THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church

Page created by Grace Cole
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

            THE WINDOW
            Windsor Heights Lutheran Church ~ 1240 66th St. Windsor Heights, IA 50324

      WHLC Sta :
      Rev. Chris Olkiewicz
      Lead Pastor
      Rev. Robin Coughennower
      Associate Pastor

      Zach Meyer
      Director of Youth and Family
      Ministry/Congregational Life

      Heidi Hennig
      Of ce Manager

      In this Issue:
      Mission: Deep Sea VBS      1-2

      Treasurer’s Report        3-4
                                         Can you believe it? After two long years away from our
      4th of July Food Drive         5
                                         most beloved ministry week of the summer, we are so
      Nerf Night                     6   happy to welcome the kids back for a week of faith and
                                         fun at the end of the month. We've been planning this
      VBS Donations Needed           7   for months, and things continue to come together as we
      News, Happenings &
                                         approach July 26! Our theme, Mission: Deep Sea, will
                                         take us down to the wondrous and mysterious depths of
      Reminders                 8-9
                                         the ocean, where we'll discover God's love, the beauty of
      WELCA                      10      creation, and how our lives constantly interact with it!

      Sympathy                   11      VBS will take place from July 26-30, starting each day at
      Birthdays                 12       8 a.m. and wrapping up at 12:15 p.m. Once dropped off
                                         at the church, students will gather into their cohort age
      July 4th Fun Facts         13      groups, and head to our opening time in the sanctuary.
                                         Following that, we'll spend time doing rotations of music,
      Happy 4th of July!         14
                                         games, Bible study & crafts, before returning together

     The Window                                                                                    1
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

outside for an all-camp activity. Finally, we'll end the day with closing in the sanctuary and
send kids home with a to-go lunch!

There is still time to sign-up, but please note we do have a cap of 60 kids this year! For the
past two months, we have limited VBS registration to our congregation, extended family &
friends, and the Chin students. This was done to make sure we prioritized our own kids
first, given our smaller size this year. As of now, we've still got over 45 slots open, so
starting July 1, VBS registration opens to the general public! This means spots will fill up
very quickly, so please sign up your child as soon as possible to ensure we get
them into the VBS group!

While much has changed with WHLC worship guidelines the past month, our safety
protocols for VBS will remain in place. The reasoning for this is twofold: One, we
didn't want to change our message and policies so close to the start; and two, we still want
to do everything we can to keep VBS as safe as possible. Masks are required for everyone
inside the building at all times, and food will either be served to go or eaten outside.
Students will primarily be with their own age group each day, which reduces the chance of
any possible spread. We plan to utilize the outdoors as well for many activities!

We've had tons of people sign up to volunteer this year which is wonderful news! You can
find the volunteer form below or on the website! There are plenty of ways to help, and we
could always use more hands to assist! We're also taking donations of big cardboard boxes
and food supplies for VBS. Cardboard (bigger boxes only please) can be dropped off outside
the nursery. For food donations, we are asking for 1oz chips bags, store bought cookies/
brownies and individually packed Rice Krispie treats. These can be dropped off on the
shelves in the back of the kitchen by the freezer!

You can find the registration forms, the full schedule, and more general info about VBS on
the church website. If you have any questions about VBS, please let me know through email
or my office number extension! VBS is totally free and open to everyone, so we encourage
you to invite your friends & family, and spread the word. Things may look a little different
this year, but this is sure to still be one amazing week of fun and faith. We can't wait to see
what God does through our VBS this year, and hope to see you all there!

Zachary Meyer
Director of Youth and Family Ministry/Congregational Life Coordinator

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THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

                                                 TREASURER REPORT
The mortgage balance has been paid down to less than $1 million as of May 31, 2021! What
a blessing    it has been to receive the financial support for the renovation resulting in a
  The mortgage balance has been paid down to less than $1 million as of May 31, 2021! What a blessing it has been
beautiful   facility that we
  to receive the financial     arefor
                           support enjoying.    Below
                                      the renovation      is a table
                                                       resulting       illustrating
                                                                 in a beautiful facilitythe
                                                                                         thatannual  mortgage
                                                                                              we are enjoying. Below is a
activity  since its the
  table illustrating December     2014 original
                        annual mortgage             date:
                                         activity since its December 2014 original date:

                 Scheduled Payments           Extra Principal Only Payments From
                                               Building       Annual
      Year       Interest      Principal        Fund          Budget   Estate Gift            Balance

    Original Mortgage                                                                     2,830,000.00

      2014      8,673.25      5,684.75                                                    2,824,315.25

      2015      91,274.40 66,668.10 45,000.00                                             2,712,647.15

      2016      95,819.55 76,476.45 110,000.00                                            2,526,170.70

      2017      88,442.17 83,853.83 150,000.00                                            2,292,316.87

      2018      81,306.24 90,989.76                          21,550.00                    2,179,777.11

      2019      99,266.21 68,634.79 243,590.46               28,000.00                    1,839,551.86

      2020      54,263.26 58,311.74                          30,000.00 663,632.00 1,087,608.12

      2021      18,395.45 16,984.55 100,000.00               8,333.35                     962,290.22

   Below is a summary of the results for the General Fund followed by Special Offerings:

                                                May, 2021                   Year-to-Date                2020 Y-T-D
                                             Actual   Budget              Actual     Budget               Actual
    General Offering                         35,185    41,925             217,712    209,625                199,392
    Other General Fund Income                    370      532               2,861       2,660                 4,495
    General Fund Income                      35,555    42,457             220,573    212,285                203,887
    General Fund Expense                     40,789    42,425             202,773    212,125                223,328
    General Fund Net Income                  (5,234)       32              17,800         160              (19,441)

    Special Offering Income                      185           -             3,771            -               5,540
    Special Offering Expense                     100           -             1,590            -               5,311
    Special Offering Net Income                   85           -             2,181            -                 229

    Total Net Income                         (5,149)          32           19,981          160             (19,212)

   General Offerings were $6,740 under budget for May and are $8,087 over budget for 2021 Year-to-
The Window                                                                                           3
   Date. 2021 Year-to-date General Offering is $18,320 greater than 2020 Year-to-date General Offering.
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021


   General offerings were $6,740 under budget for May and are $8,087 over
   budget for 2021 Year-to-date. 2021 Year-to-date General Offering is $18,320
   greater than 2020 year-to-date General Offering. May 2021 Genera Fund
   Expenses were $1,636 under budget and year-to-date General Fund
   Expenses are $9,352 under budget. A portion of the expense variance is
   from timing differences for property insurance premium and NON-ELCA
   benevolence disbursements paid quarterly. Snow removal expenses are
   $7,464 over year-to-date budget and will likely be approximately $4,500 over
   budget at year end. Accounts under budget, e.g., Cleaning Equipment &
   Supplies, Repairs & Maintenance, Utilities, Employee Benefits (Continuing
   Education, Mileage Reimbursements and Meetings & Conferences), Parish
   Education (Wednesday Night Meals, Sunday School and Vacation Bible
   School) will likely see smaller of no variances in future months as activities
   which have been suspended return to normal activities. Overall expenses are
   managed within budget, the impact of the pandemic and balanced with
   General Offerings.

   Operating cashflow remains solid.

   A Certificate of Deposit will mature on June 13, 2021, and will be renewed
   for 10 months at a rate of 0.40%.

   Thank you for your General Fund and Building Fund offerings.
   Duane Danielson, Treasurer

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THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

                          The second annual July 4th Food Drive supporting the Urbandale Food Pantry
                          is right around the corner! This will be our summer service project. Our Lenten
The Urbandale Food        project was over-the-top successful and this one will be too! WHLC is very
Pantry is a               generous in giving towards the needs of our neighbors.
community effort to       Your food donations can be dropped off now. Please place your donations on
reach out to our          the designated tables in Crabtree Parish Hall. Here are the remaining drop-off
neighbors and             dates & times:
provide food
assistance with dignity     • Thursday, July 1 (doors unlocked from 7:45 - 9 a.m. & 2:15 - 3:30 p.m.)
and compassion.                 Heidi will be in the office from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please ring the
They have been                  buzzer if the door is locked).
serving Polk County
                            • Friday, July 2 (doors unlocked from 7:45 a.m. - noon & 2:15 - 3:30 p.m.)
for over a decade.
                            • Saturday, July 3 (doors unlocked from 4 - 6:30 p.m.)
1 in 9 Iowans face
food insecurity even        • Sunday, July 4 (doors unlocked from 8 a.m. - noon)
though Iowa is the
second largest            Please see the boxes below for donations needed for the Urbandale Food
agricultural state in     Pantry. This time they have included personal hygiene items, as well as food
the country.              items. Please take this list with you as you go shopping. Cash donations will also
                          be accepted. Thank you WHLC for participating in this summer service
The UFP is one of 14      project! ~Linda Anderson
DMARC food pantries
in the metro area.                   Food Items:                          Personal Hygiene Items:
People can use one
DMARC pantry once           •    meals in a can                      •   toilet paper
per calendar month to       •    canned fruit                        •   shampoo
                            •    peanut butter                       •   laundry detergent
receive a three-day
                            •    tuna & canned                       •   body wash/bar of soap
supply of food.                  meat                                •   toothpaste
                            •    cereal                              •   deodorant
        https://     •    canned vegetables                   •   diapers (sizes 4-6 & pull-ups)
                            •    pasta & sauce                       •   wipes
      The Window            •    hamburger helper                                                  5
                            •    macaroni & cheese
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

                             It's Back!
   Join us for Nerf Night #2: Future Tactics
This is one we've been waiting to bring back for a long
time! All students in 6th-12th grade are invited to join
us on Friday, August 13, from 5-8 p.m. for our 2nd
annual Nerf Night! This is one night of fun, fellowship
and awesome Nerf blasting action you won't want to
miss! Students are invited to bring their own Nerf
blasters, or choose from the church's large selection,
and we will provide all the darts. A pizza dinner will be
served outside as well!

This was one event we knew we had to bring back this
summer. In order to host it, we do have a few small
guidelines students will have to follow! Masks ARE REQUIRED inside the building at all
times and WHLC will provide safety glasses for students to wear during the Nerf Battles.
We'll play three different game-types during the evening, based around popular styles
from video games & movies. And yes, we'll use the entire building for the event!

As stated before, students are encouraged to bring their own dart blasters & gear, as
long as it can take N-Strike Elite Darts. This means Nerf Sub-series blasters like Rival,
Ultra, Vortex & Mega are not allowed, along with the Adventure Force Pro series. We'll
ask students to label their blasters & gear prior to the evening so we make sure they
return home with what they brought.

Nerf Night is free to attend, and we encourage you to invite your friends! To get an idea
on how much food we'll need, students are REQUIRED TO RSVP at the link below! If you
have any questions about the event, please contact Zach! Similar to VBS, we'll host this
event well within our current safety guidelines & regulations, and safety will continue to
be our top priority for this event. So gear up, bring your friends, and join us for a fun
night of awesome Nerf Blasting Action.

Zachary Meyer
Director of Youth and Family Ministry/Congregational Life Coordinator

     The Window                                                                             6
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

        Vacation Bible School
                             Donations Needed
         VBS Food Donations                               VBS Cardboard Donations
Would you like to help out with VBS this year
but are unable to be present during the
week? We are collecting donations of treats to
put in to-go sack lunches, which we are
sending the kids home with after each day
of VBS. The church is already taking care of
sandwiches, fruit & veggies along with snacks
for the week, but we could use some
donations of the following objects to help fill
our sack lunches!

           Store bought cookies
          Store bought brownies                   Got any old larger-sized cardboard boxes laying
            Rice Krispie Treats                   around your house you'd like to get rid of? We are
           Mini (1 oz) chip bags                  gathering cardboard for VBS this year. We're
                                                  going to decorate the church with a lovely deep
While we'd love to ask for fresh (and             sea theme, and need the cardboard for DIY
delicious), home-baked treats, we decided         decorations (we'll be using it for our games as
that with the system in place, our                well).
safety protocols & the simplicity of the
lunches, it was better to stick to store-         We'd be so grateful for cardboard donations! If
produced food. We may have some additional        you have some you'd like to drop off at church,
items pop up later, but for now, these are the    give Zach an email at, so we can
products we could really use! Food donations      make sure someone is at the building to get the
for VBS can be dropped off in the church          door when you drop it off.
kitchen, on the open shelves back by the
freezer!                                          Cardboard can be dropped off by the church
                                                  nursery, where Zach will then move it to our
                                                  resource room for further use. VBS is about a
                                                  month away, and we are so excited to prep the
                                                  space for this awesome event!

    The Window                                                                                 7
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021

                                               Women's Joint Bible Study
                                                 & Brown Bag Lunc
                                             Wednesday, July 21 at 11:30 a.m.
                                                  Crabtree Parish Hall
                                             All church women are invited to bring
                                             their lunch and beverage to enjoy
                                                        shared fellowship and study
                                                         with Pastor Robin. For
      Do you like to sing or play an                     safety and simplicity
                                                         WELCA is not providing the
      instrument? If so, there is a sign-                lunch.
      up sheet on the bulletin board in
      the narthex for special music
      during the summer. Solos, duets,
      and small ensembles enhance our
      worship experiences. If you like
      to sing or play an instrument,
      please sign up for one of the open
                                             As we work our way back to in-person
      dates on the list. If you need an      worship, we do need your help.
      accompanist, or assistance
                                             Volunteer spots for Saturday night
      selecting music, please talk to        services in July have also been added.
      Jan Carlson or Wendy Prigge. If
                                             Please consider helping with any of these
      you have questions about themes        roles and sign up on the church website
      and scripture readings for a           or right here: Online worship volunteer
      particular Sunday, please call or      signup.

      email Pastor Chris or Pastor
                                            There will not be a Mary Circle Bible
      Robin. Musicians, including           Study for July since there is the
      children, at all levels are           Joint Bible Study.

     The Window                                                                          8
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
July 1, 2021


     Elaine Hamilto                                         Reception for
                                                            Helen Canine

     Dear WHLC family,
     Thank you all for your prayers, notes of
     encouragement and pastoral visits on behalf
                                                        Will Canine would like to
     of Ann Reynolds' mother, Elaine Hamilton.
     As things open up she is enjoying walks in         invite all members of the
     the gardens, church services at Wesley
     Acres, movies, etc... If anyone wishes to
                                                        WHLC community to a
     visit, it is easily arranged via the front desk.   reception celebrating the
     Elaine's happiest when she has a visitor. We
     are grateful to God for your ongoing               life of Helen Canine. The
     support during these challenging times.            reception will be held on
     Thank you all!
                                                        Monday, July 12, from 2 - 4
                                                        p.m. at the Edgewater
     Ann & Rand Reynolds
                                                        Performing Arts Center
     (Please feel free to call Ann if you have any
     questions, they are in town now o and on           (9225 Cascade Ave., West
     through the rst week of August.
                                                        Des Moines, IA 50266).

The Window                                                                              9
THE WINDOW - Windsor Heights Lutheran Church
WELCA                                                      July 1, 2021

                               In 2020 due to COVID, at the na onal level, current 2020 o cers of the board were to remain in their
                               posi ons for 2021 un l the next Na onal Conven on to be held in August 2021. The SEIA WELCA
                               Board was following the same as the Na onal WELCA board un l all can meet for normal elec on
                               process to take place. The WHLC WELCA Board followed the same, the 2020 WHLC WELCA Board
                               o cers remained in their posi ons into 2021.

                                                    Presiden                                                                                                                                  Elaine Hite                                515.681.163
                                                    President-Elec                                                                                                                            Open Positio
                                                    Past Presiden                                                                                                                             Barb Waymir                                515.224.599
                                                    Treasure                                                                                                                                  Donna Yeage                                515.988.514

                                                    Secretar                                                                                                                                  Ann Rowlan                                 515.249.962
                                                    Mission Chairperson                                                                                                                       Jan Granne                                 515.279.801

                                                                                                                                                                                              Marilyn Penberth                           515.255.578

                                                    Funeral Luncheon Coordinator                                                                                                              Linda Anderso                              515.491.924
                                                                                                                                                                                              Sharman Blak                               515-664-068

                                                    Bible Study Group Leaders
                                                    Ruth Bible Stud                                                                                                                           Kathy McCracke                             319-470-889

                                                    Martha Bible Stud                                                                                                                         Pam Barbe                                  515.276.220

                                                    Mary Bible Stud                                                                                                                           Elaine Hite                                515.222.951

                                                    Naomi Bible Stud                                                                                                                          Colleen Armstrong                          515.491.4041

                               Nomina on for the 2022 WHLC WELCA Board will take place in July 2021, and then to be presented in
                               August of 2021. According to the WHLC WELCA Cons tu on and Bylaws, all elec ons shall be for a
                               minimum of one year with one op onal re-elec on. One excep on to that is the President-Elect for
                               one year, will be the President the following year. The year a er that, the President will take the
                               posi on of Past-President-this will be Elaine Hites. All of the 2020 WHLC WELCA Board members so
                               graciously and willingly agreed to resume their 2020 posi ons into 2021.

                               What does that mean you might ask? All of the WHLC WELCA Board posi ons need to be replaced for
                               2022. The purpose of the WHLC Women of the ELCA: As a community of women of all ages, created in
                               the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit
                               ourselves to grow in faith, a rm our gi s, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and
                               ac on and promote healing and wholeness in the church, society, and the world.

                               I am asking that each and every woman of the church to nd it their hearts to please consider lling a
                               WHLC WELCA Board posi on. If you have any ques ons at all, please feel free to contact any WHLC
                               WELCA Board member or myself, Elaine Hites.

                               My contact info: Elaine Hites-email:, Cell: 515-681-1633

                               May the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts and ac ons!

                                                                        The Window                                                                                                                                                                                                        10


































July 1, 2021

 Please pray for Kirsten Lewis' family
 as they mourn the sudden loss of their
 2-1/2 year old nephew, Axel, who died
 in his sleep. Kirsten is married to
 Jonathan Lewis, son of Harriet and
 Bill Lewis and director of Windsor
 Brass. Please pray for the whole family,
 especially Carl and Kjersten Rydeen
 (parents) and Ingrid, Axel's sister.

The Window                                           11
July 1, 2021

                      Don Roose, Calvin Ryher
                      Erika Capps
                      Kim Green eld, Tessa Logan
                      Tom Shanle
                      Karin Eshelma
                      Betty Johnso
                1     Chuck Safri
                1     Dianne Green eld, Charles Mors
                1     Ellie Swal
                1     Mary Anderson, Dena Baldu
                1     Andy Rowlan                                                                                         Tom Shanley’s 95th Birthday!
                1     Wendy Prigge, Randy Reynolds,
                      Lucy Valin, Nicholas Waymir
                1     Ann Reynold                                                                                         Tom Shanley Turns 95 on July 6.
                2     Karen Maas
                2     Alexandra Gustafso                                                                                  Let’s shower Tom with cards and
                2     Annabelle Lubben                                                                                     good wishes for his birthday!
                2     Maurine Edmond
                2     Kathy Safris, Denise Magnan                                                                                 Tom’s address:
                2     Kiersten Steense
                2     Amanda Franklin, Luke Powers                                                                         907 Ashworth Road Suite 204
                3     Andrew Opsal
                                                                                                                            West Des Moines, IA 50265

                    The Window                                                                                                                            12















July 1, 2021

               4th of July Fun Facts
             1. Red, white and green! Back in the day,
             paper wasn’t readily available, especially
             in colors — so early Americans
             decorated with greenery. George
             Washington and soldiers wore greenery
             in their hats to show their patriotism.
             2. Eating salmon on the 4th of July is a
             tradition in New England.

             3. Celebrating Independence Day wasn’t
             a federal holiday until 1870, more than
             100 years of the signing of the
             Declaration of Independence.

             4. Americans eat A LOT of hot dogs on
             the 4th of July - 150 million!
             5. Founding Father Thomas Jefferson
             was reportedly the first American to
             make an ice cream recipe.



The Window                                                                          13
July 1, 2021

         Have a safe and fun 4th of July!
The Window                                           14
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