Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk

Page created by Tracy Ortega
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
Ending Homelessness
in Scotland
Social Bite Impact Report

Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk

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Registered Charity in Scotland. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
Table of Contents
Introduction											3

The Social Bite Story										8

Pyramid of Change – The Social Bite Approach						   11

Social Bite Programmes										14

Food & Shelter: Free Food Programme							14

Friendship & Fun: Social Suppers								16

Christmas Activities										21

A Home to Live In: Housing First Scotland							     22

A Home to Live In: Social Bite Village								       30

Opportunity: Social Bite Academy								34

Purpose & Opportunity: Volunteering Programme					   37

Building a Movement to End Homelessness 						       40

Collaborations & Partnership Working							44

Our 2018-19 in Figures										46

* Names changed throughout for anonymity
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk

                    Homelessness has an overwhelmingly negative impact
Introduction        on the lives of those who experience it, physically,
                    socially and psychologically. It affects people when
                    they are most vulnerable - when relationships break
Social Bite is on   down, when a job is lost, due to mental health problems
a mission to end    and trauma and above all when people experience
                    poverty and cannot make ends meet. It leads to
                    exclusion and exploitation and is a devastating waste
in Scotland.        of human potential.

                    The Social Bite story began with Co-Founders, Josh
                    Littlejohn and Alice Thompson, who set up a social
                    enterprise that connected unexpectedly to the issue
                    of homelessness. Through our cafes, our Founders and
                    staff got to know people who live on the streets and in
                    other unsafe settings. An issue and a group of people
                    that are largely invisible came into sharp focus.

                    Over time, we have explored the potential for our
                    social enterprise to feed people, provide a safe place
                    to socialise and opportunities for people to grow and
                    develop. We realised that many other people wanted
                    to help in this effort too so we have made it our
                    mission to work collaboratively to end homelessness
                    in Scotland - to ensure everyone feels included and
                    empowered with a safe place to call home.

                      Our Vision                    Our Mission

                                                    1. We use our pioneering
                      A Scotland                        social enterprises to
                      where                             enable people affected
                                                        by homelessness to
                      everyone has                      transform their own
                      a safe place                      lives.

                      to call home.                 2. We lead a movement
                                                        to end homelessness
                                                        by generating funds,
                                                        awareness and action
                                                        across all sections of

                                                                                 REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
6                                                                                                                                                                                                              7

Social Bite’s Logic Model

    PROBLEM                                       IMPACTS                                              OUTCOMES                                              OUTPUTS
    > The public don’t believe homelessness      > Marginalised people build happy and               > People have basic need for food &                  > Free, healthy meals are served.
       can be solved.                                healthy lives and contribute to society              social contact met on a regular basis.
                                                                                                                                                             > Social Suppers and Social Scran events =
                                                     through employment and volunteering.
    > Homelessness has become invisible.                                                              > People have safety & security of a home               people in need receive positive contact
                                                  > The public believes that homelessness                and platform from which to build a life.              with supportive staff & volunteers each
    > Temporary accommodation
                                                     is a problem that can be solved.                                                                           week day
       is expensive & ineffective.                                                                     > People gain confidence, skills, social
                                                  > Core homelessness in Scotland is                     connection from having a job or                    > Jobs and volunteering opportunities are
    > The system is failing people
                                                     reduced through collaborative action.                volunteering.                                         delivered.
       most in need.
                                                                                                       > People have improved financial status              > People move into safe homes through
                                                                                                          from accessing correct benefits or                    Housing First and Social Bite Village.
                                                                                                                                                             > People and organisations engage in
                                                                                                       > People in Scotland are actively engaged               movement to end homelessness.
                                                                                                          in movement to end homelessness and
    GOAL                                                                                                  are more optimistic about the problem.
    End homelessness in Scotland

                                                                                                       > Serve healthy, free food to thousands of people in need across Scotland and run events that
    APPROACH                                      RESOURCES                                               reduce people’s social isolation.
    > Develop and support people to              > Skilled, passionate staff and volunteers
                                                                                                       > Support people experiencing homelessness to work and volunteer.
       transform their own lives.
                                                  > Social enterprise cafes, restaurant,
                                                                                                       > Catalyse transformational programmes that shift the system including Social Bite Village and
    > Engage the public and all sectors in          production kitchen, vans.
                                                                                                          Housing First.
       goal of ending homelessness.
                                                  > Partners across all sectors –
                                                                                                       > Run inspiring events & offer fundraising and volunteering opportunities and that build mass
    > Bring positive disruption, urgent action      government, other charities & social
                                                                                                          participation movement focussed on ending homelessness in Scotland.
       and focus on system change                    enterprises, companies.
                                                  > Relevant, quality research.
                                                  > Support and funds raised from general
                                                                                                       EXTERNAL FACTORS
                                                                                                                                                         > Rising poverty and inequality.
                                                                                                       > Global momentum of Social Business.
                                                                                                                                                         > Collective will amongst Government and
                                                                                                          Blurring of lines between sectors.
                                                                                                                                                            partners to end homelessness in Scotland.
                                                                                                       > Growing global action on ending
                                                                                                                                                         > Punitive and shifting benefits system e.g.
                                                                                                          homelessness in specific countries,
                                                                                                                                                            introduction of Universal Credit.
                                                                                                          cities and populations.
                                                                                                                                                         > Brexit uncertainty.
                                                                                                       > Brexit uncertainty.

                                                                 FIGURE 1: SOCIAL BITE’S LOGIC MODEL
SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                       REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                          9

The Social Bite Story
Social Bite was founded by Josh              employment of people affected by                       Since its inception, Social Bite has been                      Our city centre locations are easily accessible,
Littlejohn and Alice Thompson in 2012        homelessness (32 people in 2018) and                   successful in connecting the public to                         and mass fundraising events such as Sleep
as a sandwich shop in Edinburgh, which       supports homeless people to volunteer                  the issue of homelessness.                                     in The Park and Wee Sleep Out have inspired
                                                                                                                                                                   thousands to join our mission. High profile
aimed to give away all its profits to good   (28 people in 2018). We distribute
                                                                                                                                                                   endorsement by well-known figures such as
causes. The shop’s central location          healthy, free food (139,732 in 2018) via                                                                              George Clooney, Leonardo Di Caprio, Prince
meant staff got to know members of           our cafes and run Social Supper events                                                                                Harry, Meghan Markle and most recently
the homeless community and began             connecting 420 vulnerable people                                                                                      Malala Yousafzai have also raised our profile.
offering jobs and free food to people        each week with food, support and                                                                                      We are committed to using this profile to
affected by homelessness.                                                                                                                                          be a positive, disruptive force in advancing
                                                                                                                                                                   the cause of homelessness in Scotland.
Social Bite Ltd. now employs 72 people       In September 2016, we expanded our
and operates a chain of 6 social             activities to launch a social enterprise
enterprise sandwich shops across             restaurant, which provides a weekly
Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen,             sit-down meal for 40 people from
and a food delivery business supplied        the homeless community as well as
by a production kitchen in Livingston.       training opportunities for our supported
Our Social Bite Academy enables the          employees.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sleep in the Park Aberdeen

                                                                                                    Malala Yousafzai with Social Bite Co-Founder, Alice Thompson
Social Bite’s Rose Street cafe               Monday afternoon’s Social Supper at Vesta Restaurant   and We Sleep Out 2018 participants

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                                REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
10     The Social Bite Story                                                                                                                                                                              11

In 2017, our ambitions have widened to having        This highly supportive community is delivered     Pyramid of Change –
                                                                                                       The Social Bite Approach
an impact beyond our own social enterprises.         in partnership with the Cyrenians and Hillcrest
We commissioned Heriot-Watt University,              Housing Association. The project is entirely
the pre-eminent UK body for homelessness             geared to breaking the cycle of homelessness,
research, to set out a framework for eradicating     building positive relationships and offering
core homeless in Scotland’s four largest cities.     residents pathways into training, employment,     Our approach is underpinned by the work of person-centred
Simultaneously, we ran a mass sleep out for 8000     volunteering and permanent accommodation.         psychologist Abraham Maslow who formulated a theory of human
people in Princes Street Gardens, Edinburgh,                                                           motivation based on a series of innate needs, known as Maslow’s
called Sleep in the Park which raised £4 million.    During 2018, based on Heriot-Watt University’s    hierarchy of needs. Basic human needs such as food, shelter and
                                                     recommendations, Social Bite decided
                                                                                                       relationships are fundamental to existence and are the foundations
In July 2018 we opened the Social Bite Village.      to invest a significant proportion of the
Built in under a year, on an area of disused         funds raised by Sleep in the Park in the          of the pyramid. If these needs are not met, a person is unlikely to be
Council land in Edinburgh. The village provides      creation of our Housing First project.            able to realise the higher needs of positive self-esteem and personal
an alternative to the ineffective and substandard                                                      achievement.
temporary accommodation solutions which              This momentum continued in 2018 with
currently exist. It is home to up to 20 people in    10,000 people taking part in Sleep in the
specially commissioned twin share ‘Nesthouses’       Park across Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee
designed by Johnathon Avery and Tiny House           and Aberdeen and 5,000 young people
Scotland. These high-quality eco-homes are           joining in our first Wee Sleep Out initiative.
energy efficient and sustainable, providing
safe and comfortable accommodation in
a supported community environment.



                                                                                                                                     A HOME TO LIVE IN

                                                                                                                                     FRIENDSHIP & FUN

                                                                                                                                       FOOD & SHELTER

Social Bite Village Site: Before Build              Social Bite Village Site: After Build                                       FIGURE 2: SOCIAL BITE’S PYRAMID OF CHANGE

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                   REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
12    Pyramid of Change: The Social Bite Approach                                                                                                                                                                          13

Building lives                           Food and Shelter                    Friendship and Fun                 Homes to Live In                  Jobs and Opportunities                 Purpose
At Social Bite, we recognise             The harsh facts are that            There is a wall of stigma          Despite Scotland having           Talent is everywhere. Oppor-           We have high aspirations of
that all people have the same            every year more people in           surrounding people affected        some of the most progressive      tunity isn’t. We look to redress       all people involved in Social
fundamental needs and rights.            Scotland are struggling to feed     by homelessness. They are          homelessness legislation          the balance by giving people           Bite. Don’t just come and get
Our basic needs of food and              themselves and their families.      labelled, blamed for their         in the world, there are still     affected by homelessness real          a meal, when you’re ready
shelter are human rights, along          There has been a rise in the        own situations and written         hundreds of people sleeping       jobs in a real commercial en-          serve a meal to others. Don’t
with the right to feel safe. These       numbers using food banks and        off. Rough sleepers tell us        rough in our major cities         vironment. We believe the best         just get clean, get healthy and
are the fundamental building             some schools are reporting          of humiliating physical and        each night and many more          place to learn how to work is in       build great relationships. Don’t
blocks of life and without               that children are coming to         verbal abuse and of the pain       people trapped in unsuitable      a job, so we provide as many           just get any job, work towards
them we are unable to form               school starving. In many areas      of simply being ignored.           temporary accommodation,          real, paying jobs as possible.         a job that’s going to inspire
relationships or find purpose.           wages have not kept pace                                               without a stable platform                                                and sustain you through life.
                                         with rising costs and there         The reality is that many           on which to build a life.         We encourage people to
At Social Bite, we meet many             are large numbers of families       people’s histories are dark.                                         volunteer so they can give back        We aim to foster leadership
people who are missing many              suffering from in work poverty.     They have suffered abuse and       In 2018, our work accelerated     to others who’ve experienced           in everyone involved. Give
or all of these building blocks          The situation is even worse         neglect in childhood and have      to provide real homes to          the same issues and so they            people a stake and a voice
and we work with them to help            for those who do not have           experienced chronic poverty.       people in need. A safe place      can stand as role models for           to influence what we’re
them build up their capacity,            a place to call home. Many          They have been trapped in a        to live is the cornerstone of a   others on a similar journey.           doing and a role in ending
resources and relationships.             cannot afford to eat and are        homelessness system that           good life and we have been                                               homelessness in Scotland.
                                         surviving in places where they      has damaged their mental           working relentlessly to get       We wrap extensive support
A house is not enough. Recently          don’t have access to cooking        and physical health and they       more people in need access        around our job and volunteer
we were fortunate to host Nobel          facilities and can’t cook proper    have been offered no real help.    to a home.                        opportunities so that people
Laureate Malala Yousafzai who            meals. We meet hundreds of                                                                               can put in place the other
spoke of her own experience              people each week in need of         Social Bite offers acceptance                                        building blocks of their lives.
of homelessness. She wasn’t              food. Food is not just a physical   and a warm welcome to
on the streets but was living            necessity, it is also connecting    people, who in most other
in crowded conditions with a             us to one another. Sharing food     situations are invisible,
relative, with no access to any          and eating together creates         disrespected or rejected. We
of the things she associated             acceptance and friendship. We       believe strongly that people are
with home. Her words were:               welcome people into our warm        people and there is no divide.
“Even in the presence of shelter         cafes and provide hot, healthy      Everyone has value and we
you can still feel homeless”.            and filling food to people who      all have something to offer.
                                         are hungry. We offer breakfast
We take these words to heart.            from 8am, the time most
A roof over someone’s head               people have to leave their B&Bs
is essential but we aspire to            and in the afternoons, Social
more than that. We recognise             Scran, is served from 3.30pm -
the imperative of good, trusted          4pm, ensuring access to a hot
relationships and the strength           meal for those who want it.
                                                                                                                       Dr Adam Burley, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, provides training on
and support these provide in                                                                                           Psychologically Informed Environments as well as reflective practice
finding purpose and joy in life.                                                                                       sessions for the Social Bite team. He highlights the fundamental nature
                                                                                                                       of relationships when he says:

Our approach is deliberately
aspirational. We focus on
people’s strengths and we
                                                                                                                                ust as breathing is essential for physical
have high hopes for those                                                                                                      life, human relationships are essential to
we support and employ,
firmly believing that through                                                                                                  psychological development and well-being.”
consistent, compassionate
support we can enable
individuals to discover the value
and purpose in their own lives.

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                                    REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 15

Social Bite                                                                                                A Pay-It-Forward scheme is available in all cafes              Free Food – *John’s Story

                                                                                                           and our restaurant, Vesta, which enables our                            On my first day of being homeless I was sat
                                                                                                           customers to pay for an extra hot drink, snack

                                                                                                                                                                                   outside a vacant shop opposite Social Bite
                                                                                                           or meal for a homeless person. Not only does                            on Rose St. A Social Bite staff member on
                                                                                                           this help customers feel closer to, and involved,                       break spoke to me and told me about Social
                                                                                                           in our mission it also helps those who need the                         Bite and free food. She asked me if I was
                                                                                                           service realise that people care and want to help.                      hungry and wanted a hot drink. She went
                                                                                                                                                                                   into the shop and came back out with a
                                                                                                           Our free food programme is based on                                     bacon roll and hot chocolate.
                                                                                                           a deliberately non-judgemental ethos
                                                                                                           whereby we offer food to anyone who                                     She told me about free food and where I
                                                                                                           is in need without asking questions. We                                 could go for help.
                                                                                                           break down barriers creating a warm
                                                                                                           welcoming environment for everyone.                                     I didn’t know where to go or anything about
                                                                                                                                                                                   being homeless and I was still really down
                                                                                                           After wide consultation with people who use                             so all I heard was free food.
                                                                                                           our free food provision, we have recently
                                                                                                           improved this service, now known as Social                              After two days, I spoke to someone else who
                                                                                                           Scran. We believe these changes better                                  was homeless and he introduced me to one
                                                                                                           accommodate the needs of rough sleepers                                 of the support workers at Social Bite and she
                                                                                                           and those in temporary accommodation; who                               has been helping me ever since.”
                                                                                                           can now join us for breakfast between 08:00
                                                                                                           – 11:00 and return for our 3.30pm offering of
                                                                                                           hot meals and sandwiches to take away.

Pay-It-Forward board in cafe

                                                                                                                                  Free Food Give Away
         Our programme of work to support and develop people affected by                                   16000
         homelessness mirrors the different blocks of our pyramid of change.                               14000
         Food & Shelter: Free Food Programme         In 2018 we gave away 139,732 food
         Food is one of the fundamental              and drink items to people in need. We
         building blocks to life, not only do        currently provide on average 2800 free
         we need it on a basic physiological         food and drink items to around 420                    6000

         level, as research shows, it is also tool   people per week across Edinburgh,                     4000
         in connecting us to one another.            Glasgow and Aberdeen. We use food as                  2000
                                                     an engagement tool – we meet people’s                   0
         Our cafes and our restaurant Vesta are      basic needs for food and shelter and at











         in city centre locations making them        the same time build positive relationships                    Ja






         easily accessible for people in need.       with individuals. Those relationships





         They are at the heart of our work and       are key and a first step to supporting
         are the base from which we provide          individuals in making a change.              FIGURE 3: FREE FOOD ITEMS GIVEN AWAY IN 2018
                                                                                                           FIGURE 3: FREE FOOD ITEMS GIVEN AWAY IN 2018
         free food support and opportunities.                                                     WE GIVE AWAY LESS ITEMS IN DECEMBER AS SOCIAL BITE SOCIAL BITE SOCIAL ENTERPRISE IS
                                                                                                  CLOSE FORWE
                                                                                                            2 WEEKS
                                                                                                               GIVE FOLLOWING
                                                                                                                    AWAY LESSCHRISTMAS
                                                                                                                                 ITEMS IN DAY TO ENABLE
                                                                                                                                          DECEMBER     ASSTAFF TO TAKE
                                                                                                                                                          SOCIAL   BITEASOCIAL
                                                                                                                                                                         HOLIDAYENTERPRISE IS CLOSED
                                                                                                           FOR 2 WEEKS FOLLOWING CHRISTMAS DAY TO ENABLE STAFF TO TAKE A HOLIDAY.

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                                            REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
16                                                                                                                                                                                                      17

Friendship & Fun:                                                                    Partnerships at Social Suppers
                                                                                     Prep Table, an organisation empowering people

Social Suppers
                                                                                     through food, which has become very popular –
                                                                                     we have an average of seven people attending
                                                                                     this monthly cooking event. Prep Table at Social
                                                                                     Bite is creating a sense of community amongst
                                                                                     the people that attend, all sharing and/or
                                                                                     discovering an interest in good food from around
                                                                                     the world, good music and good conversation.

                                                                                     We invited Fresh Start to attend our Women’s
                                                                                     Suppers, to promote their course – Jumpstart,
                                                                                     a range of training programmes designed to
                                                                                     develop personal effectiveness, motivation,
                                                                                     skills and employability. Two of our regular
                                                                                     female attendees successfully completed
                                                                                     the SQA Personal Development Award.

                                                                                     Monthly visits from the NHS nurse gave women
                                                                                     the opportunity to discuss any concern related
                                                                                     to sexual health. This partnership with the
                                                                                     NHS provided staff members and volunteers
                                                                                     the opportunity to take part in Sexual Health
                                                                                     Training at the Chalmers Sexual Health
                                                                                     Centre, six team members participated in
                                                                                     this training; enabling greater support for
                                                                                     women who attend our Suppers events.

                                             Guests at Social Scran

        Every week we host Social Supper events in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and
        Glasgow, welcoming over 180 people to a warm, relaxed environment
        of good food, community, and support. These events are run by our
        Training and Support Workers, alongside a team of dedicated volunteers.
        In addition, we invite partner organisations to join our events to provide
        tailored support and advice to people attending. The events are designed
        to be fun and informal and often incorporate extra elements such as
        book club, haircuts and cooking.

                                                                                     Woman enjoying tea party before treatments at Lush Spa   Prep Table event at Social Bite Rose Street

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                 REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
Ending Homelessness in Scotland - Social Bite Impact Report 2018-19 - Visit us at: www.social-bite.co.uk
18    Friendship and Fun: Social Suppers                                                                                                                                19

A significant partnership with Victim Support started in                 In Aberdeen, we host a Social Supper
2018 after one of our drivers delivered a catering order and             event once a week where we see an
talked about his personal story of how he was affected by                average of 17 people attending.
homelessness. A Victim Support representative has become
a familiar face at the Women’s Suppers and the aim of this               In Edinburgh, we host 3 Social Supper events
partnership is to provide support to victims of crime. Women             every week including a weekly two-course meal,
were provided with panic alarms which can be used in a risky             each Monday, at our Vesta restaurant. The event
situation to draw attention. We continue to work with Victim             promotes an idea of dining with dignity to people
Support on defining a clear pathway for reporting crime.                 who may not otherwise get the opportunity to
                                                                         enjoy a delicious sit-down meal in a high-quality
Our work with vulnerable women has been strongly supported               restaurant. On average there are 37 people
by LUSH (cosmetics retailer). LUSH provides women with                   attending the event at Vesta each week. We
toiletry products as well as opening their spa three times a             also host an event every Tuesday, welcoming an
year. In 2018 we celebrated International Women’s Day with               average of 46 people weekly, this is in addition
Lush, as well as Marks & Spencer who offered bra fitting,                to the women’s only event each Wednesday
and we also invited Hey Girls who fight period poverty.                  with an average of 11 people attending. Each
                                                                         week, we welcome around 100 people across
As part of the on-going partnership between Cyrenians and                our various Social Supper events in Edinburgh.
Social Bite, Nick Harold, Outreach Worker at Cyrenians Homeless
Navigator Project, conducted, 3 outreach information sessions            In Glasgow, we host Social Supper events on a
                                                                                                                             Sing along at Social Suppers
with Social Bite’s staff and volunteers, as well as with other invited   Monday and Friday evening with an average of
individuals from relevant partner agencies. These sessions               68 people attending across both nights. We also
involved a two-hour walk around the city centre, where Nick              hold a women’s only event every Tuesday, with
explained how and why Cyrenians Navigator Project work is                approximately 10 women attending each week.
essential, giving examples of the realities of street-life, discussed
the housing system and how it works for the people we support.           One regular guest shared:

Our partnership working approach spans beyond charities and                   his place is a small island of peace and
retail, inviting all sectors of society to join our movement to              people (I) feel safe and welcome in a busy
end homelessness in Scotland. 2018 saw a partnership develop                 cold city. Thank you to all who give up your
with CMS, top 10 Global law firm, who have provided pro-bono                 time to help others 10/10”.
legal support and employee volunteering opportunities. Over
the past year, 10 of their team have become regular volunteers
at our Social Supper events in Glasgow and Edinburgh.                    We start by getting to know people’s names
                                                                         and what they like in their tea. We get to know     Social Supper events in Glasgow

                                                                         each other over the weekly quiz or have a
                                                                         dance to the live music at our Social Supper
        Social Bite are doing amazing work to end                        events. Over time, our relationship grows to

        homelessness in Scotland. Our people have embraced               finding out how we might help people get the
                                                                         support they need or to find an opportunity
        Social Bite’s mission and have been contributing                 to connect to work or volunteering.

        in a variety of different ways including fundraising,
        volunteering, sponsorship and awareness raising.
        We all have our part to play and, CMS are proud to
        be supporters of Social Bite’s work.” CMS, Glasgow

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                 REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
20    Friendship and Fun: Social Suppers                                                                                                                                                                                21

Sometimes our staff support people                         Referrals classed as ‘Other’ include those made      Christmas Activities
directly with issues and other times they                  to organisations helping people who are at risk      Community and celebration are central to our ethos. Christmas
refer people to partner organisations, who                 of violence, dealing with debts and/or needing       can be a particularly lonely time, over the past five years we
provide support and opportunities.                         access to basic amenities and services such          have hosted festivities on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in
                                                           as hairdressers. The range of referrals illustrate   Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow, for people who have nowhere
In 2018, we made 161 referrals to help                     the vast array of needs but also the person-         else to go. These are days unlike any other, it is more than a
people access support as shown below:                      centered approach that Training and Support          meal, it is a chance to get together with friends old and new, to
                                                           Workers are taking when working with people.         enjoy live music, some dancing, presents, and a three-course
                                                           Housing/tenancy support does not include The         Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings. These celebrations are
                                                           Social Bite Village or Housing First programme.      made possible by the generosity of people across the country who
                                                                                                                bought a voucher for a meal or present through our partners Itison.
                                                                                                                com, or paid it forward in restaurants across Scotland, as well as
                                                                                                                an army of our volunteers and staff team who wrapped, prepped,
                                                                                                                and peeled vegetables for days to make these events happen.

                               Types of Support Provided
                                               (No. of People)


           Food bank/clothing

        Immigration /asylum


 Housing/ tenancy support

                                           0          10         20          30           40          50



                                                                                                                Christmas festivities at Social Bite

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                                 REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
22                                                                                                                                                                                           23

A Home to Live In:                                                                    In 2017, Social Bite hosted Sleep in the Park - a    The project’s primary goal is to enable

Housing First Scotland
                                                                                      mass participation event and, set an ambitious       830 people with complex needs who are
                                                                                      vision to lead a movement to end homelessness        experiencing homelessness to access a
                                                                                      in Scotland by generating funds, awareness           permanent home with extensive support for as
                                                                                      and action across all sections of society. With      long as is needed. This Housing First approach
                                                                                      that goal in mind, Social Bite commissioned          will help people with multiple support needs, who
                                                                                      a key report by Heriot-Watt University entitled      have been failed by the homelessness system,
                                                                                      “Eradicating ‘Core Homelessness’ in Scotland’s       to access and maintain mainstream housing
                                                                                      Four Largest Cities: Providing an Evidence           as well as improve their health, relationships
                                                                                      Base and Guiding a Funding Framework”. The           and engagement in meaningful activity.
                                                                                      report concluded that Social Bite could make         Evidence shows that Housing First is singularly
                                                                                      a significant impact on improving outcomes           effective in helping people with complex needs
                                                                                      for the most vulnerable people in Scotland           to sustain a tenancy - resulting in an 80-90%
                                                                                      by investing in a Housing First approach.            tenancy sustainment rate after 2 years.

                                                                                      During 2018, based on Heriot-Watt University’s
                                                                                      academic research recommendations, Social
                                                                                      Bite decided to invest a significant proportion
                                                                                      of the unrestricted funds raised by Sleep in the
                                                                                      Park in the creation of our Housing First project.
                                                                                      Social Bite has played a catalytic role in the
                                                                                      establishment of the Housing First in Scotland
                                                                                      as a key member of the Scottish Government’s
                                                                                      Homelessness And Rough Sleeping Action Group.

                                                                                      Social Bite, in partnership with Corra Foundation
                                                                                      and Glasgow Homelessness Network (GHN)
                                                                                      launched The Housing First Scotland Fund,
                                                                                      which will be one of the largest programmes
                                                                                      of its kind in the UK. The Programme aims to
                                                                                      bring hundreds of people sleeping rough and
                                                                                      those caught in the homeless system into
                                                                                      secure and supported long-term tenancies.

        At Social Bite we are working collaboratively to ensure everyone in
        Scotland has a safe place to call home, we believe this is not only a basic
        human right, but it is essential in creating a society where everyone has
        the opportunity to reach their potential.

        Over the past few years this mission has seen Social Bite pioneer
        two initiatives, Housing First Scotland and the Social Bite Village, which
        are not only transforming lives but also generating much needed
        systemic change.

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24     A Home to Live In: Housing First Scotland                                                                                                                                                                           25

Social Bite believes this project signifies the     The other significant contributor of funds is        Key elements of collaboration include:                Delivery Partners:
dawning of a new era in how Scotland responds       The Merchants House of Glasgow. The Scottish                                                               Consortia of leading homelessness providers
to the systemic issue of homelessness. The          Government officially backed the programme           • Alignment with the Scottish Government’s           have been selected to deliver Housing First in
project’s wider goal is to act as a catalyst for    and has pledged £4M to the first two years of           Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action             the five project locations:
the adoption of Housing First across all 32         the programme and an additional £2.5M for               Group (HARSAG). HARSAG was a short-life
Scottish local authorities, so it becomes the       year three to support the transition to local           strategic group convened by the Scottish                                 Glasgow led by Turning Point
primary model for combating homelessness            authority mainstreaming of rapid rehousing.             Government between November 2017 and May                                 Scotland with a consortium
as experienced by the most vulnerable                                                                       2018 with the aim of developing a strategy                               comprised of Simon Community
people. We aim to cause a structural shift          The substantial developments made in 2018               for ending homelessness in Scotland. Social                              Scotland, The Salvation
away from the use of unsuitable temporary           towards rapid rehousing using the Housing               Bite was a member of this group, which                                   Army and Loretto Care
accommodation that perpetuates repeat               First principles is testament to the collaborative      ensured our efforts to establish a Housing First
homelessness, towards people being housed           working of many organisations across the                project were aligned with national strategy.                             Edinburgh led by Edinburgh
as quickly as possible in permanent homes           sector. The voluntary sector, government and                                                                                     Cyrenians with a consortium
with appropriate wrap-around support.               academic partners are strongly aligned in their      • Social Bite has obtained pledges of                                      comprised of Turning Point
                                                    commitment to make Housing First a reality.             permanent housing for the project from                                   Scotland, Rock Trust, Streetwork,
The investment of £3 million, by Social Bite, in                                                            diverse providers. This includes EdIndex                                 Bethany Christian Trust, Gowrie
to the Housing First Pathfinders project saw a                                                              consortium of 20 housing associations in                                 Care and Barony Care
significant progression in a journey which began                                                            Edinburgh and the Wheatley Group.
with Turning Point Scotland who ran a small                                                                                                                                          Dundee led by Transform
Housing First pilot project almost ten years ago.                                                        • Social Bite has commissioned Glasgow                                     Community Development
                                                                                                            Homelessness Network (GHN) to coordinate                                 with a consortium comprised
                                                                                                            the delivery of the Housing First Project. GHN                           of Salvation Army Dundee,
                                                                                                            is Scotland’s leading network for voluntary                              Dundee Survival Group
                                                                                                            sector homelessness organisations and has                                (DSG) and Addaction
                                                                                                            been a long-time advocate of Housing First.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Aberdeen led by Aberdeen
                                                                                                         • Social Bite has commissioned The Corra                                   Cyrenians with a consortium
                                                                                                            Foundation to support the process by which                               comprised of Aberdeen
                                                                                                            consortia would be selected to run Housing                               Foyer, Turning Point Scotland,
                                                                                                            First in the five project locations. Corra                               Aberdeen City Council Housing
                                                                                                            Foundation is also managing reporting by                                 Support Department and
                                                                                                            the 5 consortia and grant administration.                                Aberdeenshire Council

                                                                                                         • Turning Point Scotland is delivering a                                   Stirling led by Loretto Care with
                                                                                                            consistent training programme to all                                     Barony Care offering support
                                                                                                            providers. Turning Point Scotland (TPS)
                                                                                                            has been running a successful Housing First
                                                                                                            programme in Glasgow since 2010 for 22
                                                                                                            individuals and has expert knowledge in
                                                                                                            how to successfully implement the approach.
Housing First Pathfinder’s Event in Dundee          Doug Gibson, Housing First Pathfinder
                                                    Programme Manager                                    • Heriot-Watt University will be carrying
                                                                                                            out an external evaluation of the project
                                                                                                            starting in January 2019. Heriot-Watt
                                                                                                            University are the pre-eminent research
                                                                                                            body in the UK for homelessness research.

                                                                                                                                                               Maggie-Ann Brunjes, Glasgow Homeless Network CEO &
                                                                                                                                                               Dame Louise Casey, World’s Big Sleepout Trust Chairperson

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                                 REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
26     A Home to Live In: Housing First Scotland                                                                                                                                                                                                    27

Progress to date:                                                                                                    Significantly, Housing First treats homelessness                          the public purse after an initial set up and
Phase One of the project began in August 2018.                    Importantly, the number of tenancies sustained     as a social justice issue and ensures each                                transitional period of approximately two years.
Consortia in each of the five areas worked to                     so far is 100% of the total tenancies started.     person is given choices of where to live and
finalise local structures and processes in order                  No tenancies have been ended so far as a           the wrap-around support they need.                                        At organisation level, the project will develop
to ramp up delivery of Housing First tenancies                    result of eviction, abandonment or planned                                                                                   a new generation of specialist Housing First
in 2019.                                                          move and so there have been no subsequent          There is a significant wider community benefit                            providers, who will be trained in Housing
                                                                  homelessness applications made as a result of      to the project in that it will support people                             First Principles, with each Key Worker
The progress to date (February                                    someone leaving their Housing First tenancy.       to improve their health and well-being, their                             supporting up to 7 people. They will deliver
2019) in individuals housed is:                                                                                      relationships and engagement in meaningful                                all the support services through consortia
                                                                                                                     activity. In this way, the project will help                              of 20 organisations across the 5 cities.
Aberdeen/shire:             5 in tenancies                                                                           individuals build positive connections in their
Dundee:                     2 in tenancies                                                                           community – in some cases supporting them to                              At a systems level we aim to cause a shift
Edinburgh:                  9 in tenancies                                                                           reconnect with friends and family and in other                            towards Housing First as a default solution,
Glasgow:                    27 in tenancies                                                                          cases helping them create new social networks                             rather than forcing vulnerable homeless people
Stirling:                   3 in tenancies                                                                           and contribute through paid and voluntary work.                           into unsupported congregated hostels and
                                                                                                                                                                                               stigmatising accommodation. We are confident
                                                                                                                     Equally, the project will help to reduce the                              that this fundamental shift will be maintained
                                                                                                                     significant hidden costs of the current system,                           due to vastly improved outcomes produced
                                                                                                                     which contributes to vulnerable individuals’                              and net savings to the public purse. The Scottish
                                                                                                                     contact with accident and emergency services,                             Government has also committed to the adoption
                                                                                                                     crisis mental health services and the criminal                            of the Housing First model across all 32 local
                            Housing First Monthly Tenancy Tracker Targets
                                                                                                                     justice system. International evidence shows                              authority areas, so we intend for the project to
                                   Year 1 : April 2019 - March 2020 | Year 2 : April 2020 - March 2021
                                                                                                                     that significant savings can be made to                                   have a national impact in the longer-term.










     To March Q1 (Year 1) Q2 (year 1) Q3 (year 1) Q4 (year 1) Q1 (Year 2) Q2 (Year 2) Q3 (Year 2) Q4 (Year 4)

                                                                                                                     Hearing from people with lived experience at Housing First Pathfinder’s event in Dundee


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28                                                                                                                                                               29

Housing First – Mick’s Story
After losing his wife, kids, home, and job; he found
himself homeless. Now, Mick is an example of how        When I first presented myself
Scotland is leading the way in the movement to ensure   as homeless to the council
safe and settled homes for society’s most vulnerable.   office, they told me to go to
                                                        a hotel for two nights. But
                                                        when I turned up, I wasn’t on
                                                        the register so they wouldn’t
                                                        let me in. And because it was
                                                        the weekend, there was no
                                                        one to call to sort things so I
                                                        had to sleep rough; although
                                                        I didn’t sleep. People on the
                                                        homeless scene know the best
                                                        places to go, but I’ve worked
                                                        all my life so never expected
                                                        to find myself on the streets
                                                        and hadn’t a clue. I kept going
                                                                                          “  Now I have my own flat I’m
                                                                                              grateful for small things, like
                                                        in to McDonald’s for warmth           being able to make myself a
                                                        and coffee and took all-day
                                                        bus rides. I was glad to have         cup of tea in peace. And for
                                                        a bed in the Salvation Army           the much bigger things, like
                                                        accommodation but locked
                                                        myself in my room to keep             having my son to visit.”
                                                        myself to myself. People
                                                        chapped my door every half
                                                        hour, so it was impossible to
                                                        have peace. Visitors weren’t
                                                        allowed so I couldn’t see my
                                                        son. That was the worst thing.
                                                                                                                                 My neighbours are lovely and
                                                        I spent nights under bridges                                             having peace helps me feel
                                                        not just because of the shelter   I’m desperate to get back to           normal again. I appreciate
                                                        but because I could hide in the   work and am being supported            small things, like being able to
                                                        dark and cry. I felt ashamed,     through treatment for a long-          have a quiet cup of tea. And
                                                        drained, heartbroken, horrible    term stomach condition, which          I love cleaning and tidying -
                                                        and disgusting. I’d worked        means I keep vomiting and              although I never let the flat
                                                        all my life but in a space of a   can’t eat properly.                    get untidy. Best of all is being
                                                        week, after my marriage                                                  able to have my son here -
                                                        broke down, I lost everything.    Now I have my own flat I’m             I’m only a five-minute walk
                                                                                          grateful for small things, like        away. Having my wee boy
                                                        When I was homeless, I felt       being able to make myself a            here on his eighth birthday,
                                                        hopeless and worthless.           cup of tea in peace. And for           just playing games with him,
                                                        Now my self-esteem and            the much bigger things, like           was one of the proudest
                                                        confidence have built back up.    having my son to visit.                moments of my life.”

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30                                                                                                                                                                                                          31

A Home to Live In:
Social Bite Village

                                                                                        FIGURE 6: VILLAGE MODEL

                                                                                      At the end of 2018, there were 18 Community                       In addition, there is an active weekly
                                                                                      Members at the Social Bite Village. There are                     timetable including opportunities ranging
                                                                                      14 males and 4 females, with the average                          from yoga, ‘daily mile’, and bike rides, to a
                                                                                      age of a Community Member being 40.                               cooking club and DJ sessions. We anticipate
                                                                                                                                                        Community members will live at the Village
                                                                                      The 18 existing Community Members were                            for approximately 12-18 months. Over this
                                                                                      referred through various channels:                                time, people will contribute to the life of the
                                                                                                                                                        community, learn a range of new skills and
                                                                                      * 6 self-referrals                                                engage in work and voluntary placements.
                                                                                      * 3 Social Bite referrals
                                                                                      * 9 Agency referrals (3 x Crisis, 3 x Your                       After 12-18 months, we will support residents
        The Social Bite Village is an innovative, highly supported community for         Home, 1 x Link-up, 1 x City of Edinburgh                       into permanent accommodation and support
        up to 20 people affected by homelessness. The purpose of the Village             Council, North West, 1 x NHS)                                  them to make this transition ‘stick’. As each
                                                                                                                                                        person moves on, a new Community Member
        is to offer the right support, living environment and opportunities for
                                                                                      Five Community Members have already                               will join to be supported and mentored by
        someone from a situation of homelessness to build an independent life.        secured paid employment, while a further                          their fellow community members. Community
                                                                                      five have enrolled on courses at nearby                           Members are people who were currently living
        The idea for Social Bite Village came out of conversations Social Bite had
                                                                                      Edinburgh College or the Open University.                         in temporary/emergency accommodation
        with people supported by and employed in our social enterprises, who                                                                            including homeless hostels and B&Bs.
        had experience of living in temporary accommodation. They told us that
        B&B accommodation does not provide a suitable platform for people to
        escape from homelessness so we took action.

        The Village is made up of 10 ‘NestHouses’ – each shared by two residents
        plus an additional unit for staff. There is also a large, central Community
        Hub, which is the focus of community life – where residents can cook, eat
        and socialise together. The Hub is also the base for much of our training
        and support activities.

                                                                                      Social Bite Village: Community Hub, Gardens & Nesthouse kitchen

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                     REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
32        A Home to Live In: The Social Bite Village                                                                                                                                                                                                       33

The Village is designed to be an active and
highly supportive community. We have
                                                       Social Bite Village – Alistair’s Story
                                                       Alistair moved into the Village after losing his
                                                                                                            Social Bite Village: Logic Model
engaged partners, Cyrenians, to provide                job and experiencing a family breakdown
a highly skilled and experienced staff and             meaning he could no longer stay there.                 Situation
volunteer team at the Village. Staff and                                                                      Homeless people are housed in emergency/ temporary accommodation with limited opportunity
volunteers are crucial in providing positive           He had no social circle or close friendships           to establish healthy routines or to work towards or sustain happy, active independent lives.
role models to residents, running a health             when he moved into the Village. However,
and wellbeing programme as well as being a             he had already started volunteering with
consistent and supportive presence on site.            Social Bite. Alistair has quickly adapted to
                                                                                                             Inputs                                               Outputs
                                                       living in this community environment.                                                                      Activities                                          Participants
                                                                                                             Highly skilled Support Staff
                                                                                                                                                                  What we do                                          Who we reach
                                                       He is learning new life skills and attends a          Diverse and skilled Volunteers
                                                                                                                                                                  Intensive one-to-one work
In addition, Hillcrest Housing Association is a        weekly cooking club within the village. Alistair      Quality living environment (Nesthouse)                                                                   People housed in emergency/
                                                                                                                                                                  Role modelling of healthy behaviours and routines   temporary accommodation
partner in the project and provides a Housing          is now starting to volunteer with Cyrenians           Community Hub and grounds                            by staff and volunteers
Officer who manages each resident’s occupancy.         cooking classes at their depot. He enjoys             Connections, opportunities and resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      People interested in living in and
                                                                                                                                                                  Co-creation of community and peer support           contributing to a community
Hillcrest also provide facilities management           walking and taking part in the ‘daily mile’ on the    in wider community/from partners
                                                                                                                                                                  Community wellbeing activities
for the Village ensuring the buildings and site        Health and Wellbeing programme. He goes for
                                                                                                                                                                  Community meals
are maintained to the highest standard.                walks with the Village dogs when available.
                                                                                                                                                                  Community chores/rota

                                                                                                                                                                  Support into employment, external volunteering
                                                       Alistair has also been successful in
                                                                                                                                                                  and education/training
                                                       securing a part time job and has been
                                                                                                                                                                  Connect Community Members to wider communi-
                                                       enjoying his time there and is enjoying the                                                                ty and social networks
                                                       purpose and income this generates.
Social Bite believes for a community to be
truly transformational, it is fundamental that         We are now planning on supporting Alistair
Community Members are involved in the shaping          to learn how to ride a bike.                           Assumptions: All Community Members have assets (strengths) they can build on in order to establish happy and healthy lives;
and forming of it, at every stage. The Social Bite                                                            the best way to inspire change is long-term, holistic and person-centred support and to provide positive and diverse role
                                                                                                              models that support the change process.
Village is an experimental project, built upon the     Play Watch a video of Alistair’s story here
expertise and lived experience of those who have
created similar developments. The journey of the                                                            Outcomes for Community Members
community so far, has been largely positive, with
                                                                                                            Short Term (1 mth)                          Medium Term (6 mths)                                   Long Term (12 mths+)
many lives being transformed. However, as with
any environment that brings together people                                                                 Understanding of Outcomes Star areas        Gains in 8 Outcome Star areas:                         Sustained progress in medium term out-
                                                                                                            and completion of action plan towards       • Motivation and taking responsibility                 comes plus:
from different backgrounds, experiences, with                                                               personal goals                              • Self-care and living skills
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Achievement and maintenance of inde-
varying preferences and habits; the community                                                               Set up on appropriate benefits
                                                                                                                                                        • Managing money and personal administration
                                                                                                                                                                                                               pendent /move on housing out with the
                                                                                                                                                        • Social networks and relationships
has gone through a natural process of forming                                                               Raised awareness of healthy boundaries      • Drug and alcohol misuse                              Village

and norming, with ebbs and flows of struggle                                                                and routines                                • Physical health
                                                                                                                                                        • Emotional and mental health
and celebration as people have adjusted to,                                                                 Positive, new peer relationships/social     • Meaningful use of time
and at times struggled with, community life.                                                                                                            • Managing tenancy and accommodation
                                                                                                                                                        • Offending
                                                                                                            Confidence and self-esteem gained from
                                                                                                            contributing to running of Community
The Social Bite Village was built thanks to                                                                                                             Confidence gained from peer leadership

a massive collective effort from a range of                                                                                                             Completion of meaningful of activity – employment,
companies and individuals, supplying everything                                                                                                         volunteering, education and achievement of accred-
                                                                                                                                                        ited training/qualifications
from windows to project management
expertise. The project spurred the public’s
imagination and stands as a tangible symbol
for hope and doing things differently.
                                                                                                              External factors: Impact of HRSAG recommendations/Scottish Gov’s policies/Interaction with Housing First Programme

                                                                                                            FIGURE 7: VILLAGE LOGIC MODEL
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34                                                                                                                                                                                                          35

Opportunity:                                                                                         Social Bite Academy follows a ‘Place and Train’
                                                                                                     model - providing real jobs to people with
                                                                                                                                                        Five Star Employees
                                                                                                                                                        The following chart illustrates progress made

Social Bite Academy                                                                                  extensive support alongside this to help people
                                                                                                     address barriers or issues in their wider lives.
                                                                                                                                                        by *Jack who has sustained employment with
                                                                                                                                                        Social Bite for 5 months to date. The chart helps
                                                                                                                                                        to demonstrate how consistent and reliable
                                                                                                     We believe giving people a job and working         he has been as an employee in the time he
                                                                                                     to make it ‘stick’ is the most effective way       has been with us to date. The Feedback Loop is
                                                                                                     of helping people with complex needs               carried out with the supported employee, the
                                                                                                     access and maintain employment.                    Unit Manager and Training and Support Worker.
                                                                                Colin, Team member
                                                                                                     When things don’t work according to
                                                                                                     plan we don’t turn people away. Making
                                                                                                     mistakes is natural and being supported
                                                                                                     through them is part of the process
                                                                                                     which leads to trust and resilience.

                                                             Mimi, Manager at
                                                             Rose Street cafe

                                                                                                     FIGURE 8: FEEDBACK LOOP

        Social Bite Academy is an initiative run by Social Bite aimed at supporting
        people affected by homelessness into employment, providing a                                 The below picture shows the ‘ideal’ pipe
        purposeful platform for individuals transform their own life.                                line of engagement, however people join
                                                                                                     us at various stages of the journey.
        The people we support would normally face insurmountable barriers to
        work. We provide a highly supportive and real, commercial environment
        where people can re-engage with work or, in many cases, start working
        for the first time. Work placements are offered for up to 21 months with a
        view to supporting people to move on to further employment or indeed to
        remain at Social Bite in a permanent role, dependent upon their interests,
        hopes and career plans.

                                                                                                     FIGURE 9: SOCIAL BITE ACADEMY PIPELINE

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                     REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
36        Opportunity: Social Bite Academy                                                                                                                                                                        37

Social Bite Academy – *Maggie’s Story
“During my time working with Social Bite I
                                                              My manager knew my worries about going
                                                              straight back into working with the public so        Purpose & Opportunity:
                                                                                                                   Volunteering Programme
was made homeless. Within 24 hours my                         instead I was put on a placement to work
manager at the time, Barbara Haig, was with                   alongside The Edinburgh Remakery. During
me supporting and guiding me. Barbara took                    the next few weeks not only was I back
me to the council and answered questions I                    working but it helped me so much more than
didn’t know how to answer. Once settled into a                the obvious, it helped me get back into a
women’s hostel my mental health deteriorated,                 routine, it helped me overcome the anxieties
I felt at that moment in time at my lowest.                   of leaving the house, to eat meals again.

I finally got the keys to my own place last May               Fast forward a few months and I am still in
and felt like I was being dealt some good luck                therapy and working on me. Looking back to see
(and boy did I need it!). Once I started to settle            how far I had came and it was all thanks to the
into my new forever home it all hit me at full                support from social bite and the academy. They
speed the last year of hell that I had gone                   didn’t judge me, or make me feel uncomfortable,
through. My mental health took a bad turn which               they hired me and took a risk. I am hoping they
resulted in me attempting to take my own life. I              will say it paid off as now I have got my own
was given time off work to ensure I get better.               place, a little kitten Rainbow and I am now a
                                                              support worker helping others achieve the best
During this time my manager met with me                       possible life. I am in the process of looking into
and family members and my mental health                       setting up my own social enterprise called
team to put a plan in place for my recovery.                  ReadySteadyBreathe to help others with
                                                              mental health.”

The below Outcomes Star, is part of a family of evidence-based tools for supporting
and measuring change when working with people. It is underpinned by three
values – empowerment, collaboration and integration. This Outcome Star clearly
tracks the significant growth Maggie made as part of the Social Bite Academy.

                                                                                                                   Volunteers at Sleep in the Park 2018

                                                                                                                            We believe volunteering plays a significant role in changing perceptions
                                                                                                                            and the shifting narrative around homelessness.

                                                                                                                            People are people despite whatever issues they might be facing and
                                                                                                                            when they work alongside each other this can make a massive difference
                                                                                                                            in reducing stigma and promoting understanding.

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                            REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
38         Purpose & Opportunity: Volunteering Programme                                                                                                                                                                    39

During 2018, Social Bite worked with over 350                   I help serve out food and hot drinks and       Supported Volunteering
volunteers who gave over 15200 hours; this                      chat to people at the Social Scran sessions    People affected by homelessness are given a
ranged from leadership and industry expertise                   in the Rose Street Cafe. There are several     chance to volunteer at our Social Suppers events.
as a member of one of our three boards, to                      reasons I wanted to get involved - I am
gardening at the Social Bite Village and weekly                 concerned about the numbers of people          We believe that volunteering is a great
volunteering at our Social Supper events.                       who are homeless. I have previously            opportunity to gain new skills and experience,
                                                                volunteered as a cook in a hostel in another   as well as offering an outlet to give something
Each week across Aberdeen, Edinburgh,                           city and that experience was enjoyable         back to others. We are committed to supporting
and Glasgow we have over 35 volunteers                          and interesting; my work contract ended        people and helping them develop their skills.
working alongside our Training and Support                      recently so I want to use this time for        We also strive to promote individuals’ strengths,
Workers to deliver the Social Supper events;                    something positive and not just on job         providing an encouraging environment to try
these would not be possible without the                         hunting; I love Edinburgh and want it to       new things. In 2018, there were 28 supported
dedicated commitment of these volunteers.                       be the best city it can for everyone. I’m      volunteers engaged with Social Bite across
                                                                learning, meeting people and have              Aberdeen, Edinburgh, and Glasgow.
Sleep in the Park’s 2018 team comprised                         a sense of purpose.”
of over 200 volunteers who generously
supported the event by handing out                              Sian, regular volunteer
bivvy bags, providing hot drinks, giving                        with Social Bite
directions, and answering questions.                                                                           Meet George, one of our Supported Volunteers:

Volunteers not only provide invaluable support                                                                                                    4. Tea or coffee?                     8. Best moment of volunteering
across all areas of Social Bite, we also believe                                                                                                  I drink both. I’ve got to be in       with Social Bite?
volunteering is an essential opportunity and                                                                                                      the mood for a cup of tea.            I think it would have to be
platform to engage the general public and shift                                                                                                                                         being part of the team helping
perceptions around the issue of homelessness.                                                                                                     5. When did you start                 at Sleep in the Park 2018 in
                                                                                                                                                  volunteering?                         Edinburgh. I got to meet loads
                                                                                                                                                  I can remember the exact date,        of new people and felt part
                                                                                                                                                  it was 8th August 2015 (one of        of something pretty special.
                                                                                                                                                  our longest serving volunteers)
                                                                                                                                                                                        9. Best thing about Social
                                                                                                                                                  6. Why did you want to                Suppers?
                                                                                                                                                  volunteer with Social Bite?           It’s cool, everyone gets on
                                                                                                                                                  Well I used to be homeless            well (well most of the time!).
                                                                                                                                                  myself, in a couple of                People leave their troubles
                                                                                                                                                  different hostels. Once I got         at the door, it feels like a safe
                                                                                                                                                  somewhere to live, I wanted           place for people to be honest
                                                                                                                                                  to do something with my               and be themselves. I feel
                                                                                                               1. Cats or dogs?                   days so went to the volunteer         like I am doing something
                                                                                                               I’ve had both…not                  centre, they told me about            that makes a difference.
                                                                                                               sure I can choose                  Social Bite. First, I came for
                                                                                                                                                  food, then asked to volunteer.        10. Sum up Social Suppers in
                                                                                                               2. Sweet or savoury?                                                     three words…
                                                                                                               Oh…it has to be sweet!             7. What do you most enjoy             It’s absolutely brilliant!
                                                                                                                                                  about your role?
                                                                                                               3. Favourite film?                 Everything, but especially
                                                                                                               I have two…has to be Snow          (enjoy it) when you get to
                                                                                                               Dogs and Fast & Furious            have good banter with the
Social Scran volunteers                                    CMS volunteers & Academy team member
                                                           gardening at Social Bite Village                    (well, all of them!)               people who come in.

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                                   REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
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Building a Movement                                                                                        Sleep in the Park                                    In a post-event survey, we asked participants of
                                                                                                                                                                Sleep in the Park 2018 “What, if anything, did the

to End Homelessness
                                                                                                           In December 2017, 8,000 people joined the world’s
                                                                                                           largest sleep out in Princes St Gardens to call      event make you think about homelessness?”,
                                                                                                           for an end to homelessness in Scotland. The          this question was met with a resounding
                                                                                                           campaign caused a sea change in the fight            belief that change is possible, a shift in
                                                                                                           against homelessness and funded a raft of            understanding and strong voice of solidarity:
                                                                                                           major projects, including: the commissioning of

                                                                                                           3 major academic studies to give a road map              Humbling experience. Especially hearing
                                                                                                           to end homelessness in Scotland, expanding               stories from previously homeless people.
                                                                                                           the capacity of the Edinburgh Winter Night               Hadn’t considered what they did to stay
                                                                                                           Shelter, the creation of Housing First Scotland,         occupied during day. Was aware of others
                                                                                                           and the opening of the Social Bite Village.              indifference to them and this was confirmed
                                                                                                                                                                    by their stories. It could be fixed if society
                                                                                                           Building on 2017’s momentum, Sleep in                    was less selfish and made a collaborative
                                                                                                           the Park 2018 was the largest ever event                 effort to resolve and stop stigmatising
                                                                                                           of its type. Saturday 8th December saw                   people who are homeless. Change is
                                                                                                           10,000 people join together to petition for              possible.” Sleep in the Park 2018 participant
                                                                                                           an end to homelessness, for good.

                                                                                                                                                                    The public perception of homeless people
                                                                                                           We hosted four events, one in each major                 is that it is due to their life choices, however,
                                                                                                           Scottish city. Each featured a busker set                this event highlighted that this just is not
                                                                                                           from superstar local and national acts, a                the case. People deserve and need better
                                                                                                           bedtime story from an iconic local figure and,           support from the government and local
                                                                                                           importantly, the voices of people who have               services. Homelessness can be avoided
                                                                                                           experienced homelessness and housing                     given the correct support.”
                                                                                                           insecurity. The crowds who joined for the                Sleep in the Park 2018 participant
                                                                                                           night also included over 400 people who
                                                                                                           are currently experiencing homelessness.             We believe change is possible and is in fact
                                                                                                                                                                inevitable. Building a collaborative movement
                                                                                                           Sleep in the Park 2018 raised funds for Social       that invites and encourages every sector,
                                                                                                           Bite’s programmes in 2019, particularly Housing      industry, and individual to do what they can,
                                                                                                           First, and made sure the political spotlight         with what they have, to see homelessness
                                                                                                           remains fixed on the issue of homelessness           ended in Scotland. It is human nature to
                                                                    Crowd at Sleep in the Park Edinburgh
                                                                                                           in Scotland.                                         feel helpless and overwhelmed by issues in
                                                                                                                                                                society. Sleep in The Park offered a unique
                                                                                                           Sleep in the Park is not an exercise in pretending   opportunity for people to join a mass movement
                                                                                                           to be homeless. An event like this can never         to raise funds, raise their voices, and raise
        Jobs and sandwiches alone can’t end homelessness. We must change                                   recreate the true experience of homelessness,        homelessness further up the political agenda.
        the whole ‘homelessness system’ if we are to end homelessness.                                     it undoubtedly can generate awareness and
                                                                                                           empathy and keeps the spotlight firmly on a          This year in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and
        Social Bite has recognised that collaboration is the only way                                      situation which we believe should not exist in       Dundee 10,000 people joined the movement;
        homelessness in Scotland can be ended. We aspire to work alongside                                 this country.                                        with many more sponsoring, donating and
                                                                                                                                                                providing encouragement; collectively raising
        the country’s most committed leaders and organisations to change the
                                                                                                                                                                £3.65m. The impact of mass engagement
        system. As Malala Yousafzai told us: “Change is possible. All it requires is                                                                            events such as Sleep in the Park is difficult
        dedication and patience and hope.”                                                                                                                      to quantify. It can be estimated that the
                                                                                                                                                                campaign made an impression on over
                                                                                                                                                                10 million people, which includes both on
                                                                                                                                                                and offline mass media campaigns.

SOCIAL BITE IMPACT REPORT 2018-19                                                                                                                                             REGISTERED CHARITY IN SCOTLAND. SC045232
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