30-5PM @
 Amenity Center Circle

14                       15                     16                   17                 18                        19                        20

21                       22                     23                   24                 25                        26                        27

                                                                                            Happy Thanksgiving!

28                       29                     30

                         Wreath Workshop 10AM
                           @ Amenity Center

                                                                                 Exercise Classes: (this may change depending on the season)
 There are too many clubs and activities in Tidewater to list, but
  simply go to tidewaterplantation.org (no need to sign in) and               Chair Yoga Class: M/W 10:15 – 11:15AM @ the Amenity Center.
 click on the Calendar on the center of the Home Page to see all                                    Bring your own chair. ($8)
   scheduled calendar events and below the calendar is a list of
recurring activities and clubs and associated contact information.          Yoga Tai Chi: M/W 8:30 – 9:30 AM @ the Community Pool dining deck.
                                                                                                Bring your yoga mat & towel ($5)
You can also read