YEAR 12 SATAC Parent Presentation Applying for University & TAFE Courses 2016 Monday 3rd August Rose Coorey & Anthony Vizaniaris - Career Counsellors
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YEAR 12 SATAC Parent Presentation Applying for University & TAFE Courses 2016 Monday 3rd August Rose Coorey & Anthony Vizaniaris Career Counsellors
Maximising Results 2015 Keeping on top of required work tasks Effective Study Habits: Setting a rhythm & frequency Communication Socially balanced: Good friends, 3:1 Ratio Fitness Sleep Diet Calmness Mindfulness vs Wasteful Anxiety Value of reflecting on a failure – change approach Spirituality and doing Good for the Common Good… feel good factor
Achieving SACE The table below illustrates how the minimum 200 Credit Points are acquired to achieve the SACE: SACE Subject Credits: 10 Credits = 1 Semester, 20 Credits = Full Year Study SACE Requirement SMC Credits Credits Personal Learning Plan 10 10 (PLP)(Yr 10) Literacy (English) Stage 1 (Compulsory Units/Full Year) 20 20 Numeracy (Mathematics)(Compulsory Unit) 10 10 Stage 1 (Usually 20) Free Choice 90 70 (Stage 1) Religion 10 (SMC Requirement) Research Project (Stage 2) 10 10 Stage 2 Subjects 60 80 Total 200 210
Three Grades / Scores St Michael’s College Grade – on end of Year report. A measure of a students performance against criteria set here at St Michaels. In many cases it is based on not yet moderated assessment and obviously does not include final external assessments such as exams. Subject Achievement Grade on SACE Record of Achievement Certificate – reflection of a students performance against the set criteria in that subject only. The grade is derived from a “moderated” Raw Score out of 150 – all the specified & weighted components stated in the Assessment guidelines by SACE. For example a score of a B- in Subject X may come from : Folio (20%) B / Skills Task (50%) C- / External Assessment (30%) A- This is then equated to a score out of 150. SACE have published a table showing the Numeric Value of SACE Grades. From the score out of 150 a Grade is awarded if the raw score is 90 that equates with a C+ Scaled Score /20 is printed on a students 2015 Tertiary Entrance Statement used by SATAC to calculate a University and or TAFE Aggregate. Every student in a particular subject with the same moderated Raw Score is Scaled the same amount. In the Scaling process the “average mean raw” score in each subject is then compared to all the other subject combinations and their individual “average mean raw score”. So subjects can be added together, there is a very complicated adjustment process called Scaling. By applying Scaling it provides a way to compare / add dissimilar subjects for the purpose of Tertiary Entrance. Scaling is based on the score out of 150 not the Subject Achievement Grade.
There will be changes to this in 2015 to reflect changed Aggregate out of /90 and change in calculation of Recognised Studies Approved VET Cert 3 Score averaged out of /70 not /60
How are Scores established Moderation Scaling SATAC You Tube Clip:
Calculating a University Aggregate
Bonus Points 2015 Bonus Point Scheme is new & there are a maximum of 9 added to University Aggregate 5 Equity Bonus Points for eligible students' all SA NT Courses (Via SATAC & Covers all Uni’s) Application via SATAC Website with documentation to be posted after. School Card Health Care Card Centrelink Recipient (conditions apply) in the year they gain their ATAR Up to 4 Language Literacy & Mathematics Bonus Points English Comms English Studies Maths Studies Maths Specialist & LOTE for all except Medicine & Vet Bioscience Must achieve a C- or better to get relevant “Subject Bonus points” LLM Bonus Points are added to Aggregate automatically by SATAC We anticipate you will see on your Tertiary Entrance Statement an ATAR (not with Bonus Points) and hopefully an ATAR “Selection Rank” (with consideration of Bonus Points) that can be used for all courses except Medicine & Vet Bioscience
ATAR/ Selection Rank Cut Off Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank University Aggregate out of 90 (with Bonus Points added) placed in a RANK order Selection Rank ATAR A published course Cut Off ATAR/ SELECTION RANK is last student to be offered a place in the course the previous year – need to aim above this and as close as possible to any relevant Guaranteed Entry Score The Published ATAR Selection Ranks do include Bonus Points
Subject Scaled Scores 2014/5 Scaling can and does change year to year Scaling impacts more so in the B grade band. Last year we saw some subjects experience more scaling in the B= range Scaling impacts more in subjects which do not have significant Public Exam No subject gets scaled up or down as a whole subject. Be aware you could get all B and B+ and not get a good enough ATAR to get into desired University course Critical that students are in dialogue with their teachers about how the are going and what they can do to improve. Students should be very aware of how that grade in that subject was scaled last year. Cant alter impact of scaling only level of achievement.
Key Changes for 2016 TAFE: Online 31st August No free courses and entry to all courses requires a Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment. Work Ready – new funding model. MANY courses cut. Flinders: Computer Science ( Simulation & Serious games) Engineering Naval Architecture Educ Primary/ General Science, Arts & masters of Teaching R-7 and Secondary, IT (Digital Health Systems) Hnrs, International relations, Optometry No UMAT, Post Grad Medicine Quotas favouring Flinders Graduates, Disability Education with rehab counselling major, Psych Sciences & Marketing, Bach of Science and Arts within one degree B of Science Policy & Communication, & new B Arts majors. Communication & professional Writing, Bach of Letters Tonsley Campus & Innovation UniSA: B of Business HRM/ Psych Sc (Counselling & Interpersonal) B of Business Info Strategy & Management, B Arts (Indig Cultures)/ masters Teaching, New Programs at James Morrison Academy of Jazz in Mt Gambier. Apply Audition asap, Can now specialise in Exercise & sports Science within Human movement thru UniSA once in Human Movement, Renaming of Visual Communication (Graphic Design) to B of Design (Communication Design) Great Hall $550m, Health Innovation Building 2018 $230m University of Adelaide: B Commerce new International Study pathway New B of Science Wildlife Conservation Biology major Bach of Engineering Hnrs Flexible Entry Electronic & Electrical – new Majors, & Bach of International Development renamed. Psych Major limited to Bach Of Psych Science only New majors within Bach of Arts Criminology, Art History Indigenous Knowledge New programs to support transition and employability ProfConnect Next Roseworthy info Session – given involved Vet Bioscience Applic – Sept 22nd. Music Audition Applic due 23/10 TBC New Medicine Nursing Dentistry West End building Charles Darwin: Many Scholarships, Darwin Waterfront Business School, Trades Training Centre, Many new courses in 2016 Most courses continue to have 60 ATAR Cut off with some variation Engineering, Law, Pharmacy & midwifery. Many online options – get GPA then apply for Tertiary Transfer. Many refined changes Bach of Eng Science/ Master of Engineering etc with Maths Studies as Assumed Knowledge – can do externally too. Tabor College now in SATAC Guide Arts, Education Primary & Secondary Youth Work Theology Counselling Guaranteed Entry 60- 65 ATAR Course dependent.
COURSE SELECTION Preferences Eligibility SACE ATAR Prerequisites C- or better Precluded Combinations Counting restrictions Additional Application Requirements Course Match to student Course Investigation 1st yr subjects Opportunities for placements exchanges internships credit cost Flexibility Moving from one to another Tertiary Transfers & GPA TAFE- Uni Why do so Many Change Courses? Uni Adelaide Research Over 50 percent of First Year University Students make a change to their course on study by the end of first year – Some change whole pathways!
SATAC: The Basics Up to 6 Preferences for Uni and or 4 TAFE through Separate Area for TAFE with separate registration .TAFE Not open until end of August. Interstate SATAC equivalents One offer possible in each System and can have more than one for TAFE Uni Deadline: 30th September and TAFE: TBA usually around 28th October Other Application Requirements and Special Dates Check Interstate & Music Auditions TBA Dance Auditions book ASAP 1st Audition end of August Equal Consideration by Due dates Changing preferences for most OK up to 4th January Uni & 27th Dec (TBA) TAFE … as long as they have met this first deadline. The cost of on time application is $ 28 Uni ($110 late fee after that date) and TAFE applications are currently free & On time STAT Test $120
Applying at SATAC Students begin Application by registering with UserName 4 characters and Password 8 characters one letter. Must have a Personal Email account. (Later in applic should put SACE Number) A Confirmation email is sent to begin the Log in process Maybe UMAT Rego required for Medicine Dentistry Need to flag if sitting Flinders UniTest TBA This year will be section to flag Equity Bonus Point TBA Apply for Financial Assistance, notify Special Need, Special Consideration Optional Book TABS Test (TAFE) & Book STAT Test All subsequent checking changing responding to offers done via this site. Each applicant is given a SATAC Reference Number at the end of the application – need this next time you log on. No number means no application finalised.
Up to 6 Preferences Example assumes no Bonus Points Kylie ATAR 73.4 Josh ATAR 67.7 Sam ATAR 95.6 Course X ATAR 74 Course C (73.0) Course M Medicine offer Course Y ATAR 80 Course V (ATAR 66) Course C (ATAR 73.0) Course P ATAR 90 Course K Course T Course C (ATAR73.0) Course Z Course G No preference Course Y Course W No preference Course T Course H Kylie has the higher ATAR than Josh for Course C cut off ATAR and she does not meet the ATAR for her higher preferences so will be offered a place over Josh. Sam will not be considered as he has received an offer. The position of each preference is an indicator of the order they wish to be considered for their preferences. It is not used to judge level of interest. You can only be offered one preference.
Key Dates 3rd August – SATAC Application for Uni open (TAFE TBA) 14 – 16th August Tertiary Open Days Uni & Adelaide TAFE August TBA Close of applications for “UniTEST” (Many Flinders Courses) Check Adel Uni Music and Flinders/ TAFE Dance Audition application due dates 11th September Sit Flinders UniTest at St Michaels 30th September – Most Applications for University close (Late fee applies after this date) Medicine (Adel Uni) Dentistry Oral Health & Vet Bioscience final deadline. Should book & pay for STAT to avoid late fee by this date. TBA 30th October – Applications for TAFE close (Late fee applies after this date) NOTE There are some Uni and TAFE courses that cannot be added as preferences after this date October November December NOTE: Many courses that require portfolios compulsory Info Session attendance etc have deadlines for submission of these during October November December – Students need to check SATAC Guide & TAFESA Website carefully Late November Check “Approved” Cert 3 Submission Mr Woolford 30th November – Late Application deadline for eligible University close. Last for Medicine at Flinders. Approx 17th Dec SACE Results Received TBA Only day to contact College re Issues with Yr 12 Results 27th December TBA – Final Day of Changes for TAFE 4th January 2016 Final day of changes for University TBA 14 Jan 2016 (TAFE) First Round Offers for Competitive Courses or those requiring CAR SACE 19th January 2016 (University) First Round Offers
TAFE: TAFE Course Admission Requirements CAR must be met to be eligible to apply for TAFE Courses There is no CAR for Non Competitive Certificates 1, 11 and 111.Minimum CAR Exist for Competitive Cert 1, 11 and 111 and for all Cert 4 and above. Minimum CAR is usually one of the following: SACE Completion, VET Qualification or TABS Test (Basic Numeracy Literacy TEST) In each course descriptor page it states if it is a Competitive Entry Course. As soon as it is deemed Competitive it will then show CAR and also will have TAB showing Selection Criteria used to rank applicants. These could be VET Qualification, SACE Completion and associated TAFESA Score, TABS Score or even score on Written Test and Interview (See Cert 4 Dental Assisting) Increasingly, related lower level courses have become part of the Selection Criteria In most cases having a VET Qualification in a related area will put you in higher rank than having SACE i.e. best 3 scaled scores TAFESA Score (after Precluded Combination rule applied) Note Skills for All Funding No Cert 1 or 2 if have SACE and only access to two equal and above Cert 3 courses – other than that full fee paying
TAFE Continued Workplace Mode Students can’t apply unless in Traineeship or Apprenticeship Course Notes Under this heading you may discover more application requirements See Ad Dip Fashion Design. Additional requirements – portfolio etc – check on TAFESA Website Moving from TAFE to Uni – Very clear pathways/ credit save $HECS debt, practical aspect to employability Do not assume if I miss out on Uni I can go to TAFE – often more competitive entry… especially if only using Yr 12 scaled scores. TAFE offers all levels of qualifications from Advanced Diplomas to Short Courses right through to dual awards with all three Universities Tonsley Campus 2015 Fantastic Facility
Preferences - TAFE: Advanced Dip of Computer Systems Technology 2 Years incorp Cert 4 Certificate IV in Information Technology 12 mths Certificate III in IT DM & T Support 6mths Certificate II in Information Digital Media & Technology 6 mths It is very clear to see stepping stones to TAFE Qualifications if courses are Competitive as it shows under Selection Criteria the Course Qualification the level below that puts you at top of consideration list.
Example of researching a TAFE Option Cert 4 in Vet Nursing Value of beginning VET Studies at School – or must go back to lower Cert levels at TAFE TAFE Nursing – Catch with TABS Test
Preferences TAFE: Be aware The same course may be offered at other campuses and may different level of competitiveness and therefore accept lower Rank Position TAFESA Score etc Same courses different codes If a course is not competitive and you meet CAR you will get an automatic offer to enrol. Apply ASAP as if course changes they accept enrolments by date order of application. A course can “ become” competitive can always turn down offer. When to sit for TABS Test
Deferring Offers Most Uni Course Not for TAFE Plan Gap Year
Interstate Applications: Similar to SATAC You can apply for each State and get offer for each State See Section 8 SATAC Guide Applying Interstate Note: often English is a Pre Req – but not always and different Bonus Point Policies If you have ANY interest in applying interstate, it is imperative you email the Admission Officer at the relevant Uni to see what is the ruling for students from South Australia or come and see Ms Coorey Many of our students interested in medicine end up applying around Australia – for example James Cook Uni in Townsville not require UMAT,
SOME COMMON PITFALLS: Change of address Right Course Wrong Code – different campus? Check Pre-requisite and Entry requirements. Failed to submit portfolio etc. Didn’t think they wanted to go to TAFE Failed to respond to all (and especially) TAFE correspondence by due dates Failed to make SATAC Payment Students only used a school email account after graduation
Tuition Study Costs University HECS fees are deferrable and it is planned from 1st January to remove the discount provided for any upfront or voluntary repayments. See: This Coalitions proposed changes to allow the Universities to determine course fees has still not passed through Parliament, so for the moment fees are set in Bands – but this could change: For Changes See: In most cases ATO deduct a small percentage (2% to 8%) from pay once graduate is earning above a certain salary (currently $50,000). As income level increases so does percentage paid back. In 2015 the “cost” of a full time year of a Uni course varied between $6100 to $10000 depending on Band category. From 2016/17 There will be new pricing system where C/W contribution will reduce and Universities will be allowed to vary charges by course. TBA Also Govt Bond Interest Rate will be charged on HECS Help debt – increasing costs.
TAFE Costs “Skills for All” Certificate I and II are only accessible and free for certain groups. The majority of Certificate III and IV courses will be partially funded by the South Australian Government. Students only can access two Cert 3 and above courses at subsidised Skills for All rate. Note this area is in state of constant change so will be clarified in end of Yr Careers newsletter. New WorkReady Funding as at 1st July 2015 : abId=1936 Very limited places in courses deemed not skilled shortage area –last year Dip Fitness course?? The TAFE Tuition & TAFE amenities costs beyond the set fee and these will be specified on the TAFE WEBSITE Fees vary by course, caps on number of courses you can do under Skills for All Funding. Areas of National Priority are much cheaper. 2 year Diploma of Early Childhood and Care relatively cheap at $5000 but a 12 month Dip of Photo Imaging could cost up to $6400. For the majority of courses at Approved Registered Training Providers including TAFE there is a VET FEE Help program available like the HECS Loan system for Diploma and above. TAFESA also has a Fee by Instalments payment option if approved .
Transition to Tertiary Study Gap Year Career Values post 20 & Study Abroad opportunities Prepare for Success – know the Course, Subjects Assessment Enrol – key dates for withdrawal How realistic is it to work and study (10 hrs per week maximum) Impt of GPA for Job at end Where will I go for help if I need it? Orientation events Great Report See: actsheet.pdf 6 Weeks of Year 1 and Year 2 The system is very flexible as long as seek help & communicate Universities invested heavily in first years i.e. Science at Adelaide – young lecturers study support area and IPADS TAFE to Uni – Changes to HECS / TAFE Costs
Change to the way you can get a place in University Guaranteed Entry Score Sense of relief of day of Yr 12 results – know you will get an offer Flinders UniTest Here at SMC Friday arvo Sept 11th Mr Viz to email soon. Approved courses 60% ATAR 40% UniTest STAT Test SA Uni’s 18 by 1st Feb 2016 Special Entry – 2 quotas Register on SATAC web by 30th Sept for $120 fee TAFE to Uni (With Credit) & TAFE concurrently with Uni Cert 3 some competitive entry possibilities to some to Flinders Courses & Some Guaranteed with Cert 4 at all Universities Flinders TAFELINK: applications/tafelink.cfm TAFE/ Uni Dual: UniSA TAFE RTO Pathways: pathways/TAFERTO/ University Adelaide: Foundation Studies University Preparation Courses & UniSA College & SAIBT More in end of year careers Newsletter Yr 13 – 3 attempts to add to ATAR (rules on Cert 3)
Special Cases Health – includes Mental Health: Anxiety, Prolonged Illness, Depression Disability Diagnosed Learning Issue SACE Special Provision Detailed Application Through Mr Schirripa No longer any SATAC Consideration outside of SACE for Yr 12 students If anything is concerning or wrong with Yr 12 results …MUST phone the College on the DAY of the Yr 12 SACE Results release approximately Thursday 17th December TBA.
Getting Help… Where to next? Tertiary Selection Packages distributed this WEDNESDAY Tonight Representatives from Uni and TAFE are over in Founders Hall. Tertiary Open Days 14 -16th August (Timetables Tonight in Founders Hall) UniSA Open Day App Flinders Uni Tonsley Open Day Tours Register: Yr 12 Student Presentation will take place this Thursday 6th August 9.45 to 10.45am Mr Viz Friday Email Re: Flinders UniTest – need for Non SMC Email Stay tuned for TAFE …Not until End of August First in first served for non competitive courses that become competitive Many Info Sessions Coming Up: Science Alive (This weekend at showgrounds). SA Police 15th September & 13th October Pre Application Info Session etc, ICHM Scholarships close 9th October , ADFA Gap Year Info session this Thursday Evening. UniAdel Elec Engineering Careers Night Wed 2nd Sept Keep an eye on Student Services Intranet Page and The Star Newsletter If students want help they can make an appointment with Ms Rose Coorey or Mr Anthony Vizaniaris who can help with the application process. Sheet to fill out in advance of Appt .
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