THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ...

Page created by Zachary Castillo
THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ...
  January 2021
                                BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF THE GREAER SANTIAM
     Issue 1                              INVESTOR'S MONTHLY NEWSLETTER

WHAT'S INSIDE:      thanks to you we're still here!
PROGRAMS            Last March, when the Governor locked down the State due to the pandemic,
CONTINUE, PAGE 2    I was beside myself. This organization that serves hundreds of children
                    every day was in peril. Our cash reserves were depleted and we realized our
THE LITTLE ONES     biggest fundraiser of the year would have to be delayed if not all together
ARE GETTING A       cancelled (spring auction was ultimately cancelled). With no way to generate
JUMP START,         revenue, I turned to you for help and you came through.

                    Because of you, we were able to move quickly and open COVID Emergency
                    Childcare, providing a place for the children of healthcare workers, first
                    responders, and essential workers to be cared for and supported through
                    spring, summer, fall, and now winter. We were one of the first programs in
PAGE 4              Oregon to do so and it would have been impossible without you.

LOOKING GOOD,       Families have been able to carry on their work and hundreds of children have
PAGE 4              been kept safe, and received the assistance, enrichment, and nutrition they
                    need five days a week.

                    This month's UPDATE, the first ever, is designed to provide you with
                    information about how you're making a difference, here at the Club,
                    everyday. You can expect to see this UPDATE on a "monthly" basis. I want
                    you to look forward to receiving it, therefore please don't hesitate to let me
                    know what you'd like to see less OR more of!
THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ...
in person programs                     January's program theme was
                                       safari. Fun safari activities included
continue                               building their own snakes, escaping
                                       the tiger in the gym, engineering
BY TYLER REECE, DIRECTOR               huts with marshmallows, and
FOR PROGRAMS                           making "lava lamps" (photo above).
                                       The month is wrapping up with a fun
With in person school still on hold,
                                       BGCGS Spirit week. Kids and staff
the Club's elementary programs are
                                       are all taking part - dressing for
more important than ever.
                                       themed days including super
Scholarships supported by you are
                                       heroes, neon, blue-out, and as their
allowing the children who need us
                                       favorite characters.
most to participate and receive the
support they need.
                                       Once school and homework are
                                       completed, members shift to
Staff and kids jumped right back
into distance learning after winter
                                       programs supported by our 21st           Engineering a jungle hut with
                                       Century Community Learning Center
break. Facilitating and supporting                                              pretzels and marshmallows.
                                       Grant. For two hours each day the
distance learning for over 120
                                       focus is on enrichment and fun
children every day isn't easy. It's
                                       learning activities - including STEM.
made more difficult when it's time
                                       The program also offers a monthly
to do things like STAR testing
                                       family engagement activity for
(earlier this month) and the need to
                                       children to take on at home with
constantly adapt to individual
                                       their families. This month's take
student's evolving and changing
                                       home activity was "I Have A Dream"
schedules. Through it all, our staff
                                       poster creation. Youth learned
have been rock stars, navigating the
                                       about Martin Luther King Jr. and his
needs of our members, and
                                       activism with the Civil Rights
remaining flexible, and creative.
                                       movement during the 1950s and
THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ...
the little ones are                        that dinosaurs were the biggest
                                                                        animals to ever to have walked on
PARTICIPATING IN             getting a jump start!                      earth?
AND RESPONSIVE               BY LORI ROMEO, EARLY                       We aren't afraid though because
                             CHILDHOOD PROGRAMS DIRECTOR
EARLY CHILDHOOD                                                         we learned they are extinct!

EDUCATION                    Did you know your support helps
                             the Club continue to operate the           We had some fun while learning
                             Kids Club Child Development Center         about the dinosaurs. We cracked
CHILDREN’S                                                              open dinosaur eggs, made
                             (a full day, licensed center serving
EXCITEMENT AND                                                          dinosaur shirts and even touched
                             children ages 3-5), Punkin Seed
PLEASURE IN                  Pre-School, and a Pre-K Club which         some fossilized dinosaur poop!
LEARNING AND                 is funded in partnership with the
ENCOURAGES                   Early Learning Hub and free to low         The support the Club receives
                                                                        from the community helps keep
ONGOING                      income families? Well it does! Isn't
                             that amazing?                              fees low - providing opportunities
                                                                        for participation to many children
LEARNING ACTIVITIES.                                                    who otherwise would go without.
-THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EARLY   Though Pre-K Club has been on-
CHILDHOOD EDUCTION           hold since March due to the
                             pandemic, the rest of our early            We look forward to the world

                             learning programs have continued           getting back to some sort of

                             to operate at maximum capacity.            normal when we can get focused
                                                                        again on expanding these

                             This month preschoolers have been          extremely important programs and

                             learning about dinosaurs. T-rex is         engaging even more East Linn

                             always a favorite. Did you know T-         County children in early learning!

                             rex is as tall as the light pole outside
                             the Punkin Seed Classroom or

       "Cracking open
       dinosaur eggs"

                                            "We love our new dinosaur t-shirts!"
THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ...
looking good!
                                                                              BY DEVIN PECKFELDER,
                                                                              ATHLETICS AND
                                                                              FACILITIES DIRECTOR

                                                                              The 11 hour program days have
                                                                              been taking a toll on the 5th St.
                                                                              building which is well over 30
                                                                              years old. We took advantage of
                                                                              the holiday break and thanks to
                                                                              donations from the Lowe's
                                                                              Distribution Center, were able to
                                                                              update several spaces that were
                                                                              really showing their age! Updates
                                                                              included fresh paint, new flooring,
                                                                              and new faucets!

                                                                              Speaking of Lowe's, be sure to

health and safety -                     the direction of the Office of
                                        Childcare and the Early Learning
                                                                              stop by the home improvement
                                                                              warehouse clearance sale we'll be
job one                                 Division, the Club has developed a
                                                                              hosting next month - Feb. 27th 9
                                        comprehensive COVID-19 Health
                                                                              am to 4 pm and Feb. 28th 10 am to
BY MADISON YOCK, DIRECTOR               and Safety Plan. This plan outlines
                                                                              1 pm. 100% of proceeds go to the
                                        the Club’s policies and procedures
                                                                              EMERGENCY CHLIDCARE
Serving over 150 children a day in      as it relates to keeping our kids,
                                                                              SCHOLARSHIP FUND.
                                        and staff, safe and well during the
multiple buildings with over 60 staff
                                        COVID-19 Pandemic. Our board
requires a lot of coordination and                                            A complete inventory list of the
                                        lead safety committee continues
work on the back side, especially                                             more than $20,000 in inventory is
                                        to meet regularly to discuss safety
during a pandemic. Your faith in us                                           available at
                                        procedures and areas for
has helped us move forward to                                       
                                        improvement – from daily health
continue our mission driven work
                                        screenings, to hourly cleaning and
while keeping everyone safe.
                                        sanitization, our staff are making
                                        safety THE number one priority.
As one of the first facilities in the
state to open up after the onset of     If you'd like to review our COVID-
the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Club         19 Health and Safety Plan, please
has worked tirelessly to ensure the     visit
health and safety of the children in
our care, as well as the staff who      t-we-do/programs-services/our-
continue to show up every day to        response-to-covid19.html
perform this important work. Under

                                                                                New flooring, paint and lighting
                                                                                  in the Imagination Station
THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ... THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ... THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ... THE UPDATE - Boys & Girls Clubs of the Greater ...
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