Volunteer Handbook

Page created by Ian Stevens
Volunteer Handbook
UPMC Cancer Centers / University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

Volunteer Handbook
           A Welcome from Dr. Davidson .................... 2

           History........................................................... 3

           Mission Statements ....................................... 5

           Volunteer Opportunities................................ 6

           Becoming a Volunteer .................................. 6

           Volunteer Benefits ........................................ 7

           Volunteer Policies and Procedures................ 9

           Patient Service Guidelines ............................ 15

           Infection Prevention and Control .................. 16

           Safety and Security ....................................... 18

           Emergency Procedures.................................. 19

           Telephone Directory ..................................... 22
Volunteer Handbook
Dear Volunteer:

                          Nearly 10.5 million Americans are alive today who have a history of cancer.
                          Early detection and treatment, in conjunction with innovative research, are
                          key factors to prolonged survival of patients with cancer. Working together,
                          UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI – the only National Cancer Institute-
                          designated Comprehensive Cancer Center in western Pennsylvania –
                          continue to develop novel ways to study cancer and make important
                          discoveries in research that ultimately will lead to new and better treatments
                          for those who are challenged to live with cancer.

                          The Hillman Cancer Center, located directly across from UPMC Shadyside,
                          is the hub facility of the UPMC Cancer Centers clinical care and conduct
                          groundbreaking research.

                          When you volunteer, you make a direct contribution by supporting our
                          activities in research, patient care, and administrative support. Please use
                          this handbook to become familiar with our policies, procedures, and
Nancy E. Davidson, M.D.   standards so that you may become a successful member of our outstanding
                          team. We thank you for the valuable commitment you have made to support
                          our ongoing efforts.


                          Nancy E. Davidson, M.D.
                          Director, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
                          and UPMC Cancer Centers
                          Associate Vice Chancellor for Cancer Research
                          Chief, Division of Hematology/Oncology
                          Visiting Professor of Medicine
                          University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

History                                          In 2002, UPMC Cancer Centers became the
                                                 new name for the clinical facilities of UPCI
                                                 while UPCI continues to encompass the
UPMC Cancer Centers and the
                                                 academic and research activities for cancer.
University of Pittsburgh Cancer
                                                 With more than 40 locations throughout
Institute (UPCI)
                                                 western Pennsylvania, UPMC Cancer
The beginnings of UPMC Cancer Centers/           Centers is one of the largest networks for
UPCI are traced over two decades ago to          clinical care in the United States (see page 4
1984 when a consortium of local hospitals
                                                 for a map of the UPMC Cancer Centers
and universities established UPCI to meet        clinical network). At the hub of the UPMC
the challenge of cancer by providing early       Cancer Centers clinical network is the
diagnosis and prevention and lifesaving          Hillman Cancer Center, which opened in the
treatment and by conducting groundbreaking       fall of 2002. The Hillman Cancer Center and
research on cancer’s cause, course, and cure.    nearby administrative offices provide nearly
In 1985, Ronald B. Herberman, MD,                450,000 square feet of space to house
assumed leadership of UPCI, which quickly        pioneering programs in cancer care,
rose to national prominence. In 1988, UPCI       research, detection, diagnosis, education,
was designated a Clinical Cancer Center          prevention, and community outreach. Today
by the National Cancer Institute (NCI),          UPCI remains a premiere Comprehensive
and in 1990 it achieved NCI status as a          Cancer Center — one of only 39 across the
Comprehensive Cancer Center in record            country and the only in western
time, placing it among the nation’s elite        Pennsylvania — and a leader in translational
cancer centers.                                  research.

During the next decade, UPCI was at the          Looking ahead, UPCI has set a goal to
forefront of scientific discovery in cancer      increase its grant funding, which currently is
research and made new advancements in            ranked 12th nationally, and break into the
patient care. In 1992, UPCI was one of the       ranks of the top five cancer centers in the
first two centers in the United States to        country. Additionally, UPCI investigators
receive authorization to conduct gene            are to begin the world’s first cancer
therapy clinical trials for cancer. A year       prevention vaccine trial. Meanwhile,
later, UPCI researchers were the first in the    working in tandem together, UPMC Cancer
country to create and test a novel, synthetic    Centers — which is consistently ranked as
vaccine against pancreatic, breast, and other    one of the top centers in the country for
cancers.                                         cancer care by U.S. News & World Report
                                                 — and UPCI will continue to provide the
Throughout its history, UPCI has been            nearly six million western Pennsylvania
dedicated to moving the discoveries made in      residents unparalleled access to the latest
its laboratories to the clinical setting. UPCI   resources in cancer prevention, detection,
has utilized the forces of the marketplace to    diagnosis, and treatment services.
help achieve this goal. In 1995, the first
start-up company was launched by a UPCI
researcher and, five years later, UPCI
established the Limbach Entrepreneurial
Center to promote entrepreneurial awareness
and provide assistance for commercial-
ization of UPCI technologies. The Limbach
Entrepreneurial Center reflects UPCI’s
commitment to bring new advances in care
to as many patient beds as possible.
UPMC Shadyside                                   care, specialty, and community hospitals.
The history of UPMC Shadyside begins in          The health system also includes primary
1866, before electricity and antibiotics,        care and specialist physician practices,
when a small hospital was founded in             cancer care, imaging and surgery facilities,
downtown Pittsburgh to seek patient-             rehabilitation services, in-home services
centered, more scientific approaches to          including hospice care and durable medical
medical care. In 1884, it opened the first       devices, retirement living and long-term
nursing school in Pennsylvania, and in 1910,     care, pharmacy services, and an array of
the hospital moved to Shadyside where it         health insurance products.
continued to expand its facilities and
medical staff over most of the twentieth         Through its affiliation with the University of
century and beyond through strong                Pittsburgh School of Medicine and other
community support, philanthropy and              schools of the health sciences — the schools
volunteerism. In 1997, the hospital became       of Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Nursing,
a member institution of the University of        Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, and the
Pittsburgh Medical Center.                       Graduate School of Public Health — UPMC
                                                 shares in the academic mission of the
UPMC Shadyside is a 486-bed tertiary care        university by providing a broad range of
hospital which serves the residents of           programs in education, biomedical research,
Pittsburgh and the tri-state area. UPMC          training, health promotion, diagnosis, and
Shadyside offers primary medical care;           treatment of disease and disability.
physician and nursing education; and a
broad range of specialties that include
cardiology, oncology, orthopaedics,
geriatrics, obstetrics and gynecology,           Mission Statements
vascular medicine, endocrinology, and
more. UPMC Shadyside’s medical staff             UPMC’s Mission
includes more than 600 primary care              The mission of the University of Pittsburgh
physicians and specialists, many of whom         Medical Center is to provide premier
have offices at the hospital and throughout      programs in patient care, biomedical and
the community.                                   health services research, and teaching that
                                                 will contribute to the prevention, diagnosis,
Specific services and facilities for cancer at   and treatment of human disease and
UPMC Shadyside include three dedicated           disability.
inpatient units, surgical suites where many
cancer surgeries are performed, and the          Volunteer & Community Services
Mary Hillman Jennings Radiation Oncology         Program Mission
Center. The UPMC Shadyside campus is             The Volunteer & Community Services
home to the Hillman Cancer Center, which         Program helps improve the quality of life for
houses the research and treatment activities     patients and their families during their stay
of UPCI and UPMC Cancer Centers.                 at UPMC Cancer Centers and supplements
                                                 and enhances the ongoing efforts of UPMC
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center          Cancer Centers/UPCI scientists, medical
(UPMC)                                           staff, and employees. Volunteers are placed
UPMC is the leading health care system in        wherever there is a need and are provided
western Pennsylvania and one of the largest      the opportunity to learn and experience
nonprofit integrated health care systems in      emotional and personal growth.
the United States. UPMC’s consortium of
health care facilities includes 20 tertiary

Healing Power of the Arts
Volunteer Opportunities                           Healing Power of the Arts offers patients
Please note that volunteers must be 14 years      and their families the opportunity to
of age or older. Parental consent is required     discover the artist inside each of us.
for volunteers under 18 years of age.             Volunteers play music, hold arts and crafts
Volunteers are required to make a three           classes, and read poetry, among other things.
month commitment to our program. Weekly           These activities offer so much more than a
hour requirements are listed below.               much-needed diversion to patients and
                                                  families; they also provide the means for
Patient and Family Support                        self-expression and discovery during a
This program requires a minimum of four           challenging time.
hours of service a week. Nurses, physicians,
and social workers at UPMC Cancer Centers         Special Events
treat the person — not just the disease. In       Volunteer & Community Services is an
this same spirit, volunteers help improve the     active partner with organizations such as the
quality of life for patients and their families   American Cancer Society and the Susan G.
by helping nurses with their duties and by        Komen Breast Cancer Foundation by
visiting with patients and their families.        coordinating their annual fund-raising
Volunteers are placed at inpatient units,         activities at UPMC and the University of
outpatient clinics, information desks, in the     Pittsburgh. Volunteers assist with these
library and host activities such as Bingo.        efforts and help with a variety of other
                                                  special events.
Laboratory Research
This program requires a minimum of ten
hours of service a week. Each day,
researchers at UPCI are taking important          Becoming a Volunteer
steps to increase our understanding of cancer
and are testing the newest, most advanced         Application
treatments to cure it. Volunteers work            Volunteer applicants are required to
closely with researchers to perform a variety     complete an application that includes the
of tasks. Depending on the laboratory’s           request of names and addresses for three
needs, these tasks may be basic or more           references.
complex. Duties include analyses
of gene expression and mutations in cancer,       Interview
RT-PCR, Northern Blots, and Southern              Volunteer applicants are required to
Blots for analyses of gene expression,            participate in an interview with a member of
flow cytometry, ELISA, ELISPOT, and               the Volunteer & Community Services staff.
LUMINEX assays and much more.                     During the interview, we will discuss your
                                                  interest in volunteering at UPMC Cancer
Administrative Support                            Centers/UPCI and discuss your placement in
This program requires a minimum of four           a volunteer position that best matches your
hours of service a week. Our efforts to build     skills, qualifications, and schedule with the
a future without cancer extend beyond our         volunteer opportunities currently available.
laboratories and treatment rooms and              All volunteers, 18 years of age and older,
include staff members hard at work                will be asked to authorize a criminal
providing crucial support in various offices.     background check at this time. If applicable,
Volunteers play an important role by              volunteers will be asked to provide their
performing clerical duties such as filing,        original I-94, visa, passport, and permanent
copying, labeling, and data entry.                resident card for copying purposes. All

volunteers will be asked to provide their       University of Pittsburgh’s Environmental
driver’s license/state ID (or other             Health & Safety Office prior to their start
comparable photo ID) for copying purposes.      date. Laboratory supervisors will provide
                                                additional training specific to volunteers’
Orientation                                     assignments.
Volunteer applicants are required to attend
an orientation class conducted by Volunteer     Volunteers placed in the Patient and Family
& Community Services. The orientation will      Support and the Healing Power of the Arts
help prospective volunteers become familiar     Programs must attend a training provided by
with the Volunteer & Community Services         the Volunteer & Community Services and
Program, including the program’s policies,      Cancer Prevention and Community
procedures, and benefits.                       Education programs prior to their start date.
                                                Volunteers will learn important information
Tuberculosis (tb) Skin Test                     about the role of volunteers in offering
Tb is an airborne disease and can be            support to patients with cancer. In addition,
transmitted by breathing contaminated air.      clinical supervisors will provide additional
Symptoms may include persistent cough,          training specific to volunteers’ assignments.
chest pain, fever, night sweats, loss of
appetite, and unplanned weight loss. Prior to   Volunteers placed in the Administrative
beginning their volunteer assignment,           Support and the Special Events programs
volunteers must have a tb test (given free of   will receive job specific training from their
charge) to determine if they have been          supervisors on the first day of their
exposed to tb bacteria. Volunteers may          volunteer service.
provide a copy of a prior negative tb test
result given within one year.

Volunteers who test positive for tb will
                                                Volunteer Benefits
receive a chest x-ray (given free of charge).
                                                To obtain benefits, volunteers must show a
Volunteers may provide a copy of a prior
                                                current volunteer ID badge. Volunteers who
negative chest x-ray.
                                                have not submitted their timesheets are not
                                                eligible for certain benefits until they submit
Volunteers who have patient contact must
                                                their unreported hours.
have a tb test annually. A chest x-ray will
not be given again unless a volunteer
                                                Accident and Liability Coverage
develops symptoms of the disease.
                                                Volunteers are covered by UPMC’s accident
                                                and liability insurance while performing
Tb tests are administered free of charge at
                                                volunteer duties.
UPMC Employee Health in Shadyside or
                                                Activity Discounts

                                                Volunteers are entitled to discounts offered
                                                to UPMC employees. Discounts include
Volunteers will receive training appropriate
                                                savings on entertainment and local services.
to their volunteer assignment before
                                                Information on discounts is listed in
beginning service, as follows:
                                                EXTRA!, an employee newsletter available
                                                in the Volunteer & Community Services
Volunteers placed in the Laboratory
Research Program must attend a two-hour
Chemical Hygiene/Formaldehyde
Awareness Training session provided by the
Flu Shots                                       Oakland:
Flu vaccinations are available free of charge   Any UPMC garage designated for visitors
for volunteers.                                 and patients (no parking is permitted in
                                                employee or lease lots)
Optical Discounts
A discount on optical merchandise such as       Parking validation stickers are available
eyeglass frames and lenses, is available from   during regular business hours at the
the Optical Shop located on the Eleventh        Volunteer & Community Services suite.
Floor of UPMC Presbyterian Hospital (near
the cafeteria).                                 Reference Letter
                                                Upon request, Volunteer & Community
Pharmacy Discounts                              Services can provide a formal letter for
A discount is available on over-the-counter     educational or professional purposes
medications purchased from the UPMC             documenting the number of volunteer hours
pharmacies, located on the ground floor of      served. Letters of recommendation should
the Hillman Cancer Center’s William M.          be obtained from the volunteer’s supervisor.
Cooper Pavilion and the second floor of
Falk Clinic.                                    Shadyside/Oakland Shuttle Service
                                                Volunteers are eligible to use the UPMC
Meals                                           shuttle service to travel to and from their
To be eligible for a meal ticket, volunteers    volunteer work sites. A copy of the shuttle
must donate a minimum of four hours in one      schedule is available upon request.
day. Volunteers are entitled to one meal
ticket for their personal use on the day they
                                                Volunteer Recognition
volunteer. In Shadyside, meal tickets are
                                                Volunteer & Community Services
redeemable at the Hillman Cancer Center
                                                recognizes volunteers in various ways
Café, the UPMC Shadyside Cafeteria, and
                                                throughout the year, including a recognition
the West End Café. In Oakland, meal tickets
                                                luncheon and observance of National
are redeemable at the UPMC Montefiore
                                                Volunteer Week.
and UPMC Presbyterian Cafeterias, and the
Falk Cart. Meal tickets are available during
regular business hours at the Volunteer &
Community Services suite.                       Volunteer Policies and
Parking validation stickers are for the
personal use of volunteers on the day they
volunteer. Parking is available at the          Volunteer & Community Services is
following locations:                            committed to providing equal opportunity
                                                for all applicants to the volunteer program at
Shadyside:                                      UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI. This includes
UPMC Shadyside Medical Center Garage            the acceptance, training, and assignment of
Centre Avenue                                   volunteers regardless of race, color, religion,
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 12 a.m.             national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital
Sundays and Holidays, closed                    status, familial status, sexual orientation,
                                                disability, or veteran status. Acceptance
UPMC Shadyside Visitors Garage                  decisions will be made solely upon the basis
South Aiken Avenue                              of individual qualifications as related to the
24 hours, seven days                            requirements of the volunteer position to be

At the beginning of their service, volunteers      • telephone number
will be given a specific assignment that
meets both their interests and the needs of        • e-mail address
UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI. It is important
that you enjoy the work you do. If for any         • emergency contact
reason you would like a change of
assignment, please contact Volunteer &             • volunteer status
Community Service’s staff.
                                                   Signing In and Out
Assignment guides are provided for all             Volunteers must sign in before beginning a
areas of volunteer service. These guides           volunteer assignment and sign out after
state the responsibilities of volunteers within    completing it. Volunteers should not sign in
their assigned department.                         and out simultaneously. It is of utmost
                                                   importance that the sign-in procedure be
Commitment                                         followed. Volunteer & Community Services
Because volunteers make a commitment               needs this record to locate you in case of an
of support to patients and employees it is         emergency, to compute your volunteer
important that they be reliable. Please            hours, and to document your presence in the
commit yourself to punctuality and regular         event of an insurance claim. Sign-in time
attendance. Call or e-mail your assignment         should reflect actual starting time because
supervisor if you must be late or absent and       accident and liability insurance coverage
clear changes in your schedule with the            starts when you sign in.
Volunteer & Community Services staff. If
you will NOT be volunteering for                   Dress Code
several weeks or months, you must notify           Clothing should be appropriate, clean, neat,
your supervisor and the volunteer office.          and in good condition. Volunteers must
                                                   always wear their volunteer jacket (if
Communication                                      applicable) and ID badges (above the waist).
Communication is the key to a successful           Below is a list of appropriate articles of
and rewarding volunteer experience.                clothing for volunteers:
Volunteers are encouraged to talk with their
supervisor if they require clarification          • females: dresses, skirts, dress or casual
regarding their tasks or if they have              pants, ankle-length pants, blouses, sweaters
questions in general. Complaints and
suggestions are welcomed and should be            • males: sport, golf or dress shirts with
directed toward the Volunteer &                    shirttails tucked in, dress or sport pants
Community Services staff. Information that
employees and volunteers need in order to         • shoes should be in good condition; tennis
perform their duties — as well as updates          shoes may be worn but must be clean and
about UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI — are               without holes; opened-toe sandals are not
distributed regularly via publications such as     permitted
Extra! and Volunteer View available at the
Volunteer & Community Services suite.              Not Permitted:
                                                  • denim clothing including jeans and shorts
Contact Information Changes                        (Exception: Volunteers placed in the
It is important that you notify Volunteer &        laboratories may be advised by the
Community Services with changes in your:           laboratory employees to wear jeans. This is
                                                   allowed as long as volunteers are given
                                                   permission by the laboratory staff to do so.)
• mailing address

• opened-toe shoes                                   every use. All other volunteers must launder
                                                     their volunteer jackets once a week. Upon
• sweatpants and sweatshirts                         completion of their volunteer assignment,
                                                     volunteers should return their volunteer
• t−shirts, tank tops, halter tops or other tight-   jacket to the Volunteer & Community
  fitting tops                                       Services office.

• shorts                                             Photo Identification (ID) Badge
                                                     Volunteer & Community Services will issue
• tight-fitting or revealing clothing                you an authorization form to receive
                                                     a photo ID badge once all your necessary
• artificial nails                                   paperwork is on file. Photo ID badges are
                                                     issued by UPMC Human Resources in
  Grooming                                           Shadyside or Oakland. In order for patients,
• Fingernails should be clean, filed, and not        visitors, and employees to recognize you as
  long enough to injure a patient. Artificial        part of the UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI
  nails are not permitted in patient care areas.     family, you must wear a photo ID badge
                                                     above your waist at all times when on duty.
• Hair must be neat and clean; beards or             You must also wear your badge when
  mustaches must be neat, trimmed, and clean.        obtaining and using meal tickets and parking
                                                     validation stickers or any other volunteer
• Make-up should be worn in a reasonable             benefits (see page 7 for a listing of volunteer
  amount.                                            benefits). Photo ID badges must be returned
                                                     to Volunteer & Community Services upon
• Jewelry should be worn in a moderate               completion of service.
  amount and not pose a safety hazard.
                                                     Customer Service Guidelines
• Facial piercings (other than ears) or oral         The customer is defined as anyone with
  piercings should not be worn during                whom you interact with on the job,
  volunteering.                                      including but not limited to: patients,
                                                     families, visitors, employees, all other
• Hats should not be worn                            volunteers, physicians, vendors, and the
                                                     general public. All deserve the same level of
• Perfumes, colognes, or after-shaves should         respectful, courteous treatment as you would
  not be worn because patients, visitors, and        wish for yourself and your loved ones. To a
  employees may suffer from allergies to these       person who has never been to UPMC
  scents.                                            Cancer Centers/UPCI, his or her initial
                                                     contact with a employees member or
  Volunteer Jacket                                   volunteer will be their first impression of the
  Volunteers are required to wear a volunteer        facility and may stay with them for a long
  jacket during their volunteer service              time. Therefore, it is important to be
  (exception: laboratory research volunteers         proactive and greet customers in a friendly,
  will be given a lab coat). A $5 deposit is         helpful manner.
  required for each volunteer jacket (this
  deposit will be refunded upon completion of        Our customers are our top priority at UPMC
  service). Volunteers will receive a volunteer      Cancer Centers/UPCI. Take note of how you
  jacket on their first day of volunteering.         and your coworkers greet customers in your
  Those volunteering in patient care settings        work area. Make an extra effort to greet
  must launder their volunteer jackets after         everyone with a smile and positive attitude,

initiate conversations, maintain eye contact,      experiences of others we can better serve
 focus on the customer, and personally              our customers.
 provide assistance. Efforts like these ensure
 service excellence and turn a customer’s           Quality Improvement
 first impression into a lasting relationship. It   The primary goal of the quality
 is everyone’s responsibility to ensure             improvement process at UPMC/UPCI is to
 customer satisfaction. The following are           promote and reinforce a culture of
 some helpful customer service tips:                continuous improvement. This is important
                                                    so that the hospital can improve clinical
• Smile!                                            services and cost outcomes. Volunteers
                                                    should be aware of the quality improvement
• Make eye contact and introduce yourself to        efforts made in their department. It is
 patients.                                          important for every employee and volunteer
                                                    to recognize his or her individual role in this
• Help people who look lost.                        process of continuous improvement. The
                                                    success of the overall process of patient care
• Listen to complaints. Do not try to reason,       depends on each employee and volunteer
 argue, or be defensive.                            doing his or her own assignment as
                                                    accurately, timely, and cost effectively as
 If the customer gets more than he or she           possible.
 expected, the end result is exceptional
 customer service.                                  Gratuities and Gifts
                                                    Volunteers and employees members of
 Cultural Diversity                                 UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI are prohibited
 Volunteer & Community Services in                  from soliciting or accepting tips or gifts for
 conjunction with UPMC Cancer                       services rendered. Please discourage the
 Centers/UPCI recognizes diversity in the           practice of gift-giving by patients and
 workforce and in the populations we serve.         visitors. People who wish to acknowledge
 We are committed to fostering an inclusive         special performance with a gift should be
 environment that respects everyone                 referred to the Development Office. The
 regardless of race, color, religion, national      Development Office telephone number is
 origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status,        412-623-4700.
 familial status, sexual orientation, disability,
 or veteran status. The following are               Illness
 important points to remember:                      For the safety and good health of both
                                                    patients and yourself, please don’t report for
• Be open about cultural differences.               volunteer duty if you are ill. Contact the
                                                    department in which you volunteer to give
• Do not tell ethnic jokes.                         notice that you will not be volunteering.
                                                    If you become ill while volunteering and
• Be aware that cultural background can             require medical attention from the
 influence the way people communicate               Emergency Department, you will be
 through body language, listen, express             responsible for the cost of the care you
 opinions, work, and speak.                         receive. Please notify your supervisor when
                                                    leaving your assignment. Volunteer &
 In this world of global communities, we            Community Services will notify your
 interact with multitudes of people different       emergency contact if you choose or, if
 from ourselves. Everyone has his or her own        necessary, make arrangements for your
 unique experiences to offer. By valuing the        transportation home.

Injury While on Duty                             dispensation, possession, or use of a
 To prevent injuries while volunteering, it is    controlled substance on UPMC Cancer
 your responsibility to know and consider         Centers/UPCI premises, or while conducting
 your physical limitations and to decline         UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI business off
 tasks accordingly.                               premises, is strictly prohibited. Violations of
                                                  this policy will result in disciplinary action,
 All UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI volunteers          up to and including termination.
 are covered by UPMC’s Volunteer Accident
 insurance if injured while performing their      Smoking
 assigned duties. Any health care expenses        In keeping with the mission of UPMC
 related to the injury will be paid by UPMC’s     Cancer Centers/UPCI to prevent cancer —
 Volunteer Insurance Carrier, subject to the      and because UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI
 policy terms and conditions. If you need         are dedicated to the good health of patients,
 follow-up care, you may go to the health-        employees, and volunteers — smoking is
 care provider of your choice. Here are a few     not permitted on UPMC premises. There are
 important steps to remember:                     no designated smoking areas on UPMC
                                                  properties. Failure to comply may result in
• If injured (minor or major), notify your        dismissal from the volunteer program.
 assigned supervisor immediately; if this is
 not possible, call the Volunteer &               Workplace Violence
 Community Services director.                     UPMC defines workplace violence as any
                                                  verbal or physical act or threat of violence,
• If evaluation and/or treatment are necessary,   including intimidation, harassment, or
 go directly to, or be taken to, the Emergency    coercion that is made by or against any
 Department.                                      employee, volunteer, patient, or visitor that
                                                  may take place on or about a UPMC facility
• Be sure to identify yourself as a UPMC          or is the result of employment activities at
 Cancer Centers/UPCI volunteer to the             the facility. UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI do
 Emergency Department staff. It is important      not tolerate workplace violence. Corrective
 for the Emergency Department staff to know       action for workplace violence cannot be
 that this is a UPMC liability and not a          taken unless the proper people have been
 workmen’s compensation claim.                    informed. Any volunteer who feels
                                                  mistreated in this manner is urged to contact
• If you receive a bill for treatment resulting   Volunteer & Community Services
 from an injury while volunteering, take it to    immediately for assistance.
 the Volunteer & Community Services
 director.                                        Grievance Procedure
                                                  Any volunteer who considers himself or
• A written note from your doctor must be         herself unfairly treated or who has a
 presented authorizing your return to             grievance related to volunteer problems,
 volunteer duty following illness or injury.      departmental policies, disciplinary action, or
                                                  termination may appeal to the Volunteer &
 Drug-Free Workplace                              Community Services director, who will
 It is the policy of UPMC Cancer                  investigate the grievance and issue a
 Centers/UPCI to provide a drug-free work         decision.
 environment for the welfare of all
 employees and patients in accordance with        Disciplinary Action/Termination
 the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. The         If you do not satisfactorily perform your
 unlawful manufacture, distribution,              duties as a volunteer, your supervisor in the

area you volunteer will counsel you. In the        • Fill out a Completion of Service Form.
 event performance or behavior doesn’t
 improve within a mutually agreed upon time         • Return your photo ID badge.
 frame, you will receive further counseling
 and a written warning from the Volunteer           • Return your volunteer jacket (if applicable).
 and Community Service’s director. Failure
 to meet these written expectations within the       The Health Insurance Portability and
 defined period of time will result in               Accountability Act (HIPAA)
 termination from the volunteer program.             For additional information, refer to UPMC’s
 Upon termination, volunteers must return            HIPAA Information Security Awareness
 their photo ID badge and volunteer jacket (if
                                                     Established in 1996, HIPAA is federal
                                                     legislation that addresses three areas:
                                                     insurance portability, administrative
 Volunteer & Community Services reserves
                                                     simplification, and security and privacy.
 the right to terminate the services of a
                                                     Under the security and privacy provision,
 volunteer if such action is in the best interest
                                                     health care providers must use safeguards to
 of UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI or if a
                                                     maintain the privacy and security of
 volunteer fails to comply with the rules of
                                                     protected health information (PHI).
 UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI. In such an
                                                     Because HIPAA affects every UPMC
 event, volunteers have the right to an
                                                     Cancer Centers/UPCI employee and
 opportunity to respond.
                                                     volunteer, UPMC has developed many
                                                     system-wide policies to help employees and
 Volunteers may be automatically dismissed
                                                     volunteers comply with HIPAA regulations.
 from the volunteer program for the
 following reasons:
                                                     Patients at UPMC Cancer Centers have the
• endangering the life of any patient,
                                                     right to privacy concerning their medical
 employees, or visitor
                                                     care, nature of illness, financial status, and
                                                     family affairs. Every employee and
• divulging confidential patient, employee, or
                                                     volunteer must uphold the patient’s right to
 volunteer information
• stealing or embezzlement
                                                     Patient information is only for health care
                                                     workers and volunteers who have a need,
• possession, sale, or use of alcohol or illegal
                                                     reason, and permission for access. Without
 drugs on UPMC premises
                                                     the patient’s permission, patient information
• unauthorized possession of firearms or other
                                                     can only be shared if it pertains to:
                                                     treatment, payment, or operations (TPO).
                                                     Confidentiality should be maintained for all
• breach of confidentiality
                                                     patient information, whether written or
 Completion of Service
                                                     It is natural for volunteers to talk about their
 If you are unable to continue in the
                                                     volunteer service, but confidentiality is
 volunteer program, please notify your
                                                     necessary even if you see a relative, friend
 supervisor and Volunteer & Community
                                                     or acquaintance in a clinical setting
 Services. The following must be done upon
                                                     undergoing tests or receiving treatment. It is
 the completion of your service:
                                                     a breach of confidentiality to share this

information with your family and friends or       The Joint Commission on
the family and friends of the patient without     Accreditation of Healthcare
the patient’s permission.                         Organizations (The Joint Commission)
                                                  The Joint Commission evaluates and
The legal implications of violating patients’     accredits more than 15,000 health care
rights can bring damage not only to UPMC          organizations and programs in the United
Cancer Centers/UPCI, but also to the person       States. An independent, not-for-profit
who breached confidentiality. Failure to          organization, The Joint Commission is the
protect patient confidentiality can lead to       nation’s predominant standards-setting and
termination from the Volunteer &                  accrediting body in health care. Since 1951,
Community Services program, legal action,         The Joint Commission has maintained state-
termination, fines, and imprisonment.             of-the-art standards that focus on improving
                                                  the quality and safety of care provided by
If you notice that someone you know is            health care organizations. The Joint
listed in the patient directory, it does not      Commission’s comprehensive process
give you permission to visit or contact the       evaluates an organization’s compliance with
person. Only when the patient or a family         these standards. Joint Commission
member informs you that the patient is in the     accreditation and certification is recognized
hospital may you visit without violating          nationwide as a symbol of quality that
confidentiality. Under HIPAA, patients can        reflects an organization’s commitment to
choose NOT to be listed in the patient            meeting certain performance standards. To
directory.                                        earn and maintain The Joint Commission’s
                                                  Gold Seal of Approval™, an organization
When accessing the computer, do not share         must undergo an on-site survey by a Joint
your password with others. Never leave your       Commission survey team at least every three
terminal while confidential patient               years. These on-site surveys are
information is displayed on the computer          unannounced.
screen, and always log off from your
terminal at the end of your task. Also, never     The Joint Commission requires every
leave any papers with patient information         volunteer to be evaluated on their start date
visible for others to see. This includes          and once a year thereafter. Volunteers will
placing patient information in a wastebasket      be evaluated on competencies and
(all discarded patient information must be        educational requirements such as fire safety
shredded).                                        and infection control, on their
                                                  responsibilities as a volunteer, and on
Due to patient confidentiality policies,          behavioral traits such as interpersonal
Volunteer & Community Services’ staff             relations and reliability.
does not have access to the patient census.
Therefore, if you are a patient in the hospital
and want the Volunteer & Community
Services staff to know, please have a family
                                                  Patient Service Guidelines
member contact the volunteer office. Also,
                                                  Patient Rights
we are unable to provide home addresses
and home telephone numbers of employees           Patient rights are posted at all UPMC
or volunteers.                                    clinical settings. It is important for
                                                  volunteers to review these rights on a
                                                  regular basis. Please ask your supervisor if
                                                  you have questions about any of the rights.

Age-specific Competencies                           • Do not discuss the patient’s illness with the
  The purpose of age-specific competencies is          patient or visitors.
  to assure that employees and volunteers are
  competent to provide care and assist or             • Do not gossip with patients or visitors.
  interact in any manner with populations of
  varying age groups. Volunteers and                  • Do not witness any documents for patients.
  employees should be aware and sensitive to
  differences in patients based on the patient’s       If a patient or visitor voices a complaint to
  age group. Physical capabilities, emotional          you, stay calm and don’t become defensive.
  stresses, learning abilities, and life goals will    Listen to what the patient has to say and
  differ between teens, adults and seniors.            offer to include an employee in the
  Some examples include:                               discussion. Even if the patient doesn’t want
                                                       to talk to an employee, always report the
• Physical capabilities: If a senior patient           incident to your supervisor in the area you
  appears to have trouble hearing, you may             volunteer.
  need to raise your voice and look directly at
  him or her when speaking.                            Patient Safety
                                                       A serious incident is defined as an event,
• Emotional stresses: College-aged patients            occurrence, or situation involving the
  may be worried about their studies where as          clinical care of a patient in a medical facility
  adult patients may be concerned about their          that could have injured the patient but did
  family members, especially young children.           not cause an unanticipated injury or require
                                                       the delivery of additional health care
  Communicating with Patients                          services to the patient.
  The following are tips on how to
  communicate with patients:                           A serious event is defined as an event,
                                                       occurrence, or situation involving the
• Always knock before entering a patient’s             clinical care of a patient in a medical facility
  room.                                                that results in death or compromises patient
                                                       safety and results in an unanticipated injury
• Introduce yourself.                                  requiring the delivery of additional health
                                                       care services to the patient.
• Ask what the patient prefers to be called.
  For example, Mr. Green or John.                      Any volunteer who reasonably believes that
                                                       a serious event or incident has occurred
• Do not call patients by nicknames such as:           must report the serious event or incident to
  honey, grandma, or dear.                             the appropriate Patient Safety Officer. An
                                                       oral or written report must be made
• Look at the patient directly when speaking           immediately, but in no event later than 24
  to him or her.                                       hours after the occurrence or discovery of
                                                       the serious event or incident. The Patient
• Reduce any background noise such as the              Safety Officer for Hillman Cancer Center,
  TV or radio.                                         UPMC Cancer Pavilion, UPMC Shadyside,
                                                       UPMC Montefiore and UPMC Presbyterian
• Always leave the room at once if the                 is Linda Conroy, 412-623-2480.
  physician enters the room to see the patient.
• Do not give medical advice or recommend              Patient Safety Precautions
  physicians to patients.                              In the instances listed below, a patient’s
                                                       needs should be met only by a trained

professional familiar with their treatment        wheelchair into an elevator or over any
 plan. At these times, you can help the patient    bumps. Whenever possible, back a
 most by calling a nurse.                          wheelchair out of an elevator.

• Ask a nurse before you give a patient
 anything to eat or drink (including water).
                                                   Infection Prevention and
 Many patients follow a strict diet.               Control
• Never give medication, including aspirin, to     Every volunteer plays an important part in
 a patient.                                        preventing the spread of infection. Using
                                                   proper infection control practices is essential
• Never help lift or carry a patient.              for your safety as well as patient safety. The
                                                   spread of infection can be prevented by hand
• Never help a patient into or out of a            washing, practicing standard precautions,
 wheelchair or into or out of a bed                and following isolation instructions.
 (volunteers can push a patient in a
 wheelchair). Instead, ask a nurse or a            Hand Hygiene
 nursing assistant to assist the patient.          Hand hygiene is the single most important
                                                   and effective way of preventing the spread
• Never give a bedpan or urinal to a patient.      of infection. Volunteers should clean their
• Do no sit on the patient’s bed.
                                                  • upon arrival to their volunteer assignment
• Do not purchase items for a patient without
 permission from a nurse.                         • before and after patient contact

 Patient Restraints                               • after removing gloves
 Occasionally when caring for patients
 restraints are used to secure a patient from     • after coughing or sneezing into their hands
 hurting themselves or others. Volunteers are
 not allowed to adjust, remove, or handle         • before and after eating
 patient restraints in any way.
                                                  • after using the restroom
 Restricted Areas
 Certain areas of UPMC Cancer Centers/             You should wash your hands using warm
 UPCI are posted as restricted areas. Only         water and soap for a minimum of 15
 those volunteers whose duties require them        seconds. Let the water run while you dry
 to enter these areas may do so.                   your hands. After drying your hands, use a
                                                   paper towel to turn off the water faucet.
 Wheelchair Safety
 Volunteers are not permitted to lift a patient    When using alcohol-based hand sanitizers,
 in or out of a wheelchair (volunteers can         dispense enough sanitzer to moisten the
 push a patient in a wheelchair). Instead, ask     front and back of your hands and wrists.
 a nurse or nursing assistant to assist the        Rub your hands together until dry.
                                                   Another effective way of preventing the
 Always engage both brakes and lift the foot       spread of infection is the laundering of your
 rests out of the way when a patient gets into     volunteer jacket after every time you
 or out of a wheelchair. Always back a             volunteer (for those in patient care areas).

Bloodborne Pathogens                             are four types of isolation that may be
 Bloodborne pathogens are germs found in          encountered on UPMC Shadyside Campus:
 blood and bodily fluids (hepatitis, HIV,
 etc.). Bloodborne pathogens spread from          Contact Precautions
 person to person via infected bodily fluids      Prevents the transmission of resistant
 and not through casual contact (shaking          organisms through direct contact.
 hands, hugging).
                                                  Droplet Precautions
                                                  Prevents the transmission of highly
 Standard Precautions
                                                  communicable infections spread by droplets
 Standard precautions require that we treat
                                                  such as bacterial meningitis and influenza.
 the blood and bodily fluids of all persons as
 if they are infectious. All liquids on floors,   Airborne/Contact Precautions
 counters, chairs, etc. should be treated as      Prevents the transmission of highly
 contaminated fluid. Do not attempt to clean      communicable diseases such as chickenpox
 up spills yourself. Notify your supervisor or    and disseminated herpes zoster.
 the Volunteer & Community Service’s
 director, who will then call Environmental       Airborne Precautions
 Services to clean the spill.                     Prevents the transmission of airborne
                                                  infections such as tuberculosis.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
 such as gloves are provided to protect you       Never enter a room with an Airborne
 from exposure to blood or other bodily           Precaution or Airborne/Contact Precaution
 fluids for the purpose of preventing the         sign on the door. Always check at the
 spread of infection. If you get blood and/or     nurse’s station if you are unsure regarding a
 bodily fluids on you:                            sign posted near the patient’s room. If you
                                                  realize you have entered an isolation room
• Immediately wash the part of your body          in error, immediately notify your supervisor
 with which the blood or bodily fluid has         so action can be taken to protect you and the
 come in contact.                                 patient. When entering a room with a
                                                  Contact Precaution or Droplet Precaution
• Immediately report the incident to your
                                                  sign on the door, follow the directions on the
 supervisor, who then will contact UPMC           sign. For more information, contact your
 Employee Health. If it is after hours, report    supervisor or the department of Infection
                                                  Prevention & Control, located in the School
 the incident to your supervisor and proceed
 to the Emergency Department. Also, notify        of Nursing Building, 2nd Floor. Their
 the Volunteer & Community Service’s              telephone number is 412-623-2270.
                                                  Waste Management
 Very few volunteer positions involve             Biohazardous waste may be contaminated
 contact with blood or bodily fluids. If you      by disease-producing microorganisms or
 have questions about the need for PPE in         material and may harm or threaten human
 your assignment, ask your supervisor or the      health. UPMC’s Waste Management Plan
 Volunteer & Community Service’s director.        was designed to help dispose of all wastes in
                                                  a way that is safe for volunteers, patients,
 Isolation                                        employees, the community, and the
 In certain circumstances, precautions above      environment.
 and beyond standard precautions are needed
 and a patient is put under isolation. There      Biohazardous waste must be disposed of in
                                                  red biohazardous waste containers. Sharp
                                                  items — used or unused — are to be
disposed of in designated sharps containers         important to plug critical equipment into red
only. Proper segregation of wastes is vital to      outlets.
regulatory compliance as well as cost
containment. Red bag biohazardous waste             Hazard Communication
costs as much as seven times more than              Hazard communication is a program
regular waste to dispose of. Employees and          designed to identify hazardous chemicals
volunteers must be careful not to put non-          that employees and volunteers may be
infectious materials into red biohazard bags.       exposed during their workday. The goal of
Proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)          hazard communication is to provide
is to be used every time biohazardous waste         methods and training for the safe use of
is handled.                                         hazardous materials as well as follow-up in
                                                    the event of an exposure incident.
Lab Specimens
Specimens must be placed in a plastic zip           Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
bag before transporting. Volunteers should          MSDS are found in every department that
not transport specimens that are improperly         uses hazardous chemicals. MSDS contain all
sealed. Rubber gloves should not be worn to         vital data relating to hazardous chemicals
transport specimens.                                and products including: product name,
                                                    manufacturer information, emergency phone
                                                    numbers, symptoms and dangers relating to
Safety and Security                                 acute (short term) and chronic (long term)
                                                    exposure to the material, spill clean-up
                                                    procedures, and proper Personal Protective
                                                    Equipment (PPE) to be used.
It is everyone’s responsibility to be alert for
any unsafe or potentially unsafe condition or
                                                    Ask your supervisor where MSDS are
hazard. Unsafe conditions or hazards should
                                                    located in your department.
be reported to your supervisor, Volunteer &
Community Services, or Security.
                                                    Security guards are on duty 24 hours a day
Electrical Safety
                                                    and are stationed throughout key locations at
Equipment used within clinical and research
                                                    UPMC clinical facilities. Security guards are
facilities is periodically inspected for
                                                    available upon request to escort volunteers
electrical safety and will have a preventative
                                                    to parking garages after dark.
maintenance tag to indicate that it has met
the safety standards. Do not use electrical         Shadyside Security     412-623-2990
equipment without such a tag.                       Oakland Security       412-647-3191

All medical equipment brought in by                 Remember the following guidelines
patients and visitors must be inspected by          regarding security:
the Clinical Engineering Department prior to
use. All electrically operated non-medical         • If you see anyone on UPMC Cancer Centers
equipment brought in by patients and                /UPCI property who looks suspicious,
visitors must be inspected by the                   contact security immediately. If possible,
Maintenance Department prior to use.                give security a description of the person.
In case of a power loss, clinical facilities use
an emergency generator to provide limited          • If you witness any incidents of concern
power to certain areas. Emergency power is          related to patients, visitors, employees, or
provided to outlets that are red in color. It is    volunteers, please notify both Security and

Volunteer & Community Services.                • Biomedical Science Tower South (Tower 3)
                                                 9-911 (Medical)
• To minimize security risks, please do not      624-2121 (Non-medical)
 bring valuables with you when you
                                                 Emergency Codes
 volunteer. If you must bring valuables with
                                                 To alert employees to certain emergencies,
 you, please keep them in your pocket.
                                                 without alarming patients and visitors,
 UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI are not
                                                 UPMC maintains a coding system used by
 responsible for stolen or lost items.
                                                 paging operators:
• The Lost and Found Department is in the
                                                 STAT — Immediate response
 Security Office at each hospital.
                                                 Condition C — Critical
                                                 Condition A — Cardiac Arrest
                                                 Condition F — Fire
 Emergency Procedures                            Condition H — Help
                                                 Condition L — Lost
 Emergency Preparedness                          Code Blue — External Disaster
 It is important that volunteers at UPMC
 Cancer Centers/UPCI know how to respond         Be alert when you hear these calls so that
 in the unlikely event of an emergency such      you can move away from the situation in
 as a fire. Volunteers should become familiar    order to let authorized personnel respond to
 with the plan for emergencies and the           the emergency.
 responsibilities of the department to which
 they are assigned. Drills are held              Disaster Plan
 periodically and volunteers are expected to     A disaster includes any type of major fire or
 participate if they are on duty.                explosion, natural disaster, major accident,
                                                 or civil unrest that endangers the lives of
 To report an emergency, call the appropriate    people. An internal disaster is a disaster that
 number (listed below) and give your name,       occurs within or on the medical center
 location, and details of the problem.           premises. An external disaster is one that
                                                 causes injury to persons in the community.
 Emergency Telephone Numbers                     The UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI disaster
 Hillman Cancer Center, UPCI Research            plan enables employees to respond
 Pavilion                                        appropriately in the event of an emergency,
 9-911 (Medical)                                 whether a natural disaster, major accident, or
 623-3131 (Non-medical)                          civil unrest.
• Hillman Cancer Center, William M. Cooper       In preparation for a disaster, your role as a
  Pavilion (Ambulatory)                          volunteer is to become familiar with the
• UPMC Cancer Pavilion                           functions assigned to your department and
• UPMC Shadyside                                 participate in disaster drills when asked to
 623-3131 (Medical and Non-medical)
                                                 do so. Should a disaster occur, your role as
                                                 a volunteer is to stay calm and continue with
• UPMC Presbyterian
                                                 your volunteer assignment until your
• UPMC Montefiore (Oakland)
 647-3131 (Medical and Non-medical)              supervisor instructs you otherwise. Disaster
                                                 preparedness books are located in every
• Thomas E. Starzl Biomedical Science Tower      department.
 (Towers 1 and 2)
 9-911 (Medical)
 647-3131 (Non-medical)
Sweep nozzle from side to side
Fire Safety
It is the responsibility of employees and        Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations
volunteers of UPMC Cancer Centers/UPCI           To activate a fire alarm, use a manual fire
to prevent fires and to be prepared to act       alarm pull station. In the Hillman Cancer
quickly and correctly should a fire occur.       Center, these stations are located anywhere
Volunteers should learn the departmental         an exit sign is located. In UPMC Shadyside
fire plans for their assigned areas. The         and Oakland sites, the manual pull stations
paging operator will announce a code to          are marked throughout the buildings. All
alert the employees to a fire emergency.         volunteers should familiarize themselves
Never shout “fire.” Instead, remain calm         with the locations of manual pull stations
                                                 near their assigned areas.
and reassure patients and visitors. For
all UPMC facilities, the fire code is
                                                 Evacuation Procedures
“Condition F.”
                                                 If evacuation is necessary, an effort should
If a fire is discovered or the smell of smoke    be made to check all areas during the
is present, all building occupants should        evacuation process. Use common sense.
follow the R.A.C.E. principle:                   Do not reenter a fire area to search for
                                                 unaccounted individuals. When leaving
Rescue — Rescue anyone in immediate              your area:
                                                • Remain calm.
Alarm — Sound the fire alarm from the
nearest manual pull station. Do not hesitate.   • Do not shut off lights.
In addition, call emergency response (see
page 19 for appropriate telephone numbers)      • Shut off equipment that could be a hazard
and give the operator your name, exact           if left operating (e.g., copy machines,
location, and details of the fire. Let the       computers).
operator repeat the information for clarity
                                                • Close all doors and windows.
Contain — Limit smoke by closing all doors
and windows. When a fire alarm is               • Stay low when moving through corridors to
activated, fire doors in the main hallways       avoid smoke and fumes.
will automatically close. Keep all doors and
windows closed until the “all clear” code is    • Do not run in corridors or stairwells.
                                                • Make efforts to move important records to a
Extinguish — Select and use the proper fire      safe area.
extinguisher if it is safe to do so and you
have been trained in the proper procedures.     • Feel closed doors for heat before opening
                                                 them. If a door feels hot, do not open it.
To operate a fire extinguisher, follow the
P.A.S.S. principle:                             • In smoke filled areas, do not enter an area
                                                 that seems to have more smoke on the other
Pull pin                                         side of the door.

Aim nozzle at base of fire                       If you are riding an elevator and a fire alarm
                                                 is announced for that building, get off on the
Squeeze the extinguisher handle                  nearest floor (not the alarm location).
                                                 Elevator shafts can become filled with
super-heated gas and smoke during a fire         Department personnel will assist in
 and become very dangerous for passengers         removing patients safely.
 in an elevator car. Do not use elevators to
 attempt to evacuate a fire area; use the         UPMC Cancer Pavilion Evacuation
 stairwells instead.                              Procedures
                                                  When the Fire Alarm System is activated,
 Hillman Cancer Center, UPCI Research             those in the fire zone should begin to
 Pavilion Evacuation Procedures                   evacuate immediately. The fire zone is
 Due to the nature of the construction and the    defined as:
 hazards present in the UPCI Research
 Pavilion, it is necessary that the whole        • the floor in alarm
 building be evacuated every time a fire
 alarm is initiated.                             • the floor above the floor in alarm

 Hillman Cancer Center, William M.               • the floor below the floor in alarm
 Cooper Pavilion (Ambulatory)
 Evacuation Procedures                            UPMC Shadyside Evacuation
 There are two types of evacuations that may      Procedures
 occur: horizontal evacuation and total           If a fire alarm is given, volunteers should
 evacuation. In horizontal evacuation, if the     listen to the overhead announcement and
 alarm occurs in the northern end of the          respond accordingly.
 building (toward Baum Blvd.), everyone
 needs to be moved to the southern end of the     In the event of an evacuation, take the
 building (toward Centre Ave.). The opposite      nearest stairwell or marked exit door and
 is done for alarms occurring in the southern     proceed to the assembly area at the loading
 end of the building (toward Centre Ave.),        dock driveway, the concourse courtyard, or
 everyone needs to move to the northern end       the emergency circle.
 of the building (toward Baum Blvd.) In total
 evacuation, everyone must leave the
 building. This will occur in the following

• An alarm is activated in the parking garage.

• An alarm is activated in the atrium.

• The sprinkler system anywhere in the
 ambulatory building is activated.

 Patients who are non-ambulatory may be
 moved to stairwells that will serve as Areas
 of Rescue. There are communication devices
 in the stairwell that will allow people there
 to communicate with the building Fire
 Command area. Patients moved to the Area
 of Rescue should be left with an attendant.
 Follow the posted emergency instructions to
 communicate the location of the patients.
 Responding City of Pittsburgh Fire

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