The Tau Humphrey, Nebraska - St. Francis of Assisi Parish

Page created by Mathew Gonzalez
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
                                      Humphrey, Nebraska

                                               The Tau
                                      January 2022 Volume 14, Number 5

Dear Parishioners,

One of the things I do to try and relate with toddlers is to ask them to “give me five” or “knuckles”. Except
for the boldest of them, this usually takes a little coaxing. Once they come out of their shell, however, they
will usually get quite excited about this opportunity, especially if I pretend like they’ve hurt my hand as
soon as they strike it. They’ll laugh and giggle and seem genuinely pleased with themselves, even if I
pretend like I’m crying from the pain they have inflicted. In fact, the more I pretend to cry and wail in pain,
the more they seem to enjoy it. It really seems kind of twisted, when you think about it. What do toddlers
find so delightful?

Well, at first I thought it was Original Sin corrupting the fallen human. But I don’t think so. I no longer
believe that they are delighting in my pain, but rather they are rejoicing in their power; a power that can do
more than they had ever thought possible. If this is true, then it is a beautiful thing!

But wait a minute. Did I say that right? Did I really just say that a desire for power is a beautiful thing? The
answer is absolutely yes. After all, what is a thirst for power but a thirst for God, who is indeed all-
powerful? In fact, God Himself imbeds this desire within us as a way of drawing us closer to Him; through
our desire to share with Him, to become one with His power.

This is actually seen quite profoundly in the story of our first parents, Adam and Eve. Recall that the true
temptation of the devil was to become like God to become powerful. This worked so efficiently because the
devil, as he always does, counterfeited a noble desire. Instead of becoming powerful like God who came,
not to be served, but to serve, the devil convinced Adam and Eve that this desire for power could be satisfied
through autonomy; by doing whatever they wanted. It is precisely this same twisted understanding of power
that infects our world with every form of selfishness, violence and discrimination.

Fortunately, Jesus Christ came to restore a proper understanding of this beautiful desire for power. By living
His life in service to others, even to the point of enduring an unjust sentence of death, Jesus gained for us
the power we truly crave; not the power of autonomy that leads to selfishness, violence and discrimination,
but the true power to be like God through the Gift of the Holy Spirit. In a very real sense, the Holy Spirit
fulfills the desire of our first parents by allowing us to be so like God that we can truly call ourselves His

Of course, this is also why the desire for power embedded in all of us cannot be satisfied with the ability
to dominate, to control or to be autonomous, as the devil continues to convince us of today. Rather, Jesus
tells us that this desire is only satisfied with the ability to forgive. “Receive the Holy Spirit,” Jesus says in
the gospel of St. John. “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven and whose sins you retain are retained.” And,
when you think about it, this makes perfect sense. After all, which is a more powerful act? To lash out, hold
a grudge or become angry whenever we are wronged? Anyone can do that! No, true power is our ability to
turn the other cheek, to bear wrongs patiently and to forgive those who have harmed us. You see,
forgiveness is the most power any human being can exercise, which is probably why it is so difficult.

But notice how profoundly this power can and has changed the world. The forgiveness of Jesus on the cross
won the conversion of the good thief. The forgiveness of St. Stephen the martyr as he was being stoned won
the conversion of all of us by converting St. Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. The forgiveness of all the
martyrs throughout the history of the Church brought continuous growth in every age and country. This
same forgiveness can work just as profoundly in our own age. It is a power of the Holy Spirit given to every
child of God. All we have to do is use it.

In Christ,

Rev. Eric Olsen
January 2022
  The daily Mass schedule will be announced on a weekly basis at the weekend Masses.
     Sun                  Mon                    Tue                    Wed                    Thu                    Fri                   Sat
                                                                                                                January 31            1
                                                                                                                *5:30 PM-Solemnity    *Feast of the
                                                                                                                of Mary Eve Mass      Solemnity of Mary,
                                                                                                                                      the Mother of God
                                                                                                                                      *10 AM-Solemnity
                                                                                                                                      of Mary Mass

2                    3                     4                       5                      6                     7                     8
*7 PM-”Rosary for    *NO SCHOOL            *School Resumes         *6:30 PM-PRE           *Bank of the Valley   *TBD-First Friday     *3 PM-GBB @
Peace & Unity” in    *Teacher In-Service   *Start of 3rd Quarter                          Deposit Day           Mass                  Burwell
Church                                     *6:15 PM-GB @                                  *8:30 AM-7 PM-        *4 PM-GBB w/          *Archdiocese
                                           Norfolk Catholic                               Adoration             Howells/Dodge         Collection for the
                                                                                          *6 PM-JVBB @          *5 PM-Benediction     Seminary @ Mass
                                                                                          Twin River
                                                                                          *7 PM-Parish
                                                                                          Council Meeting

9                    10                    11                      12                     13                    14                    15
*Archdiocese         *4:30 PM-JHBB w/      *7 PM-Finance           *7:30 AM-FFA           *8:30 AM-7 PM-        *4 PM-GBB w/
Collection for the   Fullerton             Board Meeting           Meeting                Adoration             Clarkson/Leigh
Seminary @ Mass                                                    *2:30 PM-JHGBB @       *6 PM-JHBB @
*7 PM-”Rosary for                                                  St. Edward             Scotus
                                                                   *6 PM-First
Peace & Unity” in                                                  Reconciliation         *6:15 PM-GB w/
Church                                                             Parent Meeting         Pierce
                                                                   *6:30 PM-PRE           *7:30 PM-Knights
                                                                   *7 PM-Athletic Board   of Columbus
                                                                   Meeting                Meeting

16                   17                    18                      19                     20                    21                    22
*7 PM-”Rosary for    *GB Conference        *BB Conference          *NO PM Bus             *Bank of the Valley   *Northeast Nebraska   *GBB Conference
Peace & Unity” in    Tournament            Tournament              Service                Deposit Day           March for Life        Tournament Finals
Church               *6 PM-JHGB @                                  *Speech @ Howells      *GB Conference        *BB Conference        @ St. Paul
                     Stanton                                       *1 PM-Dismissal        Tournament            Tournament            *10 AM & 1 PM-
                                                                   *6:30 PM-PRE           *8:30 AM-7 PM-        *Monthly Tuition      First Reconciliation
                                                                                          Adoration             Processed &           in Church
                                                                                                                Cafeteria Payments    *Speech @ Scotus

23                   24                    25                      26                     27                    28                    29
*7 PM-”Rosary for    *4 PM-JHBB @          *4 PM-GBB w/            *HS Adopt-A-Child      *FFA District         *GS Adopt-A-Child     *Speech @ Logan
Peace & Unity” in    Battle Creek          St. Edward              Day                    Livestock Judging     Day                   View
Church                                                             *6:30 PM-PRE           @ NECC                *6:15 PM-BB @         *Athletic Board
                                                                                          *8:30 AM-7 PM-        Norfolk Catholic      Soup Supper During
                                                                                          Adoration                                   GBB Games
                                                                                                                                      *10 AM-JHGBB @
                                                                                                                                      Riverside Tourney
                                                                                                                                      *3 PM-GBB w/
                                                                                                                                      Lutheran High NE

30                   31
*7 PM-”Rosary for    *Sophomore Class
Peace & Unity” in    Play for GS
Church               *1 PM-JHGBB @

         Catholic Schools Week
Sunday                Monday                Tuesday                  Wednesday              Thursday                 Friday               Saturday
                                                                                                                                          1 Solemnity of Mary
                                                                            The daily Mass schedule will be

     January 2022
                                                                                                                                          10am +Kenny Bender
                                                                            announced on a weekly basis at the
                                                                            weekend Masses and will be posted
                                                                            on the front doors of church.                                 5:30pm For The
                                                                                                                                          People Of The Cluster

2                     3                     4                        5                      6                     7    8am Souls of the   8
                                                                                                                  faithfully departed
10am L/D +Anton &     8am L/D +Alvin &                                                                            +Dave Fuchs
+Roberta Buresh       Shirley Fischer       8am +Everett             8am Dick & Sally       8am +Eileen Brandl    +Mary Lloyd             5:30pm +Jeanie Engel
Family & +Pauline     Family & L/D +Jesus   Hemmer                   Classen                                      +Evelyn Wojcik
Sander                & +Mary Perales                                                                             +Clarence Shemek
                                                                                                                  +Bert Feik
                      Family                                                                                      +Duane Beiermann

9                     10                    11                       12                     13                    14                      15

10am +Kenny Bender    8am +Kelly Korth      8am +Jeanie Engel        8am +Maryann           8am +Erwin Zach       8am +Rich Wegener       5:30pm +Virgil &
                                                                     Nienaber                                     (BD)                    +Phyllis Kuta

16                    17                    18                       19                     20                    21                      22

10am +Eileen Brandl   8am L/D +Alvin &      8am +Glenn Hemmer        8am +Terry             8am +Pauline Sander   8am In Thanksgiving     5:30pm +Kerry Korth
                      Shirley Fischer                                McPhillips             & L/D +Ronnie         from the Rich           & Len & Adele
                      Family                                                                Campbell Family       Wegener Family          Hassenstab

23                    24                    25                       26                     27                    28                      29

10am Dick & Sally     8am L/D Paul &        8am +Virgil & +Phyllis   8am +Terry             8am In Thanksgiving   8am Jim & Deb           5:30pm +Erwin Zach
Classen & +Tom        Bonnie Ramaekers      Kuta                     McPhillips             From The Pauline      Herchenbach Family
Brockhaus (A)         Family                                                                Sander Family

30                    31

10am L/D +Lenny (A)   8am +Jamie (A) &
& Bernie Fuchs        +Karen L. Weidner
Sunday                 Monday              Tuesday               Wednesday        Thursday                Friday          Saturday

     January 2022
                                                                                                                          Mary Lou Finkral
                                                                                                                          Charlotte Ternus

     St. Francis of Assisi Parish Birthdays
2                      3                   4                     5                6                     7                 8
Julie Preister         Katherine Klug      Crystal Foltz         Tim Deets        Terry Brockhaus       Brisa Reigle      Bob Foltz
Linda Bender           Carson Weidner      Dustin Kessler        Caleb Killham    Krista Hooker         Ava Ternus        Crystal Harper
                                           Joan Korth            Brooklyn McKay                                           Mary Hemmer
                                           Pam Wemhoff           Randy Preister
                                           Ryan Zach             Boyd Wegener

9                      10                  11                    12               13                    14                15
Grant Howard           Marvin Classen      Jalyssa Hasteiter                      Beverly James         Emily Droescher   Adam Wietfeld
                                                                                                        Kelli Foltz
Olivia Wemhoff         Jasmine Heesacker   Victoria Ternus                        Tyrel Wegener
                                                                                                        Renee Gilsdorf
                       Sharon Theilen      Earl Widhalm                           Russ Wilshusen        Brad Keller
                                                                                                        Linda Moeller
                                                                                                        June Molczyk

16                     17                  18                    19               20                    21                22
Rich Fleischer         Isaac Classen       Georgia Hunsley       Lois Beiermann   Beth Keller           Jarrett Fittje    Len Hassenstab
Russal Foltz                               Jill Werner                            Kevin Small           Jedd Fischer
Brooke Hemmer                              Taylor Werner                          Daniel Wegener        Donna Wemhoff

23                     24                  25                    26               27                    28                29
Kline Abner            Chris Braun         Jodie Eisenmenger                      Roman Abner           Pat Duesman       Jim Classen
Mark Geilenkirchen     Dorothy Hemmer      Hadley Frauendorfer                    Barrett Brandl        Kevin Kosch       Jeannette Helmer
Jackson Kosch          Jody Preister       Blake Krings                           Spencer Eisenmenger   Jacob Sjuts       Lyle Hillen
Terry Sjuts                                Dorothy Pfeifer                        Autumn Fittje         Jason Sjuts       Preston Wegener
Barry Tasa                                                                        Jim Olmer

30                     31
Jason Fittje           Tim Hamling
Christina Hastreiter   Bob Zach
Riggins Svitak
St. Francis of Assisi Parish Pastoral Council Minutes
                                      November 30, 2021

The meeting of the parish pastoral council was called to order by President Duane Kosch at
7:00 PM on Thursday, November 30, 2021. Fr. Olsen led the opening prayer. Members present
were Fr. Eric Olsen, Erik Baumgart, Ken Classen, Janet Eisenmenger, Dan Fehringer, Duane
Kosch, Taylor Werner and Kari Wieseler. Bryan Reichmuth and Brandon Morfeld were excused.

The minutes from the October 28, 2021, meeting were reviewed and approved as written.


School Board:

Thank you to Lindsey Kosch for her years of service on the school board. Todd Preister will serve
another term on school board, and Brent Reichmuth has been selected as a new member to serve
his first term.

The 6th-8th grade classes were able to attend a life skills/sportsmanship retreat in Lincoln that was
dedicated to youth. Added bonus was that they were able to attend a Husker women’s game seeing
St. Francis alumni, Allison Weidner, play basketball.

In a very difficult and challenging year, kudos was given to the teachers for their work in prepping
the grade school children for daily Mass. Fr. Olsen has been very impressed with their participation
and behavior at Mass.

Coop results were reviewed. The results show St. Francis in support of the coop but Lindsay Holy
Family not in support of the coop. Fr. Olsen has reached out to the Archdiocese to get advisement
on whether to move forward.

Discussion was held as to options for a religion teacher as Fr. Wayne Pavela has confirmed he is
done teaching at the end of the 2nd quarter.

Finance Board:

In the event funds need to be covered for the school finances, it was discussed that the school
savings would be used first, and then subsidies.

Discussion was held on past due tuition accounts. Further discussion will resume at the next
finance board meeting.


Results have yet to be finalized, but preliminary results show this year’s event to be a top five
(maybe even top three) finish for the Blue and White Night. To-go meals were still very popular
this year for those unable to attend. Thank you to Michael and Lori Wegener for the substantial
amount of time they donated to lining up the online auction.

Duane Kosch is continuing to work on the bat issue at this time.

The Knights of Columbus paid for the replacement of the door on the northwest corner of the
church. Thank you for this generous donation.

A quote has been obtained to install an automatic locking door system on the church like the school
uses. For the last several years, volunteers have been coming to the church each morning and
evening, locking and unlocking the church doors. The quote was reviewed and approved to
proceed with moving forward with this system.


The current parish pastoral council members will remain on until next year, and an election will
be held at that time.

Due to Christmas being on Saturday this year, Saturday Masses will not fulfill the Sunday
obligation. Christmas Masses this year will be as follows:

      St. Francis, Humphrey: Christmas Eve – 5:30 PM, Christmas Day – 10:00 AM
      St. Mary’s, Leigh: Midnight Mass
      Holy Family, Lindsay: Christmas Eve – 5:00 PM, Christmas Day 8:00 AM
      St. Michael’s, Tarnov: Christmas Eve, 7:00 PM

For the school 2nd semester, there will be six theology classes that will need to be covered,
Ms. Vitoria Wiese will teach the Freshmen religion class. Fr. Olsen will teach the sophomores,
which leaves the junior and senior classes that need to be covered. Fr. Olsen plans to contact the
Archdiocese to obtain an updated status on Fr. Steve Emanuel and how they plan to assist with
covering these two religion classes.

There has been research into adult education programs and there are plans to purchase the
“Formed” life instruction module to potentially use for some of our upper classes as well as adult
parishioners. The parish council was challenged to consider ideas on how to form small group
opportunities structured around adult faith formation.

As previously mentioned, Fr. Olsen has reached out to the Chancellor of the Omaha Archdiocese
who handles the business segment to obtain advice on the coop. He has been in contact with
Deacon Tim McNeal, and there are plans for a consultant to meet with the Archdiocese to discuss
and evaluate a pastoral planning project already in progress. Fr. Olsen also wants to bring up a
discussion on whether a priest should be in charge of the Catholic school (serve as president) or if
a lay person would be better suited for this position.

The question was asked for an update on our current teaching openings. There was an applicant
for the business teacher position, but this has not progressed. There is currently interest from an
upcoming college graduate for the high school science teacher position. There was an applicant
for the 4th grade position, but Mrs. McPhillips is interested in continuing her position going
forward. There is, however, an opening at this position at Lindsay Holy Family, so this may be
something this applicant would be able to fill. Additional interest has also been expressed for lower
elementary positions in the event that something opens up.

The meeting adjourned at 8:09 PM with a prayer.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2022, at 7 PM in the parish rectory.

Kari Wieseler, Secretary
St. Francis of Assisi Athletic Board Minutes
                                       December 15, 2021

The St. Francis athletic board held a meeting on Wednesday, December 15, 2021, in the high
school library. The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Athletic Director Eric Kessler.
Members present were Eric Kessler, Kevin Bender, Linda Bender, Deacon Tim Howard, Melissa
Howard, Paula Kosch, Josh Wessel, Erica Wessel, Adam Wietfeld and Karen Wietfeld. Kevin
Kosch was excused.

The meeting opened with a prayer led by Eric Kessler.

The minutes were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Deacon Tim Howard
and seconded by Kevin Bender.

The treasurer’s report was reviewed. A motion to approve was made by Josh Wessel and seconded
by Paula Kosch.

The expenses were reviewed. A motion to approve the expenses was made by Karen Wietfeld and
seconded by Erica Wessel.

The “Split the Pot” half-court shot, 3-point-shot and free throw shot prizes were reviewed and

A parent worker list will be created for the Athletic Board soup supper which is set for Saturday,
January 29. Chili soup and chicken noodle soup will be served with cinnamon rolls, dessert and

This year’s Holiday Basketball Tournament hosted by Crofton will begin on December 28 with
the Lady Flyers playing West Point-Beemer at 2 PM. The boys will follow at 3:30 PM. They will
begin the tournament matched up with West Point-Beemer as well.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 12, 2022, at 7 PM.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Linda Bender, Secretary
Liturgical Ministers for January 2022 - February 2022
                Thank you for your ministry to your parish !! It is truly stewardship in action when we have all of the ministries filled at all the Masses!
       We ask that you mark your calendars and if you cannot be present to fulfill your obligation, that you trade with someone on the list, or find a replacement.
  Weekend                       Lectors                      Servers                       E.M.H.C.                       Greeters                      Offertory

     Friday              Rita Keller                   Emily Stricklin                Paul & Jodie                   Volunteers                     Justin & Britney Foltz
December 31, 2021                                      Jocelyn Classen                Eisenmenger
    5:30 PM
    Saturday             Gene McPhillips               Wyatt Brandl                   Dean Korus                     Volunteers                     Larry & Sharlene
 January 1, 2022                                       Jacob Keller                   Jeff Korus                                                    Hamling
     10 AM
    Saturday             Terri Wilshusen               Drew Engel                     Jordan Bender                  Tim & Beverly Zach             Kevin & Linda Bender
 January 1, 2022                                       Tyson Wietfeld                 Nathan Classen
    5:30 PM
    Sunday               Gary Braun                    Jaiden Anderson                Glenn & DeAnna                 Bob & Shari Haiar              Dave & Elaine Gilsdorf
 January 2, 2022                                       Jadyn Olmer                    Heinen
     10 AM
    Saturday             Chris Braun                   Gavin Geilenkirchen            Deacon Tim Howard              Tim & Connie Foltz             Barry & Radell Tasa
 January 8, 2022                                       Mason Geilenkirchen            Lynn Teply
    5:30 PM
    Sunday               Ethan Bruland                 Dominick Preister              Deacon Dennis                  Ryan & Karla Zach              Jack & Cindy Boesch
 January 9, 2022                                       Jett Reichmuth                 Anderson
     10 AM                                                                            Bob Haiar
   Saturday              Ken Classen                   Jacob Keller                   Alan & Jayne Ternus            Milo & Rita Herink             Dan & Sheri Wessel
January 15, 2022                                       Tucker Czarnick
    5:30 PM
    Sunday               Ron Denkinger                 Eli McPhillips                 Chelsea Werner                 Ken & Jane Backes              Rich & Susan Braun
January 16, 2022                                       Jaiden Anderson                Ryan Goetsch
    10 AM
   Saturday              Jodie Eisenmenger             September Babel                Missy Braun                    Francis & Connie               Duane & Lindsey
January 22, 2022                                       Jocelyn Classen                Haley Schrage                  Jaixen                         Kosch
    5:30 PM
Liturgical Ministers for January 2022 - February 2022
                Thank you for your ministry to your parish !! It is truly stewardship in action when we have all of the ministries filled at all the Masses!
       We ask that you mark your calendars and if you cannot be present to fulfill your obligation, that you trade with someone on the list, or find a replacement.
  Weekend                       Lectors                      Servers                       E.M.H.C.                       Greeters                      Offertory

    Sunday               Jordan Bender                 Gavin Geilenkirchen            Deacon Tim Howard              Mike & Carmen Foltz            Jim & Marilyn
January 23, 2022                                       Mason Geilenkirchen            Steve Wieser                                                  Eisenmenger
    10 AM
   Saturday              Paul Eisenmenger              Gage Braun                     Deacon Dennis                  Lynn Teply                     Bill & Mary Ann Babel
January 29, 2022                                       Grace Braun                    Anderson                       Karen Werner
    5:30 PM                                                                           Jodie Eisenmenger
    Sunday               Makenna Wietfeld              Phillip Keller                 Deacon Kent Sachau             Mark & Jeanne                  Jim & Lisa Classen
January 30, 2022                                       Wyatt Brandl                   Taylor Werner                  Brockhaus
     10 AM
   Saturday              Sharlene Hamling              Khloe Hooker                   Gary Braun                     Dorothy Brandt                 Ted & Jackie Wegener
February 5, 2022                                       Emily Stricklin                Karen Wietfeld                 Betty Brockhuas
   5:30 PM
    Sunday               Ginny Fehringer               Jett Dunn                      Deacon Kent Sachau             Mary Anne Haschke              Jerry & Jane Sander
February 6, 2022                                       Tanner Classen                 Dean Korus                     Debbie Huettner
     10 AM
    Saturday             Bob Haiar                     Carter Howard                  Deacon Tim Howard              Jim & Marcia Schrant           Leon & Barb Bender
February 12, 2022                                      Harrison Howard                Jarod Podliska
    5:30 PM
    Sunday               Corrine Haiar                 Tatum Classen                  Glenn & DeAnna                 Glenn & Joyce Ternus           Randy & Sharon
February 13, 2022                                      Ty Classen                     Heinen                                                        Wegener
     10 AM
    Saturday             Kim Jarosz                    Cade Wietfeld                  Paul & Jodie                   Milo & Rita Herink             Steve & Amy
February 19, 2022                                      Tate Wietfeld                  Eisenmenger                                                   Brockhaus
    5:30 PM
    Sunday               Rita Keller                   Jadyn Olmer                    Steve & Karen Wieser           Dan & Ginny Fehringer          Terry & Michelle
February 20, 2022                                      Eli McPhillips                                                                               Wemhoff
     10 AM
Liturgical Ministers for January 2022 - February 2022
                Thank you for your ministry to your parish !! It is truly stewardship in action when we have all of the ministries filled at all the Masses!
       We ask that you mark your calendars and if you cannot be present to fulfill your obligation, that you trade with someone on the list, or find a replacement.
  Weekend                       Lectors                      Servers                       E.M.H.C.                       Greeters                      Offertory

    Saturday             Larry Korth                   Drew Engel                     Deacon Kent Sachua             Jim & Lisa Classen             Dick & Sally Classen
February 26, 2022                                      Tyson Wietfeld                 Sharon Wegener
    5:30 PM
    Sunday               Dave Krings                   Jaiden Anderson                Deacon Tim Howard              Ryan & Karla Zach              Dale & Diane Zach
February 27, 2022                                      Dominick Preister              Andy Krings
     10 AM

                                                               December 2021 - 500 Club Winners:

                                                       12/04/2021        #171     Dick & Carolyn Wemhoff
                                                       12/11/2021        #215     Pat & Doris Wemhoff
                                                       12/18/2021        #203     Don & Marcia Muhle
                                                       12/25/2021        #300     Tyler & Marie Larson

                                                       Congratulations and thank you for your support!
Congratulations to the December 2021 Prize‐A‐Day Calendar Winners!
Cal. Date Event                       Amount      Calendar #      Winner                         City            State
  12/01     Weekday                        $50         1157       Dennis & Celie Anderson        Humphrey           NE
  12/02     Weekday                        $50          806       Spencer & Brandi Eisenmenger   Humphrey           NE
  12/03     First Friday                   $75          593       Dick R. Classen                Humphrey           NE
  12/04     Weekday                        $50          820       Jim & Lisa Classen             Humphrey           NE
  12/05     Sunday                         $50          305       Vern & Corrine Haiar           Humphrey           NE
  12/06     Weekday                        $50          691       Allen & Lois Louis             Genoa              NE
  12/07     Weekday                        $50          313       Becca Wemhoff                   Ames               IA
  12/08     Immaculate Conception         $400         1124       Rita Baumgart                  Humphrey           NE
  12/09     Weekday                        $50          735       Trevin & Tara Foltz            Humphrey           NE
  12/10     Weekday                        $50          429       Francis & Connie Jaixen        Humphrey           NE
  12/11     Weekday                        $50          664       Jerome & Rose Foltz            Humphrey           NE
  12/12     Sunday                         $75          744       Tim & Connie Foltz             Humphrey           NE
  12/13     Weekday                        $50          613       Erin Ruane                     Papillion          NE
  12/14     Weekday                        $50          409       Darlene Herchenbach            Columbus           NE
  12/15     Weekday                        $50          370       Karen A. Carlson               Lincoln            NE
  12/16     Weekday                        $50           66       Chris & Ashley Johnson         Oakland            NE
  12/17     Pope Francis's Birthday       $250          740       Trevin & Tara Foltz            Humphrey           NE
  12/18     Weekday                        $50          932       Con & Don Taylor               Montara            CA
  12/19     Sunday                         $75          412       Ivan Van Dyke                  Norfolk            NE
  12/20     Weekday                        $50          342       Ray & Mary Hemmer              Humphrey           NE
  12/21     Weekday                        $50          913       Carter Dalton                  Coconut Creek      FL
  12/22     Weekday                        $50           67       Megan Murnan                   Omaha              NE
  12/23     Weekday                        $50          871       Mike Leick                     Omaha              NE
  12/24     Weekday                        $50          805       Joe & Janet Eisenmenger        Humphrey           NE
  12/25     Christmas Day                $2,000         690       Bob & Jody Preister            Humphrey           NE
  12/26     Sunday                         $75          556       Anthony (Butch) Hastreiter     Bristow            VA
  12/27     Weekday                        $50          294       Tim Ternus                     Bennington         NE
  12/28     Weekday                        $50          932       Con & Don Taylor               Montara            CA
  12/29     Weekday                        $50          720       Denise & David Wasserman       Northbrook         IL
  12/30     Weekday                        $50          406       John A. Eisenmenger            San Antonio        TX
  12/31     Weekday                        $50         1162       Mike & Kelli Ternus            Lenexa             KS

                                                    Thank you for your support!
OUR SANCTUARY LAMP in the                                 OUR SANCTUARY LAMP by the statue of
               EUCHARISTIC CHAPEL                                             ST. PEREGRINE
                  burns in the month of                                        burns in the month of
                      January 2022                                                   January 2022
    by the request of and for the intentions of                    by the request of and for the intentions of
                 Lyle & Sue Babel                                             Kent & Carolyn Korth
       in memory of +Vic & +Millie Babel                      in memory of +Kelly, +Kerry & +Andrew ‘Cliff’ Korth
in grateful recognition of Our Lord’s Sacramental              in gratitude for the intercession of St. Peregrine,
 Presence in the tabernacle of our prayer chapel.            and asking God to give his healing grace to all those
                                                                            who suffer from cancer.

           OUR SANCTUARY LAMP in the                                    OUR SANCTUARY LAMP in the
               CHURCH SANCTUARY                                             HIGH SCHOOL CHAPEL
                  burns in the month of                                        burns in the month of
                       January 2022                                                January 2022
    by the request of and for the intentions of                    by the request of and for the intentions of
           Steve & Karen Wieser Family                               High School Chapel is unsponsored
in grateful recognition of Our Lord’s Sacramental             in grateful recognition of Our Lord’s Sacramental
     Presence in the tabernacle of our Church.                  Presence in the tabernacle of the Chapel where
                                                                               our student pray.

           The January Issue of the Tau is sponsored by Jr. & Helen Weidner. Thank you!

     The deadline for putting anything in the Tau is the 20th of the month. If you are interested in
     sponsoring the Tau or any of the Sanctuary Candles, please contact Karen in the parish office.
You can also read