YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School

Page created by Robert Glover
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
ISSUE 4 | 15 MAY 2019

                                         YEAR 6 CAMP
                                         Operation Wilderness

                                   What a spectacular camp!!
                                   We reported for duty to our
                                   Commanding Officers to hand
                                   in our weapons (pocket knives)
                                   and drugs (Asthma puffers) then
                                   assembled for our orders that
                                   would take us on Operation
                                   Wilderness. We were entrusted
                                   with a special mission from Prime
                                   Minister Scott Morrison to rescue
                                   soldiers who had fallen behind                     We learnt discipline, faced our fears, had loads
                                   enemy lines in the Mornington area. We stood       of fun and best of all rescued and brought
                                   to attention and pledged to bring these soldiers   home all four lost soldiers. Our mission was a
                                   home.                                              success!
                                   We engaged in a number of manoeuvres               We had done our country, our families
                                   throughout our three-day stay including;           and ourselves proud. It was an awesome
                                   rafting, low rope activities, crate climbing       experience that none of us wanted to end.
                                   and survival skills at shelter building. Our
                                                                                      Many thanks to our platoon leaders;
                                   preparations through reading texts like
                                                                                      Commander Cogan and Drill Sergeants Gould,
                                   Robinson Crusoe and Hatchet provided us
                                                                                      Sheedy, Dahlstrom and Gunnell without whose
                                   with a number of useful skills.
                                                                                      military skill and knowledge we may not have
                                   Our evenings extended to games, braving the        been so successful.
                                   flying fox in the dark, listening to hideously
                                   scary ghost stories and of course the hunting
                                   party to find food for the platoon.

 Adam Road Primary School
 ( 9796 3000
 Hotchin Street, Bunbury WA 6230
Tolerance                 Resilience                      Respect                     Endeavour                    Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
Year 6 Camp

                                                                                                                             May 20
                                                                                     GIVE A DAMN
        WOOLWORTHS EARN AND                                                           GIVE A CAN
         LEARN IS BACK IN 2019                                                    If you missed collection day at your home
                                                                                 please bring in your donation to the school.
    We are excited to be taking part once again the 2019 Woolworths Earn &      There is a collection bin in the front office for
    Learn program. During the previous campaign, we were able to purchase                        all donations.
   some great resources with the points we earned, thanks to you. Please drop   There will be prizes for the class that brings in
                        your stickers into the front office.                                    the most cans.


Tolerance                   Resilience                       Respect             Endeavour                      Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
Hospital Visit - Years K-1


Tolerance   Resilience        Respect             Endeavour   Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School

 Our school has once again done a wonderful job                           repaired these surfaces and coated them with a solar guard
 of recognising the significance of ANZAC Day to                          coating. This will assist in keeping PP3 cooler in summer and our
 all Australians.                                                         sea container is now weatherproof and much more useful as a
                                                                          storage space. This work was completed at a heavily discounted
 We had seventeen students join me for the march through
                                                                          price for which we are very grateful.
 Bunbury on the actual day and all students and staff showed their
 respect at our school service on Thursday May 2. I would like            There is more work being done around the school at present as
 to thank Mrs Cogan for organising this event and commend the             we have received State Government funding for external painting.
 senior students who conducted the service on doing a magnificent         We currently have painters on site and this will likely continue for
 job.                                                                     the remainder of this term. The painters will be working with us
 Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed participating in our annual Winter         to minimise disruption to our daily operations. Being 52 years old
 Carnival on Friday May 3 and hopefully, some have since joined           the school will benefit greatly from a facelift of this nature.
 teams to play winter sports. This event ran very smoothly again
                                                                          I will be beginning a period of long service leave from this Friday
 thanks largely to Mrs Sheedy’s great organisation. Mrs Sheedy is
                                                                          May 17. I will return on the first day of third term and during
 continuing to promote participation in team sport by entering and
                                                                          my absence, Mrs Gemma Knight will be Principal. Mrs Rebecca
 coaching two girls AFL teams in an after- school carnival being held
                                                                          Smedley will increase her Deputy Principal duties from one
 at Kelly Park over four weeks on Tuesdays between 4.00pm and
                                                                          day each week to three (Tuesday to Thursday) and Mrs Kaye
 5.00pm. Having watched last week’s games I can report that the
                                                                          Cogan will be Deputy Principal on Mondays and Fridays. We are
 girls loved the experience and got better and better as the game
                                                                          fortunate to have such experienced, capable people in our school
                                                                          to ensure continued smooth operations.
 Thanks to the generous support of one of our families both the
 Pre Primary 3 roof and our sea container have received much-             GUY ASSER
 needed maintenance work. Doug Fimister from Solacoat has                 PRINCIPAL

        ADAM ROAD
     RECYCLING SCHOOL                                                    Xavier won the 2.1km School Challenge Run
   As part of the recycling program, Room 11 collects                    representing Adam Road Primary School.
   and rehomes the shredded paper from the office
   and classroom shredders. It makes great bedding for
   small creatures such as rabbits, guinea pigs and rats.
   Once it is used, it can be put into the green waste
   bin to be collected and composted. We sometimes                      2020 ENROLMENTS ARE NOW OPEN
   have a surplus of shredded paper and would love to              If your child is starting Kindergarten in 2020 (born between 1 July 2015 and
   find a home for it.                                             30 June 2016) or if they’re changing schools to Adam Road Primary School
                                                                   (enrolling in Years PP to 6), applications for enrolments are now being taken
   If you have little creatures at home that would                 at the school office. Please present at the time of application; your child’s
   love a comfortable bed of shredded paper, call                  birth certificate and your child’s Immunisation History Statement (visit the
   into Room 11 and grab a bag!                                    Department of Health for instructions on how to obtain this statement).
                                                                   CLOSING DATE FOR ALL ENROLMENTS IS FRIDAY 26 JULY.


Tolerance                     Resilience                       Respect                          Endeavour                       Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
Room 12 Maths Games

            Room 12 students playing Maths Games they made for homework.

            Woodvale Secondary College Concert


Tolerance    Resilience             Respect              Endeavour         Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
                                    MOTHER’S DAY RAFFLE NEWS
  Thank you to everyone who either purchased gifts for Mum from the Mother’s Day Stall or bought Mother’s Day Raffle Tickets.
  Congratulations to the winners of the Mother’s Day Raffle.

                                           1st Taryn              6th Charlee
                                           2nd Pauline            7th Christian
                                           3rd Sam                8th Catherine
                                           4th Zoe                9th Grant                                1st
                                           5th Joanne             10th Sam                                prize

  A big THANK YOU to the following local Bunbury businesses that donated items included in the 10 Mother’s Day Raffle
  Wholesale Flowers Bunbury; Hussh Body & Soul, Day Spa; Taffys; Smooth Synergy Cosmedic Clinic; Bootcamp Bunbury; The
  Candle Shack; The South West Sports Centre; Dolphin Discovery Centre; Backbeach Café and Restaurant; Beach Kiosk; Bakers
  Delight Parks Centre; Joe’s Pizza; The Bunbury Farmers Market; Yoga Life Studio; IGA South Bunbury; Best in the West Bakery;
  Brain Spice; The Yoga Room; The Parks Centre; Benesse Australind; Orbit Fitness.
  Thanks also to Katie Williams for organising the prizes and parents that donated items and volunteered at the Mother’s Day Stall
  to sell tickets.

             UPCOMING EVENTS                                                    GET TO KNOW YOUR P&C
             Afternoon Tea with the P&C                                       “My name is Veronica and I am the President of
                                                                              the Adam Road Primary School P&C. I have been
  We will be hosting a number of casual meet and greet
                                                                              involved with the P&C since 2017 and last year I took
  afternoons during the year. You don’t need to be an active
                                                                              on the role of the Secretary. I have two children who
  member of the P&C to attend, all are welcome. It’s a chance
                                                                              are in year 2 and pre-primary. I became involved in
  to come and get to know your P&C members in a casual
                                                                              the P&C as I wanted to be involved in my children’s
  setting. Just bring a picnic blanket, something yummy to eat,
                                                                              education and have a say in what happens within the
  and come and meet some new friends while the kids have a
                                                                              school environment. I work as a town planner and
                                                                              have good and bad days
  When: Friday 17 May from 3 pm onwards.                                      trying to find the balance.”
  Where: The playground near the school oval.
                We can’t wait to see you there!                               Favourite food: Thai
                                                                              veggie stir fry with tofu
             NEXT P&C MEETING                                                 and cashews and Oreos
  Date: Friday 31 May 2019
                                                                              First concert: Bobby
  Time: 2.00 pm                                                               Brown.
  Venue: Room 16                                                              First language: Burmese.

               Please follow us on our Facebook page Adam               Road Primary P & C Association Inc.

    To Willow C – Room 5 for being the 2019 Winner of Contributions Payment Refund. Her Student
   Update Forms were returned and contributions were paid by the due date. Well done and thank you!

Tolerance                  Resilience                       Respect                           Endeavour                  Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
Easter Hat Parade and Family Picnic

                          Congratulations to all the P & C Easter Raffle prize winners
                          1st Matilda PP1      6th Makenzie Rm 3    11th Maja Rm 7
                          2nd Raije Rm 11      7th Abbey PP2        12th Aria PP2
                          3rd Angus Rm 21      8th Abner Rm 7       13th Carolyn PP1
                          4th Leslie PP1       9th Matt H Rm 13     14th Narquisha Rm 6
                          5th Dougie Rm 11     10th Hunter PP3      15th Zach Rm 13


Tolerance    Resilience           Respect               Endeavour             Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
Our annual School Book Fair is being held this term in week 5 –
           Our Monday
               school is 27
                                 to volunteers
                                    Thursday to30help
                                                          thean incredible
                                                              School       Book Fair!
 Students may come with their classes to preview the Book Fair during Monday 27 May and Tuesday 28 May. Parents and family members
 are welcome
          Theto come to look
              Scholastic   BookandFair
                                   purchase  books
                                       will be     from
                                               at our   the fairWeek
                                                      school     any time
                                                                       5 -from 8am to
                                                                           27 May  to 30
                                                                                         May Monday through
                                                                                             2019. Book     to provides
                                                                                                         Fair  Thursday. a
 may come  before andopportunity
          wonderful   after school to
                                   to purchase
                                      purchase books.
                                                 good quality books at very reasonable prices. It is a great chance to
 Book Fairmake    purchases
            provides           to be
                      a wonderful     put away
                                   opportunity to for futuregood
                                                   purchase    presents.
                                                                   quality Book   Fair
                                                                           books at    is reasonable
                                                                                    very   the only fund  raising
                                                                                                     prices.         venture
                                                                                                             It is a great     thattoour
                                                                                                                           chance     make
 purchasesschool   library
            to be put  awayholds.   Last
                            for future    year we
                                       presents. Bookreceived
                                                       Fair is thealmost   $1500
                                                                   only fund raisingworth
                                                                                               newourbooks     for the
                                                                                                      school library     library.
                                                                                                                       holds. We hope to see you
 there. Last year we received almost $1500 worth of new books for the library.
          If you have some time to help with the Book Fair, please complete the form below and circle the areas
          where you would like to help out. Please return the form to me in the Library. Alternatively phone or email
          me to let me know if you can help.
  Our school is looking for volunteers to help us hold an incredible Book Fair!
 The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school Week 5 - 27 May to 30 May 2019.
 If you have some
           Mrs     time to help with the Book Fair, please complete the form below and circle the areas where you would like to help out.
 Please return the form
           Book Fair     to me in the Library. Alternatively phone or email me to let me know if you can help.
           Phone: 97963000
 Mrs Taylor, Book Fair Coordinator
 Phone: 97963000

                                                               the Book Fair!
                                                                   Book Fair!

          Name                                                              Telephone

                        I have circled areas and times where I’d like to help:

          Helping shoppers at the Fair


          27 May: - Monday 8am-9am                         27 May: - Monday 2.45pm – 3.30pm

          28 May: - Tuesday 8am-9am                        28 May: - Tuesday 2.45pm – 3.30pm

          29 May: - Wednesday 8am-9am                      29 May: - Wednesday 2.45pm – 3.30pm

          30 May: - Thursday 8am-9am                       30 May: - Thursday 2.45pm – 3.30pm


Tolerance                      Resilience                        Respect                       Endeavour                    Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
OSHClub News
 Before School / After School Care Program

 Adam Road OSHClub: Before and After School Care
 Program Update

 We hope all the special women out there had a lovely Mother’s Day and got spoilt by
 their loved ones because you all deserve it!
 Over the last couple of weeks, we have been making some gorgeous Mother’s Day
 presents and cards. We made jewellery boxes, photo frames, framed messages, teapot
 cards, fridge magnets, flower pot cards, pop up cards and heaps more.
 This week we are going to learn about Ramadan by doing positive messages and good
 deed challenges and make some colourful crafts too!

 All About Us:
     • We provide care for your children before and after school right here at Adam Road
        Primary in room 14.
     • Ever have those running late mornings? No Stress! We provide an assortment of
        healthy nutritional breakfast options.
     • Your children can choose from a variety of planned games/crafts/experiences that
        are set up, or they can choose from the variety of resources in our room or go
        outside for physical games and play.
     • We provide the opportunity (and encourage) children to complete homework or
        practise their reading/writing, staff are available to assist if needed.
     • We provide a healthy nutritional snack for afternoon tea.

 If this all sounds great then jump onto and click register to create
 an enrolment or come in and see us for some more information!

 Your OSHClub Staff
 Darcie & Rhiannon!

Parent Information

Coordinator: Rhiannon Godber
Assistant: Darcie McLeod
Our Service Mobile: 0421 705 749
OSHClub Accounts: 1300 395 735
All families must be enrolled to attend the program, remember this is Free!! Please create an account online
at all bookings and cancellations can also be managed via your online account. For on
the day bookings please contact the Coordinator direct at the program.

                                                                                 03 85649000
Tolerance              Resilience                Respect                Endeavour              Responsibility
YEAR 6 CAMP Operation Wilderness - Adam Road Primary School
Term 2 – Dates To Remember
   WEEK            MONDAY            TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY      THURSDAY          FRIDAY

  4                20 May            21 May             22 May         23 May             24 May
                                                                       Give a Can Day
                                                                       NMSHS Yr6
                                                                       Parent Meeting
                                                                       3.15pm, Rm 14

  5                27 May            28 May             29 May         30 May             31 May
                   Book Fair
                                                                       Faction Cross      Assembly
                                                                       Country            2.15pm, Rm 12

        THIS WEEK’S ASSEMBLY Room 19, Year 5 at 2.15pm

                               Amazing Attender Award
       Congratulations on being an outstanding attender at our school.
        The following students enjoyed a special lunch with Mr Asser.

      YEAR 1                   YEAR 3                 YEAR 5                    Amazing Attend
      Rm 1 Lyric               Rm 17 Paige            Rm 19 Sam
      YEAR 2                   YEAR 4                 YEAR 6
      Rm 5 Matthew             Rm 11 Wade             Rm 21 Cohen

                                    Merit Certificates
      Congratulations to the following students who have demonstrated progress, achievement or the
      upholding of our school values in order to receive a Merit Certificate at the upcoming assembly.
                        Parents are invited to watch your child receive their award.

       PRE-PRIMARY                       YEAR 2                        YEAR 4
       PP1     Elise, Wynn               Room 4      Izabella          Room 11 Charlotte, Cooper
       PP2     Bodhi, Daisy              Room 5      Amber, Denisha    YEAR 5
       PP3     Mason, Ruby               Room 6      Alex, Brooke      Room 12 Joshua
       YEAR 1                            YEAR 3                        Room 13 Losaline
       Room 1      Charlotte             Room 17 Leah                  Room 19 Bethwyn, Riley
       Room 3      Connor                Room 7 Claire, Lakita         YEAR 6
                                                                       Room 18 Jessica
                                                                       Room 21 Oscar, William

Tolerance                 Resilience               Respect             Endeavour           Responsibility
PRESENTER: Commonly known as the “queen of
        About Bunbury                           common sense”, Maggie Dent has become one of
      Regional YouthCARE                        Australia’s favourite parenting authors and educators,
                                                with a particular interest in the early years, adolescence
      YouthCare employs chaplains in            and resilience. She is a passionate, positive voice for
       public schools throughout the            children of all ages.
    region. Chaplains deal with a wide          TOPIC: Are you worried, confused or concerned about
   range of important family and peer           parenting in today’s chaotic world? Children need to
             relationship issues.               h a v e c e rt a i n b a s i c ex p e r i e n c e s t o b u i l d t h e
     Issues include alcohol, drugs, self        competencies that will help them manage life – the
   image, sexuality, bullying, academic         good, the bad and the ugly. Maggie has developed a
        performance and self-harm.              common-sense, practical model of 10 building blocks
          They are an integral and              that will reassure parents that what we have always
    complementary part of the student           known to be important in the early years of a child’s life
                services team.                  is still important. This seminar will offer you practical,
   As well as mentoring students, they          common-sense ideas and strategies to make small
      are involved in varied programs           changes in your home or school. which will make a big
                   such as:                     difference to your children’s cognitive, physical,
                                                psychological, emotional and social health later in life.
  -   The School Volunteer Program

  -     Choose Respect Bunbury
                                                                     Tickets: $30
  -           Breakfast Clubs                                   On sale from April 1, 2019 via

       * This event is a fundraiser to             
      support the organisation’s vital                                   Time: 6pm-8pm
       contribution to local schools.
                                                                      Register interest at:

                                                                       Event coordinator:

                                                   Rita Piparo - 0403 981 667 or


Tolerance               Resilience              Respect                       Endeavour                    Responsibility
Community Notices
                    Want to try something new? Why not give hockey a go?
                         No cost and no obligation to attend every week.
            For Pre-primary to year 6. Tuesdays 3.15pm to 4pm. Starts week 3, term 2.
    Meet at the lower playground at the running track. All equipment supplied. Bring a drink bottle and
     wear enclosed shoes. Contact Belinda Rowlands with any enquires at

               You’re Invited!
           National Simultaneous Storytime 2019

                                     Wednesday 22nd May
          Join us - along with a number of other libraries around Australia - for a special Storytime
         session to celebrate National Simultaneous Storytime. Have some fun and come dressed in
           your favourite costume! Both Bunbury and Withers Libraries will have prize giveaways!
                Bunbury Public Library                                      Withers Community Library
                    3.30-4.30pm                                                   10.30-11.30am
      With special guests Jesse & Juelz from Hit FM                      With special guests from the Bunbury Fire
       Southwest, Old Macdonald and their farm                          Brigade and their fire truck, and lots of other
      animals and lots of other activities, this is an                    activities, this is an event that’s not to be
             event that’s not to be missed.                                                   missed.
         This event will be Auslan interpreted.

                Places are limited. Please book online via Eventbrite or by calling the Library
                      9792 7190          @bunburylibrary


Tolerance              Resilience                          Respect                         Endeavour          Responsibility
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