Page created by Sergio Cunningham
2018 | 2019

                           The series, founded by Franz Köcher and his magnum opus on Babylonian and
                           Assyrian medicine, continues to grow and includes research on cuneiform copies,
                           translations, and commentaries, inviting researchers working on areas of ancient near
                           eastern medicine and magic.

New in 2018

Volume 10                                                 Volume 11
Markham J. Geller, Strahil V. Panayotov                   J. Cale Johnson (Ed.)
The Nineveh Treatise                                      TREATMENT IN ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA
                                                          An Edition of the Medical Prescriptions Dealing with
 page 8
                                                          the Gastrointestinal Tract, Jaundice, and Diarrhea
                                                           page 8


                     This series aims to advance an inter-disciplinary and inclusive approach to the study of science
                     in the ancient world, ranging from mathematics and physics, to medicine and magic, to
                     astronomy, astrology, and divination. Its volumes cover the Mediterranean world, the Near
                     (Middle) East, as well as Central and East Asia.
                      page 55

                     STUDIES IN SPIRITUAL CARE

                     The interdisciplinary book series Studies in Spiritual Care (SCC) publishes international
                     research ranging from studies on specific aspects of spiritual care to programmatic
                     contributions, to investigations of the self-understanding of this new practice and research area.
                      page 41

                     SPIRITUAL CARE
                     Zeitschrift für Spiritualität in den Gesundheitsberufen

                     This journal facilitates multi-disciplinary exchange between those working in the health
                     professions and researchers in the area of spiritual care. The aim is to provide information for
                     implementing spiritual care in practice, and to demonstrate the relevance of the discipline for
                     training in the health professions.
                      page 73
Dear readers,                                                                                                ANCIENT NEAR EAST / CLASSICAL ANTIQUITIY
                                                                                                             ALTER ORIENT/ANTIKE
Religions can be understood as systems that make meaning of the world. In our
globalized societies, they are coming into ever closer contact and more exchange                             2
with each other. Some new projects on interreligious dialogue mirror this
development (p. 59).                                                                                         OLD TESTAMENT / DEUTEROCANONICAL LITERATURE
Two key areas of focus that we continue to develop are (Christian) theology and                              ALTES TESTAMENT/DEUTEROKANONISCHE SCHRIFTEN

biblical studies. The latter, for instance, we are strengthening with the new series                         7
Manuscripta Biblica, which explores the “paratexts” of Bible manuscripts (p. 19).
Likewise, we are excited about the growth of our programs in Jewish studies                                  NEW TESTAMENT
and Islamic studies (p. 51ff.), coordinated by our Senior Acquisitions Editor,                               NEUES TESTAMENT
Dr. Sophie Wagenhofer.                                                                                       15
On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Friedrich Schleiermacher’s birthday,
we will complete the third section (15 volumes) of the Kritische Gesamtausgabe                               CHURCH HISTORY
(Complete Works: Critical Edition), publishing the sermons of the Berlin theo-                               KIRCHENGESCHICHTE
logian. Further publications will underline Schleiermacher’s continuing relevance                            20
for theology and philosophy (p. 34f.).
On behalf of the entire editorial department, I would like to warmly thank our
                                                                                                             SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION
authors for the confidence they place in us and our readers for their continued                              SYSTEMATISCHE THEOLOGIE UND RELIGIONSPHILOSOPHIE

                                                                                                             PRACTICAL THEOLOGY
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,                                                                                  PRAKTISCHE THEOLOGIE

Religionen können als Sinnstiftungssysteme verstanden werden. In unserer                                     40
globalisierten Welt treten sie immer stärker in Austausch. Dies spiegelt sich auch
in einigen neuen Projekten zum interreligiösen Dialog (S. 59).                                               JEWISH STUDIES
Nach wie vor liegen unsere Schwerpunkte in der christlichen Theologie und                                    JUDAISTIK
Bibelwissenschaft. Letztere stärken wir mit der neuen Reihe Manuscripta Biblica,                             44
die „Paratexte“ der Bibelhandschriften erforscht und damit bisher vernach-
lässigtes Material (S. 19) erschließt.
                                                                                                             ISLAMIC STUDIES
Daneben liegt uns aber auch der Ausbau unseres Programms in Judaistik und                                    ISLAMWISSENSCHAFT
den Islamwissenschaften am Herzen (S. 51ff.), koordiniert durch unsere Senior                                51
Acquisitions Editor Dr. Sophie Wagenhofer.
Zum 200. Geburtstag Friedrich Schleiermachers wird die III. Abteilung
                                                                                                             RELIGIOUS STUDIES
(Predigten) der Kritischen Gesamtausgabe mit insgesamt 15 Bänden abge-                                       RELIGIONSWISSENSCHAFT
schlossen, weitere Publikationen unterstreichen die bleibende Bedeutung des
Berliner Theologen (S. 34f.).
Für das Vertrauen unserer Autorinnen und Autoren und das Interesse aller
Leserinnen und Leser danke ich im Namen des gesamten Lektorats sehr herzlich.                                JOURNALS
Cordially, Ihr


Albrecht Döhnert
Editorial Director
Theology and Religion

Copy Date/Redaktionsschluss 04/2018
Cover Julian Rathgeber

Die Cover der Vorschauen und Neuerscheinungsverzeichnisse von De Gruyter präsentieren den Sie-
gerentwurf aus einem Grafikwettbewerb, den der Verlag in Kooperation mit einer Schülergruppe des
Lette Vereins Berlin jährlich durchführt. Das Thema für 2017/18 lautete „Sinne“. Die Motive sollten sich
als Fortsetzung über alle Katalog-Cover durchziehen. Wir danken dem Gewinner Julian Rathgeber für
seine gelungene Umsetzung.

The image on the cover of this catalog is the winning design from a competition held by De Gruyter in
cooperation with the Berlin-based educational foundation Lette-Verein. The winner of this year’s annual
competition with the motto “Senses” is Julian Rathgeber. The motif is being continued on all catalog
covers 2018. We would like to thank Julian Rathgeber for his compelling series.

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Alter Orient/Antike – Ancient Near East/Classical Antiquitiy


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Walter Pohl, Clemens Gantner, Cinzia Grifoni,

                                                                                                                                                                        TRANSFORMATIONS OF ROMANNESS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Marianne Pollheimer-Mohaupt (Eds.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Walter Pohl, Clemens Gantner, Cinzia Grifoni,
                                                                          Few pre-modern empires had an impact on their subjects comparable to that of the
                                                                          Roman Empire. Over time, being Roman could mean many different things, e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Marianne Pollheimer-Mohaupt (Eds.)

                                                                          Latin speakers under barbarian rule, subjects of the Byzantine empire or Christians
                                                                          in post-Roman Syria. This volume explores the changes Roman identity underwent
                                                                          in most of the former provinces of the empire between c. 400 and c. 1000, offering the
                                                                          first comprehensive overview on this topic.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OF ROMANNESS
                                                                          THE SERIES: MILLENNIUM STUDIES                                                                                                                                            EARLY MEDIEVAL REGIONS AND IDENTITIES
                                                                          Millennium pursues an interdisciplinary approach transcending historical eras.
                                                                          The international editorial board and the advisory board represent a wide range
                                                                          of disciplines - contributions from art and literary studies are just as welcome as
                                                                          historical, theological and philosophical disciplines; contributions on Latin and
                                                                          Greek cultures just as welcome as on Oriental cultures.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MILLENNIUM STUDIES

                                                                                                 ISBN 978-3-11-058959-7
                                                                                                 ISSN 1862-1139

Andreas Schachner (Hrsg./Ed.)                            Jürgen Seeher (Hrsg./Ed.)                                                                                                                                                                Walter Pohl, Clemens Gantner,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cinzia Grifoni,
AUSGRABUNGEN UND                                         BÜYÜKKAYA II                                                                                                                                                                             Marianne Pollheimer-Mohaupt (Eds.)
FORSCHUNGEN IN                                           [Büyükkaya II: Buildings and Discoveries of
                                                         the 1952–1955 and 1993–1998 Excavation
DER WESTLICHEN                                           Campaigns]                                                                                                                                                                               OF ROMANNESS
OBERSTADT                                                Bauwerke und Befunde der Grabungs-                                                                                                                                                       Early Medieval Regions and Identities
VON HATTUSA II                                           kampagnen 1952–1955 und 1993–1998

[Excavations and Research in the Western
                                                         Mit Beitrag v./With contrib. by Ulf-Dietrich                                                                                                                                             Few pre-modern empires had an impact on their
Upper City of Hattuša II: The Middle
                                                         Schoop, Sven Kühn                                                                                                                                                                        subjects comparable to that of the Roman Empire.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Over time, being Roman could mean many dif-
Plateau between Sarikale and Yenicekale]
                                                         Mit diesem Band werden die Bauwerke und                                                                                                                                                  ferent things, e. g. Latin speakers under barbarian
Das Mittlere Plateau zwischen Sarıkale und               Befunde der Grabungen auf dem Höhenrücken                                                                                                                                                rule, subjects of the Byzantine empire or Christians
Yenicekale                                               von Büyükkaya in Hattuša vorgelegt. Die ältesten                                                                                                                                         in post-Roman Syria. This volume explores the
                                                         Siedlungsspuren datieren ins Chalkolithikum (6. Jt.                                                                                                                                      changes Roman identity underwent in most of the
Zwischen 2007 und 2009 wurde auf einem                   v. Chr.). Highlights sind die mit einer Befestigungs-                                                                                                                                    former provinces of the empire between c. 400 and
strategisch günstigen Plateau in der Oberstadt           mauer geschützten riesigen unterirdischen Getrei-                                                                                                                                        c. 1000, offering the first comprehensive overview
der hethitischen Hauptstadt Hattusa ein Gebäude          despeicher der hethitischen Zeit sowie Siedlungen                                                                                                                                        on this topic.
freigelegt, das wohl als Residenz des Kommandan-         der Frühen und Mittleren Eisenzeit (12.–9. Jh. v.                                                                                                                                        Roman Empire; Post-Roman europe; early medi-
ten der königlichen Leibgarde zu identifizieren ist.     Chr.), beides Epochen, die bisher in Hattuša noch                                                                                                                                        eval identities
Die Architektur und Funde ermöglichen Einblicke          unbekannt waren.                                                                                                                                                                         W. Pohl and C. Grifoni, Universität Wien;
in das Leben der hethitischen Eliten. Byzantinische      Büyükkaya; Hethiter; Zentralanatolien /dunkles                                                                                                                                           C. Gantner and M. Pollheimer-Mohaupt,
Befunde sprechen dafür, dass das Dorf des 10. Jhs.       Zeitalter                                                                                                                                                                                Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften,
n. Chr. größer war und überregionale Kontakte
bestanden.                                               This volume presents buildings and artefacts dis-
Hethitische Architektur; Ḫattuša; Hethitische Kera-
                                                         covered in excavations conducted on the ridges of                                                                                                                                        Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2018
                                                         Büyükkaya in Hattuša. The oldest traces of settle-
                                                         ment date back to the Chalcolithic era. Among the                                                                                                                                        Series
Between 2007 and 2009, a structure was uncovered         highlights are the huge underground grain storage                                                                                                                                        Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies 71
on a strategically propitious plateau in the Hittite     facilities from the Hittite period, which were pro-
capital city Hattusa, which was the likely residence     tected by a fortified wall, and settlements from the                                                                                                                                     Approx. 543 pp., 9 fig.
of the commander of the King’s guards. The archi-        Early and Middle Iron Age, both epochs previously                                                                                                                                        HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
tecture and relics have provided insight into the life   unknown in Hattuša.                                                                                                                                                                      ISBN 978-3-11-058959-7
of the Hittite elite. Byzantine artefacts suggest that   Büyükkaya; Hittites; Central Anatolia / Dark Ages                                                                                                                                        eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
the town was larger in the 10th century AD and had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059838-4
contact with other regions.                              Collection, German, 2nd quarter 2018                                                                                                                                                     ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059756-1
Hittite architecture; Hattuša; Hittite ceramics; Gal
Andreas Schachner, DAI Istanbul.                         Bogazköy-Hattuša 27

Collection, German, Turkish, 4th quarter 2017            268 S./pp.
                                                         13 Beilagen
Series                                                   Geb./HC€ 129,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 149.99 / UVP/
Bogazköy-Hattuša 25                                      RRP *£ 118.00
		                                                       ISBN 978-3-11-056515-7
413 S./pp.
2 Beilagen
Geb./HC€ 129,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 149.99 / UVP/
RRP *£ 118.00
ISBN 978-3-11-056007-7

2                                       D Database      J Journal                                     T Textbook                                  Y Yearbook                                                                       Open Access
Alter Orient/Antike – Ancient Near East/Classical Antiquitiy

Ingo Schaaf (Ed.)                                      Werner Diem                                           Ulrike Siegel
ANIMAL KINGDOM                                         GLOSSAR ZUR                                           DIE RESIDENZ DES
OF HEAVEN                                              ARABISCHEN                                            KALIFEN HĀRŪN
Anthropozoological Aspects in the                      EPISTOLOGRAPHIE                                       AR-RAŠĪD IN
Late Antique World
                                                       NACH ÄGYPTISCHEN                                      AR-RAQQA/AR-RĀFIQA
The essays collected in this volume apply an           ORIGINAL-                                             (SYRIEN)
interdisciplinary approach to explore aspects of
the relationship between animal and human in late      DOKUMENTEN DES                                        [The Residence of the Caliph Hārūn
                                                                                                             Arrašīd in Ar-Raqqa / Ar-Rāfiqua (Syria)]
antiquity. With a focus on ways that anthropo-         7.–16. JAHRHUNDERTS
zoological connections were defined in the emer-       [A Glossary of Arabic Epistolography                  Mit der Arbeit zur Residenz des Kalifen Harun
gent Christian religious discourse of the epoch, the   based on Original Egyptian Documents                  ar-Rasid (reg. 786–809) in ar-Raqqa/ar-Rafiqa in
authors contribute to our understanding a thematic     from the 7th to the 16th Century]                     Nordsyrien werden neue Erkenntnisse zur frühis-
area largely neglected in previous research.
                                                                                                             lamischen Architekturentwicklung vorgelegt. Die
Human–animal relationship
                                                       Das Werk ist das erste umfassende lexikalische        feldarchäologischen Ergebnisse am Ostpalast sowie
Ingo Schaaf, University of Konstanz.                   Hilfsmittel zur arabischen Epistolographie der        am Ost-, Nord- und Nordostkomplex werden mit
                                                       Vormoderne. Es beruht auf der systematischen          den Methoden der archäologischen Bauforschung
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2018                  Auswertung eines Korpus von rund 500 Brieftexten      ausgewertet und im Hinblick auf das Konzept der
                                                       aus dem Ägypten des 7.–16. Jahrhunderts n. Chr.,      Residenz als Teil eines städtebaulichen Großpro-
Series                                                 das sämtliche Textsorten, von familiären Briefen      jekts betrachtet.
Millennium-Studien / Millennium Studies                über Geschäftsbriefe bis hin zu Edikten, abdeckt.     Frühislamische Architektur; Abbasiden
		                                                     Die Stichwörter werden in arabischer Schrift und
Approx. 141 pp., 5 fig.                                Transkription und die Belege in Transkription         This study on the residence of the Caliph Hārūn
HCRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50                 geboten.                                              Arrašīd in Ar-Raqqa/Ar-Rāfiqua in Northern Syria
ISBN 978-3-11-060159-6                                 Ägypten/ Briefe; Ägypten/ 7.-16. Jahrhundert; Ara-    offers new insights into the early development of
eBookRRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50              bische Papyrologie; Arabische Epistolographie         Islamic architecture. It analyzes the findings from
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060306-4                                                                                   field archeology at the East Palace and the eastern,
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060235-7                            The work is the first comprehensive lexical tool      northern, and northeastern complexes using archeo-
                                                       for pre-modern Arabic epistolography. It is based     logical research methods and while considering
                                                       on systematic analysis of a corpus of around 500      the role of the residence as part of a major urban
                                                       Egyptian letters from the 7th to the 16th century     construction project.
                                                       CE. It covers every kind of text, including fam-      Early Islamic architecture; Abbasids
                                                       ily letters, business letters, and official edicts.   Ulrike Siegel, Technische Universität Berlin.
                                                       Keywords are provided in Arabic script with a
                                                       transcription, and the transcribed letter texts are   Monograph, German, 3rd quarter 2017
                                                       Egypt/letters; Egypt, 7th–16th century; Arabic
                                                       papyrology; Arabic epistolography
                                                                                                             Raqqa 4
                                                       Werner Diem, Köln.
                                                                                                             330 S./pp., 60 Taf.
                                                       Reference Work, German, 3rd quarter 2017              5 Beil.
                                                                                                             Geb./HC€ 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/
                                                       Series                                                RRP *£ 91.00
                                                       Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der              ISBN 978-3-11-054975-1
                                                       Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Papyrus
                                                       Erzherzog Rainer). Neue Serie XXXII

                                                       575 S./pp.
                                                       Geb./HC€ 149,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 172.99 / UVP/
                                                       RRP *£ 136.50
                                                       ISBN 978-3-11-055676-6

Alter Orient/Antike – Ancient Near East/Classical Antiquitiy

Lucius Annaeus Cornutus                                Maria Gerolemou (Ed.)                                    Michael P. Streck (Hrsg./Ed.)
José B. Torres (Hrsg./Ed.)
                                                       RECOGNIZING                                              REALLEXIKON
COMPENDIUM                                             MIRACLES IN                                              DER ASSYRIOLOGIE
DE GRAECAE                                             ANTIQUITY                                                UND
THEOLOGIAE                                             AND BEYOND                                               VORDERASIATISCHEN
TRADITIONIBUS                                                                                                   ARCHÄOLOGIE
                                                       This volume investigates the miraculous as a
                                                       counter-intuitive concept that violates the rules        [Encyclopedia of Ancient Near Eastern
Cornutus war ein römischer Gelehrter, der dieses                                                                Studies]
Handbuch über die griechischen Götter im 1. Jh. n.     of the acquired semantic knowledge-system. The
Chr. in griechischer Sprache verfasste. Parado-        most crucial question addressed is how one should        Begr. v./Founded by Erich Ebeling,
xerweise wollte er einem unbekannten römischen         approach ancient narratives that display such a          Bruno Meissner
Jungen mit diesem mythologischen Werk die              concept. Specifically, the present essays explore        Fortgef. v./Continued by Ernst Weidner,
Grundrisse der stoischen Philosophie beibringen.       how and when certain events and phenomena are            Wolfram von Soden, Dietz O. Edzard
Dies gelingt ihm, indem er die Namen der Götter        perceived as miracles and draws on the process of        Unter Mitw. v./In coop. with
bzw. ihre Beinamen etymologisiert und allego-          witnessing and processing an extraordinary experi-       Gabriella Frantz-Szabo,
risiert. Dies ist die erste kritische Ausgabe des      ence.                                                    Manfred Krebernik, Daniele Morandi
Compendiums seit 1881.                                 Commemoration; religion; science; paideia                Bonacossi, J. Nicolas Postgate,
                                                       Maria Gerolemou, University of Cyprus.                   Ursula Seidl, Marten Stol, Gernot Wilhelm
Cornutus was a Roman philosopher who wrote this
                                                                                                                Redaktor/Editor A. Bramanti, J. Fechner,
compendium on the Greek gods in Greek language         Collection, English, 2nd quarter 2018
                                                                                                                M. Greiner, S. Heigl, N. Morello
in the first century A.D. He wanted to teach the
basics of Stoic philosophy to an unknown Roman         Series                                                   BAND 15
boy using this mythological work by etymologiz-        Trends in Classics – Supplementary Volumes 53
ing and allegorizing the gods’ names and epithets.     		                                                       Das Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiati-
This is the first critical edition of the compendium   450 pp., 2 fig.                                          schen Archäologie widmet sich dem Verbreitungs-
since 1881.                                            HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00                gebiet der Keilschrift schreibenden altvorderasi-
Allegorism; interpretation of myth; Stoicism           ISBN 978-3-11-053046-9                                   atischen Kulturen samt ihren Randgebieten vom
José B. Torres, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona,      eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00             4. bis 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. Aufgenommen sind
Spanien.                                               PDF ISBN 978-3-11-056355-9                               bedeutende Persönlichkeiten, Götter, antike Orte
                                                       ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-056261-3                              und moderne Ausgrabungsstätten sowie Sachbegrif-
Edition, Greek, 4th quarter 2018                                                                                fe, die jeweils nach philologischen und archäologi-
                                                                                                                schen Gesichtspunkten bearbeitet werden.
Bibliotheca scriptorum Graecorum et Romanorum                                                                   The Encyclopedia of Ancient Near Eastern Studies
Teubneriana                                                                                                     encompasses the full range of ancient Near Eastern
		                                                                                                              cultures that used cuneiform scripts, including bor-
Ca./Approx. 224 S./pp.                                                                                          der areas, from the 4th to the 1st millennium BCE.
Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50                                                                 It deals with major historical figures, gods, ancient
ISBN 978-3-11-035033-3                                                                                          sites, modern excavation sites, and terminology, all
eBookUVP/RRP € 79.95 / *US$ 91.99 / *£ 72.50                                                                   of which are illuminated from both philological and
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-035044-9                                                                                      archeological perspectives.
                                                                                                                Assyriology; Mesopotamia; Ancient Near East
                                                                                                                Michael P. Streck, Universität Leipzig.

4                                     D Database        J Journal   T Textbook    Y Yearbook     Open Access
Alter Orient/Antike – Ancient Near East/Classical Antiquitiy

Reference Work, German, English, French, 2nd
quarter 2018

Ca./Approx. 585 S./pp.
Ln./HC€ 259,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 298.99 / UVP/
RRP *£ 236.50
ISBN 978-3-11-050047-9

Assyriology; Mesopotamia; Ancient Near East
Michael P. Streck, Universität Leipzig.
                                                   Mattias Karlsson                                        Salvatore Gaspa
Reference Work, German, English, French, 4th
quarter 2017                                       RELATIONS OF                                            TEXTILES IN THE
                                                   POWER IN EARLY                                          NEO-ASSYRIAN
132 S./pp.
Br./Pb.€ 94,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 109.99 / UVP/   NEO-ASSYRIAN                                            EMPIRE
RRP *£ 86.50                                       STATE IDEOLOGY                                          A Study of Terminology
ISBN 978-3-11-050046-2
                                                   NOW IN PAPERBACK                                        The book analyses the Assyrian textile terminology
                                                                                                           of the first millennium BC. Terms for raw materi-
BD. 15/LIEFERUNG 7/8:                              This volume focuses on the state ideology of impe-      als, textile procedures, and textile end products
                                                                                                           consumed in first-millennium BC Assyria are
AUSGEWÄHLTE                                        rial Assyria in the 9th century BCE, in particular on
                                                   how power relations among the Mesopotamian dei-         classified according to their meaning and compared
NACHTRÄGE, INDEX                                   ties, the Assyrian king, and the “foreign lands” are    with other dialects of Akkadian as well as other
                                                   described and depicted. The author also discusses       Semitic languages. The study also discusses the
Assyriology; Mesopotamia; Ancient Near East        ideological variations among regnal and historical      management of textile production and consumption
                                                   phases, localities, and rulers.                         in Assyria by the state administration.
Michael P. Streck, Universität Leipzig.                                                                    Textiles; Assyria; First-millennium; Terminology
                                                   Neo-Assyrian; Ashurnasirpal II; Shalmaneser III;
                                                   propaganda                                              Salvatore Gaspa, University of Copenhagen,
Reference Work, German, English, French, 2nd
                                                   Mattias Karlsson, Uppsala University, Uppsala,          Denmark.
quarter 2018
                                                                                                           Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2018
Ca./Approx. 80 S./pp.
Br./Pb.€ 69,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 80.99 / UVP/    Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2017
RRP *£ 63.50
                                                   Series                                                  Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)
ISBN 978-3-11-057554-5
                                                   Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)         19
                                                   		                                                      459 pp., 22 fig.
                                                   521 pp., 30 fig.                                        HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
                                                   Pb.RRP € 29.95 / *US$ 34.99 / *£ 27.00                 ISBN 978-1-5015-1074-8
                                                   ISBN 978-1-5015-1619-1                                  eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
                                                                                                           PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0305-4
                                                                                                           ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0269-9

Alter Orient/Antike – Ancient Near East/Classical Antiquitiy

Odette Boivin                                            Tayfun Bilgin                                             Christian Jay Crisostomo
THE FIRST                                                OFFICIALS AND                                             TRANSLATION AS
DYNASTY OF                                               ADMINISTRATION IN                                         SCHOLARSHIP
THE SEALAND IN                                           THE HITTITE WORLD                                         Language, Writing, and Bilingual
                                                                                                                   Education in Ancient Babylonia
MESOPOTAMIA                                              This book is an investigation of the administrative
                                                         organization of the Hittite state throughout its histo-   For ancient cuneiform scribes, translation was a
The history of mid-2nd millennium Babylonia                                                                        means of demonstrating their aptitude with the
                                                         ry (c.1650–1180 BCE) with particular emphasis on
is marked by a dire lack of sources. The Sealand                                                                   main focus of their discipline, the cuneiform
                                                         the state offices and their officials. It is comprised
kings who controlled part of it were long known to                                                                 writing system, resulting in translation practices
                                                         of a prosopographical study of all known Hittite
us only indirectly, but a recently published palatial                                                              that are foreign to typical western concepts of
                                                         high officials and a theoretical analysis of the Hit-
archive now illuminates this elusive polity from the                                                               translation. This project explores the social worlds
                                                         tite administration in respect to various factors.
inside. A study of this archive and a reassessment                                                                 which cultivated translation practices in ancient
                                                         Prosopography, Governance
of historiographic sources shape this full explora-                                                                Babylonia—the field of scholarship.
tion of the political, economic, and religious history   Tayfun Bilgin, Ypsilanti, MI, U.S.A.
                                                                                                                   Cuiniform, scribes, socioliguistics, Assyriology
of the First Sealand Dynasty.
                                                         Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2018                      C. Jay Crisostomo, University of Michigan,
First Dynasty of the Sealand; Late Old Babylonian
                                                                                                                   Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.
Period; Early Kassite Period; Mesopotamian History
Odette Boivin, University of Toronto, Canada.            Series
                                                         Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)           Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2018

Monograph, English, 1st quarter 2018
                                                         Approx. 450 pp., 9 fig.                                   Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)
Series                                                                                                             22
                                                         HCRRP € 94.95 / *US$ 109.99 / *£ 86.50
Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)
                                                         ISBN 978-1-5015-1662-7
20                                                                                                                 Approx. 415 pp., 14 fig.
                                                         eBookRRP € 94.95 / *US$ 109.99 / *£ 86.50
		                                                                                                                 HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                         PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0977-3
307 pp., 10 fig.                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-5015-1666-5
                                                         ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0976-6
HCRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00                                                                             eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
ISBN 978-1-5015-1639-9                                                                                             PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0981-0
eBookRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00                                                                          ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0975-9
PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0782-3
ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0786-1

6                                       D Database     J Journal     T Textbook     Y Yearbook      Open Access
Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

Elisabeth Wagner-Durand, Julia Linke                   Pasquale Orsini                                           Nuria Calduch-Benages, Jeremy Corley,
(Eds.)                                                                                                           Michael W. Duggan, Renate Egger-Wenzel
                                                       STUDIES ON                                                (Eds.)
TALES OF                                               GREEK AND
ROYALTY                                                                                                          DEUTEROCANONICAL
                                                       COPTIC MAJUSCULE                                          AND COGNATE
Notions of Kingship in Visual and Textual
Narration in the Ancient Near East                     SCRIPTS AND BOOKS                                         LITERATURE:
Framing messages into narrative shapes has served
                                                       OPEN ACCESS                                               YEARBOOK
as a legitimating strategy of ancient and modern po-
tentates. In the Ancient Near East, these narratives   The volume contains a critical review of data,            James K. Aitken, Renate Egger-Wenzel,
took the form of both texts and images, media that     results and open problems concerning the principal        Stefan C. Reif (Eds.)
                                                       Greek and Coptic majuscule bookhands, based on
found constant application in the in the creation
and affirmation of identity and royalty. The volume    previous research of the author, revised and updated      2018/19:
reflects upon both from a transdisciplinary and        to offer an overview of the different graphic phe-
                                                       nomena. Although the various chapters address the
transmedial point of view, joining scholars from
Archaeology as well as Assyriology.                    history of different types of scripts, their juxtaposi-   DECIPHERING,
royal legitimation; Mesopotamian kingship; story-
                                                       tion allows us to identify common issues of the
                                                       comparative method of palaeography.
                                                                                                                 AND DISSENTING
telling; Ancient Near East                                                                                       Ben Sira Manuscripts after 120 years
                                                       Majuscule scripts; palaeography; dating of manu-
Elisabeth Wagner-Durand, Albert-Ludwigs-               scripts
Universität, Freiburg, Germany and Julia Linke,                                                                  The discovery of Hebrew manuscripts of Ben Sira
Historisches Museum der Pfalz, Speyer, Germany.        Pasquale Orsini, Ministry of Cultural Heritage and
                                                                                                                 in the Cairo Genizah transformed the interpretation
                                                       Activities and Tourism, Rome, Italy.
                                                                                                                 of the book. Since their discovery attention has
Collection, English, German, 4th quarter 2018                                                                    been directed on the interpretation of the ancient
                                                       Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2018
                                                                                                                 book, but this volume gives serious consideration
Series                                                                                                           to the Hebrew manuscripts themselves. It examines
                                                       Series                                                    the early discoveries, the codicology and reception
Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records (SANER)
                                                       Studies in Manuscript Cultures 15                         of the manuscripts, and the light they throw on the
                                                       		                                                        Hebrew language and poetic techniques.

                                                       Approx. 250 pp., 75 fig.                                  Ben Sira, Book of Sirach, Cairo Genizah, Hebrew
Approx. 225 pp., 24 fig.
                                                       HCRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00                    Manuscripts
HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                       ISBN 978-3-11-057540-8
ISBN 978-1-5015-1555-2                                                                                           James Aitken, University of Cambridge
                                                       eBookOPEN ACCESS
eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00                                                                       Renate Egger-Wenzel, University of Salzburg
                                                       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-057544-6
PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0689-5                                                                                       Stefan Reif, St. John’s College, Cambridge
                                                       ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-057559-0
ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0685-7
                                                                                                                 Yearbook, English, 4th quarter 2018

                                                                                                                 Approx. 400 pp.
                                                                                                                 HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                                                                                 ISBN 978-3-11-060109-1

Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

                                                        J. Cale Johnson, Markham J. Geller (Eds.)
                                                        BAND 11:
                                                        DISEASE AND
                                                        ITS TREATMENT
                                                        IN ANCIENT
                                                        An Edition of the Medical Prescriptions
                                                        Dealing with the Gastrointestinal Tract,
                                                        Jaundice, and Diarrhea

                                                        This volume offers new editions of the major first-
                                                        millennium technical compendia concerned with
Robert D. Biggs, Marten Stol (Eds.)                     gastrointestinal disease in ancient Mesopotamia,         Stefan Schorch (Ed.)
                                                        including the standard therapeutic subcorpus from
DIE BABYLONISCH-                                        the Royal Library of Assurbanipal as well as other       THE SAMARITAN
ASSYRISCHE MEDIZIN                                      related compendia that focus on ghost-induced
                                                        illness and treatments for diarrhea. Three millennia
IN TEXTEN UND                                           ago these handbooks were assembled from symp-            A Critical Editio Maior

UNTERSUCHUNGEN                                          tom descriptions, recipes and incantations.
                                                        Babylonian medicine; gastrointestinal illness; tech-     Stefan Schorch (Ed.)
Founded by Franz Köcher
                                                                                                                 VOLUME III:
                                                        nical recipes; incantations
                                                        J. Cale Johnson and Markham J. Geller, Free
Markham J. Geller, Strahil V. Panayotov                 University Berlin, Germany.                              LEVITICUS
BAND 10:                                                Edition, English, Other Languages, 1st quarter 2019      A critical edition of the Samaritan Pentateuch is
MESOPOTAMIAN                                                                                                     one of the most urgent desiderata of Hebrew Bible
EYE DISEASE TEXTS                                       Approx. 300 pp., 20 fig.                                 research. The present volume on Leviticus is the
                                                                                                                 first out of a series of five meant to fill this gap.
                                                        HCRRP € 149.95 / *US$ 172.99 / *£ 136.50
The Nineveh Treatise                                                                                             The text from the oldest mss. of SP is continuously
                                                        ISBN 978-1-5015-1526-2
                                                        eBookOPEN ACCESS                                        accompanied by comparative readings, gathered
This volume is the first English edition of the         PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0657-4                               from the Samaritan Targum and the oral reading,
Nineveh Series on eye disease from the royal            ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0645-1                              as well as MT, the DSS, and the LXX, creating an
library of Ashurbanipal, 7th century BC. It is the                                                               indispensable resource for Biblical research.
longest surviving ancient work on opthalmology,                                                                  Pentateuch; Samaritans; Textual Criticism; Hebrew
anticipating by centuries the Hippocratic treatise on
                                                                                                                 Stefan Schorch, Martin-Luther-University, Halle-
the eye. The Nineveh series represents a systematic
                                                                                                                 Wittenberg, Germany.
array of eye symptoms and therapies, also showing
commonalities with Egyptian and Greco-Roman
                                                                                                                 Edition, English, Hebrew, 2nd quarter 2018
Cuneiform medicine; eye disease; Mesopotamian
therapy; opthalmology                                                                                            Approx. 224 pp.
                                                                                                                 HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
Markham J. Geller and Strahil V. Panayotov,
                                                                                                                 ISBN 978-3-11-040287-2
Free University Berlin, Germany.
                                                                                                                 eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                                                                                 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-040410-4
Edition, English, Other Languages, 4th quarter                                                                   ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-040420-3

Approx. 350 pp., 25 fig.
HCRRP € 149.95 / *US$ 172.99 / *£ 136.50
ISBN 978-1-5015-1527-9
PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0655-0
ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0646-8

8                                    D Database     J Journal      T Textbook    Y Yearbook     Open Access
Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

                                                         Reference Work, German, Hebrew, 4th quarter

                                                         Ca./Approx. 330 S./pp.
                                                         Ln./HC€ 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/
                                                         RRP *£ 91.00
                                                         ISBN 978-3-11-060292-0

Reinhard G. Kratz, Annette Steudel,                                                                        Nuria Calduch-Benages
Ingo Kottsieper (Hrsg./Eds.)
                                                                                                           FOR WISDOM’S SAKE
HEBRÄISCHES UND                                                                                            Collected Essays on the Book of Ben Sira
WÖRTER-                                                                                                    This collection of 24 essays reflects broader trends
                                                                                                           of research on Ben Sira in the past two decades.
BUCH ZU DEN TEXTEN                                                                                         The author is not only concerned with the complex

VOM TOTEN MEER                                                                                             textual problems of the book, but also with what
                                                                                                           light may be shed on it by the application of ap-
[Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary of                                                                          proaches from cultural and feminist studies. She
the Dead Sea Scrolls – Including the                                                                       examines, for example, the gender theamtic, the
Manuscripts from the Cairo Geniza]                                                                         usage of metaphorical language, and the issue of
Einschließlich der Manuskripte aus der                                                                     scent and fragrance in the text of Ben Sira.
Kairoer Geniza                                                                                             Ben Sira; wisdom; imagery; women
                                                                                                           Nuria Calduch-Benages, Pontifical Gregorian
Reinhard G. Kratz, Annette Steudel,                                                                        University, Rome, Italy.
Ingo Kottsieper (Hrsg./Eds.)
BAND 2:                                                                                                    Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2018

GIMMEL – ZAJIN                                                                                             Series
                                                                                                           Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche
Die Handschriften aus Qumran und weiteren Fund-                                                            Wissenschaft 499
orten bieten einen einzigartigen Einblick in das
Hebräische und Aramäische der Zeit des Zweiten                                                             Approx. 250 pp.
Tempels. Das philologische Wörterbuch erschließt                                                           HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
in der Tradition der kritischen Lexikographie anti-                                                        ISBN 978-3-11-048650-6
ker Texte erstmals umfassend den nichtbiblischen                                                           eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
Wortschatz dieser Quellen (neben den Texten vom                                                            PDF ISBN 978-3-11-049231-6
Toten Meer auch Geniza-Manuskripte), und ordnet                                                            ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-049193-7
ihn in die hebräische bzw. aramäische Sprachge-
schichte ein.
Aramäisch; Hebräisch; Qumran

The manuscripts from Qumran and other sites
offer unique insight into the Hebrew and Aramaic
languages during the period of the Second Temple.
For the first time, in the tradition of classical
lexicology, this philological dictionary develops a
non-Biblical lexicon from these sources (plus the
Dead Sea scrolls and Cairo Geniza manuscripts),
while also placing it in the context of the history of
the Hebraic and Aramaic languages.
Qumran; Second Temple; Hebrew
Reinhard G. Kratz, Annette Steudel und Ingo
Kottsieper, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu

Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

Scott C. Jones, Christine Roy Yoder (Eds.)            Noam Mizrahi                                              Katharina Pyschny, Sarah Schulz (Eds.)
“WHEN THE                                             WITNESSING A                                              DEBATING
MORNING                                               PROPHETIC TEXT                                            AUTHORITY
STARS SANG”                                           IN THE MAKING                                             Concepts of Leadership in the Pentateuch
                                                                                                                and the Former Prophets
Essays in Honor of Choon Leong Seow on                The Literary, Textual and Linguistic
the Occasion of his Sixty-Fifth Birthday              Development of Jeremiah 10:1–16
                                                                                                                The volume presents 20 articles of renowned
                                                                                                                European scholars on human leadership in the
This Festschrift honors Professor Choon Leong         This study traces the development of Jeremiah
                                                                                                                Hebrew Bible. Concepts like “priest”, “prophet”,
Seow with essays by twenty-three senior scholars      10:1–16, a passage that, it is argued, draws upon
                                                                                                                “judge” and “king” are examined in a literary,
on wisdom and wisdom literature in the Bible          a diverse body of traditional material—hymns,
                                                                                                                historical, and theological perspective with special
and the ancient Near East. Contributions cover        satire, wisdom, cultic texts, and polemic—in order
                                                                                                                emphasis on conceptual changes and developments.
Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, Wisdom of        to craft a new message for the prophet’s immediate
                                                                                                                It contributes to biblical theology as well as to the
Solomon, Psalms, and Song of Songs, as well as        audience. Particular attention is devoted to the inner
                                                                                                                complex interplay between history of ancient Israel
wisdom themes in Genesis and in Semitic inscrip-      workings of the process of textual development
                                                                                                                and literary history of the Hebrew Bible.
tions. It includes a foreword of appreciation and a   itself and how it has shaped the development of this
                                                                                                                Leadership; Pentateuch; Former Prophets
bibliographic narrative of Professor Seow’s major     literature and the language that it used.
works.                                                Jeremiah; textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible;          Katharina Pyschny, University of Lausanne,
Wisdom; wisdom literature; wisdom theology;           Hebrew philology and language; anti-idolatry              Switzerland and Sarah Schulz, University of
reception history                                     polemics                                                  Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
Scott C. Jones, Covenant College, Lookout             Noam Mizrahi, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
                                                                                                                Collection, English, 3rd quarter 2018
Mountain, GA and Christine Roy Yoder,
Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, GA,           Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2017
U.S.A.                                                                                                          Series
                                                                                                                Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche
                                                                                                                Wissenschaft 507
Collection, English, 4th quarter 2017                 Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche

                                                      Wissenschaft 502
                                                                                                                Approx. 400 pp.
                                                                                                                HCRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche    250 pp.
                                                                                                                ISBN 978-3-11-054070-3
Wissenschaft 500                                      HCRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                                                                                eBookRRP € 119.95 / *US$ 137.99 / *£ 109.00
		                                                    ISBN 978-3-11-052259-4
                                                                                                                PDF ISBN 978-3-11-054339-1
407 pp., 15 fig.                                      eBookRRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                                                                                ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-054275-2
HCRRP € 139.95 / *US$ 160.99 / *£ 127.00             PDF ISBN 978-3-11-053016-2
ISBN 978-3-11-042520-8                                ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-053000-1
eBookRRP € 139.95 / *US$ 160.99 / *£ 127.00
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-042814-8
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-042822-3

10                                D Database     J Journal    T Textbook       Y Yearbook     Open Access
Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

Helga Völkening                                          Ehud Ben Zvi                                            Bakimani Kolani
IMAGO DEI                                                SOCIAL MEMORY                                           LE LIVRE D’AMOS
VERSUS KULTBILD                                          AMONG THE LITERATI                                      [The Book of Amos: The Place and
                                                                                                                 Function of the Parts Considered as
[Imago Dei versus Cultural Icon:                         OF YEHUD                                                Subsequently Added]
The Wisdom of Solomon as a Jewish-
Hellenistic Contribution to the Ancient                                                                          La place et la fonction des éléments
                                                         Ehud Ben Zvi has been at the forefront of exploring
Debate on Images]                                                                                                supposés tardifs
                                                         how the study of social memory contributes to
Die Sapientia Salomonis als jüdisch-                     our understanding of the intellectual world of the
hellenistischer Beitrag zur antiken Bilder-                                                                      Cette monographie est consacrée à l’étude des
                                                         literati of the early Second Temple period and their
debatte                                                                                                          passages supposés tardifs du livre d’Amos. Les
                                                         textual repertoire. Many of his studies on the matter
                                                                                                                 deux premiers chapitres font le point sur l’histoire
                                                         and several new relevant works are here collected
                                                                                                                 de son exégèse à partir du XIXe siècle. Les trois
Die Studie akzentuiert die Relevanz des ethisch-         together providing a very useful resource for fur-
                                                                                                                 chapitres suivants ont le but de démontrer, à travers
ikonischen Diskurses in der Sapientia Salomonis.         thering research and teaching in this area.
                                                                                                                 une lecture synchronique, que les passages souvent
Anhand struktureller, semantischer und topolo-           Early Second Temple; Social Memory; Hebrew
                                                                                                                 attribués à des rédactions postérieures ne sapent
gischer Analysen wird die Paränese über falsche          Bible; Ancient Israel
                                                                                                                 pas la cohérence du livre mais qu’ils sont essentiels
und wahre Gottesbilder als übergreifendes Thema          Ehud Ben Zvi, University of Alberta, Edmonton,          pour son équilibre littéraire et théologique.
aufgezeigt sowie traditions- und kulturgeschichtlich     AB, Canada.
kontextualisiert. Mit dem Postulat der Verwirk-
                                                                                                                 This monograph is devoted to the study of those
lichung der im Menschen angelegten Imago Dei             Collection, English, Hebrew, 4th quarter 2018           passages of the Book of Amos considered as
bietet die Schrift einen eigenen Beitrag zur antiken
                                                                                                                 subsequently added. The first two chapters focus on
                                                         Series                                                  the history of their exegesis starting from the 19th
Imago Dei; Buch der Weisheit; Sapientia Salomo-
                                                         Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche      century. The next three chapters aim to demonstrate
nis; Weisheit Salomos
                                                         Wissenschaft 509                                        that the passages often attributed to subsequent
                                                         		                                                      drafts do not undermine the coherence of the book;
The study spotlights the importance of ethical           Approx. 660 pp.                                         instead, they are essential for its literary and theo-
discourse on icons in the Book of Wisdom. Using          HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00               logical equilibrium.
structural, semantic, and topological analyses, it       ISBN 978-3-11-054638-5                                  Le livre d’Amos; lecture synchronique; histoire de
shows that parenesis about false and true images of      eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00            la recherche
God is an overarching theme, and contextualizes it       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-054714-6
in terms of tradition and cultural history. The text                                                             Bakimani Kolani, Institute Catholique
                                                         ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-054651-4
makes a unique contribution to the ancient debate                                                                Missionnaire d’Abidjan, Elfenbeinküste.
on images by positing that they fulfill the imago dei
invested in human beings.                                                                                        Monograph, French, 2nd quarter 2018
Sapientia Salomonis; Wisdom of Solomon; Book of
Wisdom; Imago Dei                                                                                                Series

Helga Völkening, Universität Potsdam.                                                                            Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche
                                                                                                                 Wissenschaft 510

Monograph, German, 1st quarter 2019
                                                                                                                 Ca./Approx. 350 S./pp.
                                                                                                                 Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
                                                                                                                 ISBN 978-3-11-056095-4
Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche
                                                                                                                 eBookUVP/RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00
Wissenschaft 508
                                                                                                                 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-056274-3

                                                                                                                 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-056154-8
Ca./Approx. 550 S./pp.
Geb./HC€ 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/
RRP *£ 91.00
ISBN 978-3-11-055315-4
eBook€ 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/
RRP *£ 91.00
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-055655-1
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-055592-9

Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

Shuichi Hasegawa, Christoph Levin,                    Anna Maria Bortz                                        Ville Mäkipelto
Karen Radner (Eds.)
                                                      IDENTITÄT UND                                           UNCOVERING
THE LAST DAYS                                         KONTINUITÄT                                             ANCIENT
OF THE KINGDOM                                        [Identity and Continuity. Form and                      EDITING
OF ISRAEL                                             Function of the List of Returnees in Ezr 2]
                                                                                                              Documented Evidence of Changes in
                                                      Form und Funktion der Rückkehrerliste                   Joshua 24 and Related Texts
What was the status of the Kingdom of Israel          Esr 2
after its annexation by Assyria in 732 BCE? Who                                                               The book presents a fresh analysis of Josh 24
conquered Samaria, the capital of the Kingdom?        Der Charakter der Rückkehrerliste Esr 2 ist in der      and related texts as a test case for refining our
When did it happen?Leading scholars from dif-         Forschung immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert wor-       knowledge of how scribes edited texts. Josh 24 is
ferent fields of research discuss these questions     den. Die vorliegende Studie bietet eine umfassende      envisioned as a gradually growing Persian period
and thus shed light on this crucial period, which     Untersuchung dieser Liste sowohl im Hinblick auf        text, whose editorial history can be reconstructed
possibly triggered the birth of “new Israel” in the   Form und Inhalt als auch auf ihre Einbettung und        with the help of documented evidence preserved in
Southern Kingdom of Judah, and eventually led to      Funktion für den Erzählkontext Esr 1–3. Dabei           the MT, LXX, and other ancient sources.
the formation of the Hebrew Bible and its underly-    lässt gerade die Liste selbst Rückschlüsse auf die      Joshua 24; Textual criticism; Redaction criticism;
ing theology.                                         Konstruktion nachexilisch-jüdischer Identität im        Septuagint
Kingdom of Israel; Neo-Assyria; Samaria; Hoshea       Spannungsfeld von Kontinuität und Diskontinuität
                                                                                                              Ville Mäkipelto, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Shuichi Hasegawa, Rikkyo University, Tokyo,           zu.
Japan, Christoph Levin and Karen Radner,              Esra-Nehemia; Exodus; Zweiter Tempel; Kollektive
                                                                                                              Monograph, English, 4th quarter 2018
Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich,Germany.          Identität

Collection, English, 4th quarter 2018                 The character of the list of returnees in Ezra 2 has
                                                                                                              Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche
                                                      been a subject of ongoing scholarly controversy.
                                                                                                              Wissenschaft 513
Series                                                This study offers a thorough examination of the list

Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche    in terms of form and content and of its placement
                                                                                                              Approx. 320 pp., 5 fig.
Wissenschaft 511                                      and function in the narrative context of Ezra 1–3.
                                                                                                              HCRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00
		                                                    The list itself gives insight to the continuities and
                                                                                                              ISBN 978-3-11-059811-7
Approx. 400 pp.                                       discontinuities in the construction of post-Exile
                                                                                                              eBookRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00
HCRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00                Jewish identity.
                                                                                                              PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060224-1
ISBN 978-3-11-056416-7                                Ezra-Nehemiah; Exodus; Second Temple Period;
                                                                                                              ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060011-7
eBookRRP € 86.95 / *US$ 99.99 / *£ 79.00             Collective Identity

PDF ISBN 978-3-11-056660-4                            Anna Maria Bortz, Universität Mainz.
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-056418-1
                                                      Monograph, German, 2nd quarter 2018

                                                      Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche
                                                      Wissenschaft 512

                                                      339 S./pp.
                                                      Geb./HC€ 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/
                                                      RRP *£ 91.00
                                                      ISBN 978-3-11-056878-3
                                                      eBook€ 99,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 114.99 / UVP/
                                                      RRP *£ 91.00
                                                      PDF ISBN 978-3-11-056975-9
                                                      ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-056881-3

12                                D Database     J Journal    T Textbook     Y Yearbook     Open Access
Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

Dale C. Allison                                        Kristin de Troyer, Barbara Schmitz (Eds.)             J. Harold Ellens, Isaac W. Oliver,
                                                                                                             Jason von Ehrenkrook, James Waddell,
4 BARUCH                                               THE RECEPTION                                         Jason M. Zurawski (Eds.)
(PARALEIPOMENA                                         OF THE BOOK OF                                        WISDOM
JEREMIOU)                                              ISAIAH IN                                             POURED OUT
This is the first verse-by-verse commentary on 4
                                                       DEUTEROCANONICAL                                      LIKE WATER
Baruch, a neglected work of disputed origin, com-      AND COGNATE                                           Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity
posed not long after the common era. This study
attempts to place it within its Jewish and Christian
                                                       LITERATURE                                            in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini

contexts and thereby contribute to our knowledge                                                             This book presents innovative research by interna-
                                                       This volume brings together a lively set of papers
of early Judaism and Christianity.                                                                           tional scholars in celebration of Gabriele Boccac-
                                                       from the first session of the Deuterocanonical and
Pseudepigrapha; Early Judaism; 4 Baruch; Bible                                                               cini’s sixtieth birthday and to honor his contribu-
                                                       Cognate Literature program unit of the Society of
Commentary; Early Christianity                                                                               tion to the study of early Judaism and Christianity.
                                                       Biblical Literature Annual Meeting in 2016. To-
Dale C. Allison, Jr., Princeton Theological            gether with a few later contributions, these essays   In harmony with Boccaccini’s determination to
Seminary, Princeton, NJ, USA                           explore a number of thematic and textual issues       promote the study of Second Temple Judaism, this
                                                       as they trace the reception history of the Book of    volume includes studies on various issues raised in
Edition, English, 4th quarter 2018                     Isaiah in Deuterocanonical and cognate literature.    early Jewish apocalyptic literature, the Dead Sea
                                                       Isaiah; Old Testament; Hebrew Bible; Deuteroca-       Scrolls, and other early Jewish and Christiantexts.
Series                                                 nonical books                                         Enoch; Second Temple Judaism; New Testament;
Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature                                                                      Jewish-Christian relations
                                                       Kristin de Troyer, University of Salzburg, Austria
		                                                     and Barbara Schmitz, University of Würzburg,          J. H. Ellens, University of Michigan, I. W. Oliver,
Approx. 460 pp.                                        Germany.                                              Bradley University, J. von Ehrenkrook, University
HCRRP € 89.95 / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00                                                                      of Massachusetts, et. al.
ISBN 978-3-11-026973-4
                                                       Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2018
eBookRRP € 89.95 / *US$ 103.99 / *£ 82.00                                                                   Monograph, English, Italian, 4th quarter 2018
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-026980-2
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-038548-9                                                                                  Series
                                                       Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies
                                                       37                                                    Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies
                                                       Approx. 125 pp.
                                                       HCRRP € 68.95 / *US$ 79.99 / *£ 62.50                Approx. 590 pp., 6 fig.
                                                       ISBN 978-3-11-059791-2                                HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                       eBookRRP € 68.95 / *US$ 79.99 / *£ 62.50             ISBN 978-3-11-059588-8
                                                       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060052-0                            eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
                                                       ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059904-6                           PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059671-7
                                                                                                             ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059379-2

Altes Testament/Deuterokanonische Schriften – Old Testament/Deuterocanonical Literature

Andrew J Schmidt                                          Yosef Ofer                                               George J. Brooke
WISDOM,                                                   THE MASORA ON                                            THE DEAD
COSMOS,                                                   SCRIPTURE AND                                            SEA SCROLLS
AND CULTUS                                                ITS METHODS                                              AND GERMAN
IN THE BOOK                                               The starting point for any study of the Bible is
OF SIRACH                                                 the Masoretic Text, as designed by the Masoretes,        Thoughts of an Englishman Abroad
                                                          which succeeded in creating a permanent text that
The book of Sirach is a significant theological Jew-      was preserved throughout the generations in distant      This booklet considers both pre- and post-1989
ish document from the 2nd century BCE. This vol-          lands. Yosef Ofer’s book enables readers to under-       German-speaking scholarship on the Dead Sea
ume examines the interrelationships among three           stand the methods of the miraculous and complex          Scrolls. It shows that study of the Scrolls was part
prominent themes within the book: the orderliness         defense mechanism of the Masora, as well as to           of the German tradition of the study of antiquity.
of creation, people’s ability to attain wisdom, and       examine its effectiveness and degree of success.         It stresses German contributions to the provision
the centrality of the cultus in Jewish life. Particular   The Masora; Biblical Manuscripts; The Masoretic          of study resources, the techniques of manuscript
consideration is given to Ben Sira’s poems about          Text; Ketiv and Qere                                     reconstruction, the analysis of the scrolls in relation
wisdom, the created universe, human labor, and the                                                                 to the New Testament and Early Judaism, as well as
                                                          Yosef Ofer, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
priestly figures Aaron, Phinehas, and Simon.                                                                       the popularization of scholarship.
Ben Sira, Priesthood, Ancient Hebrew poetry                                                                        German Scholarship; Dead Sea Scrolls; Jewish
                                                          Monograph, English, Hebrew, 1st quarter 2019
A. Jordan Schmidt, The Pontifical Faculty of the
Immaculate Conception, Washington DC, USA.                                                                         George J. Brooke, University of Manchester, UK.
                                                          Fontes et Subsidia ad Bibliam pertinentes 7
Monograph, English, 3rd quarter 2019                      		                                                       Monograph, English, German, 1st quarter 2019

                                                          Approx. 250 pp., 65 fig.
Series                                                    HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00                Series
Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies           ISBN 978-3-11-059574-1                                   Julius-Wellhausen-Vorlesung
42                                                        eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00
		                                                        PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059456-0                               Approx. 45 pp.
Approx. 570 pp.                                           ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059348-8                              Pb.RRP € 14.95 / *US$ 17.99 / *£ 13.50
HCRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00                                                                          ISBN 978-3-11-059585-7
ISBN 978-3-11-060110-7                                                                                             eBookRRP € 14.95 / *US$ 17.99 / *£ 13.50
eBookRRP € 129.95 / *US$ 149.99 / *£ 118.00                                                                       PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059732-5
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-060022-3                                                                                         ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059364-8
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-060017-9

14                                    D Database     J Journal   T Textbook       Y Yearbook     Open Access
Neues Testament – New Testament

Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer (Hrsg./Ed.)                   Simon Butticaz                                         Ulrich B. Müller
DER TAWAGALAWA-                                        LA CRISE                                               Wolfgang Kraus (Hrsg./Ed.)

BRIEF                                                  GALATE OU                                              STUDIEN ZU
[The Tawagalawa Letter: Complaints                     L’ANTHROPOLOGIE                                        JESUS UND
about Piyama-Radu – A New Edition]
                                                       EN QUESTION                                            DEM FRÜHEN
Beschwerden über Piyamaradu –
Eine Neuedition                                                                                               CHRISTENTUM
                                                       Dedicated to the Galatian crisis, the book combines
                                                                                                              [Studies on Jesus and Early Christianity]
                                                       socio-rhetorical analysis with methods drawn from
Der Tawagalawa-Brief (13. Jh. v. Chr.), stellt die
                                                       cultural anthropology. It engages in debate with the
bedeutendste Quelle über diplomatische Kontakte                                                               Das Werk Ulrich B. Müllers zeichnet sich durch die
                                                       “New Perspective on Paul” (NPP). Accepting the
zwischen dem Großreich der Hethiter in Kleinasien                                                             profunde Kenntnis frühjüdischer wie urchristlicher
                                                       idea defended by the NPP, namely that Paul’s rhe-
und dem bezüglich seiner Lage und Bevölkerung                                                                 Prophetie und Apokalyptik aus. Anlässlich seines
                                                       torical context is one based on social identity, the
(mykenisch oder kleinasiatisch?) ehemals heftig                                                               80. Geburtstages liegen nun programmatische
                                                       author sees a change of perspective in Galatians.
umstrittenen Land Ahhiyawa dar. Nach F. Sommers                                                               Aufsätze des saarländischen Neutestamentlers
                                                       In the Gospel of his opponents, Paul identifies an
eindrucksvoller Textedition von 1932 haben nun                                                                aus den Jahren 2004 bis 2014 vor. Der erste Teil
                                                       anthropological problem: the culture of honor.
sechs Forscher aus verschiedenen Disziplinen eine                                                             enthält Studien zum historischen Jesus und seinem
Neubearbeitung nach heutigem Forschungsstand                                                                  Selbstverständnis, Aufsätze zu frühchristlichen
                                                       Galatians; Paul; Anthropology; Honor and Shame
erstellt.                                                                                                     theologischen Entwicklungslinien folgen.
Hethiter; Piyamaradu; Ahhiawafrage; Diplomatie         Simon Butticaz, Universität Lausanne, Schweiz.         Jesus von Nazareth; Paulus; Johannesevangelium;
The Tawagalawa Letter (13th century BCE) is            Monograph, French, 1st quarter 2018
the most important source on diplomatic contacts                                                              Ulrich B. Müller’s work is distinguished above all
between the Hittite Empire in Asia Minor and the       Series                                                 by his profound knowledge of early Jewish and an-
land of Ahhiyawa, whose location and population        Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche     cient Christian prophecy and apocalypticism. This
(Mycenae versus Asia Minor) used to be a matter        Wissenschaft 229                                       compilation of essays written between 2004 and
of great contention. Based F. Sommer’s influential     		                                                     2014 by the New Testament scholar is published in
text edition of 1932, six researchers from different   330 S./pp.                                             honor of his 80th birthday. The first part includes
disciplines have now developed a revised version       Geb./HCUVP/RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00       studies on the historical Jesus and his self-under-
reflecting the state of research today.                ISBN 978-3-11-057342-8                                 standing, followed by essays on the theological
Piyamaradu; Ahhiawa; Hittites; diplomacy               eBookUVP/RRP € 99.95 / *US$ 114.99 / *£ 91.00         lines of development of early Christianity.
Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer, Bad Aibling.                 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-057429-6                             Jesus of Nazareth; Paul; Gospel of John; revelation
                                                       ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-057360-2                            Ulrich B. Müller (Autor) und Wolfgang Kraus
Edition, German, 3rd quarter 2018                                                                             (Herausgeber), Universität des Saarlandes,
Untersuchungen zur Assyriologie und                                                                           Collection, German, 2nd quarter 2018
vorderasiatischen Archäologie 13
350 S./pp.                                                                                                    Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche
Geb./HC€ 149,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 172.99 / UVP/                                                             Wissenschaft 231
RRP *£ 136.50
ISBN 978-3-11-057551-4                                                                                        261 S./pp.
eBook€ 149,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 172.99 / UVP/                                                               Geb./HC€ 89,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 103.99 / UVP/
RRP *£ 136.50                                                                                                 RRP *£ 82.00
PDF ISBN 978-3-11-058116-4                                                                                    ISBN 978-3-11-059023-4
ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-058073-0                                                                                   eBook€ 89,95 [D] / UVP/RRP *US$ 103.99 / UVP/
                                                                                                              RRP *£ 82.00
                                                                                                              PDF ISBN 978-3-11-059263-4
                                                                                                              ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-059050-0

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